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All About Jupiter

An abstract drawing of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot and orange stripes with text that says, 'Jupiter: Finest storm watching in the solar system!'

Jupiter is a stormy planet that is probably best known for its Great Red Spot. The spot is actually a giant, wild storm that has been raging for more than 300 years. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. It's similar to a star, but it never got massive enough to start burning. It is covered in swirling cloud stripes. It has big storms like the Great Red Spot, which has been going for hundreds of years. Jupiter is a gas giant and doesn't have a solid surface. It is still unclear if deeper down, Jupiter has a central core of solid material or if it may be a thick, super-hot and dense soup. Jupiter also has rings, but they're too faint to see very well.

Explore Jupiter! Click and drag to rotate the planet. Scroll or pinch to zoom in and out. Credit: NASA Visualization Technology Applications and Development (VTAD)

Cartoon of Jupiter saying 'I'm the biggest.'

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Structure and Surface

  • Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system. It is actually more than twice as massive than the other planets of our solar system combined.
  • Jupiter is a gas giant. It is made mostly of hydrogen and helium.
  • Jupiter has a very thick atmosphere.
  • Jupiter has rings, but they’re very hard to see.
  • The giant planet's Great Red Spot is a centuries-old storm bigger than Earth.

Time on Jupiter

  • One day on Jupiter goes by in just 10 hours.
  • One year on Jupiter is the same as 11.8 Earth years.

Jupiter's Neighbors

  • Jupiter has 95 officially recognized moons.
  • Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun. That means Mars and Saturn are Jupiter’s neighboring planets.

Quick History

  • Jupiter has been known since ancient times because it can easily be seen with just our eyes. No special equipment is needed.
  • Jupiter has been visited or passed by several spacecraft , orbiters and probes, such as Pioneer 10 and 11, Voyager 1 and 2, Cassini, New Horizons, and Juno.
  • Jupiter has auroras , just like Earth! Not only are the auroras huge in size, they are also hundreds of times more energetic than auroras on Earth. And, unlike those on Earth, they never cease.

What does Jupiter look like?

Jupiter’s surface and Great Red Spot against a black background, taken by NASA’s Juno spacecraft. The planet’s Great Red Spot is bright orange and stands out against its swirls and bands of different shades of brown.

This striking view of Jupiter's Great Red Spot and turbulent southern hemisphere was captured by NASA's Juno spacecraft as it performed a close pass of the gas giant planet. Credit: Enhanced image by Kevin M. Gill (CC-BY) based on images provided courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS

Auroras on the north pole of Jupiter. Full-disc view of colorful, banded clouds and red storm on Jupiter against a black background. The banded, swirling clouds look wispy, as if stripes of wet paint were painted and gently swirled. The aurorae on the top of the planet look like neon swirling fireworks.

Astronomers are using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to study auroras — stunning light shows in a planet's atmosphere — on the poles of the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter. Credits: NASA, ESA, and J. Nichols (University of Leicester)

Full-disc view of colorful, banded clouds and red storm on Jupiter against a black background. The banded, swirling clouds look wispy, as if stripes of wet paint were painted and gently swirled.

This new Hubble Space Telescope view of Jupiter, taken on June 27, 2019, reveals the giant planet's trademark Great Red Spot, and a more intense color palette in the clouds swirling in Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere than seen in previous years. The colors, and their changes, provide important clues to ongoing processes in Jupiter's atmosphere. Credit: NASA, ESA, A. Simon (Goddard Space Flight Center), and M.H. Wong (University of California, Berkeley)

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Planet Jupiter Overview

Explore the Solar System

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Jupiter is the fifth planet from our Sun and is, by far, the largest planet in the solar system – more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined. Jupiter's stripes and swirls are actually cold, windy clouds of ammonia and water, floating in an atmosphere of hydrogen and helium. Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot is a giant storm bigger than Earth that has raged for hundreds of years.

Jupiter is surrounded by dozens of moons. Jupiter also has several rings, but unlike the famous rings of Saturn, Jupiter’s rings are very faint and made of dust, not ice.

Jupiter, being the biggest planet, gets its name from the king of the ancient Roman gods.

Potential for Life

Jupiter’s environment is probably not conducive to life as we know it. The temperatures, pressures, and materials that characterize this planet are most likely too extreme and volatile for organisms to adapt to.

While planet Jupiter is an unlikely place for living things to take hold, the same is not true of some of its many moons. Europa is one of the likeliest places to find life elsewhere in our solar system. There is evidence of a vast ocean just beneath its icy crust, where life could possibly be supported.

Size and Distance

With a radius of 43,440.7 miles (69,911 kilometers), Jupiter is 11 times wider than Earth. If Earth were the size of a nickel, Jupiter would be about as big as a basketball.

From an average distance of 484 million miles (778 million kilometers), Jupiter is 5.2 astronomical units away from the Sun. One astronomical unit (abbreviated as AU), is the distance from the Sun to Earth. From this distance, it takes Sunlight 43 minutes to travel from the Sun to Jupiter.

Orbit and Rotation

Jupiter has the shortest day in the solar system. One day on Jupiter takes only about 10 hours (the time it takes for Jupiter to rotate or spin around once), and Jupiter makes a complete orbit around the Sun (a year in Jovian time) in about 12 Earth years (4,333 Earth days).

Its equator is tilted with respect to its orbital path around the Sun by just 3 degrees. This means Jupiter spins nearly upright and does not have seasons as extreme as other planets do.

With four large moons and many smaller moons, Jupiter forms a kind of miniature solar system. Jupiter has 80 moons. Fifty-seven moons have been given official names by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Another 23 moons are awaiting names.

Jupiter's four largest moons – Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto – were first observed by the astronomer Galileo Galilei in 1610 using an early version of the telescope. These four moons are known today as the Galilean satellites, and they're some of the most fascinating destinations in our solar system. Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system. Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system (even bigger than the planet Mercury). Callisto’s very few small craters indicate a small degree of current surface activity. A liquid-water ocean with the ingredients for life may lie beneath the frozen crust of Europa, making it a tempting place to explore.

› More on Jupiter's Moons

Discovered in 1979 by NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft, Jupiter's rings were a surprise, as they are composed of small, dark particles and are difficult to see except when backlit by the Sun. Data from the Galileo spacecraft indicate that Jupiter's ring system may be formed by dust kicked up as interplanetary meteoroids smash into the giant planet's small innermost moons.

Jupiter took shape when the rest of the solar system formed about 4.5 billion years ago when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in to become this gas giant. Jupiter took most of the mass left over after the formation of the Sun, ending up with more than twice the combined material of the other bodies in the solar system. In fact, Jupiter has the same ingredients as a star, but it did not grow massive enough to ignite.

About 4 billion years ago, Jupiter settled into its current position in the outer solar system, where it is the fifth planet from the Sun.

The composition of Jupiter is similar to that of the Sun – mostly hydrogen and helium. Deep in the atmosphere, pressure and temperature increase, compressing the hydrogen gas into a liquid. This gives Jupiter the largest ocean in the solar system – an ocean made of hydrogen instead of water. Scientists think that, at depths perhaps halfway to the planet's center, the pressure becomes so great that electrons are squeezed off the hydrogen atoms, making the liquid electrically conducting like metal. Jupiter's fast rotation is thought to drive electrical currents in this region, generating the planet's powerful magnetic field. It is still unclear if deeper down, Jupiter has a central core of solid material or if it may be a thick, super-hot and dense soup. It could be up to 90,032 degrees Fahrenheit (50,000 degrees Celsius) down there, made mostly of iron and silicate minerals (similar to quartz).

As a gas giant, Jupiter doesn’t have a true surface. The planet is mostly swirling gases and liquids. While a spacecraft would have nowhere to land on Jupiter, it wouldn’t be able to fly through unscathed either. The extreme pressures and temperatures deep inside the planet crush, melt, and vaporize spacecraft trying to fly into the planet.

Jupiter's appearance is a tapestry of colorful cloud bands and spots. The gas planet likely has three distinct cloud layers in its "skies" that, taken together, span about 44 miles (71 kilometers). The top cloud is probably made of ammonia ice, while the middle layer is likely made of ammonium hydrosulfide crystals. The innermost layer may be made of water ice and vapor.

The vivid colors you see in thick bands across Jupiter may be plumes of sulfur and phosphorus-containing gases rising from the planet's warmer interior. Jupiter's fast rotation – spinning once every 10 hours – creates strong jet streams, separating its clouds into dark belts and bright zones across long stretches.

With no solid surface to slow them down, Jupiter's spots can persist for many years. Stormy Jupiter is swept by over a dozen prevailing winds, some reaching up to 335 miles per hour (539 kilometers per hour) at the equator. The Great Red Spot, a swirling oval of clouds twice as wide as Earth, has been observed on the giant planet for more than 300 years. More recently, three smaller ovals merged to form the Little Red Spot, about half the size of its larger cousin.

Findings from NASA’s Juno probe released in October 2021 provide a fuller picture of what’s going on below those clouds. Data from Juno shows that Jupiter’s cyclones are warmer on top, with lower atmospheric densities, while they are colder at the bottom, with higher densities. Anticyclones, which rotate in the opposite direction, are colder at the top but warmer at the bottom.

The findings also indicate these storms are far taller than expected, with some extending 60 miles (100 kilometers) below the cloud tops and others, including the Great Red Spot, extending over 200 miles (350 kilometers). This surprising discovery demonstrates that the vortices cover regions beyond those where water condenses and clouds form, below the depth where sunlight warms the atmosphere.

The height and size of the Great Red Spot mean the concentration of atmospheric mass within the storm potentially could be detectable by instruments studying Jupiter’s gravity field. Two close Juno flybys over Jupiter’s most famous spot provided the opportunity to search for the storm’s gravity signature and complement the other results on its depth.

With their gravity data, the Juno team was able to constrain the extent of the Great Red Spot to a depth of about 300 miles (500 kilometers) below the cloud tops.

Belts and Zones In addition to cyclones and anticyclones, Jupiter is known for its distinctive belts and zones – white and reddish bands of clouds that wrap around the planet. Strong east-west winds moving in opposite directions separate the bands. Juno previously discovered that these winds, or jet streams, reach depths of about 2,000 miles (roughly 3,200 kilometers). Researchers are still trying to solve the mystery of how the jet streams form. Data collected by Juno during multiple passes reveal one possible clue: that the atmosphere’s ammonia gas travels up and down in remarkable alignment with the observed jet streams.

Juno’s data also shows that the belts and zones undergo a transition around 40 miles (65 kilometers) beneath Jupiter’s water clouds. At shallow depths, Jupiter’s belts are brighter in microwave light than the neighboring zones. But at deeper levels, below the water clouds, the opposite is true – which reveals a similarity to our oceans.

Polar Cyclones Juno previously discovered polygonal arrangements of giant cyclonic storms at both of Jupiter’s poles – eight arranged in an octagonal pattern in the north and five arranged in a pentagonal pattern in the south. Over time, mission scientists determined these atmospheric phenomena are extremely resilient, remaining in the same location.

Juno data also indicates that, like hurricanes on Earth, these cyclones want to move poleward, but cyclones located at the center of each pole push them back. This balance explains where the cyclones reside and the different numbers at each pole.


The Jovian magnetosphere is the region of space influenced by Jupiter's powerful magnetic field. It balloons 600,000 to 2 million miles (1 to 3 million kilometers) toward the Sun (seven to 21 times the diameter of Jupiter itself) and tapers into a tadpole-shaped tail extending more than 600 million miles (1 billion kilometers) behind Jupiter, as far as Saturn's orbit. Jupiter's enormous magnetic field is 16 to 54 times as powerful as that of the Earth. It rotates with the planet and sweeps up particles that have an electric charge. Near the planet, the magnetic field traps swarms of charged particles and accelerates them to very high energies, creating intense radiation that bombards the innermost moons and can damage spacecraft.

Jupiter's magnetic field also causes some of the solar system's most spectacular aurorae at the planet's poles.

  • NASA Planetary Photojournal - Jupiter
  • Planetary Rings Node
  • NASA's Juno Mission

Jupiter: A guide to the largest planet in the solar system

Jupiter has 79 moons and is known as the 'king of the planets'.

Jupiter against the black backdrop of space. Horizontal bands of orange, brown and beige cover the planet. Blue ribbons of light are auroras at the top of the planet and the Great Red Spot can be seen towards the lower right of the image as a rusty red circle.

When was Jupiter discovered?

  • Distance from the sun

Does Jupiter have a solid surface?

Jupiter faqs answered by an expert.

  • What is Jupiter made of?
  • The Great Red Spot

Jupiter's moons

Jupiter's rings.

  • Missions to Jupiter
  • Solar system history
  • Life on Jupiter?
  • Additional resources

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and the fifth planet from the sun. The gas giant has a long, rich, history of surprising scientists.

Named after the kind of the gods in Roman mythology this "king of the planets" is a stormy enigma shrouded in colorful clouds. Its most prominent and most famous storm, the Great Red Spot , is twice the width of Earth . 

Since 2016, the NASA spacecraft Juno has been investigating Jupiter and its moons.

Related: Gas giants: Jovian planets of our solar system and beyond

Jupiter helped to revolutionize the way we saw the universe — and our place in it — in 1610 when Galileo discovered Jupiter, along with its four large moons: Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. 

These observations were the first time that celestial bodies were seen circling an object other than Earth and supported the Copernican view that Earth was not the center of the universe.

How big is Jupiter?

Jupiter is more than twice as massive as all the other planets combined, according to NASA . Jupiter's immense volume could hold more than 1,300 Earths. If Jupiter were the size of a basketball, Earth would be the size of a grape.

Jupiter was probably the first planet to form in the solar system , made up of gasses left over from the formation of the sun . If the planet had been about 80 times more massive during its development, it would have actually become a star in its own right , according to NASA. 

Related: How big is Jupiter?

How far is Jupiter from the sun?

On average, Jupiter orbits at about 483,682,810 miles (778,412,020 kilometers) from the sun . That's 5.203 times farther than Earth's average distance from the sun. 

At perihelion, when Jupiter is closest to the sun, the planet is 460,276,100 miles (740,742,600 km) away. 

At aphelion or the farthest distance that Jupiter reaches from the sun, it is 507,089,500 miles (816,081,400 km) away. 

Jupiter is a gas giant planet, as such it does not have a true solid surface. A spacecraft would not be able to land on the giant planet nor could it fly right through unscathed due to the crushing pressures and extreme temperatures it would experience during its journey.

We asked Leigh Fletcher, a professor of planetary science a few commonly asked questions about Jupiter.

Leigh Fletcher is a   professor of planetary science at the University of Leicester in the U.K. Fletcher researches the atmospheres and climate of gas giants to understand how the planets formed.

Is Jupiter a gas planet?

Yes, but don't be fooled into thinking that Jupiter is like a big cloud of gas that you could fly through, it's more like a fluid planet that gets denser and hotter the deeper you go. 

Pressures at the colorful cloud tops are not dissimilar to those in Earth's atmosphere, but they build up as you go deeper, rather like a submarine experiencing crushing densities as it sinks deeper and deeper into our oceans. In fact, the hydrogen that is Jupiter's dominant gas gets compressed to such extremes that it changes to an exotic metallic hydrogen form.  So think of Jupiter as a bottomless ocean of strange, exotic materials.

What is the Great Red Spot on Jupiter?

Jupiter's famous Great Red Spot is a swirling vortex — technically an anticyclone because it rotates anticlockwise in Jupiter's southern hemisphere. This vortex is big enough to swallow the Earth twice over, and the winds that whip around its edges do a good job of keeping the calm air inside the vortex separated from turbulent, stormy air outside.  

The calm air in the interior gets cooked by the ultraviolet light from the sun, creating chemicals and hazes that are very good absorbers of blue light, leaving only red light to be reflected back towards an observer. The Great Red Spot has been around since at least the Victorian era, almost two centuries ago, but has been steadily shrinking in east-west extend for much of that time.

Is there a planet bigger than Jupiter?

Almost certainly, but not here in our solar system.  Jupiter and Saturn are the big Gas Giants, Uranus and Neptune are more "intermediate-sized" Ice Giants, whereas the rocky terrestrial planets are much smaller.  When we look out at the incredible range of exoplanets being discovered around other stars, more than 5000 at the last count, we do see evidence for larger planets, some of which are "puffed up" because they're really close to their parent stars and getting a lot of energy from them to heat their atmospheres to thousands of degrees.

Why is Jupiter sometimes called a "failed star"?

Jupiter and the other giant planets are essentially made of the same stuff as the sun, albeit with a few changes to the basic ingredients beyond hydrogen and helium.  So give them a lot more material to start with, and they could ignite nuclear fusion of their hydrogen to form helium, therefore becoming a star.  But brown dwarfs sit in between giant planets and main-sequence stars, too small and light to burn hydrogen, but possibly heavy enough to burn deuterium via nuclear fusion, when they're about 13 times more massive than our Jupiter. 

Jupiter's environment

Diagram of Jupiter’s possible interior structure, with ice/core at the center, then a metallic hydrogen layer and a helium-poor molecular hydrogen layer.

Jupiter's atmosphere resembles that of the sun, made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. A helium-rich layer of fluid metallic hydrogen envelops a “fuzzy” or partially-dissolved core at the center of the planet. 

The colorful light and dark bands that surround Jupiter are created by strong east-west winds in the planet's upper atmosphere traveling more than 335 mph (539 km/h). The white clouds in the light zones are made of crystals of frozen ammonia, while darker clouds made of other chemicals are found in the dark belts. At the deepest visible levels are blue clouds. Far from being static, the stripes of clouds change over time . 

Inside the atmosphere, diamond rain may fill the skies, and hidden deep within the atmosphere is a dense core of unknown composition .

Jupiter's gargantuan magnetic field is the strongest of all the planets in the solar system, at nearly 20,000 times the strength of Earth's, according to the University of Colorado at Boulder . The magnetic field traps electrons and other electrically charged particles in an intense belt that regularly blasts the planet's moons and rings with radiation more than 1,000 times the level lethal to a human. The radiation is severe enough to damage even heavily shielded spacecraft, such as NASA's Galileo probe . The magnetosphere of Jupiter swells out some 600,000 to 2 million miles (1 million to 3 million km) toward the sun and tapers to a tail extending more than 600 million miles (1 billion km) behind the massive planet.

Does Jupiter have rings?

The star-tracker camera aboard NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured this view of Jupiter's faint rings on Aug. 27, 2016, during the probe's first data-gathering close approach to the giant planet. It’s the first-ever view of the planet's rings from inside of them. The bright star above the main ring is Betelgeuse, and Orion’s belt can be seen in the lower right. 

What is the Great Red Spot?

Image demonstrating the location of Jupiter's Great Red Spot. The large rusty orange storm is located in the center of the image.

One of Jupiter's most famous features is the Great Red Spot, a giant hurricane-like storm that's lasted more than 300 years. According to NASA, the Great Red Spot at its widest is about twice the size of Earth , and its edge spins counterclockwise around its center at speeds of about 270 to 425 mph (430 to 680 kph). That counterclockwise spin makes it a type of storm called an "anticyclone."

The color of the storm, which usually varies from brick red to slightly brown, may come from small amounts of sulfur and phosphorus in the ammonia crystals in Jupiter's clouds. The spot has been shrinking for quite some time, although the rate may be slowing in recent years. 

Jupiter has many other storms, too. According to 2022 data from Juno, Jupiter's gargantuan polar cyclones are driven by convection or heat rising from lower altitudes to the higher atmosphere, similar to the way ocean vortexes work on Earth. 

Jupiter has a mind-boggling 79 known moons, mostly named after the paramours and descendants of the Roman god of the same name. The four largest moons of Jupiter called Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto, were discovered by Galileo Galilei and so are sometimes called the Galilean moons.

Related: Jupiter's moons: Facts about the many moons of the Jovian system

Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar system, and is larger than both Pluto and Mercury. It is also the only moon known to have its own magnetic field, whose eerie sound NASA's Juno mission captured in 2021. The moon has at least one ocean between layers of ice, although according to a 2014 study from the journal Planetary and Space Science, it may contain several layers of ice and water stacked on top of one another, along with atmospheric water vapor first spotted in 2021. Ganymede will be the main target of the European Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) spacecraft scheduled to launch in 2023 and arrive at Jupiter's system in 2030.

Io is the most volcanically active body in our solar system. As Io orbits Jupiter, the planet's immense gravity causes "tides" in Io's solid surface that rise 300 feet (100 meters) high and generate enough heat to spur on volcanism. Those volcanoes release more than one ton of material every second into the space around the moon, helping to create strange radio waves from Jupiter. The sulfur its volcanoes spew gives Io a blotted yellow-orange appearance, leading some to compare it to a pepperoni pizza. 

Jupiter at the center of the image surrounded by some of its moons. From left to right Ganymede, Europa, then the shadows of Ganymede and Europa appearing as small black dots on Jupiter (Ganymede shadow is above Europa shadow), then to the right of Jupiter Io, Amalthea and Thebe are labelled.

The frozen crust of Europa is made up mostly of water ice, and it may hide a liquid ocean that contains twice as much water as Earth's oceans do. Some of this liquid spouts from out of Europa's southern pole in sporadic plumes , and in 2021 the Hubble Space Telescope spotted more water vapor above Europa's surface. Also in 2021, Europa's north pole was photographed for the first time , and the discovery of underwater volcanoes raised hopes that Europa could be hospitable to life.

With the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, NASA may someday send an autonomous submersible to explore Europa's ice-covered oceans. Additionally, NASA's Europa Clipper mission , a planned spacecraft that would launch in the 2020s, would perform 40 to 45 flybys to examine the habitability of the icy moon.

Callisto has the lowest reflectivity, or albedo, of the four Galilean moons. This suggests that its surface may be composed of dark, colorless rock. Once considered a boring counterpart to the other Galilean moons, Callisto's heavily-cratered surface might conceal a secret ocean , according to NASA.

A monochrome image showing a thin band across the middle of the image — Jupiter's ring structure.

Jupiter's three faint rings came as a surprise when NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft discovered them around the planet's equator in 1979. Much more tenuous than Saturn's chunky, colorful rings, Jupiter's rings are made of continuous streams of dust particles emitted by some of the planet's moons, according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center . 

The main ring is flattened, according to the Southwest Research Institute's (SwRI's) Juno Mission website. It is about 20 miles (30 km) thick and more than 4,000 miles (6,400 km) wide.

The inner donut-shaped (also called “toroidal”) ring, called the halo, is more than 12,000 miles (20,000 km) thick, wrote SwRI. The halo is caused by electromagnetic forces that push grains away from the plane of the main ring. Both the main ring and halo are composed of small, dark particles of dust.

The third ring, known as the gossamer ring because of its transparency, is actually three rings of microscopic debris from three of Jupiter's moons: Amalthea , Thebe and Adrastea. According to a press release from NASA's Galileo mission, the gossamer ring is probably made up of dust particles about the same size as the particles found in cigarette smoke, and extends to an outer edge of about 80,000 miles (129,000 km) from the center of the planet and inward to about 18,600 miles (30,000 km).

Ripples in the rings of both Jupiter and Saturn may be signs of impacts from comets and asteroids.

Exploring Jupiter

NASA's Juno mission arrived at Jupiter in 2016 with an intended lifespan of about 20 months in orbit, but as of 2022 continues to return beautiful images, audio and other data, with its mission extended until 2025. 

— Jupiter's auroras arise from a magnetic 'tug-of-war' with volcanic eruptions on its moon Io — Happy birthday, Juno! NASA's Jupiter probe launched 10 years ago today — NASA's Juno spacecraft spots 'sprites' and 'elves' dancing in Jupiter's atmosphere — Behold! Jupiter is a breathtaking 'marble' in this NASA Juno photo

Historically, nine missions have flown by Jupiter —  seven have flown past, Pioneer 10 , Pioneer 11 , Voyager 1, Voyager 2 , Ulysses, Cassini and New Horizons . Only two missions — NASA's Galileo and Juno — have orbited the planet. 

Related: Jupiter missions: Past, present and future

Pioneer 10 revealed how dangerous Jupiter's radiation belt is, while Pioneer 11 provided data on the Great Red Spot and close-up pictures of Jupiter's polar regions. Voyagers 1 and 2 helped astronomers create the first detailed maps of the Galilean satellites, discovered Jupiter's rings, revealed sulfur volcanoes on Io and detected lightning in Jupiter's clouds. Ulysses discovered that the solar wind has a much greater impact on Jupiter's magnetosphere than scientists previously thought. New Horizons took close-up pictures of Jupiter and its largest moons.

Jupiter's first orbiter, Galileo, arrived in 1995 and soon sent a probe plunging toward Jupiter, making the first direct measurements of the planet's atmosphere and measuring the amount of water and other chemicals there. Then the main spacecraft spent eight years studying the system. When Galileo itself ran low on fuel, the spacecraft intentionally crashed into Jupiter to avoid any risk of it bringing contamination from Earth to Europa, which might have an ocean below its surface capable of supporting life.

Close up of Jupiter's clouds. Grey, brown, beige and orange bands swirl around each other.

Now, Juno studies Jupiter from a polar orbit, in part to figure out how it and the rest of the solar system formed. Researchers hope the mission could also shed light on how alien planetary systems might have developed. According to data from Juno, Jupiter's core may be larger than scientists expected, while Jupiter's stripes and storms stretch from high in the atmosphere to deep inside the planet. In a 2021 NASA overview of Juno's biggest hits, the agency also included observing lightning on Jupiter, detecting water in the atmosphere and measuring magnetic fields 10 times stronger than any found on Earth.

Although no missions dedicated to Jupiter itself are in the works, two future spacecraft will study Jupiter's moons: NASA's Europa Clipper (which would launch in the mid-2020s) and the European Space Agency's Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) which will launch in 2023 and arrive at Jupiter's system in 2030 to study Ganymede, Callisto and Europa.

 Researchers say that the gas giant will also be a " proving ground " for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Scientists are eager to explore Jupiter during the first year of scientific observations of the powerful telescope. With Webb's sights set on exploring Jupiter and its moons scientists are excited at the prospect of understanding some of Jupiter's greatest mysteries such as how such a  massive storm — the Great Red Spot — forms in the turbulent atmosphere or how its largest moons may harbor oceans of water of hidden volcanoes. 

On July 14, 2022, the JWST team released a few tantalizing photos of Jupiter that were captured during the commissioning period. In some of the images, Jupiter's thin ring structure and its moons Europa, Thebe and Metis, are captured through JWST's NIRCam. 

Two images side by side showing Jupiter

How did Jupiter shape our solar system?

As the most massive body in the solar system after the sun, Jupiter has helped shape the fate of our neighborhood in space with its immense gravity. 

Jupiter's gravity has been found responsible for slinging Neptune and Uranus (along with a host of smaller objects like asteroids) away from the sun, according to a 2005 paper published in the journal Nature . That paper established a theory of "planetary genealogy" called the Nice model, named after the French city where it was developed. 

According to the Nice model, Jupiter and other gas giants were also responsible for the Late Heavy Bombardment , a period of time when the young planet Earth and its nearby fellows were barraged with debris. 

Nowadays, Jupiter may help keep asteroids and comets from bombarding Earth, protecting the inner planets by acting as the "vacuum cleaner of the solar system," wrote SwRI . Its enormous gravity can suck in and absorb smaller objects — as with the spectacular 1994 collision of Jupiter and Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 — or propel them out of the solar system entirely. But that same gravity can still accelerate some of those objects toward the inner planets, too, so it's a mixed blessing.

Could there be life on Jupiter?

Jupiter's atmosphere grows warmer with depth, reaching room temperature, or 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius), at an altitude where the atmospheric pressure is about 10 times as great as it is on Earth. Scientists suspect that if Jupiter has any form of life, it would have to be airborne at this level. Theoretically, a 2021 study found, that there is enough water to support some life. However, researchers have found no evidence of life on Jupiter.

Jupiter's moons are a different story: Europa in particular could host a radiation-shielded hidden ocean, and marine life might float somewhere in those alien waters.

Additional resources and reading

Read this 2018 interview from PBS NewsHour with JunoCam’s lead scientist Candice Hansen-Koharchek, who connects the camera aboard NASA's Juno mission to the public and lets anyone participate in the science around Jupiter. For more on Jupiter's possible past as a major mover-and-shaker in the solar system, read this overview article published in 2020 by the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that discusses both the Nice model and newer theories of Jupiter's history. Writer Marina Koren discovers that Jupiter's Great Red Spot might actually be more of a pale rosy color in this piece from The Atlantic on the true colors of the solar system. And for an in-depth video look at the solar system's biggest planet, check out the Jupiter episode of NOVA 's "The Planets" series, narrated by actor Zachary Quinto. 


  • Barnett, Amanda. "In Depth | Callisto." NASA Solar System Exploration. Accessed Feb. 4, 2022. .
  • Ibid. "Jupiter." NASA Solar System Exploration. Accessed Feb. 3, 2022. .
  • Ibid. "Overview | Juno." NASA Solar System Exploration. NASA, Nov. 9, 2021. .
  • "Jupiter's Magnetic Field, Radiation Belts, and Radio Noise | Exploring the Planets | National Air and Space Museum." Accessed Feb. 4, 2022. .
  • "Jupiter's Ring Formation Theories Confirmed." Other. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Sept. 24, 2009. .
  • Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. "The Outer Planets: Giant Planets: Magnetospheres." University of Colorado at Boulder, Aug. 2007. .
  • Martinez, Carolina. "NASA - Jupiter's Shadow Sculpts Its Rings." Feature. NASA JPL, April 30, 2008. .
  • Southwest Research Institute. "Great Red Spot." Mission Juno. NASA. Accessed Feb. 3, 2022. .
  • Ibid. "Jupiter's Influence." Mission Juno. NASA. Accessed Feb. 9, 2022. .
  • Steigerwald, Bill. "Juno Tunes into Jovian Radio Triggered by Jupiter's Volcanic Moon." Text. NASA, May 20, 2021. .

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Charles Q. Choi is a contributing writer for and Live Science. He covers all things human origins and astronomy as well as physics, animals and general science topics. Charles has a Master of Arts degree from the University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Journalism and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of South Florida. Charles has visited every continent on Earth, drinking rancid yak butter tea in Lhasa, snorkeling with sea lions in the Galapagos and even climbing an iceberg in Antarctica. Visit him at

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jupiter planet presentation

Jupiter 101

Jupiter is the oldest and most massive world in the solar system. Learn about the planet's origin story, its Great Red Spot and oceanic moons, and how this ancient world influenced the formation of the solar system's other planets.

Earth Science, Astronomy

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The largest planet of the solar system is Jupiter. It has 67 moons and is twice as big as any other planet in our solar system.

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A telescope on Earth just took an unbelievable image of Jupiter's moon

Astronomers using the Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona have taken a close-up picture of Jupiter's volcanic moon Io that rivals similar photos taken from space.

Jupiter's moon Io

Using a telescope perched on a mountain in Arizona, scientists have managed to take snapshots of Jupiter's active moon Io — and these images are so detailed they even rival pictures of the world taken from space.

To capture these views, the team used a camera, dubbed SHARK-VIS, that was recently installed on the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) located on Arizona's Mt. Graham; the new images outline features on Io's surface as small as 50 miles (80 kilometers) wide — a resolution that was, until now, possible only with spacecraft studying  Jupiter . "This is equivalent to taking a picture of a dime-sized object from 100 miles (161 kilometers) away," according to a  statement  by the University of Arizona, which manages the telescope.

The new pictures of Io are, in fact, so intricate that scientists could discern overlapping deposits of lava spewed by two active volcanoes just south of the moon's equator. An LBT image of Io taken in early January shows a dark red ring of sulfur around Pele, which is a prominent volcano routinely spewing Alaska-size plumes up to 186 miles (300 kilometers) above Io's surface. That ring appears partly obscured by white debris (representing frozen sulfur dioxide) from a neighboring volcano named Pillan Patera, which is known to erupt less frequently. By April, Pele's red ring is once again seen nearly complete in images taken by NASA's spacecraft  Juno  during its closest flyby past the moon in two decades, revealing a fresh dump of erupted material by the active volcano.

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"It's kind of a competition between the Pillan eruption and the Pele eruption, how much and how fast each deposits," study co-author Imke de Pater of the University of California, Berkeley, said in another  statement . "As soon as Pillan completely stops, then it will be covered up again by Pele's red deposits."

Io's volcanic eruptions, including those by Pele and Pillan Patera, are driven by frictional heat created deep within the moon as a result of a gravitational tug-of-war between Jupiter and its two other nearby moons Europa and Ganymede. Monitoring Io's volcanic activity, which have likely  pockmarked the world  for most (if not all) of its 4.57 billion years of existence, can help scientists learn about how the eruptions shaped the moon's surface as a whole.

Surface changes on Io, which is actually the most volcanically active body in the solar system , have been recorded ever since the Voyager spacecraft first spotted volcanic activity on the moon in 1979. A similar sequence of eruption from Pele and Pillan Patera was also observed by NASA's Galileo spacecraft during its tour of the Jupiter system between 1995 and 2003. 

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Jupiter's moon Io

However, prior to the installation of the new camera on the LBT last year, "such resurfacing events were impossible to observe from Earth," study co-author Ashley Davies, a principal scientist for planetary geosciences at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory , said in the statement. That's because while infrared images from ground-based telescopes can sniff out hotspots pointing to ongoing volcanic eruptions, their resolution isn't sufficient to identify the precise locations of eruptions and surface changes like fresh plume deposits, scientists say.

"Although this type of resurfacing event may be common on Io, few have been detected due to the rarity of spacecraft visits and the previously low spatial resolution available from Earth-based telescopes," Davies and her colleagues wrote in a new  study  published Tuesday (June 4) in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. "SHARK-VIS ushers in a new age in planetary imaging."

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SHARK-VIS, which was built by the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics at the Rome Astronomical Observatory, achieves its unprecedented sharpness by working in tandem with LBT's adaptive optics system, which shifts its twin mirrors in real time to compensate for blurring caused by atmospheric turbulence. Algorithms then select and combine the best images, which resulted in sharpest-ever portraits of Io achievable using an Earth-based telescope.

"Io was chosen as a test case because it was known to exhibit dramatic surface changes that would be detectable at the spatial resolution of SHARK," Davies  told Astronomy . "As it happens, the first time we observed Io we found a large change had indeed taken place."

Originally posted on S .

Sharmila Kuthunur is a Seattle-based science journalist covering astronomy, astrophysics and space exploration. Follow her on X @skuthunur

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If you missed Monday's 'parade of planets' don't worry. A better one is coming.

If you're wanting to see a parade of planets, experts say later this month may be better for viewing an actual celestial show..

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Editor's note: The 'parade of planets' happened early on June 3. A news alert incorrectly said the event was occurring later in the evening.

Hoosiers who wake up early Monday morning might catch a "parade of planets," as some have dubbed it — an alignment of six planets happening in the predawn hours of June 3.

While that's exciting news, avid skywatchers might need to curb their enthusiasm. Most of these planets won't be visible in the U.S., according to NASA , which said the next closest thing to a "planetary parade" isn't happening until much later.

Here's what we know about it and other celestial events in June.

What six planets will align June 3, 2024?

The alignment June 3 will consist of these plantets:

Experts say most of those planets will be hidden from view, however.

NASA debunks visibility of 'planet parade'

As part of its annual monthly skywatching tips, NASA included a note debunking notions that the parade of planets would be easy to watch.

"Some online sources have shared excitement about a 'parade of planets' visible in the morning sky in early June (June 3 in particular). In reality, only two of the six planets supposedly on display — Saturn and Mars — will actually be visible," according to a statement from NASA, adding that Jupiter and Mercury won't likely be visible because they'll be at or below the horizon in morning twilight.

And without a telescope, Uranus and Neptune are far too faint for the naked eye to see, NASA said, especially as the morning sky brightens.

Experts say be patient: Planet parade will be more of a show later in June

"To me, the closest thing to a planet parade is June 29th, when you’ll have Saturn, the third-quarter Moon, Mars, and Jupiter arrayed across the sky at dawn," Preston Dyches, a public engagement specialist for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory told USA TODAY. Dyches has a background in astronomy and hosts NASA's " What's Up ," a monthly video series that describes what's happening in the night sky.

Andrew Fazekas, the communications manager for Astronomers Without Borders, says that when it comes to the planetary parade on June 3, it will be nearly impossible to see all the planets with the naked eye.

Both Fazekas and Dyches agree that it's better to see the planetary parade on June 29, instead.

In this case, good things come to those who wait. And waiting until the end of the month will give stargazers a better chance at viewing the planets.

"If you're patient and you wait until the end of the month, these planets will move farther away from the sun higher up in the early morning sky," Fazekas told USA TODAY, adding that this would make them easier to spot.

Folks will not only get a better view of the planetary parade if they wait until June 29, but they'll be able to gaze at the stars on Friday night into Saturday morning, instead of having to view it during the work week like they would this Monday morning.

What planets can I see aligned in Indiana on June 3?

The planetary alignment will be visible across the Northern Hemisphere toward the eastern sky, weather permitting, but have a pair of binoculars with you, suggested  Butler University  Physics & Astronomy professor Brian Murphy.

"With a clear northeast horizon, and perhaps a pair of binoculars, one should be able to pick out Jupiter and Mercury," Murphy said in a message to IndyStar. "The Moon, Mars and Saturn should be no issue since they appear far from the Sun in the sky. In fact, they can be seen well before sunrise."

Venus, however, and many other planets in alignment, will be nearly impossible to spot because of their proximity to the sun, Murphy said.

What time do the planets align?

The alignment happens June 3, 2024, just before dawn. Murphy said the best time to watch the skies will be 15-30 minutes ahead of sunrise.

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What's the weather forecast for Central Indiana on June 3?

As of Friday, according to the National Weather Service for Central Indiana , Sunday night will be partly cloudy, with a low around 62. Monday will have mostly sunny skies with a high near 85, south winds of 3 to 8 mph and a 30% chance of showers and thunderstorms after 2 p.m.

Do you need a telescope or binoculars to see the planets?

At the very least, experts say you'll need high-powered binoculars to view the majority of the planets — Mercury and Jupiter will be extremely low in the sky. Uranus will be fairly dim and Neptune will appear star-like with binoculars due to its distance from Earth. But Mars and Saturn should be visible to the naked eye.

How do planetary alignments happen?

The planets in our solar system orbit the sun continuously. Over time, they slowly catch up to each other while traveling along the same path, the  ecliptic . From our perspective on Earth, they sometimes appear to be aligned, according to  NASA . However, the alignment formation will be short-lived since each planet moves at different speeds, depending on its distance from the sun.

How rare are planetary alignments?

Planet alignments are not extremely rare, especially with two to four planets. They occur several times each year. With five or more planets aligning, it's less common. The last planetary alignment seen in the Northern Hemisphere happened on April 8.

Here's a quick look at the planets aligning on June 3.

Astronomical events happening in June

Skywatchers, according to NASA, should keep the following dates in mind for June 2024.

◾  June 3:  The crescent Moon sits beneath Mars in morning twilight. Look for them low in the eastern sky.

◾  June 6:  New moon.

◾  June 21:  Full moon.

◾  June 24:  Jupiter is now visible low in the east before sunrise. Look for the bright planet around 10 degrees above the horizon this final week of June, forming a line with Mars and Saturn that stretches toward the south.

◾  June 27:  Look for the Moon rising in the east with Saturn around midnight. By dawn this morning, you'll find them high in the southern sky. They appear super close together – close enough to appear in the same field of view through binoculars.

Others are reading: Here's when every full moon shines in 2024

John Tufts covers trending news for the Indianapolis Star. Send him a news tip at  [email protected] .


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    It's the largest planet in our solar system. If Jupiter was a hollow shell, 1,000 Earths could fit inside. Jupiter also is the oldest planet, forming from the dust and gases left over from the Sun's formation 4.5 billion years ago. But it has the shortest day in the solar system, taking only 10.5 hours to spin around once on its axis. ...

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