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The Ultimate Essay Test Guide: Achieve Top Grades With Ease

An essay test, a fundamental tool in academic assessment, measures a student's ability to express, argue, and structure their thoughts on a given subject through written words. This test format delves deeper into a student's critical thinking and writing skills unlike other conventional exam types.

Essay Test, Illustration of a person in front of a well prepared essay, Vaia Magazine

What is an Essay Test?

An essay test is a type of assessment in which a student is prompted to respond to a question or a series of questions by writing an essay.

This form of test isn’t merely about checking a student’s recall or memorization skills , but more about gauging their ability to comprehend a subject, synthesize information, and articulate their understanding effectively.

Types of Essay Tests

Essay tests can be broadly classified into two categories: Restricted Response and Extended Response .

  • Restricted Response tests focus on limited aspects, requiring students to provide short, concise answers.
  • Extended Response tests demand more comprehensive answers, allowing students to showcase their creativity and analytical skills.

Advantages and Limitations of an Essay Test

Essay tests offer numerous benefits but also have certain limitations. The advantages of an essay test are :

  • They allow teachers to evaluate students’ abilities to organize, synthesize, and interpret information.
  • They help in developing critical thinking and writing skills among students.
  • They provide an opportunity for students to exhibit their knowledge and understanding of a subject in a broader context.

And the limitations of an essay test are :

  • They are time-consuming to both take and grade.
  • They are subject to scoring inconsistencies due to potential subjective bias.
  • They may cause the students who struggle with written expression may face difficulties, and these tests may not accurately reflect the full spectrum of a student’s knowledge or understanding.

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Understanding the Structure of an Essay Test

Essay tests involve a defined structure to ensure organized, coherent, and comprehensive expression of thoughts. Adhering to a specific structure can enhance your ability to answer essay questions effectively .

The 7 Steps of an Essay

Writing an essay test typically involves seven steps :

  • Understanding the question
  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Creating an outline
  • Crafting a thesis statement
  • Writing the essay body
  • Formulating the conclusion
  • Revising and editing for clarity and conciseness

Essay Test, Illustration of a person going through the checklist of the 7 steps of an essay, Vaia Magazine

The First Sentence in an Essay

The initial sentence of an essay, often termed a hook , plays a crucial role.

It aims to grab the reader’s attention and provoke interest in the essay topic. It should be engaging, and relevant, and set the tone for the rest of the essay .

The 5-Paragraph Essay Format

The 5-paragraph essay format is commonly used in essay tests, providing a clear and organized approach for students to articulate their ideas. In this format, the introduction and the conclusion include 1 paragraph while the body of the essay includes 3 .

  • Introduction : The introduction sets the stage, providing a brief overview of the topic and presenting the thesis statement – the central argument or point.
  • Body : The body of the essay contains three paragraphs, each presenting a separate point that supports the thesis statement. Detailed explanations, evidence, and examples are included here to substantiate the points.
  • Conclusion : The conclusion reiterates the thesis statement and summarizes the main points. It provides a final perspective on the topic, drawing the essay to a close.

Essay Test, Illustration of a person marking different areas on a paper, Vaia Magazine

How to Prepare for an Essay Test?

Preparing for an essay test demands a structured approach to ensure thorough understanding and effective response. Here are some strategies to make this task more manageable:

#1 Familiarize Yourself with the Terminology Used

Knowledge of key terminologies is essential. Understand the meaning of directives such as “describe”, “compare”, “contrast”, or “analyze”. Each term guides you on what is expected in your essay and helps you to answer the question accurately.

To make it easier, you can take advantage of AI technologies. While preparing for your exam, use similar essay questions as prompts and see how AI understands and evaluates the questions. If you are unfamiliar with AI, you can check out The Best Chat GPT Prompts For Essay Writing .

#2 Review and Revise Past Essays

Take advantage of past essays or essay prompts to review and revise your writing . Analyze your strengths and areas for improvement, paying attention to grammar , structure , and clarity . This process helps you refine your writing skills and identify potential pitfalls to avoid in future tests.

#3 Practice Timed Writing

Simulate test conditions by practicing timed writing . Set a specific time limit for each essay question and strive to complete it within that timeframe. This exercise builds your ability to think and write quickly , improving your efficiency during the actual test.

#4 Utilize Mnemonic Techniques

To aid in memorization and recall of key concepts or arguments, employ mnemonic techniques . These memory aids, such as acronyms, visualization, or association techniques, can help you retain important information and retrieve it during the test. Practice using mnemonics to reinforce your understanding of critical points.

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Strategies to Pass an Essay Test

Passing an essay test goes beyond understanding the topic; it also requires strategic planning and execution . Below are key strategies that can enhance your performance in an essay test.

  • Read the exam paper thoroughly before diving into writing : read the entire exam paper thoroughly. Understand each question’s requirement and make a mental note of the points to be included in each response. This step will help in ensuring that no aspect of the question is overlooked.
  • Answer in the First Sentence and Use the Language of the Question : Begin your essay by clearly stating your answer in the first sentence. Use the language of the question to show you are directly addressing the task. This approach ensures that your main argument is understood right from the start.
  • Structure Your Essay : Adopt a logical essay structure , typically comprising an introduction, body, and conclusion. This helps in organizing your thoughts, making your argument clearer, and enhancing the readability of your essay.
  • Answer in Point Form When Running Out of Time : If time is running short, present your answer in point form. This approach allows you to cover more points quickly, ensuring you don’t leave any questions unanswered.
  • Write as Legibly as Possible : Your writing should be clear and easy to read. Illegible handwriting could lead to misunderstandings and may negatively impact your grades.
  • Number Your Answers : Ensure your answers are correctly numbered. This helps in aligning your responses with the respective questions, making it easier for the examiner to assess your work, and reducing chances of confusion or error
  • Time Yourself on Each Question : Time management is crucial in an essay test. Allocate a specific amount of time to each question, taking into account the marks they carry. Ensure you leave ample time for revising and editing your responses. Practicing this strategy can prevent last-minute rushes and result in a more polished essay.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Essay Tests

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Essay test: types, advantages and limitations | statistics.

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After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Essay Test 2. Types of Essay Test 3. Advantages 4. Limitations 5. Suggestions.

Introduction to Essay Test:

The essay tests are still commonly used tools of evaluation, despite the increasingly wider applicability of the short answer and objective type questions.

There are certain outcomes of learning (e.g., organising, summarising, integrating ideas and expressing in one’s own way) which cannot be satisfactorily measured through objective type tests. The importance of essay tests lies in the measurement of such instructional outcomes.

An essay test may give full freedom to the students to write any number of pages. The required response may vary in length. An essay type question requires the pupil to plan his own answer and to explain it in his own words. The pupil exercises considerable freedom to select, organise and present his ideas. Essay type tests provide a better indication of pupil’s real achievement in learning. The answers provide a clue to nature and quality of the pupil’s thought process.

That is, we can assess how the pupil presents his ideas (whether his manner of presentation is coherent, logical and systematic) and how he concludes. In other words, the answer of the pupil reveals the structure, dynamics and functioning of pupil’s mental life.

The essay questions are generally thought to be the traditional type of questions which demand lengthy answers. They are not amenable to objective scoring as they give scope for halo-effect, inter-examiner variability and intra-examiner variability in scoring.

Types of Essay Test:

There can be many types of essay tests:

Some of these are given below with examples from different subjects:

1. Selective Recall.

e.g. What was the religious policy of Akbar?

2. Evaluative Recall.

e.g. Why did the First War of Independence in 1857 fail?

3. Comparison of two things—on a single designated basis.

e.g. Compare the contributions made by Dalton and Bohr to Atomic theory.

4. Comparison of two things—in general.

e.g. Compare Early Vedic Age with the Later Vedic Age.

5. Decision—for or against.

e.g. Which type of examination do you think is more reliable? Oral or Written. Why?

6. Causes or effects.

e.g. Discuss the effects of environmental pollution on our lives.

7. Explanation of the use or exact meaning of some phrase in a passage or a sentence.

e.g., Joint Stock Company is an artificial person. Explain ‘artificial person’ bringing out the concepts of Joint Stock Company.

8. Summary of some unit of the text or of some article.

9. Analysis

e.g. What was the role played by Mahatma Gandhi in India’s freedom struggle?

10. Statement of relationship.

e.g. Why is knowledge of Botany helpful in studying agriculture?

11. Illustration or examples (your own) of principles in science, language, etc.

e.g. Illustrate the correct use of subject-verb position in an interrogative sentence.

12. Classification.

e.g. Classify the following into Physical change and Chemical change with explanation. Water changes to vapour; Sulphuric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide react to produce Sodium Sulphate and Water; Rusting of Iron; Melting of Ice.

13. Application of rules or principles in given situations.

e.g. If you sat halfway between the middle and one end of a sea-saw, would a person sitting on the other end have to be heavier or lighter than you in order to make the sea-saw balance in the middle. Why?

14. Discussion.

e.g. Partnership is a relationship between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or any of them acting for all. Discuss the essentials of partnership on the basis of this partnership.

15. Criticism—as to the adequacy, correctness, or relevance—of a printed statement or a classmate’s answer to a question on the lesson.

e.g. What is the wrong with the following statement?

The Prime Minister is the sovereign Head of State in India.

16. Outline.

e.g. Outline the steps required in computing the compound interest if the principal amount, rate of interest and time period are given as P, R and T respectively.

17. Reorganization of facts.

e.g. The student is asked to interview some persons and find out their opinion on the role of UN in world peace. In the light of data thus collected he/she can reorganise what is given in the text book.

18. Formulation of questions-problems and questions raised.

e.g. After reading a lesson the pupils are asked to raise related problems- questions.

19. New methods of procedure

e.g. Can you solve this mathematical problem by using another method?

Advantages of the Essay Tests:

1. It is relatively easier to prepare and administer a six-question extended- response essay test than to prepare and administer a comparable 60-item multiple-choice test items.

2. It is the only means that can assess an examinee’s ability to organise and present his ideas in a logical and coherent fashion.

3. It can be successfully employed for practically all the school subjects.

4. Some of the objectives such as ability to organise idea effectively, ability to criticise or justify a statement, ability to interpret, etc., can be best measured by this type of test.

5. Logical thinking and critical reasoning, systematic presentation, etc. can be best developed by this type of test.

6. It helps to induce good study habits such as making outlines and summaries, organising the arguments for and against, etc.

7. The students can show their initiative, the originality of their thought and the fertility of their imagination as they are permitted freedom of response.

8. The responses of the students need not be completely right or wrong. All degrees of comprehensiveness and accuracy are possible.

9. It largely eliminates guessing.

10. They are valuable in testing the functional knowledge and power of expression of the pupil.

Limitations of Essay Tests:

1. One of the serious limitations of the essay tests is that these tests do not give scope for larger sampling of the content. You cannot sample the course content so well with six lengthy essay questions as you can with 60 multiple-choice test items.

2. Such tests encourage selective reading and emphasise cramming.

3. Moreover, scoring may be affected by spelling, good handwriting, coloured ink, neatness, grammar, length of the answer, etc.

4. The long-answer type questions are less valid and less reliable, and as such they have little predictive value.

5. It requires an excessive time on the part of students to write; while assessing, reading essays is very time-consuming and laborious.

6. It can be assessed only by a teacher or competent professionals.

7. Improper and ambiguous wording handicaps both the students and valuers.

8. Mood of the examiner affects the scoring of answer scripts.

9. There is halo effect-biased judgement by previous impressions.

10. The scores may be affected by his personal bias or partiality for a particular point of view, his way of understanding the question, his weightage to different aspect of the answer, favouritism and nepotism, etc.

Thus, the potential disadvantages of essay type questions are :

(i) Poor predictive validity,

(ii) Limited content sampling,

(iii) Scores unreliability, and

(iv) Scoring constraints.

Suggestions for Improving Essay Tests:

The teacher can sometimes, through essay tests, gain improved insight into a student’s abilities, difficulties and ways of thinking and thus have a basis for guiding his/her learning.

(A) White Framing Questions:

1. Give adequate time and thought to the preparation of essay questions, so that they can be re-examined, revised and edited before they are used. This would increase the validity of the test.

2. The item should be so written that it will elicit the type of behaviour the teacher wants to measure. If one is interested in measuring understanding, he should not ask a question that will elicit an opinion; e.g.,

“What do you think of Buddhism in comparison to Jainism?”

3. Use words which themselves give directions e.g. define, illustrate, outline, select, classify, summarise, etc., instead of discuss, comment, explain, etc.

4. Give specific directions to students to elicit the desired response.

5. Indicate clearly the value of the question and the time suggested for answering it.

6. Do not provide optional questions in an essay test because—

(i) It is difficult to construct questions of equal difficulty;

(ii) Students do not have the ability to select those questions which they will answer best;

(iii) A good student may be penalised because he is challenged by the more difficult and complex questions.

7. Prepare and use a relatively large number of questions requiring short answers rather than just a few questions involving long answers.

8. Do not start essay questions with such words as list, who, what, whether. If we begin the questions with such words, they are likely to be short-answer question and not essay questions, as we have defined the term.

9. Adapt the length of the response and complexity of the question and answer to the maturity level of the students.

10. The wording of the questions should be clear and unambiguous.

11. It should be a power test rather than a speed test. Allow a liberal time limit so that the essay test does not become a test of speed in writing.

12. Supply the necessary training to the students in writing essay tests.

13. Questions should be graded from simple to complex so that all the testees can answer atleast a few questions.

14. Essay questions should provide value points and marking schemes.

(B) While Scoring Questions:

1. Prepare a marking scheme, suggesting the best possible answer and the weightage given to the various points of this model answer. Decide in advance which factors will be considered in evaluating an essay response.

2. While assessing the essay response, one must:

a. Use appropriate methods to minimise bias;

b. Pay attention only to the significant and relevant aspects of the answer;

c. Be careful not to let personal idiosyncrasies affect assessment;

d. Apply a uniform standard to all the papers.

3. The examinee’s identity should be concealed from the scorer. By this we can avoid the “halo effect” or “biasness” which may affect the scoring.

4. Check your marking scheme against actual responses.

5. Once the assessment has begun, the standard should not be changed, nor should it vary from paper to paper or reader to reader. Be consistent in your assessment.

6. Grade only one question at a time for all papers. This will help you in minimising the halo effect in becoming thoroughly familiar with just one set of scoring criteria and in concentrating completely on them.

7. The mechanics of expression (legibility, spelling, punctuation, grammar) should be judged separately from what the student writes, i.e. the subject matter content.

8. If possible, have two independent readings of the test and use the average as the final score.

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Essay Test Preparation Tips and Strategies

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Essay test questions can be very intimidating, but they can also be very rewarding. Unlike other types of exams (i.e., multiple choice, true or false, etc.) essay tests allow you develop an answer based on your understanding or knowledge.

If you’ve studied all semester, understand the course concepts, and have reviewed prior to the test, the following strategies can help you improve your performance on essay tests and exams.

Strategies to Help You Improve Your Performance on Essay Tests and Exams

Read the directions.

Reading the directions seems so obvious. Unfortunately, it’s still one of the biggest test taking mistakes students make. Before answering an essay question, thoroughly read the instructions. Do not jump to the answer without being sure of what exactly the question is asking. In many cases, the teacher is looking for specific types of responses. Never assume you know what is being asked, or what is required, until you’ve read the entire question.

Ask for clarification

Read essay questions in their entirety before preparing an answer. If the instructions are unclear, or you simply don’t understand a question, ask the teacher for clarification. Chances are if you’re confused so is someone else. Never be scared to ask for clarification from your teacher or instructor.

Provide detail

Provide as many details and specific examples when answering an essay question as you can. Teachers are usually looking for very specific responses to see whether or not you’ve learned the material. The more relevant detail you provide, the higher grade is likely to be. However, only include correct, accurate and relevant information. Including irrelevant “filler” that doesn’t support your answer will likely lower your grade.

Budget your time

Manage your time wisely when answering essay questions so you are able answer all the questions, not just the easy or hard ones. If you finish your test before time is up, go back and review your answers and provide additional details.

We recommend answering those essay questions you’re most familiar with first and then tackling more challenging questions after. It’s also not uncommon on essay tests for some questions to be worth more than others. When budgeting your time, make sure to allocate more time to those questions that are worth the most.

Follow the instructions

When a question is only requiring facts, be sure to avoid sharing opinions. Only provide the information the instructions request. It’s important to provide an answer that matches the type of essay question being asked. You’ll find a list of common types of essay questions at the bottom of this page.

In your answers, get to the point and be very clear. It is generally best to be as concise as possible. If you provide numerous facts or details, be sure they’re related to the question. A typical essay answer should be between 200 and 800 words (2-8 paragraphs) but more isn’t necessarily better. Focus on substance over quantity.

Write clearly and legibly

Be sure your essays are legible and easy to understand. If a teacher has a difficult time reading or understanding what you’ve written, you could receive a lower score.

Get organized

Organize your thoughts before answering your essay question. We even recommend developing a short outline before preparing your answer. This strategy will help you save time and keep your essay organized. Organizing your thoughts and preparing a short outline will allow you to write more clearly and concisely.

Get to the point – Focus on substance

Only spend time answering the question and keep your essays focused. An overly long introduction and conclusion can be unnecessary. If your essay does not thoroughly answer the question and provide substance, a well developed introduction or conclusion will do you no good.

Use paragraphs to separate ideas

When developing your essay, keep main ideas and other important details separated with paragraphs. An essay response should have three parts: the introduction; the body; and the conclusion. The introduction is typically one paragraph, as is the conclusion. The body of the essay usually consists of 2 to 6 paragraphs depending on the type of essay and the information being presented.

Go back and review

If time permits, review your answers and make changes if necessary. Make sure you employed correct grammar and that your essays are well written. It’s not uncommon to make silly mistakes your first time through your essay. Reviewing your work is always a good idea.


When you are unsure of specific dates, just approximate dates. For example, if you know an event occurred sometime during the 1820’s, then just write, “in the early 1800’s.”

Common Question Types on Essay Exams

Being able to identify and becoming familiar with the most common types of essay test questions is key to improving performance on essay exams. The following are 5 of the most common question types you’ll find on essay exams.

1. Identify

Identify essay questions ask for short, concise answers and typically do not require a fully developed essay.

  • Ask yourself: “What is the idea or concept in question?”, “What are the main characteristics?”, “What does this mean?”
  • Keywords to look for: Summarize, List, Describe, Define, Enumerate, State
  • Example question: “Define what is meant by ‘separation of church and state.'”

Explain essay questions require a full-length essay with a fully developed response that provides ample supporting detail.

  • Ask yourself: “What are the main points?”, “Why is this the case?”
  • Keywords to look for: Discuss, Explain, Analyze, Illustrate
  • Example question: “Discuss the differences between the political views of democrats and republicans. Use specific examples from each party’s 2017 presidential campaign to argue which views are more in line with U.S. national interests.”

Compare essay questions require an analysis in essay form which focuses on similarities, differences, and connections between specific ideas or concepts.

  • Ask yourself: “What are the main concepts or ideas?”, “What are the similarities?”, “What are the differences?”
  • Keywords to look for: Compare, Contrast, Relate
  • Example question: “Compare the value of attending a community college to the value of attending a 4-year university. Which would you rather attend?”

Argue essay questions require you to form an opinion or take a position on an issue and defend your position against alternative positions using arguments backed by analysis and information.

  • Ask yourself: “Is this position correct?”, “Why is this issue true?”
  • Keywords to look for: Prove, Justify
  • Example question: “Argue whether robotics will replace blue collar manufacturing jobs in the next ten years.”

Assess essay questions involve assessing an issue, idea or question by describing acceptable criteria and defending a position/judgment on the issue.

  • Ask yourself: “What is the main idea/issue and what does it mean?”, “Why is the issue important?”, “What are its strengths?”, “What are the weaknesses?”
  • Keywords to look for: Evaluate, Criticize, Evaluate, Interpret
  • Example question: “With respect to U.S. national security, evaluate the benefit of constructing a wall along the southern border of the United States of America.”

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Creating and Scoring Essay Tests

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Essay tests are useful for teachers when they want students to select, organize, analyze, synthesize, and/or evaluate information. In other words, they rely on the upper levels of Bloom's Taxonomy . There are two types of essay questions: restricted and extended response.

  • Restricted Response - These essay questions limit what the student will discuss in the essay based on the wording of the question. For example, "State the main differences between John Adams' and Thomas Jefferson's beliefs about federalism," is a restricted response. What the student is to write about has been expressed to them within the question.
  • Extended Response - These allow students to select what they wish to include in order to answer the question. For example, "In Of Mice and Men , was George's killing of Lennie justified? Explain your answer." The student is given the overall topic, but they are free to use their own judgment and integrate outside information to help support their opinion.

Student Skills Required for Essay Tests

Before expecting students to perform well on either type of essay question, we must make sure that they have the required skills to excel. Following are four skills that students should have learned and practiced before taking essay exams:

  • The ability to select appropriate material from the information learned in order to best answer the question.
  • The ability to organize that material in an effective manner.
  • The ability to show how ideas relate and interact in a specific context.
  • The ability to write effectively in both sentences and paragraphs.

Constructing an Effective Essay Question

Following are a few tips to help in the construction of effective essay questions:

  • Begin with the lesson objectives in mind. Make sure to know what you wish the student to show by answering the essay question.
  • Decide if your goal requires a restricted or extended response. In general, if you wish to see if the student can synthesize and organize the information that they learned, then restricted response is the way to go. However, if you wish them to judge or evaluate something using the information taught during class, then you will want to use the extended response.
  • If you are including more than one essay, be cognizant of time constraints. You do not want to punish students because they ran out of time on the test.
  • Write the question in a novel or interesting manner to help motivate the student.
  • State the number of points that the essay is worth. You can also provide them with a time guideline to help them as they work through the exam.
  • If your essay item is part of a larger objective test, make sure that it is the last item on the exam.

Scoring the Essay Item

One of the downfalls of essay tests is that they lack in reliability. Even when teachers grade essays with a well-constructed rubric, subjective decisions are made. Therefore, it is important to try and be as reliable as possible when scoring your essay items. Here are a few tips to help improve reliability in grading:

  • Determine whether you will use a holistic or analytic scoring system before you write your rubric . With the holistic grading system, you evaluate the answer as a whole, rating papers against each other. With the analytic system, you list specific pieces of information and award points for their inclusion.
  • Prepare the essay rubric in advance. Determine what you are looking for and how many points you will be assigning for each aspect of the question.
  • Avoid looking at names. Some teachers have students put numbers on their essays to try and help with this.
  • Score one item at a time. This helps ensure that you use the same thinking and standards for all students.
  • Avoid interruptions when scoring a specific question. Again, consistency will be increased if you grade the same item on all the papers in one sitting.
  • If an important decision like an award or scholarship is based on the score for the essay, obtain two or more independent readers.
  • Beware of negative influences that can affect essay scoring. These include handwriting and writing style bias, the length of the response, and the inclusion of irrelevant material.
  • Review papers that are on the borderline a second time before assigning a final grade.
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What makes effective test questions and answers for assessments?

What instructors and administrators need to know

Christine Lee

Understanding the meaning and function of summative assessment helps clarify its role within education as a critical component of bridging teaching and learning. In this post, we take a closer look at summative assessment’s qualities with the end goal of ensuring that summative assessment supports learning and informs teaching.

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Choosing a balance of assessment formats that enable feedback loops and learning insights is not a light task. Let's examine different forms of assessment to help teachers make thoughtful decisions when it comes to how we evaluate our students.

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Dive into the differences between test validity and reliability and how they can affect student learning outcomes and a program's overall success.

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Thoughtful test questions and answers can help create an effective assessment, one that accurately measures student knowledge. When test questions are crafted with learning objectives in mind, they help foster study habits, influence knowledge retention, and prepare students for eventual summative assessments. Furthermore, when students feel an assessment is fair and relevant, they are less likely to engage in academic misconduct.

Assessment is the intersection at which instructors can provide feedback to guide students but also where instructors gain insights into student learning . In many cases, this feedback exchange can solidify student-teacher relationships and influence learning outcomes. With effective assessments, students can feel seen and supported. And instructors have the information they need to further learning. Thoughtful decisions about test questions and formats can make a difference in this data exchange.

There are many forms of test questions, each with their own strengths when it comes to upholding learning objectives. Some types of questions are efficient and measure breadth of student knowledge whereas other types of questions offer more opportunities to gain insights into higher order thinking.

Some of the most common question types and the roles of each in the realm of assessment are:

  • Multiple-choice
  • Extended matching sets
  • Fill-in-the-blank
  • Short answer
  • Long answer / essay

To that end, this blog post will cover the above question types and then dive into methodology to bolster exam design.

What sets this question type apart?

Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) have the ability to test a wide swath of knowledge in a short amount of time; this characteristic, plus the fact that MCQs enable faster grading and uphold objective scoring , make them a very popular standardized exam format.

That said, there are many critics of MCQs, some going so far as to say “multiple-choice tests are not catalysts for learning” and that “they incite the bad habit of teaching to tests” (Ramirez, 2013). Multiple research articles, too, indicate multiple-choice questions may result in surface-level study habits . However, they can still be leveraged for effective assessment when utilized appropriately. Multiple-choice questions can be paired with other question types to provide a complementary assessment or they can themselves be designed to test deeper conceptual understanding.

There are examples of how this question type can be useful in testing reading comprehension and practical knowledge of learned principles. In response to criticism surrounding the inclusion of multiple-choice questions on the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE), The Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law Center at Touro College cites the “case file” format of a 1983 performance test in California , a multiple-choice exam paired with documents typical of a legal case file. Successful completion of this exam did not rely on rote memorization of rules. Rather, this exam used a series of multiple-choice questions to assess the application of relevant theories and practices to true-to-life scenarios presented in the mock case file.

Those considering the value of multiple-choice questions should also keep in mind any summative assessments that lie ahead for students, beyond the scope of a single course. In a recent webinar on the subject of multiple response type questions in nursing programs, Assistant Professor Cheryl Frutchey noted that many of her students at Oklahoma City University’s School of Nursing have been reporting that 70-75% of NCLEX questions are now the “select all that apply” format. In weighing the benefits of a particular question type in determining student success, field-related insights like these may help tip the scale.

A true/false question asks the exam-taker to judge a statement’s validity. Rather than calling upon powers of memorization, the exam-taker ideally demonstrates their command of verbal knowledge and a working knowledge of a given subject by converting abstract principles to a specific application .

That said, the nature of true/false questions makes it so that even when guessing, the test-taker has a fifty-percent chance of getting the correct answer.

The multiple-true-false question is an adaptation of the true-false question that incorporates (and improves upon) elements of the multiple-choice question type, requiring the test-taker to consider all answer options in relation to a given question stem. This hybrid question type differs from “select all that apply” in asking the test-taker to identify both correct and incorrect statements rather than just the “true” ones, shedding light on incorrect or incomplete understandings .

For both true/false and multiple-choice question types, opportunity for feedback is severely limited.

Particularly helpful for the usual format of clinical assessments in nursing exams, this item type provides a series of individual questions and a longer list of possible answers for the test-taker to choose from. By design, extended matching set questions prioritize an understanding of the question stems before a correct selection can be made, making it difficult to quickly eliminate incorrect answers from the list .

With an extended list of answers to accompany perhaps only a handful of question stems, this question type encourages the test-taker to process information within each question before parsing relevant answers from the provided list , emphasizing a deeper subject mastery than simple memorization can provide.

A known benefit of free response question types like fill-in-the-blank is the decreased possibility of guessing the correct answer. Since the exam-taker must provide an answer that fits contextually within the provided question stem, fill-in-the-blank questions are more likely to exercise language skills.

In a recent study composed of 134 final-year undergraduate dental students at the University of Peradeniya, 90% found fill-in-the-blank questions more challenging than the same question in multiple-choice format, and only 19% reported encountering fill-in-the-blank questions during their time in the program. By withholding answer choices that lead to quick answer recall, fill-in-the-blank questions can effectively gauge an exam-taker’s understanding. Though, as revealed above, the prevalence and/or feasibility of this item type may vary from program to program. And again, feedback is minimal with this type of question.

Short-answer questions are valuable for measuring a test-taker’s understanding of a subject beyond simple recall. Preparing for an assessment with this question type promotes study habits that reinforce comprehension over memorization , thus increasing the likelihood that the test-taker will retain this knowledge.

For example: After using ExamSoft to convert their assessment format from multiple-choice to short-answer questions, the Donald & Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell conducted a survey to measure student attitudes about the switch. Sixty-four percent of the 274 students surveyed thought that short-answer questions better equipped them for a clinical setting. By exercising abilities in critical thinking, reasoning, and communication, the free-response format of this question type allows the cultivation of skills necessary for the workplace.

Long answer or essay questions allow individual students to formulate their unique ideas and responses to demonstrate their understanding of a concept. This question is one that can most easily measure higher-order thinking and depth of knowledge, though at the same time, it may not cover a wide range of said knowledge.

Marking essay questions can be a time burden on instructors; additionally, long answers involve some measure of subjective scoring. They may also measure writing skills as well as subject-specific knowledge.

Beyond building assessments using all of these common question types, ExamSoft users can:

  • Supplement individual questions with audio, video, or image attachments
  • Create “hotspot” questions for exam-takers to select an area of an image as an answer
  • Tag questions with categories, including learning objectives and accreditation criteria. Additionally, ExamSoft offers robust item analysis.
  • Explore various question types offered by ExamSoft , such as bowtie, matrix, and drag-and-drop.

With Gradescope , instructors can:

  • Accommodate a variety of question types with audio, video, or image attachments
  • Utilize item analysis to measure exam design effectiveness, particularly for multiple-choice questions
  • Grade question by question with answer groups and AI-assisted grading instead of student-by-student to promote more objective scoring
  • Use Dynamic Rubrics to ensure students receive detailed insight into how points were awarded or deducted. Dynamic Rubrics also allow for flexibility to adjust grading criteria midstream to account for later accommodations for all students.

Examplify, ExamSoft’s test-taking application, offers several built-in exam tools for test-takers to use, including:

  • Highlighter and notepad
  • Programmable spreadsheet
  • Scientific and graphing calculators

Gradescope accommodates a variety of assignment types and enables:

  • Grading of paper-based exams, bubble sheets, and homework
  • Programming assignments (graded automatically or manually)
  • Creation of online assignments that students answer right on Gradescope

Assessment is a crucial part of education, no matter the subject or level. Assessments are tools to measure how much a student has learned, though with the right post-exam data, they can be so much more, including assessments themselves being a learning opportunity. But not all assessments are created equal ; a poorly written exam or exam item may skew results, giving instructors a false sense of student learning.

Effective exam items provide an accurate demonstration of what students know, and they also support fair and equitable testing. To get the most out of your assessments, it’s important to write well-constructed exam items with every student in mind and then test item efficacy.

There are two general categories of exam items: objective items and subjective items . Objective test items have a clear correct answer; item types can include multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and fill-in-the-blank items. Subjective items, on the other hand, may have a range of correct answers. Answers to subjective questions often involve persuasive/defensible arguments or present various options for in-depth discernment. Test items like these usually come in the form of long answers, essays, or performance-based evaluations.

According to the Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation at Carnegie Mellon University , “There is no single best type of exam question: the important thing is that the questions reflect your learning objectives.” It is the educator’s place to determine whether a subjective or objective test item will better align with their learning objectives.

If you want students to explain the symbolism in a literary text, subjective-based questions like short answers and essays are usually best. Objective test items are great if you want to make sure your students can recall facts or choose the best argument to support a thesis. If you want your students to match medical terms to their definitions? A matching task, which is an objective item, may be your best bet. No matter the subject, it is imperative to ensure the question types serve the intended learning objectives.

As you consider exam items, and whether you’re going to use objective or subjective items, it’s important to keep cognitive complexity in mind. Bloom’ s Taxonomy can help with planning not only curriculum but assessment . Bloom’s consists of six levels of cognitive understanding. From the lowest to highest order, these are:

As you move up the ladder from recall to creation, there is a gradual shift from objective to subjective exam items. If students are new to the concepts you’re teaching, it’s often best to focus on the initial three levels with objective items and set an appropriate knowledge foundation. As students progress through a course or program, you can start to assess the top three levels of cognition with subjective exam items to determine higher-order thinking or capability. While some courses may span testing student factual recall to synthesizing and creating their own ideas, many introductory classes may only pertain to parts of Bloom’s Taxonomy. More advanced courses, like graduate seminars, may target the higher order categories like analyze, evaluate, and create.

You might assess students’ grasp of the “remember” level with a multiple-choice question about the date of a significant period in history. Whereas testing students’ skills in “evaluation” may look like a persuasive essay prompting students to argue and support their stance on a topic with no one correct position such as interpretation of metaphors in written works.

As exam creators, we may sometimes write an item that is difficult for students to understand. After writing an item, ask yourself if the question or statement could be written more clearly. Are there double negatives? Have you used passive voice construction? Are you attempting to teach the concept in the question stem itself? Often, the more concise the item is, the better. If possible, do not use absolutes such as “never” and “always.” We’re writing questions, not riddles; it is best practice to test the students’ knowledge, not how well they read. The point is to focus on student knowledge acquisition and effectively convey the point of the question.

Avoid idioms and colloquialisms that may not be clear to international students. Questions containing regional references demonstrate bias. Also consider references that may exclude historically marginalized groups. For instance, an item that refers to a regional sport may not be as clear to these groups as a sport with international reach. Another example is the infamous critique of the SAT question referring to “regattas.” This term, which might be familiar to one certain socioeconomic group and completely unfamiliar to others, is simultaneously not a measure of aptitude.

Using psychometrics , specific and widely accepted statistical measures of exam data, you can test the reliability of your exam and items. One way to measure exam reliability through psychometrics is the item Difficulty Index, or p-value. Simply put, what percentage of exam-takers answered a specific question correctly?

If the p-value is low, the item may be too difficult. If the p-value is high, the item may be too easy. However, this data point alone is not a strong measure of reliability and should be used in context with other psychometric measures. If your difficult question has a high Discrimination Index and Point Biserial values, you can more confidently say that only the higher-order thinkers answered correctly, while the lower-performers did not. A high corresponding Point Biserial value also tells you that generally, students performing well on this item, albeit difficult, performed well on the overall exam. When psychometrics are used together, you are able to gain a solid holistic picture of item performance and whether your question was well written.

Psychometric analysis measures include:

  • Difficulty (p-value)
  • Discrimination Index
  • Upper and Lower Difficulty Indexes
  • Point Biserial Correlation Coefficient
  • Kuder-Richardson Formula 20

The above strategies for writing and optimizing exam items is by no means exhaustive, but considering these as you create your exams will improve your questions immensely. By delivering assessments with a data-driven digital exam platform, instructors, exam creators, and programs can use the results of carefully created exams to improve learning outcomes, teaching strategies, retention rates, and more.

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  • Essay Exams

Essay exams provide opportunities to evaluate students’ reasoning skills such as the ability to compare and contrast concepts, justify a position on a topic, interpret cases from the perspective of different theories or models, evaluate a claim or assertion with evidence, design an experiment, and other higher level cognitive skills. They can reveal if students understand the theory behind course material or how different concepts and theories relate to each other. 

+ Advantages and Challenges of essay exams


  • Can be used to measure higher order cognitive skills
  • Takes relatively less time to write questions
  • Difficult for respondents to get correct answers by guessing


  • Can be time consuming to administer and to score
  • Can be challenging to identify measurable, reliable criteria for assessing student responses
  • Limited range of content can be sampled during any one testing period
  • Timed exams in general add stress unrelated to a student's mastery of the material

+ Creating an essay exam

  • Limit the use of essay questions to learning aims that require learners to share their thinking processes, connect and analyze information, and communicate their understanding for a specific purpose. 
  • Write each item so that students clearly understand the specific task and what deliverables are required for a complete answer (e.g. diagram, amount of evidence, number of examples).
  • Indicate the relative amount of time and effort students should spend on each essay item, for example “2 – 3 sentences should suffice for this question”.
  • Consider using several narrowly focused items rather than one broad item.
  • Consider offering students choice among essay questions, while ensuring that all learning aims are assessed.

When designing essay exams, consider the reasoning skills you want to assess in your students. The following table lists different skills to measure with example prompts to guide assessment questions. 

Table from Piontek, 2008
Skill to Assess Possible Question Stems
Relating Cause and Effect 

+ Preparing students for an essay exam

Adapted from Piontek, 2008

Prior to the essay exam

  • Administer a formative assessment that asks students to do a brief write on a question similar to one you will use on an exam and provide them with feedback on their responses.
  • Provide students with examples of essay responses that do and do not meet your criteria and standards. 
  • Provide students with the learning aims they will be responsible for mastering to help them focus their preparation appropriately.
  • Have students apply the scoring rubric to sample essay responses and provide them with feedback on their work.

Resource video : 2-minute video description of a formative assessment that helps prepare students for an essay exam. 

+ Administering an essay exam

  • Provide adequate time for students to take the assessment. A strategy some instructors use is to time themselves answering the exam questions completely and then multiply that time by 3-4.
  • Endeavor to create a distraction-free environment.
  • Review the suggestions for informal accommodations for multilingual learners , which may be helpful in setting up an essay exam for all learners.

+ Grading an essay exam

To ensure essays are graded fairly and without bias:

  • Outline what constitutes an acceptable answer (criteria for knowledge and skills).
  • Select an appropriate scoring method based on the criteria.
  • Clarify the role of writing mechanics and other factors independent of the learning aims being measured.
  • Share with students ahead of time.
  • Use a systematic process for scoring each essay item.  For instance, score all responses to a single question in one setting.
  • Anonymize student work (if possible) to ensure fairer and more objective feedback. For example students could use their student ID number in place of their name.

+ References & Resources

  • For more information on setting criteria, preparing students, and grading essay exams read:  Boye, A. (2019) Writing Better Essay Exams , IDEA paper #76.
  • For more detailed descriptions of how to develop and score essay exams read: Piontek, M.E. (2008). Best Practices for Designing and Grading Exams, CRLT Occasional Paper # 24.

Web resources

  • Designing Effective Writing Assignments  (Teaching with Writing Program - UMNTC ) 
  • Writing Assignment Checklist (Teaching with Writing Program - UMNTC)
  • Designing and Using Rubrics (Center for Writing - UMTC)
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The Ultimate Essay Test Guide: Achieve Top Grades With Ease

An essay test, a fundamental tool in academic assessment, measures a student's ability to express, argue, and structure their thoughts on a given subject through written words. This test format delves deeper into a student's critical thinking and writing skills unlike other conventional exam types.

Essay Test, Illustration of a person in front of a well prepared essay, StudySmarter Magazine

What is an Essay Test?

An essay test is a type of assessment in which a student is prompted to respond to a question or a series of questions by writing an essay.

This form of test isn’t merely about checking a student’s recall or memorisation skills , but more about gauging their ability to comprehend a subject, synthesise information, and articulate their understanding effectively.

Types of Essay Tests

Essay tests can be broadly classified into two categories: Restricted Response and Extended Response .

  • Restricted Response tests focus on limited aspects, requiring students to provide short, concise answers.
  • Extended Response tests demand more comprehensive answers, allowing students to showcase their creativity and analytical skills.

Advantages and Limitations of an Essay Test

Essay tests offer numerous benefits but also have certain limitations. The advantages of an essay test are :

  • They allow teachers to evaluate students’ abilities to organise, synthesise, and interpret information.
  • They help in developing critical thinking and writing skills among students.
  • They provide an opportunity for students to exhibit their knowledge and understanding of a subject in a broader context.

And the limitations of an essay test are :

  • They are time-consuming to both take and grade.
  • They are subject to scoring inconsistencies due to potential subjective bias.
  • They may cause the students who struggle with written expression may face difficulties, and these tests may not accurately reflect the full spectrum of a student’s knowledge or understanding.

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Understanding the Structure of an Essay Test

Essay tests involve a defined structure to ensure organised, coherent, and comprehensive expression of thoughts. Adhering to a specific structure can enhance your ability to answer essay questions effectively .

The 7 Steps of an Essay

Writing an essay test typically involves seven steps :

  • Understanding the question
  • Brainstorming ideas
  • Creating an outline
  • Crafting a thesis statement
  • Writing the essay body
  • Formulating the conclusion
  • Revising and editing for clarity and conciseness

A checklist of 7 steps to prep for an essay test, including brainstorming ideas, creating an outline and writing a thesis. StudySmarter Magazine

The First Sentence in an Essay

The initial sentence of an essay, often termed a hook , plays a crucial role.

It aims to grab the reader’s attention and provoke interest in the essay topic. It should be engaging, and relevant, and set the tone for the rest of the essay .

The 5-Paragraph Essay Format

The 5-paragraph essay format is commonly used in essay tests, providing a clear and organised approach for students to articulate their ideas. In this format, the introduction and the conclusion include 1 paragraph, while the body of the essay includes 3 .

  • Introduction : The introduction sets the stage, providing a brief overview of the topic and presenting the thesis statement – the central argument or point.
  • Body : The body of the essay contains three paragraphs, each presenting a separate point that supports the thesis statement. Detailed explanations, evidence, and examples are included here to substantiate the points.
  • Conclusion : The conclusion reiterates the thesis statement and summarises the main points. It provides a final perspective on the topic, drawing the essay to a close.

Essay Test, Illustration of a person marking different areas on a paper, StudySmarter Magazine

How to Prepare for an Essay Test?

Preparing for an essay test demands a structured approach to ensure thorough understanding and effective response. Here are some strategies to make this task more manageable:

#1 Familiarise Yourself with the Terminology Used

Knowledge of key terminologies is essential. Understand the meaning of directives such as “describe”, “compare”, “contrast”, or “analyse”. Each term guides you on what is expected in your essay and helps you to answer the question accurately.

To make it easier, you can take advantage of AI technologies. While preparing for your exam, use similar essay questions as prompts and see how AI understands and evaluates the questions. If you are unfamiliar with AI, you can check out The Best Chat GPT Prompts For Essay Writing .

#2 Review and Revise Past Essays

Take advantage of past essays or essay prompts to review and revise your writing . Analyse your strengths and areas for improvement, paying attention to grammar , structure , and clarity . This process helps you refine your writing skills and identify potential pitfalls to avoid in future tests.

#3 Practice Timed Writing

Simulate test conditions by practising timed writing . Set a specific time limit for each essay question and strive to complete it within that timeframe. This exercise builds your ability to think and write quickly , improving your efficiency during the actual test.

#4 Utilise Mnemonic Techniques

To aid in memorisation and recall of key concepts or arguments, employ mnemonic techniques . These memory aids, such as acronyms, visualisation, or association techniques, can help you retain important information and retrieve it during the test. Practice using mnemonics to reinforce your understanding of critical points.

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Strategies to Pass an Essay Test

Passing an essay test goes beyond understanding the topic; it also requires strategic planning and execution . Below are key strategies that can enhance your performance in an essay test.

  • Read the exam paper thoroughly before diving into writing : read the entire exam paper thoroughly. Understand each question’s requirement and make a mental note of the points to be included in each response. This step will help in ensuring that no aspect of the question is overlooked.
  • Answer in the First Sentence and Use the Language of the Question : Begin your essay by clearly stating your answer in the first sentence. Use the language of the question to show you are directly addressing the task. This approach ensures that your main argument is understood right from the start.
  • Structure Your Essay : Adopt a logical essay structure , typically comprising an introduction, body, and conclusion. This helps in organising your thoughts, making your argument clearer, and enhancing the readability of your essay.
  • Answer in Point Form When Running Out of Time : If time is running short, present your answer in point form. This approach allows you to cover more points quickly, ensuring you don’t leave any questions unanswered.
  • Write as Legibly as Possible : Your writing should be clear and easy to read. Illegible handwriting could lead to misunderstandings and may negatively impact your grades.
  • Number Your Answers : Ensure your answers are correctly numbered. This helps in aligning your responses with the respective questions, making it easier for the examiner to assess your work, and reducing chances of confusion or error
  • Time Yourself on Each Question : Time management is crucial in an essay test. Allocate a specific amount of time to each question, taking into account the marks they carry. Ensure you leave ample time for revising and editing your responses. Practising this strategy can prevent last-minute rushes and result in a more polished essay.

About the Author Oğulcan Tezcan is a writer, translator, editor, and an accomplished engineer. Oğulcan is also a keen researcher and digital market analyst, with a particular interest in self-development, productivity, and human behaviour.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Essay Tests

How do you answer an essay question, when taking an essay test what is the first step, what type of test is an essay test, what is the first sentence in an essay, what are the six elements of an essay.

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Preparing for the ACT Test with Writing

About the act writing test.

The ACT writing test is a 40-minute essay test that measures your writing skills. The test consists of one writing prompt that will describe a complex issue and present three different perspectives on that issue.  It is a paper-and-pencil test. You will write your essay in pencil (no mechanical pencils or ink pens) on the lined pages of an answer folder that will be provided to you. The only exception is for approved students with diagnosed disabilities who cannot hand write the essay. (See Accommodations .) 

The ACT writing test complements the English and reading tests. The combined information from these tests tells postsecondary institutions about students’ understanding of the conventions of standard written English and their ability to produce a direct sample of writing. The writing test cannot be taken without first taking all four multiple-choice tests in the same session. 

You are asked to read the prompt and write an essay in which you develop your own perspective on the issue. Your essay should analyze the relationship between your perspective and one or more other perspectives. You may adopt a perspective from the prompt, partially or fully, or you may generate your own. Your score will not be affected by the point of view you take on the issue.

Some colleges require the ACT writing test. You should decide whether or not you should take it based on the requirements of the colleges you are applying to or considering.

Why the ACT Writing Test Is Optional 

Because postsecondary institutions have varying needs, we offer the ACT writing test as an option. 

  • Postsecondary institutions are making their own decisions about whether to require the results from the ACT writing test for admissions and/or course placement purposes. 
  • Students will decide whether to take the writing test based on the requirements of the institutions they are considering. 

Practice Your Writing Skills 

Read. Write. Repeat. 

There are many ways to prepare for the ACT writing test that don't even include writing at all. Reading newspapers and magazines, listening to news analyses on television or radio, and participating in discussions and debates about issues and problems all help you build a foundation for your writing skills. These activities help you become more familiar with current issues, with different perspectives on those issues, and with strategies that skilled writers and speakers use to present their points of view. 

Of course, one of the best ways to prepare for the ACT writing test is to practice writing. But you don’t have to sit at a desk and fill a notebook with essays. Practice writing for different purposes, with different audiences in mind. The writing you do in your English classes will help you. Practice writing stories, poems, plays, editorials, reports, letters to the editor, a personal journal, or other kinds of writing that you do on your own—including, yes, essays. 

The ACT writing test asks you to explain your perspective on an issue in a convincing way, so writing opportunities such as editorials or letters to the editor of a newspaper are especially helpful. Practicing various types of writing will help make you a versatile writer able to adjust to different writing assignments. 

Finally, don’t forget you only have 40 minutes on test day. Get some practice writing within a time limit. This will not only give you an advantage on the test, but also will help you build skills that are important in college-level learning and in the world of work. 

Build Your Writing Skills 

Everyday ways to improve your writing 

You can strengthen your writing skills just about anywhere, anytime. Read below for some ideas to make writing, responding, and organizing your thoughts part of your daily routine:   

  • Read and write frequently.  Read as much as you can from a variety of sources, including plays, essays, fiction, poetry, news stories, business writing, and magazine features. 
  • Become familiar with current issues in society and develop your own opinions.  Think of arguments you would use to convince someone of your perspective. Taking speech and debate classes can help you think through issues and communicate them to others. 
  • Practice writing in different formats and in as many real situations as possible.  Write letters to the editor, or letters to a company requesting information. 
  • Try some writing in extracurricular activities.  School newspapers, yearbooks, and creative writing clubs offer opportunities to express ideas in writing. 
  • Share your writing with others and get feedback.  Feedback helps you anticipate how readers might interpret your writing and what types of questions they might have. This can help you anticipate what a reader might want to know. 
  • Learn to see writing as a process —brainstorming, planning, writing, and then editing. This applies to all writing activities. 
  • Listen to the advice your English teacher gives you about your writing. 
  • Strive for well-developed and well-organized writing  that uses precise, clear, and concise language. 
  • Remember that everyone can improve their writing skills.  Confidence and skill will grow with the more writing you do. Practice and work lead to achievement. 

Tips for Taking the ACT Writing Test

Pace yourself.

The ACT writing test contains one question to be completed in 40 minutes. When asked to write a timed essay, most writers find it useful to do some planning before they write the essay and to do a final check of the essay when it is finished. It is unlikely that you will have time to draft, revise, and recopy your essay.

Before writing, carefully read and consider all prompt material. Be sure you understand the issue, its perspectives, and your essay task. The prewriting questions included with the prompt will help you analyze the perspectives and develop your own. Use these questions to think critically about the prompt and generate effective ideas in response. Ask yourself how your ideas and analysis can best be supported and organized in a written argument. Use the prewriting space in your test booklet to structure or outline your response.

Establish the focus of your essay by making clear your argument and its main ideas. Explain and illustrate your ideas with sound reasoning and meaningful examples. Discuss the significance of your ideas: what are the implications of what you have to say, and why is your argument important to consider? As you write, ask yourself if your logic is clear, you have supported your claims, and you have chosen precise words to communicate your ideas.

Review Your Essay

Take a few minutes before time is called to read over your essay. Correct any mistakes. If you find any words that are hard to read, recopy them. Make corrections and revisions neatly between the lines. Do not write in the margins. Your readers know you had only 40 minutes to compose and write your essay. Within that time limit, try to make your essay as polished as you can.

There are many ways to prepare for the ACT writing test. These include reading newspapers and magazines, listening to news analyses on television and radio, and participating in discussions and debates.

One of the best ways to prepare for the ACT writing test is to practice writing with different purposes for different audiences. The writing you do in your classes will help you. So will writing essays, stories, editorials, a personal journal, or other writing you do on your own.

It is also a good idea to practice writing within a time limit. Taking the practice ACT writing test will give you a sense of how much additional practice you may need. You might want to take the practice ACT writing test even if you do not plan to take the ACT with writing, because this will help build skills that are important in college-level learning and in the world of work.

Find more info about how the writing test is scored .

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The Assessment of Writing Ability: A Review of Research GREB

Recent information from established testing programs was used to investigate the nature and limitations of essay and multiple-choice tests of writing ability, the statistical relationship of these types of tests, the performance of population subgroups on each, the possible need of different disciplines for different tests of composition skill, and the cost and usefulness of various writing evaluation strategies. The literature indicates that essay tests are often considered more valid than multiple-choice tests. Although essay tests may sample a wider range of composition skills, the variance in essay test scores can reflect such irrelevant factors as speed and fluency under time pressure or even penmanship. Also, essay test scores are typically far less reliable than multiple-choice test scores. Multiple-choice measures tend to overpredict the performance of minority candidates on essay tests. It is not certain whether multiple-choice tests have the same predictive validity for candidates in different academic disciplines, where writing requirements may vary. Still, there appears to be a close relationship between performance on multiple-choice and essay tests of writing ability. The best measures of writing ability have both essay and multiple-choice sections, but this design can be prohibitively expensive.

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LET Reviewer Professional Education Prof. Ed.: Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Part 1

LET Reviewer Prof Ed Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Part 1

LET Reviewer Prof Ed Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Part 1

In this website you will find the LET Reviewers in General Education (Gen Ed), Professional Education (Prof Ed) and Major Area of Specialization.

In efforts of this portal to attend on requests from PRCBoard Facebook fan page members, we consolidated some of the questions which may likely help out takers during the exams.

Note: The LET reviewers 2021 below is unofficial and not directly associated with PRC or the Board of Professional Teachers.

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  • ROOM ASSIGNMENTS: LET September 2021, Teachers Board Licensure Exams
  • LET Coverage: Licensure Exam for Teachers September 2021
  • Details: September 2021 LET Teachers Board Exam Schedule, Deadline of Filing and Requirements
  • How to Pass Licensure Exam? Tips from Board Passers

Below is the LET Reviewer for Professional Education Prof. Ed.: Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Part 1.

We encourage readers/ reviewees to use the comment boxes after the article for discussion. Meanwhile, answers are already incorporated below the questions.

1. Who among the teachers described below is doing assessment? a. Mrs. Bautista who is administering a test to her students. b. Mr. Ferrer who is counting the scores obtained by the students in his test. c. Ms. Leyva who is computing the final grade of the students after completing all their requirements. d. Prof. Cuevas who is planning for a remedial instruction after knowing that students perform poorly in her test

2. Mr. Fernandez is judging the accuracy of these statements. Which statements will he consider as correct? I. Test is a tool to measure a trait. II. Measurement is the process of qualifying a given trait. III. Assessment is the gathering of quantitative and qualitative data. IV. Evaluation is the analysis of quantitative and qualitative data for decision making A. I and II only b. III and IV only c. I, II, and III d. I, III and IV

3. If I have to use the most authentic method of assessment, which of these procedures should I consider? a. Traditional Test b. Performance-based Assessment c. Written Test d. Objective Assessment

4. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Borillo gave a short quiz to find out how well students have understood the lesson. What type of assessment was done? a. Summative Assessment b. Formative Assessment c. Diagnostic Assessment d. Placement Assessment

5. Who among the teachers below performed a diagnostic assessment? a. Ms. Santos who asked questions when the discussion was going on to know who among h er students understood what she was trying to emphasize. b. Mr. Colubong who gave a short quiz after discussing thoroughly the lesson to determine the programs of learning. c. Ms. Ventura who gave 10-item test to find out the specific lessons which the students failed to understand. d. Mrs. Lopez who administered a readiness test to the incoming grade one pupils.

6. You are assessing for learning. Which of these will you likely do? a. Giving grades to students b. Reporting to parents the performance of their child. c. Recommending new policies in grading students. d. Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of students.

7. Ms. Saplan is planning to do an assessment of learning. Which of these should she include in her plan considering her purpose for assessment? a. How to give immediate feedback to student’s strengths and weaknesses b. How to determine the area of interest of learners c. How to certify student’s achievement d. How to design one’s instruction 8. You targeted that after instruction, your students should be able to show their ability to solve problems with speed and accuracy. You then designed a tool to measure this ability. What principle of assessment did you consider in this situation? a. Assessment should be based on clear and appropriate learning targets or objectives. b. Assessment should have a positive consequence on student’s learning c. Assessment should be reliable. d. Assessment should be fair.

9. Ms. Ortega tasked her students to show how to play basketball. What learning target is she assessing? a. Knowledge b. Reasoning c. Skills d. Products

10. Mr. Ravelas made an essay test for the objective “Identify the planets in the solar system”. Was the assessment method used the most appropriate for the given objective? Why? a. Yes, because essay test is easier to construct than objective test. b. Yes, because essay test can measure any type of objective. c. No, he should have conducted oral questioning. d. No, he should have prepared an objective test.

11. Mr. Cidro wants to test students’ knowledge of the different places in the Philippines, their capital and their products and so he gave his students an essay test. If you were the teacher, will you do the same? a. No, the giving of an objective test is more appropriate than the use of essay. b. No, such method of assessment is inappropriate because essay is difficult. c. Yes, essay test could measure more than what other tests could measure. d. Yes, essay test is the best in measuring any type of knowledge.

12. What type of validity does the Pre-board examination possess if its results can explain how the students will likely perform in their licensure examination? a. Concurrent b. Predictive c. Construct d. Content

13. Ms. Aviz wants to determine if the students’ scores in their Final Test is reliable. However, she has only one set of test and her students are already on vacation. What test of reliability can she employ? a. Test-Retest b. Kuder Richardson Method c. Equivalent Forms d. Test-Retest with Equivalent Forms

Refer to this case in answering items 14-15 Two teachers of the same grade level have set the following objectives for the day’s lesson. At the end of the period, the students should be able to: a. Construct bar graph, and b. Interpret bar graphs

To assess the attainment of the objectives, Teacher A required the students to construct a bar graph for the given set of data then she asked them to interpret this using a set of questions as guide. Teacher B presented a bar graph then asked them to interpret this using also a set of guide questions.

14. Whose practice is acceptable based on the principles of assessment? a. Teacher A b. Teacher B c. Both Teacher A and B d. Neither Teacher A nor Teacher B

15. Which is true about the given case? a. Objective A matched with performance-based assessment while B can be assessed using the traditional pen-and-paper objective test. b. Objective A matched with traditional assessment while B can be assessed using a performance-based method. c. Both objective A and B matched with performance-based assessment. d. Both objective A and B matched with traditional assessment.

16. In the context of the Theory of Multiple Intelligence, which is a weakness of the paper-pencil test? a. It puts non-linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage. b. It is not easy to administer. c. It utilizes so much time. d. It lacks reliability.

17. Mr. Umayam is doing a performance-based assessment for the day’s lesson. Which of the following will most likely happen? a. Students are evaluated in one sitting. b. Students do an actual demonstration of their skill. c. Students are evaluated in the most objective manner. d. Students are evaluated based on varied evidences of learning

18. Ms. del Rosario rated her students in terms of appropriate and effective use of some laboratory equipment and measurement tools and the students ability to follow the specified procedures. What mode of assessment should Miss del Rosario use? a. Portfolio Assessment b. Journal Assessment c. Traditional Assessment d. Performance-based Assessment

19. Mrs. Hilario presented the lesson on baking through a group activity so that the students will not just learn how to bake but also develop their interpersonal skills. How should this lesson be assessed? I. She should give the students an essay test explaining how they baked the cake. II. The students should be graded on the quality of their baked cake using a rubric. III. The students in a group should rate the members based on their ability to cooperate in their group activity. IV. She should observe how the pupils perform their tasks.

a. I, II, and III only b. I, III, and IV only c. I, II and IV only d. I, II, III, and IV

20. If a teacher has set objectives in all domains or learning targets and which could be assessed using a single performance task, what criterion in selecting a task should she consider? a. Generalizability b. Fairness c. Multiple Foci d. Teachability

21. Which term refers to the collection of students’ products and accomplishments in a given period for evaluation purposes? a. Diary b. Portfolio c. Anecdotal record d. Observation report

22. Mrs. Catalan allowed the students to develop their own portfolio in their own style as long as they show all the non-negotiable evidences of learning. What principle in portfolio assessment explains this practice? a. Content Principle b. Learning Principle c. Equity Principle d. Product Principle

23. How should the following steps in portfolio assessment be arranged logically? I. Set targets II. Select evidences III. Collect evidences IV. Rate Collection V. Reflect on Evidences a. I, II, III, IV, V b. I, III, II, V, IV c. I, II, III, V, IV d. I, III, V, II, IV

24. Which could be seen in a rubric? I. Objective in a high level of cognitive behavior II. Multiple criteria in assessing learning III. Quantitative descriptions of the quality of work IV. Qualitative descriptions of the quality of work a. I and II only b. II, III and IV only c. I, II and III d. I, II, III and IV

25. The pupils are to be judged individually on their mastery of the singing of the national anthem so their teacher let them sing individually. What should the teacher use in rating the performance of the pupils considering the fact that the teacher has only one period to spend in evaluating her 20 pupils? a. Analytic b. Holistic c. Either holistic or analytic d. Both holistic and analytic

Answers: 1C 2D 3B 4B 5C 6D 7C 8A 9C 10D 11A 12B 13B 14A 15A 16A 17B 18D 19C 20C 21B 22C 23B 24B 25B

This website believes that education is a right, not a privilege. This portal does not claim ownership to any materials posted. Likewise, questions are not influenced by PRC professional regulatory board. The main purpose of the reviewer is to assist examinees who chose to review online.

Number 5 i think it's letter D.

number 5 is correct..Diagnostic assessment is a form of pre-assessment that allows a teacher to determine students' individual strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction. D is placement test/assessment

Lol don't make it hard in simpler term when you diagnose you determine the specific error and not the general. And C is the right answer don't forget the keyword of diagnose is specific… thanks

Do u have the answers or the rationalization for these items? Might have been better if u included it :)

Can anybody explain number 19? Thanks!

Sa number 1. Doing assessment pala Ang computing grades? ???? Paki explain

Sa number 1 answer is A po, DOING assessment kasi

D for number 1. It is not an assessment but an evaluation.

May I know the rightful owner of these sample questions or ask for an email address to contact?

1.A, 2.D, 3.B, 4. B, 5.D, 6.D, 7.C, 8.A, 9.C, 10.D, 11.A, 12.B, 13.B, 14.A, 15.B, 16.A, 17.B, 18.D, 19.C, 20.C, 21.B, 22.D, 23.B, 24.B, 25.B.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts essay # 1485 - success is often measured by wealth and material belongings, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, success is often measured by wealth and material belongings in modern times., do you think wealth is the best measure of success what, in your opinion, makes a person successful in life.

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  • Cannabidiol (CBD)

Will CBD Cause Me to Fail a Drug Test?

urine test

People swear they were only using 100% cannabidiol (CBD), yet they failed their drug tests anyway. But urine screenings don’t check for CBD, so how can using this cannabis compound get you in trouble?

“CBD will not cause a false positive,” says Steven Dudley, PharmD, a clinical toxicologist and director of the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center. “When people who use CBD products test positive for a cannabis or marijuana drug test, it’s linked to one thing: contamination with THC.” 

Many CBD companies tell you their products contain small amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana that gets you high. But according to Dudley, mislabeling is a big problem. As a result, THC might be in so-called 100% CBD oil or other CBD products labeled as THC-free. In fact, that’s one reason CBD is not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. High doses have caused harm to developing fetuses in animal studies. The health effects of CBD in unborn human babies is not known. 

As CBD grows in popularity, experts warn that frequent use may affect workplace drug testing for marijuana use. And while there’s no guarantee you can use a CBD product and pass a drug test, “there’s something to be said for responsible use,” Dudley says. 

There are steps you can take to lessen your exposure to THC. But first, let’s dive into the sometimes confusing world of cannabis. 

What’s the Difference Between CBD, THC, Marijuana, and Hemp?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural compound found in cannabis, including marijuana and hemp. There’s some evidence CBD may ease pain, anxiety, insomnia, and other health problems. But scientists are still researching the medical benefits of this cannabinoid.

Right now, there’s only one FDA-approved CBD drug. It’s a tightly controlled prescription medication used to treat rare types of seizures. But unregulated CBD products are widely available, from online sellers and local dispensaries to gas stations and grocery stores. 

Marijuana contains CBD, but most CBD products come from hemp. Legally speaking, hemp is any part of the cannabis plant with less than 0.3% delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (generally referred to as THC). But it’s not 0.0%, so there can be trace amounts of THC in many CBD products made from hemp.

High amounts of delta-9 THC can alter your mind and reflexes. But you can think of CBD more like you would an ibuprofen. 

“CBD is not psychoactive, and that’s its main selling point,” Dudley says. “And there is some evidence out there for its role in the inflammatory pathway and the pain process pathway, which is one of the main reasons people use it.”

How Can Using CBD Make You Fail a Drug Test? 

Companies sell CBD products with little to no THC. The problem is that you may not be able to trust that the ingredients listed on the packaging are what's in the product. 

Studies show most CBD products sold online and in stores aren't labeled accurately. While some have more or less CBD than advertised, what sets off alarm bells for experts is that some products contain THC even when labeled THC-free. 

You should note that even small amounts of legal THC can be a problem. While you’re unlikely to fail a drug test after a single use, you may be more likely to test positive if you use CBD products often (daily for weeks or months) or at high doses.

“Maybe the instructions say to use it one to three times a day, but they start using it six times a day,” says Matthew D. Krasowski, MD, PhD, chair of the College of American Pathologists Toxicology Committee. “Even though it’s not a huge amount of THC with each dose, it accumulates.”

Another thing to know is that urine drug tests check for THC metabolites – molecules that float around in the body after you break down a drug. A positive test shows that THC was in your body at some point. But it doesn’t say anything about how THC got there. 

But THC metabolites can build up over time and stick around in your body for quite a while. How long you test positive depends on how much and how often you use THC. Its metabolites commonly show up in urine tests for days to a week after a single exposure. 

If you use THC products often, “it’s definitely possible to test positive for 2 to 3 weeks,” Krasowski says. 

How To Avoid Failing a THC Drug Test While Using CBD 

Experts agree the safest choice is to stop using CBD products, at least close to your urine screening. Though not a guarantee, it’s a good idea to abstain for at least 30 days before your drug test.    

Other steps you can take include:

Try to buy THC-free products.  Look for terms like broad-spectrum, THC-free, CBD isolate, or 100% CBD. Avoid anything labeled full-spectrum, which is more likely to have trace amounts of THC. Though, with product accuracy, “you’re really rolling the dice,” Dudley says. “Until there are forced regulations, you can’t be sure what you’re getting.”

Check for a certificate of analysis (COA).  Verify that an accredited third-party lab tests the product you want to try. These labs analyze CBD products for high levels of THC and other cannabinoids and should have no link to the manufacturer. 

“The COA can be good, but it’s only reflecting what the manufacturer asks the testing laboratory to do,” Krasowski says. “And that can be misleading or presented in a way that’s not helpful to consumers. Whether that’s purposefully or sloppy is hard to say.”

Email the CBD company if you find the COA but don’t understand the results. 

Shop with a licensed dispensary . These folks may be more likely than non-licensed sellers to test the ingredients in their products and be honest with you about the results. Why? Because they run the risk of losing their license “and a ton of money” if they mislead customers, Dudley says. 

“I’m not saying there aren’t good manufacturers out there, but it certainly is the Wild West when you look at the CBD market overall,” he says. “And I think dispensaries are probably the ones who are doing the best job [regulating their products] because they have the most to lose.” 

Is Using CBD Worth the Risk?

Weigh the pros and cons of taking an unregulated supplement, and talk to your doctor about why you’re using CBD in the first place. They’ll help you find the best way to manage your medical conditions, which may include switching to more trusted treatments. 

And consider the consequences of a failed drug test. If you use CBD or want to in the future, ask yourself the following: 

  • Do you get drug tested regularly for work? 
  • Will you need to apply for a new job soon?
  • Do you have personal or secondhand exposure to marijuana? 
  • Are you pregnant and live in a state where newborns are tested for THC?
  • Are you on probation? Does your parole officer know you use CBD?
  • Will a positive THC test affect workers’ comp if you’re injured on the job?

If you use CBD and fail a drug test, there are ways to take a closer look at your results. For example, your employer (or parole officer) could order a follow-up lab test to measure the ratio of CBD to THC, which gives more info than a basic positive-negative urine drug screening. 

But urine tests are fast and cheap, and you may not get a second chance. “So, even though you can ‘prove your innocence’, you may unfairly face the consequences of a failed drug screen,” Dudley says. “Prevention really is the key.” 

Show Sources

Photo Credit: Lothar Drechsel / Getty Images

Steven Dudley, PharmD, clinical toxicologist; director, Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center.

Matthew D. Krasowski, MD, PhD, clinical professor of pathology, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine; chair, College of American Pathologists Toxicology Committee. 

JAMA : “Labeling Accuracy of Cannabidiol Extracts Sold Online.” 

JAMA Network Open : “Cannabinoid Content and Label Accuracy of Hemp-Derived Topical Products Available Online and at National Retail Stores.”

Clinical Toxicology : “Using measured cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol metabolites in urine to differentiate marijuana use from consumption of commercial cannabidiol products.” 

Journal of Analytical Toxicology : “Urinary Pharmacokinetic Profile of Cannabidiol (CBD), Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Their Metabolites following Oral and Vaporized CBD and Vaporized CBD-Dominant Cannabis Administration.” 

CDC: “CBD: What You Need to Know.” 

Antioxidants : “Antioxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol.”

Journal of Medical Toxicology : “ACMT Position statement: Interpretation of Urine or Tetrahydrocannabinol Metabolites.” 

American Family Physician : “Urine Drug Screening: A Valuable Office Procedure.”  

Michigan State University: “CBD, marijuana and hemp: What is the difference among these cannabis products, and which are legal?” 

Tinnitus and CBD

Tinnitus and CBD

Researchers are continuing to learn whether CBD may be helpful in reducing the symptoms of tinnitus. Find out more.

The Role of CBD for Depression and Anxiety

The Role of CBD for Depression and Anxiety

You’ve probably seen claims that cannabidiol (CBD) can help with anxiety and depression. But what does science have to say?

Using CBD for PTSD

Using CBD for PTSD

PTSD can cause debilitating symptoms like flashbacks and insomnia and lead to self-destructive behavior. Can CBD help? Learn what the science has to say.

Ways to Administer CBD

Ways to Administer CBD

You can take CBD as oils, sprays, lozenges, topicals, capsules, and gummies. Choose the method that works best for you and your needs.

Side Effects and Safety Concerns

Side Effects and Safety Concerns

Looking for information on CBD side effects? Read on to learn about CBD's safety profile and how to minimize any possible side effects.

essay tests best measure


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  13. Essay Exams

    Brainstorming and organizing. Turn to the last two pages of the blue book and sketch out your main idea and supporting points. Look for a central question in the prompt, and make sure the answer is clear in your thesis or main idea. Support that idea with information from the course such as names, dates, or facts, or use quotes.

  14. Essay Exams

    Essay Exams. Essay exams provide opportunities to evaluate students' reasoning skills such as the ability to compare and contrast concepts, justify a position on a topic, interpret cases from the perspective of different theories or models, evaluate a claim or assertion with evidence, design an experiment, and other higher level cognitive skills.

  15. Essay Test: The Ultimate Guide with The Best Strategies

    The 7 Steps of an Essay. Writing an essay test typically involves seven steps: Understanding the question. Brainstorming ideas. Creating an outline. Crafting a thesis statement. Writing the essay body. Formulating the conclusion. Revising and editing for clarity and conciseness.

  16. For and against standardized tests: Two student perspectives

    Again, standardized tests are a good measure of a student's achievement, the standardized tests and increased testing are a better college preparation, and the testing is not too stressful for students. Immediately, we need to call the United States Department of Education and tell them that standardized tests should be kept in schools. Sources.

  17. Writing Test Prep

    About the ACT Writing Test. The ACT writing test is a 40-minute essay test that measures your writing skills. The test consists of one writing prompt that will describe a complex issue and present three different perspectives on that issue. It is a paper-and-pencil test. You will write your essay in pencil (no mechanical pencils or ink pens) on ...

  18. The Assessment of Writing Ability: A Review of Research GREB

    Although essay tests may sample a wider range of composition skills, the variance in essay test scores can reflect such irrelevant factors as speed and fluency under time pressure or even penmanship. ... Still, there appears to be a close relationship between performance on multiple-choice and essay tests of writing ability. The best measures ...

  19. LET Reviewer Professional Education Prof. Ed.: Assessment and

    a. No, the giving of an objective test is more appropriate than the use of essay. b. No, such method of assessment is inappropriate because essay is difficult. c. Yes, essay test could measure more than what other tests could measure. d. Yes, essay test is the best in measuring any type of knowledge. 12.

  20. Woolfolk Ch. 15

    A) measure simple learning outcomes. B) measure complex learning outcomes. C) reduce grading time. D) sample a wide variety of learning outcomes. B) measure complex learning outcomes. All of the following statements are true of essay tests EXCEPT: A) Each question should give students a precise task.

  21. IELTS Essay # 1485

    Write at least 250 words. Model Answer: In contemporary society, success is oftentimes equated with financial prosperity and the possession of material assets. While wealth is undoubtedly one aspect of success, it is far from being the definitive yardstick. In my opinion, true success is multifaceted, encompassing various elements beyond ...

  22. CBD: Will It Cause Me to Fail a Drug Test?

    For example, your employer (or parole officer) could order a follow-up lab test to measure the ratio of CBD to THC, which gives more info than a basic positive-negative urine drug screening.