Public Speaking Resources

279 Demonstration Speech Topics and Ideas: A Complete Guide

Before proceeding towards the demonstration speech topic, let us know what it actually does.

Demonstration speech clarifies how to do something or how something works. Here, the objects or physical activity by the presenter is displayed.

It is also considered as one of the basic types of presentation. They are usually assigned to high school and college students.

This type of speech is popular in commercial and other adult training surroundings. They are among the most widespread speech.

A demonstration speech is a kind of informative speech. The primary purpose of the presenter is to teach the audience about the task or the procedures in steps.

Due to its popularity, the presenter must present the demonstration speech decisively. The key purpose of Demonstration speech is to develop skills in expository speaking.

It also helps to present a process or steps using objects or physical activity.

  • Argumentative Speech Topics and ideas: A Complete Guide
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Yet, most of you might not know the basics to deliver an effective demonstration speech. If you count on the one, this article is especially dedicated to you.

Through this article, I will present demonstration speech topics along with some effective tips.

When you have selected the demonstration speech topic, make an attractive and effective starting. It is better to start with an introduction.

Follow these steps for better consequence:

  • Give short description about the topic you are going to present
  • Why you decide to present on the topic
  • Why your listeners should understand how to do it. Give them a sneak glance of a few paybacks.
  • Tell them that they are going to do it themselves after sometimes. This is the only thing your audience have to do is pursue your directions.

Table of Contents

1. Start with why

4. give a brief summary of the complete process, 3. go through the steps, one-by-one, 4. talk about preferences, extras, or variation, 5. allocate time for queries, 6. summarize briefly, 1. try to get audience members doing it, 2. visuals lead a demonstration speech, 3. expand your demonstration with follow-up resources., some rules for presenting demonstration speech, informative demonstration speech topics:, specific demonstration speech topics:, tech-related demonstration speech topics:, hobby-related demonstration speech topics:, fashion-related demonstration speech topics:, household-related demonstration speech topics:, demonstration speech topics for students:, demonstration speech topics for business:, funny demonstration speech topics:, demonstration speech topics for health/fitness:, conclusions, outline of demonstration speech.

There are different methods to present a demonstration speech. Some of them are listed below:

A demonstration speech deals with training the audience to carry out a task or the whole process. Just as with any instructive task, it can become helpful when your audience is motivated to learn.

It is a must to tell your audience how they get to benefit from the knowledge you are about to present. When your audience knows the reason behind learning a new task, they desire to learn.

There are different ways to encourage your audience. Yet, one of the best ways is to start the speech with a why or some motivational stories. Draw an image of how their life improves with the new knowledge.  

Earlier than you dive into the information, give an overview of the general process. An advanced outline of the steps implicated makes audiences understand the benefit of speech.

While learning a new task, some of your audience will fear that it is difficult. An early outline ensures your audience that it is not too difficult.

When you do not provide a brief, it’s complicated for your audience to understand the steps. 

The audience won’t have the essential framework. An ideal way to show the outline is a figure explaining the steps of the task at a high level.

Together with the outline, you can list the basic needs of the task, and any assumptions you are making.

For an instance, for a speech on how to format the computer, explain with images. You can also use screenshots here to make them clear.

One of the finest things about a demonstration speech is the core of your overview that is set for you. Here, you only need to endure the steps of the task in order.

Better make the sequence of steps as easy as possible. Break down the process into important steps and make your audience understand clearly.

Now, your audience has noticed the task or procedure presented from start to end. Better provide some extra options or variations.

For an instance, you are presenting on how to cook chicken. Start with the necessary description at first. After that, discuss alternate ingredients, various flavors, and other ways to cook chicken. This makes your speech interesting.

Taking queries from the audience and answering them is compatible for a demonstration speech. This lets the audience look for an explanation on any of the steps which they do not understand. Relevant to the topic and circumstances, you can decide to take questions at the end.

At last, you should summarize the procedure in brief, and review the advantages. This lets your audience know the benefits of performing a similar task.

Best Ways to Elevate Your Demonstration Speech

Below is the list of best tips on how to elevate your demonstration speech:

Your preference for audience participation is often determined by how long your presentation is.

It also includes the setting in which the expression takes place. The accessibility of supplies can be shared by the audiences as well. It will be great if you get the audience to participate in the presentation.

Every demonstration speech gets better with appropriate visuals to follow your demonstration and procedures.

For an instance, for the speech on swimming, keep different relevant images. This gives audiences an idea to swim knowing the procedures.

Find here some options:

  • Your body plays a significant role – For physical task speech like playing a football, your body plays a significant role. You can express each of the steps to enhance the demonstration.
  • Physical support gives the real experience – There are two different types of support and they are real and models. Real support is the actual objects used while presenting the task. Models are the fake version of the real object and scaled-down version.
  • Utilize images as much as possible – When your body and physical support are not enough, use images as much as possible. When you do this, it helps to engross yourself in the images to alive the action that would be implicated.

Any type of images you prefer, make sure your audience can see them with ease. If they cannot see your images they might not understand your speech as well.

A single presentation may not be enough to guarantee your audiences gained the knowledge. To get a better result, provide resources they can use after the demonstration is over.

This covers:

  • Internet, books, pamphlets, or other specialist sources. They can ask for deeper information or high-quality training.
  • Handout the steps, and diagrams or images to prove key details.
  • Give contact information. So that your audience can contact in the future as they try to apply the knowledge you have presented.
  • The speech you present should be original by the applicant.
  • Objects or physical activity by the presenter should be displayed.
  • Presentations will take place in a normal-sized room. A table or desk will be supplied. All visual aids, property, and tools are to be supplied by the presenter.
  • This category excludes the use of property or tools. This comprises, but not imperfect too, weapon, sharp knives, unsafe chemicals, and animals.
  • Only one person should be used to help out the presenter. They can help as the object of the demonstration. They can also set up or handle the equipment. It is permissible for the assistant to be both an object of expression and to assist with equipment.
  • The highest time limit ion of the speech is 10 minutes, counting set up and strikes down. A 30 second is allowed, after which one point will be reduced from the assessment item coping with the rate.

Some Demonstration Speech Topics:

Demonstration Speech Topics and Ideas

  • How to Get the best airfare
  • How to Work with a travel agent
  • How to become the prime minister
  • How to become a pilot
  • How to Pack a suitcase
  • How to Travel and Leisure
  • How to landscape your front yard on a limited budget
  • How to read a map
  • How to print a digital photo
  • How to use oven
  • How to set and splint a broken leg (when medical help is not available)
  • How to drive a car
  • How to prevent injury
  • How to calculate a mortgage payment
  • How to register for voting
  • How to tie a knot
  • How to clean running shoes
  • Give a baby a bath
  • Change a diaper (think about baby safety too)
  • Read and understand nutrition labels
  • How to avoid identity theft
  • How to play poker
  • How to make beads
  • How to make an ice sculpture
  • How to make a bird feeder
  • How to attract hummingbirds to your garden
  • How to whistle
  • How to make your garden full of flowers year round
  • How to fix a flat tire
  • How to create a Halloween mask
  • How to clean your car
  • How to cash a blank cheque
  • How to Save electricity and save money
  • How to Save auto fuel and money
  • How to Buying a fuel-efficient car
  • How to Save Money
  • How to taste wine
  • How to organize a surprise party
  • How to clean your swimming pool
  • How to clean your golf clubs
  • How to make a new candle of old ones
  • How to organize your wedding
  • How to make a water-colour
  • How to build a shed
  • How to find a public speaking program that works
  • How to become a good actress
  • How to become a famous film star
  • How to write a film script
  • How to stop thinking
  • How to write a business-like letter
  • How to train your brains
  • How to greet Japanese people
  • How to become a policeman
  • How to climb a building
  • How to make a dancing show
  • How to become the president
  • How to be in the chair in a meeting
  • How to start Green Commuting
  • How to board in sand
  • How to ride bicycle
  • How to paint a room
  • How to swim
  • How to draw a house
  • How to play chess
  • How to clean golf clubs
  • How to clean shoes
  • How to wash and wax a car
  • How to plan a party
  • How to arrange flowers
  • How to wrap a present
  • How to build a sled
  • How to Decorate a cake
  • How to make a paper aeroplane
  • How to juggle
  • How to iron a shirt
  • How to paint a table
  • How to decorate a Christmas tree
  • How to Install a dimmer switch for a light (not for fluorescent lights)
  • How to Install a car stereo
  • How to make garden stepping stones
  • How to feed a snake
  • How to make a fishing lure
  • How to detect if someone is lying
  • How to develop the best serve in a tennis game
  • How to knot a carpet
  • How to make honey
  • How to blow a glass
  • How to use the cruise control
  • How to make a genealogical tree
  • How to Make a hydrogen supplemental fuel cell
  • How to calculate your golf handicap
  • How to make a golf swing
  • How to find the best health insurance
  • How to find the best car insurance value
  • How to calculate wallpaper
  • How to build a go-cart
  • How to clean silver
  • How do bulletproof vests work?
  • How do airbags work?
  • What can duct tape be used for?
  • How to create an animated character
  • How to become an empath
  • How to format computer
  • How to Program your cell phone
  • How to Download or upload files on the computer
  • How to Build a good website
  • How to Build a website
  • How to Set up an e-mail account
  • How to set up a blog
  • How to install a WordPress theme
  • How to create an iPhone application
  • How to upgrade the memory in your computer
  • How to remove scratches from DVD’s
  • How to make a foxhole radio
  • How to play a computer game
  • How to send an email
  • How to play an online games
  • How to use linkedin
  • How to live a more private online life
  • How to play clash of clan
  • How to use a cell phone
  • How to text a message
  • How to bottle your own wine
  • How make a sweet lassi
  • How to make an ice-cream
  • How to pick a color and understand the color palette
  • How to Grow a herbal garden
  • How to dance
  • How to do card tricks
  • How to make sushi
  • How to ride a unicycle
  • How to do magic tricks
  •      How to knit/crochet
  • How to decorate a cake
  • How to Grow and prune a bonsai tree
  • How to throw a ball
  • How to Play a video game to win
  • How to make your own soap
  • How to make candles
  • How to play football
  • How to use a DSLR camera
  • How to create a worm farm
  • How to do graffiti
  • How to do poi spinning
  • How to do origami
  • How to take a picture with a digital camera
  • How to paint an egg
  • How to write a limerick
  • How to line dance
  • How to compose a photograph
  • How to swim the backstroke
  • How to pick locks
  • How to edit a video
  • How to dance a certain dance
  • How to solve a Rubik’s cube
  • How to make a pop-up card
  • How to make animals out of balloons
  • How to make paper Mache figures
  • How to speak Italian
  • How to make stained glass objects
  • How to beatbox
  • How to raise tadpoles
  • How to read music notes
  • How to learn playing guitar
  • How to use your breath when you sing
  • How to make beer
  • How to play piano
  • How to make a cocktail
  • How to bowl
  • How to read music
  • How to lay a table
  • How to waltz
  • How to perform a card trick
  • How to Apply acrylic fingernails
  • How to Manicure your own fingernails
  • How to Manicure someone’s fingernails
  • How to Polish your shoes
  • How to Accessorize with the clothes your wear
  • How to Coordinate clothes for any occasion
  • How to frost hair
  • How to make your own jewellery
  • How to apply hair dye to your hair
  • How to apply a permanent to someone’s hair
  • How to braid cornrows
  • How to braid hair (had to do this in nursing school)
  • How to dry your hair properly
  • How to clean brush your teeth (back it up with scientific research)
  • How to put on makeup
  • How to trim a bonsai tree
  • How to trim your moustache
  • How to wrinkle a skirt
  • How to do braids
  • How to use scarves on your head, neck, body
  • How to tie a tie
  • How to make your own wedding dress
  • How to dress like a princess
  • How to become a princess
  • How to fold a skirt
  • How to apply face paint
  • How to Set a formal dinner table
  • How to Choose a bottle of wine for dinner
  • How to open a can peaches
  • How to carve a pumpkin
  • How to Plan a vegetarian meal
  • How to Frost and decorate a cake
  • How to Make a fast summer salad
  • How to Make Barbecue sauce
  • How to Make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • How to make a sweet dessert
  • How to make ice
  • How to Make a root beer float
  • How to Make an omelette
  • How to Make pancakes
  • How to Make Ice cream
  • How to Tenderize meat
  • How to Make a subway sandwich
  • How to Plan an eight course meal
  • How to make peanut butter bars
  • How to make chicken chilli
  • How to Bake cookies
  • How to Make devilled eggs
  • How to Bake a cake
  • How to Stuff a turkey
  • How to Make fudge
  • How to bake a pie (or anything else you like / know how to cook)
  • How to be a vegetarian
  • How to eat oysters
  • How to Make your own jelly
  • How to Eat with chopsticks
  • How to make burgers
  • How to make Irish Coffee
  • How to make a fast summer salad
  • How to Save water at home
  • How to Recycle at home
  • How to Build Green
  • How to Save energy at home
  • How to Grow your own garden
  • How to change a plug
  • How to mend a fuse
  • How to Create a PowerPoint presentation
  • How to write a resume
  • How to be a model student
  • How to do well on standardized tests
  • How to deliver an informative speech
  • How to do proper time management
  • How to socialize with more people
  • How to balance work and school
  • How to find a part-time job
  • How to write a college essay
  • How to give a presentation
  • How to organize an event
  • How to start a bed & breakfast
  • How to hire the right people
  • How to sell yourself
  • How to effectively close any client
  • How to network well
  • How to create a business plan that works
  • How to make the most of working from home
  • How to do nothing for a living
  • How to live an anti-social life
  • How to make your ex jealous
  • How to get more presents on your birthday
  • How to deliver a speech with a handover
  • How to scramble together a last-minute presentation
  • How to lose your belly fat
  • How to do yoga
  • How to stretch before working out
  • How to kick box
  • 5 minute workouts to keep you fit
  • How to perform tai chi
  • How to plan your diet
  • How to snowboard
  • How to manage stress
  • How to check your blood pressure
  • How to check your blood sugar
  • How to train for a marathon

The demonstrative speech topics and ideas presented above should help you get started with your demonstrative speech and deliver a powerful speech. Let me know what you think about this article by commenting below.

easy things to make for a demonstration speech

10 Killer Demonstration Speech Ideas to Wow Your Audience

  • The Speaker Lab
  • May 15, 2024

Table of Contents

No matter whether you’re hitting the books, climbing the corporate ladder, or just keen on boosting your way with words, mastering a killer demonstration speech can really change the game. In this article, we’ll introduce you to 10 outstanding demonstration speech topics. Each one is designed not just to impress but also create moments your audience won’t forget anytime soon.

But what exactly is a demonstration speech? Simply put, it’s a type of informative speech that teaches your audience how to do something step by step. From mastering a new skill to understanding a complex process, demonstration speeches are all about breaking things down in an easy-to-follow manner. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can become a demonstration speech pro!

10 Great Demonstration Speech Ideas

If you’re looking for some engaging demonstration speech topics, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re a high school student or a seasoned public speaker, these ideas will get your creative juices flowing. Let’s take a look.

  • How to make a perfect cup of coffee
  • The art of folding origami
  • Mastering the perfect golf swing
  • Creating a delicious summer salad
  • Tips for taking better photos with your cell phone
  • The science behind paper airplanes
  • Protecting yourself from identity theft
  • Choosing the right running shoes for your feet
  • DIY hair dye techniques
  • How to complete some basic yoga exercises

Remember, the key to a great demonstration speech is to choose a topic that you’re passionate about and that will engage your audience. Whether you’re demonstrating a practical skill or sharing a fun hobby, your enthusiasm will shine through and make your speech a hit.

So go ahead and pick a topic that speaks to you. With a little creativity and preparation, you’ll be ready to wow your audience and deliver a demonstration speech that’s both informative and entertaining.

What Is a Demonstration Speech?

If you’ve ever watched a TED Talk or attended a conference, chances are you’ve seen a demonstration speech in action. A demonstration speech is a type of informative speech that walks the audience through a process or task, step by step.

The goal? To teach the audience how to do something new, whether it’s making a recipe, using a product, or mastering a skill. Demonstration speeches are all about breaking down complex ideas into easy-to-follow steps, using visual aids like props, charts, and videos to drive the message home.

Benefits of Giving a Demonstration Speech

So why give a demonstration speech? For starters, it’s a fantastic way to share your expertise and help others learn something valuable. But the benefits don’t stop there. Just imagine doing the following:

  • Showing the members of your team how to navigate new software
  • Teaching students how to perform a procedure, solve a problem or use a piece of equipment
  • Highlighting the benefits of using a product for your target audience
  • Proving the effectiveness of a procedure or product in comparison to another
  • Pitching a sellable good or service for production or investment to company leaders and other decision-makers

Whether you’re in sales, education, or leadership, being able to clearly explain and demonstrate ideas is a valuable skill that can open up new opportunities and help you make a real impact.

How to Give a Demonstration Speech

Ready to dive in? Here are a few tips for giving a killer demonstration speech:

  • Choose a topic you’re passionate about and know inside out. Your enthusiasm will be contagious.
  • Break the process down into clear, logical steps. Think about what your audience needs to know and in what order.
  • Use visual aids to clarify and reinforce your message. Props, images, and videos can make abstract ideas concrete.
  • Practice, practice, practice. The more comfortable you are with your material, the more engaging and natural your delivery will be.
  • Engage your audience by asking questions, encouraging participation, and leaving time for Q&A. Make it a conversation, not a lecture.

Remember, a great demonstration speech is all about empowering your audience with new knowledge and skills. So don’t just tell them—show them how it’s done.

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Choosing a Demonstration Speech Topic

Now that you know the power of a great demonstration speech, you might be wondering: what should I talk about? The possibilities are endless, but the key is to choose a topic that you’re passionate about and that will resonate with your audience.

Your Interests

First and foremost, your demonstration speech topic should be something you’re genuinely interested in and excited to share with others. After all, if you’re not passionate about the subject, how can you expect your audience to be?

Think about your hobbies, skills, and areas of expertise. What do you love to do in your free time? What are you known for among your friends and family? Chances are, there’s a demonstration speech topic hiding in there somewhere.

Time Constraint

Of course, passion alone isn’t enough. You also need to consider the practical constraints of your speech, like time. How much time do you have to prepare and deliver your demonstration? If you only have a few minutes, you’ll want to choose a topic that can be explained concisely, with a few key steps or takeaways. If you have more time, you can dive deeper into the details and nuances of your subject.

Audience Engagement

Finally, think about what will engage and benefit your audience. What problems are they trying to solve? What skills do they need to learn? In addition, what interests and values do they share?

The best demonstration speech topics are those that are both personally meaningful to you and relevant to your audience. So don’t be afraid to get creative and think outside the box. Whether you’re teaching your coworkers how to use a new software program or showing your friends how to make your famous chili recipe, the key is to choose a topic that you’re excited about and that will leave your audience feeling inspired and empowered.

How to Structure Your Demonstration Speech

You’ve chosen your demonstration speech topic, and you’re ready to start preparing. But how do you even plan a demonstration speech? The key is structure. Structuring your speech is key to delivering a clear, engaging presentation that your audience will remember. Consider the following steps as you outline your speech.

Begin with “Why”

Before you dive into the details of your demonstration, take a moment to explain why your topic matters. What problem does it solve? How will it benefit your audience? By starting with the “why,” you’ll capture your listeners’ attention and make them eager to learn more.

Outline the Process

Once you’ve established the importance of your topic, it’s time to outline the process you’ll be demonstrating. Break it down into clear, logical steps that your audience can follow along with. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms that might confuse your listeners. Alternatively, choose just one or two terms that you can explain briefly without having to go too in-depth.

Progress Through Each Step

As you move through your demonstration, take your time and explain each step thoroughly. Use visual aids like props, diagrams, or slides to help illustrate your points. And don’t be afraid to pause and check in with your audience to make sure they’re following along.

Invite Questions

After you’ve completed your demonstration, open the floor for questions. This is a great opportunity to engage with your audience and clarify any points that may have been unclear. Be prepared to answer questions thoughtfully and provide additional resources if needed.

Summarize and Conclude

Finally, wrap up your speech by summarizing the key points you covered and reiterating the importance of your topic. Leave your audience with a clear call to action, whether it’s to try out the skill you demonstrated or to learn more about the subject.

By following this simple structure, you’ll be well on your way to delivering a polished, effective demonstration speech. Remember to practice, stay focused, and have fun, and your passion and enthusiasm are sure to shine through.

Tips for Delivering an Effective Demonstration Speech

You’ve picked your demonstration speech topic, outlined the key points, and practiced your delivery. However, there are still a few more things you can do to really make your speech shine. Engaging your audience, for instance, and delivering a memorable, impactful presentation are two great ways to really drive your speech home.

Use Visuals to Guide Your Speech

Visual aids are an essential element of any great demonstration speech. They help illustrate your points, break up the monotony of straight talking, and give your audience something to focus on. But don’t just throw together a bunch of random images and call it a day. Your visuals should be carefully chosen to support and enhance your message.

Start by considering what type of visual aid would work best for your topic. Are you demonstrating a step-by-step process? A series of photos or diagrams might be the way to go. Explaining a complex concept? An infographic or chart could help simplify things. Trying to evoke an emotional response? A short video clip might do the trick.

Whatever you choose, make sure your visuals are high-quality, easy to see and understand, and flow logically with your speech. Practice integrating them smoothly into your presentation so they feel like a natural part of your talk, not an awkward interruption.

Engage Your Audience

No one wants to sit through a dry, boring lecture. To keep your audience interested and invested, you need to actively engage them throughout your speech. One simple way to do this is by asking questions. Pose a thought-provoking query at the beginning to get them thinking, or ask for a show of hands to gauge their experience with your topic.

You can also use humor, storytelling, and real-life examples to make your speech more relatable and memorable. Share a funny anecdote about a time you struggled with the task you’re demonstrating, or explain how this skill helped you succeed in a challenging situation. The more your audience can see themselves in your speech, the more engaged they’ll be.

Provide Additional Resources

Your speech is just the beginning. To truly empower your audience to put your teachings into practice, provide them with additional resources they can refer to later. This might include a handout with key takeaways and step-by-step instructions, a list of recommended tools or products, or links to helpful articles or videos.

You can also invite your audience to connect with you after the speech if they have additional questions or want to learn more. Provide your contact information or social media handles, and encourage them to reach out. By offering ongoing support and resources, you show that you’re truly invested in their success.

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Demonstration Speech Topics for Specific Settings

Now that you know how to choose and deliver a great demonstration speech topic, let’s explore some specific ideas for different settings. Whether you’re speaking in a business meeting, a classroom, or a community event, there’s a perfect topic out there for you.

Business Topics

Demonstration speeches are a common fixture in many business settings, from team meetings to industry conferences. These talks tend to focus on practical skills and strategies that can help attendees do their jobs better or advance their careers. Some potential topics include:

  • How to use a new software program or tool
  • Tips for effective time management and productivity
  • Strategies for networking and building professional relationships
  • Techniques for delivering persuasive presentations or sales pitches
  • Best practices for remote teamwork and communication

When choosing a business-related demonstration speech topic, consider your audience’s needs and goals. What challenges are they facing in their work? What skills or knowledge would help them succeed? By addressing these questions, you can deliver a talk that’s truly valuable and relevant to your listeners.

Health and Fitness Topics

Health and fitness are popular subjects for demonstration speeches, as many people are eager to learn new ways to improve their physical and mental wellbeing. These talks can range from practical how-tos to more inspirational and motivational content. Some ideas to consider:

  • Demonstrating proper form for common exercises like squats or push-ups
  • Sharing healthy meal prep ideas and recipes
  • Teaching stress-reduction techniques like meditation or deep breathing
  • Offering tips for staying motivated and consistent with a fitness routine
  • Exploring the benefits of alternative therapies like acupuncture or massage

When giving a health or fitness-related speech, it’s important to remember that everyone’s needs and abilities are different. Avoid making blanket statements or promises, and always encourage your audience to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new regimen.

Student-Friendly Topics

Demonstration speeches are a great way for students to practice their public speaking skills while sharing knowledge with their peers. These talks can cover a wide range of subjects, from academic skills to personal hobbies and interests. Here are a few ideas:

  • How to create an effective study schedule and stick to it
  • Tips for researching and writing a great paper
  • Strategies for managing stress and anxiety during exams
  • Demonstrating a favorite art or craft project
  • Teaching a useful life skill like basic car maintenance or sewing

When choosing a topic for a student demonstration speech, consider what would be most useful and engaging for your classmates. What skills or knowledge do you have that others might benefit from? What topics are currently relevant or interesting to your peer group? By selecting a subject that resonates with your audience, you’ll be more likely to deliver an impactful and memorable speech.

FAQs on Demonstration Speeches

What is a demonstration speech.

A demo speech shows how to do something. It guides the audience through the steps, making complex tasks simple.

What does demonstrate speech mean?

Demonstrate speech means using words and visuals to teach or show how a process works from start to finish.

What can I demonstrate in 5 minutes?

In 5 minutes, you could teach someone basic origami, mix a cocktail, or even change a tire—quick skills work best.

Which of the following is an example of a demonstration speech?

An example would be showing how to prepare your favorite summer salad step by step in front of an audience.

Nailing an impressive demo speech means finding a subject that lights up your crowd, laying out each step in simple terms, and presenting everything with energy and confidence. By following the tips and ideas we’ve explored, you’ll be well on your way to creating a memorable and impactful demonstration speech.

If you’re still feeling nervous, just remember—sharpening your skills takes consistent effort. The more you hone your demonstration speech skills, the more natural and effective your delivery will become. So jump on in, the world’s waiting for what you’ve got to say.

  • Last Updated: May 9, 2024

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150 Interesting and Unique Demonstration Speech ideas

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A demonstration speech aims to teach an audience how to complete a task. It’s a type of presentation where you demonstrate a process or teach a skill to an audience. Students are often assigned demonstration speeches to improve their communication and presentation skills.

Need help to find a good idea for your demonstration speech? We’ve got plenty of them here in this blog post. Ensure you read it all the way through to get the most out of it.

Table of Contents

How to Choose a Demonstration Speech Idea?

The important stage of choosing a good demonstration speech idea is considering your audience. Think about what may intrigue them and ensure it’s something relevant. Here are some tips from  professional paper help  providers to get you started:

Brainstorm ideas

Write down anything that pops into your head. It could be sports, arts, life skills, or anything else. Then pick a few that you have the most knowledge in.

Narrow Down Your Options

Go over your list and take out any topics that might be too hard. Stick with the topics you can show in a reasonable amount of time.

Research Your Options

Once you’ve whittled down the topics, do some digging to get the facts. Get your hands on some dependable sources, like books, articles, or websites, so that you can give a thorough presentation.

Engage your Audience

Pick a topic that your audience will find both captivating and exciting. Think of fun, unexpected elements you could add, like humor or something interactive, that can make your speech stand out.

Consider the Educational Value

Your presentation should have something valuable to offer your audience. Ensure it’s an informative topic that teaches a skill and has practical applications they can use in real life.

Practice and Refine

Once you’ve picked your idea for a demonstration speech, practice it many times so you’re confident with the material and the demo. Tweak your speech and make changes if you need to make it clearer and smoother.

Now. Let’s explore the list of amazing demonstration speech ideas.

Unique Demonstration Speech Ideas

  • How to create a personalized gratitude jar
  • The art of making homemade scented candles
  • Quick and easy meal prep for busy weekdays
  • DIY natural skincare products using kitchen ingredients
  • The art of flower arranging for special occasions
  • How to master basic calligraphy techniques
  • Creating your mini herb garden indoors
  • Simple steps to make your eco-friendly cleaning products
  • The Secrets of brewing the perfect cup of coffee
  • Creating a stylish and organized capsule wardrobe
  • Mastering the art of basic origami folds
  • How to create a stunning floral centerpiece
  • Quick and healthy smoothie recipes for a busy lifestyle
  • The art of making homemade bath bombs
  • Creating your custom-designed T-shirts
  • The basics of self-defense techniques for personal safety
  • How to properly apply natural makeup for a fresh look
  • Essential tips for effective time management
  • Creating a budget-friendly home office setup
  • The art of making homemade pizza from scratch

Demonstration Speech Ideas High School

  • How to tie a basic necktie knot
  • The art of folding a paper airplane
  • Creating a simple fruit salad
  • How to make a classic grilled cheese sandwich
  • Quick and easy steps to make a paper crane
  • The basics of juggling with three balls
  • How to do a basic card trick
  • Creating a DIY face mask using household ingredients
  • The art of making a basic origami fortune teller
  • How to make a refreshing lemonade from scratch
  • Quick and easy steps to wrap a gift elegantly
  • Creating a simple and stylish flower arrangement
  • The art of creating a basic pencil sketch
  • How to make a DIY bookmark using decorative paper
  • Quick and easy steps to fold a paper napkin into a fancy shape
  • The basics of solving a Rubik’s Cube
  • How to make a delicious chocolate mug cake in minutes
  • Creating a DIY terrarium with succulent plants

Good Demonstration Speech Topics

  • The art of creating a mesmerizing acrylic pour painting
  • How to make homemade organic soap with unique scents
  • Creating a DIY mini-indoor garden using recycled materials
  • The process of creating a captivating stop-motion animation
  • How to create a stunning layered dessert parfait
  • The art of creating a beautiful hand-lettered quote on canvas
  • DIY techniques for transforming old clothes into trendy fashion pieces
  • How to make a personalized photo album using scrapbooking techniques
  • Creating a homemade natural facial mask with exotic ingredients
  • The process of making artisanal bread from scratch
  • How to design and assemble a custom-built computer
  • Creating a unique and stylish terrazzo-inspired resin art piece
  • The art of creating a custom-designed website using website builders
  • DIY techniques for upcycling glass bottles into decorative vases
  • How to create a delicious and visually appealing charcuterie board
  • The process of making homemade gourmet chocolates with various fillings
  • Creating a mesmerizing light painting using long-exposure photography
  • How to design and sew your eco-friendly tote bag
  • The art of creating intricate paper quilling designs
  • DIY techniques for transforming a plain room into a vibrant and stylish space

Captivating How to Demonstrative Speech Ideas

  • How to effectively manage your time and increase productivity
  • How to write a cover letter for seeking job
  • How to prepare and deliver a persuasive speech
  • How to perform basic car maintenance and troubleshooting
  • How to start your own successful online business
  • How to apply professional makeup for special occasions
  • How to create a budget and manage personal finances
  • How to develop effective study habits for academic success
  • How to navigate and utilize social media for personal branding
  • How to make homemade pasta from scratch
  • How to meditate for relaxation and stress relief
  • How to grow your own organic vegetable garden
  • How to play basic guitar chords and strumming patterns
  • How to perform basic first aid techniques for common injuries
  • How to cook a nutritious and delicious meal in under 30 minutes
  • How to change a flat tire on a car
  • How to write a  narrative essay
  • How to effectively negotiate and communicate in a professional setting
  • How to develop and maintain a healthy exercise routine
  • How to create a visually appealing presentation using PowerPoint
  • How to plan and execute a successful event or party

Easy Demonstration Speech Ideas on Food

  • How to make a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • The art of brewing the perfect cup of coffee
  • How to make fluffy scrambled eggs in minutes
  • Creating a refreshing and colorful fruit salad
  • How to prepare a simple and delicious guacamole dip
  • The process of making a crispy homemade pizza
  • How to cook a mouthwatering steak on a stovetop
  • Creating a flavorful and nutritious green smoothie
  • How to make a creamy and comforting bowl of mashed potatoes
  • The art of creating a homemade salsa with fresh ingredients
  • How to bake soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies
  • Creating a refreshing and tangy lemonade from scratch
  • How to make a flavorful homemade tomato sauce for pasta
  • The process of making a fluffy and light pancake stack
  • How to cook a perfect and juicy grilled chicken breast
  • Creating a creamy and indulgent chocolate mousse dessert
  • How to assemble a delicious and colorful veggie wrap
  • The art of making a flavorful and aromatic cup of tea
  • How to prepare a crunchy and satisfying homemade Caesar salad
  • Creating a mouthwatering and cheesy baked macaroni and cheese dish

Demonstration Speech Examples (Topics) on Marketing

  • How to create an effective social media marketing strategy
  • The process of conducting market research for a new product
  • How to optimize a website for search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Creating engaging content for a successful content marketing campaign
  • How to develop a compelling brand identity and logo design
  • The art of creating persuasive advertising copywriting
  • How to implement email marketing campaigns for customer engagement
  • Creating a successful influencer marketing campaign
  • How to use data analytics to track and optimize marketing performance
  • The process of designing and launching a mobile app for marketing purposes
  • How to leverage video marketing to engage and captivate your audience
  • Creating an effective customer loyalty program to drive repeat business
  • How to implement effective affiliate marketing strategies
  • The art of creating visually appealing and impactful marketing materials
  • How to plan and execute a successful product launch event
  • Creating an engaging and interactive user experience (UX) on a website
  • How to utilize storytelling techniques in marketing campaigns
  • The process of setting up and managing a successful Google Ads campaign
  • How to develop and implement a successful influencer partnership program
  • Creating an effective lead generation strategy to grow your customer base

Funny Ideas for Demonstration Speech

  • How to make a gourmet sandwich that looks incredible but tastes terrible
  • The art of creating a perfectly imperfect DIY hairstyle
  • How to fold a fitted bed sheet into an unrecognizable mess
  • The process of attempting to walk in high heels like a pro
  • How to prepare a “culinary masterpiece” using only microwaveable meals
  • Creating a DIY craft project that ends up looking like a kindergarten art project
  • How to attempt a yoga pose that looks graceful but ends up in a hilarious fail
  • The art of imitating celebrity impressions (with humorous outcomes)
  • How to make a healthy smoothie that tastes absolutely awful
  • Attempting to break a world record for the most failed attempts at a simple task
  • The process of attempting to dance like a professional without any coordination
  • How to create a DIY fashion trend that is intentionally bizarre and unconventional
  • The art of creating a failed magic trick with predictable and comedic outcomes
  • How to organize a cluttered room most messily and chaotically possible
  • Attempting to learn a new language in a ridiculously short amount of time (with humorous mistakes)
  • The process of attempting to bake a cake without any baking skills or knowledge
  • How to give yourself a “professional” haircut that ends up looking hilariously uneven
  • Creating a “gourmet” dish using unconventional and strange food combinations
  • How to attempt extreme sports or activities with amusing and clumsy results
  • The art of telling funny and cheesy jokes that elicit groans instead of laughter

Hopefully, you have now shortlisted a topic or two for your demonstration speech. Be it the food, marketing, or crafts you are in, our lists of demonstrative speech topics have many ideas to get you started. Remember, it’s not about choosing a topic only, but it’s more about captivating your audience.

Moreover, if you still need help with demonstration speech ideas,  order now  so our experts can be at your service right away.

What is an example of a demonstration speech?

The two simplest examples of demonstration speech are:

  • Teaching the audience how to make a simple origami crane.
  • Explaining the steps to perform basic CPR on someone needing emergency assistance.

How do you introduce a demonstration speech?

What is a demonstration speech.

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Unlock 200+ Powerful Demonstration Speech Ideas & Topics

Demonstration speeches uniquely blend teaching and storytelling, guiding the audience through a process or task. The right topic can elevate an ordinary presentation into a memorable experience. In this article, we explore the art of demonstration speech, offering a wealth of ideas and practical advice for informative and engaging presentations. Our extensive collection of demonstration speech ideas and topics is designed to inspire speakers at all levels. From straightforward how-tos to more complex processes, we provide the tools needed to captivate your audience with clarity and creativity. Choosing the perfect topic is the first step toward a successful presentation, whether your goal is to educate, entertain, or inspire.

Understanding Demonstration Speech

What is a demonstration speech.

At its core, a demonstration speech is an informative speech aimed at teaching the audience how to perform a task or explaining how something works. Through a step-by-step approach, the speaker demystifies complex processes, making them accessible and understandable.

Why are Demonstration Speeches Important?

Demonstration speeches play a crucial role in educational settings, workshops, and various learning environments. They not only impart knowledge but also boost the speaker’s credibility and engage the audience in an interactive learning process.

Selecting Your Topic

How to choose the right topic .

The key to a successful demonstration speech lies in selecting a topic that is both interesting to you and relevant to your audience. Consider your expertise, the audience’s interests, and the practicality of demonstrating the topic within your constraints.

Ideas for Various Audiences

Whether you’re addressing students, professionals, or hobbyists, there’s a wealth of topics to choose from. From cooking recipes and tech tutorials to craft projects and fitness routines, the possibilities are endless.

Easy Demonstration Speech Ideas

Ideal for beginners or those looking for simple and straightforward demonstrations. These topics cover basic skills and tasks that can be easily followed and executed by anyone, regardless of experience level.

  • How to make a perfect cup of tea
  • Basic yoga poses for beginners
  • The essentials of email etiquette
  • How to change a flat tire
  • Organizing your closet efficiently
  • Preparing a simple and healthy breakfast
  • The basics of personal finance management
  • How to write a professional email
  • Creating a daily exercise routine
  • The art of making homemade lemonade
  • Planting and caring for a houseplant
  • How to iron clothes properly
  • Setting up a basic home network
  • Packing a suitcase efficiently for travel
  • Basic mindfulness and meditation techniques

Interesting Demonstration Speech Ideas

Captivate your audience with topics that are both engaging and unusual. These ideas are designed to spark curiosity and offer a unique perspective on common activities or introduce new, fascinating subjects.

  • The science behind soap making
  • How to read music notes for beginners
  • Brewing the perfect cup of specialty coffee
  • DIY natural household cleaners
  • The process of aging whiskey
  • Introduction to urban beekeeping
  • Crafting artisanal bread at home
  • The art of glassblowing basics
  • Making your own cheese
  • How to start a podcast from scratch
  • Building a simple robot at home
  • The basics of aerial photography with drones
  • Creating a vertical garden
  • Basics of astrophotography
  • How to write in shorthand

Best Demonstration Speech Topics

A curated list of the most popular and impactful demonstration speech topics. These are proven to resonate well with a broad audience, offering valuable knowledge or skills that have a wide appeal.

  • Effective time management strategies
  • Tips for a successful job interview
  • How to create a captivating presentation
  • Basics of self-defense
  • Essential cooking techniques everyone should know
  • How to start investing in stocks
  • Crafting a compelling resume
  • The fundamentals of digital marketing
  • Effective study techniques for students
  • How to plan a sustainable garden
  • Basic car maintenance everyone should know
  • Creating a personal brand online
  • How to start a small business
  • Learning basic sign language
  • How to create and stick to a budget

Creative Demonstration Speech Ideas

Unleash your creativity with these artistic and innovative topics. Perfect for those looking to explore their artistic side or present unique DIY projects that inspire imagination and creativity.

  • DIY custom greeting cards
  • Making your own scented candles
  • The basics of watercolor painting
  • Creating handmade pottery
  • Upcycling furniture for beginners
  • DIY bath bombs and salts
  • Hand embroidery basics
  • Building a capsule wardrobe
  • Homemade skincare products
  • Crafting a personalized journal
  • Beginner’s guide to calligraphy
  • Making a simple quilt
  • DIY wall art for your home
  • Creating a macramé plant hanger
  • How to start a bullet journal

Educational Demonstration Speech Ideas

Expand your knowledge with topics that are both informative and instructional. These speeches are designed to educate the audience on scientific principles, historical facts, or introduce new concepts in an engaging way.

  • The basics of the solar system
  • Understanding the water cycle
  • Basic principles of economics
  • The history of the internet
  • Introduction to coding for kids
  • How to write a research paper
  • Basics of electrical circuits
  • The structure of the human cell
  • Fundamentals of climate change
  • How to solve algebraic equations
  • Understanding human rights
  • Basic first aid skills
  • The process of photosynthesis
  • Introduction to philosophical thinking
  • How to create a science fair project

Demonstration Speech Ideas For Kids

Fun and educational topics tailored for young minds. These ideas are simple, safe, and interactive, making learning a fun adventure for children.

  • Making a simple bird feeder
  • Basic gardening for children
  • Easy science experiments for home
  • Creating a fairy tale storyboard
  • DIY playdough recipes
  • Building a paper mache volcano
  • Simple origami projects for kids
  • Making a homemade pizza
  • How to create a basic animation
  • Setting up a lemonade stand
  • Creating a simple wind chime
  • Building a fort with blankets
  • Painting with watercolors
  • Growing crystals at home
  • Assembling a basic kite

Demonstration Speech Ideas For Students

Topics tailored to address the interests and challenges of college students, covering academic, personal, and professional development skills that are essential for success in and out of the classroom.

  • How to make a dorm room space-saving
  • Preparing healthy meals on a budget
  • Basics of personal safety on campus
  • How to apply for internships
  • Effective note-taking strategies
  • DIY dorm decor on a budget
  • Setting up a productive study space
  • Managing stress during exams
  • Networking tips for college students
  • How to choose a major
  • Basic sewing repairs for clothing
  • Creating a workout routine without a gym
  • How to write a scholarship application essay
  • Meal prepping for the week
  • Budget travel tips for students

Demonstration Speech Ideas For Professionals

Enhance your professional skills with topics focused on career development, workplace efficiency, and industry-specific knowledge. Ideal for those looking to advance in their careers or improve their professional skill set.

  • Crafting an effective LinkedIn profile
  • Tips for remote work productivity
  • How to lead a virtual team meeting
  • Negotiation skills for professionals
  • Personal branding for career growth
  • How to handle difficult conversations at work
  • Time management tools for professionals
  • Creating a professional development plan
  • Stress management techniques for the workplace
  • Basics of project management software
  • Effective email communication in the workplace
  • Building a professional network
  • How to ask for a promotion or raise
  • Setting up a home office for efficiency
  • Cybersecurity basics for professionals

Demonstration Speech Ideas For Seniors

Accessible and relevant topics designed for older adults. These ideas focus on technology, health, and hobbies that are suitable for seniors looking to stay active and connected.

  • Navigating social media platforms
  • Online shopping and internet safety
  • Using smartphones and tablets
  • Introduction to digital photography
  • Simple stretching exercises for seniors
  • Brain games to enhance cognitive function
  • Gardening activities for physical health
  • Cooking for one or two
  • How to use online banking safely
  • Basics of using video calling apps
  • Home organization tips for downsizing
  • Crafting for stress relief
  • Introduction to using fitness trackers
  • Tips for healthy eating as you age
  • Staying connected with family online

Demonstration Speech Ideas For Hobbyists

Dive deep into your passions with topics designed for hobby enthusiasts. Whether you’re into crafts, technology, or outdoor activities, these ideas will help you explore and share your interests.

  • Introduction to amateur astronomy
  • How to start geocaching
  • Basics of model building
  • Introduction to bird watching
  • Basics of home recording for musicians
  • Starting a book club
  • How to brew craft beer at home
  • Introduction to digital scrapbooking
  • How to start a vegetable garden
  • Basics of leatherworking
  • How to start a photography hobby
  • Basics of woodworking
  • Starting a collection (coins, stamps, etc.)
  • Introduction to kite surfing
  • How to maintain a saltwater aquarium

Technology-Focused Demonstration Speech Ideas

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest tech trends and gadgets. These topics are perfect for tech enthusiasts looking to demonstrate and discuss cutting-edge technology, software, and applications.

  • Setting up a smart home system
  • Introduction to blockchain technology
  • Basics of 3D printing
  • How to build a simple website
  • Introduction to virtual reality
  • Basics of drone flying for beginners
  • Cybersecurity tips for everyday users
  • How to use cloud storage effectively
  • Basics of coding with Python
  • Setting up a personal VPN
  • How to create digital art
  • Introduction to game development
  • How to start vlogging
  • Understanding artificial intelligence basics
  • Tips for maintaining digital privacy

Health & Wellness Demonstration Speech Ideas

Promote a healthy lifestyle with topics centered around fitness, nutrition, and mental well-being. Ideal for audiences interested in personal health and adopting healthier habits.

  • Starting a meditation practice
  • Basics of a balanced diet
  • How to start jogging
  • Introduction to Pilates for beginners
  • Creating a personal mental health plan
  • How to read nutrition labels
  • Introduction to intermittent fasting
  • Basics of strength training for beginners
  • How to practice mindful eating
  • Tips for improving sleep quality
  • How to start a gratitude journal
  • Basics of herbal teas for health
  • Creating a self-care routine
  • Introduction to homeopathy
  • How to do a digital detox

Environmental Awareness Demonstration Speech Topics

Highlight the importance of sustainability and environmental protection with topics that educate on eco-friendly practices, conservation efforts, and how individuals can contribute to a healthier planet.

  • Starting a compost bin at home
  • How to reduce household waste
  • Basics of sustainable living
  • Introduction to rainwater harvesting
  • How to start bicycling more often
  • Tips for eco-friendly cleaning
  • How to plant a native garden
  • Basics of solar energy for homeowners
  • How to make your home more energy-efficient
  • Introduction to eco-friendly fashion
  • How to recycle electronics properly
  • Tips for reducing plastic use
  • How to shop for sustainable foods
  • Basics of green travel
  • Introduction to conservation volunteering

Financial Literacy Demonstration Speech Ideas

Empower your audience with knowledge on managing finances, investing wisely, and planning for the future. These topics are crucial for anyone looking to improve their financial health and make informed decisions.

  • How to create a personal budget
  • Introduction to investing in the stock market
  • Basics of saving for retirement
  • How to build an emergency fund
  • Tips for reducing personal debt
  • How to improve your credit score
  • Introduction to cryptocurrency investing
  • Basics of tax planning and filing
  • How to protect yourself from financial scams
  • Tips for smart shopping and saving money
  • How to plan for major purchases
  • Introduction to real estate investing
  • How to negotiate better deals
  • Basics of financial goal setting
  • Introduction to insurance (health, life, property)

Cultural Exploration Demonstration Speech Ideas

Take your audience on a journey around the world with topics that explore different cultures, traditions, and cuisines. Great for broadening horizons and fostering a deeper understanding of global diversity.

  • Introduction to world cuisines: Cooking a dish from another country
  • Basics of learning a new language
  • How to perform a traditional dance
  • Introduction to world religions
  • How to play a traditional musical instrument
  • Basics of calligraphy from different cultures
  • How to celebrate international festivals
  • Introduction to traditional clothing
  • How to write a poem in a traditional style
  • Basics of traditional storytelling techniques
  • Introduction to martial arts from around the world
  • How to make traditional crafts
  • Basics of tea culture across the world
  • Introduction to global cinema
  • How to host a cultural exchange party

Each of these topics is designed to cater to specific interests, skill levels, and audiences, providing a rich variety of options for anyone looking to give a demonstration speech. Whether you’re teaching a skill, sharing knowledge, or exploring a new hobby, these topics can help you create an engaging and informative presentation.

Demonstration speeches offer a unique opportunity to share your knowledge and passion with others. By carefully selecting your topic, preparing thoroughly, and engaging your audience, you can deliver a speech that is both informative and memorable. Remember, the most effective demonstration speeches are those that inspire the audience to learn and explore new ideas.

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easy things to make for a demonstration speech

500+ Demonstration Speech Topics & Ideas: A Complete Guide

Demonstration Speech Topics

Demonstration speech topics  are step-by-step demonstration speech subjects and procedures for developing hundreds of demonstratives for successful public speaking. Follow the instructions and read the advice. The goals could be varied, such as demonstrating a process and providing information to the audience while employing visual aids or explaining how to do something or how something works.

This post will offer you over 500 demonstration speech ideas, demonstrative speech topics, process speech topics, and how-to speech ideas.

  • Begin your writing process by gathering some resources for demonstration.
  • Choose a topic you know, making your presentation much more successful.
  • If you can’t think of any good public speaking cases for a presentation, look at the topics below for ideas.
  • Before we get into the demonstration speech topic, let us know what it does.

A demonstration speech explains how to accomplish something or how it works. The presenter’s objects or physical activity are displayed here.

It is also regarded as one of the fundamental types of presentation. They are typically assigned to students in high school and college .

This sort of speech is common in commercial and adult training settings. They are among the most common types of speech.

A demonstration speech is a type of educational speech. The presenter’s primary goal is to teach the audience about the task or procedures in steps.

Because of its popularity, the presenter must deliver the demonstration speech forcefully. The main goal of a demonstration speech is to practice expository speaking abilities.

It is also beneficial to present a process or steps through the use of items or physical activity.

Table of Contents

How to Select the Best Topic for a Demonstration Speech

You probably have a lot of procedures and abilities that you believe others might benefit from knowing how to accomplish, but that doesn’t mean that any topic you choose will be appropriate for your situation. You must examine the demo’s intricacy and whether your audience can properly understand the process in the allotted time. Here are a few topics to think about while selecting a topic for a demonstration speech:

Do you want us to write your speech?

We will list over 500 demonstration speech topic ideas later in this post, but still, to build your speech or essay, you need to understand the basics. With the assistance of a professional speechwriter, you can wow your audience.

Included are free proofreading and copyediting.

  • Interests : When choosing a topic for a demonstration speech, consider both your own and your audience’s interests. Your energy and enthusiasm are required to pique the audience’s interest in what you are teaching. If your speech piques the audience’s interest, you will almost certainly be asked questions afterward. Choose a topic about which you are educated and confident.
  • Audience demographics:  Consider what is acceptable for the group you are speaking to. Aim to provide a skill that will be useful to them, but be careful not to choose a topic that is either extremely easy or overly complex.
  • Setting:  Consider the layout of your presentation venue. Will you be indoors or outside? What kind of space do you have? These things will help you figure out which themes are better than others in the given situation.
  • Time constraint:  Think about what you can realistically teach in your allotted time for your speech. While one topic may be very interesting to you, you may not be able to cover it in five minutes fully.
  • Visual : While your demonstration is a visual aid in and of itself, many how-to talks might benefit from movies, PowerPoint slideshows, and handouts. Consider the technology or props you’ll need for your speech.

However, most of you may be unfamiliar with the fundamentals of delivering a successful demonstration speech. This essay is designed for you if you rely on one.

In this essay, I’ll talk about demonstration speech topics and give you some good ideas for making them better.

When you’ve decided on a topic for your demonstration speech, come up with an appealing and effective opening. It is preferable to begin with an introduction.

To achieve the best results, follow these steps:

Give a brief summary of the topic you are about to offer. Explain why you chose the topic and why your audience should understand how to do it. Give them a sneak peek at some retaliation.

Tell them that they will do it themselves after a while. The only thing your audience has to do is follow your instructions.

Outline of a demonstration speech:

A demonstration speech can be delivered in a variety of ways. Some of them are as follows:

1. Begin with “why.”

A demonstration speech instructs the audience on how to complete a task or the entire procedure. It can be useful, just like any other informative work, when your audience is eager to learn.

It is essential to explain to your audience how they will benefit from the information you are about to offer. When your audience understands why they should learn a new skill, they are more motivated to do so.

There are numerous techniques to motivate your audience. However, one of the most effective approaches is to begin the speech with a “why” or some inspiring stories. Make a mental picture of how their lives will improve due to their newfound understanding.

3. Go through each step one by one.

The heart of your overview that is set for you is one of the best aspects of a demonstration speech. You only need to go through the phases of the work in order here.

Make the sequence of steps as simple as feasible. Break down the process into key steps that your audience can easily understand.

Your audience has noticed the work or procedure offered from beginning to end. It’s a good idea to include some extra options or variations.

Assume you’re giving a presentation on how to cook chicken. Begin with the essential description. After that, talk about other ingredients, flavors, and methods to cook chicken. This adds to the intrigue of your speech.

4. Provide a concise overview of the whole procedure.

Give an overview of the overall procedure before delving into the details. A detailed breakdown of the actions involved helps viewers grasp the value of speech.

Some of your audience will be concerned about the difficulty of learning a new task. An early overview assures your readers that it will not be too tough to follow.

It is difficult for your audience to understand the processes if you do not present a brief.

The audience will lack the necessary framework. A figure that explains the steps of the activity at a high level is a great way to convey the plan.

Along with the outline, you can include the task’s essential requirements and any assumptions you’re making.

For example, use visuals to demonstrate how to format a computer in a speech. You can also take screenshots to make your points more clear.

5. Set aside time for questions.

Taking questions from the audience and responding to them is appropriate for a demonstration speech. This allows the audience to seek clarification on any processes they do not understand. It’s up to you whether or not you want to ask questions at the end it’s relevant to the subject and the situation.

6. Provide a succinct summary

Finally, you should recap the method and go through the benefits. This informs your audience of the advantages of executing a comparable task.

How to Improve Your Demonstration Speech

Here is a list of the greatest tips for improving your demonstration speech.

Demonstration Speech Topics

1. Attempt to elicit participation from members of the audience.

The length of your presentation frequently determines your choice for audience engagement.

It also includes the context in which the expression occurs. The audience might also share their knowledge of supply availability. It would be fantastic if you could engage the audience in the presentation.

2. Visuals are used to lead a demonstration speech.

Every demonstration speech improves when relevant images accompany your demonstration and techniques.

Keep various appropriate visuals on hand, for example, for the swimming speech. This gives audiences the impression that they can swim if they understand the procedures.

Here are some options:

Your body is really important. Your body plays an important function in physical tasks like football. To improve the demonstration, you can say each step aloud.

Physical assistance provides a more authentic experience. There are two forms of support: real and model. The actual things used while presenting the job are considered real assistance. A model is a fictitious representation of a genuine thing and a scaled-down replica.

Utilize images as much as possible. If your body and physical support are insufficient, use images as much as possible. Doing this helps to immerse yourself in the imagery to bring the action to life.

Whatever photos you choose, make sure your audience can easily see them. They may not understand your speech if they cannot see your graphics.

3. Extend your demonstration with additional resources.

A single presentation may not be sufficient to ensure that your audience has learned knowledge. After the demonstration is over, give people tools they can use to get a better result.

This includes:

The internet, books, pamphlets, and other specialized sources might request additional information or high-quality training.

Distribute the procedures as well as diagrams or photos to demonstrate essential elements.

Provide your contact information. So that your audience can contact you in the future as they try to apply what you’ve taught them.

Some Guidelines for Delivering a Demonstration Speech

  • The applicant’s original speech should be presented.
  • Objects or the presenter’s physical activity should be shown.
  • Presentations will be held in a standard-sized room. There will be a table or desk provided. The presenter is responsible for providing all visual aids, properties, and tools.
  • This category does not include the use of personal property or tools. This includes, but is not limited to, weapons, sharp knives, hazardous substances, and animals.
  • To assist the presenter, only one person should be used. They can assist by serving as the demonstration’s focal point. They can also set up and operate the equipment. In this case, it is fine for the assistant to be both an object of expression and a person who can help with tools.
  • The speech has a maximum time constraint of 10 minutes, counting set up and strikes down. When it’s been 30 seconds, a point about the rate will be taken off of the assessment item.

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Demonstration speech topics for business:.

  •     How to make the most out of working from home
  •     How to create a business plan that actually works
  •     How to network well
  •     How to effectively close any client
  •     How to hire the right people
  •     How to give a presentation
  •     How to do nothing for a living
  •     How to organize an event
  •     How to start a bed & breakfast
  •     How to sell yourself

 Demonstration Speech Topics for Health/Fitness:

  •     How to plan your diet
  •     How to check your blood pressure
  •     How to lose your belly fat
  •     How to perform tai chi
  •     How to stretch before working out
  •     How to check your blood sugar
  •     How to manage stress
  •     How to snowboard
  •     How to kickbox
  •     How to train for a marathon
  •     5-minute workouts to keep you fit
  •     How to do yoga

Informative Demonstration Speech Topics:

  •     How to splint a broken leg (when medical help is not available)
  •     How to make a paper airplane
  •     How to plan a party
  •     How to become a pilot
  •     How to organize a surprise party
  •     How to clean shoes
  •     How to board in the sand
  •     How to print a digital photo
  •     Give a baby a bath
  •     How to Get the best airfare
  •     How to attract hummingbirds to your garden
  •     How to recycle or make a new candle of old ones
  •     How to play chess
  •     How to Pack a suitcase
  •     How to become the prime minister
  •     How to calculate a mortgage payment
  •     How to build a sled
  •     How to clean golf clubs
  •     How to become a policeman
  •     How to write a film script
  •     How to Decorate a cake
  •     How to tie a knot
  •     How to build a shed
  •     How to draw a house
  •     How to organize your wedding
  •     How to train your brains
  •     How to wrap a present
  •     How to make a dancing show
  •     How to clean your swimming pool
  •     How to Work with a travel agent
  •     How to arrange flowers
  •     How to write a business-like letter
  •     How to create a Halloween mask
  •     How to juggle
  •     How to taste wine
  •     How to ride a bicycle
  •     How to Save Money
  •     How to make a watercolor
  •     How to paint a room
  •     How to Buy a fuel-efficient car
  •     How to clean your car
  •     How to iron a shirt
  •     How to stop thinking
  •     How to become a famous film star
  •     How to decorate a Christmas tree
  •     How to make beads
  •     How to register for voting
  •     How to use the oven
  •     How to become a good actress
  •     How to find a public speaking program that actually works
  •     How to drive a car
  •     How to paint a table
  •     How to avoid identity theft
  •     How to design your front yard on a tight budget
  •     How to clean your golf clubs
  •     Change a diaper outdoors safely
  •     How to make an ice sculpture
  •     How to climb a building
  •     How to whistle
  •     How to greet Japanese people
  •     How to fill your garden with flowers year-round
  •     Read and understand nutrition labels
  •     How to Travel and Leisure
  •     How to fix a flat tire
  •     How to prevent injury
  •     How to read a map
  •     How to clean running shoes
  •     How to play poker
  •     How to Save auto fuel and money
  •     How to cash a blank cheque
  •     How to Save electricity and save money
  •     How to start Green Commuting
  •     How to wash and wax a car
  •     How to make a bird feeder
  •     How to become the president
  •     How to swim

 Demonstration Speech Topics for Students:

  •     How to do well on standardized tests
  •     How to deliver an informative speech
  •     How to Create a PowerPoint presentation
  •     How to balance work and school
  •     How to find a part-time job
  •     How to be a model student
  •     How to socialize with more people
  •     How to do proper time management
  •     How to write a college essay
  •     How to write a resume

Specific Demonstration Speech Topics:

  • How to use a cell phone
  • How to make a fast summer salad
  • How to make an ice-cream
  • How to make a cocktail
  • How to knit/crochet
  • How to line dance
  • How to compose a photograph
  • How to detect if someone is lying
  • How to find the ideal car insurance value for you
  • How to throw a ball
  • How to knot a carpet
  • How to calculate your golf handicap
  • How to create a worm farm
  • How to Eat with chopsticks
  • How to Make a Subway sandwich
  • How to Make a root beer float
  • How to make a sweet dessert
  • How to fold a skirt
  • How to make a golf swing
  • How to edit a video
  • How to dry your hair properly
  • How to Make an omelet
  • How to mend a fuse
  • How to dress like a princess
  • How do bulletproof vests work?
  • How to learn to play guitar
  • How to Install a car stereo
  • How to Apply acrylic fingernails
  • How to make your own jewelry
  • How to choose a wine for dinner
  • How to Set up an email account
  • How to format computer
  • How to speak Italian
  • How to do poi spinning
  • How to text a message
  • How to Plan a vegetarian meal
  • How to arrange flowers
  • How to Build Green
  • How to keep private online life
  • How to do card tricks
  • How to play a computer game
  • How to correctly use your breath when you sing
  • How to find the best health insurance
  • How to Coordinate clothes for any occasion
  • How to put on makeup
  • How to pick locks
  • How to become an empath
  • How to change a plug
  • How to carve a pumpkin
  • How to make stained glass objects
  • How to Make Pancakes
  • How to braid hair like in a nursing school
  • How to Polish your shoes
  • How to wrinkle a skirt
  • How to play football
  • How to Build a website
  • How to make Irish Coffee
  • How to Plan an eight-course meal
  • How to Frost and decorate a cake
  • How to Bake a cake
  • How to trim a bonsai tree
  • How to Make your own jelly
  • How to Manicure your own fingernails
  • How to Program your cell phone
  • How to read music notes
  • How to make garden stepping stones
  • How to open a can of peaches
  • How to Grow your own garden
  • How to create an iPhone application
  • How to write a limerick
  • How to read music
  • How do airbags work?
  • How to play online games
  • How to remove scratches from DVDs
  • How to swim the backstroke
  • How to make candles
  • How to become a princess
  • How to make beer
  • How to decorate a cake
  • How to tie a tie
  • How to apply face paint
  • How to waltz
  • How to Save energy at home
  • What can duct tape be used for?
  • How to make honey
  • How to send an email
  • How to trim your mustache
  • How to lay a table
  • How to Bake cookies
  • How to ride a unicycle
  • How to Build a good website
  • How to make your own soap
  • How to feed a snake
  • How to make a new candle of old ones
  • How to Grow a herbal garden
  • How to Recycle at home
  • How to clean and brush your teeth (based on scientific research)
  • How to do origami
  • How to beatbox
  • How to raise tadpoles
  • How to develop the best service in a tennis game
  • How to Make fudge
  • How to Make Barbecue sauce
  • How to Make Icecream
  • How to apply hair dye to your virgin hair
  • How to use LinkedIn
  • How to upgrade the RAM memory in your computer
  • How to bowl
  • How to make Paper Mache figures
  • How to make a foxhole radio
  • How to safely download/upload files on the computer
  • How to be a vegetarian
  • How to Accessorize the clothes your wear
  • How to Stuff a turkey
  • How to Play a video game like a pro
  • How to clean silver
  • How to paint an egg
  • How to Save water at home
  • How to make sushi
  • How to make a sweet lassi
  • How to perform a card trick
  • How to take a photo with a digital camera
  • How to create an animated character
  • How to play piano
  • How to make peanut butter bars
  • How to make ice
  • How to set up a blog
  • How to make a genealogical tree
  • How to make a pop-up card
  • How to Make devilled eggs
  • How to Make a fast summer salad
  • How to do graffiti
  • How to use the cruise control
  • How to calculate wallpaper
  • How to Manicure someone’s fingernails
  • How to build a go-cart
  • How to make burgers
  • How to do braids
  • How to make animals out of balloons
  • How to braid cornrows
  • How to use a DSLR camera
  • How to Set a formal dinner table
  • How to eat oysters
  • How to blow a glass
  • How to Install a dimmer switch for light (not for fluorescent lights)
  • How to make your own wedding dress
  • How to bottle your own wine
  • How to install a WordPress theme
  • How to solve a Rubik’s cube
  • How to choose a color and understand the color palette
  • How to do magic tricks
  • How to play clash of clan
  • How to dance
  • How to apply a permanent hair dye
  • How to make chicken chili
  • How to Make peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  • How to Tenderize meat
  • How to dance a certain dance
  • How to make a fishing lure
  • How to frost hair
  • How to bake a pie
  • How to Grow and trim a bonsai tree

Demonstration Speech Topics on “How to…”

  • Avoid identity theft.
  • Put a weave in your hair
  • blow-dry your hair.
  • Make a fresh candle out of an old one.
  • Use active listening and communication skills.
  • Create decorations.
  • Brush your teeth thoroughly.
  • Plan your wedding.
  • For parties and occasions, build spinning confetti eggs.
  • Improve your cognitive abilities.
  • protect yourself from harm
  • At a campfire, make the crunchiest marshmallows.
  • create bread crumbs
  • find low-cost airline tickets
  • Messages that are effective and clear should be texted.
  • Make some beer.
  • a stamp for greeting cards
  • become a well-known movie star
  • Learn break dancing moves and street dance moves.
  • Greetings to the Japanese
  • You should polish your golf clubs.
  • discover the greatest spring break deals
  • Construct a basket.
  • Make a dance performance.
  • Pack a customs-approved suitcase.
  • Construct a rabbit hutch or cages and runs.
  • Create a professional letter.
  • Create an emergency supply kit.
  • Make use of the cruise control.
  • back up your DVDs
  • Learn how to read quickly.
  • Attempt a golf swing.
  • Make an aquarium.
  • Examine the wine.
  • Print a digital photograph.
  • Put on a princess gown.
  • Create honey.
  • Grow herbs in your own little greenhouses, such as chamomile, parsley, and catnip.
  • become a ninja (I’m joking, of course.)
  • Create a first-aid kit for the straightforward treatment of small injuries.
  • Prepare a quick summer salad.
  • Makeup is applied.
  • repair a flat bicycle tire
  • read music notation
  • make a variety of knots
  • Make some ice.
  • Ascend a building.
  • construct a shed
  • Plan a surprise party.
  • Create an origami crane.
  • Make a scarf.
  • Calories must be counted in order to make healthier decisions.
  • Stop ruminating.
  • Make use of the deduction process.
  • replace a baby’s diaper
  • Take up poker.
  • Blow into a glass.
  • Make your garden bloom all year long.
  • Polish your shoes
  • Make a career as an actor.
  • Create a screenplay.
  • Let’s crack open a bottle of wine.
  • Create a model.
  • Unusually fold napkins.
  • Choose a bottle of wine.
  • Register to vote.
  • be an excellent student.
  • Playing the piano.
  • Use the United States Postal Service.
  • Examine a map.
  • You should clean your car.
  • Get your automobile keys out of a locked vehicle.
  • Board on the snow
  • color the eggs
  • create wedding cakes
  • For leisurely walks, use the appropriate running shoes.
  • Make Jigglers out of jello.
  • gold rings, bracelets, and necklaces should be cleaned and polished
  • Obtain electricity from solar panels installed on your roof.
  • Let’s play chess.
  • Waxing a surfboard
  • Select the appropriate running shoe.
  • To recover from a hangover, make a banana chocolate shake.
  • Put on nail paint.
  • Lifting weights
  • board on the sand
  • Construct a paper airplane.
  • Decide on a color scheme and palette.
  • Survive in the wild.
  • Control a real RC plane (only show this outdoors and only if you are good).
  • If you’re a guy, put on some cosmetics.
  • Use the content of articles without infringing on their intellectual property rights.
  • Make a resume.
  • Take care of hamsters and other household pets.
  • Make a pie (or whatever else you like/know how to make).
  • Create a cake.
  • Create a piñata.
  • Make some pizza.
  • Make some Irish coffee.
  • Repairing a flat tire
  • Car keys and remotes must be programmed.
  • Choose the ideal pet.
  • Make a snowman.
  • Converse in Italian
  • Do a magic trick.
  • Create a website.
  • Locate your forebears.
  • Sculpt your brows correctly.
  • Create a family tree.
  • Sort through your closet.
  • Make a drink.
  • tying Die shirts
  • Make a birdhouse from scratch.
  • Take part in a computer game.
  • Classic recipes are used to make authentic Italian pizza.
  • Choose and pack a bag for international travel.
  • Make your own salsa.
  • Make a will.
  • Make some soup.
  • Look for a roommate.
  • write a good poetry
  • horse with a saddle (I did this, took a video of saddling my horse, and narrated it to my audience).
  • Determining the authenticity of a Louis Vuitton bag
  • Make a basketball shot.
  • When singing, use your breath.
  • Learn to play the guitar.
  • Make up a cartoon character.
  • Plant a plant.
  • Create your own wedding gown.
  • Create jewelry.
  • Make some ice cream.
  • Make flower arrangements.
  • Make a tie.
  • Make a boomerang that will return to you.
  • consume oysters
  • make a Halloween mask
  • Prepare banana pudding.
  • Prepare invisible ink for secret message writing.
  • Your swimming pool should be cleaned.
  • Make a water-color painting.
  • Maintain your health.
  • Use a sextant for navigation, much like they did two centuries ago.
  • Make a carpet knot.
  • a bank check must be changed
  • Select a digital camera.
  • Analyze the results of a barometer reading.

Technical How-to Ideas 

  • Technical how-to speech topics for presenting knowledge and instructive processes in a demo presentation Do not just talk about abstract theories when you are trying to teach a group. Instead, use visual aids, common metaphors, and comparisons to everyday life to make a technical or complex problem more understandable.
  • International fitting sizes; the differences between sizes in the United States and standards used in other nations; information about yards, feet, inches, meters, millimeters, and their history; You can limit these technical how-to-speech-about-clothes subjects to clothing exclusively.
  • Show how to make a good short animated movie or funny cartoon out of a succession of 2D photos. Give the entire set of instructions while demonstrating what you mean step by step. Animate an avatar-like puppet that jumps over the wall as the first thing you do.
  • Sunscreen is the function and pressing demand for a topical substance that absorbs and even reflects UV sun rays. Everyone likes to be outside in the sun, but not everyone knows that sun protection is important to avoid long-term damage from the sun.
  • How do the police, government agencies, criminal investigation departments, and internationally recognized authorities use modern technology to discover storage media on a computer?
  • April Fool’s Day; the finest speech themes for a funny how to fool someone are hoaxes and practical jokes on April Fool’s Day; and present instances – your major points – in the top three in notoriety, absurdity, and uniqueness of the sense of humor that’s being employed.
  • Tree Climbing Techniques: Give proper tree climbing instructions for recreational climbers, including gear, ropes, and knots. Don’t forget about forest ethics!
  • Birth Control Pills: How Does the Combined Oral Contraceptive Pill, or C O C P, which contains estrogen and progestin hormones, Prevent Ovulation?
  • Mosaic tile projects for the kitchen, bedroom, living room, and even the garden wall. On this technical topic, show your audience how to do it step-by-step.
  • Room Air Conditioners: How are these energy-efficient and dependable systems built to fulfill your comfort demands, and what particular technology is employed?

One piece of advice to help you make things easier: most audiences are familiar with technological difficulties in general, so avoid getting too technical and avoid overly complex demonstrations when examining these nine technological options.


These demonstration speech topics and ideas should assist you in getting started with your demonstrative speech and delivering a strong speech. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about this article.

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Speech And Debate

Demonstration Speech Ideas

Last updated on: May 26, 2023

50+ Demonstration Speech Ideas for Your Next Great Speech

By: Cordon J.

Reviewed By: Rylee W.

Published on: Oct 6, 2020

Demonstration Speech

Need help writing your demonstration speech?

Don't know how to find good demonstration speech ideas for your speech?

Don’t worry! We are here to provide some useful demonstration speech topics that you can use for your speech.

Move forward.

Demonstration Speech

On this Page

What is a Demonstration Speech?

A demonstrative speech is probably the simplest and easiest of the types of speeches. This type of speech is fairly common in middle and high school. Through this, the students learn how to analyze a system or method of anything and present it clearly.

It is a type of informative speech, and the students get a chance to work on their writing and analytical skills.

A good speech inspires, engages, and teaches the audience to agree with your ideas and points. It details everything step by step and makes it easier for people to understand. Speech writing is different from writing an essay, and this is why you should go through some samples and a complete  speech writing  guide before starting.

Since a demonstrative speech is based on showing or telling the process of something. It could be anything, and the speakers use visual aids like Powerpoint presentations, charts and graphs, and handouts to clarify their topic.

These speeches are part of professional life also. Especially if the business deals in electronics and other similar products.

The complexity of the topics depends on the academic level and the field of study. For students in school and college students, the topics will not be that difficult. However, in mechanical fields, the same demonstrative speech becomes difficult and complex.

Easy Demonstration Speech Topic Ideas for Students

As we said before, the topics and their difficulty depend on your field of study and class. Good public speaking and speech writing ideas are engaging and according to the target audience.

Speech topics that are different than what the target audience expects do not have the desired results, and you can go to waste. Below, we have added some good food-related topics and ideas for demonstration speeches to choose from for your next speaking event.

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Demonstration Speech Ideas With Food

  • How to pick out the best wedding cake?
  • What are some basics of wine tasting?
  • What are some useful tips for the barbecue?
  • Making traditional soup in your region.
  • How to make fondant for cakes?
  • Different ways to make chili?
  • How to make pasta from scratch?
  • How to bake a cake without an oven?
  • What is Kimchi? How to make it?
  • How to make biscuits in a pan?
  • How to become a pro at using chopsticks?
  • How to debone a fish and make fillets?
  • How to make cotton candy without the machine?
  • Safety measures for learning while cooking.
  • How to make fresh jam at home?
  • How to make Irish Coffee?
  • What are the steps involved in making Banana pudding?
  • How is a wedding cake decorated?
  • How to make a real Italian pizza with classic recipes?
  • Different ways to count calories and make healthier choices.
  • What is the use of herbs and spices?
  • Cooking tips for men and kids.
  • Discuss the importance of breakfast.
  • The origin of Italian pizza.
  • How does a microwave oven work?

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5 Minute Demonstration Speech Ideas for Middle School

  • How to color and paint Easter eggs?
  • What is stretching?
  • How to use stretching to relieve the muscles and relax?
  • How to build a sandcastle
  • Soap carving: How to carve soaps?
  • How to work with mosaics?
  • What is a bonsai tree?
  • How to grow and manage a bonsai tree?
  • How to crochet a handbag?
  • What is a Rubik’s cube? How to solve it successfully?
  • How to edit photographs in photoshop?
  • What is stained glass?
  • How to make stained glass for your room?
  • What is sculpting?
  • How to sculpt in ice?
  • How to make a natural perfume at home?
  • What is graffiti?
  • How to make graffiti at home?
  • How to use a telescope?
  • How to teach parrots to talk?
  • Ways to select the proper running shoes for recreational walks.
  • How a student can practice active listening communication techniques.
  • How to pick a color scheme and palette.
  • How can an individual register himself for voting?
  • What are the ways to learn to play a computer game?

Funny Demonstration Speech Ideas for High School

  • How to memorize lectures as easily as lyrics?
  • How to lie keeping a straight face?
  • How to win a food-eating challenge?
  • How to pretend to pay attention in class?
  • How to cheat in an exam?
  • How to blame everything on your horoscope?
  • How to change a baby’s diaper?
  • How to be impolite with someone you don’t like?
  • How to plan your wedding without losing your mind?
  • How to dress like barbie?
  • Ways to identify if a Louis Vuitton bag is authentic.
  • How to learn breakdance tricks and street moves?
  • How to make twirling confetti eggs for parties and events?
  • How to choose tasty French champagne?
  • How to get rid of roaches, mice, and other pests?
  • How to avoid making eye contact with your ex?
  • How to learn breakdance?
  • How to dress like a princess?
  • How to prepare a presentation you forgot all about?
  • The best way to eat a deviled egg without being messy.
  • How to choose the perfect pet?
  • Ways to perform a magic trick.
  • How to make mango pudding?
  • How to choose the right running shoe?

Demonstration Speech Ideas for College Students

  • How to write a compelling research paper?
  • How to learn horse riding?
  • How to lower blood pressure in 30 minutes?
  • How to plan a party successfully?
  • What is a scrapbook, and how to make one for yourself?
  • 5 most useful yoga postures and how to do them.
  • How to make scented candles?
  • What is interior design?
  • How to design a room with flowers and candles?
  • How to write a killing personal statement for admission?
  • How to build a hammock?
  • What is meditation? 5 steps for beginners to start meditation.
  • What is a ballroom?
  • How to be a good ballroom dancer?
  • Easy step to learn salsa.
  • How to make bath salts at home?
  • How to create a Halloween mask?
  • How do you use your breath when you sing?
  • Steps to writing a business-like letter.
  • How can a writer use the content of articles without violating their copyrights?
  • Ways to prepare invisible ink to write secret messages.
  • How can we read the clouds?
  • How can we read the stars?
  • How can we recognize poisonous plants or insects?

These were some good demonstration speech topics for kids and college students. All of these topic ideas make a great demonstrative speech. See how each of them is based on some method and explains the technique of doing a specific thing. You can use them for your speech or use them to come up with your own ideas.

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How to Create Demonstration Speech Outline?

Creating an outline is not important for your ease only. For a successful and good speech, you must have a detailed outline. If you are new to speech, you must be thinking about why having an outline is important. An outline organizes your thoughts and helps you stay in line with them.

To make the speech writing and persuasive speech writing easy and simple, research the topics carefully and prepare the outline before starting the writing process.

Follow the below sequence of steps to write a perfect demonstration speech outline in no time.

1. Find Out the Duration of the Speech

The duration of a speech is the first thing that you need to consider before making the outline. It is important because then you will know how much time you will have for your speech. Lengthy speeches that do beyond your allocated time will lose their effect.

Similarly, it will also tell the target audience how they will benefit from the knowledge you are about to share.

In case you don't know if your speech fits in the given time limit, use  words to minutes converter .

2. Know Your Target Audience

Knowing about your audience is necessary if you do not want your hard work and efforts to waste. The topic and speech should be engaging for them, and they should understand it clearly.

For example, the scientific community and students will not be interested in engineering or psychological topics. Similarly, the people related to the arts will not be interested in the latest science invention or anything. Therefore, try to choose a topic that may interest them.

3. Describe the Main Topic Briefly

At the beginning of the speech, you should describe the main topic and your point of view briefly. Give an overview of the subject and why you choose it for your speech topic. After, describe the whole process step by step. If you are using visual aids like handouts, it is time to hand them out to your audience. Make sure that they are easy to read and understand.

A great way of presenting the overview is by using a diagram that illustrates the steps involved. Along with it, you can also list the prerequisites needed for the task.

4. Proofread the Entire Speech

Just because it is a speech, it does not mean that you should not proofread it. Proofreading is a must. Read the entire outline and speech to see if everything is going on properly. Review all the points and ideas carefully and make changes, if necessary.

You can also ask someone from your friends or can also hire professionals to proofread it for you.

5. Rehearse your Speech

Before the big day, rehearse the speech. Remember that you will be demonstrating the entire speech. If you have chosen a simple process like baking a cake or making paper shapes, you can work alone. However, if the topic is a bit complex or you think that you won’t be able to do it yourself, it is better to have a partner.

Having a partner will make the process even engaging, and you will be able to demonstrate your speech properly.

Still worried that you won't be able to write a good speech? Don't be and hand it over to . We are a professional essay writing service  that offers top-notch and creative speeches for all subjects and topics.

The writers are highly qualified and experienced to complete your essays, papers, and speeches on time. Thus, contact us to buy speeches online written by experts and professionals.

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Cordon J.

Cordon. is a published author and writing specialist. He has worked in the publishing industry for many years, providing writing services and digital content. His own writing career began with a focus on literature and linguistics, which he continues to pursue. Cordon is an engaging and professional individual, always looking to help others achieve their goals.

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150 Best Demonstration Speech Ideas and Unique Strategies

Updated 13 Jun 2024

The idea of public speaking gives you chills? You want to impress teachers and classmates with your knowledge on a particular topic but you’ve never given a lecture before or lack good demonstration speech ideas? Don’t worry. We’re here for help. Whether it is for college or one must prepare it as part of job, this guide is useful for handling any presentation types.

What Is Demonstration Speech?

When struggling with project, first step towards success is to understand its definition.

Demonstration speech, also known as demonstrative speech, should teach audience. Approach it from an expert’s point of view. The audience will assume you know a lot about topic, so they will be ready to listen, as well as learn.

Think about it this way: students constantly give or hear demonstration speeches. These are lessons, which involve presentations of practical steps. It’s something that your best professors do in class.  

Just to give an idea of this project, let’s go through few basic demonstrative speech topics. You may teach audience how to create smartphone app, edit photograph, or cook a meal. You can draw topic out of any niche, just be sure that you know more about it than audience.


List of Demonstration Speech Ideas for Everyone Who doesn't Have a Lot of Creativity!

How to Choose Right Theme for a Speech?

Clearly, topic has to be unique. Topic will depend on lecture type you’re required to give. It may be based on lesson covered for particular course.

Here are few tips that will help choose good demonstration speech topics:

Do Research. First step is to do research. It doesn’t matter how much one already knows about this theme. Creative approach is a chance to attract more people. For that, be aware of what’s already out there. Start with simple Google search on theme. Take as many notes as possible during this process. Bookmark useful resources in separate Pinterest board, which you’ll keep private or simply in browser or copy and paste links in word document.

Think about Audience. Search through Quora, Reddit, or other online forums. This research helps to see what questions target audience has. Conduct questionnaire, it is easiest way for getting an idea about interests or hobbies potential audience has.

Be Creative! Is there any idea that hasn’t been covered by other speakers? Maybe there’s scarce information about particular aspect of chosen theme? If you can’t come up with unique idea no matter how hard you try, remember: there is an option to find  speech writing services help online. But before doing it, try and write.

Brainstorm for Ideas. After thorough research on materials and audience, write down the first ideas or thoughts that come to mind. There are no limits during this process. Don’t judge ideas, just write them down at first. Then, take good look at that list. What’s the idea that really inspires you to give an awesome lecture? Choose it wisely as this is important step.

Need more writing assistance?

Connect with our top writers and receive a speech sample crafted to your needs.

Read also: List with the Best Persuasive Speech Topics

List of Demonstration Speech Topics Divided into Categories

Still struggle with finding big idea? How about some inspiration? Here is demonstrative speech ideas list in few different categories, use it for motivation.

Technology and Innovation Speech Topics

  • The future of artificial intelligence in healthcare.
  • Blockchain technology: Beyond cryptocurrencies.
  • The ethical implications of gene editing.
  • The impact of 5G technology on communication.
  • Virtual reality in education: Pros and cons.
  • Renewable energy sources and their future.
  • The role of technology in democratizing education.
  • Cybersecurity in the IoT era.
  • The future of space exploration.
  • Wearable technology and personal health.
  • The impact of social media on youth.
  • Big data and privacy concerns.
  • The evolution of smart homes.
  • Augmented reality in marketing.
  • The future of autonomous vehicles.
  • 3D printing: Revolutionizing manufacturing.
  • The role of technology in sustainable agriculture.
  • Digital currencies and the global economy.
  • The impact of drones on privacy and security.
  • Telemedicine and the future of healthcare.
  • Robotics in everyday life.
  • The digital divide: Bridging the gap.
  • Nanotechnology in medicine.
  • The future of work in an AI-driven world.
  • Ethical hacking and cybersecurity.
  • The role of AI in combating climate change.
  • E-waste management and recycling technologies.
  • The impact of video games on cognitive skills.
  • Technology addiction: Causes and solutions.
  • Innovations in clean water technology.

Environmental Issues Speech Topics

  • Climate change: Causes, effects, and solutions.
  • The global impact of deforestation.
  • Ocean pollution and marine life conservation.
  • Sustainable living practices.
  • The economics of renewable energy.
  • Urban sprawl and green city solutions.
  • The impact of agriculture on the environment.
  • Wildlife conservation efforts worldwide.
  • Plastic waste management strategies.
  • Air quality and public health.
  • The role of individuals in environmental conservation.
  • Water scarcity and solutions for the future.
  • The effects of global warming on biodiversity.
  • Green transportation alternatives.
  • Environmental policies and their effectiveness.
  • The impact of fast fashion on the environment.
  • Renewable vs. non-renewable resources.
  • The significance of Earth Day.
  • Eco-friendly technologies and innovations.
  • The role of education in environmental awareness.
  • Sustainable tourism practices.
  • The consequences of oil spills.
  • Green architecture and sustainable building.
  • The importance of bees to ecosystems.
  • The impact of natural disasters on communities.
  • Conservation of endangered species.
  • The environmental effects of mining.
  • Community-based environmental protection initiatives.
  • The future of electric vehicles.
  • Global initiatives to combat climate change.

Social Issues and Ethics Speech Topics

  • The impact of social media on mental health.
  • Gender equality in the 21st century.
  • Racial discrimination and justice.
  • The ethics of euthanasia.
  • Homelessness: Causes and solutions.
  • The global refugee crisis.
  • The digital divide and access to technology.
  • The impact of globalization on cultures.
  • Human trafficking: A modern tragedy.
  • The ethics of animal testing.
  • Privacy in the digital age.
  • The rise of gig economy and workers' rights.
  • The role of NGOs in social change.
  • Gun control laws and their effectiveness.
  • The death penalty: Ethical considerations.
  • The impact of poverty on education.
  • LGBTQ+ rights and societal acceptance.
  • The ethics of surveillance.
  • Social media censorship: Freedom vs. responsibility.
  • The role of art in social movements.
  • The impact of advertising on body image.
  • The future of democracy in the digital age.
  • Ethical considerations in genetic engineering.
  • The role of education in social mobility.
  • The impact of climate change on human migration.
  • The ethics of cloning.
  • Social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The role of youth in political change.
  • The ethics of artificial intelligence.
  • Mental health awareness and stigma.

Education and Learning Speech Topics

  • The future of online education.
  • The impact of technology in the classroom.
  • Homeschooling vs. traditional schooling.
  • The role of teachers in the digital age.
  • The importance of STEM education.
  • The impact of standardized testing.
  • Education systems around the world.
  • The benefits of bilingual education.
  • The digital divide in education.
  • The importance of critical thinking skills.
  • The role of education in economic development.
  • The impact of educational TV programs on children.
  • The benefits of lifelong learning.
  • The challenges of special education.
  • The importance of arts in education.
  • The impact of school uniforms on student behavior.
  • The role of physical education in schools.
  • Education for sustainable development.
  • The challenges of education in rural areas.
  • The importance of moral education.
  • The impact of bullying in schools.
  • The benefits of study abroad programs.
  • The role of libraries in the digital age.
  • The importance of early childhood education.
  • The impact of social media on learning.
  • The future of textbooks.
  • The role of parental involvement in education.
  • The challenges of distance learning.
  • The importance of educational psychology.
  • The impact of peer tutoring.

Health and Wellness Speech Topics

  • The importance of mental health awareness.
  • The impact of diet on health.
  • The benefits of regular exercise.
  • The challenges of healthcare access.
  • The impact of stress on health.
  • The role of technology in healthcare.
  • The importance of sleep for health.
  • The challenges of aging populations.
  • The impact of environmental factors on health.
  • The benefits of mindfulness and meditation.
  • The challenges of addiction recovery.
  • The importance of vaccinations.
  • The impact of obesity on health.
  • The role of genetics in health.
  • The challenges of chronic illnesses.
  • The importance of preventive healthcare.
  • The impact of social determinants on health.
  • The benefits of alternative medicine.
  • The challenges of mental health stigma.
  • The importance of healthcare education.
  • The impact of climate change on public health.
  • The challenges of healthcare affordability.
  • The benefits of health and wellness programs.
  • The importance of public health initiatives.
  • The impact of pandemics on global health.
  • The role of nutrition in health.
  • The challenges of healthcare equity.
  • The importance of dental health.
  • The impact of screen time on health.
  • The benefits of community health efforts.

Writing Steps for Successful Writing

Do Your Research. Once you settle on topic, research it again! Search for studies, academic articles, newspaper publications or other authoritative sources. Read through them, take notes, create charts or tables. It’s important to support ideas with outside materials. It makes arguments sound credible, or ask our  discussion writer for help.

Create Thesis Statement. Thesis statement is main part of demonstration speech. It should provide your own position regarding the chosen topic, list arguments that will be used to support ideas. Audience must know what speech is about from very beginning. Create descriptive statement that’s clear enough to guide all ideas in right direction.  

Complete Outline. Check our demonstration speech example below. You can be flexible with outline. There’s no specific format one should follow. The main structure is simple: introduction, body, and conclusion. Introduction must include hook or anecdote that usually helps attract attention. Body of demonstration lecture should be based on various evidence or data found during research. Conclusion should summarize main ideas from essay and restate thesis .

Write First Draft. Draft all ideas you came up with regarding the topic. Follow suggested structure, comply with your outline. This is not final version, mistakes are allowed.

Edit. This is final step. Now it is time for reading demonstration essay several times, fixing mistakes, inserting in-text citations and completing correct formatting.

Demonstration Speech Example Outline + Example Thesis

You could really use an example for demonstration speech outline and thesis statement, right? Here’s your example:

How to Find Truth in Deceiving World

Introduction: share personal experience. Tell how fake news affected your voting decision during previous presidential elections in the U.S.

Thesis statement: Anyone is allowed to write anything on the Internet, so it’s hard to know what the truth really is.

Body: Who regulates what gets posted online? What’s Google’s role in this? How fake news affect people’s opinions? How can we fight the trend of false reporting?

Conclusion: Give specific tips on how to recognize real vs. fake information

Make Your Speech Memorable

1. Know Your Audience

Have a look at your audience as group with similar issues. They are looking for specific solutions that you should present them during this lecture. Find appropriate terms and terminology.

2. Use Credible Sources

Convince with facts! Use numbers, statistics, survey results, or other factual data that leaves no space for doubt. Scholarly peer-reviewed articles are best sources. Do not rely on blogs.

3. Use Simple Language

Be casual and simple. Present events in chronological order, so you won’t get people confused.

4. Speak Directly!

Write as if you were directly talking to someone. Imagine you’re teaching your friend about this topic. Be straight, do not make hints, be as clear as possible.

5. Be Knowledgeable

The demonstration will be effective only if you teach something that audience doesn’t already know. So don’t be Captain Obvious!

Read also: Use Perfect Special Occasion Speech Ideas with the Help of Our Guide!

Rules for Presenting Your Talk

Create a PowerPoint Presentation. When you give people something to look at, you take the attention away from you. You’ll be more relaxed, and the presentation will be more fun for them in comparison to long demonstration speech.

Use Visuals. Graphs, videos, and pictures will add great appeal to your lecture.

Get Assistance from Audience. If, for example, you show how to prepare a recipe and you say it’s easy, get someone from people to prepare it. That way, you’ll prove it’s easy.

Breathe! When your breath is calm during the demonstration speech, you’ll sound more confident. Practice breathing! Attend some yoga classes before the presentation; that will help a lot!

Be Funny. Even the most serious topics can bear some humor. If you can subtly infuse jokes in lecture, do it.

How We Can Help with Your Demonstration Speech

We hope that our  ideas for demonstration speech were useful! However, even if you follow all right tips, sometimes it’s impossible to write great demonstration lecture. Then what?

All you need to do is come to us and say “ write me a speech !” We have a team of brilliant writers from any niche. Just place order and check out bidders. You’ll definitely get good results!

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Written by David Kidwell

David is one of those experienced content creators from the United Kingdom who has a high interest in social issues, culture, and entrepreneurship. He always says that reading, blogging, and staying aware of what happens in the world is what makes a person responsible. He likes to learn and share what he knows by making things inspiring and creative enough even for those students who dislike reading.

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Easy Demonstration Speech Ideas

12 September, 2020

9 minutes read

Author:  Mathieu Johnson

If you ever dreamed of becoming an instructor and teach others, you can use an excellent opportunity to act like one while giving a demonstration speech. Believe us: there’ll be no better chance to engage yourself in such an exciting activity. This is probably the most encouraging task professors could ever give you. And you can now use it to share knowledge with others and learn something yourself during the process.

Demonstration Speech

Demonstration speech definition

As the name implies, demonstration speech is a speech devoted to teaching the audience how to do a particular thing. It is a clear, step-by-step practical guide which intends to show people methods of using regular items and even improve someone’s life with it. Demonstration speeches exist in different forms: they can be lengthy and detailed, short and straightforward, or medium and accurate. But either way, the very essence of this task is to teach you how to put thoughts into one, well-structured, and logical sequence of steps. It might seem dubious to take such a specific assignment, but if you take time to explore all the nuances and requirements for this task, it’ll be much easier to handle it eventually. So, what are the processes involved in demonstration speech writing, and what makes trivial persuasive topics sound brilliant?

Follow our guide for more insight.

How to Write Demonstration Speech

Choose Your Topic Carefully

Like with any other essay type, demonstration speech starts with topic selection. You have a vast field of “how to” speech ideas to talk about, but the ultimate choice is always on you. Also, professors often tend to give a specific topic to their students. In cases like this, it’s even easier. Regardless of what your final topic is, there’s always a need for research. Once the topic is defined, and you’re 100 percent confident that it’s going to fit the timeframe for delivery, go on to the next step, which is the audience analysis.

Examine Your Audience

There are specific criteria which can help you study the audience prior to delivering a speech. These factors include age, occupation, preferences, interests, and so on. So for example, if your listeners are professional gardeners, they’ll probably expect some useful advice on their sphere of interest. Instead of nurturing them with something as banal as “How to grow a plant,” give them real information, like “How to grow and take care of palm Washingtonia.” Likewise, if your audience composes of teenagers, speak about something thought-provoking, yet not too professional and dull. Take, for instance, the topic on how to become successful, or how to deal with depression.

Look for Credible Sources

Before writing the demonstration speech, you’ll first need some assistance to prove the credibility of your sayings. If you don’t want the audience to think like the entire speech is a fly of your imagination, you should arm yourself with relevant evidence to prove the mentioned points. There are many places you can go to, like local libraries. They contain countless books on your topic, so you can use them for your advantage. Alternatively, consider using online resources, but only credible ones if you don’t feel like walking anywhere. Even if such assistance is not enough for you, ask relatives or friends for help. Some of them might be experts in your topic, and more than willing to explain how this or that thing works.

Write a Motivational Conclusion

The best way to finish your demonstration speech is to give your audience a great insight into the process they haven’t experienced themselves. For this, you can call listeners to action and motivate them to follow your practice. Let’s review an example of a proper ending: “Now that you’ve learned about the basics of DIY table creation, you can craft one easily by yourself without costly materials and mountains of time.” Such a prominent calling will make people not only have a positive impression of your speech but also encourage them to make something useful.

Demonstration speech outline

An outline is a way to structure the information that you want to share with your audience. The outline should explicitly showcase the order of steps that you will use in your demonstration speech. Many students seem to neglect the power of creating outlines for their academic writing tasks, but in vain. The key feature that makes outlines as significant as other processes of speech creation is a schematic representation of the main ideas. It means that writing the final variant of your demonstration speech will be much easier as you have an exact plan, and you don’t need to think of the main points on the fly. As for the structure of an outline, it should contain the following elements:

  • three sections – introduction, main body, and conclusion.
  • the main part should be broken up into different stages of the process.
  • headings and subheadings marked with letters and numbers for easier navigation throughout the outline

Outline for demonstration speech

At the phase of plan creation, it’s also vital to adhere to theses and use them as reference points. These can be either sentences or just keywords. Do as you are accustomed to doing and feel comfortable with making amendments before proceeding with writing the speech text. For each statement, use examples from personal life to validate the adequacy of described steps. Vast reasoning is, of course, excellent, but without specifics, they do not cling. To find the response in the heart of the audience, make your how-to-do instructions more understandable. For example, if you want to explain to your audience how to make and install a wall-mounted folding table, don’t just enumerate the instruments required and tell people how to fold and unfold the table. Rather, give them proper instructions. 

How to write instruction

5-minute demonstration speech topics

  • How to savor wine
  • How to make a Spanish salad
  • How to clean the house with minimum effort
  • How to live the day like it’s the last one
  • How to forget the past and move forward
  • How to sew clothes
  • How to enjoy the moment
  • How to practice speed reading
  • How to adjust to the realms of massive consumerism
  •  How to control finances and save money

Funny demonstration speech topics

  • How to stop forgetting about turning off the iron
  • How to clean up the mess after your “Project X” party
  • How to survive in college
  • How to master the art of lying with a poker face
  • How to get rid of annoying friends
  • How to pretend that you’re present in a class
  • How to get an A+ for homework while doing nothing at home
  • How to stop biting nails and eating hair when you’re nervous
  • How to watch horror movies with your eyes open
  • How to pretend that you like your birthday present

Demonstration speech ideas for college students

  • How to paint using the acrylic pouring technique
  • How to find motivation
  • How not to burn out in college
  • How to find common ground with any professor
  • How to understand the subject you hate most of all
  • How to decorate a dormitory room for enhanced productivity
  • How to force yourself to get out of bed
  • How to be a leader in your class
  • How to prepare for an exam without psychological suffering
  • How to reach new heights in education

Now you have a guide on how to write a demonstration speech, as well as easy speech topics in addition to basic theory. These demonstrative speech topics are a surefire way to give a memorable, informative, and perhaps funny talk, which will undoubtedly crack the audience up. Our essay writers described you the essentials of speech writing, and now it’s your turn. Be patient, take your time, and tailor a blazingly meaningful speech.

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100 best demonstration speech ideas.

June 18, 2020

Demonstration Speech Ideas

“What are some good demonstration speech topics?” We get this question from students all the time. And our experts have worked hard to put together several ideas to explore for these types of assignments. We’ve compiled a list of 100 ideas for demonstration speeches covering numerous subjects. They are all free to use and modify in any way. If you need additional creative demonstration speech topics check our updated lists frequently. Our professional academic experts are always working to update and provide students with the most entertaining topic ideas .

How to Topics for Demonstration Speech

The following demonstrative topics show your audience how to make, build, or do something. Students are encouraged to present to choose a topic for demonstration speech on something they already know, but these ideas may inspire them to learn something new along the way.

  • How to make the best chocolate cake on the planet.
  • How to build a birdhouse that will attract red robins.
  • How to change the motor oil in your car.
  • How to change a flat tire in less than 10 minutes.
  • How to find a good college roommate when you live off-campus.
  • How to play Guitar Hero like a professional competitor.
  • The best way to make an ice sculpture for a fancy dinner.
  • The correct way to choose a wine to pair with food.
  • How to stretch to minimize the risk of injury.
  • The best way to train your brain so you have picture-perfect memory.

Demonstration Speech Ideas for High School Students

These easy demonstration speech topics are great for high school students because they are challenging but quite manageable. Students will need to spend just a few hours preparing their speeches:

  • The absolute best way to color or paint Easter eggs.
  • The best way to crochet a handbag that is good for everyday use.
  • How to create a colorful mosaic using only pieces of glass.
  • How to make homemade soap using simple ingredients.
  • The best way to write a business letter to your clients.
  • How to develop a business plan for a start-up.
  • How to greet people from different countries.
  • The best way to grill a steak on a traditional stove.
  • How to start a campfire when the ground is wet.
  • How to crochet like a seasoned veteran.

Topics for Demonstrative Speeches for College Students

This set includes good demonstration speech topics for a college-level assignment. The topics cover a variety of subjects that can apply to numerous courses:

  • How to negotiate a freelance project contract.
  • How to write an essay paper in less than 3 hours.
  • The best way to take and review class notes.
  • How to start running your own B&B business.
  • The best way to make homemade honey.
  • How to harvest honey from a bee farm.
  • How to prepare a portable emergency kit. The best way to train for an Iron Man Race. How to ferment and bottle homemade red wine.
  • The best way to study for a career in religion.

Funny Demonstration Speech Ideas to Make You Laugh

These funny demonstration speech topics will certainly keep your audience laughing. Give a couple of them a try and be sure to work on your timing:

  • How to change a baby’s diaper in less than 3 minutes.
  • How to eat 50 full-size hotdogs in less than 30 minutes.
  • The best way to use horoscope predictions to do well in school.
  • How to lose the attention of an audience.
  • How to lose weight while eating all you want to.
  • The best way to get out of taking an in-class exam.
  • The best way to create excuses for not doing homework.
  • How to convince your college professor to cancel mid-terms.
  • The best way to increase your grades without doing any work.
  • How to wean yourself off of cell phone dependence.

Relevant Political Demonstrative Speech Topics

These topics for demonstration speech are all related to current political issues. You don’t have to go digging through history books to speak about these ideas. All you need to do is watch or read the news for about a week to get a sense of what matters to people today:

  • The most effective way to protest police brutality.
  • How to stay out of white-collar prison if you are rich.
  • How to vote by mail in two different states.
  • The best way of avoiding taxes when you don’t want to pay.
  • How to use your influence to get your children into Ivy League Schools.
  • The best way to avoid jail time if you committed a felony.
  • The best way to protest against the national anthem of the United States.
  • The best way to cast two votes for different politicians in one year.
  • How the U.S. can defund the police without increasing the crime rate.
  • The best way to make money from the military and give it to schools.

Demonstrative Speech Topics for College Students

The following how-to demonstration speech topics community college show audiences how to accomplish things through simple steps:

  • How to make Owl painted rocks using household items.
  • How to make owl-shaped napkin folds for a Harry Potter party.
  • How to make a baking soda volcano for a science project.
  • The best way to throw a football for distance and accuracy.
  • The best way to make a solar oven that works.
  • How to make a kite using tissue paper, straws, and pieces of string.
  • How to make a paper airplane that will travel 50 feet.
  • How to make a killer chicken parmesan sandwich.
  • How to make homemade natural sweet potato fries.
  • The best way to prepare brewed ice coffee at home.

Controversial Demonstrative Speech Topics

These controversial demonstration speech topics for college students will grab the audience’s attention in an instant. Just be sure to carefully research each topic before presenting on it:

  • The best way to pay fewer taxes if you are a small business owner.
  • How bulletproof vests can help protect you from attack.
  • The best way to use sleep deprivation to lose weight.
  • How to make Tamales better than any other Spanish country.
  • How the MLBA makes more money during a lockout than in season.
  • How to learn Yoga and Pilates to avoid visits to the hospital.
  • The best way to travel to other countries without learning a new language.
  • The best way to cancel professional sports and fund college programs.
  • How to stop eating fast food and start eating vegan.
  • The best way to introduce laws to punish obese and unemployed.

Current Affairs Demonstration Speech Topics

These good topics for demonstration speech all involve things that are happening today. These issues have intrigued people from all over the world and will certainly be interesting to most audiences:

  • How to write an e-book on modern marketing ideas.
  • The best way to close a sale in today’s world of social distancing.
  • How to disinfect high-traffic customer areas in restaurants.
  • The best way to re-open schools in the U.S. amid COVID-19.
  • How to sell a product to investors to grow your business.
  • The best way to communicate with your local government officials.
  • The best way to pitch your products and services to generate new clients.
  • How to work from home and stay productive.
  • How to find funding opportunities to pay for a college education.
  • The most effective way of staying safe as public places reopen.

5 Minute Demonstration Speech Topics

On many occasions, students will be asked to conduct a speech on a given demonstration topic and do so within a specific amount of time. The most common is the 5-minute speech for which we’ve put together this set of demonstration ideas:

  • The best way of bringing animated characters to life.
  • The best way to pilot a hot air balloon in warm weather.
  • How to become more empathetic towards others’ situations.
  • The most effective method for beating a video game in record time.
  • How fragrances in perfumes are captured for sale.
  • How to get an A+ on every in-class examination.
  • The best way to make great pumpkin carvings.
  • How to decorate a cake in as little as 30 minutes.
  • The best way to plan vegetarian meals.
  • The best method for long-distance run training.

3 Minute Demonstration Speech Topics

Just like our prior set of topics for demonstration speeches, this was put together with a short speech assignment in mind. Each idea is perfect for a speech in which you are limited to just a few minutes:

  • The best way to feed a large hunting dog so that it is satisfied.
  • How to teach a parrot to repeat what you say around it.
  • How to modify action figures with spare parts.
  • The best way to keep your desk organized.
  • The best way to build a plastic model kit so that it looks realistic.
  • How to pain pretty birdhouses you can display in a day.
  • How to make the best Vodka party drink on the planet.
  • The best way to avoid fines at the public library.
  • How to de-clutter your garage for optimal space.
  • The easiest way to use your parent’s bank account to pay bills.

For more unique demonstration speech topics contact our customer support. They will put you in touch with an academic writer who can take your assignment requirements and give you several fresh ideas for a demonstration.

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How To Speech Topics

Here's a list of 100 "how to" speech topics on which you can base your demonstration speech. If you're new to writing this type of speech, then I have some great tips here to help you get started.

How to speech topics

10 Web-Related Topics

100 How to speech topics

  • build mobile websites
  • rank in Google's search engine
  • design a Wordpress blog
  • unzip a .zip file
  • take a ".xml" file and make it a feed
  • optimize website graphics
  • use an FTP program to upload files to the web
  • open a Facebook account
  • get set up on Twitter
  • sell stuff on eBay

10 How To Speech Topics on Technology

  • download from iTunes
  • send text messages
  • program a GPS tracker
  • install more memory into a laptop
  • properly clean a computer screen and accessories
  • transfer music from an iPhone to a PC
  • choose the best computer
  • program a TV remote controller
  • unlock your Wii console

10 Topics on Health

How to speech topics on health

  • lose weight safely
  • increase your metabolism
  • lift weights properly
  • keep your heart healthy
  • get rid of lice
  • get rid of acne
  • keep your teeth healthy
  • quit smoking
  • improve your eyesight
  • exercise your brain

10 How To Speech Topics on Pets

  • teach your parrot to talk
  • teach your dog to play dead
  • saddle a horse
  • set up an aquarium
  • breed animals to sell
  • bathe a cat without getting scratched
  • introduce new pets to older pets in your household
  • choose the right pet for you
  • control the pets on Sims 2
  • get rid of fleas and ticks

10 Topics on Fashion

How to speech topics on fashion

  • make your eyes look bigger with makeup
  • tie a hair bow
  • get rid of static cling in hair and clothes
  • shop for clothes on a budget
  • curl hair with a curling iron
  • apply false eyelashes
  • pick clothes that make you look 10 pounds lighter
  • care for dry, brittle hair or nails
  • remove stains from fabric
  • clean a suede or leather jacket

10 How To Speech Topics on Gardening

  • design a desert garden
  • create a raised bed garden
  • grow bigger tomatoes
  • compost when you live in an apartment
  • attract butterflies to a garden
  • attract hummingbirds to a garden
  • grow an indoor herb garden
  • repel and kill garden pests
  • develop humane animal traps
  • control mole damage

10 Topics on Jobs

How to Speech Topics on Jobs

  • never work again
  • get a job after being fired
  • write a resume
  • write a cover letter
  • ask for a raise
  • make money on the internet
  • work as a virtual assistant
  • deal with office politics
  • search for a job online
  • add my resume to online job sites

10 How To Speech Topics on Education

develop a photographic memory ace your PSAT, LSAT, MCAT, etc. become valedictorian apply for college financing get an online degree avoid problems with homeschooling get a GED write a speech deal with bullying decorate school books

10 Topics on Holidays

How to Speech Topics Holidays

  • put on makeup to look like a zombie for Halloween
  • make fake vampire teeth
  • carve a scary pumpkin
  • create a Christmas tree out of wire hangers
  • make a pop-up Christmas card
  • build a gingerbread house
  • make a Thanksgiving turkey out of lunch bags
  • make firework fuses
  • decorate a cake like a flag
  • decorate Easter eggs

10 How To Speech Topics on Sports/Recreation

  • do a 360 flip on a skateboard
  • improve your golf swing
  • knot a climbing rope
  • tighten wheels on rollerblades
  • put together a wakeboard
  • repair a bicycle shifter
  • arm wrestle someone more muscular than you
  • play ping-pong like a pro
  • choose the best paintball gun
  • put a spin on a baseball

Phew! There you go, 100 how to speech topics for you to choose. Hopefully, they'll give you some ideas so you can come up with a hundred more!

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200+ Demonstration Speech Ideas, Writing Tips, and How-to Topics


Our words can impact the world, and delivering a standout demonstration speech is a powerful way to share practical knowledge. However, what should you do if you're unsure which topic to choose for your address? 

Demonstration speeches are crucial for improving public speaking, especially for students. They're a big deal in schools, like high schools, because they help you learn how to share information practically. So, a demonstration speech breaks down the steps of doing something so you understand how it works.

Making these speeches better is all about picking the right topic. The topic is like the heart of the speech. It can make it fantastic or uninspiring. There are tons of choices, which can be a bit much for students. It's like trying to find the perfect thing to discuss, which can feel overwhelming.

To write interesting demonstration speech ideas, consider using visual aids like slides or pictures. They grab people's attention and make it easier for everyone to understand. So, if you want your speech to be remembered, it's all about picking an excellent topic and showing it off so everyone can follow along.

What is a Demonstration Speech?

A demonstration speech is when you show and explain how to do something step by step. It's a type of speech where you break down a process or activity in a way that helps the audience understand and learn.

The goal is to provide a clear and practical explanation, often using visual aids, to make it easier for people to grasp the demonstrated concept or skill.

Funny demonstration speech ideas could help intrigue your audience and help you gain confidence when showcasing a practical skill or shedding light on a unique process.

In addition to using words to communicate information, demonstrative speeches also heavily rely on body language to emote and emphasize important points.

Think about topics that fit the requirements and interests of the audience when coming up with ideas for demonstration speech topics.

Presenting a compelling demonstration speech topic that appeals to the audience is the aim, and examples range from basic first aid methods to educational lectures on practical life tips. A well-selected demonstration speech topic can enthrall and instruct the audience, making a long-lasting impact

What is a Demonstration Speech Topic?

The demonstration speech topic is a subject that a presenter portrays in a speech. The presenter provides a detailed explanation of the topic. In other words, a demonstration speech topic is the specific subject or theme you base your presentation on. It's the main idea or concept you'll explain and show your audience through step-by-step instructions. 

The choice of a demonstration speech topic is crucial, as it should interest you and align with the type of presentation you want to give. The topic dictates what you will demonstrate thus, it is important to choose a good demonstration speech topic that will guide you in how you present the information effectively.

For unique demonstration speech topics, one should consider employing brainstorming tactics and doing more research about the content required.

It is also important to note that a good demonstrative speech not only conveys verbal information but also employs other illustrations like body language to relay enthusiasm.

How to Write a Demonstration Speech

When writing a demonstration speech you should start crafting good demonstration speech ideas or by brainstorming unique speech writing or presentation skills that will appeal to your target audience.

Speech writing involves breaking down a process into clear, step-by-step instructions. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective demonstration speech:

Tip 1: Choose an Engaging Topic

Choose a topic in which you are enthusiastic and your audience would be interested. Consider your audience's interests and expertise level. An interesting topic draws the audience's curiosity, making them more receptive to the information delivered. It keeps your audience's attention and interest throughout the show.

Tip 2: Define Your Purpose

Determine the goal of your demonstration. What should your audience be able to accomplish when you stop speaking? Certain objectives guide the topic of your speech. It keeps you focused on the message you want the audience to take away from the presentation.

Tip 3: Organize Your Content

Create a distinct introduction, body, and conclusion for your speech. Break the process down into separate steps and present them logically. Effectively organizing your speech guarantees an ordered flow of information. It makes it easier for the audience to follow the procedures, reducing confusion and increasing comprehension.

Tip 4: Use Clear and Concise Language

Keep your language simple and easy to understand. Avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse your audience. Clarity in language ensures your audience understands the instructions without getting lost in technical jargon. Using straightforward language promotes effective communication and knowledge transfer.

Tip 5: Incorporate Visual Aids

To improve understanding, use visual aids like presentations, charts, graphs, or props. Check that your visual aids are apparent and that they complement your explanation. Visual aids help with comprehension by offering a visual depiction of the steps. They supplement spoken explanations and accommodate different learning styles, making knowledge more accessible.

Tip 6: Practice Timing

Practice your speech until it fits within the time limit. Pacing should be considered so that your audience can comfortably follow each step. Timing your speech ensures that it fits within the time allotted, avoiding hurried presentations or unnecessary delays. It assists you in maintaining a consistent tempo for maximum audience engagement.

Tip 7: Engage Your Audience

Encourage audience interaction if possible. For instance, ask questions or invite volunteers. Use anecdotes or examples to make your speech relatable.

Tip 8: Reinforce Key Points

Highlight critical stages or information. To promote learning, summarize the major themes in your conclusion. Reinforcing crucial points ensures that important information is highlighted. It helps retention and comprehension by helping the audience recall the key steps of the demonstration.

Tip 9: Consider Your Audience's Background

Tailor your speech to the knowledge level of your audience. Avoid assuming too much or too little prior knowledge. When writing your demonstration speech outline Tailoring your speech to the audience's knowledge level ensures the information is neither too basic nor too advanced. It makes the content more relevant and relatable to the specific audience.

Remember, the key to a successful demonstration speech is clarity and simplicity. Ensure your audience can easily follow each step and that your passion for the topic shines through your presentation.

Some Common Mistakes to Avoid When Preparing a Demonstration Speech

  • Assuming the audience knows certain steps or terms without explaining.
  • Presenting without sufficient practice.
  • Speaking too quickly, making it hard for the audience to follow.
  • Including too many steps, making the process confusing.
  • Using technical or complex language without explanation.
  • Jumping straight into the demonstration without a proper introduction.
  • Having a disorganized or unclear structure.

How to Make the Demonstration Speech Interactive and Memorable

  • Provide clear explanations for each step, avoiding assumptions about prior knowledge.
  • Simplify the demonstration by breaking it down into manageable and clearly explained steps.
  • Practice pacing to ensure a steady and understandable delivery.
  • Encourage audience interaction to maintain interest and involvement.
  • Clearly outline the introduction, main steps, and conclusion to create a logical flow.
  • Seek constructive feedback and make necessary adjustments to improve your speech.
  • Keep language simple and explain any terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to the audience.

Comprehensive List of Demonstration speech ideas.

Are you rummaging through the internet, piles of books, and documents trying to find the perfect demonstration speech ideas for your presentation? Do you need any captivating topics to fascinate your audience?

This range of demonstration speech ideas includes process speeches that explain detailed procedures as well as demonstrative topics that delve into particular subjects.

The subjects give a great deal of flexibility for a wide range of suggestions, and audiences, from the captivating and funny to the educational and convincing. PowerPoint presentations and other visual aids increase the effectiveness of these demonstrations by guaranteeing comprehension and audience participation.

Easy Demonstration Speech Ideas for High School Students

  • How to create the perfect study schedule
  • How to make your duct tape wallet
  • How to perform a basic magic trick
  • How to make a healthy smoothie
  • How to plant a container garden
  • How to tie-dye t-shirts
  • How to master the Rubik's cube
  • How to create a simple and effective phone stand
  • How to craft a story
  • How to make your music playlist
  • How to perform basic card tricks
  • How to make a simple origami animal
  • How to properly stretch before exercise
  • How to decorate your graduation cap
  • How to write a thank-you note
  • How to create a mind map for better learning
  • How to make homemade pizza
  • How to change a bike tire
  • How to draw a caricature
  • How to tie a tie in different styles

Business Demonstration Topics

  • How to create an effective business plan
  • How to conduct market research for a business idea
  • How to write a professional business email
  • How to deliver an engaging business presentation
  • How to use social media for business marketing
  • How to conduct a successful job interview
  • How to network effectively in a professional setting
  • How to create an online store
  • How to negotiate in business
  • How to develop a personal brand for professional success
  • How to conduct a productive team meeting.
  • How to manage time effectively in a business setting
  • How to use project management tools
  • How to create a professional LinkedIn profile
  • How to develop a content marketing strategy
  • How to analyze financial statements
  • How to implement employee wellness programs
  • How to conduct a swot analysis for your business
  • How to create effective business reports
  • How to develop a successful email marketing campaign

Demonstration Speech Topics for Sports

  • How to perfect your free throw in basketball
  • How to swing a golf club correctly
  • How to improve your soccer dribbling skills
  • How to throw a spiral in football
  • How to execute a tennis serve
  • How to increase your vertical jump for basketball 
  • How to perfect your baseball pitching technique
  • How to train for a marathon
  • How to execute a perfect volleyball serve
  • How to perform a bicycle kick in soccer
  • How to master the butterfly stroke in swimming
  • How to perfect your tennis backhand
  • How to set up a home gym for fitness training
  • How to execute a perfect ski turn
  • How to train for sprinting in track and field
  • How to perform a proper tackle in rugby
  • How to improve your archery accuracy
  • How to execute a perfect gymnastics floor routine
  • How to choose the right running shoes
  • How to execute a perfect judo throw

Funny Demonstration Speech Topics for College Students

  • How to survive a zombie apocalypse on campus
  • How to make the perfect cup of coffee for zombies
  • How to master the art of napping in public
  • How to master the secret language of emoji
  • How to fake it until you make it: impersonation 101
  • How to navigate and survive the science of awkward small talk
  • How to become a Netflix binge-watching champion
  • How to master the art of taking the perfect selfie
  • How to win an argument with your pet
  • How to be invisible in a crowd
  • How to speak fluent sarcasm
  • How to dance like no one is watching even when they are
  • The art of surviving a group project
  • How to perfect the art of Snapchat streaks
  • How to provide humorous insights into the unspoken language shared between roommates.
  • How to master the elevator small talk

Demonstration Speech Ideas related to Food

  • How to make a classic grilled cheese sandwich
  • How to bake the ultimate chocolate chip cookies
  • How to create a quick and healthy breakfast smoothie
  • How to build a beautiful Caprese salad
  • How to make flavorful homemade guacamole
  • How to craft the perfect cup of French press coffee
  • How to create a wholesome Buddha bowl
  • How to make homemade pizza dough from scratch
  • How to brew your cold brew coffee
  • How to prepare a classic Caesar salad
  • How to make a refreshing fruit-infused water
  • How to craft your gourmet burger
  • How to make a perfectly poached egg
  • How to create a homemade vegetable stir-fry
  • How to bake a moist and delicious banana bread
  • How to build a colorful and nutritious acai bowl
  • How to make a classic Margherita pizza
  • How to craft the perfect cup of matcha green tea
  • How to mix and match various nuts, seeds, and dried fruits to make a personalized trail mix.
  • How to make homemade pasta sauce

Demonstration Speech Topics for Technology

  • How to set up a smart home system
  • How to build a gaming PC
  • How to safely clean your computer
  • How to create a website using a website builder
  • How to secure your online accounts with two-factor authentication
  • How to edit photos using photo editing software
  • How to use virtual reality for productivity and entertainment
  • How to set up a home network
  • How to create a mobile app prototype
  • How to encrypt your data for security
  • How to use augmented reality apps
  • How to back up your data to the cloud
  • How to set up a blog using a content management system
  • How to create an exciting podcast
  • How to set up a virtual private network 
  • How to use a 3d printer
  • How to stay safe online: cybersecurity tips for everyone:
  • How to effectively use social media for personal branding
  • How to create a strong password and manage passwords securely
  • How to implement digital detox

Demonstration Speech Topics Related to Public Speaking

  • How to overcome public speaking anxiety
  • How to use vocal variety in your speech
  • How to perfect your body language
  • How to craft a compelling speech introduction
  • How to use humor effectively in public speaking
  • How to structure your speech for maximum impact
  • How to engage your audience with storytelling
  • How to deliver a persuasive speech
  • How to use visual aids effectively
  • How to handle Q&A sessions with confidence
  • How to adjust your speech for different audiences
  • How to project confidence through your voice
  • How to incorporate pause and silence for impact
  • How to utilize eye contact to connect with your audience
  • How to create and use speaking notes
  • How to manage your time effectively during a speech
  • How to use rhetorical devices to enhance your speech
  • How to navigate technical challenges during a presentation
  • How to evaluate and improve your public speaking skills
  • How to close your speech with impact

Demonstrations Speech Ideas for Public Health

  • Demonstrate the correct way to wash hands to prevent the spread of germs and infections. Emphasize the importance of soap, water, and duration in cleaning.
  • Show how to prepare a nutritious and delicious smoothie using fresh fruits, vegetables, and other wholesome ingredients.
  • Guide your audience through a simple, effective at-home workout routine that promotes fitness and well-being.
  • Demonstrate how to make a quick and healthy snack, such as vegetable sticks with hummus, yogurt parfait, or homemade energy bites.
  • Teach the audience stretching exercises to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries.
  • Show simple techniques for mindful breathing and relaxation to manage stress and promote mental health.
  • Introduce the audience to the benefits of aromatherapy and demonstrate how to create a simple essential oil blend for relaxation or energy.
  • Demonstrate how to plan and prepare healthy meals in advance for the entire week, emphasizing the importance of balanced nutrition.
  • Guide your audience through basic yoga poses and stretches that promote physical and mental well-being.
  • Show proper desk ergonomics and stretches to prevent discomfort and injuries associated with long hours of sitting.
  • Demonstrate how to prepare delicious dishes and desserts without added sugars, using alternative sweeteners.
  • Discuss the importance of staying hydrated and demonstrate creative ways to make infused water or herbal teas.
  • Introduce natural remedies for common ailments, such as herbal teas for relaxation or homemade cough syrup.
  • Show how to make simple, chemical-free beauty products using natural skincare or hair care ingredients.
  • Demonstrate exercises and techniques to improve posture and reduce the risk of back and neck pain.

Demonstration Speech for Enhancing Traffic Safety

  • Demonstrate the proper way to parallel park, providing alignment and distance judgment tips.
  • Show how to safely change a flat tire using a jack and other necessary tools.
  • Explain the correct interpretation of traffic signals and demonstrate hand signals for situations where they are applicable.
  • Provide tips and a demonstration on how to drive safely in adverse weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or fog.
  • Demonstrate defensive driving strategies, including maintaining a safe following distance and being aware of surroundings.
  • Explain the rules and demonstrate the proper technique for navigating a roundabout or traffic circle.
  • Guide the audience using public transportation effectively, including purchasing tickets and understanding schedules.
  • Show how to correctly install and secure a child car seat, emphasizing the importance of child safety in vehicles.
  • Demonstrate the proper hand signals for cyclists and share safety tips for riding a bicycle in traffic.
  • Discuss the dangers of distracted driving and demonstrate practical ways to avoid distractions.
  • Demonstrate basic car maintenance tasks such as checking oil, tire pressure, and fluid levels.
  • Demonstrate using a GPS navigation system or mobile navigation app effectively to reduce driver stress and improve road safety.
  • Explain and demonstrate the proper technique for merging onto highways and changing lanes safely.
  • Educate the audience on the meaning of various road signs and their importance in ensuring safe and efficient traffic flow.
  • Demonstrate how to safely share the road with cyclists, including proper passing distances and awareness.

Demonstration Speech Ideas for Disaster Management

  • How to Develop a Family Emergency Plan
  • How to Build a Home Emergency Shelter
  • How to Perform the Heimlich Maneuver
  • How to Use a Fire Extinguisher
  • How to Purify Water in Emergency Situations
  • How to Create a Community Emergency Response Team
  • How to Perform Basic Search and Rescue Techniques
  • How to Safely Turn Off Utilities in an Emergency
  • How to Build and Use a DIY Emergency Radio
  • How to Pack an Emergency Go-Bag
  • How to Conduct a Fire Drill at Home
  • How to Safely Evacuate a Building

Demonstration Speech Ideas for Engineering Projects

  • Demonstrate the basics of electrical engineering
  • Show how to build a simple electric circuit using components like batteries, wires, and bulbs.
  • Demonstrate the process of 3D printing, from designing a model on a computer to the finished printed object.
  • Provide a demonstration of basic welding techniques and safety precautions.
  • Constructing a Paper Bridge
  • Demonstrating a Hydraulic System
  • Demonstrate how to program a simple robot to perform a specific task.
  • How to build a Water Rocket system
  • Introduction to CAD Software
  • Solar Water Heater Construction
  • Building a Miniature Wind Turbine
  • Demonstrating the Engineering Design Process
  • Constructing a Basic Pneumatic System
  • Creating a DIY Electric Generator
  • Introduction to Computer Hardware
  • Building a Model Suspension Bridge

Demonstration Speech Topics for Agribusiness

  • Demonstrate the principles and benefits of crop rotation in agribusiness to improve soil fertility and reduce pest infestations.
  • Show how to set up a small-scale hydroponic system for growing vegetables or herbs indoors, emphasizing water efficiency and space utilization.
  • Guide farmers on how to effectively set up a stall at a farmers' market, including display techniques and customer engagement.
  • Demonstrate the proper techniques for starting seeds indoors and transplanting seedlings to the garden for optimal plant growth.
  • Explain and demonstrate the principles of IPM, showcasing environmentally friendly methods for controlling pests in agriculture.
  • Show how to set up and maintain a composting system on a farm, using organic waste to improve soil health and fertility.
  • Provide an overview of precision agriculture technologies and demonstrate how they can be applied to improve efficiency and yields on a farm.
  • Demonstrate safe and effective techniques for handling and managing livestock, emphasizing animal welfare and stress reduction.
  • Show how to install a drip irrigation system for efficient water management in agriculture, reducing water usage and improving crop yields.
  • Demonstrate how to prepare a dish using fresh produce directly sourced from a farm, promoting the farm-to-table concept.
  • Provide a demonstration of the principles and practices of organic farming, including soil management, pest control, and certification processes.
  • Explain the concept of aquaponics and demonstrate how to set up a small-scale system for integrated fish and plant cultivation.
  • Demonstrate the art of grafting to produce stronger and more resilient fruit trees, showcasing different grafting methods.
  • Guide farmers on best practices for harvesting crops and handling them post-harvest to maintain quality and freshness.

As we wrap up this inspiring and creative trip of over 200 demonstration speech ideas it is important to note that there are more fascinating writing suggestions and useful how-to subjects offered by AceMyHomework . The abundance of possibilities here makes it possible to create dynamic presentations that enthrall your audience with educational and amusing material. 


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  • Demonstrative 'how to' speech topics

Demonstrative speech topics

 - ideas for how to speeches by the dozen.

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 11-07-2023

Below you'll a selection of good demonstrative speech topics covering a broad variety of themes: caring, business, entertainment, frugal living, the importance of being prepared, and public speaking.

How to make your demonstrative speech easier to prepare

However, before you rush to choose any of them please take time to examine your own interest areas first.

Because choosing a visual aids speech topic you genuinely care about will make it easier for you to prepare your speech well. You'll want to do it!

It won't be a chore and, your passion for your subject will shine through. That enthusiasm will pull the audience in and they'll want to find out about what you've got to share.

Mix your interests, your expertise, with your audience's needs and expectations and you'll come up with a compelling topic.

Using my lists effectively

The best way to use my themed lists of demonstrative speech topics is as a starting point to trigger your own ideas for 'how to' speeches. 

Jump to a list

Click on an image to go straight to a list.

Baby boy doll - caring speech topics

The magic of 'how'

Did you know a demonstrative speech topic could be on anything at all?

Put the magic word 'how' in front of almost any aspect of life you can think of and there's a demonstration speech topic. They may not all be suitable for your audience but they're 'how to' speech topics nevertheless!

Add visual aids to illustrate, (charts, graphs, handouts, costumes, objects, actors to role play or demonstrate, video snippets, audio tracks, posters, photographs, power point...), a lot of rehearsal, and there's your speech. Done.

Business How-to Topics

Image: a pair of glasses Text: Business

  • pitch a product
  • close a sale
  • make a cold call
  • prepare a presentation
  • write a resume
  • run an in-office meeting
  • run a meeting online
  • write business emails
  • dress for work well on a small budget
  • develop a contacts list
  • balance commitments and expectations
  • prioritize time
  • prepare an elevator speech
  • write a proposal
  • write minutes of a meeting
  • conference call effectively
  • question well
  • listen well
  • read body language
  • manage taxes
  • make great power point slides
  • socialize in a business setting
  • manage a small project
  • analyze the competition
  • apply for a job
  • complete an online skill or aptitude test
  • run a market stall
  • apply for a grant
  • mentor a colleague
  • encourage entrepreneurial thinking and action
  • develop a business model
  • research a potential product
  • use online social media effectively
  • work from home

Return to Top

Frugal Living Demonstrative Speech Topics

Image: pink money pig. Text: Frugal living

  • live off grid
  • save for your retirement
  • use a credit card well
  • manage a household budget
  • set up a urban co-operative
  • save on groceries
  • set up a weekly meal planner
  • make your own baby food, bread, health drinks (smoothies), drinks (beer, wine,  lemonade ...), cheese, yoghurt, preserves (jams, jellies, pickles, canned fruit and  vegetables...)
  • sew or repair your own clothes - fix a hem, zip, replace a button ...
  • do your own household repairs - fix a clogged drain, paint a room, fix a door handle, a leaky tap ...
  • make your own cosmetics
  • recognize and use medicinal herbs or plants
  • build your own furniture -indoor and outdoor
  • grow vegetables, flowers, herbs, cacti ...
  • grow from seed or cuttings
  • design and build a garden, courtyard, play area ...
  • decorate a child's room, a cake, a table ...
  • launder your own clothes
  • organize a clothing, book, toy, plant or furniture and household goods swap
  • get free education help online

Caring Themed Demonstration Speech Topics

How to care for:.

Image: baby doll with blue bib. Text: Caring

  • a crying baby: how to hold, how to rock, how to sing to, how to know when to ignore...
  • a toddler: how to talk with, how to feed, how to put to bed, how to play with, how to dress...
  • an elderly person:  activities - dancing, yoga, puzzles, walks, reading... 
  • someone who is ill: feed, wash, clothe, amuse...
  • silver jewelry: clean, protect
  • gold jewelry: clean, protect
  • books: antique, storing, shelving
  • skin: dry skin, sunburn, acne...
  • hair: fine hair, curly hair, straight hair, blonde hair, dyed hair... 
  • clothes: washing, ironing, hanging, airing, storing, traveling...
  • shoes: polishing, cleaning, mending, storing
  • house plants, vegetable gardens, flower gardens, seedlings ...
  • a computer, car, bike, lawn mower...
  • art works, fine furniture, antiques or any special collection ...
  • a pet: dog, cat, rabbit, bird, fish...
  • add your own 'how to care for' topic

Be Prepared Demonstrative Speech Topics

First aid procedures: - what to do if someone:.

Image: Forest fire. Text: Be prepared

  • has a heart, panic or asthma attack
  • has an epileptic fit
  • has a severe allergic response to something
  • breaks a limb
  • cuts themselves badly
  • is concussed
  • becomes hysterical
  • is burned, poisoned or choking
  • is hyperventilating

Survival:  - what to do when:

  • an earthquake strikes
  • a building catches on fire
  • you're in a vehicle accident
  • you're caught out in a storm
  • you're swept away by rip while swimming in the sea

Step by step safety procedures for:

  • driving a car, a truck, in traffic, in snow, on ice, on metal roads...
  • cooking:  using a grill, handling sharp knives, chopping, food storage...
  • hiking: using a compass, reading a map, lighting a fire, cooking outside, crossing a stream or a river...
  • biking in traffic, mountain biking
  • riding a motorbike, a horse, a large lawn mower
  • dating online
  • swimming in the sea, in a river...
  • handling fire works
  • gun handling ...

Entertainment/Leisure Demonstrative Speech Topics

How to play old fashioned party or parlor games:.

easy things to make for a demonstration speech

  • blind man's bluff
  • musical chairs
  • pin the tail on the donkey
  • creeping up on grandma
  • I went to the shop and what did I buy? I bought ..., and other memory  games
  • play card tricks
  • play string games
  • play knuckle bones
  • play skipping games
  • sing a round
  • tell a joke
  • blow bubbles
  • learn a new dance move
  • plan a party: theme, décor, food, drink, music, invitations, entertainment ...

Public Speaking Demonstrative Speech Topics

Image: A black microphone on red background. Text: Public Speaking

  • memorize a  speech
  • make cue cards
  • speak as if you were a newsreader, a salesman, a racing commentator, a preacher,  a well known TV character, singer, or entertainer ...
  • speak  clearly
  • develop flexible vocabularies for different audiences
  • use vocal variety in your speech
  • read a story aloud for children
  • read a  poem aloud
  • modify an accent
  • lose filler words and phrases: like, um, ah, you know ...
  • handle hecklers
  • use body  language and gesture well
  • rehearse a speech
  • write a eulogy

Check out the links to these other demonstration speech topic pages too!

Images- 3 in a row - cats and dogs, antique buttons, 4 female mannequins in a pond. Text: How to choose a pet, How to make jewelry from antique buttons, how to interpret modern art.

  • 290 excellent demonstration topics
  • 50 'soft skill' how to speech ideas
  • 100+ 10 minutes (or less) demonstration speech ideas
  • 188 funny how to speech topics

And find out  how to use visual aids  effectively as well.

Help to prepare the speech

After you've chosen the topic find out more about  how to prepare a good demonstration speech . Get step by step guidelines covering every aspect from choosing a topic to actually giving the speech. There's a free printable demonstration speech outline available for you to use too.

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easy things to make for a demonstration speech

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

“How To” Speech Topics, Ideas & Examples

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Amanda Green was born in a small town in the west of Scotland, where everyone knows everyone. I joined the Toastmasters 15 years ago, and I served in nearly every office in the club since then. I love helping others gain confidence and skills they can apply in every day life.

Want to speak in front of an audience but are terrified of freezing or being boring? I know the feeling. If you’ve ever had to give a “how-to” speech, you know that it can be incredibly intimidating. It also entails coming up with how-to speech ideas and creative examples.

After all, how will they finish listening if the audience isn’t hooked by what you’re saying right away? To help ease your worries (and inspire those ideas!), here’s everything you need on “how-to” speeches: topics, samples & potential pitfalls — so read ahead!

Writing a How-to Speech

easy things to make for a demonstration speech

The speaker needs to consider several important factors when preparing to give a how-to speech. The how-to speech should identify the problem that needs to be resolved, explain how the problem can be fixed with a step-by-step approach, and list any potential obstacles the audience may face.

It is also important for speakers to choose how-to speech topics that are of interest or relevance to their target audience. This will ensure maximum engagement and retention throughout the speech.

How-to Speech Ideas That Are Funny

When it comes to funny “how-to” speeches, the possibilities are endless! Whether talking about how to make a perfect paper airplane or how to be the life of the party, humor can enhance your presentation and help keep your audience engaged.

Try using puns, silly props, or even anecdotes that provide insight into the process while still making people laugh. The goal is to not only impart valuable knowledge but also entertain your listener.

With some creativity, you can develop a humorous speech that achieves a comedic effect and explains its topic.

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Interesting How-to Topics

When asked to present a speech, many people immediately search for the most interesting ideas for a how-to speech. From tidying up after the biggest mess to baking a delicious cake, speeches about how to do something can be informative and entertaining.

While it may seem challenging to come up with fresh ideas, an infinite number of topics could be used. Some great suggestions include teaching viewers how to create a simple budget plan , explaining plant-based diets and their benefits, explaining how to instruct others effectively, or even how to ace an interview.

No matter what topic you go with, remember that the important thing is to be passionate and provide audiences with detailed instructions. When done correctly, choosing an interesting “how-to” topic for your speech will surely have your audience applauding in no time!

Choosing a Demonstration Speech Topic

Choosing a demonstration speech topic may seem daunting, but it can be simple and enjoyable with the right guidance. Identifying the topics appropriate for a demonstration speech is the first step in navigating this process.

Demonstration topics should be grounded in facts and provide pertinent knowledge about your expertise or interest. They should also focus on something that can be demonstrated in a tangible way, such as making a craft or performing an experiment.

  • Your Interests

Choosing engaging good how-to speech topics based on one’s interests can be daunting yet rewarding. Taking the time to reflect on potential topics and thinking carefully about what topics truly interest you is fundamental to assembling a captivating presentation.

As such, it is paramount to begin by reflecting upon your hobbies and leisure activity ideas that you find most intriguing, as well as any activities or tasks you feel passionate about sharing with others.

Additionally, curating ideas from other media sources, such as newspaper articles or magazines, helps provide further insight into new and novel subjects or angles that can motivate your research process.

Only through this deliberate effort to understand our interests and apply them creatively towards developing a worthwhile “how-to” speech topic can we find the contentment of presenting a presentation with which listeners will engage.

  • Who the Speech Is For

Choosing a “how-to” speech topic is critical in delivering an effective presentation. When selecting your topic, it’s important to keep the audience in mind.

Decide who your speech is for and make sure it is relevant to their interests. Select something specific that can benefit them or be beneficial in a general sense. Choose something the audience wants to learn about and that you are comfortable presenting. This will ensure your presentation skills are on display, as well as your knowledge about the topic.

Ensure your topic has enough depth for you to use additional research as support. This will strengthen the content of your presentation and demonstrate personal effort.

Ultimately, with careful consideration of who your speech is addressed to, you can craft a “how-to” topic that adds value both for yourself and your audience.

  • The Setting of the Speech

Choosing a “how-to” speech topic based on the setting of the speech is an important step in preparing for an effective presentation.

It is essential to consider the purpose of the speech, the audience’s interests and needs, and any limitations or restrictions that may be present to construct an appropriate topic and choose relevant information to include.

Anticipating questions or topics of interest related to the audience is helpful when selecting a relevant topic.

  • The Time You’ve Got to Prepare the Speech

Deciding on a “how-to” speech topic can be daunting. But the task becomes much more manageable, considering how much time you have to prepare for the presentation. Start by narrowing down the possibilities based on how much time you have.

If you have more time to prepare, opt for something more challenging. If you have only a short amount of time, choose a simpler topic.

Once you have determined the complexity level and estimated preparation time, consider your interests to find a topic that is both engaging to yourself and hopefully your audience.

As with any speech or presentation, researching and practicing before the actual event will greatly benefit your delivery and engagement with your audience.

Although finalizing a speech topic for a “how-to” presentation can be stressful, understanding constraints and utilizing interests will help make this process easier.

  • The Time You’ve Got to Give the Speech

When selecting a “how-to” speech topic, the amount of time you have to give the presentation should be considered. It is wise to carefully analyze the time frame constraints of the assignment and assess which topics can be thoroughly explored in the allocated duration.

Attempting to cover too much material within a limited timeframe may lead to rushed communication and limit your opportunity to expand on the subject matter. Instead, select a focus that allows space for further discussion but remains concise enough to explore properly within your allotted time.

It is also advantageous to choose a topic that naturally interests you. This will heighten enthusiasm and engagement throughout your presentation, thus helping create an impactful delivery. Doing so will ensure you stay on track and avoid exceeding the assigned timeframe.

  • The Guidelines for Assessment

When choosing a “how-to” speech topic, it is important to ensure that the topic meets all of the guidelines for assessment. It is a good idea to consider current and relevant topics, informative, interesting, and new, demonstrating the speaker’s understanding of their subject matter.

Choosing a topic with an appropriate difficulty level can help ensure that your speech will be comprehensive and engaging for your audience.

Demonstrative Speech Topics

easy things to make for a demonstration speech

Selecting topics for speeches comes down to choosing something you both know and can present effectively. As you brainstorm possible show-and-tell ideas, narrow the topics until you arrive at one that is interesting to you and your audience and fulfills all criteria needed for an effective demonstration presentation.

Once you’ve chosen a successful topic, preparing the speech will become much simpler, allowing you to demonstrate confidently and successfully.

Here are some easy demonstrative speech ideas for how-to.


Giving a speech to educate an audience about how to care for animals/pets can be an enriching experience.

It is important to research and thoroughly understand the topic to provide the audience with accurate and applicable information. This will entail researching different animal species and their specific characteristics, needs, and behaviors.

Moreover, ample time must be allocated for preparation so all aspects of proper pet-keeping can be explained clearly and confidently.

Topics ideas could range from a persuasive speech on how to pick the best breed to an informative speech on pet health. 


Talking about creating and maintaining a garden or a yard requires proper preparation to ensure that the information relayed is accurate and beneficial. Researching various gardening elements beforehand will provide a strong base for discerning audiences to build on.

Be sure to present topics such as plant selection, design ideas, pest prevention, watering methods, and other environmental factors in an organized fashion that is easy for your listeners to follow.

Offering clear instructions throughout the speech with examples showing the steps in action can help ensure that your audience walks away feeling confident about their newly acquired knowledge.

Topics could cover how to identify poisonous plants, how to get rid of garden pests, how to make an indoor herb garden, and even how to make garden art. 

To give an effective “how-to” speech about crafts, the speaker should start by introducing themselves and properly framing the topic. They should provide a brief overview of what the audience will learn in their presentation and then begin with the most basic information, slowly building up to more complex concepts.

Crafting often has visual aid speech topics. At every stage of presenting, visuals should be provided for illustration. Visuals could range from diagrams or step-by-step photographs showing how a craft is made to video or actual physical models.

Once all of this information has been presented, the speaker should summarize the key points covered and allow time for questions from the audience before concluding their presentation.


Giving a “how-to” speech about games/sports is an excellent way to share knowledge and teach important concepts. It requires the speaker to do comprehensive research and prepare in advance.

To give an effective “how-to” speech, start by introducing the game/sport accurately and make sure to tailor the presentation for your specific audience. Additionally, focus on one topic at a time, explain each step with vivid examples, and use visuals like charts or diagrams if possible.

Once you have covered all steps necessary for playing the game/sport, end the speech concisely and provide resources that can be used after the presentation.

Topics here could range from how to perfect your golf swing to even how to teach basketball.

Food And More

Delivering a successful “how-to” speech about food and drinks requires careful preparation. First, it is important to do research on the topic so that you have an understanding of the background information.

Once this has been accomplished, the next step should be to focus on a specific field within the topic and craft your presentation around this selected focus. Be sure to collect illustrations, charts, or photographs relevant to your chosen material, as these visual elements can make all the difference in bringing your words to life.

How to Structure a How-to Speech

Structuring a “how-to” speech can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Firstly, you should brainstorm the steps needed to accomplish your desired outcome with as much detail as possible. Secondly, organize the steps in chronological order.

This will give the rhythm of your speech a natural flow. Then, begin by introducing yourself and the topic by providing background information on why it is important.

Following completion of the step-by-step instructions, summarize what was just explained and explain why it matters in general terms. Finally, address any foreseeable issues and offer solutions to avoid them.

How-to Speech Template

A “how-to” speech template is an effective method to prepare a speech. This is especially useful when speaking on topics that may be largely unfamiliar to the audience, as it provides a straightforward structure for organizing the material.

The basic format of this type of speech involves:

  • Introducing the topic.
  • Describing the purpose and benefits of knowing more about it.
  • Decomposing the subject matter into easily digestible sections.
  • Concluding with a summary and reflection on what has been covered.

Additionally, including visual aids and personal anecdotes can further add interest and clarity to speeches, helping ensure everyone remains engaged throughout the presentation. Use this blank demonstration speech outline to craft your own any time!

To Sum It Up

Giving a great how-to speech is mostly about choosing the right topic. As how-to speeches often require visuals such as PowerPoint slides and handouts, these should be reviewed pre-speech to guarantee smooth delivery during the presentation itself. Speaking confidently and clearly while allowing time for questions and feedback is also essential in delivering an effective how-to speech.

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300+ Demonstrative Speech Topics & How to Ideas

Demonstrative Speech Topics

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One type of speech that you will probably be required to give as a student is a demonstration speech. These types of presentations are the easiest and most common forms of public speaking in schools. They involve describing ways of doing a specific activity with detailed step-by-step explanations. Visual aids such as graphs, charts, or handouts may also be used to clarify points. However, to be effective, you must find good topics for demonstration speeches. However, selecting your subject may pose challenges because there are thousands of topics to choose from. Besides, it takes a lot of time comparing different “how to presentations ideas” against each other to choose a suitable one. In turn, this highlights the importance of understanding how to create interesting demonstration speech ideas. This article discusses diverse topics for demonstration speeches and techniques from speech writers to develop various demonstrative ideas for effective presentations. Use this guide to simplify your subject selection process.

What Are Demonstration Speech Topics?

A demonstrative speech topic is a theme or subject of a presentation. In other words, it is what the demo is about. While you can select the topics that you are good at, the nature of your presentation affects which subject you will focus on. Remember that any selected topic should help you show ways of making something or how something works. Examples of themes include “how to organize your bedroom” or “how a smartphone touchscreen works”. Conversely, process speech topics describe ways of completing a process e.g., how to play softball. Therefore, you need to select an exact theme for your presentation to avoid confusion.

What Makes Good Demonstration Speech Topics

As discussed previously, delivering an effective presentation starts with choosing a good demonstration speech topic. Avoiding potential problems when conveying your demo entails ensuring that you talk about something you are familiar with, good at, or have adequate experience with. This will streamline your work. When thinking about your demonstration topic, make sure that your theme:

  • Can be described within a given time. Demo speeches typically last for 10-15 minutes.
  • Is valuable to your target audience i.e., enhances their knowledge.
  • Does not include excessive steps.
  • Is not very technical.
  • Can be explained to a wider audience.
  • Does not include excessively discussed issues e.g., abortion.

How to Choose a Demonstration Idea?

A challenging part of any presentation is coming up with demonstrative speech ideas . Start by selecting those activities/events you find interesting. Let’s look at a proper way of developing demonstration speech topic ideas:

  • Think about your interests, such as sports, the food you like, your favorite animal, hobby, or an interesting place you visited.
  • Understand your audience by considering how relevant your idea is to them. This will help you save time because knowing your listeners aids in selecting appropriate and engaging themes. For example, you cannot choose engineering topics for an audience interested in psychology. Besides, your idea should be relatable to your listeners such as issues affecting the community or people.
  • Decide on the things you want to focus on in demonstration speech by being specific e.g., how to solve puzzles. However, this theme is too wide, and you will not cover it in a 5-10-minute presentation. Narrow your focus to something precise e.g., how to solve a math crossword puzzle.
  • Consider what your presentation intends to accomplish i.e., your goal. Do you want your audience to practice healthy eating habits? Or do you want them to save more money?

Best Demonstration Speech Ideas

Your topic and language ability affect how effective your presentation will be. First, you must have a theme. Some topics may appear nice at first. However, you may face difficulties creating a demo out of them. Conduct a thorough investigation, as it aids in generating decent demonstration speech ideas. Do not copy “how to topic ideas” directly from anywhere. Use existing themes as prompts for producing your subject. Here is a list of the best demonstration speech topics on diverse issues:

  • Tips for managing water pollution.
  • Dressing for a date.
  • Writing a novel.
  • Cleaning your kitchen properly.
  • Purchasing a smartphone.
  • Dividing your garden.
  • Steps for performing yoga.
  • Techniques for saving water.
  • Techniques for taking nice photos with your smartphone.
  • Ways of making a 1-hour exercise plan.
  • Ways of speaking confidently in public.
  • Ways of building a website.
  • Preparing a stew with herbs and vegetables.
  • Dealing with the fear of mathematics.
  • Playing the trumpet.
  • Meditation techniques for seniors.
  • Surviving without sugar.
  • Ways of traveling abroad cheaply.

Liked an idea but don’t know how to prepare a memorable demonstration speech? Delegate this task to real pros. Leave us a ‘ write my speech for me ’ message and specify instructions so we can compose a custom speech. 

Easy Demonstration Speech Ideas

What makes a demonstration topic easy? Factors such as your interest and familiarity with a specific matter, the age and type of audience, your age, and study field determine which topics are less complex for you. Besides, you can create easy demonstrative speeches if you understand something comprehensively. Ensure that you talk about themes you know to simplify your work. Presentation ideas are all about how you view issues affecting you or the people around you. Examples of easy demonstrative speech topics that you may work with include:

  • Useful tips on learning French.
  • What are the basics of identifying fake news.
  • Tips for improving your social skills.
  • Becoming an actor.
  • Eating healthier.
  • Guidelines for reading body language.
  • Mouth hygiene tips for men.
  • Techniques for completing your homework quicker.
  • What makes a good soup.
  • Precautions for using autopilot in your car.
  • Healthy exercise tips for tackling weight gain.
  • How to use Google Docs.
  • Changing a car tire.
  • How to bathe your baby.
  • Using an oven for dummies.
  • Overcome destructive habits.
  • Bake the best chocolate cakes.
  • Making online learning fun.
  • Swimming techniques.
  • Useful guidelines to follow while walking on a busy street.

Interesting Demonstrative Speech Topics

Your demo must involve matters you feel excited talking about. What does this mean? Effective presentations must involve simple messages, charismatic delivery, and interesting how to topics. These things stimulate your listeners or motivate them to develop new knowledge. As you explore demonstration ideas for your presentation, select only enthralling themes. For example, take note of themes that make your heart beat faster and demonstrate them. Here are interesting topics that you can choose from:

  • Ways of making your smile contagious.
  • Finding real online friends.
  • Riding a horse.
  • Seeking forgiveness from someone.
  • Ways smartphones affect your brain.
  • Guidelines for creating a garden out of a lawn.
  • Investing $100 and becoming a millionaire.
  • Influencing your employees to stay loyal.
  • Tips on being successful like billionaires.
  • How do electric cars work.
  • How to stop checking your Facebook feed excessively.
  • How to fly a plane.
  • Talking with your emotions.
  • How do video games benefit students.
  • Tips on making life easier.

Good Topics for Demonstration Speeches

Still not sure which issues to show? Remember that topics for a demonstration speech should tell your audience exactly what you will present. Therefore, describe them clearly. Picking a subject is quite a fun activity that also teaches you novel things. Avoid controversial or highly technical topics. Choose simple topics that have adequate information online. Have a look at these good how to speech topics and use them in developing your ideas:

  • Ways of delivering your CV to online job sites.
  • Tips for making traps for wasps.
  • Cleaning natural and synthetic fabrics.
  • Making lemonade.
  • Meditating correctly.
  • Creating a silk flower bouquet.
  • Coloring Easter eggs.
  • Ways of making a fragranced pillow.
  • Guidelines for relieving stress using stretching techniques.
  • Ways of creating animated gifs.
  • How to defend yourself when attacked.
  • Offering yourself a pedicure/manicure.
  • Cleaning your laptop.
  • Different poses for yoga.
  • Performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Intriguing How to Speech Ideas

It is hard to find captivating topics for how to speeches if you are unsure of how you should begin. Nevertheless, if you read books or news articles on diverse subjects regularly you can easily formulate intriguing themes. Therefore, combine your imagination with your experience and come up with new process speeches ideas. Try new things and be up to date with global events. Look at this list of concepts about how to presentations:

  • Why girls do not like each other.
  • Ways of identifying the right tires for your electric car.
  • Why should you not borrow money from friends?
  • Ways of increasing the forest cover to deal with climate change.
  • How celebrities are idolized today.
  • Learning geography from sports fans.
  • Ways DNA tests are used to identify criminals.
  • How do tourists influence economic development.
  • How do organ transplants affect mental health?
  • Guidelines for dealing deal with sleeping disorders.
  • How private prisons work.
  • Ways media independence affects democracy.
  • Tips for dealing with stuttering problems.
  • Tips for living on $5 a day.
  • Guidelines for creating a successful brand.

Funny Demonstration Speech Ideas

You can also use fun subjects for presentations. Funny demonstration speech topics are good at helping you entertain and influence your listeners to view life optimistically. Even if your theme is less serious, ensure that your ideas for a demonstration speech are educational. You can do funny demonstrative speeches on:

  • The benefits of procrastination.
  • A list of bizarre sports you do not know about.
  • Lie like a spy.
  • Secrets to lasting intimate relationships.
  • How to bathe your cat.
  • Techniques for initiating conversations with people you dislike.
  • Tips on how not to be punished at school.
  • How to avoid dreaming about ghosts.
  • What are the techniques to avoid cheating in exams.
  • Crazy business ideas.
  • Ways of catching liars.
  • Why daily 30-minute naps at work are good for everyone.
  • Tips for not forgetting to turn off the iron after using it.
  • How to watch a horror movie alone.
  • Techniques for living with a terrible roommate.

Creative Demonstration Speech Topics

Creative people can describe concepts easily. For demonstration topics to be ingenious, they must highlight innovative matters. Using these themes, you can show processes or ways of participating in a specific activity creatively. The things to demonstrate for your presentation are all about thinking outside the box and developing engaging subjects. Consider these examples:

  • Guidelines for registering a company in your country.
  • Ways of using robots at home.
  • Tips for creating 2D animations with a smartphone.
  • Photoshop use techniques.
  • Guidelines for finding part-time work remotely.
  • Techniques for dealing with stage fright or anxiety when speaking in public.
  • Why telemarketing is beneficial.
  • Ways technology benefits the education sector.
  • Guidelines for securing your house from burglars.
  • How to prepare for interviews.
  • Developing cross-platform apps.
  • Organizing your scholarship application papers.
  • Creating a stunning essay.
  • Tips on using technology to prevent crime.
  • Techniques for saving money effectively.

Unique How to Presentation Ideas

How do you hook your audience? First, you must spend an adequate amount of time picking a unique theme. Regarding these types of how to ideas for a presentation, delivering impactful demos entails being simple. This means focusing intentionally on valuable ideas and including sufficient details as this will engage your audience. Take a look at these unique demonstrative speech topics for inspiration:

  • Tips for using idioms in your writing work.
  • Guidelines for finding effective health insurance in your area.
  • Why school uniforms are needed.
  • How to select the best running approach that suits your needs.
  • Bottling white wine confidently.
  • Finding and buying cheap books.
  • Color books as an adult and its benefits.
  • Ways of checking your blood sugar level.
  • Tips for lifting weights like an Olympic champion.
  • Techniques for practicing tai chi safely.
  • Living without technology.
  • Why separating classrooms for girls and boys is beneficial to the study process.
  • Why teachers and students should not befriend each other on social media.
  • Why religion should be taught at schools.
  • How smart cities work.
  • The effect of texting on the writing and vocabulary abilities of students.

5 Minute Demonstration Speech Topics

Producing five minute demonstration speech topics is not very difficult. If you are an experienced speaker, you can address all your main themes within that time. However, while the timeframe is adequate for these speeches, you can easily become uninterested during the delivery process. Still, you have a high chance of keeping your audience involved by choosing subjects that instill curiosity in them. You can achieve this by generating enough demonstration speech ideas and developing several points out of them for an easier presentation. Here are some topic examples:

  • Tips for enjoying life as an introvert.
  • Techniques for organizing a party.
  • Tips for wearing a scarf.
  • Being financially secure.
  • Overcoming fear .
  • Five steps for writing a blog article.
  • How to motivate yourself every day.
  • Caring for your shoes.
  • Starting a successful online business.
  • Ways of using colors to elevate your mood.
  • Ways of telling if a person is lying.
  • Ways of shopping online securely.
  • Tips to revive dead plants.
  • Ways of being happy without money.
  • Ways of becoming a vegan.
  • How online classes affect grades.

Process Speech Ideas

Process speeches topics are excellent in assisting you to analyze methods or issues and present a step-by-step outline of your ideas. These presentations highlight how processes are achieved, instead of discussing how results are achieved. You may include visuals such as photos or sketches to help people understand the presentation better. These are a variety of how to speech topics related to processes that you can select from:

  • How to make Turkish coffee.
  • Locating and purifying water in the desert.
  • Tips for mining diamonds ethically.
  • How to provide safe and clean water to a drought-affected area.
  • How do bills work in Congress?
  • How does a nuclear reactor function?
  • Putting oil in your bike.
  • Making a fishing net.
  • How to overcome a bad breakup.
  • Building a fence.
  • Tracking wild animals.
  • Becoming successful at school.
  • How to become a politician.
  • Making feeders for bird.
  • Painting using watercolors.

Would you like more ideas? We have many blogs with various topics. Start with argumentative essay topics .

Demonstration Speech Ideas & How to Topics for Students

As a student, you will encounter tasks or assignments requiring you to deliver a perfect demonstration speech. Whatever school level you are, presenting information is a good way of practicing your public speaking skills and building your self-esteem. Therefore, if you intend on speaking in front of people, consider selecting easy things to demonstrate for a successful presentation. These subjects will enable you to develop strong arguments while conveying persuasive how to ideas. Even though you may want to focus on your interests as the basis for creating entertaining and memorable demos, be wise and careful with your topic selection. Use the themes described in this section to come up with good demonstrative speech ideas.

Demonstration Speech Ideas for Middle School

If you are a student at this level, then you will find it fun to convey easy demonstrations on subjects you have already studied. These speeches help you improve your analytical knowledge. While it is a daunting task at first when attempting to organize your thoughts, consider these ideas for demonstration speech to save time:

  • How to save new contacts on a smartphone.
  • Ways of impressing your friends.
  • Cleaning the table.
  • Performing magic tricks.
  • Taking care of your dog.
  • Downloading games to your tablet.
  • Techniques for tying various knots.
  • Learning to cycle.
  • Turning old newspapers into paper bags.
  • Tips to clean your room.

Demonstration Speech Ideas for High School

In high school, you will complete tasks that differ from those in college or middle school. Presenting demonstrations is one activity that is present at all school levels. However, delivering demos successfully requires more than just showing ways of completing something. You will need to create effective demo speech ideas first. Indeed, your instructor understands that you are not a professional yet. Nonetheless, you will be given assignments necessitating talking about a variety of demonstration topics for how to speech. You can choose from these themes:

  • How to deal with technology addiction.
  • Ways to debate effectively.
  • Memorizing song lyrics.
  • Choosing the right education field.
  • Overcoming addiction to technology.
  • Becoming a book-reading fanatic.
  • Voting during elections.
  • Enhancing your communication skills.
  • Techniques to protect your computer data.
  • Tips for selecting your career field.

Ideas for a Demonstration Speech for College Students

Whether you are afraid of speaking publicly in college, you still must be prepared for public speaking classes. Avoid being embarrassed when conveying your presentation to your colleagues by learning about how to speeches topics for college students. This will help you impress your tutor and deliver exhilarating presentations. These demonstration speech topics for college are fascinating:

  • Techniques for preventing major causes of death in the country.
  • Sustainable ways of halting climate change.
  • How to count your carbon footprint.
  • Conducting qualitative research.
  • Starting a money-making business while in college.
  • Potential alternatives to micro plastics.
  • How a gap year before attending college benefits you.
  • Tips for maintaining work-life balance.
  • Ways of applying for international scholarships.
  • Tips for making smart investments.

Demonstrative Speech Topics & How to Ideas on Different Subjects

In this section, you will learn about potential topics for demonstration speech in different fields including business, health, tech, craft, marketing, food, and education. Numerous examples of ideas for a how to speech will also be provided. Remember that these are just recommendations so you must evaluate whether they are appropriate for your specific field and audience. You can adapt them easily to suit your needs by conducting further research and tailoring your topic. Try one of these demonstrative project ideas:

  • How to secure a broken leg when medical assistance is unreachable.
  • Creating Twitter threads.
  • Selecting the best mortgage.
  • Securing data in the cloud.
  • Moving on after a breakup.
  • Creating advertisement campaigns on Google.
  • Organizing your closet.
  • Recognizing food labels accurately.
  • Tips on getting cheap airfares.
  • Why will speech-to-text innovation replace keyboards in five years?
  • Tips on tracking your expenditure.
  • How social media increases unhappiness in society.
  • Brain training techniques.
  • Tips on avoiding overthinking.
  • Tips for saving fuel for your car.

Demonstration Speech Topics for Health

As a medical student, you will likely create and deliver a demo presentation throughout your school period. For your health demonstration speech ideas, the goal may be showing your listeners ways of adopting healthy living approaches or eating habits. If you are stuck in choosing a topic, these examples might be useful:

  • Why you should drink dark chocolate regularly.
  • The health impact of e-cigarettes.
  • How to deal with stress.
  • Preventing asthma attacks.
  • Identifying if someone will suffer from a stroke.
  • Ways authentic friends affect your health.
  • Why you are addicted to fast food .
  • Tips for developing strong bones.
  • How can your lifestyle cause cancer?
  • The benefits of fermented foods.
  • Why happiness extends your lifespan.
  • The dangers of eating gluten.
  • How do fats affect your brain?
  • Why pesticides are dangerous.
  • How your diet affects your mental health.

Demonstration Speech Ideas for Business

In the business field, effective presentations are vital for topics such as sales, management, and finance. In this subsection, you will develop the capability and confidence to offer speeches by gaining insights into easy demonstration speech topics for business. Firms are prevalent in society and each one of us can associate with business discourses because they are crucial in social life. Use these themes in generating business demonstration speech ideas:

  • How to register your business.
  • Launching an online business.
  • Attracting potential customers through social media.
  • Turning your social media followers into paying clients.
  • Becoming a solopreneur.
  • Turning your business idea into an income.
  • Motivating employees.
  • Increasing your productivity using computers.
  • Creating business plans that work.
  • Earning while doing nothing.
  • Tips on selecting the appropriate taxation approach for your business.
  • Tips on organizing business events.
  • Tips on managing time effectively.
  • Tips on hiring the right employees.
  • Techniques for networking well.

Demo Speech Topics on Marketing

Whether introducing a business to customers or experts, marketing is a vital part of organizations. In such situations, you may be required to give great demonstration speeches about various subjects. However, you need an appropriate demonstration speech topic as this aids in delivering informative pieces. Here are examples of marketing demonstration speech ideas:

  • How online marketing affects society.
  • How to conduct green marketing.
  • Using the internet as a medium for marketing.
  • Apply the 7PS of marketing to business.
  • Using CSR to build your brand.
  • Delivering targeted advertisements.
  • Managing customer relationships.
  • Shifting from traditional to digital marketing.
  • Using social media for marketing.
  • How networking marketing works.
  • Why marketing is important today.
  • How does your social accountability affect customers?
  • How SMEs can use digital marketing to their advantage.
  • How mobile marketing works.
  • How ethics can be used in the sales domain.

Demonstration Speech Ideas With Food

Do you enjoy talking about topics related to food? Or maybe, do you like preparing different kinds of food for yourself or your family? Then you have a lot of food presentation speech ideas. Maybe you hope to display your food preparation or knowledge level in a competition. Learn about helpful how to demonstration speech ideas with food that you can use:

  • Simple ways to prepare cinnamon rolls.
  • How to fry meat alternatives.
  • Replacing meat with peas, lentils, and beans.
  • Preparing tasty food in camps.
  • Using spices and herbs for a healthy meal.
  • Prepare and eat chili.
  • Dressing your salad in a healthy way.
  • Controlling the food chain to support sustainability.
  • Preparing a vegetarian barbecue.
  • Preparing a healthy breakfast.
  • Making Italian Pizza.
  • Making British sandwiches.
  • Tips on making burgers.
  • What to consider before picking a wedding cake.
  • Tips on matching wine with food.

Demonstration Speech Ideas on Crafts

Do you love crafting? Good craft projects help you overcome boredom. Besides, making things yourself is so satisfying. Thus, if crafting is your hobby, then you know several themes about crafts. Use your experiences to develop a demonstration speech idea. However, if you find it hard to come up with one, here are some demonstration speech topics on crafts:

  • Tips on designing your clothes.
  • Ways of sewing tone clothes.
  • How to print photos or art on T-shirts.
  • Using stencils.
  • Using crochets.
  • Organizing flowers.
  • Making soft furnishings.
  • Techniques for carving or whittling wood.
  • Tips on using antique buttons to make jewelry.
  • Ways of tie-dying your T-shirt.
  • Ways of becoming a puppeteer.
  • Ways of creating natural dyes.
  • Techniques for designing and creating greeting cards.
  • How does the Paper-Mache Work.
  • Sketching techniques.

Ideas for How to Speech Topics on Life

Sometimes in life, you will want to share your experiences about various issues. It can be about ways you overcame challenges, how you became rich, or something mundane such as how to decorate a house. While you may have many ideas for demonstrative speeches on life, you still must choose the good ones. This helps you avoid conveying boring demos. Examples of demonstration topics ideas that you can select include:

  • How to make a golf cup hole.
  • Grow your garden.
  • Getting the job that suits your personality.
  • Write a phone message.
  • Negotiating a pay raise.
  • Write a thank you message.
  • Preventing home fires.
  • Filing claims.
  • Restoring broken wood items at home.
  • Replacing cracked tiles.
  • Fixing a leaking faucet.
  • Reducing waste by reusing items.
  • Tips for preparing for emergencies.
  • Tips for energy savings at home.
  • Techniques for unclogging sinking drains.

Tech Demonstrative Speech Topics

There is no universally agreed method for selecting the best tech demonstration speech topics. However, this field has some interesting themes that can be explored such as smart homes, AI, robotics, and speech processing among others. Since technology is constantly evolving, you should focus on up-to-date and relevant demonstration presentation ideas. Consider some of these topics:

  • Tips for selling on eBay.
  • Techniques used to rank in search engines.
  • Tips for designing a WordPress website.
  • How TV remote controllers are programmed.
  • How to clean your electronic accessories.
  • Uploading files to a website using an FTP program.
  • Burning a DVD using an external drive.
  • Setting up your Twitter account.
  • Designing e-commerce websites.
  • Increasing the RAM of your laptop.
  • Tips for selecting the best desktop.
  • Tips for transferring files from your iPhone to a laptop.
  • The benefits of technology for agriculture.
  • How 3D printing works.
  • How companies can use big data.

Education How to Presentation Topics

The education sector has a variety of opportunities and issues as well. In turn, this presents a multitude of how to topics for presentation. If you are searching for motivating presentation themes that are education related, then this subsection is for you. This is a list of easy how to speech ideas on education:

  • Tips for getting financing in college.
  • How to acquire a degree online.
  • Dealing with online learning challenges.
  • Teach sex education effectively.
  • Overcoming bullying.
  • Integrating autistic students into normal classrooms.
  • Teach high school students’ financial literacy.
  • Being productive each day.
  • Perform better by sleeping well.
  • Analyzing news articles.
  • Using extracurricular activities to enhance your personality development.
  • Why year-round schools are beneficial.
  • How homeschooling harms your children.
  • How the metric system works.
  • Why students in high school should learn music and art.

There is one hint in case you lack inspiration. Look through other blogs with speech topics such as  impromptu speech topics . It will help you to come up with an interesting idea.

Final Thoughts on Demonstration Speech Ideas & Topics

Whether it is for business, health, or education subjects among others, demonstrative speech topics must be interesting, simple, and compelling. If you face challenges finding a good subject for your presentation, get inspired by the how to speeches topics provided in this article. Make sure you understand the type of demonstration speech that you will provide e.g., demo or process speeches. This helps in figuring out effective ways of organizing and preparing for the presentation. Also, remember limiting your focus to the themes you enjoy and are familiar with as these aids in presenting them completely and clearly within the set timeframe.


Ask our professional writing service for assistance. Hire an expert to prepare an outstanding speech for you. Our writers provide excellent results in a timely manner.


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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Impromptu Speech Topics

Demonstration Speech Ideas and Topics

Published by Boni on September 4, 2023 September 4, 2023

Demonstration Speech Ideas and Topics

What is a Demonstration Speech?

A demonstration speech is a presentation by a speaker whose main goal is to help the audience learn how to complete a specific task. Students in colleges and universities are often asked by their lecturers to write a demonstration speech they would give to a certain audience and it is not a wonder that some struggle in creating the same.

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Luckily there are different ways to go around the problem if you can’t easily create a demonstration speech. One simple way is to look for an instant speech maker . The speech generator will create for you an engaging and remarkable speech for your audience. A demonstration speech could be teaching colleagues how to perform a task, pitching new products to stakeholders or investors, or showcasing your service to potential customers.

How to Choose the Right Demonstration Speech Topic?

First, you have to consider the complexity of your demo and also ask yourself whether your audience will fully understand your demonstration in the time given to deliver the speech. Below is how you can choose the appropriate demonstration speech topic:

  • Audience demographics

Understand your audience before delivering the speech. Consider their demographics and know what things fascinate them. Understanding their age group, race or ethnicity will go a long way in helping you choose the right speech topic for them. Avoid a too complex demonstration topic or an excessively straightforward one.

When choosing a demonstration speech topic, your audience interests should be at heart. However, you should also be interested in the topic to deliver it with excitement and energy. Delivering the speech with passion will have your audience thinking deeply about what you are demonstrating.

The time given to complete the speech is another factor to consider. Some topics may require more time than others to demonstrate to your audience, therefore, consider the amount of time given to deliver the speech.  

What will be the setting as you deliver the demonstration speech? Will the audience be seated in a room or somewhere outside? Will it be a compact room or a big hall? All these questions will help determine your demonstration speech topic given the conditions of the setting.

  • Visual aids

Even though demonstration is a visual aid in itself, some speech topics could use presents, PowerPoint slideshows, or recordings. Such additional material will help bring out the real picture as you want it depicted to your audience.

List of Demonstration Speech Topics and Ideas

Demonstration speech topics could at times prove problematic to some students. You can always seek help from a reputable and professional speech writer from Gudwriter to help you out. They are experts in crafting impressive speeches that will make your audience think and act upon what you are demonstrating. Nevertheless, coming up with topic ideas can be challenging which is why we have created this extensive list of topic ideas for you. Pick your ideal topic and create your speech:

5-Minute Demonstration Speech Topics

These are the demonstration topics that you would need only five minutes to deliver. Usually, the topics are simple and straightforward like how to make graffiti. The speaker should deliver the message in the shortest time possible. Below are some brilliant examples:

  • How should I work with mosaics?
  • What exactly is a bonsai tree?
  • How should a bonsai tree be grown and maintained?
  • How can I crochet a handbag?
  • Describe the Rubik’s cube. What is the best way to resolve it?
  • Photoshop photo editing techniques
  • How may stained glass be created for your home?
  • What exactly is sculpture?
  • How can ice be carved?
  • How can a person create natural perfume at home?
  • Just what is graffiti?
  • How can I make graffiti at home?
  • What is a telescope used for?
  • How is talking to parrots taught?
  • Methods for choosing the right running shoes for leisurely strolls.
  • How to practice communication skills like active listening in class.
  • Methods for choosing a color scheme and palette.
  • Building a sand castle
  • How to register for voting
  • Learning how to play a computer game

Good Demonstration Speech Topics

These are brilliant demonstration topics that you can choose from to enlighten your audience on a given topic. Here are some examples of good demonstration topics:

  • How to make a homemade terrarium
  • The Art of making Sushi at home
  • Basic yoga pose introduction and relaxation methods
  • The Science of perfect chocolate chip cookie baking
  • How to make a beautiful flower arrangement
  • Time management techniques that work for busy professionals
  • First aid techniques for common injuries demonstrated
  • Tips for using energy efficiently at eome to save money and the environment
  • Developing your coffee brewing skills
  • Every driver should understand basic car maintenance
  • Principles of watercolor painting
  • Making a three-course, healthy meal on a budget
  • Making your own natural beauty products at home
  • How to get started with smartphone photography and editing
  • Making a raised garden ed for homegrown vegetables: Building instructions
  • Stress-reduction methods using mindfulness meditation
  • DIY suggestions for decluttering and organizing your home
  • Experiments that illustrate the basics of meteorology in The Science of weather
  • Effective public speaking: Tips and techniques for confident communication
  • A beginner’s guide to knitting or crocheting

Also, here are some informative speech topics .

Easy Demonstration Speech Topics

These are typical demonstration topics on simple things. They are just like the 5-minute speech topics meaning they only take a short time to demonstrate. Draw inspiration from the topics below:

  • Making coffee using various techniques
  • Obtaining consistent perfection in necktie knots
  • How to change a tire on a car
  • Building a rain barrel for reuse
  • How to set up your home office to be as productive as possible
  • Having your house cleaned fast and effectively
  • Clothes folding for optimal space conservation
  • constructing a perfect bed each time
  • How to prepare for your upcoming trip
  • Putting together a productive study schedule
  • How to create a smoothie for healthy breakfast
  • Basic hand sewing techniques
  • Making jelly sandwich and peanut butter
  • How to plant a flower in a pot
  • Sorting and reducing waste by recycling
  • How to set up your social media profile
  • Tying shoelaces using the bunny ears method
  • Tying the square knot
  • How to set up a projector
  • Home repair tips

Best Demonstration Speech Ideas

Demonstration speech ideas can come in many dimensions. Picking the ideal idea for your topic be it a technology or creative speech can be challenging due to the wide scope of the context. However, here are various example topics you can check out:

  • How to beat insomnia
  • Different ways to become a millionaire
  • Visual media categories
  • Basic survival techniques for wildlife
  • How to learn salsa
  • Describe the evolution of computer science.
  • Five simple steps to combat anxiety
  • Utilizing a multimedia projector
  • The significance of engaging in hobbies while attending college
  • How to apply makeup
  • How to find part-time employment
  • Writing guidelines for demonstration speeches
  • How should a car be washed?
  • Why put money aside?
  • How is hair French-meshed?
  • How do you use candles and flowers to beautify a room?
  • How can I write a compelling personal statement for admission?
  • How is a hammock constructed?

Read more: Best motivational speech topics and ideas.

Demonstration Speech Ideas for College Students

Demonstration speech ideas for college students may not be easy to come up with. That is because this is a different group of intellects and you have to create a topic that resonates and excites them at the same time as youth. Below are brilliant examples:

  • How to paint on a canvas effectively with the acrylic pouring technique
  • Why should you think about learning to skydive?
  • How to get through the speech on the subject you despise the most
  • How to become the spokesperson of your class
  • How to raise your horse riding skill
  • Effective study techniques for overnight exams
  • How to stay motivated in college
  • How do you create a website?
  • The iPhone user’s manual for beginners
  • Benefits of modern technology
  • How to Open a Mail Account
  • Projector for multimedia use
  • How to excel academically in college
  • How to change your schedule as a college student
  • Making the best study environment
  • Developing effective study habits to prepare for exams
  • Savings strategies for college students
  • How to network successfully in college and beyond
  • How to improve your business communication abilities in college
  • How to take advantage of campus chances and resources to further your education

Demonstration Speech Ideas for University Students

These are impressive speech ideas for an audience of university students. Understand that these are learned fellows so dig deep as you find the ideal topic for the demonstration speech. You can draw inspiration from this list:

  • How to find affordable course books
  • How to get the approval of any teacher
  • How to get friends close by
  • Essay writing process
  • How are stars counted?
  • Homework completion in the shortest time
  • Using fondant to decorate a wedding cake
  • Why is it vital to decorate kid-favorite foods with organic food coloring?
  • Which is more productive, group study, or library study, and why?
  • Tap dance instruction on YouTube
  • Paragliding and bungee jumping advice
  • What steps are involved in choosing the dessert for a wedding?
  • How should I cook the particular barbecue meat and cake on the stove?
  • How do you make it appear as though you were truly taken by surprise at a birthday celebration?
  • How to be a good listener
  • How to interpret a modern painting
  • Building a model airplane
  • How to read a palm
  • Making and uploading YouTube videos
  • Becoming an influencer

Funny Demonstration Speech Ideas

These demonstration speech topics demonstrate how to do funny things. As the speaker, you should be aware of how to bring out this presentation in a funny and hilarious way. If you are unable to create a funny speech for your audience, here are some inspirations:

  • How to always remember to turn off the iron after use.
  • How to tidy up after a clandestine house party.
  • How to pass the time while in college.
  • How to perfect the skill of lying while appearing innocent.
  • How to avoid some unpleasant friends.
  • How to snooze during class.
  • How to complete your schoolwork efficiently while relaxing at home.
  • How to stop fidgeting while under pressure.
  • How to watch a scary film alone at home.
  • How to act as though you were truly startled at a surprise birthday party.
  • How can lectures be readily memorized like songs?
  • How is a lie told with a straight face?
  • How do you triumph in an eating contest?
  • How can I appear attentive in class?
  • How can I swindle on an exam?
  • How do you make astrology the cause of everything?
  • How should a baby’s diaper be changed?
  • How can you be rude to someone you don’t like?
  • How do you plan a wedding without going insane?
  • What to wear to resemble Barbie?
  • Methods for determining whether a Louis Vuitton bag is genuine.

Unique Demonstration Speech Ideas

These speech ideas are unique and address a special thing or activity. As you create a demonstration speech always think about your audience. Will they resonate with the speech? Is this something that has an impact on their daily lives? Here are example topics:

  • Simple self-defense methods
  • How to handle the widespread materialism.
  • Hints on remaining frugal and saving money.
  • Techniques for public speaking success
  • Use of a yoga mat.
  • Creative recycling solutions
  • How to function in a multicultural setting.
  • Showcase how to assemble a gaming computer.
  • How to spot a fraud in the field of archaeology.
  • Understanding nonverbal clues
  • Hacks for boosting self-assurance and calming anxiety
  • Showcase your 3D printing project.
  • How to construct and program a basic robot
  • How to use fingerprint analysis to find a criminal
  • How to properly provide constructive criticism
  • The method used to make scents
  • How are airbags opened?
  • How do bullet-resistant vests function?
  • Safety precautions for using fireworks
  • The way a radar detector functions.
  • How do you create an animated computer character?

Cool Demonstration Speech Ideas

Cool demonstration topics could range in a wide scope of subjects. These are fantastic speech topics that could excite your audience from the discussion of the topic. Any cool speech topic idea should not bore the audience. These topics could be imaginary or generally exciting speech topics. Below are examples:

  • How can I work at home?
  • X methods for adorning a wedding cake
  • How do you whistle?
  • How do you get to the moon?
  • How to write a speech that wins awards in X steps
  • What is beatboxing?
  • How to effectively create a business strategy be written?
  • How may a WordPress theme be customized to suit your tastes?
  • How do you catch fish?
  • How can I improve my singing?
  • How is a golf club run?
  • How can you protect your house from intruders?
  • How do you keep your gaze steady?
  • How to do your indoor herb garden
  • Writing an effective business letter
  • Photography magic tricks
  • Upcycling treasures
  • Creative cake decorations
  • Making scented candles
  • How to prepare mango pudding

Interesting Demonstration Speech Ideas

Your speech topic idea does not have to be boring and professional. Get inspiration from some of the interesting demonstration speech ideas. These ideas will leave your audience motivated, entertained and energized to try something new in their lives. Persuasive speeches could fall under this category since they persuade the audience to check out this interesting thing or service. Other categories also include the funny speech topics and demonstration speech topics about the universe.

  • The benefits of reading children’s books: The cognitive development of children
  • What are the best strategies to apply in order to convince and motivate customers?
  • What steps should I take to write a report on British business leadership?
  • At a birthday party, how do you look as though you were actually caught off guard?
  • How do you paint on canvas using the acrylic pouring technique?
  • Decorating the wedding cake to fit the overall theme of the celebration.
  • Read and comprehend the food and beverage nutrition labels.
  • Methods for luring butterflies to the backyard garden
  • How to set up a covert camera
  • How to construct a paper airplane and boat
  • How to construct a sand castle
  • Show how to install an air conditioner at your place of business.
  • How to learn breakdancing the right way
  • How should a princess dress?
  • How do you get ready for a presentation you completely forgot about?
  • The best method of eating a deviled egg.
  • How do you pick the ideal pet?
  • How should a baby be diapered?
  • Methods for executing magic tricks
  • How do you pick the best running shoes?

Technology-based Demonstration Speech Topics

These are the technology-based speech topics to demonstrate to your audience. Most of these topics will have something to do with technology like installing a given software or technological product. For exciting technology-based speech topics, here are brilliant examples:

  • How to set up your home network so that everything works seamlessly
  • Showcasing the construction of a gaming PC
  • How to design a website from scratch using code or website builders
  • Constructing and utilizing VR headsets for immersive encounters
  • Introducing the fundamentals of coding and producing a straightforward program
  • How to use photo editing software to enhance and edit pictures
  • Home automation setup and use of smart home devices
  • Demonstrating the creation and release of a mobile application
  • How to be secure online and safeguard personal information
  • Examining the 3D printing industry and showcasing a 3D printing project
  • Using mobile payment apps
  • How the GPS works
  • Understanding smartphone photography
  • Best cybersecurity practices
  • The basics of video editing
  • Understanding Augmented Reality
  • File backup and cloud storage
  • Introduction to 3D printing

Creative Demonstration Speech Ideas

These speech ideas are quite creative and tend to jolt the minds of your audience. They involve demonstrating something in a creative way to your audience. Most creative speech ideas will revolve around being innovative in solving a given problem. Some cool examples include:

  • How do you create greeting cards?
  • How do you launch a business?
  • What is the best way to brew coffee?
  • Recommendations for safe international travel
  • How do you decide what profession you want?
  • How do you use chopsticks?
  • X methods for producing natural dyes
  • How do you build a greenhouse?
  • How should I paint eggs?
  • How do you combine flowers in a lovely way?
  • What is the best way to choose a color scheme and palette for your artwork?
  • Mastering Hand Lettering
  • Reusing treasures
  • Natural beauty at home
  • Creative artistic cake decorations interior design 
  • Photography Magical pranks
  • Stunning floral arrangement delights and nail art
  • Innovative gift packaging
  • DIY gardening tips

Public Speaking Demonstration Speech Ideas

Anyone can hone their public speaking skills by being more creative and practicing. You can enhance your public speaking skills by delivering demonstration speeches where you give your audience some information while working on your courage. Such topics are interesting to handle as you will discover in the examples below:

  • Techniques for boosting self-assurance and calming anxiety
  • How to improve your message with gestures, posture, and facial expressions
  • How to engage your audience through tone, volume, and pace
  • Techniques for organizing and presenting a strong case
  • How to engage and connect with your audience by using stories
  • Guidelines for producing aesthetically appealing and educational slides
  • Techniques for speaking coherently and thinking quickly on your feet
  • By including funny elements, you can draw in and amuse your audience.
  • How to make the most of multimedia, charts, and props in your presentation
  • How to make your speech more accessible and memorable by using personal anecdotes
  • Understanding nonverbal communication during a graduation speech
  • Impact of visual aids
  • Overcoming stage fright
  • Effective vocal warm-ups
  • Creating powerful openings and closings
  • Relevance of audience analysis
  • Use rhetorical devices for emphasis
  • How to efficiently handle Q&A
  • Role of ethical communication
  • Storytelling in business

Demonstration Speech Ideas with Sports

Sports offer a dynamic and rich arena for exploration of various techniques, strategies, and skills. Whether you are a sports enthusiast or an athlete, these demonstration speech topics will be both entertaining and educational to you. Below are some example topics:

  • Learn how to skateboard like a pro.
  • Basketball street abilities
  • How to make your golf swing better
  • How to improve your yoga technique: Asanas and breathing techniques
  • Building the ideal snowman: advice and techniques
  • Tips for enhancing your tennis game  
  • How to increase your running speed using running shoes
  • Getting ready for a 10-kilometer race 
  • How to design an obstacle-filled outdoor course for entertainment and exercise
  • Gaining your courage while surfing waves
  • How to convert a bike into a stationary workout device
  • How to throw a spiral in football
  • Volleyball serving techniques
  • Performing the perfect dive
  • Fundamentals of hitting in baseball
  • The tennis backhand
  • Building a custom bicycle
  • Introduction to rock climbing
  • Stretching and warm-up for athletes
  • Science of bowling

Demonstration Speech Topic Ideas with Food

Food is a science, an art and a cultural experience that connects individuals all over the globe. Showcasing food-related topics can be quite informative and delicious to your audience. Such topics are also full of vigor and energy since everyone loves food especially if it is food they have never tried before. Here are some great example topics:

  • How do you choose the ideal wedding cake?
  • What are the fundamentals of wine tasting?
  • What are some practical BBQ tips?
  • Making regional soup that is customary.
  • How should fondant be made for cakes?
  • Different methods to prepare chili
  • How can homemade pasta be made?
  • How to bake a cake without using an oven?
  • Kimchi – what is it? How to succeed in preparing it?
  • Preparing biscuits in a pan
  • How do you master using chopsticks?
  • How are fish deboned and made into fillets?
  • How can cotton candy be made by hand?
  • Precautions to take when learning to cook.
  • How can fresh jam be made at home?
  • Irish coffee: How is it made?
  • What stages go into the preparation of banana pudding?
  • What is the importance of breakfast?
  • Relevance of spices and herbs in cooking
  • Where did Italian pizza come from?

Demonstration Speech Topics on Health

Health is vital and understanding how to improve and enhance your health is key to living a healthy lifestyle. If your audience is more interested in their health status, they could enjoy such demonstration topics. Draw your inspirations from the following example topics:

  • A lot of salt is bad for your health.
  • How to perform an Olympic lift
  • Reduce the amount of meat you consume!
  • Why eating poor quality food is bad for you
  • Does toothpaste have any health benefits?
  • Is exercise beneficial at all?
  • Why does laughing make you seem younger?
  • Why should you avoid drinking alcohol?
  • The dangers of tobacco
  • Self-medication might be dangerous.
  • Why is food addiction something that should be avoided?
  • Why should you be concerned about your sleeping arrangement?
  • You might have certain health problems if you drink soft drinks.
  • How to find the top medical insurance
  • The perfect espresso mug.
  • Chopsticks are the most efficient tool for the job
  • Fish smoking: How should you do it?
  • A yoga present’s gameplay
  • The steps to doing yoga
  • Creating a meal for a vegetarian
  • Utilize natural foods and vegetables throughout the day.

Coming up with demonstration speech ideas and topics could be problematic but not with all these resources around. You can get inspiration from these topics or get a speech maker to help you out. Whether you are looking to write a demonstration speech or an informative speech, feel free to contact our experts or use our effective speech maker .

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60 Good Demonstration Speech Ideas and How to Topics

60 Good Demonstration Speech Ideas and How to Topics

Young people go to college to obtain a degree in a chosen specialty, develop their hard and soft skills within the major and outside it. Every assignment they get is not a punishment or their teacher's whim but a tool for acquiring certain skills. Thus, demonstration speech ideas are the foundation of any worthy presentation, and you should learn how to work with them to face fewer issues with this question after graduation. They are common for commercial companies and various training courses, so it will not be superfluous to sharpen your knowledge. We'll go deep down the question to sort things out and provide you with a better understanding of all the aspects.  

The Purpose of How to Speech Ideas

Topics for demonstrative speeches are created to educate the target audience about specific subjects or tasks. It is considered one of the simplest types of

speeches you can face. College professors provide their learners with such an assignment to teach them how to analyze certain information using specialized methods and present the ready-made product to the target audience. A demonstration speech is also well-known as a 'how-to' speech since it is aimed at providing your target audience with a 'guide' on how they can do something. Working on process speeches topics, young people improve their analytical and writing skills. A well-crafted paper can interest the readers and make them follow your words. You should bear in mind that working on demonstration speech ideas for college students will differ much from other types of essays. 

How to Choose Good Demonstration Speech Topics for College Students

If you haven't been provided with a topic beforehand, you may face a stumbling block when it comes to selecting one. While professionals know what themes they want to introduce to the public, you may get lost in the abundance of information. However, you can simplify this task if you consider the fundamentals of a suitable topic. 

1. Your Preferences

If you want to create something special and truly worthy, you should analyze your preferences and things you are passionate about. Then, your interest will become the main driving force because even if you are not good at the topic, you will do proper research to fix it. On the contrary, a boring theme will not inspire enthusiasm, so you will hardly reveal the subject's core to the required extent. Besides, if you present your speech to the public, you can receive questions, so you should know what to answer. 

2. Target Audience

You will hardly reach out to your audience if you don't know who you are dealing with. Whatever process speeches topics you choose, you should consider their interests. Thus, you should present your speech in such a way so it looks appealing to people you interact with. If you present a well-known topic, it is worth spicing it up with something new that can become valuable for them. Any theme can be examined from different perspectives, so don't dwell on one side of the coin.

3. Available Time for Preparation

Many young people underestimate this moment, believing that they have advanced time-management skills. Still, if you are short on time, it is better to avoid complex topics for process speeches. Otherwise, it will be impossible to reveal the essence of your subject, and many things will remain neglected. Such an approach will hardly do you a favor.

Tips on How to Work with Ideas for Demonstration Speeches

If you are new to this type of assignment, you may feel confused about the very process of working with ideas for demonstrative speeches. However, everything is not that hard to get. You should just follow the below-mentioned tips:

  • define your fundamental goal and put it into one sentence;
  • once you decide on a topic, you should make a well-tailored outline of your speech, so you will not miss anything important;
  • devote special attention to an introduction. Make it catchy and interesting so that it can become a great attention grabber. Tell your audience how they can benefit from the info you are going to provide;
  • use clear language to share your thoughts and adhere to a logical chronology so that listeners can get you right away;
  • don't forget about transitional phrases to make your speech flow smoothly;
  • meet all specific demands and stay within the time limit. 

How to Make Your Speech Memorable

If you don't know what to do for a demonstration speech to make it stand out from the rest, there is one clue – make it memorable. The chances are high that most presented speeches will be on the same level, so if you want to get your five minutes of fame, you should take its preparation seriously.

Use Credible Sources

It is one of the most crucial moments that will affect the outcome. You should be 100% sure of everything you are talking about and convince your statement with facts, statistics, etc. If you want to succeed, you should not leave any room for doubts. Check out every ambiguous aspect, and don't rely on blog articles. You can find some more authoritative sources even on the internet.

Stay Casual

If you want to impress your audience and create a feeling you are on the same page with them, you shouldn't overdo it with terminology and any hard-to-get phrases. On the contrary, simplicity is the key to success, so stay casual to the required extent. It is more important to support a cause-and-effect relationship, so people will not get confused. When you proceed to work on your speech, try to stay straight so nobody has to fill in the blanks. 

Devote Enough Time for Preparation

Everything outstanding requires persistence and time, so if you want your speech to become incredible, you should make room in your schedule for preparation and research. Devote special attention to your thesis statement since it is the key element of your speech. It is worth creating a draft at first to understand what aspects require additional work. Don't turn a blind eye to editing and proofreading even if you believe you have excellent writing skills. Overconfidence is not the most useful quality to possess, so re-read the text several times and check all the citations.

How to Present the Ideas for a Demonstration Speech in front of the Audience?

Your professor may ask you to present your demonstrative speech in front of your group mates, for example. If public speaking is not your cup of tea, you should get ready for such a statement beforehand. People have developed many different methods to meet this challenge, so you have something to choose from. We present only the most common ways. 

Involve a 'Why' Question at the Beginning of Your Speech

The main purpose of a demonstrative speech is to train people in something new. Thus, you can start your speech with why your speech can become beneficial to them, so they should listen to it attentively. You can share something motivational to encourage your audience more.

Utilize Visual Presentation 

If your speech involves any complicated concepts, it is better to resort to visual presentation to provide this material. It is much easier to get something when you see its structure in front of your eyes. Nowadays, it is not a big deal to create charts or find images that can help you cope with the task.

Answer the Audience's Questions

Preparing your speech, you should consider the time limits. Besides, don't forget to allocate time for taking questions. Maybe someone decides to clarify a few moments or get additional information. Considering that your whole speech is aimed at teaching others, you should devote attention to such things. 

5 Minute Demonstration Speech Ideas

While some topics may require proper research and a lot of time to reveal the subject's essence, others are much less time-consuming at all. Usually, such themes represent a brief yet full guide to something. Here are a few examples of such speech ideas:

  • Easy Ways to Make Your Morning More Pleasant.
  • How to Cook a Greek Salad.
  • How to Decorate Your Room on a Budget.
  • How to Choose Suitable Summer Shoes.
  • How to Calm Down Fast.
  • How to Keep Your Kitchen Clean Without Much Efforts.
  • How to Choose a Suitable Dog Breed.
  • How to Get a Nice Tan in Summer.
  • Fundamentals of Proper Skincare.
  • How to Do Homework on Time.

Good How-to Topics Related to Business

If your specialty has something to do with entrepreneurship or business development , your professor may give you the assignment to prepare a demonstrative speech within your major. Here are a few topics that have the right to life:

  • How to Make Your First Million From Home.
  • How to Create a Market-Worthy Product.
  • How to Make a Well-Crafted Business Plan.
  • How to Develop Financial Management Skills.
  • How to Assess the Potential of Service.
  • How to Launch a Business Without Start-up Capital.
  • How to Hire People for Free.
  • How to Understand You Have Found a Qualified Specialist.
  • How to Reduce Expenses on Business. 
  • How to Maintain Positive Vibes in a Company.

Funny Demonstrative Speeches

You know that almost every rule has an exception, so even though most demonstrative speeches are formal and have an educative character, some are created just for fun: 

  • How to Pretend You Are Happy to Get a Gift.
  • How to Improve Your Sense of Humor.
  • How to Stop Doing Weird Things When You Meet Your Crush.
  • How to Lie Confidently.
  • How to Pretend You Get Thrilled Watching Horror Movies.
  • How to Make Your Palms Stop Getting Sweaty.
  • How to Cheat if You Worry About Horrible Consequences.
  • How to Find Out You Are Ready to Get a Dog. 
  • How to Become a Magician.
  • How to Arrange a Fun Date. 

Demonstration Speech Topics for College Students 

You may get an assignment to write a demonstration speech related to your college life . If your professor hasn't limited your choice to a certain area of studying, you should choose a topic you are most interested in. Here is a wide range of examples of how-to speeches related to student life:

  • How to Avoid Plagiarism While Writing on a Hackneyed Topic.
  • How to Stay Focused on a Subject You Are Not Interested In.
  • How to Stay Calm Before a Hard Exam You Are Not Ready for.
  • How to Become an Active Listener.
  • How to Stay on Track With Studying When You Feel Overwhelmed.
  • How to Become a Straight-a Student Without Much Effort.
  • How to Find a Work and Study Balance.
  • How to Start Building a Successful Career While Still in College.
  • How to Always Meet College Deadlines.
  • How to Make a Presentation Being Short on Time.
  • How to Arrange a Perfect Study Space.
  • How to Find Affordable Textbooks in Rare Specialties.
  • How to Find a Common Language With a Teacher You Don’t Like.
  • How to Make Friends on Campus When You Are Busy With Studying.
  • How to Find Time for Extracurricular Activities.
  • How to Join a College Sports Team.
  • How to Become Popular Among Peers if You Are a Nerd.
  • How to Normalize Your Sleeping Schedule if You Constantly Stay Up Late at Night.
  • How to Change an Academic Institution in the Middle of the Year.
  • How to Get the Best Out of Your Summer Break. 

Demonstration Speech Ideas Related to Personal Development

Many teachers believe they have to help their students develop their personalities in all possible ways, so they provide them with assignments aimed at fulfilling this task. Thus, young people improve not only their writing and analytical skills but also their characters. Here are a few demonstration speech ideas related to productivity and personal development:

  • How to Develop Empathy if You Are Heartless.
  • How to Ask For Help if You Are Afraid of Rejection.
  • How to Cope With Personal Traits You Don’t Like About Yourself.
  • How to Stop Lying Without Obvious Necessity.
  • How to Deal With Procrastination and Build a Proper Daily Schedule.
  • How to Become Happier if You Feel Exhausted.
  • How to Develop Your Positive Sides of Personality.
  • How to Overcome a Cultural Barrier With Group Mates.
  • How to Start Dating Someone if You Fear Failure.
  • How to Deal With Childhood Traumas.

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Demonstration Speech Ideas

Demonstration Speech Ideas, Examples, and Topics

What is a demonstration speech, how to choose a good demonstration speech topic, what to consider when choosing demonstration speech ideas, demonstration speech ideas, how to demonstration speech ideas, demonstration speech example, good demonstration speech topics, business demonstration topics, easy demonstration speech ideas, health / fitness demonstrative speech topics, college demonstration topics, education demonstrative speech ideas, funny demonstration speech topics, life demonstration topics, hobbies demonstrative speech ideas, teen demonstration speech samples, tech demonstration speech ideas.

Demonstration Speech Ideas, Examples, and Topics : Looking for demonstration speech topics or demonstrative speech topics?  

In this article, you will find easy demonstration speech ideas that you can use to make your presentation.

The goals of a demonstration Speech can be many, for instance, to demonstrate a process and give the audience information as you use visual aids, or show how something works.

Today we are going to look at demonstrative speech topics and examples. Choose a topic that you are well conversant with. A topic that you are more knowledgeable about makes your presentation much easier.

A demonstration speech is a detailed process indicating the steps to be followed to achieve or get certain end results. In some cases, demonstration speeches are also known as “how-to” speeches.

A good demonstration speech topic should allow one to offer as much information as possible without overlooking the importance of any other published or given demonstrations. For instance, there are numerous demonstration topics on “how to apply make-up”, if you want to choose a similar topic you must be open-minded that there are other options for applying make-up. More often some easy demonstration speech ideas should avoid terms such as “must” “you should” etc. Your demonstration topic should allow you to leave room for accommodating other people’s ideas if you choose to.

Find: Demonstration Speech Ideas with Food

On one hand just because you are well informed about a certain process does not necessarily mean you should just choose a demonstration topic about it. On the other hand, if you could choose to share your knowledge through demonstration speech you should ensure that your topic is relevant to your target group. In other words, to come up with good Demonstration Speech Ideas, Examples, and Topics consider the following:

Trends and Interests in your target client.

Research and find out what topic will be relevant and be eye-catching to your audience. For instance, a demonstration topic on how to apply makeup may be more trendy than how to look beautiful. Look for a topic that will excite your audience.

Audience age bracket

Clearly understand the needs of your audience. For instance, a topic like how to surf will be more captivity to a younger audience.

The time limit that your topic will remain relevant

Some topics may soon become irrelevant due to technological advancement or changes in taste or preference. As you choose a topic consider such limitations

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Below you will find a list of Good Demonstration Topics. Speech topics can be broad. You can customize the topic to fit your situation.

How to make short Youtube video

How to take beautiful photos

How to apply makeup.

How to apply nail polish.

How to arrange flowers.

How to avoid ID theft.

How to backup your DVDs.

How to bake a birdhouse.

How to be a good student

How to be a ninja (PS Joking sorry).

How to be healthy.

How to become a famous film star.

How to become a good actress.

Find: Informative Speech Topics on Early Childhood Education

How to blow glass.

How to board on the sand.

How to brush your teeth properly.

How to build a model.

How to build a rabbit hutch or cages and runs.

How to build a shed.

How to build a snowman.

How to build a website.

How to care for hamsters or other household pets.

How to change a baby’s diaper.

How to change a bank check.

How to choose a digital camera.

How to choose the perfect pet.

How to choose the right running shoe.

How to clean and polish golden rings, bracelets, and necklaces.

How to clean your car.

How to clean your golf clubs.

How to clean your swimming pool.

How to climb a building.

How to color eggs.

How to construct a boomerang that comes back to you.

How to cook a pie (or anything else you like/know how to cook).

How to count the calories and make healthier choices.

How to create a Halloween mask.

How to decorate a cake.

How to design wedding cakes.

How to draw a cartoon character.

How to dress like a princess.

How to dry your hair.

How to eat oysters.

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How to find a roommate.

How to find cheap airline tickets.

How to find the best spring break deals.

How to find your ancestors.

How to fix a flat tire on a bicycle.

How to fix a flat tire.

How to fly a real RC plane (only show this outdoors and only if you are good).

How to fold an origami crane.

How to fold napkins in a funny way.

How to get energy from solar cells on your roof.

How to get your keys out of a locked car.

How to greet Japanese people.

How to grow herbs – e.g. chamomile, parsley, catnip – in your own mini greenhouse.

How to identify if a Louis Vuitton bag is authentic.

How to knit a scarf.

How to knot a carpet.

How to learn breakdance tricks and street moves.

How to learn fast reading.

How to learn to play guitar.

How to make a cocktail.

How to make a dancing show.

How to make a fast summer salad.

See Also: Relationship Topics to Debate

How to make a genealogical tree.

How to make a golf swing.

How to make a new candle of old ones.

How to make a paper airplane.

How to make a pinata.

How to make a real Italian pizza with classic recipes.

How to make a watercolor.

How to make an emergency kit.

How to make banana pudding.

How to make beer.

How to make bread crumbs.

How to make homemade salsa.

How to make honey.

How to make ice cream.

How to make ice.

How to make Irish Coffee.

How to make Jello Jigglers.

How to make jewelry.

How to make ornaments.

How to make pizza.

How to make soup.

How to make the crunchiest marshmallows at a campfire place.

How to make twirling confetti eggs for parties and events.

How to make up a first aid kit for simple treatment of minor injuries.

How to make your garden full of flowers year-round.

How to make your own wedding dress.

How to meditate

How to open a bottle of wine.

How to organize a surprise party.

How to organize your closet.

How to organize your wedding.

How to pack a suitcase that passes customs.

How to perform a magic trick.

How to pick a bottle of wine.

How to pick a color scheme and palette.

How to play a computer game.

How to play chess.

How to play the piano.

How to play poker.

How to Polish Shoes.

How to pot a plant.

How to practice active listening communication techniques.

How to prepare a banana chocolate shake to recover from a hangover.

How to prepare invisible ink to write secret messages.

How to prevent injury.

How to print a digital photo.

How to program car keys and remotes.

How to put a weave in the hair.

How to read a barometer and analyze the results.

How to read a map.

How to read music notes.

How to register for voting.

How to saddle a horse (I did this and took a video of saddling my horse and narrated it to my audience).

How to scribe a good poem.

How to sculpt your eyebrows properly.

How to select and prepare a backpack for travel abroad.

How to select the proper running shoes for recreational walks.

How to set up an aquarium.

How to shoot a basketball.

How to snowboard.

How to speak Italian.

How to stamp greeting cards.

How to stop thinking.

How to survive in the wilderness.

How to taste wine.

How to text effective and clear messages.

How to tie a tie.

How to tie Die shirts.

How to tie various knots.

How to train your brain.

How to use makeup if you are a guy.

How to use a sextant for navigation like two centuries ago.

How to use the content of articles without violating their copyrights.

How to use cruise control.

How to use the process of deduction.

How to use the U.S. Postal Service.

How to use your breath when you sing.

How to wax a surfboard.

How to weave a basket.

How to weight lift.

How to write a business-like letter.

How to write a film script.

How to write a resume.

How to write a will.

  • Barometers are the instruments used to measure atmospheric pressure.
  • Catcher hand signals in baseball and how to recognize them.
  • Fireworks and other explosive devices precaution regulation.
  • How a cardiac surgeon does a heart bypass operation to relieve pain in the chest and improve blood supply?
  • How a radar detector, a speed countermeasure equipment, works.
  • How airbags open.
  • How an artificial pacemaker stimulates a heart.
  • How an espresso machine produces your cup of coffee.
  • How antique barometers work.
  • How asphalt cement is made.
  • How batteries and accus work.
  • How bulletproof vests work.
  • How lie detectors detect lies. This genre of topics for demonstration speech in education should be prepared with the help of professional officers of course.
  • How metal detectors for treasure hunting work.
  • How original Aboriginal boomerangs work.
  • How perfumes and fragrances are designed.
  • How personalized rubber stamps for hallmark imprinted impressions are made.
  • How the sun’s ultraviolet rays can damage your eyes.
  • How thermometer instruments work.
  • How to stake a rose bush to get more flowers.
  • How topographic maps and globes are fabricated.
  • Intelligent high IQ tests of the Mensa Foundation for gifted and talented students.
  • Making fake UFO photo’s is not difficult.
  • Marinate jumbo-size shrimps for your barbecue.
  • Preparations for a tandem hang glider flight.
  • Satellite orbit types – polar, sun-synchronous, and geosynchronous.
  • The Academy Awards ceremony of the Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Academy.
  • The four forms a rainbow can take – primary, secondary and supernumerary rainbows, and glory clouds.
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Below are easy demonstration speech ideas that you could show and explain how to:

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  • Register or establish a legal valued trademark or patent.
  • Prepare for a job interview.
  • Overcome fear of public speaking before you stand behind a desk.
  • Organize a prom night the whole nine yards.
  • Lose weight safely and with a lasting effect.
  • Investigate a black box in an airplane.
  • Get rid of roaches, mice, and other pests in the backyard the natural way.
  • Get satellite tv for free.
  • Get a refund after you bought something you do not like.
  • Find a good dorm roommate.
  • Deliver an effective speech.
  • Choose tasty french champagne.
  • Choose jewelry for an evening dress.
  • Build a recycle compost bin in your garden.
  • Build a pyramid of team cheerleaders.
  • Bake the best doughnuts.
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  • How to write a demonstration speech outline
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Betty is a qualified teacher with a Bachelor of Education (Arts). In addition, she is a registered Certified Public Accountant. She has been teaching and offering part-time accounting services for the last 10 years. She is passionate about education, accounting, writing, and traveling.

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How to Master the Demonstration Speech

Demo speeches are ubiquitous. They are assigned to students in high school and college. They are a staple in corporate and other adult training environments. They are among the most common speeches given in Toastmaster clubs.

Due to the popularity of this speech form, the well-rounded speaker must master the demonstration speech . Despite this, many speakers don’t know the basics to delivering an effective demonstration speech. Do you?

In this article, we present a demonstration speech outline which gives the best chance for success, and discuss the necessary elements for a great demo speech .

Definition: The Demonstration Speech

A demonstration speech is a form of informative speech where the speaker’s primary purpose is to teach the audience how to complete a task (or process) , and this is largely accomplished by demonstrating the task (or process) through a series of steps.

“ A demonstration speech is a form of informative speech where the speaker’s primary purpose is to teach the audience how to complete a task (or process). ”

Demonstration speech topics are numerous, including all of the following:

  • How to prepare a recipe (as in standard cooking shows)
  • How to operate a software application
  • How to tie a knot
  • How to calculate a mortgage payment
  • How to swim the back stroke
  • How to process a purchase order
  • How to throw a frisbee
  • How to compose a photograph
  • How to line dance
  • How to write a limerick
  • How to set up a blog
  • How to make origami
  • and many, many more

The Demonstration Speech Outline

Just as there are many demonstration speech topics, there are many ways to organize a demonstration speech. You will rarely go wrong, however, if you apply this basic speech outline:

  • Start with why
  • Give a brief overview of the entire process
  • For each, describe it, then show it
  • (Optional) Discuss options, extras, or variations
  • Allow time for Q&A
  • Summarize briefly

1. Start with why

A demonstration speech is about training the audience to perform a task or complete a process. Just as with any educational task, it helps tremendously if your audience is motivated to learn.

This is why it’s important to tell your audience how they will benefit from the knowledge you are about to share. Once your audience knows why they are learning this new task, they will be motivated to learn.

Will learning this new task or process help your audience:

  • Earn or save money?
  • Earn a promotion?
  • Build their range of skills?
  • Save them time?
  • Make their life easier?
  • Provide enjoyment or satisfaction?
  • Make them happy?

There are many ways to motivate your audience, but one of the best ways is to open with a story. Paint a picture of how their life will improve with this new knowledge.

2. Give a brief overview of the entire process

Before you dive too deep in the details, it is essential to present an overview of the overall task or process.

  • A brief, high-level overview of the steps involved provides a mental framework for the audience upon which they can hang the details as you provide them later in the speech.
  • When learning a new task, some people in your audience will fear that it is complicated. An early overview assures your audience that it is not overly complex . For example, “We’re going to discuss how to cook a quiche in just four easy steps…”
  • If you fail to present an outline, it’s difficult for your audience to see how the steps will fit together later on. The audience won’t have the necessary context.

A great way to present the overview is with a diagram illustrating the steps of the task at a high level. You can refer to this diagram throughout.

Along with the overview, you should also list the prerequisites needed for the task, and any assumptions you are making. For example, what is needed before one begins this task? What supplies or resources are assumed?

3. Go through the steps, one-by-one

From a speaker’s perspective, one of the best things about a demonstration speech is that the core of your outline is prepared for you : you simply need to go through the steps of the task in sequential order.  (Occasionally, you may decide to present the steps in a different way, but be sure to let your audience know that you are breaking a convention.)

Keep the series of steps as simple as possible . Break the process down to the most essential steps that will lead your audience successfully from start to finish. There’s no “best” number of steps, but keep the number of steps as low as possible. Don’t present a 19-step process unless your goal is utter confusion.

Defer optional steps for later in your presentation (or, for the Q&A). It is best to avoid complicating matters on the first pass.

For each step , you should:

  • Explain the purpose of the step ( why is this step necessary)
  • Explain the step in simple, straightforward language ( what needs to be done)
  • Show how to complete the step ( how should it be done)

4. (Optional) Discuss options, extras, or variations

Now that your audience has seen the task or process demonstrated from start to finish, you can (if time permits) provide some additional options or variations.

For example, if you are explaining how to cook a certain recipe, start with the basic version first. After that’s done, you can discuss alternate ingredients, different flavours to try, and other ways to build on the basic recipe.

5. Allow time for Q&A

Many types of speeches benefit from taking questions from the audience and answering them, and a Q&A session is particularly well-suited for a demonstration speech . This allows the audience to seek clarification on any of the steps which were unclear.

Depending on your topic and the forum in which you are speaking, you may choose to take questions at the end, or you may invite questions throughout your demonstration. Either way, monitor your time.

6. Summarize briefly

Finally, you should summarize the process briefly, and recap the benefits which your audience will realize if they perform the desired process or task.

How to Elevate Your Demonstration Speech

Once you’ve mapped your topic onto the basic speech outline given above, there are many ways that you can elevate the quality of your content and the manner in which you present it to maximize the effectiveness for your audience:

A. If you can, get audience members doing it.

Your options for audience participation are often determined by how long your presentation is, the setting in which the demonstration takes place, and the availability of supplies which can be shared by the audience.

Having said this, it’s great if you can get the audience participating in the demonstration. Actively engaging the audience and having them perform the steps will improve the likelihood that they will remember the steps and be able to carry out the task or process independently long after your presentation.

If the situation doesn’t allow for you to involve the whole audience, try to get one or more audience members to help you out as volunteers.

B. Visuals are critical for a demonstration speech.

Nearly every demonstration speech can be made better by incorporating appropriate visuals to accompany your verbal descriptions and instructions.

You have many options:

  • Your body is often the best visual. If your speech is about some physical task to perform (e.g. throwing a ball), then the most important visual is your own body. You can demonstrate each of the steps individually, and “animate” the process at various speeds to enhance the demonstration.
  • Physical props make it real. There are two main types of props: “real” and models. Real props include the actual objects that are used when performing the task. Models include both “fake” versions of the real objects, as well as scaled-down versions.
  • Use photographs or diagrams as necessary. If your body and props aren’t sufficient, use photographs and diagrams. As you present these, it sometimes helps to immerse yourself in the photograph or diagram to animate the action that would be involved.

Whatever visuals you choose to include, be sure that your audience can easily see them . If they cannot see your visual (if it is too small, or their view is obscured), their understanding will suffer.

C. Extend your demonstration by providing follow-up resources.

A single demonstration — whether it be a 5-minute speech, or a 5-hour training session — is often not enough to guarantee that the new knowledge is learned perfectly. To improve the likelihood that your audience will successfully practice the task or process, it helps to provide resources they can use after your demonstration is complete.

This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Websites, books, pamphlets, or other expert sources which they can consult for deeper information, or more advanced training.
  • Handouts you prepare which summarize the steps in the process, as well as diagrams or photographs which illustrate key details.
  • Contact details so your audience can ask questions in the future as they try to apply the knowledge you have imparted.

What do you like or dislike about demonstration speeches?

Do you have any tips to share about how to give an excellent demonstration speech?

Or maybe you’ve witnessed some particularly good or bad demo speeches?

Please share in the comments .

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Which other resources (books, mainly) would you recommend for the demonstration speech?

Cheers, Juan Amorocho

I don’t know of any books which focus entirely on this presentation form, but there are several which provide assistance with some of the needed skills.

On the training side, Telling Ain’t Training comes to mind to help with structuring the demo to enhance “learnability.”

On the visuals side, any number of books on slide design would help. In particular, slide:ology is excellent.

hey Andrew i’m working on a demonstration speech for MMA submissions and this is very helpful thx

I struggle with giving demonstration speeches. As an IT guy, figuring out the tech level of the audience can be infuriating. Especially when there’s a large variety.

I understand your struggle. Demonstration speeches can be very difficult to plan if your audience comes in with vastly different knowledge levels. I’d recommend aiming at the low knowledge end with your content (so you don’t leave anyone behind), but then interact with the audience to determine if you can move through the early steps at a quicker pace (to avoid boring too many people).

I’m hoping to provide help with this challenging issue in the audience analysis article series.

Are there any aspects beyond audience analysis that you particularly struggle with?

Joseph, unless you are absolutely sure your audience is full of IT “freaks :)” or scientists, you speech should not be too technical. Play it safe and consider your audience more from the “human” perspective. Even IT people want to entertained.

My #1 piece of advice for a demonstration speech is “show ’em the finished product first”. Think about a cooking show where they show you how to bake a beautiful cake. The first thing they show you is not the list of ingredients, but what the finished cake looks like!!

This is great advice, John.

It is consistent with “Paint a picture of how their life will improve with this new knowledge.” In the case of a cooking show, the finished product gets the audience dreaming about how good it will taste… and thus how their life will improve.

For me the most important element is that the “Demonstration Speech” starts with a “hook”. I usually start with a question, quotation, etc. As mentioned earlier here, you can start by showing the product, but I would leave it for a little bit later, so the audience get a sense what to expect. Let them play with an imagination for a bit. Also, I know this is a very specific type of speech, but I love stories, so I would definitely try to incorporate some short story to support the product. Short story how to use the product, how to overcome some challenges etc…

Starting with a hook, telling stories, and building anticipation are solid techniques which can be applied to any speech, including demonstration speeches. These techniques can be used to tweak and enhance the basic speech outline given in the article.

The goals of your demonstration speech could be: to show how to do something, how to make something, how something is done or how something works. The most easier thing is choosing to demonstrate something you know about.

I wish more people followed your outline. Demonstration presentations should be fun and easy, but some of the ones I’ve seen have been terrible.

Some move too fast (they assume we know something when it should be explained).

My favorite ones and teachers do this is to start with the end product and say: “this is what we will want to do today” and then walk us through this.

This is a terrific web site! Many thanks.

It gives us good reading about a subject many of us has avoided.

It is easy to get around.

You have books recommded to continue to learn.

And I learned! You taught me to be specific in my comments.

What I dislike about demonstration speeches is when speakers who are so comfortable with their talk that they speak too rapidly. I presume they believe that what they are sharing is as simple to understand for others as it is for them.

Indeed, Sherre. Presenters are often guilty of “The Curse of Knowledge” — they know something so well (and for so long) that they have forgotten what it is like to not know it.

Excellent outline and easy to follow. I was looking for additional tips for the kids I teach, and these work well! Thanks! 🙂

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How to make your presentation sound more like a conversation.

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The main difference between strong, confident speakers and speakers who seem nervous in front of the room is in how relaxed and conversational they appear. Here are some basic pointers that will help you create a conversational tone when speaking, regardless of the size of your audience.

1. Avoid using the word, “presentation.” Every time you say, “I’m here to give you a presentation on X,” or, “In this presentation, you’ll see…,” you are emphasizing the formal, structured, sometimes artificial nature of the interaction. No one wants to be “presented” to. Instead, use language that emphasizes a natural, conversational exchange. “We’re here today to talk about X,” or “Today I’ll be sharing some ideas regarding Y.” You can even go so far as to say, “I’m glad we have time together today to discuss Z.” Even if your talk is not going to truly be a dialogue, you can use language that suggests engagement with the audience.

2. If you are using PowerPoint, avoid using the word “slide.” Instead of talking about the medium, talk about the concepts. Swap out, “This slide shows you…,” for, “Here we see….” Instead of saying, “On that slide I showed you a moment ago,” say, “A moment ago we were discussing X. Here’s how that issue will impact Y and Z.” Casual conversations don’t usually involve slide decks. Just because your complicated presentation on tax exposure, supply chain issues, or new health care regulations requires you to use slides, doesn’t mean you have to draw attention to that fact that the setting is formal and structured.

3. For many large-group events, speakers are provided with what’s called a “confidence monitor,” a computer screen that sits on the floor at the speaker’s feet showing the slide that appears on the large screen above the speaker’s head. Avoid using confidence monitors. Our natural inclination when using a confidence monitor is to gesture at the bullet point we’re discussing at the moment. However, we are pointing to a bullet point on the screen at our feet, which the audience can’t see, so it creates a disconnect between us and the audience. Instead, stand to the side of the large screen and gesture at the bullet point you’re talking about so that the audience knows which point you are discussing at the moment.

4. Don’t tell your audience, “I want this to be interactive.” It’s your job to make it interactive. If you are delivering the type of presentation where your audience size allows you to create true engagement with your listeners, create that connecting in stages to “warm up” the audience. Stage One engagement is to ask the audience a question relevant to your topic that you know most of the audience members can respond to affirmatively. “Who here has ever bought a new car?” or, “How many of you have ever waited more than 5 minutes on hold on a customer service line?” Raise your hand as you ask the question to indicate to the audience how to respond. Whoever has raised their hand has now participated in the discussion. They have indicated a willingness to engage. Stage Two engagement is calling on one of the people who raised their hand and asking a specific, perfunctory question. Again, it needs to be a question they can answer easily. If your first questions is, “Who here has bought a new car?” you can then call on someone and ask, “How long ago,” or “What kind of car did you buy most recently?” If your first question was, “Have you ever waited on hold for more than 5 minutes,” you can’t ask, “What company were you calling at the time?” The people who raised their hands weren’t thinking of a specific instance; they were just thinking broadly about that type of experience. You could, however, call on someone and ask, “Do you prefer when they play music or ads for the company’s products?” Anyone can answer that question. At that point, you are in an actual dialogue with that person. Stage Three engagement is asking them a question where they need to reveal something more personal. “How does that make you feel when you hear those ads?” You’ve warmed up your audience and drawn them in with baby steps. Now you have actual, meaningful audience participation.

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5. Use gestures. When we’re speaking in an informal setting, we all use hand gestures; some people use more than others, but we all use them. When we try to rein in our gestures, two things happen that diminish our speaking style. First, we look stiff and unnatural. We look like we are presenting a guarded or cautious version of ourselves; we look less genuine. Second, hand gestures burn up the nervous energy we all have when speaking in front of a large group. That’s good. When we try to minimize our hand gestures, we tie up that nervous energy and it starts to leak out on odd ways, where we start to tap our foot, fidget with our notes or microphone, or tilt our head side to side to emphasize key points. Just let the gestures fly. It’s unlikely they will be too large or distracting. I have coached people on their presentation skills for 26 years. In that time, I have met three people who gestured too much. Everyone else would benefit from using their gestures more freely.

The impact we have as communicators is based on the cumulative effect of many different elements of our delivery. These suggestions alone won’t make you a terrific presenter. They will, however, add to the overall package your present of yourself when speaking to large audiences.

Jay Sullivan

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    Environmental Issues Speech Topics. Climate change: Causes, effects, and solutions. The global impact of deforestation. Ocean pollution and marine life conservation. Sustainable living practices. The economics of renewable energy. Urban sprawl and green city solutions. The impact of agriculture on the environment.

  13. Demonstration Speech Ideas, Topics and Outline

    Demonstration speech outline. An outline is a way to structure the information that you want to share with your audience. The outline should explicitly showcase the order of steps that you will use in your demonstration speech. Many students seem to neglect the power of creating outlines for their academic writing tasks, but in vain.

  14. 100 Demonstration Speech Ideas for All Student Levels

    The following how-to demonstration speech topics community college show audiences how to accomplish things through simple steps: How to make Owl painted rocks using household items. How to make owl-shaped napkin folds for a Harry Potter party. How to make a baking soda volcano for a science project.

  15. 100 How To Speech Topics

    make your eyes look bigger with makeup. tie a hair bow. get rid of static cling in hair and clothes. shop for clothes on a budget. curl hair with a curling iron. apply false eyelashes. pick clothes that make you look 10 pounds lighter. care for dry, brittle hair or nails. remove stains from fabric.

  16. 200+ Demonstration Speech Ideas and How-to Topics

    Tip 1: Choose an Engaging Topic. Choose a topic in which you are enthusiastic and your audience would be interested. Consider your audience's interests and expertise level. An interesting topic draws the audience's curiosity, making them more receptive to the information delivered.

  17. Demonstrative speech topics

    make a cold call. prepare a presentation. write a resume. run an in-office meeting. run a meeting online. write business emails. dress for work well on a small budget. develop a contacts list. balance commitments and expectations.

  18. "How To" Speech Topics, Ideas & Examples • My Speech Class

    Choosing a Demonstration Speech Topic. Choosing a demonstration speech topic may seem daunting, but it can be simple and enjoyable with the right guidance. Identifying the topics appropriate for a demonstration speech is the first step in navigating this process. Demonstration topics should be grounded in facts and provide pertinent knowledge ...

  19. 300+ Demonstration Speech Ideas & How to Topics

    Demonstrative Speech Topics & How to Ideas on Different Subjects. In this section, you will learn about potential topics for demonstration speech in different fields including business, health, tech, craft, marketing, food, and education. Numerous examples of ideas for a how to speech will also be provided.

  20. 300+ Demonstration Speech Topics and Ideas

    These are typical demonstration topics on simple things. They are just like the 5-minute speech topics meaning they only take a short time to demonstrate. Draw inspiration from the topics below: Making coffee using various techniques. Obtaining consistent perfection in necktie knots. How to change a tire on a car.

  21. 60 Good Demonstration Speech Ideas and How to Topics

    Besides, if you present your speech to the public, you can receive questions, so you should know what to answer. 2. Target Audience. You will hardly reach out to your audience if you don't know who you are dealing with. Whatever process speeches topics you choose, you should consider their interests.

  22. Demonstration Speech Ideas, Examples, and Topics

    Below are easy demonstration speech ideas that you could show and explain how to: Secure your home from burglars. Register or establish a legal valued trademark or patent. Prepare for a job interview. Overcome fear of public speaking before you stand behind a desk. Organize a prom night the whole nine yards.

  23. How to Master the Demonstration Speech

    Go through the steps, one-by-one. For each, describe it, then show it. (Optional) Discuss options, extras, or variations. Allow time for Q&A. Summarize briefly. Each of these six steps is described below. 1. Start with why. A demonstration speech is about training the audience to perform a task or complete a process.

  24. How To Make Your Presentation Sound More Like A Conversation

    2. If you are using PowerPoint, avoid using the word "slide." Instead of talking about the medium, talk about the concepts. Swap out, "This slide shows you…," for, "Here we see…."