
Essay on Disadvantages of Social Media

Students are often asked to write an essay on Disadvantages of Social Media in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Disadvantages of Social Media


Social media has become a major part of our lives. While it offers many benefits, it also has significant drawbacks.

Privacy Concerns

One of the biggest disadvantages of social media is the lack of privacy. Personal information can be misused, leading to identity theft.

Social media can be addictive. Excessive use can lead to a waste of time, impacting studies and other important tasks.


Cyberbullying is another serious issue. It can lead to mental stress and can even cause harm.

250 Words Essay on Disadvantages of Social Media

Social media, a significant innovation of the 21st century, has transformed the way we communicate and share information. Despite its numerous benefits, it has brought about some notable drawbacks.

A primary disadvantage of social media is the erosion of privacy. Users often share personal information, making them susceptible to data breaches and identity theft. Moreover, the digital footprints left behind can be misused, leading to potential harm.

Mental Health Implications

Overuse of social media has been linked to mental health problems. The constant comparison with others’ lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and depression. It can also disrupt sleep patterns, causing further health issues.

Spread of Misinformation

Social media platforms can act as a breeding ground for misinformation and fake news. This can lead to confusion, panic, and, in some cases, serious real-world consequences.

Decrease in Productivity

The addictive nature of social media can lead to procrastination and decreased productivity. Excessive time spent on these platforms often detracts from more meaningful activities and responsibilities.

500 Words Essay on Disadvantages of Social Media

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and share information. With platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, we can connect with people from all corners of the globe. However, while it is a powerful tool, it also has its drawbacks. This essay will delve into the disadvantages of social media.

One of the significant downsides of social media is the infringement of privacy. Users often share personal information, photos, and locations, making them vulnerable to privacy invasion. Cybercriminals can exploit this data for identity theft or other malicious activities. Furthermore, social media platforms collect vast amounts of user data, leading to concerns about data privacy and security.

Social media has become a breeding ground for misinformation and fake news. The speed at which information spreads can lead to the rapid dissemination of unverified or false information, causing panic, confusion, and potentially harmful consequences. This issue has been particularly highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic, where misinformation regarding the virus spread rapidly on various platforms.

Productivity Loss

Excessive use of social media can lead to a significant loss in productivity. It’s easy to lose track of time while scrolling through feeds, leading to procrastination and distraction from essential tasks. This constant availability also blurs the line between work and personal life, potentially leading to burnout.

Social Isolation

While social media offers many benefits, it’s essential to be aware of its potential drawbacks. Privacy concerns, mental health issues, the spread of misinformation, productivity loss, and social isolation are all significant disadvantages. As users, it’s crucial to use these platforms responsibly, being mindful of the information we share and the time we spend. As society becomes increasingly digital, understanding the pitfalls of social media is more important than ever.

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Essay on Social Media for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on social media.

Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its user-friendly features. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and more are giving people a chance to connect with each other across distances. In other words, the whole world is at our fingertips all thanks to social media. The youth is especially one of the most dominant users of social media. All this makes you wonder that something so powerful and with such a massive reach cannot be all good. Like how there are always two sides to a coin, the same goes for social media. Subsequently, different people have different opinions on this debatable topic. So, in this essay on Social Media, we will see the advantages and disadvantages of social media.

Essay on Social Media

Advantages of Social Media

When we look at the positive aspect of social media, we find numerous advantages. The most important being a great device for education . All the information one requires is just a click away. Students can educate themselves on various topics using social media.

Moreover, live lectures are now possible because of social media. You can attend a lecture happening in America while sitting in India.

Furthermore, as more and more people are distancing themselves from newspapers, they are depending on social media for news. You are always updated on the latest happenings of the world through it. A person becomes more socially aware of the issues of the world.

In addition, it strengthens bonds with your loved ones. Distance is not a barrier anymore because of social media. For instance, you can easily communicate with your friends and relatives overseas.

Most importantly, it also provides a great platform for young budding artists to showcase their talent for free. You can get great opportunities for employment through social media too.

Another advantage definitely benefits companies who wish to promote their brands. Social media has become a hub for advertising and offers you great opportunities for connecting with the customer.

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Disadvantages of Social Media

Despite having such unique advantages, social media is considered to be one of the most harmful elements of society. If the use of social media is not monitored, it can lead to grave consequences.

disadvantages of social media essay pdf for students

Thus, the sharing on social media especially by children must be monitored at all times. Next up is the addition of social media which is quite common amongst the youth.

This addiction hampers with the academic performance of a student as they waste their time on social media instead of studying. Social media also creates communal rifts. Fake news is spread with the use of it, which poisons the mind of peace-loving citizens.

In short, surely social media has both advantages and disadvantages. But, it all depends on the user at the end. The youth must particularly create a balance between their academic performances, physical activities, and social media. Excess use of anything is harmful and the same thing applies to social media. Therefore, we must strive to live a satisfying life with the right balance.

disadvantages of social media essay pdf for students

FAQs on Social Media

Q.1 Is social media beneficial? If yes, then how?

A.1 Social media is quite beneficial. Social Media offers information, news, educational material, a platform for talented youth and brands.

Q.2 What is a disadvantage of Social Media?

A.2 Social media invades your privacy. It makes you addicted and causes health problems. It also results in cyberbullying and scams as well as communal hatred.

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disadvantages of social media essay pdf for students

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media for Students

  • POSTED ON April 28, 2024
  • by Marcjean Yutuc

Social media is a potent tool, capable of both positive and negative impacts. Drawing from my experience as a business communication trainer and a mom of a teenager, I’ve seen how deeply it can affect young people.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of social media for students, offering valuable guidance on its safe and productive use. Along the way, I’ll weave in my firsthand observations and experiences, as well as insights from experts I’ve interviewed. We’ll also touch on how social media can play a role in learning self-development courses online .

Advantages of Social Media for Students

I firmly believe that the prevalence of social media use in the academic setting is not without reason. Its advantages are unquestionable, and I assert that there is a wealth of benefits awaiting students who embrace it. Allow me to share with you several compelling examples of these advantages.

Reliable means of communication

Group projects, reports, papers, and other announcements are easily accessible through social media. Social media hosting is an effective broadcast system if you want several people to know about something. This is why  social media marketing  exists.

The same principle applies to the academic use of social media for educational purposes. Students who are in group projects can collaborate easily as their generation is more inclined to use social media as a tool to advance in their education. The effective use of social media for educational purposes can also increase school admissions by reaching a wider audience of prospective students.

Option to study from home

In situations where physical learning is not possible, education can still move on with the help of social media. Students can  learn from the comfort of their own home . This is also a significant plus for overseas students or students from a different state since it eliminates the need for transportation and lodging.

Social media is a powerful tool that makes distance learning possible. Students won’t need to meet up unnecessarily, thus also cutting high costs even for in-state students.

Better student participation

Sometimes, the prospect of participating in class in front of an entire group of people you barely know is stressful. For this reason, a lot of shy students remain silent during class discussions because they feel awkward voicing themselves in a crowd.

With social media, the physical distance from the rest of the group lessens this stress as well as the students’ inhibition to provide their input and opinion on topics that are open for discussion. Professors and instructors are sometimes surprised by how some students who are usually wallflowers suddenly become very active in an online setting.

Readily available discussion

With social media, you don’t have to wait until the next meeting before you can ask a question . Since it is up and running all day and night, students can quickly post a question or challenge that they’ve encountered with a lesson or activity. For those particularly daunting challenges, students often find solace and guidance from overcoming a challenge essay examples .

On the teacher’s end, they could also address these concerns without having to wait until the next session. An alternative would be to gather all of the students’ questions in between meetings so that the teacher can discuss it in the following session. The second option is best if the problems require thorough research or an opportunity to discuss within the class.

Free flow of information

And because the students can quickly post questions and answers any time needed, the information is freely flowing throughout the entire class. Everyone will have access to the information provided by the teacher and the discussions opened by other students.

This will make learning like a continuous process that is not limited to only a few sessions within classrooms. All students have access to it anywhere they can, for as long as they have a phone and an internet connection.

To further illustrate the benefits of social media in education, it is important to highlight its role in providing students with platforms for self-expression. Blogs and personal accounts offer spaces where students can engage in meaningful discussions with peers and develop critical thinking skills, utilizing this I believe essay examples to articulate their thoughts and beliefs on various subjects. Incorporating social media as a medium for self-expression enhances the learning experience and empowers students to cultivate their unique voices within the academic community.

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Disadvantages of Social Media for Students

It’s crucial to acknowledge that, alongside its advantages, social media carries its fair share of disadvantages for students. Let’s delve into a couple of the risks associated with its use.

Highly distracting

The most apparent disadvantage that social media has is its ability to distract students from learning. It will take a lot of discipline to keep your focus on lessons if there are social and entertainment notifications in the same place that you are having your academics.

The lost ability for face-to-face interaction

An actual physical class is still different from online learning. Social media can negatively impact students’ ability to interact in a real-world setting. There are subtleties in communication, such as body language and nonverbal cues that make up a significant portion of conversations beyond just words.

With the increased use of social media, students may weaken or eventually lose their ability to connect socially the way people do when face-to-face. This is even true with video calls and conferences because a large portion of body language can not effectively translate through video.


Finally, there seems to be more social hostility in social media. Since people are less inhibited to say what they want, some don’t just become more participative. They can become quite harsh and combative with their words.

Personal attacks and bullying are common in social media. If students are increasing their use of social media for academic purposes, they are consequently also increasing their exposure to the risk of cyberbullying. Similarly, they also get exposed to other cybercriminals who can steal and exploit them.

Exposure to inappropriate content

Social media can expose students to a wide variety of inappropriate content, including violence, pornography, and hate speech. This can have a negative impact on students’ development and well-being.

Students are particularly vulnerable to exposure to inappropriate content on social media because they are often still developing their critical thinking skills and may not be able to identify or evaluate content effectively.

Privacy concerns

Social media platforms also collect a lot of data about their users, which can be used for advertising or other purposes without the user’s consent. This can raise concerns about students’ privacy and security.

Students may not be aware of how much data social media platforms collect about them or how this data is used.

Guiding Students Through the Challenges of Social Media: Strategies for Educators and Parents

Social media use and misuse is about wanting to connect with others and feel acknowledged, which is critical for adolescents as they navigate their identity development. Offering open communication and safe, non-judgemental spaces for teens to speak freely is a great approach to take when an adult, be it a caregiver or teacher, is hoping to connect and understand them and what drives their social media use. Basic internet safety education, which should include safe use of social media, should be implemented in the home and through the classroom. Philip Canterbury, Teacher and Founder of PC Academics & Writing
Educators and parents should discuss the pros and cons of social media, set healthy boundaries, and encourage digital detox from time to time. I'd also recommend workshops on digital literacy and online etiquette. Bayu Prihandito, Certified Psychology Expert & Life Coach, Founder of Life Architekture
Educators and parents are essential in guiding students through the potential pitfalls of social media. They can play a pivotal role in promoting digital literacy and critical thinking skills , teaching students to discern reliable information from misinformation and encouraging them to approach online content with a careful eye. It is vital to emphasize balance, helping students set boundaries on their social media usage and prioritize offline activities such as face-to-face interactions, physical exercise, and adequate sleep ... Easton Gaines, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist and Founder of MindCarePsyD.com

Reducing social media use before bedtime can significantly enhance sleep quality. Excessive exposure to blue light and stimulating content can disrupt sleep patterns, but by limiting this exposure, individuals can enjoy deeper, more restorative sleep. For further improvement, the BetterSleep app offers over 300+ bedtime stories and meditations to help create a tranquil sleep environment, promoting a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Recommended Courses to Reap the Advantages of Social Media  

As we’ve explored, social media offers numerous benefits that extend far beyond simple connectivity. Today, a growing number of young students are tapping into these platforms not just for social interaction but as a valuable learning resource and a viable source of income. By engaging creatively and strategically with social media, they are acquiring new skills, gaining financial independence, and fostering a sense of responsibility. To help navigate this dynamic landscape, here are several courses designed to maximize the advantages of social media effectively and responsibly.

Beat Social Media Addiction  

This course offers students a structured pathway to overcome social media addiction, aimed at significantly enhancing their academic productivity and personal relationships. It provides students with essential tools to manage and reduce their screen time, enabling them to focus more effectively on their studies and engage more deeply with the world around them.

The course highlights the negative effects of excessive social media use, including its impact on mental health and academic performance. Students will learn about digital detox strategies and the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between online activities and real-life interactions. Through practical exercises and evidence-based techniques, the course aims to help students develop healthier digital habits.

The course has its specific focus on the challenges and pressures faced by students in a highly digitalized world. It offers relatable content and realistic solutions tailored to the unique needs of students, helping them to regain control over their digital lives. The course also provides insights into how minimizing digital distractions can lead to better sleep, reduced stress, and improved overall well-being.

The transformative potential of this course is particularly impressive. It equips students not just with the theory but with actionable steps that can be integrated into their daily routines to foster greater academic focus and personal growth. This practical approach helps students to not only perform better academically but also enjoy a more balanced and satisfying life.

Who is this course for? 

This course is ideal for any student who feels overwhelmed by social media and desires to reclaim their time for academic pursuits, personal hobbies, and quality time with friends and family. It’s also beneficial for those looking to enhance their concentration, manage stress, and improve sleep patterns—all crucial elements for academic and personal success.”

Social Media Content Creation: Canva Beginner To Advanced

This course offers a thorough exploration of social media content creation using Canva, covering everything from basic graphic design to advanced digital media production. It is designed to equip participants with the skills needed to produce eye-catching graphics and videos for various social media platforms, enhancing both personal and professional online profiles.

The value of this course lies in its comprehensive approach and practical output. Participants will learn to design and implement visual content that stands out, using real-world applications that are immediately applicable to business or personal projects. Each lesson is structured to ensure a clear progression from beginner to advanced skills without overwhelming the learner.

What distinguishes this course from others is its emphasis on actionable skills combined with a user-friendly platform. Unlike many disjointed online tutorials, this course offers a coherent curriculum that systematically builds your capabilities in creating professional and effective social media content.

As an advocate of practical learning, I’ve observed how this course can transform complete beginners into competent content creators who can confidently handle their own design needs. It empowers students by providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to succeed in the digital space.

This course is suitable for a broad audience, including business owners, freelancers, marketing professionals, and even students, who wish to enhance their digital content skills. It is designed for beginners, so no prior experience in design is required, making it accessible to anyone interested in improving their content creation capabilities.

Ways To Make Money Online: Using The Power Of Social Media!

This is a comprehensive guide to monetizing your presence on social media platforms. It is designed for individuals eager to explore various online revenue streams through social media. From Facebook to Pinterest, you will learn specific strategies tailored to each platform to optimize engagement and income generation.

The advantage of this course lies in its detailed, platform-specific instruction. For example, you’ll learn to leverage Facebook Live as a dynamic sales funnel, utilize YouTube’s features to enhance your business’s visibility, and make the most of Instagram and Pinterest for lead generation and customer acquisition. Each module is crafted to provide practical insights that can be applied immediately to start seeing results.

Rather than offering general advice that can be found anywhere, it dives deeply into each platform, providing step-by-step processes and innovative strategies to truly harness the power of social media for business. This targeted approach ensures that learners can effectively translate lessons into actionable, profitable online strategies.

Personally, I find the real-world applications of this course incredibly valuable. The structured learning path not only teaches you how to initiate campaigns but also how to sustain them successfully. This course demystifies the complexities of social media marketing and provides clear guidelines on how to convert your digital efforts into tangible earnings.

This course is ideal for anyone interested in making money online, from entrepreneurs and business owners to freelancers, social media enthusiasts, and even students. No prior knowledge is required, making it accessible to beginners, yet it offers enough depth to benefit seasoned marketers looking to refine their skills and explore new platforms.

Key Takeaways

The impact of social media on students is undeniably significant, and it’s essential for all stakeholders, whether you’re a parent, teacher, counselor, or student, to be aware of both its advantages and disadvantages.

The mental health and overall well-being of our students are paramount, and it’s crucial that we heed the advice provided by experts in this field.

If you’re seeking additional resources to enhance your understanding of self-development and well-being, consider exploring the wealth of courses available at Skill Success. Our All Access Pass provides access to a comprehensive library of courses designed to empower and enrich lives. Investing in these courses is an investment in the future well-being of our students and ourselves.

Marcjean Yutuc

Marcjean Yutuc

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disadvantages of social media essay pdf for students

A Social Media Essay on its Pros and Cons

disadvantages of social media essay pdf for students

By Huzaifa Dhapai

Are you looking for advantages and disadvantages of social media essays ? We’ve got you covered! Our social media essay will help shed light on the pros and cons associated with social media and the way it has changed the world. It is a highly debatable topic and thus here’s our view regarding its positive and negative effects on society.

There’s no denying the fact that social media plays a crucial role in shaping a society. If we look around, almost everyone is on FaceBook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. This wide popularity of social channels comes with a lot of things and this elaborated advantages and disadvantages of social media essay will help you understand the overall perspective more clearly.

Now without any further delay, let’s get started with the advantages and disadvantages of social media essays.  

Introduction to Social Media 

In this tech-savvy world, it’s almost impossible to think about our day to day life without social media. It has become a part of our regular lives and is a prevalent medium to stay connected, share information and communicate with the help of social media using the internet.

With its super easy to use interface and free of cost service, it is becoming quite popular among the internet users. In short, one can say that social media is a tool that has revolutionized the digital world with its inception.  

Social media has grown to be the most influential and important virtual space, where the platform is used not only for social networking but also as a great way to advertise digitally.

You’ll hardly find any business or brands not using social media for marketing. With its growing popularity, social media has not just given businesses a chance to connect with its target audience, but it has also unlocked new employment opportunities for the masses where they can master a platform and help brands to market their business digitally.

What are the popular and widely-used social media platforms?

Let’s take a look at what makes a social media platform popular and widespread. Many analysts believe it has to do with “ active users .” It is a critical factor in determining growth, popularity, and engagement. This graph depicts all the popular social media platforms in the world as of 2024 and their number of users in millions. 

disadvantages of social media essay pdf for students

Source : Statitsta.com

The Top 5 social networking sites and applications, as assessed by Statista, an industry-leading provider of business statistics, are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and Tik Tok.  These applications are followed by many others. Facebook , the most popular social network, was the first to cross 1 billion registered accounts and now has over 2.7 billion monthly active members. Facebook (main platform), WhatsApp , Facebook Messenger, and Instagram are the company’s four largest social media platforms, each with over 1 billion monthly active users. With such a growing number of users on social media, let’s now understand what the importance of social media is today. 

Importance of Social Media

Social media has become an integral part of everyone’s daily lives. With the internet at your fingertips, social media can be used to communicate with anyone, anywhere, at any time. 

Especially since covid-19, when everyone was locked in their homes, and unable to get in touch with their friends and family, social media served as an important tool to stay updated about each other and stay connected with your loved ones.

Another emerging importance of social media owing to the pandemic is how it gave opportunities to people to make fun videos and adhere to social media challenges and activities which helped keep people entertained in such testing times. 

The importance of social media in the rising growth and scope of digital marketing has also been phenomenal. 

It is also a platform where information on a variety of topics is easily accessible. This allows people to learn a lot and stay up to date on news from around the world.

But with every good that comes with something, there’s always a negative side to it. Thus, check out the major advantages and disadvantages of social media in the progressive world of today. 

Top 10 Advantages Of Social Media

1. facilitates education.

social media essay

In several ways, social media is used as an educational tool. People are able to learn about a lot of topics through the use of social media all from the comfort of their homes.

One classic example would be the Live sessions conducted by Industry experts and speakers on their Instagram and Facebook. 

They impart knowledge and educate people on topics outside of their textbooks and curriculum. And these Live sessions can be joined by anyone for free. 

Another way to gain knowledge is to join groups on social media that conduct open discussions on various topics and exchange knowledge for free. These are excellent ways to educate yourself . 

2. Reduces Communication Barriers

Decades ago, the world relied solely on letters to communicate with people in distant places. Communication was hampered as a result, and relationships suffered greatly. 

Now, Social media has enabled us to stay in touch with people both nearby and far away. And, with the rise of social media, distance is no longer an obstacle.

3. Social Impact

NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), fundraisers, etc use social media for a variety of noble purposes. 

Generally, it is intended to raise awareness and assist people in discovering numerous changes that can help them improve their life. 

This helps create a social impact on a large number of people right from your fingertips. 

4. Brand Promotions

Businesses big or small can easily promote their brand effectively and efficiently through the use of social media and receive a massive amount of engagement. 

Social media has become an excellent place for advertisement, which helps brands to know the needs of their audience well. This benefits businesses of all sizes greatly.

This has led to an increase in the need for social media marketers. The next point will help you understand more in detail.

5. Employment Opportunities

The increased use of social media as a marketing tool has increased the demand for social media marketers. 

Companies want experts who can handle social media for them and carry out marketing activities that bring great results. 

If you aspire to become one, here’s an Online Social Media Marketing Course led by top industry professionals to get you started

6. Content Creation

social media essay

People who love to create content whether it be video, picture, or audio can use social media to share their content with the world. 

This allows people with creative skills to flourish in the online industry and also monetize this skill which brings us to our next point.

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7. Monetization

The rise of social media content creation has resulted in a massive increase in users across multiple platforms. 

To entice users to stay and grow, social media firms have used monetization strategies such as adverts, promotions, and more. 

Anyone with a love for content creation can use this to promote their brand while also earning money. You can also create content for other brands and charge for the same.

A very popular concept is Influencers today. If you have a large follower base and the ability to truthfully influence them, brands will sponsor you to do so. 

8. Community building

These days local communities are using social media heavily to stay connected, support each other, and grow together even after lockdown. Social media has connected people with the same interests and perspectives, which has led to the formation of supportive online communities. For example, people who share the same interest in nature and the environment can form or join a community for the same. This can also lead to crisis management, and it might be useful to provide mutual aid for world problems.

9. Skill development

Due to various social media platforms, online classes have gained lots of popularity during the lockdown itself. What’s interesting is these classes are still being run on social media platforms even after the lockdown is over but also gained. People nowadays are constantly taking classes for various courses to upskill themselves for even better jobs and income opportunities.

10. Mental Health Support

People have recognized the problems that social media causes. Platforms like Reddit and Facebook have a community now, which gives a safe space to people who want to share their experiences or seek advice. 

Now, let’s glance at the disadvantages of social media and how it has a negative impact on society. 

Top 7 Disadvantages of Social Media

The dangers of social media are massive, and despite the fact that it has numerous benefits, the effects of social media can lead to harmful results sometimes.

1. Lack of Security

As social media has become more accessible to anyone with an internet connection, people have become more vulnerable to hacking. 

Many users upload important parts of their lives to social media platforms, communicate with people they don’t know and are uneducated about the do and don’ts of having a social media account. 

This leads to hackers taking advantage of such people and ending up costing them valuable information.

2. Leads To Addiction 

The ability to interact and contact friends and family at any time and from anywhere, along with a great volume of content, has led to social media addiction . We’ve also covered some points on how to beat social media addiction .

People spend more time on social media, communicating with people all over the world, and consuming content, and as a result, they get disconnected from their surroundings.

3. Unrealistic Expectations

What we see on social media is the ‘ideal’ part of a person’s life, and not their insecurities and problems. 

When we forget this, we start to compare the negative parts of our lives with the positive parts of the lives of our peers that we see online. In the long run, this damages our self-esteem.

4. Adverse Influence on Children

Children who are addicted to social media spend hours per day watching videos, photos, and other content posted by the accounts they follow. 

Other activities, such as schoolwork, sports, study, and other productive routines, are jeopardized by this addiction. In the end, the influence of social media negatively impacts the well-being of children.

It also affects their socializing skills as they find it more comfortable to talk on the phone rather than face the person. 

5. Digital Fatigue

After spending so much time on social media, especially during lockdown, many people are now facing the problem of digital fatigue. The constant screentime and virtual interaction can exhaust a human and make them feel lonely 

6. Cyberbullying and online harassment

This issue existed before, but it has increased to a greater level as more and more people are using social media. Whether your work is good or excellent, some people will always be there to criticize your content. But cyberbullying and online harassment cases can get worse.

7. Social comparison and mental health issues

Humans always tend to compare their situations with others, and social media has increased this issue of comparison, which makes people feel inadequate and pressure themselves to meet unrealistic standards. This eventually leads to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem .

Role of Social Media in Shaping Society

In the ever-evolving digital world, social media plays a pivotal role in shaping society. Whether we’re scrolling through our feeds or sharing our thoughts, it’s undeniable that social media has a significant impact, both positive and negative, on how we perceive the environment around us.

One of the key advantages of social media is its ability to connect people from all corners of the globe. Through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X, we can bridge geographical barriers and interact with individuals we might never have encountered otherwise. This connectivity fosters a sense of global community, where ideas, cultures, and experiences can be shared and celebrated.

Moreover, social media serves as a powerful tool for activism and social change. Movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo has gained momentum through online platforms, amplifying voices and catalyzing real-world action. Social media empowers individuals to raise awareness about important issues and mobilize others to join their cause, sparking meaningful dialogue and driving societal progress.

Let’s discuss some key points that significantly contributes in the society:

(a) Political Influence: The introduction of social media has changed the way of conducting political campaigns. It has become a primary tool for leaders, politicians, etc to discuss, support or present their thoughts. Social media helps these politicians to disseminate information, engage in politics-related debates, boost their popularity, etc.

(b) Change in Consumer Behavior: Hands down, there’s no denying the fact that social media influences consumer behavior like no other. Image and video sharing platforms like Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat have helped businesses and marketers immensely in branding, promoting and selling the products. These highly appealing images boost impulsive buying among the users and persuade them to either make a purchase or at least check the product/service once. 

© Impact on mental health: With the constant exposure to different forms of content and people, social media highly impacts mental health of individuals. The curated, idealized versions of people and their life lowers the self-esteem of individuals and they start doubting themselves. 

Apart from this, cyberbullying, trolling affects mental health in unimaginable ways.

In conclusion, social media offers both benefits and drawbacks, but it all relies on the individual who uses it. 

The information provided can be seen as debatable but our article is not a thesis on social media and is just an accumulation of researched information in a simple and precise format.

Bonus Read: The Next Wave Of Social Media

Social media is still in its infancy and will continue to grow rapidly in the future. From the launch of the first social media platform, Myspace, to the most recent and currently popular social media platform, Facebook. 

There are currently around 4.3 Billion social media users around the world.

Every platform that has ever been released has features that are unique and engaging. That has always been the primary goal of any social media platform. From Myspace’s “ ranking profile feature ” to Instagram’s ‘ Reels Insights features’ , social media has come a long way.

With the unprecedented growth of digital marketing, social media has grown tremendously too. Almost every digital company now needs a social media team to manage its online presence. Discover how to build a career in social media marketing . Social media has become an important part of a company’s digital marketing strategy. We hope this post has given you a better understanding of the world of social media.

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Ritu Dalvi

Social media essays are super important nowadays. They help us understand how platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram affect our lives. We can explore things like how we communicate, our privacy, and how we behave online

Yash Patil

“According to Statista, the top 5 social networking sites and applications are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. It’s interesting to see how these platforms continue to dominate the social media landscape. Which one do you find yourself using the most?”

Mansi arora

“Explore the intricate landscape of social media, examining its varied impacts on society, from empowerment to potential challenges.”

Abeer Siddiqui

Thankyou, for helping and providing such big social media essay .This will help me alot.

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The ‘Social Media Essay’ on iide.co provided invaluable insights for my assignment research, illuminating the digital landscape with clarity and depth. 🌐✨

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“Interesting perspective, thanks for sharing!”

Sahil Gupta

An insightful overview of social media’s impact. How can individuals best navigate the negatives like unrealistic expectations?

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media and Its Effects on Young Learners

17 Pages Posted: 4 Mar 2022 Last revised: 13 Apr 2022

Nowara Abudabbous

New Mexico State University

Date Written: December 5, 2021

Social media has influenced our lives in many ways, but do you know how it affects young learners? The number of social media platform users has increased by 400 million compared to last year ( Kemp,2021). Kemp reported that social media users increased over the past year to reach 4.55 billion in October 2021. Furthermore, the number of new social media users increases by more than 1 million every day. Many people nowadays, including students, prefer to communicate with each other through social networking rather than interacting face-to-face. At this time, virtual learning became a necessary procedure in education too. Many students became more comfortable enrolling in virtual learning rather than in face-to-face classes. However, spending too much time on the internet may lead young learners to miss many opportunities to interact physically in their life. Social media could improve students’ academic levels, but it may lead to adverse outcomes if it is misused. This article aims to discuss some advantages and disadvantages of the use of social media and its impacts on students. At the end of this article, I will share some alternative activities to help students effectively engage in their life experiences.

Keywords: Social media, virtual learning, communication, young learners, pros, cons

JEL Classification: I 12, I 25, I 28

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Nowara Abudabbous (Contact Author)

New mexico state university ( email ).

Las Cruces, NM NM 88003 United States

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Social Media Cons and Prons: Evaluating Its Advantages and Disadvantage

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Updated: 29 March, 2024

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The advantages of social media, social media cons.

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Essay on Advantages And Disadvantages of Social Media

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

‘Social media is not about the exploitation of technology but service to community.’ – Simon Mainwaring. 

Essay on Social Media: According to a 2022 study, an average Indian user on the internet spent 194 minutes daily on social media platforms . Social Media has become an integral part of our lives, sometimes very informative and a great tool for education. On the other hand, there are several disadvantages of social media which make us vulnerable to the content offered on these platforms. Every minute we spend on social media scrolling people and their content can have a lasting impact on our mental health. In this essay on the advantages and disadvantages of social media , we will try to cover all the domains of online platforms.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Social Media?
  • 2.1 Advantages of Social Media
  • 2.2 Disadvantages of Social Media
  • 3 Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media
  • 4 Social Media Impact on Students: Advantages and Disadvantages
  • 5 Paragraph on Social Media

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What is Social Media?

Social media are online platforms and applications that allow us to create and share content, and participate in social networking activities. These platforms facilitate the creation and exchange of user-generated content, such as text posts, images, videos, and other multimedia, enabling individuals and groups to connect, communicate , and interact with each other in virtual communities and networks.

Social media platforms have become essential tools for businesses, organizations, and individuals to promote their products, services, and personal brands, as well as to connect with their audiences and communities.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media in 300 Words

All the hours we spend on social media offer us exposure to the latest trends and activities across the globe. Our traditional way of communication and sharing information has been revolutionized by social media. Everybody agrees that social media platforms offer us information and lessons that we might not be able to grasp from books or experts. But the scale or balance of social media is tilted towards the disadvantages it offers us. This essay on advantages and disadvantages of social media highlights all the aspects.

Advantages of Social Media

  • The advantages of social media include easy and instantaneous communication. It helps people connect with friends, family, and colleagues regardless of geographical barriers.
  • It allows users to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas with a broader audience, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
  • Social media serves as a platform for networking and professional growth, enabling individuals to connect with potential employers, clients, and business partners.
  • It plays a crucial role in spreading awareness and information. It disseminates news, promotes social causes, and raises awareness about important issues.

Disadvantages of Social Media

With all the advantages of social media listed above, it also brings certain disadvantages.

  • Misleading and fake information is one of the major disadvantages of social media. This can have serious consequences, including the spread of misinformation during crises or the manipulation of public opinion.
  • Excessive use of social media can lead to addiction and negative impacts on mental health.
  • Constant exposure to curated and often idealized versions of others’ lives can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
  • It can also lead to decreased productivity and social isolation, as some users may prioritize virtual interactions over real-life relationships.
  • Another concern is privacy issues and data breaches. We as users share personal information, making us vulnerable to data breaches and invasions of our privacy. This can lead to identity theft and other cybercrimes, posing significant risks to users’ security and well-being.

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Short Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media

No matter how many hours or minutes you spend on social media every day, if you have an online account, where your details are stored, it is likely to be compromised. Every day we hear news about data breaches. In 2020, the Indian Government banned more than 270 mobile apps citing security reasons. 

Social media serves as a powerful platform for disseminating information and raising awareness about various issues. It provides a space for professionals to connect with like-minded individuals and potential employers. It offers businesses a cost-effective way to promote their products and services to a global audience. At individual and government levels, everybody wants their data to be protected. From security concerns to mental health problems, social media brings a lot of disadvantages, which we often ignore.

That is why the passed by the Government of India ensures user safety and grants rights to data principals. This includes the right to know what personal data is processed, the right to data deletion, and the right to correct or update inaccurate personal data.

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Social Media Impact on Students: Advantages and Disadvantages

Social media has had a big impact on reducing the ability of children to pay attention for long periods of time. The constant switching between different applications, videos, games, and messages trains the brains of young minds to have a short focus.

The youngsters grow accustomed to the quick bursts of novelty and the dopamine that social media provides them. Their minds get restless and easily get bored when they are asked to concentrate on something for more than a few minutes at a time. In the future, continuous reading, lectures, or work will become challenging for them.

The nature of multimedia sites like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube overexcites the brains of children. Rapid receiving of fire streams of fresh content is designed to grab and keep their attention at all costs. All this overloads the senses and cognitive abilities of young minds.

Further, the apps also encourage endless scrolling and switching of content by auto-playing the next video or suggesting a new watch. Children develop the habit of constantly shifting their focus instead of concentrating on a single task.

However, social media also offers some benefits to children. It helps the kids generate new ideas and perspectives worldwide. It allows the young ones to learn about trending events and issues that society cares about. There are numerous tech videos that are created with the concept of being fun, engaging, and easy to learn simultaneously.

Further, social media also provides creative outlets for the children to express themselves through photos, videos, writing, and art. It allows them to develop interests and easily connect with people around them who share their passions.

As it said, excess of everything is bad; therefore, parents and teachers must guide children on the balanced use of social media. They should teach young minds to promote the habits of single-tasking and good focus. If it is not done, then the distracting nature of applications will increase the reduction in attentiveness.

In conclusion, social media comes with predominantly negative conditions as well as some positive sides. Proper guidance and a correct learning approach will help the child differentiate between the two in the correct manner and will help increase their ability to focus on whatever they do.

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Paragraph on Social Media

Social media includes the online platforms, websites and application which we use to create, share, and exchange content with others. Social media platforms allow us to  communication and interaction with users, allowing us to connect, collaborate, and engage in multiple ways. Some of the basic social media features such as text posts, images, videos, and other multimedia content. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, X (Twitter), and Whatsapp are some of the popular social media platforms. Facebook and Instagram have the highest number of users, with more than 3 billion people having an online account. However, social media also has some negative aspects. These include cyberbullying, addiction and time wasting, fake news and misinformation, privacy concerns, etc. Social media is there to ease our lives and connect with people. Therefore, we must use it in the right way only.

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Ans. Here are some of the popular advantages of social media: Enhanced Connectivity with friends, family, and acquaintances from all around the world; Dissemination of information and raising awareness about various issues; Space for professionals to connect with like-minded individuals; It offers businesses a cost-effective way to promote their products, etc.

Ans. Here are some of the disadvantages of social media: Cybercriminals carry out various online scams and phishing attacks; Addiction and Time Wastage; Negative Impact on Mental Health, etc.

Ans. To write an essay on the advantages and disadvantages of social media, you need to describe what social media is, and how it has revolutionized our ways of communication, disseminates news, promotes social causes, and raises awareness about important issues. Apart from its advantages, describe its disadvantages, such as security issues, cyberbullying and online harassment, addition and time wastage, etc.

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Disadvantages of Social Media for Students

Technology 30 Dec 2022 47392 0

Social Media

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with others, but it has also come with its fair share of drawbacks and disadvantages. While social media can be a useful tool for staying connected with friends and family, promoting one's work or projects, and accessing a wide range of information and resources, it can also have negative impacts on individuals and society.

Social media has become an integral part of modern society, with billions of people around the world using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with others, share information and experiences, and access a wide range of resources. While social media has its fair share of benefits and advantages, it also has its drawbacks and disadvantages, particularly for students.

Here are some of the main disadvantages of social media for students:

1. Distraction and Reduced Productivity:

Social media can be a distraction and interfere with students' ability to focus and complete their academic tasks, leading to reduced productivity. This is because social media platforms are designed to be engaging and to keep users coming back for more. As a result, students may find themselves checking their social media accounts frequently, which can take away from their focus and attention.

In addition, social media can lead to procrastination, as students may find themselves scrolling through their feeds or engaging in other activities instead of completing their work. This can be especially true when students are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, as social media can provide a temporary escape from these negative emotions.

To minimize the negative effects of social media on productivity, it's important for students to be mindful of their social media use and set boundaries to ensure that it doesn't interfere with their academic tasks. This might include setting aside specific times of day to check social media, limiting the amount of time they spend on these platforms, or turning off notifications during times when they need to focus on their work.

It's also important for students to be aware of the potential risks of social media distraction and to take steps to minimize them. This might include finding a quiet, distraction-free workspace to study, setting goals and priorities, and breaking their work into manageable chunks to make it more manageable.

2. Isolation and Loneliness

While social media can help students stay connected with others and maintain relationships, it can also contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness. This is especially true when students rely on social media as their primary source of social interaction and do not have in-person social connections.

Research has shown that excessive social media use can lead to negative effects on mental health, including increased feelings of loneliness and isolation. This is because social media can create a false sense of connection, where students see the highlight reel of others' lives and feel that they are not measuring up. In addition, social media can foster a sense of comparison and competition, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.

To minimize the negative effects of social media on loneliness and isolation, it's important for students to be mindful of their social media use and balance it with in-person social interactions. This might include setting limits on their social media use, making an effort to connect with others in person, and seeking out opportunities for social interaction outside of social media.

It's also important for students to be aware of the potential risks of social media and to take steps to protect their mental health. This might include seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional if they are feeling overwhelmed or isolated.

3. Cyberbullying and Online Dangers

Social media can expose students to cyberbullying, harassment, and other online dangers. Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, or harm others, and it can take many forms, such as mean or threatening messages, impersonation, or sharing embarrassing or sensitive information online. Cyberbullying can have serious consequences for students, including increased stress, anxiety, and depression.

In addition to cyberbullying, students can also face other online dangers, such as harassment, stalking, or identity theft. It's important for students to be aware of these risks and to take steps to protect themselves and their online reputation.

To minimize the risks of cyberbullying and other online dangers, students should be mindful of their online behavior and respect the rights and feelings of others. They should also be careful about what they share online and avoid sharing personal information or sensitive material.

In addition, students should be aware of their privacy settings on social media and ensure that they are set to the highest level of protection. They should also be cautious about accepting friend requests or following strangers online and report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior to the appropriate authorities or platform.

If students are experiencing cyberbullying or other online dangers, it's important for them to seek help and support from a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or school counselor. They should also be aware of resources and support services that can help them, such as the National Bullying Prevention Center or the Cyberbullying Research Center.

4. Loss of Privacy

Social media can lead to a loss of privacy for students, as they may be more likely to share personal information or sensitive material online. This can include things like their full name, address, phone number, or location, as well as photos, videos, or other personal content.

Sharing personal information on social media can have serious consequences for students, including identity theft, stalking, or other online dangers. It's important for students to be mindful of their online privacy and to protect their personal information from unauthorized access or use.

To minimize the risks of a loss of privacy on social media, students should be careful about what they share online and consider the potential consequences of their actions. They should also be aware of their privacy settings on social media and ensure that they are set to the highest level of protection.

In addition, students should be cautious about accepting friend requests or following strangers online, and report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior to the appropriate authorities or platform.

If students are concerned about their online privacy, they should seek help and advice from a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or school counselor. They should also be aware of resources and support services that can help them, such as the Federal Trade Commission or the National Cyber Security Alliance.

5. Misinformation and Fake News

Social media can spread misinformation and fake news, which can be harmful and confusing for students. Misinformation is false or misleading information that is spread intentionally or unintentionally, while fake news is intentionally fabricated information that is presented as if it were real.

Both misinformation and fake news can have serious consequences, as they can influence public opinion, policy, and decision-making. They can also create confusion and mistrust, and undermine the credibility of reliable sources of information.

To minimize the risks of misinformation and fake news on social media, it's important for students to be critical consumers of information and to verify the accuracy and reliability of the sources they encounter. This might include checking multiple sources, looking for evidence or supporting facts, and considering the credibility and bias of the source.

In addition, students should be aware of their own role in spreading misinformation or fake news, and avoid sharing or commenting on content that they have not fully checked and verified. They should also report any suspicious or inappropriate content to the appropriate authorities or platforms.

If students are concerned about misinformation or fake news on social media, they should seek help and advice from a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or school counselor. They should also be aware of resources and support services that can help them, such as fact-checking organizations like Snopes or Politifact.

6. Addiction or Excessive Use

Social media can lead to addiction or excessive use, which can interfere with students' academic and personal responsibilities. Addiction to social media is characterized by excessive and compulsive use of these platforms, which can disrupt daily activities and relationships and lead to negative consequences.

Excessive social media use can have negative effects on mental health, including increased stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also lead to a lack of sleep, poor academic performance, and other negative consequences.

To minimize the risks of addiction or excessive use of social media, it's important for students to be mindful of their social media habits and to use these platforms in moderation. This might include setting limits on their social media use, taking breaks from social media, and finding other activities to engage in.

It's also important for students to be aware of the potential risks of social media and to take steps to protect their mental health. This might include seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional if they are feeling overwhelmed or distressed.

If students are concerned about their social media use or feel that it is interfering with their academic or personal responsibilities, they should seek help and advice from a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or school counselor. They should also be aware of resources and support services that can help them, such as the National Institute on Drug Abuse or the Center for Internet Addiction Recovery.

7. Time-waster for Students

Social media can be a time-waster for students, as they may find themselves spending excessive amounts of time on these platforms. This can lead to a lack of productivity and a disruption of their daily routine and responsibilities.

To minimize the risks of social media as a time-waster, it's important for students to be mindful of their social media habits and to use these platforms in moderation. This might include setting limits on their social media use, taking breaks from social media, and finding other activities to engage in.

It's also important for students to be aware of the potential risks of social media and to take steps to protect their time and productivity. This might include setting goals and priorities, breaking their work into manageable chunks, and finding a quiet, distraction-free workspace to study.

If students are concerned about their social media use or feel that it is interfering with their academic or personal responsibilities, they should seek help and advice from a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or school counselor. They should also be aware of resources and support services that can help them, such as time management apps or productivity tools.

8. Lead to Negative Effects on Mental Health for Students

Social media can have negative effects on the mental health of students, as excessive use of these platforms has been linked to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. This is because social media can foster a sense of comparison and competition, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. It can also contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness, as students may rely on social media as their primary source of social interaction.

In addition, social media can expose students to cyberbullying, harassment, and other online dangers, which can have serious consequences for their mental health. It's important for students to be aware of these risks and to take steps to protect their mental health.

To minimize the negative effects of social media on mental health, it's important for students to be mindful of their social media use and to use these platforms in moderation. This might include setting limits on their social media use, taking breaks from social media, and finding other activities to engage in.

It's also important for students to be aware of their own mental health and to seek help and support if they are feeling overwhelmed or distressed. This might include seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional, or accessing resources and support services such as the National Institute of Mental Health or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

9. Compromise Personal Safety and Security for Students

Social media can compromise personal safety and security for students, as they may be more likely to share personal information or sensitive material online. This can include things like their full name, address, phone number, or location, as well as photos, videos, or other personal content.

To minimize the risks of a compromise of personal safety and security on social media, students should be careful about what they share online and consider the potential consequences of their actions. They should also be aware of their privacy settings on social media and ensure that they are set to the highest level of protection.

In addition, students should be cautious about accepting friend requests or following strangers online and report any suspicious or inappropriate behavior to the appropriate authorities or platform.

If students are concerned about their online privacy or personal safety and security, they should seek help and advice from a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or school counselor. They should also be aware of resources and support services that can help them, such as the Federal Trade Commission or the National Cyber Security Alliance.

10. Foster Comparison and a Negative self-image for Students

Social media can foster comparison and a negative self-image for students, as they may feel pressure to present a perfect or idealized version of themselves online. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem, as students may compare themselves to others and feel that they are not measuring up.

Social media can also contribute to a negative self-image by presenting an unrealistic or distorted view of reality. Many people only post the highlights of their lives on social media, creating a false impression of what is normal or achievable. This can lead to a distorted sense of reality and a negative self-image, as students may feel that they are not as successful, attractive, or popular as others.

To minimize the risks of comparison and a negative self-image on social media, it's important for students to be aware of these risks and to take steps to protect their mental health. This might include setting limits on their social media use, taking breaks from social media, and finding other activities to engage in.

It's also important for students to be mindful of their own self-image and to seek support and guidance if they are feeling overwhelmed or distressed. This might include seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional, or accessing resources and support services such as the National Institute of Mental Health or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

Overall, it's important for individuals to be mindful of their social media habits and to use these platforms in moderation. They should also be aware of the potential risks of social media and take steps to protect their privacy, safety, and mental health. To minimize the risks of social media killing creativity in students, it's important for students to be aware of these risks and to take steps to protect their creativity. This might include setting limits on their social media use, taking breaks from social media, and finding other activities to engage in. It's also important for students to be mindful of their own creativity and to seek support and guidance if they are feeling overwhelmed or distressed. This might include seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional, or accessing resources and support services.

List of Disadvantages of Social Media:

Here is a list of 30 disadvantages of social media:

  • Addiction or excessive use
  • Cyberbullying and online dangers
  • Loss of privacy
  • Misinformation and fake news
  • Negative effects on mental health
  • Time-waster
  • Compromise of personal safety and security
  • Comparison and a negative self-image
  • Distraction and reduced productivity
  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Loss of face-to-face communication skills
  • Plagiarism and academic dishonesty
  • Negative impact on relationships and communication
  • Decreased attention span and memory retention
  • Negative impact on physical health
  • Increased risk of cyberstalking and online harassment
  • Increased risk of identity theft
  • Increased risk of online scams and fraud
  • Decreased job productivity
  • Decreased real-life social skills
  • Decreased focus and concentration
  • Increased risk of cyberbullying and online harassment
  • Negative impact on sleep quality
  • Increased risk of online addiction
  • Decreased physical activity
  • Negative impact on academic performance
  • Decreased ability to multitask
  • Negative impact on creativity
  • Negative impact on decision-making skills
  • Negative impact on critical thinking skills

10 Advantages of Social Media for Students

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The Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research

The Pros and Cons of Social Media for Youth

A new review article looks at how social media affects well-being in youth...

Posted October 16, 2021 | Reviewed by Lybi Ma

  • Social media has both positive and negative effects on well-being in youth.
  • Social media impacts four distinct areas for youth: connections, identity, learning, and emotions.

More than 90 percent of teenagers in the U.S. have a smartphone. Access to this type of technology and social networking changes the playing field for young people who are simultaneously developing a sense of identity and new social relationships.

Leszek Czerwonka/Adobe Stock

We have certainly heard about the downside of teens and smartphones: cyberbullying, anxiety , and a misrepresented sense of body image . Research demonstrates there are some benefits too, including the ability to keep in touch with friends and loved ones – especially when the COVID-19 pandemic limited in-person social interactions.

A new systematic review published in the journal Adolescent Research Review combines the evidence from qualitative studies that investigate adolescent social media use.

The authors found, in short, that the links between adolescent well-being and social media are complicated and depend on a broad range of factors.

“Adults have always been concerned about how the latest technology will harm children,” said Amanda Purington, director of evaluation and research for ACT for Youth in the BCTR and a doctoral candidate in Cornell’s Social Media Lab. “This goes back to radio programs, comic books, novels – you name it, adults were worried about it. The same is now true for social media. And yes, there are concerns – there are many potential risks and harms. But there are potential benefits, too.”

Reviewing 19 studies of young people ages 11 to 20, the authors identified four major themes related to social media and well-being that ultimately affected aspects of young people’s mental health and sense of self.

The first theme, connections, describes how social media either supports or hinders young people’s relationships with their peers, friends, and family. The studies in the review provided plenty of examples of ways that social media helped youth build connections with others. Participants reported that social media helped to create intimacy with friends and could improve popularity. Youth who said they were shy reported having an easier time making friends through social media. Studies also found social media was useful in keeping in touch with family and friends who live far away and allowing groups to communicate in masse. In seven papers, participants identified social media as a source of support and reassurance.

In 13 of the papers, youth reported that social media also harmed their connections with others. They provided examples of bullying and threats and an atmosphere of criticism and negativity during social media interactions. Youth cited the anonymity of social media as part of the problem, as well as miscommunication that can occur online.

Study participants also reported a feeling of disconnection associated with relationships on social media. Some youth felt rejected or left out when their social media posts did not receive the feedback they expected. Others reported feeling frustrated, lonely , or paranoid about being left out.

The second theme, identity, describes how adolescents are supported or frustrated on social media in trying to develop their identities.

Youth in many of the studies described how social media helped them to “come out of their shells” and express their true identities. They reported liking the ability to write and edit their thoughts and use images to express themselves. They reported that feedback they received on social media helped to bolster their self-confidence and they reported enjoying the ability to look back on memories to keep track of how their identity changed over time.

In eight studies, youth described ways that social media led to inauthentic representations of themselves. They felt suspicious that others would use photo editing to disguise their identities and complained about how easy it was to deliver communications slyly, rather than with the honesty required in face-to-face communication. They also felt self-conscious about posting selfies, and reported that the feedback they received would affect their feelings of self-worth .

The third theme, learning, describes how social media use supports or hinders education . In many studies, participants reported how social media helped to broaden their perspectives and expose them to new ideas and topics. Many youths specifically cited exposure to political and social movements, such as Black Lives Matter.

disadvantages of social media essay pdf for students

On the flip side, youth in five studies reported that social media interfered with their education. They said that phone notifications and the pressure to constantly check in on social media distracted them from their studies. Participants reported that they found it difficult to spend quiet time alone without checking their phones. Others said the 24-7 nature of social media kept them up too late at night, making it difficult to get up for school the next day.

The fourth theme, emotions, describes the ways that social media impacts young people’s emotional experiences in both positive and negative ways. In 11 papers, participants reported that social media had a positive effect on their emotions. Some reported it improved their mood, helped them to feel excited, and often prompted laughter . (Think funny animal videos.) Others reported that social media helped to alleviate negative moods, including annoyance, anger , and boredom . They described logging onto social media as a form of stress management .

But in nearly all of the papers included in the review, participants said social media was a source of worry and pressure. Participants expressed concern about judgment from their peers. They often felt embarrassed about how they looked in images. Many participants expressed worry that they were addicted to social media. Others fretted about leaving a digital footprint that would affect them later in life. Many participants reported experiencing pressure to constantly respond and stay connected on social media. And a smaller number of participants reported feeling disturbed by encountering troubling content, such as self-harm and seeing former partners in new relationships.

“As this review article highlights, social media provides spaces for adolescents to work on some of the central developmental tasks of their age, such as forming deeper connections with peers and exploring identity,” Purington said. “I believe the key is to help youth maximize these benefits while minimizing risks, and we can do this by educating youth about how to use social media in ways that are positive, safe, and prosocial.”

The take-home message: The body of evidence on social media and well-being paints a complicated picture of how this new technology is affecting youth. While there are certainly benefits when young people use social media, there is also a broad range of pressures and negative consequences.

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Analysing the Impact of Social Media on Students’ Academic Performance: A Comparative Study of Extraversion and Introversion Personality

Sourabh sharma.

International Management Institute (IMI), Bhubaneswar, India

Ramesh Behl

Associated data.

Complete data and material is available to support transparency.

The advent of technology in education has seen a revolutionary change in the teaching–learning process. Social media is one such invention which has a major impact on students’ academic performance. This research analyzed the impact of social media on the academic performance of extraversion and introversion personality students. Further, the comparative study between these two personalities will be analysed on education level (postgraduate and undergraduate) and gender (male and female). The research was initiated by identifying the factors of social media impacting students’ academic performance. Thereafter, the scale was developed, validated and tested for reliability in the Indian context. Data were collected from 408 students segregated into 202 males and 206 females. Two hundred and thirty-four students are enrolled in postgraduation courses, whereas 174 are registered in the undergraduate programme. One-way ANOVA has been employed to compare the extraversion and introversion students of different education levels and gender. A significant difference is identified between extraversion and introversion students for the impact of social media on their academic performance.


Social Networking Sites (SNS) gained instant popularity just after the invention and expansion of the Internet. Today, these sites are used the most to communicate and spread the message. The population on these social networking sites (SNS) has increased exponentially. Social networking sites (SNS) in general are called social media (Boyd & Ellison, 2008 ). Social media (SM) is used extensively to share content, initiate discussion, promote businesses and gain advantages over traditional media. Technology plays a vital role to make SM more robust by reducing security threats and increasing reliability (Stergiou et al., 2018 ).

As of January 2022, more than 4.95 billion people are using the Internet worldwide, and around 4.62 billion are active SM users (Johnson, 2022 ). In India, the number of Internet users was 680 million by January 2022, and there were 487 million active social media users (Basuray, 2022 ). According to Statista Research Department ( 2022 ), in India, SM is dominated by two social media sites, i.e. YouTube and Facebook. YouTube has 467 million users followed by Facebook with 329 million users.

Although almost all age groups are using SM platforms to interact and communicate with their known community (Whiting & Williams, 2013 ), it has been found that social media sites are more popular among youngsters and specifically among students. They use SM for personal as well as academic activities extensively (Laura et al., 2017 ). Other than SM, from the last two years, several online platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Google Meet are preferred to organize any kind of virtual meetings, webinars and online classes. These platforms were used worldwide to share and disseminate knowledge across the defined user community during the pandemic. Social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp and blogs are comparatively more open and used to communicate with public and/or private groups. Earlier these social media platforms were used only to connect with friends and family, but gradually these platforms became one of the essential learning tools for students (Park et al., 2009 ). To enhance the teaching–learning process, these social media sites are explored by all types of learning communities (Dzogbenuku et al., 2019 ). SM when used in academics has both advantages and disadvantages. Social media helps to improve academic performance, but it may also distract the students from studies and indulge them in other non-academic activities (Alshuaibi et al., 2018 ).

Here, it is important to understand that the personality traits of students, their education level and gender are critical constructs to determine academic performance. There are different personality traits of an individual such as openness, conscientiousness, extraversion and introversion, agreeableness and neuroticism (McCrae & Costa, 1987 ). This cross-functional research is an attempt to study the impact of social media on the academic performance of students while using extraversion and introversion personality traits, education levels and gender as moderating variables.

Literature Review

There has been a drastic change in the internet world due to the invention of social media sites in the last ten years. People of all age groups now share their stories, feelings, videos, pictures and all kinds of public stuff on social media platforms exponentially (Asur & Huberman, 2010 ). Youth, particularly from the age group of 16–24, embraced social media sites to connect with their friends and family, exchange information and showcase their social status (Boyd & Ellison, 2008 ). Social media sites have many advantages when used in academics. The fun element of social media sites always helps students to be connected with peers and teachers to gain knowledge (Amin et al., 2016 ). Social media also enhances the communication between teachers and students as this are no ambiguity and miscommunication from social media which eventually improves the academic performance of the students (Oueder & Abousaber, 2018 ).

When social media is used for educational purposes, it may improve academic performance, but some associated challenges also come along with it (Rithika & Selvaraj, 2013 ). If social media is incorporated into academics, students try to also use it for non-academic discussions (Arnold & Paulus, 2010 ). The primary reason for such distraction is its design as it is designed to be a social networking tool (Qiu et al., 2013 ). According to Englander et al. ( 2010 ), the usage of social media in academics has more disadvantages than advantages. Social media severely impacts the academic performance of a student. The addiction to social media is found more among the students of higher studies which ruins the academic excellence of an individual (Nalwa & Anand, 2003 ). Among the social media users, Facebook users’ academic performance was worse than the nonusers or users of any other social media network. Facebook was found to be the major distraction among students (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010 ). However, other studies report contrary findings and argued that students benefited from chatting (Jain et al., 2012 ), as it improves their vocabulary and writing skills (Yunus & Salehi, 2012 ). Social media can be used either to excel in academics or to devastate academics. It all depends on the way it is used by the students. The good or bad use of social media in academics is the users’ decision because both the options are open to the students (Landry, 2014 ).

Kaplan and Haenlein ( 2010 ) defined social media as user-generated content shared on web 2.0. They have also classified social media into six categories:

  • Social Networking Sites: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram are the social networking sites where a user may create their profile and invite their friends to join. Users may communicate with each other by sharing common content.
  • Blogging Sites: Blogging sites are individual web pages where users may communicate and share their knowledge with the audience.
  • Content Communities and Groups: YouTube and Slideshare are examples of content communities where people may share media files such as pictures, audio and video and PPT presentations.
  • Gaming Sites: Users may virtually participate and enjoy the virtual games.
  • Virtual Worlds: During COVID-19, this type of social media was used the most. In the virtual world, users meet with each other at some decided virtual place and can do the pre-decided things together. For example, the teacher may decide on a virtual place of meeting, and students may connect there and continue their learning.
  • Collaborative Content Sites: Wikipedia is an example of a collaborative content site. It permits many users to work on the same project. Users have all rights to edit and add the new content to the published project.

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are in trend since 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Raja & Kallarakal, 2020 ). MOOCs courses are generally free, and anyone may enrol for them online. Many renowned institutions have their online courses on MOOCs platform which provides a flexible learning opportunity to the students. Students find them useful to enhance their knowledge base and also in career development. Many standalone universities have collaborated with the MOOCs platform and included these courses in their curriculum (Chen, 2013 ).

Security and privacy are the two major concerns associated with social media. Teachers are quite apprehensive in using social media for knowledge sharing due to the same concerns (Fedock et al., 2019 ). It was found that around 72% teachers were reluctant to use social media platforms due to integrity issues and around 63% teachers confirmed that security needs to be tightened before using social media in the classroom (Surface et al., 2014 ). Proper training on security and privacy, to use social media platforms in academics, is needed for  students and teachers (Bhatnagar & Pry, 2020 ).

The personality traits of a student also play a significant role in deciding the impact of social media on students’ academic performance. Personality is a dynamic organization which simplifies the way a person behaves in a situation (Phares, 1991 ). Human behaviour has further been described by many renowned researchers. According to Lubinski ( 2000 ), human behaviour may be divided into five factors, i.e. cognitive abilities, personality, social attitudes, psychological interests and psychopathology. These personality traits are very important characteristics of a human being and play a substantial role in work commitment (Macey & Schneider, 2008 ). Goldberg ( 1993 ) elaborated on five dimensions of personality which are commonly known as the Big Five personality traits. The traits are “openness vs. cautious”; “extraversion vs. introversion”; “agreeableness vs. rational”; “conscientiousness vs. careless”; and “neuroticism vs. resilient”.

It has been found that among all personality traits, the “extraversion vs. introversion” personality trait has a greater impact on students’ academic performance (Costa & McCrae, 1999 ). Extrovert students are outgoing, talkative and assertive (Chamorro et al., 2003 ). They are positive thinkers and comfortable working in a crowd. Introvert students are reserved and quiet. They prefer to be isolated and work in silos (Bidjerano & Dai, 2007 ). So, in the present study, we have considered only the “extraversion vs. introversion” personality trait. This study is going to analyse the impact of social media platforms on students’ academic performance by taking the personality trait of extraversion and introversion as moderating variables along with their education level and gender.

Research Gap

Past research by Choney ( 2010 ), Karpinski and Duberstein ( 2009 ), Khan ( 2009 ) and Kubey et al. ( 2001 ) was done mostly in developed countries to analyse the impact of social media on the students’ academic performance, effect of social media on adolescence, and addictiveness of social media in students. There are no published research studies where the impact of social media was studied on students’ academic performance by taking their personality traits, education level and gender all three together into consideration. So, in the present study, the impact of social media will be evaluated on students’ academic performance by taking their personality traits (extraversion and introversion), education level (undergraduate and postgraduate) and gender (male and female) as moderating variables.

Objectives of the Study

Based on the literature review and research gap, the following research objectives have been defined:

  • To identify the elements of social media impacting student's academic performance and to develop a suitable scale
  • To test the  validity and reliability of the scale
  • To analyse the impact of social media on students’ academic performance using extraversion and introversion personality trait, education level and gender as moderating variables

Research Methodology

Sampling technique.

Convenience sampling was used for data collection. An online google form was floated to collect the responses from 408 male and female university students of undergraduation and postgraduation streams.

Objective 1 To identify the elements of social media impacting student's academic performance and to develop a suitable scale.

A structured questionnaire was employed to collect the responses from 408 students of undergraduate and postgraduate streams. The questionnaire was segregated into three sections. In section one, demographic details such as gender, age and education stream were defined. Section two contained the author’s self-developed 16-item scale related to the impact of social media on the academic performance of students. The third section had a standardized scale developed by John and Srivastava ( 1999 ) of the Big Five personality model.


There were 408 respondents (students) of different education levels consisting of 202 males (49.5%) and 206 females (50.5%). Most of the respondents (87%) were from the age group of 17–25 years. 234 respondents (57.4) were enrolled on postgraduation courses, whereas 174 respondents (42.6) were registered in the undergraduate programme. The result further elaborates that WhatsApp with 88.6% and YouTube with 82.9% are the top two commonly used platforms followed by Instagram with 76.7% and Facebook with 62.3% of students. 65% of students stated that Google doc is a quite useful and important application in academics for document creation and information dissemination.

Validity and Reliability of Scale

Objective 2 Scale validity and reliability.

Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Cronbach’s alpha test were used to investigate construct validity and reliability, respectively.

The author’s self-designed scale of ‘social media impacting students’ academic performance’ consisting of 16 items was validated using exploratory factor analysis. The principle component method with varimax rotation was applied to decrease the multicollinearity within the items. The initial eigenvalue was set to be greater than 1.0 (Field, 2005 ). Kaiser–Meyer–Olkin (KMO) with 0.795 and Bartlett’s test of sphericity having significant values of 0.000 demonstrated the appropriateness of using exploratory factor analysis.

The result of exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha is shown in Table ​ Table1. 1 . According to Sharma and Behl ( 2020 ), “High loading on the same factor and no substantial cross-loading confirms convergent and discriminant validity respectively”.

Exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha for the self-developed scale of “Social media impact on academic performance”

FactorsItems retained in factor analysisFactor loading
Accelerating impact
 My grades are improving with the help of study materials shared on social media platformsYes0.918
 For expressing our thoughts, social media platforms are the best meansYes0.913
 Our teachers share assignments and class activities on social media platforms which eventually help us in managing our academics betterYes0.820
 Academic discussions on public/private groups accelerate my understanding of the topicsYes0.562
Deteriorating impact
 My academic performance negatively affected due to unlimited use of social mediaYes0.814
 Distraction from studies is more when social media is added to academicsYes0.808
 My grades have deteriorated since I am engaged on these social platformsYes0.780
 Addiction to social networking sites, affecting my academic performanceYes0.761
 I have observed mood swings and irresponsible behaviour due to social media postsYes0.631
Social media prospects
 Social media sites increase employment prospectsYes0.715
 I use social networking sites (SNS) to spread and share knowledge with my classmateYes0.686
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) help me in the self-learning modeYes0.679
 I use materials obtained from social media sites to complement what has been taught in the classYes0.634
Social media challenges
 Cyberbullying on social media platforms makes me anxiousYes0.834
 Privacy and security on social networking sites are the biggest challenges in academicsYes0.736
 Social media is a barrier for me to being engaged in face-to-face communicationYes0.528

The self-developed scale was segregated into four factors, namely “Accelerating Impact”, “Deteriorating Impact”, “Social Media Prospects” and “Social Media Challenges”.

The first factor, i.e. “Accelerating Impact”, contains items related to positive impact of social media on students’ academic performance. Items in this construct determine the social media contribution in the grade improvement, communication and knowledge sharing. The second factor “Deteriorating Impact” describes the items which have a negative influence of social media on students’ academic performance. Items such as addiction to social media and distraction from studies are an integral part of this factor. “Social Media Prospects” talk about the opportunities created by social media for students’ communities. The last factor “Social Media Challenges” deals with security and privacy issues created by social media sites and the threat of cyberbullying which is rampant in academics.

The personality trait of an individual always influences the social media usage pattern. Therefore, the impact of social media on the academic performance of students may also change with their personality traits. To measure the personality traits, the Big Five personality model was used. This model consists of five personality traits, i.e. “openness vs. cautious”; “extraversion vs. introversion”; “agreeableness vs. rational”; “conscientiousness vs. careless”; and “neuroticism vs. resilient”. To remain focussed on the scope of the study, only a single personality trait, i.e. “extraversion vs. introversion” with 6 items was considered for analysis. A reliability test of this existing scale using Cronbach’s alpha was conducted. Prior to the reliability test, reverse scoring applicable to the associated items was also calculated. Table ​ Table2 2 shows the reliability score, i.e. 0.829.

Cronbach’s alpha test for the scale of extraversion vs. introversion personality traits

Personality traitsCronbach’s alpha value
I see myself as someone who is talkative0.829
I see myself as someone who is reserved and quiet
I see myself as someone who is full of energy and enthusiasm
I see myself as someone who has an assertive personality
I see myself as someone who is sometimes shy, self-conscious
I see myself as someone who is outgoing, sociable

Objective 3 To analyse the impact of social media on students’ academic performance using extraversion and introversion personality traits, education level and gender as moderating variables.

The research model shown in Fig.  1 helps in addressing the above objective.

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Object name is 12646_2022_675_Fig1_HTML.jpg

Social media factors impacting academic performances of extraversion and introversion personality traits of students at different education levels and gender

As mentioned in Fig.  1 , four dependent factors (Accelerating Impact, Deteriorating Impact, Social Media Prospects and Social Media Challenges) were derived from EFA and used for analysing the impact of social media on the academic performance of students having extraversion and introversion personality traits at different education levels and gender.

Students having a greater average score (more than three on a scale of five) for all personality items mentioned in Table ​ Table2 2 are considered to be having extraversion personality or else introversion personality. From the valid dataset of 408 students, 226 students (55.4%) had extraversion personality trait and 182 (44.6%) had introversion personality trait. The one-way ANOVA analysis was employed to determine the impact of social media on academic performance for all three moderators, i.e. personality traits (Extraversion vs. Introversion), education levels (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) and gender (Male and Female). If the sig. value for the result is >  = 0.05, we may accept the null hypothesis, i.e. there is no significant difference between extraversion and introversion personality students for the moderators; otherwise, null hypothesis is rejected which means there is a significant difference for the moderators.

Table ​ Table3 3 shows the comparison of the accelerating impact of social media on the academic performance of all students having extraversion and introversion personality traits. It also shows a comparative analysis on education level and gender for these two personality traits of students. In the first comparison of extraversion and introversion students, the sig. value is 0.001, which indicates that there is a significant difference among extraversion and introversion students for the “Accelerating Impact” of social media on academic performance. Here, 3.781 is the mean value for introversion students which is higher than the mean value 3.495 of extraversion students. It clearly specifies that the accelerating impact of social media is more prominent in the students having introversion personality traits. Introversion students experienced social media as the best tool to express thoughts and improve academic grades. The result is also consistent with the previous studies where introvert students are perceived to use social media to improve their academic performance (Amichai-Hamburger et al., 2002 ; Voorn & Kommers, 2013 ). Further at the education level, there was a significant difference in postgraduate as well as undergraduate students for the accelerating impact of social media on the academic performance among students with extraversion and introversion, and introverts seem to get better use of social media. The gender-wise significant difference was also analysed between extraversion and introversion personalities. Female introversion students were found to gain more of an accelerating impact of social media on their academic performance.

One-way ANOVA: determining “Accelerating Impact” among extraversion and introversion personality traits students at different education levels and genders

FactorGroup MeanSD StatSig.
Accelerating impactExtraversion2263.4950.891211.680.001
Accelerating impactExtraversion1293.6430.7417.3880.007
Accelerating impactExtraversion993.2921.0335.1020.025
Accelerating impactExtraversion1153.5780.95190.0490.825
Accelerating impactExtraversion1113.4180.892123.0790

Significant at the 0.05 level

Like Table ​ Table3, 3 , the first section of Table ​ Table4 4 compares the deteriorating impact of social media on the academic performance of all students having extraversion and introversion personality traits. Here, the sig. value 0.383 indicates no significant difference among extraversion and introversion students for the “Deteriorating Impact” of social media on academic performance. The mean values show the moderating deteriorating impact of social media on the academic performance of extraversion and introversion personality students. Unlimited use of social media due to the addiction is causing a distraction in academic performance, but the overall impact is not on the higher side. Further, at the education level, the sig. values 0.423 and 0.682 of postgraduate and undergraduate students, respectively, show no significant difference between extraversion and introversion students with respect to “Deteriorating Impact of Social Media Sites”. The mean values again represent the moderate impact. Gender-wise, male students have no difference between the two personality traits, but at the same time, female students have a significant difference in the deteriorating impact, and it is more on extroverted female students.

One-way ANOVA: Examining “Deteriorating Impact” among extraversion and introversion personality traits students at different education levels and genders

FactorGroup MeanSD StatSig.
Deteriorating impactExtraversion2262.5350.9690.7640.383
Deteriorating impactExtraversion1292.5470.94360.6450.423
Deteriorating impactExtraversion972.521.00650.1680.682
Deteriorating impactExtraversion1152.7220.92330.5980.44
Deteriorating impactExtraversion1112.6110.79434.5450.034

The significant value, i.e. 0.82, in Table ​ Table5 5 represents no significant difference between extraversion and introversion personality students for the social media prospects. The higher mean value of both personality students indicates that they are utilizing the opportunities of social media in the most appropriate manner. It seems that all the students are using social media for possible employment prospects, gaining knowledge by attending MOOCs courses and transferring knowledge among other classmates. At the education level, postgraduation students have no significant difference between extraversion and introversion for the social media prospects, but at the undergraduate level, there is a significant difference among both the personalities, and by looking at mean values, extroverted students gain more from the social media prospects. Gender-wise comparison of extraversion and introversion personality students found no significant difference in the social media prospects for male as well as female students.

One-way ANOVA: Examining “Social Media Prospects” among extraversion and introversion personality traits students at different education levels and genders

FactorGroup MeanSD StatSig.
Social media opportunitiesExtraversion2263.7040.7163.0310.082
Social media prospectsExtraversion1293.8930.63560.0860.77
Social media prospectsExtraversion973.4510.74185.7170.018
Social media prospectsExtraversion1153.7130.6551.4870.224
Social media prospectsExtraversion1113.6940.77731.4990.222

Table ​ Table6 6 shows the comparison of the social media challenges of all students having extraversion and introversion personality traits. It is also doing a comparative analysis on education level and gender for these two personality traits of students. All sig. values in Table ​ Table6 6 represent no significant difference between extraversion and introversion personality students for social media challenges. Even at the education level and gender-wise comparison of the two personalities, no significant difference is derived. The higher mean values indicate that the threat of cyberbullying, security and privacy is the main concern areas for extraversion and introversion personality students. Cyberbullying is seen to be more particularly among female students (Snell & Englander, 2010 ).

One-way ANOVA: Examining “Social Media Challenges” among extraversion and introversion personality traits students at different education levels and genders

FactorGroup MeanSD StatSig.
Social media challengesExtraversion2263.2730.8890.7070.401
Social media challengesExtraversion1293.3750.8742.0670.152
Social media challengesExtraversion973.1360.89460.1340.714
Social media challengesExtraversion1153.3220.83530.3980.529
Social media challengesExtraversion1113.2220.94210.2630.608

The use of social media sites in academics is becoming popular among students and teachers. The improvement or deterioration in academic performance is influenced by the personality traits of an individual. This study has tried to analyse the impact of social media on the academic performance of extraversion and introversion personality students. This study has identified four factors of social media which have an impact on academic performance. These factors are: accelerating impact of social media; deteriorating impact of social media; social media prospects; and social media challenges.

Each of these factors has been used for comparative analysis of students having extraversion and introversion personality traits. Their education level and gender have also been used to understand the detailed impact between these two personality types. In the overall comparison, it has been discovered that both personalities (extraversion and introversion) have a significant difference for only one factor, i.e. “Accelerating Impact of Social Media Sites” where students with introversion benefited the most. At the education level, i.e. postgraduate and undergraduate, there was a significant difference between extraversion and introversion personalities for the first factor which is the accelerating impact of social media. Here, the introversion students were found to benefit in postgraduate as well as undergraduate courses. For the factors of deteriorating impact and social media challenges, there was no significant difference between extraversion and introversion personality type at the different education levels.

Surprisingly, for the first factor, i.e. the accelerating impact of social media, in gender-wise comparison, no significant difference was found between extraversion and introversion male students. Whereas a significant difference was found in female students. The same was the result for the second factor, i.e. deteriorating impact of social media of male and female students. For social media prospects and social media challenges, no significant difference was identified between extraversion and introversion students of any gender.

Findings and Implications

The personality trait of a student plays a vital role in analysing the impact of social media on their academic performance. The present study was designed to find the difference between extraversion and introversion personality types in students for four identified factors of social media and their impact on students’ academic performance. The education level and gender were also added to make it more comprehensive. The implications of this study are useful for institutions, students, teachers and policymakers.

This study will help the institutions to identify the right mix of social media based on the personality, education level and gender of the students. For example, technological challenges are faced by all students. It is important for the institutions to identify the challenges such as cyberbullying, security and privacy issues and accordingly frame the training sessions for all undergraduate and postgraduate students. These training sessions will help students with extraversion and introversion to come out from possible technological hassles and will create a healthy ecosystem (Okereke & Oghenetega, 2014 ).

Students will also benefit from this study as they will be conscious of the possible pros and cons that exist because of social media usage and its association with students’ academic performance. This learning may help students to enhance their academic performance with the right use of social media sites. The in-depth knowledge of all social media platforms and their association with academics should be elucidated to the students so that they may explore the social media opportunities in an optimum manner. Social media challenges also need to be made known to the students to improve upon and overcome with time (Boateng & Amankwaa, 2016 ).

Teachers are required to design the curriculum by understanding the learning style of students with extraversion and introversion personality type. Innovation and customization in teaching style are important for the holistic development of students and to satisfy the urge for academic requirements. Teachers should also guide the students about the adverse impacts of each social media platform, so that these can be minimized. Students should also be guided to reduce the time limit of using social media (Owusu-Acheaw & Larson, 2015 ).

Policymakers are also required to understand the challenges faced by the students while using social media in academics. All possible threats can be managed by defining and implementing transparent and proactive policies. As social media sites are open in nature, security and privacy are the two major concerns. The Government of India should take a strong stand to control all big social media companies so that they may fulfil the necessary compliances related to students’ security and privacy (Kumar & Pradhan, 2018 ).

The overall result of these comparisons gives a better insight and deep understanding of the significant differences between students with extraversion and introversion personality type towards different social media factors and their impact on students’ academic performance. Students’ behaviour according to their education level and gender for extraversion and introversion personalities has also been explored.

Limitation and Future Scope of Research

Due to COVID restrictions, a convenient sampling technique was used for data collection which may create some response biases where the students of introversion personality traits may have intentionally described themselves as extroversion personalities and vice versa. This study also creates scope for future research. In the Big Five personality model, there are four other personality traits which are not considered in the present study. There is an opportunity to also use cross-personality comparisons for the different social media parameters. The other demographic variables such as age and place may also be explored in future research.

Author contributions

All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by Dr. SS and Prof. RB. The first draft of the manuscript was written by Dr. SS, and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

No funds, grants, or other support was received.

Availability of data and material


The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

All procedures performed in studies involving human participants were in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.

Verbal informed consent was obtained from the participants.

Verbal consent is obtained for publication

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media to the Selected Students of MMMHS

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    Social media could improve students' academic levels, but it may lead to adverse outcomes if it is misused. This article aims to discuss some advantages and disadvantages of the use of social media and its impacts on students. In this article, alternative activities will be shared to motivate students engage in their life experiences frequently ...

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    Key points. Social media has both positive and negative effects on well-being in youth. Social media impacts four distinct areas for youth: connections, identity, learning, and emotions. More than ...

  19. Analysing the Impact of Social Media on Students' Academic Performance

    Literature Review. There has been a drastic change in the internet world due to the invention of social media sites in the last ten years. People of all age groups now share their stories, feelings, videos, pictures and all kinds of public stuff on social media platforms exponentially (Asur & Huberman, 2010).Youth, particularly from the age group of 16-24, embraced social media sites to ...

  20. Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media to Students

    Social media could improve students' academic levels, but it may lead to adverse outcomes if it is misused. This article aims to discuss some advantages and disadvantages of the use of social media and its impacts on students. In this article, alternative activities will be shared to motivate students engage in their life experiences frequently.

  21. PDF Essay About Social Media Advantages And Disadvantages

    In addition, social media has helped people to stay informed with the latest news, trends and developments. On the other hand, there are some significant drawbacks that social media can bring. For example, the lack of face-to-face interaction can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations of what someone is trying to say or express.

  22. Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media PDF

    Social media has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages are connectivity, opportunities for education, and real-time information sharing. However, excessive social media use can negatively impact health by making users lazy and wasting time. It can also compromise personal privacy and security through hacking. Overall, social media allows for global connection but ...

  23. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media to the Selected

    26% said that social media is addicted because it can be use to talk to their friends, 38% said that it can lose boredom and 36% said that it is because of many applications that can be used. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media to the Selected Students of MMMHS The researcher wants to know your awareness about using social media.