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case study of the river severn

River landforms: a case study of the River Severn

The Severn is the UK’s longest river: in this unit you’ll use online map tools and images to investigate the landforms from the Severn’s source to its mouth and understand the physical processes that created them.

Try the quiz to see how much you know about the river features created by the processes of erosion, transportation and deposition and how they are managed.


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River Severn

River Severn

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case study of the river severn

River Severn , Britain’s longest river from source to tidal waters—about 180 miles (290 km) long, with the Severn estuary adding some 40 miles (64 km) to its total length. The Severn rises near the River Wye on the northeastern slopes of Plynlimon (Welsh: Pumlumon), Wales , and follows a semicircular course basically southward to the Bristol Channel and the Atlantic Ocean . It drains an area of 4,350 square miles (11,266 square km) with an average discharge at Bewdley of 2,170 cubic feet (61.5 cubic metres) per second.

case study of the river severn

The river’s course is at first southeasterly, descending from an elevation of 2,000 feet (600 metres) at its source to 500 feet (150 metres) at the Welsh town of Llanidloes. There it turns sharply northeastward, following the Vale of Powys past Newtown and Welshpool . At Llanymynech the River Vyrnwy joins the Severn: the tributary headwaters are dammed to form the reservoir of Lake Vyrnwy, supplying Liverpool with drinking water. The enlarged Severn turns eastward over a plain on which it loops around the old town of Shrewsbury . Originally the river continued eastward to join the River Dee (which originates in North Wales and drains northward to the Irish Sea ), but its course was blocked by ice during the Pleistocene Epoch , and its waters escaped to the southeast at Ironbridge . This course was maintained after deglaciation. The swiftly flowing current through the gorge at Ironbridge was important to the early iron industry of Coalbrookdale. Continuing southward, the Severn receives the River Stour at Stourport and passes through Worcester, where the cathedral stands on a cliff rising from the river’s steep left bank. The River Teme enters from the west below Worcester and the Avon from the northeast at Tewkesbury , a yachting and motorboat centre. At Gloucester the Severn becomes tidal and meanders to the sea. Navigation is difficult on this section and is bypassed by a ship canal (opened 1827), which leaves the estuary at Sharpness. Other canals that join the river, linking it with the Midlands region of England and with the River Thames, are virtually disused.

water glass on white background. (drink; clear; clean water; liquid)

The estuary widens gradually between South Wales and Somerset and eventually becomes the Bristol Channel. Since the destruction of the railway bridge between Sharpness and Lydney in the late 1960s, rail traffic has been serviced by the Severn Tunnel, 15 miles (24 km) farther downstream. The Severn Bridge , an impressive suspension bridge with a 3,240-foot (990-metre) main span, was built in the 1960s and forms part of a motorway link (M48) from London to South Wales. An increase in automobile traffic led to construction of the 1,500-foot (456-metre) Second Severn Crossing (renamed the Prince of Wales Bridge in 2018), which opened in 1996 and carries the M4 motorway. The atomic power station (opened 1962) on the flats at Berkeley uses Severn water for cooling purposes. The Severn’s estuary has a notable tidal bore—i.e., a wave caused by the incoming tide.

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River Severn Case Study - features, processes and virtual fieldwork (KS4 Physical Landscapes in UK)

River Severn Case Study - features, processes and virtual fieldwork (KS4 Physical Landscapes in UK)

Subject: Geography

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

Teaching Geography

Last updated

8 August 2020

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This is a full 1-2 hour lesson which covers the features of the R. Severn from source to mouth, how the river changes, and potential fieldwork that could be done along it. Activities include making an A3 annotated map of the river, watching a detailed video, and completing virtual fieldwork questions (answers included). All worksheets and activities are included within the ppt.

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Severn River Case Study

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Severn River Yellow Perch: A Fishery Lost to Development

Severn River

 Yellow perch fishing on Severn Run 3/23/1962

Severn River Fishing

Severn River supported a quality yellow perch recreational fishery into the 1970s. The upper Severn River estuary and Severn Run attracted many anglers seeking the first fishing opportunity of the year offered by the yellow perch run in late winter, but perch were caught throughout the year throughout the river as well. It ranked high in awards issued for large yellow perch, even though it was a small tributary. Concern about declining catches increased in the 1970s as impervious surfaces approached 10% of the watershed during the 1970s. The Severn River was closed to yellow perch harvest in 1989, as were other rivers, in response to overharvest and habitat deterioration. Problems in Severn River (and several other western shore tributaries) were attributed to unspecified poor habitat conditions due to increased development rather than overfishing. Impervious surfaces occupied about 15% of the Severn River's watershed in 1989.

Severn River

Route 3 bridge and traffic from anglers fishing in Severn Run 3/23/1962

Severn River

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Click here for additional information on Yellow Perch management .

For additional information regarding the Severn River Yellow Perch, please contact Jim Uphoff , Project Leader for the Fisheries Ecosystem Assessment Division​ in MD DNR.

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GCSE - Geography - 1.1 - River Landscapes - CASE STUDY: The River Severn

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Jacque Cartwright

Geography Content Creator

River Case Study: The River Wye

  • The Wye River is over 150 miles (120 km) long, it is the 5th longest river in the UK and descends over 700m along its course
  • Both the Wye and Severn rise, within a few miles of each other, in the foothills of the Cambrian Mountains in Plynlimon, Wales 
  • The Wye is a Site of Special Scientific Interest, a Special Area of Conservation and one of the most important rivers in the UK for nature conservation
  • It is a relatively natural river, with minimal human activity along its course and is considered to be among one of the best rivers for large 'spring' salmon fishing in the UK 
  • It flows through several towns including Rhayader, Builth Wells, Hay-on-Wye, Hereford (the only city), Ross-on-Wye, Symonds Yat, Monmouth and Tintern, and discharges (along with the River Severn) into the Bristol Channel just below Chepstow

Course of the River Wye


Upper course

  • Landscape features are bog and heathland with underlying impermeable shale and gritstone, along with patches of limestone from past glaciation
  • The river drops rapidly (approx. 600m over the first 50miles) and this generates enough energy to form steep-sided 'V' shaped valleys in places
  • Sediment transportation is minimal and the river's bed is covered in stepped, large, angular rocks over which the river flows
  • Rhayader (means 'waterfall on the Wye) is the first town the river passes through. The original waterfall was removed when the town's bridge was built, leaving a series of rapids (which are great for canoeists) but doesn’t absorb much water. This leads to higher volumes of water, faster flow rate and therefore, faster erosion by hydraulic action and creation of waterfalls and gorges at Cleddon Falls
  • Above Builth Wells the river is about 27m wide, fast flowing and rocky and as it flows towards Hay-on-Wye 

Middle course

  • Hay-on-Wye marks the point where the river passes into England
  • It is a meandering river, more uniform in depth but with some very deep holes flowing onwards to Hereford
  • The river has widened through lateral erosion
  • Below the city of Hereford, the sweeping meanders cut laterally across the flat, valley floodplains
  • The floodplains are formed from weak/permeable mudstone and sandstones, making the area particularly prone to flooding, but they are highly fertile through the deposition of fine sediments/alluvium

Lower course

  • The Wye River floods annually and this helps with the formation of ox-bow lakes
  • There are very few settlements close to the river between Ross on Wye and Symonds Yat due to the flood risk
  • There are levees and floodplains due to deposition
  • Symonds Yat has limestone outcrops rising over 120m above the river, forcing the river to wind around them, where several tributaries meet generating more erosive potential
  • This is the start of the Wye Valley where the river has cut sheer-sided gorges, between broad valley reaches, with rounded hills and bluffs
  • The geology is a mixture of more resistant limestone and less resistant sand and mudstone, which has produced the Wye gorge valley, running from Goodrich to Chepstow
  • The river flows into the Severn Estuary where it mixes with saltwater 

Geomorphic processes

  • Average rainfall in the Wye River basin is 725mm
  • At Plynlimon it averages 2500 mm
  • Much of the rainfall is in winter with little interception by vegetation, leading to rapid river flows and high rates of erosion
  • Mass movement is dominant due to weathering and high rainfall
  • Freeze-thaw is prevalent due to fluctuating temperatures in winter, which have created V-shaped valleys and interlocking spurs

Human activity

  • Leisure and tourism including rock climbing, canoeing and kayaking
  • Trees were cut down for shipbuilding, but have been replanted since WW2
  • Limestone quarrying has changed the valley’s gradient
  • Agriculture is dominant (90%), particularly chicken farming and water is used from the river for irrigation
  • 9000 properties are estimated to be at risk from flooding
  • This is caused by the number of impermeable surfaces within towns, which decrease the rate of infiltration and increase surface run-off, leading to large amounts of water rapidly entering the river 
  • Storage ponds such as Letton Lakes that were built to store surplus water during storms
  • Planting trees in the upper course to increase interception and storage by vegetation
  • Removable flood walls 

Other management

  • The risk of landslides or other mass movement may be reduced by planting trees which also intercept rainfall and help bind the soil surface together
  • Afforestation has helped the River Wye, by stabilising the slopes which reduces the amount of mass movement
  • It has helped to reduce the height of floods by 20% through increased storage
  • However, the slower flow and deposition rate have decreased the natural formation of levees
  • Parts of the floodplain above Hereford are allowed to flood and this reduces the risk of flooding to properties further downstream
  • This helps with flooding as more water can be held in the channel, although this has a knock-on effect downstream for deposition (lack of) and therefore, increased rates of erosion
  • It also can decrease the rate of natural levee formation

Worked example

To what extent has the impact of human activity been greater than geomorphic processes, on the formation of landforms in your chosen river basin' .

The river I have studied is The River Wye. At 150 miles long, the river Wye is the UK's 5th longest river and one of the UK's main rivers. Its source is in the foothills of the Cambrian Mountains in Plynlimon and flows through central east Wales into England and back into Wales to discharge into the Severn Estuary at Chepstow. I agree that humans impact a river's basin but not more so than geomorphic processes. Left alone, a river will naturally collect and discharge precipitation and return it to the water cycle.  At Rhayader, the original waterfall was removed when the town's bridge was built, this left behind small rapids (which are great for canoeists) but doesn’t absorb much water or slow the rate of erosion. This leads to higher volumes of water, faster flow rate and therefore, faster erosion by hydraulic action and creation of waterfalls and gorges at Cleddon Falls. Humans have built bridges at major points along the course of the river, which has further impacted the natural flow of the river. To reduce the risk of flooding, afforestation has been done towards the source and along the middle course vegetation has been planted to increase the rate of infiltration, particularly during periods of prolonged rainfall. 

Before Hereford, the river is allowed to flood naturally to prevent flooding of homes south of Hereford due to the amount of impermeable surfaces within the city. These surfaces increase the rate of run-off, leading to larger amounts of water quickly entering the river's channel and increasing the likelihood of flooding. Other strategies such as removable flood walls have prevented flooding, but this moves the problem downstream and increases the rate of flooding elsewhere.  Geomorphic processes do shape the river, through creating waterfalls in the upper course of the river, meanders in the middle course and floodplains in the lower course. Erosion processes such as hydraulic action and abrasion help to form the plunge pool of a waterfall whilst lowering the gradient of the river's course. All the while the river is increasing in velocity, as tributaries from other parts of the basin, join the main channel. This helps to form meanders in the middle to lower course and deposit alluvium during floods.  I believe that geomorphic processes have the biggest impact on river basins as they occur the whole length of the river whereas, human activity such as flood zoning only work on small sections of the river such as the middle course. 

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Author: Jacque Cartwright

Jacque graduated from the Open University with a BSc in Environmental Science and Geography before doing her PGCE with the University of St David’s, Swansea. Teaching is her passion and has taught across a wide range of specifications – GCSE/IGCSE and IB but particularly loves teaching the A-level Geography. For the last 5 years Jacque has been teaching online for international schools, and she knows what is needed to pass those pesky geography exams.

The History of Flooding on the River Severn

Professor McEwen started with a brief comparison of the floods of 2007 with those of more recent history i.e. 1990 – 2007 including a project involving community engagement with its flood history.  This research is part of that undertaken by the Centre for the Study of Floods and Communities at the University of Gloucestershire.

The aim is to understand the size of the floods, what caused them and to identify any intensifying factors.

In 2007 there was exceptional rainfall from May to mid July which left the river catchment area near to saturation when there was  a 24-hour period of rain that was 400% above the daily average of the previous 30years.  This initially produced localised flash flooding, followed by very high flows in small catchment areas and then long duration inundation of the flood plain.  Overall the rainfall represented a one in 200-year event and the fact that it was a summer flood was also unusual.

Recorded scientific data such as flow rates etc. is only available for a relatively short period of history.  However using a wide range of sources such as newspapers, personal experiences, parish records, old photographs, history books and archives, Professor McEwen produced details of floods back to the 18 th century and even description of floods as early as the 13 th century.

Floods can be characterised by five main causes:

  • Long duration rainfall
  • Warm rain following snow melt
  • Tidal influences
  • Storm surge

Analysis of the data shows that 54% of floods occurred in winter, 23% in autumn, 13% in spring and 9% in summer.  However care is needed in the interpretation of older data due to uncertainties such as past climate changes e.g. the “mini ice-age” (the Severn froze over several years in the 17 th to 19 th century).

The largest flood ever recorded was in the winter of 1770, following a very wet autumn and was a one in 500-year event.

Overall conclusions that can be drawn from the research include:

  • There have been bigger floods in the past
  • Extreme flooding in the lower and middle catchment is caused and intensified by a number of conditions.
  • There appear to be “flood rich” periods although the exact reasons for this are not clear.
  • Historic evidence from the little ice age gives interesting insights into the effects of snowmelt.
  • The predominant circulation pattern in flood periods is cyclonic, mainly from a southwesterly direction.

The research should help should help authorities to plan for future flooding episodes and mitigate their impact on communities.  However natural events are subject to many variables and therefore there will always be considerable uncertainty in any predictions.

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Tewkesbury Floods 2007 Case Study

case study of the river severn

Home > Geotopics > Tewkesbury Floods 2007 Case Study

The historic town of Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, UK, faced a catastrophic flooding event in July 2007. This incident, part of a broader pattern of severe floods across the UK during that summer, offers a vital case study for understanding the dynamics of flooding, particularly the intertwining of natural and human-induced factors.

Tewkesbury on the River Severn

Tewkesbury on the River Severn

The Causes of the 2007 Tewkesbury Floods

The flooding in Tewkesbury was the result of both natural and human factors. The primary natural cause was the extreme and persistent rainfall during the summer, which led to the rivers Severn and Avon converging near Tewkesbury, overflowing their banks. The town’s geographical setting made it inherently susceptible to flooding. Additionally, the surrounding hills accelerated the run-off process, leading to an even greater influx of water into the river systems.

On the human side, the increased urban development in Tewkesbury and its surrounding areas contributed significantly to the flooding. Expanding impermeable surfaces like roads and buildings meant less rainwater could be absorbed into the ground, increasing the volume of run-off. Furthermore, the existing flood defence mechanisms were inadequate for such an extraordinary event. Changes in land use, including agricultural practices in the catchment area, also altered the natural water absorption and drainage patterns.

The Impacts of the Flood

The social impacts of the Tewkesbury floods were profound and multifaceted. Thousands of residents were displaced as over 3,500 homes were evacuated. The health risks posed by the floodwaters were significant, including threats of waterborne diseases and limited access to healthcare facilities due to the inundated infrastructure. The community faced considerable disruption, with schools closing down and local events being cancelled, affecting the town’s social fabric.

Economically, the floods inflicted substantial damage. The cost of damages to properties and infrastructure amounted to millions of pounds, heavily straining financial resources. Local businesses, especially those reliant on tourism , faced severe interruptions, leading to significant economic losses. The flood’s aftermath saw a surge in insurance claims and a need for considerable investment in reconstruction and recovery efforts.

Environmentally, the floods had far-reaching impacts. The local ecosystems experienced significant disruption, affecting both wildlife and plant life. Water pollution levels increased, with run-off from agricultural lands and overflowing sewage systems contaminating the waterways. The severity of the flooding potentially led to long-term changes in the landscape , including alterations in the courses of local rivers.

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Assessing zebra mussels’ impact on fishway efficiency: mcnary lock and dam case study.

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1. Introduction

2. study area, 3. mcnary fishway model, 3.1. numerical model, 3.2. numerical mesh and boundary conditions, 3.3. simulation conditions, 4. simulation results, 4.1. model validation, 4.2. fishway hydrodynamics, 4.3. mussel risk assessment, 5. discussion, 6. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Case NameExtentMesh Sizing (m)Cell CountAverage Y+
Sim1Block 1Full fishway1.25 × 1.21 × 0.6253.54 Mn/a
Block 21.3 * × 1.21 * × 0.625
Block 32.0 * × 1.17 * × 0.625
Block 41.25 × 1.17 × 0.625
Block 51.25 × 1.17 × 0.625
Sim2 0.621 × 0.586 × 0.6253.03 M223.0
Sim3 0.625 × 0.632 × 0.6252.07 M282.4
Sim4 0.625 × 0.631 × 0.6253.51 M275.4
Sim5 0.625 × 0.631 × 0.6252.98 M98.7
Scheme or Model
Turbulence model:Realizable k-ε model
Gradient:Second order linear
Divergence:Second order van Leer
Time:First order implicit
Turbulent kinetic energy:Second order upwind
Pressure–velocity coupling:PIMPLE
Simulation time:1250 s–2500 s
Computing resources:288 processors
Computation time:24 h
Diffuser NumberFlow Rate (m /s)
Water inletfV/
Air inletiOtPiOcalciOpIOV
Water outletiOtPiOcalciOpIOV
Air outletiOtPiOcalciOpIOV
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Share and Cite

Schemmel, A.; Smith, D.L.; Politano, M.; Walter, D.; Crossland, J. Assessing Zebra Mussels’ Impact on Fishway Efficiency: McNary Lock and Dam Case Study. Water 2024 , 16 , 1671. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16121671

Schemmel A, Smith DL, Politano M, Walter D, Crossland J. Assessing Zebra Mussels’ Impact on Fishway Efficiency: McNary Lock and Dam Case Study. Water . 2024; 16(12):1671. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16121671

Schemmel, Avery, David L. Smith, Marcela Politano, Damian Walter, and Jeremy Crossland. 2024. "Assessing Zebra Mussels’ Impact on Fishway Efficiency: McNary Lock and Dam Case Study" Water 16, no. 12: 1671. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16121671

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  3. River landforms: a case study of the River Severn

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  4. Case Study of the River Severn

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  5. PDF Changing landscapes: a legal geography of the River Severn

    A LEGAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE RIVER SEVERN by CAROLINE ADELAIDE BUFFERY A thesis submitted to the University of Birmingham for the degree of ... 5.10 The effects of the Salmon Acts on the Severn; a case study 159 5.11 Conclusion 163 . Chapter 6: Legal Landscapes 6:1 Introduction 167 6.2 The legal making of place 168 ...

  6. River Severn

    River Severn, Britain's longest river from source to tidal waters—about 180 miles (290 km) long, with the Severn estuary adding some 40 miles (64 km) to its total length. ... whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. They write new content and verify and edit content received ...

  7. River Severn

    The River Severn (Welsh: Afon Hafren, pronounced [ˈavɔn ˈhavrɛn]), at 220 miles (354 km) long, is the longest river in Great Britain. It is also the river with the most voluminous flow of water by far in all of England and Wales, with an average flow rate of 107 m 3 /s (3,800 cu ft/s) at Apperley, Gloucestershire.It rises in the Cambrian Mountains in mid Wales, at an altitude of 2,001 feet ...

  8. BBC Two

    The Severn swiftly grows and forms a V-shaped valley. The river transports a large load, which allows rapid erosion to take place. Waterfalls and gorges have been formed in the upper course.

  9. River Severn Case Study

    This is a full 1-2 hour lesson which covers the features of the R. Severn from source to mouth, how the river changes, and potential fieldwork that could be done along it. Activities include making an A3 annotated map of the river, watching a detailed video, and completing virtual fieldwork questions (answers included).

  10. BBC Two

    River Formation - Meanders. Analysis of how a meander in a river is formed using the River Severn in mid Wales as a case study. 14 April 2011.

  11. UK River Basins: A Time and Space Analysis

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  13. Hydrology and water quality of the headwaters of the River Severn

    This paper thus provides an "end-member" case study to set against other upland and wetland catchment typologies in the context of human influence and hydrology (the water balance). ... The Upper Hafren forms the source area to the River Severn on the plateau and upper side slopes of Pumlumon Fawr, ...

  14. What factors affect the rates of landform change?

    The Severn swiftly grows and forms a V-shaped valley. The river transports a large load, which allows rapid erosion to take place. Waterfalls and gorges have been formed in the upper course.

  15. 1.1

    Shrewsbury - demountable flood defences, land zoning (allowing water to flood in certain unimportant areas) Managing the whole catchment - straightened and deepened the river, flood walls and embankments. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Features of the river Severn, How do humans use the river Severn?, Geology ...

  16. Landforms of the River Severn Quiz

    Give the quiz another go, and don't forget to read up on this area by heading over to our River Severn case study resources using the case study link at the top of the page. Hmmm. It would be best if you did some work on the landforms of the River Severn. Read up on this area by heading over to our River Severn case study resources using the ...

  17. PDF Welcome to Gcse Geography

    13/05/2018. LEARNING IS SUCCESSFUL WHEN I …. Know: Where the River Severn flows. The three stages of the river's course. What landforms are found along the Severn and where Understand: How geomorphic processes form river features. How human activity, including management, works in combination with geomorphic processes to impact the ...

  18. Case study : River Severn

    Play the 'odd one out' game. This is an interactive web site from NGfL Cymru that uses photographs and facts about the flooding of the River Severn and Shrewsbury. A Case Study of the Shrewsbury floods 1998 is found in 'The New Wider World Coursemate for WJEC GCSE Geography' Cathie Brooks , Sue Taylor, 2004, Nelson Thornes 0 7487 9080.

  19. 3.1.6 River Landscape Case Study

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  20. Flooding on the River Severn 1995

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  21. The History of Flooding on the River Severn

    The History of Flooding on the River Severn. Professor McEwen started with a brief comparison of the floods of 2007 with those of more recent history i.e. 1990 - 2007 including a project involving community engagement with its flood history. This research is part of that undertaken by the Centre for the Study of Floods and Communities at the ...

  22. Case Study of the Use of Remotely Sensed Data for Modeling Flood

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  23. Projecting hydrological response to climate change and ...

    The Bicol River Basin (Fig. 1) situated in the Bicol Region is the eighth biggest watershed in the Philippines, covering a land area of 31,710 km 2 (UP TCAGP, 2015).This study focused on two main watersheds within the Bicol River Basin: The Libmanan-Pulantuna Watershed (LPW) and the Quinali Watershed (QW).

  24. Tewkesbury Floods 2007 Case Study

    Case Study - Ganges/Brahmaputra River Basin; The Great Floods of 2000; Kerala flood case study; Rocks, Resources and Scenery. ... The primary natural cause was the extreme and persistent rainfall during the summer, which led to the rivers Severn and Avon converging near Tewkesbury, overflowing their banks. The town's geographical setting ...

  25. Water

    Cities with sloping terrain are more susceptible to flooding during heavy rains. Traditional hydraulic models struggle to meet computational demands when addressing such emergencies. This study presented an integration of the one-dimensional Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) and the two-dimensional LISFLOOD-FP model, where the head difference at coupled manholes between the two models ...

  26. Land

    AMA Style. Du H, Wang Z, Li H, Zhang C. Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Pattern Evolution and Decoupling Relationships of Land Use Functions Based on Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development: A Case Study of the Yellow River Basin, China.

  27. Land

    However, few existing studies have discussed the decoupling relationship among land use functions. In this study, a system of 10 sub-functions and 25 indicators was established based on the production function (PDF), living function (LVF), and ecological function (ELF) for 59 cities in the Yellow River Basin (YRB).

  28. Water

    The Columbia River Basin faces a threat from the potential invasion of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), notorious for their ability to attach to various substrates, including concrete, which is common in fishway construction. Extensive mussel colonization within fishways may affect fish passage by altering flow patterns or creating physical barriers, leading to increased travel times, or ...