The Right Way to Submit References During Your Job Search (Template Included)

person typing on laptop at table with papers on it

As you’re applying to jobs, you may be wondering about the best way to submit your references. Should you put them on your initial application materials? And how would you even list references on a resume?

The answer is, you don’t.

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Listing your references on a resume that should be one page (or maybe two pages ) is a waste of valuable space. A hiring manager or recruiter doesn’t have the ability to contact references for everyone who applies to an open position or even everyone they bring in for an interview. So save that resume room for detailing your skills, achievements, and qualifications.

What about writing, “ References available upon request, ” on your resume?

Avoid this too.

There’s “no need to state anything about references on your resume. It is assumed that you’ll share the info when requested,” Muse career coach Leto Papadopoulos says. Don’t waste a resume line to say something that’s taken for granted. (After all, you wouldn’t write, “Available for interviews upon request,” would you?)

Read on to learn the right way to list your references, download our template, and see an example.

When Do You Need References?

“Employers will typically check your references just before they’re ready to make an offer,” Papadopoulos says. That’s why you don’t need to provide them when you’re first applying for a job. But it’s a good idea to have them ready to go before you even land an interview.

If a company is ready to hire you pending a reference check, the last thing you want is to be held up by asking people to be a reference or collecting their contact information. Instead, you should “have your references ready and keep them updated during your search,” Papadopoulos says.

Who Should You Ask to Be a Reference?

Most companies will ask for two or three references from a candidate, so it’s always best to have at least three ready to go. Some prospective employers may request a certain mix of types of references, but generally you want to list former managers (or your current manager if they know about and are supportive of your job search) and former or current colleagues; if you’re earlier in your career and don’t have many former managers, you could list professors you worked closely with. If you’d be leading a team, you may be asked for a reference from a former direct report. For some client-facing roles, like account management, companies might want to hear from a former client or customer, so be sure to read up on the norms for your industry.

(Read more about who to list as a reference here or—if you have less work experience— here .)

The Right Way to Provide Your References to an Employer

Once you know who your references will be, you want to make it easy to submit them to employers when asked. So you should compile everything you need into a reference sheet, one handy—and well-formatted—document that can expedite the hiring process in the final stages.

When the time comes, you can attach your reference sheet to an email as a Word document or PDF file, or you can simply copy and paste the information into the body of the email.

What Information to Include on Your Reference Sheet

On your reference sheet, you should list each reference with the following information:

  • Current Job/Position
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Reference Description: Write one sentence explaining how you know or have worked with this person, where, when, and for how long. (Check out the example below to see what this looks like in action.)

There’s no need to include your reference’s home or work address—companies aren’t going to be mailing them anything. And if a reference expresses a strong preference for a certain method of contact, it’s OK to put “(preferred contact)” next to that line on your reference list.

To keep things easy for the hiring manager, it’s also a good idea to include your own name, phone number, and email at the top of the sheet (see the template and example below).

Reference Sheet Template and Example

You can use our template to make sure you have everything you need for all of your references.

resume references examples for freshers

Download the template here.

Here’s one example of what your reference sheet might look like:

References for Monica Medina (999) 000-1111 [email protected]

Nicole Chiu Director of Engineering Sunshine Inc. (555) 123-4567 [email protected] Nicole was my direct manager from 2016 to 2018 when I worked as a software developer for Sunshine Inc.

Kwame Smith Front-End Software Engineer Zapp Co. (111) 222-3333 [email protected] Kwame is an engineer I collaborate with daily in my current position at Zapp Co.

Dr. Carol Moore Professor of Computer Science University of Pennsylvania (123) 987-6543 [email protected] Carol was my professor in four different classes and my faculty advisor for my computer science degree.

Keeping references off your resume is not only the standard now, it’s also more thoughtful toward the people you’ve asked to speak on your behalf. By only submitting their names and contact information when asked directly (usually at the end of the hiring process), you’ll know when a prospective new employer is actually going to contact them—and you can give them a heads up, pass on any important information about the job or company you’re applying for, and thank them for their help.

resume references examples for freshers

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How to List References on Your Resume (With Examples)

7 min read · Updated on July 30, 2024

Marsha Hebert

To include references on your resume or not? That is the question

At some point in your job search, an employer, recruiter, or HR professional is likely to ask you for a list of resume references. Many people will include a list of references right on their resume, or at least allude to the fact that references are available. The big question is… should you do either of these things?

If you're at the point of your job search where you need to know how to list references on your resume (or whether you should include them at all), you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll cover the following topics:

Whether you're supposed to put references on a resume

Why you should (or shouldn't) include resume references 

Where your references belong – and how to write them up

Who qualifies as a good resume reference

Let's get started!

Are you supposed to put references on a resume?

No, you are not supposed to put references on a resume

Instead, focus on providing the details that will convince a recruiter or hiring manager to contact you for an interview. Remember, your cover letter and resume are designed to get you the interview. The details you highlight on the resume during the job search should support this goal.

While it varies from company to company, most employers won't ask for your resume references until they're ready to reach out to them. This typically doesn't happen until you've made it through the initial interview rounds and are among the final candidates for a job. If, for any reason, an employer wants your references earlier in the process, rest assured they'll give you a chance to provide them. There's no need to place references on your resume when they won't be used until you're one of the final candidates.

That said, you should brainstorm a list of potential resume references as soon as you start submitting job applications, so you're ready when a prospective employer has specifically requested your professional references.

Why not include references on a resume?

Including references on a resume is simply a waste of space

Resume real estate is valuable and, as you know, when it comes to writing your resume, you only get so many pages to work with. Don't waste that space by putting a resume references section or adding the phrase “References available upon request.” 

Many employers usually won't ask for this information until you're further along in the interview process - and they know you'll provide references if they request them. Additionally, adding references to your resume can cause your application to get hung up in the applicant tracking system, or ATS , the software the company uses to manage candidates.

ATS can be programmed to automatically email references when they're found in the scanning process. If your reference doesn't respond to the automated message sent out by the ATS, your application could get caught in a pending status.

Where do you put references, if not on a resume?

Rather than putting references on your resume, type them up on a separate document

On a separate reference page, include the person's first name and last name, current job title and company name, email address, and phone number. Be sure to check with each of your professional references ahead of time, to confirm that the person is willing to be your reference and to verify which phone number and email address they'd like you to share with employers.

It's also helpful to add a line that explains to the reader how you've come to know this reference. For example,

It could be as simple as mentioning that you “worked together in Company XYZ's marketing department from July 2015 to November 2017,” or 

That your professional reference was your “direct supervisor at ABC Institute between 2018 and 2019.” 

You don't have to write a paragraph explaining your relationship to a reference, but it's nice to provide the employer or hiring manager with a little context.

When you type up your best resume references, consider using the same header information and font style that was used for your resume, so that the documents appear to be part of one overall package - even if they're not attached to one another. 

Resume references example: how to write your references

For example, if we were writing up resume references to accompany Alexa Campbell's resume , they might look something like this: 

An example of how to list professional references on your resume. The example shows references from throughout a professional's career history. Each reference includes the person's name, current title, cell phone number, email, and a note on the relationship.

Who should you ask to be a reference?

When choosing your professional references, select three to five people who have insight into your hard and soft skills and who you trust to say good things about you and your job performance. 

A good rule of thumb is to have at least three professional references – five if you're applying for an executive position. 

EXPERT TIP: If you opt to have more than three to five professional references, then the extras can be personal references. 

As you approach each person you want to have as a reference, give them an idea of the position you're applying for and how your skills match the role. This will help them know what to say when they're contacted. 

For the professional references

Try to find professional references who know about your skills and can talk about your career achievements in a way that aligns with what the job wants. Most of the time, your professional references will be talking about your hard skills – the things you know how to do from education and experience. 

Professional resume references examples include:

Former supervisors or managers

A leader at a place you volunteer

For the personal references

It is okay to have personal references, but you should never provide personal references INSTEAD OF professional references. Always, always give professional references first and then personal ones. You'd list the same details about your personal references as you do the professional references – Name, Title (who they are to you), phone, and email. Adding a couple of personal references can help boost your candidacy, as these folks will probably talk a lot about your soft skills , which employers value. 

Personal resume references examples include (note that not a single personal reference in the following list is a relative – your mom and grandma should not appear on your reference list!):

Academic Advisors

Sports Coach

Members of your network

Maximize resume space to improve job search impact

Having a good set of resume references to lean on while you search for a job is great, as they can help you get from interview to job offer. However, because of the limited space on your resume, you should create a separate document that contains just your references.

Remember, the goal of your resume is to get an interview. Before you sit down to speak with the hiring manager or recruiter, your references aren't going to help you. As such, you should aim to include only those details on your resume that will win an interview. 

When it's time to give your references to a hiring manager, make sure that you have a carefully curated list of contacts that can confidently speak to your abilities and how your skills match up with what the company is hiring for. 

Is your resume not getting results? Request a free review to find out how your resume is falling short .

This article was originally written by Amanda Augustine and has been updated by Marsha Hebert. 

Recommended reading:

What to Remove From Your Resume Right Away

How to Keep a Bad Reference From Ruining Your Career

Everything You Need to Know About References for Your Job Search

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How to List References on a Resume [w/ Examples]

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You’ve applied for an office position. You can’t wait to get an interview with the HR department.

Everything seems good to go, but now, the HR asked you for a list of your references.

So, how do you do this?

Are you supposed to attach it to your resume? Who do you include in your resume references? Is there a custom format style? 

Well, kick back and relax because we’re here to help answer all your uncertainties!

Read on to learn everything you need to know about listing references on a resume.

  • Whether you should or shouldn’t put a reference sheet on your resume.
  • How to properly list references on a resume (with pro-tips).
  • The best way to format a “References” section.
  • Helpful resume references examples.

Should You Include References on a Resume? 

The general common practice that the majority of resume experts agree on is that you should NOT add a list of references to your resume . 

Because, generally, the HR department doesn’t have time to go through every candidate’s list of references. They have a lot more important things to do than reach out to all the references every single candidate ever provided.

That’s why references aren’t requested until after your interview has gone well or right before you are hired.

But here’s the thing: 

That’s not an unshakable no.

If the job description explicitly states that you should include references on your resume, without question, include one! 

This is very straightforward on its own, you’ll know when you see it. 

Some consulting firms, for example, tend to ask for testimonials on your performance from previous employers before they hire you. 

In this case, it's best if you do include the contact information of the people providing you with their positive feedback, so the HR can check how legitimate they are.

Bottom line: 

Every word on your resume should be full of value and quality. References add unnecessary space. Insert them only when required or if you’re asked to submit testimonials.

references on resume

Want to save time? Get your resume done in under 5 minutes, with our resume builder . Quick and simple, ready-made templates that will do all the work for you.  

How to List References on a Resume [+ Example]

Now, let’s say you’re requested to provide a list of references. 

What’s the best way to display it? 

  • Reference's First Name & Last Name - Tim Borden
  • Professional Position / Title - Marketing Coordinator
  • Name of the Reference's Company - Zen Corporation
  • Business Address - Blaine Ave
  • City, State, Zip of Company - Atlantic City, NJ, 07030
  • Phone Number of Reference - (600) 753 9216
  • Email Address of Reference - [email protected]

It’s best to stay ahead of the game. 

Keeping a list of possible references is something that should be done in advance, even when you’re not looking for a job. 

When you’re searching for a new position, you want to have a list of several names to contact. 

You wouldn’t want to struggle coming up with good fits on short notice, would you? 

Here are some more tips to keep in mind: 

You should always start your list with your biggest fan first : your most important and impressive reference. 

And no, this shouldn’t be your mom. Instead, you’d want your previous boss to vouch for you. 

Busy employers may not contact all of your references, but they will likely start at the top of the list. Glowing recommendations shouldn’t be left last!

What’s more, it’s important to clarify your relationship . 

It’s crucial to include what your working relationship to the reference is and how long you’ve known them for. 

But do not overshare . Don’t add more than the items we mentioned on the list unless required. 

And never include the personal mail addresses of your references for two reasons:

They will surely not be contacted via snail mail. 

And they might not want all of their personal information shared. 

Last, but not least:

Choose your references appropriately. 

Always choose the best references for the specific job under consideration. 

Let’s say you want to assert your marketing skills. In this situation, you could seek references from a former boss who can attest to that. Somebody like the Head of Marketing or Chief Marketing Officer . 

How to Format a Resume References Section 

Learning how to arrange a reference section is just as vital as other sections of your resume or cover letter. 

A messy, carelessly formatted reference page will lose your employer's interest. 

So how do you write one that’s eye-catching and professional?

First, put your references on a separate sheet . Add an exclusive reference page, as the last page of your resume. 

Keep the same format for your reference sheet as your resume and cover letter, meaning use the same font, margins, and color scheme. 

  • Start off at the very top with your name, address, and phone number. You should place this information on that side of the page that fits the look of your cover letter and resume. (left, right or in the middle).
  • Next, write the date. Then start with your employer's information in this specific order: name, job position, company name, and company address.
  • Finally, follow up with a preferred title/subtitle: name the section References or Professional References .

If you’ve included personal references as well, you could also add “Personal References” as a subtitle. 

Use the formatting we discussed in the previous section to list your references.

Ditch the common “References available upon request”. 

This is a frequent mistake. Employers formerly know this and it’s an overworked phrase. The general rule of thumb is to keep your resume as brief as possible. Why misuse the space? 

job search masterclass novoresume

How Many References Should You Include in Your Resume? 

Though there really isn’t a written rule anywhere about how many references you should include, the most fitting number would be three to five . 

Based on your career level though, there is a general division of two groups:

Regular and/or first-time job seekers , should usually provide 3 to 4. 

Whereas people applying for senior roles should include a longer list: about 5 to 7 references. 

In that case, it’s sufficient to list one reference for all the different points in your professional record. 

Who is a Good Reference For Your Resume? 

It’s important that all the references in your resume are all deliberately selected individuals . 

Everyone’s aunt thinks that they are special, but what does your previous manager think about your work ethic?

To figure out who’s a good reference for you, you should take personal experience into consideration: that means what stage in your career you’re currently in. 

Because you’d list different people at different points in your career. 

If you are a student or recent graduate with little to no work practice, you would want to get references from:

  • Guidance tutors or counselors
  • Course teachers and professors 

Any of these people can speak positively about your best skills, qualities, and experiences. 

When you have some professional background, however, even at an entry-level position , you have more variety in selecting a good reference. 

You could use former colleagues or managers as well as project , master , doctorate supervisors from your most current studies. 

If you are a professional candidate , this process becomes simpler as your preferred references will be more acquainted with giving and requesting references. 

  • If you don’t have a lot of professional references to count on, you can reach out to just about anyone that can provide you with a valuable character reference.
  • If a friend works in the company you are applying to, you could also use them as a reference.

Other important things you should consider:

  • Ask for permission and say thank you. Fill in your references before handing over their contact information to an eventual employer. It’s solely common courtesy. Send them a copy of your resume as well, so that both of you are in harmony for when the manager calls. Don’t forget to be grateful either. If you get the job, take them out on lunch to properly say thank you. Follow up, a little acknowledgment can go a long way! 
  • DO NOT use family members. This is unconventional and discouraged. The people you use as references should be unrelated to you, in a familial sense. Of course, our mothers have countless nice things to say about us, but their opinion isn’t relevant on a resume. It might also appear as though you don’t have enough people to vouch for you. 
  • Avoid people you’ve confronted. Be careful in not adding individuals you are or have once been in professional conflict with. You can never be too sure if they’re still holding a grudge against you. Play it safe. 
  • Make sure they are comfortable. Especially if they’re a person you are currently still working with, confirm they are okay with you searching for a new job. If you’re trying to keep it a secret from your employer though, it’s best not to ask a current coworker at all. You can never know for certain how ethical or pleased with your success one is. 

In the end, the basic point of a reference is for the employers to get a true reflection of your work ethics, background, character, and personality. 

Find people who can properly display all of the above for you.

3+ Good & Bad Resume Reference Sheet Examples

So many rules! 

But don’t worry - we have some great examples for you to help put them into practice: 


professional references on resume good example

MY BEST AND FAVORITE REFERENCE - inappropriate title 

Martha Payne - a family member as a reference 

2809 Candlelight Drive - including home address

870-294-1238 - wrong listing order, the reference phone number should be second to last

Nursing Assistant - unrelated to your industry or position

Newlife Hospital

4164 Fittro Street 

Lurton, AR, 72848

[email protected]

Martha is my auntie. She’s not only a well-respected member of the community but a remarkable nurse. She was the one who raised me and I consider her my mother. She knows me better than anybody else and I couldn’t have chosen a better person to speak of my character. - prolonged and unprofessional description 

References available upon request - overused unnecessary phrase

  • providing them only one reference 

Key Takeaways

Here’s a recap of what we learned in this post:

  • References ARE NOT supposed to be on your resume. So when in doubt, DON’T include a list to your resume. 
  • On rare occasions though, references may be added on a resume. If you decide to do so, put your list on a separate sheet. Don’t forget to match it to the style of your cover letter and resume.
  • Be intelligent with your reference choices. Your number of references should correspond to your career stage. Put your most glowing references on the top. Selected those who are closest to your line of work. Avoid people you’ve ever had professional conflicts with.
  • Be diplomatic. Always ask for permission before listing them as references. Email them a copy so that you’re both on the same page. Don’t forget to thank them afterward. 
  • Use the correct formatting. List your references precisely as we showed you in this guide. There’s a definite, proper way to arrange entries and the structure of the page itself - don’t contradict it. Use the examples we gave you as a guide.

Suggested readings:

  • How to Write a Resume & Land That Job? [21+ Examples]
  • What to Put On a Resume [7+ Job-Winning Sections]
  • CV vs. Resume - What are the Differences & Definitions [+ Examples]

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How to List References on a Resume in 2024 (with Examples & Tips)

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about including references on a resume, from how to format them to how to know when they should be included at all.

Ed Moss

Beautiful resume templates to land your dream job

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Should I Put References on a Resume?

The answer to whether or not to put references on your resume can vary. 

The general rule of thumb when is actually to not include references on your resume .

This is because employers are unlikely to reach to references until the interview phase, making the inclusion of them on an initial resume typically unnecessary.

This does not mean that there are never scenarios in which you will need to know how to properly list references.

For specific jobs and in certain situations, you may be asked or required to include a list of references within or alongside your resume. 

When you need strong references, it's important to structure them so that they stand out and impress the hiring manager, landing you the pivotal interview. 

In this guide, we will be covering the basics of how listing references on your resumes and when to know it’s time to use references.

Plus, we will discuss alternatives to sending references that can help you in situations where sending a reference may be a difficult task. 

How to List References on a Resume

When it comes to listing references on a resume, there are two main ways you can go about it:

1) Make a Dedicated Reference Section

Making a dedicated reference section involves making the space on your existing resume to include a short section with information on your references.

2) Create a Separate Reference Page (recommended)

More often than not, job applicants who have chosen to include references on their resume will do so on an entirely separate page to be included with the resume. 

The second option of listing your references on a separate page is actually the preferred and recommended method.

This is because references are not generally expected to be included on an initial resume and can take up unnecessary space that may be off-putting to hiring managers.

Comparatively, a separate page of references gives the hiring manager the opportunity to look more closely at the information in the resume without becoming visually disoriented by too many sections.

Hint: Not sure how to list other sections of your resume? Check out our Resume Guides to learn more about how to craft each section of your resume. 

When to Put References on a Resume

So, if it is typically not expected to have references included on an initial resume, when is the best time to include references on a resume?

Creating a reference section or page can be necessary depending on a number of situations, including:

  • If the employer has specifically requested for references to be included in the job description
  • If you have progressed further down the hiring process and have been asked to provide references before or after an interview
  • If you are applying to governmental or institutional position, such as a federal job, that will require strong references and a background check
Quick Tip: If you have impressive references, such as a company CEO or another recognizable figure, be sure to make these the most noticeable references and the first ones you list in your reference section. 

Overall, the golden rule is to wait to provide references until they are requested.  

Examples of References on Resumes

Let’s take a look at a few examples of references on resumes to learn more about common mistakes made when crafting a reference and how to correct them. 

It is highly important to include the necessary information to contact a reference – just a name and company is not enough. You should always include at least an official business number and an official business email in your references. 

John Doe CEO of Doe Corporation  123 Avenue Way, New York, NY
John Doe CEO of Doe Corporation 123 Avenue Way (123) 456-9890 [email protected] 

Always be specific when including the reference’s job position or title.

Don’t just list the name of the company without the exact job title to go along with it.

If you are unsure of a reference’s job title, ask them before submitting your references to an employer. 

Jane Smith Works for corporate at Best Buy 42 Wallaby Way (123) 456-7890 [email protected]
Jane Smith Head of Marketing and Sales Best Buy 42 Wallaby Way (123) 456-7890 [email protected]


‍ How to Format a References Section on a Resume

Formatting a reference section will ultimately depend on if it is being created within a larger resume or separately on a different page.

For on-resume reference sections, it is important to keep them as short as possible, potentially even excluding some of the basic information. 

If you are including references directly on a resume, you will likely only want to include one or two of your most relevant and impressive ones in order to not take up too much space. 

When making a separate page for references, you can simply stack them as you would jobs in a work experience section , placing emphasis on relevance in how the references are ordered. 

The Basic Reference Format:

  • First and Last name
  • Position or Title (i.e. CEO, professor of law, etc.)
  • Company or University of Employment
  • Company or University Address ( not personal addresses)
  • Company or University Phone number
  • Company or University Email Address

It is important when writing out your references that you do not include personal information about the reference, such as a personal cellphone number or email, without their explicit permission.

It is best to just air on the side of caution and only include official and public contact information. 

There is, of course, optional additional information you may want or choose to include within a reference.

This can include:

  • Your relationship to the reference
  • The length of time you worked with this reference
  • Examples of experiences or projects that you and a reference shared work on that they can provide greater detail about

As for formatting the rest of your resume, don’t forget to check out our other guides in this series including How to Write the Perfect Resume and How to Choose the Correct Resume Format !

What Not to Include in a Reference on a Resume

We have already covered the basics of what to include and how to format a basic reference – but what kind of information should be excluded from a reference on a resume. 

Here is a quick breakdown of what kinds of information should be excluded from a reference:

  • Any personal information
  • Lengthy descriptions of your relationship to the reference
  • Personal anecdotes or other non-essential information
  • Too many references from the same company or employer

You ultimately want to provide concise references that are easy to ready quickly and clearly show why that person has been included as a reference.

Take a look at these two examples on correcting reference errors:

When including additional information, keep it to one line or less of the most relevant information.

Additionally, keep additional specific and don’t use vague wording such as “several years.”

Incorrect :

Jack Frost CEO of Frost Inc. 21 East Avenue (123) 456-7890 [email protected] I worked closely with Jack for a number of years and learned a lot from him that contributed to my skills today. 
Jack Frost CEO of Frost Inc. 21 East Avenue (123) 456-7890 [email protected] I worked as Mr. Frost’s personal and administrative assistant for 8 years.

When making your list of references you plan of including, it is important to not include too many from the same company.

You should only really include two references from the same company if each reference witnessed different skills or accomplishments of yours that the other did not. 

You worked at a corporate company in the communications department as a copywriter, and you have worked with both junior and senior level copywriters who you have included as references.  
You include only the senior copywriter as a reference, as they can better attest to your skills and their position is more impressive and relevant to the job you are seeking. 

How Many References to Add to a Resume

Assuming you are using a separate, dedicated references page, the ideal number of references to aim for is between 3 to 4.

In some cases, you may include up to 5 to 6 references, though generally you should limit yourself to a lower number unless specifically requested to do otherwise. 

When selecting your 3 to 4 references, it is important to keep a few factors in mind:

  • Which references hold the highest prestige in their positions, making their inclusion on a references page notable?
  • Which references can provide the most relevant information about your work ethic and skills for the job you are currently applying for?
  • Which references do you have the strongest relationships with who will go above and beyond to recommend you to a hiring manager?


Who to Ask for References

As you are creating your list of potential references to contact, there are a number of different types of people you can consider including.

It is important to keep in consideration how a reference can relate back to the job you are applying for, and whether their testimony of your work ethic and skills will be relevant enough for the desired position. 

Here are some common examples of who to include as references:

  • Former employer or manager
  • Supervisor or low-level management
  • Coworker, colleague, or team member
  • College professor
  • Internship supervisor 
  • Community member (typically used when a job applicant has limited references but has connections within the community who can validate their experience and skills)
  • Business partners (this can be anyone you worked on a project with or shared a similar business experience with)

How to Ask for a Reference

Asking for professional references can be a bit nerve-wrecking, especially if your references are busy people.

The key to asking for references is to be polite and concise in your request. A direct phone call is preferred for asking for references, but a quick email can work in a pinch as well. 

When asking someone to serve as a reference for you, it is important to be considerate of their potentially busy schedule and give them a good time frame for when to expect a call or email.

This is another reason why it is important to wait to provide references until requested, as it will give you a narrower window of time to give to your references of when they will need to be on the lookout a hiring manager to contact them. 

Quick Tip: When you call or email to ask for a reference, this is a great time to confirm that the information you have is correct (such as their specific title and business phone number).

Can People You Have a Personal Relationship with Be a Reference?

It is generally advised against to include references that have a strong personal relationship with you outside of work (such as a significant other, parent, or sibling) as this can result in a biased recommendation from the reference. 

However, exceptions can be made in certain instances, such as if you worked within a family-owned business or if the reference worked directly with you for a long period of time.

In general, however, try to avoid including references that are too personally related to you. 

Alternative Methods for Sending References

If you are a new graduate or are returning to the workforce after some time away, you may not have many recent professional references to include in a resume.

For recent grads, including one or two professors can be acceptable, but you will likely still need other references.

Here are some examples of alternative references when you lack strong professional ones:

  • Volunteers you have worked with
  • Professors or teachers who have recently taught you
  • Community members such as church pastors or mentors who can attest to your character

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Final Takeaways

Ultimately, the key to doing references right is to wait to provide them until they are requested by a hiring manager or potential employers.

Once references have been requested, remember the following five takeaways that are key for rocking your reference section:

  • Create a separate and dedicated references page to go along with your resume
  • Provide all the necessary official contact information
  • Avoid including personal information of the reference’s 
  • Avoid including references who share too personal of a connection to you
  • Include the most relevant or impressive references at the top of the page

To learn more about all the elements of creating a great resume, check out our beautiful resume template designs and resume examples for inspiration!

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Ed Moss is an author for Easy Resume

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How To Write A Reference Section In Resume For Freshers?

If you are a fresher and wondering what to write on the references section of your resume, this is the article that will help you.

A resume with solid references can help you land your first job , and knowing what type of references to include can make or break your chances of getting an interview.

Here we will give a few tips that would be very helpful in writing a better resume reference section.

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What are references in a resume?

References are people who can vouch for your skills and experience. They are used to support your application for a particular job.

They might be a former employer, a professor, or a friend. References are not mandatory in all resumes, but you ideally should add them to your resume.

What is the purpose of including references in a resume?

When applying for a job , you must show the person hiring you that you're qualified for the position.

One way to do that is by mentioning your qualifications as a fresher, and another is by including references on your resume .

  • Qualification shows a hiring manager if your skills and accomplishments are relevant to the job you're applying for. References give them a more personal perspective on how well you'd fit in with their company's culture and mission.
  • Your references can also tell the employer about your work ethic, how you handle pressure, and what kind of personality you have in the workplace.
  • They help the employer to verify your background. The references you have listed must be able to speak to your skill set in detail.
  • In addition, if an employer has any doubts about hiring you because of a lack of experience or less than perfect qualifications, then this will eliminate those doubts because they will be able to see that other people think highly of you and would trust you with their business as well.

Recommended : What to write in Email when sending a resume with references?

What are the sources of references for a fresher?

When you're a newbie, knowing where to start when building your reference list can be challenging.

As a fresher, you have limited experience and are likely unaware of most of the references that could help you write your resume.

The first step is to identify the sources you can use for references. These include:

  • Your previous employers at an internship or volunteer work, if any.
  • Your professors from college or university.
  • Your colleagues who have worked with you.
  • Your teachers from high school or even middle school.

The first source of references for fresher is their professors. Professors are the ones who teach you in classes and often have some time to sit down with students to help them with their projects.

They can vouch for your ability to work hard, complete projects on time, and follow instructions.

If you're applying for a job that requires experience, professors may also be able to recommend you to someone who is looking for a person with your skillset.

Who should not be the reference?

In the world of references, there are a few people who you should avoid including as a reference:

  • A relative or close friend as an employer may consider it a biased reference.
  • Someone who has only known you for a short period and may/may not remember you.

What do I do if I have no references as a fresher?

If you've been out of the workforce for a while or are new to it, you may not have any references. That's not an issue. Many people do not have professional references but still, find fantastic work opportunities.

If this is your situation and if you feel your resume needs a reference section even though you don't have one, then here are some ideas to add instead:

  • List of achievements (e.g., graduated with honors)
  • List skills (e.g., proficiency in MS Office Suite)
  • List qualifications (e.g., a degree in business administration)
  • Add interests that show how well-rounded your character is (e.g., art collector)
  • Include hobbies that demonstrate an ability to handle yourself outside of work

In addition to listing your skills and achievements, consider using professional resume templates to ensure your resume is well-organized and visually appealing, helping you stand out to potential employers even without traditional references.  

How do references matter to a hiring manager?

References are your potential employer's chance to get a sense of who you are beyond what's written in your resume.

The references on your resume provide information about how well you've performed in previous roles and how effective you can be in future roles.

Hiring managers use references to verify the information on your resume and assess whether you're a good fit for their company culture. They also use them as another opportunity to evaluate these factors:

  • Your personality
  • Your skill set
  • Your integrity (how honest and trustworthy you are)
  • Your professionalism.

Who is an ideal reference?

  • The best references are people who know you and can speak to your personality, character, and qualification. Include only references who can speak highly of you professionally.
  • So, the ideal reference should be someone who has known you for at least a year or two and knows what kind of person you are. It's also helpful if they can say something about your specific skills and abilities that would be relevant to the job.
  • Make sure your reference knows that they are listed on your resume and might receive a call/email. Do ask them before using their names.
  • While personal friends may have had nothing but good things to say about you during college, this does not necessarily translate into professional terms – especially if their contact with you was over five years ago!

How to write the reference section in the resume

Here are some tips from studycrumb on how to write a strong reference section:

  • Use a specific name instead of just "references available upon request."
  • Don't just list names with no context. Be sure to include information about what kind of role they held in your past and how they know you.
  • The references section should be placed at the end of your resume and include any contact information your employers may need to get hold of the references if required.
  • If possible, try to include at least two references, from distinct sources. Eg- You can include the reference of a professor and a class project colleague.

Final Thoughts

So, this was the complete reference section tips for fresher and it can be useful while you are writing a reference section in your resume. Keep this section brief and precise.

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Fresher Resume Examples - A Comprehensive Guide | Workruit

Fresher resume examples: how to create an impressive resume with little to no experience, the importance of a well-crafted resume for freshers.

When launching your career, a well-crafted resume is pivotal in making a lasting impression on potential employers. As a fresher entering the job market, your resume is a snapshot of your skills, qualifications, and potential. It can significantly impact your chances of an interview or job offer. The upcoming sections will explain how a well-crafted resume is essential and show a few fresher resume examples .

Challenges Faced by Freshers in Creating a Compelling Resume

When writing resumes, new graduates frequently confront particular difficulties. Creating a CV might be intimidating due to a lack of industry exposure, relevant professional experience, and the need to stand out. However, these difficulties can be addressed with the proper strategy and comprehension, and your resume will be able to highlight your ability correctly.

Understanding a Fresher Resume's Objective

A resume for a recent graduate has several uses:

It draws attention to the transferrable talents and relevant experiences you've amassed through volunteer work, internships, part-time jobs, and extracurricular activities.

Your education and academic achievements are highlighted, emphasising your dedication to learning.

It emphasises your potential and passion for advancement, demonstrating to potential employers that you are a promising candidate.

Determining the Goals and Purpose of a Freshers' Resume

Understanding the role and objectives of your resume as a fresher is critical.

Emphasise Relevant Experiences and Transferable Skills

Although you may need more professional experience as a new employee, your time spent in internships, part-time work, volunteering, and extracurricular activities has given you good transferrable abilities. You can spotlight these skills on your CV to demonstrate your potential and suitability for the desired employment. Check out fresher resume examples to get a better idea.

Describe your transferable skills: leadership, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and flexibility. Consider how to utilise these skills in your desired position and highlight them in your CV. Use brief and convincing bullet points to highlight your experiences and how they have helped you gain these talents. In addition, emphasise experiences that are relevant to the job you are pursuing. 

Any internships, projects, or volunteer work you have done should illustrate your ability to use your skills in real-world scenarios. Describe the tasks you did, the challenges you experienced, and the outcomes you obtained. A proper resume format for freshers can help potential employers understand your qualifications and what you can offer their firm.

Prioritising Academic Achievements and Education 

For newcomers, establishing credibility and demonstrating a commitment to learning to rely on education and academic achievements. Your educational background may provide insight into your knowledge base and ability to learn new ideas and concepts.

In the education section of your CV, provide information about your degree, college, graduation date, and any relevant coursework. Any awards, prizes, or scholarships you have received should be mentioned. Identify any significant activities or research you have completed while pursuing your studies to demonstrate your ability to use theoretical knowledge in real-world circumstances.

In addition, if you have finished any relevant training programs or credentials, provide them in your education section or individually. These additional certifications complement your résumé and demonstrate your dedication to lifelong learning.

Showcasing potential and enthusiasm for learning and growth

When showcasing your potential and spirit for learning and development in your resume format for freshers, you must demonstrate your willingness to acquire new skills and take on challenges.

Highlight relevant coursework and projects: If you have taken courses or completed projects directly related to the job you're applying for, emphasise them in your resume. This shows your commitment to learning and ability to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.

Showcase certifications and professional development: Include any certifications or professional development courses you have completed. This demonstrates your proactive learning approach and dedication to staying updated in your field. 

Emphasise extracurricular activities: If you have participated in clubs, organisations, or activities outside your academic studies, highlight them. These experiences can showcase your leadership skills, teamwork abilities, and willingness to engage in personal growth beyond the classroom.

Structuring a Fresher Resume

When structuring your resume as a fresher, check our few fresher resume examples and organise the content clearly and concisely. Let's explore the key elements that should be included in your resume to make it impactful and well-structured.

Contact Information and Personal Details

Start your resume by providing your contact information at the top of the page. Include your full name, contact number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable). Ensure this information is accurate and current so potential employers can contact you for further consideration.

Statement of purpose or summary: Adapting it to the Job Application,

Include an objective or summary statement highlighting your professional aims and the value you can bring to the company. This section should be tailored to the specific job application you are pursuing. Summarise your abilities, experiences, and ambitions in a few sentences, showcasing your interest and alignment with the position.

A section on Education: Emphasis on Academic Qualifications, Relevant Coursework, and Projects

Provide information about your academic credentials in the education area. Include the title of your degree, the university or institution you attended, your graduation date, and, if applicable, your GPA. Describe any relevant coursework or projects demonstrating your skill in the desired role.

Finding and Effectively Presenting Relevant Skills in the Skills Section

Make a section highlighting your skills and applicable technical, people, and transferrable skills. Determine and briefly state the essential qualifications for the position you're applying for. Use bullet points and detailed examples like those given in a fresher resume example to show how you have acquired and used these skills.

Highlighting Internships, Part-Time Jobs, Volunteer Work, and Extracurricular Activities in the Experience Section

You can emphasise relevant internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities even if you have little professional experience. Describe the tasks you undertook, the things you achieved, and the skills you learned. Focus on showcasing your capacity to contribute productively in a workplace or team setting.

Additional Sections: Including Workshops, Certifications, and Related Affiliations

Include relevant qualifications, workshops, or training courses you have taken. These additional credentials prove your dedication to lifelong study and professional growth. Mention any relevant affiliations, such as participation in industry-related events or membership in professional organisations.

Tips for formatting and design: Make the resume Resume Visually Appealing and Simple to Read

Make sure your resume has a clean, professional layout so that it is both eye-catching and straightforward to read. Utilise distinct headings, bullet points, and a unified font style. Avoid overusing images or colours that could detract from the content. Ensure your resume is well-organised, skimmable, and well-structured so employers can immediately determine your most important skills and experiences.

Showing Off Your Strengths and Transferable Skills

It would be best to highlight your strengths and transferrable talents to make an attractive, more recent CV. These abilities, which can be valuable assets in the job, are acquired through various non-professional experiences. Let's look at how you may emphasise your transferrable talents and show potential employers how they are relevant with reference from a few fresher sample examples.

Identifying Your Non-Professional Experiences' Transferable Skills

Non-professional activities like volunteering, internships, part-time employment, and participation in student organisations can give you transferable skills useful in the workforce. Decide which abilities, such as leadership, teamwork, problem-solving, communication, organisation, and flexibility, you have honed through these experiences. To find the transferable talents applicable to your intended field, return to the tasks you completed and the difficulties you faced.

Highlighting interpersonal, cooperative, and problem-solving skills

Soft talents frequently sought after by companies are essential to your professional success. Draw attention to soft skills like critical thinking, teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Give concrete instances from your non-professional experiences where you have used these abilities, such as managing a team project, settling disagreements, or clearly expressing your thoughts.

Giving Concrete Examples of Transferable Skills

When describing your transferrable talents, it is critical to give specific examples of how you've used them in actual circumstances. Give examples of specific projects, efforts, or difficulties where you used your transferrable talents to get results. To demonstrate your abilities and the impact you had, use action verbs and quantitative outcomes in your resume for freshers.

Tailoring the Resume for Specific Job Applications,

You must modify your CV for every job application for the best chance of success. This entails tailoring your CV to the target company's and the position's needs. Here's how to change your resume successfully: 

Researching the Target Company and Job Requirements: 

Conduct an extensive study on the target organisation and the particular job criteria before drafting your CV. Recognise the company's culture, values, and area of specialisation. Examine the job description to find the critical competencies, credentials, and experiences they seek. You can match the needs of the organisation and your fit for the position with the help of this study and your CV.

Customising the Resume to Align with the Specific Job Description

Once you have gathered the necessary information, customise your resume to align with the job description. Highlight your relevant coursework, projects, or skills directly related to the job requirements. Use keywords from the job description to optimise your resume for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) many employers use to filter resumes.

Highlighting Relevant Coursework, Projects, or Skills in Resume for Freshers

Include them prominently on your resume if you have completed any coursework or projects directly related to the position you seek. This exhibits your aptitude for the position and highlights your knowledge and expertise in particular fields.

Enhancing the Fresher Resume with Additional Components

Add extra elements to your CV to help it stand out and strengthen your application.

Introduction in a Cover Letter or Email: Customising the Application

You can personalise your application by including a well-written cover letter or email introduction with your resume. Make the most of this chance to express your interest in the job, showcase your relevant experience and talents, and show how passionate you are about the organisation and the position.

Including a Portfolio or Work Samples

Consider building a portfolio and including a link or attaching pertinent examples to your CV if you have work samples, such as completed projects, design samples, writing samples, or code snippets. It enables employers to see concrete proof of your abilities and expertise.

Utilising a LinkedIn profile and other essential online profiles

Include a link on your CV to your professional LinkedIn profile. An updated LinkedIn profile details your experiences, abilities, and successes. Make sure your internet persona matches your CV and is professional.

Finalising and Reviewing the Resume

Ensure your CV is flawless before submitting it by carefully proofreading and editing it. It gives the finest possible impression of you.

Correction of Spelling, Grammar, and Formatting Errors

Check your resume carefully for any formatting, grammatical, or spelling problems. Typos or errors can provide the wrong impression. To find any mistakes, use proofreading tools, ask for input from others, and read your resume aloud.

Getting input from teachers, mentors, or career counsellors

Consult mentors, educators, or career counsellors for their opinions since they can offer insightful commentary and constructive criticism. They can help you determine how to improve your resume and increase its impact.

Ensuring the Resume is Concise, Flawless, and Presentable

Finally, ensure your CV is brief, clear of mistakes, and displays a professional image. Utilise distinct titles, bullet points, and a regular format. Ensure it is organised and straightforward, with the best resume format for freshers.

How do you write a resume profile with no experience?

When constructing a resume template for freshers or a profile without experience, emphasise your abilities, education, and related coursework or projects. Emphasise your ambition to contribute to the organisation and your enthusiasm for learning. Showcase any internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities demonstrating your transferable talents and dedication to personal development. Create a fascinating profile that captures the attention of potential employers by combining keywords and action verbs.

What is the greatest resume format for someone with no experience?

Individuals who have yet to earn experience are generally advised to use a functional resume format. This structure prioritises talents, education, and accomplishments over chronological employment experience. Begin with a summary or profile statement highlighting your most important abilities and qualifications. 

Education, related coursework, projects, internships, volunteer work, and extracurricular activities should come next. Include a skills section where you identify the talents you need for the position you're looking for. This style allows you to demonstrate your abilities and potential without professional experience. A sample resume for freshers is available for reference.

How do I make an impressive resume for freshers?

To create an impressive resume for freshers , follow these tips:

• Tailor your resume to the job you are applying for, highlighting the skills and experiences most relevant to the role.

• Focus on your education, academic achievements, and relevant coursework or projects.

• Highlight any internships, part-time jobs, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities that showcase your skills and dedication.

• Use action verbs and quantitative data to describe your accomplishments and responsibilities.

• Include a skills section listing your relevant technical and soft skills.

• Use a clean and professional resume template with consistent formatting.

• Proofread your resume carefully to eliminate any errors or typos.

What do I put for experience on a resume if I have never worked?

Focus on prior experiences that have given you transferable skills if this is your first job, including internships, volunteer work, part-time employment, and membership in clubs or student organisations. Explain your duties and responsibilities in these positions, emphasising your acquired abilities. Showcase any pertinent assignments, coursework, or certificates demonstrating your skills and learning commitment.

How would you express that you lack experience but are eager to learn?

Highlight your eagerness and love for learning new things when you say you lack experience but are willing to learn. In your resume, mention something like "Motivated and eager to gain hands-on experience," "Enthusiastic about learning and adapting to new challenges," or "Quick learner with a strong desire to grow and contribute." To succeed in the position, emphasise your readiness to take on new obligations, undergo training, and put in the necessary time and effort. It shows that despite having little professional experience, you have a good mindset and are determined to succeed.

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Top 40 Fresher Resume Summary Examples

When it comes to creating an impactful resume as a fresher, a strong resume summary can make a significant difference. The resume summary serves as a brief introduction, highlighting your key skills, education, and career objectives. Tailoring your summary to showcase your unique qualities can help you stand out from the competition.

To assist you in crafting a compelling fresher resume summary statement, we have compiled a list of the top 40 examples. Each example represents a different field of study, ranging from software engineering to interior design, and includes a snapshot of the individual’s skills and aspirations.

Take a moment to review these examples and find inspiration to create your own outstanding resume summary. Remember, the key is to accurately represent your qualifications and demonstrate your enthusiasm and ambition. By doing so, you can catch the attention of potential employers and open doors to exciting opportunities in your chosen profession.

Whether you’re an aspiring software engineer, a motivated marketing graduate, a dedicated finance graduate, or any other field of study, these examples will provide you with valuable insights to help you kickstart your career.

So dive in and let these examples guide you in creating an impressive resume that showcases your potential and paves the way for a bright future.

Recommended : Fresher Resume Objective Examples

40 Best Fresher Resume Summary Examples

1. Aspiring software engineer  with a strong foundation in computer science principles. Adept at analyzing and solving complex problems with a collaborative approach. Passionate about learning new technologies and contributing to innovative projects.

2. Motivated marketing graduate  with a solid understanding of marketing principles and excellent communication skills. Proficient in social media management and market research. Committed to delivering results and driving business growth.

3. Dedicated finance graduate  with a strong background in financial analysis and data interpretation. Detail-oriented and able to work effectively in a fast-paced environment. Skilled in financial modeling and forecasting.

4. Enthusiastic graphic design graduate  with a creative mindset and a strong eye for detail. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and experienced in designing visually appealing graphics. Passionate about creating meaningful visual experiences.

5. Eager mechanical engineering graduate  with a strong technical skill set. Hands-on experience in CAD software and a proven ability to develop innovative designs. Seeking an opportunity to apply engineering knowledge and contribute to real-world projects.

6. Driven human resources graduate  with a deep understanding of recruitment and employee engagement strategies. Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to build strong relationships with diverse teams. Committed to promoting a positive work culture.

7. Ambitious computer science graduate  with a solid foundation in programming languages and algorithms. Proficient in software development and experienced in collaborating on team projects. Passionate about leveraging technology to solve real-world problems.

8. Result-oriented business administration graduate  with strong analytical skills and a keen business acumen. Experienced in conducting market research and developing comprehensive business plans. Dedicated to driving organizational success.

9. Passionate environmental science graduate  with a strong commitment to sustainability and conservation. Skilled in data analysis and environmental impact assessment. Committed to making a positive impact on global environmental issues.

10. Detail-oriented accounting graduate  with a strong foundation in financial management and taxation. Proficient in Microsoft Excel and experienced in preparing accurate financial reports. Dedicated to maintaining high ethical standards in financial practices.

11. Dynamic electrical engineering graduate  with hands-on experience in circuit design and testing. Proficient in electrical CAD software and well-versed in industry standards. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the development of innovative electrical systems.

12. Creative journalism graduate  with strong writing and editing skills. Experienced in multimedia storytelling and social media management. Committed to delivering compelling and accurate news content.

13. Motivated civil engineering graduate  with a solid understanding of structural design and construction principles. Skilled in AutoCAD and experience in project management. Dedicated to ensuring the safety and efficiency of infrastructure projects.

14. Result-driven sales and marketing graduate  with excellent communication and negotiation skills. Experienced in customer relationship management and developing marketing campaigns. Committed to achieving sales targets and building long-term client relationships.

15. Driven biology graduate  with a strong background in research and laboratory techniques. Skilled in data analysis and scientific report writing. Passionate about contributing to advancements in the field of biotechnology.

16. Detail-oriented pharmacy graduate  with a deep understanding of pharmaceutical regulations and drug dispensing procedures. Experienced in providing patient counseling and medication management. Committed to ensuring patient safety and optimal healthcare outcomes.

17. Adaptable hospitality management graduate  with excellent interpersonal skills and a strong customer service orientation. Experienced in event planning and coordinating hospitality operations. Dedicated to delivering memorable guest experiences.

18. Enthusiastic psychology graduate  with a strong foundation in counseling and research techniques. Skilled in administering psychological assessments and providing support to individuals. Committed to promoting mental well-being and helping others.

19. Dynamic mechanical engineering graduate  with a passion for innovation and problem-solving. Experienced in designing and optimizing mechanical systems. Proficient in CAD software and dedicated to creating efficient and sustainable solutions.

20. Passionate art and design graduate  with a strong portfolio showcasing diverse artistic skills. Experienced in various mediums, including painting, illustration, and digital design. Committed to expressing creativity and making a meaningful impact through art.

21. Motivated computer engineering graduate with a solid foundation in hardware and software development. Proficient in programming languages such as C++ and Python. Committed to staying updated with the latest technological advancements.

22. Detail-oriented business management graduate with a strong understanding of business operations and strategic planning. Experienced in conducting market research and analyzing data to identify growth opportunities. Dedicated to driving organizational success.

23. Enthusiastic architecture graduate with a knack for spatial design and visualization. Proficient in architectural software tools like AutoCAD and SketchUp. Passionate about creating sustainable and aesthetically pleasing structures.

24. Eager data science graduate with strong analytical skills and a deep understanding of statistical techniques. Proficient in programming languages like R and Python. Committed to leveraging data to gain valuable insights and drive informed decision-making.

25. Versatile marketing communication graduate with excellent written and verbal communication skills. Experienced in managing social media platforms and creating engaging content. Passionate about developing effective marketing strategies.

26. Driven chemical engineering graduate with a solid foundation in chemical processes and plant operations. Experienced in conducting experiments and analyzing data. Committed to ensuring safety and sustainability in the manufacturing industry.

27. Ambitious human resource management graduate with a strong understanding of recruitment and talent acquisition. Skilled in conducting interviews and managing employee relations. Committed to fostering a positive work environment.

28. Passionate nutrition science graduate with a deep knowledge of nutrition assessment and dietary planning. Experienced in educating individuals on healthy eating habits. Dedicated to promoting wellness through evidence-based nutrition practices.

29. Inspired civil engineering graduate with a strong background in structural design and construction management. Skilled in using software like SAP2000 and AutoCAD. Committed to delivering high-quality and sustainable infrastructure solutions.

30. Creative visual communication graduate with a flair for graphic design and visual storytelling. Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and experienced in creating visually appealing digital and print materials. Dedicated to delivering impactful visual experiences.

31. Dedicated biomedical engineering graduate with a passion for healthcare technology and medical devices. Skilled in analyzing and debugging complex systems. Committed to improving patient care through innovative engineering solutions.

32. Detail-oriented pharmaceutical science graduate with a strong foundation in drug formulation and quality control. Experienced in pharmaceutical manufacturing processes and regulatory compliance. Committed to ensuring the safety and efficacy of medications.

33. Motivated supply chain management graduate with a solid understanding of logistics and inventory management. Experienced in optimizing supply chain processes to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Dedicated to delivering seamless operations.

34. Adaptable environmental engineering graduate with a passion for sustainable development and environmental conservation. Skilled in conducting environmental impact assessments and implementing mitigation strategies. Committed to protecting natural resources.

35. Energetic tourism and hospitality management graduate with excellent customer service skills and a knack for problem-solving. Experienced in front desk operations and event management. Dedicated to creating memorable guest experiences.

36. Results-driven physics graduate with a passion for research and data analysis. Skilled in experimental design and data modeling. Proficient in scientific software tools such as MATLAB and LabVIEW.

37. Passionate social work graduate with strong interpersonal skills and a deep commitment to social justice. Experienced in community outreach and working with diverse populations. Dedicated to empowering individuals and promoting social change.

38. Adaptable agricultural science graduate with knowledge of crop production and sustainable farming practices. Experienced in conducting field research and implementing agricultural technologies. Committed to improving global food security.

39. Creative interior design graduate with an eye for detail and a passion for creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces. Proficient in 3D modeling software like SketchUp and AutoCAD. Dedicated to delivering outstanding design solutions.

40. Inquisitive political science graduate with a strong understanding of political systems and public policy. Skilled in conducting research and analyzing data. Committed to contributing to informed decision-making and driving positive change.

We hope these fresher resume summary examples help you create a compelling resume summary statement. Remember to tailor it to highlight your unique skills, education, and career objectives.

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Best Fresher Resume Formats and Samples for 2024

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As a fresher in the job market, your resume is your primary marketing tool. It is your chance to make a lasting first impression on potential employers and convince them that you have what it takes to excel in the role you are applying for.

A strong fresher resume can set you apart from the competition, and help you land the job of your dreams. However, crafting a winning resume can be a daunting task if you don’t know where to start.

In this article, we will explore the importance of a fresher’s resume and provide valuable tips for crafting a strong one. We will cover the dos and don’ts of resume writing, discuss the best formats to use, and provide examples of successful fresher resumes to help you get started. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of what it takes to create a powerful fresher resume that will get you noticed by employers. Let’s dive in!

Types of Fresher Resume Formats

When it comes to creating a fresher resume, choosing the right format is crucial. Here are the three most popular types of fresher resume formats:

A. Chronological Resume Format

The chronological resume format is the most traditional and widely used format. This format lists your work history in order, starting with the most recent job and working backward. A chronological resume format is a great option if you have a consistent employment history, with few employment gaps. By highlighting your previous work experience in chronological order, this format allows employers to quickly scan your resume and get a sense of your career progression.

B. Functional Resume Format

The functional resume format focuses on your skillset and accomplishments, rather than your employment history. It is a great option for individuals who may have little work experience, or for those who are looking to change career paths. This format allows you to highlight your transferable skills and relevant achievements, which may not be evident from a purely chronological resume.

resume references examples for freshers

C. Combination Resume Format

As its name suggests, the combination resume format is a mix of both the chronological and functional formats. This format highlights both your previous work experience and your skills through a combination of the two. The combination resume format is a great option if you have a diverse work history and want to showcase your skills alongside your work experience.

When choosing the best fresher resume format for you, it’s important to consider your unique skills, work history, and career goals. Each format has its pros and cons, so take the time to determine which format would best highlight your strengths and help you stand out to potential employers.

Choosing the Best Fresher Resume Format for You

When it comes to creating a resume as a fresher, one of the key factors to consider is the format. Your resume format should showcase your skills and experience in the best way possible, catching the attention of hiring managers and setting you apart from the competition.

To choose the best fresher resume format for you, there are two key steps:

A. Analyzing your Skills and Experience

Before you can choose a resume format, you need to take a close look at your skills and experience. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are my key skills and strengths?
  • What kind of experience do I have? Is it in a specific industry or role?
  • Have I completed any relevant internships or coursework?

By doing this analysis, you can get a clear picture of what makes you a strong candidate for a particular job. This, in turn, can help you choose the right resume format.

B. Identifying the Best Format to Showcase your Strengths

Once you have a clear idea of your skills and experience, it’s time to identify the best format to showcase them. There are several different types of resume formats to choose from, including:

Chronological resumes: These resumes list your work experience in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job first. This format is great if you have a strong work history in a specific industry, as it shows a clear progression of your career.

Functional resumes: Functional resumes focus on your skills and strengths, rather than your work history. This format is ideal for those who may not have a lot of work experience, but have acquired valuable skills through internships, coursework, or other activities.

Combination resumes: As the name suggests, combination resumes combine elements of both chronological and functional resumes. They highlight your skills and experience, while also showcasing your work history in a logical, easy-to-follow way.

Ultimately, the best fresher resume format for you will depend on your unique skills and experience. By analyzing your strengths and choosing the right format, you can create a compelling, effective resume that will help you land the job of your dreams.

Structuring Your Fresher Resume

Before you start writing your resume, it’s important to have a clear idea of what you want to include and the order in which you want to present your information. This will help ensure that your resume is easy to read, well-organized, and effective at capturing the attention of hiring managers. Below is a breakdown of the different sections you should consider including in your fresher resume and what to include in each one.

resume references examples for freshers

A. Header and Personal Information

The header of your resume should contain your name, contact information, and professional title (if applicable). This should appear at the top of the page and be in a larger font than the rest of your text. You can also include a professional profile picture if you choose.

B. Professional Summary or Objective

Your professional summary or objective should be a short statement that highlights your skills, experience, and career goals. Use this section to grab the hiring manager’s attention and let them know right away why you are the best candidate for the position. Keep it brief, but make sure it is impactful.

C. Education Section

The education section of your resume should include information on your academic qualifications, including the name of your institution, your degree, and your GPA (if applicable). If you have any relevant coursework or certifications, be sure to include these as well.

D. Skills Section

In this section, you should highlight your skills and abilities that are relevant to the position you are applying for. This can include both hard skills (such as programming languages or technical skills) and soft skills (such as communication, problem-solving, or teamwork). Be sure to only include skills that are relevant to the position and ensure that you can provide examples of how you have utilized these skills in previous roles or experiences.

E. Work Experience

If you have any relevant work experience, list it in this section, starting with your most recent or current position. For each job, include the name of the company, your job title, the dates you worked there, and a list of your responsibilities and accomplishments. Be sure to focus on how your experience relates to the position you are applying for and provide specific examples of how you have made a positive impact in your previous roles.

F. Extracurricular Activities

While not always necessary, including extracurricular activities on your resume can show that you are a well-rounded candidate who is capable of managing multiple responsibilities. This can include volunteer work, internships, clubs or organizations, or any other relevant activities.

G. References (if applicable)

If the job posting specifically asks for references, be sure to include them in this section. Include the name, relationship, and contact information of each reference. If the job posting does not ask for references, you can leave this section out.

Structuring your fresher resume is all about highlighting your skills and achievements in a clear, concise, and effective way.

Fresher Resume Examples and Samples

When it comes to creating a resume as a fresher, it can be challenging to know where to start. To make things easier, there are several different formats that you can follow to showcase your skills, education, and experience. Here are three different fresher resume examples and samples that you may want to consider:

A. Chronological Resume Sample

A chronological resume is a traditional format that works best for those with a stable work history. This type of resume puts emphasis on your work experience and positions, starting from the most recent and going backwards.

Here’s an example of how a chronological resume for a fresher might look:

  • Contact Information
  • Career Objective
  • Work Experience

This format works well for job seekers who have worked in the same field or industry for some time and are looking to continue in that same sector. Highlight your accomplishments and milestones in your work history to showcase your expertise and experience.

B. Functional Resume Sample

A functional resume is geared toward those with little experience or gaps in their work history. Instead of focusing on work experience, this type of resume highlights your skills, projects, and achievements.

Here’s an example of how a functional resume for a fresher might look:

For those seeking entry-level jobs or internships, this format can be great for highlighting transferable skills that you may have gained from extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or educational projects.

C. Combination Resume Sample

A combination resume is a mix of both chronological and functional formats. This format starts with a summary of your qualifications and skills, followed by a detailed list of your work experience and education.

Here’s an example of how a combination resume for a fresher might look:

  • Summary of Qualifications

This format is good for fresher job seekers who have a mix of skills and experience, including a solid educational background. This type of resume allows you to showcase both your qualifications and work history in a clear and concise manner.

Choosing the right resume format is essential, especially for fresher job seekers. Whether you go with a chronological, functional, or combination resume, make sure that your resume highlights your unique skills, education, and experience. By doing so, you’ll increase your chances of getting noticed by employers and securing your dream job.

Tips for Creating a Visually Appealing Resume

A visually appealing resume can increase your chances of catching the attention of hiring managers. Here are some tips to help you create a visually appealing resume:

A. Choosing the Right Font and Size

Choose a font that is easy to read and professional such as Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman. Use font size 10-12 for the body and size 14-16 for headings.

B. Using Bullet Points Effectively

Bullet points are an effective way to highlight key information and improve readability. Use them to list your accomplishments, skills or experience in a concise manner.

C. Incorporating White Space

Don’t clutter your resume with too much information. Leave enough white space around your content to make it easy to read and visually appealing.

D. Highlighting Key Information

Make sure to highlight key information such as your contact details, education, and work experience. Use bold or italics to draw attention to important points.

Remember, a visually appealing resume is important as it can make you stand out from other applicants. Use these tips to create a professional and eye-catching resume.

Understanding ATS and Why it Matters for Your Resume

When it comes to crafting a winning resume, it’s essential to understand the role of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). An ATS is a software application used by many employers as a preliminary screening tool to help them manage recruitment efforts more efficiently. The system scans resumes for keywords, experience, and qualifications to determine if they are a suitable match for a given job description.

A. What is an ATS?

An ATS is designed to help recruiters sort through hundreds or thousands of resumes quickly, saving them time and effort. By scanning resumes and filtering out less qualified candidates automatically, an ATS speeds up the hiring process and ultimately results in a more efficient recruitment process.

B. Key Elements for ATS Optimization

To ensure that your resume is considered in the recruitment process, it must be optimized for ATS. This requires an understanding of the key elements that the system uses to evaluate resumes. These elements include:

  • Formatting: Many ATS are unable to read resumes with complex or unusual formatting, making it essential to use simple, easy-to-read formats without underlines, tables, or graphics.
  • Keywords: Use relevant keywords that describe your skills, experience, and qualifications to increase the chances of being shortlisted by an ATS.
  • Customization: Tailor your resume to match the job role and requirements by highlighting your related experience and qualifications.
  • Job titles: Use industry-standard job titles to prevent the application from being filtered out during the initial screening phase.
  • Spell checking: Proofread your resume for spelling and grammatical errors; many ATS use filters to delete resumes containing too many mistakes.

C. Best Practices for Creating ATS-Friendly Resumes

To ensure that your resume passes the ATS screening stage and lands you an interview, there are several best practices to follow:

  • Use a clean and simple format, with clear headings and bullet points.
  • Focus on keywords and include them prominently throughout your resume.
  • Avoid using uncommon abbreviations, acronyms, or industry jargon that the ATS may not recognize.
  • Customize your resume to convey how you meet the specific job requirements.
  • Proofread your resume thoroughly to ensure it is error-free, and then save it in a .doc or .txt format to make sure that the ATS can read it.

As an aspiring job seeker, understanding how to optimize your resume for ATS screenings can increase your chances of landing your dream job. By following the above best practices, you can ensure that your resume will be successfully read and shortlisted by ATS, increasing the likelihood of landing an interview and ultimately securing a new job.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Fresher Resume

As a fresher, it’s important to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest. However, there are several common mistakes that you should avoid when writing your resume:

A. Grammatical and Spelling Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes that applicants make when creating their fresher resume is to overlook grammatical and spelling errors. These errors make a bad impression on recruiters and can cause them to reject your application outright. Always make sure to proofread your resume carefully before submitting it and consider using spell-check software to catch any errors that you might have missed!

B. Overloading Resume with Information

It’s easy to feel like you need to include everything you’ve ever done on your resume, but this is a mistake. Recruiters don’t want to read through long resumes filled with irrelevant information. Keep your resume concise and focused on experience that’s directly relevant to the job you’re applying for.

C. Not Tailoring Resume to the Job Description

Your resume should always be tailored to the job you’re applying for. This means customizing your summary, skills, and experience to match the specific requirements mentioned in the job description. It also means focusing on the skills and responsibilities that are most relevant to the position.

D. Listing Unrelated Hobbies and Interests

While it’s important to show personality and interests outside of work, you should avoid listing unrelated hobbies and interests on your fresher resume. Instead, focus on any relevant hobbies or accomplishments that could demonstrate skills that would be useful on the job.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you’ll be well on your way to creating a top-notch fresher resume that impresses recruiters and gets you hired!

Dos and Don’ts of Tailoring Your Resume

Tailoring your resume is a crucial step in increasing your chances of landing your dream job. Employers want to see that you have put in effort to customize your application material to fit their specific needs. In this section, we’ll go over the essential dos and don’ts of tailoring your resume.

A. Understanding the Job Description

Before you even think about tailoring your resume, you need to understand the job description thoroughly. Analyze the job duties, qualifications, experience required, and company culture. Highlight the essential skills and credentials mentioned in the job ad.

B. Including Relevant Keywords

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter out resumes that do not match the job requirements. The ATS scans for specific keywords that match the job description, so it’s crucial to include them throughout your resume. Use the exact wording from the job ad to increase your chances of getting past the bots.

C. Tailoring Your Work Experience and Skills Section

To tailor your work experience and skills section, pick out the relevant qualifications, skills, and accomplishments that match the job description. Highlight them in bullet points and be specific. Show how your past work experience and skills relate to the job you are applying for. Use quantifiable statistics to backup your achievements.

D. Avoiding Common Tailoring Pitfalls

While tailoring your resume can work wonders for your career, there are a few common pitfalls to avoid.

Don’t lie:  It’s tempting to exaggerate or fabricate information to fit the job description. Avoid this at all costs. If an employer discovers that you’ve been dishonest or misleading, it could harm your reputation.

Don’t overdo it:  While you want to customize your resume, make sure you don’t go overboard. The employer still wants to see your genuine qualities and experience.

Don’t forget about formatting:  While the content is essential, formatting is just as important. Make sure your resume is aesthetically pleasing and easy to read.

Tailoring your resume is essential in today’s competitive job market. Use the dos and don’ts mentioned above to increase your chances of landing your dream job. Remember to be honest, specific, and highlight your relevant qualifications and achievements.

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Resume Headline for Freshers: 15+ Examples and Tips

Resume Headline for Freshers

The first impression is the last impression. Do you want to grab the attention of the recruiter right from the beginning of the recruitment process? Use headlines in your resume and distinguish yourself from other candidates in this competitive world. Refer to this detailed guide to get a better understanding of how to craft the perfect headline for your resume. This blog will discuss what is a resume headline for freshers, why it is important, tips to write an effective headline and examples of resume headlines across varied fields.

Table of Contents

 What is a Resume Headline?

A resume headline is a concise statement summarizing your resume. Written at the top of the resume, it is the first detail that the recruiters get to read. It highlights a candidate’s qualifications, professional strengths, and experiences to show how they can be valuable to the company they have applied for. It is also known as the profile headline, the resume title, or the professional title.

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15 Samples of Resume Headline for Freshers

Here are some resume headline examples for your reference. 

Sample 1: Fresher Software Engineer

If you are a novice software engineer, you can use these headlines:

  • A Coding Enthusiast With B.Tech in Software Engineering. Proficient in SQL and Java .
  • Hard Working B.Tech in Computer Science Fresher Proficient in Java and Python .

Sample 2: Fresher SEO Analytics

If you are a recent SEO Analyst, you can use these headlines:

  • Goal-Oriented BBA Graduate With Search Engine Optimization Certification and Internship Experience.
  • Graduate With Certification in Google Analytics Looking for an Entry-Level Job.

Update your resume and apply for fresher digital marketing jobs online.

Sample 3: Resume Headline for Business Analyst Fresher

If you are a novice Business Analyst , you can use these headlines:

  • A Business Administration Graduate With Four Months Experience in Data Analysis.
  • Certification in Business Management With In-Depth Data Analysis Knowledge and an Eye for Detail.

Also Read: Profile Summary for Freshers

Sample 4: Fresher Chartered Accountant

If you are a recent chartered accountant, you can use these headlines:

  • Self-Driven Individual With Academic Training in Commerce and Professional Certification From ICAI.
  • Hardworking Individual With Certification From ICAI and Six Months Experience in Taxation and Financial Reporting.

Sample 5: R esume Headline for HR Fresher

If you are looking forward to being an HR professional, you can use these headlines:

  • Individual Possessing Leadership Quality and Strong Communication Skills With a Bachelor in Human Resources.
  • Graduate in Human Resource Management With Ability to Handle Employee Grievances Looking For Entry-Level Job Positions.

Sample 6: Fresher Teaching Professional

If you are a recent teaching professional, you can use these headlines:

  • Masters in History and B.Ed With Ability to Teach Using Innovative Methods.
  • Library Science Graduate With Six Months Experience as an Intern at the National Library.

Sample 7: Fresher Content Writer

If you are a novice content writer, you can use these resume headlines for fresher content writers:

  • English Literature Graduate With Four Months of Internship Experience. Proficient in Creating Quality SEO-Friendly Content.
  • Certified Copywriter With Specialization in Business-Related Content and Knowledge of SEO Tools .

Find fresher content writing jobs at some of the best companies in the industry.

Sample 8: Fresher Graphic Designer

If you are a novice graphic designer, you can use these headlines:

  • Graphic Design Graduate With Skills in Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, and Dreamweaver.
  • Certification in Graphic Design . Ability to Develop Unique Graphics Under Constrained Deadlines.

Sample 9: Fresher Fashion Designer

If you are a novice fashion designer you can use these headlines:

  • Creative Fashion Design Graduate Who Excels at Ideating New Concepts.
  • Detail-Oriented Graduate With the Ability to Get Creative With Fabric and Work Under Pressure.

Sample 10: Fresher Food Critic

If you are a new food critic, you can use these headlines:

  • Knowledge of Multiple Cuisines With Decent Social Media Presence.
  • Diploma in Hotel Management With Knowledge of Blogging and Generating SEO-Friendly Content.

Sample 11: MBA Fresher

If you are a recent MBA graduate, you can use these resume headlines for MBA freshers sample:

  • Result-Oriented MBA Graduate Seeking a Challenging Opportunity in the Entrepreneurial Field.
  • Team-Oriented MBA Graduate From IIM With Expertise in Marketing and Project Management.

Sample 12: Finance Fresher

If you are a recent finance graduate, you can use these headlines:

  • Self-Motivated Finance Graduate With Six Months Experience in Data Analysis.
  • Finance Graduate With Experience in Portfolio Management Seeking Entry-Level Opportunity in Investment Banking.

Apply for finance jobs for freshers online.

Sample 13: Fresher Sales Executive

If you are a novice sales executive, you use these headlines:

  • Marketing Graduated With Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills and Looking for a Position in Sales.
  • Motivated and Team-Oriented Commerce Graduate With Six Months of Experience in Marketing.

Sample 14: Fresher Sound Engineer

If you are a novice sound engineer, you can use these headlines:

  • Tech-Savvy Graduate With Skills in Recording, Editing, and Mixing Music.
  • Passionate Sound Engineering Graduate With Experience in Playing Multiple Musical Instruments.

Sample 15: Fresher Economist

If you are a recent graduate looking forward to building a career as an Economist, you can use these headlines:

  • Economic Graduate Passionate About Policy Analysis Seeking Entry-Level Opportunity in the Corporate Sector.
  • Dedicated Graduate With Research and Analytical Skills. Six Months Experience as a Policy Analyst.

Also Read: Career Objective Samples

Best Resume Headline Samples for Freshers

Here are some of the best resume headlines that you can use as a fresher in your resume. Ensure to customize these according to your specifications.

  • Enthusiastic and Eager Fresher Seeking to Kickstart Career in (Field of Your Choice).
  • Creative Individual With Strong Analytical Skills Seeking Entry-Level Job Position.
  • Goal-Oriented Recent Graduate With a Passion for (Field of Your Choice).
  • Resourceful and Dynamic Fresher With Exceptional Academic Record.
  • Enthusiastic and Highly Creative Design Student With Strong Communication Skills.
  • Fast-Learning and Innovative Fresher With Exceptional Writing Skills.
  • Driven and Team-Oriented Fresher Seeking Challenging Opportunities.
  • Tech-Savvy and Motivated Graduate Seeking Growth Opportunities.
  • Bachelor’s in (Your Degree Subject) Graduate Enthusiastic About (Your Field of Interest).
  • Dedicated and Ambitious Fresher With Strong Work Ethics and Problem-Solving Skills .

You can use the above-mentioned headline to draft a CV headline for a fresher Java developer, a data analyst, or any other field. 

Tips for Writing Resume Headline for Freshers

Here are some tips to make the profile headline for freshers much more effective. 

  • Add Powerful and Relevant Keywords: Ensure that you research well and add keywords relevant to the job role you are applying for. The keywords help in grabbing the recruiter’s attention.
  • Be Clear and Concise: The resume headline is a summarized version of your resume. Use phrases instead of complete sentences and give necessary details only.
  • Highlight Your Strengths: Mention your strengths that will make you a perfect fit for the job.
  • Personalization: Profile headlines for freshers should be personalized. Research the qualifications of the job well and avoid using generic terms.
  • Add Your Aspirations: Showcase that you have the willingness and zeal to learn and grow.
  • Proofread: Make sure you have proofread your resume headline for any spelling, grammatical, or punctuation errors.
  • Use Consistent Terminology: Use the same terminology in the headline as you have used in the rest of the resume. It will ensure there is no confusion and the resume looks professional.

Importance of Professional Profile Headline for Freshers?

A professional title or profile headline for freshers is crucial in the recruitment process. Here are the reasons why one should write a resume headline-

  • Grabs Attention: A lot of times recruiters receive several applications in a day and they have to scrutinize all of them. A concise summary of the resume in the headline will get the attention of the recruiter while making their task easier.
  • Shows Professionalism: A fresher does not have much experience, hence a well-written resume headline will give a sense of professionalism and showcase your communication skills.
  • Shows Relevant Skills: The recruiter can select the applications eligible for the job by going through the skills and experience mentioned in the resume headline and checking it for relevancy to the job role. Hence, it accelerates the selection process.
  • Differentiates from Others: The resume headline for freshers will make them stand out from other applicants by highlighting their unique strengths and showing their individuality.
  • Highlights Career Goal: The headline helps a candidate to specify their career goals and the recruiters can understand if their goals align with their organization or not.

You do not usually mention hobbies in the resume headline. They are directly mentioned in the resume. Learn how to write hobbies in your resume for different jobs to draft a professional resume. 

A resume headline for freshers is a good way to gain the attention of the recruiter who will read your resume. We have discussed what a resume headline is and how we can write an effective headline. The resume headline examples cover a wide range of professions and will help in creating a strong headline for your resume. 

So, which one of these resume headlines are you going to use in your resume? Share with us in the comments section below. To draft professional-looking resumes, check out these best resume formats with samples .

A resume headline for freshers is a brief introduction to your educational background and skills that is placed at the top of your resume. An attractive resume headline appeals to the recruiter and increases the chances of them reviewing your resume. 

Your resume headline should ideally be one sentence long. It is a concise statement, and the recruiter should be able to read it quickly. 

Some profile headline mistakes you should avoid are writing lengthy sentences, adding too many keywords, exaggerating, using buzzwords, creative formatting, and not tailoring the headline according to the job description.

Use the title case for your headline resume. Highlight it in another color and use boldface to make it eye-catching. Also, use a headline font that is larger than the font used for the rest of the text in the resume.

Here is an example of a resume headline for an entry-level fresher job applicant, “Passionate to Learn Fresher Graduate With Good Critical Thinking Skills Seeking Entry-Level Job Position.” 

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Declaration in Resume for Freshers


  • Updated on  
  • Nov 19, 2022

difference between cv and Statement of Purpose

Are you someone who has recently graduated and is looking for job opportunities ? You must have come across recruiters asking you to forward them your resume. What exactly is a resume? You can think of a resume as a self-advertising document which sums up your educational experience and skills on a single page. This allows the hiring manager to grab an overview of your qualifications and skills that match their required job profile. Thus, a resume is one of the most important aspects of your job application as a fresher . The most important element in a resume is the area of declaration which is known to be a formal statement giving an authoritative establishment of facts. The blog will cover everything you need to know about a declaration in resume for freshers.

This Blog Includes:

Declaration in resume for freshers examples, what is declaration in resume, is declaration in resume necessary, cv/resume declaration letter, how to write a declaration in resume, when should you add a declaration in your cv or resume, declaration format, declaration template, [bonus] declaration in resume for fresh graduates [bonus].

Below we have stated some of the examples of declaration in resume for freshers.

  • “I hereby declare that the details and information given above are complete and true to the best of my knowledge”
  • “I hereby declare that all the information furnished above is true to the best of my belief.”
  • “I hereby declare that the above particulars of facts and information stated are true, correct and complete to the best of my belief and knowledge.”
  • “I hereby declare that the information stated above is true to the best of my knowledge.”
  • “I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.”
  • “I solemnly declare that the information furnished above is free from errors to the best of my knowledge and belief.”
  • “I hereby declare that all the details mentioned above are in accordance with the truth and fact as per my knowledge and I hold the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.”
  • “I hereby declare that the facts given above are genuine to the best of my knowledge and belief.”
  • “All the information mentioned above in the resume is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.”
  • “All the details mentioned above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and beliefs.”
  • “I hereby insist that the above details are true to the best of my knowledge.”
  • “All the information provided in this resume is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.”
  • “I hereby confirm and verify all the facts mentioned above and I hold the responsibility of their authenticity and correctness.”
  • “I do hereby declare the truth and authenticity of all the information in my resume.”
  • “I hereby declare that the contents of my resume are accurate to the best of my knowledge and verify their authenticity.”

Here are the Career Objective for Resume !

A declaration in Resume is a justified statement affirming that everything written or mentioned in your resume is true and fully acknowledged by you.

Your name and date are also included in the resume declaration. This implies that the authenticity of any information is ensured through a declaration. Writing a declaration at the end of your resume has become prominent because of the strict formal guidelines dominating the corporate world. It is a great way of utilizing a formal approach in order to make a good impression .

Right at the end of a resume, you must have noticed that there is a declaration confirming that all the details listed above are accurate and verified.

Declaration in Resume is necessary to confirm that the provided information given by the candidate is correct and accurate. Here are the reasons why declaration is required in a resume:

  • Works as a catalyst to prove and verify the authenticity of the information given in a resume thus preventing misconception, confusion and fraud in the recruitment process.
  • Important for your referral as it gives your reference a chance to prove that all the details mentioned on your resume are entirely true.
  • Declaration in resume for freshers can have a great impact on ensuring the authenticity and credibility of a candidate.
  • A declaration in a resume is also pivotal to avoid any kind of manipulation of the details provided by the applicants.

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Take a look at the following sample resume that will help you understand the placement of the statement of declaration:

While adding the declaration in resume, the most important thing you must ensure is that it must be simple and straightforward. Here is a list of thing you must keep in mind while writing your declaration in resume for freshers:

  • As a declaration is essentially an assurance that the details of a resume are accurate, begin with writing a statement that the provided information is true at the best of your knowledge.
  • Put your written statement at the bottom of the resume, i.e. at the concluding point of your personal details.
  • The statement should be precise, clear and simple.
  • Mention the current location, as well as the date, will provide validity of your initial statement. You must put the location and the date under the declaration in resume for freshers and at the left-hand corner. 
  • Add your full signature at the end of the page. Your official signature is what makes your declaration authentic as well as official thus certifying that it is provided on your own.
  • Under the signature, write down your full name and place both these at the right-hand side opposite to the date and location.

Earlier declaration in CV or resume was an essential element but it has somewhere become less relevant in contemporary times. But there are some situations where a declaration in CV or resume proves to be extremely helpful. Here are the prominent scenarios where it is important to add declaration in resume for freshers or working professionals and depends on when you are sending your application for a job to:

  • An organisation or company which has a formal job application procedure,
  • An organisation or company having a sternly defined corporate hierarchy,
  • A government organisation or an academic institution,
  • An organisation or institution in Indian or any other country where declaration in resume or CV is still a common practice

In various other situations, a declaration only works as a justified statement from the candidate that the mentioned details in the resume or CV are accurate to the best of their knowledge and adding it, it can potentially create an impression of the formal structure of your resume thus giving it a professional touch.

There is no specific format for a resume because there is no right or wrong manner to build a resume. But there are few things that should be included in your resume while crafting a declaration which are:

  • The declaration must be placed at the bottom of the resume and it should be only 1-2 sentences.
  • The place and date comes on the left side under the statement of declaration in resume.
  • Put your signature at the right side of the statement of the declaration.

Must Read: Resume Format for Freshers

To help you understand where and how to put the elements of a declaration in a resume or CV, we have created a declaration template that you can refer to:

[Statement of Declaration]
[Current Date]                                                                                                        [Signature]
[Location]                                                                                                                  [Name]
(Left-hand side of the page)                                                        (Right-hand side of the page)

Here are some more statements of declaration in resume for freshers!

  • I hereby declare the above-listed particulars of information and evidence are true to the best of my knowledge.
  • I hereby clarify that the information provided above is true to my belief and knowledge.
  • I strongly declare that the statements mentioned above in my resume are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • I boldly declare that all the details provided above are correct from my knowledge and belief.
  • I declare that the above-listed information is true to the best of my knowledge and that I will be responsible for any deviation from the truth of these facts.
  • I sincerely proclaim that all of the above-mentioned information is true to my belief and I am responsible for its accuracy.
  • I declare that all the furnished information above is free from any kind of mistakes to the best of my knowledge and belief. 
  • I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • I hereby proclaim that the details provided in the resume are true to the best of my knowledge and I shall bear all responsibilities for their accuracy.

Here are the best declarations for your resume: 1 . “I hereby declare that the details and information given above are complete and true to the best of my knowledge . “ 2 . “I hereby declare that all the information furnished above is true to the best of my belief.” 3 . “I hereby declare that the above particulars of facts and information stated are true, correct and complete to the best of my belief and knowledge.”

Yes, declaration is an essential part of the resume. It helps in avoiding confusion related and provides assurance to employers that the candidate is genuine. 

Here is how the resume format for freshers should be like: 1. Appealing Resume Title 2. Name and Address 3. Resume/Career Objective 4. Educational Qualifications 5. Any Training or Internship Experience 6. Achievements 7. Extra-Curricular Activities 8. Hobbies and Interests Skills 9. Languages Known and Proficiency Level 10. Personal Information 11. References 12. Declaration

A declaration is an official statement by an applicant that the details and information they are providing is correct. 

A declaration should be 1 or 2 line long. It usually comes at the end of the Resume.

A declaration in resume starts with “I hereby declare” and then confirms and verifies the information in a statement. For example, I hereby declare that the details provided in the resume are true to the best of my knowledge and I shall bear all responsibilities for their accuracy

No, there is no format to write a declaration for the resume. One can follow the points mentioned above to write a perfect resume declaration. Keep it short and make sure it is providing credibility to your resume. 

No, lack of declaration in the resume is not going to hamper your chances of getting a job. Most of the times, employers do not even demand this statement.

The best declaration in resume for freshers is the one that does the work in the least number of words. For example: I, therefore, declare that the abovementioned information is true in my knowledge. 

It should justify that you are fully aware of the things that are mentioned above. Mentioning date in the same brings in more credibility to the resume for freshers.

We hope that you were able to understand how a declaration in resume for freshers is written and why it’s important. Don’t worry if you think that your resume doesn’t have enough weight to attract the employer. You can reach out to the experts at Leverage Edu , who will help you create an impressive resume. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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Great article! You have listed out some important points on why declaration is important.

Hi Smriti, Thanks for your feedback! Check our more such blogs on building a winning resume by clicking on this link:

Great information provided on Declaration in resume for freshers. Really helpful blog for freshers.

Hi, thanks for your feedback. Here’s another interesting read for you:

Such an informative blog, Writing a good resume starts with reading a good resume. So, before you start working on your resume, get to read good resume examples. You can read resumes that are specific to your career or read resumes for all careers and pick what stands out for you.

Hi Caroline, We are glad that you found our blog interesting. More such informative reads on resume building are available on this link:

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