research cancer center

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St Pete Catalyst

Inside Moffitt Cancer Center’s $300M St. Petersburg campus

Veronica Brezina

St. Petersburg is poised to see the first-ever Moffitt Cancer Center in its backyard, which will bring a caliber of medical expertise and research as part of a new planned development. 

The H. Lee Moffitt Cancer and Research Institute team presented its plans Friday evening during the first Community Benefits Agreement (CBA) Advisory Committee public meeting. The committee was formed to review the social and community impact of major projects receiving significant public funding through the CBA program that St. Pete approved late last year . 

research cancer center

Conceptual renderings of Moffitt’s planned campus in St. Petersburg. 

Moffitt plans to develop a 4.59-acre site at 800 1st Ave. S. in downtown St. Pete into a 75,000-square-foot cancer center that would be three stories alongside a 30-story residential tower. Moffitt and its partner, Atlanta-based developer TPA Group, also plan to build a potential 14-story hotel development and a parking garage with 300 public-access parking spaces.  

Moffitt’s proposed development must go before the CBA Advisory Committee, as the property’s appraised value is $24 million – significantly higher than Moffitt’s offer of $5 million. Moffitt is also seeking an exemption, according to city officials. 

“We want to bring a mini Moffitt main campus to the community of St. Pete. With the exception of surgery onsite, you can expect a full suite of comprehensive NCI [National Cancer Institute]-level care,” Matt Bednar, Moffitt’s vice president of ambulatory and virtual care operations, said during the meeting. 

research cancer center

The three levels inside Moffitt’s St. Pete cancer treatment facility.  

Last year, Moffitt submitted its unsolicited proposal to the city to purchase the site. Former St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman selected Moffitt’s proposal after receiving additional proposals from other groups vying to buy the land to develop a mix of projects, from apartments to hi-rise office towers and hotels. 

Major takeaways and points of concern addressed during the meeting about Moffitt’s project: 

  • Several attendees spoke up regarding the dire need for more affordable housing and how Moffitt and TPA should increase the amount. Moffitt and TPA representatives stated the project initially had less workforce housing in the 350-unit tower and they bumped it up to 15%, explaining it has to be capped at a certain amount to be financially viable. 
  • Moffitt’s cancer center will offer radiation therapy, advanced imaging and screening, clinical trials in Phases 2 and 3, medical oncology, hematology oncology, radiation therapy, infusion and diagnostic services. Although Moffitt will offer these services and consultations, it will not offer out- and in-patient surgeries. A representative with Moffitt said the site does not have ample space to support surgery services, and patients would need to commute to the main campus. 
  • Moffitt Cancer Center’s operations will bring 260 new jobs to St. Petersburg. During construction, the group will employ 3,500 construction workers with a 20% diversity inclusion. The contracting will be done through Horus Construction, which has a longstanding relationship with Moffitt and mentors contractors through an apprentice program. 
  • The public voiced concern regarding the health disparity minorities face. Susan Vadaparampil, Moffitt’s associate center director for community outreach, engagement and equity, said Moffitt is aware of those disparities and it has financial assistance and community benefits programs. 
  • Moffitt representatives stated they are funding improvements for the infrastructure including sewer improvements, which will cost roughly $6 million, and redesign of the road network. An attendee at the meeting said these improvements benefit Moffitt and the project specifically, but not the overall community. 
  • The St. Petersburg Chapter of the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America founder Mary Murph spoke on how they can work with Moffitt as there is a great disparity in sickle cell care and research. Several attendees expressed concern that Moffit did not appropriately acknowledge Murph’s comments. Gypsy Gallardo, chair of the CBA Advisory Committee, said she is communicating with Murph about creating a certification program for health care workers.

After the presentation, Gallardo said she appreciated the questions from the attendees, hearing from some of the area’s leading Black contractors regarding business opportunities, seeing a diverse crowd, and the suggestion from a speaker of incorporating art in the project that pays homage to the Gas Plant neighborhood, among other topics. 

She also spoke about her dislikes.  

“I really don’t like the talk about the exemption,” Gallardo said. “I do not think you are all in a position or in need of an exemption.”

She continued to say she met with a couple of the partners involved. 

“We, as a community, don’t want to see the first project covered by this policy exempted from this process,” Gallardo said. “With the package that you are bringing, I honestly don’t think you aren’t going to need it … we aren’t here to slow down the pace of development, we want as much economic impact flowing through our city and community as possible.” 

St. Petersburg Mayor Ken Welch attended the meeting and thanked the public for attending, but did not directly comment on the project. 

research cancer center

A conceptual rendering of Moffitt’s planned campus in St. Petersburg.  

The inner makings 

Nate Pramik, principal at TPA development, explained to the crowd how this project has been a long time in the making. 

He said Mark Stroud, President of The Stroud Group, called him and they met in person to go over the vision of the site. 

“We were perplexed that UPC Insurance [United Insurance Holdings Corp.] controls the property through a 65-year lease. As the property sits today, it’s not developed,” Pramik said, adding that without UPC’s corporation this project would not be attainable.

Pramik said UPC planned to build a new HQ at the site, but due to the pandemic, it halted those plans. However, Moffitt’s team is reserving space for a potential future site of UPC’s new headquarters, which was included in the initial proposal. 

Pramik and Stroud approached Moffitt about the possibility of a cancer center in St. Pete. 

“When we began that conversation, the project really took off and the viability of the project started to make a lot of sense. The mixed-use nature of the project started to gel together,” he said. 

The organizations are also working with Barr and Barr, Alfonso Architects and the George F. Young Inc. civil engineering firm on the project. 

The group told the St. Pete Catalyst it hopes to close on the property by the end of the summer. 

research cancer center

May 16, 2022at12:36 pm

Mr. John Nianouris, you say that because you don’t have a loved one with Cancer.

Folks, we seem to have it all wrong here. Why are we asking Moffitt Cancer Center, a renowned healthcare company, to develop affordable housing? Why are we giving them a hard time?

They should focus on creating the best hospital and perhaps provide alternatives with affordable healthcare, which is what they do.

I would not be surprised if they took their project elsewhere.

Good luck to us with this approach, and Ms. Gallardo, as the chair of the CBA. She’s doing her significant part in spooking away an initiative that could potentially greatly benefit the community.


John Nianouris

May 16, 2022at9:45 am

What a bad idea all the way around. This development will not bring tourists and dollars to St. Petersburg. Healthcare is controlled in large part by for-profit corporations who tell doctors what they can and cannot do. This campus will leave the poor and uninsured out on the street. There is still no cure for cancer, and treatment is inherently expensive. Why not build a nice city park and create green space rather than more concrete and steel jungles? This city needs real visionaries not political operatives who line their pockets with cash.


May 15, 2022at7:37 am

Hello people???? Anyone home on the city council and the “development” council? Move THIS project forward! It will bring $$ and people into downtown. I mean really, you have ok’d “affordable” housing by destroying the businesses and shops that brought people to St Pete in the first place. Why not OK something that actually benefits people.



May 14, 2022at3:11 pm

It’s really a shame that the newly proposed Moffitt campus will not have space for a surgical center. Lots of seniors don’t have major transportation and will opt for Bayfront or St. Anthony’s rather than make such a trip.

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NCI-Designated Cancer Centers

The NCI Cancer Centers Program was created as part of the National Cancer Act of 1971 and is one of the anchors of the nation’s cancer research effort. Through this program, NCI recognizes centers around the country that meet rigorous standards for transdisciplinary, state-of-the-art research focused on developing new and better approaches to preventing, diagnosing, and treating cancer.

A map of the USA with designations for the locations of cancer centers

Find an NCI-Designated Cancer Center

NCI-Designated Cancer Centers deliver cutting-edge cancer treatments to patients in communities across the United States. Find a center near you and learn about its specific research capabilities, programs, and initiatives.

A purple, circular icon with a photo of a health care professional in a lab coat talking to an elderly woman with white hair, glasses, and a sweater. Above them are the words Deliver Optimal Care.

NCI-Designated Cancer Centers and the National Cancer Plan

The NCI-Designated Cancer Centers are recognized for their scientific leadership in laboratory and clinical research. This research aligns with the goals of the National Cancer Plan. Read about the plan and explore each goal.

There are 72 NCI-Designated Cancer Centers, located in 36 states and the District of Columbia, that are funded by NCI to deliver cutting-edge cancer treatments to patients. Of these 72 institutions:

  • 8 are Clinical Cancer Centers, recognized for their scientific leadership, resources, and the depth and breadth of their research in basic, clinical, and/or prevention, cancer control, and population science.
  • 57 are Comprehensive Cancer Centers, also recognized for their leadership and resources, in addition to demonstrating an added depth and breadth of research, as well as substantial transdisciplinary research that bridges these scientific areas.
  • 7 are Basic Laboratory Cancer Centers that are primarily focused on laboratory research and often conduct preclinical translation while working collaboratively with other institutions to apply these laboratory findings to new and better treatments.

Most of the NCI-Designated Cancer Centers are affiliated with university medical centers, although several are freestanding institutions that engage only in cancer research.

At any given time, hundreds of research studies are under way at the cancer centers, ranging from basic laboratory research to clinical assessments of new treatments. Many of these studies are collaborative and may involve several cancer centers, as well as other partners in industry and the community.

Why the Cancer Centers Program Is Important to Cancer Research

The NCI-Designated Cancer Centers are recognized for their scientific leadership in laboratory and clinical research, in addition to serving their communities and the broader public by integrating training and education for biomedical researchers and health care professionals.

NCI-Designated Cancer Centers dedicate significant resources toward developing research programs, faculty, and facilities that will lead to better and innovative approaches to cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. NCI supports the research infrastructure for cancer centers to advance scientific goals and foster cancer programs that draw together investigators from different disciplines.

University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center, National Cancer Act 50 Years 1971-2021 Nothing Will Stop Us

Hope for Millions through Cancer Centers

NCI-Designated Cancer Centers provide breakthrough approaches to preventing, diagnosing, and treating all types of cancers.

The Impact of Cancer Centers on Cancer Care

The cancer centers develop and translate scientific knowledge from promising laboratory discoveries into new treatments for cancer patients. The centers serve their local communities with programs and services tailored to their unique needs and populations. As a result, these centers disseminate evidence-based findings to their own communities, and these programs and services can be translated to benefit similar populations around the country.

Each year, approximately 400,000 patients receive their cancer diagnoses at an NCI-Designated Cancer Center. An even larger number of patients are treated for cancer at these centers each year, and thousands of patients are enrolled in cancer clinical trials at NCI-Designated Cancer Centers. Many of the centers also provide public education and outreach programs on cancer prevention and screening, with special attention to the needs of underserved populations.

The rapid pace of discovery and the improved cancer treatments that the NCI-Designated Cancer Centers have helped pioneer over decades have increased the number of cancer survivors in the United States and improved the quality of patients’ lives immeasurably.

HCA Florida Healthcare

  • HCA Florida Physicians
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  • Medical Professionals

Oncology is the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Oncologists receive extensive, specialized training to care for patients. Treatments may include a combination of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation, medication and/or surgery.

Cancer treatment center in St. Petersburg, Florida

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, know that you have a team of experienced oncologists ready to help you. 

At HCA Florida St. Petersburg Hospital, our oncology team will walk with you through every aspect of your care. Whether you need a routine cancer screening or advanced surgery, we are here for you. As a Comprehensive Community Cancer Program designated by the American College of Surgeons' Commission on Cancer, our doctors are committed to providing you with a high level of care.

Types of cancer we treat

Our oncology team provides comprehensive screening and treatment services for a wide range of cancers, including: 

  • Breast cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Gynecologic cancer
  • Kidney cancer

Prostate cancer

Our cancer care program .

When you come to our hospital for cancer care, you will have access to a wide range of services that are provided either on-site or in partnership with an affiliated provider. 

Our cancer treatments and services

Our oncology services include:

  • Breast cancer nurse navigation
  • Cancer education
  • Cancer registry
  • Cancer screening
  • Chemotherapy
  • Diagnostic imaging
  • Discharge planning
  • End-of-life care
  • Genetic counseling and testing
  • Hospice care
  • Infusion therapy
  • Nutritional support
  • Pain management
  • Pre-treatment evaluation
  • Radiation oncology
  • Rehabilitation
  • Religious support
  • Social services
  • Support groups
  • Surgical procedures
  • Surveillance for recurrent disease

Clinical cancer trials

We participate in clinical trials in association with the American Cancer Society, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Florida Cancer Specialists, and Sarah Cannon.

Nurse navigation services

Our oncology nurse navigators specialize in breast cancer. They are there to help you navigate your diagnosis and make informed decisions about your treatment options. They work with our cancer care team and organizations within our community to make sure you have access to all of the resources you need. They also participate in monthly cancer conferences that help your care team determine the best course of treatment for you.

Specialized cancer care

We understand no two people and no two cancers are the same. That's why our multidisciplinary cancer care team works together to carefully craft a treatment plan tailored to your needs. 

Breast cancer care

Our breast care center offers advanced 2D and 3D diagnostic technology to detect breast cancer in its earliest and most treatable stages. If a suspicious area is identified, we offer minimally invasive procedures to further examine and, if needed, treat breast conditions.

Colorectal cancer care

Colorectal cancer usually starts in the glands of the colon or rectum lining. Almost all cases of colorectal cancer begin as noncancerous (benign) polyps that slowly develop into cancer. Like many cancers, colorectal cancer can spread to lymph nodes or other organs. Our oncologists offer a range of treatments for colorectal cancer, including traditional open surgery, laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery. To treat rectal cancer, surgeons often perform low anterior resection to connect the rectum to the colon after removing the cancer.

Gynecologic cancer care

Our gynecology program offers a range of advanced diagnostic and treatment services for gynecologic cancers, including cervical, vaginal, uterine and ovarian cancers. Your physician will consider factors, such as the stage and type of cancer, when determining the most appropriate treatment option.

Surgical treatments for gynecologic cancer include:

  • Circumferential vaginotomy
  • Hysterectomy
  • Para-aortic lymphadenectomy
  • Pelvic lymphadenectomy
  • Vaginal cuff closure

Many of these procedures are performed using robotic surgery. Robot-assisted technology allows our surgeons to perform surgery with 3D magnification, enhanced visualization and precise surgical movements.

Kidney cancer care

Kidney cancer can occur in adults and children, but your risk of developing kidney cancer increases with age. Most kidney cancer is treated with surgery. We use minimally invasive robotic technology whenever possible to perform nephrectomies (the surgical removal of kidneys).

Prostate cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancerous) cells form in the tissues of the prostate. There are two primary methods used to detect abnormalities in the prostate: the digital rectal exam and the prostate-specific antigen test.

If you have an early diagnosis of prostate cancer, there is usually a range of treatment options, including:

  • Cryosurgery
  • Conservative management
  • Prostatectomy
  • Radiation therapy

Looking for a Location?

Our oncology locations.

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Cancer and Blood Disorders Institute

Johns hopkins all children's hospital cancer & blood disorders institute, recognized as a top 50 cancer program by u.s. news & world report 2023-2024 .

text here

At the Johns Hopkins All Children’s  Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida, we’re dedicated to treating children with both rare and common cancers and blood disorders. As one of the first cancer facilities in Florida specifically for children, we have decades of experience treating these complex conditions.

We understand how difficult it is for families dealing with a diagnosis of cancer or blood disorder. Our compassionate team is here to support your child throughout every step of their treatment.

Our hematology and oncology experts specialize in treating children, teens and young adults, using the latest advances and most innovative therapies. If your child needs treatment for cancer or a blood disorder, we are here for you.

Why Choose Us for Cancer and Blood Disorders Treatment?

When your child comes to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital for cancer or blood disorder treatment, you can expect:

  • Expert team : Our hematologists and oncologists are all experts in their fields. They work closely with the hospital’s other specialists to create a treatment plan customized for each patient.
  • Whole-child approach to care : We understand the complex physical and emotional needs of children with cancer or blood disorders. Your child’s treatment team includes social workers, psychologists, Child Life specialists and other experts. Together, they address your child’s needs throughout treatment.
  • Innovative treatments : Thanks to treatment advances, many childhood cancers are now curable. We offer leading-edge therapies for all types of cancer and blood disorders such as sickle cell disease and hemophilia. We offer expertise in bone marrow transplant techniques that improve outcomes for children with leukemia and lymphoma. We were also the first children’s hospital in Florida certified to offer CAR T-cell therapy. This immunotherapy is a lifesaving treatment for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia or lymphoma.
  • Access to clinical trials : We’re an accredited member of the Children’s Oncology Group. This allows us to participate in cooperative clinical trials and research with other hospitals to improve patient outcomes. We’re also a member of Johns Hopkins Medicine, which is based in Baltimore. This relationship gives our patients access to all of Johns Hopkins’ research studies and trials without leaving Florida.

About the Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute

We offer comprehensive care for children, teens and young adults with all types of cancer and blood disorders. Learn more about us:

  • Programs and Services
  • Patient and Family Support
  • Meet Our Leadership Team
  • Ways to Give

Cancer and blood disorders institute Contact Us and Meet the Team

For more information or to make an appointment, please give us a call at the phone number below. We serve families in the Tampa Bay area and beyond.

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Avalynn’s Battle with Childhood Leukemia

Two-year-old Avalynn was an active toddler until one day, a small fall eventually unveiled a larger health issue – childhood leukemia. Her parents share their story of finding a diagnosis that led them to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital for treatment. With the help of a care team, who became an extension of their family, Avalynn is now an active, energetic pre-schooler.

research cancer center

Blood and Marrow Transplant Program

Our Blood and Marrow Transplant Program is Florida’s largest pediatric blood and bone marrow transplantation program and was founded in 1985 by Robert Good, M.D., Ph.D., a pioneer in the fields of transplantation and immunology.

 Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

Sickle Cell

Our program is one of the largest pediatric sickle cell programs on Florida’s west coast and provides comprehensive care to patients from birth to age 21. Our experts also specialize in transitioning pediatric patients to adult care.

Sickle Cell Program at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders

We provide care for children of all ages with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders in our hemophilia treatment center. Specialists in hematology, pharmacy, orthopaedics, nutrition, social work and physical therapy work together to provide comprehensive care.

Hemophilia and Bleeding Disorders Treatment Center at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

CAR-T Therapy

Johns Hopkins All Children’s Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute is the only certified treatment center in Florida offering CAR T-cell therapy to treat patients up to 25 years old who have B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

CAR-T Cell Therapy at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

Center for Cell and Gene Therapy for Non-Malignant Conditions

The Center brings together specialists in immunology, hematology, oncology, bone marrow transplant, and other areas of medicine with experience in diagnosing and treating rare disorders through transplantation.

Center for Cell and Gene Therapy for Non-Malignant Conditions at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

CanSurvive Clinic

Our CanSurvive Clinic informs each cancer survivor about specific health risks and monitors these risks. We support cancer survivors at various stages of their lives and help survivors understand and prepare for their long-term health.

CanSurvive Clinic at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

Patient & Family Resources

Whether beginning treatment or years into remission, our Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute provides a variety of resources to help patients and their families understand and prepare for long-term health and happiness.

Patient & Family Resources at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

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Vascular anomalies and birthmarks program.

In addition to our Cancer and Blood Disorders Institute programs, we also have a robust Vascular Anomalies and Birthmarks Program, offering state-of-the-art, individualized care for patients with cutaneous birthmarks, vascular malformations, blood vessel tumors, and complex overgrowth syndromes.  Learn more about the Vascular Anomalies and Birthmarks Program .

National Cancer Institute -

Allan M. Weissman, M.D.

Allan M. Weissman, M.D.


Allan Weissman is internationally recognized for pioneering work on the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and its roles in physiology and dysregulation in cancer and other diseases. The discovery by the Weissman lab of activation-dependent T cell antigen receptor ubiquitination made it one of the earliest characterized endogenous substrates for this covalent modification. Subsequently, Weissman and colleagues established RING finger proteins as the predominant family of ubiquitin ligases (E3s). This was followed by a string of other discoveries, some made in collaboration with CCR and extramural colleagues. 

Areas of Expertise


The UPS comprises a highly complex, finely tuned, set of mechanisms that determines the fate and function of proteins, and which regulates essentially all cellular processes. The most well-known function of ubiquitin is to target proteins to the 26S proteasome for degradation. Ubiquitination has numerous other roles including in the trafficking of proteins to lysosomes, targeting proteins and organelles for autophagy, activating signal transduction pathways, modulating gene expression, and playing critical roles in DNA repair.

This hierarchical system includes a predominant ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1), over 35 different ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s) and more than 600 substrate-specific ubiquitin ligases (E3s). Each E3 interacts with one or more E2 that has been ‘loaded’ with ubiquitin and mediates the transfer of ubiquitin to substrates where stable isopeptide linkages, or in some cases N-terminal peptide linkages are formed. Less commonly, stable oxyester linkages are created. In many cases, chains of ubiquitin are generated on substrates. The outcome of ubiquitination is determined by both the site of ubiquitination and the nature of ubiquitin chains formed. Ubiquitination is potentially reversible through the activity of ~100 cellular deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs).

With the Weissman lab’s discovery and characterization of activation-dependent T cell antigen receptor ubiquitination ( Cenciarelli et al., 1992 ; Hou et al., 1994 ; Cenciarelli et al., 1996 ), he developed a focus on E3s and interacting E2s, their substrates, and DUBs. As a mechanism-oriented lab, they explored structure-function relations and related their findings back to physiology and disease. Integrated into this was an interest in applying their knowledge to establishing proof-of-principle for exploiting the ubiquitin-proteasome system for new therapeutic modalities for cancer and other diseases.

RING-type Ubiquitin Ligases, Discovery, Regulation, Inhibitors and Structure-Function Relations

Most prominent among ubiquitin ligases are the large family of RING finger E3s that recognize E2s through their Zn-coordinating RING domains, which the Weissman lab discovered to be ligase domains  (Lorick, Jensen et al. 1999) . This was expanded on in studies with colleagues that examined specific RING E3s including the  inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs) ( Yang et al., 2000 ), Mdm2/HDM2 ( Fang et al., 2000 ), and the Cbl E3s and their regulation by members of the unrelated HECT domain family of E3s ( Ettenberg et al., 2001 ; Magnifico et al., 2003 ). The discovery of RING finger-containing proteins as E3s also led to screening for, and identification of, small molecule inhibitors of the oncogene HDM2 as well as characterization of a novel inhibitor of E1 ( Yang et al., 2005 ; Yang et al., 2007 ).

Dr. Weissman also established that RING finger E3s and complexes containing RING fingers have regions outside of the RING domain that modulate E3 activity by providing secondary sites of E2 binding (E2 backside binding). These E2 interactions were characterized through an extensive multi-lab collaboration with structural biology colleagues at NCI-Frederick ( Das et al., 2009 ;  Metzger et al., 2013 ;  Das et al., 2013 ; Li et al., 2015 ; Smith, Tsai et al., 2021 ).

The Ubiquitin System in the Secretory Pathway and Its Role in Cancer and Other Diseases

A major area of interest of the Weissman lab has been in understanding the mechanisms responsible for degradation of proteins by ubiquitin and proteasome-mediated endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) ( Yang et al., 1998 ). ERAD is a major homeostatic mechanism whereby misfolded and unassembled proteins are targeted for degradation. It plays important roles in responses to ER stress and in modulating levels of critical regulatory proteins in the ER.

The Weissman group characterized gp78 (aka AMFR, RNF45) as the first known mammalian ERAD E3, and also identified and established Ube2G2 (originally MmUbc7) as its cognate E2 ( Fang et al., 2001 ; Chen, Mariano et al., 2006 ;  Tiwari et al., 2001 ). Subsequently they determined that, in sarcoma xenografts, gp78 plays a causal role in survival of metastatic cancer cells. This occurs in part by targeting a metastasis suppressor protein (KAI1/CD82) for proteasomal degradation  (Tsai et al., 2007 ). This was an important finding not only because of its potential therapeutic implications, but also as it established a new level of regulation of metastasis suppressors, through control of protein stability.

Dr. Weissman continued to study the molecular bases for the relationship between gp78 and cancer and metastasis through analysis of different tumor types, particularly breast cancer ( Martin et al., 2009 ), including using mouse models that his group established. His work in this area led to a collaboration with Dr. Kevin Gardner (Columbia University Medical Center), who had curated a large cohort of patient tumor samples. Interrogation of this cohort led Weissman and Gardner to establish gp78 as a biomarker for poor outcome in African-American women with breast cancer ( Singhal et al., 2002 ). Dr. Weissman’s studies on gp78 in breast cancer continue in his status as NIH Scientist Emeritus in collaboration with Dr. Gardner and CCR scientists, including members of the Women’s Malignancies Branch.

The Ubiquitin System in Mitochondrial Regulation

Dr. Weissman’s interest in ubiquitination at membrane-bound organelles expanded from the ER to mitochondria. His group provided the first unequivocal evidence for a crucial role for ubiquitination in regulating a critical component of the mitochondrial fusion machinery, the yeast mitofusin Fzo1p, and determined that regulated degradation of Fzo1p is integral to fusion in yeast  (Cohen et al., 2008 ,  Cohen et al., 2011 ). This led to an expansion of their studies on mitofusins to mammalian mitochondria. They established the existence of a novel pathway linking genotoxic stress to phosphorylation, ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of human mitofusin 2, which leads to mitochondrial fragmentation and apoptosis  (Leboucher, Tsai et al., 2012) . More recently they defined a ubiquitin and proteasome-dependent mitochondrial quality control pathway ( Metzger et al., 2020 ). Their studies in mitochondria have also led to new insights into the roles and regulation of endogenous mitochondrial proteases ( Metzger et al., 2023 ).

The Ubiquitin System and Infectious Disease

The Weissman lab established the importance of the UPS in the relative stability of botulinum neurotoxins, and thereby provided a molecular explanation for the differential persistence of various toxin serotypes ( Tsai et al., 2010 ;  Tsai et al., 2017 ). A recently completed study that utilizes PROTAC-mediated approaches to eliminating these toxins from cells, and modulating their persistence during clinical applications, is currently under review.

Dr. Weissman’s interest in ubiquitination led him to recently explore the functions of the SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease and determine previously unappreciated roles as a DUB in ERAD and in cleavage of cellular ER proteins ( Yang et al., 2023).

  • Bibliography Link
  • View Dr. Weissman's Complete Bibliography at NCBI.

SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease plays multiple roles in regulating cellular proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum

Differential sensitivity of the yeast lon protease pim1p to impaired mitochondrial respiration, protein expression of the gp78 e3 ligase predicts poor breast cancer outcome based on race, a structurally conserved site in aup1 binds the e2 enzyme ube2g2 and is essential for er-associated degradation, a protein quality control pathway at the mitochondrial outer membrane..

Allan M. Weissman, M.D.

Allan Weissman earned his B.S. from Stony Brook University in 1977 and his M.D. from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1981. After residency in Internal Medicine at Barnes Hospital at Washington University in St. Louis, he came to NIH as a Staff Fellow in NICHD where, among other things, he cloned and characterized the zeta subunit of the T cell antigen receptor. He was recruited to NCI as an independent investigator in 1989, was tenured in 1997, and was appointed as a CCR Laboratory Chief in 2001. Dr. Weissman is an elected member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the Association of American Physicians. He retired in December 2023 and is now an NIH Scientist Emeritus associated with the CCR Women’s Malignancies Branch.

Dr. Weissman and family

Celebrating CCR Careers: Allan M. Weissman, M.D.

Looking for new career opportunities? We're hiring!

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Latest News

  • March 8, 2021

Pinellas Cancer Center Joins The Oncology Institute of Hope and Innovation

Anil Raiker, MD Headshot

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.–(VIA BUSINESS WIRE)–The Oncology Institute of Hope and Innovation (TOI) announced the acquisition of Pinellas Cancer Center, operated by Dr. Anil Raiker , marking TOI’s entry into the Florida market. TOI is a multi-state cancer care practice dedicated to healing and empowering patients through compassion, innovation, and state-of-the-art medical care. TOI is the largest value-based oncology practice in the U.S., taking accountability for both the quality outcomes as well as the medical costs associated with a population of more than 1 million patients.

Founded in 2007, The Oncology Institute currently operates 40+ locations across 4 states and is adding additional locations and oncologists in the greater Tampa area in 2021.

In reference to joining TOI, Dr. Raiker stated, “As an oncologist, I am always looking for ways to ensure my patients receive the best treatment possible close to their home. By joining TOI, I can bring new, innovative resources to my patients and colleagues.”

TOI is excited to bring their robust service offering to the greater Tampa area, including:

  • A leading clinical research program offering patients access to more than 100 clinical trials.
  • Comprehensive dispensary and pharmacy services to offer convenience and savings to patients receiving oral chemotherapeutics.
  • A care management program which helps patients navigate a complex healthcare system.
  • A state-of-the-art website with educational resources, scheduling capabilities, and a convenient patient portal.

TOI CEO Brad Hively shared, “Dr. Raiker is respected by his colleagues and beloved by his patients for the compassionate care he’s provided to his patients for more than 20 years. We are thrilled to be welcoming him and his team to TOI.”

To schedule an appointment or view details about the St. Petersburg clinic, click here .

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Management and Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with MET Alteration and Mechanisms of Resistance


  • 1 Saint-Petersburg City Cancer Center, Leningradskay 68a, Lit.A, Pesochny, St. Petersburg, 197758, Russia. [email protected].
  • 2 N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology, Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, 68, Leningradskaya st., Pesochny, St. Petersburg, 197758, Russia. [email protected].
  • 3 State Budget Institution of Higher Education "North-Western State Medical University named after I.I Mechnikov" under the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, 41, Kirochnaya str, Saint Petersburg, 191015, Russia. [email protected].
  • 4 Saint-Petersburg City Cancer Center, Leningradskay 68a, Lit.A, Pesochny, St. Petersburg, 197758, Russia.
  • PMID: 36269457
  • DOI: 10.1007/s11864-022-01019-2

MET-driven tumors are a heterogenous group of non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) with activating mutations. Pathologic activation of MET can be achieved with increased number of gene copies overexpression, or decreased protein degradation through several mechanisms, including mutations, amplifications, or fusions. Besides its role as primary driver, MET activation might also mediate resistance to kinase inhibitors in NSCLC with various other actionable alterations. While checkpoint inhibitors have modest efficacy in MET-driven tumors, several approaches of targeted blockade are available. Among them the most promising are small tyrosine kinase inhibitors, antibody-drug conjugates, and bispecific antibodies. Unfortunately, resistance is virtually inevitable. Resistance to small kinase inhibitors might be mediated by kinase domain mutations or activation of shunting cascades. Various resistance mechanisms might be present in one patient, making it overcoming an unresolved problem.

Keywords: Driver alterations; Lung cancer; MET; Targeted treatment.

© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.

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References and Recommended Reading

Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been highlighted as: • of importance •• of major importance.

  • Camidge DR, Doebele RC, Kerr KM. Comparing and contrasting predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy and targeted therapy of NSCLC. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2019;16(6):341–55. - DOI
  • Cooper CS, Park M, Blair DG, Tainsky MA, Huebner K, Croce CM, Vande Woude GF. Molecular cloning of a new transforming gene from a chemically transformed human cell line. Nature. 1984;311(5981):29–33. - DOI
  • Giordano S, Ponzetto C, Di Renzo MF, Cooper CS, Comoglio PM. Tyrosine kinase receptor indistinguishable from the c-met protein. Nature. 1989;339(6220):155–6. - DOI
  • Guo R, Luo J, Chang J, Rekhtman N, Arcila M, Drilon A. MET-dependent solid tumours - molecular diagnosis and targeted therapy. Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2020;17(9):569–87. - DOI
  • Oxnard GR, Hu Y, Mileham KF, Husain H, Costa DB, Tracy P, Feeney N, Sholl LM, Dahlberg SE, Redig AJ, Kwiatkowski DJ, Rabin MS, Paweletz CP, Thress KS, Janne PA. Assessment of resistance mechanisms and clinical implications in patients with EGFR T790M-positive lung cancer and acquired resistance to osimertinib. JAMA Oncol. 2018;4(11):1527–34. - DOI

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National Medical Research Center. VA Almazov

Cardiology & cardiovascular surgery, diagnostics, neurology & neuro surgery, oncology / cancer, organ transplant, orthopaedic /  bone surgery, pediatrician.

Accreditation : JCI Accredited Doctors : 2000 Beds : 1525 Phone : 8127023706 Fax : +78127023706 Languages : English Russian

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The National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov in St. Petersburg, Russia, offers a wide range of specialized services. These include high-tech medical care across various fields such as cardiology, endocrinology, neurology, and hematology. The center also specializes in abdominal surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, in vitro fertilization (IVF), neurosurgery, neonatology, and onco-hematology. The facility is renowned for its advanced medical equipment, multidisciplinary approach, and high-quality patient care​​.

The National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov, located in St. Petersburg, Russia, is a leading multidisciplinary institution known for its excellence in clinical, research, and teaching activities. The center provides a wide range of high-tech medical care, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, and more. It features modern diagnostic equipment, such as multi-slice computed tomography, digital mammography, and MRI. The center also includes a perinatal center offering advanced obstetric and neonatal care. Annually, it serves over 185,000 patients and offers specialized care in various medical fields​​.

The National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov in Saint Petersburg, Russia, is highly regarded for its quality of medical services and advanced healthcare facilities. The center is equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology and provides a wide range of high-tech medical care, including specialties in cardiology, neurology, oncology, and cardiovascular surgery​.

The center boasts a modern approach to diagnostics, including radioisotope diagnostics, which evaluates the functional state of organs and tissues, and endoscopic diagnostics for gastrointestinal assessments. The laboratory and functional diagnostics departments are outfitted with cutting-edge equipment from leading manufacturers, ensuring precise and reliable results​​.

Patient testimonials highlight the professionalism and competence of the medical staff, praising the high level of care and the advanced treatment options available. Despite some criticisms regarding administrative processes, the overall feedback emphasizes the quality of medical services and the dedication of the healthcare professionals​.

Vision & Mission

The National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov is a leading medical institution in Russia, focusing on providing high-tech medical care, conducting advanced research, and offering comprehensive educational programs. Its strategic direction encompasses several key areas:

Personalized Medicine : The center aims to advance personalized healthcare by integrating genetic research with clinical practice. This includes conducting large-scale genome-wide studies to identify genetic variants that contribute to major diseases prevalent in Russia, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

High-Tech Healthcare : Almazov Center is dedicated to developing and implementing cutting-edge medical technologies and treatments. This includes creating new gene therapy drugs, personalized cancer treatments using genetically modified cells, and innovative theranostic approaches for diagnosing and treating tumors.

Health Preservation Technologies : The center focuses on developing new vaccines and autoprobiotic drugs to treat chronic diseases and infections. It aims to create vaccines for conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and infections caused by SARS-CoV-2.

Research and Development : The center prioritizes research in several domains, including population genetics, rare diseases, oncology, and infectious diseases. It aims to discover new genetic mutations and molecular targets for treatment, develop animal and cellular models for disease study, and innovate in medical and pharmaceutical technologies.

Awards & Recognition

The National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov in St. Petersburg is renowned for its extensive contributions to medical research and clinical practice. The center has received numerous awards and recognitions for its excellence in various medical fields.

  • Best Medical Center : The Almazov Center is frequently cited as one of the leading medical institutions in Russia and has been recognized for its high-quality patient care and advanced medical treatments​​.
  • World-Class Research Center : The center has been acknowledged globally for its research contributions, particularly in cardiology, endocrinology, and other specialized fields​​.
  • National Status : In 2017, the center received national status, which highlights its significant role in the country's healthcare system and its contributions to medical science and education​​.
  • Highly Qualified Staff : Many of the center’s medical professionals have received individual awards for their contributions to medicine. For example, Dr. Danilov Ivan Nikolaevich was awarded the Best Doctor of the Year for his outstanding work in the surgical department​.

The center's commitment to excellence is further demonstrated through its state-of-the-art facilities and the implementation of modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques.

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The V.A. Almazov National Medical Research Center in St. Petersburg has garnered numerous positive testimonials from patients, highlighting both its high-quality medical services and the professionalism of its staff. Here are some key points from patient feedback:

Professional and Friendly Medical Staff : Many patients have praised the competence and friendliness of the medical staff. For instance, patients have specifically mentioned doctors like Alexander Viktorovich Usenkov and Anastasia Vladimirovna Vorobyova for their exceptional care during complex procedures like coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)​.

High-Quality Treatment and Care : The center is recognized for its high-quality treatment and well-organized treatment processes. Patients have expressed gratitude for the high level of cultural and professional competence exhibited by the doctors. Dr. Irina Gorlova was highlighted as a particularly exceptional specialist​​.

State-of-the-Art Facilities : The center is noted for its advanced medical equipment and comfortable environment. Patients appreciate the modern facilities and the comprehensive care available, which includes high-tech diagnostic and treatment services​.

Areas for Improvement : Despite the overwhelmingly positive feedback, some patients have noted areas needing improvement, such as the efficiency of administrative processes and the organization of the reception area. These issues, while minor, reflect the importance of continual improvements in patient services​​.

The V.A. Almazov National Medical Research Center is highly regarded by its patients for its excellent medical care and professional staff, though there are some operational aspects that could benefit from refinement.

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Exams read by our Breast Imaging Radiologists:

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Diagnostic Mammography digital and 3D

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Breast Ultrasound

Breast ultrasound is often used to evaluate breast problems that are found during a mammogram or on a physical exam.

3D Whole Breast Ultrasound

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Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute

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Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute (FCS) has a national reputation for excellence in Oncology, Hematology and cancer research. With over 250 physicians and nearly 100 locations, we are committed to providing Pasadena and Pinellas County with world-class cancer care close to home. The Oncology and Hematology experts at Florida Cancer Specialists Pasadena Clinic specialize in treating early and advanced cancers, blood disorders, Leukemias and Lymphomas with targeted personalized therapies driven by innovative clinical research. FCS Oncology experts blend compassionate care, with cutting-edge technologies, genomic DNA based treatments and immunotherapy, to bring Florida’s top cancer treatment option to west central Florida.

Florida Cancer Specialists St Petersburg Pasadena Oncology and Hematology Clinic

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    Clinical Trials. Our highly trained physicians offer clinical trials for patients with cancer, HIV or immunodeficiency disorders. All trials take place at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD, and through telehealth. Once you are enrolled in a clinical trial at the Clinical Center, medical care is free.

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    NCI-Designated Cancer Centers. The NCI Cancer Centers Program was created as part of the National Cancer Act of 1971 and is one of the anchors of the nation's cancer research effort. Through this program, NCI recognizes centers around the country that meet rigorous standards for transdisciplinary, state-of-the-art research focused on ...

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  7. Cancer Specialists in St. Pete

    Oncology is the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Oncologists receive extensive, specialized training to care for patients. Treatments may include a combination of chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation, medication and/or surgery. Find a Doctor Get Directions Call Consult-A-Nurse®: (844) 706-8773.

  8. Downtown St. Petersburg Location

    Please arrive 15-20 minutes earlier, allowing time for any unexpected delays such as difficulty with parking or navigation. Also, remember to arrive at your appointment with your identification and medical insurance card readily available.

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    2023-2024. At the Johns Hopkins All Children's Cancer & Blood Disorders Institute in St. Petersburg, Florida, we're dedicated to treating children with both rare and common cancers and blood disorders. As one of the first cancer facilities in Florida specifically for children, we have decades of experience treating these complex conditions.

  10. Allan M. Weissman, M.D.

    His work in this area led to a collaboration with Dr. Kevin Gardner (Columbia University Medical Center), who had curated a large cohort of patient tumor samples. Interrogation of this cohort led Weissman and Gardner to establish gp78 as a biomarker for poor outcome in African-American women with breast cancer (Singhal et al., 2002). Dr.

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    Top 10 Best Cancer Center in Saint Petersburg, FL - July 2024 - Yelp - Moffitt Cancer Center, WellSpring Oncology, Moffitt Cancer Center at International Plaza, St. Anthony's Hospital, Moffitt H Lee Cancer Center & Research Institute At the Un, Bayfront Cancer Care Center, Tampa Bay Oncology Center Inc, Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute, Florida Dermatology & Skin Cancer Centers ...

  13. The Oncology Institute Acquires Pinellas Cancer Center

    ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.-(VIA BUSINESS WIRE)-The Oncology Institute of Hope and Innovation (TOI) announced the acquisition of Pinellas Cancer Center, operated by Dr. Anil Raiker, marking TOI's entry into the Florida market.TOI is a multi-state cancer care practice dedicated to healing and empowering patients through compassion, innovation, and state-of-the-art medical care.

  14. St. Anthony's Hospital

    Monday-Friday, 8am- 4:30pm. The Cancer Center at St. Anthony's Hospital offers comprehensive cancer care services, including diagnosis, treatment, education and prevention. Board-certified cancer specialists provide the highest quality of care using advanced technology. The Cancer Center features an inpatient oncology unit as well as several ...

  15. St. Petersburg

    Fax: (727) 822-7473. Submit Inquiry. 1201 5TH AVE N STE 505. ST PETERSBURG, FL 33705-1455. Get Directions. Location Services: Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute has a national reputation for excellence in Medical Oncology, Hematology and cancer research.

  16. Dr. Richard Knipe, MD, Oncology

    35 Years Experience. Florida Cancer Specialists And Research Institute. 1201 5th Ave N Ste 505, St Petersburg, FL, 33705. 13 other locations. (727) 821-0017. OVERVIEW. RATINGS & REVIEWS. LOCATIONS. INSURANCE.

  17. THE BEST 10 Oncologist in SAINT PETERSBURG, FL

    See more reviews for this business. Best Oncologist in Saint Petersburg, FL - Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute, Jacques Fontaine, MD - Moffitt Cancer Center, WellSpring Oncology, BayCare Medical Group, Megan Indermaur, MD, Moffitt Cancer Center, Bay Surgical Specialists, Florida Cancer Specialist, The Oncology Institute - Mid ...

  18. Management and Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with ...

    Management and Treatment of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with MET Alteration and Mechanisms of Resistance ... 1 Saint-Petersburg City Cancer Center, Leningradskay 68a, Lit.A, Pesochny, St. Petersburg, 197758, Russia. [email protected]. 2 N.N. Petrov National Medical Research Center of Oncology, Ministry of Public Health of the Russian ...

  19. NCI grant supports UF Health Cancer Center epigenetics research

    Richard Bennett, Ph.D., a research associate professor in the Division of Hematology/Oncology in the UF College of Medicine, has received a prestigious five-year, $850,000 grant from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) to support research investigating epigenetic mechanisms of cancer. Richard Bennett, Ph.D. Bennett received the competitive R50 Research Specialist Award, designed to encourage ...

  20. National Medical Research Center. VA Almazov

    The National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov, located in St. Petersburg, Russia, is a leading multidisciplinary institution known for its excellence in clinical, research, and teaching activities. The center provides a wide range of high-tech medical care, including cardiology, neurology, oncology, and more. It features modern diagnostic equipment, such as multi-slice computed ...

  21. Comparison of the results of treatment of patients with unrespectable

    Federation; Clinical and Research Center of Specialized Types of Medical Care (Oncological), St. Pe-tersburg, Russian Federation; N.N. Petrov Oncology Research Institute, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation; Saint-Petersburg ScientificalPractical Center of Specialized Kinds of Medical Care (Onco-

  22. President Biden Announces $150 Million in Cancer Research Grants

    new video loaded: President Biden Announces $150 Million in Cancer Research Grants transcript As all of you know, cancer surgery is an incredibly challenging procedure. It takes the best surgeons ...

  23. Pinellas County Top-Rated Oncologists

    Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute has built a national reputation for excellence in medical oncology, hematology and cancer research. FCS has over 250 physicians and nearly 100 locations throughout Florida. We are committed to bringing world-class care and cutting edge cancer treatments to your community.

  24. Breast

    "Patient Education Sub-Specialties Breast radiologists provide clinical expertise, exceptional quality and the most compassionate care to patients and their screening and diagnostic breast imaging. Radiologists specializing in breast imaging focus on mammography and diagnostic breast procedures. Our breast imaging radiologists also perform breast diagnostic procedures.

  25. St. Petersburg Pasadena

    At Florida Cancer Specialists & Research Institute & Research Institute - St. Petersburg Pasadena Cancer Center, we are dedicated to providing world class care and treatment for advanced cancers, blood disorders, Leukemias and Lymphomas. Our experienced and dedicated oncology and hematology specialists offer highly personalized treatments driven by innovative clinical research and cutting edge ...

  26. Poster Presenter Instructions and Resources » Cancer Center » UF Health

    When you arrive at the Reitz Union, please follow the signs for our event and check-in at the registration desk. Posters will be grouped by research program. Cancer center staff will be available to assist you with your poster. All posters should be hung by 2:45 pm. Posters will be on display throughout the event, which is expected to end by 8 p.m.

  27. BHSU secures $383K NIH grant for novel cancer sensor research

    SPEARFISH, S.D. - Black Hills State University has secured a $383,091 grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for cancer treatment research. The three-year project, led by BHSU Assistant Professor Dr. Yun Seok Choi, aims to develop a novel Nedd8 sensor that could lead to new cancer ...

  28. Clinical Research Coordinator II, Cancer Center job at UT Southwestern

    As one of the world's foremost research institutions, UT Southwestern Medical Center is known for our life-changing research that has led us to 6 Nobel Prizes. With a career at UT Southwestern you will be a key part of our multidisciplinary research facility with opportunities to work with leaders in patient care and medical research. Job Summary

  29. Saint-Petersburg clinical scientific and practical center for

    Hospital cancer center designed to 531 beds. The Russians can get treatment here free of charge under policy OMS. In favor of high quality services in "St. Petersburg clinical research center of specialized types of medical care", said stats — every month to help local physicians treat more than 10 thousand patients.

  30. Postdoctoral Research Associate

    As part of the Department of Radiation Oncology, the postdoctoral research associate will have access to abundant resources, including the world's first proton therapy center with pencil-beam scanning technology that is designated solely for treating pediatric cancer, a dual-energy CT scanner, state-of-the-art 1.5T and 3T MR scanners, and a ...