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hotel marketing presentation

How to Create a Hotel Marketing Plan

man and woman work at the front desk of a hotel

On television, the advertising industry may look glamorous. Marketing agencies are often viewed as high-status, fast-paced places to work, full of graphic artists, witty copywriters, and endless resources. In the real world, however, building a successful marketing strategy rarely appears as flashy as it does on TV. Good marketing content is built upon a strong foundation of data, research, and planning. Creating a thorough, focused hotel marketing plan begins the same way.

In this comprehensive guide, we’re covering the ins and outs of hotel marketing. We explore what a marketing plan is, what your hotel marketing plan should include, how to create one, and more. From identifying your target audience to measuring the success of your efforts, this guide takes you through the world of hotel marketing and provides actionable tips for improving your property’s strategy.

Create a game-changing hotel marketing plan

A marketing plan is a business’s overall game plan for advertising and marketing its goods or services to consumers. A hotel marketing plan details the strategies and activities that the property will undertake to attract more travelers, sell more rooms, increase profits, and continue to grow.

What should a hotel marketing plan include?

In addition to outlining the activities and campaigns the team will engage in, a hotel marketing plan should detail how its advertising strategies will address potential customers’ interests, needs, and desires. Build a comprehensive hotel marketing plan that includes the following:

  • Your target market: Detail which demographics, market segments, traveler habits, or booking channels your advertising campaigns will target. Identify the needs and wants of current guests in addition to potential guests, travel partners, corporate accounts, groups, and meeting clients.
  • Hotel value proposition: Your hotel marketing plan should include a clear value proposition statement detailing what your property does best. It should identify the primary concerns of your consumer (i.e., guest pain points ) and specify how booking with your hotel is the best way to solve that problem.
  • Campaign characteristics: Within your plan, detail your hotel marketing plan goals, objectives, and a step-by-step guide of how each campaign or activity will function. Include campaign dates, duration, expenses, required materials, and the direct oversight necessary for each.
  • Logistical details:  Demonstrate which tools, resources, services, and platforms the hotel will use for each campaign.
  • Performance analytics: Establish which metrics and hotel performance indicators will be used to measure the effectiveness of various marketing strategies.

From hotel to hotel, marketing plans will vary based on the property type, business model, and specific goals. For example, advertising for a luxury hotel will, and should, look very different from a branded chain hotel’s marketing.

How do hotels benefit from a marketing plan?

A comprehensive hotel marketing plan helps ensure that team efforts and department-specific action items align with the hotel’s overall goals and objectives. An inclusive marketing plan that details each department’s role in hotel promotions keeps everyone on the same page. It outlines how the hotel’s marketing efforts will help achieve a variety of goals and objectives, such as:  

  • Attracting new customers
  • Increasing weekday business
  • Capturing more revenue
  • Filling need dates
  • Growing profitability
  • Boosting meeting and events bookings
  • Improving guest loyalty
  • Driving repeat visits
  • Widening audience reach
  • Strengthening online reputation
  • Raising brand awareness
  • Building better relationships

Create a marketing strategy that appeals to everyday travelers, who want similar things from a hotel, as well as members of your audience specifically—their interests, hobbies, and lifestyle.

How do hotels identify their target audience?

For hotel marketing plans to be successful, hotels must know who their current customers are and which customers they want to capture in the future. Identify your top-performing demographics and which segments account for future business on the books by digging into property management and revenue system reports or utilizing Cvent’s Business Intelligence tools. Identify your current and target audiences using valuable resources, such as:

  • Historical data. Historical reporting shows the hotel’s performance in the past, outlining occupancy rates, average rates, and other vital data. Review past hotel performance reports to identify demand peaks and valleys, booking patterns, rate fluctuations, booking channel trends, market share shifts, and previously missed opportunities.
  • Forecasting reports. Utilize hotel forecasting reports to get an overview of upcoming room nights, meetings, and revenue already on the books. Look for future booking trends. Identify gaps in rate, occupancy, need dates, high-demand dates, and so on, as it will inform your overall marketing strategy moving forward.
  • Market segmentation. Segmenting hotel guests into different categories based on their travel and booking habits allows revenue managers and marketing teams to identify where their business is coming from. Utilize market segment performance reports to analyze how much of your business comes from each hotel market segment, such as transient travel, group, social, corporate, military, religious, local businesses, leisure, extended stay business, and so on.
  • Booking channel performance. Hotels can utilize various advertising channels to attract customers and increase their audience reach, including the hotel’s website, affiliated sites, search engines, video advertisements, social media platforms, email, print marketing, and other hotel distribution channels . Monitor booking activity from each channel. Track third-party booking channels and OTA channel performance through the global distribution service (GDS).

As powerful as data can be, the best way a hotel’s marketing team can identify its customer base is to get to know them. Spend time talking with guests, interacting with them, and reviewing their feedback. Identify every place hotel guests can leave feedback, such as your Google listing, page, or Facebook account.

Monitor and engage with reviews on each platform to form a clearer picture of how guests perceive your property. Additionally, guest comments and reviews often include specific details that the marketing team could find helpful, such as where the traveler booked their reservation, their reason for travel, or details about what they did while they were in town.

group marketing solutions CTA

Do hotel marketing plans include the competition?

Marketing is about more than attracting people to your brand or product; it’s also about increasing your market share by capturing business that once belonged to your competitors. If you don’t know which hotels are in your competitive set, establish how your property compares to nearby competitors in size, service level, star rating, age, brand, features, amenities, average rates, and reward offerings.

  • Which chains or brands are you competing with?
  • Which competitors have better amenities?
  • Is your hotel older or newer than the competition?
  • Have any competitors recently undergone renovations?
  • Which hotels are full-service, and which are focused-service?
  • What’s missing in the market?
  • Is the market oversaturated? How?

Identify how you stack up against each and where your hotel currently ranks in the general market. Research the marketing strategies of property in your hotel’s competitive set . Identify how, when, and where they communicate with their customers and which marketing strategies they focus on most.

  • How do your biggest competitors target their customers?
  • What does their marketing look like? How does it stand out?
  • How do they represent their brand in marketing materials?
  • Do any of your competitors have similar branding?
  • How many members of the comp set are active on social media?
  • Which properties have a Facebook? Which are active on Instagram? TikTok?
  • Do your competitors offer virtual hotel tours ?
  • Which competing hotels produce the highest quality content? The lowest?
  • What do you like about their strategies? What would you change?

Once you have a clear idea of how competitors target their customers, you’ll be better equipped to create compelling marketing campaigns that outshine them. Determine which hotels are your biggest competitors and track their performance in the Competitive Set Dashboard . Analyze how shifting marketing strategies or new marketing activities affect business distribution in the market.

How do you create a hotel marketing plan?

Whether you’re a seasoned hotelier or have just stepped into the wide world of hospitality for the first time, designing a marketing plan doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With so many moving parts and marketing channels to consider, it can be challenging to know where to start. Follow the ten simple steps below to create a thorough hotel marketing plan with a solid foundation.

1. Identify your target audience

Outline which guest demographics and market segments the marketing plan will target. For instance, specify which campaigns will target group travel and which activities will attract transient travelers. Are all the marketing strategies aimed at individual travelers, or are some designed to attract corporate clients and travel planners? In addition to verifying your target audience, identify which campaigns are aimed at specific dates, travel patterns, or booking channels.

2. Confirm your marketing goals

Identify the objectives and goals for each campaign and activity included in your hotel marketing plan. A particular marketing strategy may be designed to achieve a single purpose or a combination of performance goals, such as:

  • Increase revenue
  • Improve ADR
  • Strengthen guest loyalty
  • Book more events
  • Increase room night production
  • Attract wedding business

3. Determine your marketing budget

Determine how much money is in your overall budget so that appropriate amounts can be allocated to different strategies and marketing channels. Take advantage of budget restrictions, and place parameters on social media ad campaigns when available. For example, Facebook and Instagram allow you to determine how much you’ll spend on ad campaigns in advance and set a spending limit, ensuring that you only spend allocated marketing money.

4. Establish a specific point of view

What reputation are you trying to build: luxury, affordable, flexible, business-friendly, tech-savvy, or something else? Establish how your marketing content and strategies promote your distinct point of view. Create a style and voice the hotel will use across all platforms to cultivate a clear, distinguishable viewpoint for your hotel.

5. Optimize online content

Improving the hotel’s online content and listing consistency can substantially impact how easy it is to find your property using search engines. The more optimized a business’s content is, the higher it will appear; the higher your listing result, the more likely a potential customer will see it. As most consumers only scan the first few search results , how high your property ranks can influence whether or not travelers encounter your property or a competitor’s first.

Optimizing hotel SEO can maximize exposure and increase your audience reach, but building quality search engine content takes time. Begin by locating all hotel websites, social media accounts, OTA listings, and other venue profiles. If you haven’t already, find and take ownership of the hotel’s Google Business listing . Ensure that hotel information is accurate and up to date across all listings, and consistently work to optimize online content by:

  • Reading and responding to guest reviews
  • Answering questions and responding to comments
  • Engaging with user-generated content
  • Providing consumers with content they find valuable
  • Using high-ranking, relative phrases and keywords

Improve your hotel’s ranking further by using Geolocation services like Geo-targeting, Geofencing, and beaconing. Activating your listing location will help the hotel capture customers searching familiar location-based phrases like “hotels nearby,” “Hotels in Jacksonville,” or “Virginia Beach waterfront hotels.”

6. Create exciting packages and enticing offers

Create distinct hotel packages and exclusive offers that set your property apart from others in the area and highlight what you do best. Determine how you will advertise each package (e.g., via email, on your website, and search engine advertisements) and who will receive the promotions.

Think about what incentives your target demographics will find appealing. Are you attempting to capture the business of out-of-town tourists? If so, they may find a marketing campaign highlighting nearby attractions and high-rated restaurants intriguing. A promotional campaign offering a discount on mid-week room blocks could capture the attention of a corporate travel planner sourcing in your area.

7. Organize an email marketing strategy

Email is a powerful marketing tool for hotels, allowing marketing teams to reach a large number of targeted guests quickly. If you don’t already have one, build an email marketing list. Make it easy for guests and interested consumers to join the list by creating a secure opt-in form and featuring it prominently on the hotel’s website. During the sign-up process, request helpful information regarding the individual’s travel preferences, transportation needs, room type preferences, or interests.

Reach out to mailing lists regularly to promote special offers, limited-time offerings, and upcoming events. Send guests a reminder email before arrival and follow up with them afterward regarding their stay. In addition to keeping in touch with guests, email marketing can be used to capture additional business. Set up ad retargeting emails to reconnect with potential guests who’ve interacted with your property online.

8. Set campaign parameters

Determine when each campaign will run, how long it will last, and which marketing channels you will use. Confirm how your team will track the strategy’s success and which metrics they will track to measure it. Outline who is working on the campaign, what everyone’s role is, and who will lead the effort.

9. Automate hotel marketing

Automate as much of your hotel marketing as possible to save time, reduce errors, and simplify the advertising process. Write emails, create social media content in bulk, and schedule it to go out later. An entire marketing campaign can be completed in a single sitting and designed to run automatically for a predetermined period or specified date. Automate marketing emails that regularly promote discounts, packages, and limited-time offers to keep them at the forefront of customers’ minds.

10. Track campaign activity

Track rate code usage, shifts in ADR, occupancy rates, market segment performance, changes in booking pace, and other key performance indicators to identify how well your marketing strategies and campaigns are achieving their goals. Use the Hotel Performance Dashboard to gain high-level insight into RFP, venue, and sales activity.

Find out how the top hotels market themselves

Evaluating the success of your hotel marketing plan

Regularly review each of your hotel marketing campaigns to track activity and performance. Identify which strategies have been the most successful, the least successful, and which could benefit from improvement. Determine which channels and strategies your target audience engaged with the most, and reorganize future marketing plans around your top performers.

A hotel marketing plan should be fluid; it should evolve with changes in performance, shifts in the market, and future forecast fluctuations. Spend more time focused on your most successful booking channels and marketing strategies while eliminating services, ads, or booking channel subscriptions that do not benefit the hotel.

Tips for maximizing marketing potential

Follow these tips to streamline advertising efforts and maximize the potential of your hotel marketing plan.

  • Make content shareable and mobile-friendly

Consider how different advertising content will appear on phones, via email, laptops, or a desktop. Connect hotel accounts and social media platforms to make it easier for online guests to share and engage with marketing content. Include account handles, campaign hashtags , and direct links in hotel marketing materials so consumers can quickly jump from one channel to the next.

  • Test email marketing for engagement first

Create finely segmented email lists based on consumer travel habits, hobbies, lifestyle, and willingness to spend. Split test marketing emails to identify which layouts and content types audience members interact with most.

  • Embrace experiential marketing with a virtual hotel tour

With Cvent’s Event Diagramming software , hotels can create photorealistic 3D recreations of their property and invite guests to fully immerse themselves in a virtual hotel tour. Remote visitors can walk through the lobby, explore guestrooms, and experience your property from a photorealistic first-person perspective. Planners can picture their events in your meeting room and see how well your property can accommodate group travel. They can visualize what a stay at your hotel will be like before ever stepping foot on the property.

Embrace social media as a necessary marketing channel, even if you’re not a fan. Encourage guests, potential customers, and online audience members to create and share their own content on hotel social media pages, as user-generated content is typically more potent than business-generated marketing.

  • Delegate marketing tasks and channels based on strengths

You may need to become more familiar with Instagram or TikTok, but there could be an employee at the front desk or in housekeeping who already has a passion for it. Do you have a photography fan or cinema buff on staff? Could you work together to create visually compelling and engaging video content?

  • Invest in hotel marketing tools and media

Photos and videos tell online viewers a lot about your hotel and can affect their impression of your property. Invest in high-quality tools, professional services, and software solutions to remain competitive in an increasingly digital world.

Consistency is a critical component of successful hotel marketing, so check into all of your accounts frequently. Regularly post content, engage with user content, read guest reviews, and consistently respond to comments from audience members. In addition to having your finger on the pulse of your audience, engaging with and responding to consumers in a timely, consistent manner will help strengthen your online reputation.

Still have questions about your hotel’s marketing plan?

If you’re looking for additional guidance to improve your hotel marketing plan, content, or execution, check out our answers to frequently asked questions below.

1. How should hotels use retargeted ads?

Retargeted email ads are sent to consumers and travel planners who showed interest in your property but didn’t confirm a booking. The ad may highlight an upgraded room type, a promotional discount, or celebrate hotel amenities to recapture their interest and move them closer toward booking.

Serve retargeted ads to individuals who visited your website and engaged in interested consumer activity (e.g., looking at various room types) but left before booking a reservation. Similarly, follow up with planners who looked at meeting room availability but didn’t submit an inquiry.   2. What kind of content should hotels use in marketing campaigns?

Attract potential customers and maintain a strong relationship with guests by providing them with content they find valuable. Keep them up-to-date on exciting area events, hotel renovations, staff recognition, and other exciting hotel happenings. Is there a nearby golf course that drives business to your hotel? If so, golf-loving guests may find updates about club events, tournaments, and course packages valuable.

3. How can hotels connect with their guests through marketing?

Build a stronger connection with current and prospective guests by providing them with insider knowledge, or an “inside scoop,” on hotel happenings. Encourage online and onsite hotel-guest engagement, and use storytelling in your marketing to help audience members make a more personal connection with the property.

Attract your target audience with a hotel marketing plan that works!

When guests and potential customers see your marketing, they should immediately associate the visual with your hotel. A strong brand identity makes your property distinguishable and easier to identify, and it lets potential customers know what they can expect when staying with you. Up next, we explore the power of hotel branding and help you build a brand identity that attracts members of your target audience.

Headshot of Cvent writer Kimberly Campbell

Kim Campbell

Kim is a full-time copy and content writer with many years of experience in the hospitality industry. She entered the hotel world in 2013 as a housekeeping team member and worked her way through various departments before being appointed to Director of Sales. Kim has championed numerous successful sales efforts, revenue strategies, and marketing campaigns — all of which landed her a spot on Hotel Management Magazine’s “Thirty Under 30” list.

Don’t be fooled though; she’s not all business! An avid forest forager, post-apocalyptic fiction fan, and free-sample-fiend, Kim prides herself on being well-rounded.

people travelling with suitcase

More Reading

Wynn is unlike anything else in las vegas, country club marketing: how to attract event planners, independent hotel marketing: 10 strategies for beating big-name brands.

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25 Top Hotel Business Presentation Templates

25 Top Hotel Business Presentation Templates

Explore a curated collection of top-notch resources for the hotel business, featuring a wide array of professionally designed presentation templates. Elevate your hotel management, marketing, and customer engagement with our selection of presentation templates tailored to the hospitality industry.

Enhance your hotel business’s visual identity and communication with our handpicked presentation templates designed to address the unique needs of the lodging industry. Discover versatile tools that help you convey your hotel’s brand, services, and strategies.

Table of Contents

Introduction, 1. hotel signboard, 2. hotel reception, 3. hotel check-in, 4. hotel restaurant, 5. bar at a hotel, 6. world wide hotel network, 7. hotel services, 8. hotel presentation infographic, 9. room services, 11. motel room, 12. bedroom, 14. waitress, 15. menu of restaurant, 16. reception desk, 18. a person hand opening hotel room, 19. homelike hotel, 20. hotel interior, 21. luggage in the hotel room, 22. housekeeper cleaning a hotel room, 23. white and blue wool fluffy towels, 24. white and yellow wool fluffy towels, 25. chafing dish in line.

In a country where thousands of people move from place to place each day, the role of hotels and the businesses associated with them cannot be overstated. Hotels serve as logistical crossroads for intricate journeys, where a multitude of interests intersect. The efficient operation of hotels ultimately impacts a diverse range of individuals, from staff to guests.

We present 25 presentation templates on the subject of hotels and the business intricacies tied to their operations. These templates are designed to cater to the diverse needs of the hospitality industry, offering a resource for hotel owners, managers, and marketers to elevate their communication and presentations.

Our carefully curated selection of templates is valuable for various target audiences, including

  • hotel owners,
  • management teams,
  • marketing professionals,

and individuals seeking to understand the dynamics of the hotel business. Whether the central theme of your presentation is business management or you aim to breathe life into complex topics such as goal setting , business models , or innovation within the context of the hotel industry, these ideas will provide fresh perspectives. Additionally, these templates can also prove beneficial for corporate documentation, including a company profile and a FAQ Word Template .

As you delve into the captivating realm of presentations in this field, we invite you to explore a rich collection of ideas, backgrounds, and templates for your presentations on leisure and travel, on overcoming distances, and hospitality. These resources will assist you in professionally and creatively presenting your ideas, inspiring you with fresh creative approaches. Discover a world of possibilities and embark on an exhilarating journey of ideas with our presentation templates today!

Discover a world of possibilities in adventure tourism with our comprehensive collection of presentation templates, designed to elevate your storytelling and captivate your audience.

We invite you to explore these templates and unlock the potential for more impactful, effective communication in the dynamic realm of hotel business management.

Unlock the potential of your hotel business with the Hotel Signboard presentation template . This versatile presentation template is a powerful tool designed for the hospitality industry, perfect for hotel management, reservations, and more.

hotel marketing presentation

The “HOTEL” title slide sets the tone for your presentation, making it an excellent choice for discussing hotel services, vacation rentals, and accommodations. With its stylish design, you can convey the essence of your business, whether it’s business-class services, room reservations, or creating a welcoming atmosphere for guests.

This presentation template features a range of elements, from the evening ambiance with reflections on the glass windows to the comfortable balcony overlooking the city. The brown and yellow accents add warmth and a sense of luxury to your hotel’s image. With the “Hotel Signboard” template, you can address important topics such as forging guest relationships, personnel management, and room service with elegance.

Make your presentations shine with this template, and impress your audience with the professional image it projects. Elevate your hotel business and leave a lasting impression. Download now and take the first step toward enhancing your hotel’s image and services.

Download the template

Welcome your guests in style with the Hotel Reception presentation template . This free resource is perfect for presentations on the hotel business, hospitality services, and much more.

hotel marketing presentation

Featuring a rich combination of colors, the design of this PowerPoint template reflects the warmth and attention to detail that every hotel should offer. With a focus on accommodation and customer service, you can announce your commitment to ensuring an unforgettable journey for your guests.

The hotel reception is where the journey begins, and this presentation template helps you highlight its importance. The golden accents, the antique brass bell, and the wooden reception desk create a sense of vintage charm and hospitality.

Your audience will be impressed by the design’s attention to detail and the resources and support you offer as a hotel. This template is perfect for discussing check-in and check-out procedures, the lobby atmosphere, and your hotel’s services.

Elevate the tone of your presentations and reflect the value you place on your guests’ experience. Download the “Hotel Reception” presentation template and create unforgettable presentations that leave a lasting impression on your audience. Your guests deserve nothing less.

Streamline your hotel check-in process with the Hotel Check-in presentation template . This versatile template is a terrific choice for any hotel business, showcasing the importance of hospitality services, reservations, and more.

hotel marketing presentation

With a welcoming combination of warm browns, gold, and vintage accents, this template sets the perfect tone for a seamless check-in experience. Whether you’re managing reservations, communicating with guests, or ensuring room security, the “Hotel Check-in” template offers a clear and stylish presentation.

The imagery in this template portrays a 3D key card, an icon of room security and access. The golden bell signifies the attention to detail that your hotel offers, while the wooden lobby and vintage key card concept communicate the warm and inviting atmosphere that awaits your guests.

With the “Hotel Check-in” presentation template, you can emphasize the importance of a smooth check-in process and demonstrate your commitment to providing a secure and welcoming environment. Whether you’re in the hospitality business, managing reservations, or offering room service, this template helps you shine.

Take your hotel’s check-in process to the next level with this stunning template. Download it now and make your guests’ experience as seamless as possible. Welcome them with a smile and a key to an unforgettable stay.

Elevate the dining experience at your hotel with the Hotel Restaurant presentation template . This versatile resource is a fantastic choice for presentations on hotel business, hospitality services, menus, and more.

hotel marketing presentation

The elegant design of this template, with its white and yellow accents, perfectly complements the ambiance of a fine restaurant. It’s ideal for discussing your restaurant’s hall, holiday offerings, and special occasions, making it a valuable addition to your hotel presentation.

The “Hotel Restaurant” presentation template is a resource for those in the hospitality industry who want to highlight their dining services, showcasing the quality and variety of their menus. With its clean and inviting design, it reflects the excellence and attention to detail that you bring to your hotel’s dining experience.

This template is perfect for presenting your restaurant’s unique features, special menus, and the atmosphere of a resort. It’s a visual delight for your audience, setting the tone for an exceptional dining experience at your hotel.

Enhance your hotel’s restaurant presentation with this template, and encourage your guests to indulge in the culinary delights you offer. Make your restaurant the highlight of their stay, and ensure they leave with memorable dining experiences. Download now to inspire your audience to dine at your hotel restaurant.

Elevate your hotel’s bar experience with the Bar at a Hotel presentation template . This elegant resource is an ideal choice for presentations on hotel bars, wine carts, bar menus, hospitality services, and the broader hotel business.

hotel marketing presentation

The template’s background, featuring a glass of wine and a plate with snacks, sets the stage for a stylish and sophisticated bar presentation. It captures the essence of a delightful and diverse beverage menu, where your guests can enjoy cocktails, brandy, whiskey, and more.

With a green and healthy design, this template exudes an inviting ambiance, making it perfect for discussing dining and beverage options at your hotel. It also serves as a valuable tool for promoting events and special offers at your hotel bar.

This template is a visual feast that showcases the gourmet experiences and culinary ideas your bar offers. It’s a perfect representation of the fusion of food, drinks, and ambiance in one delightful package.

Entice your guests with the charm of your hotel bar and encourage them to savor the tasteful delights and beverages you provide. Download the “Bar at a Hotel” presentation template now and raise a glass to unforgettable moments at your hotel bar.

Open the door to endless possibilities with the World Wide Hotel Network presentation template . This beige-themed template, featuring a door and a world map, is an excellent choice for presentations on hotel businesses, international accommodations, and more.

hotel marketing presentation

As you explore the template, you’ll find it perfect for discussing hotel conveniences, apartments, and the global reach of your business. The door and world imagery represent opportunities to travel and discover accommodations worldwide.

This presentation template’s design, with its clean and clear layout, symbolizes the private and secure environment your hotel provides. The world map background reflects the international nature of your hotel network and the experiences you offer to your guests.

The “World Wide Hotel Network” template is an invitation to explore the world through the doors of your hotel. Whether you’re in the hospitality industry, a travel agency, or renting apartments, this template will emphasize the convenience and security of your accommodations.

Encourage your audience to take a step into your worldwide hotel network. Download this presentation template now and let your guests sleep soundly, knowing they’re in safe hands wherever they travel.

Discover the world of exceptional hotel services with the Hotel Services presentation template . This versatile resource is an excellent choice for presentations on apartment hotels, hospitality services, and the broader hotel business.

hotel marketing presentation

The template’s design is a collage of hotel service moments, reflecting the wide range of accommodations and assistance you offer. From reception to room service, you can highlight the charming and helpful atmosphere of your hotel.

This presentation template captures the essence of accommodation and togetherness, making it ideal for discussing travel, vacation rentals, and hospitality services. It’s a stylish and professional representation of your hotel’s offerings.

With a focus on communication, smart service, and the confident attitude of your staff, this template emphasizes the attractiveness of your hotel services. Whether you’re presenting your hotel management strategies or showcasing your executive team, this template offers a stylish platform for your message.

Elevate your hotel services presentation with this template and leave your audience confident in the exceptional experiences your hotel provides. Download it now and inspire your guests to experience the charm and warmth of your hospitality.

Elevate your hotel presentation with the Hotel Presentation Infographic template , a creative and dynamic resource for conveying the essence of your hotel business.

hotel marketing presentation

At its core, this template features a round wheel diagram with colored segments that resemble flower petals, offering a unique and eye-catching way to showcase information. The eight segments represent various aspects of your hotel business, from services and stages to options and steps.

This template is the perfect tool for illustrating your hotel’s journey and the leisure options it offers. Whether you’re promoting your services, presenting booking and reservation options, or highlighting your summer vacation packages, this template offers a comprehensive infographic for your presentation.

The combination of a light and dark background ensures that your message stands out, and the editable shapes allow you to tailor the template to your specific needs.

With the “Hotel Presentation Infographic” template, you can guide your audience through the various options and services your hotel offers, from tropical vacations to leisurely travel. Download it now and make your presentation a visual and informational delight. Your guests will be impressed by the depth and breadth of your hotel services.

Introducing the Room Services presentation template , an excellent choice for presentations that focus on the world of hospitality services and the hotel business.

hotel marketing presentation

This template offers a wealth of options for discussing accommodation, room service, and all aspects of hotel management. It’s a versatile resource for professionals in the hotel industry, vacation rentals, and apartment hotels, as well as tour guides.

With its white and green accents, the template captures the essence of dining and expense tracking in a hotel. From the presentation of the bill and tips to the order and payment process, this template is a valuable tool for conveying the smooth operation of your hotel’s services.

The “Room Services” template paints a vivid picture of the dining experience at your hotel, whether it’s breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It also highlights the importance of providing a seamless experience for your guests.

Make your presentations shine with this template, demonstrating your commitment to serving guests with excellence. Download it now and invite your audience to experience the convenience of your hotel’s room services.

Introducing the Busy presentation template , a unique choice for those in the hotel business and other industries. This gray-themed template features a BUSY plate on a hotel room door handle, making it a perfect selection for presentations related to high staff time, hotel accommodations, and business-class hotels.

hotel marketing presentation

This presentation template invites you to explore the world of hotel hospitality, emphasizing the importance of discretion, privacy, and relaxation for your guests. It’s a valuable resource for businesses in the accommodation and tourism sectors.

The “Busy” template features an illustration of a hotel room door with a “BUSY” sign, signifying that guests desire privacy and silence. It’s a symbol of peace and protection, creating an atmosphere where visitors can relax and escape from the stress of their busy lives.

With this template, you can convey your hotel’s commitment to offering top-notch service and accommodations. Whether you’re presenting business resources or discussing the advantages of staying in your suites, this template helps you highlight the value of a tranquil and stress-free experience.

Make your presentations stand out with the “Busy” template, showing your dedication to providing excellent hospitality. Download it now and encourage your audience to explore the benefits of staying in your hotel. Leave them with a compelling call to action and the word “Download” to inspire further engagement.

Discover the Motel Room presentation template , a fantastic choice for presentations related to motels, hotels, and room rentals within the hotel business and hospitality services.

hotel marketing presentation

This template is your gateway to showcasing the comfort, style, and luxury of your accommodations. Whether you’re discussing check-in procedures, room service, or the concept of modern hospitality, this template provides the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “Motel Room” template is designed to convey a sense of relaxation and rich comfort. The dim lighting, the inviting king-size bed, and the modern interior create a setting that entices travelers to unwind and rest.

With this template, you can share the richness and charm of your motel or hotel rooms, emphasizing the quality and style of your accommodations. Whether your focus is on tourism, travel, or creating a romantic getaway, this template paints an appealing picture for your audience.

Elevate your presentations with the “Motel Room” template, and let your audience visualize the comfort and luxury you offer. Download it now and inspire your guests to experience a stay filled with relaxation, style, and first-class hospitality.

Unveil the charm of a cozy bedroom with the Bedroom presentation template , designed in inviting shades of red. This terrific template is the ideal choice for presentations in the hotel business, hospitality services, interior design, and style.

hotel marketing presentation

With its rich red color scheme, this template captures the essence of comfort, relaxation, and style. Whether you’re discussing interior design, hotel accommodations, or the culture of comfort, this template sets the stage for a captivating presentation.

The “Bedroom” template showcases a double bed adorned with classic bed linen, adding an air of romance to the room. The floral accents, the warm colors, and the modern interior design create a sense of relaxation and sophistication.

This template allows you to convey the coziness and style of your hotel’s bedrooms, making it perfect for presentations on sleep quality, hotel accommodations, and the vacation experience. Whether you’re presenting to couples, families, or solo travelers, this template caters to a wide range of audiences.

Elevate your presentations with the “Bedroom” template, and allow your audience to immerse themselves in the comfort and luxury you provide. Download it now and encourage your guests to experience a stay that’s not just a night’s sleep but a memorable experience.

Prepare to tantalize your audience’s senses with the Cook presentation template , an exquisite choice for presentations focused on hotel cuisine, restaurant menus, and the hotel business.

hotel marketing presentation

This template is a celebration of culinary artistry and gourmet cuisine. It’s an invitation to explore the world of hotel restaurants and the charm of exquisite cuisine. The charming chef, dressed in a traditional white uniform and hat, is a symbol of confidence and culinary skill.

With this template, you can delve into the world of gastronomy and hotel dining. Whether you’re discussing menus, nutrition, or the skills of your culinary staff, this template offers the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “Cook” template showcases the profession of a chef, emphasizing the beauty of culinary expression and the joy of preparing dainty and delicious dishes. It highlights the success of your restaurant, the skills of your staff, and the attractive menu items that keep your customers coming back for more.

Elevate your presentations with the “Cook” template, allowing your audience to savor the flavors and aromas of your hotel cuisine. Download it now and encourage your guests to experience the delightful and delectable dishes offered by your restaurant.

Meet the Waitress presentation template , a delightful choice for presentations in the restaurant and hotel business, as well as cafes, and human services.

hotel marketing presentation

This template is your gateway to showcasing the professionalism and hospitality of your hotel restaurant, or cafe. The charming waitress, holding a tray with coffee, is a symbol of expertise and dedication to providing exceptional service to your customers.

With this template, you can dive into the world of hotel, restaurant, and cafe services, emphasizing the importance of attention to detail and the satisfaction of your customers. Whether you’re discussing menus, leisure options, or the skills of your waitstaff, this template provides the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “Waitress” template showcases the dedication of your hotel staff, highlighting the refreshment and hospitality they offer. The close-up image of the waitress with a cup of coffee creates a sense of warmth and connection with your audience.

Elevate your presentations with the “Waitress” template, allowing your audience to experience the professionalism and friendliness of your service. Download it now and encourage your guests to savor the delicious beverages and leisure activities offered by your hotel restaurant or cafe.

Explore the Menu of Restaurant presentation template , a perfect choice for presentations related to hotel restaurants, cafes, and the hotel business. This template is your gateway to showcasing the culinary delights of your establishment and your commitment to hospitality.

hotel marketing presentation

With its rustic charm, this template sets the stage for discussing breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything in between. Whether you’re showcasing your menu, cocktails, or the creative work of your chefs, this template provides the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “Menu of Restaurant” template is designed to convey the richness and variety of your culinary offerings. The chalkboard design adds an authentic touch, making your menu items stand out with an artistic flair.

With this template, you can invite your audience to explore the flavors, dishes, and drinks your hotel restaurant has to offer. Whether it’s a leisurely brunch, a special dinner, or a lively party, this template highlights the versatility of your restaurant’s menu.

Elevate your presentations with the “Menu of Restaurant” template, allowing your audience to visualize the delectable offerings at your hotel restaurant. Download it now and encourage your guests to savor the taste of your cuisine.

Introducing the Reception Desk presentation template , a perfect choice for presentations related to the hotel business, hospitality services, and room service.

hotel marketing presentation

This template is your portal to the world of guest services and the heart of your hotel’s operations. The reception desk, complete with a bell, signifies the arrival of travelers, a warm welcome, and the promise of exceptional service.

With this template, you can dive into the world of hospitality and concierge services, emphasizing the importance of attention to detail, hospitality, and the art of greeting guests. Whether you’re discussing the check-in process, concierge assistance, or the reflection of hospitality in your hotel, this template provides the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “Reception Desk” template showcases the professionalism of your staff and the responsiveness to guest needs. The inviting green and yellow hues create a welcoming atmosphere that’s both cheerful and reflective of your hotel’s warm hospitality.

Elevate your presentations with the “Reception Desk” template, allowing your audience to immerse themselves in the first impressions of your hotel’s reception area. Download it now and encourage your guests to experience the warm and professional service you provide.

Introducing the Hotel presentation template , designed to elevate presentations in the hotel business, hospitality services, and the world of accommodations.

hotel marketing presentation

This template invites your audience to explore the essence of your hotel, from the luxurious corridor to the well-designed guest rooms. The corridor, with its warm brown tones and open doors, evokes the feeling of a relaxing and spacious retreat.

With this template, you can immerse your audience in the world of travel and hospitality, highlighting the comfort, luxury, and style of your hotel. Whether you’re discussing room reservations, vacation getaways, or the romantic ambiance of your accommodations, this template provides the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “Hotel” template showcases the architecture, decor, and style of your hotel, emphasizing the inviting spaces, long corridors, and nature-inspired design. It’s an opportunity to highlight the allure of your accommodations and the memorable experiences your guests can expect.

Elevate your presentations with the “Hotel” template, and let your audience envision the exceptional accommodations and tranquil spaces your hotel provides. Download it now and inspire your guests to embark on a journey filled with relaxation, style, and luxurious comfort.

Step into a world of hospitality and accommodations with the A Person Hand Opening Hotel Room presentation template , ideal for presentations on the hotel business, services, and guest experience.

hotel marketing presentation

This template offers your audience a glimpse of the guest’s perspective as they open the door to their hotel room. The warm and inviting atmosphere conveys the sense of relaxation and privacy that your hotel provides.

With this template, you can immerse your audience in the world of travel, tourism, and vacation getaways, highlighting the comfort, privacy, and exceptional service offered by your hotel. Whether you’re discussing room reservations, the guest experience, or the cozy interiors of your rooms, this template provides the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “A Person Hand Opening Hotel Room” template showcases the act of entering a space of comfort and privacy, emphasizing the welcoming atmosphere and the anticipation of a pleasant stay. It’s an opportunity to convey the warmth and inviting nature of your accommodations.

Elevate your presentations with this template, allowing your audience to visualize themselves as guests in your hotel. Download it now and encourage them to experience the comfort, privacy, and hospitality that your hotel offers.

Explore the Homelike Hotel presentation template , a perfect choice for presentations in the hotel business, hospitality services, and accommodations that offer a warm and cozy atmosphere.

hotel marketing presentation

This template is designed to convey the sense of being at home, even when away. The close-up image of the door handle and the word “privacy” signify the comfort, privacy, and relaxation that your hotel provides.

With this template, you can immerse your audience in the world of hospitality, guest experiences, and the warm and inviting interiors of your hotel. Whether you’re discussing room reservations, vacation getaways, or the cozy atmosphere of your rooms, this template provides the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “Homelike Hotel” template showcases the concept of a home away from home, emphasizing the welcoming atmosphere and the focus on guest comfort. It’s an opportunity to highlight the coziness and tranquility of your accommodations.

Elevate your presentations with the “Homelike Hotel” template, allowing your audience to visualize the experience of staying at your hotel, where comfort and privacy are the priorities. Download it now and encourage them to choose your hotel for their next vacation or trip. Leave them with a compelling call to action and the word “Download” to inspire further engagement.

Embark on a journey through the Hotel Interior presentation template , designed for presentations in the hotel business, hospitality services, and interior design, providing a glimpse into the comfort and beauty of your accommodations.

hotel marketing presentation

This template invites your audience to explore the elegant interior of your hotel, with a focus on the beautifully decorated room. The contemporary design, with its warm beige and brown tones, conveys a sense of luxury and modernity.

With this template, you can immerse your audience in the world of travel, hospitality, and accommodations, highlighting the comfort, style, and luxury of your hotel. Whether you’re discussing room reservations, vacation getaways, or the elegant interiors of your rooms, this template provides the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “Hotel Interior” template showcases the attention to detail and design in your accommodations, emphasizing the elegance and comfort of the rooms. It’s an opportunity to highlight the beauty and tranquility of your hotel.

Elevate your presentations with the “Hotel Interior” template, allowing your audience to visualize the experience of staying in a beautiful and well-designed room in your hotel. Download it now and inspire them to choose your hotel for their next vacation or trip. Leave them with a compelling call to action and the word “Download” to encourage further engagement.

Step into a world of comfort and luxury with the Luggage in the Hotel Room presentation template , perfect for presentations in the hotel business, hospitality services, and the elegance of your accommodations.

hotel marketing presentation

This template offers your audience a glimpse into a perfectly prepared hotel room, complete with neatly placed luggage, luxurious bedding, and elegant interiors. The image conveys a sense of cleanliness, organization, and the welcoming environment that your hotel provides.

With this template, you can immerse your audience in the world of travel, hospitality, and accommodations, highlighting the comfort, elegance, and luxury of your hotel. Whether you’re discussing room reservations, vacation getaways, or the meticulously designed rooms, this template provides the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “Luggage in the Hotel Room” template showcases the attention to detail and the premium experience of your hotel, emphasizing the cleanliness and elegance of the rooms. It’s an opportunity to highlight the impeccable service and tranquility your guests can expect.

Elevate your presentations with this template, allowing your audience to envision themselves enjoying the comforts and luxury of your hotel. Download it now and inspire them to choose your hotel for their next vacation or trip. Leave them with a compelling call to action and the word “Download” to encourage further engagement.

Discover the Housekeeper Cleaning a Hotel Room presentation template , an excellent choice for presentations in the hotel business, hospitality services, and the dedication of your staff in maintaining a pristine and inviting environment.

hotel marketing presentation

This template provides a glimpse into the world of housekeeping and the meticulous attention to detail your hotel staff provides. The image showcases a housekeeper hard at work, ensuring the room is in perfect condition for the next guest.

With this template, you can immerse your audience in the world of hotel services, emphasizing the cleanliness, freshness, and dedication of your staff. Whether you’re discussing the housekeeping team’s efforts, room preparations, or the impeccable service provided, this template serves as an ideal backdrop for your presentation.

The “Housekeeper Cleaning a Hotel Room” template highlights the professionalism and commitment of your staff, emphasizing their role in ensuring a clean and welcoming environment for guests. It’s an opportunity to showcase the exceptional service that sets your hotel apart.

Enhance your presentations with this template, allowing your audience to appreciate the hard work and dedication of your housekeeping team. Download it now and inspire them to choose your hotel for their next vacation or trip.

Dive into the world of luxury and comfort with the White and Blue Wool Fluffy Towels presentation template, a perfect choice for presentations in the hotel business, hospitality services, and the exquisite amenities your hotel provides.

hotel marketing presentation

This template offers your audience a glimpse of the sumptuous towels awaiting them in your hotel’s bathroom. The image conveys a sense of softness, comfort, and a commitment to providing the best for your guests.

With this template, you can immerse your audience in the world of hospitality and emphasize the attention to detail that makes your hotel stand out. Whether you’re discussing the amenities, room comforts, or the cozy atmosphere of your accommodations, this template provides the perfect backdrop for your presentation.

The “White and Blue Wool Fluffy Towels” template highlights the quality and dedication to guest comfort that your hotel embodies, emphasizing the plushness and quality of the towels you provide.

Elevate your presentations with this template, allowing your audience to envision the softness and luxury they can expect in your hotel. Download it now and inspire them to choose your hotel for their next vacation or trip. Leave them with a compelling call to action and the word “Download” to encourage further engagement.

Indulge in the luxurious comfort of the White and Yellow Wool Fluffy Towels presentation template , a perfect choice for presentations in the hotel business, hospitality services, and the attention to detail that sets your hotel apart.

hotel marketing presentation

This template offers a glimpse into the world of exquisite towels that await your guests in your hotel’s bathrooms. The image conveys a sense of softness, comfort, and a commitment to providing the best for your visitors.

With this template, you can immerse your audience in the world of hospitality and emphasize the meticulous care that makes your hotel exceptional. Whether you’re discussing the amenities, room comforts, or the cozy atmosphere of your accommodations, this template provides an ideal backdrop for your presentation.

The “White and Yellow Wool Fluffy Towels” template highlights the quality and dedication to guest comfort that your hotel embodies, underlining the plushness and quality of the towels you provide.

Elevate your presentations with this template, allowing your audience to envision the softness and luxury they can expect in your hotel. Download it now and inspire them to choose your hotel for their next vacation or trip.

Step into the world of culinary excellence with the Chafing Dish in Line presentation template , designed to elevate presentations in the hotel business, highlighting the art of exquisite hotel cuisine, and emphasizing the attention to detail that defines your hotel’s restaurant services.

hotel marketing presentation

This template paints a vivid picture of chafing dishes lined up, each offering a culinary masterpiece to your guests. It conveys an ambiance of elegance, professionalism, and a commitment to providing top-notch dining experiences.

With this template, you can immerse your audience in the world of culinary excellence and emphasize the meticulous care that sets your hotel’s dining apart. Whether you’re showcasing the restaurant’s offerings, menu options, or the ambience of your dining area, this template serves as an ideal canvas for your presentation.

The “Chafing Dish in Line” template underscores the quality and dedication to exceptional cuisine and service that your hotel restaurant embodies. It invites your audience to explore a world of delicious flavors and inviting settings.

Elevate your presentations with this template, allowing your audience to savor the culinary excellence and ambiance they can expect when dining at your hotel. Download it now and inspire them to choose your restaurant for their next special occasion. Conclude with a compelling call to action and the word “Download” to encourage further engagement.

We are far from thinking that with these 25 presentation templates, we can cover the entire scope of the hotel business and hospitality. The boundaries between these areas and related, closely-knit topics are not always clear-cut. For instance, tourism and vacations intersect with the realm of hotel business and hospitality.

Therefore, we encourage you to make use of the search system on PoweredTemplate to find additional resources related to the hotel business and hospitality. This way, regardless of your specific topic or needs, you can discover suitable templates to enhance your presentations.

Use High-Quality Images for Creating Effective Hotel Business Presentations Visuals

Furthermore, for a modest monthly fee , you can gain access to numerous premium resources associated with the hotel business and hospitality. These resources are conveniently organized in sections such as Presentation Templates , Images , Graphic Templates , and Graphics .

Join us at PoweredTemplate to unlock a world of resources and elevate your presentations on the hotel business and hospitality! Open the door to boundless opportunities and take your presentations to the next level!

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Hotel Marketing Plan PowerPoint Template and Google Slides

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Hotel Marketing Plan for 2024

Hotel Marketing Plan & Strategies for 2022 & 2023

Today’s traveler’s journey is more fragmented than ever. With the recent proliferation of new travel super apps, distribution Goliaths such as Google and Expedia updating their ranking algorithms at a frantic pace, and the seemingly unstoppable growth of metasearch engine traffic, building and executing an effective hotel marketing strategy can seem intimidating . Maintaining a holistic, cross-channel approach is essential and always is highly-recommended by our hotel revenue management consulting and hotel management company.

The primary goal of a robust hotel marketing plan, in fact, is to increase your brand visibility (and to do so transversally), ensuring that your property is bookable wherever your potential customers choose to research their trip. Mapping your guest’s journey becomes, therefore, critical to success.

In this article, we will cover 15 best practices to create a solid marketing plan and strategy for your property:

  • Guest Experience is Everything
  • Don’t Underestimate your Website
  • Social Media
  • Reputation Management
  • Advertisement
  • Content Marketing
  • Hyper-target
  • Diversify and Experiment
  • Understand the Effectiveness of Each Marketing Activity
  • Review your Distribution
  • Train your Staff to Sell Better
  • Communication with the Team and Stakeholders
  • Set the Right Objectives to Succeed

Maximize Your Hotel Revenue

Uncover the hidden revenue potential of your hotel or resort.

hotel marketing presentation

1. Guest Experience is Everything

In August 2022, the Expedia Group released a new algorithm update that affects how properties appear in the OTA’s search results. The new factors do not only take into consideration the strength of the listing itself, but also give particular importance to “how frequently your property delivers great experiences to guests (…), taking into account relocation and refund rates, average ratings from cleanliness, amenities, room comfort, staff and service, and the property as a whole.”

The fact that one of the world’s leading OTAs concentrates so much on the guest experience proves this aspect’s importance. As we like to say at XOTELS, “ you cannot oversell but only underdeliver” .

(See more tips on improving guest experience ) .

incorporate experiences for your hotel guests in your marketing plan

Zoku Hotels .

2. Don’t Underestimate your Website

Talking about websites in 2022 can seem like an anachronism. Still, your official website is still your most effective marketing tool , whether your direct traffic comes from SEO, paid search advertising, newsletter, social networks, or metasearch engines. There are countless aspects to consider when creating a website, but make sure to follow these essential rules:

  • Design it for your guests, not your personal taste . User experience is what makes a website great. Focus on usability and UX, and make it easy for users to get to the content they want;
  • Don’t be stingy on hosting, content delivery network (CDN), and on-page page speed improvements. A Google abandonment rate study found out that if your website takes longer than three seconds to load, you lose half of your visitors. Low load speed can nullify all of your marketing efforts;

example to measure google pagespeed insights score for your hotel

Make sure to run your own test in Google´s PageSpeed insights tool .

  • Pick the right CMS for you . Proprietary or Open Source? There is no correct or wrong answer, but make sure it does fill your needs;
  • Stay updated with the latest SEO best practices . With a market share of over 90% , Google is, by far, the search engine to observe. At you can find one of the most comprehensive and detailed lists of Google search ranking algorithm updates . Make sure to keep an eye on it, at every 3-4 times a year (frequency of major algorithm updates, called “core updates”).
  • Create a sexy Call-to-Action button . What’s your website’s goal? Increase bookings? Get more MICE requests? Whatever it may be, make sure your CTA is clear and in line with your strategy;
  • Track, track, and then track some more! Heat mapping and on-page analytics tools are excellent sources of additional information on your users’ behavior. If something is not working, make sure to fix it. A website is always a work-in-progress project.

3. Incorporating Social Media into your Marketing Strategy

The use of social media in the hospitality industry is controversial, mainly because we tend to analyze our marketing results by exclusively looking at last-click attribution. If it’s true that social media rarely play any role during the final step of guests’ reservations, they do in the first micro-moments of the booking journey.

Make sure to engage your guests with enticing content and encourage them to share their positive experiences. On top of that, pick the right platforms based on your customers. Looking to get more business travelers? Focus on LinkedIn and Twitter. Leisure, adult travelers? Facebook and Instagram are the logical choices. tIf you want to increase your visibility amongst younger audiences, on the other hand, you may want to invest in TikTok, Pinterest, or Snapchat. If you’re trying to boost your visibility in Asia, it’s worth exploring alternative platforms such as WeChat, Sina Weibo, LINE, SNOW, Youku, Qzone, or Naver. But, as goes for every strategy, no success is guaranteed, and focusing on too many platforms might at the same time might only work against you.

Finally, when it comes to influencers, always make sure to ask for analytics before signing a contract. You want to know their followers’ demographics, to avoid bad surprises, and ensure they align with your potential customers.

Streamline Your Hotel Operations

We guide hotels and resorts toward unparalleled success, positioning them as market leaders.

hotel marketing presentation

4. Reputation Management

When Google ranks a website, it measures what is called “E-A-T” (Expertise, Authority, and Trust), and reviews play a critical role in measuring the latter. Review signals are an important ranking factor , and it’s also proven that responding to reviews helps with your SEO. So, even without mentioning all the benefits of correct reputation management (such as a better understanding of your property strengths and weaknesses, problem-solving, etc.), increasing the volume of your reviews is also a terrific search engine optimization booster. And remember, even though most reviews are published on Google,, Expedia, and TripAdvisor, you should also monitor other platforms. So, make sure to claim your hotel listing on as many booking, maps, and review sites as possible, and always keep them up-to-date.

strategize and understand how to request google reviews feature for your hotel

Make sure to use Google´s “request reviews” link feature, to give customers an easy way to leave a review.

5. CRM – a Vital Part of your Marketing Plan

If there’s one software you should never overlook in your marketing arsenal, that’s CRM. On top of the benefits of marketing automation, collecting your guests’ data can help you provide a more tailored experience that will, in return, also increase loyalty, guest retention, sales, and profit .

6. Advertisement

With an assortment of countless advertising solutions out there, you should make sure to pick the one that fits your strategy. Here are our suggestions:

  • Social media, pretargeting, and native advertising are great ways to increase brand awareness and put your hotel on your potential guests’ radar;
  • Retargeting and branded ads are, on the other hand, the ideal tools to get high ROI with a modest budget;
  • According to several studies, 5-15% of hotel total online revenue is now generated via metasearch engines . With an array of different bidding approaches (pay-per-click, pay-per-stay, hybrid, etc.), this is becoming one of the most (if not the most) effective advertising strategies for hotels of any size and type (see more hotel metasearch advertisement tips );
  • OTA advertising is an underused, yet very effective, advertising platform, especially to increase top-funnel visibility. is currently beta-testing native advertising, too, even though the program is only open to selected hotels in the US, but you may want to keep an eye on the evolution of the beta test.

booking com native ads screenshot example hotel united states market

Example of´s Native Ads showing in their search results, seen in the U.S. market.

7. Content Marketing

First of all, let’s debunk a myth: content marketing is not (only) what you publish on your blog . Quite the contrary! Videos, newsletters, and social posts are all part of CM. Keep your target audience in mind when creating content, and focus on the channels where your (potential) guests interact. For example, if your blog page generates <1% traffic, you may want to concentrate on other, more visible, platforms.

And, if you’re suffering from writer’s block, it’s worth trying AI content and image generator tools, such as, MidJourney, or Craiyon. As (currently) AI-generated content goes against Google’s webmaster guidelines , these systems should only be used for outlining content, but the “human touch” is still extremely important. A typing assistant, however, can greatly help review spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, engagement, and delivery mistakes.

Is SEO dead? We’ve heard this since the mid-2000s, but this is far from the truth. SEO has changed, sure, but for the better! As search engine algorithms rely more and more on AI and machine learning, they are changing faster than ever before. It means that all those black-hat tactics used in the late ’90s are not only useless today, but also detrimental . For example, as we write this piece, Google’s “ helpful content update ” is rolling out. The update devalues content created for search engines and rewards “human” content.

Finally, if you’re looking to expand your visibility in non-Google-centric countries, such as Russia or Asia, make sure to monitor how your website ranks on search engines such as Yandex or Baidu. And don’t forget “off-site” optimization! Auditing your OTA profiles at least three-four times a year is mandatory to ensure your listings are constantly fully optimized.

9. Hyper-target

First, we had mass marketing; then, we had niche marketing. Today, you should focus on “ad personam” marketing . With all the data hotels can collect on their guests , prospects, and potential customers, properties can create marketing personas and segment their audience by location, segmentation, demographic, and so forth.

Make sure to differentiate your message if you’re talking to, for example, value seekers or luxury travelers, business or leisure, repeating and loyal guests, etc. You can also send diverse messages during different times of the day: a last-second overnight special offer can work wonders at 6:00 PM, but it won’t be as effective at noon.

10. Diversify and Experiment

Putting all your eggs in one basket is never a good idea. Don’t be scared of trying different approaches and multi-test . What used to work yesterday may not work tomorrow, and -in marketing- there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach.

11. Understand the Effectiveness of Each Marketing Activity

Make sure to define clear KPIs and track your results. Effective marketing is a moving target, and, over the years, you will have to adapt, fine-tune, and, why not? Even make some U-turn. Recent GDPR concerns around Google Analytics privacy compliance could negatively affect how accurate marketing activities tracking will be in the future, but -at least for now- the deeper you can analyze, the better .

12. Review your Distribution

That’s the one million dollar question: What is a good distribution mix? Unfortunately, there’s no straightforward answer to that. Some properties might want to increase their awareness by using OTA’s billboard effects, while others may want to focus on reducing cost-per-acquisition and increasing their direct revenue.

According to Expedia , 2/3 of travelers that end up booking directly visited an OTA before doing so. So make sure to optimize your OTAs’ listings (are your photos up-to-date? Have you listed all of your property and room amenities, points of interest, fees, policies, and settings?). OTAs are not only an integral part of a healthy distribution mix but a very effective top-funnel/brand awareness strategy too.

13. Train your Staff to Sell Better

Chances are you’re aware of your booking engine’s conversion rate, but what about your reservation department? Telephone and face-to-face are critical channels for hotels, even though, especially after the rise of online bookings, some hoteliers started considering them just operational services rather than commercial ones. Sure, you can implement that new automatic up/cross-selling tool. Still, your human staff can go a long way to redirect guests to your direct channels , upsell and increase your overall ancillary revenue . Continuous training is, therefore, crucial.

train your hotel staff to sell and market better to guests

Bunk Hotel Amsterdam .

14. Communication with the Team and Stakeholders

Psychologist Geert Hofstede theorized the notion of the “power-distance index” (PDI). In short, the index measures the extent to which subordinates accept or challenge the authority of the people in charge. Hofstede’s PDI is lower in organizations where executives work closely with subordinates and higher in places with a strong hierarchy. It is proven that companies where candid communication between departments tend to have better results in profitability, production, and staff well-being. So make sure to keep an open flow with your staff, as they’re your most precious asset .

15. Set the Right Objectives to Succeed

Marketing executive Sergio Zyman once stated that if you cannot track it, then it’s not marketing . We live by this rule, and so should you. Setting realistic short/mid/long-term goals and KPIs and tracking them is the key to any successful marketing strategy. And don’t forget that your objectives are not written in stone: business-wise, your KPIs can (and will) change depending on where your hotel is just starting out , in operation, or under renovation.

As you can see, creating a solid marketing strategy is a task that requires a multi-disciplinary approach , as today’s travelers’ touchpoints have never been so numerous and diverse. Gone are the times when you just needed a website and a brochure, and, to maintain your place in a highly competitive industry such as ours, you need to understand the different dynamics behind each platform.

Fortunately, our hotel revenue management consulting and hotel management consultants emphasize that with the right approach and focus goals set out can be achieved.

Cheers, Patrick Landman

PS. Any doubts or uncertainties about running your hotel & marketing strategies? Contact us for hotel management services or hotel marketing service s to help build a solid plan to outperform your competition.

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The bourgeois charm of Siberia's oil capital

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If you’re driving west across Russia from the Pacific Ocean, the first thing that you notice upon entering the city of Tyumen is the McDonalds. Tyumen has long been one of the only Siberian cities with a McDonalds restaurant. Although the fast-food giant has plans to open locations in nearby Novosibirsk and other regional cities, Siberia still contains one of the longest distances on earth outside of Africa where you can remain on a major highway and not see a McDonalds. Until you reach Tyumen, that is.

A stop in Tyumen provides an interesting glimpse into how modern Russia’s oil revenue has influenced Siberia’s oldest Russian city. Tyumen is a great stopover point on the Trans-Siberian Railroad and a short ride from Yekaterinburg (five hours) or Tobolsk (four hours).

In the 16th century, Russia started expanding eastward into parts of Central Asia ruled by the Tatars, an Islamic people who still live thoughout Russia. A band of Cossacks wrested control of Tyumen from the Tatars in 1580. Six years later, Russians established a fort in Tyumen on the Tura River.

For centuries, Tyumen vied with the nearby city of Tobolsk—once the official capital of Siberia—for the prestige of the region’s most important city. Tyumen won in the end, when the Trans-Siberian Railroad bypassed Tobolsk and was routed through this now oil-rich city.

Tyumen played an important role in Russian history during times of war. At the beginning of the Russian Civil War, the Bolshevik Red Army slowly pushed the White Army, commanded by Admiral Alexander Kolchak, into Siberia. Kolchak and his anti-Bolshevik forces holed up in Tyumen until the Red Army overtook them in January of 1918.

During the Second World War, many Russian industries were moved away from the front to Siberian cities. Tyumen had already become an industrial capital during the early Soviet era, and the city became an ideal spot to relocate Russia’s western factories. As Nazi forces approached Russia in 1941, the embalmed body of Vladimir Lenin was sent from the Lenin Mausoleum in Moscow’s Red Square by train to the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy for safekeeping. In 1945, Lenin’s body was shipped back to Moscow.

Some of the factories relocated to Tyumen during wartime remained in the city. The discovery of oil in the region catapulted Siberia’s oldest Russian settlement to further prosperity. Modern Tyumen is a vibrant city with a number of universities and a revamped center well-suited for exploration by foot.

Start your walking tour around central Tyumen on Ulitsa Respubliki. The city’s main drag has fine pedestrian walkways and leads wanderers past an impressive collection of tsarist-era buildings that recall Tyumen’s importance in the beginning of Russia’s colonization of Siberia.

From the southeastern end of Ul. Respubliki, head north toward the Tura River and take a brief side trip onto Ul. Ordzhonikidze to visit the Fine Arts Museum (47 Ul. Ordzhonikidze) which houses exhibits of classical Russian and Soviet art as well as traditional bone carving and works produced by the native people who live in the far north of Tyumen Oblast.

Back on Ul. Respubliki, you’ll soon see the city’s requisite Lenin statue by the local government buildings. A block away, opposite Lenin, is Tyumen’s city park, a delightful place to walk or hop on one of its amusement rides.

Most Siberian cities developed under the watchful eyes of the atheist Soviet regime and churches are usually not Siberia’s strongpoint. But this isn’t true in four-centuries-old Tyumen. Strolling up Ul. Respubliki, you’ll soon come to the Church of the Saviour (41 Ul. Lenina) and the Znamensky Cathedral (13 Ul. Semakova). Each of these stunning Baroque-influenced churches are located right off Ul. Respubliki and were built in the late 18th century.

Tyumen is also famous for its historic wooden houses. Heading further up Ul. Respubliki, stop to wander around some of the side streets and snap photos of these ornate wooden structures which provide a glimpse back in time. Near the Tura River, you’ll pass a civil war monument in remembrance of the Tyumen natives who died fighting the White Army and the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy (7 Ul. Respubliki) an impressive building in its own right where Lenin was stored during the Second World War.

Near the end of Ul. Respubliki, take a walk over the Tura River on the Lover’s Bridge, a suspension bridge open to foot traffic only that has become one of Tyumen’s iconic sights. The other side of the river is a great place to see more of Tyumen’s signature wooden houses as well as take in the churches scattered around the city center.

Save the best for last and visit the Trinity Monastery (10 Ul. Kommunisticheskaya) at the end of Ul. Respubliki. A white wall surrounds the monastery, giving it the appearance of a mini-kremlin, and the golden onion domes of the 18th century churches within should not be missed.

Although navigating Tyumen is straightforward enough, the St. Petersburg-based travel company OSTWEST can arrange a city tour in Tyumen and the surrounding countryside.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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Results of „Strategy for the Development of Investment for the Light Industry of Tyumen Oblast until 2020“

Feb 19, 2013

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Results of „Strategy for the Development of Investment for the Light Industry of Tyumen Oblast until 2020“. Content. Overview Light Industry (LI) Company Profiles Additional Investment Projects Conclusions. Content. Overview Light Industry (LI) Company Profiles

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