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True, Natural and Field Experiments An easy lesson idea for learning about experiments.

Travis Dixon September 29, 2016 Research Methodology

field vs natural experiment

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There is a difference between a “true experiment” a “field experiment” and  a “natural experiment”. These separate experimental methods are commonly used in psychological research and they each have their strengths and limitations.

True Experiments

field vs natural experiment

Berry’s classic study compared two cultures in order to understand how economics, parenting and cultural values can influence behaviour. But what type of method would we call this?

A true experiment is one where:

  • have randomly assigned participants to a condition (if using independent samples)

Repeated measures designs don’t need random allocation because there is no allocation as all participants do both conditions.

One potential issue in laboratory experiments is that they are conducted in environments that are not natural for the participants, so the behaviour might not reflect what happens in real life.

Field Experiments

A field experiment is one where:

  • the researcher conducts an experiment by manipulating an IV,
  • …and measuring the effects on the DV in a natural environment.

They still try to minimize the effects of other variables and to control for these, but it’s just happening in a natural environment: the field.

  • Natural Experiment

A natural experiment is one where:

  • the independent variable is naturally occurring. i.e. it hasn’t been manipulated by the researcher.

There are many instances where naturally occurring events or phenomenon may interest researchers. The issue with natural experiments is that it can’t be guaranteed that it is the independent variable that is having an effect on the dependent variable.

  • Quantitative Research Methods Glossary
  • Let’s STOP the research methods madness!
  • What makes an experiment “quasi”?

Activity Idea

Students can work with a partner to decide if the following are true, field or natural experiments.

If you cant’ decide, what other information do you need?

  • Berry’s cross-cultural study on conformity ( Key Study: Conformity Across Cultures (Berry, 1967)
  • Bandura’s bobo doll study ( Key Study: Bandura’s Bobo Doll (1963)
  • Rosenzweig’s rat study ( Key Study: Animal research on neuroplasticity (Rosenzweig and Bennett, 1961)

Let’s make it a bit trickier:

  • Key Study: London Taxi Drivers vs. Bus Drivers (Maguire, 2006)
  • Key Study: Evolution of Gender Differences in Sexual Behaviour (Clark and Hatfield, 1989)
  • Key Study: Serotonin, tryptophan and the brain (Passamonti et al., 2012)
  • Saint Helena Study : television was introduced on the island of Saint Helena in the Atlantic ocean and the researchers measured the behaviour of the kids before and after TV was introduced.
  • Light Therapy : the researchers randomly assigned patients with depression into three different groups. The three groups received different forms of light therapy to treat depression (red light, bright light, soft light). The lights were installed in the participants’ bedrooms and were timed to come on naturally. The effects on depression were measured via interviews.

What are the strengths and limitations of:

  • True Experiment 
  • Field Experiment 

Travis Dixon

Travis Dixon is an IB Psychology teacher, author, workshop leader, examiner and IA moderator.

Experimental Method In Psychology

Saul McLeod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul McLeod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

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Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

On This Page:

The experimental method involves the manipulation of variables to establish cause-and-effect relationships. The key features are controlled methods and the random allocation of participants into controlled and experimental groups .

What is an Experiment?

An experiment is an investigation in which a hypothesis is scientifically tested. An independent variable (the cause) is manipulated in an experiment, and the dependent variable (the effect) is measured; any extraneous variables are controlled.

An advantage is that experiments should be objective. The researcher’s views and opinions should not affect a study’s results. This is good as it makes the data more valid  and less biased.

There are three types of experiments you need to know:

1. Lab Experiment

A laboratory experiment in psychology is a research method in which the experimenter manipulates one or more independent variables and measures the effects on the dependent variable under controlled conditions.

A laboratory experiment is conducted under highly controlled conditions (not necessarily a laboratory) where accurate measurements are possible.

The researcher uses a standardized procedure to determine where the experiment will take place, at what time, with which participants, and in what circumstances.

Participants are randomly allocated to each independent variable group.

Examples are Milgram’s experiment on obedience and  Loftus and Palmer’s car crash study .

  • Strength : It is easier to replicate (i.e., copy) a laboratory experiment. This is because a standardized procedure is used.
  • Strength : They allow for precise control of extraneous and independent variables. This allows a cause-and-effect relationship to be established.
  • Limitation : The artificiality of the setting may produce unnatural behavior that does not reflect real life, i.e., low ecological validity. This means it would not be possible to generalize the findings to a real-life setting.
  • Limitation : Demand characteristics or experimenter effects may bias the results and become confounding variables .

2. Field Experiment

A field experiment is a research method in psychology that takes place in a natural, real-world setting. It is similar to a laboratory experiment in that the experimenter manipulates one or more independent variables and measures the effects on the dependent variable.

However, in a field experiment, the participants are unaware they are being studied, and the experimenter has less control over the extraneous variables .

Field experiments are often used to study social phenomena, such as altruism, obedience, and persuasion. They are also used to test the effectiveness of interventions in real-world settings, such as educational programs and public health campaigns.

An example is Holfing’s hospital study on obedience .

  • Strength : behavior in a field experiment is more likely to reflect real life because of its natural setting, i.e., higher ecological validity than a lab experiment.
  • Strength : Demand characteristics are less likely to affect the results, as participants may not know they are being studied. This occurs when the study is covert.
  • Limitation : There is less control over extraneous variables that might bias the results. This makes it difficult for another researcher to replicate the study in exactly the same way.

3. Natural Experiment

A natural experiment in psychology is a research method in which the experimenter observes the effects of a naturally occurring event or situation on the dependent variable without manipulating any variables.

Natural experiments are conducted in the day (i.e., real life) environment of the participants, but here, the experimenter has no control over the independent variable as it occurs naturally in real life.

Natural experiments are often used to study psychological phenomena that would be difficult or unethical to study in a laboratory setting, such as the effects of natural disasters, policy changes, or social movements.

For example, Hodges and Tizard’s attachment research (1989) compared the long-term development of children who have been adopted, fostered, or returned to their mothers with a control group of children who had spent all their lives in their biological families.

Here is a fictional example of a natural experiment in psychology:

Researchers might compare academic achievement rates among students born before and after a major policy change that increased funding for education.

In this case, the independent variable is the timing of the policy change, and the dependent variable is academic achievement. The researchers would not be able to manipulate the independent variable, but they could observe its effects on the dependent variable.

  • Strength : behavior in a natural experiment is more likely to reflect real life because of its natural setting, i.e., very high ecological validity.
  • Strength : Demand characteristics are less likely to affect the results, as participants may not know they are being studied.
  • Strength : It can be used in situations in which it would be ethically unacceptable to manipulate the independent variable, e.g., researching stress .
  • Limitation : They may be more expensive and time-consuming than lab experiments.
  • Limitation : There is no control over extraneous variables that might bias the results. This makes it difficult for another researcher to replicate the study in exactly the same way.

Key Terminology

Ecological validity.

The degree to which an investigation represents real-life experiences.

Experimenter effects

These are the ways that the experimenter can accidentally influence the participant through their appearance or behavior.

Demand characteristics

The clues in an experiment lead the participants to think they know what the researcher is looking for (e.g., the experimenter’s body language).

Independent variable (IV)

The variable the experimenter manipulates (i.e., changes) is assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable.

Dependent variable (DV)

Variable the experimenter measures. This is the outcome (i.e., the result) of a study.

Extraneous variables (EV)

All variables which are not independent variables but could affect the results (DV) of the experiment. EVs should be controlled where possible.

Confounding variables

Variable(s) that have affected the results (DV), apart from the IV. A confounding variable could be an extraneous variable that has not been controlled.

Random Allocation

Randomly allocating participants to independent variable conditions means that all participants should have an equal chance of participating in each condition.

The principle of random allocation is to avoid bias in how the experiment is carried out and limit the effects of participant variables.

Order effects

Changes in participants’ performance due to their repeating the same or similar test more than once. Examples of order effects include:

(i) practice effect: an improvement in performance on a task due to repetition, for example, because of familiarity with the task;

(ii) fatigue effect: a decrease in performance of a task due to repetition, for example, because of boredom or tiredness.

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Types of Experiment: Overview

Last updated 6 Sept 2022

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Different types of methods are used in research, which loosely fall into 1 of 2 categories.

Experimental (Laboratory, Field & Natural) & N on experimental ( correlations, observations, interviews, questionnaires and case studies).

All the three types of experiments have characteristics in common. They all have:

  • an independent variable (I.V.) which is manipulated or a naturally occurring variable
  • a dependent variable (D.V.) which is measured
  • there will be at least two conditions in which participants produce data.

Note – natural and quasi experiments are often used synonymously but are not strictly the same, as with quasi experiments participants cannot be randomly assigned, so rather than there being a condition there is a condition.

Laboratory Experiments

These are conducted under controlled conditions, in which the researcher deliberately changes something (I.V.) to see the effect of this on something else (D.V.).

Control – lab experiments have a high degree of control over the environment & other extraneous variables which means that the researcher can accurately assess the effects of the I.V, so it has higher internal validity.

Replicable – due to the researcher’s high levels of control, research procedures can be repeated so that the reliability of results can be checked.


Lacks ecological validity – due to the involvement of the researcher in manipulating and controlling variables, findings cannot be easily generalised to other (real life) settings, resulting in poor external validity.

Field Experiments

These are carried out in a natural setting, in which the researcher manipulates something (I.V.) to see the effect of this on something else (D.V.).

Validity – field experiments have some degree of control but also are conducted in a natural environment, so can be seen to have reasonable internal and external validity.

Less control than lab experiments and therefore extraneous variables are more likely to distort findings and so internal validity is likely to be lower.

Natural / Quasi Experiments

These are typically carried out in a natural setting, in which the researcher measures the effect of something which is to see the effect of this on something else (D.V.). Note that in this case there is no deliberate manipulation of a variable; this already naturally changing, which means the research is merely measuring the effect of something that is already happening.

High ecological validity – due to the lack of involvement of the researcher; variables are naturally occurring so findings can be easily generalised to other (real life) settings, resulting in high external validity.

Lack of control – natural experiments have no control over the environment & other extraneous variables which means that the researcher cannot always accurately assess the effects of the I.V, so it has low internal validity.

Not replicable – due to the researcher’s lack of control, research procedures cannot be repeated so that the reliability of results cannot be checked.

  • Laboratory Experiment
  • Field experiment
  • Quasi Experiment
  • Natural Experiment
  • Field experiments

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Field experiments, explained

Editor’s note: This is part of a series called “The Day Tomorrow Began,” which explores the history of breakthroughs at UChicago.  Learn more here.

A field experiment is a research method that uses some controlled elements of traditional lab experiments, but takes place in natural, real-world settings. This type of experiment can help scientists explore questions like: Why do people vote the way they do? Why do schools fail? Why are certain people hired less often or paid less money?

University of Chicago economists were early pioneers in the modern use of field experiments and conducted innovative research that impacts our everyday lives—from policymaking to marketing to farming and agriculture.  

Jump to a section:

What is a field experiment, why do a field experiment, what are examples of field experiments, when did field experiments become popular in modern economics, what are criticisms of field experiments.

Field experiments bridge the highly controlled lab environment and the messy real world. Social scientists have taken inspiration from traditional medical or physical science lab experiments. In a typical drug trial, for instance, participants are randomly assigned into two groups. The control group gets the placebo—a pill that has no effect. The treatment group will receive the new pill. The scientist can then compare the outcomes for each group.

A field experiment works similarly, just in the setting of real life.

It can be difficult to understand why a person chooses to buy one product over another or how effective a policy is when dozens of variables affect the choices we make each day. “That type of thinking, for centuries, caused economists to believe you can't do field experimentation in economics because the market is really messy,” said Prof. John List, a UChicago economist who has used field experiments to study everything from how people use  Uber and  Lyft to  how to close the achievement gap in Chicago-area schools . “There are a lot of things that are simultaneously moving.”

The key to cleaning up the mess is randomization —or assigning participants randomly to either the control group or the treatment group. “The beauty of randomization is that each group has the same amount of bad stuff, or noise or dirt,” List said. “That gets differenced out if you have large enough samples.”

Though lab experiments are still common in the social sciences, field experiments are now often used by psychologists, sociologists and political scientists. They’ve also become an essential tool in the economist’s toolbox.  

Some issues are too big and too complex to study in a lab or on paper—that’s where field experiments come in.

In a laboratory setting, a researcher wants to control as many variables as possible. These experiments are excellent for testing new medications or measuring brain functions, but they aren’t always great for answering complex questions about attitudes or behavior.

Labs are highly artificial with relatively small sample sizes—it’s difficult to know if results will still apply in the real world. Also, people are aware they are being observed in a lab, which can alter their behavior. This phenomenon, sometimes called the Hawthorne effect, can affect results.

Traditional economics often uses theories or existing data to analyze problems. But, when a researcher wants to study if a policy will be effective or not, field experiments are a useful way to look at how results may play out in real life.

In 2019, UChicago economist Michael Kremer (then at Harvard) was awarded the Nobel Prize alongside Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo of MIT for their groundbreaking work using field experiments to help reduce poverty . In the 1990s and 2000s, Kremer conducted several randomized controlled trials in Kenyan schools testing potential interventions to improve student performance. 

In the 1990s, Kremer worked alongside an NGO to figure out if buying students new textbooks made a difference in academic performance. Half the schools got new textbooks; the other half didn’t. The results were unexpected—textbooks had no impact.

“Things we think are common sense, sometimes they turn out to be right, sometimes they turn out to be wrong,” said Kremer on an episode of  the Big Brains podcast. “And things that we thought would have minimal impact or no impact turn out to have a big impact.”

In the early 2000s, Kremer returned to Kenya to study a school-based deworming program. He and a colleague found that providing deworming pills to all students reduced absenteeism by more than 25%. After the study, the program was scaled nationwide by the Kenyan government. From there it was picked up by multiple Indian states—and then by the Indian national government.

“Experiments are a way to get at causal impact, but they’re also much more than that,” Kremer said in  his Nobel Prize lecture . “They give the researcher a richer sense of context, promote broader collaboration and address specific practical problems.”    

Among many other things, field experiments can be used to:

Study bias and discrimination

A 2004 study published by UChicago economists Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan (then at MIT) examined racial discrimination in the labor market. They sent over 5,000 resumes to real job ads in Chicago and Boston. The resumes were exactly the same in all ways but one—the name at the top. Half the resumes bore white-sounding names like Emily Walsh or Greg Baker. The other half sported African American names like Lakisha Washington or Jamal Jones. The study found that applications with white-sounding names were 50% more likely to receive a callback.

Examine voting behavior

Political scientist Harold Gosnell , PhD 1922, pioneered the use of field experiments to examine voting behavior while at UChicago in the 1920s and ‘30s. In his study “Getting out the vote,” Gosnell sorted 6,000 Chicagoans across 12 districts into groups. One group received voter registration info for the 1924 presidential election and the control group did not. Voter registration jumped substantially among those who received the informational notices. Not only did the study prove that get-out-the-vote mailings could have a substantial effect on voter turnout, but also that field experiments were an effective tool in political science.

Test ways to reduce crime and shape public policy

Researchers at UChicago’s  Crime Lab use field experiments to gather data on crime as well as policies and programs meant to reduce it. For example, Crime Lab director and economist Jens Ludwig co-authored a  2015 study on the effectiveness of the school mentoring program  Becoming a Man . Developed by the non-profit Youth Guidance, Becoming a Man focuses on guiding male students between 7th and 12th grade to help boost school engagement and reduce arrests. In two field experiments, the Crime Lab found that while students participated in the program, total arrests were reduced by 28–35%, violent-crime arrests went down by 45–50% and graduation rates increased by 12–19%.

The earliest field experiments took place—literally—in fields. Starting in the 1800s, European farmers began experimenting with fertilizers to see how they affected crop yields. In the 1920s, two statisticians, Jerzy Neyman and Ronald Fisher, were tasked with assisting with these agricultural experiments. They are credited with identifying randomization as a key element of the method—making sure each plot had the same chance of being treated as the next.

The earliest large-scale field experiments in the U.S. took place in the late 1960s to help evaluate various government programs. Typically, these experiments were used to test minor changes to things like electricity pricing or unemployment programs.

Though field experiments were used in some capacity throughout the 20th century, this method didn’t truly gain popularity in economics until the 2000s. Kremer and List were early pioneers and first began experimenting with the method in the 1990s.

In 2004, List co-authored  a seminal paper defining field experiments and arguing for the importance of the method. In 2008,  he and UChicago economist Steven Levitt published another study tracing the history of field experiments and their impact on economics.

In the past few decades, the use of field experiments has exploded. Today, economists often work alongside NGOs or nonprofit organizations to study the efficacy of programs or policies. They also partner with companies to test products and understand how people use services.  

There are several  ethical discussions happening among scholars as field experiments grow in popularity. Chief among them is the issue of informed consent. All studies that involve human test subjects must be approved by an institutional review board (IRB) to ensure that people are protected.

However, participants in field experiments often don’t know they are in an experiment. While an experiment may be given the stamp of approval in the research community, some argue that taking away peoples’ ability to opt out is inherently unethical. Others advocate for stricter review processes as field experiments continue to evolve.

According to List, another major issue in field experiments is the issue of scale . Many experiments only test small groups—say, dozens to hundreds of people. This may mean the results are not applicable to broader situations. For example, if a scientist runs an experiment at one school and finds their method works there, does that mean it will also work for an entire city? Or an entire country?

List believes that in addition to testing option A and option B, researchers need a third option that accounts for the limitations that come with a larger scale. “Option C is what I call critical scale features. I want you to bring in all of the warts, all of the constraints, whether they're regulatory constraints, or constraints by law,” List said. “Option C is like your reality test, or what I call policy-based evidence.”

This problem isn’t unique to field experiments, but List believes tackling the issue of scale is the next major frontier for a new generation of economists.

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The easiest one to define is the true experiment.  

Often called a ‘laboratory/lab’ experiment, this does not have to take place in a lab, but can be conducted in a classroom, office, waiting room, or even outside, providing it meets the criteria.  These are that allocation of participants to the two or more experimental (or experimental and control) groups or conditions is random and that the independent variable (IV) is manipulated by the researcher in order to measure the effect on the dependent variable (DV).  Other variables are carefully controlled, such as location, temperature, time of day, time taken for experiment, materials used, etc. This should result in a cause and effect relationship between the IV and the DV. Examples are randomised controlled drug trials or many of the cognitive experiments into memory, such as Glanzer and Cunitz_1966.

A field experiment is similar, in that individuals are usually randomly assigned to groups, where this is possible, and the IV is manipulated by the researcher. However, as this takes place in the participants’ natural surroundings, the extraneous variables that could confound the findings of the research are somewhat more difficult to control.  The implications for causation depend on how well these variables are controlled, and on the random allocation of participants.   Examples are bystander effect studies, and also research into the effect of digital technology on learning, such as that conducted by Hembrooke and Gay_2003 .

A quasi-experiment  is similar to either or both of the above, but the participants are not randomly allocated to groups.  Instead they are allocated on the basis of self-selection as male/female; left or right-handed; preference for coffee or tea; young/old, etc.  or researcher selection as scoring above or below and certain level on a pre-test; measured socio-economic status; psychology student or biology student, etc.  These are therefore, non-equivalent groups.  The IV is often manipulated and the DV measured as before, but the nature of the groups is a potential confounding variable.  If testing the effect of a new reading scheme on the reading ages of 11 year olds, a quasi-experimental design would allocate one class of 11 year olds to read using the scheme, and another to continue with the old scheme (control group), and then measure reading ages after a set period of time.  But there may have been other differences between the groups that mean a cause and effect relationship cannot be reliably established: those in the first class may also have already been better readers, or several months older, than those in the control group. Baseline pre-testing is one way around this, in which the students’ improvement is measured against their own earlier reading age, in a pre-test/post-test design.  In some quasi-experiments, the allocation to groups by certain criteria itself forms the IV, and the effects of gender, age or handedness on memory, for example, are measured. Examples are research into the efficacy of anti-depressants, when some participants are taking one anti-depressant and some another, or Caspi et al._2003 , who investigated whether a polymorphism on the serotonin transporter gene is linked to a higher or lower risk of individual depression in the face of different levels of perceived stress.

Finally, natural experiments are those in which there is no manipulation of the IV, because it is a naturally-occurring variable.  It may be an earthquake (IV) and measurement of people’s fear levels (DV) at living on a fault line before and after the event, or an increase in unemployment as a large factory closes (IV) and measurement of depression levels amongst adults of working age before and after the factory closure (DV). As with field experiments, many of the extraneous variables are difficult to control as the research takes place in people’s natural environment. A good example of a natural experiment is Charlton (1975) research into the effect of the introduction of television to the remote island of St. Helena.

The differences between quasi experiments and correlational research, and between natural experiments and case studies are sometimes hard to determine, so I would always encourage students to explain exactly why they are designating something as one or the other. We can’t always trust the original article either – Bartlett was happy to describe his studies as experiments, which they were not! Here’s hoping these examples have helped.  The following texts are super-useful, and were referred to while writing  this post.:

Campbell, D.T. & Stanley J.C . (1963). Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research. Boston: Houghton Mifflin (ISBN 9780528614002)

Coolican, H. (2009, 5th ed.). Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology. UK: Hodder (ISBN 9780340983447)

Shadish, W.R., Cook, T.D. & Campbell, D.T. (2001, 2nd ed.).  Experimental and Quasi-experimental Designs for Generalized Causal Inference. UK: Wadsworth (ISBN 9780395615560)

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Field Experiments

  • Reference work entry
  • First Online: 01 January 2018
  • pp 4569–4574
  • Cite this reference work entry

field vs natural experiment

  • John A. List 1 &
  • David Reiley 1  

33 Accesses

Field experiments have grown significantly in prominence since the 1990s. In this article, we provide a summary of the major types of field experiments, explore their uses, and describe a few examples. We show how field experiments can be used for both positive and normative purposes within economics. We also discuss more generally why data collection is useful in science, and more narrowly discuss the question of generalizability. In this regard, we envision field experiments playing a classic role in helping investigators learn about the behavioural principles that are shared across different domains.

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field vs natural experiment

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field vs natural experiment

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Anderson, E.T., and D. Simester. 2003. Effects of $9 price endings on retail sales: Evidence from field experiments. Quantitative Marketing and Economics 1: 93–110.

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Levitt, S.D., and J.A. List. 2006. What do laboratory experiments measuring social preferences tell us about the real world? Journal of Economic Perspectives 21(2): 153–174.

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List, J.A., Reiley, D. (2018). Field Experiments. In: The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-349-95189-5_2000

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-349-95189-5_2000

Published : 15 February 2018

Publisher Name : Palgrave Macmillan, London

Print ISBN : 978-1-349-95188-8

Online ISBN : 978-1-349-95189-5

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Natural experiments as quasi experiments, instrumental variables.

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natural experiment , observational study in which an event or a situation that allows for the random or seemingly random assignment of study subjects to different groups is exploited to answer a particular question. Natural experiments are often used to study situations in which controlled experimentation is not possible, such as when an exposure of interest cannot be practically or ethically assigned to research subjects. Situations that may create appropriate circumstances for a natural experiment include policy changes, weather events, and natural disasters. Natural experiments are used most commonly in the fields of epidemiology , political science , psychology , and social science .

Key features of experimental study design include manipulation and control. Manipulation, in this context , means that the experimenter can control which research subjects receive which exposures. For instance, subjects randomized to the treatment arm of an experiment typically receive treatment with the drug or therapy that is the focus of the experiment, while those in the control group receive no treatment or a different treatment. Control is most readily accomplished through random assignment, which means that the procedures by which participants are assigned to a treatment and control condition ensure that each has equal probability of assignment to either group. Random assignment ensures that individual characteristics or experiences that might confound the treatment results are, on average, evenly distributed between the two groups. In this way, at least one variable can be manipulated, and units are randomly assigned to the different levels or categories of the manipulated variables.

In epidemiology, the gold standard in research design generally is considered to be the randomized control trial (RCT). RCTs, however, can answer only certain types of epidemiologic questions, and they are not useful in the investigation of questions for which random assignment is either impracticable or unethical. The bulk of epidemiologic research relies on observational data, which raises issues in drawing causal inferences from the results. A core assumption for drawing causal inference is that the average outcome of the group exposed to one treatment regimen represents the average outcome the other group would have had if they had been exposed to the same treatment regimen. If treatment is not randomly assigned, as in the case of observational studies, the assumption that the two groups are exchangeable (on both known and unknown confounders) cannot be assumed to be true.

As an example, suppose that an investigator is interested in the effect of poor housing on health. Because it is neither practical nor ethical to randomize people to variable housing conditions, this subject is difficult to study using an experimental approach. However, if a housing policy change, such as a lottery for subsidized mortgages, was enacted that enabled some people to move to more desirable housing while leaving other similar people in their previous substandard housing, it might be possible to use that policy change to study the effect of housing change on health outcomes. In another example, a well-known natural experiment in Helena , Montana, smoking was banned from all public places for a six-month period. Investigators later reported a 60-percent drop in heart attacks for the study area during the time the ban was in effect.

Because natural experiments do not randomize participants into exposure groups, the assumptions and analytical techniques customarily applied to experimental designs are not valid for them. Rather, natural experiments are quasi experiments and must be thought about and analyzed as such. The lack of random assignment means multiple threats to causal inference , including attrition , history, testing, regression , instrumentation, and maturation, may influence observed study outcomes. For this reason, natural experiments will never unequivocally determine causation in a given situation. Nevertheless, they are a useful method for researchers, and if used with care they can provide additional data that may help with a research question and that may not be obtainable in any other way.

The major limitation in inferring causation from natural experiments is the presence of unmeasured confounding. One class of methods designed to control confounding and measurement error is based on instrumental variables (IV). While useful in a variety of applications, the validity and interpretation of IV estimates depend on strong assumptions, the plausibility of which must be considered with regard to the causal relation in question.

field vs natural experiment

In particular, IV analyses depend on the assumption that subjects were effectively randomized, even if the randomization was accidental (in the case of an administrative policy change or exposure to a natural disaster) and adherence to random assignment was low. IV methods can be used to control for confounding in observational studies, to control for confounding due to noncompliance, and to correct for misclassification.

IV analysis, however, can produce serious biases in effect estimates. It can also be difficult to identify the particular subpopulation to which the causal effect IV estimate applies. Moreover, IV analysis can add considerable imprecision to causal effect estimates. Small sample size poses an additional challenge in applying IV methods.

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  • Natural Experiment

Whilst oftentimes people tend to think of experiments occurring in laboratories and controlled settings, psychologists also consider real-world environments as opportunities to investigate phenomena. Behaviour changes depending on the setting, and investigating research areas in their natural settings can amplify the validity of the findings. Natural experiments offer researchers the opportunity to investigate human behaviour in everyday life. 

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True or false: Confounding/ extraneous variables can be an issue in natural experiments. 

After Hurricane Katrina, researchers wanted to investigate how the natural disaster affected mental health. What type of experiment is likely to be conducted? 

Sampling bias can be an issue in natural experiments; this can influence the research's...

True or false: Ethical issues can be a potential concern for natural experiments. 

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  • We are going to explore natural experiments used in psychological research.
  • We will start by highlighting the natural experiment definition.
  • We will then explore how natural experiments are used in psychology and cover natural experiment examples of research to demonstrate to help illustrate our points.
  • Moving on, we will cover natural and field experiments to highlight the differences between the two types of investigations.
  • And to finish, we will explore the natural experiment's advantages and disadvantages.

Natural Experiment Natural disaster Vaia

Natural Experiment Defintion

Natural experiments are essentially experiments that investigate naturally occurring phenomena. The natural experiment definition is a research procedure that occurs in the participant's natural setting that requires no manipulation by the researcher.

In experiments, changes in the independent variable (IV) are observed to identify if these changes affect the dependent variable (DV). However, in natural experiments, the researcher does not manipulate the IV. Instead, they observe the natural changes that occur.

Some examples of naturally occurring IVs are sex at birth, whether people have experienced a natural disaster, experienced a traumatic experience, or been diagnosed with a specific illness.

These examples show that it's next to impossible for the researcher to manipulate these.

Natural Experiment: Psychology

Why may researchers choose to use a natural experiment? As we have just discussed, sometimes researchers can't manipulate the IV. But, they may still wish to see how changes in the IV affect the DV, so use a natural experiment.

Sometimes a researcher can manipulate the IV, but it may be unethical or impractical to do so, so they conduct a natural experiment.

In natural experiments, the researcher can see how changes in the IV affect a DV, but unlike in lab experiments, the researcher has to identify how the IV is changing. In contrast, lab experiments pre-determine how the IV will be manipulated.

Natural Experiment: Examples

Natural experiments often take place in real-world settings. An example can be seen in examining the effect of female and male performance in an office environment and if gender plays a role in the retention of customers. Other examples include examining behaviours in schools, and the effect age has on behaviour.

Let's look at a hypothetical study that uses a natural experiment research method.

A research team was interested in investigating attitudes towards the community after experiencing a natural disaster.

The study collected data using interviews. The IV was naturally occurring as the researcher did not manipulate the IV; instead, they recruited participants who had recently experienced a natural disaster.

Natural Experiment vs Field Experiment

The table below summarises the key similarities and differences between natural experiments vs field experiments.

Natural ExperimentField Experiment

Natural Experiment: Advantages and Disadvantages

In the following section will present the natural experiment's advantages and disadvantages. We will discuss the new research possibilities, causal conclusions, rare opportunities, pre-existing sampling bias and ethical issues.

Natural Experiment, busy street with cars and trains, Vaia

New Research Opportunities

Natural experiments provide opportunities for research that can't be done for ethical and practical reasons.

For example, it is impossible to manipulate a natural disaster or maternal deprivation on participants.

So, natural experiments are the only ethical way for researchers to investigate the causal relationship of the above topics. Thus, natural experiments open up practical research opportunities to study conditions that cannot be manipulated.

High Ecological Validity

Natural experiments have high ecological validity because natural experiments study real-world problems that occur naturally in real-life settings.

When research is found to use and apply real-life settings and techniques, it is considered to have high mundane realism.

And the advantage of this is that the results are more likely applicable and generalisable to real-life situations.

Rare Opportunities

There are scarce opportunities for researchers to conduct a natural experiment. Most natural events are ‘one-off’ situations. Because natural events are unique, the results have limited generalisability to similar situations.

In addition, it is next to impossible for researchers to replicate natural experiments; therefore, it is difficult to establish the reliability of findings.

Pre-Existing Sampling Bias

In natural experiments, pre-existing sampling bias can be a problem. In natural experiments, researchers cannot randomly assign participants to different conditions because naturally occurring events create them. Therefore, in natural experiments, participant differences may act as confounding variables .

As a result, sample bias in natural experiments can lead to low internal validity and generalisability of the research.

Ethical Issues

Although natural experiments are considered the only ethically acceptable method for studying conditions that can't be manipulated, ethical issues may still arise. Because natural experiments are often conducted after traumatic events, interviewing or observing people after the event could cause psychological harm to participants.

Researchers should prepare for potential ethical issues, such as psychological harm, usually dealt with by offering therapy. However, this can be pretty costly. And the ethical issue may lead participants to drop out of the research, which can also affect the quality of the research.

Natural Experiment - Key takeaways

The natural experiment definition is a research procedure that occurs in the participant's natural setting that requires no manipulation of the researcher.

The advantages of natural experiments are that they provide opportunities for research that researchers cannot do for ethical or practical reasons and have high ecological validity.

The disadvantages of natural experiments are reliability issues, pre-existing sample bias, and ethical issues, such as conducting a study after traumatic events may cause psychological distress.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Natural Experiment

What is a natural experiment?

The natural experiment definition is a research procedure that occurs in the participant's natural setting that requires no manipulation of the researcher. 

What is an example of natural experiment?

Beckett (2006) investigated the effects of deprivation on children’s IQ at age 11. They compared 128 Romanian children who UK families had adopted at various ages and 50 UK children who had been adopted before six months. They found that Romanian children who had been adopted before six months of age had similar IQs to the UK children; however, Romanian children adopted after six months of age had much worse scores. 

What are the characteristics of a natural experiment?

The characteristics of natural experiments are that they are carried out in a natural setting and the IV is not manipulated in this type of experiment. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of natural experiments?

And the disadvantages of natural experiments are reliability issues, pre-existing sample bias, and ethical issues, such as conducting a study after traumatic events may cause psychological distress.

What are natural experiments in research?

Natural experiments in psychology research are often used when manipulating a variable is unethical or impractical.

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  • Published: 07 January 2019

How natural field experiments have enhanced our understanding of unemployment

  • Omar Al-Ubaydli   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5193-8766 1 , 2 , 3 &
  • John A. List 4 , 5  

Nature Human Behaviour volume  3 ,  pages 33–39 ( 2019 ) Cite this article

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Natural field experiments investigating key labour market phenomena such as unemployment have only been used since the early 2000s. This paper reviews the literature and draws three primary conclusions that deepen our understanding of unemployment. First, the inability to monitor workers perfectly in many occupations complicates the hiring decision in a way that contributes to unemployment. Second, the inability to determine a worker’s attributes precisely at the time of hiring leads to discrimination on the basis of factors such as race, gender, age and ethnicity. This can lead to systematically high and persistent levels of unemployment for groups that face discrimination. Third, the importance of social and personal dynamics in the workplace can lead to short-term unemployment. Much of the knowledge necessary for these conclusions could only be obtained using natural field experiments due to their ability to combine randomized control with an absence of experimenter demand effects.

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Bahrain Center for Strategic, International and Energy Studies, Manama, Bahrain

Omar Al-Ubaydli

George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA

King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA

John A. List

NBER, Cambridge, MA, USA

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Al-Ubaydli, O., List, J.A. How natural field experiments have enhanced our understanding of unemployment. Nat Hum Behav 3 , 33–39 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-018-0496-z

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Received : 19 March 2018

Accepted : 16 November 2018

Published : 07 January 2019

Issue Date : January 2019

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-018-0496-z

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field vs natural experiment

  • A-Z Publications

Annual Review of Public Health

Volume 38, 2017, review article, open access, natural experiments: an overview of methods, approaches, and contributions to public health intervention research.

  • Peter Craig 1 , Srinivasa Vittal Katikireddi 1 , Alastair Leyland 1 , and Frank Popham 1
  • View Affiliations Hide Affiliations Affiliations: MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G2 3QB, United Kingdom; email: [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]
  • Vol. 38:39-56 (Volume publication date March 2017) https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-publhealth-031816-044327
  • First published as a Review in Advance on January 11, 2017
  • Copyright © 2017 Annual Reviews. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA) International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium and any derivative work is made available under the same, similar, or a compatible license. See credit lines of images or other third-party material in this article for license information.

Population health interventions are essential to reduce health inequalities and tackle other public health priorities, but they are not always amenable to experimental manipulation. Natural experiment (NE) approaches are attracting growing interest as a way of providing evidence in such circumstances. One key challenge in evaluating NEs is selective exposure to the intervention. Studies should be based on a clear theoretical understanding of the processes that determine exposure. Even if the observed effects are large and rapidly follow implementation, confidence in attributing these effects to the intervention can be improved by carefully considering alternative explanations. Causal inference can be strengthened by including additional design features alongside the principal method of effect estimation. NE studies often rely on existing (including routinely collected) data. Investment in such data sources and the infrastructure for linking exposure and outcome data is essential if the potential for such studies to inform decision making is to be realized.

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