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Essay On My Favourite Subject Maths – 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words

Mathematics has always been a fascinating subject for me. Its infinite concepts and logical reasoning have captured my interest since my early school days. In this blog post, I will explore the reasons why mathematics is my favorite subject and delve into various aspects of this multifaceted discipline.

From algebra to calculus, geometry to statistics, mathematics offers a diverse range of topics to explore and analyze. The beauty of mathematics lies in its ability to solve complex problems and provide a deeper understanding of the world around us. Through mathematical principles, we can decipher patterns, make predictions, and unravel the secrets of the universe.

In this series of essays, I will share my perspective on why mathematics is not just a subject to study in school but a way of thinking and problem-solving that can be applied to every aspect of life. Join me on this exploration of numbers, shapes, and equations as we unravel the mysteries of my favorite subject – mathematics.

100 words Essay On My Favourite Subject Maths

Mathematics, or “Maths” as it is known in India, has always been my favourite subject. From learning basic arithmetic in primary school to solving complex equations in high school, Maths has always intrigued me with its logical and systematic approach to problem-solving.

In India, Maths is a crucial subject that forms the foundation of various competitive exams like JEE, NEET, and CAT. It is also highly valued in fields like engineering, finance, and data analytics. The discipline of Maths has produced numerous Indian mathematicians who have made significant contributions to the field. Overall, Maths is not just a subject for me; it is a versatile tool that helps me develop critical thinking skills and analytical abilities essential for success in various aspects of life.

150 words Essay On My Favourite Subject Maths

Maths has always been my favourite subject as it not only challenges my mind but also helps me develop logical thinking skills. In the Indian context, maths is considered as a fundamental subject that is crucial for various career paths such as engineering, economics, finance, and science.

Maths has a significant role in our education system, with topics like algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus being cornerstones of the curriculum. It also plays a key role in competitive exams like the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE), Common Admission Test (CAT), and the Civil Services Exam.

I enjoy solving complex problems and equations, as it gives me a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. Maths also helps me in everyday life, from calculating expenses to understanding data and statistics.

Overall, maths is not just a subject for me, but a lifelong skill that I believe is essential for success in today’s world.

200 words Essay On My Favourite Subject Maths

Mathematics is often known as the “Queen of all Sciences” and holds a special place in my heart as my favourite subject. In the Indian context, mathematics is a subject that is highly valued and emphasized in the education system.

One of the reasons why I love maths is because of its universal language and applicability in various fields like science, engineering, finance, and technology. It provides a structured way of thinking and problem-solving that can be applied to real-life situations.

Moreover, maths challenges me to think critically and analytically, improving my logical reasoning skills. Solving complex mathematical problems gives me a sense of accomplishment and boosts my confidence.

In India, mathematics holds a special significance as the country has produced some of the greatest mathematicians like Aryabhata, Ramanujan, and Bhaskara who have made significant contributions to the field.

Additionally, with the advancement in technology, maths has become even more interesting with the use of tools like calculators, software, and online resources that make learning more interactive and engaging.

In conclusion, maths is not just a subject for me, but a passion that I continue to explore and enjoy. It has shaped my thinking, problem-solving abilities and has opened up a world of endless possibilities.

250 words Essay On My Favourite Subject Maths

Mathematics has always been my favourite subject since childhood. In Indian context, maths holds a crucial place in the education system and is considered a fundamental subject for all students. There are several reasons why I love maths so much.

Firstly, I enjoy the logic and reasoning involved in solving mathematical problems. It is like solving a puzzle or a mystery, where each step leads to a solution. Maths provides a structured way of thinking and improves problem-solving skills, which are essential for various aspects of life.

Secondly, maths is a universal language that transcends barriers of nationality and culture. It is the same everywhere, whether you are in India or any other country. The beauty of mathematics lies in its ability to express complex ideas and concepts in a simple and concise manner.

Moreover, I appreciate the practical applications of maths in everyday life. From calculating discounts while shopping to understanding the concept of compound interest in finance, maths has a direct relevance to real-world scenarios. It is a subject that empowers individuals to make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the modern world.

In conclusion, maths is a subject that stimulates my mind, sharpens my thinking abilities, and provides me with a sense of accomplishment when I solve a challenging problem. It is a subject that is not only academically important but also enriches my life in numerous ways. Math will always hold a special place in my heart.

300 words Essay On My Favourite Subject Maths

Mathematics is often considered a challenging subject by many students, but for me, it is my favourite subject. In the Indian educational context, mathematics holds a significant value as it is considered the foundation for all science and technology-related fields.

One of the reasons why I love mathematics is the logical reasoning it offers. Every problem in mathematics has a structured approach and a clear solution. Solving mathematical problems not only enhances critical thinking skills but also boosts confidence when a complex problem is successfully solved.

Another aspect that appeals to me about mathematics is its practical applications in various real-life situations. From calculating grocery bills to managing monthly budgets, mathematics plays a vital role in our day-to-day activities. In the Indian context, where a majority of the workforce is employed in the field of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), a strong foundation in mathematics is essential for a successful career.

Moreover, mathematics is a subject that is not confined by language barriers. It is a universal language that transcends cultural differences and connects people from all over the world. This global appeal of mathematics fascinates me and motivates me to explore its various branches like algebra, geometry, calculus, and more.

Furthermore, the beauty of mathematics lies in its patterns and symmetries. The elegance of mathematical equations and the interconnectedness of mathematical concepts never fail to intrigue me. Understanding these patterns not only enhances problem-solving skills but also allows me to appreciate the beauty of mathematics.

In conclusion, mathematics is not just a subject for me; it is a passion that drives me to explore its complexities and unravel its mysteries. In the Indian context, where mathematics is highly valued for its role in shaping scientific advancements and technological innovations, my love for mathematics continues to grow stronger. It is a subject that challenges me, excites me, and inspires me to think beyond boundaries.

500 words Essay On My Favourite Subject Maths

Mathematics is often considered a challenging subject by many students, but for me, it has always been my favourite subject. From a young age, I have been drawn to the beauty and logic of numbers, patterns, and equations.

One of the main reasons why I love maths is because of its practical applications in everyday life. Whether it is calculating the cost of groceries, managing personal finances, or solving real-world problems, maths is a skill that is useful in almost every aspect of life. It gives me a sense of empowerment and independence knowing that I have the ability to solve complex problems using logical reasoning and critical thinking skills.

In the Indian context, maths holds a special place in the education system. It is considered a foundational subject and is given a lot of importance from the early years of schooling. From learning basic arithmetic in primary school to tackling advanced calculus and algebra in higher classes, the curriculum is designed to build a strong mathematical foundation for students. This focus on maths has helped me develop analytical and problem-solving skills that are crucial for success in academics and beyond.

Another aspect of maths that I find fascinating is its universal language. Regardless of differences in culture, language, or geography, the rules and principles of mathematics remain the same. This universal language of numbers and symbols transcends barriers and allows for communication and collaboration on a global scale. It is a subject that unites people from different backgrounds and fosters a sense of unity and understanding.

Moreover, maths is a subject that encourages creativity and innovation. The process of solving a mathematical problem often involves thinking outside the box, trying different approaches, and experimenting with new ideas. This creative aspect of maths appeals to my curious nature and keeps me engaged and motivated to explore new concepts and theories.

One of the most rewarding aspects of studying maths is the sense of accomplishment that comes from tackling a difficult problem and arriving at a solution. The feeling of satisfaction and pride that accompanies solving a challenging mathematical puzzle is unparalleled. It boosts my confidence and motivates me to take on even more difficult challenges, knowing that with perseverance and determination, I can overcome any obstacle.

In addition to the intellectual benefits, studying maths has many practical advantages as well. In a country like India, where there is a strong emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, having a good grasp of maths can open up a wide range of career opportunities. Whether it is pursuing a career in engineering, finance, data science, or research, a strong foundation in maths is essential for success in these fields.

Overall, maths is more than just a subject for me – it is a way of thinking, a way of problem-solving, and a way of understanding the world around me. It has shaped my academic journey, enhanced my cognitive abilities, and prepared me for the challenges that lie ahead. Maths will always hold a special place in my heart, and I am grateful for the opportunities it has provided me to learn, grow, and excel in my academic pursuits.

Final Words

In conclusion, mathematics is a subject that challenges and stimulates the mind in unique ways. It not only helps us understand the world around us but also equips us with problem-solving skills that are invaluable in every aspect of our lives. The precision and logic required in mathematics foster critical thinking and analytical reasoning, qualities that are essential for success in any field.

Through this essay on my favorite subject math, we have explored the beauty and complexity of mathematics, from its fascinating history to its practical applications in various fields. We have seen how mathematics teaches us to think logically, formulate logical arguments, and approach problems systematically.

As we continue to delve deeper into the realm of mathematics, we will uncover even more wonders and challenges that this subject has to offer. Whether it is algebra, geometry, calculus, or any other branch of mathematics, the journey of exploration and discovery never ends. And it is this endless potential for learning and growth that makes mathematics such a fascinating and rewarding subject.

In the end, it is clear that mathematics is not just a subject but a way of thinking, a language that allows us to communicate with the universe. It is a subject that has the power to unlock new possibilities, expand our horizons, and enrich our lives in ways we never thought possible.

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My Favourite Subject Essay Maths in English for Class 2 Students

Essay on my favourite subject maths for class 2 students.

We, at Vedantu, provide sample essays for school kids. Essay writing is an integral part of the syllabus. Writing essays improves the knowledge of language, vocabulary and boosts confidence. In case, kids have difficulty in writing essays, Vedantu is there to help. Get a free essay on My Favourite Subject Maths on Vedantu’s site and learn how to write essays effectively. Download Vedantu today!

My Favourite subject Maths Essay

My favourite subject is Maths. Maths allow me to play with numbers and improve my problem-solving skills. Maths is an interesting subject as it allows me to exercise my brain. Maths is a subject that can be improved with practice. Solving mathematical problems gives me a lot of confidence. It also boosts my energy and thinking capacity. I love solving maths problems. I also scored good marks in Maths paper in my last exam. My teacher also appreciates me when I solve any problem correctly.

I love numbers. This is one reason why I am good at maths. I love solving problems based on numbers and do not get bored easily. I want to become a Maths teacher when I grow old. I am highly inspired by my maths teacher. She is my favourite teacher. She teaches us how to solve interesting puzzles based on numbers. She also tells us various tips and tricks to solve sums easily in very less time. Because of her, I enjoy the subject even more. 

Maths is my favorite subject because I do not have to mug up anything. Like other subjects, there is no need to memorize or retain a lot of information in mind. Mathematics is based on practice. The more you practice, the better you get at the subject. I love calculations and hence enjoy chapters like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. My mother also helps me in practicing maths. It is an engaging subject and also a very scoring one. Knowing how to do calculations also helps in our day-to-day lives like while buying any goods, etc. Maths is a very important subject for higher studies, as told by my teacher. That’s why I pay close attention to the subject.

Pointers Before Writing Essays

Tips for Writing the Perfect Essays : 

Essays test the reasoning capacity of all students

Essays need to be written down as per a format

They need to be structured well with an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion

Essays enhance the writing skills of all students

If the students are habituated to writing essays, they will be able to answer long answer type questions as well

Essays should be neat and crisp

They should make sense and be centered around the topic that’s chosen

They help students in delivering ideas

How does Vedantu prepare Students for an Essay on Their Favourite Subject?

Vedantu comprehensively prepares students by providing them with free-of-cost study material. It has My Favourite Subject Maths Essay in English for Class 2 Students | Easy Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths on its online tutoring platform. This page is quite informative as it's a sample essay for all the school students to read from.  The language skills can only be honed through writing practice and Vedantu understands this aspect by making such material available to the students. It can be downloaded and then gone through in offline mode as well.

FAQs on My Favourite Subject Essay Maths in English for Class 2 Students

1. How should Class 2 students write an essay on their favourite subject?

Students can read from My Favourite Subject Maths Essay in English for Class 2 Students Easy Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths on Vedantu and then understand how such an essay needs to be written. An essay on one’s favourite subject should contain the subject’s name and the underlying reasons behind choosing it as one’s favourite. The different reasons need to be stated clearly. A freely flowing essay that makes a lot of sense to the examiner will help the students in scoring well.

2. Which format should Class 2 students follow if they write an essay on Maths as a subject?

Students can go to My Favourite Subject Maths Essay in English for Class 2 Students | Easy Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths and then solve their queries.  The amount of information that needs to be included in the essay that’s written by a student of class 2 is exactly the amount that is covered on this page. The number of words should be the same.  Read this page carefully to understand the format that needs to be followed as this will guide you in an ideal manner.

3. How do I ensure that my child in Class 2 completes her essay?

A student who’s in Class 2 will complete her essay if they know how it needs to be written. They will find writing essays easy if they read  My Favourite Subject Maths Essay in English for Class 2 Students | Easy Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths on Vedantu. This page is a sample of how essays in class 2 need to be written. Students will then feel confident before they attempt essays on any topic and not leave their essays hanging in half.

4. Do students in Class 2 need to be prepared for essays?

Yes, it gets much easier for them to write if they are well prepared for it. Class 2 has essays that need to be written in a certain format to score decent marks. Moreover, a child is quite tender at this stage and needs to work on his/ her writing skills to get accustomed to them. Writing essays builds that capability. They must go through Vedantu.  This page is pretty insightful in terms of guiding them. They should practice on their own after having gone through the book.

5. How do students in Class 2 get good scores in Essays?

Students in Class 2 must follow a format that will be more than enough for them. They can read from Vedantu. This page is a sample for them to look at and then learn. They can scan the page and all the pointers mentioned so that they know what is expected of them at the time of tests.  They can read it online on Vedantu or they can download it in a PDF form and then read it later on.

Maths • Class 2

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My Favourite Subject – Essay on My Favourite Subject, English | Maths | Science | History

February 17, 2022 by Study Mentor 12 Comments

Table of Contents

My Favourite Subject – Essay 1

As a student, each of us has some favourite subjects. A favourite subject is something we can repeatedly read without getting bored. We are always on our toes to read our favourite subject. However, at school, we can see that some students perform well in all subjects. The count of such students is less. The majority of students have a favourite subject. Almost every student has a favourite subject. It does not matter if it has associated with academics or arts.

English is My favourite Subject:

  • English is my favourite subject as it is exciting and pleasant to study.
  • This subject has a vast collection of exciting and thrilling stories and poems based on fiction and real-life events.
  • It enhances reading skills.
  • It gives the experience to use accurate words and sentences to convey the message in a better way.
  • Every chapter in the English textbook has a fantastic collection of pictures. These pictures in the stories and poems make it even more interesting to read and remember.
  • I love English as a subject, as this allows me to explore my writing skills too.
  • It helps in learning new words and enhances vocabulary. I can use them while writing essays and articles.
  • It gets better and better with practice. It is a very scoring subject.
  • By writing essays and articles, it helps in expressing my thoughts and views in simple words.
  • It allows the students to interpret it as per their intellect. It also empowers us to put our thinking in it.

Science is My favourite Subject:

  • Science is my favourite subject in school. It is my favourite subject because it is very easy to understand and I never face any problem while learning it. I always score good marks in my science test.
  • We are surrounded by science in every aspect. Everything that we use somehow or somewhere is made by science, and this fact surprises me.
  • Science is full of discoveries and innovations. It is used in anything and everything.
  • In subjects such as mathematics, we have many formulas and every step in solving problems is done logically. Remembering so many formulas is quite hard compared to the ease and simplicity of science.
  • Although science requires a lot of memory work, it helps to improve memory power.
  • Reading this subject is quite easy as it plays a great role in our day to day lives and the development of humans and economies.
  • It is a very easy subject. It takes very less time as compared to mathematics and history.
  • Today science has developed manifolds and reading about it keeps me aware of the developments taking place in this era. From fast computers to smartphones, science is behind all these innovations.
  • Science consists of physics, chemistry, and biology. In chemistry, we study the discovery of many elements. In physics, we learn about discoveries of laws and properties and in biology, we come to know about how life existed.
  • Science is a wonderful and fantastic subject as it helps us to learn something new every day and to imply those in real life.

Maths is My Favourite Subject:

  • It is related to daily life problems. For example, simple calculations can be used while buying vegetables or fruits.
  • It is a very scoring subject as we get step marking for each step, and the entire answer becomes correct if the formula and calculations are done properly.
  • Maths include a lot of formulas. Learning these formulas enhances memory power.
  • In this subject, there are various techniques to solve a problem. It helps in improving memory and boosting confidence.
  • Maths is an exciting subject and it does not require retaining a lot of information.
  • The more one practices, the better one becomes at solving various arithmetical questions.
  • We do not need to memorize or mug up everything, like a parrot. All we need is formulas and simply by putting data, it answers if the calculation part is done carefully.
  • It acts as a stress buster as it relieves the tension when one gets involved in solving problems.
  • It gives me a lot of satisfaction and boosts my energy and thinking capacity while solving questions. It is a brain exercise for me.
  • It is my favourite subject as I love to play with numbers and solve mathematical problems.

Benefits of choosing a favourite Subject

Choosing a favourite subject helps a person to stay genuinely focused during their course of study. The person becomes more committed to learning new things about that subject. It adds meaning to life. The benefits of choosing a favourite subject solely depend on the subject selected. For example, if we choose mathematics, then it improves calculation skills and is advantageous in daily life courses. If we decide English, it helps in improving vocabulary and speaking skills. If we choose history, it helps in discovering ancestral facts. If we choose science, it leads us to undiscovered and beautiful parts of the world. Likewise, each subject has a beauty of its own.

Each subject has something more to offer us other than just bookish knowledge. It teaches us something new, something that leads to a better perspective on life. This knowledge opens doors to an unimaginable world. From the tip of a pen to the distant bright stars, we are surrounded by different subject knowledge.

How do planets orbit the Sun? How do animals and plants reproduce? Why can birds fly, but humans can’t? How angles describe the motion of any object? There are numerous questions, and there is a wide range of possibilities to answer these questions. Also, we can only answer them if we know that subject. These questions and answers bring interest to a subject. To discover the unknown roads of science & technology, mathematics, English, history, biology, etc. we develop a compelling interest in a subject and that is what makes life more enjoyable.

My Favourite Subject – Essay 2

When I was in standard five, I happened to fail in history in the first unit test, and then daddy began teaching me history. He is a professor of history and is an expert in the subject.

He explained to me the events and incidents given in the textbooks as if they were all interesting stories. I did very well in history as in the next examination.

But more than that, I had developed an abiding love for the subject. From then on, history has always been my favourite subject. I love reading about the Battles of Panipat , about Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s victories and the great Indian freedom struggle. The bravery of the Rani of Jhansi fascinates me.

I always in search of books that tell me more about these great people, especially their childhood. There is the story of how Gandhiji refused to copy the word he had mis-spelt.

Or the one about how tilak, in the school he had not thrown peanut shells on the floor. Or the one of how Vallabhbhai Patel took a hot iron to burn a boil under his armpit. These stories show me how brave and truthful these great leaders were, even as children. Many of my friends complain that history is a very dull and hard subject. Thankfully, it isn’t for me. It shall always be my one and only favourite subject.

My Favourite Subject is Maths

Many student fears to Maths subject, I was among them only. Once I failed in the Mathematics, I was depressed. My friends start making fun of me.

I was lucky that my mother was a Maths Teacher, she always prompts me that, Rahul lets ply with maths, but I didn’t take that seriously.

When I told, my mother that I have failed in maths subject, she got shocked. But thankfully, she didn’t shout at me, instead of that she give me an inspirational speech.

Later on she start teaching me Mathematics, she taught me to play with maths and really I enjoyed a lot, from that day Maths became my favourite subject.

I score out of marks in this subject. Now I also teach those friends who really fear to Maths. They have set a mentality of that maths subject is very difficult and it has hell lot of formula to remember.

But my mother taught me maths in fun way; I used that technique to solve the problem. Now I generally search for problem to solve them. From this my confidence level has increase and I’m happy that most difficult subject has become a game for me.

Becoming engineer is my ambition, and in Engineering there are hell lots of complex problem, so I wish it will be easy for me.

My Favourite Subject is Science

My favourite subject in school is Science. It is my favourite subject because I never face any problem while learning it and it came easy to me. I always score good marks in my science test.

According to me, everything that surrounds us is science. Everything that we use someway or somehow is made by science. Science is nothing but discovering something new and then find what it can be capable of and where it can fit in use.

Other subject like mathematics has many formulae and every step in solving problem is done logically. Remembering the formulas and other facts is hard work compared to the ease and simplicity of science. Although it requires a lot of memory work but I never have any difficulty.

While science is simple to me, some of my friends finds it difficult. They often get stuck and give up, so I try to help them out.

The one advantage that I have in being good in science I study regularly and do my homework on time. I prepare some test paper on my own to test my skills. This way I don’t have to spend more time on it and I get enough time to study other subjects as well.

Today science has taken us to a new level, from fast computers to smartphones and it has been a huge breakthrough in science.

Science is both physics and chemistry. In science of chemistry, various elements are discovered and these elements are used in chemical bonding. In physics, there are many discovered laws and properties.

I have come to realize that every person has their own ability. If a person is good in something it is not necessary that he/she would be good in everything. If you’re good in something than don’t make fun others who are not, instead try to help them.

My Favourite Subject is English

English is my favourite subject, because I have never faced any problem to achieve good marks. My teacher Mrs. Leena helps me a lot to improve my grammar.

Earlier, English subject was not my favourite, but once I failed in this subject. I got depressed, but my mother as well as my teacher boost my confidence and help me a lot.

Today I feel English is such a wonderful subject, if you can speak and understand English then you can sustain in any part of the countries.

I feel like gentleman, whenever I speak in English.  One way you can improve your vocabulary, by reading hell lot of good books.

I help my friends when they stuck to any difficulty.  Nowadays I search for good English Novel to read and improve my language.

Really English subject is an easy subject, if you have interest in reading and improving.

Reader Interactions

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December 8, 2019 at 6:22 pm

this thing was useful to me . its awesoe

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December 11, 2019 at 2:33 pm

Thanks. We are focusing to provide best essays for students and Children’s

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July 25, 2020 at 11:34 am

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September 22, 2020 at 7:47 pm

September 22, 2020 at 7:49 pm

September 23, 2020 at 3:30 pm

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February 26, 2021 at 9:26 pm

I am trying to answer the question; What is your favourite academic subject? Describe the subject and explain why you like to study it The book Houghton Mifflin English 2006 printed in the USA. It has illustrations and photographs . What is the level of this book ? It says that is for kids but it can be used for adults. It has written, listening speaking and viewing . The word viewing is new for kids but for adults is not used. It includes: narrating and entertaining writing a story , explaining and informing , writing a research paper, writing to express an opinion , writing to persuade , tools and tips, writing process, write a description , but there is prewriting where you choose a topic, explore it and organize it, writing a working draft revising proofreading and publishing. It is for fourth graders.

February 26, 2021 at 9:34 pm

I teach English as a second language. The comment is awaiting moderation.

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September 17, 2021 at 4:54 pm

Very good it helps me too😍😍 Can u do hindi and social sciences, sanskrit 😍😍

September 30, 2021 at 2:46 pm

Sure, We will try

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November 4, 2021 at 4:16 pm

Very nice, i now know how to write an essay than before

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Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay for Children

Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay for Children

Key Points to Remember When Writing An Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths

10 lines on my favourite subject maths, a paragraph on my favourite subject maths, short essay on my favourite subject maths in english, long essay on my favourite subject maths for children, what will your child learn from my favourite subject maths essay.

As parents and educators, it’s crucial to encourage children to explore the joy and wonder of learning through essay writing. One such delightful topic is ‘My Favourite Subject Maths.’ Writing an essay helps children articulate their thoughts, improve vocabulary, and harness creativity . It is a great way to understand a child’s perspective about their favourite subjects. If your child has got the homework to write my favourite subject mathematics essay, this article is going to be extremely useful. This piece specifically focuses on ‘my favourite subject maths essay for kids,’ providing a comprehensive guide to help young minds express their affection towards this discipline.

To make your essay compelling and informative, you must ensure some checks that make an essay readable and exciting. Before diving into writing the essay, remember the following key points:

  • Define why maths is your favourite subject.
  • Mention specific instances where you enjoyed learning or solving maths problems.
  • Explain the importance of maths in daily life.
  • Discuss the historical significance of mathematics.
  • Highlight the future applications of maths.

Infographic - 10 Lines on my favourite subject maths

Writing an essay for class 1 and 2 can be a delightful exercise. It allows young minds to explore their ideas in a structured manner. Here is an easy-to-understand 10-line essay on ‘My Favourite Subject Maths.’

1. Maths is my favourite subject in school.

2. I love solving puzzles and problems.

3. When I solve math problems, it feels like a game.

4. My maths teacher makes learning fun and interesting.

5. Maths helps me understand the world around me.

6. With maths, I can count my toys and candies.

7. I like learning about shapes and numbers in maths.

8. Maths teaches me to be accurate and precise.

9. I want to become better at maths each day.

10. Maths is important, and I love it.

Diving a little deeper, let’s look at my favourite subject maths paragraph. The art of writing expands with age and practice, allowing children to articulate their thoughts better.

Mathematics is my favourite subject because it fascinates me. It’s like a puzzle that needs solving, a game that requires strategy. Every problem in maths presents a challenge, and finding the solution brings immense satisfaction. I particularly enjoy how maths is everywhere  around us , from counting the number of fruits at home to measuring the length and breadth of my notebook. There are several  big  mathematicians from whom I take inspiration, like Archimedes, Aryabhatta, Pythagoras, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Ramanujan, and more. One day, I aspire to be like them and solve great puzzles and mathematics problems. Until then, I’ll study more and solve mathematics problems more.

As children gradually move up their classes, they learn more vocabulary and sharpen their writing skills with more complex thoughts more easily. Here’s a short sample essay for class 1, 2 and 3 to understand how their favourite subject can be described in more detail.

Mathematics is my favourite subject in school.  I have been fond of  mathematics  since my early school days.  The logic and structure of maths  problems make them like puzzles waiting to be solved.  I take inspiration from  big  ancient mathematicians, like Archimedes, Aryabhatta, Pythagoras, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Ramanujan, and more. I aspire to be like them one day, solving puzzles and mathematics problems. My maths teacher explains the concepts in a simple and fun way, making the learning experience enjoyable. I particularly love the part where we learn about shapes and their properties. It’s fascinating to see how these shapes and numbers are present in our daily lives, whether  it is  in counting, measuring or even in organising things around us.  Maths is not just a subject ,  but  it is  a tool that helps me understand the world better.  I aim to excel in this subject and use it to solve real-world problems in the future.

Has your budding mathematician already reached class 3? You must be very proud of them. As students progress in classes, their level of study also increases. We have created an essay for class 3, keeping in mind the level of understanding, vocabulary, and information processing at this stage.

Each student has a subject that holds a special place in their heart. For some, it might be a creative subject like Art or Music. For others, it might be a language, science, or even physical education. But for me, the subject that sparks my interest the most is Mathematics. The world of numbers and figures, problem-solving, and logical thinking has always intrigued me.

History of Maths

Mathematics has a rich history that dates back to ancient times. Primitive societies used basic maths for simple tasks, such as counting, measuring, and tracking time. Over time, civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Indians advanced in mathematics, introducing concepts like geometry, algebra, and trigonometry. These contributions have been instrumental in shaping the modern world of maths that we know and use today.

Significance of Maths

Mathematics is everywhere and forms an integral part of our daily lives. It’s in the alarm that wakes us up in the morning, the money we use to buy goods, the measurements we use for cooking, and the technology that simplifies our lives. From engineers and scientists to shopkeepers and cooks, everyone uses mathematics in some way. It helps us solve problems, make decisions, and think logically, which is why it is taught as a crucial subject in schools worldwide.

Why Mathematics Is My Favourite Subject?

Mathematics is my favourite subject for various reasons. Firstly, I enjoy the challenge of solving problems. Each mathematical problem is like a puzzle waiting to be solved, and the thrill of finding the solution is immensely satisfying.

Secondly, mathematics is a universal language. No matter where we go, the principles of maths remain the same. It bridges the gap between different cultures and languages, making it a truly global subject.

Thirdly, maths teaches me to think logically and critically. It encourages me to break down complex problems into simpler parts, analyze each part, and find a solution step by step. This approach is not only useful for solving maths problems but also for tackling everyday challenges.

Moreover, maths provides immediate feedback. If a problem has been solved correctly, the answer will fit perfectly. This direct response system makes learning more effective and enjoyable.

Lastly, the application of mathematics in the real world is fascinating. From understanding the patterns in nature to the structure of the universe, maths helps us make sense of the world around us.

What Will Your Child Learn From My Favourite Subject Maths Essay?

Through this essay, children learn about the historical significance of maths, its relevance in everyday life, and how it has become an inseparable part of human civilization. They will also understand the fun and exciting aspects of mathematics. Maths is also an integral part of physics and accounting, which is used for astronomy, engineering, computer science, business, and even design. Therefore, it is involved in activities that range from very trivial to life-altering.

1. Who is known as the Father of Maths?

The title “Father of Mathematics” is usually awarded to ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras.

2. What are the challenges students encounter when learning mathematics?

Some common challenges students face include abstract concepts, lack of practice, fear of failure, poor foundational knowledge, and ineffective teaching methods.

Remember, maths is not about rote memorization but understanding concepts. Encourage children to explore, understand, and love the subject. After all, mathematics is a beautiful subject that has the power to describe the world around us.

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essay favourite subject maths


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Essay on My Favourite Subject

Kunika Khuble


In a world where equations hold the keys to unlocking the mysteries of the universe, where logic reigns supreme, and patterns unveil the secrets of the universe. Welcome to the captivating realm of my favorite subject: Mathematics . From the mesmerizing dance of numbers to the elegant symphony of geometric shapes, mathematics is more than just a subject—it’s a gateway to a world of endless possibilities. Join me on a journey as we explore the beauty, excitement, and significance of mathematics, a subject that has captured my heart and ignited my curiosity since the very beginning.

Essay on My Favourite Subject

Why Only Mathematics?

I like other subjects, too, but my connection with numbers goes beyond mere calculations; a deeply ingrained fascination has shaped my worldview and influenced my journey through life. Here’s why numbers hold a special place in my heart:

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  • Childhood Wonder : From a young age, I found solace in the rhythmic repetition of counting. Whether it was arranging toys in numerical order or tracing patterns in the stars, numbers were my constant companions, offering a sense of comfort and familiarity in a world filled with uncertainty.
  • Discovering Patterns : As I grew older, I became captivated by the intricate patterns that numbers revealed. Whether it was the mesmerizing symmetry of geometric shapes or the mesmerizing dance of prime numbers, each discovery felt like uncovering a hidden treasure, fueling my curiosity and inspiring me to delve deeper into the mysteries of mathematics.
  • Academic Pursuits : My passion for numbers extended into my academic pursuits, leading me to explore advanced mathematical concepts and theories. From algebra to calculus, each new concept felt like unlocking a door to a new realm of understanding, enriching my intellectual curiosity and challenging me to think critically and creatively.
  • Problem-Solving Thrill : One of the most exhilarating aspects of my connection with numbers is the thrill of solving complex problems. Whether unraveling a challenging equation or devising an elegant proof, the sense of satisfaction that comes from overcoming obstacles is unparalleled. This drives me to push the boundaries of my mathematical abilities and strive for excellence in all endeavors.
  • Real-World Applications : Beyond the confines of the classroom, numbers have practical applications that resonate with my everyday life . Whether it’s managing finances, analyzing data, or making informed decisions, the mathematical skills I’ve acquired have empowered me to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and clarity.
  • Spiritual Reflection : Numbers also hold a deeper significance for me, serving as a source of spiritual reflection and contemplation. Whether pondering the infinite depths of pi or marveling at the beauty of fractal geometry, numbers invite me to transcend the boundaries of the material world and explore the mysteries of existence with a sense of wonder and awe.

History Behind Mathematics

The origin of mathematics deeply intertwines with the development of human civilization. It emerged as a tool to address practical needs and solve real-world problems.

  • Counting and Enumeration : The earliest forms of mathematics likely revolved around counting and enumeration, as early humans sought ways to quantify and keep track of their belongings, resources, and activities. Simple tally marks and notches on bones, stones, or clay tablets may have served as early numerical representations.
  • Arithmetic and Calculation : The need for arithmetic and calculation became apparent as societies grew more complex. People developed basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to facilitate trade, commerce, and everyday transactions. Ancient artifacts and archaeological findings, such as Babylonian clay tablets and Egyptian papyrus scrolls, provide evidence of early arithmetic techniques and mathematical algorithms.
  • Geometry and Measurement : The study of geometry and measurement emerged alongside the need to survey land, construct buildings, and navigate the natural world. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Mesopotamians formulated geometric principles and measurement systems to facilitate the design and construction of structures, address practical challenges, and conduct precise astronomical observations.
  • Algebra and Symbolic Representation : Algebraic concepts and symbolic representation began to evolve as mathematicians sought ways to generalize arithmetic operations and solve equations. The ancient Greeks, particularly mathematicians like Euclid and Pythagoras, contributed significantly to developing algebraic techniques and geometric proofs, laying the groundwork for modern algebraic notation and methods.
  • Mathematical Inquiry and Discovery : Mathematics evolved from a practical tool for solving everyday problems to a formal discipline of inquiry and discovery. Mathematicians in ancient Greece, India, China, and the Islamic world engaged in rigorous intellectual pursuits, exploring mathematical concepts, proving theorems, and formulating mathematical theories that continue to influence modern mathematics.

The Beauty of Numbers

The beauty of numbers lies in their simplicity and profound complexity, weaving a tapestry of patterns and relationships that captivate the mind and soul. Here’s why numbers are so incredibly beautiful:

  • Elegance in Simplicity : Numbers, at their core, are deceptively simple yet endlessly profound. From the simplicity of counting to the intricacies of advanced mathematical concepts, there is beauty in the elegance of their structure and the purity of their form.
  • Harmony in Patterns : Numbers reveal an underlying harmony in their creation patterns. Whether it’s the rhythmic repetition of Fibonacci sequences or the symmetrical beauty of prime numbers, a sense of order and symmetry resonates deeply with the human spirit.
  • Universal Language : Numerical figures function as a universal language that surpasses cultural and linguistic barriers. They provide a common ground for communication and understanding , allowing us to express complex ideas and concepts concisely and precisely.
  • Gateway to Knowledge : Numbers are the building blocks of mathematics, the language of science and technology. They unlock the secrets of the universe, from the mysteries of the cosmos to the intricacies of quantum mechanics, enabling us to unravel the mysteries of the world around us.
  • Creative Expression : Numbers inspire creativity and innovation, serving as a canvas for artistic expression in fields such as music , art , and literature . From the mathematical precision of Bach’s compositions to the geometric beauty of Islamic art, numbers enrich our lives with their creative potential.
  • Infinite Possibilities : Numbers are infinite in their scope and potential, opening up a world of endless possibilities for exploration and discovery. Whether it’s exploring the infinite depths of pi or delving into the mysteries of prime numbers, there is always something new and exciting to uncover in the world of numbers.
  • Philosophical Reflection : Numbers invite philosophical reflection, prompting us to ponder the nature of reality and the meaning of existence. Numbers challenge our conceptions of time, space, and infinity, encouraging us to ponder the mysteries of existence and our position in the universe.

The Satisfaction of Solving Problems

The satisfaction of solving problems is a deeply gratifying experience that transcends the mere act of finding a solution; it embodies a sense of accomplishment, resilience, and personal growth. Here’s why solving problems fills me with an unparalleled sense of satisfaction:

  • Intellectual Triumph : There’s an undeniable thrill in overcoming intellectual challenges and unraveling the complexities of a problem. Whether cracking a difficult math problem or finding a creative solution to a real-world issue, the feeling of triumph accompanying success is immensely rewarding.
  • Sense of Mastery : Solving problems instills a sense of mastery and competence that boosts confidence and self-esteem. Each successful solution serves as a reminder of my ability to tackle challenges head-on, empowering me to confront future obstacles with courage and determination.
  • Critical Thinking Skills : Problem-solving cultivates critical thinking skills essential for success in all aspects of life. From analyzing the problem and identifying potential solutions to evaluating their effectiveness and making informed decisions, the process of problem-solving hones my ability to think logically, strategically, and analytically.
  • Creative Expression : Problem-solving is not merely a mechanical process; it’s a creative endeavor that encourages innovation and ingenuity. Whether devising a new approach to an old problem or thinking outside the box to find a novel solution, the opportunity to exercise creativity in problem-solving is both exhilarating and fulfilling.
  • Resilience and Perseverance : The path to solving a problem is often paved with obstacles and setbacks, requiring resilience and perseverance. Following a request from higher-ranking officials for a larger flag, Marines hoisted a second, larger one atop Suribachi later that same day.

Universality and Daily Life Applicability

Mathematics’s universality and daily life applicability are profound, touching nearly every aspect of our existence. Here’s how mathematics permeates our daily lives and extends its reach across diverse fields:

  • Everyday Problem-Solving : Beyond specific domains, mathematics equips us with essential problem-solving skills applicable to everyday life. Whether it’s calculating grocery bills, measuring ingredients for cooking, or estimating travel times, mathematical thinking helps us navigate the complexities of daily living with confidence and efficiency.
  • Finance and Economics : Mathematics underpins every aspect of finance and economics, whether it’s budgeting personal finances, calculating interest rates on loans, or analyzing stock market trends. Grasping arithmetic, algebra, and statistics concepts is vital for making well-informed financial decisions and efficiently managing economic resources.
  • Technology and Engineering : Mathematics forms the foundation of modern technology and engineering, from designing skyscrapers and bridges to developing computer algorithms and software programs. Fields such as calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations are instrumental in solving complex engineering problems and driving technological innovation.
  • Science and Medicine : Mathematics plays a crucial role in scientific research and medical practice, enabling researchers to model natural phenomena, analyze experimental data, and develop predictive models. From calculating drug dosages to modeling the spread of infectious diseases, mathematical concepts such as statistics, probability, and calculus are indispensable tools for advancing scientific knowledge and improving healthcare outcomes.
  • Architecture and Design : Architects and designers depend on mathematics to design structures that are not only visually appealing but also structurally stable. Engineers and architects use geometry, trigonometry, and calculus to calculate dimensions, angles, and proportions, ensuring that buildings and objects meet functional and aesthetic requirements.
  • Travel and Navigation : Mathematics is essential for navigation and travel, guiding us from point A to point B with precision and accuracy. Mathematical principles are indispensable for planning and executing journeys, calculating distances using trigonometry, plotting routes on maps using geometry, and estimating travel times using calculus.
  • Communications and Information Technology : Mathematics is at the heart of modern communications and information technology, powering everything from smartphones and computers to the internet and digital encryption. Engineers and computer scientists use concepts such as algebra, number theory, and graph theory to develop algorithms for data transmission, compression, and encryption, enabling seamless communication and information exchange.
  • Sports and Recreation : Mathematics plays a role in sports and recreation, providing insights into game strategies, player performance, and statistical analysis. From calculating batting averages in baseball to analyzing probabilities in gambling, mathematical concepts such as probability, statistics, and game theory enhance our understanding and enjoyment of sports and recreational activities.

Career Opportunities

Career prospects in mathematics are varied and extend across numerous industries, providing a broad spectrum of rewarding and intellectually engaging positions. Here’s an exploration of some key career paths in mathematics, along with subpoints highlighting specific job roles and opportunities within each:

1. Academia and Research

  • Professorship : Teaching and conducting research at universities and colleges.
  • Research Scientist : Leading or participating in research projects in mathematics or related fields.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow : Engaging in advanced research under the mentorship of experienced scholars.
  • Mathematics Lecturer/Instructor : Teaching mathematics courses at the college or university level.
  • Graduate Teaching Assistant : Assisting professors in teaching undergraduate mathematics courses while pursuing advanced studies.

2. Finance and Banking

  • Quantitative Analyst (Quant) : Creating mathematical models and algorithms for financial analysis and risk management.
  • Financial Analyst : Analyzing financial data, forecasting trends, and making investment recommendations.
  • Actuary : Assessing financial risks and probabilities for insurance companies and financial institutions.
  • Financial Engineer : Designing and implementing mathematical models for pricing and hedging financial products.

3. Technology and Information Technology

  • Data Scientist : Analyzing large datasets to extract insights and make data-driven decisions.
  • Software Developer : Developing algorithms and mathematical models for software applications.
  • Machine Learning Engineer : Building machine learning models and algorithms for predictive analytics and pattern recognition.
  • Cryptographer : Designing and analyzing cryptographic algorithms and protocols for secure communication and data protection.

4. Engineering and Manufacturing

  • Mechanical Engineer : Using mathematical principles to design and analyze mechanical systems and structures.
  • Civil Engineer : Applying mathematical concepts to design infrastructure projects such as bridges, roads, and buildings.
  • Industrial Engineer : Optimizing production processes and supply chain operations using mathematical modeling and optimization techniques.
  • Operations Research Analyst : Solving complex optimization problems in logistics, transportation , and resource allocation.

5. Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals

  • Biostatistician : Analyzing medical data and conducting statistical studies in healthcare and pharmaceutical research.
  • Epidemiologist : Studying patterns and causes of diseases within populations using mathematical models and statistical analysis.
  • Pharmaceutical Research Scientist : Developing mathematical models for drug discovery, pharmacokinetics, and clinical trials.
  • Healthcare Analytics Specialist : Employing mathematical modeling and data analysis techniques to enhance healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes.

6. Government and Public Policy

  • Policy Analyst : Analyzing data and conducting research to inform public policy decisions.
  • Statistical Analyst : Collecting and analyzing data to support government programs and initiatives.
  • Intelligence Analyst : Using mathematical and statistical methods to analyze intelligence data for national security purposes.
  • Urban Planner : Applying mathematical modeling and analysis to urban development and city planning projects.

7. Consulting and Professional Services

  • Management Consultant : Providing strategic advice to businesses and organizations based on mathematical analysis and modeling.
  • Risk Management Consultant : Using mathematical techniques to assess and manage financial and operational risks.
  • Actuarial Consultant : Providing actuarial services to insurance companies, pension funds, and other financial institutions.

Fun and Enjoyment

Even beyond its practical applications and career opportunities, mathematics can be a source of fun and enjoyment for many people. Here’s how:

  • Puzzle Solving : Mathematics is full of puzzles and brain teasers that can challenge and entertain. Whether it’s solving Sudoku puzzles, cracking codes, or unraveling logic puzzles, the satisfaction of finding the solution can be immensely rewarding.
  • Games and Recreational Mathematics : Many games and recreational activities derive from mathematical principles. From board games like chess and Scrabble to card games like poker and blackjack, mathematics adds depth and strategy to gameplay, making it enjoyable and intellectually stimulating.
  • Mathematical Art and Patterns : Mathematics can inspire creativity and artistic expression. Fractal art, tessellations, and geometric designs exemplify how mathematical concepts such as symmetry, proportion, and repetition can create visually stunning artwork that appeals to both the eye and the intellect.
  • Mathematical Magic and Illusions : Math-based magic tricks and optical illusions can captivate and amaze audiences of all ages. Whether it’s the “magic square” or the “Monty Hall problem,” these mathematical phenomena challenge our perceptions and spark curiosity and wonder.
  • Math Competitions and Challenges : For those who enjoy a good challenge, math competitions and challenges allow them to test their skills against others and push their mathematical abilities to the limit. Events like the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) and the Putnam Competition offer a platform for showcasing talent and fostering camaraderie among math enthusiasts.
  • Mathematical Toys and Gadgets : Educational toys and gadgets grounded in mathematical principles can transform the learning of math into an enjoyable and engaging experience for both children and adults. From geometric construction sets and math manipulatives to mathematical puzzles and toys, these hands-on learning tools can foster a love of math from an early age.
  • Mathematical Literature and Popular Culture : Math-themed books, movies, and TV shows can entertain and inspire audiences while showcasing mathematics’s beauty and relevance in everyday life. Whether it’s the mathematical themes in films like “A Beautiful Mind” or the mathematical puzzles in books like “The Da Vinci Code,” mathematics has a presence in popular culture that can be entertaining and thought-provoking.

Tips for Overcoming Math Difficulties

For those who find mathematics difficult, here are some tips to help improve understanding and confidence:

  • Start with the Basics : Build a strong foundation by revisiting fundamental concepts and mastering basic arithmetic, algebraic operations, and geometric principles. Understanding the basics is essential for tackling more advanced topics with confidence.
  • Practice Regularly : Practice is key to improving mathematical skills. Set aside dedicated time each day to work on math problems, review class notes, and reinforce learning through repetition and practice exercises.
  • Break Down Problems : Divide complex problems into smaller, more manageable steps. Concentrate on comprehending each step independently before tackling the problem as a whole. This method can alleviate anxiety and render problem-solving more approachable.
  • Seek Help When Needed : Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you encounter difficulties. Reach out to teachers, tutors, classmates, or online resources for clarification and guidance. Remind yourself that experiencing difficulty with math is normal and seeking assistance demonstrates strength rather than weakness.
  • Use Visual Aids and Manipulatives : Visual aids, diagrams, and manipulatives offer tangible representations of abstract mathematical concepts, simplifying comprehension and visualization. Explore various tools and methods to discover what suits you best.
  • Connect Math to Real Life : Make connections between mathematical concepts and real-life situations to understand their practical relevance and applicability. Whether it’s calculating discounts while shopping, measuring ingredients for cooking, or budgeting finances, finding real-world contexts for math can make learning more engaging and meaningful.
  • Stay Organized and Manage Time : Stay organized by keeping track of assignments, deadlines, and study materials. Divide larger tasks into smaller, manageable objectives, and allocate time efficiently for studying, practicing, and reviewing material.
  • Review and Reflect : Regularly review past assignments, tests, and mistakes to identify areas for improvement and reinforce learning. Reflect on your progress, strengths, and weaknesses , and adjust your study strategies accordingly to optimize learning outcomes.
  • Celebrate Progress : Celebrate your progress and accomplishments, no matter how small. Recognize and reward your efforts to stay motivated and inspired on your mathematical journey.

My favorite subject, Mathematics, holds a special place in my heart for its universality, practicality, and inherent beauty. From its application in everyday life to its role in shaping the world around us, mathematics offers many opportunities for exploration, discovery, and personal growth. Through problem-solving, critical thinking, and creative expression, mathematics empowers me to navigate the complexities of the modern world with confidence and clarity. Its timeless allure and endless possibilities continue to inspire me, fueling my passion for learning and discovery. In the vast landscape of knowledge, mathematics remains my steadfast companion and source of endless fascination.


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Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths

Most of the students have a phobia of the subject maths but also it is a beloved subject for many. Although it can be difficult to decide which type of math to take or learn but still it is a very interesting subject. There are a variety of courses to choose from, and it is important to know your learning style and the level of math you want to tackle before making a choice.

It is also important to consider algebra, geometry, calculus, and trigonometry when choosing a math subject. Knowing your strengths, weaknesses, and interests can help make the decision easier. Today we will discuss about my favourite subject maths in detail.

Short and Long My Favourite Subject Maths Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on My Favourite Subject Maths in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on My Favourite Subject Maths will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

My Favourite Subject Maths Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Maths is my favourite subject because it is so versatile. It can be used in every aspect of life.

2) I like the challenge of problem solving and understanding the underlying logics.

3) It teaches me to think logically and rationally.

4) Maths gives me the opportunity to explore different perspectives and to develop innovative solutions.

5) The beauty of maths is that it can be applied to so many real-world scenarios.

6) The same mathematical principles can be used to solve problems in many different contexts.

7) Maths has enabled me to develop my thinking skills and to understand how the world works.

8) I love how maths allows me to explore different ways.

9) Maths has become increasingly important in the modern world.

10) One of the best things about maths is that it continues to surprise me with its complexity and application.

Short Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths (250 – 300 Words)


Maths is a subject that is essential to our understanding of the world. It has been studied for thousands of years, and its application to many fields, such as science, engineering, economics and finance has revolutionised our understanding of the universe. Maths is all around us, used to interpret and draw conclusions from the problems we face every day. It is an ever-evolving discipline and its influence will only grow stronger in the future.

Why Maths is my Favourite Subject?

Maths has been my favourite subject for many reasons. The most significant factor is that it is a very logical and analytical subject. It requires you to use your logical and analytical skills to solve problems. This helps in improving my problem-solving skills. Moreover, maths is a very wide subject, and as I learn more about it, I understand its application in almost every field. This makes me realise the importance of maths in real life.

Application of Maths

Maths is an integral part of our lives. It is used in almost every field such as engineering, science, finance, and economics. Without maths, none of these fields would be able to function properly. Even in our day-to-day life, we use maths to calculate distances, time, and other measurements.

Maths has been my favourite subject since childhood. Its logical and analytical approach appeals to me the most. Maths is an integral part of our lives and it is used in almost every field such as engineering, science, finance, and economics. It has also helped me to develop certain qualities such as analytical and problem-solving skills, confidence and logical thinking.

Long Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths (500 Words)

Maths is one of the most important subjects for students, it is a universal language of calculations and problem-solving that includes the application of logical thinking. Maths has been and continues to be an essential subject for students as it enables them to understand the world and make sense of concepts that are not easy to understand. Maths also helps them to develop their skills of problem-solving and think logically, which are highly valued by employers.

Maths is a subject with a long history, and it has been studied for thousands of years. Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese all developed their own systems of mathematics. These systems were the basis for modern mathematics, which has been studied and developed over the centuries. Today, mathematics is seen as a vital part of education, and it is an important subject in all levels of schooling.

Importance of Maths

Maths is an important subject because it forms the foundation for many other disciplines. For example, science and engineering rely heavily on mathematics in order to be successful. Mathematics is also important for students to understand the world around them, by helping them to understand how the laws of nature work, or how to solve problems logically.

Maths is also important in everyday life. It gives us an understanding of the world around us, and allows us to make decisions confidently and efficiently. From using numeracy skills to understand basic finances and budgeting, to using more advanced maths to understand complex engineering principles, maths is essential.

Maths can be used to solve a whole range of problems, from simple calculations to complex equations. It can be used to understand concepts such as the law of gravity, or to calculate the probability of a certain outcome. It can also be used to understand the everyday world, such as calculating the cost of an item, or understanding the ingredients in a recipe.

Maths can also be used in a variety of professions. For example, doctors use maths to calculate doses of medicine, and construction workers use maths to calculate and measure materials. In finance, maths is used to analyse risks and predict future trends.

Qualities I Have Developed

Maths has also helped me to develop certain qualities. It has helped me to develop my analytical and problem-solving skills. I have also become more confident in myself as I am able to tackle complex problems. Furthermore, it has also helped me to develop my logical thinking abilities which are essential in many fields.

Maths is a fascinating subject with many applications. Its importance for education and employment cannot be understated, as maths is an essential part of understanding the world around us. Maths also helps problem-solving skills, which are highly valued by employers. For all these reasons, maths should be an important part of every student’s education.

I hope the above-provided essay on My Favourite Subject Maths will be helpful for everyone to know about the subject maths in a better way.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on My Favourite Subject Maths

Ans. The most important concept to learn in maths is understanding the basics and developing problem-solving skills.

Ans. The term is coined during the 6 th century BC by Pythagoreans.

Ans. Archimedes, a Greek mathematician is known as father of mathematics.

Ans. The full form of Math is Mathematics.

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My Favourite Subject Maths Essay for Class 2

Maths is a very interesting subject, and numerical problems help to sharpen young minds. These develop our reasoning and thinking capabilities and are often used in our everyday lives. Mathematics makes us smart and opens up young minds for broader thinking methods and approaches while solving numerical sums.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 2 on the topic ‘My Favourite Subject Maths’ for reference.

Essay 1: Short Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths Of 100 Words

Maths is my favourite subject because I find numbers very interesting and I like to solve numerical sums. I like number games, and I go to abacus class to solve sums faster. My teacher has taught me various tricks to solve problem sums faster. I have taken part in the Maths Olympiad and had fun there.

The best thing about maths is that I do not have to remember anything, and I like to solve problems, in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Maths is easier than other subjects but needs a lot of practice. Practice helps to solve sums faster.

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Essay 2: Long Essay on My Favourite Subject Maths Of 150 Words

There are a lot of fun things about maths, and I love this subject. The different tricks to calculate sums make this subject more interesting. I like to solve problem sums as these have a lot of steps to get the final answer.

I have a mental maths class in school where we cannot do any rough work and solve small math problems mentally. These calculations help to solve sums faster and help us in everyday life. Mental maths is easy to solve and improves my sense of numbers.

I practice maths every day, and my mother asks me to solve various problem sums and mental maths from different books daily. I get to solve different types of sums of the same chapter, which improves my calculations. In school, our maths teacher makes us play different number games. These group activities and fun games help us to calculate sums faster.

10 Lines on My Favourite Subject Maths in English

  • Maths is a very interesting subject and can be used in daily life.
  • Maths is my favourite subject because I love to solve problem sums.
  • I find problems in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division very easy.
  • I love to solve mental maths faster in my class.
  • I go to abacus class to learn more about calculations and mental maths.
  • I take part in Maths Olympiad, and it is a fun experience every time.
  • My mother makes me practice sums from different books.
  • In school, we play many fun number games and take part in competitions.
  • I find maths easier than any other subject because I don’t have to memorize anything.
  • Practicing maths every day helps to solve maths faster.

Frequently Asked Questions on My Favorite Subject Maths

Question: Why do people find maths interesting?

Answer:  People who find maths interesting are fond of numbers and find calculations easier than remembering information and details as seen in other subjects. These calculations do not take much time and can be solved within minutes.

Question: Why do some people face difficulty in maths?

Answer:  Often, people face difficulty in maths because they might not know about numbers and calculations in detail or are not taught about these properly. People also face problems in understanding basic mathematical problems due to difficult language.

Question: How to improve calculations in maths?

Answer:  Maths is all about practice. Practicing sums daily, along with mental maths, will help to improve calculations.

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My Favorite Subject Maths – Essay in 10 Lines, 100 to 1500 Words

Short Essay on My Favorite Subject Maths

Essay on My Favorite Subject Maths: Mathematics has always been a subject that has fascinated me. From solving complex equations to understanding the logic behind geometric shapes, there is something about numbers and patterns that intrigues me. In this essay, I will delve into why mathematics is my favorite subject and how it has helped me develop critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. Join me as I explore the beauty and practicality of mathematics in our everyday lives.

Table of Contents

My Favorite Subject Maths Essay Writing Tips

1. Start by introducing the topic of your essay, which is your favorite subject – Maths. Explain why you enjoy studying Maths and how it has been a significant part of your academic journey.

2. Provide a brief overview of what Maths entails, including topics such as algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics. Mention how each of these areas has contributed to your understanding and appreciation of the subject.

3. Share personal anecdotes or experiences that highlight your passion for Maths. This could include a particular problem or concept that you found challenging but ultimately rewarding to solve.

4. Discuss the practical applications of Maths in everyday life and how it has helped you develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and logical reasoning.

5. Highlight any achievements or successes you have had in Maths, such as winning a math competition or scoring well on a difficult exam. Explain how these accomplishments have motivated you to continue studying the subject.

6. Talk about your favorite topics within Maths and why you find them interesting. This could be anything from solving equations to graphing functions to analyzing data sets.

7. Discuss any challenges you have faced while studying Maths and how you have overcome them. This could include seeking help from teachers or tutors, practicing regularly, or developing new study strategies.

8. Reflect on how studying Maths has influenced your career aspirations and future goals. Explain how the skills and knowledge you have gained from the subject will benefit you in your chosen field.

9. Conclude your essay by summarizing why Maths is your favorite subject and how it has shaped your academic journey. Express your enthusiasm for continuing to learn and grow in the field of Mathematics.

10. Proofread your essay for any grammatical errors or typos before submitting it. Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and engaging to the reader.

Essay on My Favorite Subject Maths in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Mathematics is my favorite subject because it challenges me to think critically and problem solve. 2. I enjoy the logical and systematic approach to solving equations and problems in math. 3. Math helps me develop analytical skills and improve my reasoning abilities. 4. I love the feeling of satisfaction when I solve a complex math problem. 5. Math is a universal language that transcends cultural and language barriers. 6. I appreciate the practical applications of math in everyday life, such as budgeting and measuring. 7. Studying math helps me improve my memory and concentration skills. 8. Math allows me to explore patterns and relationships in numbers and shapes. 9. I find joy in discovering new mathematical concepts and theories. 10. Overall, math is a subject that challenges me intellectually and brings me a sense of accomplishment.

Sample Essay on My Favorite Subject Maths in 100-180 Words

Mathematics has always been my favorite subject since I was a child. I find it fascinating how numbers and equations can solve complex problems and help us understand the world around us. I enjoy the challenge of solving mathematical problems and the satisfaction that comes with finding the right answer.

Mathematics is a subject that requires logical thinking and problem-solving skills, which I believe are essential in everyday life. It helps me develop my analytical skills and improve my critical thinking abilities. I also appreciate how mathematics is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers.

Moreover, I find joy in the beauty of mathematics, from the elegance of geometric shapes to the symmetry of equations. The subject is not only practical but also aesthetically pleasing.

In conclusion, mathematics is a subject that I am passionate about because of its intellectual challenges, practical applications, and inherent beauty. It will always be my favorite subject, and I look forward to continuing to explore its wonders in the future.

Short Essay on My Favorite Subject Maths in 200-500 Words

Mathematics has always been my favorite subject since I was a child. I have always been fascinated by numbers and the logic behind mathematical concepts. There is something about solving complex equations and problems that gives me a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

One of the reasons why I love math is because it is a universal language. No matter where you go in the world, math remains the same. It is a subject that transcends cultural and language barriers, making it a powerful tool for communication and problem-solving.

Mathematics is also a subject that requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It challenges me to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to complex problems. I enjoy the process of breaking down a problem into smaller, more manageable parts and working through each step methodically to arrive at a solution.

Another reason why I love math is because of its practical applications in everyday life. From calculating the tip at a restaurant to managing finances and budgeting, math is a subject that is constantly relevant and useful in real-world situations. It helps me make informed decisions and understand the world around me in a more logical and analytical way.

Furthermore, math is a subject that is constantly evolving and expanding. There are always new concepts and theories to learn, which keeps me engaged and excited about the subject. I enjoy the challenge of learning new mathematical concepts and applying them to solve problems in innovative ways.

In addition, math is a subject that encourages precision and accuracy. There is no room for ambiguity or guesswork in math – the answers are either right or wrong. This has taught me the importance of attention to detail and the value of being thorough in my work.

Overall, mathematics is a subject that I am passionate about and enjoy studying. It challenges me, stimulates my mind, and helps me develop valuable skills that I can apply in various aspects of my life. I am grateful for the opportunities that math has given me to grow and learn, and I look forward to continuing my journey with this fascinating subject.

Essay on My Favorite Subject Maths in 1000-1500 Words

Mathematics is often considered a challenging subject by many students, but for me, it has always been my favorite subject. I have always been fascinated by the world of numbers, equations, and formulas. Mathematics is not just about solving problems; it is a way of thinking and reasoning that can be applied to various aspects of life. In this essay, I will discuss why mathematics is my favorite subject and how it has influenced my academic and personal life.

One of the main reasons why I love mathematics is because of its logical and systematic nature. Unlike other subjects where there may be multiple interpretations or subjective opinions, mathematics is based on concrete rules and principles. There is always a right answer to a mathematical problem, and it is up to the student to find it using logical reasoning and critical thinking skills. I find this aspect of mathematics to be very satisfying, as it allows me to use my analytical skills to solve complex problems and come up with precise solutions.

Another reason why I enjoy mathematics is because of its practical applications in everyday life. Mathematics is not just a theoretical subject; it is a tool that can be used to solve real-world problems. Whether it is calculating the tip at a restaurant, budgeting for expenses, or analyzing data in a scientific experiment, mathematics is a valuable skill that can be applied in various situations. I appreciate the fact that mathematics has practical relevance and can be used to make informed decisions in different aspects of life.

Furthermore, I find mathematics to be a creative and imaginative subject. While some may view mathematics as a rigid and boring subject, I see it as a field that allows for creativity and innovation. There are countless ways to approach a mathematical problem, and the process of finding a solution often involves thinking outside the box and exploring different strategies. I enjoy the challenge of coming up with creative solutions to complex problems and seeing how different mathematical concepts can be applied in unique ways.

Moreover, mathematics has played a significant role in shaping my academic and personal development. As a student, I have always excelled in mathematics and have consistently achieved high grades in the subject. This success has boosted my confidence and motivated me to pursue further studies in mathematics and related fields. I have also developed strong problem-solving skills and a keen eye for detail, which have been invaluable in other subjects and activities. Mathematics has taught me the importance of perseverance and hard work, as solving mathematical problems often requires patience and dedication.

In addition, mathematics has opened up a world of opportunities for me in terms of future career prospects. With a strong foundation in mathematics, I have the option to pursue a wide range of career paths, including engineering, finance, computer science, and research. Mathematics is a versatile subject that can be applied in various industries and professions, and I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. I am confident that my passion for mathematics will continue to guide me in my academic and professional endeavors.

Overall, mathematics is not just a subject to me; it is a way of thinking, problem-solving, and exploring the world around me. I am grateful for the opportunities that mathematics has provided me and the skills that I have acquired through studying the subject. I look forward to continuing my journey in mathematics and discovering new ways to apply its principles in different aspects of my life. Mathematics will always hold a special place in my heart, and I am proud to call it my favorite subject.

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How To Write An Essay On ‘My Favourite Subject’ For Classes 1, 2 & 3

Shaili Contractor

Key Points to Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Favourite Subject’

10-line essay on ‘my favourite subject maths’, paragraph on ‘my favourite subject is english’, long essay on ‘my favourite subject is science’ for kids, what will your 1st, 2nd or 3rd grader learn from ‘my favourite subject’.

All of us have a favourite subject! Each subject is important, which is why they are included in the syllabus. We usually have one particular subject that we love the most out of all the subjects. Our favourite subject is the subject that binds us to our studies. 

Essay writing on a favourite subject will help improve a child’s thought process. It will strengthen their foundation of basic English grammar and vocabulary. It will also teach your child to give structure to their thought, and their creative writing will skill improve.

There are some significant points your kid needs to remember when they write an essay on their favourite subject. Let us guide your little one stepwise in this journey to compose a paragraph on the subject they love the most:

  • In the first step, let your child imagine the ideas they want to write about.
  • Let your child put down the ideas on paper in the second step. It will form a summary and help them cover all the points while writing the paragraph.
  • Next, guide your kid to form easy-to-read short and simple sentences from the outline.
  • Motivate your child not to get too descriptive in describing a single idea.
  • Help your child write with the flow, making them cherish writing the essay.
  • Your child can mention their favourite subject, why they love it, its scope, etc.

Your child’s favourite subject plays an important role in their academics. The following 10 lines will help your little one write about their favourite subject, Mathematics, for classes 1 and 2.

  • Maths is my favourite subject.
  • I find Maths very interesting.
  • I love playing with numbers.
  • I love to do addition and subtraction.
  • When I see numbers anywhere, I love to calculate them.
  • I love to listen to the numbers my mother needs to pay, in the form of money, when we go shopping.
  • I have developed this love for Maths from my mother.
  • She teaches me Maths in a very playful way.
  • Our Maths school teacher is also very helpful.
  • I want to be a great mathematician when I grow up.

Every child has a favourite subject. Let us help your child write a short essay on their favourite subject English:

English is my favourite subject. I love to read stories and poems. When I read, I feel I can see the characters and touch them. I can see the trees, mountains, and valleys and hear the animals and birds in the stories and poems. My favourite subject let me learn the basics of grammar that will help me throughout my life. Reading helps me learn new words every day. I love to write all these words and use them in daily life. I also like to know the spelling of the words and how to pronounce them. I get a lot of freedom to express my imagination with the help of new words.

The curriculum in school plays an essential role in your child’s development. Let us help your child write a beautiful paragraph on their favourite subject, Science. Class 3 students can refer to this to write an essay:

Each of us has a subject that we love the most in school! My favourite subject is Science. I am a curious person who relishes learning about how things happen. Science helps me find those answers in real life. This subject lets us see everything in a very practical way. Science is involved in every activity of nature that happens around us. The leaves sway in the direction in which the wind blows. I find observing these little things very interesting. I can study Science for a long time without getting bored. It is amazing to see the effects of the law of gravity in so many places. For example, when it rains, the raindrops fall from the sky, hit the ground, and do not keep floating in the air. When we throw a ball, it comes down. It happens because of the gravitational force. I think of great scientists whenever I study this subject. We did a science project in school, and I was amazed to learn how life evolved on this planet from a single cell called the amoeba. We did another project where we used a string to outline the cell, and then we stuck different pulses with glue to mark the inside. I love doing science projects we get in school. I look forward to the science class out of all the other classes on my timetable. Our science teacher guides us on how to do these assignments. At home, my mother helps me while I do the projects. My school holds science competitions and quiz contests once every few months. My father is a scientist. I want to be a scientist like him when I grow up because I love science!

When your child writes about their favourite subject, it encourages them to figure out the subject they love among all the subjects that they study in school. It expands their power of imagination and helps them express ideas on paper. This process lays the foundation of grammar and develops their creative writing skills. It also develops their linguistic skills and their vocabulary. Writing about their favourite subject weaves their bond with academics. They realise their love for their best-loved subject even more after writing about it. The act of writing also helps develop your child’s fine motor skills.

We hope the above article will help your little ones to write an amazing essay on their favourite subject. We’ve kept the language simple, and ensured that the concepts discussed are easy enough for your child to grasp. Your kid can take inspiration from the above write-up and pen down their essay on the given topic.

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Essay on My Favourite Subject for Students and Children

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500 Words Essay on My Favourite Subject

As a student, everyone excels in some subjects and not in the others. Of course, there are some students who do well in all of them, but that number is low. However, almost every student has a favourite subject. It does not matter if it’s related to academics or arts.

Essay on My Favourite Subject

Personally, my favorite subject is English. I have always scored well on the subject because I understand it well. It makes learning effortless and I always manage to get good marks. There are other subjects I like too but English definitely tops my list. I never get bored of it and am always ready to study it.

Reason For Favouritism

There are many reasons as to why I enjoy studying English. The major one is that it enhances my reading skills. Ever since my childhood, my mother has always read stories to me. So, I developed a habit of reading and listening to stories. As my reading skills get polished through English, it helps me in other subjects too. I grasp the concepts better through reading.

Furthermore, through English, I developed a knack for writing. I absolutely enjoy writing essays and articles. It is only through English, that I started writing my own work. This helps me in forming incredible answers for other subjects as well. It gives me the experience to use accurate words and sentences to convey my message better.

Most importantly, I love fictional stories in English. I love how it always has some lessons in them to learn. They also apply in real life and help me make wise decisions. The stories in English novels and plays always keeps me entertained. It also enhances my imagination powers.

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A Scoring Subject

English is definitely a scoring subject which makes it even more special for me. I am an average student who does not take much interest in Science. I manage to get decent marks in the subjects, but in English, I score well. When we compare English to other subjects, we see it is most scoring.

English does not demand word to word answers. It gives the child a chance to play with words. It gives them the creative liberty to speak their minds out. For instance, in Maths, you cannot create your own formulas. You must copy the same exact one taught in the syllabus. But, in English, we can compose our own answers based on our understanding and intelligence.

In addition, English teachers are usually more approachable and understanding. In other subjects, the teachers always have to stick by the book and literally make students mug up the formulas and theories. The English teacher takes time to make them understand each phrase. They allow the students to interpret it as per their intellect. This empowers the child too so they can put their own thinking in it.

In short, I absolutely love English. It gives me the chance to excel without putting too much pressure on me. I get to play with words and form my own interpretations. This helps me get the creative freedom I do not get in other subjects.

FAQs on My Favourite Subject

Q.1 What does a favorite subject mean?

A.1 A favorite subject essentially means a particular subject which kid really enjoy studying. They never get bored of it and score good marks in it.

Q.2 Why is English a scoring subject?

A.2 English a scoring subject because it gives the child creative freedom to form their own answers. It does not stick to the book. It gives the child an opportunity to make their own answers and get good marks.

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My Favourite Subject Essay for Students in English [Easy Words*]

January 16, 2022 by Sandeep

Essay on My Favourite Subject

We have a particular interest and liking towards one subject, which undoubtedly becomes our favourite subject. Children tend to score well and perform better in their favourite subjects than others. Learning becomes easier and effortless in one’s favourite subject, and it enhances a child’s overall progress and builds his skills in a particular study area.

My Favourite Subject English

My favourite subject changed a lot, depending on the teacher. This is because a teacher with lots of enthusiasm and knowledge about their field can encourage me to enjoy a topic much more. Nevertheless, English has always been a consistent favourite of mine, and I’ve been fortunate to have so many good English teachers pass through my school life.

I enjoyed English primarily because the subject’s thoughtful, creative and inspirational nature always fascinated me. I always loved learning new literature and poetry because the experience would continually stir up my imagination. It would leave me wondering how capable we are if we just put our minds to it. Moreover, I received a lot of personal encouragement from English teachers. Because they knew that I wrote poetry and short stories, they would always appreciate my work and tell me to keep writing.

They were always pleased with my marks, although they did often have some rather stern warnings to offer about my handwriting! My favourite aspect of English is that I always stumble upon something new and exciting, so I don’t get bored. Often studying for exams can be awful and stressful, but studying for English exams was always fun.

Learning English at school has had its benefits- it has improved my writing a lot, and as a poet, I am very grateful for that. Moreover, developing strong writing and reading skills also helps you with your exams for other subjects, enabling you to shape answers in a manner that appeals to those reading them.

My Favourite Subject Maths

Every school offers its students a superb range of subjects to study and develop themselves in many ways. Nevertheless, all students are bound to have a favourite. My favourite subject is Mathematics because solving problems helps me focus, and the complexity of certain concepts is fascinating to me. To have an outstanding Maths teacher is always important because I think a smart and generous teacher can completely change the way you view the subject.

I wouldn’t say all my Maths teachers have been perfect, but I’ve learned from the experiences they have provided me. It is essential to understand what style of learning works best for you with mathematics. Not everyone can grasp a concept by merely doing a few practice problems. Everybody is different, and that is why one should always discuss this aspect of themselves with their teacher to improve themselves and score higher marks.

Nevertheless, it is essential to also focus on other subjects. If only mathematics mattered as society tells us it does, then the world would be in utter chaos. This is because there is much more to running the world smoothly than just scientists and mathematicians. Every profession matters, and so does every subject. Every child worldwide should always remember that when thinking about the things that make them happy.

My Favourite Subject Science

My favourite aspect of learning at school is how my subjects challenge me to look at the world from new perspectives. I think the subject that does this the best for me would be Science. It is interesting because of the variety in the subject and the many options explored, mainly Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

My favourite subject is Biology because the human body’s study fascinates me, and I especially enjoy units on how different organs and organ systems function, such as the heart. Chemistry is interesting too because it involves a lot of practical work, and doing experiments in the laboratory helps a lot with the learning process. Physics, on the other hand, can seem cumbersome. Still, if you read about it and look into how it affects the real world, it can be a fascinating field to explore.

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Essay on My favourite subject Maths

Hello, students today Essay for Students has come up with an essay on my favourite subject Maths. In this essay I have told why I love maths so much. So let us start with the essay.

Reading Math book Image

Essay on My favourite subject Maths.

My favorite subject is math. I have always been fascinated by numbers, equations, and mathematical concepts. To me, math is more than just a subject in school; it is a way of thinking, a way of solving problems, and a way of understanding the world around us.

Students, why do you love maths? Do tell us in the comment section below.

This essay can be used by students of classes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th for their educational purposes.

Students, we hope you have liked this essay and if you need an essay on any topic then do tell us in the comment section below.

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10 Lines on My favourite subject mathematics – 10 Lines Essay

10 lines on my favourite subject mathematics :.

Hello Student, Here in this post We will discuss about My favourite subject mathematics. Students who want to know a detailed knowledge about My favourite subject mathematics, then Here we posted a detailed view about 10 Lines Essay My favourite subject mathematics.

My favourite subject mathematics

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Paragraph on Favourite Subject Maths

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Favourite Subject Maths in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Favourite Subject Maths in 100 Words

Maths is my favourite subject in school. It’s like a fun puzzle to solve. I enjoy adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers. Maths helps me understand the world better. For example, I use maths when I share candies with friends or when counting my pocket money. I love to solve maths problems because it feels like winning a game when I find the answer. Every number and shape in maths has a special story to tell. It’s like going on a fun adventure with numbers. Even though it can be tough sometimes, I always find joy in learning maths.

Paragraph on Favourite Subject Maths in 200 Words

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Paragraph on Favourite Subject Maths in 250 Words

Maths is my favourite subject because it is like solving a fun puzzle. When you see a maths problem, it might seem tricky at first, but when you start to break it down, you discover it’s just a series of smaller, simpler problems that you can solve step by step. This process makes me feel like a detective finding clues and solving mysteries. Maths is also extremely useful in everyday life. From counting money to measuring ingredients while baking, maths is everywhere! It forms the backbone of many exciting careers like engineering, architecture and computer science. There’s a beauty in the way numbers and shapes work together in maths. In geometry, for example, it’s amazing how different shapes can fit together to make bigger shapes. Maths also helps develop important skills like logical thinking and problem-solving. When I’m doing maths, I have to think carefully and logically, otherwise I might make a mistake. Finally, I like maths because it’s very clear and fair. In some subjects, there can be different opinions, but in maths, there’s only one right answer. This makes it very satisfying when I solve a problem correctly. It’s like a game where I know I’ve won when I get the right answer. So, for all these reasons, maths is my favourite subject. It’s fun, useful, beautiful, and helps me think better. I believe everyone can enjoy maths if they give it a try.

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