“The Lady, or the Tiger?” by Frank Stockton Essay

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Works cited.

The dilemma of a difficult and dramatic moral choice has long been known to captivate the human mind, and writers know this well. The short story The Lady or the Tiger? By Frank R. Stockton is a perfect example of an almost quintessential dilemma on the most thrilling of choices: the one which involves love and death. The story is set in an unspecified land ruled by a semi-barbaric king and describes a peculiar legal procedure invented by him based on his own understanding of justice: an arena where the convicts are tried. Instead of the trial by battle, the accused are offered to choose one of two doors: behind one, a fierce tiger awaits to kill the unfortunate human, and behind the other – salvation in the form of a lady who would become his wife.

However, once the lover of the king’s daughter is given the dreadful choice, the princess secretly interferes with the chance and gives the man a hint to open the door on the right. And while it is tempting and comforting to consider the possibility of her sparing his life instead of directing him to his death, upon closer inspection there is little doubt that she has guided him to the tiger.

It is tempting to imagine that she wanted to save him. But this version is mostly driven by the reader’s humanity. The text, on the other hand, offers little backing to the happy ending. We know that the princess loves the man dearly. We also witness her hesitation at the end of the story. She hesitates to imagine the “cruel fangs of the tiger” (4).

However, these are not her thoughts. Instead, they are speculations by the author. And this short part is the only proof of her compassion. She is passionate, there is no doubt about it. But her passion is burning, not heart-warming. She is determined, but mostly for her own sake, not for him.

On the other hand, her barbaric nature is prominent throughout the story. She is resolute about making things go her way. For instance, she obtains the secret of the doors with “gold, and the power of a woman’s will” (3). A whole paragraph is devoted to her anguish and jealousy triggered by other girl’s mere glances at her man. She thinks he even returns them. However, she acknowledges that all this may exist only in her imagination.

Besides, she did not come to the trial to support the man – she was “terribly interested” (3). There is even a phrase “She had lost him, but who should have him?” (4). It clearly shows that for her there is no happy ending. She does not show any respect for his life. In her eyes, the choice is between redemption and a tantalizing “justice”. The latter will become the salvation to him and the torture to her.

The princess is truly the daughter of a barbaric king. She displays all the features that suggest power, determination, calculation, and passion. It is humanity and compassion that she is lacking, at least on the pages of the story. But power and courage are not enough to overcome the desire for vengeance if the heart lacks warmth. If by any chance it was the lady whom the man found behind the right door, it could be only by chance or a momentary burst of passion. If on the other hand, the princess acted upon a long-thought-out decision (and we are told by the author that she did), there is little doubt which decision it was: the tiger.

Stockton, Frank. The Lady or the Tiger? , 1882. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, September 13). "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank Stockton. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-lady-or-the-tiger-by-frank-stockton/

""The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank Stockton." IvyPanda , 13 Sept. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/the-lady-or-the-tiger-by-frank-stockton/.

IvyPanda . (2020) '"The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank Stockton'. 13 September.

IvyPanda . 2020. ""The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank Stockton." September 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-lady-or-the-tiger-by-frank-stockton/.

1. IvyPanda . ""The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank Stockton." September 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-lady-or-the-tiger-by-frank-stockton/.


IvyPanda . ""The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank Stockton." September 13, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-lady-or-the-tiger-by-frank-stockton/.

Interesting Literature

A Summary and Analysis of Frank R. Stockton’s ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’

By Dr Oliver Tearle (Loughborough University)

‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’ is a widely studied short story by the American writer Frank R. Stockton (1834-1902). This classic short story, which was first published in The Century magazine in 1882, began life as a story Stockton told at a party; he published it when it received a strong response from his friends.

In ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’, we are presented with an ancient system of justice whereby a suspected criminal has to choose one of two doors. Behind one is a lady, whom he will marry; behind the other is a tiger, which will devour him.

Plot summary

Some time in the past, a ‘semi-barbaric’ king has an arena built, in which justice is administered. Any man arrested on suspicion of committing a crime has to choose one of two doors in the amphitheatre, without knowing what is concealed behind the two doors. All he knows is that behind one door is a lady, and behind the other door, a tiger.

Behind one door is a lady, who has been handpicked from the population as a suitable bride for the man. If he chooses this door, he will be married to the lady immediately in a wedding ceremony performed in front of the crowd. Even if he already has a wife, he must marry this new bride and be with her.

The alternative is far worse. For behind the other door is a tiger, which – if he chooses this door – will leap upon him and devour him in front of the audience. This is the king’s way of serving justice in his realm: effectively, he places responsibility for their fate into the criminal’s own hands, although of course it is purely a matter of chance as to which ‘prize’ they get.

One day, the king learns that his daughter, the princess, has fallen in love with a young courtier. He is horrified that a princess could have been led astray by a commoner like this, and he has the young man arrested. It is announced that he will face his justice before the whole kingdom, in the arena, and men are immediately dispatched to find a suitable potential bride for him. Meanwhile, the fiercest tiger in the whole land is sought out.

The princess, who loves the young man, is at the arena on the day of her lover’s ‘sentencing’. When the young man sees the princess, he can tell that she has done as he expected her to do: that she has used money and her powerful status at court to discover which door hides the lady and which the tiger. When he makes eye contact with her, he asks her, ‘Which?’, and she gestures to her right.

So she has signalled which door he should choose. But at this point, the third-person narrator of the story tells us that he cannot tell us whether the princess directed her lover to choose the ‘lady’ door or the ‘tiger’ door. He tells us, though, that she knows the identity of the lady concealed behind one of the doors, and it’s a beautiful lady at court who is clearly attracted to the young man; what’s more, the princess has suspected for a while that her lover likes this lady, too.

So, did she help him to escape the fate of the tiger’s jaws, and effectively give the man she loves to another woman, with whom he will probably be perfectly happy? Or did her jealousy get the better of her, and she gestured to the door behind which the tiger waits to devour him? The narrator leaves this question unanswered, instead encouraging us to think for ourselves about which decision the princess would have made.

In many ways, ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’ resembles a fable or fairy tale, and indeed the story’s author, Frank R. Stockton, wrote a number of fairy tales for children. But this is a fairy tale with a difference, since Stockton concludes the story without providing us with the final denouement. We are left wondering what the fate of the young man was: did he marry a beautiful woman (albeit not the princess), or was he eaten alive by a tiger?

But in subverting the reader’s expectations on the final page, Stockton is doing more than providing a nice talking-point for dinner-party conversations (to hark back to the supposed origins of the story). Instead, he is tacitly inviting us to pause and consider narrative conventions by taking a step back from the story itself and acknowledging that it is just that: story, narrative, fiction.

The princess, king, and youth who appear in the story never existed, and are merely products of an author’s imagination. So, too, then, are their fates, including the unspecified fate of the youth who loved the princess. Most stories are what the French literary theorist Roland Barthes calls readerly texts: they provide the reader with everything he or she needs to understand the story, and the reader can passively sit back and simply enjoy being entertained.

By contrast, writerly texts – to use Barthes’ term – are those fictions which engage the reader more actively in the events of the story or novel. In a writerly text, the reader will have to work harder to make sense of the narrative. For the most part, critics apply Barthes’ term ‘writerly’ to the works of those authors who deliberately make us work hard from page one: Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, and other modernists.

What is curious about ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’ is that it begins, in Barthesian terms, as a readerly text, but then at the last moment Stockton subverts our readerly expectations and the story becomes a writerly text, throwing the onus on us to determine what we think happened to the young man.

If Stockton had simply told us that what door the man had opened, we would have been told what the princes had decided to do. But by withholding this crucial piece of narrative information from us, Stockton makes us examine the princess’s mental and emotional state more closely, based on the information we have been given, in order to deduce what she would be most likely to have done.

Of course, we still cannot answer the question posed in the story’s title, ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’, for certain (and note how even the question mark in the story primes us for a more active role than we might otherwise be used to when reading, or even analysing, a short story). This is what makes the story such a perennial favourite in classrooms: readers are unlikely to reach a consensus on what the princess decided to do.

But in withholding this information, Stockton created, in ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’, a forerunner to many twentieth-century modernist stories which would be similarly open-ended and ambiguous. Perhaps even without fully realising it himself, Stockton toppled the author from his godlike pedestal and made us , the readers of his story, the final ‘authors’ of the story’s conclusion.

In this, too, he anticipates Barthes, whose 1960s essay ‘ The Death of the Author ’ would argue that the godlike authority of the author must be resisted in favour of ‘the birth of the reader’.

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“The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton: A Critical Analysis

“The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton first appeared in The Century Magazine in 1882. This captivating story presents a unique form of justice.

"The Lady or the Tiger?" by Frank R. Stockton: A Critical Analysis

Introduction: “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

Table of Contents

“The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton first appeared in The Century Magazine in 1882. This captivating story presents a unique form of justice – a young man accused of a crime must choose between two doors. Behind one, a ferocious tiger awaits. Behind the other, a beautiful lady stands ready to be his bride. The tale’s brilliance lies in its ambiguous ending, where the reader must decide the young man’s fate. The story’s exploration of love, justice, and the unpredictable nature of choice has inspired debates and analysis for over a century, making it a true classic of American literature.

Main Events in “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

The king’s twisted justice.

  • A “semi-barbaric” king, fascinated by spectacle, designs a unique system of justice (“poetic justice”). An accused criminal faces two identical doors in his grand arena.
  • Behind one door, a vicious tiger awaits, ready to punish the guilty (“…a hungry tiger, the fiercest and most cruel that could be procured…”).
  • Behind the other, a carefully selected maiden stands, a reward for the innocent (“…the most suitable to his years and station…”).

Love and Transgression

  • The king’s own passionate daughter falls for a handsome young man of lower status, a grave offense in their society.
  • The king, unwavering in his ideals, casts the lover into prison and sets a date for his trial in the arena.

The Secret of the Doors

  • The princess, consumed by love and jealousy, refuses to be a passive observer. Using her power and resources, she discovers the secret of the doors.
  • She learns which door conceals the tiger and which holds a beautiful maiden, a rival for her lover’s affection (“…one of the fairest and loveliest of the damsels of the court…”).

The Fateful Moment

  • On the day of the trial, the young man looks to the princess, knowing she has the power to save or condemn him (“…his eye met hers as she sat there, paler and whiter than anyone…”).
  • With a subtle gesture, the princess guides his choice (“She raised her hand, and made a slight, quick movement toward the right.”).

The Unsolved Riddle

  • The young man, trusting the woman he loves, confidently opens the indicated door.
  • The story abruptly ends, leaving the reader with the burning question: Did he meet the lady or the tiger?

The Princess’s Dilemma

  • The reader must grapple with the princess’s tortured heart. Would she choose to save the man she loves but see him married to another, or would her jealousy propel him towards a gruesome death? The story offers no easy answers.

Literary Devices in “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

  • Allusion : A reference to a well-known person, place, or thing in history, literature, or culture. In “”The Lady or the Tiger?””, an allusion is made to the “barbaric” traditions of ancient cultures.
  • Ambiguity : The use of language that has multiple possible meanings, leading to uncertainty or confusion. The ending of “”The Lady or the Tiger?”” is ambiguous, leaving the reader to decide what happens next.
  • Characterization: The process of creating and developing a character in a story. The characters in “”The Lady or the Tiger?”” are well-developed and distinct, with the princess being a particularly complex character.
  • Conflict : The struggle between opposing forces that drives a story’s plot. The central conflict in “”The Lady or the Tiger?”” is the young man’s trial and the dilemma of whether to choose the door with the lady or the tiger.
  • Flashback : A narrative device that interrupts the chronological sequence of events to present an earlier scene. “”The Lady or the Tiger?”” includes a brief flashback to the trial of another man accused of a crime.
  • Foreshadowing : The use of hints or clues in the narrative to suggest what will happen later. The princess’s jealous and possessive nature foreshadows the possibility that she may have chosen the door with the tiger.
  • Hyperbole : The use of exaggerated language to create emphasis or effect. The description of the young man’s love for the princess as a “monstrous” passion is an example of hyperbole.
  • Imagery : The use of descriptive language to create mental images or sensory experiences for the reader. The descriptions of the young man’s trial and the arena are rich in sensory imagery.
  • Irony : The use of language or situations that are contrary to what is expected or intended. The irony of “”The Lady or the Tiger?”” lies in the fact that the young man’s fate depends entirely on chance, rather than the justice he expects.
  • Metaphor : A figure of speech that describes something as if it were something else. The description of the princess’s heart as a “wild animal” is a metaphor.
  • Personification : A figure of speech in which an inanimate object or abstract idea is given human qualities. The description of the arena as a “monster” that the young man must face is an example of personification.
  • Point of view : The perspective from which a story is told. “”The Lady or the Tiger?”” is told from a third-person omniscient point of view, allowing the reader access to the thoughts and feelings of multiple characters.
  • Setting : The time and place in which a story takes place. The setting of “”The Lady or the Tiger?”” is a kingdom with a unique and unusual justice system.
  • Symbolism : The use of objects or images to represent or suggest something else. The doors in “”The Lady or the Tiger?”” are symbolic of the choice between love and death.
  • Theme : The underlying message or meaning conveyed by a story. Themes in “”The Lady or the Tiger?”” include the power of choice, the consequences of jealousy, and the limitations of justice.

Characterization in “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

The semi-barbaric king:.

  • Exuberant, with a mix of barbaric cruelty and touches of refinement (“…semi-barbaric king, whose ideas…were still large, florid, and untrammeled…”).
  • A strong believer in his own sense of justice and fairness (“…an authority so irresistible that, at his will, he turned his varied fancies into facts…”).
  • Obsessed with spectacle and the entertainment of his subjects (“But even here the exuberant and barbaric fancy asserted itself…”).
  • Unwavering in his adherence to the arena system, even when it affects his own family.

The Princess:

  • Possesses her father’s passionate nature (“…as blooming as his most florid fancies, and with a soul as fervent and imperious as his own…”).
  • Deeply in love with the young man, defying social norms (“…she loved him with an ardor that had enough of barbarism in it to make it exceedingly warm and strong…”).
  • Driven, resourceful, willing to manipulate the system to influence the outcome (“…she had possessed herself of the secret of the doors…”).
  • Torn between her love, a desire for revenge, and a fierce jealousy – the central conflict of her character.

The Young Man (The Lover):

  • Brave and handsome (“…handsome and brave to a degree unsurpassed in all this kingdom…”).
  • Deeply in love with the princess, willing to risk his life for this forbidden relationship.
  • Implicitly trusts the princess, even to the point of accepting his own potential doom.

Minor Characters

  • The Tiger: A symbol of brutality, punishment, and the potential for gruesome violence.
  • The Lady: A potential bride, representing a socially acceptable outcome. However, she is also the object of the princess’s jealousy and remains largely undeveloped.
  • The People: The masses who are entertained by the arena’s blend of justice and spectacle, highlighting the societal acceptance of the king’s syste

Major Themes in “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

The story questions whether our lives are controlled by external forces or our own decisions.* The king’s arena system seemingly removes personal choice, forcing the accused to rely on chance. (“…it was the duty and the privilege of the person on trial to walk directly to these doors and open one of them.”) * However, the princess’s actions and the young man’s trust exemplify the power of human will to influence even seemingly predetermined situations.
The line between serving justice and indulging in barbaric entertainment is blurred.* The king believes his system is perfectly fair and just. (“Its perfect fairness is obvious.”) * Yet, the story emphasizes the public’s enthrallment with the suspense and potential violence of the arena. (“This element of uncertainty lent an interest to the occasion…”)
The princess experiences a profound internal conflict between her passionate love and a burning jealousy.* Her love for the young man is described as ardent and defying social boundaries. * Yet, the potential of seeing him with another woman drives her to a potentially destructive act, highlighting the dark side of love.
The story explores the tension between societal refinement and the underlying brutality of human nature.* The king is described as “semi-barbaric”, showcasing a veneer of civilization over his savage methods. * The crowd’s eager anticipation of bloodshed and the princess’s violent impulses further illustrate the thin line between order and chaos.

Writing Style in “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

  • Descriptive language and vivid imagery: Stockton paints vivid pictures for the reader, bringing the arena, the king, the princess, and the young man to life through his words.
  • Suspenseful narrative structure: The story builds suspense from beginning to end, with the reader eagerly awaiting the accused man’s decision and its dramatic consequences.
  • Third-person omniscient point of view: Stockton gives the reader access to the internal thoughts and feelings of the king, the princess, and even the accused, creating a layered and multi-dimensional experience.
  • Irony and ambiguity: The story is laced with irony, especially with its ending that intentionally leaves the reader hanging. This open ambiguity forces the reader to grapple with their own internal answers.
  • Engaging, imaginative, and thought-provoking: The writing style successfully invites the reader to contemplate not only the story’s events but deeper questions about love, jealousy, justice, and the power of choice.

Literary Theories and Interpretation of “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

  • Reader-Response Theory: The reader-response theory focuses on the role of the reader in interpreting a text. In “”The Lady or the Tiger?”” the reader is left to decide the outcome of the story, which allows for a range of interpretations and responses.
  • Psychological Criticism: Psychological criticism focuses on the psychological motivations and behavior of the characters in a story. In “”The Lady or the Tiger?””, the princess’s jealousy and the king’s desire for control are examples of how psychological factors influence their actions and decisions.
  • Structuralism : Structuralism is a literary theory that emphasizes the underlying structures of a text. In “”The Lady or the Tiger?””, the story’s structure is crucial to its meaning, with the narrative structure of the story mirroring the choice the accused man must make between the two doors.
  • Feminist Criticism: Feminist criticism examines the representation of women in literature and seeks to uncover gender-based inequalities and biases. In “”The Lady or the Tiger?””, the princess’s agency is limited by her father’s patriarchal rule, and the story can be read as a critique of the limitations placed on women in a patriarchal society.
  • Deconstructionism : Deconstructionism is a literary theory that examines how the meaning of a text is constructed and deconstructed through language. In “”The Lady or the Tiger?””, the ambiguity of the ending allows for multiple interpretations, highlighting the idea that meaning is not fixed or stable, but rather constantly in flux.
  • Postcolonial Criticism : Postcolonial criticism examines the relationship between literature and the legacy of colonialism. In “”The Lady or the Tiger?””, the story can be read as an allegory for the imperialist mindset of Western colonial powers, with the king representing the colonizer and the accused man representing the colonized.

Topics, Essay Questions and Thesis Statements about “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

Does the king’s system of justice achieve its intended purpose?The king’s method of dispensing justice is deeply flawed, demonstrating how arbitrary power can warp the very concept of fairness.
Is the princess’s decision morally defensible, regardless of which door she chose?The princess’s decision reveals her flawed moral compass; her self-centered nature undermines any argument justifying her actions.
How does jealousy shape the princess’s actions and the outcome of the story?The destructive power of the princess’s jealousy overrules her love for the young man, leading to his potential demise.
Why is the ambiguous ending so effective, and how does it change the reader’s experience?Stockton’s ambiguous ending cleverly shifts the responsibility of determining the story’s resolution to the reader, forcing a deeper engagement with its central themes.

Short Question-Answers about “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

  • What is the significance of the princess in “The Lady or the Tiger?” and how does her character challenge traditional gender roles?
  • The princess in “The Lady or the Tiger?” is a significant character as she holds the power to determine the accused man’s fate. Her character challenges traditional gender roles by displaying agency and making a difficult decision that ultimately shapes the story’s outcome. In a society where women are expected to be submissive and passive, the princess stands out as a strong and independent character who is not afraid to take matters into her own hands. Her decision to send the accused man to either the tiger or the lady demonstrates her power and influence in a society where women are often marginalized. The princess’s character highlights the importance of challenging gender norms and expectations in order to break free from societal constraints.
  • What is the role of choice in “The Lady or the Tiger?”?
  • The role of choice in “The Lady or the Tiger?” is a commentary on the complexities of human nature and the consequences of making difficult decisions. The accused man is faced with a life or death situation, and his choice ultimately determines his fate. However, the story suggests that even the princess’s choice is not easy, as she must decide between her love for the accused man and her jealousy towards the lady. The story highlights the unpredictable and often unfair nature of choice, and how it can shape our lives in unexpected ways. It also raises questions about morality and the consequences of our actions, as the outcome of the story hinges on the choices made by the characters.
  • How does the structure of the story mirror the choice the accused man must make between the two doors?
  • The structure of “The Lady or the Tiger?” mirrors the choice the accused man must make between the two doors, highlighting the theme of the unpredictable and complex nature of choice. The story is divided into two distinct parts, with the first part describing the accused man’s trial and the second part focusing on the princess’s decision. The structure creates a sense of tension and uncertainty as the reader is left to wonder what lies behind each door. The use of suspense and ambiguity in the story’s structure reflects the difficult and often unpredictable nature of the choices we must make in life. The ending, which leaves the reader to decide the outcome, further emphasizes the complexity of choice and the uncertainty of its consequences.
  • What is the significance of the ending of “The Lady or the Tiger?” and how does it contribute to the story’s overall meaning?
  • The ambiguous ending of “The Lady or the Tiger?” contributes to the story’s overall meaning by highlighting the complexity of human nature and the role of choice in shaping our lives. The reader is left to decide the outcome of the story, with no clear answer provided. This lack of resolution reflects the unpredictable and often unfair nature of choice, and how it can shape our lives in unexpected ways. The ending also raises questions about the morality of the characters’ actions and the consequences of their choices. Ultimately, the story suggests that life is full of difficult choices and uncertain outcomes, and it is up to each individual to navigate these challenges with wisdom and courage.

Literary Works Similar to “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

  • “ The Most Dangerous Game ” by Richard Connell: Both stories present a central character confronting a high-stakes, life-or-death scenario governed by chance and external forces. While Stockton focuses on a perversion of justice, Connell’s work explores the dynamics of predator and prey.
  • “ The Necklace ” by Guy de Maupassant: This short story shares the theme of an ambiguous, unresolved ending with Stockton’s work. Both explore desire, unforeseen consequences, and the ironic twists of fate that can shape individuals’ lives.
  • “The Discourager of Hesitancy” by Frank R. Stockton: As a continuation of “The Lady or the Tiger?”, this story offers further insight into the characters and world of the original. It provides added layers of commentary on the themes presented.
  • “ The Lottery ” by Shirley Jackson: Both stories employ ambiguity to expose the potential darkness within seemingly innocuous traditions. They provoke critical thought about social conformity and the potential cruelty present within established systems.
  • Sophie’s Choice by William Styron: Although a novel, this work resonates with “The Lady or the Tiger?” in its central focus on a devastating moral dilemma. Like Stockton’s princess, Sophie faces an unthinkable choice, forcing the reader to confront the complexities of human decision-making under harrowing circumstances.

Suggested Readings: “The Lady or the Tiger?” by Frank R. Stockton

  • Bander, Elaine. “Stockton’s ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’ An Unanswerable Question.” Short Story Criticism , edited by Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau, vol. 105, Gale, 2008, p. 223.
  • Gilead, Sarah L. “Magic and Skepticism in ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?'” The Stocktonian , vol. 2, no. 4, 1983, pp. 7-8.
  • Marshall, Donald G. “Justice in The Lady, or the Tiger?” The Stocktonian , vol. 8, no. 3, 1989, pp. 4-5.
  • “Critical Overview.” The Lady, or the Tiger? – Encyclopedia.com , [invalid URL removed].
  • The Stocktonian. Pomerantz Stockton Center at Richard Stockton College of New Jersey. https://library.stockton.edu/UniversityArchives/collections
  • Cummins, June. “The Lady Or the Tiger? and Other Logic Puzzles: Including a Mathematical Analysis.” Prometheus Books, 1988.
  • Johnson, Gerald W. “The Lady, or the Tiger?” Frank R. Stockton: A Critical Biography. Benjamin Franklin, 1980, pp. 99-107.

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Home › Literature › Analysis of Frank R. Stockton’s The Lady, or the Tiger?

Analysis of Frank R. Stockton’s The Lady, or the Tiger?

By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on May 27, 2021

Frank R. Stockton (1834–1902) originally entitled this story “The King’s Arena,” and after its appearance in 1882, it became the most famous story ever published in Century Magazine. Related by a caustic first-person narrator  who clearly disagrees with the feudal nature of kings and courtiers who set themselves above commoners, the story takes place in an unnamed barbaric country. The king discovers that a handsome young man, a commoner, whose low social rank prohibits his marrying royalty, has fallen in love with the king’s daughter—a crime that, the author remarks wryly, became common enough in later years. The trial of the young man takes place in the king’s arena. He must choose to open one of two doors. Behind one waits a ferocious beast who will tear him to pieces; behind the other, is a beautiful maiden who will marry him immediately. If he chooses the beast, he is automatically guilty; if he chooses the maiden, he proves his innocence.

argumentative essay about the lady or the tiger

Frank R. Stockton/Wikimedia

Of all those in the arena—including the king— only the clever princess has discovered the secret of what lies behind each door. She has made her decision to send a signal to the young man, and she does so, indicating the door on the right. In reaching her decision, the princess has agonized between the dreadful images of the savage and bloody death, and of the young man married to the beautiful maiden of whom the princess is intensely jealous. The young man moves immediately to the door the princess has indicated, and the story ends with the narrator’s question to the reader: “Which came out of the door,—the lady, or the tiger?” (10). Although similar to a surprise ending, the final sentence differs in that it leaves the reader without a denouement. Five years later, Stockton followed with “The Discourager of Hesitancy” (1887), which promises to solve the puzzle, but in fact this story, too, leaves the question unanswered.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Stockton, Frank R. “The Lady, or the Tiger?” In The Lady, or the Tiger? And Other Stories. New York: Scribner, 1914.

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A Beautiful Summary and Analysis of ‘The Lady, or the Tiger?’

Frank R. Stockton's short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" has won critical acclaim for its captivating narration and speculative suspense at the end. Penlighten helps you understand the story better by giving a summary and further analysis on it.

Summary and Analysis of 'The Lady, or the Tiger?'

Frank R. Stockton’s short story "The Lady, or the Tiger?" has won critical acclaim for its captivating narration and speculative suspense at the end. Penlighten helps you understand the story better by giving a summary and further analysis on it.

Mystery Unraveled!

Frank R. Stockton, an American writer and humorist was discouraged from taking up a career in writing by his father despite the fact that besides being a Methodist minister, he was a writer himself.

Until 1860, Stockton worked as a wood engraver and after his father’s death took to writing again. 1867 saw Stockton’s launch as a writer in his brother’s newspaper and the publication of his very first fairy tale, Ting-a-ling.

The Lady, or the Tiger? , a short-story penned by Frank R. Stockton (1834-1902), was published in The Century Magazine in 1882. It was included as the title story in Stockton’s 1884 collection of twelve stories. This intriguing story describes the brutal ways of a half-barbaric king in imputing justice, and the struggle of a princess to free her lover from awaiting doom.

The story takes the readers by surprise with a speculative end, leaving it to them to decide the outcome. Let us find out more about the story…

Analysis: The Lady, or the Tiger?

Plot summary.

◆ The story is narrated in the third person addressing the readers directly. The story is set in the ancient times. It begins with the narrator introducing a semi-barbaric king, semi-barbaric because he has a civilized Latin influence on his life. However, he unleashes his barbaric side by exercising an unusual system of justice on his people when found guilty of any crime.

The accused is placed in an arena all by himself, which has two doors. The accused is faced with the task of choosing one of the doors which would lead him to freedom. The other, of course, would be sure death. The door that leads to freedom has a maiden sitting behind it, whom the accused would have to marry right away leaving no room for his opinion. Whereas, the other door has a ferocious, hungry tiger behind it. The doors are identical, and this is what gives the story a nail-biting finish.

◆ This system of justice enthralled the audience as the fate of the accused was in his own hands. They loved the experience of sitting at the edge of their chairs to witness the outcome―freedom or death.

◆ The story proceeds further with an interesting twist to it where the king’s daughter―the princess―falls in love with a commoner. When the king discovers this affair, he turns livid and summons his soldiers to arrest the commoner and put him behind bars. He calls for the game to begin. In the meanwhile, he sends out his soldiers to find the most ferocious and dangerous man-eating tiger to be put behind one of the doors. The softer side of him chooses one of the most beautiful maidens for the young man to be put behind the other door.

The princess being madly in love with her lover, plots to free him. She secretly, with power and money, finds the door to freedom and the maiden who would be sitting behind it. Unfortunately for her, the maiden is also in love with the commoner, and the princess detests her for that.

◆ Finally, on the day of the trial, she sits along with her father―the king―in the arena to witness the final outcome. As the accused lover is presented before the king, he looks up to her, and she signals with her right hand indicating that he should take the right door. As the young lover moves forward to open it, the narrator abruptly stops the story. Thus, leaving it to the readers to decide on the conclusion―Liberty or Doom.

◆ The story ends in a suspense, and the narrator sets out the princess’s dilemma. The princess was aware that she will be asked for help by her lover. The princess loved the commoner; however, she had a barbaric streak in her. She had imagined the horror of the tiger eating her lover, and on the other hand, she was tormented by the thought of her lover marrying someone else whom she hated. In any case, the princess had lost her lover. However, it was in her power to decide to whom she would lose her lover.

◆ The narrator describes the princess’s anguish and dilemma from the time her lover was cast into prison. The endless nights of sleeplessness, the will and power that she exudes to free her lover, the agony of losing him to another woman, and the fear of seeing her lover being devoured by a tiger― the choice was hers. She knew she had to decide and that she did. The softer, angelic nature in her overcame the barbaric, jealous one, and she set her lover free.

The end still remains a mystery. Did the door open to a beautiful maiden or a fierce tiger ready to tear the young man to pieces?

◆ The story develops around more than one theme.

  • Cruel and Kind : Juxtaposition of the king’s (can be taken as the society’s) cruel and kind. The lady behind one door depicts kindness, tame, mellow beautiful; whereas, the tiger represents cruelty in its worst form―anger, merciless, savage.
  • Selflessness vs. Selfishness : The princess’s prompt raising of the hand towards the right door for her lover to be set free shows the selfless nature in her. The inner pangs of jealousy, agony of losing her lover to the woman she hates, brings out the possessive, selfish side of her nature.
  • Life and Death : The two identical doors―one leading to life and the other to death―the choice of which ultimately rests on the accused.

◆ The story is divided in three parts.

  • The first part discusses the king’s nature and his justice system.
  • The second part narrates the affair of the princess and the commoner, the king’s discovery, and the lover’s trial in the arena.
  • The third part throws the light on the princess’s decision. The story ends with the narrator challenging the readers to finish the story.

◆ The story takes place in unspecified land at an unspecified time.

◆ The three main characters of the story are the king, the princess, and the commoner.

◆ The king is described as outwardly sophisticated and polished with a hidden murderous, savage nature.

◆ The commoner is described as a handsome young man who loves the princess deeply.

◆ Both characters are stereotypes, and do not undergo much change in the story.

◆ The princess’s character has more shades than any other character in the story. The emotional upheavals of losing her lover to another woman or the tiger, brings out both sides to her nature. From the possessive, detesting side to a merciful, loving one, the princess’s emotions are tossed from side to side like a storm causing the boat to rock from side to side.

◆ The entire story is based on conflicts―the conflicting nature in the king, the conflict of emotions in the princess who has to take a decision, and the doors depicting conflicts of life and death.

◆ Irony is present throughout the story. For example: the lover’s complete trust in the princess to show him the correct door. The trial day unfolds the truth of the princess’s revelation on which of the doors would either set her lover free or kill him. Worst still, is her decision to let him marry the maiden and not let the tiger tear him to pieces.

◆ Most stories depict the characters being influenced by outer forces, uncontrollable situation or destiny. However, this story focuses on the power of choice. The king allows the accused to choose his verdict (in a way). The entire story is based on choices, not knowing which side the scales will tilt. The narrator ends the story in suspense, letting the readers decide the outcome. The message is clear that life is based on the choices we make.

Stockton said: “If you decide which it was―the lady or the tiger―you find out what kind of person you are yourself.” Well, he definitely did not have an answer. Though, he had planned an appropriate ending to the story, he could not write one, as he states further “for I had not the advantage of being either semi-barbaric or a woman.” meaning he left the choice to the reader to let the shrewd, wicked side of one take precedence over the harmless dove-like side or vice-versa.

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The Lady or the Tiger?

The lady or the tiger: an analysis of relationships between characters anonymous 8th grade.

As humans, the power of love often overpowers the responsibility of thought. In “The Lady, Or The Tiger,” by Frank Stockton, the strong affection that bonded the several characters into relationships drives them apart ending in a scene with two outcomes, a show of startling nobility, as well as a fatal fiasco. The story is about a king, with a semi-barbaric method of justice administration. The suspect is forced into an arena with two doors, one with a woman, one with a tiger. The ‘fair’ man in the arena was accused of a great offense, having a relationship with the king’s daughter. The daughter of the king is well aware where the tiger is, but is equally aware that the woman behind the door has feelings for the young gentleman. The story showcases a relevant theme in life, that our love deprives our mind of the ability to think properly. The style of the writing, specifically the constant suspense, is effective and was especially evident when the story ended with a cliffhanger.

The first time such a situation is shown is when the king puts the man on trial; failing to see through the veil of affection that he has for his daughter that the relationship between the two is mutually beneficial. “The love affair moved on happily...

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argumentative essay about the lady or the tiger

The Lady, or the Tiger?

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Analyze how typical fairy tale tropes are used and/or subverted in “The Lady, or the Tiger?”

Pay attention to the description of the king and his actions. How does the narrator feel about the king? Is the reader supposed to feel the same way? Use evidence from the text to support your argument.

“The decisions of this tribunal were not only fair, they were positively determinate: the accused person was instantly punished if he found himself guilty, and, if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot, whether he liked it or not” (Paragraph 7). How is fairness defined in this story?

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The Lady and The Tiger Analysis

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Published: Mar 13, 2024

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The story of "tiger and the lady", the characters and themes, cultural significance, in conclusion.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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