short speech on love by bejoy peter

Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®

Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®

Destroying stage fright since 1996 ®

A Short Speech for School Children on “Save Water, Save Life” Campaign

Life on earth without water is impossible.

On one side, man is exploiting, polluting, and wasting drinkable water. On the other side man is spending billions of dollars seeking signs of water in other planets . Pitiable, to say the least!

Water, I believe, is one of God’s priceless gifts to mankind. In the past civilizations and cultures took shape in the banks of rivers in acknowledgement of this fact.

Blood Jesus Cleanse

Today, the post-modern culture revolves around bottled water. In this we see a loss of goodness that once was seen in offering a stranger a cup of cold water to drink as he walked by our homes.

Those of us who have constant access to fresh water resources should pause a moment and think about millions who do not enjoy this privilege. In fact, there are many, especially women and children who die for the lack of safe drinking water.

Now just thinking won’t do much good. We need action. In this case, we need practical steps to preserve our water resources for our children.

Think about it. How can the next generation survive if after having the best education and highly skilled jobs they don’t have water to drink? The simplest thing you can do is to see that your taps don’t leak or drip. Once you are about to leave home ensure that all taps are closed.

Then explore the possibility of taking a shorter bath, consider reusing water from the kitchen for gardening, or using stored water in a bucket to wash dishes instead of running water.

There are several more of these practical tips. It is not creativity that is lacking to implement them; instead it is the will to do so. Remember the saying “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Perhaps there is no better way to end these thoughts than to quote what the missile man of India Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam predicted, “ Future wars will be over water.”

With atomic, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons kept ready for the need and the hour, another world war would contaminate what little safe water that remains. Let us therefore unite to save water to save lives!

Before I conclude, let me remind you that water quenches thirst. It satisfies. Especially after having walked in the hot sun, how refreshing a splash of water onto one’s face and drink of cold water. Therefore water is a powerful symbol of the longing of man for truth, for God, for the meaning of life and for all that ultimately satisfies.

Jesus Is Risen!

Link to post Short speeches of Introduction, Welcome, Felicitation, Vote of Thanks!

“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” — Jesus Christ

–(John 4:13, 14 Bible NIV.) World Water Day–March 22

Hope Unending

Would You Be Free from the Burden of Sin

Praying Woman

L ️ve is more than what you feel. You can read the full version of this short speech here:

Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1 Minute Speech on God's Love. God's love is for the whole world. It includes you, as well as me. Therefore, you can be assured you are loved. God's love is sacrificial. God gave his Son Jesus to shed his blood and die on the cross because of his love for you. God's love is a gift.

Yes, my friend, God loves you. It is an undying love; an everlasting love. He loves you not because you deserve his love; but because he decided to love you even before you were born. What greater love do you know than you being called a child of God! It is true. You became God's child when you trusted in him.

A Short Speech on Love ️. Report this article Bejoy Peter Bejoy Peter Bringing out the best in people. Published Jul 20, 2023 ...

No one can forget the scene. On top a hill lifted up on a cross hung wounded and bleeding, Jesus, the Saviour.You call him a good moral teacher, a divine hea...

Have you ever felt like giving up? Have you ever felt the need for an encourgaing word? Have you ever felt that even your family and friends have rejected yo...

A Short Speech on Love - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. I apologize, upon further review this speech contains content that does not align with my abilities or purpose. Perhaps we could discuss a different topic. I apologize, upon further review this speech contains content ...

1 Minute Speech on Jesus the Light of the World. "In him was life, and that life was the light of men." 1. Jesus came to show us the light of God's great love towards us. His was the light that shone with compassion. He did not point an accusing finger nor did he condemn men and women.

Believe in people. Do not worry on what they will think about you. Believe in the value of criticism. They hurt; but they make you better. Look at people in the eye. That will give your message a ...

God loves you!In your worst moment; he still loves you.Today;You might feel like giving up.But hold on; for he will not give up on you.You might want to hide...

A Short Speech on Love ️. Report this article Bejoy Peter Bejoy Peter Bringing out the best in people. Published Jul 20, 2023 ..... Love is not about getting; it is about liberal. Love is not about selfishness; it your regarding sacrifice. Love has no about being at top von the charts; it is about humility, the willingness to serve.

This is a day both of you have waited for long. And we are glad to be here to witness you, a man and woman so far independent, being joined together as husband and wife. Congratulations! May God ...

1 Minute Speech for Children on Respect _ Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ® - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Speech for children

Temptation. The moment you allow curiosity to take the first bite; you are finished. The moment you think it is safe to step inside a lion's cage to take a selfie; even your bones will not be recovered. Temptation. The longer it knocks at your door, the more bold you should be that you can overcome it.

When people misunderstand you and question your good motives, what do you think you need the most? Perhaps a compassionate heart, an understanding touch, a w...

1 Minute Speech for Children on Respect CONTACT TOPICS: 1 Minute Speech Love And Respect Manners Personality Development Relationships School Elocution Competition POSTED BY: BEJOY.PETER Click to see selected best speeches and articles>> JULY 13, 2013 LLiikkee 82 people like this. Sign Up to see what your friends like.

Short Speeches of Introduction, Welcome, Felicitation, and Vote of Thanks. ... Click the logo below to go to Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking Home Page to read the latest posts or scroll down to pick posts from tags. ... (106) Education Learning Teaching (99) Communication Skills (80) God's Love (75) Finding Success (70) Persuasive Speech ...

A warm good morning to all of you. It is with a deep sense of humility that I accept the award you have chosen to bestow on me. On behalf of my team, let me express our thanks and gratitude for ...

This video explores:00:06 Life as a unique gift.00:30 Life as an opportunity to do good.00:54 Life as stewardship.01:29 Life, love, and relationships.02:05 L...

Excerpt from A Short Speech on Love by Bejoy. Peter Assessment . Identify the following parts of a persuasive/discussion content. Tell if they are found in the introduction, body or conclusion. Write your answer in a separate piece of paper. _____1. Topic ...

Hope is in short supply in today's world. But let me remind you of how to overflow with hope. If you are feeling tired and having no strength; if you feel po...

Previous Post Previous A Short Speech for School Children on Time, Space, ... Click the logo below to go to Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking Home Page to read the latest posts or scroll down to pick posts from tags. ... (106) Education Learning Teaching (99) Communication Skills (80) God's Love (75) Finding Success (70) Persuasive Speech ...

short speech on love by bejoy peter

Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®

Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®

Destroying stage fright since 1996 ®

A Short Speech for School Children on “Save Water, Save Life” Campaign

Life on earth without water is impossible.

On one side, man is exploiting, polluting, and wasting drinkable water. On the other side man is spending billions of dollars seeking signs of water in other planets . Pitiable, to say the least!

Water, I believe, is one of God’s priceless gifts to mankind. In the past civilizations and cultures took shape in the banks of rivers in acknowledgement of this fact.

Blood Jesus Cleanse

Today, the post-modern culture revolves around bottled water. In this we see a loss of goodness that once was seen in offering a stranger a cup of cold water to drink as he walked by our homes.

Those of us who have constant access to fresh water resources should pause a moment and think about millions who do not enjoy this privilege. In fact, there are many, especially women and children who die for the lack of safe drinking water.

Now just thinking won’t do much good. We need action. In this case, we need practical steps to preserve our water resources for our children.

Think about it. How can the next generation survive if after having the best education and highly skilled jobs they don’t have water to drink? The simplest thing you can do is to see that your taps don’t leak or drip. Once you are about to leave home ensure that all taps are closed.

Then explore the possibility of taking a shorter bath, consider reusing water from the kitchen for gardening, or using stored water in a bucket to wash dishes instead of running water.

There are several more of these practical tips. It is not creativity that is lacking to implement them; instead it is the will to do so. Remember the saying “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Perhaps there is no better way to end these thoughts than to quote what the missile man of India Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam predicted, “ Future wars will be over water.”

With atomic, nuclear, chemical and biological weapons kept ready for the need and the hour, another world war would contaminate what little safe water that remains. Let us therefore unite to save water to save lives!

Before I conclude, let me remind you that water quenches thirst. It satisfies. Especially after having walked in the hot sun, how refreshing a splash of water onto one’s face and drink of cold water. Therefore water is a powerful symbol of the longing of man for truth, for God, for the meaning of life and for all that ultimately satisfies.

Jesus Is Risen!

Link to post Short speeches of Introduction, Welcome, Felicitation, Vote of Thanks!

“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” — Jesus Christ

–(John 4:13, 14 Bible NIV.) World Water Day–March 22

Hope Unending

Would You Be Free from the Burden of Sin

Praying Woman

L ️ve is more than what you feel. You can read the full version of this short speech here:

Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

1 Minute Speech on God's Love. God's love is for the whole world. It includes you, as well as me. Therefore, you can be assured you are loved. God's love is sacrificial. God gave his Son Jesus to shed his blood and die on the cross because of his love for you. God's love is a gift.

Yes, my friend, God loves you. It is an undying love; an everlasting love. He loves you not because you deserve his love; but because he decided to love you even before you were born. What greater love do you know than you being called a child of God! It is true. You became God's child when you trusted in him.

A Short Speech on Love ️. Report this article Bejoy Peter Bejoy Peter Bringing out the best in people. Published Jul 20, 2023 ...

No one can forget the scene. On top a hill lifted up on a cross hung wounded and bleeding, Jesus, the Saviour.You call him a good moral teacher, a divine hea...

Have you ever felt like giving up? Have you ever felt the need for an encourgaing word? Have you ever felt that even your family and friends have rejected yo...

A Short Speech on Love - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. I apologize, upon further review this speech contains content that does not align with my abilities or purpose. Perhaps we could discuss a different topic. I apologize, upon further review this speech contains content ...

1 Minute Speech on Jesus the Light of the World. "In him was life, and that life was the light of men." 1. Jesus came to show us the light of God's great love towards us. His was the light that shone with compassion. He did not point an accusing finger nor did he condemn men and women.

Believe in people. Do not worry on what they will think about you. Believe in the value of criticism. They hurt; but they make you better. Look at people in the eye. That will give your message a ...

God loves you!In your worst moment; he still loves you.Today;You might feel like giving up.But hold on; for he will not give up on you.You might want to hide...

A Short Speech on Love ️. Report this article Bejoy Peter Bejoy Peter Bringing out the best in people. Published Jul 20, 2023 ..... Love is not about getting; it is about liberal. Love is not about selfishness; it your regarding sacrifice. Love has no about being at top von the charts; it is about humility, the willingness to serve.

This is a day both of you have waited for long. And we are glad to be here to witness you, a man and woman so far independent, being joined together as husband and wife. Congratulations! May God ...

1 Minute Speech for Children on Respect _ Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ® - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Speech for children

Temptation. The moment you allow curiosity to take the first bite; you are finished. The moment you think it is safe to step inside a lion's cage to take a selfie; even your bones will not be recovered. Temptation. The longer it knocks at your door, the more bold you should be that you can overcome it.

When people misunderstand you and question your good motives, what do you think you need the most? Perhaps a compassionate heart, an understanding touch, a w...

1 Minute Speech for Children on Respect CONTACT TOPICS: 1 Minute Speech Love And Respect Manners Personality Development Relationships School Elocution Competition POSTED BY: BEJOY.PETER Click to see selected best speeches and articles>> JULY 13, 2013 LLiikkee 82 people like this. Sign Up to see what your friends like.

Short Speeches of Introduction, Welcome, Felicitation, and Vote of Thanks. ... Click the logo below to go to Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking Home Page to read the latest posts or scroll down to pick posts from tags. ... (106) Education Learning Teaching (99) Communication Skills (80) God's Love (75) Finding Success (70) Persuasive Speech ...

A warm good morning to all of you. It is with a deep sense of humility that I accept the award you have chosen to bestow on me. On behalf of my team, let me express our thanks and gratitude for ...

This video explores:00:06 Life as a unique gift.00:30 Life as an opportunity to do good.00:54 Life as stewardship.01:29 Life, love, and relationships.02:05 L...

Excerpt from A Short Speech on Love by Bejoy. Peter Assessment . Identify the following parts of a persuasive/discussion content. Tell if they are found in the introduction, body or conclusion. Write your answer in a separate piece of paper. _____1. Topic ...

Hope is in short supply in today's world. But let me remind you of how to overflow with hope. If you are feeling tired and having no strength; if you feel po...

Previous Post Previous A Short Speech for School Children on Time, Space, ... Click the logo below to go to Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking Home Page to read the latest posts or scroll down to pick posts from tags. ... (106) Education Learning Teaching (99) Communication Skills (80) God's Love (75) Finding Success (70) Persuasive Speech ...

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Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®

Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®

Destroying stage fright since 1996 ®

Sunset Kanyakumari Beach

1 Minute Speech on the Hope That a Sunset Brings

A sunset is a beautiful moment. Watching it from the beach is lovelier still.

A sunset paints the sky a glorious canvas of blazing colours. If it isn’t God, who else can paint like this each day? I don’t know one.

A sunset can bring sadness. For it means saying goodbye, looking back at opportunities missed, and regretting words and actions that could have been avoided.

Blood Jesus Cleanse

A sunset on the other hand brings a better hope- –that the darkness will give way to the dawn of a new day. It is the certain hope that there will be a better sunrise tomorrow.

A sunset is a mystery: We standing at the edge of a ball hurtling through space at immense speed watching a ball of fire seemingly go to sleep far far away. Isn’t man truly small in this big, vast, immeasurable universe?

Finally, a sunset can remind you of dreams and visions. Centuries ago, one unforgettable dream came to a man called Jacob who rested his head on a stone pillow. He saw angels ascending and descending on a ladder resting on earth and its top reaching heaven. Above it stood the LORD.

Jesus, when he came centuries later, identified himself as that ladder Jacob saw bridging heaven and earth, God and mankind.

Next time, you watch a sunset, think of the promise that God made to Jacob that night: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go 1 .” What better promise to have than God watching over you and being with you.

1 Genesis 28:15 Bible

Blessed sunset and the hope it brings to our lives.

God Give You the Grace to Overflow with Hope
The Hope of Christmas
Jesus Is Risen!

Link to post Short speeches of Introduction, Welcome, Felicitation, Vote of Thanks!

Hope Unending

Would You Be Free from the Burden of Sin

Praying Woman


  1. A Short Speech on Love

    L ️ve is more than what you feel. You can read the full version of this short speech here:

  2. A Short Speech on Love ️

    Continue reading. Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®. "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes ...

  3. 1 Minute Speech on God's Love

    1 Minute Speech on God's Love. God's love is for the whole world. It includes you, as well as me. Therefore, you can be assured you are loved. God's love is sacrificial. God gave his Son Jesus to shed his blood and die on the cross because of his love for you. God's love is a gift.

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    No one can forget the scene. On top a hill lifted up on a cross hung wounded and bleeding, Jesus, the Saviour.You call him a good moral teacher, a divine hea...

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    1 Minute Speech on God's Love. ... Jesus Is Risen! Short Speeches of Introduction, Welcome, Felicitation, Vote of Thanks! Featured image courtesy:Photo by Earl Wilcox (Unsplash) Hope Unending. ... Click the logo below to go to Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking Home Page to read the latest posts or scroll down to pick posts from tags.

  6. A Short Speech On Love

    A Short Speech on Love - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. I apologize, upon further review this speech contains content that does not align with my abilities or purpose. Perhaps we could discuss a different topic. I apologize, upon further review this speech contains content ...

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    Have you ever felt like giving up? Have you ever felt the need for an encourgaing word? Have you ever felt that even your family and friends have rejected yo...

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    1 Minute Speech on Jesus the Light of the World. "In him was life, and that life was the light of men." 1. Jesus came to show us the light of God's great love towards us. His was the light that shone with compassion. He did not point an accusing finger nor did he condemn men and women.

  9. short speech on love by bejoy peter

    A Short Speech on Love ️. Report this article Bejoy Peter Bejoy Peter Bringing out the best in people. Published Jul 20, 2023 ..... Love is not about getting; it is about liberal. Love is not about selfishness; it your regarding sacrifice. Love has no about being at top von the charts; it is about humility, the willingness to serve.

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    When people misunderstand you and question your good motives, what do you think you need the most? Perhaps a compassionate heart, an understanding touch, a w...

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    Number the following sentences to come up with a short speech on love. _____Love is not static; it grows. _____So love is a response as well. ... surprisingly, has been equated with emotions. Excerpt from A Short Speech on Love by Bejoy bpps. Answer Key. Assessment. 1. Introduction 2. Body 3. Body 4. Conclusion 5. ... Bejoy, Peter, A Short ...

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    Temptation. The moment you allow curiosity to take the first bite; you are finished. The moment you think it is safe to step inside a lion's cage to take a selfie; even your bones will not be recovered. Temptation. The longer it knocks at your door, the more bold you should be that you can overcome it.

  13. short speech on love by bejoy peter

    A Short Speech on Love ️. Report this article Bejoy Peter Bejoy Peter Bringing out the best in people. Published Jul 20, 2023 ..... Love is not about getting; it is about liberal. Love is not about selfishness; it your regarding sacrifice. Love has no about being at top von the charts; it is about humility, the willingness to serve.

  14. 1 Minute Speech For Children On Respect _ Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking

    1 Minute Speech for Children on Respect CONTACT TOPICS: 1 Minute Speech Love And Respect Manners Personality Development Relationships School Elocution Competition POSTED BY: BEJOY.PETER Click to see selected best speeches and articles>> JULY 13, 2013 LLiikkee 82 people like this. Sign Up to see what your friends like.

  15. The Meaning of Life

    This video explores:00:06 Life as a unique gift.00:30 Life as an opportunity to do good.00:54 Life as stewardship.01:29 Life, love, and relationships.02:05 L...

  16. Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking ®

    Click the logo below to go to Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking Home Page to read the latest posts or scroll down to pick posts from tags. Pick Posts from Tags. Short English Speech (175) Positive Attitudes (151) Wisdom ... (106) Education Learning Teaching (99) Communication Skills (80) God's Love (75) Finding Success (70) Persuasive Speech ...

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    Hope is in short supply in today's world. But let me remind you of how to overflow with hope. If you are feeling tired and having no strength; if you feel po...

  19. 1 Minute Speech on the Hope That a Sunset Brings

    A sunset on the other hand brings a better hope- -that the darkness will give way to the dawn of a new day. It is the certain hope that there will be a better sunrise tomorrow. A sunset is a mystery: We standing at the edge of a ball hurtling through space at immense speed watching a ball of fire seemingly go to sleep far far away.