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Science Experiments for Kids

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Science Experiment Templates

January 19, 2022 By Emma Vanstone Leave a Comment

Hopefully you’ve already seen my ever growing collection of FREE science experiment printable instruction sheets . These cover experiments suitable for kids of all ages and are themed to many different topics including seasons and holidays.

Launching today are several science experiment templates that can be used for writing up experiments and investigations and a STEM challenge sheet too!

If there’s anything else you’d find useful that I don’t currently have please do let me know. I’m always looking for new ideas.

FREE Science Experiment Templates

Lab report template sheets.

I have three variations of a lab report with slightly different wording, so just pick whichever suits you best!

Lab report experiment write up printable

STEM Challenge Template

This free STEM challenge template has three pages with plenty of space to design ideas, consider the advantages and disadvantages of design features and make conclusions.

STEM Challenge design sheet

Last Updated on November 15, 2022 by Emma Vanstone

Safety Notice

Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

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Free Science Lab Sheets

free science lab sheets

FREE Science Lab Sheets! No matter what experiment you are investigating, more than likely, these will work for your students! There are two options to choose from. So, pick the one that works the best for your lab needs. Be sure to explore our other  free science resources including our  labs & experiments and don’t forget our  scientific method unit !

As a Christian Book and Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support. As always, we only recommend items that we truly feel will benefit your homeschooling experience. We appreciate it.

Science Lab Sheet #1

printable science lab sheet

The first lab sheet is a general science experiment recording sheet featuring the: posing question, hypothesis, procedure, observations & results, and conclusion. This is a basic lab sheet. It is great for those students who are just beginning to use the scientific method. The first lab sheet features these following parts.

  • Posing Question : The question that the experiment hinges on. For example: Will fresh water or salt water freeze faster?
  • Hypothesis : An hypothesis states what it is you think will happen. It is oftentimes written as an If ______________________, then _______________________. For example, " If I add salt to water, then it will freeze slower than the water without salt.
  • Procedure : In this section, students write the steps in which the experiment will take place.
  • Observations & Results : Making observations and recording data is imperative in an accurate lab report. This is where a student would record quantitative data as well as qualitative observations.
  • Conclusion : A student's conclusion to the posing question is stated here. It is also where a student confirms their hypothesis to be true or false.

Science Lab Sheet #2

science experiment template printable

The second lab sheet includes the responding variable, manipulated variable, and controlled variable.

  • Responding Variable : The variable in an experiment that responds to the manipulated variable.
  • Manipulated Variable : The variable in an experiment that is changed or manipulated.
  • Controlled Variable : The variable(s) that remain constant.

To check out our FULL SET of Science Lab Reco rding Sheets , take a look here . If you would like further explanation of how to use the Scientific Method, check out our Free Scientific Method Unit .


More scientific method resources....

educational science slideshows

Food for thought...

Looking for a more permanent science curriculum? Even though we pursue various science units that encompass labs and such, we also use a science textbook each year. Some might say that our science units supplement our textbook, while others would say the opposite to be true. The labs, experiments, graphic organizers, videos, and other activities bring the textbook information to life.

What causes an ice boat to float

We use Abeka Science textbooks. I love that they incorporate God and His sovereignty into their curriculum. When I taught in the public school system, I noticed that many of my students were lacking in vocabulary. This made it difficult for them to understand the why behind many of our investigations. Unfortunately, they were deficient in their background knowledge. Our science time would be lacking too if it weren’t for the rich vocabulary and science language that we find in our science textbook and readers. If you are interested in shopping for a full-time science curriculum or even just a textbook to guide you, click on the following link! Happy homeschooling!


Draw & Write Sheets

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Scientific Method for Kids: Steps and FREE Printable Template

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Are you looking for an easy way to teach the scientific method for kids? I’m sharing each step in this post, along with a free template you can print to help your kids walk through the scientific process.

Being inquisitive is in a kid’s nature. They LOVE asking questions (and come up with some of the best ones!). And although I love to answer them, as they get older I know that part of my job as a homeschool mom is to not answer each and every question for them.

Sooner or later, they need to have the tools to gather information and draw conclusions on their own , whether that happens inside science class or not. For kids, learning the scientific method steps can be a great way to build on skills that will be valuable in many areas of their lives.

An Englishman named Sir Francis Bacon helped create what we know as the scientific method. I thought it was interesting to learn, though, that there were multiple professional scientists and scholars who developed the scientific method over many years , and that many disagree on different ways to implement it. However, there are basic steps that have come to be accepted and taught as the scientific method (and that we get to explore with our kids!).

Scientific Method Steps for Kids

These steps to the scientific method that help us guide our research involve observing and asking questions, formulating a scientific hypothesis (or educated guess), planning and running an experiment, evaluating data and drawing conclusions.

Are you looking for an easy way to teach the scientific method for kids?  I'm sharing each step in this post, along with a free template you can print to help your kids walk through the scientific process.

Why Should Kids Learn the Scientific Method?

Why is it important that we teach our kids the scientific method? Isn’t it enough to just have fun doing experiments when we want to? We learn so much from them without formally teaching all of these steps!

Well, yes – we certainly learn a ton from fun experiments! But as my kids are getting older, I am finding they are needing a little bit more structure in thinking through their thoughts, making guesses based on thoughtful observations, and drawing valid conclusions after careful study. These are all important skills to learn and practice. (And don’t worry – I created a FREE printable that will help you walk through this entire process. It’s not as scary as it sounds!) .

Here are some other reasons you’ll want to use the scientific method for kids in your homeschool:

  • The scientific process helps us dig in and learn more about God and His creation (and there is so much to observe and learn!).
  • Scientists actually use the scientific method to research, study, learn, and solve problems. And your kids will have fun being scientists too!
  • Following the scientific method steps allows us to conduct experiments correctly. It also teaches young kids the importance of documenting their steps and research so those that come behind them can replicate results, or build on their research. Carefully recording information is an important skill they will be able to translate to so many other areas.

Steps of the Scientific Method for Kids

Here are the basic steps in the scientific method you’ll want to teach your kids:

  • Observe and ask a question.
  • Form a hypothesis.
  • Do an experiment.
  • Evaluate your data.
  • Draw a conclusion.

Let’s go over each of the steps in a little bit more detail with an easy example, so you can see how you might teach it in your homeschool. You’ll then be able to use this method with any of your science experiments in your homeschool; my free printable will definitely help walk you through the steps as well , and is a great addition to your kids homeschool scientific journal.

How to Teach the Scientific Method for Kids

Let’s use an easy example to walk through how the scientific method might look.

Scientific method for kids free printable

1. Ask a Question.

You have a couple of plants sitting on your windowsill, and your son asks the simple question about why they are sitting on the ledge. He wonders how the amount of light affects how a plant grows, and if it will grow without light.

And so begins the process of scientific investigation!

The first step for your kids is to take note of what questions they have, or what problems they might want to solve. What is something they are unsure about? Have them brainstorm some ideas and then do some observing and initial research to lay the groundwork for their experiment and help with the next step.

2. Make a Hypothesis.

Next, they’ll form a hypothesis, or an educated guess (a guess made from good reasoning and observing!), about what they think will happen. Before they do so, it might be helpful to make sure the question is clarified and is written in “testable” form, which will help them be clear in their experiment.

For example, the question from above might be, “I wonder if plants can grow in the dark?” You can help guide your child in re-forming this question to make it testable by using phrasing like:

  • “Does changing __________ affect ___________ ?”
  • “If I change __________, will it affect __________ ?”
  • How does changing __________ affect __________ ?”

So – “How does the amount of light affect plant growth?”, or, “If I change the amount of sunlight a plant gets, will it affect it’s growth?”

Your child can then make a guess about what they think will happen, a possible answer, and begin planning on how to conduct the experiment.

3. Do an Experiment.

Now comes the fun part – finding out if you are right or wrong! Your child gets to map out their procedure (what they will actually do, how and what they will record) and make a list of materials they will need to conduct the experiment.

An important part of this step is noting what the independent and dependent variables will be. An independent variable is something that you will change; a dependent variable is what you will measure. A good experiment will only have ONE independent variable at a time – you don’t want to change too many things at once, or it will be hard to measure what actually produced the results.

In our example, our independent variable will be the light source – we’ll put one plant in sunlight and one in a dark place. We’ll try to keep them in rooms of the same temperature, and we’ll use the same amount of soil, same amount of water, and the same number and type of seed in each cup.

The dependent variable is what we are going to measure – how much the plants grow.

4. Evaluate Your Data.

This is the step where they record what is happening, what they observe, and then evaluate the results.

Drawing pictures and/or making graphs can definitely be helpful to display the data collected. Let them be creative with how they record this, but remind them that accuracy and being able to share data with others is important!

5. Draw a Conclusion.

Finally, they get to make a final conclusion. Did the experiment answer your question, and was your hypothesis correct? Thinking about what they learned and other new questions that may have arose as a result of the experiment are worth noting.

In some cases, it might be worthwhile to repeat the experiment with a new hypothesis, or try it again in a slightly different way to help draw conclusions. For example, maybe we could repeat the plant experiment with a different type of plant to see if we got the same results.

Have Fun With It!

Remember that learning about God’s creation and natural world through science experiments should be fun and enjoyable! Choose activities your kids will love, or let them help you decide what fun experiments to try. The skills that they will learn as they work through the scientific method will be valuable for them in years to come.

Can I Use the Scientific Process with my youngest kids?

Absolutely! Even young children will love following along as you perform experiments with your older kids. Although they won’t be able to journal or record data like the bigger kids, simply walking through and talking about the series of steps is a great way to introduce them to the scientific process.

When your little ones ask a good question that might make for a simple science experiment, ask them what they think will happen! Then recruit any older siblings to join in on the fun.

Science Experiment Ideas

You might have kids who are very scientifically-minded, and ask questions about everything! If not, sometimes coming up with a fun experiment can be a stumbling block.

Here are a few scientific questions your kids might have fun exploring, to get you rolling on the first step of practicing the scientific process for kids. These are also perfect to investigate for a science fair project at your school or homeschool co-op!

  • Does music affect animal behavior?
  • Where are the most germs in your home?
  • Which paper towel brand is the strongest?
  • What is the best way to keep cut flowers fresh the longest?
  • What plant fertilizer works best?
  • What brand of battery lasts the longest?
  • How much weight can the surface tension of water hold?
  • Which soda decays fallen out teeth the most?
  • Can hamsters learn tricks?
  • What is the effect of salt on the boiling temperature of water? On it’s density ?
  • What type of grass seed grows the fastest?

Once they get started brainstorming, your kids can probably come up with lots of ideas to explore for their own experiments!

Scientific Method for Kids Books

There are a few great books you might want to check out as you introduce the scientific method steps. They are also wonderful for experiment ideas!

What is the Scientific Method? Science Book for Kids Mad Margaret Experiments with the Scientific Method (In the Science Lab) Awesome Science Experiments for Kids: 100+ Fun STEM / STEAM Projects and Why They Work Awesome Kitchen Science Experiments for Kids: 50 STEAM Projects You Can Eat! Steve Spangler’s Super-Cool Science Experiments for Kids: 50 mind-blowing STEM projects you can do at home Smithsonian 10-Minute Science Experiments: 50+ quick, easy and awesome projects for kids 101 Great Science Experiments: A Step-by-Step Guide The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments

Step-by-Step Scientific Method Printable

My older kids are in 2nd and 3rd grade right now, and I created this printable for them (so it works well for mid-upper elementary-aged students). However, you can absolutely adapt it if you have younger students , or students who aren’t quite ready to do so much writing just yet. You can still teach the process!

This FREE printable comes with one sheet that lists out all the scientific method steps; this is perfect to print out and hang in your homeschool room to refer to. And if your kids are younger, you can verbally talk through the process while doing simple experiments with them, which will help prepare them for a more in-depth process when they get older.

There is also one-page-per-step that walks them through the scientific method, and a basic list of some fun science experiment ideas to try. I also have a one-page sheet your kids can use to write out their process, if you want a simpler, more compact template.

science experiment template printable

Grab yours for FREE today!

science experiment template printable

Grab your FREE Scientific Method Printables!

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I hope you have so much fun making memories with your kids learning about science and the scientific method for kids.

Drop a comment below: What has been your favorite science experiment you have done with your kids? What would they say is their favorite?

science experiment template printable

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science experiment template printable

More homeschool inspiration...

science experiment template printable

Hello! Can the Scientific Method freebie be used with students I am teaching on Outschool? I am using a slide show to teach the steps, but it would be nice to have some resources for them to actually carry out the process. If this does not follow your copyright rules, I totally understand. Thanks for your consideration.

Thank you for asking, Christina, and I would love for you to use it! If possible, please give them the link (or send it to their parents) so they can download it for free from my website. I hope you get a lot of good use out of it!

Sara, I really enjoyed your post and will look into Science Shepherd. I’ve tried to use the “subscribe” button to access the free scientific method packet, but can’t seem to connect. I’m hoping this will suffice to subscribe to your channel. Thanks and have a blessed coming school year, Bonnie

Thank you so much Bonnie!! I was having an error on my site for downloading the packet, but I think it’s fixed. Please let me know if you still have issues downloading it!

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How to Make Paper Airplanes (Free Printable Instructions)

Learn how to make paper airplanes with three printable instructions. This activity offers a creative outlet and is an easy STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) challenge for kids that teaches the principles of aerodynamics and physics.

science experiment template printable

Supplies Needed For A Paper Plane STEM Challenge

Making paper planes is a classic kids’ activity that is so much more! You can explore basic concepts in physics, such as gravity and air resistance , and incorporate the scientific method , variables , and engineering design principles .

Materials Needed:

  • Paper: Regular 8.5 x 11 inch printer paper works best. You can experiment with different types of paper for various flight results.
  • Markers or Crayons: Optional for decorating your airplanes before you fly them.
  • Printable Instructions and Templates (see below)

💡 You can also create a paper airplane launcher [here] and learn a little about Amelia Earhart. Find more paper airplane instructions, too.

How To Make A Paper Airplane (3 Ways!)

Get the printable airplane templates below to make these paper airplane designs.

Paper Airplane Design 1: The Classic Plane

This classic design is easy to make and flies well in most conditions. This plane is perfect for flying over a distance. Throw gently for distance, and for a fun twist, throw hard and up for overhead loops!

  • Prepare the Paper : Flip the paper over so that the printed fold lines are facing down.
  • First Fold : Crease and open back up along both diagonal lines. Also fold back on the horizontal line and reopen.
  • Tuck the Folds : Pull and tuck the folds together as shown in the first two drawings on your instruction sheet.
  • Fold the Corners : Fold the corners of each triangle up, almost to the center line.
  • Nose Fold : Fold the nose of the plane back.
  • Final Wing Fold : Fold up along the center line and then fold down each wing.

Paper Airplane Design 2: The Fast Flyer

This plane is designed for speed and distance, making it an excellent choice for outdoor flights.

  • Prepare the Paper : Flip the paper over so the printed fold lines face down.
  • Corner Folds : Turn the corners to the outside fold lines and crease. Repeat for the next set of folds.
  • Center Fold : Fold up along the center line so the text is inside and graphics are on the outside.
  • Wing Fold : Finally, fold down each wing.

Paper Airplane Design 3: The Glider

This glider design is perfect for long, smooth flights.

  • Fold the Corners : Fold the corners up along the outside fold lines and crease down. Repeat for the next set of folds.
  • Nose Fold : Fold the nose back, as shown in the diagram.
  • Final Wing Fold : Fold up along the center line so the lines and graphics are on the outside.

Once your planes are ready, it’s time to test them out! Find an open space like a park or a large room and see which plane flies the farthest. Try adjusting your throwing technique to see how it affects the flight. For example:

  • Throwing gently may result in a longer, smoother flight.
  • Throwing with more force could give your plane a higher trajectory.

(Optional) Adjust The Flight By:

  • Adjustable Flaps : Cut along the sides of the plane to create adjustable flaps. Fold up to make the plane rise or down to make it drop.
  • Stick-Up Tail : Bring the two angled fold lines together to create a stick-up tail for more stability.
  • Fastening Clip : Cut on the sides to create a fastening clip that helps keep your plane’s wings in place.

Free Printable Paper Plane Instructions

science experiment template printable

How Does A Paper Airplane Fly

A paper airplane flies over a distance due to the principles of aerodynamics, which include lift, thrust, drag, and gravity.

Lift: When you throw a paper airplane, the air underneath the wings pushes upward, helping to keep the plane in the air. The wings are designed to create lift as air flows over them. The angle at which the plane’s wings meet the air, known as the angle of attack, is crucial in how much lift is generated. The airplane may stall and fall quickly if the angle is too steep. The plane might not generate enough lift to stay airborne if it’s too shallow.

Thrust : The force you apply when you throw the airplane forward is called thrust. This pushes the plane through the air.

Drag : As the airplane moves, air resistance (drag) works against the forward motion, slowing it down.

Gravity : Gravity pulls the airplane down toward the ground, but if the lift is strong enough, it can help the plane stay in the air for a longer distance before it lands.

By balancing these forces, a well-made paper airplane can glide smoothly through the air for a considerable distance. The design, weight, and how you throw it all play a role in how far and well the airplane will fly.

Make it a Science Fair Project!

To turn this into a science fair project, you can explore how different factors affect the flight of paper airplanes. Start by choosing one variable to test, such as the type of paper, the design of the airplane, or adding weight like paper clips. For example:

  • Test different paper airplane wing designs to see how the shape and size of the wings affect how far the airplane flies.
  • Launch paper airplanes at different angles and measure the flight distance for each angle.
  • Build identical paper airplanes using different types of paper and test which material results in the longest flight.

Make a hypothesis about which type of paper or design will fly the farthest or stay in the air the longest. Then, multiple paper airplanes, each with a different variable, will be created and tested by flying each one several times.

Measure and record the distance or flight time for each airplane. Analyze your data to see which variable made the biggest difference. Finally, present your findings on a display board with charts, photos, and a conclusion explaining what you learned.

Helpful Resources:

  • Tips For Choosing A Science Fair Project
  • Science Fair Board Ideas
  • Using The Scientific Method
  • Variables in Science

Fun Paper Airplane Challenges

  • Target Practice : Create a bullseye target on a cardboard or paper. Aim your airplane at the target and score points based on where it lands.
  • Obstacle Course : Set up a course with household items. Fly your airplane through tunnels, loops, and under tables without hitting any obstacles.
  • Distance Challenge : See whose airplane flies the farthest. Measure the distance and experiment with different designs and throwing techniques.
  • Paper Airplane Races : Mark a race track and see which airplane can reach the finish line first. Hold head-to-head races or a tournament.
  • Decorate and Customize : Use markers, stickers, or tape to decorate your airplane. Create themed planes and see if the added designs affect the flight.
  • Paper Airplane Science Experiment : Test how different papers, folding styles, or added weights affect flight. Record your results to find the best design.
  • Make a Paper Airplane Launcher: Design a paper plane launcher to test your designs and see how far they can fly!

💡 Learn how the scientific method works [here] and apply it to a paper plane science experiment.

More Fun With Physics

Check out the complete list of physics experiments , including…

  • Make A Parachute
  • Build a Hovercraft
  • Airplane Launcher
  • Air Resistance Experiment
  • Make A Paper Helicopter
  • Make a Balloon Rocket

science experiment template printable

Printable STEM Pack for Kids

80+ Doable Engineering Projects in one convenient pack!

  • Full instructions with sample images
  • Activity-specific instruction sheets
  • Data Collection Sheets
  • Questions for Reflection
  • Architecture Building Cards: Try the tallest tower challenge
  • Bridge Building Cards: Explore different types of bridges to build your own.
  • Paper Chain STEM Challenge: Who can make the longest chain? Great icebreaker or quick challenge!
  • 3 Little Pigs Architectural Pack: Design a house that won’t blow away!
  • Great marshmallow challenge: A classic challenge kids love!
  • Real-world STEM challenge lesson but don’t know where to start? Our easy-to-follow template shows the steps!
  • What’s the difference between a scientist and an engineer?
  • Crossword and word search with engineering vocabulary.
  • Engineering vocabulary cards
  • Design a one-of-a-kind invention and write about it with this 5-page activity!

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~ projects to try now ~.

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Three black and white leaf coloring pages with different leaf designs overlapping on a wooden background with green.

Printable Scientific Method Worksheets

Published: Jan 8, 2022 · Modified: Jul 9, 2024 by Julie

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Kids of all ages love conducting science experiments as part of their science education. Use these scientific method worksheets to teach about the steps of the scientific method.

Also as templates when your kids are doing their own experiments.

If you are looking for some basic worksheets to use with your kids then check out the resrouces described below.

The scientific method coloring page with different images of each of the steps overlapping a scientific method printable template with room to write question, research, hypothesis, experiment, and procedure. White and yellow light bulb bottom left corner. All on wooden background

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You can download the printable pack at the bottom of this post. Simply use the table of contents below to skip ahead to the printables.

Diagram Worksheet

Basics of scientific method, scientific method template, starting with a question, conduct research, making a prediction, materials list and safety, results of the experiment, bonus coloring sheet, additional science printables, terms of use.

You can use the diagram sheets with elementary students and middle school aged kids. I made two versions, one a guided cut and paste along with a blank diagram.

The image below shows the cut and paste version which comes with printable pictures to go along with each of the steps.

When you download the free printable pack, you will get access to both versions of the printable chart.

scientific method diagram cut and paste with pictures on a wooden background with red scissors in bottom left corner and school glue right side with cut out pictures of the different steps. Scientific Method Cut and Paste across the top

1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students can practice the scientific method steps with the guided cut and paste worksheet.

While older children in 5th grade, 6th grade, 7th grade, and 8th grade can use the blank version to write and draw their own illustrations.

However, you know your kids best and can use either sheet with any of the ages listed above!

Even high school aged kids can benefit from a quick review of the different steps of the scientific method before conducting a scientific investigation.

Either sheet would be a great way to introduce the method as part of an introductory lesson.

The core of the scientific method is that it is a process to be explored , not just memorized.

If you have ever made an observation which then sparked a question, then you know what I am talking about.

Working through a problem using a series of steps is the basic idea behind the this method.

child's hand in the dirt other holding a baby plant preparing to place into the dirt. Newly planted plant and empty seed try

The nature of science is to use data collected from an experiment to answer a question.

Often times, the results spark more questions and then lead to more scientific investigations. Which is awesome!

For ideas and science concepts to explore by grade, check out the Next Generation Science Standards .

Now the fun part begins...designing and conducting experiments with your kids. The best way for children to learn the scientific method is to actually practice the scientific process!

Keep it simple and try out this cloud experiment with your kids. Or let them plan and design their own science experiment using this worksheet to record their process.

If you are looking to explore different variables, this apple browning experiment is a fun option. Or even try making a cloud in a jar together!

The Scientific Method Worksheet guided with room to write in each section. Two pages overlapping on a wooden background. Pencil on printable sheet with light bulb in yellow circle top left

This worksheet keeps it simple. My goal was to make a basic template that will not overwhelm budding young scientists.

I did not include spaces for kids to record dependent variables, independent variable, and the control group.

However, if your kids are ready for that next step, they can write down the different variables in a science notebook.

On the top of the printable is room for your kids to write the question they want to explore. This usually is sparked by an observation.

Scientific method printable worksheet with the different steps on a wooden background. Yellow circle with light bulb bottom left.

For example, you may notice a new plant turning yellow in the window. Your kids may come up with a few questions based off of that observation:

  • What causes a plant to turn yellow?
  • Will over watering turn a plant's leaves yellow?
  • Can under watering make the leaves yellow?
  • If a plant needs nutrients will its leaves turn yellow?

Any one of these questions can be turned into a scientific inquiry. Have your kids write down their question in the space provided.

In the space to the right of the question is room two record some research. Books, online articles, and even asking other people what they know is considered research.

child sitting outside on the ground reading a book about plants surrounded by green plants

Encourage your kids to write a few short points they learned through their research in that space.

This step is often missing on scientific method worksheets, but I really feel that this step is important.

Even having a quick conversation with a young child will help them to build a better understanding about what they are going to explore in the experiment.

Making first hand connections to what you are learning about is the difference between simply going through the motions and understanding the scientific process.

In a true scientific inquiry, the hypothesis would be written as an "If...then..." statement. But again, we are keeping it simple here.

Give your kids time to make a prediction. What do they think will happen? They can even write down why they think that will happen.

Going back to the yellowing plant scenario, maybe they predict that giving a plant too much water will cause its leaves to turn yellow.

Perfect, have them write that down.

To see if their hypothesis is correct, your kids will carry out an experiment.

On the worksheet there is room to record the supplies they will need along with any safety tips they should follow.

child outside sitting on the grass writing in a notebook with a blue pencil other hand holding the notebook pages down.

These are both usually written in list form. Along with each supply, make sure they write how many of each item is needed.

Example: 4 potted plants

You can either come up with your own experiment or find one online or a book.

Here is where your kids will write down the steps for their experiment. This is a numbered list written in the correct order.

I like to think of this part as the directions for making a recipe. Make sure each step is specific and easy to understand.

It must be the science teacher in me, but I love data tables, graphs, and really any type of chart!

In this space your kids can draw illustrations with labels to show what happens during the experiment.

scientific method printable template with procedure, data, and results from experiment. Green potted plant on the data section with a ruler and pencil next the printable on the left hand side. All on a wooden background

A chart or data table is a great way to organize the information your kids collect.

These are really helpful when collection numerical data such as temperature or time.

Rather than writing numbers haphazardly within the section, making a table keeps everything nice and organized.

Of course, numbers are only one type of data, your kids can make scientific drawings or sketches too!

Helpful Hint: decide what type of observations you are going to record before beginning the experiment.

The final step of the scientific method is to draw conclusions.

How did the data compare to your hypothesis? In other words, what are the results of the experiment?

Kids love sharing what they learned with others. On the sheet they can write down how the data supports or disproves their hypothesis.

Take it one step further and make a list of additional questions that can explored.

children holding magnifying lenses looking at small plants growing in pots. Empty plant trays with dirt on table

Kids can also make a presentation or verbally share their results with others.

If more than one child ran the same experiment it would be fun to compare data and results with each other!

You can make your own science fair even at home by setting up a table and displaying their work.

By giving them time to explain the process, they are deepening their understanding of the scientific process.

Who doesn't like coloring? This free scientific method coloring sheet is a fun way to reinforce the different steps of the process.

The Scientific Method Coloring page with black and white clip art for observation, question, research, predict, experiment, data, and results. Printable on wooden background with colored pencils top right corner

Each stage features a black and white image that your kids can color.

A great independent activity for your kids to do while learning about conducting experiments.

Make sure to download the PDF version of these worksheets at the bottom of the post.

Free printables are a great way to do science with your kids. Whether you are teaching a science class to a group of students or homeschooling one child.

Make sure to check out these additional posts:

  • Phases of the Moon Activities
  • Types of Clouds Printables and Activities
  • Sunflower Exploration

New posts are added to the blog every week. Resources include Nature Inspired printables and hands-on activities to do with your kids ages pre-K through upper elementary.

Don't hesitate to leave a comment or send an email with any questions.

These printables were created by  Nature Inspired Learning  and are for  personal use only  in your home, classroom, or public library. All of these free scientific method worksheets are for  non-commercial use . See  full disclosure .

Printable pack includes a worksheet, cut and paste diagram, and coloring page!

6 free printable scientific method worksheets and diagrams overlapping on a wooden background. Fill in the blank worksheet, cut and paste, and coloring page. Scientific Method Worksheets written across top with yellow light bulb symbol upper left

Did you know we have a whole collection of science activities? You can find all of our activities in one spot!

More Easy Science Experiments

Four glass jars with colored water with celery stalks with different colors at the ends on a wooden table.

Reader Interactions

Leonard King

August 19, 2022 at 9:38 am

This looks great! Looking forward to see how my students do with it. Thank you for the resource, Leonard

August 19, 2022 at 9:40 am

Your very welcome Leonard, I hope your lessons go well!

Cynthia Morgan

August 26, 2022 at 7:25 am

Looking forward to start having fun with my students.

Adair Solomon

September 08, 2022 at 2:53 pm

Thank you very much!

September 09, 2022 at 12:11 pm

Your Very welcome!

October 27, 2022 at 9:26 pm

This makes teaching this way more fun than how I was taught in school! Thank you!

October 29, 2022 at 9:04 am

You're very welcome Sera! Enjoy

May 17, 2023 at 4:33 am

Hello Julie!

Thank you so much for writing a post and creating a lesson pack for the scientific method. Big help for a homeschool mom like me 🙂

May 25, 2023 at 7:23 pm

Hi Arge! You're very welcome! I hope you and your kids enjoy learning about the scientific method together!

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Teach Beside Me

Paper Helicopter Science With a Free Printable Template

This post may contain affiliate links.

A paper helicopter is a fun classic science activity that kids really love. You can do this one with kids of all ages. Today I have instructions for you, a printable template, and the science behind what makes these fun paper helicopters spin! 

paper helicopter template

Using hands-on activities and simple experiments like this one to teach a science concept is one of the best ways I have found to really help learning to sink in to kids minds.  Seeing science principles in action helps kids grasp them so much better.

paper helicopter spinning

Toy paper helicopters are the perfect science experiment to teach about the force of gravity, about air resistance, engineering and more. They are easy to make, fun to fly and a great way to explore the complex topic of physics in a simpler way. You’ll definitely want to add them to your physics or physical science lesson plans whether you teach elementary school middle school or high school. All the kids will enjoy this one. 

These paper helicopters have always reminded me of a maple seeds’ descent. If you have some of those around you, compare them and see how each spins!  The way these seeds travel have always fascinated me. It’s fun to look at nature for inspiration and comparison. 

maple seed helicopters

We have so many hands-on activities for science, math and more here on my site that I hope you’ll explore, too!  See my Science Art and Drawing Games for Kids Book!

paper helicopter printable template supplies

Supplies Needed to Make a Paper Helicopter

  • Paper (Use my printable template linked below)
  • Paperclips (optional)
  • Decorate with markers, stickers, or crayons if desired

With such simple supplies, it makes these paper helicopters easy to create for a large group of students at a very low cost!

Download My Free Printable Helicopter Template Now.  This is a PDF file. 

How to make the paper helicopter:.

Watch this video to see how they are made!

Begin by cutting a small rectangular strip of paper.  If using my paper helicopter template, they are clearly marked.  There are three on each printed page.  You will cut all of the solid lines and fold on the dotted lines. 

Create the rotor blades . On one end of the rectangular strip, cut down the middle about halfway to create two flaps. These will be the rotor blades (or propeller blades) for your paper helicopter.

Form the body of the helicopter.  At the other end of the rectangle, make two small cuts on each side, about an inch from the end. Fold these two small flaps inward to create a small base for stability. It also lowers the center of gravity offering more stability and balance. You can add a weight by attaching a paperclip to the bottom of the helicopter. This is optional, but it helps it stabilize as the helicopter spins and descends.

Decorate your helicopter! This is a great time to customize the helicopters. Color or decorate as desired! This is totally optional, but kids might love naming their copter, giving it their favorite number, or adding some cool colored stripes. 

Fold and adjust the rotor blades:  Fold one rotor blade forward and the other backward. Folding them in opposite directions will help create the spin needed for the helicopter to descend slowly.

Test your helicopter:  Hold the helicopter by the body (the bottom part) and drop it from a high place such as a balcony, stairway, or even just standing on a chair. Watch how it spins as it descends.

paper helicopter dropping from balcony

The Science Behind The Paper Helicopter Experiment:

There is a lot of science involved in this activity, particularly physics.  Paper helicopters can help you teach about some of the forces at work in a tangible way. 

spinning paper helicopter science

Teach the Physics of Flight:

The paper helicopters are spinning because of the force of air acting on each of the helicopter blades. The air presses on each blade with an equal force but in opposing directions. Plus, gravity is pulling it downward all at the same time!  All of this causes it to spin. Who knew there were so many forces at work at once time?! 

  • Gravity  is the force that pulls the helicopter down towards the Earth. 
  • Air Resistance: The rotor blades create air resistance, slowing the descent. They won’t move upward like a regular helicopter does because there is no thrust in this paper helicopter. 
  • Lift and Drag: As the paper helicopter falls, it will begin to spin. The blades generate lift and drag, which stabilize the helicopter and create a controlled, slow descent.  This is called Bernoulli’s Principle which describes how when the speed of the air goes up, the pressure goes down, and vice versa.  
  • Aerodynamics: Kids are learning how the shape and structure of objects affect movement through the air.
  • Engineering & Art: Kids learn basic principles of designing and testing to achieve a desired outcome. You could even use this with older kids in graphic arts and design classes by having them create their own custom paper helicopter templates!

Why Use Paper Helicopters In Your Science Lesson:

Paper helicopters are great to use in any classroom, or homeschool environment!  Here are a few reasons why we love them. 

science experiment template printable

  • They are a hands-on learning activity.  We love activities that involve kids because it enhances learning and retention. 
  • ​ Kids learn about gravity, air resistance, lift, and drag in a tangible way.
  • This activity encourages experimentation.   Students can modify the design (size, shape of blades, weight) and observe changes in performance.  This encourages critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Interdisciplinary Learning is always a great thing in my book!  Paper helicopters combines art (decorating), engineering (designing and building), and physics (understanding forces).
  • It is accessible. The simple materials and steps make it easy for all kids to participate.

Extend the Learning:

Experiment with different variables.  Encourage experimenting with variables in this activity.  Once you have the basic template, you can change it up. Change the length of rotor blades or the body length. Make your paper helicopter design in different sizes.  Remove the weight or add more. Try a different type of paper, such as cardstock or even a notecard. Use stopwatches to time the airplanes descent. 

Record observations and make not of how the different changes affect the speed, flight time, spin.

Relate them to the real world. How do these paper airplanes work in relation to an actual helicopter?  

Download The Printable Helicopter Template Now!

science experiment template printable

Also Try our Paper Airplane Experiments !

Check out some other cool paper craft learning activities:

Twirligig~ Rainbow Paper Spinner Toy The Science of Flight with Paper Airplanes Six Paper Tricks That Seem Like Magic! 3-D Paper Shape Templates How to Make a Book With One Piece of Paper Blooming Paper Flowers Experiment Engineering: Make Paper Hold Up Books!

Former school teacher turned homeschool mom of 4 kids. Loves creating awesome hands-on creative learning ideas to make learning engaging and memorable for all kids!

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Science Lab Worksheet Templates

Customize science lab templates.

Colorful Boxes-Based Scientific Observation Worksheet

If you're assigning this to your students, copy the worksheet to your account and save. When creating an assignment, just select it as a template!

Science Lab Worksheet Templates

What are Lab Worksheets?

Lab worksheets are essential tools used during science experiments and activities, as they guide students through all the necessary steps, from creating hypotheses and developing plans to recording observations and data. A science experiment handout is a type of lab worksheet that focuses specifically on science experiments, providing a structured framework for the class to follow. They are a great tool for students as they simplify the process of organizing their thoughts and findings into a clear, concise report or science report. Additionally, laboratory sheets can help kids to stay on track and ensure they do not miss any important steps or observations during their experiments. Overall, science experiment worksheets are an indispensable resource for those who are engaged in science experiments, providing a comprehensive and effective way to document their work and ensure accurate reporting of their findings.

Why are They Important and How are They Best Used?

Although open-ended investigation planning and recording can be an important skill to develop, many learners, particularly those in the early grades, benefit from having structured notes to guide them. A science experiment template provides a framework to document observations, data, and conclusions in a clear and organized manner. By using a report worksheet or lab report template, students can easily follow the experimental design steps necessary to complete a successful science experiment.

Making customized handouts tailored to your students' needs can be an effective way to engage them in the scientific process. By adjusting the level of difficulty and content to match their abilities, you can help the class stay focused and motivated throughout the experiment. Moreover, using free worksheets or a pre-made lab sheet template can save valuable time, especially when preparing multiple experiments.

One of the key benefits of these sheets is that they provide a clear answer key for students to check their work against. This ensures that everyone understands the expectations and requirements of the experiment and can easily identify any errors or mistakes. Additionally, they facilitate the end of the experiment, allowing kids to draw meaningful conclusions based on their findings and observations.

How to Make A Lab Report

  • Gather your data and observations: Before beginning your report, make sure you have all the necessary information and observations you collected during your experiment. This may include measurements, notes, and observations of any changes or reactions.
  • Organize your information: Use a laboratory worksheet or report template to organize your information and observations in a structured and clear manner. You may need to adjust the template to match the specific requirements of your science class or experiment.
  • Include relevant details: Be sure to include details about the equipment used, the materials used, and the experimental procedures followed. This will help readers understand how you arrived at your conclusions.
  • Use clear language and appropriate formatting: Use clear, concise language to describe your experiment and results. Use appropriate formatting, such as headings and bullet points, to make your report easy to read and understand.
  • Include a conclusion: Based on your findings and observations, draw a conclusion that summarizes your findings. Explain how your results support or contradict your hypothesis.
  • Use report templates or other resources: If you are unsure how to format your report, consider using pre-made lab report templates or other resources available online or through your science class. These can provide a useful guide and ensure your report meets all the necessary requirements.
  • Edit and revise: Once you have completed your report, take the time to edit and revise it. Check for spelling and grammar errors, and make sure all your information is accurate and complete.

By following all the steps, you can make a clear and well-organized lab report that accurately reflects the results of your experiment.

Worksheet Templates to Explore

Science experiment worksheet.

A science experiment worksheet is a template that future scientists can use to document their observations, data, and conclusions during science experiments. These worksheets help organize thoughts and identify patterns in data. They also encourage students to draw conclusions based on evidence, which is a critical skill for success in science and other subjects. Using a science experiment handout ensures that children have a structured framework to follow and can better understand the scientific method. Teachers can customize these worksheets to fit their specific classroom needs, ensuring that the worksheets are aligned with the experiment's objectives.

Lab Report Worksheet

A lab report worksheet is a type of science experiment worksheet that is specifically designed for documenting reports. These worksheets often include prompts or questions that guide students through the scientific method, such as identifying the problem, hypothesis, materials, procedure, results, and final thoughts. They can be customized to fit specific classroom needs and can be used to assess student learning outcomes. Using a report sheet ensures that students meet the experiment's objectives and have a clear understanding of the scientific method.

Science Lab Worksheet Template

This is a customizable form that teachers can use to make their own science experiment worksheets. They often include sections for recording data, observations, and conclusions. They can modify these templates to fit their specific classroom needs and ensure that they align with the scientific method. Science worksheet templates are a great tool for helping kids organize their thoughts and identify patterns in their data. They also encourage critical thinking and analytical skills, which are essential for success in science and other subjects.

Lab Report Template

This is a customizable form that students use to document their lab reports. These templates often include prompts or questions that guide children through the scientific method, such as identifying the problem, hypothesis, materials, procedure, results, and conclusion. These can be customized to fit specific classroom needs and can be used to assess student learning outcomes.

Lab Report Maker

A lab report maker is a tool that allows teachers to make customized lab report templates. These makers often include a variety of prompts or questions that guide students through the scientific method, making it easier for them to organize their thoughts and information. Lab report makers are a great resource for those who want to create customized handouts but do not have the time or resources to make them from scratch. They are also useful for ensuring that report templates are aligned with the experiment's objectives.

Lab Worksheet Templates

If you are looking to create an experiment worksheet template for your science class, there are several free printable science experiment templates available online. One option is to use a science lab worksheet template, which provides a structured framework for recording observations, findings, and other important details of your experiment.

To begin, select a suitable lab report maker or template that fits your needs. Once you have found the appropriate template, access the Storyboard Creator tool and start customizing it to your liking. You can modify the lab equipment worksheet and other elements of the template to suit your experiment's requirements.

Additionally, you can provide background information about the experiment to help understand the purpose and procedures involved. Be sure to use free resources and tools available to enhance your worksheet's quality and effectiveness.

How to Make a Science Lab Worksheet

Choose one of the premade templates.

We have lots of templates to choose from. Take a look at our example for inspiration!

Click on "Copy Template"

Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.

Give Your Worksheet a Name!

Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.

Edit Your Worksheet

This is where you will include directions, specific questions and images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless!

Click "Save and Exit"

When you are finished with your worksheet, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.

From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

Even More Storyboard That Resources and Free Printables

  • Create Point of View Worksheets
  • Discussion Worksheets
  • First Day of School Worksheets
  • Images and Text Worksheets
  • Pie Chart Worksheets
  • Compare and Contrast Worksheets

Happy Creating!

Frequently Asked Questions About Science Lab Worksheets

How can lab report templates be used to improve student learning outcomes.

Lab report templates can be used to improve learning outcomes in several ways. By providing a structured framework for the class to follow, educators can ensure that all kids meet the experiment's objectives and understand the scientific method. Additionally, using lab report handouts can help develop critical thinking and analytical skills, which are essential for success in science and other subjects.

What are some tips for using lab sheets effectively in the classroom?

To use lab sheets effectively in the classroom, teachers should provide clear instructions on how to use them and what information to record for various experiments. Whether it's a science experiment worksheet, lab report worksheet, or any other experiment-specific worksheet, kids need guidance on how to utilize the lab sheets appropriately. Additionally, it is essential to monitor and verify that the class is accurately recording data and observations according to the specific experiment's requirements. This ensures the reliability and integrity of the collected information. Furthermore, teachers should foster an environment where students feel encouraged to ask questions, critically analyze the evidence, and draw meaningful conclusions not only for the experiment at hand but also for other experiments they may encounter. This approach promotes a deeper understanding of scientific concepts and enables learners to actively participate in class discussions and share their findings with their peers.

Are there any drawbacks to using lab sheets in the classroom?

While there are many benefits to using lab sheets in the classroom, there are also some potential drawbacks. For example, some kids may find the structure of lab sheets too restrictive and prefer a more open-ended approach to experimentation. Additionally, some experiments may not lend themselves well to a structured paper. However, teachers can mitigate these potential drawbacks by providing a variety of experimentation options and offering opportunities for open-ended exploration and inquiry.

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science experiment template printable

Free Scientific Method Printable Worksheet for Kids

May 19, 2014 by Stacie 11 Comments

This summer, we will be doing quite a few science experiments.  During the school year, we were a little lax on our experimenting, but I know the girls really love them, so I’m trying to make it up to them!

I wanted a way to keep track of the experiments we did, so I decided to design a printable scientific method worksheet to record and document them.  There are slight variations on the wording and exactly how the “scientific method” works, so I’ll share our steps.

Scientific Method (Printable for Kids)

Scientific Method Printable Worksheet for Kids

1)  Ask a Question:  If you already have an experiment in mind, begin by piquing interest with a question.  Otherwise, you can do some research on a particular subject and record a question you want to answer.

2)  Make a Hypothesis:  Merriam-Webster defines hypothesis as “an idea or theory that is not proven but that leads to further study or discussion”.  After you ask a question, have your child form a hypothesis to predict what they think will happen.

3)  Test the Hypothesis:   This is where you get to design the experiment and actually complete it.  You’ll want to record what supplies you use and the procedure (or steps) you follow in the experiment.

4)  Record the Results:   Write or draw a picture to show what happened in the experiment.

5)  Draw a Conclusion:   Figure out if your experiment supported your hypothesis.

Download the Scientific Method Printable Worksheet for Kids .

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About Stacie

Stacie Nelson is the creator of HomeschoolingOnADime.com and MotherhoodOnADime.com. She is passionate about encouraging moms and giving them creative, yet simple, activities to do with their children. A bargain-hunter by nature, she enjoys sharing deals and freebies.

She also loves extra dark chocolate, jogging, writing, cooking dairy and gluten-free, and attempting to declutter her book-filled rooms. Faith and family are her top priorities, and she seeks to encourage others to live life on purpose.

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May 24, 2014 at 3:06 pm

This is just right for primary ages. Thank you!

' src=

June 13, 2014 at 9:52 am

Great printable, especially for the younger kids. The pictures will clue them in and remind them of the process. Thanks for sharing!

' src=

August 6, 2014 at 4:41 pm

Love this! Thanks!

' src=

October 8, 2014 at 3:18 pm

Thank you for this awesome printable! We just conducted an experiment, and this is the perfect way to keep track.

' src=

May 16, 2018 at 12:05 am

thank you, you saved my life

' src=

January 28, 2021 at 7:55 pm

Thank you for making this available. I appreciate the resource.

[…] you are looking for a way to keep track of the experiments you do, try this FREE printable scientific method worksheet to record and document them from Homeschooling on a […]

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[…] also okay for you to write things down for them. No matter who is doing the writing, try this worksheet from Homeschooling on a Dime to get you […]

[…] Free Scientific Method Printable Worksheet for Kids:  Homeschooling on a Dime offers this printable for young learners. […]

[…] osmosis, and more! When conducting experiments with your children, it may be helpful to print out a scientific method worksheet to accompany each project. This will help your children learn to think critically about the […]

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FREE Printable Worksheets for Science Experiments

Published: November 30, 2018

Contributor: Jeannette Tuionetoa

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

Each of your child’s science experiments can be tracked from start to finish with these FREE science worksheets. These hands-on learning opportunities on the worksheets make science engaging and brings science to life. Your kids will be able to list their question, the materials/supplies used, what they think will happen, observations and more.

Click here for free printable science experiment worksheets from Year Round Homeschooling .

Fun Science Experiments for Homeschoolers:

Awesome Science Experiments for Kids: 100+ Fun STEM / STEAM Projects and Why They Work

  • science experiments

Jeannette Tuionetoa

Jeannette is a wife, mother and homeschooling mom. She has been mightily, saved by grace and is grateful for God’s sovereignty throughout her life’s journey. She has a Bachelor in English Education and her MBA. Jeannette is bi-lingual and currently lives in the Tongan Islands of the South Pacific. She posts daily freebies for homeschoolers!

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Scientific Method Worksheets: Free and For All Ages!

Need some scientific method worksheets for your kids?

Wouldn’t hurt if they were free and easy to print?

I got you, Homeschool Mama!

At the bottom of this post you will find 7 Scientific Method Worksheets in a free printable pack! And they can be used for early elementary students to about 7th grade.

They will easily slide into any lesson plan as you teach the scientific method steps!

The 7 Steps Of The Scientific Method

There seem to be several variations out there, but let’s pause and nail down the basics of the scientific method. 

Here is a quick review if you need a brush-up:

1. Make An Observation

The first step is to look at the world around you. What do you notice? What interests you? What are you curious about?

Things outside? In the kitchen?

What do you not understand or have questions about? What would you like to know more about?

Example : My mom waters her flowers every day, but she doesn’t water the grass. But the grass and flowers look to be equally healthy. 

2. Ask A Question

Work with your young scientists to develop a question from their observations.

Example : Do flowers really need to be watered more than the rain that waters the grass? Is my mom just wasting her time?

****Some science curriculum will teach that you should have a step of research at this point in the scientific method. Feel free to do that with older kids to look up background information and enrich your experiment. Younger kids may feel that this step stifles their curiosity or slows down their science learning energy. 

3. Come Up With A Hypothesis (Prediction)

Help your student to make a hypothesis (kids usually love saying this word!) about what they think is the answer to their question. 

Depending on the age of the child, tell them it is an educated guess or a prediction.

Example : I predict that the flowers will do just fine without extra water from my mom.

4. Test The Prediction (Do An Experiment!)

Obviously, this is the fun part of science. 

Kids get to put the books and pencils aside and start building their own science experiments! 

Your students will likely need help with their experimental design. Definitely dig in and help them figure out the best way to test their hypothesis.

For older kids, you might introduce the concepts of independent variables and control group vs. experimental group.

Example : I stop watering the flowers for 1 month while keeping a daily photographic record of the flowers and grass’ health/appearance.

I also keep a data table to monitor rainfall and temperature.

As a control group, I water only one flower regularly as my mother did. 

5. Analyze Results

Now that the experiment is over, it’s time to sit down and do some data analysis.

Which is fancy science talk for looking closely at the results of your experiment. Are there any patterns or trends in your data collection? 

Did anything unexpected happen? What did the experiment show you?

Example : All my flowers are turning brown, but the grass looks about the same. The charts and pictures during the experiment show me that it only took 3 days to start noticing wilting in the flowers. The flowers perked up after a rain, but they would start to wilt again a few days later.  My control flower (that I watered regularly) looks as health as it did on day 1.

6. Compare Results To Your Hypothesis

Look at the results of your experiment and compare them to your prediction.

Was your hypothesis correct or incorrect?

Example : My hypothesis was incorrect. The flowers did not thrive on the same amount of water that the grass gets. 

7. Make a Conclusion

At the end of the experiment, you must write out what you can conclude from your experiment. Older kids should be encouraged to follow up with further questions they have from the results of the experiment.

Example : I conclude that the grass in my yard does not need as much water as the flowers.

As a question for further study, I would like to know if this is only true of the type of flowers in my garden. Would other flowers respond the same way? Why do wild flowers seem so healthy without any human help?

7 Free Scientific Method Worksheets!

Now that we’ve brushed up on our knowledge of the scientific method, let’s dive into these worksheets!

This worksheet is actually a colorful poster displaying all the steps of the scientific method for your students!

I recommend printing it on cardstock or laminating it.

It’s the perfect thing to have displayed in your homeschool or science classes.

This is a follow-up student worksheet that matches the above poster.

The boxes help your student hit all of the most important steps as they work through their own experiments – without being too overwhelming.

I love this science worksheet for simple experiments with first grade and 2nd grade students.

Writing out or drawing every detail as they go along, may seem overwhelming.

This style of worksheet is a fun way of bringing the scientific method down to their level!

This worksheet option goes a step further.

It allows young students to walk through the steps of the scientific method by drawing pictures or writing small phrases.

This can be a great way to make science more approachable!

This worksheet is more appropriate for 3rd grade and up. 

The steps are still slightly abbreviated, but the child is expected to write out sentences. 

This worksheet is perfect for a more detailed and thorough approach.

The student has space for thinking through and writing out their experiment steps. 

Science teachers can get a quick overview of how the student is doing.

This last worksheet is clearly for the older student, such as 5th grade and up.

Writing out full sentences and recording their work is more appropriate at this age. 

The worksheet still provides the structure of showing each of the steps.

****This sheet does have a space for hypothesis and prediction. I left that for the older students because some lessons do teach them as separate things. The hypothesis is the answer to your question, and the prediction is what you think will happen in the experiment. Using my flower/grass experiment from earlier, let me give you an example. Hypothesis : Flowers do not need more water than grass. Prediction : The flowers and grass will look healthy after 1 month of only rainwater.

Click Here To Download Your Scientific Method Worksheet Packet!

You might be wondering why there wasn’t a “typical” worksheet in this post.

Such as a cut and paste, crossword, or match with an answer key. 

The reason is that hands-on activities are the best way to teach the scientific method – not worksheets. Kids will learn science and *remember* it more when they get to DO it.

And as you know, that’s actually true of most things.

I hope these worksheets bless your students and you enjoy exploring the world around you!

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Free Science Report Form Printables

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Encourage Science Exploration

Science is usually a high-interest topic for children due to their inherently curious nature. They want to know how and why things work. Science capitalizes on children's inquisitiveness to know more about the world around them. Each time they explore a scientific concept — even if they don't realize that's what they're doing — they increase their knowledge and appreciation of that world.

To motivate students to engage in scientific exploration:

  • Encourage them to ask questions when they don't understand something.
  • Provide lots of opportunities for hands-on exploration, such as regular nature study.
  • Purchase simple science equipment and kits for your kids to explore.
  • Share your own observations with your children, pointing out things such as interesting rocks, unusual insects, or a variety of birds.
  • Talk about the weather and the causes of rain, snow, fog, earthquakes, or hurricanes
  • Conduct your own experiments and encourage your students to record their findings

And, of course, use these free printable science forms to encourage the exploration and recording of scientific findings in your classroom or homeschool. 

Science Report Form - Page 1

Use this form as you begin to have students research the topic of their choice. Encourage your children to list new facts that they discover rather than interesting facts they already know. If they're studying an animal, for example, they may already be familiar with its physical attributes, but they may not know about its diet or natural habit.

Science Report Form - Page 2

Students use this science report form to draw a picture related to their topic and write a report about it. Prompt your children to be as detailed as possible in keeping with the expectations of their age and ability. If they're drawing a flower, for example, a young child might include and label the stem, flowers, and petals, while an older student might also include the stamen, anther, and filament.

Science Report Form - Page 3

Use this form to list the resources used for your research. The form includes blank lines for students to list books and websites. You might also have them list magazine or DVD titles, the name of a place they visited for a field trip on the topic, or the name of a person they interviewed.

Science Report Information Sheet

On the previous form, the student listed the resources she used in her research. On this form, specific discoveries and interesting facts can be listed from each of those resources. If your student will be writing a report on her topic, this form is excellent for filling out as she reads (or watches a DVD or interviews someone) about each of the resources so that she can reference these sources when composing her report.

Science Experiment Form - Page 1

Use this page while conducting science experiments. Tell students to list the title of the experiment, the materials used, the questions they're hoping to answer by doing the experiment, their hypothesis (what they think will happen), and their method (what, exactly, they did for the project). This form is excellent practice for lab reports in high school.

Encourage your student to be as detailed as possible. When describing the method, prompt them to include enough detail that someone who has not done the experiment could replicate it successfully.

Science Experiment Form - Page 2

Use this form to have young learners draw a picture of the experiment, record the results, and describe what they learned.

My Skeleton Report

Use this form when studying the human body. Students will do research to answer the questions and draw a picture depicting what the inside of their bodies look like.

My Animal Report - Page 1

Animals are a high-interest topic for young children. Print multiple copies of this form to record facts about animals that interest your student or those you observe on your nature walks or field trips.

My Animal Report - Page 2

Students can use this form to draw a picture of each animal that they study and record interesting facts they learned. You might want to print these pages on card stock and three-hole punch them to assemble an animal fact book in a folder or binder.

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Science experiments template

Preview of Scientific Method Posters & Experiment Template | Classroom Decor Bright Rainbow

Scientific Method Posters & Experiment Template | Classroom Decor Bright Rainbow

science experiment template printable

Scientific Method: Lab Report Template for Any Science Experiment

science experiment template printable

Scientific method experiment graphic organizer lab report template with rubric

science experiment template printable

Interactive Science Notebook All-around Templates for Experiments and Notes

science experiment template printable

Generic Science Experiment Template -Grade 1/1st Grade Grade 2/2nd Grade-Beginner

science experiment template printable

Science Experiment Journal Template | Digital Or Print | Grades 3 4 5

science experiment template printable

The Scientific Method: Experiment Template

science experiment template printable

Scientific Method Posters & Experiment Template | Classroom Decor Boho

Preview of Scientific Method Lab Report Template | Digital Science Experiments

Scientific Method Lab Report Template | Digital Science Experiments

Preview of Simple Science Experiment Write-up  (Printable template worksheet)

Simple Science Experiment Write-up (Printable template worksheet)

science experiment template printable

Scientific Method Experiment Template Worksheet for Science Investigations

science experiment template printable

Science Experiment Worksheet/ Template

science experiment template printable

Generic Science Experiment Template -Gr. 2/2nd Gr. Grade 3/3rd Grade-Intermediate

Preview of Scientific Method Experiments - Four Science Worksheet Templates

Scientific Method Experiments - Four Science Worksheet Templates

science experiment template printable

Interactive Notebook Lab and Dissection Report Templates for Science Experiments

science experiment template printable

Science Experiment Journal Template | Digital Or Print | Grades K, 1st, 2nd

Preview of Science Experiment Journal Template | Digital Or Print | Grades 6 7 8

Science Experiment Journal Template | Digital Or Print | Grades 6 7 8

Preview of Generic Science Experiment Template - Grades 4-12 (4th-12th Grade) - Advanced

Generic Science Experiment Template - Grades 4-12 (4th-12th Grade) - Advanced

Preview of SCIENCE EXPERIMENT BUNDLE Generic Science Experiment Templates SET 1

SCIENCE EXPERIMENT BUNDLE Generic Science Experiment Templates SET 1

Preview of Scientific Method Experiment Templates: Churning Butter & Whipping Cream

Scientific Method Experiment Templates : Churning Butter & Whipping Cream

science experiment template printable

Retro Pastel Scientific Method Posters & Experiment Template | Classroom Decor

Preview of Scientific Method Experiment Template - How to Plan for Science Experiments

Scientific Method Experiment Template - How to Plan for Science Experiments

science experiment template printable

Science Experiment Lab Report Template Differentiated

science experiment template printable

Caterpillar Science Experiment Log Report Template Grades K-5

science experiment template printable

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  1. Free Printable Science Experiment Template

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  2. Science Experiment Worksheets

    science experiment template printable

  3. Free Printable Science Experiment Template

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  4. Free Printable Science Experiment Template

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  5. Printable Science Experiment Form

    science experiment template printable

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  5. Scientific Method for Kids: Steps and FREE Printable Template

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  7. Lab Report Template

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  9. Printable Scientific Method Worksheets

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  11. Free Lab Report Maker and Worksheet Templates for Students

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  12. FREE Printable The Scientific Method Worksheets pdf

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  14. Science Experiment Recording Sheet

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  15. Free Scientific Method Printable Worksheet for Kids

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  16. FREE Printable Worksheets for Science Experiments

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  17. Scientific Method Worksheets: Free and For All Ages!

    This worksheet is perfect for a more detailed and thorough approach. The student has space for thinking through and writing out their experiment steps. Science teachers can get a quick overview of how the student is doing. This last worksheet is clearly for the older student, such as 5th grade and up.

  18. Science Experiment Template for Students

    Engage young scientists with our Science Experiment Template. This resource provides a structured format for students to record their equipment, predictions, methods, results, and conclusions during experiments. By using this Science Investigation Worksheet, students can enhance their scientific thinking skills and gain a deeper understanding of the scientific process. Don't forget to explore ...

  19. Science Experiment Templates Teaching Resources

    Browse science experiment templates resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  20. Free Printable Science Report Forms

    Science Report Form - Page 3. Use this form to list the resources used for your research. The form includes blank lines for students to list books and websites. You might also have them list magazine or DVD titles, the name of a place they visited for a field trip on the topic, or the name of a person they interviewed.

  21. Science Experiments Template Teaching Resources

    Science Lab Report Template with Rubric and Science Experiment Scenario Example. by. Adventures in ISTEM. 5.0. (32) $3.00. PDF. This lab report template incorporates the scientific method having students identify the question, hypothesis, and variables in the experiment and offers an area for students to record their observations. It also ...

  22. Science Investigation Template

    This is why these science experiment write-up templates are such a great resource. They encourage children to think about what they want to find out, how they are making their experiment fair and what their method will be. To top it off, the last template gives them a designated space to record all their findings.