Systematic literature review of mobile application development and testing effort estimation

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  • Published: 07 May 2013

Usability of mobile applications: literature review and rationale for a new usability model

  • Rachel Harrison 1 ,
  • Derek Flood 1 &
  • David Duce 1  

Journal of Interaction Science volume  1 , Article number:  1 ( 2013 ) Cite this article

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The usefulness of mobile devices has increased greatly in recent years allowing users to perform more tasks in a mobile context. This increase in usefulness has come at the expense of the usability of these devices in some contexts. We conducted a small review of mobile usability models and found that usability is usually measured in terms of three attributes; effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction. Other attributes, such as cognitive load, tend to be overlooked in the usability models that are most prominent despite their likely impact on the success or failure of an application. To remedy this we introduces the PACMAD (People At the Centre of Mobile Application Development) usability model which was designed to address the limitations of existing usability models when applied to mobile devices. PACMAD brings together significant attributes from different usability models in order to create a more comprehensive model. None of the attributes that it includes are new, but the existing prominent usability models ignore one or more of them. This could lead to an incomplete usability evaluation. We performed a literature search to compile a collection of studies that evaluate mobile applications and then evaluated the studies using our model.


Advances in mobile technology have enabled a wide range of applications to be developed that can be used by people on the move. Developers sometimes overlook the fact that users will want to interact with such devices while on the move. Small screen sizes, limited connectivity, high power consumption rates and limited input modalities are just some of the issues that arise when designing for small, portable devices. One of the biggest issues is the context in which they are used. As these devices are designed to enable users to use them while mobile, the impact that the use of these devices has on the mobility of the user is a critical factor to the success or failure of the application.

Current research has demonstrated that cognitive overload can be an important aspect of usability [ 1 , 2 ]. It seems likely that mobile devices may be particularly sensitive to the effects of cognitive overload, due to their likely deployment in multiple task settings and limitations of size. This aspect of usability is often overlooked in existing usability models, which are outlined in the next section, as these models are designed for applications which are seldom used in a mobile context. Our PACMAD usability model for mobile applications, which we then introduce, incorporates cognitive load as this attribute directly impacts and may be impacted by the usability of an application.

A literature review, outlined in the following section, was conducted as validation of the PACMAD model. This literature review examined which attributes of usability, as defined in the PACMAD usability model, were used during the evaluation of mobile applications presented in a range of papers published between 2008 and 2010. Previous work by Kjeldskov & Graham [ 3 ] has looked at the research methods used in mobile HCI, but did not examine the particular attributes of usability incorporated in the PACMAD model. We also present the results of the literature review.

The impact of this work on future usability studies and what lessons other researchers should consider when performing usability evaluations on mobile applications are also discussed.

Background and literature review

Existing models of usability.

Nielsen [ 4 ] identified five attributes of usability:

  Efficiency : Resources expended in relation to the accuracy and completeness with which users achieve goals;

  Satisfaction : Freedom from discomfort, and positive attitudes towards the use of the product.

  Learnability : The system should be easy to learn so that the user can rapidly start getting work done with the system;

  Memorability : The system should be easy to remember so that the casual user is able to return to the system after some period of not having used it without having to learn everything all over again;

  Errors : The system should have a low error rate, so that users make few errors during the use of the system and that if they do make errors they can easily recover from them. Further, catastrophic errors must not occur.

In addition to this Nielsen defines Utility as the ability of a system to meet the needs of the user. He does not consider this to be part of usability but a separate attribute of a system. If a product fails to provide utility then it does not offer the features and functions required; the usability of the product becomes superfluous as it will not allow the user to achieve their goals. Likewise, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defined usability as the “Extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use” [ 5 ]. This definition identifies 3 factors that should be considered when evaluating usability.

  User : Person who interacts with the product;

  Goal : Intended outcome;

  Context of use : Users, tasks, equipment (hardware, software and materials), and the physical and social environments in which a product is used.

Each of the above factors may have an impact on the overall design of the product and in particular will affect how the user will interact with the system. In order to measure how usable a system is, the ISO standard outlines three measurable attributes:

  Effectiveness : Accuracy and completeness with which users achieve specified goals;

Unlike Nielsen’s model of usability, the ISO standard does not consider Learnability, Memorability and Errors to be attributes of a product’s usability although it could be argued that they are included implicitly within the definitions of Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction. For example, error rates can be argued to have a direct effect on efficiency.

Limitations for mobile applications

The models presented above were largely derived from traditional desktop applications. For example, Nielsen’s work was largely based on the design of telecoms systems, rather than computer software. The advent of mobile devices has presented new usability challenges that are difficult to model using traditional models of usability. Zhang and Adipat [ 6 ] highlighted a number of issues that have been introduced by the advent of mobile devices:

  Mobile Context : When using mobile applications the user is not tied to a single location. They may also be interacting with nearby people, objects and environmental elements which may distract their attention.

  Connectivity : Connectivity is often slow and unreliable on mobile devices. This will impact the performance of mobile applications that utilize these features.

  Small Screen Size : In order to provide portability mobile devices contain very limited screen size and so the amount of information that can be displayed is limited.

  Different Display Resolution : The resolution of mobile devices is reduced from that of desktop computers resulting in lower quality images.

  Limited Processing Capability and Power : In order to provide portability, mobile devices often contain less processing capability and power. This will limit the type of applications that are suitable for mobile devices.

  Data Entry Methods : The input methods available for mobile devices are different from those for desktop computers and require a certain level of proficiency. This problem increases the likelihood of erroneous input and decreases the rate of data entry.

From our review it is apparent that many existing models for usability do not consider mobility and its consequences, such as additional cognitive load. This complicates the job of the usability practitioner, who must consequently define their task model to explicitly include mobility. One might argue that the lack of reference to a particular context could be a strength of a usability model provided that the usability practitioner has the initiative and knows how to modify the model for a particular context.

The PACMAD usability model aims to address some of the shortcomings of existing usability models when applied to mobile applications. This model builds on existing theories of usability but is tailored specifically for applications that can be used on mobile devices. The PACMAD usability model is depicted in Figure  1 side by side with Nielsen’s and the ISO’s definition of usability. The PACMAD usability model incorporates the attributes of both the ISO standard and Nielsen’s model and also introduces the attribute of cognitive load which is of particular importance to mobile applications. The following section introduces the PACMAD usability model and describes in detail each of the attributes of usability mentioned below as well as the three usability factors that are part of this model: user, task and context.

figure 1

Comparison of usability models.

The PACMAD usability model for mobile applications identifies three factors (User, Task and Context of use) that should be considered when designing mobile applications that are usable. Each of these factors will impact the final design of the interface for the mobile application. In addition to this the model also identifies seven attributes that can be used to define metrics to measure the usability of an application. The following section outlines each of these factors and attributes in more detail.

Factors of usability

The PACMAD usability model identifies three factors which can affect the overall usability of a mobile application: User , Task and Context of use . Existing usability models such as those proposed by the ISO [ 5 ] and Nielsen [ 4 ] also recognise these factors as being critical to the successful usability of an application. For mobile applications Context of use plays a critical role as an application may be used in multiple, very different contexts.

User It is important to consider the end user of an application during the development process. As mobile applications are usually designed to be small, the traditional input methods, such as a keyboard and mouse, are no longer practical. It is therefore necessary for application designers to look at alternative input methods. Some users may find it difficult to use some of these methods due to physical limitations. For example it has been shown [ 7 ] that some Tetraplegic users who have limited mobility in their upper extremities tend to have high error rates when using touch screens and this may cause unacceptable difficulties with certain (usually small) size targets.

Another factor that should be considered is the user’s previous experience. If a user is an expert at the chosen task then they are likely to favour shortcut keys to accomplish this task. On the other hand novice users may prefer an interface that is intuitive and easy to navigate and which allows them to discover what they need. This trade-off must be considered during the design of the application.

Task The word task refers here to the goal the user is trying to accomplish with the mobile application. During the development of applications, additional features can be added to an application in order to allow the user to accomplish more with the software. This extra functionality comes at the expense of usability as these additional features increase the complexity of the software and therefore the user’s original goal can become difficult to accomplish.

For example, consider a digital camera. If a user wants to take a photograph, they must first select between different modes (e.g. video, stills, action, playback, etc.) and then begin to line up the shot. This problem is further compounded if the user needs to take a photograph at night and needs to search through a number of menu items to locate and turn on a flashlight.

Context of use The word context refers here to the environment in which the user will use the application. We want to be able to view context separately from both the user and the task. Context not only refers to a physical location but also includes other features such as the user’s interaction with other people or objects (e.g. a motor vehicle) and other tasks the user may be trying to accomplish. Research has shown that using mobile applications while walking can slow down the walker’s average walking speed [ 8 ]. As mobile applications can be used while performing other tasks it is important to consider the impact of using the mobile application in the appropriate context.

Attributes of usability

The PACMAD usability model identifies 7 attributes which reflect the usability of an application: Effectiveness , Efficiency , Satisfaction , Learnability , Memorability , Errors and Cognitive load . Each of these attributes has an impact on the overall usability of the application and as such can be used to help assess the usability of the application.

Effectiveness Effectiveness is the ability of a user to complete a task in a specified context. Typically effectiveness is measured by evaluating whether or not participants can complete a set of specified tasks.

Efficiency Efficiency is the ability of the user to complete their task with speed and accuracy. This attribute reflects the productivity of a user while using the application. Efficiency can be measured in a number of ways, such as the time to complete a given task, or the number of keystrokes required to complete a given task.

Satisfaction Satisfaction is the perceived level of comfort and pleasantness afforded to the user through the use of the software. This is reflected in the attitudes of the user towards the software. This is usually measured subjectively and varies between individual users. Questionnaires and other qualitative techniques are typically used to measure a user’s attitudes towards a software application.

Learnability A recent survey of mobile application users [ 9 ] found that users will spend on average 5 minutes or less learning to use a mobile application. There are a large number of applications available on mobile platforms and so if users are unable to use an application they may simply select a different one. For this reason the PACMAD model includes the attribute Learnability as suggested by Nielsen.

Learnability is the ease with which a user can gain proficiency with an application. It typically reflects how long it takes a person to be able to use the application effectively. In order to measure Learnability, researchers may look at the performance of participants during a series of tasks, and measure how long it takes these participants to reach a pre-specified level of proficiency.

Memorability The survey also found that mobile applications are used on an infrequent basis and that participants used almost 50% of the applications only once a month [ 9 ]. Thus there may be a large period of inactivity between uses and so participants may not easily recall how to use the application. Consequently the PACMAD usability model includes the attribute of Memorability as also suggested by Nielsen.

Memorability is the ability of a user to retain how to use an application effectively. Software might not be used on a regular basis and sometimes may only be used sporadically. It is therefore necessary for users to remember how to use the software without the need to relearn it after a period of inactivity. Memorability can be measured by asking participants to perform a series of tasks after having become proficient with the use of the software and then asking them to perform similar tasks after a period of inactivity. A comparison can then be made between the two sets of results to determine how memorable the application was.

Errors The PACMAD usability model extends the description of Errors, first proposed by Nielsen, to include an evaluation of the errors that are made by participants while using mobile apps. This allows developers to identify the most troublesome areas for users and to improve these areas in subsequent iterations of development. This attribute is used to reflect how well the user can complete the desired tasks without errors. Nielsen [ 4 ] states that users should make few errors during the use of a system and that if they do make errors they should be able to easily recover from them. The error rate of users may be used to infer the simplicity of a system. The PACMAD usability model considers the nature of errors as well as the frequency with which they occur. By understanding the nature of these errors it is possible to prevent these errors from occurring in future versions of the application.

Cognitive load The main contribution of the PACMAD model is its inclusion of Cognitive Load as an attribute of usability. Unlike traditional desktop applications, users of mobile applications may be performing additional tasks, such as walking, while using the mobile device. For this reason it is important to consider the impact that using the mobile device will have on the performance of the user of these additional tasks. For example a user may wish to send a text message while walking. In this case the user’s walking speed will be reduced as they are concentrating on sending the message which is distracting them from walking.

Cognitive load refers to the amount of cognitive processing required by the user to use the application. In traditional usability studies a common assumption is that the user is performing only a single task and can therefore concentrate completely on that task. In a mobile context users will often be performing a second action in addition to using the mobile application [ 8 , 10 ]. For example a user may be using a stereo while simultaneously driving a car. In this scenario it is important that the cognitive load required by the mobile application, in this case the stereo, does not adversely impact the primary task.

While the user is using the application in a mobile context it will impact both the user’s ability to move and to operate the mobile application. Therefore it is important to consider both dimensions when studying the usability of mobile applications. One way this can be measured is through the NASA Task Load Index (TLX) [ 11 ]. This is a subjective workload assessment tool for measuring the cognitive workload placed on a user by the use of a system. In this paper we adopt a relatively simple view of cognitive load. For a more accurate assessment it may be preferable to adopt a more powerful multi-factorial approach [ 1 , 12 ] but this is beyond the scope of this paper.

Literature review

In order to evaluate the appropriateness and timeliness of the PACMAD usability model for mobile applications, a literature review was conducted to review current approaches and to determine the need for a comprehensive model that includes cognitive load. We focused on papers published between 2008 and 2010 which included an evaluation of the usability of a mobile application.

Performing the literature review

The first step in the literature review was to collect all of the publications from the identified sources. These sources were identified by searching the ACM digital library, IEEE digital library and Google Scholar. The search strings used during these searches were “ Mobile Application Evaluations ”, “ Usability of mobile applications ” and “ Mobile application usability evaluations ”. The following conferences and journals were identified as being the most relevant sources: the Mobile HCI conference (MobileHCI), the International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction (IJMHCI), the ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), the International Journal of Human Computer Studies (IJHCS), the Personal and Ubiquitous Computing journal (PUC), and the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI). We also considered the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) and the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (IEEE TOMC). These sources were later discarded as very few papers (less than 5% of the total) were relevant.

The literature review was limited to the publications between the years 2008 and 2010 due to the emergence of smart phones during this time. Table  1 shows the number of publications that were examined from each source.

The sources presented above included a number of different types of publications (Full papers, short papers, doctoral consortium, editorials, etc.). We focused the study only on full or short research papers from peer reviewed sources. This approach was also adopted by Budgen et al. [ 13 ]. Table  2 shows the number of remaining publications by source.

The abstract of each of the remaining papers was examined to determine if the paper:

Conducted an evaluation of a mobile application/device;

Contained some software component with which the users interact;

Conducted an evaluation which was focused on the interaction with the application or device;

Publications which did not meet the above criteria were removed.

The following exclusion criteria were u sed to exclude papers:

Focused only on application development methodologies and techniques;

Contained only physical interaction without a software component;

Examined only social aspects of using mobile applications;

Did not consider mobile applications.

Each abstract was reviewed by the first two authors to determine if it should be included within the literature review. When a disagreement arose between the reviewers it was discussed until mutual agreement was reached. A small number of relevant publications were unavailable to the authors. Table  3 shows the number of papers included within the literature review by source.

Each of the remaining papers was examined by one reviewer (either the first or second author of this paper). The reviewer examined each paper in detail and identified for each one:

 The attribute of usability that could be measured through the collected metrics;

 The focus of the research presented.

 The type of study conducted;

To ensure the quality of the data extraction performed the first and second author independently reviewed a 10% sample and compared these results. When a disagreement arose it was discussed until an agreement was reached.

Twenty papers that were identified as being relevant did not contain any formal evaluations of the proposed technologies. The results presented below exclude these 20 papers. In addition to this some papers presented multiple studies. In these cases each study was considered independently and so the results based on the number of studies within the evaluated papers rather than the number of papers.


This literature review is limited for a number of reasons. Firstly a small number of papers were unavailable to the researchers (8 out of 139 papers considered relevant). This unavailability of less than 6% of the papers probably does not have a large impact on the results presented. By omitting certain sources from the study a bias may have been introduced. We felt that the range of sources considered was a fair representation of the field of usability of mobile applications although some outlying studies may have been omitted due to limited resources. Our reviews of these sources led us to believe that the omitted papers were of borderline significance. Ethical approval for this research was given by Oxford Brookes University Research Ethics Committee.

Research questions

To evaluate the PACMAD usability model three Research Questions (RQ1 to RQ3) were established to determine how important each of the factors and attributes of usability are in the context of mobile applications.

RQ1: What attributes are used when considering the usability of mobile applications?

This research question was established to discover what attributes are typically used to analyse mobile applications and which metrics are associated with them. The answers to this question provide evidence and data for the PACMAD usability model.

RQ2: To what extent are the factors of usability considered in existing research?

In order to determine how research in mobile applications is evolving, RQ2 was established to examine the current research trends into mobile applications, with a particular focus on the factors that affect usability.

In addition to this we wanted to establish which research methods are most commonly used when evaluating mobile applications. For this reason, a third research question was established.

RQ3: What research methodologies are used to evaluate the usability of mobile applications?

There are many ways in which mobile applications can be evaluated including controlled studies, field studies, ethnography, experiments, case-studies, surveys, etc. This research question aims to identify the most common research methodologies used to evaluate mobile apps. The answers to this question will throw light on the maturity of the mobile app engineering field.

The above research questions were answered by examining the literature on mobile applications. The range of literature on the topic of mobile applications is so broad it was important to limit the literature review to the most relevant and recent publications and to limit the publication interval to papers published between 2008 and 2010.

Table  4 shows the percentage of studies that include metrics, such as time to complete a given task, which either directly or indirectly assesses the attributes of usability included within the PACMAD usability model. In some cases the studies evaluated multiple attributes of usability and therefore the results above present both the percentage and the number of studies in which each attribute was considered. These studies often do not explicitly cite usability or any usability related criteria, and so the metrics used for the papers’ analyses were used to discover the usability attributes considered. This lack of precision is probably due to a lack of agreement as to what constitutes usability and the fact that the attributes are not orthogonal. The three most common attributes, Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction, correspond to the attributes identified by the ISO’s standard for usability.

One of the reasons these attributes are so widely considered is their direct relationship to the technical capabilities of the system. Both Effectiveness and Efficiency are related to the design and implementation of the system and so are usually tested thoroughly. These attributes are also relatively easy to measure. In most cases the Effectiveness of the system is evaluated by monitoring whether a user can accomplish a pre-specified task. Efficiency can be measured by finding the time taken by the participant to complete this task. Questionnaires and structured interviews can be used to determine the Satisfaction of users towards the system. Approximately 22% of the papers reviewed evaluated all three of these attributes.

The focus on these attributes of usability implies that Learnability, Memorability, Errors, and Cognitive load, are considered to be of less importance than Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction. Learnability, Memorability, Errors, and Cognitive load are not easy to evaluate and this may be why their assessment is often overlooked. As technology matures designers have begun to consider usability earlier in the design process. This is reflected to a certain extent by technological changes away from command line towards GUI based interfaces.

The aspects of usability that were considered least often in the papers reviewed are Learnability and Memorability. There are numerous reasons for this. The nature of these attributes demands that they are evaluated over periods of time. To effectively measure Learnability, users’ progress needs to be checked at regular intervals or tracked over many completions of a task. In the papers reviewed, Learnability was usually measured indirectly by the changes in effectiveness or efficiency over many completions of a specified task.

Memorability was only measured subjectively in the papers reviewed. One way to objectively measure Memorability is to examine participants’ use of the system after a period of inactivity with the system. The practical problem of recruiting participants who are willing to return multiple times to participate in an evaluation is probably one of the reasons why this attribute is not often measured objectively.

What differentiates mobile applications from more traditional applications is the ability of the user to use the application while moving. In this context, the users’ attention is divided between the act of moving and using the application. About 26% of the studies considered cognitive load. Some of these studies used the change in performance of the user performing the primary task (which was usually walking or driving) as an indication of the cognitive load. Other studies used the NASA TLX [ 11 ] to subjectively measure cognitive load.

Table  5 shows the current research trends within mobile application research. It can be seen that the majority of work is focused on a task approximately 47% of the papers reviewed focus on allowing users to complete a specific task. The range of tasks considered is too broad to provide a detailed description and so we present here only some of the most dominant trends seen within the literature review.

The integration of cameras into mobile devices has enabled the emergence of a new class of application for mobile devices known as augmented reality. For example Bruns and Bimber [ 14 ] have developed an augmented reality application which allows users to take a photograph of an exhibit at an art gallery which allows the system to find additional information about the work of art. Similar systems have also been developed for Points of Interest (POIs) for tourists [ 15 ].

While using maps is a traditional way of navigating to a destination, mobile devices incorporating GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) technology have enabled researchers to investigate new ways of helping users to navigate. A number of systems [ 16 , 17 ] have proposed the use of tactile feedback to help guide users. Through the use of different vibration techniques the system informs users whether they should turn left, right or keep going straight. Another alternative to this is the use of sound. By altering the spatial balance and volume of a user’s music, Jones et al. [ 18 ] have developed a system for helping guide users to their destination.

One of the biggest limitations to mobile devices is the limited input modalities. Developers of apps do not have a large amount of space for physical buttons and therefore researchers are investigating other methods of interaction. This type of research accounts for approximately 29% of the studies reviewed.

The small screen size found on mobile applications has meant that only a small fraction of a document can be seen in detail. When mobile devices are used navigating between locations, this restriction can cause difficulty for users. In an effort to address this issue Burigat et al. [ 19 ] have developed a Zoomable User Interface with Overview (ZUIO). This interface allows a user to zoom into small sections of a document, such as a map, while displaying a small scale overview of the entire document so that the user can see where on the overall document they are. This type of system can also be used with large documents, such as web pages and images.

Audio interfaces [ 20 ] are a type of interface that is being investigated to assist drivers to use in-car systems. Traditional interfaces present information to users by visual means, but for drivers this distraction has safety critical implications. To address this issue audio inputs are common for in-vehicle systems. The low quality of voice recognition technology can limit its effectiveness within this context. Weinberg et al. [ 21 ] have shown that multiple push-to-talk buttons can improve the performance of users of such systems. Other types of interaction paradigms in these papers include touch screens [ 22 ], pressure based input [ 23 ], spatial awareness [ 24 ] and gestures [ 25 ]. As well as using these new input modalities a number of researchers are also looking at alternative output modes such as sound [ 26 ] and tactile feedback [ 27 ].

In addition to considering the specific tasks and input modalities, a small number of researchers are investigating ways to assist specific types of users, such as those suffering from physical or psychological disabilities, to complete common tasks. This type of research accounts for approximately 9% of the evaluated papers. Approximately 8% of the papers evaluated have focused on the context in which mobile applications are being used. The remaining 6% of studies are concerned with new development and evaluation methodologies for mobile applications. These include rapid prototyping tools for in-car systems, the effectiveness of expert evaluations and the use of heuristics for evaluating mobile haptic interfaces.

RQ3 was posed to investigate how usability evaluations are currently conducted. The literature review revealed that 7 of the papers evaluated did not contain any usability evaluations. Some of the remaining papers included multiple studies to evaluate different aspects of a technology or were conducted at different times during the development process. Table  6 shows the percentage of studies that were conducted using each research methodology.

By far the most dominant research methodology used in the examined studies was controlled experiments, accounting for approximately 59% of the studies. In a controlled experiment, all variables are held constant except the independent variable, which is manipulated by the experimenter. The dependant variable is the metric which is measured by the experimenter. In this way a cause and effect relationship may be investigated between the dependant and independent variables. Causality can be inferred from the covariation of the independent and dependent variables, temporal precedence of the cause as the manipulation of the independent variable and the elimination of confounding factors though control and internal validity tests.

Although the most common approach is the use of controlled experiments, other research methodologies were also used. A number of studies evaluated the use of new technologies through field studies. Field studies are conducted in a real world context, enabling evaluators to determine how users would use a technology outside of a controlled setting. These studies often revealed issues that would not be seen in a controlled setting.

For example a system designed by Kristoffersen and Bratteberg [ 28 ] to help travellers get to and from an airport by train without the use of paper tickets was deployed. This system used a credit card as a form of ticket for a journey to or from the airport. During the field study a number of usability issues were experienced by travellers. One user wanted to use a card to buy a ticket for himself and a companion; the system did not include this functionality as the developers of the system had assumed each user would have their own credit card and therefore designed the system to issue each ticket on a different credit card.

The evaluation also revealed issues relating to how the developers had implemented the different journey types, i.e. to and from the airport. When travelling to the airport users are required to swipe their credit card at the beginning and end of each journey, whereas when returning from the airport the user only needs to swipe their card when leaving the airport. One user found this out after he had swiped his card to terminate a journey from the airport, but was instead charged for a second ticket to the airport.

Although controlled experiments and field studies account for almost 90% of the studies, other strategies are also used. Surveys were used to better understand how the public reacted to mobile systems. Some of these studies were specific to a new technology or paradigm, [ 29 ] while others considered uses such as working while on the move [ 30 ]. In two cases (1% of the studies) archival research was used to investigate a particular phenomena relating to mobile technologies. A study conducted by Fehnert and Kosagowsky [ 31 ] used archival research to investigate the relationship between expert evaluations of user experience quality of mobile phones and subsequent usage figures. Lacroix et al. [ 32 ] used archival research to investigate the relationship between goal difficulty and performance within the context of an on-going activity intervention program.

In some cases it was found that no formal evaluation was conducted but instead the new technology presented in the paper was evaluated informally with colleagues of the developers. These evaluations typically contained a small number of participants and provide anecdotal evidence of a system’s usability.

The results obtained during the literature review reinforced the importance of cognitive load as an attribute of usability. It was found that almost 23% of the studies measured the cognitive load of the application under evaluation. These results show that current researchers in the area of mobile applications are beginning to recognise the importance of cognitive load in this domain and as such there is sufficient evidence for including it within the PACMAD model of usability.

The results also show that Memorability is not considered an important aspect of usability by many researchers. Only 2% of the studies evaluated Memorability. If an application is easy to learn then users may be willing to relearn how to use the application and therefore Memorability may indeed not be significant. On the other hand, some applications have a high learning curve and as such require a significant amount of time to learn. For these applications Memorability is an important attribute.

The trade-off between Learnability and Memorability is a consideration for application developers. Factors such as the task to be accomplished and the characteristics of the user should be considered when making this decision. The PACMAD model recommends that both factors should be considered although it also recognises that it may be adequate to evaluate only one of these factors depending on the application under evaluation. The literature review has also shown that the remaining attributes of usability are considered extensively by current research. Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction were included in over 50% of the studies. It was also found the Errors were evaluated in over 30% of these studies.

When considering the factors that can affect usability, it was found that the task is the most dominant factor being researched. Over 45% of the papers examined focused primarily on allowing a user to accomplish a task. When the interaction with an application is itself considered as a task this figure rises to approximately 75%. Context of use and the User were considered in less than 10% of the papers. Context of use can vary enormously and so should be considered an important factor of usability [ 5 , 33 ]. Our results indicate that context is not extensively researched and this suggests a gap in the literature.

It was revealing that some components of the PACMAD model occur only infrequently in the literature. As mentioned above Learnability and Memorability are rarely investigated, perhaps suggesting that researchers expected users to be able to learn to use apps without much difficulty., This finding could also be due to the difficulty of finding suitable subjects willing to undergo experiments on these attributes or the lack of standard research methods for these attributes. Effectiveness, Efficiency, Satisfaction and Errors were investigated more frequently, possibly because these attributes are widely recognised as important, and also possibly because research methods for investigating these attributes are well understood and documented. Almost a quarter of the studies investigated discussed Cognitive Load. It is surprising that this figure is not higher although this could again be due to the lack of a well-defined research methodology for investigating this attribute.


The range and availability of mobile applications is expanding rapidly. With the increased processing power available on portable devices, developers are increasing the range of services that they provide. The small size of mobile devices has limited the ways in which users can interact with them. Issues such as the small screen size, poor connectivity and limited input modalities have an effect on the usability of mobile applications.

The prominent models of usability do not adequately capture the complexities of interacting with applications on a mobile platform. For this reason, this paper presents our PACMAD usability model which augments existing usability models within the context of mobile applications.

To prove the concept of this model a literature review has been conducted. This review has highlighted the extent to which the attributes of the PACMAD model are considered within the mobile application domain. It was found that each attribute was considered in at least 20% of studies, with the exception of Memorability. It is believed one reason for this may be the difficulty associated with evaluating Memorability.

The literature review has also revealed a number of novel interaction methods that are being researched at present, such as spatial awareness and pressure based input. These techniques are in their infancy but with time and more research they may eventually be adopted.

Appendix A: Papers used in the literature review

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Brewster, S.A. and M. Hughes, Pressure-based text entry for mobile devices, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 2009, ACM: Bonn, Germany.

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Authors’ note

This research is supported by Oxford Brookes University through the central research fund and in part by Lero - the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre ( ) grant 10/CE/I1855.

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Rachel Harrison, Derek Flood & David Duce

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DF performed the literature review, helped to propose the PACMAD model and drafted the manuscript. RH assisted the literature review, proposed the PACMAD model and drafted the limitations section. DAD helped to refine the conceptual framework and direct the research. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Harrison, R., Flood, D. & Duce, D. Usability of mobile applications: literature review and rationale for a new usability model. J Interact Sci 1 , 1 (2013).

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Received : 10 March 2013

Accepted : 10 March 2013

Published : 07 May 2013


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literature review mobile application development

Mobile Application Development: A comprehensive and systematic literature review

Hanif khan , jagadeesan s , vinayak a. drave & priyanka chand bhatt, publisher: ieom society international, track: technology management.

In the present age of e-commerce, mobile penetration has risen to a significant level and can be seen as it grows exponentially in the past decade. The mobile application has opened up a new sense of customer service. With an increase of these applications, researchers have inclined their interest towards development and identify various issues linked to it. This study focuses on accumulating a vast academic literature in a time frame of the last ten years. A comprehensive and systematic literature review was done in the emerging area of mobile application development. After the process of reviewing the extensive literature from the biggest database ‘Scopus’, a total of 26 relevant journal papers were considered for the review after multiple steps of filtrations. This paper gives the scope and the direction in the field of mobile development and helps the organization to have a vast knowledge regarding the same. The findings of this study provide valuable insights and future recommendations in this developing field.

Published in : 3rd European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Pilsen, Czech Republic

Publisher : IEOM Society International Date of Conference : July 23-26, 2019

ISBN : 978-1-5323-5949-1 ISSN/E-ISSN : 2169-8767

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A systematic literature review on the usability of mobile applications for visually impaired users

Muna al-razgan.

1 King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Sarah Almoaiqel

Nuha alrajhi.

2 Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Alyah Alhumegani

Abeer alshehri, bashayr alnefaie, raghad alkhamiss, shahad rushdi, associated data.

The following information was supplied regarding data availability:

This is a systematic literature review; there is no raw data.

Interacting with mobile applications can often be challenging for people with visual impairments due to the poor usability of some mobile applications. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of the developments on usability of mobile applications for people with visual impairments based on recent advances in research and application development. This overview is important to guide decision-making for researchers and provide a synthesis of available evidence and indicate in which direction it is worthwhile to prompt further research. We performed a systematic literature review on the usability of mobile applications for people with visual impairments. A deep analysis following the Preferred Reporting Items for SLRs and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines was performed to produce a set of relevant papers in the field. We first identified 932 papers published within the last six years. After screening the papers and employing a snowballing technique, we identified 60 studies that were then classified into seven themes: accessibility, daily activities, assistive devices, navigation, screen division layout, and audio guidance. The studies were then analyzed to answer the proposed research questions in order to illustrate the different trends, themes, and evaluation results of various mobile applications developed in the last six years. Using this overview as a foundation, future directions for research in the field of usability for the visually impaired (UVI) are highlighted.


The era of mobile devices and applications has begun. With the widespread use of mobile applications, designers and developers need to consider all types of users and develop applications for their different needs. One notable group of users is people with visual impairments. According to the World Health Organization, there are approximately 285 million people with visual impairments worldwide ( World Health Organization, 2020 ). This is a huge number to keep in mind while developing new mobile applications.

People with visual impairments have urged more attention from the tech community to provide them with the assistive technologies they need ( Khan & Khusro, 2021 ). Small tasks that we do daily, such as picking out outfits or even moving from one room to another, could be challenging for such individuals. Thus, leveraging technology to assist with such tasks can be life changing. Besides, increasing the usability of applications and developing dedicated ones tailored to their needs is essential. The usability of an application refers to its efficiency in terms of the time and effort required to perform a task, its effectiveness in performing said tasks, and its users’ satisfaction ( Ferreira et al., 2020 ). Researchers have been studying this field intensively and proposing different solutions to improve the usability of applications for people with visual impairments.

This paper provides a systematic literature review (SLR) on the usability of mobile applications for people with visual impairments. The study aims to find discussions of usability issues related to people with visual impairments in recent studies and how they were solved using mobile applications. By reviewing published works from the last six years, this SLR aims to update readers on the newest trends, limitations of current research, and future directions in the research field of usability for the visually impaired (UVI).

This SLR can be of great benefit to researchers aiming to become involved in UVI research and could provide the basis for new work to be developed, consequently improving the quality of life for the visually impaired. This review differs from previous review studies ( i.e.,   Khan & Khusro, 2021 ) because we classified the studies into themes in order to better evaluate and synthesize the studies and provide clear directions for future work. The following themes were chosen based on the issues addressed in the reviewed papers: “Assistive Devices,” “Navigation,” “Accessibility,” “Daily Activities,” “Audio Guidance,” and “Gestures.” Figure 1 illustrates the percentage of papers classified in each theme.

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The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the next section specifies the methodology, following this, the results section illustrates the results of the data collection, the discussion section consists of the research questions with their answers and the limitations and potential directions for future work, and the final section summarizes this paper’s main findings and contribution.

Survey Methodology

This systematic literature review used the Meta-Analyses (PRISMA, 2009) guidelines to produce a set of relevant papers in the field. This SLR was undertaken to address the research questions described below. A deep analysis was performed based on a group of studies; the most relevant studies were documented, and the research questions were addressed.

A. Research questions

The research questions addressed by this study are presented in Table 1 with descriptions and the motivations behind them.

What existing UVI issues did authors try to solve with mobile devices?;The issues and proposed solutions will be of great significance for researchers as well as developers, providing a deeper understanding of whether a specific problem was addressed in the literature and what the proposed solutions were.
What is the role of mobile devices in solving those issues?Being able to identify the role of mobile devices in assisting visually impaired people in their daily lives will help improve their usability and provide a basis for future applications to be developed to improve quality of life for the visually impaired.
What are the publication trends on the usability of mobile applications among the visually impaired?After answering this question, it will become easier to classify the current existing work and the available application themes for the visually impaired.
What are the current research limitations and future research directions regarding usability among the visually impaired?This will help guide future research and open doors for new development.
What is the focus of research on usability for visually impaired people, and what are the research outcomes in the ;studies reviewed?Answering this question, will enable us to address the current focus of studies and the available ways to collect data.
What evaluation methods were used in the studies on usability for visually impaired people that were reviewed?This evaluation will help future researchers choose the most suitable methods according to the nature of their studies.

B. Search strategy

This review analysed and synthesised studies on usability for the visually impaired from a user perspective following a systematic approach. As proposed by Tanfield, Denyer & Smart (2003) , the study followed a three-stage approach to ensure that the findings were both reliable and valid. These stages were planning the review, conducting the review by analysing papers, and reporting emerging themes and recommendations. These stages will be discussed further in the following section.

1. Planning stage

The planning stage of this review included defining data sources and the search string protocol as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Data sources.

We aimed to use two types of data sources: digital libraries and search engines. The search process was manually conducted by searching through databases. The selected databases and digital libraries are as follows:

  • • ACM Library
  • • IEEE Xplore
  • • ScienceDirect
  • • SpringerLink
  • • ISI Web of Knowledge
  • • Scopus.

The selected search engines were as follows:

  • • DBLP (Computer Science Bibliography Website)
  • • Google Scholar
  • • Microsoft Academic

Search string.

The above databases were initially searched using the following keyword protocol: (“Usability” AND (”visual impaired” OR ”visually impaired” OR “blind” OR “impairment”) AND “mobile”). However, in order to generate a more powerful search string, the Network Analysis Interface for Literature Studies (NAILS) project was used. NAILS is an automated tool for literature analysis. Its main function is to perform statistical and social network analysis (SNA) on citation data ( Knutas et al., 2015 ). In this study, it was used to check the most important work in the relevant fields as shown in Fig. 2 .

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NAILS produced a report displaying the most important authors, publications, and keywords and listed the references cited most often in the analysed papers ( Knutas et al., 2015 ) . The new search string was generated after using the NAILS project as follows: (“Usability” OR “usability model” OR “usability dimension” OR “Usability evaluation model” OR “Usability evaluation dimension”) AND (“mobile” OR “Smartphone”) AND (“Visually impaired” OR “Visual impairment” OR “Blind” OR “Low vision” OR “Blindness”).

Inclusion and exclusion criteria.

To be included in this systematic review, each study had to meet the following screening criteria:

  • • The study must have been published between 2015 and 2020.
  • • The study must be relevant to the main topic (Usability of Mobile Applications for Visually Impaired Users).
  • • The study must be a full-length paper.
  • • The study must be written in English because any to consider any other languages, the research team will need to use the keywords of this language in this topic and deal with search engines using that language to extract all studies related to our topic to form an SLR with a comprehensive view of the selected languages. Therefore, the research team preferred to focus on studies in English to narrow the scope of this SLR.

A research study was excluded if it did not meet one or more items of the criteria.

2. Conducting stage

The conducting stage of the review involved a systematic search based on relevant search terms. This consisted of three substages: exporting citations, importing citations into Mendeley, and importing citations into Rayyan.

Exporting citations.

First, in exporting the citations and conducting the search through the mentioned databases, a total of 932 studies were found. The numbers are illustrated in Fig. 3 below. The highest number of papers was found in Google Scholar, followed by Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, Microsoft Academic, and DBLP and ACM Library with two studies each. Finally, SpringerLink did not have any studies that met the inclusion criteria.

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The chance of encountering duplicate studies was determined to be high. Therefore, importing citations into Mendeley was necessary in order to eliminate the duplicates.

Importing citations into mendeley.

Mendeley is an open-source reference and citation manager. It can highlight paragraphs and sentences, and it can also list automatic references on the end page. Introducing the use of Mendeley is also expected to avoid duplicates in academic writing, especially for systematic literature reviews ( Basri & Patak, 2015 ). Hence, in the next step, the 932 studies were imported into Mendeley, and each study’s title and abstract were screened independently for eligibility. A total of 187 duplicate studies were excluded. 745 total studies remained after the first elimination process. The search stages are shown in Fig. 4 below.

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Importing citations into rayyan.

Rayyan QCRI is a free web and mobile application that helps expedite the initial screening of both abstracts and titles through a semi-automated process while incorporating a high level of usability. Its main benefit is to speed up the most tedious part of the systematic literature review process: selecting studies for inclusion in the review ( Ouzzani et al., 2016 ). Therefore, for the last step, another import was done using Rayyan to check for duplications a final time. Using Rayyan, a total of 124 duplicate studies were found, resulting in a total of 621 studies. Using Rayyan, a two-step filtration was conducted to guarantee that the papers have met the inclusion criteria of this SLR. After filtering based on the abstracts, 564 papers did not meet the inclusion criteria. At this stage, 57 studies remained. The second step of filtration eliminated 11 more studies by reading the full papers; two studies were not written in the English language, and nine were inaccessible.


Snowballing is an emerging technique used to conduct systematic literature reviews that are considered both efficient and reliable using simple procedures. The procedure for snowballing consisted of three phases in each cycle. The first phase is refining the start set, the second phase is backward snowballing, and the third is forward snowballing. The first step, forming the start set, is basically identifying relevant papers that can have a high potential of satisfying the criteria and research question. Backward snowballing was conducted using the reference list to identify new papers to include. It shall start by going through the reference list and excluding papers that do not fulfill the basic criteria; the rest that fulfil criteria shall be added to the SLR. Forward snowballing refers to identifying new papers based on those papers that cited the paper being examined ( Juneja & Kaur, 2019 ). Hence, in order to be sure that we concluded all related studies after we got the 46 papers, a snowballing step was essential. Forward and backward snowballing were conducted. Each of the 46 studies was examined by checking their references to take a look at any possible addition of sources and examining all papers that cited this study. The snowballing activity added some 38 studies, but after full reading, it became 33 that matched the inclusion criteria. A total of 79 studies were identified through this process.

Quality assessment.

A systematic literature review’s quality is determined by the content of the papers included in the review. As a result, it is important to evaluate the papers carefully ( Zhou et al., 2015 ). Many influential scales exist in the software engineering field for evaluating the validity of individual primary studies and grading the overall intensity of the body of proof. Hence, we adapted the comprehensive guidelines specified by Kitchenhand and Charters ( Keele, 2007 ), and the quasi-gold standard (QGS) ( Keele, 2007 ) was used to establish the quest technique, where a robust search strategy for enhancing the validity and reliability of a SLR’s search process is devised using the QGS. By applying this technique, our quality assessment questions were focused and aligned with the research questions mentioned earlier.

In our last step, we had to verify the papers’ eligibility; we conducted a quality check for each of the 79 studies. For quality assessment, we considered whether the paper answered the following questions:

QA1: Is the research aim clearly stated in the research?

QA2: Does the research contain a usability dimension or techniques for mobile applications for people with visual impairments?

QA3: Is there an existing issue with mobile applications for people with visual impairments that the author is trying to solve?

QA4: Is the research focused on mobile application solutions?

After discussing the quality assessment questions and attempting to find an answer in each paper, we agreed to score each study per question. If the study answers a question, it will be given 2 points; if it only partially answers a question, it will be given 1 point; and if there is no answer for a given question in the study, it will have 0 points.

The next step was to calculate the weight of each study. If the total weight was higher or equal to four points, the paper was accepted in the SLR; if not, the paper was discarded since it did not reach the desired quality level. Figure 5 below illustrates the quality assessment process. After applying the quality assessment, 39 papers were rejected since they received less than four points, which resulted in a final tally of 60 papers.

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To summarize, this review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for SLRs and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) ( Liberati et al., 2009 ). The PRISMA diagram shown in Fig. 6 illustrates all systematic literature processes used in this study.

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3. Analysing stage

All researchers involved in this SLR collected the data. The papers were distributed equally between them, and each researcher read each paper completely to determine its topic, extract the paper’s limitations and future work, write a quick summary about it, and record this information in an Excel spreadsheet.

All researchers worked intensively on this systematic literature review. After completing the previously mentioned steps, the papers were divided among all the researchers. Then, each researcher read their assigned papers completely and then classified them into themes according to the topic they covered. The researchers held several meetings to discuss and specify those themes. The themes were identified by the researchers based on the issues addressed in the reviewed papers. In the end, the researchers resulted in seven themes, as shown in Fig. 7 below. The references selected for each theme can be found in the Table A1 . Afterwards, each researcher was assigned one theme to summarize its studies and report the results. In this section, we review the results.

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A. Accessibility

Of a total of 60 studies, 10 focused on issues of accessibility. Accessibility is concerned with whether all users are able to have equivalent user experiences, regardless of abilities. Six studies, Darvishy, Hutter & Frei (2019) , Morris et al. (2016) , Qureshi & Hooi-Ten Wong (2020) , Khan, Khusro & Alam (2018) , Paiva et al. (2020) , and Pereda, Murillo & Paz (2020) , gave suggestions for increasing accessibility, ( Darvishy, Hutter & Frei, 2019 ; Morris et al., 2016 ), gave some suggestions for making mobile map applications and Twitter accessible to visually impaired users, and ( Qureshi & Hooi-Ten Wong, 2020 ; Khan, Khusro & Alam, 2018 ) focused on user interfaces and provided accessibility suggestions suitable for blind people. Paiva et al. (2020) and Pereda, Murillo & Paz (2020) proposed a set of heuristics to evaluate the accessibility of mobile applications. Two studies, Khowaja et al. (2019) and Carvalho et al. (2018) , focused on evaluating usability and accessibility issues on some mobile applications, comparing them, and identifying the number and types of problems that visually impaired users faced. Aqle, Khowaja & Al-Thani (2020) proposed a new web search interface designed for visually impaired users. One study, McKay (2017) , focused on accessibility challenges by applying usability tests on a hybrid mobile app with some visually impaired university students.

B. Assistive devices

People with visual impairments have an essential need for assistive technology since they face many challenges when performing activities in daily life. Out of the 60 studies reviewed, 13 were related to assistive technology. The studies Smaradottir, Martinez & Håland (2017) , Skulimowski et al. (2019) , Barbosa, Hayes & Wang, (2016) , Rosner & Perlman (2018) , Csapó et al. (2015) , Khan & Khusro (2020) , Sonth & Kallimani (2017) , Kim et al. (2016) , Vashistha et al. (2015) ; Kameswaran et al. (2020) , Griffin-Shirley et al. (2017) , and Rahman, Anam & Yeasin (2017) were related to screen readers (voiceovers). On the other hand, Bharatia, Ambawane & Rane (2019) , Lewis et al. (2016) were related to proposing an assistant device for the visually impaired. Of the studies related to screening readers, Sonth & Kallimani, (2017) , Vashistha et al. (2015) , Khan & Khusro (2020) Lewis et al. (2016) cited challenges faced by visually impaired users. Barbosa, Hayes & Wang (2016) , Kim et al. (2016) , Rahman, Anam & Yeasin (2017) suggested new applications, while Smaradottir, Martinez & Håland (2017) , Rosner & Perlman (2018) , Csapó et al. (2015) and Griffin-Shirley et al. (2017) evaluated current existing work. The studies Bharatia, Ambawane & Rane (2019) , Lewis et al. (2016) proposed using wearable devices to improve the quality of life for people with visual impairments.

C. Daily activities

In recent years, people with visual impairments have used mobile applications to increase their independence in their daily activities and learning, especially those based on the braille method. We divide the daily activity section into braille-based applications and applications designed to enhance the independence of the visually impaired. Four studies, Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar (2020) , Nahar, Jaafar & Sulaiman (2019) , Araújo et al. (2016) and Gokhale et al. (2017) , implemented and evaluated the usability of mobile phone applications that use braille to help visually impaired people in their daily lives. Seven studies, Vitiello et al. (2018) , Kunaratana-Angkul, Wu & Shin-Renn (2020) , Ghidini et al. (2016) , Madrigal-Cadavid et al. (2019) , Marques, Carriço & Guerreiro (2015) , Oliveira et al. (2018) and Rodrigues et al. (2015) , focused on building applications that enhance the independence and autonomy of people with visual impairments in their daily life activities.

D. Screen division layout

People with visual impairments encounter various challenges in identifying and locating non-visual items on touch screen interfaces like phones and tablets. Incidents of accidentally touching a screen element and frequently following an incorrect pattern in attempting to access objects and screen artifacts hinder blind people from performing typical activities on smartphones ( Khusro et al., 2019 ). In this review, 9 out of 60 studies discuss screen division layout: ( Khusro et al., 2019 ; Khan & Khusro, 2019 ; Grussenmeyer & Folmer, 2017 ; Palani et al., 2018 ; Leporini & Palmucci, 2018 ) discuss touch screen (smartwatch tablets, mobile phones, and tablet) usability among people with visual impairments, while ( Cho & Kim, 2017 ; Alnfiai & Sampalli, 2016 ; Niazi et al., 2016 ; Alnfiai & Sampalli, 2019 ) concern text entry methods that increase the usability of apps among visually impaired people. Khusro et al. (2019) provides a novel contribution to the literature regarding considerations that can be used as guidelines for designing a user-friendly and semantically enriched user interface for blind people. An experiment in Cho & Kim (2017) was conducted comparing the two-button mobile interface usability with the one-finger method and voiceover. Leporini & Palmucci (2018) gathered information on the interaction challenges faced by visually impaired people when answering questions on a mobile touch-screen device, investigated possible solutions to overcome the accessibility and usability challenges.

E. Gestures

In total, 3 of 60 studies discuss gestures in usability. Alnfiai & Sampalli (2017) compared the performance of BrailleEnter, a gesture based input method to the Swift Braille keyboard, a method that requires finding the location of six buttons representing braille dot, while Buzzi et al. (2017) and Smaradottir, Martinez & Haland (2017) provide an analysis of gesture performance on touch screens among visually impaired people.

F. Audio guidance

People with visual impairment primarily depend on audio guidance forms in their daily lives; accordingly, audio feedback helps guide them in their interaction with mobile applications.

Four studies discussed the use of audio guidance in different contexts: one in navigation ( Gintner et al., 2017 ), one in games ( Ara’ujo et al., 2017 ), one in reading ( Sabab & Ashmafee, 2016 ), and one in videos ( Façanha et al., 2016 ). These studies were developed and evaluated based on usability and accessibility of the audio guidance for people with visual impairments and aimed to utilize mobile applications to increase the enjoyment and independence of such individuals.

G. Navigation

Navigation is a common issue that visually impaired people face. Indoor navigation is widely discussed in the literature. Nair et al. (2020) , Al-Khalifa & Al-Razgan (2016) and De Borba Campos et al. (2015) discuss how we can develop indoor navigation applications for visually impaired people. Outdoor navigation is also common in the literature, as seen in Darvishy et al. (2020) , Hossain, Qaiduzzaman & Rahman (2020) , Long et al. (2016) , Prerana et al. (2019) and Bandukda et al. (2020) . For example, in Darvishy et al. (2020) , Touch Explorer, an accessible digital map application, was presented to alleviate many of the problems faced by people with visual impairments while using highly visually oriented digital maps. Primarily, it focused on using non-visual output modalities like voice output, everyday sound, and vibration feedback. Issues with navigation applications were also presented in Maly et al. (2015) . Kameswaran et al. (2020) discussed commonly used technologies in navigation applications for blind people and highlighted the importance of using complementary technologies to convey information through different modalities to enhance the navigation experience. Interactive sonification of images for navigation has also been shown in Skulimowski et al. (2019) .

In this section, the research questions are addressed in detail to clearly achieve the research objective. Also, a detailed overview of each theme will be mentioned below.

Answers to the research questions

This section will answer the research question proposed:

RQ1: What existing UVI issues did authors try to solve with mobile devices?

Mobile applications can help people with visual impairments in their daily activities, such as navigation and writing. Additionally, mobile devices may be used for entertainment purposes. However, people with visual impairments face various difficulties while performing text entry operations, text selection, and text manipulation on mobile applications ( Niazi et al., 2016 ). Thus, the authors of the studies tried to increase touch screens’ usability by producing prototypes or simple systems and doing usability testing to understand the UX of people with visual impairments.

RQ2: What is the role of mobile devices in solving those issues?

Mobile phones are widely used in modern society, especially among users with visual impairments; they are considered the most helpful tool for blind users to communicate with people worldwide ( Smaradottir, Martinez & Håland, 2017 ). In addition, the technology of touch screen assistive technology enables speech interaction between blind people and mobile devices and permits the use of gestures to interact with a touch user interface. Assistive technology is vital in helping people living with disabilities perform actions or interact with systems ( Niazi et al., 2016 ).

RQ3: What are the publication trends on the usability of mobile applications among the visually impaired?

As shown in Fig. 8 below, research into mobile applications’ usability for the visually impaired has increased in the last five years, with a slight dip in 2018. Looking at the most frequent themes, we find that “Assistive Devices” peaked in 2017, while “Navigation” and “Accessibility” increased significantly in 2020. On the other hand, we see that the prevalence of “Daily Activities” stayed stable throughout the research years. The term “Audio Guidance” appeared in 2016 and 2017 and has not appeared in the last three years. “Gestures” also appeared only in 2017. “Screen Layout Division” was present in the literature in the last five years and increased in 2019 but did not appear in 2020.

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RQ4: What are the current research limitations and future research directions regarding usability among the visually impaired?

We divide the answer to this question into two sections: first, we will discuss limitations; then, we will discuss future work for each proposed theme.

A. Limitations

Studies on the usability of mobile applications for visually impaired users in the literature have various limitations, and most of them were common among the studies. These limitations were divided into two groups. The first group concerns proposed applications; for example, Rahman, Anam & Yeasin (2017) , Oliveira et al. (2018) and Madrigal-Cadavid et al. (2019) faced issues regarding camera applications in mobile devices due to the considerable effort needed for its usage and being heavily dependent on the availability of the internet. The other group of studies, Rodrigues et al. (2015) , Leporini & Palmucci (2018) , Alnfiai & Sampalli (2016) , and Ara’ujo et al. (2017) , have shown limitations in visually impaired users’ inability to comprehend a graphical user interface. Alnfiai & Sampalli (2017) and Alnfiai & Sampalli (2019) evaluated new braille input methods and found that the traditional braille keyboard, where knowing the exact position of letters QWERTY is required, is limited in terms of usability compared to the new input methods. Most studies faced difficulties regarding the sample size and the fact that many of the participants were not actually blind or visually impaired but only blindfolded. This likely led to less accurate results, as blind or visually impaired people can provide more useful feedback as they experience different issues on a daily basis and are more ideal for this type of study. So, the need for a good sample of participants who actually have this disability is clear to allow for better evaluation results and more feedback and recommendations for future research.

B. Future work

A commonly discussed future work in the chosen literature is to increase the sample sizes of people with visual impairment and focus on various ages and geographical areas to generalize the studies. Table 2 summarizes suggestions for future work according to each theme. Those future directions could inspire new research in the field.

ThemeSuggestions for future workSources
AccessibilityIn terms of accessibility, in the future, there is potential in investigating concepts of how information will be introduced in a mobile application to increase accessibility VI users. In addition, future work directions include extending frameworks for visually complex or navigationally dense applications. Furthermore, emotion-based UI design may also be investigated to improve accessibility. Moreover, the optimization of GUI layouts and elements could be considered with a particular focus on gesture control systems and eye-tracking systems. , , , and
Assistive devicesIn terms of assistive devices for people with visual impairments, there is potential for future direction in research into multimodal non-visual interaction ( sonification methods). Also, since there is very little available literature about how to go about prototype development and evaluation activities for assistive devices for users with no or little sight, it is important to investigate this to further develop the field. , , and
Daily activitiesThere is a need to evaluate the usability and accessibility of applications that aim to assist visually impaired users and improve restrictions in daily activities. , , and
Screen division layoutIn terms of screen division layout, it is important to continuously seek to improve interfaces and provide feedback to make them more focused, more cohesive, and simpler to handle. A complete set of robust design guidelines ought to be created to provide a wide variety of non-visual applications with increased haptic access on a touchscreen device. , , and
GesturesGesture based interaction ought to be further investigated as it has the potential to greatly improve the way VI users communicate with mobile devices. Performance of gestures with various sizes of touch screens ought to be compared, as the size might have a significant effect on what is considered a usable gesture. and
NavigationLiterature suggests that future work in the area of navigation should focus on eliminating busy graphical interfaces and relying on sounds. Studying more methods and integrating machine learning algorithms and hardware devices to provide accurate results regarding the identification of surrounding objects, and continuous updates for any upcoming obstacles, is also discussed in the literature as an important direction for future work. , and
Audio guidanceIn terms of audio guidance, there is potential for future directions in expanding algorithms to provide audio guidance to assist in more situations. Authors also emphasise developing versions of the applications in more languages. , and

RQ5: What is the focus of research on usability for visually impaired people, and what are the research outcomes in the studies reviewed?

There are a total of 60 outcomes in this research. Of these, 40 involve suggestions to improve usability of mobile applications; four of them address problems that are faced by visually impaired people that reduce usability. Additionally, 16 of the outcomes are assessments of the usability of the prototype or model. Two of the results are recommendations to improve usability. Finally, the last two outcomes are hardware solutions that may help the visually impaired perform their daily activities. Figure 9 illustrates these numbers.

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Overview of the reviewed studies

In the following subsections, we summarize all the selected studies based on the classified theme: accessibility, assistive devices, daily activities, screen division layout, gestures, audio guidance, and navigation. The essence of the studies will be determined, and their significance in the field will be explored.

For designers dealing with mobile applications, it is critical to determine and fix accessibility issues in the application before it is delivered to the users ( Khowaja et al., 2019 ). Accessibility refers to giving the users the same user experience regardless of ability. In Khowaja et al. (2019) and Carvalho et al. (2018) , the researchers focused on comparing the levels of accessibility and usability in different applications. They had a group of visually impaired users and a group of sighted users test out the applications to compare the number and type of problems they faced and determine which applications contained the most violations. Because people with visual impairments cannot be ignored in the development of mobile applications, many researchers have sought solutions for guaranteeing accessibility. For example, in Qureshi & Hooi-Ten Wong (2020) , the study contributed to producing a new, effective design for mobile applications based on the suggestions of people with visual impairments and with the help of two expert mobile application developers. In Khan, Khusro & Alam (2018) , an adaptive user interface model for visually impaired people was proposed and evaluated in an empirical study with 63 visually impaired people. In Aqle, Khowaja & Al-Thani (2020) , the researchers proposed a new web search interface for users with visual impairments that is based on discovering concepts through formal concept analysis (FCA). Users interact with the interface to collect concepts, which are then used as keywords to narrow the search results and target the web pages containing the desired information with minimal effort and time. The usability of the proposed search interface (InteractSE) was evaluated by experts in the field of HCI and accessibility, with a set of heuristics by Nielsen and a set of WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

In Darvishy, Hutter & Frei (2019) , the researchers proposed a solution for making mobile map applications accessible for people with blindness or visual impairment. They suggested replacing forests in the map with green color and birds’ sound, replacing water with blue color and water sounds, replacing streets with grey color and vibration, and replacing buildings with yellow color and pronouncing the name of the building. The prototype showed that it was possible to explore a simple map through vibrations, sounds, and speech.

In Morris et al. (2016) the researchers utilized a multi-faceted technique to investigate how and why visually impaired individuals use Twitter and the difficulties they face in doing so. They noted that Twitter had become more image-heavy over time and that picture-based tweets are largely inaccessible to people with visual impairments. The researchers then made several suggestions for how Twitter could be amended to continue to be usable for people with visual impairments.

The researchers in Paiva et al. (2020) focused on how to evaluate proposed methods for ensuring the accessibility and usability of mobile applications. Their checklist, Acc-MobileCheck, contains 47 items that correspond to issues related to comprehension (C), operation (O), perception (P), and adaptation (A) in mobile interface interaction. To validate Acc-MobileCheck, it was reviewed by five experts and three developers and determined to be effective. In Pereda, Murillo & Paz (2020) , the authors also suggest a set of heuristics to evaluate the accessibility of mobile e-commerce applications for visually impaired people. Finally, McKay (2017) conducted an accessibility test for hybrid mobile apps and found that students with blindness faced many barriers to access based on how they used hybrid mobile applications. While hybrid apps can allow for increased time for marketing, this comes at the cost of app accessibility for people with disabilities.

A significant number of people with visual impairments use state-of-the-art software to perform tasks in their daily lives. These technologies are made up of electronic devices equipped with sensors and processors that can make intelligent decisions.

One of the most important and challenging tasks in developing such technologies is to create a user interface that is appropriate for the sensorimotor capabilities of users with blindness ( Csapó et al., 2015 ). Several new hardware tools have proposed to improve the quality of life for people with visual impairments. Three tools were presented in this SLR: a smart stick that can notify the user of any obstacle, helping them to perform tasks easily and efficiently ( Bharatia, Ambawane & Rane, 2019 ), and an eye that can allow users to detect colors (medical evaluation is still required) ( Lewis et al., 2016 ).

The purpose of the study in Griffin-Shirley et al. (2017) was to understand how people with blindness use smartphone applications as assistive technology and how they perceive them in terms of accessibility and usability. An online survey with 259 participants was conducted, and most of the participants rated the applications as useful and accessible and were satisfied with them.

The researchers in Rahman, Anam & Yeasin (2017) designed and implemented EmoAssist, which is a smartphone application that assists with natural dyadic conversations and aims to promote user satisfaction by providing options for accessing non-verbal communication that predicts behavioural expressions and contains interactive dimensions to provide valid feedback. The usability of this application was evaluated in a study with ten people with blindness where several tools were applied in the application. The study participants found that the usability of EmoAssist was good, and it was an effective assistive solution.

This theme contains two main categories: braille-based application studies and applications to enhance the independence of VIU. Both are summarized below.

1- Braille-based applications

Braille is still the most popular method for assisting people with visual impairments in reading and studying, and most educational mobile phone applications are limited to sighted people. Recently, however, some researchers have developed assistive education applications for students with visual impairments, especially those in developing countries. For example, in India, the number of children with visual impairments is around 15 million, and only 5% receive an education ( Gokhale et al., 2017 ). Three of the braille studies focused on education: ( Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar, 2020 ; Nahar, Jaafar & Sulaiman, 2019 , and Araújo et al., 2016 ). These studies all used smartphone touchscreens and action gestures to gain input from the student, and then output was provided in the form of audio feedback. In Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar (2020) , vibrational feedback was added to guide the users. The participants in Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar (2020) ; Nahar, Jaafar & Sulaiman (2019) , and Araújo et al. (2016) included students with blindness of visual impairment and their teachers. The authors in Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar (2020) , Nahar, Jaafar & Sulaiman (2019) evaluated the usability of their applications following the same criteria (efficiency, learnability, memorability, errors, and satisfaction). The results showed that in Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar (2020) , Nahar, Jaafar & Sulaiman (2019) , and Araújo et al. (2016) , the applications met the required usability criteria. The authors in Gokhale et al. (2017) presented a braille-based solution to help people with visual impairments call and save contacts. A braille keypad on the smartphone touchscreen was used to gain input from the user, which was then converted into haptic and auditory feedback to let the user know what action was taken. The usability of this application was considered before it was designed. The participants’ responses were positive because this kind of user-centric design simplifies navigation and learning processes.

2- Applications to enhance the independence of people with visual impairments

The authors in the studies explored in this section focused on building applications that enhance independence and autonomy in daily life activities for users with visual impairments.

In Vitiello et al. (2018) , the authors presented their mobile application, an assistive solution for visually impaired users called “Crania”, which uses machine learning techniques to help users with visual impairments get dressed by recognizing the colour and texture of their clothing and suggesting suitable combinations. The system provides feedback through voice synthesis. The participants in the study were adults and elderly people, some of whom were completely blind and the rest of whom had partial sight. After testing for usability, all the participants with blindness agreed that using the application was better than their original method, and half of the participants with partial sight said the same thing. At the end of the study, the application was determined to be accessible and easy to use.

In Kunaratana-Angkul, Wu & Shin-Renn (2020) , an application which allows elderly people to measure low vision status at home through their smartphones instead of visiting hospitals was tested, and most of the participants considered it to be untrustworthy because the medical information was insufficient. Even when participants were able to learn how to use the application, most of them were still confused while using it and needed further instruction.

In Ghidini et al. (2016) , the authors studied the habits of people with visual impairments when using their smartphones in order to develop an electronic calendar with different interaction formats, such as voice commands, touch, and vibration interaction. The authors presented the lessons learned and categorized them based on usability heuristics such as feedback, design, user freedom and control, and recognition instead of remembering.

In Madrigal-Cadavid et al. (2019) , the authors developed a drug information application for people with visual impairments to help them access the labels of medications. The application was developed based on a user-centered design process. By conducting a usability test, the authors recognized some usability issues for people with visual impairments, such as difficulty in locating the bar code. Given this, a new version will include a search function that is based on pictures. The application is searched by capturing the bar code or text or giving voice commands that allow the user to access medication information. The participants were people with visual impairments, and most of them required assistance using medications before using the application. This application will enhance independence for people with visual impairments in terms of using medications.

In Marques, Carriço & Guerreiro (2015) , an authentication method is proposed for users with visual impairments that allows them to protect their passwords. It is not secure when blind or visually impaired users spell out their passwords or enter the numbers in front of others, and the proposed solution allows the users to enter their password with one hand by tapping the screen. The blind participants in this study demonstrated that this authentication method is usable and supports their security needs.

In Oliveira et al. (2018) , the author noted that people with visual impairments face challenges in reading, thus he proposed an application called LeR otulos. This application was developed and evaluated for the Android operating system and recognizes text from photos taken by the mobile camera and converts them into an audio description. The prototype was designed to follow the guidelines and recommendations of usability and accessibility. The requirements of the application are defined based on the following usability goals: the steps are easy for the user to remember; the application is efficient, safe, useful, and accessible; and user satisfaction is achieved.

Interacting with talkback audio devices is still difficult for people with blindness, and it is unclear how much benefit they provide to people with visual impairments in their daily activities. The author in Rodrigues et al. (2015) investigates the smartphone adoption process of blind users by conducting experiments, observations, and weekly interviews. An eight-week study was conducted with five visually impaired participants using Samsung and an enabled talkback 2 screen reader. Focusing on understanding the experiences of people with visual impairments when using touchscreen smartphones revealed accessibility and usability issues. The results showed that the participants have difficulties using smartphones because they fear that they cannot use them properly, and that impacts their ability to communicate with family. However, they appreciate the benefits of using smartphones in their daily activities, and they have the ability to use them.

People with visual impairments encounter various challenges identifying and locating non-visual items on touch screen interfaces, such as phones and tablets. Various specifications for developing a user interface for people with visual impairments must be met, such as having touch screen division to enable people with blindness to easily and comfortably locate objects and items that are non-visual on the screen ( Khusro et al., 2019 ). Article ( Khusro et al., 2019 ) highlighted the importance of aspects of the usability analysis, such as screen partitioning, to meet specific usability requirements, including orientation, consistency, operation, time consumption, and navigation complexity when users want to locate objects on their touchscreen. The authors of Khan & Khusro (2019) describe the improvements that people with blindness have experienced in using the smartphone while performing their daily tasks. This information was determined through an empirical study with 41 people with blindness who explained their user and interaction experiences operating a smartphone.

The authors in Palani et al. (2018) provide design guidelines governing the accurate display of haptically perceived graphical materials. Determining the usability parameters and the various cognitive abilities required for optimum and accurate use of device interfaces is crucial. Also the authors of Grussenmeyer & Folmer (2017) highlight the importance of usability and accessibility of smartphones and touch screens for people with visual impairments. The primary focus in Leporini & Palmucci (2018) is on interactive tasks used to finish exercises and to answer questionnaires or quizzes. These tools are used for evaluation tests or in games. When using gestures and screen readers to interact on a mobile device, difficulties may arise ( Leporini & Palmucci, 2018 ), The study has various objectives, including gathering information on the difficulties encountered by people with blindness during interactions with mobile touch screen devices to answer questions and investigating practicable solutions to solve the detected accessibility and usability issues. A mobile app with an educational game was used to apply the proposed approach. Moreover, in Alnfiai & Sampalli (2016) and Niazi et al. (2016) , an analysis of the single-tap braille keyboard created to help people with no or low vision while using touch screen smartphones was conducted. The technology used in Alnfiai & Sampalli (2016) was the talkback service, which provides the user with verbal feedback from the application, allowing users with blindness to key in characters according to braille patterns. To evaluate single tap braille, it was compared to the commonly used QWERTY keyboard. In Niazi et al. (2016) , it was found that participants adapted quickly to single-tap Braille and were able to type on the touch screen within 15 to 20 min of being introduced to this system. The main advantage of single tap braille is that it allows users with blindness to enter letters based on braille coding, which they are already familiar with. The average error rate is lower using single-tap Braille than it is on the QWERTY keyboard. The authors of Niazi et al. (2016) found that minimal typing errors were made using the proposed keypad, which made it an easier option for people with blindness ( Niazi et al., 2016 ). In Cho & Kim (2017) , the authors describe new text entry methods for the braille system including a left touch and a double touch scheme that form a two-button interface for braille input so that people with visual impairments are able to type textual characters without having to move their fingers to locate the target buttons.

One of the main problems affecting the visually impaired is limited mobility for some gestures. We need to know what gestures are usable by people with visual impairments. Moreover, the technology of assistive touchscreen-enabled speech interaction between blind people and mobile devices permits the use of gestures to interact with a touch user interface. Assistive technology is vital in helping people living with disabilities to perform actions or interact with systems. Smaradottir, Martinez & Haland (2017) analyses a voiceover screen reader used in Apple Inc.’s products. An assessment of this assistive technology was conducted with six visually impaired test participants. The main objectives were to pinpoint the difficulties related to the performance of gestures applicable in screen interactions and to analyze the system’s response to the gestures. In this study, a user evaluation was completed in three phases. The first phase entailed training users regarding different hand gestures, the second phase was carried out in a usability laboratory where participants were familiarized with technological devices, and the third phase required participants to solve different tasks. In Knutas et al. (2015) , the vital feature of the system is that it enables the user to interactively select a 3D scene region for sonification by merely touching the phone screen. It uses three different modes to increase usability. Alnfiai & Sampalli (2017) explained a study done to compare the use of two data input methods to evaluate their efficiency with completely blind participants who had prior knowledge of braille. The comparison was made between the braille enter input method that uses gestures and the swift braille keyboard, which necessitates finding six buttons representing braille dots. Blind people typically prefer rounded shapes to angular ones when performing complex gestures, as they experience difficulties performing straight gestures with right angles. Participants highlighted that they experienced difficulties particularly with gestures that have steep or right angles. In Buzzi et al. (2017) , 36 visually impaired participants were selected and split into two groups of low-vision and blind people. They examined their touch-based gesture preferences in terms of the number of strokes, multitouch, and shape angles. For this reason, a wireless system was created to record sample gestures from various participants simultaneously while monitoring the capture process.

People with visual impairment typically cannot travel without guidance due to the inaccuracy of current navigation systems in describing roads and especially sidewalks. Thus, the author of Gintner et al. (2017) aims to design a system to guide people with visual impairments based on geographical features and addresses them through a user interface that converts text to audio using a built-in voiceover engine (Apple iOS). The system was evaluated positively in terms of accessibility and usability as tested in a qualitative study involving six participants with visual impairment.

Based on challenges faced by visually impaired game developers, Ara’ujo et al. (2017) provides guidance for developers to provide accessibility in digital games by using audio guidance for players with visual impairments. The interactions of the player can be conveyed through audio and other basic mobile device components with criteria focused on the game level and speed adjustments, high contrast interfaces, accessible menus, and friendly design. Without braille, people with visual impairments cannot read, but braille is expensive and takes effort, and so it is important to propose technology to facilitate reading for them. In Sabab & Ashmafee (2016) , the author proposed developing a mobile application called “Blind Reader” that reads an audio document and allows the user to interact with the application to gain knowledge. This application was evaluated with 11 participants, and the participants were satisfied with the application. Videos are an important form of digital media, and unfortunately people with visual impairment cannot access these videos. Therefore, Façanha et al. (2016) aims to discover sound synthesis techniques to maximize and accelerate the production of audio descriptions with low-cost phonetic description tools. This tool has been evaluated based on usability with eight people and resulted in a high acceptance rate among users.

1- Indoor navigation

Visually impaired people face critical problems when navigating from one place to another. Whether indoors or outdoors, they tend to stay in one place to avoid the risk of injury or seek the help of a sighted person before moving ( Al-Khalifa & Al-Razgan, 2016 ). Thus, aid in navigation is essential for those individuals. In Nair et al. (2020) , Nair developed an application called ASSIST, which leverages Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons and augmented reality (AR) to help visually impaired people move around cluttered indoor places ( e.g. , subways) and provide the needed safe guidance, just like having a sighted person lead the way. In the subway example, the beacons will be distributed across the halls of the subway and the application will detect them. Sensors and cameras attached to the individual will detect their exact location and send the data to the application. The application will then give a sequence of audio feedback explaining how to move around the place to reach a specific point ( e.g. , “in 50 ft turn right”, “now turn left”, “you will reach the destination in 20 steps”). The application also has an interface for sighted and low-vision users that shows the next steps and instructions. A usability study was conducted to test different aspects of the proposed solution. The majority of the participants agreed that they could easily reach a specified location using the application without the help of a sighted person. A survey conducted to give suggestions from the participants for future improvements showed that most participants wanted to attach their phones to their bodies and for the application to consider the different walking speeds of users. They were happy with the audio and vibration feedback that was given before each step or turn they had to take.

In Al-Khalifa & Al-Razgan (2016) , the main purpose of the study was to provide an Arabic-language application for guidance inside buildings using Google Glass and an associated mobile application. First, the building plan must be set by a sighted person who configures the different locations needed. Ebsar will ask the map builder to mark each interesting location with a QR code and generate a room number, and the required steps and turns are tracked using the mobile device’s built-in compass and accelerometer features. All of these are recorded in the application for the use of a visually impaired individual, and at the end, a full map is generated for the building. After setting the building map, a user can navigate inside the building with the help of Ebsar, paired with Google Glass, for input and output purposes. The efficiency, effectiveness, and levels of user satisfaction with this solution were evaluated. The results showed that the errors made were few, indicating that Ebsar is highly effective. The time consumed in performing tasks ranged from medium to low depending on the task; this can be improved later. Interviews with participants indicated the application’s ease of use. De Borba Campos et al. (2015) shows an application simulating a museum map for people with visual impairments. It discusses whether mental maps and interactive games can be used by people with visual impairments to recognize the space around them. After multiple usability evaluation sessions, the mobile application showed high efficiency among participants in understanding the museum’s map without repeating the visitation. The authors make a few suggestions based on feedback from the participants regarding enhancing usability, including using audio cues, adding contextual help to realise the activities carried around in a space, and focusing on audio feedback instead of graphics.

2- Outdoor navigation

Outdoor navigation is also commonly discussed in the literature. In Darvishy et al. (2020) , Touch Explorer was presented to alleviate many of the problems faced by visually impaired people in navigation by developing a non-visual mobile digital map. The application relies on three major methods of communication with the user: voice output, vibration feedback, and everyday sounds. The prototype was developed using simple abstract visuals and mostly relies on voice for explanation of the content. Usability tests show the great impact the prototype had on the understanding of the elements of the map. Few suggestions were given by the participants to increase usability, including GPS localization to locate the user on the map, a scale element for measuring the distance between two map elements, and an address search function.

In Hossain, Qaiduzzaman & Rahman (2020) , a navigation application called Sightless Helper was developed to provide a safe navigation method for people with visual impairments. It relies on footstep counting and GPS location to provide the needed guidance. It can also ensure safe navigation by detect objects and unsafe areas and can detect unusual shaking of the user and alert an emergency contact about the problem. The user interaction categories are voice recognition, touchpad, buttons, and shaking sensors. After multiple evaluations, the application was found to be useful in different scenarios and was considered usable by people with visual impairments. The authors in Long et al. (2016) propose an application that uses both updates from users and information about the real world to help visually impaired people navigate outdoor settings. After interviews with participants, some design goals were set, including the ability to tag an obstacle on the map, check the weather, and provide an emergency service. The application was evaluated and was found to be of great benefit; users made few errors and found it easy to use. In Prerana et al. (2019) , a mobile application called STAVI was presented to help visually impaired people navigate from a source to a destination safely and avoid issues of re-routing. The application depends on voice commands and voice output. The application also has additional features, such as calling, messages, and emergency help. The authors in Bandukda et al. (2020) helped people with visual impairments explore parks and natural spaces using a framework called PLACES. Different interviews and surveys were conducted to identify the issues visually impaired people face when they want to do any leisure activity. These were considered in the development of the framework, and some design directions were presented, such as the use of audio to share an experience.

3- General issues

The authors in Maly et al. (2015) discuss implementing an evaluation model to assess the usability of a navigation application and to understand the issues of communication with mobile applications that people with visual impairments face. The evaluation tool was designed using a client–server architecture and was applied to test the usability of an existing navigation application. The tool was successful in capturing many issues related to navigation and user behavior, especially the issue of different timing between the actual voice instruction and the position of the user. The authors in Kameswaran et al. (2020) conducted a study to find out which navigation technologies blind people can use and to understand the complementarity between navigation technologies and their impact on navigation for visually impaired users. The results of the study show that visually impaired people use both assistive technologies and those designed for non-visually impaired users. Improving voice agents in navigation applications was discussed as a design implication for the visually impaired. In Skulimowski et al. (2019) , the authors show how interactive sonification can be used in simple travel aids for the blind. It uses depth images and a histogram called U-depth, which is simple auditory representations for blind users. The vital feature of this system is that it enables the user to interactively select a 3D scene region for sonification by touching the phone screen. This sonic representation of 3D scenes allows users to identify the environment’s general appearance and determine objects’ distance. The prototype structure was tested by three blind individuals who successfully performed the indoor task. Among the test scenes used included walking along an empty corridor, walking along a corridor with obstacles, and locating an opening between obstacles. However, the results showed that it took a long time for the testers to locate narrow spaces between obstacles.

RQ6: What evaluation methods were used in the studies on usability for visually impaired people that were reviewed?

The most prevalent methods to evaluate the usability of applications were surveys and interviews. These were used to determine the usability of the proposed solutions and obtain feedback and suggestions regarding additional features needed to enhance the usability from the participants’ points of view. Focus groups were also used extensively in the literature. Many of the participants selected were blindfolded and were not actually blind or visually impaired. Moreover, the samples selected for the evaluation methods mentioned above considered the age factor depending on the study’s needs.

Limitation and future work

The limitations of this paper are mainly related to the methodology followed. Focusing on just eight online databases and restricting the search with the previously specified keywords and string may have limited the number of search results. Additionally, a large number of papers were excluded because they were written in other languages. Access limitations were also faced due to some libraries asking for fees to access the papers. Therefore, for future works, a study to expand on the SLR results and reveal the current usability models of mobile applications for the visually impaired to verify the SLR results is needed so that this work contributes positively to assessing difficulties and expanding the field of usability of mobile applications for users with visual impairments.


In recent years, the number of applications focused on people with visual impairments has grown, which has led to positive enhancements in those people’s lives, especially if they do not have people around to assist them. In this paper, the research papers focusing on usability for visually impaired users were analyzed and classified into seven themes: accessibility, daily activities, assistive devices, gestures, navigation, screen division layout, and audio guidance. We found that various research studies focus on accessibility of mobile applications to ensure that the same user experience is available to all users, regardless of their abilities. We found many studies that focus on how the design of the applications can assist in performing daily life activities like braille-based application studies and applications to enhance the independence of VI users. We also found papers that discuss the role of assistive devices like screen readers and wearable devices in solving challenges faced by VI users and thus improving their quality of life. We also found that some research papers discuss limited mobility of some gestures for VI users and investigated ways in which we can know what gestures are usable by people with visual impairments. We found many research papers that focus on improving navigation for VI users by incorporating different output modalities like sound and vibration. We also found various studies focusing on screen division layout. By dividing the screen and focusing on visual impairment-related issues while developing user interfaces, visually impaired users can easily locate the objects and items on the screens. Finally, we found papers that focus on audio guidance to improve usability. The proposed applications use voice-over and speech interactions to guide visually impaired users in performing different activities through their mobiles. Most of the researchers focused on usability in different applications and evaluated the usability issues of these applications with visually impaired participants. Some of the studies included sighted participants to compare the number and type of problems they faced. The usability evaluation was generally based on the following criteria: accessibility, efficiency, learnability, memorability, errors, safety, and satisfaction. Many of the studied applications show a good indication of these applications’ usability and follow the participants’ comments to ensure additional enhancements in usability. This paper aims to provide an overview of the developments on usability of mobile applications for people with visual impairments and use this overview to highlight potential future directions.

References selected for each theme.

No.Name of the studyCategory
1.Making mobile map applications accessible for visually impaired peopleAccessibility
2.With most of it being pictures now, I rarely use it’ Understanding Twitter’s Evolving Accessibility to Blind Users.Accessibility
3.Usability of user-centric mobile application design from visually impaired people’s perspective.Accessibility
4.Blindsense: An accessibility-inclusive universal user interface for blind people.Accessibility
5.Acc-MobileCheck: a Checklist for Usability and Accessibility Evaluation of Mobile Applications.Accessibility
6.Visually Impaired Accessibility Heuristics Proposal for e-Commerce Mobile Applications.Accessibility
7.Accessibility or Usability of the User Interfaces for Visually Impaired Users? A Comparative Study.Accessibility
8.Accessibility and Usability Problems Encountered on Websites and Applications in Mobile Devices by Blind and Normal-Vision Users.Accessibility
9.Preliminary Evaluation of Interactive Search Engine Interface for Visually Impaired Users.Accessibility
10.Accessibility Challenges of Hybrid Mobile Applications.Accessibility
11.Evaluation of touchscreen assistive technology for visually disabled users.Assistive devices
12.Interactive sonification of U-depth images in a navigation aid for the visually impaired.Assistive devices
13.UniPass: design and evaluation of a smart device-based password manager for visually impaired users.Assistive devices
14.The Effect of the Usage of Computer-Based Assistive Devices on the Functioning and Quality of Life of Individuals who are Blind or have low Vision.Assistive devices
15.A survey of assistive technologies and applications for blind users on mobile platforms: a review and foundation for research.Assistive devices
16.An insight into smartphone-based assistive solutions for visually impaired and blind people: issues, challenges and opportunities.Assistive devices
17.OCR based facilitator for the visually challenged.Assistive devices
18.The interaction experiences of visually impaired people with assistive technology: A case study of smartphones.Assistive devices
19.Social Media Platforms for Low-Income Blind People in India.Assistive devices
20.Understanding In-Situ Use of Commonly Available Navigation Technologies by People with Visual Impairments.Assistive devices
21.A Survey on the Use of Mobile Applications for People who Are Visually Impaired.Assistive devices
22.Smart Electronic Stick for Visually Impaired using Android Application and Google’s Cloud Vision.Assistive devices
23.Advances in implantable bionic devices for blindness: a review.Assistive devices
24.An interactive math braille learning application to assist blind students in Bangladesh.Daily activities
25.Usability evaluation of a mobile phone-based braille learning application ‘mbraille.Daily activities
26.Design and usability of a braille-based mobile audiogame environment.Daily activities
27.SparshJa: A User-Centric Mobile Application Designed for Visually Impaired.Daily activities
28.Do you like my outfit?: Cromnia, a mobile assistant for blind users.Daily activities
29.Usability in the app Interface Designing for the Elderly with Low-Vision in Taiwan and Thailand.Daily activities
30.Developing Apps for Visually Impaired People: Lessons Learned from Practice.Daily activities
31.Design and development of a mobile app of drug information for people with visual impairment.Daily activities
32.Assessing Inconspicuous Smartphone Authentication for Blind People.Daily activities
33.LR’ˆotulos: A Mobile Application Based on Text Recognition in Images to Assist Visually Impaired People.Daily activities
34.Getting Smartphones to Talkback: Understanding the Smartphone Adoption Process of Blind Users.Daily activities
35.Evaluating Smartphone Screen Divisions for Designing Blind-Friendly Touch-Based Interfaces.Screen division layout
36.Blind-friendly user interfaces–a pilot study on improving the accessibility of touchscreen interfaces.Screen division layout
37.Accessible touchscreen technology for people with visual impairments: a survey.Screen division layout
38.Touchscreen-based haptic information access for assisting blind and visually-impaired users: Perceptual parameters and design guidelines.Screen division layout
39.Accessible Question Types on a Touch-Screen Device: The Case of a Mobile Game App for Blind People.Screen division layout
40.Touchscreen Based Text-Entry for Visually-Impaired Users.Screen division layout
41.An evaluation of SingleTapBraille keyboard: a text entry method that utilizes braille patterns on touchscreen devices.Screen division layout
42.A touch-sensitive keypad layout for improved usability of smartphones for the blind and visually impaired persons.Screen division layout
43.BraillePassword: accessible web authentication technique on touchscreen devices.Screen division layout
44.An evaluation of the brailleenter keyboard: An input method based on braille patterns for touchscreen devices.Gestures
45.Analyzing visually impaired people’s touch gestures on smartphones.Gestures
46.Evaluation of touchscreen assistive technology for visually disabled users.Gestures
47.Improving reverse geocoding: Localization of blind pedestrians using conversational UI.Audio guidance
48.Mobile Audio Games Accessibility Evaluation for Users Who Are Blind.Audio guidance
49.Blind Reader: An intelligent assistant for blind.Audio guidance
50.Audio Description of Videos for People with Visual Disabilities.Audio guidance
51.Ebsar: Indoor guidance for the visually impaired,” Computers & Electrical Engineering.Navigation
52.ASSIST: Evaluating the usability and performance of an indoor navigation assistant for blind and visually impaired people.Navigation
53.Usability evaluation of a mobile navigation application for blind users.Navigation
54.Touch Explorer: Exploring Digital Maps for Visually Impaired People.Navigation
55.Emotion enabled assistive tool to enhance dyadic conversation for the blindNavigation
56.Sightless Helper: An Interactive Mobile Application for Blind Assistance and Safe Navigation.Navigation
57.Using a mobile application to help visually impaired individuals explore the outdoors.Navigation
58.STAVI: Smart Travelling Application for the Visually Impaired.Navigation
59.PLACES: A Framework for Supporting Blind and Partially Sighted People in Outdoor Leisure Activities.Navigation
60.Qualitative measures for evaluation of navigation applications for visually impaired.Navigation

Funding Statement

This research project was supported by a grant from the Research Center of the Female Scientific and Medical Colleges, Deanship of Scientific Research, King Saud University. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Additional Information and Declarations

The authors declare there are no competing interests.

Muna Al-Razgan , Sarah Almoaiqel , Nuha Alrajhi , Alyah Alhumegani , Abeer Alshehri , Bashayr Alnefaie , Raghad AlKhamiss and Shahad Rushdi conceived and designed the experiments, performed the experiments, analyzed the data, performed the computation work, prepared figures and/or tables, authored or reviewed drafts of the paper, and approved the final draft.

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Usability of mobile applications: Literature review and rationale for a new usability model

  • January 2013
  • Journal of Interaction Science 1(1)

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  • Oxford Brookes University

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Literature Review On Mobile Application Development Effort Estimation and Sizing Measurement

Profile image of Sheun Paul

Mobile Application are new emerging technology dominating the software engineering platform, this new technology comes with new features, restrictions and new possibilities which does not exist before. Building capable software for this new environment comes with new requirement, constrains and characteristics that are not used in the previous traditional estimation method. In this paper we analyses the identified characteristics that directly interfere with mobile application development. We also analyzed the most common current estimation method that has been used to measure mobile application effort and size and we propose Objective for future estimation method that should be able to measure mobile application development effort and sizing measurement.

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  • Published: 31 July 2024

Ozone therapy in musculoskeletal medicine: a comprehensive review

  • Madhan Jeyaraman   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Naveen Jeyaraman   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Swaminathan Ramasubramanian   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Sangeetha Balaji   ORCID: 2 ,
  • Arulkumar Nallakumarasamy   ORCID: 3 ,
  • Bishnu Prasad Patro   ORCID: 4 &
  • Filippo Migliorini   ORCID: 5 , 6 , 7  

European Journal of Medical Research volume  29 , Article number:  398 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Musculoskeletal disorders encompass a wide range of conditions that impact the bones, joints, muscles, and connective tissues within the body. Despite the ongoing debate on toxicity and administration, ozone demonstrated promise in managing several musculoskeletal disorders, modulating pain and inflammation. A literature search was conducted. The research design, methods, findings, and conclusions of the studies were then examined to evaluate the physiological effects, clinical application, controversies, and safety of the application of ozone in musculoskeletal medicine. Ozone application demonstrates considerable therapeutic applications in the management of musculoskeletal disorders, including fractures, osteoarthritis, and chronic pain syndromes. Despite these advantages, studies have raised concerns regarding its potential toxicity and emphasized the importance of adhering to stringent administration protocols to ensure safety. Additionally, heterogeneities in patient reactions and hazards from oxidizing agents were observed. Given its anti-inflammatory and analgesic qualities, ozone therapy holds potential in the management of several musculoskeletal disorders. Additional high-quality research with long follow-up is required to refine indications, efficacy and safety profile. Finally, for wider clinical acceptability and utilization, the development of international recommendations is essential.


Ozone therapy is an innovative modality which gained growing attention in medical science, especially in musculoskeletal medicine [ 1 ]. Administered as a mixture of oxygen and ozone gases, it stimulates physiological responses, particularly anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects [ 2 , 3 ]. By doing so, ozone therapy is administered in various acute and chronic musculoskeletal disorders such as fractures [ 4 , 5 , 6 ], osteoarthritis (OA) [ 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ], low back ache [ 11 , 12 ], osteomyelitis [ 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 ], and chronic pain syndromes [ 17 , 18 , 19 ]. Beyond orthopaedic applications, ozone therapy has shown potential in treating conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) using different modalities such as ozonated water, ozone oil, and ozone gas [ 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 , 24 ]. Tailored routes of administration, ranging from enteral ozonated oil [ingestion], enteral ozonated water [ingestion], parenteral oxygen/ozone gas mixture [intramuscular, subcutaneous, intratonsillar, intrathecal, intraperitoneal, periganglionic, intraforaminal, paravertebral, intra-articular, intradiscal, oral submucous, supralaminar, epidural, penile, and intravenous], parenteral ozonated water [intra-tumoral], systemic [minor autohemotherapy (MiAH), major autohemotherapy (MAH), extracorporeal blood oxygenation and ozonation (EBOO), intravenous, and rectal insufflation], topical ozonated water [wound wash, ozonized balneotherapy, mouth wash, irrigation (nasal, sinus, otological, vaginal, intrauterine, intestinal, and intravesical), and sauna therapy, topical oxygen/ozone gas mixture [insufflation (ontological, intrafistula, intrauterine, and intravesical) and hyperbaric bagging], topical ozonated oil [embrocation and inhalation], and topical ozonated saline solution [wound wash, mouth wash, irrigation (saline, ontological, vaginal, intrauterine, and intravesical)], highlight its versatility [ 18 , 25 , 26 , 27 ]. In orthopaedic practice, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intrathecal, periganglionic, intraforaminal, paravertebral, intra-articular, intradiscal, oral submucous, supralaminar, epidural, intravenous routes are used. However, besides its therapeutic potential, concerns about ozone toxicity and the importance of adhering to safe administration protocols cannot be overlooked [ 21 , 25 , 26 , 28 ]. Prolonged inhalation of tropospheric ozone has been linked to detrimental impacts on the respiratory system and vital organs, inducing chronic oxidative stress and inflammation across multiple organs [ 29 ]. However, in controlled therapeutic settings, ozone therapy has demonstrated calculated oxidative stress induction, which activates therapeutic benefits without resulting in acute or chronic toxicity [ 29 ]. Caution is warranted to ensure that ozone doses do not surpass the blood’s antioxidant capacity to prevent potential toxicity [ 30 ]. While ozone therapy has the potential to enhance erythrocyte characteristics, correct hypoxia in diseases, and increase ATP levels through glycolysis activation, precise application is essential to avoid toxicity concerns [ 30 ]. The existing evidence is divided between its clinical benefits and potential risks as an oxidizing agent, further nuanced by variability in patient responses [ 28 ]. Despite its environmental implications as a pollutant, when administered under controlled conditions, ozone therapeutic potential in musculoskeletal conditions, including OA and herniated discs, is documented [ 20 , 25 , 26 ]. Therefore, ozone therapy emerges as a potent yet intricate intervention, necessitating further in-depth scientific scrutiny.

Numerous studies have explored ozone therapy, yet discrepancies persist, yielding variable results. Existing literature on ozone therapy reveals research gaps: limited comparative studies between treatments, unclear safety and effectiveness in various musculoskeletal conditions and insufficient understanding of anti-inflammatory effects [ 3 , 18 , 31 ]. Reviews frequently concentrate on specialized areas, prompting the necessity for a comprehensive review to address lacunae. In light of these controversies, this review critically evaluates the current evidence on the utilization of ozone in musculoskeletal disorders.

Effects of ozone

Ozone therapy, with its multifaceted therapeutic capacities, has demonstrated notable physiological effects across various medical arenas. Its primary mechanism centres on enhancing tissue oxygenation, an indispensable component of cellular metabolism, by augmenting oxygen delivery to hypoxic tissues, thereby fostering optimal conditions for metabolic and repair processes [ 20 , 26 , 32 ]. For systemic administration of ozone, such as in major autohemotherapy (MAH), the concentration range should fall within 10–40 μg/mL, with 10–20 μg/mL of blood considered biologically relevant. It is advisable to administer a total ozone amount of 500–1000 μg per 50 mL of blood during MAH treatment. This induces the production of pharmacologically active hydroxy hydroperoxides, referred to as “ozone peroxides” [ 15 , 25 ]. These compounds play a pivotal role in modulating endogenous antioxidant systems, particularly through interactions with the glutathione system [ 15 ]. A salient feature of ozone therapy is its proficiency in managing oxidative stress (Fig.  1 ), amplifying cellular antioxidant mechanisms while tempering the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) [ 3 , 33 ]. Specifically, ozone engages with cysteine residues and glutathione, catalysing signal processes that support the bioregulation of enzymatic antioxidants [ 15 ]. This aptitude for oxidative stress modulation is important in conditions marked by persistent inflammation and immune system anomalies [ 3 , 17 ]. Notably, ozone moderates inflammation by curtailing pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin 6 (IL-6), and simultaneously promotes anabolic activity, as evident by elevated insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels [ 33 , 34 ]. In addition, ozone therapy exerts a regulatory effect on key transcription factors: it activates Nrf2, endorsing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory responses, while concurrently inhibiting NF-kB, integral in inflammation regulation [ 18 , 33 , 35 , 36 ]. The therapy also modulates the synthesis of prostaglandins, impacts bradykinin release [ 26 ], and optimizes immune functions, particularly enhancing the activity of macrophages pivotal to immune reactions [ 3 , 17 ]. From a tissue repair and angiogenesis standpoint, ozone therapy stimulates the expression of proteins such as collagen I, α-SMA, and TGF-β1, facilitating fibroblast activity [ 22 ]. It also upregulates growth factors, including vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), fostering enhanced tissue regeneration [ 23 , 33 ]. Moreover, the activation of cellular signalling pathways like the PI3K/Akt/mTOR axis underscores its role in promoting the epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) process [ 22 , 37 ].

figure 1

Physiological effects of ozone

Clinically, ozone therapy has been effective in pain management, addressing conditions such as low back pain [ 18 ] and rotator cuff calcific tendinitis [ 38 ] (Fig. 2 ). Its influence extends to ameliorating microcirculatory disturbances seen in bone necrosis [ 1 ] and positively adjusting serum physiological markers, including total antioxidant capacity and lactate dehydrogenase [ 14 ], alongside inflammatory markers like the erythrocyte sedimentation rate [ 13 ]. The nuanced mechanisms of action underlying ozone therapy, ranging from improved oxygenation and oxidative stress modulation to anti-inflammatory effects, immune system enhancements, and tissue repair, validate its rising interest as a potential adjunctive treatment for several medical conditions. Its multifaceted physiological interactions render it an asset in contemporary clinical practice.

figure 2

Applications of metamizole in musculoskeletal medicine

Clinical applications of ozone in orthopaedics

Fracture non-union posed challenges in orthopaedic medicine, prompting the exploration of novel approaches [ 39 ]. In this context, ozone therapy garnered attention for its potential to enhance bone healing. Experimental studies using animal models, especially those with critical size defects, have demonstrated its efficacy. Duman et al. documented improved aspects of bone healing in a rat femoral fracture model with ozone therapy, noting enhanced union, bone formation, and bone marrow organization [ 40 ]. These findings align with those of Irban et al., who observed increased periosteal thickness and trabecular formation, thereby solidifying ozone therapy prospective role in bone regeneration [ 41 ]. These preclinical insights are bolstered by clinical evidence underscoring the therapy benefits. Shah et al. detailed a case wherein ozone therapy expedited wound healing and infection resolution over a tibial area, resulting in the patient regained ability to walk within 20 months [ 42 ]. Beyond fracture healing, ozone therapy has demonstrated effectiveness in pain management. Sconza et al. identified a comparable efficacy between ozone therapy and hyaluronic acid injections for knee OA pain alleviation and functional improvement [ 8 ]. Additionally, in comparison with low-level laser therapy, ozone therapy evidenced superior performance in promoting bone formation in rat calvarial defects [ 5 ]. Irban et al. conducted a comprehensive examination revealing ozone therapy profound impact on bone healing. Beyond the observed increase in periosteal thickness and trabecular areas, there was a marked elevation in vital growth factors and proteins, such as VEGF, β-catenin, and TGF-β, in the ozone-administered group versus the control [ 41 ]. Nevertheless, while the existing evidence is promising, it is crucial to address the current methodological limitations. Bennett et al. systematic review highlighted concerns regarding the quality of studies on the prevention or treatment of fracture non-union, pinpointing issues like lack of method standardization, inconsistent outcome measures, and inadequate reporting, which currently hampers the feasibility of meta-analyses [ 4 ].


The advent of ozone therapy modalities, specifically O 2 –O 3 therapy and oxygen–ozone therapy (OOT), has significantly enriched the therapeutic spectrum for knee OA. These interventions, recognized for their ability to modulate oxidative stress and suppress pro-inflammatory cytokines, offer pain relief and functional enhancement in patients with knee OA [ 3 , 43 , 44 ]. Ozone therapy yields outcomes in pain, stiffness, and overall function comparable to the traditionally favoured hyaluronic acid injections [ 8 ]. Fernandez et al. observed its effectiveness through intra-articular injections for knee OA, resulting in symptomatic relief and improved physical function [ 33 ]. Comparative trials, such as those juxtaposing the efficacy of ozone prolotherapy and intra-articular hypertonic saline, found both modalities to be therapeutically analogous [ 45 ]. Periodic intra-articular ozone injections have been advocated for their consistent pain amelioration, joint function enhancement, and overall quality of life improvement, alongside a commendable safety profile [ 10 ]. These favourable findings merit a balanced perspective. A systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) pinpointed the generally subpar methodological quality in the prevailing research on this topic [ 4 ]. A previous review on OOT for knee OA reinforced this finding, suggesting that while short to medium-term results were encouraging, the included RCTs exhibited discernible methodological constraints [ 8 ]. When juxtaposing ozone therapy with hyaluronic acid injections, both modalities manifested significant advancements in pain, stiffness, and function across various time points, including 1, 3, and 6 months of follow-ups [ 46 ]. The anti-inflammatory and anabolic attributes of ozone therapy have garnered notable attention. Fernandez-Cuadros et al. documented reductions in inflammatory markers such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and uric acid, coupled with pain alleviation and functional improvements spanning all grades of knee OA [ 33 ]. Farpour et al. findings echoed this, revealing that both ozone prolotherapy and intra-articular hypertonic saline injections offered parallel therapeutic benefits [ 45 ]. Moreover, a specific RCT highlighted the potential of weekly ozone injections over 8 weeks, emphasizing discernible pain reduction, improved joint functionality, and enhanced life quality [ 10 ]. While the prevailing literature accentuates the prospective benefits of ozone therapy in knee OA management, it simultaneously underscores methodological inadequacies in the current research landscape. To unequivocally establish ozone therapy standing as an efficacious knee OA treatment, there is an undeniable need for comprehensive, multicentre RCTs with extended follow-ups to corroborate its long-term benefits and reliability.

Osteonecrosis of the femoral head

Ozone therapy has emerged as a promising alternative in treating osteonecrosis of the femoral head, especially for patients unresponsive to traditional therapeutic approaches. The therapy effectiveness is rooted in its capacity to promote neovascularization and immunoregulation, both pivotal for repairing hypoxic-ischaemic necrosis in the femoral head [ 1 , 47 ]. Elucidating the molecular underpinnings of this treatment, An et al. highlighted the influence of differentially expressed genes, suggesting that individualized ozone therapy regimens, tailored to specific molecular markers, could be developed [ 1 ]. Complementary findings by An et al. showcased the augmented benefits of conjoining intra-articular O 2 –O 3 hip injections with O 3 -AHT (autohemotherapy). Such a combination not only ameliorated enduring pain, but also aided in mitigating bone marrow oedema across diverse stages of osteonecrosis of the femoral head. Importantly, differential clinical outcomes between patients responsive and non-responsive to ozone therapy underscored the significance of immunoregulatory pathways, particularly spotlighting the impact of mitotically active lymphocytes in modulating treatment efficacy [ 1 ]. Branching out from osteonecrosis of the femoral head, the therapeutic scope of ozone therapy has been assessed in other conditions like avascular bisphosphonate-induced jaw osteonecrosis [ 48 , 49 , 50 , 51 ]. Agrillo et al. indicated that over half of the participants experienced full lesion healing and symptom abatement, with another 30% witnessing substantial lesion diminution and symptom relief. Even though lesions persisted relatively unchanged in 16% of the patients, they still reported some alleviation in symptoms, suggesting that ozone therapy might be an effective alternative to more invasive interventions, such as bone ablation surgery, particularly for bisphosphonate-induced related jaw osteonecrosis cases [ 51 ].


Ozone therapy potential as a treatment for osteomyelitis, a challenging bone infection often unyielding to conventional modalities, has garnered increasing attention in both clinical and preclinical domains. Yasheng et al. demonstrated the effectiveness of a treatment approach combining ozonated water lavage, physiological saline irrigation, and vacuum-sealed drainage for chronic osteomyelitis. This regimen yielded significant bacterial clearance and stimulated granulation tissue formation, attesting to ozone therapy potential as a reliable intervention [ 16 ]. Further, Shetty et al. highlighted its adaptability in specialized cases, showcasing its efficacy in neonatal mandibular osteomyelitis when combined with intravenous vancomycin antibiotics. The route of ozone administration involves the local application of ozonated water to the lesional site. The ozonated water is prepared by infusing three cycles of ozonated gas into 100 mL of saline over a 24-h p24 hours [ 52 ]. Animal studies bolster these clinical observations. Bilge et al., using a rat osteomyelitis model, noted improved histopathological parameters, suggesting ozone therapy has potent anti-inflammatory attributes [ 14 ]. Focusing on inflammatory markers, Nabi et al. reported the therapy positive impact on indices like the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, documenting a commendable 86.66% recovery in a patient cohort [ 13 ]. This line of exploration aligns with Shah et al. emphasis on ozone inherent disinfectant and antibacterial properties, positioning it as a beneficial option for extensive orthopaedic conditions, including osteomyelitis [ 42 ]. Furthermore, ozone therapy role extends to conditions such as bisphosphonate-related jaw osteonecrosis. Agrillo et al. evidenced complete healing in a significant patient proportion and substantial symptom relief in others [ 51 ]. An RCT delving into ozone therapy for chronic osteomyelitis showed the treatment group exhibiting marginally improved recovery rates and inflammatory indices, without notable adverse events, although the observed difference was not statistically significant [ 13 ].

Adhesive capsulitis

Recent randomized controlled trials have sought to discern the optimal treatment strategy for adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder. Foula et al. compared the therapeutic merits of ultrasound-guided intra-articular injections, specifically contrasting ozone, steroid, and pulsed radiofrequency. The equipment utilized in the study employed platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) generators, which emit oscillating pulses spanning a frequency range of 420–500 kHz. These pulses have an amplitude of 45 V and a duration of 20 ms, followed by a silent period lasting 480 ms. Their results indicated the superior long-term efficacy of pulsed radiofrequency in symptom alleviation compared to its counterparts, ozone and steroid injections [ 53 ]. Another study echoed the benefits of these ultrasound-guided intra-articular injections in treating shoulder adhesive capsulitis. It documented marked improvements in pain, disability, range of motion (ROM), and inflammation across all intervention groups. Notably, visual analogue scale (VAS) scores during movement exhibited significant enhancements from the second week onward, persisting through the fourth and eighth weeks for all interventions. The steroid group, in particular, showed early improvements with VAS scores at rest enhancing from the initial week. ROM and the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) scores also reported progress from the second week. Moreover, consistent reductions in inflammatory markers, intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), were observed across the groups [ 53 ]. While both studies validate the efficacy of ultrasound-guided intra-articular injections in managing adhesive capsulitis symptoms, Foula et al. findings distinctly spotlight pulsed radiofrequency advantage for sustained symptom relief [ 53 ]. Concurrently, the subsequent study provides a more holistic perspective, underscoring the significant short-term benefits of both ozone and steroid injections, in addition to pulsed radiofrequency. Thus, pulsed radiofrequency stands out for its long-term therapeutic potential. Still, all modalities, including ozone and steroids, remain significant contenders in the short-term therapeutic landscape for adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder.


Ozone therapy is progressively gaining prominence in managing various musculoskeletal conditions, especially tendinopathies [ 20 , 38 , 54 , 55 , 56 ]. Hidalgo-Tallon et al., spotlighted the therapy efficacy in treating subacromial tendinopathy, illustrating its advantage over mesotherapy and steroid injections [ 2 ]. Complementary research by Dong et al. [ 38 ] and Atar et al. [ 56 ] further substantiated these findings, suggesting ozone therapy potential in managing conditions like rotator cuff calcific tendinitis and chronic supraspinatus tendinopathy. These studies suggest that ozone injections are comparable to corticosteroid injections in alleviating symptoms. Further broadening the scope of ozone therapy, the modality matches corticosteroid injections in delivering significant relief from chronic plantar fasciitis [ 55 ]. This not only accentuates ozone therapy versatility, but also positions it as a potent alternative to established treatments. In the realm of sports medicine, the ozone therapy utility is becoming apparent. Hidalgo-Tallon et al. showcased ozone therapy benefits in managing hamstring injuries among professional athletes, noting pronounced pain reduction and functional improvements [ 57 ]. Seyam et al. highlighted positive outcomes from ultrasound-guided ozone therapy for partial supraspinatus tendon tears [ 20 ]. Furthermore, with an emphasis on compassionate care and treatment-resistant cases, Hidalgo-Tallon et al. proposed ozone therapy as an invaluable tool [ 2 ]. While ongoing research is geared towards elucidating ozone therapy comprehensive efficacy relative to corticosteroid injections in treating rotator cuff calcific tendinitis, definitive outcomes remain anticipated [ 38 ]. Additionally, animal studies such as the one by Gurger et al. spotlight the augmented effect of combining ozone therapy with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) on tendon-to-bone healing. This particular study revealed the duo potential in enhancing biomechanical strength, collagen fibre continuity, and alignment, thus hinting at the possibility of using ozonized PRP as a biological catalyst in tendon healing processes [ 58 ]. Lastly, Atar et al. randomized controlled trial buttressed the comparable therapeutic potency of ozone and corticosteroid injections for chronic supraspinatus tendinopathy in terms of pain relief, life quality, and functionality, though emphasizing the need for extended studies to gauge long-term outcomes [ 56 ].

Rheumatic pathologies

Ozone therapy has emerged as a noteworthy intervention in the realm of rheumatic diseases, driven primarily by its capacities to modulate oxidative stress and attenuate pro-inflammatory cytokines [ 3 ]. Rheumatoid arthritis stands as a significant context where ozone therapy is increasingly being validated for methotrexate (MTX) efficacy for clinical response and improves cellular redox balance [ 59 , 60 , 61 ]. In animal models induced by Freund complete adjuvant and another experimental model, studies by Bozbas et al. and Zhao et al., respectively, observed marked attenuation of symptoms, histopathological signs of inflammation, and reductions in pro-inflammatory cytokines [ 62 , 63 ]. Furthermore, Patel et al. postulate the potential dual application of ozone therapy, both as a primary treatment and synergistically alongside stem cell therapy or natural medicines [ 64 ]. Complementing its standalone utility, ozone therapy demonstrates promise as an adjunctive approach in conventional treatment protocols for rheumatoid arthritis. Fernandez et al. explored its potential combined with methotrexate (MTX), finding enhanced therapeutic outcomes of MTX in rheumatoid arthritis [ 61 ]. This combined approach not only mitigated disease activity, but also reinforced the antioxidant system, accentuating ozone therapeutic complementarity [ 61 ]. Beyond rheumatoid arthritis, the application spectrum of ozone therapy expands to other rheumatic conditions. Studies by Seyam et al. and Tartari et al. also spotlighted ozone therapy role in modulating oxidative damage in systemic sclerosis and its potential applicability in systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases via cytokine profile adjustments [ 20 , 60 ]. However, nuances exist in the broader application of ozone. Zhao et al. study pointed to a correlation between fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure and systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases, yet did not firmly link ozone exposure with the onset of these diseases [ 63 ]. While another study affirmed ozone therapy benefits in reducing inflammation and arthritis severity in an animal model with rheumatoid arthritis, the alterations in oxidative stress markers remained statistically inconclusive [ 62 ].

Chronic pain syndromes

Ozone therapy has solidified its position as an effective therapeutic modality in managing an array of chronic pain conditions. Particularly, intramuscular injections of the O 2 –O 3 mixture have shown significant efficacy in alleviating cervicobrachial pain, with discernible reductions in VAS pain scores [ 65 , 66 ]. Parallel to this, intramuscular paravertebral lumbar injections of the mixture have proven fruitful in addressing low back pain, as reflected by reductions in VAS scores and enhancements in the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores [ 11 ]. This is further substantiated by studies by Andrade et al. and Biazzo et al., which emphasize the minimally invasive and effective nature of ozone therapy in lumbar pain management [ 11 , 12 ]. A meta-analysis considering ozone therapy role in lumbar pain underscores its therapeutic potential but also signals the necessity for caution due to the high or uncertain risk of bias in some of the assessed trials [ 12 ]. Beyond specific pain syndromes, ozone therapy exhibits broader mechanisms, such as oxygenation, immune modulation, and anti-inflammatory action, and has been applied to other chronic conditions like ME/CFS and CFS [ 17 , 67 , 68 , 69 ]. Furthermore, its efficacy has been observed to be comparable, if not superior, to standard treatments in Pain Units, especially when conventional therapies fall short [ 2 ]. The treatment adaptability was further highlighted in a case report detailing its successful application in an 11-year-old with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and pseudo-seizures, marking a full remission post-intervention [ 17 ]. Delving into synergistic applications, Patel presented the intriguing prospect of combining ozone therapy with stem cell interventions, particularly for rheumatoid arthritis. However, this proposal is nascent and requires in-depth exploration for both safety and effectiveness [ 64 ]. While ozone therapy therapeutic potential is increasingly acknowledged, there exists a clear mandate for more robust scientific investigation. Tartari et al. emphasize the need for clarity in indications, protocol optimization, and pinpointing the patient demographics most likely to benefit [ 60 ]. Thus, despite the growing advocacy for ozone therapy as a versatile and efficient treatment modality in chronic pain management, its broad clinical application demands further empirical rigour.


Ozone therapy has emerged as a viable therapeutic option in addressing chronic conditions marked by fatigue and musculoskeletal pain, particularly myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) [ 67 , 68 , 69 , 70 ] and fibromyalgia [ 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 ]. In patients with ME/CFS, oxygen–ozone autohemotherapy (O 2 –O 3 -AHT) has been linked to significant clinical advantages. After O 2 –O 3 -AHT, approximately 43.5% of participants experienced a marked reduction in fatigue symptoms, with these benefits persisting for at least 3 months across diverse demographics [ 68 ]. The therapy impact on ME/CFS extends beyond symptom alleviation, showing potential in modulating metabolic pathways, oxidative stress, antioxidant systems, and immune and inflammatory responses [ 67 ]. Simultaneously, for fibromyalgia, a condition which shares many symptomatic parallels with ME/CFS, rectal insufflation ozone therapy has shown significant therapeutic potential [ 66 ]. Hidalgo-Tallon et al. observed substantial improvements in fibromyalgia patients’ physical symptoms, as reflected by decreased Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire scores within the initial 4 weeks of intervention [ 66 ]. In addition to physical improvements, the therapy also positively influenced psychological parameters, evident from reduced depression scores and enhanced Physical Summary Scores on the SF-12 questionnaire [ 66 ]. Subsequent research has affirmed these findings, with notable reductions in fatigue and psychological distress in fibromyalgia patients post-ozone therapy [ 25 , 41 ]. While transient meteorism was occasionally reported, the side effects did not negate the overall beneficial outcomes of the therapy [ 66 ]. Furthermore, in a distinct study focusing on CFS, an impressive 70% of patients reported significant symptom alleviation, with the treatment presenting no major adverse effects [ 67 ]. Collectively, ozone therapy, whether through O 2 –O 3 -AHT or rectal insufflation, provides a robust therapeutic approach to the comprehensive challenges presented by ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. The therapy multifaceted mechanisms of action, coupled with its evident safety profile [ 67 , 68 , 69 ], advocate for its consideration, especially for patients who have found limited relief with other treatments [ 69 ].


Ozone therapy has been identified as a versatile therapeutic modality, demonstrating efficacy across diverse medical conditions. For avascular bisphosphonate-related jaw osteonecrosis, approximately 54% of patients achieved complete lesion healing following an average treatment duration of 6.5 months, suggesting its potential in managing such conditions [ 51 ]. Furthermore, ozone therapy has demonstrated longer-lasting symptom relief for chronic plantar fasciitis compared to corticosteroids [ 55 ].

In orthopaedics, ozone therapy has been examined for its benefits in a range of conditions, from temporomandibular joint disorders to low back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome [ 8 , 11 , 15 ]. Its application has also been extended to chronic wound and ulcer management. Topical and injected ozone treatments have enhanced wound healing by reducing inflammation, facilitating rapid wound closure, and promoting angiogenesis and fibroblast proliferation, as evident from animal studies [ 22 , 23 ]. Case studies and systematic reviews, such as those by Fitzpatrick et al. and Romary et al., highlight the efficacy of ozone therapy in promoting wound healing, especially in chronic wound scenarios [ 24 , 75 ]. Particularly for diabetic foot ulcers, ozone therapy has been credited for reducing wound size and amputation rates [ 76 , 77 , 78 , 79 , 80 ].

The mechanistic attributes of ozone therapy in tissue repair have also been explored. Studies highlight its role in promoting fibroblast migration, stimulating epithelial–mesenchymal transition via the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway, and augmenting angiogenesis [ 22 , 23 ]. A notable case study indicated the potential of combined ozone therapy in promoting the healing of extensive tibial wounds, enhancing the patient mobility [ 42 ]. In sports medicine, ozone therapy has proven valuable in managing injuries such as those in professional athletes with hamstring injuries, resulting in diminished pain, improved mobility, and enhanced perfusion [ 57 , 77 , 78 ]. Its safety and effectiveness are also corroborated by systematic reviews in pain medicine for conditions like knee OA [ 2 ]. The significant research findings and merits and de-merits of ozone therapy for various musculoskeletal conditions are jotted in Tables 1 and 2 , respectively.

Complications of ozone therapy

Ozone therapy, increasingly recognized in the scientific literature for its therapeutic potential, has demonstrated a commendable safety profile across various clinical applications when administered following established guidelines and employing an atoxic system. Clinical trials predominantly document mild and self-limiting adverse effects such as abdominal distension, lower limb hypoesthesia, and transient pain exacerbation, which typically resolve without necessitating extensive medical intervention [ 4 , 21 , 25 , 26 , 66 ]. Specifically, within the realm of musculoskeletal disorders, ozone therapy, in conditions like knee OA, has showcased a safety profile commensurate with hyaluronic acid injections, with both modalities yielding only mild, transient adverse events [ 33 , 46 ]. This safety spectrum further extends to osteomyelitis, as evidenced in a rat model study, wherein ozone therapy augmented antioxidant mechanisms devoid of adverse reactions [ 14 ]. In treating chronic wounds and ulcers, studies have reiterated the minimal risk profile of ozone therapy, emphasizing its efficacy in wound healing [ 80 ]. Nonetheless, potential complications arising from specific administration methods, such as the use of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) auto-transfusion bags contaminated with excessive citrate–phosphate–dextrose (CPD), warrant vigilance [ 21 ]. Puncture accidents during therapy and risks in populations like the elderly or those with decompensated conditions merit careful consideration [ 10 , 12 ].

Contraindications to ozone therapy are unambiguously defined, encompassing conditions like latent hypoglycaemia, hyperthyroidism, favism (due to G-6PD deficiency), pregnancy, and sickle cell anaemia. The use of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors also mandates caution with ozone therapy [ 20 , 21 ]. These contraindications are rooted in potential risks such as the prospect of hemolysis in G-6PD deficiency, mutagenic concerns during early pregnancy, and asthmatic hypersensitivity.

Prolonged exposure to ozone may adversely affect the respiratory system, fostering the release of deleterious compounds into the bloodstream and potentially resulting in multiorgan damage [ 81 ]. Cells with deficient antioxidant activity are especially vulnerable to mutagenic alterations with sustained ozone exposure [ 82 ]. High concentrations of ozone can induce DNA oxidation and exhibit genotoxic effects [ 83 ]. Within the pulmonary milieu, ozone interaction with unsaturated fatty acids can yield lipid ozonation products, engendering lipid peroxidation, perturbed membrane permeability, and subsequent activation of inflammatory mediators [ 84 ]. When ozone commingles with nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ), the ensuing photochemical smog can intensify detrimental effects. Fortunately, antioxidants like vitamins E and C, along with anti-inflammatory agents like indomethacin, can serve as protective countermeasures against such adversities [ 20 , 21 ].

Limitations of ozone therapy

Ozone therapy, emerging as a promising therapeutic modality across diverse medical conditions, including osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) and orthopaedic disorders, has garnered considerable attention. Despite promising clinical observations [ 1 , 5 , 20 , 28 , 51 , 69 ], the present study has methodological challenges which negatively impact the robustness of the findings. Notably, the prevalence of studies with small sample sizes underscores the imperative for investigations with expansive patient cohorts and prolonged follow-ups to affirm these preliminary insights [ 20 , 46 , 69 , 80 ]. The methodological quality of much extant research tempers the interpretability of results. A significant portion of these studies exhibit a high or uncertain risk of bias [ 8 , 12 ], highlighting the exigency for methodologically rigorous investigations to validate the therapeutic potential of ozone therapy [ 2 ]. A marked inconsistency in treatment protocols, as underscored by Fernandez-Cuadros et al. regarding knee OA [ 33 ], underlines the need for standardized approaches. Such consistency can lay the foundation for evidence-based guidelines, fostering the safe and efficacious deployment of ozone therapy in clinical contexts. A paramount lacuna in our current comprehension pertains to the elucidation of the exact biological and physiological mechanisms underpinning ozone therapy effects. This knowledge gap is accentuated in conditions like ONFH, where hypotheses around ozone role in neovascularization and immunoregulation remain speculative [ 1 ]. Sire et al. further highlight the necessity to broaden the research spectrum to encompass additional musculoskeletal disorders, enriching our understanding of ozone therapy applications in orthopaedics [ 18 ]. Deciphering these mechanisms is pivotal to refine and optimize treatment protocols. While the promise of ozone therapy in contexts such as wound healing in diabetic foot ulcers is evident [ 80 , 85 ], the call for high-quality randomized controlled trials (RCTs) reverberates, especially when venturing beyond specific wound types. This is emblematic of the overarching need for comprehensive, methodologically sound trials which shed light on ozone therapy influence on inflammatory mediators and its broader clinical implications [ 3 ]. Despite ozone therapy prospective benefits, it encounters significant barriers to its mainstream medical integration, most prominently the absence of FDA approval and a paucity of evidence corroborating its expansive efficacy [ 17 , 86 , 87 ]. Overcoming these challenges demands the undertaking of well-constructed research studies, adhering to rigorous scientific paradigms. By redressing these research inadequacies, the scientific community can proffer compelling evidence which vindicates the place of ozone therapy in contemporary healthcare, emphasizing its efficacy and safety vis-à-vis conventional treatments [ 24 , 75 , 80 ].

Level of evidence of ozone in orthopaedics

In this paper, the cited evidence is classified according to the Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine hierarchy. Foremost, Level 2 evidence, encompassing randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews with meta-analyses, offers the most robust validation. This calibre of evidence prominently features in discussions on osteoarthritis, osteomyelitis, tendinopathies, rheumatic pathologies, and chronic pain syndromes. The methodological rigour of Level 2 studies engenders heightened confidence in the outcomes they present as mentioned in Table  3 . Subsequently, Level 3 evidence, characterized by non-randomized controlled trials and case–control studies, emerges in contexts such as avascular necrosis, osteomyelitis, adhesive capsulitis, chronic pain syndromes, and fibromyalgia. Though not mirroring the exacting standards of Level 2 research, these Level 3 studies furnish indispensable foundational knowledge, potentially guiding subsequent, more rigorous investigations.

Lastly, a solitary study, a systematic review assessing preclinical therapies for fracture non-union, is identified as Level 4 evidence. While systematic reviews are typically accorded a higher evidential standing, the specific methodological approach of this review positions it within the Level 4 category. In summary, the literature predominantly aligns with Level 2 and Level 3 evidence, reflecting a considerable degree of scientific rigour. The limited representation of Level 4 evidence, confined to a single systematic review of fractures, accentuates the depth of the findings while simultaneously highlighting domains warranting further high-level research to corroborate assertions across diverse medical contexts.

Future prospective

The advancement of ozone therapy scientific foundation in orthopaedics demands stringent, meticulously designed randomized controlled trials with expanded sample sizes and prolonged follow-up periods [ 4 , 8 , 11 , 15 , 22 ]. Such studies should prioritize consistent, objective outcome measures to elevate their methodological quality, enabling a clearer comparison of various treatments [ 4 ]. It is essential that research impartially delineates the pros and cons of ozone therapy. A focal area of inquiry should be the interplay between constant oxidative stress and the episodic acute stress invoked by ozone treatments, a realm presently marked by uncertainty [ 40 ]. Deepening our comprehension of the molecular underpinnings guiding therapeutic responses is pivotal, not only to academic discourse but also in refining and personalizing treatment regimens for specific orthopaedic afflictions [ 1 , 28 , 65 , 85 ]. For the therapy to achieve broader clinical acceptance, the establishment of standardized guidelines is paramount. These guidelines would encapsulate the best practices for ozone administration, thereby ensuring uniformity in therapeutic approaches and the consequent predictability of clinical outcomes [ 66 ]. The identification of differentially expressed genes between positive responders and non-responders to ozone therapy can offer insights into predicting therapeutic outcomes, facilitating a more personalized therapeutic strategy [ 1 ]. Research endeavours should encompass a detailed exploration of optimal dosages, session frequencies, and treatment durations, ensuring maximized therapeutic potential across varied orthopaedic conditions [ 3 , 66 ]. Furthermore, expansive multicentre prospective studies can enhance the validation of ozone therapy’s therapeutic and safety profiles, extending its reach to broader patient demographics with a multitude of clinical conditions [ 1 , 52 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91 , 92 ]. Emphasis should also be placed on examining the specific impacts of topical ozone treatments, such as ozonated water and oils, which currently lack comprehensive evaluation in human studies [ 75 ]. The fortification of ozone therapy’s role in orthopaedics necessitates a multifaceted research approach. This encompasses the execution of rigorous trials, a deeper investigation into molecular mechanisms, and the formulation of standardized treatment protocols. Through such integrated efforts, the orthopaedic community can establish a solid evidence base, ensuring the effective and reliable clinical integration of ozone therapy.

Ozone therapy, with its multifaceted potential, is steadily gaining prominence across diverse clinical domains, notably within orthopaedics. At the physiological level, the therapy exhibits attributes crucial for orthopaedic interventions, including enhanced tissue oxygenation, modulation of oxidative stress, and anti-inflammatory properties. Such mechanisms provide potential relief in conditions such as knee OA, chronic osteomyelitis, and various chronic pain syndromes, positioning ozone therapy as a valuable adjunct or alternative when conventional treatments fall short. While the merits are evident, a comprehensive endorsement of ozone therapy in mainstream clinical practice awaits a more robust body of evidence. The imperative lies in rigorous research endeavours, particularly well-executed randomized controlled trials, to address current methodological limitations. Comprehensive studies must also delve into the precise mechanisms underpinning ozone therapy therapeutic impacts. Alongside this, the establishment of standardized treatment guidelines will be vital for its broader clinical acceptance and application. Until consolidated evidence emerges, clinicians should approach ozone therapy with circumspection, calibrating its use based on individual patient needs and clinical contexts. In essence, while ozone therapy offers considerable promise for a myriad of orthopaedic conditions, the onus is on the scientific community to further elucidate its efficacy, refine its application, and ascertain its safety profile.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available throughout the manuscript.

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Department of Orthopaedics, ACS Medical College and Hospital, Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600077, India

Madhan Jeyaraman & Naveen Jeyaraman

Department of Orthopaedics, Government Medical College, Omandurar Government Estate, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600002, India

Swaminathan Ramasubramanian & Sangeetha Balaji

Department of Orthopaedics, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER)–Karaikal, Puducherry, 605006, India

Arulkumar Nallakumarasamy

Department of Orthopaedics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 751019, India

Bishnu Prasad Patro

Department of Orthopaedic, Trauma, and Reconstructive Surgery, RWTH University Medical Centre, Pauwelsstraße 30, 52074, Aachen, Germany

Filippo Migliorini

Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Academic Hospital of Bolzano (SABES-ASDAA), 39100, Bolzano, Italy

Department of Life Sciences, Health, and Health Professions, Link Campus University, Rome, Italy

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Jeyaraman, M., Jeyaraman, N., Ramasubramanian, S. et al. Ozone therapy in musculoskeletal medicine: a comprehensive review. Eur J Med Res 29 , 398 (2024).

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Received : 28 November 2023

Accepted : 14 July 2024

Published : 31 July 2024


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A survey on maximum ratio combination: applications, evaluation and future directions.

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Feng, X.; Tian, F.; Wang, J.; Zhou, M.; Li, D.; Sun, H.; Song, R. A Survey on Maximum Ratio Combination: Applications, Evaluation and Future Directions. Electronics 2024 , 13 , 3087.

Feng X, Tian F, Wang J, Zhou M, Li D, Sun H, Song R. A Survey on Maximum Ratio Combination: Applications, Evaluation and Future Directions. Electronics . 2024; 13(15):3087.

Feng, Xiao, Feng Tian, Junfeng Wang, Mingzhang Zhou, Dingzhao Li, Haixin Sun, and Ruiping Song. 2024. "A Survey on Maximum Ratio Combination: Applications, Evaluation and Future Directions" Electronics 13, no. 15: 3087.

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Applications of ICG in Breast Cancer for Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping: A Scoping Review Protocol

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Objective: The objective of this scoping review is to evaluate the current literature on the use of Indocyanine Green (ICG) in sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping for breast cancer patients. This review aims to assess the accuracy, efficacy, and safety of ICG in this context and to identify gaps in the existing research. The outcomes will contribute to the development of further research as part of a PhD project. Introduction: Breast cancer is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Accurate SLN mapping is crucial for staging and treatment planning in early-stage breast cancer. ICG has emerged as a promising agent for fluorescence imaging in SLN mapping. However, comprehensive assessment of its clinical utility, including accuracy and adverse effects, remains limited. This scoping review aims to consolidate evidence on the use of ICG in breast cancer SLN mapping. Inclusion criteria: Patients with early-stage breast cancer (T1, T2), selected T3 cases where sentinel lymph node biopsy is accurate, and clinically node-negative breast cancer. The intervention includes studies using ICG for SLN mapping and assessment of fluorescence imaging cameras. Methods: Five electronic databases will be searched (PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Web of Science, and SCOPUS) using search strategies developed in consultation with the academic supervisor. The search strategy is set to human studies published in English within the last 11 years. All retrieved citations will be imported to Zotero and then uploaded to Covidence for screening of titles, abstracts, and full text according to pre-specified inclusion criteria. Citations meeting the inclusion criteria for full-text review will have their data extracted by two independent reviewers, with disagreements resolved by discussion. A data extraction tool will be developed to capture full details about the participants, concept, and context, and findings relevant to the scoping review will be summarized. Keywords: Indocyanine Green, ICG, Sentinel Lymph Node, Breast Cancer, Fluorescence, Axillary Lymph Node Mapping, NIR

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A systematic literature review on the usability of mobile applications for visually impaired users

Interacting with mobile applications can often be challenging for people with visual impairments due to the poor usability of some mobile applications. The goal of this paper is to provide an overview of the developments on usability of mobile applications for people with visual impairments based on recent advances in research and application development. This overview is important to guide decision-making for researchers and provide a synthesis of available evidence and indicate in which direction it is worthwhile to prompt further research. We performed a systematic literature review on the usability of mobile applications for people with visual impairments. A deep analysis following the Preferred Reporting Items for SLRs and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines was performed to produce a set of relevant papers in the field. We first identified 932 papers published within the last six years. After screening the papers and employing a snowballing technique, we identified 60 studies that were then classified into seven themes: accessibility, daily activities, assistive devices, navigation, screen division layout, and audio guidance. The studies were then analyzed to answer the proposed research questions in order to illustrate the different trends, themes, and evaluation results of various mobile applications developed in the last six years. Using this overview as a foundation, future directions for research in the field of usability for the visually impaired (UVI) are highlighted.


The era of mobile devices and applications has begun. With the widespread use of mobile applications, designers and developers need to consider all types of users and develop applications for their different needs. One notable group of users is people with visual impairments. According to the World Health Organization, there are approximately 285 million people with visual impairments worldwide ( World Health Organization, 2020 ). This is a huge number to keep in mind while developing new mobile applications.

People with visual impairments have urged more attention from the tech community to provide them with the assistive technologies they need ( Khan & Khusro, 2021 ). Small tasks that we do daily, such as picking out outfits or even moving from one room to another, could be challenging for such individuals. Thus, leveraging technology to assist with such tasks can be life changing. Besides, increasing the usability of applications and developing dedicated ones tailored to their needs is essential. The usability of an application refers to its efficiency in terms of the time and effort required to perform a task, its effectiveness in performing said tasks, and its users’ satisfaction ( Ferreira et al., 2020 ). Researchers have been studying this field intensively and proposing different solutions to improve the usability of applications for people with visual impairments.

This paper provides a systematic literature review (SLR) on the usability of mobile applications for people with visual impairments. The study aims to find discussions of usability issues related to people with visual impairments in recent studies and how they were solved using mobile applications. By reviewing published works from the last six years, this SLR aims to update readers on the newest trends, limitations of current research, and future directions in the research field of usability for the visually impaired (UVI).

This SLR can be of great benefit to researchers aiming to become involved in UVI research and could provide the basis for new work to be developed, consequently improving the quality of life for the visually impaired. This review differs from previous review studies ( i.e.,   Khan & Khusro, 2021 ) because we classified the studies into themes in order to better evaluate and synthesize the studies and provide clear directions for future work. The following themes were chosen based on the issues addressed in the reviewed papers: “Assistive Devices,” “Navigation,” “Accessibility,” “Daily Activities,” “Audio Guidance,” and “Gestures.” Figure 1 illustrates the percentage of papers classified in each theme.

Percentages of classification themes.

Figure 1: Percentages of classification themes.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the next section specifies the methodology, following this, the results section illustrates the results of the data collection, the discussion section consists of the research questions with their answers and the limitations and potential directions for future work, and the final section summarizes this paper’s main findings and contribution.

Survey Methodology

This systematic literature review used the Meta-Analyses (PRISMA, 2009) guidelines to produce a set of relevant papers in the field. This SLR was undertaken to address the research questions described below. A deep analysis was performed based on a group of studies; the most relevant studies were documented, and the research questions were addressed.

A. Research questions

The research questions addressed by this study are presented in Table 1 with descriptions and the motivations behind them.

What existing UVI issues did authors try to solve with mobile devices?; The issues and proposed solutions will be of great significance for researchers as well as developers, providing a deeper understanding of whether a specific problem was addressed in the literature and what the proposed solutions were.
What is the role of mobile devices in solving those issues? Being able to identify the role of mobile devices in assisting visually impaired people in their daily lives will help improve their usability and provide a basis for future applications to be developed to improve quality of life for the visually impaired.
What are the publication trends on the usability of mobile applications among the visually impaired? After answering this question, it will become easier to classify the current existing work and the available application themes for the visually impaired.
What are the current research limitations and future research directions regarding usability among the visually impaired? This will help guide future research and open doors for new development.
What is the focus of research on usability for visually impaired people, and what are the research outcomes in the ;studies reviewed? Answering this question, will enable us to address the current focus of studies and the available ways to collect data.
What evaluation methods were used in the studies on usability for visually impaired people that were reviewed? This evaluation will help future researchers choose the most suitable methods according to the nature of their studies.

B. Search strategy

This review analysed and synthesised studies on usability for the visually impaired from a user perspective following a systematic approach. As proposed by Tanfield, Denyer & Smart (2003) , the study followed a three-stage approach to ensure that the findings were both reliable and valid. These stages were planning the review, conducting the review by analysing papers, and reporting emerging themes and recommendations. These stages will be discussed further in the following section.

1. Planning stage

The planning stage of this review included defining data sources and the search string protocol as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Data sources.

We aimed to use two types of data sources: digital libraries and search engines. The search process was manually conducted by searching through databases. The selected databases and digital libraries are as follows:

ACM Library

IEEE Xplore



ISI Web of Knowledge

The selected search engines were as follows:

DBLP (Computer Science Bibliography Website)

Google Scholar

Microsoft Academic

Search string.

The above databases were initially searched using the following keyword protocol: (“Usability” AND (”visual impaired” OR ”visually impaired” OR “blind” OR “impairment”) AND “mobile”). However, in order to generate a more powerful search string, the Network Analysis Interface for Literature Studies (NAILS) project was used. NAILS is an automated tool for literature analysis. Its main function is to perform statistical and social network analysis (SNA) on citation data ( Knutas et al., 2015 ). In this study, it was used to check the most important work in the relevant fields as shown in Fig. 2 .

NAILS produced a report displaying the most important authors, publications, and keywords and listed the references cited most often in the analysed papers ( Knutas et al., 2015 ) . The new search string was generated after using the NAILS project as follows: (“Usability” OR “usability model” OR “usability dimension” OR “Usability evaluation model” OR “Usability evaluation dimension”) AND (“mobile” OR “Smartphone”) AND (“Visually impaired” OR “Visual impairment” OR “Blind” OR “Low vision” OR “Blindness”).

NAILS output sample.

Figure 2: NAILS output sample.

Number of papers per database.

Figure 3: Number of papers per database.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria..

To be included in this systematic review, each study had to meet the following screening criteria:

The study must have been published between 2015 and 2020.

The study must be relevant to the main topic (Usability of Mobile Applications for Visually Impaired Users).

The study must be a full-length paper.

The study must be written in English because any to consider any other languages, the research team will need to use the keywords of this language in this topic and deal with search engines using that language to extract all studies related to our topic to form an SLR with a comprehensive view of the selected languages. Therefore, the research team preferred to focus on studies in English to narrow the scope of this SLR.

A research study was excluded if it did not meet one or more items of the criteria.

2. Conducting stage

The conducting stage of the review involved a systematic search based on relevant search terms. This consisted of three substages: exporting citations, importing citations into Mendeley, and importing citations into Rayyan.

Exporting citations.

First, in exporting the citations and conducting the search through the mentioned databases, a total of 932 studies were found. The numbers are illustrated in Fig. 3 below. The highest number of papers was found in Google Scholar, followed by Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge, ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, Microsoft Academic, and DBLP and ACM Library with two studies each. Finally, SpringerLink did not have any studies that met the inclusion criteria.

The chance of encountering duplicate studies was determined to be high. Therefore, importing citations into Mendeley was necessary in order to eliminate the duplicates.

Search stages.

Figure 4: Search stages.

Importing citations into mendeley..

Mendeley is an open-source reference and citation manager. It can highlight paragraphs and sentences, and it can also list automatic references on the end page. Introducing the use of Mendeley is also expected to avoid duplicates in academic writing, especially for systematic literature reviews ( Basri & Patak, 2015 ). Hence, in the next step, the 932 studies were imported into Mendeley, and each study’s title and abstract were screened independently for eligibility. A total of 187 duplicate studies were excluded. 745 total studies remained after the first elimination process. The search stages are shown in Fig. 4 below.

Importing citations into rayyan.

Rayyan QCRI is a free web and mobile application that helps expedite the initial screening of both abstracts and titles through a semi-automated process while incorporating a high level of usability. Its main benefit is to speed up the most tedious part of the systematic literature review process: selecting studies for inclusion in the review ( Ouzzani et al., 2016 ). Therefore, for the last step, another import was done using Rayyan to check for duplications a final time. Using Rayyan, a total of 124 duplicate studies were found, resulting in a total of 621 studies. Using Rayyan, a two-step filtration was conducted to guarantee that the papers have met the inclusion criteria of this SLR. After filtering based on the abstracts, 564 papers did not meet the inclusion criteria. At this stage, 57 studies remained. The second step of filtration eliminated 11 more studies by reading the full papers; two studies were not written in the English language, and nine were inaccessible.


Snowballing is an emerging technique used to conduct systematic literature reviews that are considered both efficient and reliable using simple procedures. The procedure for snowballing consisted of three phases in each cycle. The first phase is refining the start set, the second phase is backward snowballing, and the third is forward snowballing. The first step, forming the start set, is basically identifying relevant papers that can have a high potential of satisfying the criteria and research question. Backward snowballing was conducted using the reference list to identify new papers to include. It shall start by going through the reference list and excluding papers that do not fulfill the basic criteria; the rest that fulfil criteria shall be added to the SLR. Forward snowballing refers to identifying new papers based on those papers that cited the paper being examined ( Juneja & Kaur, 2019 ). Hence, in order to be sure that we concluded all related studies after we got the 46 papers, a snowballing step was essential. Forward and backward snowballing were conducted. Each of the 46 studies was examined by checking their references to take a look at any possible addition of sources and examining all papers that cited this study. The snowballing activity added some 38 studies, but after full reading, it became 33 that matched the inclusion criteria. A total of 79 studies were identified through this process.

Quality assessment.

A systematic literature review’s quality is determined by the content of the papers included in the review. As a result, it is important to evaluate the papers carefully ( Zhou et al., 2015 ). Many influential scales exist in the software engineering field for evaluating the validity of individual primary studies and grading the overall intensity of the body of proof. Hence, we adapted the comprehensive guidelines specified by Kitchenhand and Charters ( Keele, 2007 ), and the quasi-gold standard (QGS) ( Keele, 2007 ) was used to establish the quest technique, where a robust search strategy for enhancing the validity and reliability of a SLR’s search process is devised using the QGS. By applying this technique, our quality assessment questions were focused and aligned with the research questions mentioned earlier.

In our last step, we had to verify the papers’ eligibility; we conducted a quality check for each of the 79 studies. For quality assessment, we considered whether the paper answered the following questions:

QA1: Is the research aim clearly stated in the research?

QA2: Does the research contain a usability dimension or techniques for mobile applications for people with visual impairments?

QA3: Is there an existing issue with mobile applications for people with visual impairments that the author is trying to solve?

QA4: Is the research focused on mobile application solutions?

After discussing the quality assessment questions and attempting to find an answer in each paper, we agreed to score each study per question. If the study answers a question, it will be given 2 points; if it only partially answers a question, it will be given 1 point; and if there is no answer for a given question in the study, it will have 0 points.

The next step was to calculate the weight of each study. If the total weight was higher or equal to four points, the paper was accepted in the SLR; if not, the paper was discarded since it did not reach the desired quality level. Figure 5 below illustrates the quality assessment process. After applying the quality assessment, 39 papers were rejected since they received less than four points, which resulted in a final tally of 60 papers.

Quality assessment process.

Figure 5: Quality assessment process.

To summarize, this review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for SLRs and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) ( Liberati et al., 2009 ). The PRISMA diagram shown in Fig. 6 illustrates all systematic literature processes used in this study.

PRISMA flow diagram.

Figure 6: PRISMA flow diagram.

3. analysing stage.

All researchers involved in this SLR collected the data. The papers were distributed equally between them, and each researcher read each paper completely to determine its topic, extract the paper’s limitations and future work, write a quick summary about it, and record this information in an Excel spreadsheet.

All researchers worked intensively on this systematic literature review. After completing the previously mentioned steps, the papers were divided among all the researchers. Then, each researcher read their assigned papers completely and then classified them into themes according to the topic they covered. The researchers held several meetings to discuss and specify those themes. The themes were identified by the researchers based on the issues addressed in the reviewed papers. In the end, the researchers resulted in seven themes, as shown in Fig. 7 below. The references selected for each theme can be found in the Table A1 . Afterwards, each researcher was assigned one theme to summarize its studies and report the results. In this section, we review the results.

Results of the SLR.

Figure 7: Results of the SLR.

A. accessibility.

Of a total of 60 studies, 10 focused on issues of accessibility. Accessibility is concerned with whether all users are able to have equivalent user experiences, regardless of abilities. Six studies, Darvishy, Hutter & Frei (2019) , Morris et al. (2016) , Qureshi & Hooi-Ten Wong (2020) , Khan, Khusro & Alam (2018) , Paiva et al. (2020) , and Pereda, Murillo & Paz (2020) , gave suggestions for increasing accessibility, ( Darvishy, Hutter & Frei, 2019 ; Morris et al., 2016 ), gave some suggestions for making mobile map applications and Twitter accessible to visually impaired users, and ( Qureshi & Hooi-Ten Wong, 2020 ; Khan, Khusro & Alam, 2018 ) focused on user interfaces and provided accessibility suggestions suitable for blind people. Paiva et al. (2020) and Pereda, Murillo & Paz (2020) proposed a set of heuristics to evaluate the accessibility of mobile applications. Two studies, Khowaja et al. (2019) and Carvalho et al. (2018) , focused on evaluating usability and accessibility issues on some mobile applications, comparing them, and identifying the number and types of problems that visually impaired users faced. Aqle, Khowaja & Al-Thani (2020) proposed a new web search interface designed for visually impaired users. One study, McKay (2017) , focused on accessibility challenges by applying usability tests on a hybrid mobile app with some visually impaired university students.

B. Assistive devices

People with visual impairments have an essential need for assistive technology since they face many challenges when performing activities in daily life. Out of the 60 studies reviewed, 13 were related to assistive technology. The studies Smaradottir, Martinez & Håland (2017) , Skulimowski et al. (2019) , Barbosa, Hayes & Wang, (2016) , Rosner & Perlman (2018) , Csapó et al. (2015) , Khan & Khusro (2020) , Sonth & Kallimani (2017) , Kim et al. (2016) , Vashistha et al. (2015) ; Kameswaran et al. (2020) , Griffin-Shirley et al. (2017) , and Rahman, Anam & Yeasin (2017) were related to screen readers (voiceovers). On the other hand, Bharatia, Ambawane & Rane (2019) , Lewis et al. (2016) were related to proposing an assistant device for the visually impaired. Of the studies related to screening readers, Sonth & Kallimani, (2017) , Vashistha et al. (2015) , Khan & Khusro (2020) Lewis et al. (2016) cited challenges faced by visually impaired users. Barbosa, Hayes & Wang (2016) , Kim et al. (2016) , Rahman, Anam & Yeasin (2017) suggested new applications, while Smaradottir, Martinez & Håland (2017) , Rosner & Perlman (2018) , Csapó et al. (2015) and Griffin-Shirley et al. (2017) evaluated current existing work. The studies Bharatia, Ambawane & Rane (2019) , Lewis et al. (2016) proposed using wearable devices to improve the quality of life for people with visual impairments.

C. Daily activities

In recent years, people with visual impairments have used mobile applications to increase their independence in their daily activities and learning, especially those based on the braille method. We divide the daily activity section into braille-based applications and applications designed to enhance the independence of the visually impaired. Four studies, Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar (2020) , Nahar, Jaafar & Sulaiman (2019) , Araújo et al. (2016) and Gokhale et al. (2017) , implemented and evaluated the usability of mobile phone applications that use braille to help visually impaired people in their daily lives. Seven studies, Vitiello et al. (2018) , Kunaratana-Angkul, Wu & Shin-Renn (2020) , Ghidini et al. (2016) , Madrigal-Cadavid et al. (2019) , Marques, Carriço & Guerreiro (2015) , Oliveira et al. (2018) and Rodrigues et al. (2015) , focused on building applications that enhance the independence and autonomy of people with visual impairments in their daily life activities.

D. Screen division layout

People with visual impairments encounter various challenges in identifying and locating non-visual items on touch screen interfaces like phones and tablets. Incidents of accidentally touching a screen element and frequently following an incorrect pattern in attempting to access objects and screen artifacts hinder blind people from performing typical activities on smartphones ( Khusro et al., 2019 ). In this review, 9 out of 60 studies discuss screen division layout: ( Khusro et al., 2019 ; Khan & Khusro, 2019 ; Grussenmeyer & Folmer, 2017 ; Palani et al., 2018 ; Leporini & Palmucci, 2018 ) discuss touch screen (smartwatch tablets, mobile phones, and tablet) usability among people with visual impairments, while ( Cho & Kim, 2017 ; Alnfiai & Sampalli, 2016 ; Niazi et al., 2016 ; Alnfiai & Sampalli, 2019 ) concern text entry methods that increase the usability of apps among visually impaired people. Khusro et al. (2019) provides a novel contribution to the literature regarding considerations that can be used as guidelines for designing a user-friendly and semantically enriched user interface for blind people. An experiment in Cho & Kim (2017) was conducted comparing the two-button mobile interface usability with the one-finger method and voiceover. Leporini & Palmucci (2018) gathered information on the interaction challenges faced by visually impaired people when answering questions on a mobile touch-screen device, investigated possible solutions to overcome the accessibility and usability challenges.

E. Gestures

In total, 3 of 60 studies discuss gestures in usability. Alnfiai & Sampalli (2017) compared the performance of BrailleEnter, a gesture based input method to the Swift Braille keyboard, a method that requires finding the location of six buttons representing braille dot, while Buzzi et al. (2017) and Smaradottir, Martinez & Haland (2017) provide an analysis of gesture performance on touch screens among visually impaired people.

F. Audio guidance

People with visual impairment primarily depend on audio guidance forms in their daily lives; accordingly, audio feedback helps guide them in their interaction with mobile applications.

Four studies discussed the use of audio guidance in different contexts: one in navigation ( Gintner et al., 2017 ), one in games ( Ara’ujo et al., 2017 ), one in reading ( Sabab & Ashmafee, 2016 ), and one in videos ( Façanha et al., 2016 ). These studies were developed and evaluated based on usability and accessibility of the audio guidance for people with visual impairments and aimed to utilize mobile applications to increase the enjoyment and independence of such individuals.

G. Navigation

Navigation is a common issue that visually impaired people face. Indoor navigation is widely discussed in the literature. Nair et al. (2020) , Al-Khalifa & Al-Razgan (2016) and De Borba Campos et al. (2015) discuss how we can develop indoor navigation applications for visually impaired people. Outdoor navigation is also common in the literature, as seen in Darvishy et al. (2020) , Hossain, Qaiduzzaman & Rahman (2020) , Long et al. (2016) , Prerana et al. (2019) and Bandukda et al. (2020) . For example, in Darvishy et al. (2020) , Touch Explorer, an accessible digital map application, was presented to alleviate many of the problems faced by people with visual impairments while using highly visually oriented digital maps. Primarily, it focused on using non-visual output modalities like voice output, everyday sound, and vibration feedback. Issues with navigation applications were also presented in Maly et al. (2015) . Kameswaran et al. (2020) discussed commonly used technologies in navigation applications for blind people and highlighted the importance of using complementary technologies to convey information through different modalities to enhance the navigation experience. Interactive sonification of images for navigation has also been shown in Skulimowski et al. (2019) .

In this section, the research questions are addressed in detail to clearly achieve the research objective. Also, a detailed overview of each theme will be mentioned below.

Answers to the research questions

This section will answer the research question proposed:

RQ1: What existing UVI issues did authors try to solve with mobile devices?

Mobile applications can help people with visual impairments in their daily activities, such as navigation and writing. Additionally, mobile devices may be used for entertainment purposes. However, people with visual impairments face various difficulties while performing text entry operations, text selection, and text manipulation on mobile applications ( Niazi et al., 2016 ). Thus, the authors of the studies tried to increase touch screens’ usability by producing prototypes or simple systems and doing usability testing to understand the UX of people with visual impairments.

RQ2: What is the role of mobile devices in solving those issues?

Mobile phones are widely used in modern society, especially among users with visual impairments; they are considered the most helpful tool for blind users to communicate with people worldwide ( Smaradottir, Martinez & Håland, 2017 ). In addition, the technology of touch screen assistive technology enables speech interaction between blind people and mobile devices and permits the use of gestures to interact with a touch user interface. Assistive technology is vital in helping people living with disabilities perform actions or interact with systems ( Niazi et al., 2016 ).

RQ3: What are the publication trends on the usability of mobile applications among the visually impaired?

As shown in Fig. 8 below, research into mobile applications’ usability for the visually impaired has increased in the last five years, with a slight dip in 2018. Looking at the most frequent themes, we find that “Assistive Devices” peaked in 2017, while “Navigation” and “Accessibility” increased significantly in 2020. On the other hand, we see that the prevalence of “Daily Activities” stayed stable throughout the research years. The term “Audio Guidance” appeared in 2016 and 2017 and has not appeared in the last three years. “Gestures” also appeared only in 2017. “Screen Layout Division” was present in the literature in the last five years and increased in 2019 but did not appear in 2020.

Publication trends over time.

Figure 8: Publication trends over time.

Rq4: what are the current research limitations and future research directions regarding usability among the visually impaired.

We divide the answer to this question into two sections: first, we will discuss limitations; then, we will discuss future work for each proposed theme.

A. Limitations

Studies on the usability of mobile applications for visually impaired users in the literature have various limitations, and most of them were common among the studies. These limitations were divided into two groups. The first group concerns proposed applications; for example, Rahman, Anam & Yeasin (2017) , Oliveira et al. (2018) and Madrigal-Cadavid et al. (2019) faced issues regarding camera applications in mobile devices due to the considerable effort needed for its usage and being heavily dependent on the availability of the internet. The other group of studies, Rodrigues et al. (2015) , Leporini & Palmucci (2018) , Alnfiai & Sampalli (2016) , and Ara’ujo et al. (2017) , have shown limitations in visually impaired users’ inability to comprehend a graphical user interface. Alnfiai & Sampalli (2017) and Alnfiai & Sampalli (2019) evaluated new braille input methods and found that the traditional braille keyboard, where knowing the exact position of letters QWERTY is required, is limited in terms of usability compared to the new input methods. Most studies faced difficulties regarding the sample size and the fact that many of the participants were not actually blind or visually impaired but only blindfolded. This likely led to less accurate results, as blind or visually impaired people can provide more useful feedback as they experience different issues on a daily basis and are more ideal for this type of study. So, the need for a good sample of participants who actually have this disability is clear to allow for better evaluation results and more feedback and recommendations for future research.

B. Future work

A commonly discussed future work in the chosen literature is to increase the sample sizes of people with visual impairment and focus on various ages and geographical areas to generalize the studies. Table 2 summarizes suggestions for future work according to each theme. Those future directions could inspire new research in the field.

Theme Suggestions for future work Sources
Accessibility In terms of accessibility, in the future, there is potential in investigating concepts of how information will be introduced in a mobile application to increase accessibility VI users. In addition, future work directions include extending frameworks for visually complex or navigationally dense applications. Furthermore, emotion-based UI design may also be investigated to improve accessibility. Moreover, the optimization of GUI layouts and elements could be considered with a particular focus on gesture control systems and eye-tracking systems. , , , and
Assistive devices In terms of assistive devices for people with visual impairments, there is potential for future direction in research into multimodal non-visual interaction ( sonification methods). Also, since there is very little available literature about how to go about prototype development and evaluation activities for assistive devices for users with no or little sight, it is important to investigate this to further develop the field. , , and
Daily activities There is a need to evaluate the usability and accessibility of applications that aim to assist visually impaired users and improve restrictions in daily activities. , , and
Screen division layout In terms of screen division layout, it is important to continuously seek to improve interfaces and provide feedback to make them more focused, more cohesive, and simpler to handle. A complete set of robust design guidelines ought to be created to provide a wide variety of non-visual applications with increased haptic access on a touchscreen device. , , and
Gestures Gesture based interaction ought to be further investigated as it has the potential to greatly improve the way VI users communicate with mobile devices. Performance of gestures with various sizes of touch screens ought to be compared, as the size might have a significant effect on what is considered a usable gesture. and
Navigation Literature suggests that future work in the area of navigation should focus on eliminating busy graphical interfaces and relying on sounds. Studying more methods and integrating machine learning algorithms and hardware devices to provide accurate results regarding the identification of surrounding objects, and continuous updates for any upcoming obstacles, is also discussed in the literature as an important direction for future work. , and
Audio guidance In terms of audio guidance, there is potential for future directions in expanding algorithms to provide audio guidance to assist in more situations. Authors also emphasise developing versions of the applications in more languages. , and

RQ5: What is the focus of research on usability for visually impaired people, and what are the research outcomes in the studies reviewed?

There are a total of 60 outcomes in this research. Of these, 40 involve suggestions to improve usability of mobile applications; four of them address problems that are faced by visually impaired people that reduce usability. Additionally, 16 of the outcomes are assessments of the usability of the prototype or model. Two of the results are recommendations to improve usability. Finally, the last two outcomes are hardware solutions that may help the visually impaired perform their daily activities. Figure 9 illustrates these numbers.

Outcomes of studies.

Figure 9: Outcomes of studies.

Overview of the reviewed studies.

In the following subsections, we summarize all the selected studies based on the classified theme: accessibility, assistive devices, daily activities, screen division layout, gestures, audio guidance, and navigation. The essence of the studies will be determined, and their significance in the field will be explored.

For designers dealing with mobile applications, it is critical to determine and fix accessibility issues in the application before it is delivered to the users ( Khowaja et al., 2019 ). Accessibility refers to giving the users the same user experience regardless of ability. In Khowaja et al. (2019) and Carvalho et al. (2018) , the researchers focused on comparing the levels of accessibility and usability in different applications. They had a group of visually impaired users and a group of sighted users test out the applications to compare the number and type of problems they faced and determine which applications contained the most violations. Because people with visual impairments cannot be ignored in the development of mobile applications, many researchers have sought solutions for guaranteeing accessibility. For example, in Qureshi & Hooi-Ten Wong (2020) , the study contributed to producing a new, effective design for mobile applications based on the suggestions of people with visual impairments and with the help of two expert mobile application developers. In Khan, Khusro & Alam (2018) , an adaptive user interface model for visually impaired people was proposed and evaluated in an empirical study with 63 visually impaired people. In Aqle, Khowaja & Al-Thani (2020) , the researchers proposed a new web search interface for users with visual impairments that is based on discovering concepts through formal concept analysis (FCA). Users interact with the interface to collect concepts, which are then used as keywords to narrow the search results and target the web pages containing the desired information with minimal effort and time. The usability of the proposed search interface (InteractSE) was evaluated by experts in the field of HCI and accessibility, with a set of heuristics by Nielsen and a set of WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

In Darvishy, Hutter & Frei (2019) , the researchers proposed a solution for making mobile map applications accessible for people with blindness or visual impairment. They suggested replacing forests in the map with green color and birds’ sound, replacing water with blue color and water sounds, replacing streets with grey color and vibration, and replacing buildings with yellow color and pronouncing the name of the building. The prototype showed that it was possible to explore a simple map through vibrations, sounds, and speech.

In Morris et al. (2016) the researchers utilized a multi-faceted technique to investigate how and why visually impaired individuals use Twitter and the difficulties they face in doing so. They noted that Twitter had become more image-heavy over time and that picture-based tweets are largely inaccessible to people with visual impairments. The researchers then made several suggestions for how Twitter could be amended to continue to be usable for people with visual impairments.

The researchers in Paiva et al. (2020) focused on how to evaluate proposed methods for ensuring the accessibility and usability of mobile applications. Their checklist, Acc-MobileCheck, contains 47 items that correspond to issues related to comprehension (C), operation (O), perception (P), and adaptation (A) in mobile interface interaction. To validate Acc-MobileCheck, it was reviewed by five experts and three developers and determined to be effective. In Pereda, Murillo & Paz (2020) , the authors also suggest a set of heuristics to evaluate the accessibility of mobile e-commerce applications for visually impaired people. Finally, McKay (2017) conducted an accessibility test for hybrid mobile apps and found that students with blindness faced many barriers to access based on how they used hybrid mobile applications. While hybrid apps can allow for increased time for marketing, this comes at the cost of app accessibility for people with disabilities.

A significant number of people with visual impairments use state-of-the-art software to perform tasks in their daily lives. These technologies are made up of electronic devices equipped with sensors and processors that can make intelligent decisions.

One of the most important and challenging tasks in developing such technologies is to create a user interface that is appropriate for the sensorimotor capabilities of users with blindness ( Csapó et al., 2015 ). Several new hardware tools have proposed to improve the quality of life for people with visual impairments. Three tools were presented in this SLR: a smart stick that can notify the user of any obstacle, helping them to perform tasks easily and efficiently ( Bharatia, Ambawane & Rane, 2019 ), and an eye that can allow users to detect colors (medical evaluation is still required) ( Lewis et al., 2016 ).

The purpose of the study in Griffin-Shirley et al. (2017) was to understand how people with blindness use smartphone applications as assistive technology and how they perceive them in terms of accessibility and usability. An online survey with 259 participants was conducted, and most of the participants rated the applications as useful and accessible and were satisfied with them.

The researchers in Rahman, Anam & Yeasin (2017) designed and implemented EmoAssist, which is a smartphone application that assists with natural dyadic conversations and aims to promote user satisfaction by providing options for accessing non-verbal communication that predicts behavioural expressions and contains interactive dimensions to provide valid feedback. The usability of this application was evaluated in a study with ten people with blindness where several tools were applied in the application. The study participants found that the usability of EmoAssist was good, and it was an effective assistive solution.

This theme contains two main categories: braille-based application studies and applications to enhance the independence of VIU. Both are summarized below.

1- Braille-based applications

Braille is still the most popular method for assisting people with visual impairments in reading and studying, and most educational mobile phone applications are limited to sighted people. Recently, however, some researchers have developed assistive education applications for students with visual impairments, especially those in developing countries. For example, in India, the number of children with visual impairments is around 15 million, and only 5% receive an education ( Gokhale et al., 2017 ). Three of the braille studies focused on education: ( Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar, 2020 ; Nahar, Jaafar & Sulaiman, 2019 , and Araújo et al., 2016 ). These studies all used smartphone touchscreens and action gestures to gain input from the student, and then output was provided in the form of audio feedback. In Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar (2020) , vibrational feedback was added to guide the users. The participants in Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar (2020) ; Nahar, Jaafar & Sulaiman (2019) , and Araújo et al. (2016) included students with blindness of visual impairment and their teachers. The authors in Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar (2020) , Nahar, Jaafar & Sulaiman (2019) evaluated the usability of their applications following the same criteria (efficiency, learnability, memorability, errors, and satisfaction). The results showed that in Nahar, Sulaiman & Jaafar (2020) , Nahar, Jaafar & Sulaiman (2019) , and Araújo et al. (2016) , the applications met the required usability criteria. The authors in Gokhale et al. (2017) presented a braille-based solution to help people with visual impairments call and save contacts. A braille keypad on the smartphone touchscreen was used to gain input from the user, which was then converted into haptic and auditory feedback to let the user know what action was taken. The usability of this application was considered before it was designed. The participants’ responses were positive because this kind of user-centric design simplifies navigation and learning processes.

2- Applications to enhance the independence of people with visual impairments

The authors in the studies explored in this section focused on building applications that enhance independence and autonomy in daily life activities for users with visual impairments.

In Vitiello et al. (2018) , the authors presented their mobile application, an assistive solution for visually impaired users called “Crania”, which uses machine learning techniques to help users with visual impairments get dressed by recognizing the colour and texture of their clothing and suggesting suitable combinations. The system provides feedback through voice synthesis. The participants in the study were adults and elderly people, some of whom were completely blind and the rest of whom had partial sight. After testing for usability, all the participants with blindness agreed that using the application was better than their original method, and half of the participants with partial sight said the same thing. At the end of the study, the application was determined to be accessible and easy to use.

In Kunaratana-Angkul, Wu & Shin-Renn (2020) , an application which allows elderly people to measure low vision status at home through their smartphones instead of visiting hospitals was tested, and most of the participants considered it to be untrustworthy because the medical information was insufficient. Even when participants were able to learn how to use the application, most of them were still confused while using it and needed further instruction.

In Ghidini et al. (2016) , the authors studied the habits of people with visual impairments when using their smartphones in order to develop an electronic calendar with different interaction formats, such as voice commands, touch, and vibration interaction. The authors presented the lessons learned and categorized them based on usability heuristics such as feedback, design, user freedom and control, and recognition instead of remembering.

In Madrigal-Cadavid et al. (2019) , the authors developed a drug information application for people with visual impairments to help them access the labels of medications. The application was developed based on a user-centered design process. By conducting a usability test, the authors recognized some usability issues for people with visual impairments, such as difficulty in locating the bar code. Given this, a new version will include a search function that is based on pictures. The application is searched by capturing the bar code or text or giving voice commands that allow the user to access medication information. The participants were people with visual impairments, and most of them required assistance using medications before using the application. This application will enhance independence for people with visual impairments in terms of using medications.

In Marques, Carriço & Guerreiro (2015) , an authentication method is proposed for users with visual impairments that allows them to protect their passwords. It is not secure when blind or visually impaired users spell out their passwords or enter the numbers in front of others, and the proposed solution allows the users to enter their password with one hand by tapping the screen. The blind participants in this study demonstrated that this authentication method is usable and supports their security needs.

In Oliveira et al. (2018) , the author noted that people with visual impairments face challenges in reading, thus he proposed an application called LeR otulos. This application was developed and evaluated for the Android operating system and recognizes text from photos taken by the mobile camera and converts them into an audio description. The prototype was designed to follow the guidelines and recommendations of usability and accessibility. The requirements of the application are defined based on the following usability goals: the steps are easy for the user to remember; the application is efficient, safe, useful, and accessible; and user satisfaction is achieved.

Interacting with talkback audio devices is still difficult for people with blindness, and it is unclear how much benefit they provide to people with visual impairments in their daily activities. The author in Rodrigues et al. (2015) investigates the smartphone adoption process of blind users by conducting experiments, observations, and weekly interviews. An eight-week study was conducted with five visually impaired participants using Samsung and an enabled talkback 2 screen reader. Focusing on understanding the experiences of people with visual impairments when using touchscreen smartphones revealed accessibility and usability issues. The results showed that the participants have difficulties using smartphones because they fear that they cannot use them properly, and that impacts their ability to communicate with family. However, they appreciate the benefits of using smartphones in their daily activities, and they have the ability to use them.

People with visual impairments encounter various challenges identifying and locating non-visual items on touch screen interfaces, such as phones and tablets. Various specifications for developing a user interface for people with visual impairments must be met, such as having touch screen division to enable people with blindness to easily and comfortably locate objects and items that are non-visual on the screen ( Khusro et al., 2019 ). Article ( Khusro et al., 2019 ) highlighted the importance of aspects of the usability analysis, such as screen partitioning, to meet specific usability requirements, including orientation, consistency, operation, time consumption, and navigation complexity when users want to locate objects on their touchscreen. The authors of Khan & Khusro (2019) describe the improvements that people with blindness have experienced in using the smartphone while performing their daily tasks. This information was determined through an empirical study with 41 people with blindness who explained their user and interaction experiences operating a smartphone.

The authors in Palani et al. (2018) provide design guidelines governing the accurate display of haptically perceived graphical materials. Determining the usability parameters and the various cognitive abilities required for optimum and accurate use of device interfaces is crucial. Also the authors of Grussenmeyer & Folmer (2017) highlight the importance of usability and accessibility of smartphones and touch screens for people with visual impairments. The primary focus in Leporini & Palmucci (2018) is on interactive tasks used to finish exercises and to answer questionnaires or quizzes. These tools are used for evaluation tests or in games. When using gestures and screen readers to interact on a mobile device, difficulties may arise ( Leporini & Palmucci, 2018 ), The study has various objectives, including gathering information on the difficulties encountered by people with blindness during interactions with mobile touch screen devices to answer questions and investigating practicable solutions to solve the detected accessibility and usability issues. A mobile app with an educational game was used to apply the proposed approach. Moreover, in Alnfiai & Sampalli (2016) and Niazi et al. (2016) , an analysis of the single-tap braille keyboard created to help people with no or low vision while using touch screen smartphones was conducted. The technology used in Alnfiai & Sampalli (2016) was the talkback service, which provides the user with verbal feedback from the application, allowing users with blindness to key in characters according to braille patterns. To evaluate single tap braille, it was compared to the commonly used QWERTY keyboard. In Niazi et al. (2016) , it was found that participants adapted quickly to single-tap Braille and were able to type on the touch screen within 15 to 20 min of being introduced to this system. The main advantage of single tap braille is that it allows users with blindness to enter letters based on braille coding, which they are already familiar with. The average error rate is lower using single-tap Braille than it is on the QWERTY keyboard. The authors of Niazi et al. (2016) found that minimal typing errors were made using the proposed keypad, which made it an easier option for people with blindness ( Niazi et al., 2016 ). In Cho & Kim (2017) , the authors describe new text entry methods for the braille system including a left touch and a double touch scheme that form a two-button interface for braille input so that people with visual impairments are able to type textual characters without having to move their fingers to locate the target buttons.

One of the main problems affecting the visually impaired is limited mobility for some gestures. We need to know what gestures are usable by people with visual impairments. Moreover, the technology of assistive touchscreen-enabled speech interaction between blind people and mobile devices permits the use of gestures to interact with a touch user interface. Assistive technology is vital in helping people living with disabilities to perform actions or interact with systems. Smaradottir, Martinez & Haland (2017) analyses a voiceover screen reader used in Apple Inc.’s products. An assessment of this assistive technology was conducted with six visually impaired test participants. The main objectives were to pinpoint the difficulties related to the performance of gestures applicable in screen interactions and to analyze the system’s response to the gestures. In this study, a user evaluation was completed in three phases. The first phase entailed training users regarding different hand gestures, the second phase was carried out in a usability laboratory where participants were familiarized with technological devices, and the third phase required participants to solve different tasks. In Knutas et al. (2015) , the vital feature of the system is that it enables the user to interactively select a 3D scene region for sonification by merely touching the phone screen. It uses three different modes to increase usability. Alnfiai & Sampalli (2017) explained a study done to compare the use of two data input methods to evaluate their efficiency with completely blind participants who had prior knowledge of braille. The comparison was made between the braille enter input method that uses gestures and the swift braille keyboard, which necessitates finding six buttons representing braille dots. Blind people typically prefer rounded shapes to angular ones when performing complex gestures, as they experience difficulties performing straight gestures with right angles. Participants highlighted that they experienced difficulties particularly with gestures that have steep or right angles. In Buzzi et al. (2017) , 36 visually impaired participants were selected and split into two groups of low-vision and blind people. They examined their touch-based gesture preferences in terms of the number of strokes, multitouch, and shape angles. For this reason, a wireless system was created to record sample gestures from various participants simultaneously while monitoring the capture process.

People with visual impairment typically cannot travel without guidance due to the inaccuracy of current navigation systems in describing roads and especially sidewalks. Thus, the author of Gintner et al. (2017) aims to design a system to guide people with visual impairments based on geographical features and addresses them through a user interface that converts text to audio using a built-in voiceover engine (Apple iOS). The system was evaluated positively in terms of accessibility and usability as tested in a qualitative study involving six participants with visual impairment.

Based on challenges faced by visually impaired game developers, Ara’ujo et al. (2017) provides guidance for developers to provide accessibility in digital games by using audio guidance for players with visual impairments. The interactions of the player can be conveyed through audio and other basic mobile device components with criteria focused on the game level and speed adjustments, high contrast interfaces, accessible menus, and friendly design. Without braille, people with visual impairments cannot read, but braille is expensive and takes effort, and so it is important to propose technology to facilitate reading for them. In Sabab & Ashmafee (2016) , the author proposed developing a mobile application called “Blind Reader” that reads an audio document and allows the user to interact with the application to gain knowledge. This application was evaluated with 11 participants, and the participants were satisfied with the application. Videos are an important form of digital media, and unfortunately people with visual impairment cannot access these videos. Therefore, Façanha et al. (2016) aims to discover sound synthesis techniques to maximize and accelerate the production of audio descriptions with low-cost phonetic description tools. This tool has been evaluated based on usability with eight people and resulted in a high acceptance rate among users.

1- Indoor navigation

Visually impaired people face critical problems when navigating from one place to another. Whether indoors or outdoors, they tend to stay in one place to avoid the risk of injury or seek the help of a sighted person before moving ( Al-Khalifa & Al-Razgan, 2016 ). Thus, aid in navigation is essential for those individuals. In Nair et al. (2020) , Nair developed an application called ASSIST, which leverages Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons and augmented reality (AR) to help visually impaired people move around cluttered indoor places ( e.g. , subways) and provide the needed safe guidance, just like having a sighted person lead the way. In the subway example, the beacons will be distributed across the halls of the subway and the application will detect them. Sensors and cameras attached to the individual will detect their exact location and send the data to the application. The application will then give a sequence of audio feedback explaining how to move around the place to reach a specific point ( e.g. , “in 50 ft turn right”, “now turn left”, “you will reach the destination in 20 steps”). The application also has an interface for sighted and low-vision users that shows the next steps and instructions. A usability study was conducted to test different aspects of the proposed solution. The majority of the participants agreed that they could easily reach a specified location using the application without the help of a sighted person. A survey conducted to give suggestions from the participants for future improvements showed that most participants wanted to attach their phones to their bodies and for the application to consider the different walking speeds of users. They were happy with the audio and vibration feedback that was given before each step or turn they had to take.

In Al-Khalifa & Al-Razgan (2016) , the main purpose of the study was to provide an Arabic-language application for guidance inside buildings using Google Glass and an associated mobile application. First, the building plan must be set by a sighted person who configures the different locations needed. Ebsar will ask the map builder to mark each interesting location with a QR code and generate a room number, and the required steps and turns are tracked using the mobile device’s built-in compass and accelerometer features. All of these are recorded in the application for the use of a visually impaired individual, and at the end, a full map is generated for the building. After setting the building map, a user can navigate inside the building with the help of Ebsar, paired with Google Glass, for input and output purposes. The efficiency, effectiveness, and levels of user satisfaction with this solution were evaluated. The results showed that the errors made were few, indicating that Ebsar is highly effective. The time consumed in performing tasks ranged from medium to low depending on the task; this can be improved later. Interviews with participants indicated the application’s ease of use. De Borba Campos et al. (2015) shows an application simulating a museum map for people with visual impairments. It discusses whether mental maps and interactive games can be used by people with visual impairments to recognize the space around them. After multiple usability evaluation sessions, the mobile application showed high efficiency among participants in understanding the museum’s map without repeating the visitation. The authors make a few suggestions based on feedback from the participants regarding enhancing usability, including using audio cues, adding contextual help to realise the activities carried around in a space, and focusing on audio feedback instead of graphics.

2- Outdoor navigation

Outdoor navigation is also commonly discussed in the literature. In Darvishy et al. (2020) , Touch Explorer was presented to alleviate many of the problems faced by visually impaired people in navigation by developing a non-visual mobile digital map. The application relies on three major methods of communication with the user: voice output, vibration feedback, and everyday sounds. The prototype was developed using simple abstract visuals and mostly relies on voice for explanation of the content. Usability tests show the great impact the prototype had on the understanding of the elements of the map. Few suggestions were given by the participants to increase usability, including GPS localization to locate the user on the map, a scale element for measuring the distance between two map elements, and an address search function.

In Hossain, Qaiduzzaman & Rahman (2020) , a navigation application called Sightless Helper was developed to provide a safe navigation method for people with visual impairments. It relies on footstep counting and GPS location to provide the needed guidance. It can also ensure safe navigation by detect objects and unsafe areas and can detect unusual shaking of the user and alert an emergency contact about the problem. The user interaction categories are voice recognition, touchpad, buttons, and shaking sensors. After multiple evaluations, the application was found to be useful in different scenarios and was considered usable by people with visual impairments. The authors in Long et al. (2016) propose an application that uses both updates from users and information about the real world to help visually impaired people navigate outdoor settings. After interviews with participants, some design goals were set, including the ability to tag an obstacle on the map, check the weather, and provide an emergency service. The application was evaluated and was found to be of great benefit; users made few errors and found it easy to use. In Prerana et al. (2019) , a mobile application called STAVI was presented to help visually impaired people navigate from a source to a destination safely and avoid issues of re-routing. The application depends on voice commands and voice output. The application also has additional features, such as calling, messages, and emergency help. The authors in Bandukda et al. (2020) helped people with visual impairments explore parks and natural spaces using a framework called PLACES. Different interviews and surveys were conducted to identify the issues visually impaired people face when they want to do any leisure activity. These were considered in the development of the framework, and some design directions were presented, such as the use of audio to share an experience.

3- General issues

The authors in Maly et al. (2015) discuss implementing an evaluation model to assess the usability of a navigation application and to understand the issues of communication with mobile applications that people with visual impairments face. The evaluation tool was designed using a client–server architecture and was applied to test the usability of an existing navigation application. The tool was successful in capturing many issues related to navigation and user behavior, especially the issue of different timing between the actual voice instruction and the position of the user. The authors in Kameswaran et al. (2020) conducted a study to find out which navigation technologies blind people can use and to understand the complementarity between navigation technologies and their impact on navigation for visually impaired users. The results of the study show that visually impaired people use both assistive technologies and those designed for non-visually impaired users. Improving voice agents in navigation applications was discussed as a design implication for the visually impaired. In Skulimowski et al. (2019) , the authors show how interactive sonification can be used in simple travel aids for the blind. It uses depth images and a histogram called U-depth, which is simple auditory representations for blind users. The vital feature of this system is that it enables the user to interactively select a 3D scene region for sonification by touching the phone screen. This sonic representation of 3D scenes allows users to identify the environment’s general appearance and determine objects’ distance. The prototype structure was tested by three blind individuals who successfully performed the indoor task. Among the test scenes used included walking along an empty corridor, walking along a corridor with obstacles, and locating an opening between obstacles. However, the results showed that it took a long time for the testers to locate narrow spaces between obstacles.

RQ6: What evaluation methods were used in the studies on usability for visually impaired people that were reviewed?

The most prevalent methods to evaluate the usability of applications were surveys and interviews. These were used to determine the usability of the proposed solutions and obtain feedback and suggestions regarding additional features needed to enhance the usability from the participants’ points of view. Focus groups were also used extensively in the literature. Many of the participants selected were blindfolded and were not actually blind or visually impaired. Moreover, the samples selected for the evaluation methods mentioned above considered the age factor depending on the study’s needs.

Limitation and future work

The limitations of this paper are mainly related to the methodology followed. Focusing on just eight online databases and restricting the search with the previously specified keywords and string may have limited the number of search results. Additionally, a large number of papers were excluded because they were written in other languages. Access limitations were also faced due to some libraries asking for fees to access the papers. Therefore, for future works, a study to expand on the SLR results and reveal the current usability models of mobile applications for the visually impaired to verify the SLR results is needed so that this work contributes positively to assessing difficulties and expanding the field of usability of mobile applications for users with visual impairments.


In recent years, the number of applications focused on people with visual impairments has grown, which has led to positive enhancements in those people’s lives, especially if they do not have people around to assist them. In this paper, the research papers focusing on usability for visually impaired users were analyzed and classified into seven themes: accessibility, daily activities, assistive devices, gestures, navigation, screen division layout, and audio guidance. We found that various research studies focus on accessibility of mobile applications to ensure that the same user experience is available to all users, regardless of their abilities. We found many studies that focus on how the design of the applications can assist in performing daily life activities like braille-based application studies and applications to enhance the independence of VI users. We also found papers that discuss the role of assistive devices like screen readers and wearable devices in solving challenges faced by VI users and thus improving their quality of life. We also found that some research papers discuss limited mobility of some gestures for VI users and investigated ways in which we can know what gestures are usable by people with visual impairments. We found many research papers that focus on improving navigation for VI users by incorporating different output modalities like sound and vibration. We also found various studies focusing on screen division layout. By dividing the screen and focusing on visual impairment-related issues while developing user interfaces, visually impaired users can easily locate the objects and items on the screens. Finally, we found papers that focus on audio guidance to improve usability. The proposed applications use voice-over and speech interactions to guide visually impaired users in performing different activities through their mobiles. Most of the researchers focused on usability in different applications and evaluated the usability issues of these applications with visually impaired participants. Some of the studies included sighted participants to compare the number and type of problems they faced. The usability evaluation was generally based on the following criteria: accessibility, efficiency, learnability, memorability, errors, safety, and satisfaction. Many of the studied applications show a good indication of these applications’ usability and follow the participants’ comments to ensure additional enhancements in usability. This paper aims to provide an overview of the developments on usability of mobile applications for people with visual impairments and use this overview to highlight potential future directions.

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UN sustainable development goals and management of non-instantaneous deteriorating items: a literature review and applications framework

  • Original Research
  • Published: 01 August 2024

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literature review mobile application development

  • Pratik Maheshwari 1 ,
  • Sachin Kamble 2 ,
  • Amine Belhadi 3 &
  • Satish Kumar   ORCID: 4  

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Recent decades have seen a surge in reports of mismanagement and mishandling of non-instantaneous deteriorating items (NIDIs), highlighting sustainability issues, environmental impact, and socio-economic changes in academia and industry. High complexity, continuous processes, integrated dynamics, and adaptability issues challenge the sustainable decision-making process for NIDIs’. Hence, the United Nations has directed 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to overcome this ambiguity. This paper examines the challenges in monitoring the targets outlined in SDG 2 (2.3, 2.4, 2(a), 2(b), and 2(c)) and SDG 12 (12.1, 12.3, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, and 12(a)) of the United Nations’s 2030 goals. The proposed goals could effectively address inventory stocks, appropriate policy selections, perishability, and stochastic market demand. Therefore, this study develops a novel framework by hand-mapping the SDGs and their targets with NIDIs sustainability practices, reflected in its environmental, social, and governance aspects. This paper also includes a systematic literature review (2006 to 2022) to identify sustainable models of NIDIs along with variables, barriers, different mathematical programming approaches, optimal performance criteria, and proposed application framework. Moreover, the findings offer a dual contribution: aiding academic analysis of NIDIs about SDGs and proposing a sustainable modeling framework for practitioners, fostering stakeholder collaboration, and integrating current research trends and agendas for future research directions.

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Indian Institute of Management Jammu, Jammu, 180016, India

Pratik Maheshwari

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Sachin Kamble

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Amine Belhadi

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Satish Kumar

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Appendix 1: Comprehensive literature review on NIDIs





Demand-dependent distribution functions


Replenishment rate

Sr. no

Authors name


Single items

Multi items













Wu et al. ( )







Ouyang et al. ( )







Ouyang et al. ( )






Thangam and Uthayakumar ( )





Sugapriya and Jeyaraman ( )







Geetha and Uthayakumar ( )







Chung ( )







Manna et al. ( )






Uthayakumar and Geetha ( )







Uthayakumar and Geetha ( )







Wu et al. ( )






Yang et al. ( )






Chang et al. ( )







Geetha and Uthayakumar ( )







Chung ( )







Jaggi and Verma ( )





Chang et al. ( )







Valliathal and Uthayakumar ( )







Chang et al. ( )





Gite ( )







Ghobadi et al. ( )







Maihami and Nakhai Kamalabadi ( )







Soni and Patel ( )







Kumar et al. ( )







Valliathal and Uthayakumar ( )






Valliathal and Uthayakumar ( )






Ghoreishi et al. ( )







Hao et al. ( )






Shah et al. ( )






Xu and Xiao ( )






Kaur et al. ( )







Krommyda et al. ( )







Kumar et al. ( )







Dye ( )






Soni ( )







Soni and Patel ( )







Singh and Rathore ( )







Mishra ( )







Farughi et al. ( )






Tyagi et al. ( )







Kumar and Rajput ( )







Maihami and Karimi ( )







Ghoreishi et al. ( )






Ghoreishi et al. ( )








Palanivel et al. ( )






Wu et al. ( )







Chung et al. ( )






Samanta and Pal ( )







Jaggi et al. ( , )







Palanivel and Uthayakumar ( )







Ghasemi ( )






Tayal et al. ( )







Jaggi et al. ( , )






Tat et al. ( )







Rabbani et al. ( )






Wang et al. ( )






Kumar and Singh ( )








Zhang et al. ( )






Palanivel and Uthayakumar ( )







Vandana and Sharma ( )






Palanivel et al. ( )







Goyal and Chauhan ( )






Valliathal and Uthayakumar ( )







Tsao ( )






Palanivel et al. ( )







Palanivel et al. ( )







Palanivel and Uthayakumar ( )







Jaggi et al. ( )






Tiwari et al. ( )








Mohanty et al. ( )







Zhang et al. ( )






Singh et al. ( )






Jaggi et al. ( , )






Palanivel and Uthayakumar ( )







Rangarajan and Karthikeyan ( )







Jaggi et al. ( , )






Palanivel and Uthayakumar ( )







Bardhan et al. ( )







Tsao et al. ( )






Nagare et al. ( )







Tiwari et al. ( )






Ai et al. ( )






Chakraborty et al. ( )







Shaikh et al. ( )







Maihami et al. ( )






Rabbani et al. ( )






Udayakumar and Geetha ( )





Soni et al. ( )






Gor and Patel ( )







Soni et al. ( )







Aliabadi et al. ( )







Cao et al. ( )






Rastogi et al. ( )







Ai et al. ( )






Patel and Gor ( )







Udayakumar and Geetha ( )







Ahmad and Benkherouf ( )






Pal et al. ( )







Lashgari et al. ( )







Tashakkor et al. ( )







Palanivel et al. ( )







Pérez et al. ( )







Li et al. ( )







Akhtar et al. ( )





Almathkour and Benkherouf ( )





Das et al. ( )






Hasan et al. ( )




He et al. ( )




Mahato and Mahata ( )





Maihami et al. ( )





Mishra et al. ( )





Nagare et al. ( )





Rapolu and Kandpal ( )






Rezagholifam et al. ( )






Soni and Suthar ( )




Sundararajan et al. ( )







Maheshwari et al. ( )





Tripathy et al. ( )





Udayakumar ( )






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Wu et al. ( )





Ouyang et al. ( )





Ouyang et al. ( )




Thangam and Uthayakumar ( )




Sugapriya and Jeyaraman ( )




Geetha and Uthayakumar ( )



Chung ( )





Manna et al. ( )




Uthayakumar and Geetha ( )





Uthayakumar and Geetha ( )





Wu et al. ( )





Yang et al. ( )





Chang et al. ( )





Geetha and Uthayakumar ( )





Chung ( )




Jaggi and Verma ( )





Chang et al. ( )





Valliathal and Uthayakumar ( )





Chang et al. ( )






Gite ( )





Ghobadi et al. ( )





Maihami and Nakhai Kamalabadi ( )





Soni and Patel ( )






Kumar et al. ( )






Valliathal and Uthayakumar ( )




Valliathal and Uthayakumar ( )




Ghoreishi et al. ( )






Hao et al. ( )






Shah et al. ( )




Xu and Xiao ( )




Kaur et al. ( )





Krommyda et al. ( )






Kumar et al. ( )






Dye ( )





Soni ( )




Soni and Patel ( )






Singh and Rathore ( )






Mishra ( )





Farughi et al. ( )





Tyagi et al. ( )




Kumar and Rajput ( )





Maihami and Karimi ( )





Ghoreishi et al. ( )






Ghoreishi et al. ( )






Palanivel et al. ( )





Wu et al. ( )





Chung et al. ( )





Samanta and Pal ( )




Jaggi et al. ( , )






Palanivel and Uthayakumar ( )





Ghasemi ( )




Tayal et al. ( )




Jaggi et al. ( , )







Tat et al. ( )




Rabbani et al. ( )





Wang et al. ( )





Kumar and Singh ( )




Zhang et al. ( )





Palanivel and Uthayakumar ( )





Vandana and Sharma ( )





Palanivel et al. ( )





Goyal and Chauhan ( )




Valliathal and Uthayakumar ( )




Tsao ( )






Palanivel et al. ( )






Palanivel et al. ( )







Palanivel and Uthayakumar ( )





Jaggi et al. ( )






Tiwari et al. ( )






Mohanty et al. ( )





Zhang et al. ( )





Singh et al. ( )






Jaggi et al. ( , )





Palanivel and Uthayakumar ( )






Rangarajan and Karthikeyan ( )





Jaggi et al. ( , )





Palanivel and Uthayakumar ( )





Bardhan et al. ( )





Tsao et al. ( )






Nagare et al. ( )





Tiwari et al. ( )






Ai et al. ( )




Chakraborty et al. ( )




Shaikh et al. ( )






Maihami et al. ( )






Rabbani et al. ( )





Udayakumar and Geetha ( )




Soni et al. ( )




Gor and Patel ( )




Soni et al. ( )





Aliabadi et al. ( )





Cao et al. ( )





Rastogi et al. ( )



Ai et al. ( )





Patel and Gor ( )




Udayakumar and Geetha ( )






Ahmad and Benkherouf ( )





Pal et al. ( )





Lashgari et al. ( )






Tashakkor et al. ( )




Palanivel et al. ( )






Pérez et al. ( )




Li et al. ( )






Akhtar et al. ( )




Almathkour and Benkherouf ( )




Das et al. ( )





Hasan et al. ( )




He et al. ( )




Mahato and Mahata ( )





Maihami et al. ( )






Mishra et al. ( )





Nagare et al. ( )




Rapolu and Kandpal ( )




Rezagholifam et al. ( )





Soni and Suthar ( )





Sundararajan et al. ( )





Maheshwari et al. ( )



Tripathy et al. ( )






Udayakumar ( )



Appendix 2: Summary of SDG


Aims to end poverty globally with paid leave, providing financial lifesaving assistance, paying living wages, and the right to equality


Ending world hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture. Since most of the NIDIs-related literature targets perishable items such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, cooked leftovers, grains, fruits, and vegetables, we specifically explored this SDG


To ensure good health and well-being in the work environment, companies are working on minimizing the injury rate of their employees through means such as ensuring all factory employees complete mandatory safety training


To provide an inclusive, equitable, and high-quality education


Gender equality


Firm engagement in water stewardship, which ensures efficient water consumption and enables high water quality


Ensuring affordable and renewable energy through various initiatives, with some companies providing technologies for cheap, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy


Committing to human rights and labor rights in the workplace


Integrative and sustainable industrialization, supporting innovation, and strengthening infrastructure

SDG 10

The reduction of inequalities

SDG 11

The promotion of sustainable cities and communities

SDG 12

Ensures sustainable consumption and production patterns

SDG 13

Climate-related goals

SDG 14

Preservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas, and marine resources

SDG 15

Protect biodiversity and natural habitats

SDG 16

Addresses peace, justice, and strong institutions

SDG 17

Global partnership for sustainable development

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About this article

Maheshwari, P., Kamble, S., Belhadi, A. et al. UN sustainable development goals and management of non-instantaneous deteriorating items: a literature review and applications framework. Ann Oper Res (2024).

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Received : 03 March 2023

Accepted : 02 July 2024

Published : 01 August 2024


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