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The Complete List of Teaching Methods

Headshot of Joseph Lathan, PhD

Teaching Methods: Not as Simple as ABC

Teaching methods [teacher-centered], teaching methods [student-centered], what about blended learning and udl, teaching methods: a to z, for the love of teaching.

Whether you’re a longtime educator, preparing to start your first teaching job or mapping out your dream of a career in the classroom, the topic of teaching methods is one that means many different things to different people.

Your individual approaches and strategies to imparting knowledge to your students and inspiring them to learn are probably built on your academic education as well as your instincts and intuition.

Whether you come by your preferred teaching methods organically or by actively studying educational theory and pedagogy, it can be helpful to have a comprehensive working knowledge of the various teaching methods at your disposal.

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The teacher-centered approach vs. the student-centered approach. High-tech vs. low-tech approaches to learning. Flipped classrooms, differentiated instruction, inquiry-based learning, personalized learning and more.

Not only are there dozens of teaching methods to explore, it is also important to have a sense for how they often overlap or interrelate. One extremely helpful look at this question is offered by the teacher-focused education website

“Teaching theories can be organized into four categories based on two major parameters: a teacher-centered approach versus a student-centered approach, and high-tech material use versus low-tech material use,” according to the informative article , which breaks down a variety of influential teaching methods as follows:

Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning Teachers serve as instructor/authority figures who deliver knowledge to their students through lectures and direct instruction, and aim to measure the results through testing and assessment. This method is sometimes referred to as “sage on the stage.”

Student-Centered Approach to Learning Teachers still serve as an authority figure, but may function more as a facilitator or “guide on the side,” as students assume a much more active role in the learning process. In this method, students learn from and are continually assessed on such activities as group projects, student portfolios and class participation.

High-Tech Approach to Learning From devices like laptops and tablets to using the internet to connect students with information and people from around the world, technology plays an ever-greater role in many of today’s classrooms. In the high-tech approach to learning, teachers utilize many different types of technology to aid students in their classroom learning.

Low-Tech Approach to Learning Technology obviously comes with pros and cons, and many teachers believe that a low-tech approach better enables them to tailor the educational experience to different types of learners. Additionally, while computer skills are undeniably necessary today, this must be balanced against potential downsides; for example, some would argue that over-reliance on spell check and autocorrect features can inhibit rather than strengthen student spelling and writing skills.

Diving further into the overlap between different types of teaching methods, here is a closer look at three teacher-centered methods of instruction and five popular student-centered approaches.

Direct Instruction (Low Tech) Under the direct instruction model — sometimes described as the “traditional” approach to teaching — teachers convey knowledge to their students primarily through lectures and scripted lesson plans, without factoring in student preferences or opportunities for hands-on or other types of learning. This method is also customarily low-tech since it relies on texts and workbooks rather than computers or mobile devices.

Flipped Classrooms (High Tech) What if students did the “classroom” portion of their learning at home and their “homework” in the classroom? That’s an oversimplified description of the flipped classroom approach, in which students watch or read their lessons on computers at home and then complete assignments and do problem-solving exercises in class.

Kinesthetic Learning (Low Tech) In the kinesthetic learning model, students perform hands-on physical activities rather than listening to lectures or watching demonstrations. Kinesthetic learning, which values movement and creativity over technological skills, is most commonly used to augment traditional types of instruction — the theory being that requiring students to do, make or create something exercises different learning muscles.

Differentiated Instruction (Low Tech) Inspired by the 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), enacted to ensure equal access to public education for all children, differentiated instruction is the practice of developing an understanding of how each student learns best, and then tailoring instruction to meet students’ individual needs.

In some instances, this means Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with special needs, but today teachers use differentiated instruction to connect with all types of learners by offering options on how students access content, the types of activities they do to master a concept, how student learning is assessed and even how the classroom is set up.

Inquiry-Based Learning (High Tech) Rather than function as a sole authority figure, in inquiry-based learning teachers offer support and guidance as students work on projects that depend on them taking on a more active and participatory role in their own learning. Different students might participate in different projects, developing their own questions and then conducting research — often using online resources — and then demonstrate the results of their work through self-made videos, web pages or formal presentations.

Expeditionary Learning (Low Tech) Expeditionary learning is based on the idea that there is considerable educational value in getting students out of the classroom and into the real world. Examples include trips to City Hall or Washington, D.C., to learn about the workings of government, or out into nature to engage in specific study related to the environment. Technology can be used to augment such expeditions, but the primary focus is on getting out into the community for real-world learning experiences.

Personalized Learning (High Tech) In personalized learning, teachers encourage students to follow personalized, self-directed learning plans that are inspired by their specific interests and skills. Since assessment is also tailored to the individual, students can advance at their own pace, moving forward or spending extra time as needed. Teachers offer some traditional instruction as well as online material, while also continually reviewing student progress and meeting with students to make any needed changes to their learning plans.

Game-Based Learning (High Tech) Students love games, and considerable progress has been made in the field of game-based learning, which requires students to be problem solvers as they work on quests to accomplish a specific goal. For students, this approach blends targeted learning objectives with the fun of earning points or badges, much like they would in a video game. For teachers, planning this type of activity requires additional time and effort, so many rely on software like Classcraft or 3DGameLab to help students maximize the educational value they receive from within the gamified learning environment.

Blended Learning Blended learning  is another strategy for teachers looking to introduce flexibility into their classroom. This method relies heavily on technology, with part of the instruction taking place online and part in the classroom via a more traditional approach, often leveraging elements of the flipped classroom approach detailed above. At the heart of blended learning is a philosophy of taking the time to understand each student’s learning style and develop strategies to teach to every learner, by building flexibility and choice into your curriculum.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) UDL incorporates both student-centered learning and the “multiple intelligences theory,” which holds that different learners are wired to learn most effectively in different ways (examples of these “intelligences” include visual-spatial, logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, linguistic, musical, etc.). In practice, this could mean that some students might be working on a writing project while others would be more engaged if they created a play or a movie. UDL emphasizes the idea of teaching to every student, special needs students included, in the general education classroom, creating community and building knowledge through multiple means.

In addition to the many philosophical and pedagogical approaches to teaching, classroom educators today employ diverse and sometimes highly creative methods involving specific strategies, prompts and tools that require little explanation. These include:

  • Appointments with students
  • Art-based projects
  • Audio tutorials
  • Author’s chair
  • Book reports
  • Bulletin boards
  • Brainstorming
  • Case studies
  • Chalkboard instruction
  • Class projects
  • Classroom discussion
  • Classroom video diary
  • Collaborative learning spaces
  • Creating murals and montages
  • Current events quizzes
  • Designated quiet space
  • Discussion groups
  • DIY activities
  • Dramatization (plays, skits, etc.)
  • Educational games
  • Educational podcasts
  • Essays (Descriptive)
  • Essays (Expository)
  • Essays (Narrative)
  • Essays (Persuasive)
  • Exhibits and displays
  • Explore different cultures
  • Field trips
  • Flash cards
  • Flexible seating
  • Gamified learning plans
  • Genius hour
  • Group discussion
  • Guest speakers
  • Hands-on activities
  • Individual projects
  • Interviewing
  • Laboratory experiments
  • Learning contracts
  • Learning stations
  • Literature circles
  • Making posters
  • Mock conventions
  • Motivational posters
  • Music from other countries/cultures
  • Oral reports
  • Panel discussions
  • Peer partner learning
  • Photography
  • Problem solving activities
  • Reading aloud
  • Readers’ theater
  • Reflective discussion
  • Research projects
  • Rewards & recognition
  • Role playing
  • School newspapers
  • Science fairs
  • Sister city programs
  • Spelling bees
  • Storytelling
  • Student podcasts
  • Student portfolios
  • Student presentations
  • Student-conceived projects
  • Supplemental reading assignments
  • Team-building exercises
  • Term papers
  • Textbook assignments
  • Think-tac-toe
  • Time capsules
  • Use of community or local resources
  • Video creation
  • Video lessons
  • Vocabulary lists

So, is the teacher the center of the educational universe or the student? Does strong reliance on the wonders of technology offer a more productive educational experience or is a more traditional, lower-tech approach the best way to help students thrive?

Questions such as these are food for thought for educators everywhere, in part because they inspire ongoing reflection on how to make a meaningful difference in the lives of one’s students.

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Education Corner

Teaching Methods and Strategies: The Complete Guide

You’ve completed your coursework. Student teaching has ended. You’ve donned the cap and gown, crossed the stage, smiled with your diploma and went home to fill out application after application.

Suddenly you are standing in what will be your classroom for the next year and after the excitement of decorating it wears off and you begin lesson planning, you start to notice all of your lessons are executed the same way, just with different material. But that is what you know and what you’ve been taught, so you go with it.

After a while, your students are bored, and so are you. There must be something wrong because this isn’t what you envisioned teaching to be like. There is.

Figuring out the best ways you can deliver information to students can sometimes be even harder than what students go through in discovering how they learn best. The reason is because every single teacher needs a variety of different teaching methods in their theoretical teaching bag to pull from depending on the lesson, the students, and things as seemingly minute as the time the class is and the subject.

Using these different teaching methods, which are rooted in theory of different teaching styles, will not only help teachers reach their full potential, but more importantly engage, motivate and reach the students in their classes, whether in person or online.

Teaching Methods

Teaching methods, or methodology, is a narrower topic because it’s founded in theories and educational psychology. If you have a degree in teaching, you most likely have heard of names like Skinner, Vygotsky , Gardner, Piaget , and Bloom . If their names don’t ring a bell, you should definitely recognize their theories that have become teaching methods. The following are the most common teaching theories.


Behaviorism is the theory that every learner is essentially a “clean slate” to start off and shaped by emotions. People react to stimuli, reactions as well as positive and negative reinforcement, the site states.

Learning Theories names the most popular theorists who ascribed to this theory were Ivan Pavlov, who many people may know with his experiments with dogs. He performed an experiment with dogs that when he rang a bell, the dogs responded to the stimuli; then he applied the idea to humans.

Other popular educational theorists who were part of behaviorism was B.F. Skinner and Albert Bandura .

Social Cognitive Theory

Social Cognitive Theory is typically spoken about at the early childhood level because it has to do with critical thinking with the biggest concept being the idea of play, according to Edwin Peel writing for Encyclopedia Britannica . Though Bandura and Lev Vygotsky also contributed to cognitive theory, according to Dr. Norman Herr with California State University , the most popular and first theorist of cognitivism is Piaget.

There are four stages to Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development that he created in 1918. Each stage correlates with a child’s development from infancy to their teenage years.

The first stage is called the Sensorimotor Stage which occurs from birth to 18 months. The reason this is considered cognitive development is because the brain is literally growing through exploration, like squeaking horns, discovering themselves in mirrors or spinning things that click on their floor mats or walkers; creating habits like sleeping with a certain blanket; having reflexes like rubbing their eyes when tired or thumb sucking; and beginning to decipher vocal tones.

The second stage, or the Preoperational Stage, occurs from ages 2 to 7 when toddlers begin to understand and correlate symbols around them, ask a lot of questions, and start forming sentences and conversations, but they haven’t developed perspective yet so empathy does not quite exist yet, the website states. This is the stage when children tend to blurt out honest statements, usually embarrassing their parents, because they don’t understand censoring themselves either.

From ages 7 to 11, children are beginning to problem solve, can have conversations about things they are interested in, are more aware of logic and develop empathy during the Concrete Operational Stage.

The final stage, called the Formal Operational Stage, though by definition ends at age 16, can continue beyond. It involves deeper thinking and abstract thoughts as well as questioning not only what things are but why the way they are is popular, the site states. Many times people entering new stages of their lives like high school, college, or even marriage go through elements of Piaget’s theory, which is why the strategies that come from this method are applicable across all levels of education.

The Multiple Intelligences Theory

The Multiple Intelligences Theory states that people don’t need to be smart in every single discipline to be considered intelligent on paper tests, but that people excel in various disciplines, making them exceptional.

Created in 1983, the former principal in the Scranton School District in Scranton, PA, created eight different intelligences, though since then two others have been debated of whether to be added but have not yet officially, according to the site.

The original eight are musical, spatial, linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic and most people have a predominant intelligence followed by others. For those who are musically-inclined either via instruments, vocals, has perfect pitch, can read sheet music or can easily create music has Musical Intelligence.

Being able to see something and rearrange it or imagine it differently is Spatial Intelligence, while being talented with language, writing or avid readers have Linguistic Intelligence. Kinesthetic Intelligence refers to understanding how the body works either anatomically or athletically and Naturalistic Intelligence is having an understanding of nature and elements of the ecosystem.

The final intelligences have to do with personal interactions. Intrapersonal Intelligence is a matter of knowing oneself, one’s limits, and their inner selves while Interpersonal Intelligence is knowing how to handle a variety of other people without conflict or knowing how to resolve it, the site states. There is still an elementary school in Scranton, PA named after their once-principal.


Constructivism is another theory created by Piaget which is used as a foundation for many other educational theories and strategies because constructivism is focused on how people learn. Piaget states in this theory that people learn from their experiences. They learn best through active learning , connect it to their prior knowledge and then digest this information their own way. This theory has created the ideas of student-centered learning in education versus teacher-centered learning.

Universal Design for Learning

The final method is the Universal Design for Learning which has redefined the educational community since its inception in the mid-1980s by David H. Rose. This theory focuses on how teachers need to design their curriculum for their students. This theory really gained traction in the United States in 2004 when it was presented at an international conference and he explained that this theory is based on neuroscience and how the brain processes information, perform tasks and get excited about education.

The theory, known as UDL, advocates for presenting information in multiple ways to enable a variety of learners to understand the information; presenting multiple assessments for students to show what they have learned; and learn and utilize a student’s own interests to motivate them to learn, the site states. This theory also discussed incorporating technology in the classroom and ways to educate students in the digital age.

Teaching Styles

From each of the educational theories, teachers extract and develop a plethora of different teaching styles, or strategies. Instructors must have a large and varied arsenal of strategies to use weekly and even daily in order to build rapport, keep students engaged and even keep instructors from getting bored with their own material. These can be applicable to all teaching levels, but adaptations must be made based on the student’s age and level of development.

Differentiated instruction is one of the most popular teaching strategies, which means that teachers adjust the curriculum for a lesson, unit or even entire term in a way that engages all learners in various ways, according to Chapter 2 of the book Instructional Process and Concepts in Theory and Practice by Celal Akdeniz . This means changing one’s teaching styles constantly to fit not only the material but more importantly, the students based on their learning styles.

Learning styles are the ways in which students learn best. The most popular types are visual, audio, kinesthetic and read/write , though others include global as another type of learner, according to Akdeniz . For some, they may seem self-explanatory. Visual learners learn best by watching the instruction or a demonstration; audio learners need to hear a lesson; kinesthetic learners learn by doing, or are hands-on learners; read/write learners to best by reading textbooks and writing notes; and global learners need material to be applied to their real lives, according to The Library of Congress .

There are many activities available to instructors that enable their students to find out what kind of learner they are. Typically students have a main style with a close runner-up, which enables them to learn best a certain way but they can also learn material in an additional way.

When an instructor knows their students and what types of learners are in their classroom, instructors are able to then differentiate their instruction and assignments to those learning types, according to Akdeniz and The Library of Congress. Learn more about different learning styles.

When teaching new material to any type of learner, is it important to utilize a strategy called scaffolding . Scaffolding is based on a student’s prior knowledge and building a lesson, unit or course from the most foundational pieces and with each step make the information more complicated, according to an article by Jerry Webster .

To scaffold well, a teacher must take a personal interest in their students to learn not only what their prior knowledge is but their strengths as well. This will enable an instructor to base new information around their strengths and use positive reinforcement when mistakes are made with the new material.

There is an unfortunate concept in teaching called “teach to the middle” where instructors target their lessons to the average ability of the students in their classroom, leaving slower students frustrated and confused, and above average students frustrated and bored. This often results in the lower- and higher-level students scoring poorly and a teacher with no idea why.

The remedy for this is a strategy called blended learning where differentiated instruction is occurring simultaneously in the classroom to target all learners, according to author and educator Juliana Finegan . In order to be successful at blended learning, teachers once again need to know their students, how they learn and their strengths and weaknesses, according to Finegan.

Blended learning can include combining several learning styles into one lesson like lecturing from a PowerPoint – not reading the information on the slides — that includes cartoons and music associations while the students have the print-outs. The lecture can include real-life examples and stories of what the instructor encountered and what the students may encounter. That example incorporates four learning styles and misses kinesthetic, but the activity afterwards can be solely kinesthetic.

A huge component of blended learning is technology. Technology enables students to set their own pace and access the resources they want and need based on their level of understanding, according to The Library of Congress . It can be used three different ways in education which include face-to-face, synchronously or asynchronously . Technology used with the student in the classroom where the teacher can answer questions while being in the student’s physical presence is known as face-to-face.

Synchronous learning is when students are learning information online and have a teacher live with them online at the same time, but through a live chat or video conferencing program, like Skype, or Zoom, according to The Library of Congress.

Finally, asynchronous learning is when students take a course or element of a course online, like a test or assignment, as it fits into their own schedule, but a teacher is not online with them at the time they are completing or submitting the work. Teachers are still accessible through asynchronous learning but typically via email or a scheduled chat meeting, states the Library of Congress.

The final strategy to be discussed actually incorporates a few teaching strategies, so it’s almost like blended teaching. It starts with a concept that has numerous labels such as student-centered learning, learner-centered pedagogy, and teacher-as-tutor but all mean that an instructor revolves lessons around the students and ensures that students take a participatory role in the learning process, known as active learning, according to the Learning Portal .

In this model, a teacher is just a facilitator, meaning that they have created the lesson as well as the structure for learning, but the students themselves become the teachers or create their own knowledge, the Learning Portal says. As this is occurring, the instructor is circulating the room working as a one-on-one resource, tutor or guide, according to author Sara Sanchez Alonso from Yale’s Center for Teaching and Learning. For this to work well and instructors be successful one-on-one and planning these lessons, it’s essential that they have taken the time to know their students’ history and prior knowledge, otherwise it can end up to be an exercise in futility, Alonso said.

Some activities teachers can use are by putting students in groups and assigning each student a role within the group, creating reading buddies or literature circles, making games out of the material with individual white boards, create different stations within the classroom for different skill levels or interest in a lesson or find ways to get students to get up out of their seats and moving, offers .

There are so many different methodologies and strategies that go into becoming an effective instructor. A consistent theme throughout all of these is for a teacher to take the time to know their students because they care, not because they have to. When an instructor knows the stories behind the students, they are able to design lessons that are more fun, more meaningful, and more effective because they were designed with the students’ best interests in mind.

There are plenty of pre-made lessons, activities and tests available online and from textbook publishers that any teacher could use. But you need to decide if you want to be the original teacher who makes a significant impact on your students, or a pre-made teacher a student needs to get through.

Read Also: – Blended Learning Guide – Collaborative Learning Guide – Flipped Classroom Guide – Game Based Learning Guide – Gamification in Education Guide – Holistic Education Guide – Maker Education Guide – Personalized Learning Guide – Place-Based Education Guide – Project-Based Learning Guide – Scaffolding in Education Guide – Social-Emotional Learning Guide

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Teaching Methods: Definition, Types, Best Teaching Methods For All Levels

Teaching methods, as it pertains to education, are the techniques and strategies teachers use to help students succeed. Teaching methods can be classified into three categories: instructional design (teacher-led), student-centered (learner-directed), and collaborative/cooperative (group-oriented).

Learning is a process that can be assisted by various methods and techniques. The most common and best method of teaching and learning is the lectures method. Lectures are one of the many different teaching methods used to teach students about the course content. This blog post will discuss what teaching methods are, how they work, and other various types of teaching methods!

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What is a Teaching Method?

The teaching method is the strategy used to convey information for students to learn, it involves careful educational evaluation and assessments in ensuring the right knowledge is passed on to the pupils. Teaching methods can vary from institution to institution, but lectures are a standard method used in the classroom. The best method of teaching focuses on the best way to convey information for students of all different types. However, lectures are one of the more effective ways to do this because they allow instructors to use the best teaching method possible by covering a lot of ground for their lessons to be clearly understood!

A teaching method is a specific way in which teachers teach students. There are many different types and styles of education that teachers use when they interact with students. These methods may be used by either private or public school educators depending on their personal preference or state requirements for teacher certification. The type of education title you obtain will also depend upon your choice of educational style since there are several titles associated with each particular method. However, there are certain vital factors that you should consider before selecting your favorite technique for pedagogy, such as:

  • What age group will be studying?
  • What level of education does everyone have?
  • Are they beginners or experts in their field already?
  • How much time do I have to work with them, and how long can my attention span last when working individually/in groups?
  • Do I want more information about the topic than just the basics. So, is it an educational experience, or do I need something fun and entertaining for people who don’t know anything about the subject matter at hand?

9 Types of Teaching Methods

1. lecture mode.

Lecture learning is one of the most common methods for teaching and learning in higher institutions of seminar. This method involves a teacher standing in front of students and talking about course content they need to know or understand. Some benefits of lectures include: students can ask questions if they do not understand something, teachers have complete control over what information gets shared with students during this type of instruction, and sometimes allow time so students can take notes on important concepts taught by the instructor. However, some challenges are associated with lecture learning, including how it may be boring for students who prefer more hands-on activities and lack engagement between instructors and their learners.

The lecture method help to break the topic into different segments and present them in smaller chunks. Instructors can use PowerPoint slides, videos, or online resources to help teach students about the course content. In addition, lecture methods are best used when instructors need more time to prepare for their lessons . Lectures can also be best used when instructors need to cover a lot of material in the shortest amount of time possible!

How Do Lectures Work?

Lectures work best when instructors have a lot of material to cover in the classroom. This method is best used when there isn’t enough time for students to engage with their course content from other perspectives, such as through group projects, small group activities, or hands-on learning. Lecture methods are best taught by teachers who can keep students’ attention and clearly share information so everyone can understand what is being said.

2. Problem Solving

This method of teaching involves having students work on specific problems or challenges directly related to course content being taught in class. Some benefits include increased engagement, students learning more deeply about the material, and allowing for more hands-on activities with instructors who may be standing at a whiteboard working through solutions together with their learners. However, there are some cons associated with this form, including the time needed for preparation if not familiarized beforehand with the topic/concepts covered during instruction. It can also be challenging to monitor all learners’ progress.

How Does Problem Solving Work?

Problem-solving involves the instructor presenting a problem or challenge to the students and then breaking up into small groups to work together on finding solutions. This method of teaching best suits visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners because it allows students to engage with the material in different ways. During this type of instruction, teachers should closely monitor student progress, so all individuals make significant contributions and stay on task. They should also be engaged throughout each lesson period.

3. Role Playing

This teaching method involves having students dress up as characters and act out different situations/scenarios related to the material being taught at hand. Some benefits include increased engagement, allowing for hands-on activities with instructors who may participate, and opportunities for student practice before applying these newly learned skills outside their classroom. However, role-playing challenges include the time needed for preparation if not familiarized beforehand with the topic/concepts covered during instruction.

How Does Role-Playing Work?

The best way that role-playing can work is by allowing the instructor to present topics or concepts covered during the lecture time frame while also incorporating small groups into acting out scenarios related to these lessons. During this type of instruction, teachers should monitor student progress closely, so all individuals make significant contributions and everyone stays on task.

4. Group Work

Group work involves having students work with their classmates cooperatively on different assignments related to the material they are being taught at hand. Some benefits include increased engagement and learning more deeply about concepts through collaboration. However, there are drawbacks associated with group work, including the time needed for students’ preparation if not familiarized beforehand with the topic/concepts.

How does group work functions best in a learning environment?

First, students must be familiarized beforehand with the concepts and content they will learn. Then instructors must give their students specific instructions on how best to complete an assignment or project so that each student can best participate and contribute to the overall group effort. Students should also be given time for individual learning before applying these newly learned skills during group work.

5. Games Method of Teaching

Another type of teaching method includes games or activities. It involves having students participate in interactive elements such as board games related to the concepts being taught. Some benefits include increased engagement, learning more deeply about the material through hands-on activities with instructors who may actively participate, and shortening lesson times.

Games can be used to reinforce material that students have already learned. For example, after a lecture has been given on the French Revolution and its causes, instructors may choose to play Jeopardy with their classes using terms like “monarchy,” “revolution,” and other concepts discussed in the lecture. It helps students review and retain information from a previous lesson while encouraging them to participate with one another.

How Does The Game Method of Teaching Work?

In this teaching approach, students are divided into groups. Each group has a different task in the game that they must complete before receiving points or “credits” to move on in their games. For example, one group might have to identify specific countries or continents on the board in a geography course while another has to list capital cities. Instructors can incorporate concepts into these games by rewarding groups who correctly answer questions with more credits than other teams.

6. Flipped Classroom

How does flipped classroom work.

The flipped classroom method of teaching has allowed students to familiarize themselves with course materials outside of class time to participate more actively during classroom lectures. Several benefits come along with this form of learning, including increased student engagement and instructor feedback during the lesson itself. This method also provides students more opportunities for practice before applying what they have learned to other tasks outside their classroom environment. However, there are some difficulties associated with using the flipped class model as well. One major drawback is that instructors may not have enough time to prepare for their lectures because they are limited by the amount of preparation they can do before students come into class. Additionally, students may not be as closely monitored by their instructors because they now have the responsibility of completing homework assignments on their own.

7. Self-Paced Learning

In a self-paced learning environment, there is no set time when the class meets. When using this method, students take responsibility for their learning.

In these environments, instructors offer little to no guidance or feedback during instruction, allowing students to learn independently. Some benefits include increased engagement and student independence in terms of doing coursework. It can also be seen as giving self-study opportunities that previously would not have been available due to lack of instructor availability/time. However, some challenges are associated with this form, including less time spent together outside class which could lead to feelings of isolation or loneliness. Students may not always understand the concepts and may have to take time out of their day to seek help from peers. Many examples of student projects completed using self-paced learning include research papers, science fairs, presentations, art projects, etc.

How Does Self-Paced Learning Work?

Instructors create self-paced learning courses to help students complete coursework on their own time. Students work at their own pace and meet with an instructor when they need assistance understanding a concept or completing a major assignment/project.

Self-paced learning is unique in that it doesn’t rely on meetings or set times for students and instructors to meet. Students are responsible for working independently, making this method different from other methods where the instructor schedules classes. This teaching method also allows students with busy schedules more flexibility, as they can work on coursework at their own pace without having to miss class due to conflicting work/school schedules.

8. Student-Centered Learning

Finally, there is another approach called “Student-Centered Learning”. In this environment, instructors are more hands-off during lectures, allowing students to discuss topics at hand. Some benefits include increased engagement among classmates as it creates a classroom community feeling where everyone feels comfortable being themselves. However, some challenges are associated with this form. They include a lack of structure, which can also be seen as overwhelming by some learners who prefer clear guidelines on what needs completing throughout the semester. Also, students may feel as though they have not been given clear instructions on what to do, which may lead them to feelings of confusion or lack of motivation.

How Does Student-Centered Learning Work?

Some instructors may be highly involved in lecture sessions, while others give students more opportunities to work together or ask questions. The latter is generally the case when teaching introductory courses, which require less guidance than advanced topics. In this type of learning environment, students are expected to be active members in learning. The instructor needs to ensure that each student has an equal opportunity to master course content.

9. Montessori Teaching Method

This is the new cool for elementary schools. That is from pre-school to nursery and down to primary school level. It is now the most adopted method of teaching practiced amongst educationists. This method of teaching involves using creative tools that physically and mentally help kids to easily understand and memorize what is being taught. Montessori teachers are highly trained tutors who know how to impart knowledge into the kids using the Montessori teaching materials. Amongst all the teaching methods for Nursery and Primary school level, the Montessori method of teaching is the best.

A typical Montessori class room.

Having defined Teaching method, listed and explained in full, the types of teaching method, we can deduce from above the best method of teaching.

What is Best Method of Teaching?

The best method depends on various factors and circumstances. all teaching methods listed above depends on the institutional grade which in-turn has a direct relationship with the mental capacity of the students or pupils being taught. For example, for nursery and primary school level otherwise known as the elementary of foundational level, the Montessori method of teaching is the best due to the level of assimilation.

Gaming method is another practical method of teaching that best suits primary and secondary school level. The lecture mode of teaching is best suitable for a larger crowd because its conveys the lecturer’s message and students jot down. Lectures are one of the best methods of teaching for higher institution because they allow instructors to convey information quickly and efficiently. There is no better way to explain something than by doing it yourself! Having an instructor explain course content firsthand is beneficial for students who may be visual learners, auditory learners, or any other type of learner.

As said earlier, choosing the best teaching method is relative and it depends on the circumstance and environment that best suits convey seamlessly the message being passed to the students.

Various teaching methods can be used when instructing students at all levels of education, including elementary school through university or college-level courses. We can use lectures, games, activities, demonstrations, and many other teaching methods in the classroom to teach students about concepts and ideas that will hopefully remain for a long time. In addition to these traditional methods, exploring  top masterclass courses  can offer students a unique opportunity to learn from leading experts in various fields, further enriching their educational journey.

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Pedagogy - Diversifying Your Teaching Methods, Learning Activities, and Assignments

Inclusive Teaching at a PWI is in a blue rectangle at the top. Below are three green circles for Climate, Pedagogy, and Content. Pedagogy is emphasized with key points: Diversify and critically assess teaching methods, learning activities, assignments.

Definition of Pedagogy 

In the most general sense, pedagogy is all the ways that instructors and students work with the course content. The fundamental learning goal for students is to be able to do “something meaningful” with the course content. Meaningful learning typically results in students working in the middle to upper levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy . We sometimes find that novice instructors conflate course content with pedagogy. This often results in “teaching as talking” where the presentation of content by the instructor is confused with the learning of content by the students. Think of your course content as clay and pedagogy as the ways you ask students to make “something meaningful” from that clay. Pedagogy is the combination of teaching methods (what instructors do), learning activities (what instructors ask their students to do), and learning assessments (the assignments, projects, or tasks that measure student learning).

Key Idea for Pedagogy

Diversify your pedagogy by varying your teaching methods, learning activities, and assignments. Critically assess your pedagogy through the lens of BIPOC students’ experiences at a PWI . We visualize these two related practices as a cycle because they are iterative and ongoing. Diversifying your pedagogy likely means shedding some typical ways of teaching in your discipline, or the teaching practices you inherited. It likely means doing more active learning and less traditional lecturing. Transforming good pedagogy into equitable pedagogy means rethinking your pedagogy in light of the PWI context and considering the ways your pedagogy may help or hinder learning for BIPOC students. 

PWI Assumptions for Pedagogy

Understanding where students are on the spectrum of novice to expert learning in your discipline or course is a key challenge to implementing effective and inclusive pedagogy (National Research Council 2000). Instructors are typically so far removed from being a novice learner in their disciplines that they struggle to understand where students are on that spectrum. A key PWI assumption is that students understand how your disciplinary knowledge is organized and constructed . Students typically do not understand your discipline or the many other disciplines they are working in during their undergraduate years. Even graduate students may find it puzzling to explain the origins, methodologies, theories, logics, and assumptions of their disciplines. A second PWI assumption is that students are (or should be) academically prepared to learn your discipline . Students may be academically prepared for learning in some disciplines, but unless their high school experience was college preparatory and well supported, students (especially first-generation college students) are likely finding their way through a mysterious journey of different disciplinary conventions and modes of working and thinking (Nelson 1996).

A third PWI assumption is that instructors may confuse students’ academic underpreparation with their intelligence or capacity to learn . Academic preparation is typically a function of one’s high school experience including whether that high school was well resourced or under funded. Whether or not a student receives a quality high school education is usually a structural matter reflecting inequities in our K12 educational systems, not a reflection of an individual student’s ability to learn. A final PWI assumption is that students will learn well in the ways that the instructor learned well . Actually most instructors in higher education self-selected into disciplines that align with their interests, skills, academic preparation, and possibly family and community support. Our students have broader and different goals for seeking a college education and bring a range of skills to their coursework, which may or may not align with instructors’ expectations of how students learn. Inclusive teaching at a PWI means supporting the learning and career goals of our students.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge as a Core Concept

Kind and Chan (2019) propose that Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is the synthesis of Content Knowledge (expertise about a subject area) and Pedagogical Knowledge (expertise about teaching methods, assessment, classroom management, and how students learn). Content Knowledge (CK) without Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) limits instructors’ ability to teach effectively or inclusively. Novice instructors that rely on traditional lectures likely have limited Pedagogical Knowledge and may also be replicating their own inherited teaching practices. While Kind and Chan (2019) are writing from the perspective of science education, their concepts apply across disciplines. Moreover, Kind and Chan (2019) support van Driel et al.’s assertion that:

high-quality PCK is not characterized by knowing as many strategies as possible to teach a certain topic plus all the misconceptions students may have about it but by knowing when to apply a certain strategy in recognition of students’ actual learning needs and understanding why a certain teaching approach may be useful in one situation (quoted in Kind and Chan 2019, 975). 

As we’ve stressed throughout this guide, the teaching context matters, and for inclusive pedagogy, special attention should be paid to the learning goals, instructor preparation, and students’ point of entry into course content. We also argue that the PWI context shapes what instructors might practice as CK, PK, and PCK. We recommend instructors become familiar with evidence-based pedagogy (or the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning , SoTL) in their fields. Moreover, we advise instructors to find and follow those instructors and scholars that specifically focus on inclusive teaching in their fields in order to develop an inclusive, flexible, and discipline-specific Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

Suggested Practices for Diversifying + Assessing Pedagogy

Although diversifying and critically assessing teaching methods, learning activities, and assignments will vary across disciplines, we offer a few key starting points. Diversifying your pedagogy is easier than critically assessing it through a PWI lens, but both steps are essential. In general, you can diversify your pedagogy by learning about active learning, peer learning, team-based learning, experiential learning, problem-based learning, and case-based learning, among others . There is extensive evidence-based pedagogical literature and practical guides readily available for these methods. And you can also find and follow scholars in your discipline that use these and other teaching methods.

Diversifying Your Pedagogy

Convert traditional lectures into interactive (or active) lectures.

For in-person or synchronous online courses, break a traditional lecture into “mini-lectures” of 10-15 minutes in length. After each mini-lecture, ask your students to process their learning using a discussion or problem prompt, a Classroom Assessment Technique (CAT), a Think-Pair-Share, or another brief learning activity. Read Lecturing from Center for Teaching , Vanderbilt University.

Structure small group discussions

Provide both a process and concrete questions or tasks to guide student learning (for example, provide a scenario with 3 focused tasks such as identify the problem, brainstorm possible solutions, and list the pros/cons for each solution). Read How to Hold a Better Class Discussion , The Chronicle of Higher Education .

Integrate active learning

Integrate active learning, especially into courses that are conceptual, theoretical, or otherwise historically challenging (for example, calculus, organic chemistry, statistics, philosophy). For gateway courses, draw upon the research of STEM and other education specialists on how active learning and peer learning improves student learning and reduces disparities. Read the Association of American Universities STEM Network Scholarship .  

Include authentic learning

Include authentic learning, learning activities and assignments that mirror how students will work after graduation. What does it mean to think and work like an engineer? How do project teams work together? How does one present research in an educational social media campaign? Since most students seeking a college education will not become academic researchers or faculty, what kinds of things will they do in the “real world?” Help students practice and hone those skills as they learn the course content. Read Edutopia’s PBL: What Does It Take for a Project to Be Authentic?

Vary assignments and provide options

Graded assignments should range from low to high stakes. Low stakes assignments allow students to learn from their mistakes and receive timely feedback on their learning. Options for assignments allow students to demonstrate their learning, rather than demonstrate their skill at a particular type of assessment (such as a multiple choice exam or an academic research paper). Read our guide, Create Assessments That Promote Learning for All Students .

Critically Assess Your Pedagogy

Critically assessing your pedagogy through the PWI lens with attention to how your pedagogy may affect the learning of BIPOC students is more challenging and highly contextual. Instructors will want to review and apply the concepts and principles discussed in the earlier sections of this guide on Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs), PWI Assumptions, and Class Climate. 

Reflect on patterns

Reflect on patterns of participation, progress in learning (grade distributions), and other course-related evidence. Look at your class sessions and assignments as experimental data. Who participated? What kinds of participation did you observe? Who didn’t participate? Why might that be? Are there a variety of ways for students to participate in the learning activities (individually, in groups, via discussion, via writing, synchronously/in-person, asynchronously/online)?

Respond to feedback on climate

Respond to feedback on climate from on-going check-ins and Critical Incident Questionnaires (CIQs) as discussed in the Climate Section (Ongoing Practices). Students will likely disengage from your requests for feedback if you do not respond to their feedback. Use this feedback to re-calibrate and re-think your pedagogy. 

Seek feedback on student learning

Seek feedback on student learning in the form of Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs), in-class polls, asynchronous forums, exam wrappers, and other methods.  Demonstrate that you care about your students’ learning by responding to this feedback as well. Here’s how students in previous semesters learned this material … I’m scheduling a problem-solving review session in the next class in response to the results of the exam …

Be diplomatic but clear when correcting mistakes and misconceptions

First-generation college students, many of whom may also identify as BIPOC, have typically achieved a great deal with few resources and significant barriers (Yosso 2005). However, they may be more likely to internalize their learning mistakes as signs that they don’t belong at the university. When correcting, be sure to normalize mistakes as part of the learning process. The correct answer is X, but I can see why you thought it was Y. Many students think it is Y because … But the correct answer is X because … Thank you for helping us understand that misconception.

Allow time for students to think and prepare for participation in a non-stressful setting

This was already suggested in the Climate Section (Race Stressors), but it is worth repeating. BIPOC students and multilingual students may need more time to prepare, not because of their intellectual abilities, but because of the effects of race stressors and other stressors increasing their cognitive load. Providing discussion or problem prompts in advance will reduce this stress and make space for learning. Additionally both student populations may experience stereotype threat, so participation in the “public” aspects of the class session may be stressful in ways that are not true for the majority white and domestic students. If you cannot provide prompts in advance, be sure to allow ample individual “think time” during a synchronous class session.

Avoid consensus models or majority rules processes

This was stated in the Climate Section (Teaching Practices to Avoid), but it’s such an entrenched PWI practice that it needs to be spotlighted and challenged. If I am a numerical “minority” and I am asked to come to consensus or agreement with a numerical “majority,” it is highly likely that my perspective will be minimized or dismissed. Or, I will have to expend a lot of energy to persuade my group of the value of my perspective, which is highly stressful. This is an unacceptable burden to put on BIPOC students and also may result in BIPOC students being placed in the position of teaching white students about a particular perspective or experience. The resulting tensions may also damage BIPOC students’ positive relationships with white students and instructors. When suitable for your content, create a learning experience that promotes seeking multiple solutions to problems, cases, or prompts. Rather than asking students to converge on one best recommendation, why not ask students to log all possible solutions (without evaluation) and then to recommend at least two solutions that include a rationale? Moreover, for course content dealing with policies, the recommended solutions could be explained in terms of their possible effects on different communities. If we value diverse perspectives, we need to structure the consideration of those perspectives into our learning activities and assignments. 

We recognize the challenges of assessing your pedagogy through the PWI lens and doing your best to assess the effects on BIPOC student learning. This is a complex undertaking. But we encourage you to invite feedback from your students as well as to seek the guidance of colleagues, including advisors and other student affairs professionals, to inform your ongoing practices of teaching inclusively at a PWI. In the next section, we complete our exploration of the Inclusive Teaching at a PWI Framework by exploring the importance of auditing, diversifying, and critically assessing course content.

Pedagogy References

Kind, Vanessa and Kennedy K.H. Chan. 2019. “Resolving the Amalgam: Connecting Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Knowledge.” International Journal of Science Education . 41(7): 964-978.

Howard, Jay. N.D. “How to Hold a Better Class Discussion: Advice Guide.” The Chronicle of Higher Education . 

National Research Council. 2000. “How Experts Differ from Novices.” Chap 2 in How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition . Washington D.C.: The National Academies Press.

Nelson, Craig E. 1996. “Student Diversity Requires Different Approaches to College Teaching, Even in Math and Science.” The American Behavioral Scientist . 40 (2): 165-175.

Sathy, Viji and Kelly A. Hogan. N.D.  “How to Make Your Teaching More Inclusive: Advice Guide.” The Chronicle of Higher Education .

Yosso, Tara J. 2005. “Whose Culture Has Capital? A Critical Race Theory Discussion of Community Cultural Wealth.” Race, Ethnicity and Education . 8 (1): 69-91.

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  • An Ongoing Endeavor
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Teaching Methods Overview

The Faculty Center promotes research-based instructional strategies and classroom techniques that improve student performance and learning. Because instruction at UCF takes place in many formats, environments, and class sizes, there is no single most effective teaching method for all contexts. However, research does support a practical range of methods that can be adapted to the various circumstances in which we teach. These strategies fall somewhere on the continuum illustrated below between teacher- and student-directed. We hope the resources on these pages will help you develop a repertoire of evidence-based instructional strategies that meet your and your students’ needs. Refer also to our Learning Spaces pages for strategies and techniques to implement active learning in various classroom configurations . Finally, a synopsis of teaching and learning principles from various sources helps frame some beneficial strategies to improve student learning.

Teaching Strategies Spectrum

We have provided short descriptions and links to more information for best practice for some popular teaching methods below. They are presented in order from more teacher-directed to more student-directed. For a video discussion of the above, please view the following brief video:


Direct instruction is a widely used and effective instructional strategy that is strongly supported by research. In direct instruction, the teacher

  • models an interaction with the subject, demonstrates an approach to an issue, or shows example solutions to problems,
  • provides opportunities for guided practice, often assigning small group work in class with an emphasis on constructive feedback, and
  • assigns independent practice with an emphasis on mastery learning.

Lecture can help students organize extensive readings, but it should not be used to simply duplicate those readings. Because learning results from what students do, lectures should be crafted so that students are intentionally active as much as is reasonable. Direct instruction can be easily combined with other teaching methods and can be transferred to online teaching by using videos for the modeling stage and discussion groups for the guided practice stage.

Worked Examples

Worked examples are step-by-step demonstrations of how to complete a problem or perform a task. Concepts are first introduced in their simplest form, then the teacher gradually progresses from simple to complex procedures. Worked examples are a way to impart information. Therefore, the process is considered a form of lecturing. Worked examples are particularly useful in STEM fields, and are most effective when learners are not already familiar with the processes being presented. Students must actually work their way through the examples, rather than skip over them to homework problems, in order to see real benefit.

This sample video from Khan Academy gives a sense of how worked examples play out in practice.

Interactive Lecture

Many instructors build their lectures around questions that students, individually or in small groups, can answer using colored flashcards or polling technologies like clickers or BYOD apps. The advantage to using polling technologies is their scalability, ease of providing collective feedback on student performance, and integration with the online gradebook for uploading participation or quiz points. Other interactive techniques involve short writing exercises, quick pairings or small group discussions, individual or collaborative problem solving, or drawing for understanding. We also have a list of suggested interactive techniques .

View the following video for some ideas about good practices for lecturing:

Flipped Classroom

In the basic structure of a “flipped classroom,” the students first engage the content online (through readings, video lectures, or podcasts), then come to class for the guided practice. It requires explicit communication of learning objectives, procedures, roles, and assessment criteria. It requires a detailed curriculum design organized around scaffolding learning toward mastery. Some critics equate direct instruction with just lecturing; however, here the term is used as “directing” student learning. In direct instruction, the role of the teacher is similar to that of a coach.

Many faculty opt to create video lectures using PowerPoint. The steps are simple: after the slides are ready, click the Slide Show tab and locate the “Record” icon near the middle. The slideshow will start, and audio will be captured for each slide. Upon completion, click File-SaveAs and switch the filetype from .pptx to .mwv or .mp4. After the video file is created, many faculty upload the video to YouTube for maximum accessibility, and link to it (or embed) from Webcourses.

For a basic introduction and resources on flipped classrooms, see this Edutopia website . For a more theory-based introduction, see Vanderbilt University’s discussion . Finally, please view our brief video:

Socratic Questioning

Socratic questioning involves the teacher’s facilitation of critical thinking in students by dint of carefully designed questions. The classic Greek philosopher, Socrates, believed that thoughtful questioning enabled students to examine questions logically. His technique was to profess ignorance of the topic in order to promote student knowledge. R. W. Paul has suggested six categories of Socratic questions: questions for clarification, questions that probe assumptions, questions that probe evidence and reasoning, questions about viewpoints and perspectives, questions that probe implications and consequences, and questions about the question.

See’s article on the topic for a good overview of Socratic questioning, and view our following video:

Discussion-Based Learning

One of the primary purposes of discussion-based learning is to facilitate students’ meaningful transition into the extended conversation that is each academic discipline. Discussions allow students to practice applying their learning and developing their critical-thinking skills in real-time interactions with other viewpoints. Often, the challenge for the teacher is to get students to engage in discussions as opportunities to practice reasoning skills rather than simply exchanging opinions. One tip for addressing this challenge is to create a rubric for assessing the discussion and to assign certain students to act as evaluators who provide feedback at the end of the discussion. Students rotate into this role throughout the semester, which also benefits their development of metacognitive skills.

See the Tip Sheets at Harvard’s Bok Center for practice ideas on discussion questions and discussion leading.

The Faculty Center also offers the following brief video on discussion-based learning:

Case-Based Learning

Case-based learning is used widely across many disciplines, and collections of validated cases are available online, often bundled with handouts, readings, assessments, and tips for the teacher. Cases range from scenarios that can be addressed in a single setting, sometimes within minutes, to sequential or iterative cases that require multiple settings and multiple learning activities to arrive at multiple valid outcomes. They can be taught in a one-to-many format using polling technologies or in small teams with group reports. Ideally, all cases should be debriefed in plenary discussion to help students synthesize their learning.

For discipline-specific case studies repositories, check out the following:

  • National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (Science topics)
  • Online based-based biology for community colleges (Biology/Ecology topics)
  • Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (History topics)
  • Science Case Net (Sciences)
  • NASPAA Publicases repository (Public Administration, Public Policy topics)

Collaborative Learning

Learning in groups is common practice across all levels of education. The value of learning in groups is well supported by research and is required in many disciplines. It has strong benefits for at-risk students, especially in STEM subjects. In more structured group assignments, students are often given roles that allow them to focus on specific tasks and then cycle through those roles in subsequent activities. Common classroom activities for groups include: “think-pair-share”, fishbowl debates, case studies, problem solving, jigsaw.

  • Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt University website

Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry-based learning encompasses a range of question-driven approaches that seek to increase students’ self-direction in their development of critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. As students gain expertise, the instructor decreases guidance and direction and students take on greater responsibility for operations. Effective teaching in this mode requires accurate assessment of prior knowledge and motivation to determine the scaffolding interventions needed to compensate for the increased cognitive demands on novices. This scaffolding can be provided by the instructor through worked scenarios, process worksheets, opportunities for learner-reflection, and consultations with individuals or small groups. Students are generally allowed to practice and fail with subsequent opportunities to revise and improve performance based on feedback from peers and/or the instructor.

For a basic definition and tips about inquiry-based learning, see’s resources.

Problem-Based Learning

Often referred to as PBL, this method is similar to the case study method, except the intention is generally to keep the problem, the process, and the outcomes more ambiguous than is comfortable for students. PBL asks students to experience and struggle with radical uncertainty. Your role as the teacher is to create an intentionally ill-structured problem and a deadline for a deliverable, assign small groups (with or without defined roles), optionally offer some preparation, and resist giving clear, comfortable assessment guidance.

To learn more about problem-based learning, go here .

Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning is similar to problem-based learning, and both can be referred to as PBL, but in project-based learning, the student comes up with the problem or question to research. Often, the project’s deliverable is a creative product, which can increase student engagement and long-term learning, but it can also result in the student investing more time and resources into creative production at the expense of the academic content. When assigning projects to groups that include novice students, you should emphasize the need for equitable contributions to the assignment. Assessments should address differences in effort and allow students to contribute to the evaluations of their peers.

Learn more about project-based learning here .

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Teaching Methods

Choosing optimal methods to support learning outcomes.

On this page:

The importance of teaching methods.

Teaching methods are the broader techniques used to help students achieve learning outcomes, while activities are the different ways of implementing these methods. Teaching methods help students:

  • master the content of the course
  • learn how to apply the content in particular contexts

Instructors should identify which teaching methods will properly support a particular learning outcome. Its effectiveness depends on this alignment. To make the most appropriate choice, an instructor should consider learning outcomes, student needs and the learning environment.

Consider the following example:

  • Learning outcome: Solve a complex math equation.
  • Learning environment: An in person, upper-level math course with 20 students.
  • Teaching method: Guided instruction. First, the instructor facilitates learning by modeling and scaffolding. Students take time to  ask questions and receive clarifications. Next, students practice applying these skills together and then independently. The instructor uses formative assessment to check for understanding.

This example demonstrates alignment of what the instructor wants students to do, and how they are supported in these tasks. If the instructor choses a different teaching method, such as a traditional lecture, students would need to process the lecture’s content and apply principles simultaneously. This is very difficult to do and would lead to less successful outcomes.

Choosing the appropriate teaching method brings instruction to life while encouraging students to actively engage with content and develop their knowledge and skills.

The chart below provides a number of teaching methods to choose from. Teaching methods vary in their approach, some are more student-centered while others are more instructor centered, and you will see this reflected in the chart. Choose methods that will best guide your students to achieve the learning outcomes you’ve set and remember that your teaching approach, teaching methods and activities all work together.

Instructor presenting material and answering student questions that arise. Students receive, take in and respond

Demonstration, modeling, questions (convergent), presentation, slideshow, note-taking

Class discussion that follows a pre-determined  set of questions to lead students to certain realizations or conclusions, or to help them meet a specific learning outcome

Direct, specific, or open-ended questions that are connected to learning outcomes and include varied cognitive processes

Lecturing, but includes time for guided and independent practice

Create mind/concept maps, free writes, one-sentence summary, one minute papers

Direct and structure instruction that includes extensive instructor modeling and student practice time

Showing and explaining examples, model strategies, demonstrate tasks, classify concepts, define vocabulary, scaffold steps

Instructor adjusts class activities and lectures to respond to the misconceptions revealed by assessing students’ prior knowledge

Warmups, Goodfors, Conceptual questions (usually a quiz) to motivate students to do the readings

A lecture that includes 2-15 minute breaks for student activities every 12-20 minutes.

Multiple-choice items, solving a problem, comparing and filling in lecture notes, debriefing a mini case study, pair-compare, pair-compare-ask, reflection/reaction paragraph, solve a problem, concept mapping activities, correct the error, compare and contrast, paraphrase the idea, answer knowledge and comprehension questions

Students focus on their learning process through application, observation and reflection

Debates, panel discussion, press conference, symposium, reflection journals, lab experiments

Students apply course knowledge to devise one or more solutions or resolutions to problems or dilemmas presented in a realistic story or situation

Case study analysis, collaborative scenario-based discussions 

Students learning or applying material in order to meet a challenge, answer a question, conduct an experiment, or interpret data

Worked examples, process worksheets, analyze data sets, evaluate evidence, apply findings to a situation or problem and synthesize resolution(s), answer probing questions about a given research study, ask and answer “What will happen if…?” questions

Student groups conducting outside research on student-identified learning issues (unknowns) to devise one or more solutions or resolutions to problems or dilemmas presented in a realistic story or situation

Review and critique research studies, work in groups/teams to solve a specific open-ended problem, labs

Students applying course knowledge to produce something; often paired with cooperative learning

Group work/team project – design or create something – e.g., piece of equipment, a product or architectural design, a computer code, a multimedia presentation, an artistic or literary work, a website, research study,  service learning

Students acting out roles or improvising scripts, in a realistic and problematic social or interpersonal situation. Students playing out, either in person, or virtually, a hypothetical social situation that abstracts key elements from reality

Real-life situations and scenarios, debates, interviews, frame simulation

Fieldwork and Clinicals

Students learning how to conduct research and make sound professional judgments in real-world situations

Internships, assistantships, community service, shadowing

Table adapted from: Nilson (2016)

Choose Your Methods

Using the Course Design Template   explore the aspects that will likely affect your course.

  • Step 1: Review your learning outcomes.
  • Step 2: Identify the teaching methods that best align to these learning outcomes and fill in the appropriate column.
  • Step 3: Consider possible activities which will next be examined in further detail.

Now that you’ve reviewed a variety of teaching methods and considered which ones align with your learning outcomes, the next step is to consider activities.

  • Nilson, L. B. (2016). Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors (Fourth). John Wiley & Sons.

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[2023] Effective Teaching Methods: Strategies for Success in the Classroom


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  • Student Engagement

My friend Mo was fighting so he invited me to come along.  I took this picture of his coach and him in-between rounds.  Mo ended up winning the fight in a unanimous decision by the referee.

Teaching is an art that requires a combination of knowledge, skill, and creativity. As educators, we are constantly searching for effective teaching methods that will engage our students, promote learning, and create a positive classroom environment. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a variety of teaching strategies that have been proven to be effective in the classroom. From online learning to game-based learning, we will cover it all. So, let's dive in and discover the strategies that will help you become a more effective teacher!

Table of Contents

Quick answer, quick tips and facts, 1. online learning, 2. experiential learning, 3. differentiation, 4. blended learning, 5. game-based learning, 6. student-centered learning, recommended links, reference links.

Effective teaching methods are strategies and techniques used by educators to engage students, promote learning, and create a positive classroom environment. These methods include online learning, experiential learning, differentiation, blended learning, game-based learning, and student-centered learning.

  • Effective teaching methods promote active learning and student engagement.
  • Different teaching methods work best for different subjects and learning styles.
  • It's important to adapt teaching methods to meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • Incorporating technology can enhance teaching and learning experiences.
  • Ongoing professional development is essential for teachers to stay current with effective teaching methods.

Now, let's explore each of these teaching methods in more detail.

Online learning has gained popularity in recent years, especially with the advancement of technology. It provides flexibility and accessibility to students, allowing them to learn at their own pace and in their own environment. Online learning can take various forms, including video lectures, interactive quizzes, discussion boards, and virtual simulations.

Key features and benefits of online learning:

  • Flexibility: Students can access course materials and complete assignments at their own convenience.
  • Personalized learning: Online platforms can provide personalized feedback and adaptive learning experiences based on individual student needs.
  • Access to resources: Online learning provides access to a wide range of resources, including multimedia content, e-books, and research databases.
  • Collaboration: Online platforms often include discussion boards and group projects, allowing students to collaborate with their peers.
  • Enhanced engagement: Multimedia elements, such as videos and interactive quizzes, can enhance student engagement and understanding.

✅ Recommended Online Learning Platforms:

  • Khan Academy

Experiential learning is a hands-on approach that encourages students to learn through direct experience. It involves activities such as experiments, field trips, simulations, and role-playing. By actively engaging in real-world experiences, students can gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Key features and benefits of experiential learning:

  • Active engagement: Experiential learning encourages students to actively participate and engage in the learning process.
  • Real-world application: Students can apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, enhancing their understanding and retention.
  • Critical thinking: Experiential learning promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills by challenging students to analyze and evaluate their experiences.
  • Collaboration: Group activities and projects foster collaboration and teamwork among students.
  • Motivation: Hands-on experiences can increase student motivation and interest in the subject matter.

✅ Recommended Experiential Learning Resources:

  • National Geographic Education
  • Project-Based Learning

Differentiation is a teaching approach that recognizes and addresses the diverse needs and abilities of students. It involves adapting instruction, assignments, and assessments to meet individual student needs. By providing varied learning experiences, teachers can ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed.

Key features and benefits of differentiation:

  • Individualized instruction: Differentiation allows teachers to tailor instruction to meet the specific needs of each student.
  • Multiple learning modalities: Differentiation incorporates a variety of teaching strategies and resources to accommodate different learning styles.
  • Personalized feedback: Teachers can provide individualized feedback to guide student learning and growth.
  • Inclusive classroom environment: Differentiation promotes inclusivity and celebrates the diversity of students.
  • Increased student achievement: By addressing individual needs, differentiation can improve student engagement and academic performance.

✅ Recommended Differentiation Resources:

  • Teaching Tolerance
  • ReadWriteThink

Blended learning combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning experiences. It integrates technology into the classroom, allowing students to access resources and complete assignments both in-person and online. Blended learning offers the benefits of both traditional and online learning, providing a flexible and engaging learning environment.

Key features and benefits of blended learning:

  • Flexibility: Blended learning provides flexibility in terms of time, location, and pace of learning.
  • Personalized instruction: Online components can be tailored to individual student needs, providing personalized instruction and feedback.
  • Collaboration: Blended learning encourages collaboration and interaction among students through online discussions and group projects.
  • Enhanced engagement: Multimedia elements and interactive activities can enhance student engagement and understanding.
  • Data-driven instruction: Online platforms can provide data on student performance, allowing teachers to adjust instruction accordingly.

✅ Recommended Blended Learning Platforms:

  • Google Classroom

Game-based learning incorporates educational games and simulations into the classroom to promote engagement and enhance learning. By combining entertainment with education, students can develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills in a fun and interactive way.

Key features and benefits of game-based learning:

  • Engagement: Games capture students' attention and motivate them to actively participate in the learning process.
  • Active learning: Games require students to make decisions and solve problems, promoting active learning and critical thinking.
  • Immediate feedback: Games often provide immediate feedback, allowing students to learn from their mistakes and make improvements.
  • Collaboration: Multiplayer games encourage collaboration and teamwork among students.
  • Real-world application: Games can simulate real-world situations, allowing students to apply their knowledge and skills in a practical context.

✅ Recommended Game-based Learning Resources:

Student-centered learning focuses on the individual needs, interests, and abilities of students. It involves shifting the role of the teacher from the center of the classroom to a facilitator of learning. Students take an active role in their education, setting goals, making decisions, and reflecting on their learning experiences.

Key features and benefits of student-centered learning:

  • Autonomy: Students have a voice in their learning, allowing them to take ownership and responsibility for their education.
  • Personalized learning: Student-centered learning allows for individualized instruction and differentiation based on student needs and interests.
  • Collaboration: Students often work in groups, fostering collaboration and communication skills.
  • Critical thinking: Student-centered learning promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills by challenging students to think independently and creatively.
  • Lifelong learning: By developing self-directed learning skills, students are prepared for lifelong learning beyond the classroom.

✅ Recommended Student-centered Learning Resources:

  • TeachThought

Woman standing in an office. She's standing and smiling at the camera.

What method of teaching is most effective?

The most effective method of teaching depends on various factors, including the subject matter, student needs, and learning goals. Different methods, such as online learning, experiential learning, differentiation, blended learning, game-based learning, and student-centered learning, have been proven to be effective in different contexts. It's important for teachers to adapt their teaching methods to meet the needs of their students.

What are the 5 methods of teaching?

The five methods of teaching commonly used in education are lecture, demonstration, discussion, cooperative learning, and hands-on learning. Each method has its own benefits and limitations, and the choice of method depends on the subject matter and learning goals.

What are the 6 strategies for effective teaching?

The six strategies for effective teaching discussed in this article are online learning, experiential learning, differentiation, blended learning, game-based learning, and student-centered learning. These strategies promote student engagement, active learning, and personalized instruction.

What are the 4 general types of teaching methods?

The four general types of teaching methods are direct instruction, inquiry-based learning, cooperative learning, and experiential learning. Each method has its own approach to teaching and learning, and the choice of method depends on the subject matter and learning goals.

How can I incorporate effective teaching methods in my classroom?

To incorporate effective teaching methods in your classroom, consider the needs and interests of your students, the subject matter, and the learning goals. Experiment with different methods and strategies, and be open to feedback and reflection. Ongoing professional development and collaboration with other educators can also help you enhance your teaching practices.

In conclusion, effective teaching methods play a crucial role in engaging students, promoting learning, and creating a positive classroom environment. By incorporating online learning, experiential learning, differentiation, blended learning, game-based learning, and student-centered learning, educators can cater to the diverse needs and interests of their students. Remember to adapt these strategies to meet the unique needs of your students and continuously seek professional development opportunities to stay current with the latest teaching methods.

Now it's your turn to implement these strategies in your classroom and witness the positive impact they can have on your students' learning experiences. Happy teaching!

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Marti is a seasoned educator and strategist with a passion for fostering inclusive learning environments and empowering students through tailored educational experiences. With her roots as a university tutor—a position she landed during her undergraduate years—Marti has always been driven by the joy of facilitating others' learning journeys.

Holding a Bachelor's degree in Communication alongside a degree in Social Work, she has mastered the art of empathetic communication, enabling her to connect with students on a profound level. Marti’s unique educational background allows her to incorporate holistic approaches into her teaching, addressing not just the academic, but also the emotional and social needs of her students.

Throughout her career, Marti has developed and implemented innovative teaching strategies that cater to diverse learning styles, believing firmly that education should be accessible and engaging for all. Her work on the Teacher Strategies site encapsulates her extensive experience and dedication to education, offering readers insights into effective teaching methods, classroom management techniques, and strategies for fostering inclusive and supportive learning environments.

As an advocate for lifelong learning, Marti continuously seeks to expand her knowledge and skills, ensuring her teaching methods are both evidence-based and cutting edge. Whether through her blog articles on Teacher Strategies or her direct engagement with students, Marti remains committed to enhancing educational outcomes and inspiring the next generation of learners and educators alike.

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An introduction to K – 12 teaching methods

A woman, smiling and looking at a child, who is holding a tablet

Principles, pedagogy, and strategies for classroom management vary from teacher to teacher. However different, all teaching methodology is deeply rooted in traditional styles. Teachers adapt their teaching methods based on educational philosophy, classroom demographics, subject areas, and the schools at which they teach.

During various stages of childhood and development, a student’s success in the classroom is largely dependent upon his or her own motivation, interest, persistence, and ability to understand and manage his or her emotions.

Since the 1980s, experts have identified different teaching methods that speak to the key areas of school readiness and the various stages of students’ cognitive, social, and emotional development. “Approaches to learning,” “executive functioning,” “habits of mind,” “grit,” “soft skills,” and “noncognitive abilities” have been used to describe these considerations of student development in the educational setting.

As Clancy Blair and Adele Diamond state, “In sum, learning occurs through a process of engagement and participation in a relationship with a caring and trusted other who models the process of and provides opportunities for self-directed learning. In acquiring the capacity for self-regulated learning, social-emotional skills that foster the relationship and executive function skills that promote self-regulation are quite literally foundational for learning.”


It is generally understood that the first step necessary in determining which teaching methods are best for you is identifying your own strengths and weaknesses.

Teacher-Centered Approach vs. Student-Centered Approach

The teacher-centered approach views the teacher as the active party in the teacher-student learning relationship, as the teacher passes information to students, who passively receive it. Students are then assessed in various ways, such as through testing and performing different kinds of tasks. The teacher is the expert and authority of the classroom and teaches directly to the students.

On the other hand, in the student-centered approach, the teacher and student are seen as equals when it comes to the responsibility of teaching and learning. The teacher facilitates the learning and understanding of the material. Measures of student learning aren’t only formal tests but also more informal assessments, such as group projects, student portfolios, and seminar-style participation. Teaching and assessment are closely tied together as a metric of success in a student-centered classroom where cooperation is delegated.

High-Tech Material Use vs. Low-Tech Material Use

The classroom has drastically evolved throughout the past several decades because of technological advances. The high-tech method to teaching takes advantage of the abundance of digital resources available to aid students in their educational progression.

Teachers encourage children to use tablets, computers, and the web to further their studies and completion of assignments. Teachers have much more access to obtain assignments from their students and to learn new ideas for their curriculum. Many teachers even use gamification software for their students to learn new critical thinking skills.

Digital education enables teachers and students to be located anywhere in the world, and it sometimes removes the element of having a physical classroom altogether. Online coursework is one of the many high-tech teaching methods.

A downside of high-tech methods, as opposed to low-tech, is the way that students get used to having technology to bolster their learning. For instance, young kids who learn to write with an automatic spell-checker aren’t as keen to spelling and ultimately may have weaker writing skills than children who learn to read and write in a low-tech classroom.

Though there are many advantages to utilizing technology in the classroom, many teachers opt to stick to traditional approaches to education. There are many studies that show a low-tech teaching classroom a student’s ability to learn.

Students also have a stronger memory if they take hand-written notes rather than typing them out on an online program.

If technology isn’t as heavily emphasized in a classroom, kinesthetic learners may have a higher likelihood to thrive, since there is more flexibility for movement and interaction during learning exercises. Teachers should not only allow but encourage students to speak and move around the room.

Expeditionary learning, also known as “learning by doing,” provides students with hands-on experience and will enable them to better apply what they learn at school to the real world, as opposed to learning a lesson online and in the virtual realm.


Kindergarten through third grade is arguably the most critical time during a child’s education, and the way children of this age are taught largely shapes their understanding of the world.

Social-Emotional Learning Method

When a child is in kindergarten through third grade, the child is developing his or her cognitive and social-emotional competencies. “SEL,” or “social-emotional learning,” is a common teaching method applied among this age group. Its core elements include self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and relationship skills. These characteristics that are actively built upon support a child’s progress in subjects such as math, literacy, technology, and social studies.

The level of a child’s SEL skills predicts the level of performance later on in his or her education. For example, a child’s early ability to self-regulate his or her emotions is tied to a higher skill level in math in the later years of the child’s academic career.

Although children have natural tendencies to be more interested in learning and attentive to developing their skills, teachers help build children’s competencies. Teachers can intentionally model enthusiasm for learning, persistence, and interest in subjects in order to evoke curiosity from their students.

They can also allow their students to make decisions that increase their participation in the classroom, which ultimately grows confidence within the children. When students are rewarded not only for their high achievements but also for their hard work, it will likely result in higher levels of work over periods of time.

Pillars of the K-3 “Approaches to Learning” Teaching Method

The “approaches to learning” teaching method derived from experts discussing cognitive and social development in young children in the 1980s. It focuses on tailored learning strategies for each age group and three pillars of specific tactics that serve as guidelines for teachers.

There are three key areas of teaching methods that K-3 grade teachers should focus on to best develop their students:

  • Problem-solving
  • Initiative and creativity

Methods for Teaching Engagement

engagement A kindergarten teacher, specifically, can do the following to see his or her classroom engaged and flourishing:

  • Define classroom routines, responsibilities, and behaviors to set expectations
  • Develop individual relationships with students to garner higher engagement
  • Provide students with tools to help themselves pay attention
  • Model the practice of sustaining focus and resisting distractions
  • Create scenarios in which students can make their own decisions and that promote participation
  • Set children up for success by doing short lessons, enabling them to focus for the entire time

As children move up through first, second, and third grade, strategies for teachers to encourage engagement and participation among their students are centered around activities that shift their focus from one thing to another, showing students lessons on how to persevere through challenges and difficulties, expanding expectations for focus, and practicing self-evaluation.

Methods for Teaching Problem-Solving

In addition to engagement, problem-solving skill development is critical during this stage of child development. Kids who understand from an early age how to work through the scenarios that life presents are better-suited to face adversity when they’re older.

Language and cognitive skills are closely linked to highly developed problem-solving skills. In the same way, mathematical and logistical thinking stems from being able to predict what is likely going to happen. Most importantly, the ability to plan and solve problems helps individuals to thrive socially. The teaching method of emphasizing problem-solving is connected to the belief that mindsets are grown.

In other words, some education professionals think that one’s mindset is “fixed” and cannot be improved upon, while others disagree and believe intelligence and abilities can be grown and developed through positive experiences in both school and the realm of work. In the growth mindset, failures or disappointments are seen as opportunities to learn and to be more readily prepared in the future. This mindset is preferred when executing the problem-solving method of teaching.

Teachers can apply teaching methods that focus on developing problem-solving skills, such as creating a routine for students to follow that also allows room for students to form their own conclusions on how to execute a task, and emphasizing individual planning in their styles of teaching.

One tactic for fostering impeccable problem-solving skills in a K-3 classroom is allowing time in each day for children to build individual and group plans. This will allow their skillsets to take root and grow in a social setting, which will translate well into logistical topics, such as mathematics. Another method is to provide alternate choices for a student to execute an assignment or task, allowing the individual to take the initiative to strategize accordingly.

Helping children through social problems they encounter at school can also allow them to learn to navigate social settings. This includes both sides of the spectrum: beneficial settings that uplift them and frustrating scenarios that reinforce growth. Posing questions in a game-like fashion can also engage students to access their logistical thoughts and allow them to explore how a scenario can result.

Teachers can observe problem-solving skills developing among their kindergarten students by encouraging students to do the following in their classrooms:

  • Plan their own involvement in short- and long-term play, as well as in learning activities
  • Apply familiar behaviors in new situations
  • Make and follow multistep plans for completing tasks
  • Apply different strategies to solve both academic and social problems with adult assistance
  • Regulate their own emotional responses to frustrating situations
  • Return to learning activities after becoming frustrated or angry

Among first through third-graders, teachers will observe students doing things such as developing new ways to remember information, adapting problem-solving strategies for new situations and contexts, evaluating original plans to make changes as needed, and applying results of previous plans toward future planning.

Methods for Teaching Initiative and Creativity

This area of focus within teaching is to encourage independence among individual students and to trigger creative thinking in new situations. Indicators of a child’s initiative and creativity progress are the challenging of oneself, the commitment to growing one’s learning, and becoming innovative as a learner in the classroom.

What makes the ability to take initiative so important from an early stage in education is how it separates an employee from his or co-workers when the motivation to grow comes from within. Those who have been responsible for society’s greatest leaps and bounds forward are those who have harnessed creativity and initiative, such as in the science, medicine, technology, and business sectors.

Teachers can support the development of initiative and creativity in their educational atmosphere by offering choices and letting children take initiative to circulate thought and arrive at a conclusion. Though rewarding achievement is important for students to understand that they have met expectations, it is also beneficial to reward the attempts made by children to think innovatively and outside of the box.

Children who are fueling creativity and initiative will demonstrate the following:

  • Curiosity through asking concrete questions
  • Attempts at new things with adult encouragement
  • Participation in the classroom and taking on leadership opportunities in group settings
  • Frequently bringing concepts from diverse areas of study together
  • Complex language to connect ideas

Teaching to 4th-6th

Teachers feel a heavy weight on their shoulders for the curiosity and ambition of fourth- through sixth-graders, particularly as these students enter middle school. A preferred method of teaching among this age group is known as the “differentiated instruction approach.”

This approach addresses student needs and tailors teaching styles to their learning preferences while also conforming to the intense demands of today’s standards of testing and systematic metrics of success. Encompassing process, strategy, and approach, among other elements that are supported by best practice and research, are signature perspectives of the differentiation approach.

Fourth- through sixth-grade teachers favor the differentiation approach because they can use a multitude of processes to meet the learning requirements of a more diverse student body and population. The strength of this popular teaching method is that it provides a variety of ways to meet the needs of many learners.


As a teacher, this teaching method requires planning ahead. In order to drive students to success, you need to set your expectations for your students ahead of teaching a lesson. One easy way to do this is to follow the KUD method: “Know, Understand, Do.” Before starting to teach each lesson, you need to decide what you want your students to know, understand, and do. It is a simple framework to remember the most important aspect of teaching this age group: setting expectations.

Another important tactic is to tier your lessons. In other words, when teachers tier their assignments, they make adjustments in their lessons to meet the needs of multiple students. Tiering lesson plans can challenge students and their ability levels. The tactic here is to make sure that all tasks, regardless of the tier level, are challenging and engaging to all students in the classroom. Assessments can be altered according to the level of complexity, pacing, amount of guidance, number of steps, and level of independence required.

The steps to implementing the differentiation approach are as follows:

  • Develop the basis for your tasks, including concepts, skills, and essential understandings that you want all students to obtain and reach.
  • Consider how you will cluster group activities among your students. Although you can create multiple levels of tiers, keep the number of levels consistent with your groups of students. It’s best to have the same number of tiers of the exercise as you have groups. For example, if you have two groups working at grade level and one working just below, then you should have three tiers in total.
  • Choose which part of your lesson plan you are going to tier. You can choose from challenge level, complexity, resources (e.g., materials and reading levels), process, or product.
  • Create the tier for the students who are learning at grade level.
  • Next, design a similar task for struggling learners to create a tailored environment to set them up for growth and, ultimately, success.
  • Once the first two tiers have been established, develop a third tier for more advanced students who have already mastered the on-grade tier or competency being addressed. This should require a higher cognitive ability to form conclusions.

For children going through a transitional time, such as moving up through elementary school and into middle school, the differentiation approach and its tactics will guide your classroom’s success.

Teaching to 7th-9th

This next transition period for students is just as integral as the previous. Students enter into adolescence and can encounter new emotions, social situations, and intellectual challenges. They also enter a period of their life where their performance has direct repercussions, as colleges are officially watching their grades.

Statics show that ninth grade has the highest number of students who fail among all grades, creating what is known as “the ninth-grade bump.” Being held back can be detrimental to students’ confidence and perception of themselves, viewing themselves as failures. In order to thrive in ninth grade, seventh- and eighth-grade experiences must build students up to be prepared for high school.

With proactive tactics in your teaching toolkit, you can develop a purposeful plan to strengthen students’ skillsets throughout seventh, eighth, and ninth grade. Teachers can isolate both strengths and weaknesses among students in their curricula, identify high-impact instructional and support strategies to keep this age group engaged in their studies, and always be actively creating next steps for their students to achieve goals.

The most important tactic for this age group is to identify weaknesses and tailor your attention to them. This will provide students with the confidence they need to have a smooth transition as they enter adolescence and find themselves in new situations, both socially and academically.

Teaching to 10th-12th

Because this is the last stop for students before beginning their post-high school graduate careers, it is critical that teachers strategize for success in their classrooms.

As the previously mentioned teaching methods can be applied to high school, particularly the differentiation approach, individual strategies that you apply to your educational setting may reap more rewards and see your students succeed.

One of the most important tactics to apply as a teacher of 10th- through 12th-graders is to be enthusiastic about what you are teaching. If you aren’t engaged in what you’re talking about, teenagers will not be either. Their attention spans are also shortening, so having lesson plans and lectures on the lighter side will be in your favor as a high school teacher.

Class discussion, also known as the Socratic seminar method, allows students this age to thrive by being given the opportunity to express their own opinions and thoughts. It also gives them their first dose of public speaking, something they may encounter much more frequently in a university setting. Collaborative work, reading and writing assessments, and problem-solving are all great strategies to implement in your teaching in order to have an engaged classroom of teenagers.

Regardless of your preferred teaching method, the most important thing to do as a new or experienced teacher is to read your classroom and tailor your teaching style to your students and the ways they best learn. Individual students respond better to some methods than others.

What is essential to every child’s development and ability to thrive in his or her education is a positive learning experience. By paying attention to an individual child’s strengths and areas in need of improvement, teachers can ensure progress.

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Teaching Methods

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  • Become a Librarian / What Do Teachers Do? / Teachers Know / Teaching Methods

The term  teaching method  refers to the general principles, pedagogy and management strategies used for classroom instruction.

Your choice of teaching method depends on what fits you—your educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject area and school mission statement.

Teaching theories can be organized into four categories based on two major parameters: a teacher-centered approach versus a student-centered approach, and high-tech material use versus low-tech material use.

assignment teaching methodology

Interested in developing your skills as a teacher?  Explore online education short courses  designed to give you an in depth understanding of various skills in teaching.

The program cards/tables and images featured on this page were last updated in March 2022. For the most current program information, please refer to the official website of the respective school .  

assignment teaching methodology

Harvard University

Derek bok center for teaching and learning, higher education teaching certificate.

Deepen your understanding of higher-order teaching practices and broaden your skill set while creating a unique and inclusive strategy for your specific context.

assignment teaching methodology

Northwestern University

School of education and social policy at northwestern university, teaching certificate: the science of social and emotional learning.

The Teaching Certificate: The Science of Social and Emotional Learning from Northwestern University’s School of Education and Social Policy explores the scientific research and impact of SEL. 

  • Integrate social awareness and relationship-building techniques into your teaching practices
  • 6 weeks, excluding 1 week orientation
  • 6–8 hours of self-paced learning per week, entirely online


Teacher-Centered Approach to Learning

Taken to its most extreme interpretation, teachers are the main authority figure in a teacher-centered instruction model.  Students are viewed as “empty vessels” who passively receive knowledge from their teachers through lectures and direct instruction (PDF, 491 KB) , with an end goal of positive results from testing and assessment. In this style, teaching and assessment are viewed as two separate entities; student learning is measured through objectively scored tests and assessments.

Learn more about the different teaching styles that use a teacher-centered approach .

Student-Centered Approach to Learning

While teachers are still an authority figure in a student-centered teaching model, teachers and students play an equally active role in the learning process.

The teacher’s primary role is to coach and facilitate student learning and overall comprehension of material, and to measure student learning through both formal and informal forms of assessment, like group projects, student portfolios and class participation. In the student-centered classroom, teaching and assessment are connected because student learning is continuously measured during teacher instruction.

Learn more about the different teaching styles that use a student-centered approach .

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High-Tech Approach to Learning

Advancements in technology have propelled the education sector in the last few decades. As the name suggests, the high-tech approach to learning utilizes different technology to aid students in their classroom learning. Many educators use computers and tablets in the classroom, and others may use the internet to assign homework. The internet is also beneficial in a classroom setting as it provides unlimited resources. Teachers may also use the internet in order to connect their students with people from around the world.

Below are some tech tools used in classrooms today:

  • G Suite (Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Classroom, Drive, and Calendar)
  • Tablets/laptops
  • Gamification software (such as  Gametize and  Classcraft )
  • Education-focused social media platforms (such as  Schoology  and  Seesaw )
  • Technology accessibility for students with disabilities

Sponsored Online Degrees and Short Courses

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University of Dayton

School of education and health sciences, master of science in education in educational leadership.

No GRE scores are required to apply to University of Dayton’s online MSE in Educational Leadership program. The program is 30 credits and can be completed in two years with the completion of an internship.

  • Optional path to principal licensure track
  • No GRE required to apply
  • Degree can be completed in as few as two years

Low-Tech Approach to Learning

While technology undoubtedly has changed education, many educators opt to use a more traditional, low-tech approach to learning. Some learning styles require a physical presence and interaction between the educator and the student. Additionally, some research has shown that low-tech classrooms may boost learning. For example,  students who take handwritten notes have better recall than students who take typed notes . Another downside of technology in the classroom may be that  students exposed to spell check and autocorrect features at an earlier age may be weaker in spelling and writing skills . Ultimately, tailoring the learning experience to different types of students is incredibly important, and sometimes students work better with a low-tech approach.

Here are some examples of low technology usage in different teaching methodologies:

  • Kinesthetic learners have a need for movement when learning. Teachers can allow students to move around, speak with hands and gestures.
  • Expeditionary learning involves “learning by doing” and participating in a hands-on experience. Students may participate in fieldwork, learning expeditions, projects or case studies to be able to apply knowledge learned in the classroom to the real world, rather than learning through the virtual world.
  • Many types of vocational or practical training cannot be learned virtually, whether it be a laboratory experiment or woodworking.

assignment teaching methodology

Through these different approaches to teaching, educators can gain a better understanding of how best to govern their classrooms, implement instruction, and connect with their students. Within each category of teacher and student centeredness and tech usage, there are specific teaching roles or “methods” of instructor behavior that feature their own unique mix of learning and assessment practices. Learn more about each one to find the best fit for your classroom.

Teacher-Centered Methods of Instruction

assignment teaching methodology

Direct Instruction (Low-Tech)

Direct instruction is the general term that refers to the traditional teaching strategy that relies on explicit teaching through lectures and teacher-led demonstrations.

In this method of instruction, the teacher might play one or all of the following roles:

Formal Authority

Formal Authority teachers are in a position of power and authority because of their exemplary knowledge and status over their students. Classroom management styles are traditional and focus on rules and expectations.

Expert teachers are in possession of all knowledge and expertise within the classroom. Their primary role is to guide and direct students through the learning process. Students are viewed solely as the receptors of knowledge and information (“empty vessels”).

Personal Model

Teachers who operate under the “personal model’ style are those who lead by example, demonstrating to students how to access and comprehend information. In this teaching model, students learn through observing and copying the teacher’s process.

As the primary teaching strategy under the  teacher-centered approach , direct instruction utilizes passive learning, or the idea that students can learn what they need to through listening and watching very precise instruction. Teachers and professors act as the sole supplier of knowledge, and under the direct instruction model, teachers often utilize systematic, scripted lesson plans. Direct instruction programs include exactly what the teacher should say, and activities that students should complete, for every minute of the lesson.

Because it does not include student preferences or give them opportunities for hands-on or alternative types of learning, direct instruction is extremely teacher-centered. It’s also fairly low-tech, often relying on the use of textbooks and workbooks instead of computers and 1:1 devices.

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Flipped Classrooms (High-Tech)

The idea of  the flipped classroom began in 2007 when two teachers began using software that would let them record their live lectures . By the next school year, they were implementing pre-recorded lectures and sharing the idea of what became known as the flipped classroom.

Broadly, the flipped classroom label describes the teaching structure that has students watching pre-recorded lessons at home and completing in-class assignments, as opposed to hearing lectures in class and doing homework at home. Teachers who implement the flipped classroom model often film their own instructional videos, but many also use pre-made videos from online sources.

A key benefit of the flipped classroom model is that it can allow for students to work at their own pace. In some cases, teachers may assign the same videos to all students, while in others, teachers may choose to allow students to watch new videos as they master topics, taking on a more differentiated approach.

But despite this potential for more student-centeredness, flipped classroom models are still mostly based on a teacher’s idea of how learning should happen and what information students need, making it chiefly teacher-centered. From a technology perspective, the system hinges on pre-recorded lessons and online activities, meaning both students and teachers need a good internet connection and devices that can access it.

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Kinesthetic Learning (Low Tech)

Sometimes known as “tactile learning”or “hands-on learning”, kinesthetic learning is based on the idea of  multiple intelligences External link  , requiring students to do, make or create. In a kinesthetic learning environment, students perform physical activities rather than listen to lectures or watch demonstrations. Hands-on experiences, drawing, role-play, building and the use of drama and sports are all examples of kinesthetic classroom activities.

Though a great way to keep students engaged and, at times, simply awake, very few classrooms employ kinesthetic learning activities exclusively. One reason is that, despite the popularity of learning style theories, there is a lack of research-based evidence that shows that  teaching to certain learning styles produces better academic results .

One upside is that kinesthetic learning is rarely based on technology, as the method values movement and creativity over technological skills. That means it’s cheap and fairly low-barrier to adopt, as well as a welcome break from students’ existing screen time. Kinesthetic learning can be more student-centered than teacher-centered when students are given the choice of how to use movement to learn new information or experience new skills, so it’s also adaptable to a teacher’s particular classroom preferences.

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Student-Centered Methods of Instruction

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Differentiated Instruction (Low Tech)

Differentiated instruction is the teaching practice of tailoring instruction to meet individual student needs. It initially grew popular with the 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which ensured all children had equal access to public education. The Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), which started under IDEA, helped classroom teachers differentiate for students with special needs. Today, differentiated instruction is used to meet the needs of all types of students.

Teachers can differentiate in a number of ways: how students access content, the types of activities students do to master a concept, what the end product of learning looks like and how the classroom is set up. Some examples of differentiation include: having students read books at their own reading levels, offering different spelling lists to students or meeting in small groups to reteach topics.

Though differentiation is focused on individual student needs, it is mostly planned and implemented by the teacher. And technology, though a potential aid, is not a hallmark of the differentiated teaching style, making it a fairly traditional, low-barrier method to adopt.

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  • How to Engage a Classroom of Diverse Learners
  • Become a Gifted Education Teacher

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Inquiry-based Learning (High Tech)

Based on student investigation and hands-on projects, inquiry-based learning is a teaching method that casts a teacher as a supportive figure who provides guidance and support for students throughout their learning process, rather than a sole authority figure.


Facilitators play a strong emphasis on the teacher-student relationship. Operating under an open classroom model, there is a de-emphasis on teacher instruction, and both student and educator undergo the learning process together. Student learning is loosely guided by the teacher, and is focused on fostering independence, hands-on learning and exploration.

Teachers who operate under the “personal model” style are those who lead by example, demonstrating to students how to access and comprehend information. In this teaching model, students learn through observing and copying the teacher’s process.

Teachers act as a resource to students, answering questions and reviewing their progress as needed. Teachers play a passive role in student’s learning; students are active and engaged participants in their learning. The main goal of a delegator is to foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process.

Teachers encourage students to ask questions and consider what they want to know about the world around them. Students then research their questions, find information and sources that explain key concepts and solve problems they may encounter along the way. Findings might be presented as self-made videos, websites or formal presentations of research results.

Inquiry-based learning falls under the student-centered approach, in that students play an active and participatory role in their own learning. But teacher facilitation is also extremely key to the process. Usually, during the inquiry cycle, every student is working on a different question or topic. In this environment, teachers ask high-level questions and make research suggestions about the process rather than the content. At the end of the inquiry cycle, students reflect on the experience and what they learned. They also consider how it connects to other topics of interest, as an inquiry on one topic often results in more questions and then an inquiry into new fields.

Inquiry-based learning can make great use of technology through online research sites, social media, and the possibility for global connections with people outside of the community. But depending on the subject at hand, it doesn’t necessarily require it.

  • 9 Maker Projects for Beginner Maker Ed Teachers

assignment teaching methodology

Expeditionary Learning (High Tech)

Expeditionary learning is based on the ideas of the educator who founded  Outward Bound , and is a form of project-based learning in which students go on expeditions and engage in in-depth study of topics that impact their schools and communities.

The learning in this model includes multiple content areas so that students can see how problem-solving can happen in the real world—ideally, their own worlds. A student in a big city, for example, might study statistics about pollution, read information about its effects and travel to sites in their city that have been affected by the problem. When they have a good understanding of the circumstances, students and teachers work to find a solution they can actively implement.

Technology-wise, G Suite (Google Docs, Sheets and Drive) and internet access can aid student research, presentation, and implementation of projects. But it’s the hands-on work and getting out into the community that’s the cornerstone of this methodology.

assignment teaching methodology

Personalized Learning (High Tech)

Personalized learning  is such a new educational model that its definition is still evolving. At the heart of the model, teachers have students follow personalized learning plans that are specific to their interests and skills. Student self-direction and choice in the curriculum are hallmarks of personalized learning.

Assessment is also tailored to the individual: schools and classrooms that implement personalized learning use competency-based progression, so that students can move onto the next standards or topics when they’ve mastered what they’re currently working on. That way, students in personalized learning classrooms can progress to work beyond their grade level as they master topics, while students who need additional help have that time built into their daily schedules as well.

There’s also room for an emphasis on college and career readiness in personalized learning environments. Students who don’t require remediation or extension work can instead work with teachers to nurture social skills and other or 21st-century skills lessons and receive mentoring.

Personalized learning is extremely student-centered, but teachers are required to teach lessons, look at frequent assessment data and meet with students to make any necessary changes to their learning plans. They’ll also need to have a certain comfort level with technology: the differentiated and personalized instruction that students receive often come in the form of online lessons and programs, so teachers must be able to navigate virtual platforms with ease.

  • How Technology Changed the Way I Teach My Students

assignment teaching methodology

Game-based Learning (High Tech)

Game-based learning comes from the desire to  engage students in more active learning in the classroom . Because they require students to be problem solvers and use soft skills that they will need as adults, games are a great way to encourage a mastery mindset, rather than a focus on grades.

In a game-based learning environment, students work on quests to accomplish a specific goal (learning objective) by choosing actions and experimenting along the way. As students make certain progress or achievements, they can earn badges and experience points, just like they would in their favorite video games.

Game-based learning requires a lot of time and planning on the teacher’s part. Fortunately, there is software that makes this process much easier, like  Gametize  and  Classcraft . Teachers who use this software may be better at differentiating quests for students because of the data the programs provide.

Because teachers play a big role in planning and creating content under this model, game-based learning isn’t completely student-centered. But it is still very much focused on the student, who works at their own pace and makes independent choices in a gamified environment.

Last Updated June 2024


Advantages and Disadvantages of Assignment Method Of Teaching

Looking for advantages and disadvantages of Assignment Method Of Teaching?

We have collected some solid points that will help you understand the pros and cons of Assignment Method Of Teaching in detail.

But first, let’s understand the topic:

What is Assignment Method Of Teaching?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of assignment method of teaching.

The following are the advantages and disadvantages of Assignment Method Of Teaching:

Promotes independent learningLimits student creativity
Enhances critical thinkingCan promote rote learning
Encourages research skillsNot suitable for all topics
Fosters time managementIgnores individual learning styles
Boosts problem-solving abilitiesCan lead to student stress.

Advantages and disadvantages of Assignment Method Of Teaching

Advantages of Assignment Method Of Teaching

Disadvantages of assignment method of teaching.

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44 Powerful Instructional Strategies Examples for Every Classroom

So many ways to help students learn!

Collage of instructional strategies examples including demonstrations and reading for meaning

Looking for some new ways to teach and learn in your classroom? This roundup of instructional strategies examples includes methods that will appeal to all learners and work for any teacher.

What are instructional strategies?

In the simplest of terms, instructional strategies are the methods teachers use to achieve learning objectives. In other words, pretty much every learning activity you can think of is an example of an instructional strategy. They’re also known as teaching strategies and learning strategies.

The more instructional strategies a teacher has in their tool kit, the more they’re able to reach all of their students. Different types of learners respond better to various strategies, and some topics are best taught with one strategy over another. Usually, teachers use a wide array of strategies across a single lesson. This gives all students a chance to play to their strengths and ensures they have a deeper connection to the material.

There are a lot of different ways of looking at instructional strategies. One of the most common breaks them into five basic types. It’s important to remember that many learning activities fall into more than one of these categories, and teachers rarely use one type of strategy alone. The key is to know when a strategy can be most effective, for the learners or for the learning objective. Here’s a closer look at the five basic types, with instructional strategies examples for each.

Direct Instruction Instructional Strategies Examples

Direct instruction can also be called “teacher-led instruction,” and it’s exactly what it sounds like. The teacher provides the information, while the students watch, listen, and learn. Students may participate by answering questions asked by the teacher or practicing a skill under their supervision. This is a very traditional form of teaching, and one that can be highly effective when you need to provide information or teach specific skills.

This method gets a lot of flack these days for being “boring” or “old-fashioned.” It’s true that you don’t want it to be your only instructional strategy, but short lectures are still very effective learning tools. This type of direct instruction is perfect for imparting specific detailed information or teaching a step-by-step process. And lectures don’t have to be boring—just look at the success of TED Talks .

Didactic Questioning

These are often paired with other direct instruction methods like lecturing. The teacher asks questions to determine student understanding of the material. They’re often questions that start with “who,” “what,” “where,” and “when.”


In this direct instruction method, students watch as a teacher demonstrates an action or skill. This might be seeing a teacher solving a math problem step-by-step, or watching them demonstrate proper handwriting on the whiteboard. Usually, this is followed by having students do hands-on practice or activities in a similar manner.

Drill & Practice

If you’ve ever used flash cards to help kids practice math facts or had your whole class chant the spelling of a word out loud, you’ve used drill & practice. It’s another one of those traditional instructional strategies examples. When kids need to memorize specific information or master a step-by-step skill, drill & practice really works.

Indirect Instruction Instructional Strategies Examples

This form of instruction is learner-led and helps develop higher-order thinking skills. Teachers guide and support, but students drive the learning through reading, research, asking questions, formulating ideas and opinions, and more. This method isn’t ideal when you need to teach detailed information or a step-by-step process. Instead, use it to develop critical thinking skills , especially when more than one solution or opinion is valid. ADVERTISEMENT


In this indirect learning method, students work their way through a problem to find a solution. Along the way, they must develop the knowledge to understand the problem and use creative thinking to solve it. STEM challenges are terrific examples of problem-solving instructional strategies.

Project-Based Learning

When kids participate in true project-based learning, they’re learning through indirect and experiential strategies. As they work to find solutions to a real-world problem, they develop critical thinking skills and learn by research, trial and error, collaboration, and other experiences.

Learn more: What Is Project-Based Learning?

Concept Mapping

Students use concept maps to break down a subject into its main points and draw connections between these points. They brainstorm the big-picture ideas, then draw lines to connect terms, details, and more to help them visualize the topic.

Case Studies

When you think of case studies, law school is probably the first thing that jumps to mind. But this method works at any age, for a variety of topics. This indirect learning method teaches students to use material to draw conclusions, make connections, and advance their existing knowledge.

Reading for Meaning

This is different than learning to read. Instead, it’s when students use texts (print or digital) to learn about a topic. This traditional strategy works best when students already have strong reading comprehension skills. Try our free reading comprehension bundle to give students the ability to get the most out of reading for meaning.

Flipped Classroom

In a flipped classroom, students read texts or watch prerecorded lectures at home. Classroom time is used for deeper learning activities, like discussions, labs, and one-on-one time for teachers and students.

Learn more: What Is a Flipped Classroom?

Experiential Learning Instructional Strategies Examples

In experiential learning, students learn by doing. Rather than following a set of instructions or listening to a lecture, they dive right into an activity or experience. Once again, the teacher is a guide, there to answer questions and gently keep learning on track if necessary. At the end, and often throughout, the learners reflect on their experience, drawing conclusions about the skills and knowledge they’ve gained. Experiential learning values the process over the product.

Science Experiments

This is experiential learning at its best. Hands-on experiments let kids learn to establish expectations, create sound methodology, draw conclusions, and more.

Learn more: Hundreds of science experiment ideas for kids and teens

Field Trips

Heading out into the real world gives kids a chance to learn indirectly, through experiences. They may see concepts they already know put into practice or learn new information or skills from the world around them.

Learn more: The Big List of PreK-12 Field Trip Ideas

Games and Gamification

Teachers have long known that playing games is a fun (and sometimes sneaky) way to get kids to learn. You can use specially designed educational games for any subject. Plus, regular board games often involve a lot of indirect learning about math, reading, critical thinking, and more.

Learn more: Classic Classroom Games and Best Online Educational Games

Service Learning

This is another instructional strategies example that takes students out into the real world. It often involves problem-solving skills and gives kids the opportunity for meaningful social-emotional learning.

Learn more: What Is Service Learning?

Interactive Instruction Instructional Strategies Examples

As you might guess, this strategy is all about interaction between the learners and often the teacher. The focus is on discussion and sharing. Students hear other viewpoints, talk things out, and help each other learn and understand the material. Teachers can be a part of these discussions, or they can oversee smaller groups or pairings and help guide the interactions as needed. Interactive instruction helps students develop interpersonal skills like listening and observation.

Peer Instruction

It’s often said the best way to learn something is to teach it to others. Studies into the so-called “ protégé effect ” seem to prove it too. In order to teach, you first must understand the information yourself. Then, you have to find ways to share it with others—sometimes more than one way. This deepens your connection to the material, and it sticks with you much longer. Try having peers instruct one another in your classroom, and see the magic in action.

Reciprocal Teaching

This method is specifically used in reading instruction, as a cooperative learning strategy. Groups of students take turns acting as the teacher, helping students predict, clarify, question, and summarize. Teachers model the process initially, then observe and guide only as needed.

Some teachers shy away from debate in the classroom, afraid it will become too adversarial. But learning to discuss and defend various points of view is an important life skill. Debates teach students to research their topic, make informed choices, and argue effectively using facts instead of emotion.

Learn more: High School Debate Topics To Challenge Every Student

Class or Small-Group Discussion

Class, small-group, and pair discussions are all excellent interactive instructional strategies examples. As students discuss a topic, they clarify their own thinking and learn from the experiences and opinions of others. Of course, in addition to learning about the topic itself, they’re also developing valuable active listening and collaboration skills.

Learn more: Strategies To Improve Classroom Discussions

Socratic Seminar and Fishbowl

Take your classroom discussions one step further with the fishbowl method. A small group of students sits in the middle of the class. They discuss and debate a topic, while their classmates listen silently and make notes. Eventually, the teacher opens the discussion to the whole class, who offer feedback and present their own assertions and challenges.

Learn more: How I Use Fishbowl Discussions To Engage Every Student


Rather than having a teacher provide examples to explain a topic or solve a problem, students do the work themselves. Remember the one rule of brainstorming: Every idea is welcome. Ensure everyone gets a chance to participate, and form diverse groups to generate lots of unique ideas.


Role-playing is sort of like a simulation but less intense. It’s perfect for practicing soft skills and focusing on social-emotional learning . Put a twist on this strategy by having students model bad interactions as well as good ones and then discussing the difference.


This structured discussion technique is simple: First, students think about a question posed by the teacher. Pair students up, and let them talk about their answer. Finally open it up to whole-class discussion. This helps kids participate in discussions in a low-key way and gives them a chance to “practice” before they talk in front of the whole class.

Learn more: Think-Pair-Share and Fun Alternatives

Independent Learning Instructional Strategies Examples

Also called independent study, this form of learning is almost entirely student-led. Teachers take a backseat role, providing materials, answering questions, and guiding or supervising. It’s an excellent way to allow students to dive deep into topics that really interest them, or to encourage learning at a pace that’s comfortable for each student.

Learning Centers

Foster independent learning strategies with centers just for math, writing, reading, and more. Provide a variety of activities, and let kids choose how they spend their time. They often learn better from activities they enjoy.

Learn more: The Big List of K-2 Literacy Centers

Computer-Based Instruction

Once a rarity, now a daily fact of life, computer-based instruction lets students work independently. They can go at their own pace, repeating sections without feeling like they’re holding up the class. Teach students good computer skills at a young age so you’ll feel comfortable knowing they’re focusing on the work and doing it safely.

Writing an essay encourages kids to clarify and organize their thinking. Written communication has become more important in recent years, so being able to write clearly and concisely is a skill every kid needs. This independent instructional strategy has stood the test of time for good reason.

Learn more: The Big List of Essay Topics for High School

Research Projects

Here’s another oldie-but-goodie! When kids work independently to research and present on a topic, their learning is all up to them. They set the pace, choose a focus, and learn how to plan and meet deadlines. This is often a chance for them to show off their creativity and personality too.

Personal journals give kids a chance to reflect and think critically on topics. Whether responding to teacher prompts or simply recording their daily thoughts and experiences, this independent learning method strengthens writing and intrapersonal skills.

Learn more: The Benefits of Journaling in the Classroom

Play-Based Learning

In play-based learning programs, children learn by exploring their own interests. Teachers identify and help students pursue their interests by asking questions, creating play opportunities, and encouraging students to expand their play.

Learn more: What Is Play-Based Learning?

More Instructional Strategies Examples

Don’t be afraid to try new strategies from time to time—you just might find a new favorite! Here are some of the most common instructional strategies examples.


This strategy combines experiential, interactive, and indirect learning all in one. The teacher sets up a simulation of a real-world activity or experience. Students take on roles and participate in the exercise, using existing skills and knowledge or developing new ones along the way. At the end, the class reflects separately and together on what happened and what they learned.


Ever since Aesop’s fables, we’ve been using storytelling as a way to teach. Stories grab students’ attention right from the start and keep them engaged throughout the learning process. Real-life stories and fiction both work equally well, depending on the situation.

Learn more: Teaching as Storytelling


Scaffolding is defined as breaking learning into bite-sized chunks so students can more easily tackle complex material. It builds on old ideas and connects them to new ones. An educator models or demonstrates how to solve a problem, then steps back and encourages the students to solve the problem independently. Scaffolding teaching gives students the support they need by breaking learning into achievable sizes while they progress toward understanding and independence.

Learn more: What Is Scaffolding in Education?

Spaced Repetition

Often paired with direct or independent instruction, spaced repetition is a method where students are asked to recall certain information or skills at increasingly longer intervals. For instance, the day after discussing the causes of the American Civil War in class, the teacher might return to the topic and ask students to list the causes. The following week, the teacher asks them once again, and then a few weeks after that. Spaced repetition helps make knowledge stick, and it is especially useful when it’s not something students practice each day but will need to know in the long term (such as for a final exam).

Graphic Organizers

Graphic organizers are a way of organizing information visually to help students understand and remember it. A good organizer simplifies complex information and lays it out in a way that makes it easier for a learner to digest. Graphic organizers may include text and images, and they help students make connections in a meaningful way.

Learn more: Graphic Organizers 101: Why and How To Use Them

Jigsaw combines group learning with peer teaching. Students are assigned to “home groups.” Within that group, each student is given a specialized topic to learn about. They join up with other students who were given the same topic, then research, discuss, and become experts. Finally, students return to their home group and teach the other members about the topic they specialized in.

Multidisciplinary Instruction

As the name implies, this instructional strategy approaches a topic using techniques and aspects from multiple disciplines, helping students explore it more thoroughly from a variety of viewpoints. For instance, to learn more about a solar eclipse, students might explore scientific explanations, research the history of eclipses, read literature related to the topic, and calculate angles, temperatures, and more.

Interdisciplinary Instruction

This instructional strategy takes multidisciplinary instruction a step further, using it to synthesize information and viewpoints from a variety of disciplines to tackle issues and problems. Imagine a group of students who want to come up with ways to improve multicultural relations at their school. They might approach the topic by researching statistical information about the school population, learning more about the various cultures and their history, and talking with students, teachers, and more. Then, they use the information they’ve uncovered to present possible solutions.

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction means tailoring your teaching so all students, regardless of their ability, can learn the classroom material. Teachers can customize the content, process, product, and learning environment to help all students succeed. There are lots of differentiated instructional strategies to help educators accommodate various learning styles, backgrounds, and more.

Learn more: What Is Differentiated Instruction?

Culturally Responsive Teaching

Culturally responsive teaching is based on the understanding that we learn best when we can connect with the material. For culturally responsive teachers, that means weaving their students’ various experiences, customs, communication styles, and perspectives throughout the learning process.

Learn more: What Is Culturally Responsive Teaching?

Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention, or RTI, is a way to identify and support students who need extra academic or behavioral help to succeed in school. It’s a tiered approach with various “levels” students move through depending on how much support they need.

Learn more: What Is Response to Intervention?

Inquiry-Based Learning

Inquiry-based learning means tailoring your curriculum to what your students are interested in rather than having a set agenda that you can’t veer from—it means letting children’s curiosity take the lead and then guiding that interest to explore, research, and reflect upon their own learning.

Learn more: What Is Inquiry-Based Learning?

Growth Mindset

Growth mindset is key for learners. They must be open to new ideas and processes and believe they can learn anything with enough effort. It sounds simplistic, but when students really embrace the concept, it can be a real game-changer. Teachers can encourage a growth mindset by using instructional strategies that allow students to learn from their mistakes, rather than punishing them for those mistakes.

Learn more: Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset and 25 Growth Mindset Activities

Blended Learning

This strategy combines face-to-face classroom learning with online learning, in a mix of self-paced independent learning and direct instruction. It’s incredibly common in today’s schools, where most students spend at least part of their day completing self-paced lessons and activities via online technology. Students may also complete their online instructional time at home.

Asynchronous (Self-Paced) Learning

This fancy term really just describes strategies that allow each student to work at their own pace using a flexible schedule. This method became a necessity during the days of COVID lockdowns, as families did their best to let multiple children share one device. All students in an asynchronous class setting learn the same material using the same activities, but do so on their own timetable.

Learn more: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning

Essential Questions

Essential questions are the big-picture questions that inspire inquiry and discussion. Teachers give students a list of several essential questions to consider as they begin a unit or topic. As they dive deeper into the information, teachers ask more specific essential questions to help kids make connections to the “essential” points of a text or subject.

Learn more: Questions That Set a Purpose for Reading

How do I choose the right instructional strategies for my classroom?

When it comes to choosing instructional strategies, there are several things to consider:

  • Learning objectives: What will students be able to do as a result of this lesson or activity? If you are teaching specific skills or detailed information, a direct approach may be best. When you want students to develop their own methods of understanding, consider experiential learning. To encourage critical thinking skills, try indirect or interactive instruction.
  • Assessments : How will you be measuring whether students have met the learning objectives? The strategies you use should prepare them to succeed. For instance, if you’re teaching spelling, direct instruction is often the best method, since drill-and-practice simulates the experience of taking a spelling test.
  • Learning styles : What types of learners do you need to accommodate? Most classrooms (and most students) respond best to a mix of instructional strategies. Those who have difficulty speaking in class might not benefit as much from interactive learning, and students who have trouble staying on task might struggle with independent learning.
  • Learning environment: Every classroom looks different, and the environment can vary day by day. Perhaps it’s testing week for other grades in your school, so you need to keep things quieter in your classroom. This probably isn’t the time for experiments or lots of loud discussions. Some activities simply aren’t practical indoors, and the weather might not allow you to take learning outside.

Come discuss instructional strategies and ask for advice in the We Are Teachers HELPLINE group on Facebook !

Plus, check out the things the best instructional coaches do, according to teachers ..

Looking for new and exciting instructional strategies examples to help all of your students learn more effectively? Get them here!

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The Ultimate Guide to Teaching Methods for Modern-Day Teachers

Written by Maria Kampen

  • Teaching Strategies

Two students talk to a teacher using modern teaching methods in her classroom.

  • Why teaching methods continue to evolve
  • 18 Modern teaching methods to explore
  • Teaching methods for students with special needs

Finding the right modern teaching method for your classroom can be tricky.

Every student, teacher and classroom is different — and that’s one of the wonderful things about the learning process! As you continue in your teaching practice, you’ll try new teaching methods and find out what works best for your students. 

We’ve uncovered some of the best modern teaching methods that are actually driving results in the classroom. Keep reading to find out how to use them to help students reach their full potential and build happy, effective classrooms.

Countless edtech innovations, a better understanding of student learning and new approaches to teaching strategies means your toolkit is so much bigger than a blackboard and chalk.

Today’s teachers face lots of challenges and have lots of opportunities:

  • The shift to remote learning exposed inequality in classrooms, but also offered new ways for students to engage with interactive learning experiences.
  • New edtech innovations connect classroom learning with real-world digital skills.
  • Changing ideas about education and pedagogy have added new learning objectives like social-emotional learning, differentiation and personalized learning. 

Don’t be afraid to try new ways for students to learn and stay engaged. Keep reading to find out which teaching style works best for your classroom!

A teacher uses new teaching methods with a student at the whiteboard in english class.

1. Direct Instruction

Best for: All ages, when combined with other teaching methods

Direct instruction is when you explicitly convey concepts and skills to students , rather than letting them learn on their own. 

While it might seem odd to start off a list of modern teaching methods with a technique that’s been the foundation of traditional classroom instruction for hundreds of years, direct instruction allows you to layer on more recent teaching strategies.

When combined with other teaching strategies, direct instruction is a useful tool for boosting student comprehension! Today, it can include anything from lectures and educational videos to tutorials and workshops. 

Students attend a classroom lecture about ecological diversity, then watch a video from a local conservation group about efforts to preserve local habitats. This direct instruction helps you explain the requirements of a service learning project they’re doing to clean up the park near their school. 

More on service learning in a bit!

2. Flipped classrooms

Three young female students participate in a flipped classroom activity.

Best for: Late elementary and up, or any students who can work independently

Homework at home, lectures at school — that’s how it’s usually done. But in flipped classrooms, students absorb information on their own time, and use in-class time for hands-on learning and problem solving. 

Also known as blended learning, flipped classrooms embrace new edtech innovations and prioritize face-to-face learning activities in order to boost student engagement. 

It helps students move at their own pace and gives you more time to provide one-on-one support where needed. When combined with techniques like experiential learning or inquiry-based learning, flipped classrooms can give students valuable hands-on experience. 

Students read an article about a specific scientific procedure at home, then come to class and do a hands-on experiment. They write up their findings and give a presentation about their results. While they work, you observe student work to spot learning gaps you can address in future lessons. 

Learn more in our blended learning models guide.

3. Kinesthetic learning

Best for: All ages

Kinesthetic learning is a specific learning style also known as tactile learning. Kinesthetic learners absorb information best when it’s presented through hands-on demonstrations , active learning and manipulatives.

Kinesthetic learning is a great modern teaching method for all learners because it gives students more ways to explore concepts and get hands-on, real-life experiences in their learning environment that translate to better learning outcomes. 

Students learning how to do multiplication participate in a variety of station rotation activities, including:

  • Answering multiplication questions in Prodigy Math Game   
  • Working with base ten blocks and other math manipulatives
  • Working in small groups with the teacher to address learning gaps 

4. Game-based learning

A student uses a tablet for game-based learning.

Best for: All ages, depending on the game

Game-based learning (GBL) is a modern teaching method that uses the power of games to define and support learning outcomes. Game-based learning actually uses games to teach, as opposed to gamification, which uses game elements like leaderboards and points to motivate learning. 

Educational games promote engagement, provide immediate rewards and feedback, and harness the power of healthy competition to keep kids excited to learn. 

Today’s students understand games, especially digital games, intimately. Edtech tools can help turn their love for video games into a love of learning, whether they’re at school or at home. 

Prodigy Math Game is a game-based learning platform designed to help students love practicing math skills. 

Plus, free teacher tools mean you can align Prodigy to whatever you’re teaching in the classroom in just a few easy steps. Set up a Plan for curriculum-aligned math practice on a new concept, or send students an Assigment to differentiate and assess learning progress. 

Screenshot of a question in Prodigy Math Game, a game-based learning platform.

Students won’t know they’re being assessed or doing homework — it’s all part of the adventure! Sign up for your free teacher account today to get started. 

Learn more about GBL in our guide to game-based learning .

5. Student-centered learning

Above all, student-centered learning involves students in decisions about their learning . It connects student interest to the classroom and builds an assessment framework to help them understand why the material is important and how it fits into everyday life. 

For better or worse, the internet has opened up new ways for students to receive information and engage with the world. Student-centered learning helps:

  • Give them the tools they need to engage with new topics
  • Make connections between topics and boost problem-solving skills 
  • Directly relate classroom lessons with what they’re experiencing outside of school

Interdisciplinary learning is a great way to tie student interests to your curriculum. Students can read a novel about a specific scientific discovery and submit a book report, or create a budget for marketing a made-up product in math class. Work with students to find out what they like, how they learn best and how the project will be assessed. 

6. Teacher-centered learning

Students learn using a teacher-centered teaching method.

Best for: Elementary and up — younger students may need more hands-on interaction to stay focused 

Teacher-centered learning is most similar to traditional classroom learning . Students learn mostly independently through lectures and receive clear instructions and rubrics from a central authority figure. 

Much like direct instruction, teacher-centered learning is useful to provide a foundation for other work. Most modern classrooms prioritize collaboration, group work and student exploration, for good reasons. But independent learning can reach different learning styles and give students a sense of personal accomplishment and accountability!

Teacher-centered learning can still be engaging and motivating for students. If you’re starting a new novel study or ELA unit, why not have students journal independently about what they think will happen in the story or what questions they have about the concept? They’ll practice their writing skills, and you can all come back at the end of the unit to see whose predictions were the most accurate.

7. Inquiry-based learning

Best for: Middle school and up

Inquiry-based learning is a teaching method that prioritizes student curiosity and independent analysis . Students work to find the answer to an open-ended question or problem, using evidence-based reasoning and problem-solving skills to reach a defendable conclusion. 

As a teacher, your role is to move students beyond mere curiosity and into critical thinking and understanding, encouraging them to ask questions and supporting them as they investigate. 

To help students develop analytical and critical thinking skills, have them write up a case study about a question they have. Students could:

  • Analyze the demographics of their school or city
  • Research the effectiveness of clean energy in their community
  • Look at the factors that contributed to a notable historical event 

Learn more about the different types of inquiry-based learning and what it could look like in your classroom.

8. Personalized learning

A teacher and student read a book together as part of a personalized learning plan.

Best for: Elementary and up

Personalized learning is an educational approach that tailors learning around individual students’ needs , interests and abilities. It helps you differentiate instruction for each student and help them achieve mastery.

Motivation, relatability, self-reflection and self-advocacy skills are all things that will help students succeed in the modern workforce, no matter their career. Personalized learning reaches students of all levels, helps them build these critical skills and focus their time with small group instruction. 

Short, regular formative assessments give students opportunities to show their knowledge and help you spot learning needs early. If you’re starting a new unit, pre-teach foundational concepts and use a quick journal entry to gauge understanding, then assess students throughout the unit with quick quizzes, presentations and assignments before a final test to ensure every student achieves mastery.

Check out seven more personalized learning strategies to use in your classroom. 

9. Project-based learning

Project-based learning is a student-centered teaching method to encourage learning through real-world questions or challenges. 

The questions should:

  • Be open-ended 
  • Encourage students to apply relevant skills or knowledge
  • Allow students to take their own approaches to answering and building a product

You give students the issue, method of investigation and any supplementary materials, and they go off and work — with your support as needed. It looks a little different every time, but project-based learning helps students develop critical thinking and interdisciplinary skills with real-world experience they’ll use for the rest of their life. 

Project-based learning options are many and varied, but can include:

  • Planning a school event
  • Researching the history of a simple machine
  • Designing a playground for their school using geometry skills

Get our ten best project-based learning ideas for boosting student outcomes.

10. Problem-based learning

Three students work together on a problem-based learning exercise.

Problem-based learning is like project-based learning, with one major difference: it gives students the problem at the start of a topic , before they’ve been taught some of the relevant concepts. 

Students receive an open-ended question and find their own information and resources. Your role as a teacher is to provide materials and guidance when needed, and explain the evaluation process. 

Problem-based learning helps build self-directed learners and is easy to personalize to the needs and learning styles of individual students. 

For an environmentally friendly problem-based learning project, start with a topic like classroom waste or ecology. Students can research and find solutions, and you can implement them together!

11. Collaborative learning

Collaborative learning is kind of like a bouquet of roses — while they might all have the same colours and shape on their own, together a bouquet is more than the sum of its parts. 

In collaborative learning, students are working on a common task and doing the same actions, but they’re working together to boost group performance and amplify learning. It’s a coordinated effort to find answers, research or create a final product every group member contributes to equally. 

Students are going to need to know how to work with peers at any age, and collaborative learning can help them start building valuable team-building skills. 

Use brainwriting as a collaborative learning activity that involves everyone. Introduce a discussion topic ahead of class. Have students brainstorm ahead of time and submit ideas anonymously or in-person. Everyone reads the submissions before class and uses them as a jumping-off point for class discussion. Even the shyest student may feel empowered to speak their mind!

12. Cooperative learning

Two students label a diagram of a cell on a whiteboard as part of a cooperative learning exercise.

If collaborative learning is a bouquet of roses, cooperative learning is a bunch of wildflowers — each one unique, but contributing to something beautiful. 

In cooperative learning projects, each student plays a different role in a structured group activity and makes unique contributions to the success of the group. Your role as teacher is to facilitate the groups and guide their research. 

Like collaborative learning, cooperative learning teaches students that every group member’s efforts are important to both individual and group success. This also encourages students to empower each other and be accountable for their work. 

Enhance learning with a jigsaw activity! Each student belongs to two groups: a home group and an expert group. Present students with a topic to research. Students will work with their expert group to learn about a specific sub-topic, then return to their home group and present their findings.

Learn more in our guide to cooperative learning . 

13. Thinking-based learning

In thinking-based learning, you explicitly teach students how to use critical and creative thinking skills in the context of everyday lessons. 

For thinking-based learning to be effective, educators should build it directly into the curriculum and all subjects — whether that’s understanding the why behind important math concepts or the biases in ELA study materials. 

Critical and creative thinking skills help students boost media literacy and understand all the information at their fingertips on a daily basis. A changing workforce means they’ll encounter new and unique challenges, and thinking-based learning can help them be successful. 

Challenge students to put their geometry and physics knowledge to the test and build solid structures with a variety of different materials. Afterwards, ask students to reflect on why some of their creations worked and why they didn’t, and what they would do differently next time.

14. Competency-based learning

Two students write a test in a classroom.

No matter what teaching method you’re using, competency-based education makes sure every student masters given skills before moving on to the next topic, unit, or even grade. 

It moves the focus off memorization and onto deep understanding demonstrated through hands-on application. It goes hand-in-hand with personalized learning to promote equity in the classroom and help students become better learners throughout their whole lives. 

Formative assessments like pre-quizzes and small projects can help you keep track of student learning and mastery. In an ELA class, have students build a portfolio of writing they contribute to regularly. You’ll be able to see their progress and they’ll feel a sense of accomplishment as they grow their writing and comprehension skills!

Find out more about what competency-based education is and how your school can use it.

15. Discussion-based learning

In discussion-based learning, you facilitate the discussion while students talk through problems in small groups.

Discussion-based learning helps promote critical thinking and independent learning, two essential skills for existing in the modern world. Students will learn to:

  • Find biases
  • Weigh evidence
  • Test conclusions

It’s a great way for you to model open-minded and respectful listening, and promotes engagement without relying on classroom technology. It can be tricky to get every student on board the first time, but persevere and you’ll start to see the benefits!

Have a discussion about a current news event or other lesson-related topic. Make materials and guide students through if they get stuck, but don’t dominate the conversation. Model respectful discussion skills and let students work through new ideas on their own. 

16. Play-based learning

A student plays with colorful play dough.

Best for: Pre-K, Kindergarten

Play-based learning is exactly what it sounds like: student learning through child-led and open-ended play . It’s a great way to help little learners become curious about the world around them and develop critical social skills!

Play-based learning isn’t just gamified classwork — it should be self-chosen and relatively unstructured to help build:

  • Imagination
  • Abstract thinking skills
  • Language skills for group play
  • Awareness of the natural world

For play-based learning time, break up the classroom into stations with different activities and materials, and allow students to move between stations freely. Stations can include:

  • Art supplies
  • Sensory play
  • Building blocks

Designate a certain amount of time into your lesson plans and let students’ imaginations run wild!

17. Service Learning

For a lesson as informative as it is impactful, try service learning. It combines academic goals with community service projects . Students get hands-on experience, a chance to make positive change and real-world examples of their curriculum come to life. 

While it’s more student-centered than traditional community service, service learning is still a valuable way for students to contribute positively to their communities and learn about the importance of being good citizens. 

There are lots of ways to do service learning, but one of our favorites is holding a book drive for a low-income school or younger grades. Students will get hands-on practice at organizing events, and they’ll learn about the importance of literacy.

Get more service learning ideas in The Teacher's Guide to Service Learning .

18. Social emotional learning

A class of young students sits in a row on benches and loots happy.

Social emotional learning is the process by which people, children and adults develop the knowledge, self-awareness and personal well-being to build emotional competencies in both academics and life. In particular, SEL can help your students:

  • Develop a growth mindset
  • Form positive relationships
  • Deal with challenging situations

School is a major source of social connection, and researchers agree students with well-developed social emotional skills see improved academic and social outcomes. Recent COVID-related school closures mean students lost out on a lot of social interaction, so placing an added focus on SEL skills is more important than ever!

There are lots of ways to meaningfully incorporate SEL in your classroom, including activities like:

  • Classroom yoga
  • Daily student check-ins
  • Meditation and brain breaks

For more SEL activities and resources, check out these 25 social emotional learning activities .

In the last few decades, education has begun to make more space for diverse learners — students with special needs, learning disabilities or even different learning styles. 

There’s still a long way to go when it comes to making our classrooms open and equitable, but many modern teaching methods are highly adaptable and address some of the issues diverse learners have in a traditional classroom. 

Ultimately, there’s no “best way” to teach, regardless of what kind of students you have in your class. There are, however, some general guidelines you can follow to make sure your instruction is as effective as possible:

  • Explain things using multiple methods. Before you start a service learning project, for example, be sure to pre-teach important information with multiple methods of instruction, including media, role-playing situations, hands-on demonstrations and more.  
  • Expect students to do their best, and don’t accept less. When you believe all your students are capable of great things, they will too. Don’t ignore or make a big deal of incorrect answers, but address them and work together to find the right solution. 
  • Get to know your students . At the beginning of the year or unit, send around a Google form and ask questions about their learning styles or what they’re excited to work on. Parent teacher conferences are also a great time to discuss specific learning needs and what is or isn’t working. 
  • Use modern teaching methodology designed to engage students. Gone are the days of memorization and silent classrooms. Don’t be afraid to try new things to find out what works best for you! Then ask for student feedback to learn more about which learning styles resonate best in your classroom.
  • Use individual, paired and group activities equally. When students learn together, they understand different learning needs and build respect. Intentional strategies like cooperative and collaborative learning give each student responsibility and more ways to process content, while individual learning lets students set their own pace and goals. 

When you try new teaching methods and flex your approach, every student benefits! It keeps them engaged, shows them you care about their learning and gives them an appreciation for different learning strategies. 

Above all, keep trying new things, getting feedback from students and communicating wtih parents.

Teaching students in the modern age of learning

A teacher talks to a student while standing in front of a whiteboard.

Education has come a long way in the past decades, whether it’s more effective teaching methods or new ways to harness students’ use of technology. 

When you constantly innovate and try new strategies, you give your students real-life experiences and help them develop a love of learning. So cheers to you, and keep going!

Prodigy Education is committed to being an industry leader in game-based learning.

Our adaptive math platform gives teachers free, flexible and easy-to-use tools that align student play with the classroom in just a few clicks. As students explore the Prodigy world, their success depends on correctly answering curriculum-aligned questions — and you get all the data on their learning progress. 

Sign up for your free teacher account today to get started!

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  •    The Complete List of Teaching Methods and Strategies

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The complete list of teaching methods and strategies.

  • Chloe Daniel
  • Published On: September 11 ,2021

The Complete List of Teaching Methods and Strategies

Teachers are the main asset of a country because they are nation builders. Teachers and education systems play a vital role in building an individual’s character, and great teachers have set examples of changing their student’s lives. Therefore, one country should invest more in its educational institutes and teachers to succeed. You can find an endless amount of stories about how appropriate teaching methods and strategies have brought remarkable changes in a student’s life. The art of teaching matters a lot. To be a successful teacher, one should know all the possible teaching methods and strategies and use them correctly because students learn better when their teacher knows which teaching method will engage the students more.

Bertrand Russell has summed up the whole process in his quote as:

‘More important than the curriculum is the question of the methods of teaching and the spirit in which the teaching is given.’

After reading this blog, you will understand the difference between teaching methods and strategies, different teaching methodologies and strategies, their advantages and disadvantages, and how a teacher should prepare himself before the class lecture.

So let’s get started.

Difference between teaching methods and strategies

Methods and strategies are two different terms, but both are essential to make a class full of students of different caliber and understand the same subject. The method is a process, procedure, or way something is done or implementing a plan. While on the other hand, strategy is the goal, set of actions, or plans to achieve one aim or something. Let me clarify it with an example: strategy is how a teacher makes a whole year’s plan to complete a specific book or syllabus, and the method is how that teacher delivered the lecture or which way the teacher selects to do a task.

And there is a list of teaching methods and strategies acquired by the teachers or instructors that you will read below. The ideal teaching method is the one in which the learning of students occurs the most. Teaching and learning are considered the two sides of a coin, and for completing the teaching side, teachers should consider all the teaching strategies and methods.

Related Read:   Hacks to Help Students Beat Procrastination

Types of teaching methods

The way of teaching is categorized into different types of teaching methods adopted by the teachers, and most of them are mentioned below:


Teacher centered method

It is the method where the teacher is the only expert or an authority figure for the learners or students. They rely on the expert and receive knowledge to achieve positive grades in the end exams or assessments. The lecture method is used in the teacher-centered method, and it requires very little involvement of students or learners during the teaching process. It is also called a closed-ended method if the involvement of learners or students is zero.

Learner-centered method

In this teaching method, the teachers play a dual role. They act as learners and teachers; they learn new things every day while delivering the lecture. The learner-centered method is beneficial for both teacher and the student. The best way to implement this method is to follow the class’s discussion, inquiry-based, or discovery strategies.

Content-focused methods

Among different teaching methodologies, the teacher can use the content-focused method when the content, set of information, or skill taught by the teachers or experts cannot be changed or altered. It means the content to be taught is so important or unimpeachable that both the learner and the teacher have to fit in the subject without being critical about the content.

Interactive or participative method

It is the type of learning method that is considered beneficial for both the learners and the teachers. The teacher’s responsibility is to explain the key points or the importance of following the interactive or participating method during class in general so that students may not resist following it. Many strategies are used in this teaching method like writing exercises, think-pair-share, debate, problem-based learning, or situation analysis.

The lecture method

One of the most commonly used formal or semiformal teaching methods is the lecture method. Teachers mostly use this method for a large class. In this method, the teachers pick a topic and explain its basic definitions, facts, events, principles and clarify the whole point of the subject or topic with relevant examples and problems. The students are allowed to take notes and ask questions at the end of a lecture, and the master of the subject has to answer them all. Thus, in this method, a teacher is the main role model for the large class, and it has a strong mastery of that specific subject.

The discussion method

The discussion method can only be followed when the teacher is highly skilled and disciplined. Because in this two-way communication method, students are prepared to listen to their fellow’s point of view and exchange ideas. The role of a teacher is to introduce disciplined group discussion techniques among students and clear the concept of the topic meanwhile. This method is mainly used to utilize the knowledge, experience, and creativity of each student. When the whole discussion ends, the teacher corrects the mistakes and clears the debatable concepts.

The study assignment method

It is one of those teaching methods that promote active learning. In this method, the teacher or an instructor assigns a task to students before the class. It can be a book or research paper reading, project analysis, or any relevant material review. This method enhances the research skill abilities of students, and the discussion part in class makes the teacher and students know different points of view of each other.

The tutorial method

It is a teaching method that can only be used when a teacher or an instructor teaches one student and works directly. This method is also known as  online tutoring , and it demands more money and time, unlike other teaching methods. Those who follow such methods know the safety and active participation of both learner and the reader. The tutorial teaching methods are user-friendly. The students can skip or restart the lesson any time, leave the tutorial in between, or get access to it when they feel like learning or motivated. Mostly these are the recorded lectures.

The seminar method

The seminar method is one of the costly teaching methods used by the experts or teachers to guide or educate the students about a certain topic or project. In this method, the instructors make groups of students work on their projects and then ask them to exchange the information or techniques used while completing the project. Highly professional; or competent teachers must arrange a seminar method and then evaluate the study, research paper, or project.

The demonstration method

The demonstration method is the kind of teaching method in which the teacher has to perform something or an operation to make its learner understand deeply and clearly. It can be the functioning of a tool or equipment, teaching troubleshooting, performing a certain job or an operation or anything. This teaching method can only be proposed when the instructor explains the why, how, where, what, and when. If the highly competent teacher will choose the method and rehearse well before teaching, it will save time, and the clarity of operation will help the students perform right. The demonstration teaching method is mostly used in laboratories.

Direct teaching

The direct teaching method is commonly used in all institutions as it makes the teacher or an instructor directly communicate with their student within the school or institution premises. This method lessens the communication barrier between students and the teacher. It focuses on the immediate teaching process, and the students are allowed to ask questions or give suggestions in between, with certain time limitations.

Online teaching method

One of the most flexible teaching methods is the  online teaching  method. The teacher and the learner can offer a flexible timescale, which is unrestricted to time and place. Both can communicate with each other via email or any other digital support. The access to recorded lectures after the online session helps the students to listen to them later and understand better. The advancement of technology has turned learners into online learning in the last few decades.

Online and private tutors  have their way of teaching concepts within a certain time limit. Students with jobs mostly use this teaching method to learn during their free time and achieve their desired goals without moving places.

Independent study or practice

Some teachers or an instructor follow the independent study or practice teaching method because this improves the  self-learning  or self-study abilities of the students. In such methods, teachers mostly assign the same task to each student to practice or study it from home on their own, and then the other day, teachers evaluate the task and solve the students’ queries.

Types of teaching strategies

Before moving to the teaching strategies, I would like to add a quote from Benjamin Franklin, which says:

‘Tell me and I forgot. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.’

And this is how the teaching strategies work on students.


Classroom management

The very first strategy to engage all the students of a class is its management. The etiquette of a class is matters, and so does the management of the whole class. If you start listing down the classroom management strategies, the list will go on because it has its own set of techniques and different strategies to keep the class managed. Before moving to the teaching method, the teacher or an instructor should acknowledge the whole class management rules in dos and don’ts.

Develop an atmosphere of learning

The atmosphere of learning matters the most because no matter how well the teacher or an instructor delivers the lecture, it’s futile if the atmosphere does not support that all students are willing to learn or excited to start the new chapter or topic. So, to develop a learning atmosphere, the expert should get the whole class’s attention and inform them of the facts and purpose of reading the lecture. The more they will show interest in learning a subject, the more they will learn.

Celebrate achievements

Teachers should assign certain achievement levels with a reward to keep the whole class motivated to learn and do better. And the reward could be anything like the winning student will display their work in the school assembly or get to read the whole chapter and get candy from their teacher in return. The celebration can be small or big, it doesn’t matter, but the outcomes of celebrating success will make huge positive differences in a student’s life.

This teaching strategy is mostly used by the primary or secondary level student teachers to motivate and build students’ confidence. Teachers who make use of this strategy more often prepare the future winners. There is no failure. Only feedback. – Robert Allen

Flexible seating

The appropriate seating in the classroom that keeps the students comfortable is the utmost teaching strategy. Here the flexible seating of both the teacher and the learner matters. Institutions of all levels should follow many  flexible seating ideas . Because if the students are sitting uncomfortably, then they will not be able to focus on the lecture.

It is more of an institution’s duty to take care of students’ sitting comfort and posture because students spend a lot of their day at schools or colleges.

Active learning

Active learning strategy is one of those strategies that not only help the students but the teachers too. The discussion break between the lecture and asking students to submit the clearest point after the lecture keeps the whole class attentive, and it’s called active learning. Their participation makes the teacher understand which part of the lecture has gotten more attention. Such smart tactics or quick questions in between lectures make the student learn better and faster.

Focus on student’s interests

When teachers focus on a student’s interests, it helps them understand the nature of their students way better, and ultimately, they follow the teaching method that can be more effective. And the constructive feedback on what students have done and what they have not mastered helped them determine how they could improve that mastery. This strategy makes the bond of student and teacher strong and improves the learning environment.

‘There is no failure. Only feedback. ’–Robert Allen

Differentiated instruction

One of the most useful teaching strategies is differentiated instruction. In this strategy, the teacher assigns tasks to each student based on abilities and interests. Doing so the students who are struggling will get the proper support or help, and the students with academic skills or capabilities will be assigned tasks that match their caliber. It ensures the dedicated behavior of teachers after knowing everyone’s learning gaps, and no student remains left behind.

Personalized learning

Teachers should focus on personalized learning strategy a bit too much. Students should review their content once learned. Sometimes, students’ queries remain unanswered and make all the students master their studies. Teachers should assign tasks to each individual according to their learning capability and style. This teaching strategy will help students develop reliability, motivation, self-learning, self-advocacy, and self-reflective abilities.

Peer teaching method

The teacher should follow the peer teaching strategy sometimes. It is being said that ‘to teach is to learn twice,’ which is the same case with this strategy. Peer teaching has its advantages and disadvantages, but it is worth pursuing a disciplined class atmosphere as it grows the student’s confidence and enhances communication skills.

“The best answer to the question, ‘what is the most effective teaching method?’ depends on the goal, the student, the content, and the teacher. But the next best answer is, ‘Students teaching other students’.” Wilbert J. MacKeachie

Response to intervention RTI

RTI, or Response to intervention, is one of the general teaching strategies that should be considered from day one of teaching. This strategy is to find out the learning and behavior needs of the students. Teachers should start the intervention process early in each class because the earlier the teacher understands the RTI strategies, the easier it will be to follow a better teaching method.

Project-based learning

Experienced teachers agree on the importance of getting students to recap the information learned during the lesson. And when it comes to project-based learning, it is important to educate students about what they need to learn to complete the assigned project. It is also crucial to get them to engage with the content actively. So, to foster their engagement, it is important to promote project-based learning in groups. Teachers should make the groups of students quite carefully and selectively as each student’s learning style and ability vary.

Classroom technology

Classroom technology is the best teaching strategy a teacher can use to keep the whole class engaged. This strategy can be used at any level or year of education because students get excited when they have to experience something new for the first time. Video lessons, virtual trips in geography or history class, animations to help kids learn basic skills, and many more adapt to this teaching strategy. Moreover, smart whiteboards, projectors should be used in classrooms.

Blended teaching and learning

In this modern era, teachers should go for a blended teaching strategy. It is a blend of  online and offline teaching  and uses digital strategies. Some students hesitate to speak up in the class, so blended learning works best for them. They contribute to an online class. Teachers like the blended teaching and learning strategy because it ensures that all voices are heard.

Humor in class

The use of humor should be one of the important teaching strategies, as dry lectures make the students feel bored and tiring and ultimately makes them lose interest. In such cases, a pinch of humor will not harm anyone. But teachers should be smart enough to quickly change the atmosphere of class back to lessons from fun. A comfortable and cozy class environment captures learners’ attention and results in better understanding and active learning.

Inquiry-based teaching

Interactive teaching enables students to be instructed by actively involving them in their learning process through regular teacher-student interaction, student-student interaction. And taking some time out of the class for inquiry-based questions helps improve students’ life skills like communication and problem-solving. The quality of questions matters a lot, and a teacher should ask the students to inquire with subject-based questions or other appropriate questions. However, the inquiry-based teaching strategy has guided inquiry, structured inquiry, open inquiry, and confirmation inquiry. These all promote the use of long-term memory of both teachers and learners.

Class gamification

It is observed that lessons learned while playing stays long in the student’s mind. This teaching strategy keeps the students more engaged and active in the class. Play and learn techniques should be in each teacher’s teaching method list. Age requirement shouldn’t be the barrier because class Gamification builds and improves the essential skills. A teacher can play any games to teach the basics like mind games, math multiplication games, problem-solving games, language learning games like  ESL games , and many more.

Gamification  has a future in education, and teachers or instructors should effectively use this strategy.

Convergent and divergent thinking

One of the main teaching strategies that all teachers should be aware of is two thinking methods: convergent thinking methods and divergent thinking methods. Teachers should educate their students about its difference as convergent thinking means there are multiple ways to reach one solution. On the other hand, the divergent teaching method makes the students learn and understand the base concepts to solve the given question or problem.

If the teachers and students know these differences, learning will be easier and better.

Problem-based learning

One of the essential teaching strategies a teacher or an instructor should follow is problem-based learning. They should prepare a list of problem-based open-ended questions before a class and ask the class to solve them in groups or teams. This technique helps in developing and improving the transferable and teamwork skills of students, respectively.

Media literacy

Students need to be educated about all the things happening around them. Like nowadays, students are very active on social media and get influenced quite easily. It’s the responsibility of the teachers to guide their students and understand what they are consuming from these platforms. Media literacy lets the students critically think and talk about the changes and innovations. Teachers should follow  media literacy activities  to bring out the creative side of students.


Introducing visualization in class is the most advanced teaching strategy that institutions and teachers can use to make the students understand the textbook content with visuals and the real world. It lets the students experience the world while sitting in their classrooms. But again, it is just another strategy to keep the class engaged. The teacher has to play the main role, Bill Gates has said it too:

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids to work together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”

Cooperative learning

Teachers should work on cooperative learning strategies in class, once a week at least. There are many ways to follow this strategy, such as solving mathematical puzzles, quick fraction questions, performing science experiments, short drama sketches, group presentations, or frequently asked question-answer sessions among students of the same class. This teaching strategy improves the verbal skills of students.

Behaviour management

Just like teaching methods, teachers should be acknowledged properly about the behavior management teaching strategy. Mutual respect of teachers and students is important to keep the class’s productive learning and disciplined environment. Institutions or teachers should reward students based on their behavior during class and overall interaction with their teachers and fellow mates. Teachers should be strict with this strategy because a noisy, disturbed, or undisciplined class cannot promote productive learning.

Professional development

Undoubtedly, teaching is a challenging job because you have to deliver the same knowledge to students with different mindsets and caliber simultaneously. It gets exhausting sometimes. To keep the teachers motivated and engaged, they should attend professional development seminars and people in the same field. These will keep the teachers updated about the new teaching tools, technologies, methods, and strategies.

How teacher should prepare for a lecture

Even after understanding the teaching strategies and teaching methods, teachers should prepare themselves before delivering a lecture. Just like a student rehearsing before giving a presentation. Because teachers too are presenting themselves and it is their job to keep the attention of the whole class throughout the lecture. So, to make the lecture qualitative, teachers should keep in mind that the lecture should not be too long as it exhausted the students and lost their attention. The whole theme and the purpose of studying certain topics should be explained before teaching, the teachers should use maximum examples or illustrations to make it easy to understand, usages of approaches and fluency of lecture should match with the student’s existing knowledge, so they relate to it and understand more clearly.

Other than considering these points, the teacher should make notes and rehearse the follow of lecture in advance, checklist the important points, keep all the relevant textbooks, tools, or other things prepared which need to be utilized during the lecture, pick the teaching strategy or teaching method that will go with the topic. Meanwhile, the teacher should also ensure that if all the students can see or hear him clearly, he should use the entire why, how, tell, and show techniques to explain the lecture or the assigned topic.

Lastly, class discipline matters a lot, and teachers should already tell the students to write down the question if any crosses their mind during the lecture, and in the last 15 minutes of discussion, they can ask freely one by one. And it is how the discipline of class and the flow of the lecture will not be disturbed. And if all the students have not got their answers due to a shortage of time or any other reason, it’s the teacher’s responsibility first to solve the queries the other day and then teach a new topic. That’s the complete preparation process of a teacher before delivering a qualitative lecture.

Here we summed up the difference between teaching strategies and teaching methods that all teachers should know. Knowing these teaching methodologies and strategies will make the classrooms a more creative and dynamic place for students to get qualitative education; furthermore, if you are a teacher and learning new teaching strategies or methods from this page, then make sure to use them in your classroom.

In this rapidly changing world, teachers should be given proper guidelines to transform the smart, creative, and tech knowledge into their students. And the personality of the teacher should inspire the students to learn from them and be a better addition to this world. The truth is teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions, so educational institutions should invest in providing proper guidelines on types of teaching methods and teaching strategies from time to time to keep their teachers updated to the modern world.

Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today. Malcolm X

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  • TILT Higher Ed Examples and Resources

The following resources from the Transparency in Learning and Teaching project (TILT Higher Ed) can help faculty, educational developers and administrators to apply the Transparency Framework (of purpose/task/criteria) in contexts including assignments, curricula, assessment and strategic initiatives, all toward the goal of enhancing student success equitably. If you have developed TILT-focused tools or publications you would like to share, please contact [email protected]

Introduction to Transparency in Learning and Teaching

  • Transparency and Problem-centered Learning (7-minute overview)
  • Transparent Instruction and Its Impact on Learning, University of Tokyo TV (45 minutes)
  • Transparency Framework for academic work
  • Unwritten Rules for College Success, 39 second video
  • Transparency Framework 1) Purpose, 44 second video
  • Transparency Framework 2) Task, 25 second video
  • Transparency Framework 3) Criteria, 24 second video
  • Nave, Lillian. " Transparent Design with Mary-Ann Winkelmes. " Think UDL, Episode 76, 9 December 2021
  • Christopher, K. (2018). "What are we doing and why? Transparent assignment design benefits students and faculty alike." The Flourishing academic: A Blog for teacher-scholars. Duquesne University Center for Teaching Excellence, April 16, 2018.
  • Willingham-McLain, L. (2017). Just a TAD: Transparent assignment design. The Flourishing academic: A Blog for teacher-scholars. Duquesne University Center for Teaching Excellence. December 8, 2017.
  • Cepek, R. (2017). Parallelograms and poetry: Helping first generation students connect. The Flourishing academic: A Blog for teacher-scholars. Duquesne University Center for Teaching Excellence. October 5, 2017.
  • Yong, Darryl. "How Transparency Improves Learning." Teaching Tidbits (Mathematical Association of America blog), October 24, 2017.
  • Nichols, Karen. "Remember 'Transparency' in Your Instructional Continuity Preparations." >CAT FooD, August 18, 2017.
  • Mulnix, Amy B. "The Power of Transparency in Your Teaching." Faculty Focus: Higher Ed Teaching Strategies, November 6, 2016.
  • Gambill, Sandy. "Transparent Assignments." Inclusive Teaching, November 30, 2016.
  • Volk, Steven. Revealing the Secret Handshakes: The Rules of Clear Assignment Design." Article of the Week: Teaching and Learning at Oberlin College, September 27, 2015.
  • Mary-Ann Winkelmes: "Transparency in Teaching and Learning interview,Smart Talks", Project Information Literacy
  • “Small Teaching Changes, Big Learning Benefits” video interview with Mary-Ann Winkelmes, ACUE Community ‘Q’ Blog, Expert Series, December 2016.
  • Great Conversations: Mary-Ann Winkelmes video interview at Indiana University (6 min:47 sec - 10 min: 25 sec)
  • Faculty at 7 institutions reflect on their use of transparent assignment design (as part of an AAC&U project funded by TG Philanthropy) in the "Transparency and Problem-Centered Learning" issue of Peer Review, (Winter/Spring 2016) vol.18, no. 1/2.
  • Faculty at University of Nevada, Las Vegas reflect on their use of transparently designed assignments in “Benefits (some unexpected) of Transparently Designed Assignments.” National Teaching and Learning Forum 24, 4 (May 2015), pages 4-6.
  • Faculty at Texas Tech University discuss the design process and impacts of transparent assignments in their courses: Transparent Assignment Design at Texas Tech: A Panel Discussion, 13 th Annual Advancing Teaching and Learning Conference, Texas Tech University, March 3, 2017.
  • Fukuda, D. 2018. Promote active learning in group projects through the use of the transparent assignment framework. In Chen, B., deNoyelles, A., & Thompson, K. (Eds.), Teaching Online Pedagogical Repository . Orlando, FL: University of Central Florida Center for Distributed Learning. Retrieved March 4, 2020.
  • Turlington, Anita; Shimkus, Jim. (2017). "TILTing the Writing Across the Curriculum Program at UNG."
  • Ou, J. (2018, June), Board 75 : Work in Progress: A Study of Transparent Assignments and Their Impact on Students in an Introductory Circuit Course Paper presented at 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition , Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • Kane, J. & Mushtare, R. (Hosts). (2023 May) , Transparency in Learning and Teaching (episode 290). [Audio podcast episode]. In Tea for Teaching.
  • Bruff, D. (Host). (January 2023), Transparent Teaching with Mary-Ann Winkelmes (Episode 5). [Audio podcast episode]. In Intentional Teaching

Example A: Sociology

Example B: Science 101

Example C: Psychology

Example D: Communications

Authors of Examples A-D describe the outcomes of their assignment revisions

Example E: Biology

Discussion Questions (about Examples A-E)

Example F: Library research Assignment

Example G: Criminal Justice In-Class activity

Example H: Criminal Justice Assignment

Example I: Political Science Assignment

Example J: Criteria for Math Writing

Example K - Environmental History

Example L - Calculus

Example M - Algebra

Example N - Finance

  • Transparent Assignment Template for instructors
  • Checklist for Designing Transparent Assignments
  • Measuring Transparency: A Learning-focused Assignment Rubric (Palmer, M., Gravett, E., LaFleur, J.)
  • Assignment Cues to use when designing an assignment (adapted from Bloom’s Taxonomy) for faculty
  • Transparent Equitable Learning Readiness Assessment for Teachers
  • Transparent Assignment Template for students (to help students learn to parse assignments; also to frame a conversation to gather feedback from your students about how to make assignments’ more transparent and relevant for them)
  • Transparent Assignment Template for students (to help students learn to parse assignments; also to frame a conversation to gather feedback from your students about how to make assignments more transparent and relevant for them)
  • Transparent Equitable Learning Framework for Students (to frame a conversation with students about how to make the purposes, tasks and criteria for class activities transparent and relevant for them)
  • TILT and Align Your Assessment
  • TILT Strategic Planning Worksheet
  • Transparent Equitable Collaboration Framework for Staff
  • Unwritten Rules: Transparent Assignment Framework for Students
  • Transparent Equitable Learning Framework for Students

Workshop Videos and Slides

For faculty.

  • Transparent Assignments Promote Equitable Opportunities for Students’ Success videorecording (University of Nevada, Las Vegas, April 29, 2016).
  • Transparent Assignment Design faculty workshop videorecording (“Using Transparent Assignments to Increase Students' Success,” Mary-Ann Winkelmes, keynote workshop, 13th Annual Advancing Teaching and Learning Conference, Texas Tech University, March 3, 2017).
  • Part 1) Research findings
  • Part 2) Example Assignments
  • Part 3) Peer feedback on your own assignments


  • Faculty workshop slides, Indianapolis Assessment Conference
  • TILT Workshop Slides and Notes for Facilitators
  • Train the Trainers webinar recording
  • NILOA Charrette and Feedback with TILT
  • TILT Course Sequencing Worksheet


  • Transparency and Equity webinar recording (hosted by AAC&U, NILOA, TILT)

For institutions, results can include increased retention and completion rates. For participating instructors, individualized reports identify small teaching adjustments best suited to improving students’ learning for the specific population of students in their courses. Ongoing analysis explores teaching/learning adjustments that improve learning outcomes, specific to discipline, class size, level of expertise, and student demographics.

A national study by the Association of American Colleges and Universities, funded by TG Philanthropy, demonstrated that transparency around academic work enhances students’ success at statistically significant levels, with even greater benefits for historically underserved students (with a medium-to-large sized magnitude of effect) [Winkelmes et al., Peer Review 2016]. Students who receive transparent instruction about the purposes, tasks and criteria for their academic work report gains in three areas that are important predictors of students’ success:

  • academic confidence,
  • sense of belonging, and
  • mastery of the skills that employers value most when hiring.

Important studies have already connected academic confidence and sense of belonging with students’ greater persistence and higher grades [Walton and Cohen, Science 2011; Aronson, Fried, Good, 2002, Brady, Cohen, et al., Science Advances 2020. ]

  • To bring a Transparency Project workshop to your institution, please contact Mary-Ann Winkelmes at [email protected]
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Transparent Methods: Examples
  • Winkelmes, M. (2023). Introduction to Transparency in Learning and Teaching. Perspectives In Learning, 20 (1). Retrieved from
  • Brown, J., et al. (2023). Perspectives in Learning: TILT Special Issue, 20 (1). Retrieved from
  • Winkelmes, M. (2022). “Assessment in Class Meetings: Transparency Reduces Systemic Inequities.” In Henning, G. W., Jankowski, N. A., Montenegro, E., Baker, G. R., & Lundquist, A. E. (Eds.). (2022). Reframing Assessment to Center Equity: Theories, Models, and Practices. Stylus Publishing, LLC.
  • Howard, Tiffiany, Mary-Ann Winkelmes, and Marya Shegog. “ Transparency Teaching in the Virtual Classroom: Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating Transparency Teaching Methods with Online Learning.” Journal of Political Science Education, June 2019.
  • Palmer, M. S., Gravett, E. O., & LaFleur, J. (2018). Measuring transparency: A learning‐focused assignment rubric . To Improve the Academy, 37(2), 173-187. doi:10.1002/tia2.20083
  • Winkelmes, M., Allison Boye and Suzanne Tapp, ed.s. (2019). Transparent Design in Higher Education Teaching and Leadership. Stylus Publishing.
  • Humphreys, K., Winkelmes, M.A., Gianoutsos, D., Mendenhall, A., Fields, L.A., Farrar, E., Bowles-Terry, M., Juneau-Butler, G., Sully, G., Gittens, S. Cheek, D. (forthcoming 2018). Campus-wide Collaboration on Transparency in Faculty Development at a Minority-Serving Research University. In Winkelmes, Boye, Tapp, (Eds.), Transparent Design in Higher Education Teaching and Leadership.
  • Copeland, D.E., Winkelmes, M., & Gunawan, K. (2018). Helping students by using transparent writing assignments. In T.L. Kuther (Ed.), Integrating Writing into the College Classroom: Strategies for Promoting Student Skills, 26-37. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology website.
  • Winkelmes, Mary-Ann, Matthew Bernacki, Jeffrey Butler, Michelle Zochowski, Jennifer Golanics, and Kathryn Harriss Weavil. "A Teaching Intervention that Increases Underserved College Students’ Success."Peer Review (Winter/Spring 2016).
  • Transparency and Problem-Centered Learning. (Winter/Spring 2016) Peer Review vol.18, no. 1/2.b
  • Winkelmes, Mary-Ann. Small Teaching Changes, Big Learning Benefits.” ACUE Community ‘Q’ Blog, December, 2016.
  • Winkelmes, Mary-Ann. “Helping Faculty Use Assessment Data to Provide More Equitable Learning Experiences.” NILOA Guest Viewpoints. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois and Indiana University, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, March 17, 2016.
  • Gianoutsos, Daniel, and Mary-Ann Winkelmes.“Navigating with Transparency: Enhancing Underserved Student Success through Transparent Learning and Teaching in the Classroom and Beyond.” Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Association of Developmental Educators (Spring 2016).
  • Sodoma, Brian.“The End of Busy Work.” UNLV Magazine 24,1 (Spring 2016): 16-19.
  • Cook, Lisa and Daniel Fusch. One Easy Way Faculty Can Improve Student Success." Academic Impressions (March 10, 2016).
  • Head, Alison and Kirsten Hosteller. "Mary-Ann Winkelmes: Transparency in Teaching and Learning," Project Information Literacy, Smart Talk Interview, no. 25. Creative Commons License 3.0 : 2 September 2015.
  • Winkelmes, Mary-Ann, et al. David E. Copeland, Ed Jorgensen, Alison Sloat, Anna Smedley, Peter Pizor, Katharine Johnson, and Sharon Jalene. “Benefits (some unexpected) of Transparent Assignment Design.” National Teaching and Learning Forum, 24, 4 (May 2015), 4-6.
  • Winkelmes, Mary-Ann. “Equity of Access and Equity of Experience in Higher Education.” National Teaching and Learning Forum, 24, 2 (February 2015), 1-4.
  • Cohen, Dov, Emily Kim, Jacinth Tan, Mary-Ann Winkelmes, “A Note-Restructuring Intervention Increases Students’ Exam Scores.” College Teaching vol. 61, no. 3 (2013): 95-99.
  • Winkelmes, Mary-Ann."Transparency in Teaching: Faculty Share Data and Improve Students' Learning.” Liberal Education Association of American Colleges and Universities (Spring 2013).
  • Winkelmes, Mary-Ann. “Transparency in Learning and Teaching: Faculty and students benefit directly from a shared focus on learning and teaching processes.” NEA Higher Education Advocate (January 2013): 6 - 9.
  • Bhavsar, Victoria Mundy. (2020). A Transparent Assignment to Encourage Reading for a Flipped Course, College Teaching, 68:1, 33-44, DOI: 10.1080/87567555.2019.1696740
  • Bowles-Terry, Melissa, John C. Watts, Pat Hawthorne, and Patricia Iannuzzi. “ Collaborating with Teaching Faculty on Transparent Assignment Design .” In Creative Instructional Design: Practical Applications for Librarians, edited by Brandon K. West, Kimberly D. Hoffman, and Michelle Costello, 291–311. Atlanta: American Library Association, 2017.
  • Leuzinger, Ryne and Grallo, Jacqui, “ Reaching First- Generation and Underrepresented Students through Transparent Assignment Design .” (2019). Library Faculty Publications and Presentations. 11.
  • Fuchs, Beth, “ Pointing a Telescope Toward the Night Sky: Transparency and Intentionality as Teaching Techniques ” (2018). Library Presentations. 188.
  • Ferarri, Franca; Salis, Andreas; Stroumbakis, Kostas; Traver, Amy; and Zhelecheva, Tanya, “ Transparent Problem-Based Learning Across the Disciplines in the Community College Context: Issues and Impacts ” (2015).NERA Conference Proceedings 2015. 9.
  • Milman, Natalie B. Tips for Success: The Online Instructor's (Short) Guide to Making Assignment Descriptions More Transparent . Distance Learning. Greenwich  Vol. 15, Iss. 4,  (2018): 65-67. 3

Offer research-based explanations about concepts or tasks that students often struggle to master in your discipline [See examples below including Bloom, Bransford, Gregorc, Light, Perry.]

  • Ryjova, Yana. What is the Transparency in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Project (TILT Higher Ed)? Interview with Dr. Mary-Ann Winkelmes." Hixson-Lied Success Scholar Newsletter. Las Vegas: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Academic Success Center, March 2016.
  • Sodoma, Brian. Forget the What: It's the How and Why That Matters." UNLV News Center, January 21, 2016.
  • Summers, Keyonna. “Newsmakers 2015: People.” UNLV News Center, January 7, 2016.
  • Berrett, Dan. “The Unwritten Rules of College.” Chronicle of Higher Education, September 21, 2015.
  • Adolfo Guzman-Lopez, “Researchers say as college demographics change, so must teaching.” 89.3 KPCC Southern California Public Radio. March 13, 2015.
  • “Transparency and Problem-Centered Learning.” Association of American Colleges and Universities website, retrieved November 5, 2014.
  • “Mary-Ann Winkelmes and UNLV's Transparency in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Project.” Accomplishments, UNLV News Center, September 2014.
  • “New Project Will Engage Minority-Serving Institutions to Research Effect of Faculty Intentionality in Problem-Centered Educational Practices on the Success of Students Who Have Historically Been Underserved in Higher Education.” Association of American Colleges & Universities press release, August 4, 2014.
  • “UNLV Partners with AAC&U to Lead National Project to Improve Under-Represented Students’ Success.” UNLV Research and Economic Development press release. August 7, 2014.
  • Mellon grant in partnership with Berea College (2017-2021)
  • Robert J. Menges Award for Outstanding Research in Educational Development, 2012, from Professional Organizational Development Network in Higher Education
  • TG Philanthropy grant in partnership with Association of American Colleges and Universities(2014-2016)

University of Illinois

  • Application to Institutional Review Board, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Exempt Research Application
  • University of Illinois Institutional Review Board Certification of principal investigator
  • Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Certification of principal investigator
  • Approvals from Institutional Review Board, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
  • November 18, 2009
  • May 5, 2010
  • November 8, 2010
  • December 9, 2011
  • November 19, 2012
  • February 12, 2013

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

  • Approvals from Institutional Review Board, University of Nevada, Las Vegas:
  • August 23, 2013 Application for Exempt Status and Approval
  • November 2014 Modification request, Updated exempt application, Approval
  • September 2015 Modification Request and October 13, 2015 Approval
  • December 2015 Modification Request and Approval
  • July 12 2016 Modification Request and Approval
  • July 28, 2016 Modification Request and Approval
  • July 28, 2016 Continuing Review Approval
  • August 2016 Modification Request and September 1, 2016 Approval
  • October 27, 2016 Modification Request and Approval
  • March 20, 2017 Modification Request and Approval
  • September 2017 Modification Request and Approval
  • October 2017 Modification Request and Approval
  • February 2018 Modification Request and Approval
  • October 2018 Modification Request and Approval
  • Principal Investigator's 2013-2018 Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Certification
  • Principal Investigator's 2018-2023 Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) Certification

Brandeis University

  • March 28, 2019 Application for Exempt Status and Approval
  • April 18, 2019 Modification Request and Approval
  • May 6 2022 Mod and Approval
  • Exempt determination through Jun 30 2030

Additional Materials to Support Assignment Design

Organizing Assignment-Design Work on Your Campus: A Tool Kit of Resources and Materials.

A Library of DQP Assignments: Building Capacity for a New Model of Assessment

AAC&U VALUE Rubrics (Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education)

Decoding Assignments

Please send to [email protected] any additional materials and resources that you develop and would like to share.

Mary-Ann Winkelmes, Ph.D.

Principal Investigator and Founder, TILT Higher Ed

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Copyright © 2009-2023 M.A. Winkelmes. TILT Higher Ed © 2009-2023 by Mary-Ann Winkelmes and materials on this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) except where otherwise noted. To view a copy of this license, visit

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2009-2023 M.A. Winkelmes

TILT Higher Ed © 2009-2023 by Mary-Ann Winkelmes and materials on this website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) except where otherwise noted. To view a copy of this license, visit

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Johanna Kawasaki

  • August 7, 2023

ESL teaching methods

There’s no single way to teach English and, in fact, there have been many popular approaches over the years. These are a few of the top ESL teaching methods, including communicative language teaching (CLT) and total physical response (TPR), used in the classroom today. Learn more about these and other methods and how you can apply them to a real-life classroom in Bridge’s Professional Certificate courses .

Whether you’re new to the different teaching methods or you need a refresher, download this guide to popular ESL methodologies to brush up on the definition and applications of the latest approaches developed by industry experts.

Why learn ESL teaching methods?

There are many reasons why learning a few basic ESL teaching methods is a must for ESL teachers. Here are some ways that learning the most popular methods of teaching ESL can help you as an English teacher:

  • Demonstrating knowledge of these ESL teaching methods and strategies makes you more marketable.
  • Using TEFL/TESOL buzzwords during an interview can improve your chances of getting hired.
  • Using a variety of methods in the ESL classroom makes you a more effective and engaging teacher.
  • Understanding pedagogy helps you design better ESL materials and lessons.
  • Learning methodology can help you strategically use learning objectives that will benefit your students.

If you’re new to teaching, you’ll want to get initial training and qualification with a TEFL certificate . You can explore our online TEFL courses to get started!

ESL teacher in Portugal

What are some popular ESL teaching methods?

Method #1: direct method.

For the direct method, all teaching is done in the target language. Translations are not allowed in class, and the focus lies heavily on speaking instead of grammar. As a result, the direct method is a very student-centered strategy that has gained popularity in recent years.

Students are supposed to learn the target language naturally and instinctively, which is why the direct method is also called the “natural approach.” Mistakes are corrected as they happen in class, and teachers reinforce the correct usage of the language with praise. This method is frequently used when teaching English online . Many virtual ESL companies require teachers to only speak English during class to encourage an immersive experience.

Get more ideas for correcting students’ mistakes by taking Bridge’s 20-hour Micro-credential course: Error Correction in the EFL Classroom .

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Begin your ELT journey or take the next step in your career with

Accredited online tefl/tesol certification, method #2: communicative language teaching (clt).

Communicative language teaching is perhaps the most popular approach among the methods of teaching ESL today. CLT emphasizes the student’s ability to communicate in real-life contexts. As a result, students learn to make requests, accept offers, explain things, and express their feelings and preferences.

Additionally, since CLT focuses on teaching language through real-world assignments and problem-solving, it’s less concerned with grammar accuracy and instead focuses on fluency.

Promote communication and fluency in your classroom with these ESL speaking activities.

to teens participating in an ESL conversation activity.

Method #3: Task-/project-/inquiry-based learning

This teaching strategy for ESL students can sometimes be considered a part of CLT, but it heavily emphasizes the students’ independence and individuality. Inquiry-based learning is a modern approach that is becoming widely popular in schools all over the world. By asking questions and solving problems, with the teacher as a mere learning facilitator, student motivation and participation in tasks and projects are thought to increase.

Find out more about task-based learning.

ESL teacher Sallie, teaching online using the TPR method.

Method #4: Total physical response (TPR)

Next is the Total Physical Response (TPR) method. You may have heard of this teaching strategy for ESL before, but what exactly is TPR ? Total Physical Response has become a very popular approach in which students react to the teacher with movement. Some examples include miming, gesturing, or acting out the language.

For example, the teacher and students might make an exaggerated frown and pretend to cry when learning the word “sad.” TPR suggests that students learn the target language best through physical response rather than by analysis.

Additionally, TPR is often used when teaching English online and when teaching young learners, as it not only helps students remember vocabulary but also provides an outlet for their energy and helps them stay focused when sitting for long periods.

If you like TPR, you might also like using drama as an ESL teaching method.

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Learn about 8 ESL methodologies and get sample activities with the free guide to

Teaching english learners: popular esl learning methodologies, method #5: an eclectic approach.

Many teachers choose from the collection of humanistic approaches (TPR, for example) and communicative approaches (the direct method and CLT). Often, they incorporate bits and pieces of many other teaching strategies for ESL learners and use what works best for their individual students. Generally speaking, there is no one-size-fits-all methodology. Each group of learners will have varying learning styles and preferences. For that reason, conducting a needs assessment is a great starting place for teachers who aren’t sure which methodology, or methodologies, to apply.

For example, a teacher who uses mostly the direct method may occasionally do a lot of grammar explanation when preparing students for English proficiency exams , such as teaching Pearson Test of English (PTE) test prep , or a CLT advocate may borrow some aspects of the direct method or use TPR.

  • Pro Tip: Another great way to combine or develop teaching methods is to frequently reflect on your teaching style by using a journal where you write down comments, note adjustments, and brainstorm how you can change certain methods or procedures if necessary.

The list of ESL teaching styles doesn’t have to end here! You can find your own favorite TEFL/TESOL method from among those listed above, combine several strategies for teaching your ESL students, or develop your own ESL teaching methods and techniques. For a full breakdown of the different methodologies and how to evaluate your students’ needs, download Bridge’s ESL Methodologies Guide .

Delve deeper into these and other ESL teaching methods and techniques with Bridge Professional TEFL/TESOL Certificate courses.

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After backpacking Australia on a Working Holiday visa, Bridge graduate Johanna traveled to Japan for a year to teach English. She then moved to New Zealand for another two years before returning to her chosen home country, Japan, where she currently lives. Now, with more than eight years of professional English teaching experience, Johanna enjoys her expat life in Japan teaching teenagers at a private junior and senior high school, where she recently received tenure after only two years. When she’s not teaching, Johanna continues to travel regionally and explore new places.

CLT block icon.

Learning and Teaching

  • Assessment & Feedback

How to create an Assignment in Moodle

Published on: 03/08/2023 · Last updated on: 03/09/2024

Before you start

Note: We strongly recommend that you never re-use pre-existing assignments as this can cause lots of problems when it comes to grading, release of grades and grade transfer. Create fresh submission points for each assignment. 

The steps below outline the basic steps to create an  Assignment activity in your unit. Please also see our recommended approaches to creating formative and summative Individual, Group and offline Assignments

If you are instructing your students in how to submit their assignment, you can refer them to this guide: Moodle 4.1 Getting Started: An introductory guide for students

Create an Assignment

  • From the relevant Moodle space,  Turn editing on .
  • Within each topic or week, click on the  Add an activity or resource  link to display the  Activity Chooser  (see below)
  • Select  Assignment  from the menu that appears and click on  Add

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You can now give your assignment a clear and meaningful title and description, and modify the settings as appropriate.

How to manage the availability of an Assignment

  • Where possible, do create submission points that are open for more than 24 hours.
  • The  allow submissions from  setting specifies the date from which Moodle will allow students to submit their assignment
  • The  due date  should reflect the assignment deadline
  • Ensure that all due times/dates fall between  9am and 5pm BST  during the working week.

Note:   Students will still be able to submit after the due date has passed but these submissions will be clearly labelled as having been submitted late.  If you want to prevent students from submitting after a specific date, you will also need to specify a  cut-off date .  Moodle will not accept submissions made after the  cut-off date.  

How to restrict access to an Assignment

Access restrictions can be used to manage student access to activities and resources including an Assignment. One of the most common restrictions needed is for date/time as shown below:

  • In the Assignment settings, expand  Restrict Access.
  • Click  Add Restriction

To add a date/time restriction:

Restrict access setting in Assignment activity.

  • Click on the green  Date  button
  • Enter the date and time that you want your Assignment to become visible to students. (In the example shown below, students will only be able to see the Assignment after 12.00pm on the 13th July 2023).

Access restriction options.

  • Scroll to the bottom and click  Save and return to course .
  • REMEMBER  to make sure that you then make the Assignment visible using  Availability > Show on course page:
  • It is safe to  Show on course page  the Assignment, as visibility is now controlled by the access restriction.

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Other settings and considerations

See below for some common queries about Assignment creation.

How to include the Assignment question

  • Use the  Description  box to provide details of the assignment question and hand in dates. 
  • Take time to make sure the assignment requirements and parameters are clear for students
  • Do provide clear guidance to students on what they need to do.
  • Do Help Students keep track of Assessments
  • Do signpost your students to the support resources (e.g.  Skills Portal ,  Mitigating Circumstances ,  Academic Integrity  and  online resources ).
  • Do not assume students will know what to do, and where they can get support and guidance.
  • If you already have the assignment details in electronic form, or you have a template that you’d like the students to work with, you can attach the file using the  Additional files  setting: Drag and drop your file onto the blue arrow, or click on it to open your file browser to browse for the file. 

Add a label to describe a ‘hidden’ Assignment

Example paragraph text. Do not amend this font / style unless you are creating an individual exception.

  • If you have added a restriction to hide your assignment submission point prior to the assessment window opening, it is good practice to add a label to your Moodle course page to provide your students with summary information for the forthcoming assessment(s).
  • Turn editing on  then select  Add an activity or resource  at the bottom of the relevant course topic

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  • Select  Add  and choose the Text and media area  option under Resources :

Image showing how to add Text and Media area.

  • Enter text to provide any summary information 
  • You can highlight sections of the text then choose the  Link  button in the toolbar to include hyperlinks to additional guidance (e.g. online submission guidance), or insert media as needed

Image showing text editor options.

  • Choose  Save and return to course . Your text and media area will appear at the bottom of the relevant topic:

Image showing a Text and media area.

  • If you hover your cursor over it an icon of four arrows will appear, indicating that you can hold down the left mouse button to move the text and media area up or down the page.

Information about supported file submission types

  • Although Moodle can accept any file type, we recommend PDF submission (which is the default setting) wherever possible. 
  • Should it be necessary for students to submit in other formats, you can allow this by adjusting the  accepted file types  setting:
  • Under  accepted file types  click the green  Choose  button to select from a long list. Then scroll to the bottom of the list and  Save changes .
  • Please note that if you are using  Ouriginal for originality checking, most word-processed files can be checked by  Ouriginal , but some other file types cannot (The Ouriginal FAQ contains guidance on supported file formats).

How to set a word limit

  • This is possible only where students are using online text submission (typing directly into the Moodle interface).  It is  strongly advised against  using this submission type for substantive pieces of work (as any unexpected connectivity issues could result in loss of work)
  • Instead, we recommend that students manage the word count in their file submission (e.g. using the word count tool in Microsoft Word), before exporting to PDF and uploading the resulting file to Moodle.

How to allow multiple file uploads

  • Use the  maximum number of uploaded files  setting to specify how many files students can submit.
  • By default, this setting allows each student to submit up to 20 individual files.  Whilst there is no requirement to do so, you can of course reduce this number if you wish

Information about the 50mb maximum file upload size

  • This is a global setting and increasing it at a site wide level would have significant implications for the Moodle service.
  • Typically, the only files students may wish to upload, which would exceed the 50mb single file limit, would be video files. These should instead be  uploaded to Panopto  which, unlike Moodle, is a dedicated streaming service which can handle large video files. 
  • Please go here for instructions on  setting up an assignment folder in Panopto.

Managing video/voiceover-based submissions

  • Moodle has a 50MB upload limit to keep the platform working smoothly for everyone. Instead of uploading to Moodle, it is better to  create a Panopto Student Assignment Folder .
  • Please read the guidance for use as part of a formative workflow or a summative workflow   on how to setup the Panopto submission point and also   student instructions   on preparing a presentation.

About feedback options

  • Under the  Feedback types  setting all options are ticked by default.  We recommend that you leave all options ticked to provide yourself with flexibility at the marking st. 

Feedback types options in settings.

  • Under the  Feedback types  setting all options are ticked by default.  We recommend that you leave all options ticked to provide yourself with flexibility at the marking stage.
  • Feedback comments  provides a small comment box in the Moodle PDF grading window. This is recommended for short summary feedback comments. The comments box also appears in the  Offline   Grading Worksheet .
  • Annotate PDF  refers to Moodle’s built in grading interface. If a student submits a PDF (which is the default setting), you will be able to  read and annotate the file online (without having to download it). 
  • Feedback files  allows you to upload comments as a separate file. Typically, many staff ask students to submit files as PDF documents, which can then be downloaded in a zip file, and annotated offline using Word’s comment/review functions. The files can then be added to a new zip folder and re-uploaded into Moodle (provided that the filenames are not changed).
  • Offline Grading Worksheet  (and  Bath version ). These are typically used where an internet connection is likely to be unavailable or otherwise unreliable.  They provide a downloadable .csv file (which can be opened and edited with Excel) with student names and grading and feedback columns, allowing for entry of grades and feedback whilst offline. It can then be re-uploaded to Moodle when a network connection is next available, and this will in turn populate all student Grade columns within Moodle. The  Bath version  is almost identical to the  offline grading worksheet  (and works in the same way) and differs only with the inclusion of University of Bath student numbers and the anonymisation of student names, which will be automatically replaced by Moodle with a  Participant number  unique to the assignment. 

Configuring Submission settings

We recommend that you  do not change these settings , as although they can be useful within particular contexts, they aren’t necessary for most assignments.

  • Require students to click the submit button.  Not recommended as students can sometimes ‘forget’ to click it, leaving the submission visible to markers, but still in draft.
  • Require that students accept the submission statement  means students must agree to a short statement confirming they are submitting their own work etc.  Students will be required to accept a statement confirming that they are submitting their own work when taking Alternative Assessments.  This will be set as the default,  do not change this setting . 
  • Attempts reopened.  Recommended setting is  manually  which allows you the discretion to allow another attempt for individual students if necessary.

How to make a Group Assignment

  • For Group submissions, ensure you have first  created Groups  in Moodle and allocated students. You can  add students manually  or allow students to allocate themselves with the  Group Choice activity.
  • Students submit in groups  If enabled students will be divided into Groups based on the default set of Groups or a custom Grouping. (In most instances you will not need to set up custom Groupings).
  • A Group submission will be shared among Group members and all members of the Group will see when one member uploads the submission.

Important:  You  must  set up Groups and allocate students to them before creating a Group assignment. Creation of a Group assignment where no Groups have been defined in Moodle, will allow students in different groups to see / overwrite each other’s submissions.

  • Require group to make submission.  If enabled, students not allocated to a Group cannot submit. 
  • By default a Group submission made by one member of a group will be placed against all members of the group in the Grading Table. Teachers can mark any member of the group. In the grading page for each student is a tick box allowing grades and feedback to be returned to all members of the group.

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Configuring Notification settings

  • Notify graders about submissions.  We recommend you set to ‘no’ especially if you have a large cohort.
  • Notify graders about late submissions  may be useful to set to ‘yes’
  • Default setting for “Notify students”.  If set to ‘yes’ individual students receive a notification as soon as comments are uploaded. We recommend setting to ‘no’ and using  Marking Workflow  to manage feedback notifications en masse for any assignment already created.

About Grading options

Below is a brief overview and comparison of the different grading methods available for Moodle assignment:

Comparison of the various methods for marking assignments in Moodle.

About Grading scales vs points

  • The default, and simplest option for grading is on a points basis out of 100, however you can also use a Moodle defined grading scale or create your own scale.
  • Grading must be done out of 100% if you wish to use  Grade Transfer  to transfer grades to SAMIS
  • Please see here for more information on advanced grading methods such as Marking Guides and Rubrics

About Grade Transfer to SAMIS

  • It is possible to set up an Assignment in such a way that grades can be transferred into SAMIS by the Unit Convenor (who will have Teacher+ access to the course). Grade Transfer can be setup to take place at a pre-determined time, or alternatively, can be completed with a few clicks once marking and feedback have been released to students in Moodle. 
  • Full details on setting up  Grade Transfer to SAMIS can be found here .

About Marking Workflow

  • If  Marking Workflow  is switched on, it ensures that grades and feedback are not released to students *unless* you set the marking workflow to ‘released’. We recommend that you use it. 
  • Marking Workflow  allows individual student submissions to be placed into different stages of the marking process. (These are:  not marked; in marking; marking completed; in review; ready for release;   released ).
  • Marking Workflow  may also be a useful tool for keeping track of marking and for managing moderation through Moodle.
  • Please  see here for details of how to Release Grades and Feedback using Marking Workflow

Configuring Ouriginal plagiarism detection settings

  • Assignments submitted to Moodle can, in turn, be automatically submitted to Ouriginal.
  • Ouriginal is an online text-matching service which checks electronic, text based submissions against a large database of material (including journal articles, websites and other student submissions) and produces a scored originality report for each piece of work 
  • Originality reports make no judgement regarding plagiarism, they simply highlight matching text fragments, enabling the reviewer to determine whether or not plagiarism has occurred.
  • Once an assignment has been uploaded to Ouriginal, the application will produce two things:
  • Ouriginal Analysis score  – This number shows how much of a student’s assignment matches content from Ouriginal’s databases.
  • Ouriginal Analysis report  – Alongside a copy of the student’s original work, this report gives further detail on the specific sources of matching text.
  • Ouriginal is enabled by default. For  further details please see here .

How to grant an assessment extension/allow late submission

  • Once the assignment has been created,  clicking on the assignment link  then  View all Submissions  will take you into the  Grading Table  where you will be able to see an overview of all submissions
  • By default Moodle will accept submissions after the  due date  up until the (optional)  cut-off date.  (Any submissions received after the  due date  will be clearly marked as late)

Grading table with the Edit option highlighted.

To grant an extension for a student, locate the student concerned, and in the edit column adjacent to the student’s name, right click and choose  grant extension  and add the required extra time:

The Edit drop-down menu with Grant Extension highlighted.

How to apply extensions in an anonymous Assignment

Moodle extensions enable students to submit their assignments after the specified  due date  (without Moodle highlighting the submission as being overdue).  This also enables users to submit files after any  cut-off date  that may have been specified in the assignment.  Combining this feature with Moodle’s  Group  functionality means that staff can apply extensions to select groups of users rather than to individuals – thus retaining the anonymity of the individual.

You should seek to  create and populate a group  within your Moodle course.  This group should contain those individuals who require an extension and will enable you to differentiate them from the rest of the course participants (whilst still retaining anonymity).

Important note on retaining anonymity and maintaining student privacy :  It’s important to avoid calling the group ‘Extensions’ as students can see Groups and their members from the Participants page. Instead use a generic Group A or Group 1 name.  Also, do not put student names in the name of the groups as this obviously breaks anonymity.

To apply the  Group  functionality to the  Assignment  activity, go to the activity settings, scroll to the section entitled  Common module settings  and select  Separate Groups  within the  Group Mode  field. Once you have done this, remember to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on one of the  Save  buttons.

After applying this setting, extensions can be granted to  group  members as appropriate by visiting the  Assignment  submission overview screen, then selecting the  group  name from the top left-hand corner of this interface (as shown below).

Filter by group for grading  from the Grading action drop-down  menu.

Once the participants have been filtered in this way, members of the  group  can then be granted extensions in the usual way:

assignment teaching methodology

Note :  If students have been granted different extensions, you will require more than one  group .

Clearly, true anonymity can only take place if more than one student is receiving an extension in this way.

How to tag an Assignment as Formative or Summative

Under the  Tags  setting type Formative or Summative and add the tag.

Image showing Tags option for assignments

Related Articles

  • Anonymous marking in Moodle
  • Advanced Grading in Moodle
  • Moodle Group Peer Review for Teachers
  • How to mark a Moodle Assignment offline and upload feedback
  • Introduction to Ouriginal
  • How to release grades and feedback in Moodle

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Speaker 1: Welcome to this overview of quantitative research methods. This tutorial will give you the big picture of quantitative research and introduce key concepts that will help you determine if quantitative methods are appropriate for your project study. First, what is educational research? Educational research is a process of scholarly inquiry designed to investigate the process of instruction and learning, the behaviors, perceptions, and attributes of students and teachers, the impact of institutional processes and policies, and all other areas of the educational process. The research design may be quantitative, qualitative, or a mixed methods design. The focus of this overview is quantitative methods. The general purpose of quantitative research is to explain, predict, investigate relationships, describe current conditions, or to examine possible impacts or influences on designated outcomes. Quantitative research differs from qualitative research in several ways. It works to achieve different goals and uses different methods and design. This table illustrates some of the key differences. Qualitative research generally uses a small sample to explore and describe experiences through the use of thick, rich descriptions of detailed data in an attempt to understand and interpret human perspectives. It is less interested in generalizing to the population as a whole. For example, when studying bullying, a qualitative researcher might learn about the experience of the victims and the experience of the bully by interviewing both bullies and victims and observing them on the playground. Quantitative studies generally use large samples to test numerical data by comparing or finding correlations among sample attributes so that the findings can be generalized to the population. If quantitative researchers were studying bullying, they might measure the effects of a bully on the victim by comparing students who are victims and students who are not victims of bullying using an attitudinal survey. In conducting quantitative research, the researcher first identifies the problem. For Ed.D. research, this problem represents a gap in practice. For Ph.D. research, this problem represents a gap in the literature. In either case, the problem needs to be of importance in the professional field. Next, the researcher establishes the purpose of the study. Why do you want to do the study, and what do you intend to accomplish? This is followed by research questions which help to focus the study. Once the study is focused, the researcher needs to review both seminal works and current peer-reviewed primary sources. Based on the research question and on a review of prior research, a hypothesis is created that predicts the relationship between the study's variables. Next, the researcher chooses a study design and methods to test the hypothesis. These choices should be informed by a review of methodological approaches used to address similar questions in prior research. Finally, appropriate analytical methods are used to analyze the data, allowing the researcher to draw conclusions and inferences about the data, and answer the research question that was originally posed. In quantitative research, research questions are typically descriptive, relational, or causal. Descriptive questions constrain the researcher to describing what currently exists. With a descriptive research question, one can examine perceptions or attitudes as well as more concrete variables such as achievement. For example, one might describe a population of learners by gathering data on their age, gender, socioeconomic status, and attributes towards their learning experiences. Relational questions examine the relationship between two or more variables. The X variable has some linear relationship to the Y variable. Causal inferences cannot be made from this type of research. For example, one could study the relationship between students' study habits and achievements. One might find that students using certain kinds of study strategies demonstrate greater learning, but one could not state conclusively that using certain study strategies will lead to or cause higher achievement. Causal questions, on the other hand, are designed to allow the researcher to draw a causal inference. A causal question seeks to determine if a treatment variable in a program had an effect on one or more outcome variables. In other words, the X variable influences the Y variable. For example, one could design a study that answered the question of whether a particular instructional approach caused students to learn more. The research question serves as a basis for posing a hypothesis, a predicted answer to the research question that incorporates operational definitions of the study's variables and is rooted in the literature. An operational definition matches a concept with a method of measurement, identifying how the concept will be quantified. For example, in a study of instructional strategies, the hypothesis might be that students of teachers who use Strategy X will exhibit greater learning than students of teachers who do not. In this study, one would need to operationalize learning by identifying a test or instrument that would measure learning. This approach allows the researcher to create a testable hypothesis. Relational and causal research relies on the creation of a null hypothesis, a version of the research hypothesis that predicts no relationship between variables or no effect of one variable on another. When writing the hypothesis for a quantitative question, the null hypothesis and the research or alternative hypothesis use parallel sentence structure. In this example, the null hypothesis states that there will be no statistical difference between groups, while the research or alternative hypothesis states that there will be a statistical difference between groups. Note also that both hypothesis statements operationalize the critical thinking skills variable by identifying the measurement instrument to be used. Once the research questions and hypotheses are solidified, the researcher must select a design that will create a situation in which the hypotheses can be tested and the research questions answered. Ideally, the research design will isolate the study's variables and control for intervening variables so that one can be certain of the relationships being tested. In educational research, however, it is extremely difficult to establish sufficient controls in the complex social settings being studied. In our example of investigating the impact of a certain instructional strategy in the classroom on student achievement, each day the teacher uses a specific instructional strategy. After school, some of the students in her class receive tutoring. Other students have parents that are very involved in their child's academic progress and provide learning experiences in the home. These students may do better because they received extra help, not because the teacher's instructional strategy is more effective. Unless the researcher can control for the intervening variable of extra help, it will be impossible to effectively test the study's hypothesis. Quantitative research designs can fall into two broad categories, experimental and quasi-experimental. Classic experimental designs are those that randomly assign subjects to either a control or treatment comparison group. The researcher can then compare the treatment group to the control group to test for an intervention's effect, known as a between-subject design. It is important to note that the control group may receive a standard treatment or may receive a treatment of any kind. Quasi-experimental designs do not randomly assign subjects to groups, but rather take advantage of existing groups. A researcher can still have a control and comparison group, but assignment to the groups is not random. The use of a control group is not required. However, the researcher may choose a design in which a single group is pre- and post-tested, known as a within-subjects design. Or a single group may receive only a post-test. Since quasi-experimental designs lack random assignment, the researcher should be aware of the threats to validity. Educational research often attempts to measure abstract variables such as attitudes, beliefs, and feelings. Surveys can capture data about these hard-to-measure variables, as well as other self-reported information such as demographic factors. A survey is an instrument used to collect verifiable information from a sample population. In quantitative research, surveys typically include questions that ask respondents to choose a rating from a scale, select one or more items from a list, or other responses that result in numerical data. Studies that use surveys or tests need to include strategies that establish the validity of the instrument used. There are many types of validity that need to be addressed. Face validity. Does the test appear at face value to measure what it is supposed to measure? Content validity. Content validity includes both item validity and sampling validity. Item validity ensures that the individual test items deal only with the subject being addressed. Sampling validity ensures that the range of item topics is appropriate to the subject being studied. For example, item validity might be high, but if all the items only deal with one aspect of the subjects, then sampling validity is low. Content validity can be established by having experts in the field review the test. Concurrent validity. Does a new test correlate with an older, established test that measures the same thing? Predictive validity. Does the test correlate with another related measure? For example, GRE tests are used at many colleges because these schools believe that a good grade on this test increases the probability that the student will do well at the college. Linear regression can establish the predictive validity of a test. Construct validity. Does the test measure the construct it is intended to measure? Establishing construct validity can be a difficult task when the constructs being measured are abstract. But it can be established by conducting a number of studies in which you test hypotheses regarding the construct, or by completing a factor analysis to ensure that you have the number of constructs that you say you have. In addition to ensuring the validity of instruments, the quantitative researcher needs to establish their reliability as well. Strategies for establishing reliability include Test retest. Correlates scores from two different administrations of the same test. Alternate forms. Correlates scores from administrations of two different forms of the same test. Split half reliability. Treats each half of one test or survey as a separate administration and correlates the results from each. Internal consistency. Uses Cronbach's coefficient alpha to calculate the average of all possible split halves. Quantitative research almost always relies on a sample that is intended to be representative of a larger population. There are two basic sampling strategies, random and non-random, and a number of specific strategies within each of these approaches. This table provides examples of each of the major strategies. The next section of this tutorial provides an overview of the procedures in conducting quantitative data analysis. There are specific procedures for conducting the data collection, preparing for and analyzing data, presenting the findings, and connecting to the body of existing research. This process ensures that the research is conducted as a systematic investigation that leads to credible results. Data comes in various sizes and shapes, and it is important to know about these so that the proper analysis can be used on the data. In 1946, S.S. Stevens first described the properties of measurement systems that allowed decisions about the type of measurement and about the attributes of objects that are preserved in numbers. These four types of data are referred to as nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. First, let's examine nominal data. With nominal data, there is no number value that indicates quantity. Instead, a number has been assigned to represent a certain attribute, like the number 1 to represent male and the number 2 to represent female. In other words, the number is just a label. You could also assign numbers to represent race, religion, or any other categorical information. Nominal data only denotes group membership. With ordinal data, there is again no indication of quantity. Rather, a number is assigned for ranking order. For example, satisfaction surveys often ask respondents to rank order their level of satisfaction with services or programs. The next level of measurement is interval data. With interval data, there are equal distances between two values, but there is no natural zero. A common example is the Fahrenheit temperature scale. Differences between the temperature measurements make sense, but ratios do not. For instance, 20 degrees Fahrenheit is not twice as hot as 10 degrees Fahrenheit. You can add and subtract interval level data, but they cannot be divided or multiplied. Finally, we have ratio data. Ratio is the same as interval, however ratios, means, averages, and other numerical formulas are all possible and make sense. Zero has a logical meaning, which shows the absence of, or having none of. Examples of ratio data are height, weight, speed, or any quantities based on a scale with a natural zero. In summary, nominal data can only be counted. Ordinal data can be counted and ranked. Interval data can also be added and subtracted, and ratio data can also be used in ratios and other calculations. Determining what type of data you have is one of the most important aspects of quantitative analysis. Depending on the research question, hypotheses, and research design, the researcher may choose to use descriptive and or inferential statistics to begin to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics are best illustrated when viewed through the lens of America's pastimes. Sports, weather, economy, stock market, and even our retirement portfolio are presented in a descriptive analysis. Basic terminology for descriptive statistics are terms that we are most familiar in this discipline. Frequency, mean, median, mode, range, variance, and standard deviation. Simply put, you are describing the data. Some of the most common graphic representations of data are bar graphs, pie graphs, histograms, and box and whisker graphs. Attempting to reach conclusions and make causal inferences beyond graphic representations or descriptive analyses is referred to as inferential statistics. In other words, examining the college enrollment of the past decade in a certain geographical region would assist in estimating what the enrollment for the next year might be. Frequently in education, the means of two or more groups are compared. When comparing means to assist in answering a research question, one can use a within-group, between-groups, or mixed-subject design. In a within-group design, the researcher compares measures of the same subjects across time, therefore within-group, or under different treatment conditions. This can also be referred to as a dependent-group design. The most basic example of this type of quasi-experimental design would be if a researcher conducted a pretest of a group of students, subjected them to a treatment, and then conducted a post-test. The group has been measured at different points in time. In a between-group design, subjects are assigned to one of the two or more groups. For example, Control, Treatment 1, Treatment 2. Ideally, the sampling and assignment to groups would be random, which would make this an experimental design. The researcher can then compare the means of the treatment group to the control group. When comparing two groups, the researcher can gain insight into the effects of the treatment. In a mixed-subjects design, the researcher is testing for significant differences between two or more independent groups while subjecting them to repeated measures. Choosing a statistical test to compare groups depends on the number of groups, whether the data are nominal, ordinal, or interval, and whether the data meet the assumptions for parametric tests. Nonparametric tests are typically used with nominal and ordinal data, while parametric tests use interval and ratio-level data. In addition to this, some further assumptions are made for parametric tests that the data are normally distributed in the population, that participant selection is independent, and the selection of one person does not determine the selection of another, and that the variances of the groups being compared are equal. The assumption of independent participant selection cannot be violated, but the others are more flexible. The t-test assesses whether the means of two groups are statistically different from each other. This analysis is appropriate whenever you want to compare the means of two groups, and especially appropriate as the method of analysis for a quasi-experimental design. When choosing a t-test, the assumptions are that the data are parametric. The analysis of variance, or ANOVA, assesses whether the means of more than two groups are statistically different from each other. When choosing an ANOVA, the assumptions are that the data are parametric. The chi-square test can be used when you have non-parametric data and want to compare differences between groups. The Kruskal-Wallis test can be used when there are more than two groups and the data are non-parametric. Correlation analysis is a set of statistical tests to determine whether there are linear relationships between two or more sets of variables from the same list of items or individuals, for example, achievement and performance of students. The tests provide a statistical yes or no as to whether a significant relationship or correlation exists between the variables. A correlation test consists of calculating a correlation coefficient between two variables. Again, there are parametric and non-parametric choices based on the assumptions of the data. Pearson R correlation is widely used in statistics to measure the strength of the relationship between linearly related variables. Spearman-Rank correlation is a non-parametric test that is used to measure the degree of association between two variables. Spearman-Rank correlation test does not assume any assumptions about the distribution. Spearman-Rank correlation test is used when the Pearson test gives misleading results. Often a Kendall-Taw is also included in this list of non-parametric correlation tests to examine the strength of the relationship if there are less than 20 rankings. Linear regression and correlation are similar and often confused. Sometimes your methodologist will encourage you to examine both the calculations. Calculate linear correlation if you measured both variables, x and y. Make sure to use the Pearson parametric correlation coefficient if you are certain you are not violating the test assumptions. Otherwise, choose the Spearman non-parametric correlation coefficient. If either variable has been manipulated using an intervention, do not calculate a correlation. While linear regression does indicate the nature of the relationship between two variables, like correlation, it can also be used to make predictions because one variable is considered explanatory while the other is considered a dependent variable. Establishing validity is a critical part of quantitative research. As with the nature of quantitative research, there is a defined approach or process for establishing validity. This also allows for the findings transferability. For a study to be valid, the evidence must support the interpretations of the data, the data must be accurate, and their use in drawing conclusions must be logical and appropriate. Construct validity concerns whether what you did for the program was what you wanted to do, or whether what you observed was what you wanted to observe. Construct validity concerns whether the operationalization of your variables are related to the theoretical concepts you are trying to measure. Are you actually measuring what you want to measure? Internal validity means that you have evidence that what you did in the study, i.e., the program, caused what you observed, i.e., the outcome, to happen. Conclusion validity is the degree to which conclusions drawn about relationships in the data are reasonable. External validity concerns the process of generalizing, or the degree to which the conclusions in your study would hold for other persons in other places and at other times. Establishing reliability and validity to your study is one of the most critical elements of the research process. Once you have decided to embark upon the process of conducting a quantitative study, use the following steps to get started. First, review research studies that have been conducted on your topic to determine what methods were used. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the various data collection and analysis methods. Next, review the literature on quantitative research methods. Every aspect of your research has a body of literature associated with it. Just as you would not confine yourself to your course textbooks for your review of research on your topic, you should not limit yourself to your course texts for your review of methodological literature. Read broadly and deeply from the scholarly literature to gain expertise in quantitative research. Additional self-paced tutorials have been developed on different methodologies and techniques associated with quantitative research. Make sure that you complete all of the self-paced tutorials and review them as often as needed. You will then be prepared to complete a literature review of the specific methodologies and techniques that you will use in your study. Thank you for watching.


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What is the goal or purpose of Bible study? While there are a number of different ways to say it they all boil down to this: We study the Bible to discover the intended meaning of a passage of Scripture and apply it to our lives today.

It’s simple, but also not.

The “simple” is that we have a clear purpose. The “not” is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to getting there. That’s why different Bible study methods exist. 

  • What Is a Bible Study Method?

A Bible study method is a framework that helps us understand and apply Scripture to our lives. Every method shares certain characteristics. They all incorporate observation, interpretation, application, and personal reflection. They all also place a different emphasis on one or another. Here are 6 methods we recommend:

  • The Inductive Method
  • The SOAP Method
  • The TEXT Method
  • The Verse-Mapping Method
  • The Topical Study Method
  • The Character Study Method

In addition to the methods listed here, you can also try using a Study Bible to help walk you through difficult passages and discover hidden meanings.

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The Inductive Bible Study Method is a process by which you make observations of a passage and draw conclusions from those observations. The questions at the heart of this approach typically follow the five Ws (and one H) approach many of us learned in elementary school:

  • Who (who is speaking; who is the intended audience; who is present in the moment, etc.)
  • What (what is this passage about; what problem is this addressing; what is happening; what is being said; what commands need to be obeyed, etc.)
  • When (when is this event taking place?)
  • Where (where is this event taking place, where does it fit in the larger context of the book and Scripture?)
  • Why (why is this message needed, why is it relevant today?)
  • How (how does this change what I know about God and humanity; how do I apply this to my life so that I can live more faithfully as a follower of Jesus?)

Many popular Bible study methods are variations of this tried-and-true approach (including many on this list). It’s also important to note that an inductive Bible study doesn’t require asking all of these types of questions every time. All you need are the passages that help you to best understand the meaning of the message and apply it.

The SOAP Method is a proven and effective approach to Bible study built on four practices:

  • Scripture , reading a passage and writing out 1­–2 specific verses by hand.
  • Observation , asking questions of the text (who, what, where, when, how).
  • Application , considering how you should respond to what you’ve read.
  • Prayer , thanking God for what he’s shown you, and for his empowerment as you seek to live faithfully in light of what you’ve discovered in your time in the Word.

This method is at the heart of the Love God Greatly Bible . And best of all, SOAP can be used in in a verse-by-verse progression or in a topical study.

The TEXT Method is an accessible and memorable Bible study approach using four steps:

  • T alk to God in prayer before you read.
  • E ncounter God and humanity in Scripture as you reflect on two simple questions: what does this passage say about God, and what does it say about humanity?
  • e X amine your heart, considering what needs to be confessed, added, taken away, or maintained as a follower of Jesus.
  • T alk to God and others, thanking God for what he has shown you in Scripture, and sharing what he’s shown you with someone else.

This method was introduced in The TEXT , a Bible designed for teens, young adults, and new believers, and can be practiced in a verse-by-verse or topical approach.

The verse-mapping method of Bible study allows you to study the historical context, transliteration, translation, connotation, and theological framework of a verse in the Bible. After choosing a verse (or verses) to study, do the following:

  • Write out your chosen verse(s).
  • Write them in at least two other translations (remember, you can read a verse in multiple translations using Bible Gateway’s free tools ).
  • Circle keywords to look up in the original languages and write down the definitions, synonyms, and root words.
  • Explore the meaning and message of the verse or verses as you consider the people, places, and context involved, and make connections to other relevant passages and concepts in Scripture (the cross references in your Bible are ideally suited for this).
  • Write a 1–2 sentence summary of what you learned and consider how you can apply it.
  • The Topical Bible Study Method

As the name suggests, this method helps you to explore in-depth a specific topic or concept within Scripture. To put this method into practice, follow the following steps:

  • Choose a topic you want to explore, perhaps a theological concept or aspect of how we’re meant to live as God’s people.
  • Look up references to this topic (an exhaustive concordance is a helpful tool for this).
  • Choose the verses you wish to study.
  • Ask questions about the topic.
  • Read the verses and see how they address your questions.
  • Summarize your conclusions.
  • Write out your application.
  • The Character Study method

Similar to a topical study, this method focuses on a specific biblical character to learn about how God worked in and through that individual and apply what we discover to our lives. Character studies involve the following steps:

  • Choose the biblical character you want to study.
  • Find the relevant passages about him or her.
  • Read your passages, and consult additional Bible study tools like Bible dictionaries, to learn everything you can about this character (the trustworthy questions who, what, when, where, and how will serve you well here).
  • Find the application points for your life.
  • Many Bible Study Methods to Reach One Truth

These different Bible study methods all share the same goal: they are designed to help you better understand and live out the truth of God’s Word. Try them all and see how they help you to know, love, and obey God daily.  

For more help studying the Bible, sign up for a free 14-day trial of Bible Gateway Plus and get access to dozens of resources designed to help you deepen you faith and knowledge — all for cheaper than a pack of highlighters.

Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong

Aaron Armstrong is a Marketing Director with Thomas Nelson Bibles and the author of multiple books, including I’m a Christian—Now What?: A Guide to Your New Life with Christ . As an adult convert, Aaron writes to engage those curious about Christianity, encourage new believers, and equip those coming alongside them. A Canadian living in America, Aaron serves as a preacher and small group leader at his local church. He and his wife, Emily, have three teenage children. To learn more, visit . 

  • Aaron Armstrong A Question Can Be an Act of Faith 

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Are There Books Missing from the Bible? The Truth About the ‘Lost Books’

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Aaron Armstrong

What Is the King James Version of the Bible? History and Influence of the KJV 

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  2. Teaching Methods and Strategies: The Complete Guide

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  25. 6 Bible Study Methods You Need to Know (and Try)

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