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The 4 types of speeches in public speaking

Informative, demonstrative, persuasive and special occasion.

By:  Susan Dugdale  

There are four main types of speeches or types of public speaking.

  • Demonstrative
  • Special occasion or Entertaining

To harness their power a speaker needs to be proficient in all of them: to understand which speech type to use when, and how to use it for maximum effectiveness.

What's on this page:

An overview of each speech type, how it's used, writing guidelines and speech examples:

  • informative
  • demonstrative
  • special occasion/entertaining
  • how, and why, speech types overlap

Graphic: 4 types of speeches: informative, demonstrative, persuasive, special occasion

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Informative speeches

An informative speech does as its name suggests: informs. It provides information about a topic. The topic could be a place, a person, an animal, a plant, an object, an event, or a process.

The informative speech is primarily explanatory and educational.

Its purpose is not to persuade or influence opinion one way or the other. It is to provide sufficient relevant material, (with references to verifiable facts, accounts, studies and/or statistics), for the audience to have learned something. 

What they think, feel, or do about the information after they've learned it, is up to them.

This type of speech is frequently used for giving reports, lectures and, sometimes for training purposes. 

Examples of informative speech topics:

  • the number, price and type of dwellings that have sold in a particular suburb over the last 3 months
  • the history of the tooth brush
  • how trees improves air quality in urban areas
  • a brief biography of Bob Dylan
  • the main characteristics of Maine Coon cats
  • the 1945 US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • the number of, and the work of local philanthropic institutions
  • the weather over the summer months
  • the history of companion planting 
  • how to set up a new password
  • how to work a washing machine

Image: companion planting - cabbage planted alongside orange flowering calendula. Text: The history of companion planting - informative speech topic possibilities

Click this link if you'd like more informative topic suggestions .  You'll find hundreds of them.

And this link to find out more about the 4 types of informative speeches : definition, description, demonstration and explanation. (Each with an example outline and topic suggestions.)  

Image - label - 4 Informative speech example outlines: definition, description, explanation, demonstration

Demonstration, demonstrative or 'how to' speeches

A demonstration speech is an extension of an informative process speech. It's a 'how to' speech, combining informing with demonstrating.

The topic process, (what the speech is about), could either be demonstrated live or shown using visual aids.

The goal of a demonstrative speech is to teach a complete process step by step.

It's found everywhere, all over the world: in corporate and vocational training rooms, school classrooms, university lecture theatres, homes, cafes... anywhere where people are either refreshing or updating their skills. Or learning new ones.

Knowing to how give a good demonstration or 'how to' speech is a very valuable skill to have, one appreciated by everybody.

Examples of 'how to' speech topics are:

  • how to braid long hair
  • how to change a car tire
  • how to fold table napkins
  • how to use the Heimlich maneuver
  • how to apply for a Federal grant
  • how to fill out a voting form
  • how to deal with customer complaints
  • how to close a sale
  • how to give medicine to your cat without being scratched to bits! 

Image: drawing of a very cute cat. Text: 10 minute demonstration speech topics - How to give a cat medicine without being scratched to bits.

Resources for demonstration speeches

1 . How to write a demonstration speech   Guidelines and suggestions covering:

  • choosing the best topic : one aligning with your own interests, the audience's, the setting for the speech and the time available to you
  • how to plan, prepare and deliver your speech - step by step guidelines for sequencing and organizing your material plus a printable blank demonstration speech outline for you to download and complete  
  • suggestions to help with delivery and rehearsal . Demonstration speeches can so easily lurch sideways into embarrassment. For example: forgetting a step while demonstrating a cake recipe which means it won't turn out as you want it to. Or not checking you've got everything you need to deliver your speech at the venue and finding out too late, the very public and hard way, that the lead on your laptop will not reach the only available wall socket. Result. You cannot show your images.

Image: label saying 'Demonstration speech sample outline. Plus video. How to leave a good voice mail message.

2.  Demonstration speech sample outline   This is a fully completed outline of a demonstration speech. The topic is 'how to leave an effective voice mail message' and  the sample covers the entire step by step sequence needed to do that.

There's a blank printable version of the outline template to download if you wish and a YouTube link to a recording of the speech.

3.  Demonstration speech topics   4 pages of 'how to' speech topic suggestions, all of them suitable for middle school and up.

Images x 3: cats, antique buttons, mannequins in a pond. Text: How to choose a pet, How to make jewelry from antique buttons, How to interpret modern art.

Persuasive speeches

The goal of a persuasive speech is to convince an audience to accept, or at the very least listen to and consider, the speaker's point of view.

To be successful the speaker must skillfully blend information about the topic, their opinion, reasons to support it and their desired course of action, with an understanding of how best to reach their audience.

Everyday examples of persuasive speeches

Common usages of persuasive speeches are:

  • what we say when being interviewed for a job
  • presenting a sales pitch to a customer
  • political speeches - politicians lobbying for votes,
  • values or issue driven speeches e.g., a call to boycott a product on particular grounds, a call to support varying human rights issues: the right to have an abortion, the right to vote, the right to breathe clean air, the right to have access to affordable housing and, so on.

Models of the persuasive process

The most frequently cited model we have for effective persuasion is thousands of years old.  Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, 384–322 BC , explained it as being supported by three pillars: ethos, pathos and logos. 

Image: Fresco from School of Aristotle by Gustav Spangenberg. Text: 3 pillars of persuasion - ethos, logos, pathos

Briefly, ethos is the reliability and credibility of the speaker. How qualified or experienced are they talk on the topic? Are they trustworthy? Should we believe them? Why?

Pathos is the passion, emotion or feeling you, the speaker, bring to the topic. It's the choice of language you use to trigger an emotional connection linking yourself, your topic and the audience together, in a way that supports your speech purpose.

(We see the echo of Pathos in words like empathy: the ability to understand and share the feels of another, or pathetic: to arouse feelings of pity through being vulnerable and sad.)

Logos is related to logic. Is the information we are being presented logical and rational? Is it verifiable? How is it supported? By studies, by articles, by endorsement from suitably qualified and recognized people?

To successfully persuade all three are needed. For more please see this excellent article:  Ethos, Pathos, Logos: 3 Pillars of Public Speaking and Persuasion 

Monroe's Motivated Sequence of persuasion

Another much more recent model is Monroe's Motivated Sequence based on the psychology of persuasion.

Image: a flow chart of the 5 steps of Monroes Motivated Sequence of persuasion.

It consists of five consecutive steps: attention, need, satisfaction, visualization and action and was developed in the 1930s by American Alan H Monroe, a lecturer in communications at Purdue University. The pattern is used extensively in advertising, social welfare and health campaigns.

Resources for persuasive speeches

1.   How to write a persuasive speech Step by step guidelines covering:

  • speech topic selection
  • setting speech goals
  • audience analysis
  • empathy and evidence
  • balance and obstacles
  • 4 structural patterns to choose from

2. A persuasive speech sample outline using Monroe's Motivated Sequence

3. An example persuasive speech written using Monroe's Motivated Sequence  

4.  Persuasive speech topics : 1032+ topic suggestions which includes 105 fun persuasive ideas , like the one below.☺ 

Image: a plate with the remains of a piece of chocolate cake. Text: Having your cake and eating it too is fair.

Special occasion or entertaining speeches

The range of these speeches is vast: from a call 'to say a few words' to delivering a lengthy formal address.

This is the territory where speeches to mark farewells, thanksgiving, awards, birthdays, Christmas, weddings, engagements and anniversaries dwell, along with welcome, introduction and thank you speeches, tributes, eulogies and commencement addresses. 

In short, any speech, either impromptu or painstakingly crafted, given to acknowledge a person, an achievement, or an event belongs here.

You'll find preparation guidelines, as well as examples of many special occasion speeches on my site.

Resources for special occasion speeches

How to prepare:

  • an acceptance speech , with an example acceptance speech 
  • a birthday speech , with ongoing links to example 18th, 40th and 50th birthday speeches
  • an office party Christmas speech , a template with an example speech
  • an engagement party toast , with 5 examples
  • a eulogy or funeral speech , with a printable eulogy planner and access to 70+ eulogy examples
  • a farewell speech , with an example (a farewell speech to colleagues)
  • a golden (50th) wedding anniversary speech , with an example speech from a husband to his wife
  • an impromptu speech , techniques and templates for impromptu speaking, examples of one minute impromptu speeches with a printable outline planner, plus impromptu speech topics for practice
  • an introduction speech for a guest speaker , with an example
  • an introduction speech for yourself , with an example
  • a maid of honor speech for your sister , a template, with an example
  • a retirement speech , with an example from a teacher leaving to her students and colleagues
  • a student council speech , a template, with an example student council president, secretary and treasurer speech
  • a Thanksgiving speech , a template, with an example toast
  • a thank you speech , a template, with an example speech expressing thanks for an award, also a business thank you speech template
  • a tribute (commemorative) speech , with a template and an example speech
  • a welcome speech for an event , a template, an example welcome speech for a conference, plus a printable welcome speech planner
  • a welcome speech for new comers to a church , a template with an example speech
  • a welcome speech for a new member to the family , a template with an example

Speech types often overlap

Because speakers and their speeches are unique, (different content, purposes, and audiences...), the four types often overlap. While a speech is generally based on one principal type it might also have a few of the features belonging to any of the others. 

For example, a speech may be mainly informative but to add interest, the speaker has used elements like a demonstration of some sort, persuasive language and the brand of familiar humor common in a special occasion speech where everybody knows each other well.

The result is an informative 'plus' type of speech. A hybrid! It's a speech that could easily be given by a long serving in-house company trainer to introduce and explain a new work process to employees.  

Related pages:

  • how to write a good speech . This is a thorough step by step walk through, with examples, of the general speech writing process. It's a great place to start if you're new to writing speeches. You'll get an excellent foundation to build on.
  • how to plan a speech - an overview of ALL the things that need to be considered before preparing an outline, with examples
  • how to outline a speech - an overview, with examples, showing how to structure a speech, with a free printable blank speech outline template to download
  • how to make and use cue cards  - note cards for extemporaneous speeches 
  • how to use props (visual aids)    

And for those who would like their speeches written for them:

  • commission me to write for you

Image: woman sitting at a writing desk circa 19th century. Text: Speech writer - a ghost writer who writes someone one's speech for them

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  • Impromptu speech topic cards
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types of speeches in oral communication

Learn The Types

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Types of Speeches: A Guide to Different Styles and Formats

Speeches are a powerful way to communicate ideas, inspire people, and create change. There are many different types of speeches, each with its own unique characteristics and formats. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most common types of speeches and how to prepare and deliver them effectively.

1. Informative Speech

An informative speech is designed to educate the audience on a particular topic. The goal is to provide the audience with new information or insights and increase their understanding of the topic. The speech should be well-researched, organized, and delivered in a clear and engaging manner.

2. Persuasive Speech

A persuasive speech is designed to convince the audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take action. The goal is to persuade the audience to agree with the speaker’s perspective and take action based on that belief. The speech should be well-researched, organized, and delivered in a passionate and compelling manner.

3. Entertaining Speech

An entertaining speech is designed to entertain the audience and create a memorable experience. The goal is to engage the audience and make them laugh, cry, or think deeply about a particular topic. The speech can be humorous, inspirational, or emotional and should be delivered in a lively and engaging manner.

4. Special Occasion Speech

A special occasion speech is designed for a specific event or occasion, such as a wedding, graduation, or retirement party. The goal is to celebrate the occasion and honor the people involved. The speech should be personal, heartfelt, and delivered in a sincere and respectful manner.

5. Impromptu Speech

An impromptu speech is delivered without any preparation or planning. The goal is to respond quickly and effectively to a particular situation or question. The speech should be delivered in a clear and concise manner and address the topic at hand.

In conclusion, speeches are an important way to communicate ideas, inspire people, and create change. By understanding the different types of speeches and their unique characteristics and formats, individuals can prepare and deliver successful speeches that are engaging, informative, and memorable.

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10 Types of Speeches Every Speechwriter Should Know

“Speech is power. Speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.” — Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Many events in human history can be traced back to that one well-written , well-presented speech. Speeches hold the power to move nations or touch hearts as long as they’re well thought out. This is why mastering the skill of speech-giving and speech writing is something we should all aim to achieve.

But the word “speech” is often too broad and general. So let’s explore the different types of speeches and explain their general concepts.

Basic Types of Speeches

While the core purpose is to deliver a message to an audience, we can still categorize speeches based on 4 main concepts: entertaining, informing, demonstrating and persuading.

The boundaries between these types aren’t always obvious though, so the descriptions are as clear as possible in order to differentiate between them.

1.   Entertaining Speech

If you’ve been to a birthday party before, that awkward toast given by friends or family of the lucky birthday person is considered to fall under the definition of an entertaining speech .

The core purpose of an entertaining speech is to amuse the audience, and obviously, entertain them. They’re usually less formal in nature to help communicate emotions rather than to simply talk about a couple of facts.

Let’s face it, we want to be entertained after a long day. Who wouldn’t enjoy watching their favorite actors giving an acceptance speech , right?

You’ll find that entertaining speeches are the most common type of speeches out there. Some examples include speeches given by maids of honor or best men at weddings, acceptance speeches at the Oscars, or even the one given by a school’s principal before or after a talent show.

2.   Informative Speech

When you want to educate your audience about a certain topic, you’ll probably opt to create an informative speech . An informative speech’s purpose is to simplify complex theories into simpler, easier-to-digest and less ambiguous ideas; in other words, conveying information accurately.

The informative speech can be thought of as a polar opposite to persuasive speeches since they don’t relate to the audience’s emotions but depend more on facts, studies, and statistics.

Although you might find a bit of overlap between informative and demonstrative speeches, the two are fairly distinct from one another. Informative speeches don’t use the help of visual aids and demonstrations, unlike demonstrative speeches, which will be described next.

Some examples of informative speeches can be speeches given by staff members in meetings, a paleontology lecture, or just about anything from a teacher (except when they’re telling us stories about their pasts).

3.   Demonstrative Speech

ِFrom its name we can imagine that a demonstrative speech is the type of speech you want to give to demonstrate how something works or how to do a certain thing. A demonstrative speech utilizes the use of visual aids and/or physical demonstration along with the information provided.

Some might argue that demonstrative speeches are a subclass of informative speeches, but they’re different enough to be considered two distinct types. It’s like differentiating between “what is” and “how to”; informative speeches deal with the theoretical concept while demonstrative speeches look at the topic with a more practical lens.

Tutors explaining how to solve mathematical equations, chefs describing how to prepare a recipe, and the speeches given by developers demonstrating their products are all examples of demonstrative speeches.

4.   Persuasive Speech

Persuasive speeches are where all the magic happens. A speech is said to be persuasive if the speaker is trying to prove why his or her point of view is right, and by extension, persuade the audience to embrace that point of view.

Persuasive speeches differ from other basic types of speeches in the sense that they can either fail or succeed to achieve their purpose. You can craft the most carefully written speech and present it in the most graceful manner, yet the audience might not be convinced.

Persuasive speeches can either be logical by using the help of facts or evidence (like a lawyer’s argument in court), or can make use of emotional triggers to spark specific feelings in the audience.

A great example of persuasive speeches is TED / TEDx Talks because a big number of these talks deal with spreading awareness about various important topics. Another good example is a business pitch between a potential client, i.e. “Why we’re the best company to provide such and such.”

Other Types of Speeches

Other types of speeches are mixes or variations of the basic types discussed previously but deal with a smaller, more specific number of situations.

5.   Motivational Speech

A motivational speech is a special kind of persuasive speech, where the speaker encourages the audience to pursue their own well-being. By injecting confidence into the audience, the speaker is able to guide them toward achieving the goals they set together.

A motivational speech is more dependent on stirring emotions instead of persuasion with logic. For example, a sports team pep talk is considered to be a motivational speech where the coach motivates his players by creating a sense of unity between one another.

One of the most well-known motivational speeches (and of all speeches at that) is I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King Jr.

6.   Impromptu Speech

Suppose you’re at work, doing your job, minding your own business. Then your co-worker calls you to inform you that he’s sick, there is a big meeting coming up, and you have to take his place and give an update about that project you’ve been working on.

What an awkward situation, right?

Well, that’s what an impromptu speech is: A speech given on the spot without any prior planning or preparation. It being impromptu is more of a property than a type on its own since you can spontaneously give speeches of any type (not that it’s a good thing though; always try to be prepared for your speeches in order for them to be successful).

Mark Twain once said, “It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.”

7.   Oratorical Speech

This might sound a bit counterintuitive at first since the word oratorical literally means “relating to the act of speech-giving” but an oratorical speech is actually a very specific type of speech.

Oratorical speeches are usually quite long and formal in nature. Their purpose could be to celebrate a certain event like a graduation, to address serious issues and how to deal with them, or to mourn losses and give comfort like a eulogy at a funeral.

8.   Debate Speech

The debate speech has the general structure of a persuasive speech in the sense that you use the same mechanics and figures to support your claim, but it’s distinct from a persuasive speech in that its main purpose is to justify your stance toward something rather than convince the audience to share your views.

Debate speeches are mostly improvised since you can’t anticipate all the arguments the other debaters (or the audience) could throw at you. Debate speeches benefit the speaker since it develops their critical thinking, public speaking, and research among other benefits .

You’ll find debate speeches to be common in public forums, legislative sessions, and court trials.

9.   Forensic Speech

According to the American Forensic Association (AFA), the definition of a forensic speech is the study and practice of public speaking and debate. It’s said to be practiced by millions of high school and college students.

It’s called forensic because it’s styled like the competitions held in public forums during the time of the ancient Greeks.

Prior to a forensic speech, students are expected to research and practice a speech about a certain topic to teach it to an audience. Schools, universities, or other organizations hold tournaments for these students to present their speeches.

10. Special Occasion Speech

If your speech doesn’t fall under any of the previous types, then it probably falls under the special occasion speech . These speeches are usually short and to the point, whether the point is to celebrate a birthday party or introduce the guest of honor to an event.

Special occasion speeches can include introductory speeches, ceremonial speeches, and tributary speeches. You may notice that all these can be categorized as entertaining speeches. You’re right, they’re a subtype of entertaining speeches because they neither aim to teach nor to persuade you.

But this type shouldn’t be viewed as the black sheep of the group; in fact, if you aim to mark a significant event, special occasion speeches are your way to go. They are best suited (no pun intended) for a wedding, a bar mitzvah, or even an office party.

If you’ve reached this far, you should now have a general understanding of what a speech is and hopefully know which type of speech is needed for each occasion. I hope you’ve enjoyed and learned something new from this article. Which type will you use for your next occasion?

Photo by  Forja2 Mx  on  Unsplash

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types of speeches in oral communication

The Importance Of Oral Communication

The South Korean film Parasite made history at the 2020 Oscars when it became the first non-English language film to…

683. 10 Behavioral Interview Questions To Prepare For

The South Korean film Parasite made history at the 2020 Oscars when it became the first non-English language film to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. For his acceptance speech, director Bong Joon Ho said, “Once you overcome the one-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.”

Bong was trying to change the way people perceive foreign language films. And he did. His words resonated not just with the South Korean audience, but with moviegoers worldwide.

Not every speaker leaves a lasting impression on their audience. But imagine if you could always speak with impact in your professional setting.

Strong oral communication is one of the best skills you can have in the workplace. Not only can you move, persuade and encourage others to think and act differently, your speaking skills also help you stand out among your co-workers.

Let’s explore the importance of different types of oral communication you need to become a competent professional.

What Is Oral Communication?

Importance of oral communication, types of oral communication.

Oral communication is communicating with spoken words. It’s a verbal form of communication where you communicate your thoughts, present ideas and share information. Examples of oral communication are conversations with friends, family or colleagues, presentations and speeches.

Oral communication helps to build trust and reliability. The process of oral communication is more effective than an email or a text message. For important and sensitive conversations—such as salary negotiations and even conflict resolution, you can rely on oral communication to get your point across, avoid misunderstandings and minimize confusion.

In a professional setting, effective oral communication is important because it is built on transparency, understanding and trust. Your oral communication skills can boost morale, encourage improved performance and promote teamwork .

Here are some benefits of oral communication:

It saves time by letting you convey your message directly to the other person and getting their response immediately.

It’s the most secure form of communication for critical issues and important information

It helps to resolve conflicts with face-to-face communication

It’s a more transparent form of communication as it lets you  gauge how others react to your words

There are different examples of oral communication in a business setting. You need several oral communication skills for career advancement. Let’s look at different types of oral communication:

Elevator Pitch

Imagine you meet the CEO of your organization in the elevator. Now, you have 30 seconds to introduce yourself before they get out on the next floor. This is your elevator pitch. It’s a form of oral communication where you have to succinctly explain who you are and what you want from the other person.

Formal Conversations

These are common at work because you have to constantly interact with your managers, coworkers and stakeholders such as clients and customers. Formal conversations are crisp, direct and condensed. You have to get your point across in a few words because everyone has only limited time to spare.

Informal Conversations

These are conversations that you have with your team members or friends and family. They are mostly without an agenda. You can talk about your day, what you’re going to eat for lunch or discuss weekend plans. These are friendly conversations peppered with light banter.

Business Presentations

This is where you need to make the best use of your speaking skills. Public speaking is an important skill to develop if you want to command a room full of people. For this, you need to leverage Harappa’s LEP and PAM Frameworks as well as the Four Ps of Pitch, Projection, Pace and Pauses.

Speeches are important in businesses like event management or community outreach. In a corporate setup, speeches are reserved for top management and leaders.

Arming yourself with effective oral communication skills will boost your confidence, prepare you for challenging tasks like meeting and impressing clients.

Harappa Education’s Speaking Effectively course is carefully designed to teach you how to improve your communication skills. You’ll learn about both oral and nonverbal communication with important frameworks like the Rule of Three and Aristotle’s Appeals of logic, credibility and emotion. Persuade your audience, deliver well-crafted ideas and connect with others with advanced speaking skills.

Explore topics & skills such as Public Speaking , Verbal Communication , Speaking Skills & Oratory Skills from Harappa Diaries and learn to express your ideas with confidence.

Reskilling Programs

L&D leaders need to look for reskilling programs that meet organizational goals and employee aspirations. The first step to doing this is to understand the skills gaps and identify what’s necessary. An effective reskilling program will be one that is scalable and measurable. Companies need to understand their immediate goals and prepare for future requirements when considering which employees to reskill.

Are you still uncertain about the kind of reskilling program you should opt for?  Speak to our expert   to understand what will work best for your organization and employees.


Oral Communication: Definitions, Importance, Methods, Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages

What is oral communication.

Oral communication implies communication through the mouth. It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, and discussions are all forms of oral communication .

In other words, Oral communication is the process of expressing information or ideas by talking. It is predominantly referred to as speech communication.

Definitions of Oral Communication

[su_quote cite=” Bovee”] Oral communication expresses ideas through the spoken word.[/su_quote]

Importance of Oral Communication

Clear pronunciation.

The message should be pronounced clearly, otherwise, the receiver may not understand the words of the sender.

The sender should believe in the facts that are being communicated to others. The oral presentation should evince the confidence of the sender.

Logical Sequence

Appropriate word choice, use natural voice.

A natural voice conveys integrity and conviction. It is advised to use a natural voice in oral communication .

Communicate With Right Person

Do not get guided by assumptions, look for feedback.

When communicating, if you are smart enough in collecting feedback verbally or non-verbally, you can quickly alter the message, if necessary.

Allow to Ask Questions

Types of oral communication, face-to-face conversation.

Oral communication is best when it is face-to-face . A face-to-face setting is possible between two individuals or among a small group of people in an interview or in a small meeting; communication can flow both ways in these situations. There is always immediate feedback, which makes clarification possible.


A presentation has a face-to-face setting. It is a formal and well-prepared talk on a specific topic, delivered to a knowledgeable and interested audience. Visual aids are used to enhance a presentation. The person who makes the presentation is expected to answer questions at the end.

Public Speech

The purpose of a public speech may be to entertain, encourage and inspire. Much depends on the speaker’s skill in using gestures and using the microphone. Feedback is very little as the speaker can hardly see the facial expressions of people in the audience. A public speech is followed by applause rather than by questions from the audience.

Usually, a meeting involves many persons; there is a chairman or a leader who leads and guides the communication and maintains proper order. There is a fixed agenda, i.e., a list of issues to be discussed at the meeting.

Methods to Improve Oral Communication Skills

Speak in a clear, confident strong voice, be coherent.

One should speak coherently with a concentration on your subject only. Try not to be distracted from your subject, try to prevent other thoughts at that time.

Avoid Using Filler Words

Be an active listener, advantages and disadvantages of oral communication.

These are the following advantages and disadvantages of oral communication :

Advantages of Oral Communication

Quickness in exchange of ideas, immediate feedback, flexibility.

Flexibility : Oral communication has an element of flexibility inherent in it. Flexibility means changing ideas according to the situation or changing ideas according to the interest of the receiver.

Economic Sources

Personal touch, effective source.

Effective Source : Oral Communication leaves much impression on the receiver. It is said that sometimes a thing can be communicated more effectively with the help of some sign. The use of signs or gesticulation can only be made in oral communication.

Saves Time and Increases Efficiency

Disadvantages of oral communication, unfit for lengthy message, unfit for policy matters.

Unfit for Policy Matters : Where policies, rules, or other important messages are to be communicated, oral communication has no importance.

Lack of Written Proof

Expensive method, lack of clarity.

Lack of Clarity : This is possible when there is little time for conversation. Sometimes wrong can be uttered in a hurry, which can lead to adverse results.

Misuse of Time

Presence of both the parties necessary, oral mode is used where.

These are the following points where we used oral mode :


[su_spoiler title=”Interpersonal Communication | Informal Communication” style=”fancy” icon=”plus-circle”]

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FAQ Related to Oral Communication

What is oral communication in one word, what is oral communication according to different authors.

Oral communication takes place when spoken words are used to transfer information and understanding from one person to another. BY S. K. Kapur

What is the importance of an oral communication essay?

What are the methods of oral communication, what is oral communication according to the authors, what is the importance of oral communication.

Following are the importance of oral communication: 1. Clear Pronunciation 2. Brevity 3. Precision 4. Conviction 5. Logical Sequence 6. Appropriate Word Choice 7. Use a natural voice 8. Communicate With Right Person 9. Do Not Get Guided by Assumptions 10. Look for Feedback 11. Allow to Ask Questions.

What are the six types of oral communication?

What are the advantages of communication, what are the disadvantages of communication.

Disadvantages of Communication: 1. Unfit for Lengthy Message 2. Unfit for Policy Matters 3. Lack of Written Proof 4. Expensive Method 5. Lack of Clarity 6. Misuse of Time 7. Presence of Both the Parties Necessary.

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Oral Communication in Context Quarter 1 – Module 6: Types of Speeches

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you master the Nature of Communication. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module is about Types of Speech.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

  • distinguish types of speeches according to purpose;
  • use principles of effective speech delivery in different contexts;
  • differentiate the types of speech delivery;
  • identify the speech used in different situations;
  • write a sample speech according to purpose; and
  • apply learning and thinking skills, life skills, and ICT literacy in understanding the principles of speech delivery.

A speaker communicates for five reasons which is called Functions of Communication. But a speaker also creates a speech based on the purpose he or she wants to achieve. These purposes are called the Goals of Speech. It becomes obvious as the speaker shows through the speech what he/she wants to achieve. The speaker through the speech can make one think, change one’s mind, or smile or laugh.

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Persuasive Speeches

A  persuasive speech attempts to influence or reinforce the attitudes, beliefs, or behavior of an audience.  This type of speech often includes the following elements:

  • appeal to the needs of the audience
  • appeal to the reasoning of the audience
  • focus on the relevance of your topic to the audience
  • fit the speech to the audience - ensure they understand the info
  • make yourself credible by demonstrating your expertise

Watch out for logical fallacies in developing your argument:

  • ad hominem argument   = attacking an opponent rather than their argument
  • bandwagoning  = using popular opinion as evidence
  • begging the question = using circular reasoning
  • either-or fallacy = the argument is structured as having either one answer or another
  • hasty generalization = taking one instance as a general pattern
  • non sequitur = aka: it does not follow ; your conclusions are not connected to the reasoning
  • red herring fallacy = using irrelevant info in the argument 
  • slippery slope = arriving at a truth by supposing a series of possible events
  • Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas

Informative Speeches

An  informative speech is one that enlightens an audience.  These types of speeches can be on a variety of topics:

A good informative speech will:

  • define terms to make the information clearer
  • use descriptions to help the audience form a mental picture
  • incorporate a demonstration
  • explain concepts in-depth for greater understanding 

Informative speech example from Bill Gates:  Mosquitos, malaria and education

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  • Last Updated: Jul 16, 2024 3:17 PM
  • URL: https://nscc.libguides.com/speech


Types of Oral Communication

Ai generator.

types of speeches in oral communication

Embark on a journey to unravel the intricacies of oral communication. Discover the varied types, nuances, and impactful examples that shape the way we convey thoughts, ideas, and emotions verbally. From everyday conversations to formal presentations, delve into the rich tapestry of oral communication and hone your skills for effective interaction.

What are Types of Oral Communication?

what are Types of Oral Communications

Types of oral communication encompass diverse verbal exchanges, ranging from casual discussions to structured presentations. In essence, it involves conveying information through spoken words, facilitating understanding and connection. Understanding these types is pivotal for navigating various social, professional, and personal scenarios.

30 Types of Oral Communication Examples

Types of Oral Communication Example

Explore a diverse array of oral communication examples, each showcasing unique characteristics and purposes. From everyday interactions to formal presentations, these examples illuminate the versatility of spoken communication, empowering individuals in various contexts.

  • Casual Conversation: Engage in friendly chats, fostering connections through relaxed and informal dialogue.
  • Interview Dialogues: Navigate structured Q&A sessions, showcasing skills and qualifications with confidence.
  • Debates and Argumentation: Present and defend opinions persuasively in organized discussions.
  • Phone Conversations: Convey messages verbally over the phone, ensuring clear and effective communication.
  • Public Speaking: Address an audience confidently, delivering impactful speeches on diverse topics.
  • Group Discussions: Collaborate with others, sharing ideas and perspectives in a collective setting.
  • Lectures and Educational Talks: Conduct informative talks, imparting knowledge to an audience.
  • Podcast Presentations: Broadcast spoken content digitally, engaging listeners on various subjects.
  • Voice Messages: Send recorded spoken messages, adding a personal touch to digital communication.
  • Storytelling Narratives: Convey narratives with vivid language, captivating listeners through compelling tales.
  • Conference Calls: Participate in telephonic discussions with multiple participants, facilitating remote collaboration.
  • Panel Discussions: Engage in group conversations, providing insights on specific topics as an expert.
  • Intercom Announcements: Utilize intercom systems for internal communication within specific environments.
  • Town Hall Meetings: Address large gatherings for community discussions, updates, and collaboration.
  • Vocal Music Performances: Express emotions and stories through sung lyrics, connecting with audiences.
  • Radio Broadcasting: Disseminate information and entertainment through spoken content on airwaves.
  • Elevator Pitches: Deliver concise and impactful presentations within a short timeframe.
  • Video Conferencing: Conduct virtual meetings with a and visual components, enhancing remote interactions.
  • Town Crier Announcements: Historical method of public communication in town squares or gathering places.
  • Face-to-Face Interviews: Engage in personal interviews, showcasing interpersonal communication skills.
  • Boardroom Presentations: Conduct formal presentations in corporate settings, conveying information to stakeholders.
  • Client Meetings: Foster positive client relationships through structured and client-focused conversations.
  • Team Collaboration Discussions: Exchange ideas and plan strategies collaboratively in team settings.
  • Press Conferences: Handle media inquiries with professionalism, ensuring clear and accurate communication.
  • Legal Consultations: Navigate legal discussions with precision and articulate argumentation.
  • Public Address Systems: Use a amplification to address large audiences in public spaces.
  • Group Therapy Sessions: Conduct therapeutic conversations in group settings for collective support.
  • International Business Discussions: Navigate cross-cultural conversations in global business scenarios.
  • Scientific Research Presentations: Present research findings formally, simplifying complex information for diverse audiences.
  • Human Resources Interviews: Conduct HR interviews with professionalism and adherence to organizational policies.

Types of Oral Communication Examples for Students

Unlock the diverse realm of oral communication tailored for students. From classroom discussions to presentations, students navigate various verbal exchanges to enhance their learning experience. Engage in effective communication for academic success and personal development.

  • Classroom Discussions: Participate actively in class discussions, sharing insights and perspectives with classmates.
  • Group Projects: Collaborate with peers on group projects, exchanging ideas and coordinating tasks for successful outcomes.
  • Oral Presentations: Deliver informative speeches or presentations, enhancing communication and presentation skills.
  • Debates: Engage in structured debates, articulating arguments and counterarguments with clarity.
  • Student Meetings: Contribute to student council or club meetings, expressing opinions on relevant matters.
  • Study Group Dialogues: Discuss academic topics within study groups, fostering a collaborative learning environment.
  • Virtual Learning Interactions: Participate actively in online classes, utilizing verbal communication for virtual education.
  • Peer-to-Peer Communication: Interact with classmates for study-related discussions, creating a supportive learning network.
  • Informal Conversations: Build friendships through casual conversations, strengthening social bonds among students.
  • Faculty Interactions: Communicate with instructors for clarification on coursework or academic guidance.

Types of Oral Communication Examples at Business

In the corporate landscape, effective oral communication is vital for success. Navigate business interactions, from professional presentations to client meetings, fostering clear and impactful communication within the organizational context.

  • Boardroom Negotiations: Participate in negotiations during boardroom meetings, ensuring successful outcomes for the organization.
  • Client Presentations: Conduct formal presentations to clients, showcasing products, services, and business solutions.
  • Team Briefings: Communicate project updates and strategies during team briefings, ensuring alignment among team members.
  • Sales Pitches: Deliver persuasive sales pitches to potential clients, emphasizing the benefits of products or services.
  • Conference Calls: Participate in telephonic discussions with remote teams or clients, ensuring effective communication.
  • Email Correspondence: Craft clear and concise emails for professional communication within and outside the organization.
  • Performance Reviews: Engage in performance discussions, providing feedback and setting goals for employee growth.
  • Leadership Presentations: Conduct presentations as a leader, inspiring and aligning teams with organizational goals.
  • Business Networking: Build professional connections through formal conversations during networking events.
  • Crisis Management Communication: Navigate crisis situations by communicating effectively with stakeholders and the public.

Types of Oral Communication Examples at Home

Oral communication plays a crucial role in fostering strong relationships within the home environment. From family discussions to casual conversations, effective verbal exchanges contribute to a harmonious home life.

  • Family Meetings: Conduct family meetings to discuss important matters, fostering open communication within the household.
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Engage in discussions with teachers about a child’s academic progress and development.
  • Sibling Interactions: Communicate with siblings to resolve conflicts, share experiences, and build strong bonds.
  • Casual Family Dinners: Engage in light-hearted conversations during family dinners, strengthening familial connections.
  • Vacation Planning: Coordinate family vacations through effective communication, considering preferences and logistics.
  • Household Chores Delegation: Assign and discuss household chores, ensuring a shared understanding of responsibilities.
  • Celebration Planning: Coordinate and plan celebrations through family discussions, ensuring everyone’s involvement.
  • Decision-Making Dialogues: Involve family members in decision-making processes, encouraging open communication.
  • Expressing Gratitude: Verbalize appreciation and gratitude within the family, reinforcing positive communication.
  • Daily Check-ins: Engage in daily check-ins with family members, fostering communication about individual experiences and concerns.

Types of Oral Communications

Types of a Oral Communication

Oral communication encompasses a rich tapestry of forms, each serving distinct purposes in various settings. Explore the nuanced types, ranging from casual dialogues to formal presentations, in this comprehensive guide.

Types of Oral Communication Description
Small Talk Casual and light-hearted conversations initiating social interactions.
Interviews Structured dialogues assessing skills, qualifications, and suitability.
Speeches Formal presentations conveying information, often with a persuasive intent.
Debates Discussions involving opposing viewpoints, emphasizing argumentation.
Team Meetings Collaborative discussions to exchange ideas and plan strategies.
Storytelling Narrating a sequence of events to convey information or entertain.
Phone Conversations Verbal exchanges conducted over the telephone.
Video Conferencing Virtual meetings facilitated by a and visual technology.

Mention the Elements Types for Oral Communication?

Understanding the key elements of oral communication forms the foundation for effective interaction. Elements such as clarity, tone, and nonverbal cues significantly influence the impact of verbal exchanges.

  • Clarity: Ensure your message is clear and easily comprehensible to the audience.
  • Tone: Adapt your tone to suit the context, fostering a conducive communication environment.
  • Nonverbal Cues: Be mindful of body language, gestures, and facial expressions, as they convey additional meaning.
  • Active Listening: Engage in active listening, demonstrating attentiveness and understanding.
  • Empathy: Understand and consider the emotions of the speaker or audience to foster connection.
  • Conciseness: Express ideas succinctly, avoiding unnecessary elaboration for better retention.
  • Adaptability: Adjust communication style based on the audience, context, or purpose.
  • Feedback: Encourage and provide feedback to enhance the effectiveness of the communication process.

Tips for Effective Types of Oral Communication

Mastering the art of oral communication requires honing specific skills and adopting effective strategies. Employ these tips to enhance your verbal exchanges in various scenarios.

  • Practice Active Listening: Cultivate the habit of listening attentively, promoting meaningful and engaged conversations.
  • Refine Your Articulation: Enhance clarity by articulating words and ideas clearly, avoiding jargon or ambiguity.
  • Adapt to Your Audience: Tailor your communication style to resonate with the expectations and preferences of your audience.
  • Utilize Visual Aids: Incorporate visuals when appropriate to complement verbal messages and enhance understanding.
  • Manage Nonverbal Cues: Be conscious of your body language, facial expressions, and gestures to convey the intended message.
  • Be Concise and Relevant: Express ideas succinctly, ensuring that your message is focused and directly addresses the topic.
  • Seek and Provide Feedback: Invite feedback for continuous improvement, and offer constructive feedback to others.
  • Consider Cultural Sensitivity: Adapt your communication to be culturally sensitive, recognizing and respecting diverse norms.
  • Stay Calm Under Pressure: Develop resilience to communicate effectively even in high-pressure situations.
  • Continuously Develop Communication Skills: Invest in ongoing learning and training to refine and expand your oral communication skills.

In conclusion, the vast and varied landscape of oral communication is fundamental to our interactions across different facets of life. This dynamic mode of communication is not only about conveying information but also about building relationships and understanding. The richness of oral communication lies in its ability to adapt to diverse contexts – from casual conversations to formal speeches, each form has its unique impact and significance.

Moreover, the effectiveness of oral communication hinges on key elements like clarity, tone, and nonverbal cues, as well as on practiced skills such as active listening, articulation, and cultural sensitivity. By continuously developing these skills, one can significantly enhance their oral communication abilities, ensuring messages are not only heard but also understood and appreciated in their intended context.

For further exploration, Harvard University offers insightful resources on the nuances of effective communication in different settings, which can be found at Harvard’s Division of Continuing Education blog . Additionally, the University of Oxford provides valuable guidelines on developing oral communication skills, particularly in academic and professional environments, accessible at Oxford’s MPLS Division website . These external resources are excellent for delving deeper into mastering the art of oral communication.


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10 Types of Oral Communication Examples at Business

10 Types of Oral Communication Examples for Students

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Chapter 1: The Speech Communication Process

The Speech Communication Process

  • Listener(s)


As you might imagine, the speaker is the crucial first element within the speech communication process. Without a speaker, there is no process.  The  speaker  is simply the person who is delivering, or presenting, the speech.  A speaker might be someone who is training employees in your workplace. Your professor is another example of a public speaker as s/he gives a lecture. Even a stand-up comedian can be considered a public speaker. After all, each of these people is presenting an oral message to an audience in a public setting. Most speakers, however, would agree that the listener is one of the primary reasons that they speak.

The listener is just as important as the speaker; neither one is effective without the other.  The  listener  is the person or persons who have assembled to hear the oral message.  Some texts might even call several listeners an “audience. ” The listener generally forms an opinion as to the effectiveness of the speaker and the validity of the speaker’s message based on what they see and hear during the presentation. The listener’s job sometimes includes critiquing, or evaluating, the speaker’s style and message. You might be asked to critique your classmates as they speak or to complete an evaluation of a public speaker in another setting. That makes the job of the listener extremely important. Providing constructive feedback to speakers often helps the speaker improve her/his speech tremendously.

Another crucial element in the speech process is the message.  The  message  is what the speaker is discussing or the ideas that s/he is presenting to you as s/he covers a particular topic.  The important chapter concepts presented by your professor become the message during a lecture. The commands and steps you need to use, the new software at work, are the message of the trainer as s/he presents the information to your department. The message might be lengthy, such as the President’s State of the Union address, or fairly brief, as in a five-minute presentation given in class.

The  channel  is the means by which the message is sent or transmitted.  Different channels are used to deliver the message, depending on the communication type or context. For instance, in mass communication, the channel utilized might be a television or radio broadcast. The use of a cell phone is an example of a channel that you might use to send a friend a message in interpersonal communication. However, the channel typically used within public speaking is the speaker’s voice, or more specifically, the sound waves used to carry the voice to those listening. You could watch a prerecorded speech or one accessible on YouTube, and you might now say the channel is the television or your computer. This is partially true. However, the speech would still have no value if the speaker’s voice was not present, so in reality, the channel is now a combination of the two -the speaker’s voice broadcast through an electronic source.

The context is a bit more complicated than the other elements we have discussed so far. The context is more than one specific component. For example, when you give a speech in your classroom, the classroom, or  the physical location of your speech, is part of the context  . That’s probably the easiest part of context to grasp.

But you should also consider that the  people in your audience expect you to behave in a certain manner, depending on the physical location or the occasion of the presentation  . If you gave a toast at a wedding, the audience wouldn’t be surprised if you told a funny story about the couple or used informal gestures such as a high-five or a slap on the groom’s back. That would be acceptable within the expectations of your audience, given the occasion. However, what if the reason for your speech was the presentation of a eulogy at a loved one’s funeral? Would the audience still find a high-five or humor as acceptable in that setting? Probably not. So the expectations of your audience must be factored into context as well.

The cultural rules -often unwritten and sometimes never formally communicated to us -are also a part of the context. Depending on your culture, you would probably agree that there are some “rules ” typically adhered to by those attending a funeral. In some cultures, mourners wear dark colors and are somber and quiet. In other cultures, grieving out loud or beating one’s chest to show extreme grief is traditional. Therefore,  the rules from our culture  -no matter what they are -play a part in the context as well.

Every speaker hopes that her/his speech is clearly understood by the audience. However, there are times when some obstacle gets in the way of the message and interferes with the listener’s ability to hear what’s being said.  This is  interference  , or you might have heard it referred to as “noise. ”  Every speaker must prepare and present with the assumption that interference is likely to be present in the speaking environment.

Interference can be mental, physical, or physiological.  Mental interference  occurs when the listener is not fully focused on what s/he is hearing due to her/his own thoughts.  If you’ve ever caught yourself daydreaming in class during a lecture, you’re experiencing mental interference. Your own thoughts are getting in the way of the message.

A second form of interference is  physical interference  . This is noise in the literal sense -someone coughing behind you during a speech or the sound of a mower outside the classroom window. You may be unable to hear the speaker because of the surrounding environmental noises.

The last form of interference is  physiological  . This type of interference occurs when your body is responsible for the blocked signals. A deaf person, for example, has the truest form of physiological interference; s/he may have varying degrees of difficulty hearing the message. If you’ve ever been in a room that was too cold or too hot and found yourself not paying attention, you’re experiencing physiological interference. Your bodily discomfort distracts from what is happening around you.

The final component within the speech process is feedback. While some might assume that the speaker is the only one who sends a message during a speech, the reality is that the  listeners in the audience are sending a message of their own, called  feedback  .  Often this is how the speaker knows if s/he is sending an effective message. Occasionally the feedback from listeners comes in verbal form – questions from the audience or an angry response from a listener about a key point presented. However, in general, feedback during a presentation is typically non-verbal -a student nodding her/his head in agreement or a confused look from an audience member. An observant speaker will scan the audience for these forms of feedback, but keep in mind that non-verbal feedback is often more difficult to spot and to decipher. For example, is a yawn a sign of boredom, or is it simply a tired audience member?

Generally, all of the above elements are present during a speech. However, you might wonder what the process would look like if we used a diagram to illustrate it. Initially, some students think of public speaking as a linear process -the speaker sending a message to the listener -a simple, straight line. But if you’ll think about the components we’ve just covered, you begin to see that a straight line cannot adequately represent the process, when we add listener feedback into the process. The listener is sending her/his own message back to the speaker, so perhaps the process might better be represented as circular. Add in some interference and place the example in context, and you have a more complete idea of the speech process.

Fundamentals of Public Speaking Copyright © by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Persuasive Speaking

Types of persuasive speeches.

Persuasive speeches revolve around propositions that can be defended through the use of data and reasoning. Persuasive propositions respond to one of three types of questions: questions of fact, questions of value, and questions of policy. These questions can help the speaker determine what forms of argument and reasoning are necessary to support a specific purpose statement.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. – Marcus Aurelius

Propositions of Fact

Questions of fact ask whether something “can potentially be verified as either true or false.” [1] These questions can seem very straightforward—something is or it is not—but in reality, the search for truth is a complex endeavor. Questions of fact rarely address simple issues such as, “is the sky blue?” They tend to deal with deep-seated controversies such as the existence of global warming, the cause of a major disaster, or someone’s guilt or innocence in a court of law. To answer these questions, a proposition of fact may focus on whether or not something exists. For example, in the U.S. there is a debate over the prevalence of racial profiling, the practice of law enforcement officers targeting people for investigation and arrest based on skin color. On one hand, the American Civil Liberties Union advances the proposition: “Racial profiling continues to be a prevalent and egregious form of discrimination in the United States.” [2] They verify this claim using data from government studies, crime statistics, and personal narratives. However, journalist Heather MacDonald proposes that studies confirming racial profiling are often based in “junk science”; in fact she says, “there’s no credible evidence that racial profiling exists.” [3] To substantiate her proposition, MacDonald relies on a study of traffic stops on the New Jersey turnpike along with personal narratives, policy analysis, and testimony from a criminologist. The claim that racial profiling exists is either true or false, but there is evidence for and against both propositions; therefore no consensus exists.

While some propositions of fact deal with the existence of a particular phenomenon or the accuracy of a theory, others focus on causality. For example, the U.S. government appointed a commission to evaluate the causes of the nation’s recent economic crisis. In their report the commission concluded by proposing that recklessness in the financial industry and failures on the part of government regulators caused the economic crisis. However, Congressman Paul Ryan has proposed that Medicare is to blame, and the chief investment officer at JP Morgan has proposed that U.S. housing policy is the root cause of the problem. [4] Each of these three propositions of fact is backed by its own set of historical and economic analysis.

A highway crowded with cars.

“Interstate 10 looking east from Crenshaw Boulevard” by Downtowngal. CC-BY-SA .

Propositions of fact may also be used to make predictions concerning what will happen in the future. In the summer of 2011, ten miles of a popular Southern California freeway were closed for an entire weekend. Motorists, news outlets, and government officials called the closure “Carmageddon” because they proposed there would be an “inevitable and likely epic traffic tie-up.” [5] As a result of the predictions motorists stayed off the roads and made alternative plans that weekend resulting in much lighter traffic than expected. The proposition may have been true, but the prediction was not fulfilled because people were persuaded to stay off the freeway.

When advancing propositions of fact, you should focus on the evidence you can offer in support of your proposition. First, make sure that your speech contains sufficient evidence to back up your proposition. Next, take the time to interpret that evidence so that it makes sense to your audience. Last, emphasize the relationship between your evidence and your proposition as well as its relevance to the audience. [6]

Bitter experience has taught us how fundamental our values are and how great the mission they represent. – Jan Peter Balkenende

Propositions of Value

Persuasive speakers may also be called to address questions of value, which call for a proposition judging the (relative) worth of something. These propositions make an evaluative claim regarding morality, aesthetics, wisdom, or desirability. For example, some vegetarians propose that eating meat is immoral because of the way that animals are slaughtered. Vegetarians may base this claim in a philosophy of utilitarianism or animal rights. [7]

A McLaren Honda sports car.

“McLarenF1” by Jagvar. Public domain.

Sometimes a proposition of value compares multiple options to determine which is best. Consumers call for these comparisons regularly to determine which products to buy. Car buyers may look to the most recent Car and Driver “10 Best Cars” list to determine their next purchase. In labeling a car one of the best on the market for a given year, Car and Driver says that the cars “don’t have to be the newest, and they don’t have to be expensive . . . They just have to meet our abundant needs while satisfying our every want.” [8]

Both the vegetarian and car examples offer standards for evaluating the proposition. Since propositions of value tend to be more subjective, speakers need to establish evaluation criteria by which the audience can judge and choose to align with their position. When advancing a proposition of value, offer a clear set of criteria, offer evidence for your evaluation, and apply the evidence to demonstrate that you have satisfied the evaluation criteria. [9]

An inner process stands in need of outward criteria. – Ludwig Wittgenstein

The 2005 disagreement between family members over removing a woman’s feeding tube after she had been in a coma for 15 years sparked a national debate over the value of life that highlights the importance of evaluation criteria. After years of failed medical treatments and rehabilitation attempts, Terri Schiavo’s husband petitioned the court to remove her feeding tube, initiating a legal battle with her parents that went all the way to the President of the United States. [10] Opposing sides in the debate both claimed to value life. To support his proposition that his wife had a right to die, Mr. Schaivo applied the evaluation criteria of quality of life and argued that she would not want to continue to live in a vegetative state. [11] Ms. Schiavo’s parents vehemently disagreed with his argument. They also claimed to value life and, with the support of religious groups, relied on the evaluation criteria of the sanctity of life to contend that she should be kept alive. [12] Both sides gained widespread support based on people’s agreement or disagreement with their evaluation criteria. Despite intervention on behalf of both state and federal legislators, the courts eventually ruled that Mr. Schiavo had the right to have his wife’s feeding tube removed and allow her to die.

A policy is a temporary creed liable to be changed, but while it holds good, it has got to be pursued with apostolic zeal. – Mahatma Gandhi

Propositions of Policy

Although the Schiavo case was rooted in a question of value, the debate resulted in a question of policy.  Questions of policy ask the speaker to advocate for an appropriate course of action. This form of persuasive speech is used every day in Congress to determine laws, but it is also used interpersonally to determine how we ought to behave. A proposition of policy may call for people to stop a particular behavior, or to start one. For example, some U.S. cities have started banning single use plastic bags in grocery stores. Long before official public policy on this issue was established, organizations such as The Surfrider Foundation and the Earth Resource Foundation advocated that people stop using these bags because of the damage plastic bags cause to marine life. In this case local governments and private organizations attempted to persuade people to stop engaging in a damaging behavior— shopping with single use plastic bags. However, the organizations also attempted to persuade people to start a new behavior—shopping with reusable bags.

When answering a question of policy, speakers will typically begin by describing the status quo. If you are arguing that a change must be made, you must first identify the problem inherent in the current behavior, and then demonstrate that the problem is significant enough to warrant immediate consideration. Once you have established that there is a problem which the audience ought to consider, you can then offer your proposal for a preferable course of action. [13] Then, it is up to you to demonstrate that your proposed policy will have more benefits than costs.

USPS Mailboxes

“USPS mailboxes” by EraserGirl. CC-BY .

In 2011 the U.S. Postal Service, the nation’s second-largest employer, told Congress it was facing an $8.3 billion budget shortfall. [14] To solve the problem, the Postal Service proposed that be permitted to end Saturday mail delivery and close some post offices. To make their argument, they first described the status quo saying that the demand for their service had dramatically decreased with the popularity of email and online bill-pay services. They explained that in preceding years they laid off workers and cut spending to help with the shortfall of revenue, but now another plan was necessary to avoid defaulting on their financial obligations. They offered evidence that people preferred ending Saturday mail to alternatives such as paying more for stamps or allocating more tax money to post offices. [15] Although they made a compelling case, the USPS still needed to overcome perceived disadvantages to their proposition such as the negative impact on businesses and rural towns. [16] [17] A full year later, the policy proposition passed the U.S. Senate but continues to await approval in the House. [18]

  • Herrick, J.A. (2011). Argumentation: Understanding and Shaping Arguments . State College, PA: Strata Publishing. ↵
  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). (2012). Racial Profiling. Retrieved from: http://www.aclu.org/racialjustice/racial-profiling ↵
  • MacDonald, H. (2002, March 27). The racial profiling myth debunked. City Journal . Retrieved from: http://www.city-journal.org/html/eon_3_27_02hm.html ↵
  • Angelides, P. (2011, June 28). The real causes of the economic crisis? They’re history. The Washington Post . Retrieved from: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-real-causes-of-theeconomic-crisis-theyrehistory/2011/06/27/AG2nK4pH_story.html ↵
  • Kandel, J. (2011, July 14). Los Angeles braces for weekend of “Carmageddon.” Reuters. Retrieved from: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/07/15/us-carmageddon-losangeles-idUSTRE76D2D720110715 ↵
  • Herrick 2011 ↵
  • DeGrazia, D. (2009). Moral vegetarianism from a very broad basis. Journal of Moral Philosophy , 6 . Retrieved from: https://philosophy.columbian.gwu.edu/sites/philosophy.columbian.gwu.edu/files/image/DeGraziaMoral.pdf   ↵
  • Car and Driver (2011, December). 2012 10Best Cars. Car and Driver. Retrieved from: http://www.caranddriver.com/features/2012-10best-cars-feature ↵
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  • Caplan, A. (2005). The time has come to let Terri Schiavo die: Politicians, courts must allow husband to make final decision. NBC News . Retrieved from: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/7231440/ns/health-health_care/t/time-has-come-let-terri-schiavo-die/ ↵
  • Catholic Culture. (2005). The death of Terri Schiavo. Catholic World News . Retrieved from: https://www.catholicculture.org/news/features/index.cfm?recnum=37860 ↵
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  • Stephenson, E. (2012, August 1). Senators blast House leaders over Postal Service default. Reuters . Retrieved from: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/08/01/us-usa-postal-default-idUSBRE8701HO20120801 ↵
  • Stephenson 2012 ↵
  • Chapter 16 Types of Persuasive Speeches. Authored by : Sarah Stone Watt, Ph.D. and Joshua Trey Barnett. Provided by : Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA and Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. Located at : http://publicspeakingproject.org/psvirtualtext.html . Project : The Public Speaking Project. License : CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives
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Types of Speech in Communication

Communication is a fundamental aspect of human interaction, and speech is one of its most powerful tools. Speech allows individuals to convey ideas, emotions, intentions, and information effectively. Different types of speech are used depending on the context, audience, and purpose of communication.

Understanding these types helps in selecting the appropriate mode of expression and achieving the desired impact.

1. Informative Speech

Informative speech educates or informs the audience about a particular topic. The primary goal is to provide knowledge, explain concepts, or clarify issues. This type of speech is often used in educational settings, professional presentations, or public lectures.

Example:   A professor giving a lecture on the impacts of climate change is delivering an informative speech. The professor provides data, explains scientific concepts, and discusses potential solutions to the problem. The focus is on sharing factual information to enhance the audience’s understanding.

2. Persuasive Speech

Persuasive speech aims to convince the audience to adopt a certain viewpoint or take a specific action. The speaker uses logical arguments, emotional appeals, and credible evidence to influence the audience’s beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. Persuasive speeches are common in political campaigns, advertising, and debates.

Example: A politician giving a campaign speech will likely use persuasion to garner support. They might highlight their achievements, present their future plans and appeal to the emotions of the audience by addressing pressing societal issues. The objective is to persuade the audience to vote for them.

3. Demonstrative Speech

Demonstrative speech involves showing the audience how to do something. It combines explanation with practical demonstration, making it easier for the audience to understand and replicate the process. This type of speech is useful in workshops, training sessions, and instructional videos.

Example:  A chef giving a cooking class is engaging in demonstrative speech. They not only explain the recipe but also demonstrate each step, such as chopping vegetables, mixing ingredients, and cooking the dish. The audience learns by watching and can follow along.

4. Entertaining Speech

Entertaining speech is intended to amuse the audience and provide enjoyment. While it may contain informative or persuasive elements, its primary purpose is to entertain. This type of speech is often light-hearted, humorous, and engaging, making it suitable for social events, ceremonies, or entertainment shows.

Example:   A stand-up comedian performing a routine uses an entertaining speech to make the audience laugh. The comedian may share funny anecdotes, joke about everyday situations, or use witty observations to entertain the crowd. The focus is on creating an enjoyable experience.

5. Special Occasion Speech

Special occasion speech is delivered during specific events or ceremonies, such as weddings, graduations, funerals, or award ceremonies. The content is often personalized and tailored to the occasion, focusing on the significance of the event and the emotions associated with it.

Example: During a wedding, the best man might give a special occasion speech to honor the couple. The speech might include heartfelt memories, humorous stories, and well-wishes for the future. The purpose is to celebrate the occasion and express support for the couple.

6. Impromptu Speech

An impromptu speech is delivered without preparation, often in response to an unexpected situation or question. It requires quick thinking and the ability to articulate thoughts clearly on the spot. This type of speech is common in casual conversations, interviews, or meetings.

Example: In a team meeting, an employee might be asked to give an impromptu speech about the progress of a project. Without prior notice, the employee summarizes the project’s status, highlights key achievements, and addresses any challenges. The speech is spontaneous and unscripted.

7. Extemporaneous Speech

Extemporaneous speech is prepared in advance but delivered without a script. The speaker has a general outline or notes but speaks more freely, allowing for natural delivery and adaptability. This type of speech is common in business presentations, academic conferences, and public speaking engagements.

Example: A business executive presenting a quarterly report to stakeholders might use extemporaneous speech. They have prepared key points and data but speak conversationally, adjusting their delivery based on the audience’s reactions and questions. This approach allows for a more engaging and dynamic presentation.

8. Manuscript Speech

Manuscript speech is read word-for-word from a prepared text. This type of speech is often used when precise wording is essential, such as in official statements, legal proceedings, or news broadcasts. The speaker focuses on delivering the content accurately without deviation.

Example: A news anchor reading the evening news is using manuscript speech. The anchor reads from a teleprompter, ensuring that the information is conveyed accurately and clearly. The emphasis is on precision and professionalism.

9. Memorized Speech

Memorized speech involves delivering a speech from memory, without notes or a script. This approach is often used in performances, speeches that require exact wording, or competitive speaking events. Memorization allows for a polished and confident delivery but requires extensive practice.

Example: An actor reciting a monologue in a play is giving a memorized speech. The actor has committed the lines to memory and delivers them with emotion and expression, engaging the audience fully. The speech is fluid and rehearsed, showcasing the actor’s skill.

10. Motivational Speech

Motivational speech is designed to inspire and energize the audience, often encouraging them to pursue their goals or overcome challenges. The speaker uses personal stories, powerful messages, and emotional appeals to uplift the audience and provoke action.

Motivational speeches are common in self-help seminars, leadership conferences, and personal development events.

Example: A life coach speaking to a group of entrepreneurs might give a motivational speech about resilience and perseverance. The coach shares personal experiences of overcoming obstacles and encourages the audience to stay focused on their goals, despite setbacks.

11. Pitch Speech

A pitch speech is a brief, persuasive speech used to present an idea, product, or proposal to an audience, usually with the aim of securing funding, approval, or support. The speaker must be concise, clear, and convincing, often focusing on the benefits and potential impact of the proposal.

Example:  An entrepreneur pitching his startup idea to potential investors is giving a pitch speech. The entrepreneur outlines the problem their product solves, the market opportunity, and how the investors will benefit, all within a few minutes.

A eulogy is a speech delivered at a funeral or memorial service, honoring the life and legacy of a deceased person. The speaker reflects on the person’s character, achievements, and the impact they had on others, often blending personal anecdotes with expressions of gratitude and remembrance.

Example: A family member delivering a eulogy at a funeral might share touching stories about the deceased, highlighting their kindness, generosity, and love for their family. The eulogy serves as a tribute, celebrating the life of the person who has passed away.

Tips for Giving a Great Speech

1. Know Your Audience :  Understanding your audience’s interests, values, and expectations helps tailor your message effectively.

2. Structure Your Speech:   Organize your content with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. A well-structured speech is easier to follow and more impactful.

3. Practice:   Rehearse your speech multiple times to become familiar with the content and improve your delivery. Rehearse your speech alone or in front of your friends (maybe in low numbers) to become familiar with the vocabulary and pronunciation of the precise phrases. so you can control the speed and improve your speech delivery.

4. Use Visual Aids:   Visual aids can enhance understanding and retention. Ensure they are relevant and not overly distracting.

5. Engage with the Audience:  Make eye contact, use gestures, and involve the audience through questions or interactive elements to keep them engaged.

How to Make Your Speech More Memorable

1. Start with a Strong Opening:   Capture attention with a powerful quote, anecdote, or question that relates to your main message.

2. Use Stories:    People remember stories better than facts alone. Incorporate personal or relatable stories to illustrate your points.

3. Be Passionate:  Express enthusiasm and passion for your topic. A passionate delivery can leave a lasting impression.

4. Repeat Key Points:  Repetition helps reinforce important ideas. Summarize key points at the end of your speech to ensure they stick.

5. End with a Call to Action:  Encourage your audience to take a specific action or reflect on your message. A clear and compelling conclusion makes your speech memorable.

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