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Thè is the search engine for French doctoral theses set up by ABES in 2011. This unique tool is supplied by the thesis-supporting institutions. It lists theses in preparation for the last 10 years in all disciplines and all institutions, as well as all theses defended since 1985.

Moteur de recherche des thèses de doctorat françaises, le site a pour objet de référencer :

  • les thèses de doctorat en cours de préparation en France, si l'établissement d'inscription a fait le choix de les signaler et si le ou la doctorant(e) ne s'est pas opposé(e) à ce signalement.
  • les thèses de doctorat soutenues en France depuis 1985, quel que soit le support matériel de la thèse (imprimé ou numérique).
  • les personnes et les organismes en lien avec ces thèses.

Une base de données alimentée par les établissements de soutenance est la vitrine de données produites et validées par les différents personnels des établissements de l’enseignement supérieur français habilités à délivrer le doctorat (services de scolarité, écoles doctorales, bibliothèques et centres de documentation, services d’appui à la recherche…)

Les données affichées sur proviennent des applications sources suivantes :

  • STEP (Signalement des Thèses en Préparation) pour les thèses en préparation
  • STAR (Signalement des Thèses et Archivage) pour les thèses soutenues déposées au format électronique
  • le catalogue collectif Sudoc pour les thèses soutenues déposées au format imprimé, les microfiches de thèses, les reproductions de thèses sur support imprimé ou électronique, ainsi que les thèses publiées chez un éditeur.

La base de données tend à référencer l’ensemble des thèses de doctorat soutenues en France depuis 1985. Les lacunes peuvent être signalées via ABESstp, le guichet d’assistance en ligne de l’Abes .

En revanche, ne référence pas :

  • les Habilitations à Diriger des Recherches (HDR)
  • les thèses d’exercice donnant lieu à la délivrance du diplôme d’Etat de docteur (en médecine, pharmacie, chirurgie dentaire ou chirurgie vétérinaire) 
  • les thèses de doctorat étrangères (y compris celles rédigées en français) 
  • les thèses de doctorat françaises soutenues avant 1985

Une interface et des API

Les données de sont accessibles via le site grâce à un moteur de recherche et une navigation à facettes. Un guide d’utilisation du moteur de recherche est mis à la disposition des utilisateurs. Conformément à la politique d’ouverture des données de l’Abes, s’inscrit dans le mouvement du web de données et du linked data.

Les données brutes relèvent du domaine public et sont placées sous licence Etalab . Elles sont disponibles via une API XML .

Pour favoriser leur réutilisation, les données relatives aux thèses soutenues sont également disponibles sous forme d’un dump déposé et mis à jour annuellement sur le site : Thèses soutenues en France depuis 1985 . Un guide de réutilisation accompagne l’extraction.

Historique du projet « Portail des thèses » v1, objectifs initiaux du projet. est une des applications du projet « Portail des thèses », confié à l’Abes en 2009 par le Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. Le comité de décision et d’opération du projet « Portail des thèses » a validé les principales orientations d’une feuille de route qui comportait trois axes principaux :

  • Renforcer la visibilité nationale et internationale de la recherche doctorale française  : expose largement sur le web les données décrivant les thèses de doctorat
  • Servir le monde académique  : permet à la communauté scientifique d'avoir une connaissance aussi exacte que possible de l'état de la recherche doctorale en cours, au niveau national, local, par disciplines ou par thématiques de recherche
  • Servir le monde économique  : en valorisant les travaux des doctorants et des docteurs, vise à faciliter l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes chercheurs

Gouvernance du projet et principaux partenaires

Pour mener à bien, l’Abes s’est entourée de nombreux partenaires.

Composition du Comité de décision et d’opération (CDO) du projet :

  • trois représentants du Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur de la recherche : Mission de l'information scientifique et technique et du réseau documentaire (MISTRD), Direction générale pour l'enseignement supérieur et l'insertion professionnelle (DGESIP), Direction générale pour la recherche et l'innovation (DGRI)
  • un représentant de la Conférence des Présidents d’Université
  • un représentant de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles
  • un représentant des formations doctorales dans les établissements habilités
  • deux représentants de la recherche privée ou du monde économique
  • trois représentants des opérateurs documentaires nationaux des thèses en France : CNRS-INIST , Atelier national de reproduction des thèses de Lille , CINES
  • trois représentants d’associations : l’Intelli’Agence (Association Bernard Gregory), l’ADBU (association des directeurs de bibliothèques universitaires), l’AURA (association du réseau des utilisateurs des produits de l’Abes)

Les comptes-rendus de décisions du CDO ont fait l’objet de billets sur le blog de l’Abes .

Versement progressif des données

Le versement dans des données relatives aux thèses de doctorat françaises s’est fait progressivement :

  • Juillet 2011 : ouverture du site qui, dans un premier temps, référence uniquement les thèses soutenues depuis 2006 et déposées au format électronique.

Elles sont 6 000 à être référencées en 2011.

  • Septembre 2011 : intégration des sujets de thèses en préparation. Les données du Fichier Central des Thèses (FCT) sont versées dans, soit plus de 66 000 sujets de thèses, principalement en Lettres, Sciences Humaines et Sociales. La même année, le FCT, maintenu par l’Université Paris Nanterre, est remplacé par l’application STEP, maintenue par l’Abes, ouverte à l’ensemble des établissements, toutes disciplines confondues.

L’utilisation de STEP étant facultative, tous les établissements ne référencent pas dans STEP et les thèses préparées en leur sein. Le nombre d’établissements adhérents à STEP va néanmoins augmenter au fil des années. 

  • Mai 2013 : versement des données du Sudoc dans Toutes les thèses soutenues en France et archivées au format imprimé depuis 1985 sont destinées à être référencées dans

En 2013, elles représentent près de 250 000 documents.

  • Septembre 2016 : le dépôt électronique des thèses est rendu obligatoire.

Le nombre de thèses imprimées référencées dans se stabilise à 300 000 : il n’augmentera plus que de manière marginale.

Depuis 2017, le nombre de thèses électroniques référencées augmente d’environ 14 000 documents chaque année.

Désormais, la quasi-totalité des établissements qui délivrent le doctorat signalent les sujets de thèses préparés en leur sein. v2

A partir du printemps 2022, l’Agence Bibliographique de l’Enseignement Supérieur lance le projet de refonte du site

Les objectifs sont :

  • la refonte complète du socle technique : l’outil SolR est remplacé par Elastic Search
  • le développement d’une interface ergonomique, responsive et accessible
  • la mise en place d’un accès contrôlé, centralisé, aux thèses dont la diffusion est restreinte au périmètre de l’enseignement supérieur français

Le site est développé en grande partie en interne, y compris la partie graphique. Un prestataire externe est engagé pendant un an pour appuyer l’équipe technique sur le moteur de recherche consacré aux personnes.

La nouvelle version de est déployée en production en 2024.

> Thesis Network > Tools and Services > Explore data

Exploring the corpus of doctoral theses, search engine for french theses. data ecosystem

The theses. fr search engine provides users with descriptive data on approximately (data as of August 31, 2022) :

  • 431,758 doctoral theses defended in France since 1985 
  • 81,000 theses in preparation 

As a document search interface, theses. fr offers functionalities adapted to the following operations:

  • identification of a doctoral project (ongoing or completed)
  • identifying the different versions of a thesis - including the one validated by the jury
  • access to the full text of an online thesis (if available)
  • possibility to buy a thesis in an online bookshop (if available)
  • compilation of a bibliography
  • identification of teacher-researchers leading doctoral projects
  • identification of the composition of the juries
  • identification of research structures and supporting institutions
  • identification of libraries that have a thesis available for consultation on site or via an interlibrary loan (ILL) request

Associated services

The interface provides the following associated services :

  • results management : query results can be exported in different formats (TXT, XML, CSV, RIS, BIBTEX, JSON)
  • visualization by word cloud of the main scientific fields associated with a contributor (authors, research director, jury members...)
  • sharing options on social networks
  • monitoring : possibility to record requests and to be notified of new developments (RSS subscription)

The catalogueSudoc, national bibliography of theses

The catalogue Sudoc lists doctoral theses defended in France since 1972 , as well as medical and dental theses defended since 1982 and available for consultation at the BIUS - Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de Santé .

Since the implementation of the reporting of electronic theses via the professional application STAR, the data produced in this context feed the catalogue Sudoc. In addition, the Sudoc is progressively enriched in the context of retrospective reporting of older theses.

  • see the page dedicated to the catalogue Sudoc
Note : the conditions of consultation and loan - on site or remotely - vary according to the institutions and the type of user. However, the legislation in force implies that a version of each defended thesis is made available by the defending institution, with the exception of certain theses for which a period of confidentiality is required

thesis france

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Access to Dissertations

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Includes more than 2 million entries.The single, central, authoritative resource for information about doctoral dissertations and master's theses.
  • EBSCO Open Dissertations
  • Interlibrary Loan the Library does not routinely purchase dissertations from other institutions. However, many are available through InterLibrary Services. Search in WorldCat for easiest ordering.
  • Request a purchase for the library If you would like the Library to purchase a dissertation, contact the Librarian for the Department.

BNF : thèses et écrits académiques.

Système Universitaire de Documentation (SUDOC): l'ensemble des thèses produites en France.

ABES Thèses . Accès à près de 6000 thèses de doctorat soutenues depuis 2006, de surcroît en texte intégral pour 4000 d’entre elles.

TEL (thèses-en-ligne) a pour objectif de promouvoir l'auto-archivage en ligne des thèses.

Cyberthèses : L'Université Lyon 2

Archive ouverte de l'Université de Lorraine

Helveticat . The Swiss National Library has a copy of all dissertations written in the country. Add the word “diss” to your search terms in order to retrieve dissertations.

EthOs : British Library dissertations

Buy Your Own

As a last resort, you can purchase dissertations directly.

Dissertation Express : US, from ProQuest

  • Verify using the tools listed above that the document is not otherwise available to you free before ordering.
  • If Interlibrary Loan can't locate a copy to borrow.
  • Use a credit card or fax payment.
  • Orders are shipped directly to you.

Atelier National de Reproduction des Thèses: in France

  • All doctoral students deposit a copy with the "Atelier national de reproduction des thèses".
  • Who in turn provides microfilms for libraries.
  • And also paper copies on demand (you can pay by bank card).

Submitting your dissertation

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  • Graduate Board formatting details
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Home > Academics > PhD Programmes > Studying for a Ph.D: Requirements & Useful informations > List of PhD Theses

List of PhD Theses

Consult the list of theses defended in recent years:

  • Economics : 2023 - 2022 - 2021 -  2020 -  2019 -  2018 -  2017  -  2016  -  2015  -  2014  -  2013  -  2012
  • History : 2023 - 2022 - 2021 -  2020 -  2019 -  2018 -  2017  -  2016  -  2015  -  2014  -  2013  -  2012
  • Law : 2023 - 2022 - 2021  -  2020 -  2019 -  2018 -  2017 -  2016 -  2015 -  2014 - 2013
  • Political science : 2023 - 2022 - 2021 -  2020 -  2019 -  2018 -  2017 -  2016 -  2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012
  • Sociology : 2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 -  2019 -  2018 -  2017 -  2016 -  2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012
  • Urban studies: 2023  

Updated: August 2024

Useful Documents

Instructions to Prepare the Electronic Thesis for Priting (PDF)

(In French)

  • Thesis presentation guide (In French, PDF, 540 Ko)
  • Submitting theses electronically (PDF)

Tutorials :

  • Formating thesis on Word 2003 (PDF)
  • Formating thesis on Word 2007 to 2011 (PDF)

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Thesis topics

  • Research Laboratories
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  • Do your thesis at ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Funding for doctoral students
  • Specific doctoral contracts for normaliens (CDSN)
  • Additional training
  • Publishing books

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For most of you, the subject of your thesis will be born from an encounter with a researcher or teacher-researcher, within your teaching and research department (DER), in the Master 1 or Master 2 courses, during a stay in a laboratory in France or abroad, after a seminar...

Thesis topics are thus most of the time subjects proposed by the thesis director. The way it will be treated depends on you.

How to find a topic?

For normaliens: annual interviews with the department.

The idea for a thesis can also be born during annual meetings with your teaching or research department heads, or after consulting websites where subjects are posted or defended.

Check out some of the websites

  • For the University of Paris-Saclay, the diffusion of the subjects is done for example via the ADUM tool.
  • You can also access the defenses via the ADUM website.

Subjects and defenses are grouped by doctoral school. The institutional sites of other French schools and universities also contain numerous offers.

  • The thesis defenses and theses in progress are grouped in a national database that can be consulted.

A personal idea

The idea for your thesis can also be yours and it will be your responsibility to find a laboratory and a thesis supervisor to co-construct and concretize the project. The financing of a thesis by a doctoral contract specific to Normalien is perfectly adapted to this situation.

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A sampling of dissertations.

  • Paule Carbonnel, "To the End(s) of the Earth with Jules Verne (and Beyond): Explorations of Limitedness in Nineteenth-Century France” (2024)
  • Lauriane Guihard,  "'Peut-on encore entendre de toi, troupe, quelque voix?' Le Chœur Tragique au XVIe siècle, ou la Renaissance d'un Medium Antique" (2024)
  • Nicole Ferrari,  "Skepticism, the Human, and Republics in Alessandro Manzoni's I Promessi Sposi and Victor Hugo's Les Misérables" (2023)
  • Marcus Dominick,  " Science, the Self, and Skepticism: Posthuman Fictions of Post-1960s France" (2023)
  • Tristan Zhang, " From Fantaisie to Histoire: Applying an 'Alsatian Lesson' to China" (2023)
  • Fariba Kanga,  "The Construction of the Enemy in French Reformation Martyr Narratives, 1554-1616" (2023)
  • Sophie Dolto,  "'Il faudrait cesser d'écrire des romans' : Jean-Patrick Manchette et la politique" (2023)

Hanna  Laruelle,  " Rictus Grin: Poetics of Cruel Humor in Screen Adaptations of "L'homme qui rit" (2022)

Nathalie  Lacarrière ,  " Compilation, Reception, and Authority: Anthologizing Christine de Pizan's Enseignemens moraux in the Middle Ages and Renaissance " (2022)

Jared Miller, "Romance A uctoritas  in  Le Livre du Cuer d'Amours espris  and  Jehan de Saintré " (2022)

Trask Roberts, "Writing and Wronging: Prerogatives of the Self-Translator" (2022)

Fiona Moreno, "The Making of a Distinguished Reader: Francophone Stories of Literary Initiation" (2020)

  • Andrea Lloyd, "Writing Verdicts: French and Francophone Narratives of Race and Racism" (2019) 
  • Sterling Kouri, "Reading Houellebecq and his Fictions" (2018)
  • Marla Epp, "Les chercheurs d'histoire: The Historical Investigator in the Contemporary French Novel." (2018)
  • Romain Delaville, “Face Value: Physiognomy, Portraiture, and the Making of Subjectivity in Francophone Literature and Visual Culture" (2017)
  • Melissa DunLany, "The Aesthetics of Waste: Michel Tournier, Agnes Varda, Sabine Macher"  (2017)
  • Ben Baker, "Uncertain Boundaries: Dispositive Techniques in Prevost's Novels" (2016)
  • Adam Cutchin, "The Mysteres of Paris and Montreal: Crime, National Identity, and the City in Nineteenth-Century Urban Mysteries and the Popular Press" (2016)
  • Arabella Hobbs, "Calvary or Catastrophe? French Catholicism's First World War" (2016)
  • Samuel Martin , "The Dilation of the Poem (Philippe Jaccottet)"  (2016)
  • Lisa Bromberg, "Geographies of Exile and the Making of French Nationhood in the Nineteenth Century" (2016)
  • George MacLeod, "Approaching the Witness: Narratives of Trauma in Sub-Saharan African Literature and Film" (2015)
  • Caroline Grubbs, "Cultures of Time in Fin-de-siecle France: The Popular Literature and Graphic Art of Albert Robida (1848-1926)" (2014)
  • Charlotte Ritzmann, "Fictions of Identity in the 13th century: The Example of the Lancelot proper" (2014)
  • Anne Bornschein, "Heirs of the Round Table: French Arthurian fiction from 1977 to the present" (2013)
  • Lucas Hollister, "Problematic returns: On the romanesque in contemporary French literature" (2013)
  • Kathleen Kasten, "Writing luxury: Mirrors, silk, lace, and writing desks in French literature, 1660--1715" (2013)
  • Matthew Pagett, "Money plays: Performing currency in seventeenth-century French comedy" (2013)
  • Sara Phenix, "Designing women: Fashion, fiction, and femininity in Second Empire France" (2013)
  • Ekaterina Alexandrova, "Outlandish fictions: The eighteenth-century French novel and marriage on women's terms" (2012)
  • Ian McConnon, "Substance and providence in the Old French theological romance" (2012)
  • Lucy Swanson, "Bringing out the undead: Reinventing the zombie in contemporary fiction of the Francophone Caribbean" (2012)

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  • Newspapers and Journals in Occupied France

Dissertation search tools available at Yale

  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses This database makes nearly every dissertation ever filed in the United States available in PDF format. Not all dissertations are available, however, as authors with dissertations under contract with a press are sometimes encouraged not to make their dissertations freely available. In these cases you can at least read an abstract. Note that you can search by school, department, and adviser.

Dissertations databases outside Yale

  • DART-Europe The European portal for finding electronic theses and dissertations. DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
  • SUDOC - Le catalogue du Système Universitaire de Documentation
  • Theses donne accès à la description : • de 65 000 thèses en préparation en France, • et 8 000 thèses soutenues en France depuis 2006. Le texte intégral est accessible pour près de 6 000 d’entre elles. La base de données de est en constante évolution. A terme, l'ensemble des thèses de doctorat soutenues en France sera signalé.
  • CRL Center for Research Libraries Foreign Doctoral Dissertations Holds 800,000 dissertations from universities outside the U.S. and Canada. However, only 20,000 of these are cataloged in the database. If you know the exact title of a dissertation and do not find it in the database, CRL recommends searching the CRL Catalog. If the title does not appear in the database or the catalog, contact CRL directly to inquire if it is held. CRL continues to acquire about 5,000 titles per year from major universities.
  • Canadian Theses
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Dissertations & Theses

  • Citations & Bibliography
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Represents the work of authors from over 1,000 North American and European universities on a full range of academic subjects. Includes abstracts for doctoral dissertations beginning July 1980 and for Master's theses beginning Spring 1988. All dissertations published since 1997, and some from prior years, are available for free download; others may be requested via Interlibrary Loan.
  • Dissertations & Theses (Georgetown-authored) This link opens in a new window Recent online theses and dissertations from selected Georgetown programs and departments. For access to Georgetown theses and dissertations authored prior to 2006, see the Georgetown catalog or refer to ProQuest's Dissertations & Theses database. Print copies of disserations may be requested using the Library's Library Use Only Materials Request. .
  • EThoS: Electronic Theses Online This link opens in a new window The British Library's database of digitized theses from UK higher education institutions. Free registration and login is required.
  • Open Access Theses & Dissertations The number of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) openly available via institutional repositories has grown dramatically in recent years, increasing the need for a centralized service to search for this unique material. Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD), launched in early 2013, is on the path to fulfill that need. Not as large as the commercial subscription service ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Database, OATD distinguishes itself by providing access to more than 1.6 million open-access theses and dissertations freely available from over 800 institutions worldwide. The simplified interface allows searching across all fields or, in advanced search, by specific field (Title, Author Name, Abstract, University/Publisher, or Subject/Keywords). In addition, users may limit searches to a specific language or date range. Search results may be sorted by relevance, author, university, or date. more... less... Depending on the search, results may be further limited by date, university, department, degree, level (e.g., doctoral vs. master's), or language. The number of hits for entries under each limit is conveniently displayed in the left column. Links to the full text residing on the home institution's site are provided for each record. In many instances, several pages of the thesis or dissertation are available for viewing. Though other sites cover similar material, e.g., PQDT Open and Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, OATD focuses exclusively on open-access ETDs, and serves as an excellent resource for students and researchers. Its usefulness will continue to increase as more ETDs are made freely available.
  • This link opens in a new window Provides access to more than 5000 theses on all subjects submitted in French to universities around the world, since 2006. Most are digitized and available in full text.
  • Theses Canada Portal This link opens in a new window Provides information on all the Canadian theses and dissertations in the collection of the National Library of Canada. Free access to the full-text of theses from 1998.
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Open Access Theses and Dissertations

Thursday, April 18, 8:20am (EDT): Searching is temporarily offline. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to bring searching back up as quickly as possible.

Advanced research and scholarship. Theses and dissertations, free to find, free to use.

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Browse by author name (“Author name starts with…”).

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Written in any language English Portuguese French German Spanish Swedish Lithuanian Dutch Italian Chinese Finnish Greek Published in any country US or Canada Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Latvia Lithuania Malaysia Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Peru Portugal Russia Singapore South Africa South Korea Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand UK US Earliest date Latest date

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Only ETDs with Creative Commons licenses

Results per page: 30 60 100

October 3, 2022. OATD is dealing with a number of misbehaved crawlers and robots, and is currently taking some steps to minimize their impact on the system. This may require you to click through some security screen. Our apologies for any inconvenience.

Recent Additions

See all of this week’s new additions.

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About aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions . OATD currently indexes 7,221,548 theses and dissertations.

About OATD (our FAQ) .


We’re happy to present several data visualizations to give an overall sense of the collection by county of publication, language, and field of study.

You may also want to consult these sites to search for other theses:

  • Google Scholar
  • NDLTD , the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. NDLTD provides information and a search engine for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), whether they are open access or not.
  • Proquest Theses and Dissertations (PQDT), a database of dissertations and theses, whether they were published electronically or in print, and mostly available for purchase. Access to PQDT may be limited; consult your local library for access information.


  1. (PDF) Master Thesis

    thesis france

  2. Dissertation Summary (10 pages, in French)

    thesis france

  3. Download the thesis report (french version, pdf)

    thesis france

  4. Lorganisation Administrative de La France Dissertation

    thesis france

  5. Thesis Project

    thesis france

  6. (PDF) Ciriac CHARLES thesis french version "Acquisition de nouvelles

    thesis france


  1. Le doctorat CIFRE et la recherche par le projet dans les agences d’architecture / ENSAPVS 3/12/2021

  2. 1er rassemblement Lancia Thesis Club de France

  3. BOOK FAIR #PunjabUniversityLahore#CampusQuest#campusexploration#europetravel#france#uk#usatoday#UAE

  4. Campus Executive

  5. Red Bull BC One 2009

  6. Le doctorat CIFRE et la recherche par le projet dans les agences d’architecture / ENSAPVS 3/12/2021



    Access Thè is the search engine for French doctoral theses set up by ABES in 2011. This unique tool is supplied by the thesis-supporting institutions. It lists theses in preparation for the last 10 years in all disciplines and all institutions, as well as all theses defended since 1985.

  2. A Propos

    Page A Propos de Retour à l'accueil A propos. Moteur de recherche des thèses de doctorat françaises, le site a pour objet de référencer :. les thèses de doctorat en cours de préparation en France, si l'établissement d'inscription a fait le choix de les signaler et si le ou la doctorant(e) ne s'est pas opposé(e) à ce signalement.

  3. index

    HAL Thèses. Le serveur HAL Thèses a pour objectif de promouvoir l'auto-archivage en ligne des thèses de doctorat et habilitations à diriger des recherches (HDR), qui sont des documents importants pour la communication scientifique entre chercheurs. HAL Thèses est un environnement particulier de HAL et permet donc, comme HAL, de rendre ...

  4. index

    The French Open Science Monitor 2023: PhD thesis (5/3/24) According to the 2023 edition of the Open Science Monitor (BSO), the open access rate of French doctoral theses shows a clear trend towards more and more openness. The opening rate for theses varies considerably depending on the discipline.

  5. Search for a dissertation or thesis

    You can find it (author, title, university, etc.) on. Find a thesis defended at Université Paris-Sud/Université Paris-Saclay. Theses defended after 1972: Please consult our Focus discovery tool. For theses defended after 2011, full-text access is available (subject to author's permission) via the (see below). For theses defended after 2011 ...

  6. index

    Application des mesures d'impédance à l'étude du mécanisme de l'inhibition de l'électrocristallisation des métaux. Chimie. Université Pierre & Marie Curie - Paris 6, 1978. Français. NNT : . tel-04635155 . Marcel-Louis Boyer. Contribution à la mesure de l'impédance des cellules électrolytiques. Chimie.

  7. Selection of sites

    Ma thèse en 180 secondes: organised in France since 2014 by the CNRS and the CPU - Conférence des présidents d'université, this competition, inspired by the 3 Minute Thesis launched by the University of Queensmand (Australia), aims to make people understand their research in three minutes and to the greatest number.; MESR - doctorate MESR - doctoral training

  8. Master's Thesis

    The Master thesis length is between 20,000 and 30,000 words, excluding appendices. Electronic versions of the thesis must be sent to the thesis' supervisor, the academic advisor, the third member of the jury and [email protected]. Format of Thesis: Overview.

  9. How to Prepare a Successful Master's or Doctoral Thesis in France

    In France, you are now permitted to write a Master or PhD dissertation in English. For international students, preparing a thesis requires many new skills and adapting to the French academic context.

  10. Explore the data, search engine for French theses. The theses. fr search engine provides users with descriptive data on approximately (data as of August 31, 2022) : 431,758 doctoral theses defended in France since 1985. 81,000 theses in preparation. As a document search interface, theses. fr offers functionalities adapted to the following operations:

  11. Guides: French Language and Literature: Finding Dissertations

    Système Universitaire de Documentation (SUDOC): l'ensemble des thèses produites en France. ABES Thèses. Accès à près de 6000 thèses de doctorat soutenues depuis 2006, de surcroît en texte intégral pour 4000 d'entre elles. TEL (thèses-en-ligne) a pour objectif de promouvoir l'auto-archivage en ligne des thèses.

  12. Répertoire des dépôts de thèses, mémoires et archives ouvertes

    HAL - Archives ouvertes - Documents scientifiques de toutes les disciplines, publiés ou non. Érudit - Thèses universitaires au Québec, depuis 1995. RéroDoc - Réseau des Bibliothèques de Suisse Occidentale - Plus de 35 000 documents (livres, journaux, thèses, photos, etc.). Répertoire francophones institutionnels.

  13. List of PhD Theses

    Thesis presentation guide (PDF) Submitting theses electronically (PDF) Tutorials: Formating thesis on Word 2003 (PDF) Formating thesis on Word 2007 to 2011 (PDF) Show more. Address / phone. 27, rue Saint Guillaume - 75337 Paris Cedex 07. Phone: +33 (0)1 45 49 50 50 | +33 (0)1 42 22 31 26. Follow us. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTERS.

  14. Home

    An archive, some services. HAL guarantees the long-term preservation of your publications. A set of services (CV, institutional portals, collections, documentary watch, APIs, identifiers) contribute to their valorisation.

  15. Thesis

    Three PhD thesis prizes have been awarded by the Institut Polytechnique de Paris to Clémence Tricaud in economics, Ambre Bouillant in fluid mecanics and Boris Muzellec in mathematics Read more . News. First international agreement on thesis co-supervision, in partnership with Shanghai Jiao Tong University ...

  16. Thesis topics

    Thesis topics. For most of you, the subject of your thesis will be born from an encounter with a researcher or teacher-researcher, within your teaching and research department (DER), in the Master 1 or Master 2 courses, during a stay in a laboratory in France or abroad, after a seminar... Thesis topics are thus most of the time subjects ...

  17. Dissertations

    Caroline Grubbs, "Cultures of Time in Fin-de-siecle France: The Popular Literature and Graphic Art of Albert Robida (1848-1926)" (2014) Charlotte Ritzmann, "Fictions of Identity in the 13th century: The Example of the Lancelot proper" (2014) Anne Bornschein, "Heirs of the Round Table: French Arthurian fiction from 1977 to the present" (2013)

  18. French Language and Literature: Dissertations & Theses

    La base de données de est en constante évolution. A terme, l'ensemble des thèses de doctorat soutenues en France sera signalé. CRL Center for Research Libraries Foreign Doctoral Dissertations. Holds 800,000 dissertations from universities outside the U.S. and Canada. However, only 20,000 of these are cataloged in the database.

  19. French Language and Literature: Dissertations and theses

    The world's most comprehensive collection of full-text dissertations and theses. As the official digital dissertations archive for the Library of Congress and as the database of record for graduate research, PQDTGlobal includes millions of searchable citations to dissertations and theses from 1861 to the present day together with over a million full-text dissertations that are available for ...

  20. Thesis

    In France, the academic dissertation or thesis is called a thèse and it is reserved for the final work of doctoral candidates. The minimum page length is generally (and not formally) 100 pages (or about 400,000 characters), but is usually several times longer (except for technical theses and for "exact sciences" such as physics and maths). ...

  21. PDF Thesis proposal

    Thesis proposal Title of the research project: France, China and Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa from 1950s to 2001: the question of cooperation in international relations. Keywords: France, China, Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, sino-african relations, international cooperation. Joint supervision: yes (name/surname) /no √

  22. Dissertations & Theses

    Dissertations & Theses. Represents the work of authors from over 1,000 North American and European universities on a full range of academic subjects. Includes abstracts for doctoral dissertations beginning July 1980 and for Master's theses beginning Spring 1988. All dissertations published since 1997, and some from prior years, are available ...

  23. OATD

    Advanced research and scholarship. Theses and dissertations, free to find, free to use. October 3, 2022. OATD is dealing with a number of misbehaved crawlers and robots, and is currently taking some steps to minimize their impact on the system. This may require you to click through some security screen.