• Survey Paper
  • Open access
  • Published: 01 July 2020

Cybersecurity data science: an overview from machine learning perspective

  • Iqbal H. Sarker   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1740-5517 1 , 2 ,
  • A. S. M. Kayes 3 ,
  • Shahriar Badsha 4 ,
  • Hamed Alqahtani 5 ,
  • Paul Watters 3 &
  • Alex Ng 3  

Journal of Big Data volume  7 , Article number:  41 ( 2020 ) Cite this article

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In a computing context, cybersecurity is undergoing massive shifts in technology and its operations in recent days, and data science is driving the change. Extracting security incident patterns or insights from cybersecurity data and building corresponding data-driven model , is the key to make a security system automated and intelligent. To understand and analyze the actual phenomena with data, various scientific methods, machine learning techniques, processes, and systems are used, which is commonly known as data science. In this paper, we focus and briefly discuss on cybersecurity data science , where the data is being gathered from relevant cybersecurity sources, and the analytics complement the latest data-driven patterns for providing more effective security solutions. The concept of cybersecurity data science allows making the computing process more actionable and intelligent as compared to traditional ones in the domain of cybersecurity. We then discuss and summarize a number of associated research issues and future directions . Furthermore, we provide a machine learning based multi-layered framework for the purpose of cybersecurity modeling. Overall, our goal is not only to discuss cybersecurity data science and relevant methods but also to focus the applicability towards data-driven intelligent decision making for protecting the systems from cyber-attacks.


Due to the increasing dependency on digitalization and Internet-of-Things (IoT) [ 1 ], various security incidents such as unauthorized access [ 2 ], malware attack [ 3 ], zero-day attack [ 4 ], data breach [ 5 ], denial of service (DoS) [ 2 ], social engineering or phishing [ 6 ] etc. have grown at an exponential rate in recent years. For instance, in 2010, there were less than 50 million unique malware executables known to the security community. By 2012, they were double around 100 million, and in 2019, there are more than 900 million malicious executables known to the security community, and this number is likely to grow, according to the statistics of AV-TEST institute in Germany [ 7 ]. Cybercrime and attacks can cause devastating financial losses and affect organizations and individuals as well. It’s estimated that, a data breach costs 8.19 million USD for the United States and 3.9 million USD on an average [ 8 ], and the annual cost to the global economy from cybercrime is 400 billion USD [ 9 ]. According to Juniper Research [ 10 ], the number of records breached each year to nearly triple over the next 5 years. Thus, it’s essential that organizations need to adopt and implement a strong cybersecurity approach to mitigate the loss. According to [ 11 ], the national security of a country depends on the business, government, and individual citizens having access to applications and tools which are highly secure, and the capability on detecting and eliminating such cyber-threats in a timely way. Therefore, to effectively identify various cyber incidents either previously seen or unseen, and intelligently protect the relevant systems from such cyber-attacks, is a key issue to be solved urgently.

figure 1

Popularity trends of data science, machine learning and cybersecurity over time, where x-axis represents the timestamp information and y axis represents the corresponding popularity values

Cybersecurity is a set of technologies and processes designed to protect computers, networks, programs and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access [ 12 ]. In recent days, cybersecurity is undergoing massive shifts in technology and its operations in the context of computing, and data science (DS) is driving the change, where machine learning (ML), a core part of “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) can play a vital role to discover the insights from data. Machine learning can significantly change the cybersecurity landscape and data science is leading a new scientific paradigm [ 13 , 14 ]. The popularity of these related technologies is increasing day-by-day, which is shown in Fig.  1 , based on the data of the last five years collected from Google Trends [ 15 ]. The figure represents timestamp information in terms of a particular date in the x-axis and corresponding popularity in the range of 0 (minimum) to 100 (maximum) in the y-axis. As shown in Fig.  1 , the popularity indication values of these areas are less than 30 in 2014, while they exceed 70 in 2019, i.e., more than double in terms of increased popularity. In this paper, we focus on cybersecurity data science (CDS), which is broadly related to these areas in terms of security data processing techniques and intelligent decision making in real-world applications. Overall, CDS is security data-focused, applies machine learning methods to quantify cyber risks, and ultimately seeks to optimize cybersecurity operations. Thus, the purpose of this paper is for those academia and industry people who want to study and develop a data-driven smart cybersecurity model based on machine learning techniques. Therefore, great emphasis is placed on a thorough description of various types of machine learning methods, and their relations and usage in the context of cybersecurity. This paper does not describe all of the different techniques used in cybersecurity in detail; instead, it gives an overview of cybersecurity data science modeling based on artificial intelligence, particularly from machine learning perspective.

The ultimate goal of cybersecurity data science is data-driven intelligent decision making from security data for smart cybersecurity solutions. CDS represents a partial paradigm shift from traditional well-known security solutions such as firewalls, user authentication and access control, cryptography systems etc. that might not be effective according to today’s need in cyber industry [ 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ]. The problems are these are typically handled statically by a few experienced security analysts, where data management is done in an ad-hoc manner [ 20 , 21 ]. However, as an increasing number of cybersecurity incidents in different formats mentioned above continuously appear over time, such conventional solutions have encountered limitations in mitigating such cyber risks. As a result, numerous advanced attacks are created and spread very quickly throughout the Internet. Although several researchers use various data analysis and learning techniques to build cybersecurity models that are summarized in “ Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity ” section, a comprehensive security model based on the effective discovery of security insights and latest security patterns could be more useful. To address this issue, we need to develop more flexible and efficient security mechanisms that can respond to threats and to update security policies to mitigate them intelligently in a timely manner. To achieve this goal, it is inherently required to analyze a massive amount of relevant cybersecurity data generated from various sources such as network and system sources, and to discover insights or proper security policies with minimal human intervention in an automated manner.

Analyzing cybersecurity data and building the right tools and processes to successfully protect against cybersecurity incidents goes beyond a simple set of functional requirements and knowledge about risks, threats or vulnerabilities. For effectively extracting the insights or the patterns of security incidents, several machine learning techniques, such as feature engineering, data clustering, classification, and association analysis, or neural network-based deep learning techniques can be used, which are briefly discussed in “ Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity ” section. These learning techniques are capable to find the anomalies or malicious behavior and data-driven patterns of associated security incidents to make an intelligent decision. Thus, based on the concept of data-driven decision making, we aim to focus on cybersecurity data science , where the data is being gathered from relevant cybersecurity sources such as network activity, database activity, application activity, or user activity, and the analytics complement the latest data-driven patterns for providing corresponding security solutions.

The contributions of this paper are summarized as follows.

We first make a brief discussion on the concept of cybersecurity data science and relevant methods to understand its applicability towards data-driven intelligent decision making in the domain of cybersecurity. For this purpose, we also make a review and brief discussion on different machine learning tasks in cybersecurity, and summarize various cybersecurity datasets highlighting their usage in different data-driven cyber applications.

We then discuss and summarize a number of associated research issues and future directions in the area of cybersecurity data science, that could help both the academia and industry people to further research and development in relevant application areas.

Finally, we provide a generic multi-layered framework of the cybersecurity data science model based on machine learning techniques. In this framework, we briefly discuss how the cybersecurity data science model can be used to discover useful insights from security data and making data-driven intelligent decisions to build smart cybersecurity systems.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. “ Background ” section summarizes background of our study and gives an overview of the related technologies of cybersecurity data science. “ Cybersecurity data science ” section defines and discusses briefly about cybersecurity data science including various categories of cyber incidents data. In “  Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity ” section, we briefly discuss various categories of machine learning techniques including their relations with cybersecurity tasks and summarize a number of machine learning based cybersecurity models in the field. “ Research issues and future directions ” section briefly discusses and highlights various research issues and future directions in the area of cybersecurity data science. In “  A multi-layered framework for smart cybersecurity services ” section, we suggest a machine learning-based framework to build cybersecurity data science model and discuss various layers with their roles. In “  Discussion ” section, we highlight several key points regarding our studies. Finally,  “ Conclusion ” section concludes this paper.

In this section, we give an overview of the related technologies of cybersecurity data science including various types of cybersecurity incidents and defense strategies.

  • Cybersecurity

Over the last half-century, the information and communication technology (ICT) industry has evolved greatly, which is ubiquitous and closely integrated with our modern society. Thus, protecting ICT systems and applications from cyber-attacks has been greatly concerned by the security policymakers in recent days [ 22 ]. The act of protecting ICT systems from various cyber-threats or attacks has come to be known as cybersecurity [ 9 ]. Several aspects are associated with cybersecurity: measures to protect information and communication technology; the raw data and information it contains and their processing and transmitting; associated virtual and physical elements of the systems; the degree of protection resulting from the application of those measures; and eventually the associated field of professional endeavor [ 23 ]. Craigen et al. defined “cybersecurity as a set of tools, practices, and guidelines that can be used to protect computer networks, software programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access” [ 24 ]. According to Aftergood et al. [ 12 ], “cybersecurity is a set of technologies and processes designed to protect computers, networks, programs and data from attacks and unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction”. Overall, cybersecurity concerns with the understanding of diverse cyber-attacks and devising corresponding defense strategies that preserve several properties defined as below [ 25 , 26 ].

Confidentiality is a property used to prevent the access and disclosure of information to unauthorized individuals, entities or systems.

Integrity is a property used to prevent any modification or destruction of information in an unauthorized manner.

Availability is a property used to ensure timely and reliable access of information assets and systems to an authorized entity.

The term cybersecurity applies in a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be divided into several common categories. These are - network security that mainly focuses on securing a computer network from cyber attackers or intruders; application security that takes into account keeping the software and the devices free of risks or cyber-threats; information security that mainly considers security and the privacy of relevant data; operational security that includes the processes of handling and protecting data assets. Typical cybersecurity systems are composed of network security systems and computer security systems containing a firewall, antivirus software, or an intrusion detection system [ 27 ].

Cyberattacks and security risks

The risks typically associated with any attack, which considers three security factors, such as threats, i.e., who is attacking, vulnerabilities, i.e., the weaknesses they are attacking, and impacts, i.e., what the attack does [ 9 ]. A security incident is an act that threatens the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information assets and systems. Several types of cybersecurity incidents that may result in security risks on an organization’s systems and networks or an individual [ 2 ]. These are:

Unauthorized access that describes the act of accessing information to network, systems or data without authorization that results in a violation of a security policy [ 2 ];

Malware known as malicious software, is any program or software that intentionally designed to cause damage to a computer, client, server, or computer network, e.g., botnets. Examples of different types of malware including computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, adware, ransomware, spyware, malicious bots, etc. [ 3 , 26 ]; Ransom malware, or ransomware , is an emerging form of malware that prevents users from accessing their systems or personal files, or the devices, then demands an anonymous online payment in order to restore access.

Denial-of-Service is an attack meant to shut down a machine or network, making it inaccessible to its intended users by flooding the target with traffic that triggers a crash. The Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack typically uses one computer with an Internet connection, while distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack uses multiple computers and Internet connections to flood the targeted resource [ 2 ];

Phishing a type of social engineering , used for a broad range of malicious activities accomplished through human interactions, in which the fraudulent attempt takes part to obtain sensitive information such as banking and credit card details, login credentials, or personally identifiable information by disguising oneself as a trusted individual or entity via an electronic communication such as email, text, or instant message, etc. [ 26 ];

Zero-day attack is considered as the term that is used to describe the threat of an unknown security vulnerability for which either the patch has not been released or the application developers were unaware [ 4 , 28 ].

Beside these attacks mentioned above, privilege escalation [ 29 ], password attack [ 30 ], insider threat [ 31 ], man-in-the-middle [ 32 ], advanced persistent threat [ 33 ], SQL injection attack [ 34 ], cryptojacking attack [ 35 ], web application attack [ 30 ] etc. are well-known as security incidents in the field of cybersecurity. A data breach is another type of security incident, known as a data leak, which is involved in the unauthorized access of data by an individual, application, or service [ 5 ]. Thus, all data breaches are considered as security incidents, however, all the security incidents are not data breaches. Most data breaches occur in the banking industry involving the credit card numbers, personal information, followed by the healthcare sector and the public sector [ 36 ].

Cybersecurity defense strategies

Defense strategies are needed to protect data or information, information systems, and networks from cyber-attacks or intrusions. More granularly, they are responsible for preventing data breaches or security incidents and monitoring and reacting to intrusions, which can be defined as any kind of unauthorized activity that causes damage to an information system [ 37 ]. An intrusion detection system (IDS) is typically represented as “a device or software application that monitors a computer network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations” [ 38 ]. The traditional well-known security solutions such as anti-virus, firewalls, user authentication, access control, data encryption and cryptography systems, however might not be effective according to today’s need in the cyber industry

[ 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 ]. On the other hand, IDS resolves the issues by analyzing security data from several key points in a computer network or system [ 39 , 40 ]. Moreover, intrusion detection systems can be used to detect both internal and external attacks.

Intrusion detection systems are different categories according to the usage scope. For instance, a host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS), and network intrusion detection system (NIDS) are the most common types based on the scope of single computers to large networks. In a HIDS, the system monitors important files on an individual system, while it analyzes and monitors network connections for suspicious traffic in a NIDS. Similarly, based on methodologies, the signature-based IDS, and anomaly-based IDS are the most well-known variants [ 37 ].

Signature-based IDS : A signature can be a predefined string, pattern, or rule that corresponds to a known attack. A particular pattern is identified as the detection of corresponding attacks in a signature-based IDS. An example of a signature can be known patterns or a byte sequence in a network traffic, or sequences used by malware. To detect the attacks, anti-virus software uses such types of sequences or patterns as a signature while performing the matching operation. Signature-based IDS is also known as knowledge-based or misuse detection [ 41 ]. This technique can be efficient to process a high volume of network traffic, however, is strictly limited to the known attacks only. Thus, detecting new attacks or unseen attacks is one of the biggest challenges faced by this signature-based system.

Anomaly-based IDS : The concept of anomaly-based detection overcomes the issues of signature-based IDS discussed above. In an anomaly-based intrusion detection system, the behavior of the network is first examined to find dynamic patterns, to automatically create a data-driven model, to profile the normal behavior, and thus it detects deviations in the case of any anomalies [ 41 ]. Thus, anomaly-based IDS can be treated as a dynamic approach, which follows behavior-oriented detection. The main advantage of anomaly-based IDS is the ability to identify unknown or zero-day attacks [ 42 ]. However, the issue is that the identified anomaly or abnormal behavior is not always an indicator of intrusions. It sometimes may happen because of several factors such as policy changes or offering a new service.

In addition, a hybrid detection approach [ 43 , 44 ] that takes into account both the misuse and anomaly-based techniques discussed above can be used to detect intrusions. In a hybrid system, the misuse detection system is used for detecting known types of intrusions and anomaly detection system is used for novel attacks [ 45 ]. Beside these approaches, stateful protocol analysis can also be used to detect intrusions that identifies deviations of protocol state similarly to the anomaly-based method, however it uses predetermined universal profiles based on accepted definitions of benign activity [ 41 ]. In Table 1 , we have summarized these common approaches highlighting their pros and cons. Once the detecting has been completed, the intrusion prevention system (IPS) that is intended to prevent malicious events, can be used to mitigate the risks in different ways such as manual, providing notification, or automatic process [ 46 ]. Among these approaches, an automatic response system could be more effective as it does not involve a human interface between the detection and response systems.

  • Data science

We are living in the age of data, advanced analytics, and data science, which are related to data-driven intelligent decision making. Although, the process of searching patterns or discovering hidden and interesting knowledge from data is known as data mining [ 47 ], in this paper, we use the broader term “data science” rather than data mining. The reason is that, data science, in its most fundamental form, is all about understanding of data. It involves studying, processing, and extracting valuable insights from a set of information. In addition to data mining, data analytics is also related to data science. The development of data mining, knowledge discovery, and machine learning that refers creating algorithms and program which learn on their own, together with the original data analysis and descriptive analytics from the statistical perspective, forms the general concept of “data analytics” [ 47 ]. Nowadays, many researchers use the term “data science” to describe the interdisciplinary field of data collection, preprocessing, inferring, or making decisions by analyzing the data. To understand and analyze the actual phenomena with data, various scientific methods, machine learning techniques, processes, and systems are used, which is commonly known as data science. According to Cao et al. [ 47 ] “data science is a new interdisciplinary field that synthesizes and builds on statistics, informatics, computing, communication, management, and sociology to study data and its environments, to transform data to insights and decisions by following a data-to-knowledge-to-wisdom thinking and methodology”. As a high-level statement in the context of cybersecurity, we can conclude that it is the study of security data to provide data-driven solutions for the given security problems, as known as “the science of cybersecurity data”. Figure 2 shows the typical data-to-insight-to-decision transfer at different periods and general analytic stages in data science, in terms of a variety of analytics goals (G) and approaches (A) to achieve the data-to-decision goal [ 47 ].

figure 2

Data-to-insight-to-decision analytic stages in data science [ 47 ]

Based on the analytic power of data science including machine learning techniques, it can be a viable component of security strategies. By using data science techniques, security analysts can manipulate and analyze security data more effectively and efficiently, uncovering valuable insights from data. Thus, data science methodologies including machine learning techniques can be well utilized in the context of cybersecurity, in terms of problem understanding, gathering security data from diverse sources, preparing data to feed into the model, data-driven model building and updating, for providing smart security services, which motivates to define cybersecurity data science and to work in this research area.

Cybersecurity data science

In this section, we briefly discuss cybersecurity data science including various categories of cyber incidents data with the usage in different application areas, and the key terms and areas related to our study.

Understanding cybersecurity data

Data science is largely driven by the availability of data [ 48 ]. Datasets typically represent a collection of information records that consist of several attributes or features and related facts, in which cybersecurity data science is based on. Thus, it’s important to understand the nature of cybersecurity data containing various types of cyberattacks and relevant features. The reason is that raw security data collected from relevant cyber sources can be used to analyze the various patterns of security incidents or malicious behavior, to build a data-driven security model to achieve our goal. Several datasets exist in the area of cybersecurity including intrusion analysis, malware analysis, anomaly, fraud, or spam analysis that are used for various purposes. In Table 2 , we summarize several such datasets including their various features and attacks that are accessible on the Internet, and highlight their usage based on machine learning techniques in different cyber applications. Effectively analyzing and processing of these security features, building target machine learning-based security model according to the requirements, and eventually, data-driven decision making, could play a role to provide intelligent cybersecurity services that are discussed briefly in “ A multi-layered framework for smart cybersecurity services ” section.

Defining cybersecurity data science

Data science is transforming the world’s industries. It is critically important for the future of intelligent cybersecurity systems and services because of “security is all about data”. When we seek to detect cyber threats, we are analyzing the security data in the form of files, logs, network packets, or other relevant sources. Traditionally, security professionals didn’t use data science techniques to make detections based on these data sources. Instead, they used file hashes, custom-written rules like signatures, or manually defined heuristics [ 21 ]. Although these techniques have their own merits in several cases, it needs too much manual work to keep up with the changing cyber threat landscape. On the contrary, data science can make a massive shift in technology and its operations, where machine learning algorithms can be used to learn or extract insight of security incident patterns from the training data for their detection and prevention. For instance, to detect malware or suspicious trends, or to extract policy rules, these techniques can be used.

In recent days, the entire security industry is moving towards data science, because of its capability to transform raw data into decision making. To do this, several data-driven tasks can be associated, such as—(i) data engineering focusing practical applications of data gathering and analysis; (ii) reducing data volume that deals with filtering significant and relevant data to further analysis; (iii) discovery and detection that focuses on extracting insight or incident patterns or knowledge from data; (iv) automated models that focus on building data-driven intelligent security model; (v) targeted security  alerts focusing on the generation of remarkable security alerts based on discovered knowledge that minimizes the false alerts, and (vi) resource optimization that deals with the available resources to achieve the target goals in a security system. While making data-driven decisions, behavioral analysis could also play a significant role in the domain of cybersecurity [ 81 ].

Thus, the concept of cybersecurity data science incorporates the methods and techniques of data science and machine learning as well as the behavioral analytics of various security incidents. The combination of these technologies has given birth to the term “cybersecurity data science”, which refers to collect a large amount of security event data from different sources and analyze it using machine learning technologies for detecting security risks or attacks either through the discovery of useful insights or the latest data-driven patterns. It is, however, worth remembering that cybersecurity data science is not just about a collection of machine learning algorithms, rather,  a process that can help security professionals or analysts to scale and automate their security activities in a smart way and in a timely manner. Therefore, the formal definition can be as follows: “Cybersecurity data science is a research or working area existing at the intersection of cybersecurity, data science, and machine learning or artificial intelligence, which is mainly security data-focused, applies machine learning methods, attempts to quantify cyber-risks or incidents, and promotes inferential techniques to analyze behavioral patterns in security data. It also focuses on generating security response alerts, and eventually seeks for optimizing cybersecurity solutions, to build automated and intelligent cybersecurity systems.”

Table  3 highlights some key terms associated with cybersecurity data science. Overall, the outputs of cybersecurity data science are typically security data products, which can be a data-driven security model, policy rule discovery, risk or attack prediction, potential security service and recommendation, or the corresponding security system depending on the given security problem in the domain of cybersecurity. In the next section, we briefly discuss various machine learning tasks with examples within the scope of our study.

Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity

Machine learning (ML) is typically considered as a branch of “Artificial Intelligence”, which is closely related to computational statistics, data mining and analytics, data science, particularly focusing on making the computers to learn from data [ 82 , 83 ]. Thus, machine learning models typically comprise of a set of rules, methods, or complex “transfer functions” that can be applied to find interesting data patterns, or to recognize or predict behavior [ 84 ], which could play an important role in the area of cybersecurity. In the following, we discuss different methods that can be used to solve machine learning tasks and how they are related to cybersecurity tasks.

Supervised learning

Supervised learning is performed when specific targets are defined to reach from a certain set of inputs, i.e., task-driven approach. In the area of machine learning, the most popular supervised learning techniques are known as classification and regression methods [ 129 ]. These techniques are popular to classify or predict the future for a particular security problem. For instance, to predict denial-of-service attack (yes, no) or to identify different classes of network attacks such as scanning and spoofing, classification techniques can be used in the cybersecurity domain. ZeroR [ 83 ], OneR [ 130 ], Navies Bayes [ 131 ], Decision Tree [ 132 , 133 ], K-nearest neighbors [ 134 ], support vector machines [ 135 ], adaptive boosting [ 136 ], and logistic regression [ 137 ] are the well-known classification techniques. In addition, recently Sarker et al. have proposed BehavDT [ 133 ], and IntruDtree [ 106 ] classification techniques that are able to effectively build a data-driven predictive model. On the other hand, to predict the continuous or numeric value, e.g., total phishing attacks in a certain period or predicting the network packet parameters, regression techniques are useful. Regression analyses can also be used to detect the root causes of cybercrime and other types of fraud [ 138 ]. Linear regression [ 82 ], support vector regression [ 135 ] are the popular regression techniques. The main difference between classification and regression is that the output variable in the regression is numerical or continuous, while the predicted output for classification is categorical or discrete. Ensemble learning is an extension of supervised learning while mixing different simple models, e.g., Random Forest learning [ 139 ] that generates multiple decision trees to solve a particular security task.

Unsupervised learning

In unsupervised learning problems, the main task is to find patterns, structures, or knowledge in unlabeled data, i.e., data-driven approach [ 140 ]. In the area of cybersecurity, cyber-attacks like malware stays hidden in some ways, include changing their behavior dynamically and autonomously to avoid detection. Clustering techniques, a type of unsupervised learning, can help to uncover the hidden patterns and structures from the datasets, to identify indicators of such sophisticated attacks. Similarly, in identifying anomalies, policy violations, detecting, and eliminating noisy instances in data, clustering techniques can be useful. K-means [ 141 ], K-medoids [ 142 ] are the popular partitioning clustering algorithms, and single linkage [ 143 ] or complete linkage [ 144 ] are the well-known hierarchical clustering algorithms used in various application domains. Moreover, a bottom-up clustering approach proposed by Sarker et al. [ 145 ] can also be used by taking into account the data characteristics.

Besides, feature engineering tasks like optimal feature selection or extraction related to a particular security problem could be useful for further analysis [ 106 ]. Recently, Sarker et al. [ 106 ] have proposed an approach for selecting security features according to their importance score values. Moreover, Principal component analysis, linear discriminant analysis, pearson correlation analysis, or non-negative matrix factorization are the popular dimensionality reduction techniques to solve such issues [ 82 ]. Association rule learning is another example, where machine learning based policy rules can prevent cyber-attacks. In an expert system, the rules are usually manually defined by a knowledge engineer working in collaboration with a domain expert [ 37 , 140 , 146 ]. Association rule learning on the contrary, is the discovery of rules or relationships among a set of available security features or attributes in a given dataset [ 147 ]. To quantify the strength of relationships, correlation analysis can be used [ 138 ]. Many association rule mining algorithms have been proposed in the area of machine learning and data mining literature, such as logic-based [ 148 ], frequent pattern based [ 149 , 150 , 151 ], tree-based [ 152 ], etc. Recently, Sarker et al. [ 153 ] have proposed an association rule learning approach considering non-redundant generation, that can be used to discover a set of useful security policy rules. Moreover, AIS [ 147 ], Apriori [ 149 ], Apriori-TID and Apriori-Hybrid [ 149 ], FP-Tree [ 152 ], and RARM [ 154 ], and Eclat [ 155 ] are the well-known association rule learning algorithms that are capable to solve such problems by generating a set of policy rules in the domain of cybersecurity.

Neural networks and deep learning

Deep learning is a part of machine learning in the area of artificial intelligence, which is a computational model that is inspired by the biological neural networks in the human brain [ 82 ]. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is frequently used in deep learning and the most popular neural network algorithm is backpropagation [ 82 ]. It performs learning on a multi-layer feed-forward neural network consists of an input layer, one or more hidden layers, and an output layer. The main difference between deep learning and classical machine learning is its performance on the amount of security data increases. Typically deep learning algorithms perform well when the data volumes are large, whereas machine learning algorithms perform comparatively better on small datasets [ 44 ]. In our earlier work, Sarker et al. [ 129 ], we have illustrated the effectiveness of these approaches considering contextual datasets. However, deep learning approaches mimic the human brain mechanism to interpret large amount of data or the complex data such as images, sounds and texts [ 44 , 129 ]. In terms of feature extraction to build models, deep learning reduces the effort of designing a feature extractor for each problem than the classical machine learning techniques. Beside these characteristics, deep learning typically takes a long time to train an algorithm than a machine learning algorithm, however, the test time is exactly the opposite [ 44 ]. Thus, deep learning relies more on high-performance machines with GPUs than classical machine-learning algorithms [ 44 , 156 ]. The most popular deep neural network learning models include multi-layer perceptron (MLP) [ 157 ], convolutional neural network (CNN) [ 158 ], recurrent neural network (RNN) or long-short term memory (LSTM) network [ 121 , 158 ]. In recent days, researchers use these deep learning techniques for different purposes such as detecting network intrusions, malware traffic detection and classification, etc. in the domain of cybersecurity [ 44 , 159 ].

Other learning techniques

Semi-supervised learning can be described as a hybridization of supervised and unsupervised techniques discussed above, as it works on both the labeled and unlabeled data. In the area of cybersecurity, it could be useful, when it requires to label data automatically without human intervention, to improve the performance of cybersecurity models. Reinforcement techniques are another type of machine learning that characterizes an agent by creating its own learning experiences through interacting directly with the environment, i.e., environment-driven approach, where the environment is typically formulated as a Markov decision process and take decision based on a reward function [ 160 ]. Monte Carlo learning, Q-learning, Deep Q Networks, are the most common reinforcement learning algorithms [ 161 ]. For instance, in a recent work [ 126 ], the authors present an approach for detecting botnet traffic or malicious cyber activities using reinforcement learning combining with neural network classifier. In another work [ 128 ], the authors discuss about the application of deep reinforcement learning to intrusion detection for supervised problems, where they received the best results for the Deep Q-Network algorithm. In the context of cybersecurity, genetic algorithms that use fitness, selection, crossover, and mutation for finding optimization, could also be used to solve a similar class of learning problems [ 119 ].

Various types of machine learning techniques discussed above can be useful in the domain of cybersecurity, to build an effective security model. In Table  4 , we have summarized several machine learning techniques that are used to build various types of security models for various purposes. Although these models typically represent a learning-based security model, in this paper, we aim to focus on a comprehensive cybersecurity data science model and relevant issues, in order to build a data-driven intelligent security system. In the next section, we highlight several research issues and potential solutions in the area of cybersecurity data science.

Research issues and future directions

Our study opens several research issues and challenges in the area of cybersecurity data science to extract insight from relevant data towards data-driven intelligent decision making for cybersecurity solutions. In the following, we summarize these challenges ranging from data collection to decision making.

Cybersecurity datasets : Source datasets are the primary component to work in the area of cybersecurity data science. Most of the existing datasets are old and might insufficient in terms of understanding the recent behavioral patterns of various cyber-attacks. Although the data can be transformed into a meaningful understanding level after performing several processing tasks, there is still a lack of understanding of the characteristics of recent attacks and their patterns of happening. Thus, further processing or machine learning algorithms may provide a low accuracy rate for making the target decisions. Therefore, establishing a large number of recent datasets for a particular problem domain like cyber risk prediction or intrusion detection is needed, which could be one of the major challenges in cybersecurity data science.

Handling quality problems in cybersecurity datasets : The cyber datasets might be noisy, incomplete, insignificant, imbalanced, or may contain inconsistency instances related to a particular security incident. Such problems in a data set may affect the quality of the learning process and degrade the performance of the machine learning-based models [ 162 ]. To make a data-driven intelligent decision for cybersecurity solutions, such problems in data is needed to deal effectively before building the cyber models. Therefore, understanding such problems in cyber data and effectively handling such problems using existing algorithms or newly proposed algorithm for a particular problem domain like malware analysis or intrusion detection and prevention is needed, which could be another research issue in cybersecurity data science.

Security policy rule generation : Security policy rules reference security zones and enable a user to allow, restrict, and track traffic on the network based on the corresponding user or user group, and service, or the application. The policy rules including the general and more specific rules are compared against the incoming traffic in sequence during the execution, and the rule that matches the traffic is applied. The policy rules used in most of the cybersecurity systems are static and generated by human expertise or ontology-based [ 163 , 164 ]. Although, association rule learning techniques produce rules from data, however, there is a problem of redundancy generation [ 153 ] that makes the policy rule-set complex. Therefore, understanding such problems in policy rule generation and effectively handling such problems using existing algorithms or newly proposed algorithm for a particular problem domain like access control [ 165 ] is needed, which could be another research issue in cybersecurity data science.

Hybrid learning method : Most commercial products in the cybersecurity domain contain signature-based intrusion detection techniques [ 41 ]. However, missing features or insufficient profiling can cause these techniques to miss unknown attacks. In that case, anomaly-based detection techniques or hybrid technique combining signature-based and anomaly-based can be used to overcome such issues. A hybrid technique combining multiple learning techniques or a combination of deep learning and machine-learning methods can be used to extract the target insight for a particular problem domain like intrusion detection, malware analysis, access control, etc. and make the intelligent decision for corresponding cybersecurity solutions.

Protecting the valuable security information : Another issue of a cyber data attack is the loss of extremely valuable data and information, which could be damaging for an organization. With the use of encryption or highly complex signatures, one can stop others from probing into a dataset. In such cases, cybersecurity data science can be used to build a data-driven impenetrable protocol to protect such security information. To achieve this goal, cyber analysts can develop algorithms by analyzing the history of cyberattacks to detect the most frequently targeted chunks of data. Thus, understanding such data protecting problems and designing corresponding algorithms to effectively handling these problems, could be another research issue in the area of cybersecurity data science.

Context-awareness in cybersecurity : Existing cybersecurity work mainly originates from the relevant cyber data containing several low-level features. When data mining and machine learning techniques are applied to such datasets, a related pattern can be identified that describes it properly. However, a broader contextual information [ 140 , 145 , 166 ] like temporal, spatial, relationship among events or connections, dependency can be used to decide whether there exists a suspicious activity or not. For instance, some approaches may consider individual connections as DoS attacks, while security experts might not treat them as malicious by themselves. Thus, a significant limitation of existing cybersecurity work is the lack of using the contextual information for predicting risks or attacks. Therefore, context-aware adaptive cybersecurity solutions could be another research issue in cybersecurity data science.

Feature engineering in cybersecurity : The efficiency and effectiveness of a machine learning-based security model has always been a major challenge due to the high volume of network data with a large number of traffic features. The large dimensionality of data has been addressed using several techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA) [ 167 ], singular value decomposition (SVD) [ 168 ] etc. In addition to low-level features in the datasets, the contextual relationships between suspicious activities might be relevant. Such contextual data can be stored in an ontology or taxonomy for further processing. Thus how to effectively select the optimal features or extract the significant features considering both the low-level features as well as the contextual features, for effective cybersecurity solutions could be another research issue in cybersecurity data science.

Remarkable security alert generation and prioritizing : In many cases, the cybersecurity system may not be well defined and may cause a substantial number of false alarms that are unexpected in an intelligent system. For instance, an IDS deployed in a real-world network generates around nine million alerts per day [ 169 ]. A network-based intrusion detection system typically looks at the incoming traffic for matching the associated patterns to detect risks, threats or vulnerabilities and generate security alerts. However, to respond to each such alert might not be effective as it consumes relatively huge amounts of time and resources, and consequently may result in a self-inflicted DoS. To overcome this problem, a high-level management is required that correlate the security alerts considering the current context and their logical relationship including their prioritization before reporting them to users, which could be another research issue in cybersecurity data science.

Recency analysis in cybersecurity solutions : Machine learning-based security models typically use a large amount of static data to generate data-driven decisions. Anomaly detection systems rely on constructing such a model considering normal behavior and anomaly, according to their patterns. However, normal behavior in a large and dynamic security system is not well defined and it may change over time, which can be considered as an incremental growing of dataset. The patterns in incremental datasets might be changed in several cases. This often results in a substantial number of false alarms known as false positives. Thus, a recent malicious behavioral pattern is more likely to be interesting and significant than older ones for predicting unknown attacks. Therefore, effectively using the concept of recency analysis [ 170 ] in cybersecurity solutions could be another issue in cybersecurity data science.

The most important work for an intelligent cybersecurity system is to develop an effective framework that supports data-driven decision making. In such a framework, we need to consider advanced data analysis based on machine learning techniques, so that the framework is capable to minimize these issues and to provide automated and intelligent security services. Thus, a well-designed security framework for cybersecurity data and the experimental evaluation is a very important direction and a big challenge as well. In the next section, we suggest and discuss a data-driven cybersecurity framework based on machine learning techniques considering multiple processing layers.

A multi-layered framework for smart cybersecurity services

As discussed earlier, cybersecurity data science is data-focused, applies machine learning methods, attempts to quantify cyber risks, promotes inferential techniques to analyze behavioral patterns, focuses on generating security response alerts, and eventually seeks for optimizing cybersecurity operations. Hence, we briefly discuss a multiple data processing layered framework that potentially can be used to discover security insights from the raw data to build smart cybersecurity systems, e.g., dynamic policy rule-based access control or intrusion detection and prevention system. To make a data-driven intelligent decision in the resultant cybersecurity system, understanding the security problems and the nature of corresponding security data and their vast analysis is needed. For this purpose, our suggested framework not only considers the machine learning techniques to build the security model but also takes into account the incremental learning and dynamism to keep the model up-to-date and corresponding response generation, which could be more effective and intelligent for providing the expected services. Figure 3 shows an overview of the framework, involving several processing layers, from raw security event data to services. In the following, we briefly discuss the working procedure of the framework.

figure 3

A generic multi-layered framework based on machine learning techniques for smart cybersecurity services

Security data collecting

Collecting valuable cybersecurity data is a crucial step, which forms a connecting link between security problems in cyberinfrastructure and corresponding data-driven solution steps in this framework, shown in Fig.  3 . The reason is that cyber data can serve as the source for setting up ground truth of the security model that affect the model performance. The quality and quantity of cyber data decide the feasibility and effectiveness of solving the security problem according to our goal. Thus, the concern is how to collect valuable and unique needs data for building the data-driven security models.

The general step to collect and manage security data from diverse data sources is based on a particular security problem and project within the enterprise. Data sources can be classified into several broad categories such as network, host, and hybrid [ 171 ]. Within the network infrastructure, the security system can leverage different types of security data such as IDS logs, firewall logs, network traffic data, packet data, and honeypot data, etc. for providing the target security services. For instance, a given IP is considered malicious or not, could be detected by performing data analysis utilizing the data of IP addresses and their cyber activities. In the domain of cybersecurity, the network source mentioned above is considered as the primary security event source to analyze. In the host category, it collects data from an organization’s host machines, where the data sources can be operating system logs, database access logs, web server logs, email logs, application logs, etc. Collecting data from both the network and host machines are considered a hybrid category. Overall, in a data collection layer the network activity, database activity, application activity, and user activity can be the possible security event sources in the context of cybersecurity data science.

Security data preparing

After collecting the raw security data from various sources according to the problem domain discussed above, this layer is responsible to prepare the raw data for building the model by applying various necessary processes. However, not all of the collected data contributes to the model building process in the domain of cybersecurity [ 172 ]. Therefore, the useless data should be removed from the rest of the data captured by the network sniffer. Moreover, data might be noisy, have missing or corrupted values, or have attributes of widely varying types and scales. High quality of data is necessary for achieving higher accuracy in a data-driven model, which is a process of learning a function that maps an input to an output based on example input-output pairs. Thus, it might require a procedure for data cleaning, handling missing or corrupted values. Moreover, security data features or attributes can be in different types, such as continuous, discrete, or symbolic [ 106 ]. Beyond a solid understanding of these types of data and attributes and their permissible operations, its need to preprocess the data and attributes to convert into the target type. Besides, the raw data can be in different types such as structured, semi-structured, or unstructured, etc. Thus, normalization, transformation, or collation can be useful to organize the data in a structured manner. In some cases, natural language processing techniques might be useful depending on data type and characteristics, e.g., textual contents. As both the quality and quantity of data decide the feasibility of solving the security problem, effectively pre-processing and management of data and their representation can play a significant role to build an effective security model for intelligent services.

Machine learning-based security modeling

This is the core step where insights and knowledge are extracted from data through the application of cybersecurity data science. In this section, we particularly focus on machine learning-based modeling as machine learning techniques can significantly change the cybersecurity landscape. The security features or attributes and their patterns in data are of high interest to be discovered and analyzed to extract security insights. To achieve the goal, a deeper understanding of data and machine learning-based analytical models utilizing a large number of cybersecurity data can be effective. Thus, various machine learning tasks can be involved in this model building layer according to the solution perspective. These are - security feature engineering that mainly responsible to transform raw security data into informative features that effectively represent the underlying security problem to the data-driven models. Thus, several data-processing tasks such as feature transformation and normalization, feature selection by taking into account a subset of available security features according to their correlations or importance in modeling, or feature generation and extraction by creating new brand principal components, may be involved in this module according to the security data characteristics. For instance, the chi-squared test, analysis of variance test, correlation coefficient analysis, feature importance, as well as discriminant and principal component analysis, or singular value decomposition, etc. can be used for analyzing the significance of the security features to perform the security feature engineering tasks [ 82 ].

Another significant module is security data clustering that uncovers hidden patterns and structures through huge volumes of security data, to identify where the new threats exist. It typically involves the grouping of security data with similar characteristics, which can be used to solve several cybersecurity problems such as detecting anomalies, policy violations, etc. Malicious behavior or anomaly detection module is typically responsible to identify a deviation to a known behavior, where clustering-based analysis and techniques can also be used to detect malicious behavior or anomaly detection. In the cybersecurity area, attack classification or prediction is treated as one of the most significant modules, which is responsible to build a prediction model to classify attacks or threats and to predict future for a particular security problem. To predict denial-of-service attack or a spam filter separating tasks from other messages, could be the relevant examples. Association learning or policy rule generation module can play a role to build an expert security system that comprises several IF-THEN rules that define attacks. Thus, in a problem of policy rule generation for rule-based access control system, association learning can be used as it discovers the associations or relationships among a set of available security features in a given security dataset. The popular machine learning algorithms in these categories are briefly discussed in “  Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity ” section. The module model selection or customization is responsible to choose whether it uses the existing machine learning model or needed to customize. Analyzing data and building models based on traditional machine learning or deep learning methods, could achieve acceptable results in certain cases in the domain of cybersecurity. However, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency or other performance measurements considering time complexity, generalization capacity, and most importantly the impact of the algorithm on the detection rate of a system, machine learning models are needed to customize for a specific security problem. Moreover, customizing the related techniques and data could improve the performance of the resultant security model and make it better applicable in a cybersecurity domain. The modules discussed above can work separately and combinedly depending on the target security problems.

Incremental learning and dynamism

In our framework, this layer is concerned with finalizing the resultant security model by incorporating additional intelligence according to the needs. This could be possible by further processing in several modules. For instance, the post-processing and improvement module in this layer could play a role to simplify the extracted knowledge according to the particular requirements by incorporating domain-specific knowledge. As the attack classification or prediction models based on machine learning techniques strongly rely on the training data, it can hardly be generalized to other datasets, which could be significant for some applications. To address such kind of limitations, this module is responsible to utilize the domain knowledge in the form of taxonomy or ontology to improve attack correlation in cybersecurity applications.

Another significant module recency mining and updating security model is responsible to keep the security model up-to-date for better performance by extracting the latest data-driven security patterns. The extracted knowledge discussed in the earlier layer is based on a static initial dataset considering the overall patterns in the datasets. However, such knowledge might not be guaranteed higher performance in several cases, because of incremental security data with recent patterns. In many cases, such incremental data may contain different patterns which could conflict with existing knowledge. Thus, the concept of RecencyMiner [ 170 ] on incremental security data and extracting new patterns can be more effective than the existing old patterns. The reason is that recent security patterns and rules are more likely to be significant than older ones for predicting cyber risks or attacks. Rather than processing the whole security data again, recency-based dynamic updating according to the new patterns would be more efficient in terms of processing and outcome. This could make the resultant cybersecurity model intelligent and dynamic. Finally, response planning and decision making module is responsible to make decisions based on the extracted insights and take necessary actions to prevent the system from the cyber-attacks to provide automated and intelligent services. The services might be different depending on particular requirements for a given security problem.

Overall, this framework is a generic description which potentially can be used to discover useful insights from security data, to build smart cybersecurity systems, to address complex security challenges, such as intrusion detection, access control management, detecting anomalies and fraud, or denial of service attacks, etc. in the area of cybersecurity data science.

Although several research efforts have been directed towards cybersecurity solutions, discussed in “ Background ” , “ Cybersecurity data science ”, and “ Machine learning tasks in cybersecurity ” sections in different directions, this paper presents a comprehensive view of cybersecurity data science. For this, we have conducted a literature review to understand cybersecurity data, various defense strategies including intrusion detection techniques, different types of machine learning techniques in cybersecurity tasks. Based on our discussion on existing work, several research issues related to security datasets, data quality problems, policy rule generation, learning methods, data protection, feature engineering, security alert generation, recency analysis etc. are identified that require further research attention in the domain of cybersecurity data science.

The scope of cybersecurity data science is broad. Several data-driven tasks such as intrusion detection and prevention, access control management, security policy generation, anomaly detection, spam filtering, fraud detection and prevention, various types of malware attack detection and defense strategies, etc. can be considered as the scope of cybersecurity data science. Such tasks based categorization could be helpful for security professionals including the researchers and practitioners who are interested in the domain-specific aspects of security systems [ 171 ]. The output of cybersecurity data science can be used in many application areas such as Internet of things (IoT) security [ 173 ], network security [ 174 ], cloud security [ 175 ], mobile and web applications [ 26 ], and other relevant cyber areas. Moreover, intelligent cybersecurity solutions are important for the banking industry, the healthcare sector, or the public sector, where data breaches typically occur [ 36 , 176 ]. Besides, the data-driven security solutions could also be effective in AI-based blockchain technology, where AI works with huge volumes of security event data to extract the useful insights using machine learning techniques, and block-chain as a trusted platform to store such data [ 177 ].

Although in this paper, we discuss cybersecurity data science focusing on examining raw security data to data-driven decision making for intelligent security solutions, it could also be related to big data analytics in terms of data processing and decision making. Big data deals with data sets that are too large or complex having characteristics of high data volume, velocity, and variety. Big data analytics mainly has two parts consisting of data management involving data storage, and analytics [ 178 ]. The analytics typically describe the process of analyzing such datasets to discover patterns, unknown correlations, rules, and other useful insights [ 179 ]. Thus, several advanced data analysis techniques such as AI, data mining, machine learning could play an important role in processing big data by converting big problems to small problems [ 180 ]. To do this, the potential strategies like parallelization, divide-and-conquer, incremental learning, sampling, granular computing, feature or instance selection, can be used to make better decisions, reducing costs, or enabling more efficient processing. In such cases, the concept of cybersecurity data science, particularly machine learning-based modeling could be helpful for process automation and decision making for intelligent security solutions. Moreover, researchers could consider modified algorithms or models for handing big data on parallel computing platforms like Hadoop, Storm, etc. [ 181 ].

Based on the concept of cybersecurity data science discussed in the paper, building a data-driven security model for a particular security problem and relevant empirical evaluation to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the model, and to asses the usability in the real-world application domain could be a future work.

Motivated by the growing significance of cybersecurity and data science, and machine learning technologies, in this paper, we have discussed how cybersecurity data science applies to data-driven intelligent decision making in smart cybersecurity systems and services. We also have discussed how it can impact security data, both in terms of extracting insight of security incidents and the dataset itself. We aimed to work on cybersecurity data science by discussing the state of the art concerning security incidents data and corresponding security services. We also discussed how machine learning techniques can impact in the domain of cybersecurity, and examine the security challenges that remain. In terms of existing research, much focus has been provided on traditional security solutions, with less available work in machine learning technique based security systems. For each common technique, we have discussed relevant security research. The purpose of this article is to share an overview of the conceptualization, understanding, modeling, and thinking about cybersecurity data science.

We have further identified and discussed various key issues in security analysis to showcase the signpost of future research directions in the domain of cybersecurity data science. Based on the knowledge, we have also provided a generic multi-layered framework of cybersecurity data science model based on machine learning techniques, where the data is being gathered from diverse sources, and the analytics complement the latest data-driven patterns for providing intelligent security services. The framework consists of several main phases - security data collecting, data preparation, machine learning-based security modeling, and incremental learning and dynamism for smart cybersecurity systems and services. We specifically focused on extracting insights from security data, from setting a research design with particular attention to concepts for data-driven intelligent security solutions.

Overall, this paper aimed not only to discuss cybersecurity data science and relevant methods but also to discuss the applicability towards data-driven intelligent decision making in cybersecurity systems and services from machine learning perspectives. Our analysis and discussion can have several implications both for security researchers and practitioners. For researchers, we have highlighted several issues and directions for future research. Other areas for potential research include empirical evaluation of the suggested data-driven model, and comparative analysis with other security systems. For practitioners, the multi-layered machine learning-based model can be used as a reference in designing intelligent cybersecurity systems for organizations. We believe that our study on cybersecurity data science opens a promising path and can be used as a reference guide for both academia and industry for future research and applications in the area of cybersecurity.

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.


  • Machine learning

Artificial Intelligence

Information and communication technology

Internet of Things

Distributed Denial of Service

Intrusion detection system

Intrusion prevention system

Host-based intrusion detection systems

Network Intrusion Detection Systems

Signature-based intrusion detection system

Anomaly-based intrusion detection system

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Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, VIC, 3122, Australia

Iqbal H. Sarker

Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong, 4349, Bangladesh

La Trobe University, Melbourne, VIC, 3086, Australia

A. S. M. Kayes, Paul Watters & Alex Ng

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Shahriar Badsha

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Sarker, I.H., Kayes, A.S.M., Badsha, S. et al. Cybersecurity data science: an overview from machine learning perspective. J Big Data 7 , 41 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-020-00318-5

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Received : 26 October 2019

Accepted : 21 June 2020

Published : 01 July 2020

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s40537-020-00318-5

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Data Security and Privacy Concepts, Approaches, and Research Directions

Profile image of Rahul Tatar

—Data are today an asset more critical than ever for all organizations we may think of. Recent advances and trends, such as sensor systems, IoT, cloud computing, and data analytics, are making possible to pervasively, efficiently, and effectively collect data. However for data to be used to their full power, data security and privacy are critical. Even though data security and privacy have been widely investigated over the past thirty years, today we face new difficult data security and privacy challenges. Some of those challenges arise from increasing privacy concerns with respect to the use of data and from the need of reconciling privacy with the use of data for security in applications such as homeland protection, counterterrorism, and health, food and water security. Other challenges arise because the deployments of new data collection and processing devices, such as those used in IoT systems, increase the data attack surface. In this paper, we discuss relevant concepts and approaches for data security and privacy, and identify research challenges that must be addressed by comprehensive solutions to data security and privacy.

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Arash N. Kia

Martin mullins, finbarr murphy, stefan materne, associated data.

Cybercrime is estimated to have cost the global economy just under USD 1 trillion in 2020, indicating an increase of more than 50% since 2018. With the average cyber insurance claim rising from USD 145,000 in 2019 to USD 359,000 in 2020, there is a growing necessity for better cyber information sources, standardised databases, mandatory reporting and public awareness. This research analyses the extant academic and industry literature on cybersecurity and cyber risk management with a particular focus on data availability. From a preliminary search resulting in 5219 cyber peer-reviewed studies, the application of the systematic methodology resulted in 79 unique datasets. We posit that the lack of available data on cyber risk poses a serious problem for stakeholders seeking to tackle this issue. In particular, we identify a lacuna in open databases that undermine collective endeavours to better manage this set of risks. The resulting data evaluation and categorisation will support cybersecurity researchers and the insurance industry in their efforts to comprehend, metricise and manage cyber risks.

Supplementary Information

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1057/s41288-022-00266-6.


Globalisation, digitalisation and smart technologies have escalated the propensity and severity of cybercrime. Whilst it is an emerging field of research and industry, the importance of robust cybersecurity defence systems has been highlighted at the corporate, national and supranational levels. The impacts of inadequate cybersecurity are estimated to have cost the global economy USD 945 billion in 2020 (Maleks Smith et al. 2020 ). Cyber vulnerabilities pose significant corporate risks, including business interruption, breach of privacy and financial losses (Sheehan et al. 2019 ). Despite the increasing relevance for the international economy, the availability of data on cyber risks remains limited. The reasons for this are many. Firstly, it is an emerging and evolving risk; therefore, historical data sources are limited (Biener et al. 2015 ). It could also be due to the fact that, in general, institutions that have been hacked do not publish the incidents (Eling and Schnell 2016 ). The lack of data poses challenges for many areas, such as research, risk management and cybersecurity (Falco et al. 2019 ). The importance of this topic is demonstrated by the announcement of the European Council in April 2021 that a centre of excellence for cybersecurity will be established to pool investments in research, technology and industrial development. The goal of this centre is to increase the security of the internet and other critical network and information systems (European Council 2021 ).

This research takes a risk management perspective, focusing on cyber risk and considering the role of cybersecurity and cyber insurance in risk mitigation and risk transfer. The study reviews the existing literature and open data sources related to cybersecurity and cyber risk. This is the first systematic review of data availability in the general context of cyber risk and cybersecurity. By identifying and critically analysing the available datasets, this paper supports the research community by aggregating, summarising and categorising all available open datasets. In addition, further information on datasets is attached to provide deeper insights and support stakeholders engaged in cyber risk control and cybersecurity. Finally, this research paper highlights the need for open access to cyber-specific data, without price or permission barriers.

The identified open data can support cyber insurers in their efforts on sustainable product development. To date, traditional risk assessment methods have been untenable for insurance companies due to the absence of historical claims data (Sheehan et al. 2021 ). These high levels of uncertainty mean that cyber insurers are more inclined to overprice cyber risk cover (Kshetri 2018 ). Combining external data with insurance portfolio data therefore seems to be essential to improve the evaluation of the risk and thus lead to risk-adjusted pricing (Bessy-Roland et al. 2021 ). This argument is also supported by the fact that some re/insurers reported that they are working to improve their cyber pricing models (e.g. by creating or purchasing databases from external providers) (EIOPA 2018 ). Figure  1 provides an overview of pricing tools and factors considered in the estimation of cyber insurance based on the findings of EIOPA ( 2018 ) and the research of Romanosky et al. ( 2019 ). The term cyber risk refers to all cyber risks and their potential impact.

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An overview of the current cyber insurance informational and methodological landscape, adapted from EIOPA ( 2018 ) and Romanosky et al. ( 2019 )

Besides the advantage of risk-adjusted pricing, the availability of open datasets helps companies benchmark their internal cyber posture and cybersecurity measures. The research can also help to improve risk awareness and corporate behaviour. Many companies still underestimate their cyber risk (Leong and Chen 2020 ). For policymakers, this research offers starting points for a comprehensive recording of cyber risks. Although in many countries, companies are obliged to report data breaches to the respective supervisory authority, this information is usually not accessible to the research community. Furthermore, the economic impact of these breaches is usually unclear.

As well as the cyber risk management community, this research also supports cybersecurity stakeholders. Researchers are provided with an up-to-date, peer-reviewed literature of available datasets showing where these datasets have been used. For example, this includes datasets that have been used to evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasures in simulated cyberattacks or to test intrusion detection systems. This reduces a time-consuming search for suitable datasets and ensures a comprehensive review of those available. Through the dataset descriptions, researchers and industry stakeholders can compare and select the most suitable datasets for their purposes. In addition, it is possible to combine the datasets from one source in the context of cybersecurity or cyber risk. This supports efficient and timely progress in cyber risk research and is beneficial given the dynamic nature of cyber risks.

Cyber risks are defined as “operational risks to information and technology assets that have consequences affecting the confidentiality, availability, and/or integrity of information or information systems” (Cebula et al. 2014 ). Prominent cyber risk events include data breaches and cyberattacks (Agrafiotis et al. 2018 ). The increasing exposure and potential impact of cyber risk have been highlighted in recent industry reports (e.g. Allianz 2021 ; World Economic Forum 2020 ). Cyberattacks on critical infrastructures are ranked 5th in the World Economic Forum's Global Risk Report. Ransomware, malware and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) are examples of the evolving modes of a cyberattack. One example is the ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline, which shut down the 5500 mile pipeline system that delivers 2.5 million barrels of fuel per day and critical liquid fuel infrastructure from oil refineries to states along the U.S. East Coast (Brower and McCormick 2021 ). These and other cyber incidents have led the U.S. to strengthen its cybersecurity and introduce, among other things, a public body to analyse major cyber incidents and make recommendations to prevent a recurrence (Murphey 2021a ). Another example of the scope of cyberattacks is the ransomware NotPetya in 2017. The damage amounted to USD 10 billion, as the ransomware exploited a vulnerability in the windows system, allowing it to spread independently worldwide in the network (GAO 2021 ). In the same year, the ransomware WannaCry was launched by cybercriminals. The cyberattack on Windows software took user data hostage in exchange for Bitcoin cryptocurrency (Smart 2018 ). The victims included the National Health Service in Great Britain. As a result, ambulances were redirected to other hospitals because of information technology (IT) systems failing, leaving people in need of urgent assistance waiting. It has been estimated that 19,000 cancelled treatment appointments resulted from losses of GBP 92 million (Field 2018 ). Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ransomware attacks increased significantly, as working from home arrangements increased vulnerability (Murphey 2021b ).

Besides cyberattacks, data breaches can also cause high costs. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), companies are obliged to protect personal data and safeguard the data protection rights of all individuals in the EU area. The GDPR allows data protection authorities in each country to impose sanctions and fines on organisations they find in breach. “For data breaches, the maximum fine can be €20 million or 4% of global turnover, whichever is higher” (GDPR.EU 2021 ). Data breaches often involve a large amount of sensitive data that has been accessed, unauthorised, by external parties, and are therefore considered important for information security due to their far-reaching impact (Goode et al. 2017 ). A data breach is defined as a “security incident in which sensitive, protected, or confidential data are copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen, or used by an unauthorized individual” (Freeha et al. 2021 ). Depending on the amount of data, the extent of the damage caused by a data breach can be significant, with the average cost being USD 392 million 1 (IBM Security 2020 ).

This research paper reviews the existing literature and open data sources related to cybersecurity and cyber risk, focusing on the datasets used to improve academic understanding and advance the current state-of-the-art in cybersecurity. Furthermore, important information about the available datasets is presented (e.g. use cases), and a plea is made for open data and the standardisation of cyber risk data for academic comparability and replication. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. The next section describes the related work regarding cybersecurity and cyber risks. The third section outlines the review method used in this work and the process. The fourth section details the results of the identified literature. Further discussion is presented in the penultimate section and the final section concludes.

Related work

Due to the significance of cyber risks, several literature reviews have been conducted in this field. Eling ( 2020 ) reviewed the existing academic literature on the topic of cyber risk and cyber insurance from an economic perspective. A total of 217 papers with the term ‘cyber risk’ were identified and classified in different categories. As a result, open research questions are identified, showing that research on cyber risks is still in its infancy because of their dynamic and emerging nature. Furthermore, the author highlights that particular focus should be placed on the exchange of information between public and private actors. An improved information flow could help to measure the risk more accurately and thus make cyber risks more insurable and help risk managers to determine the right level of cyber risk for their company. In the context of cyber insurance data, Romanosky et al. ( 2019 ) analysed the underwriting process for cyber insurance and revealed how cyber insurers understand and assess cyber risks. For this research, they examined 235 American cyber insurance policies that were publicly available and looked at three components (coverage, application questionnaires and pricing). The authors state in their findings that many of the insurers used very simple, flat-rate pricing (based on a single calculation of expected loss), while others used more parameters such as the asset value of the company (or company revenue) or standard insurance metrics (e.g. deductible, limits), and the industry in the calculation. This is in keeping with Eling ( 2020 ), who states that an increased amount of data could help to make cyber risk more accurately measured and thus more insurable. Similar research on cyber insurance and data was conducted by Nurse et al. ( 2020 ). The authors examined cyber insurance practitioners' perceptions and the challenges they face in collecting and using data. In addition, gaps were identified during the research where further data is needed. The authors concluded that cyber insurance is still in its infancy, and there are still several unanswered questions (for example, cyber valuation, risk calculation and recovery). They also pointed out that a better understanding of data collection and use in cyber insurance would be invaluable for future research and practice. Bessy-Roland et al. ( 2021 ) come to a similar conclusion. They proposed a multivariate Hawkes framework to model and predict the frequency of cyberattacks. They used a public dataset with characteristics of data breaches affecting the U.S. industry. In the conclusion, the authors make the argument that an insurer has a better knowledge of cyber losses, but that it is based on a small dataset and therefore combination with external data sources seems essential to improve the assessment of cyber risks.

Several systematic reviews have been published in the area of cybersecurity (Kruse et al. 2017 ; Lee et al. 2020 ; Loukas et al. 2013 ; Ulven and Wangen 2021 ). In these papers, the authors concentrated on a specific area or sector in the context of cybersecurity. This paper adds to this extant literature by focusing on data availability and its importance to risk management and insurance stakeholders. With a priority on healthcare and cybersecurity, Kruse et al. ( 2017 ) conducted a systematic literature review. The authors identified 472 articles with the keywords ‘cybersecurity and healthcare’ or ‘ransomware’ in the databases Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PubMed and Proquest. Articles were eligible for this review if they satisfied three criteria: (1) they were published between 2006 and 2016, (2) the full-text version of the article was available, and (3) the publication is a peer-reviewed or scholarly journal. The authors found that technological development and federal policies (in the U.S.) are the main factors exposing the health sector to cyber risks. Loukas et al. ( 2013 ) conducted a review with a focus on cyber risks and cybersecurity in emergency management. The authors provided an overview of cyber risks in communication, sensor, information management and vehicle technologies used in emergency management and showed areas for which there is still no solution in the literature. Similarly, Ulven and Wangen ( 2021 ) reviewed the literature on cybersecurity risks in higher education institutions. For the literature review, the authors used the keywords ‘cyber’, ‘information threats’ or ‘vulnerability’ in connection with the terms ‘higher education, ‘university’ or ‘academia’. A similar literature review with a focus on Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity was conducted by Lee et al. ( 2020 ). The review revealed that qualitative approaches focus on high-level frameworks, and quantitative approaches to cybersecurity risk management focus on risk assessment and quantification of cyberattacks and impacts. In addition, the findings presented a four-step IoT cyber risk management framework that identifies, quantifies and prioritises cyber risks.

Datasets are an essential part of cybersecurity research, underlined by the following works. Ilhan Firat et al. ( 2021 ) examined various cybersecurity datasets in detail. The study was motivated by the fact that with the proliferation of the internet and smart technologies, the mode of cyberattacks is also evolving. However, in order to prevent such attacks, they must first be detected; the dissemination and further development of cybersecurity datasets is therefore critical. In their work, the authors observed studies of datasets used in intrusion detection systems. Khraisat et al. ( 2019 ) also identified a need for new datasets in the context of cybersecurity. The researchers presented a taxonomy of current intrusion detection systems, a comprehensive review of notable recent work, and an overview of the datasets commonly used for assessment purposes. In their conclusion, the authors noted that new datasets are needed because most machine-learning techniques are trained and evaluated on the knowledge of old datasets. These datasets do not contain new and comprehensive information and are partly derived from datasets from 1999. The authors noted that the core of this issue is the availability of new public datasets as well as their quality. The availability of data, how it is used, created and shared was also investigated by Zheng et al. ( 2018 ). The researchers analysed 965 cybersecurity research papers published between 2012 and 2016. They created a taxonomy of the types of data that are created and shared and then analysed the data collected via datasets. The researchers concluded that while datasets are recognised as valuable for cybersecurity research, the proportion of publicly available datasets is limited.

The main contributions of this review and what differentiates it from previous studies can be summarised as follows. First, as far as we can tell, it is the first work to summarise all available datasets on cyber risk and cybersecurity in the context of a systematic review and present them to the scientific community and cyber insurance and cybersecurity stakeholders. Second, we investigated, analysed, and made available the datasets to support efficient and timely progress in cyber risk research. And third, we enable comparability of datasets so that the appropriate dataset can be selected depending on the research area.


Process and eligibility criteria.

The structure of this systematic review is inspired by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework (Page et al. 2021 ), and the search was conducted from 3 to 10 May 2021. Due to the continuous development of cyber risks and their countermeasures, only articles published in the last 10 years were considered. In addition, only articles published in peer-reviewed journals written in English were included. As a final criterion, only articles that make use of one or more cybersecurity or cyber risk datasets met the inclusion criteria. Specifically, these studies presented new or existing datasets, used them for methods, or used them to verify new results, as well as analysed them in an economic context and pointed out their effects. The criterion was fulfilled if it was clearly stated in the abstract that one or more datasets were used. A detailed explanation of this selection criterion can be found in the ‘Study selection’ section.

Information sources

In order to cover a complete spectrum of literature, various databases were queried to collect relevant literature on the topic of cybersecurity and cyber risks. Due to the spread of related articles across multiple databases, the literature search was limited to the following four databases for simplicity: IEEE Xplore, Scopus, SpringerLink and Web of Science. This is similar to other literature reviews addressing cyber risks or cybersecurity, including Sardi et al. ( 2021 ), Franke and Brynielsson ( 2014 ), Lagerström (2019), Eling and Schnell ( 2016 ) and Eling ( 2020 ). In this paper, all databases used in the aforementioned works were considered. However, only two studies also used all the databases listed. The IEEE Xplore database contains electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics work from over 200 journals and three million conference papers (IEEE 2021 ). Scopus includes 23,400 peer-reviewed journals from more than 5000 international publishers in the areas of science, engineering, medicine, social sciences and humanities (Scopus 2021 ). SpringerLink contains 3742 journals and indexes over 10 million scientific documents (SpringerLink 2021 ). Finally, Web of Science indexes over 9200 journals in different scientific disciplines (Science 2021 ).

A search string was created and applied to all databases. To make the search efficient and reproducible, the following search string with Boolean operator was used in all databases: cybersecurity OR cyber risk AND dataset OR database. To ensure uniformity of the search across all databases, some adjustments had to be made for the respective search engines. In Scopus, for example, the Advanced Search was used, and the field code ‘Title-ABS-KEY’ was integrated into the search string. For IEEE Xplore, the search was carried out with the Search String in the Command Search and ‘All Metadata’. In the Web of Science database, the Advanced Search was used. The special feature of this search was that it had to be carried out in individual steps. The first search was carried out with the terms cybersecurity OR cyber risk with the field tag Topic (T.S. =) and the second search with dataset OR database. Subsequently, these searches were combined, which then delivered the searched articles for review. For SpringerLink, the search string was used in the Advanced Search under the category ‘Find the resources with all of the words’. After conducting this search string, 5219 studies could be found. According to the eligibility criteria (period, language and only scientific journals), 1581 studies were identified in the databases:

  • Scopus: 135
  • Springer Link: 548
  • Web of Science: 534

An overview of the process is given in Fig.  2 . Combined with the results from the four databases, 854 articles without duplicates were identified.

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Literature search process and categorisation of the studies

Study selection

In the final step of the selection process, the articles were screened for relevance. Due to a large number of results, the abstracts were analysed in the first step of the process. The aim was to determine whether the article was relevant for the systematic review. An article fulfilled the criterion if it was recognisable in the abstract that it had made a contribution to datasets or databases with regard to cyber risks or cybersecurity. Specifically, the criterion was considered to be met if the abstract used datasets that address the causes or impacts of cyber risks, and measures in the area of cybersecurity. In this process, the number of articles was reduced to 288. The articles were then read in their entirety, and an expert panel of six people decided whether they should be used. This led to a final number of 255 articles. The years in which the articles were published and the exact number can be seen in Fig.  3 .

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Distribution of studies

Data collection process and synthesis of the results

For the data collection process, various data were extracted from the studies, including the names of the respective creators, the name of the dataset or database and the corresponding reference. It was also determined where the data came from. In the context of accessibility, it was determined whether access is free, controlled, available for purchase or not available. It was also determined when the datasets were created and the time period referenced. The application type and domain characteristics of the datasets were identified.

This section analyses the results of the systematic literature review. The previously identified studies are divided into three categories: datasets on the causes of cyber risks, datasets on the effects of cyber risks and datasets on cybersecurity. The classification is based on the intended use of the studies. This system of classification makes it easier for stakeholders to find the appropriate datasets. The categories are evaluated individually. Although complete information is available for a large proportion of datasets, this is not true for all of them. Accordingly, the abbreviation N/A has been inserted in the respective characters to indicate that this information could not be determined by the time of submission. The term ‘use cases in the literature’ in the following and supplementary tables refers to the application areas in which the corresponding datasets were used in the literature. The areas listed there refer to the topic area on which the researchers conducted their research. Since some datasets were used interdisciplinarily, the listed use cases in the literature are correspondingly longer. Before discussing each category in the next sections, Fig.  4 provides an overview of the number of datasets found and their year of creation. Figure  5 then shows the relationship between studies and datasets in the period under consideration. Figure  6 shows the distribution of studies, their use of datasets and their creation date. The number of datasets used is higher than the number of studies because the studies often used several datasets (Table ​ (Table1). 1 ).

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Distribution of dataset results

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Correlation between the studies and the datasets

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Distribution of studies and their use of datasets

Percentage contribution of datasets for each place of origin

RankPlace of originPercentage of datasets
10Czech Republic1.2
16Republic of Korea1.2

Most of the datasets are generated in the U.S. (up to 58.2%). Canada and Australia rank next, with 11.3% and 5% of all the reviewed datasets, respectively.

Additionally, to create value for the datasets for the cyber insurance industry, an assessment of the applicability of each dataset has been provided for cyber insurers. This ‘Use Case Assessment’ includes the use of the data in the context of different analyses, calculation of cyber insurance premiums, and use of the information for the design of cyber insurance contracts or for additional customer services. To reasonably account for the transition of direct hyperlinks in the future, references were directed to the main websites for longevity (nearest resource point). In addition, the links to the main pages contain further information on the datasets and different versions related to the operating systems. The references were chosen in such a way that practitioners get the best overview of the respective datasets.

Case datasets

This section presents selected articles that use the datasets to analyse the causes of cyber risks. The datasets help identify emerging trends and allow pattern discovery in cyber risks. This information gives cybersecurity experts and cyber insurers the data to make better predictions and take appropriate action. For example, if certain vulnerabilities are not adequately protected, cyber insurers will demand a risk surcharge leading to an improvement in the risk-adjusted premium. Due to the capricious nature of cyber risks, existing data must be supplemented with new data sources (for example, new events, new methods or security vulnerabilities) to determine prevailing cyber exposure. The datasets of cyber risk causes could be combined with existing portfolio data from cyber insurers and integrated into existing pricing tools and factors to improve the valuation of cyber risks.

A portion of these datasets consists of several taxonomies and classifications of cyber risks. Aassal et al. ( 2020 ) propose a new taxonomy of phishing characteristics based on the interpretation and purpose of each characteristic. In comparison, Hindy et al. ( 2020 ) presented a taxonomy of network threats and the impact of current datasets on intrusion detection systems. A similar taxonomy was suggested by Kiwia et al. ( 2018 ). The authors presented a cyber kill chain-based taxonomy of banking Trojans features. The taxonomy built on a real-world dataset of 127 banking Trojans collected from December 2014 to January 2016 by a major U.K.-based financial organisation.

In the context of classification, Aamir et al. ( 2021 ) showed the benefits of machine learning for classifying port scans and DDoS attacks in a mixture of normal and attack traffic. Guo et al. ( 2020 ) presented a new method to improve malware classification based on entropy sequence features. The evaluation of this new method was conducted on different malware datasets.

To reconstruct attack scenarios and draw conclusions based on the evidence in the alert stream, Barzegar and Shajari ( 2018 ) use the DARPA2000 and MACCDC 2012 dataset for their research. Giudici and Raffinetti ( 2020 ) proposed a rank-based statistical model aimed at predicting the severity levels of cyber risk. The model used cyber risk data from the University of Milan. In contrast to the previous datasets, Skrjanc et al. ( 2018 ) used the older dataset KDD99 to monitor large-scale cyberattacks using a cauchy clustering method.

Amin et al. ( 2021 ) used a cyberattack dataset from the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity to identify spatial clusters of countries with high rates of cyberattacks. In the context of cybercrime, Junger et al. ( 2020 ) examined crime scripts, key characteristics of the target company and the relationship between criminal effort and financial benefit. For their study, the authors analysed 300 cases of fraudulent activities against Dutch companies. With a similar focus on cybercrime, Mireles et al. ( 2019 ) proposed a metric framework to measure the effectiveness of the dynamic evolution of cyberattacks and defensive measures. To validate its usefulness, they used the DEFCON dataset.

Due to the rapidly changing nature of cyber risks, it is often impossible to obtain all information on them. Kim and Kim ( 2019 ) proposed an automated dataset generation system called CTIMiner that collects threat data from publicly available security reports and malware repositories. They released a dataset to the public containing about 640,000 records from 612 security reports published between January 2008 and 2019. A similar approach is proposed by Kim et al. ( 2020 ), using a named entity recognition system to extract core information from cyber threat reports automatically. They created a 498,000-tag dataset during their research (Ulven and Wangen 2021 ).

Within the framework of vulnerabilities and cybersecurity issues, Ulven and Wangen ( 2021 ) proposed an overview of mission-critical assets and everyday threat events, suggested a generic threat model, and summarised common cybersecurity vulnerabilities. With a focus on hospitality, Chen and Fiscus ( 2018 ) proposed several issues related to cybersecurity in this sector. They analysed 76 security incidents from the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse database. Supplementary Table 1 lists all findings that belong to the cyber causes dataset.

Impact datasets

This section outlines selected findings of the cyber impact dataset. For cyber insurers, these datasets can form an important basis for information, as they can be used to calculate cyber insurance premiums, evaluate specific cyber risks, formulate inclusions and exclusions in cyber wordings, and re-evaluate as well as supplement the data collected so far on cyber risks. For example, information on financial losses can help to better assess the loss potential of cyber risks. Furthermore, the datasets can provide insight into the frequency of occurrence of these cyber risks. The new datasets can be used to close any data gaps that were previously based on very approximate estimates or to find new results.

Eight studies addressed the costs of data breaches. For instance, Eling and Jung ( 2018 ) reviewed 3327 data breach events from 2005 to 2016 and identified an asymmetric dependence of monthly losses by breach type and industry. The authors used datasets from the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse for analysis. The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse datasets and the Breach level index database were also used by De Giovanni et al. ( 2020 ) to describe relationships between data breaches and bitcoin-related variables using the cointegration methodology. The data were obtained from the Department of Health and Human Services of healthcare facilities reporting data breaches and a national database of technical and organisational infrastructure information. Also in the context of data breaches, Algarni et al. ( 2021 ) developed a comprehensive, formal model that estimates the two components of security risks: breach cost and the likelihood of a data breach within 12 months. For their survey, the authors used two industrial reports from the Ponemon institute and VERIZON. To illustrate the scope of data breaches, Neto et al. ( 2021 ) identified 430 major data breach incidents among more than 10,000 incidents. The database created is available and covers the period 2018 to 2019.

With a direct focus on insurance, Biener et al. ( 2015 ) analysed 994 cyber loss cases from an operational risk database and investigated the insurability of cyber risks based on predefined criteria. For their study, they used data from the company SAS OpRisk Global Data. Similarly, Eling and Wirfs ( 2019 ) looked at a wide range of cyber risk events and actual cost data using the same database. They identified cyber losses and analysed them using methods from statistics and actuarial science. Using a similar reference, Farkas et al. ( 2021 ) proposed a method for analysing cyber claims based on regression trees to identify criteria for classifying and evaluating claims. Similar to Chen and Fiscus ( 2018 ), the dataset used was the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse database. Within the framework of reinsurance, Moro ( 2020 ) analysed cyber index-based information technology activity to see if index-parametric reinsurance coverage could suggest its cedant using data from a Symantec dataset.

Paté-Cornell et al. ( 2018 ) presented a general probabilistic risk analysis framework for cybersecurity in an organisation to be specified. The results are distributions of losses to cyberattacks, with and without considered countermeasures in support of risk management decisions based both on past data and anticipated incidents. The data used were from The Common Vulnerability and Exposures database and via confidential access to a database of cyberattacks on a large, U.S.-based organisation. A different conceptual framework for cyber risk classification and assessment was proposed by Sheehan et al. ( 2021 ). This framework showed the importance of proactive and reactive barriers in reducing companies’ exposure to cyber risk and quantifying the risk. Another approach to cyber risk assessment and mitigation was proposed by Mukhopadhyay et al. ( 2019 ). They estimated the probability of an attack using generalised linear models, predicted the security technology required to reduce the probability of cyberattacks, and used gamma and exponential distributions to best approximate the average loss data for each malicious attack. They also calculated the expected loss due to cyberattacks, calculated the net premium that would need to be charged by a cyber insurer, and suggested cyber insurance as a strategy to minimise losses. They used the CSI-FBI survey (1997–2010) to conduct their research.

In order to highlight the lack of data on cyber risks, Eling ( 2020 ) conducted a literature review in the areas of cyber risk and cyber insurance. Available information on the frequency, severity, and dependency structure of cyber risks was filtered out. In addition, open questions for future cyber risk research were set up. Another example of data collection on the impact of cyberattacks is provided by Sornette et al. ( 2013 ), who use a database of newspaper articles, press reports and other media to provide a predictive method to identify triggering events and potential accident scenarios and estimate their severity and frequency. A similar approach to data collection was used by Arcuri et al. ( 2020 ) to gather an original sample of global cyberattacks from newspaper reports sourced from the LexisNexis database. This collection is also used and applied to the fields of dynamic communication and cyber risk perception by Fang et al. ( 2021 ). To create a dataset of cyber incidents and disputes, Valeriano and Maness ( 2014 ) collected information on cyber interactions between rival states.

To assess trends and the scale of economic cybercrime, Levi ( 2017 ) examined datasets from different countries and their impact on crime policy. Pooser et al. ( 2018 ) investigated the trend in cyber risk identification from 2006 to 2015 and company characteristics related to cyber risk perception. The authors used a dataset of various reports from cyber insurers for their study. Walker-Roberts et al. ( 2020 ) investigated the spectrum of risk of a cybersecurity incident taking place in the cyber-physical-enabled world using the VERIS Community Database. The datasets of impacts identified are presented below. Due to overlap, some may also appear in the causes dataset (Supplementary Table 2).

Cybersecurity datasets

General intrusion detection.

General intrusion detection systems account for the largest share of countermeasure datasets. For companies or researchers focused on cybersecurity, the datasets can be used to test their own countermeasures or obtain information about potential vulnerabilities. For example, Al-Omari et al. ( 2021 ) proposed an intelligent intrusion detection model for predicting and detecting attacks in cyberspace, which was applied to dataset UNSW-NB 15. A similar approach was taken by Choras and Kozik ( 2015 ), who used machine learning to detect cyberattacks on web applications. To evaluate their method, they used the HTTP dataset CSIC 2010. For the identification of unknown attacks on web servers, Kamarudin et al. ( 2017 ) proposed an anomaly-based intrusion detection system using an ensemble classification approach. Ganeshan and Rodrigues ( 2020 ) showed an intrusion detection system approach, which clusters the database into several groups and detects the presence of intrusion in the clusters. In comparison, AlKadi et al. ( 2019 ) used a localisation-based model to discover abnormal patterns in network traffic. Hybrid models have been recommended by Bhattacharya et al. ( 2020 ) and Agrawal et al. ( 2019 ); the former is a machine-learning model based on principal component analysis for the classification of intrusion detection system datasets, while the latter is a hybrid ensemble intrusion detection system for anomaly detection using different datasets to detect patterns in network traffic that deviate from normal behaviour.

Agarwal et al. ( 2021 ) used three different machine learning algorithms in their research to find the most suitable for efficiently identifying patterns of suspicious network activity. The UNSW-NB15 dataset was used for this purpose. Kasongo and Sun ( 2020 ), Feed-Forward Deep Neural Network (FFDNN), Keshk et al. ( 2021 ), the privacy-preserving anomaly detection framework, and others also use the UNSW-NB 15 dataset as part of intrusion detection systems. The same dataset and others were used by Binbusayyis and Vaiyapuri ( 2019 ) to identify and compare key features for cyber intrusion detection. Atefinia and Ahmadi ( 2021 ) proposed a deep neural network model to reduce the false positive rate of an anomaly-based intrusion detection system. Fossaceca et al. ( 2015 ) focused in their research on the development of a framework that combined the outputs of multiple learners in order to improve the efficacy of network intrusion, and Gauthama Raman et al. ( 2020 ) presented a search algorithm based on Support Vector machine to improve the performance of the detection and false alarm rate to improve intrusion detection techniques. Ahmad and Alsemmeari ( 2020 ) targeted extreme learning machine techniques due to their good capabilities in classification problems and handling huge data. They used the NSL-KDD dataset as a benchmark.

With reference to prediction, Bakdash et al. ( 2018 ) used datasets from the U.S. Department of Defence to predict cyberattacks by malware. This dataset consists of weekly counts of cyber events over approximately seven years. Another prediction method was presented by Fan et al. ( 2018 ), which showed an improved integrated cybersecurity prediction method based on spatial-time analysis. Also, with reference to prediction, Ashtiani and Azgomi ( 2014 ) proposed a framework for the distributed simulation of cyberattacks based on high-level architecture. Kirubavathi and Anitha ( 2016 ) recommended an approach to detect botnets, irrespective of their structures, based on network traffic flow behaviour analysis and machine-learning techniques. Dwivedi et al. ( 2021 ) introduced a multi-parallel adaptive technique to utilise an adaption mechanism in the group of swarms for network intrusion detection. AlEroud and Karabatis ( 2018 ) presented an approach that used contextual information to automatically identify and query possible semantic links between different types of suspicious activities extracted from network flows.

Intrusion detection systems with a focus on IoT

In addition to general intrusion detection systems, a proportion of studies focused on IoT. Habib et al. ( 2020 ) presented an approach for converting traditional intrusion detection systems into smart intrusion detection systems for IoT networks. To enhance the process of diagnostic detection of possible vulnerabilities with an IoT system, Georgescu et al. ( 2019 ) introduced a method that uses a named entity recognition-based solution. With regard to IoT in the smart home sector, Heartfield et al. ( 2021 ) presented a detection system that is able to autonomously adjust the decision function of its underlying anomaly classification models to a smart home’s changing condition. Another intrusion detection system was suggested by Keserwani et al. ( 2021 ), which combined Grey Wolf Optimization and Particle Swam Optimization to identify various attacks for IoT networks. They used the KDD Cup 99, NSL-KDD and CICIDS-2017 to evaluate their model. Abu Al-Haija and Zein-Sabatto ( 2020 ) provide a comprehensive development of a new intelligent and autonomous deep-learning-based detection and classification system for cyberattacks in IoT communication networks that leverage the power of convolutional neural networks, abbreviated as IoT-IDCS-CNN (IoT-based Intrusion Detection and Classification System using Convolutional Neural Network). To evaluate the development, the authors used the NSL-KDD dataset. Biswas and Roy ( 2021 ) recommended a model that identifies malicious botnet traffic using novel deep-learning approaches like artificial neural networks gutted recurrent units and long- or short-term memory models. They tested their model with the Bot-IoT dataset.

With a more forensic background, Koroniotis et al. ( 2020 ) submitted a network forensic framework, which described the digital investigation phases for identifying and tracing attack behaviours in IoT networks. The suggested work was evaluated with the Bot-IoT and UINSW-NB15 datasets. With a focus on big data and IoT, Chhabra et al. ( 2020 ) presented a cyber forensic framework for big data analytics in an IoT environment using machine learning. Furthermore, the authors mentioned different publicly available datasets for machine-learning models.

A stronger focus on a mobile phones was exhibited by Alazab et al. ( 2020 ), which presented a classification model that combined permission requests and application programme interface calls. The model was tested with a malware dataset containing 27,891 Android apps. A similar approach was taken by Li et al. ( 2019a , b ), who proposed a reliable classifier for Android malware detection based on factorisation machine architecture and extraction of Android app features from manifest files and source code.

Literature reviews

In addition to the different methods and models for intrusion detection systems, various literature reviews on the methods and datasets were also found. Liu and Lang ( 2019 ) proposed a taxonomy of intrusion detection systems that uses data objects as the main dimension to classify and summarise machine learning and deep learning-based intrusion detection literature. They also presented four different benchmark datasets for machine-learning detection systems. Ahmed et al. ( 2016 ) presented an in-depth analysis of four major categories of anomaly detection techniques, which include classification, statistical, information theory and clustering. Hajj et al. ( 2021 ) gave a comprehensive overview of anomaly-based intrusion detection systems. Their article gives an overview of the requirements, methods, measurements and datasets that are used in an intrusion detection system.

Within the framework of machine learning, Chattopadhyay et al. ( 2018 ) conducted a comprehensive review and meta-analysis on the application of machine-learning techniques in intrusion detection systems. They also compared different machine learning techniques in different datasets and summarised the performance. Vidros et al. ( 2017 ) presented an overview of characteristics and methods in automatic detection of online recruitment fraud. They also published an available dataset of 17,880 annotated job ads, retrieved from the use of a real-life system. An empirical study of different unsupervised learning algorithms used in the detection of unknown attacks was presented by Meira et al. ( 2020 ).

New datasets

Kilincer et al. ( 2021 ) reviewed different intrusion detection system datasets in detail. They had a closer look at the UNS-NB15, ISCX-2012, NSL-KDD and CIDDS-001 datasets. Stojanovic et al. ( 2020 ) also provided a review on datasets and their creation for use in advanced persistent threat detection in the literature. Another review of datasets was provided by Sarker et al. ( 2020 ), who focused on cybersecurity data science as part of their research and provided an overview from a machine-learning perspective. Avila et al. ( 2021 ) conducted a systematic literature review on the use of security logs for data leak detection. They recommended a new classification of information leak, which uses the GDPR principles, identified the most widely publicly available dataset for threat detection, described the attack types in the datasets and the algorithms used for data leak detection. Tuncer et al. ( 2020 ) presented a bytecode-based detection method consisting of feature extraction using local neighbourhood binary patterns. They chose a byte-based malware dataset to investigate the performance of the proposed local neighbourhood binary pattern-based detection method. With a different focus, Mauro et al. ( 2020 ) gave an experimental overview of neural-based techniques relevant to intrusion detection. They assessed the value of neural networks using the Bot-IoT and UNSW-DB15 datasets.

Another category of results in the context of countermeasure datasets is those that were presented as new. Moreno et al. ( 2018 ) developed a database of 300 security-related accidents from European and American sources. The database contained cybersecurity-related events in the chemical and process industry. Damasevicius et al. ( 2020 ) proposed a new dataset (LITNET-2020) for network intrusion detection. The dataset is a new annotated network benchmark dataset obtained from the real-world academic network. It presents real-world examples of normal and under-attack network traffic. With a focus on IoT intrusion detection systems, Alsaedi et al. ( 2020 ) proposed a new benchmark IoT/IIot datasets for assessing intrusion detection system-enabled IoT systems. Also in the context of IoT, Vaccari et al. ( 2020 ) proposed a dataset focusing on message queue telemetry transport protocols, which can be used to train machine-learning models. To evaluate the performance of machine-learning classifiers, Mahfouz et al. ( 2020 ) created a dataset called Game Theory and Cybersecurity (GTCS). A dataset containing 22,000 malware and benign samples was constructed by Martin et al. ( 2019 ). The dataset can be used as a benchmark to test the algorithm for Android malware classification and clustering techniques. In addition, Laso et al. ( 2017 ) presented a dataset created to investigate how data and information quality estimates enable the detection of anomalies and malicious acts in cyber-physical systems. The dataset contained various cyberattacks and is publicly available.

In addition to the results described above, several other studies were found that fit into the category of countermeasures. Johnson et al. ( 2016 ) examined the time between vulnerability disclosures. Using another vulnerabilities database, Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE), Subroto and Apriyana ( 2019 ) presented an algorithm model that uses big data analysis of social media and statistical machine learning to predict cyber risks. A similar databank but with a different focus, Common Vulnerability Scoring System, was used by Chatterjee and Thekdi ( 2020 ) to present an iterative data-driven learning approach to vulnerability assessment and management for complex systems. Using the CICIDS2017 dataset to evaluate the performance, Malik et al. ( 2020 ) proposed a control plane-based orchestration for varied, sophisticated threats and attacks. The same dataset was used in another study by Lee et al. ( 2019 ), who developed an artificial security information event management system based on a combination of event profiling for data processing and different artificial network methods. To exploit the interdependence between multiple series, Fang et al. ( 2021 ) proposed a statistical framework. In order to validate the framework, the authors applied it to a dataset of enterprise-level security breaches from the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse and Identity Theft Center database. Another framework with a defensive aspect was recommended by Li et al. ( 2021 ) to increase the robustness of deep neural networks against adversarial malware evasion attacks. Sarabi et al. ( 2016 ) investigated whether and to what extent business details can help assess an organisation's risk of data breaches and the distribution of risk across different types of incidents to create policies for protection, detection and recovery from different forms of security incidents. They used data from the VERIS Community Database.

Datasets that have been classified into the cybersecurity category are detailed in Supplementary Table 3. Due to overlap, records from the previous tables may also be included.

This paper presented a systematic literature review of studies on cyber risk and cybersecurity that used datasets. Within this framework, 255 studies were fully reviewed and then classified into three different categories. Then, 79 datasets were consolidated from these studies. These datasets were subsequently analysed, and important information was selected through a process of filtering out. This information was recorded in a table and enhanced with further information as part of the literature analysis. This made it possible to create a comprehensive overview of the datasets. For example, each dataset contains a description of where the data came from and how the data has been used to date. This allows different datasets to be compared and the appropriate dataset for the use case to be selected. This research certainly has limitations, so our selection of datasets cannot necessarily be taken as a representation of all available datasets related to cyber risks and cybersecurity. For example, literature searches were conducted in four academic databases and only found datasets that were used in the literature. Many research projects also used old datasets that may no longer consider current developments. In addition, the data are often focused on only one observation and are limited in scope. For example, the datasets can only be applied to specific contexts and are also subject to further limitations (e.g. region, industry, operating system). In the context of the applicability of the datasets, it is unfortunately not possible to make a clear statement on the extent to which they can be integrated into academic or practical areas of application or how great this effort is. Finally, it remains to be pointed out that this is an overview of currently available datasets, which are subject to constant change.

Due to the lack of datasets on cyber risks in the academic literature, additional datasets on cyber risks were integrated as part of a further search. The search was conducted on the Google Dataset search portal. The search term used was ‘cyber risk datasets’. Over 100 results were found. However, due to the low significance and verifiability, only 20 selected datasets were included. These can be found in Table 2  in the “ Appendix ”.

Summary of Google datasets

NoDataset creatorName of the datasetData availabilityYear of creation/start yearDescription
1ActionFraudCyber Crime DashboardPublic2020Shows cybercrime and fraud reported in the U.K..
2Carlos E. Jimenez-GomezData Breaches 2004–2017Public2018Includes 270 records and 11 variables of data breaches. The data breaches happened between 2004–2017. Only data breaches with over 30,000 records are considered.
3ChubbChubb Cyber IndexPublic2007Shows cyber claims for more than two decades. In this dashboard, there is the possibility to get information about different areas regarding claims cost. Furthermore, it is possible to get an overview of claims of different years.
4CMSDGDPR Enforcement TrackerPublic2018An overview of fines and penalties, which data protection authorities within the EU have imposed under the EU GDPR.
5DSGVO PortalDSGVO—PortalPublic2014Fines for violations of the GDPR and other data protection laws.
6Federal Bureau of InvestigationInternet Crime Report 2020Public2021Includes the cyber risk impact situation in the U.S..
7Government of CanadaNo namePublic2017Percentage of enterprises impacted by specific types of cybersecurity incidents by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and size of the enterprise.
8HiscoxHisco Cyber Readiness Report 2020Public2020The average cost of all cyberattacks to firms from Europe and the U.S. in 2020, by size, in USD.
9IBM SecurityCost of a Data Breach Report 2020Public2020Includes the cost of data breaches from 2014 to 2020.
10Information is beautifulWorld's Biggest Data Breaches & HacksPublic2004Selected events over 30,000 records.
11Ipsos MoriCyber Security Breaches SurveyPublic2020Displays the share of businesses that have had certain outcomes after experiencing a cybersecurity breach or attack in the last 12 months in the U.K. in 2020
12KasperskyDamage Control: The Cost of Security BreachesPublic2020Analyses the different data of Kaspersky
13Marsch—Mircosoft—Global Cyber Risk Perception SurveyMarsch—Mircosoft—Global Cyber Risk Perception SurveyPublic2018Presents the greatest potential imp.acts to an organisation due to cyber loss scenarios, according to senior executives
14Mendeley DataCalifornia Data Breach Notification DataPublic2019An empirical study of security breach notifications filed in California during 2012–2016.
15Norton2019 Cyber Safety Insights ReportPublic2020A survey of internet users who have experienced an internet crime.
16Paolo PasseriHackmageddonAccess controlled2011Overview of collected timelines with a focus on cyberattacks.
17Pierangelo and TheoData Breach DatasetPublic2020Consists of 506 data breaches and associated characteristics that affected U.S.-listed companies over a 10-year period from April 2005 to March 2015. The dataset was gathered from the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse (PRC) and then augmented with manual data collection.
18PwC2015 Information Security Breaches SurveyPublic2015Illustrates the ranking of what made a particular security breach incident the worst of the year in the U.K. in 2015.
19Spy CloudSpy CloudPrivate--
20Willis Towers WatsonCyber claims analysis reportPublic2020Uses analysed claims data of Willis Towers Watson to provide specific insight.

The results of the literature review and datasets also showed that there continues to be a lack of available, open cyber datasets. This lack of data is reflected in cyber insurance, for example, as it is difficult to find a risk-based premium without a sufficient database (Nurse et al. 2020 ). The global cyber insurance market was estimated at USD 5.5 billion in 2020 (Dyson 2020 ). When compared to the USD 1 trillion global losses from cybercrime (Maleks Smith et al. 2020 ), it is clear that there exists a significant cyber risk awareness challenge for both the insurance industry and international commerce. Without comprehensive and qualitative data on cyber losses, it can be difficult to estimate potential losses from cyberattacks and price cyber insurance accordingly (GAO 2021 ). For instance, the average cyber insurance loss increased from USD 145,000 in 2019 to USD 359,000 in 2020 (FitchRatings 2021 ). Cyber insurance is an important risk management tool to mitigate the financial impact of cybercrime. This is particularly evident in the impact of different industries. In the Energy & Commodities financial markets, a ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline led to a substantial impact on the U.S. economy. As a result of the attack, about 45% of the U.S. East Coast was temporarily unable to obtain supplies of diesel, petrol and jet fuel. This caused the average price in the U.S. to rise 7 cents to USD 3.04 per gallon, the highest in seven years (Garber 2021 ). In addition, Colonial Pipeline confirmed that it paid a USD 4.4 million ransom to a hacker gang after the attack. Another ransomware attack occurred in the healthcare and government sector. The victim of this attack was the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE). A ransom payment of USD 20 million was demanded from the Irish government to restore services after the hack (Tidy 2021 ). In the car manufacturing sector, Miller and Valasek ( 2015 ) initiated a cyberattack that resulted in the recall of 1.4 million vehicles and cost manufacturers EUR 761 million. The risk that arises in the context of these events is the potential for the accumulation of cyber losses, which is why cyber insurers are not expanding their capacity. An example of this accumulation of cyber risks is the NotPetya malware attack, which originated in Russia, struck in Ukraine, and rapidly spread around the world, causing at least USD 10 billion in damage (GAO 2021 ). These events highlight the importance of proper cyber risk management.

This research provides cyber insurance stakeholders with an overview of cyber datasets. Cyber insurers can use the open datasets to improve their understanding and assessment of cyber risks. For example, the impact datasets can be used to better measure financial impacts and their frequencies. These data could be combined with existing portfolio data from cyber insurers and integrated with existing pricing tools and factors to better assess cyber risk valuation. Although most cyber insurers have sparse historical cyber policy and claims data, they remain too small at present for accurate prediction (Bessy-Roland et al. 2021 ). A combination of portfolio data and external datasets would support risk-adjusted pricing for cyber insurance, which would also benefit policyholders. In addition, cyber insurance stakeholders can use the datasets to identify patterns and make better predictions, which would benefit sustainable cyber insurance coverage. In terms of cyber risk cause datasets, cyber insurers can use the data to review their insurance products. For example, the data could provide information on which cyber risks have not been sufficiently considered in product design or where improvements are needed. A combination of cyber cause and cybersecurity datasets can help establish uniform definitions to provide greater transparency and clarity. Consistent terminology could lead to a more sustainable cyber market, where cyber insurers make informed decisions about the level of coverage and policyholders understand their coverage (The Geneva Association 2020).

In addition to the cyber insurance community, this research also supports cybersecurity stakeholders. The reviewed literature can be used to provide a contemporary, contextual and categorised summary of available datasets. This supports efficient and timely progress in cyber risk research and is beneficial given the dynamic nature of cyber risks. With the help of the described cybersecurity datasets and the identified information, a comparison of different datasets is possible. The datasets can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of countermeasures in simulated cyberattacks or to test intrusion detection systems.

In this paper, we conducted a systematic review of studies on cyber risk and cybersecurity databases. We found that most of the datasets are in the field of intrusion detection and machine learning and are used for technical cybersecurity aspects. The available datasets on cyber risks were relatively less represented. Due to the dynamic nature and lack of historical data, assessing and understanding cyber risk is a major challenge for cyber insurance stakeholders. To address this challenge, a greater density of cyber data is needed to support cyber insurers in risk management and researchers with cyber risk-related topics. With reference to ‘Open Science’ FAIR data (Jacobsen et al. 2020 ), mandatory reporting of cyber incidents could help improve cyber understanding, awareness and loss prevention among companies and insurers. Through greater availability of data, cyber risks can be better understood, enabling researchers to conduct more in-depth research into these risks. Companies could incorporate this new knowledge into their corporate culture to reduce cyber risks. For insurance companies, this would have the advantage that all insurers would have the same understanding of cyber risks, which would support sustainable risk-based pricing. In addition, common definitions of cyber risks could be derived from new data.

The cybersecurity databases summarised and categorised in this research could provide a different perspective on cyber risks that would enable the formulation of common definitions in cyber policies. The datasets can help companies addressing cybersecurity and cyber risk as part of risk management assess their internal cyber posture and cybersecurity measures. The paper can also help improve risk awareness and corporate behaviour, and provides the research community with a comprehensive overview of peer-reviewed datasets and other available datasets in the area of cyber risk and cybersecurity. This approach is intended to support the free availability of data for research. The complete tabulated review of the literature is included in the Supplementary Material.

This work provides directions for several paths of future work. First, there are currently few publicly available datasets for cyber risk and cybersecurity. The older datasets that are still widely used no longer reflect today's technical environment. Moreover, they can often only be used in one context, and the scope of the samples is very limited. It would be of great value if more datasets were publicly available that reflect current environmental conditions. This could help intrusion detection systems to consider current events and thus lead to a higher success rate. It could also compensate for the disadvantages of older datasets by collecting larger quantities of samples and making this contextualisation more widespread. Another area of research may be the integratability and adaptability of cybersecurity and cyber risk datasets. For example, it is often unclear to what extent datasets can be integrated or adapted to existing data. For cyber risks and cybersecurity, it would be helpful to know what requirements need to be met or what is needed to use the datasets appropriately. In addition, it would certainly be helpful to know whether datasets can be modified to be used for cyber risks or cybersecurity. Finally, the ability for stakeholders to identify machine-readable cybersecurity datasets would be useful because it would allow for even clearer delineations or comparisons between datasets. Due to the lack of publicly available datasets, concrete benchmarks often cannot be applied.

Below is the link to the electronic supplementary material.


is a PhD student at the Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, as part of the Emerging Risk Group (ERG). He is researching in joint cooperation with the Institute for Insurance Studies (ivwKöln), TH Köln, where he is working as a Research Assistant at the Cologne Research Centre for Reinsurance. His current research interests include cyber risks, cyber insurance and cybersecurity. Frank is a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute (FCII) and a member of the German Association for Insurance Studies (DVfVW).

is a Lecturer in Risk and Finance at the Kemmy Business School at the University of Limerick. In his research, Dr Sheehan investigates novel risk metrication and machine learning methodologies in the context of insurance and finance, attentive to a changing private and public emerging risk environment. He is a researcher with significant insurance industry and academic experience. With a professional background in actuarial science, his research uses machine-learning techniques to estimate the changing risk profile produced by emerging technologies. He is a senior member of the Emerging Risk Group (ERG) at the University of Limerick, which has long-established expertise in insurance and risk management and has continued success within large research consortia including a number of SFI, FP7 and EU H2020 research projects. In particular, he contributed to the successful completion of three Horizon 2020 EU-funded projects, including PROTECT, Vision Inspired Driver Assistance Systems (VI-DAS) and Cloud Large Scale Video Analysis (Cloud-LSVA).

is a Professor at the Institute of Insurance at the Technical University of Cologne. His activities include teaching and research in insurance law and liability insurance. His research focuses include D&O, corporate liability, fidelity and cyber insurance. In addition, he heads the Master’s degree programme in insurance law and is the Academic Director of the Automotive Insurance Manager and Cyber Insurance Manager certificate programmes. He is also chairman of the examination board at the Institute of Insurance Studies.

Arash Negahdari Kia

is a postdoctoral Marie Cuire scholar and Research Fellow at the Kemmy Business School (KBS), University of Limerick (UL), a member of the Lero Software Research Center and Emerging Risk Group (ERG). He researches the cybersecurity risks of autonomous vehicles using machine-learning algorithms in a team supervised by Dr Finbarr Murphy at KBS, UL. For his PhD, he developed two graph-based, semi-supervised algorithms for multivariate time series for global stock market indices prediction. For his Master’s, he developed neural network models for Forex market prediction. Arash’s other research interests include text mining, graph mining and bioinformatics.

is a Professor in Risk and Insurance at the Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick. He worked on a number of insurance-related research projects, including four EU Commission-funded projects around emerging technologies and risk transfer. Prof. Mullins maintains strong links with the international insurance industry and works closely with Lloyd’s of London and XL Catlin on emerging risk. His work also encompasses the area of applied ethics as it pertains to new technologies. In the field of applied ethics, Dr Mullins works closely with the insurance industry and lectures on cultural and technological breakthroughs of high societal relevance. In that respect, Dr Martin Mullins has been appointed to a European expert group to advise EIOPA on the development of digital responsibility principles in insurance.

is Executive Dean Kemmy Business School. A computer engineering graduate, Finbarr worked for over 10 years in investment banking before returning to academia and completing his PhD in 2010. Finbarr has authored or co-authored over 70 refereed journal papers, edited books and book chapters. His research has been published in leading research journals in his discipline, such as Nature Nanotechnology, Small, Transportation Research A-F and the Review of Derivatives Research. A former Fulbright Scholar and Erasmus Mundus Exchange Scholar, Finbarr has delivered numerous guest lectures in America, mainland Europe, Israel, Russia, China and Vietnam. His research interests include quantitative finance and, more recently, emerging technological risk. Finbarr is currently engaged in several EU H2020 projects and with the Irish Science Foundation Ireland.

(FCII) has held the Chair of Reinsurance at the Institute of Insurance of TH Köln since 1998, focusing on the efficiency of reinsurance, industrial insurance and alternative risk transfer (ART). He studied mathematics and computer science with a focus on artificial intelligence and researched from 1988 to 1991 at the Fraunhofer Institute for Autonomous Intelligent Systems (AiS) in Schloß Birlinghoven. From 1991 to 2004, Prof. Materne worked for Gen Re (formerly Cologne Re) in various management positions in Germany and abroad, and from 2001 to 2003, he served as General Manager of Cologne Re of Dublin in Ireland. In 2008, Prof. Materne founded the Cologne Reinsurance Research Centre, of which he is the Director. Current issues in reinsurance and related fields are analysed and discussed with practitioners, with valuable contacts through the ‘Förderkreis Rückversicherung’ and the organisation of the annual Cologne Reinsurance Symposium. Prof. Materne holds various international supervisory boards, board of directors and advisory board mandates at insurance and reinsurance companies, captives, InsurTechs, EIOPA, as well as at insurance-scientific institutions. He also acts as an arbitrator and party representative in arbitration proceedings.

Open Access funding provided by the IReL Consortium.


On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.

1 Average cost of a breach of more than 50 million records.

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Temporal graphs anomaly emergence detection: benchmarking for social media interactions

  • Open access
  • Published: 12 September 2024

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  • Teddy Lazebnik   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-7851-8147 1 , 2 &

Temporal graphs have become an essential tool for analyzing complex dynamic systems with multiple agents. Detecting anomalies in temporal graphs is crucial for various applications, including identifying emerging trends, monitoring network security, understanding social dynamics, tracking disease outbreaks, and understanding financial dynamics. In this paper, we present a comprehensive benchmarking study that compares 12 data-driven methods for anomaly detection in temporal graphs. We conduct experiments on two temporal graphs extracted from Twitter and Facebook, aiming to identify anomalies in group interactions. Surprisingly, our study reveals an unclear pattern regarding the best method for such tasks, highlighting the complexity and challenges involved in anomaly emergence detection in large and dynamic systems. The results underscore the need for further research and innovative approaches to effectively detect emerging anomalies in dynamic systems represented as temporal graphs.

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1 Introduction

The analysis of complex dynamic systems with multiple agents has gained significant attention in various fields, such as social networks [ 1 ], biological systems [ 2 ], and transportation networks [ 3 ]. Recently, temporal graphs have gained much attention as a fundamental framework for capturing the dynamic nature of these systems, enabling the study of evolving relationships and interactions over time [ 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ]. Representing systems as temporal graphs is considered straightforward in most cases which makes it a robust and appealing data structure to use [ 8 ].

Anomalies in temporal graphs can manifest as unexpected shifts in network behavior, sudden changes in interaction patterns, or the emergence of unusual group dynamics [ 9 , 10 ]. These anomalies often provide valuable insights into significant events, emerging phenomena, or potentially malicious activities within the underlying system. Detecting emerging anomalies in such temporal graphs has become a critical task with wide-ranging applications, including identifying credit frauds [ 11 ], identifying social trends [ 12 ], and understanding cell-level biological processes [ 13 ]. Consequently, developing effective methods for anomaly emergence detection in temporal graphs allows temporally-close-proximity or even immediate reaction to shifts in the dynamics.

Several approaches have been proposed to tackle the challenge of anomaly emergence detection in general [ 14 , 15 ], and in temporal graphs, in particular [ 16 , 17 ]. These approaches span statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, and graph-based techniques, each leveraging different assumptions and models to capture the unique characteristics of temporal graph data [ 18 , 19 ]. However, due to the complexity and inherent uncertainty associated with detecting anomalies in dynamic systems, identifying the most suitable method for a specific application remains mostly unclear.

In this paper, we present a comprehensive benchmarking study that focuses on the task of anomaly emergence detection in temporal graphs, with a specific emphasis on social media interactions. Social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, provide rich sources of temporal graph data, capturing the dynamic interactions among individuals, groups, and communities that can shed light on social and economic trends in real-time. Detecting anomalies in group interactions within these platforms holds immense value in understanding influential events, collective behaviors, and the spread of information. In particular, we evaluated 12 state-of-the-art methods that represent a diverse range of approaches and techniques employed in the field. By conducting experiments on two temporal graphs obtained from Twitter and Facebook, we seek to investigate the performance of these methods in identifying anomalies in group interactions within the context of social media.

Our findings present an unexpected outcome: an unclear pattern emerges regarding the best-performing method for anomaly emergence detection in social media interactions. This outcome underscores the need for further research and the development of novel techniques tailored to the unique characteristics of social media data.

This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides an overview of the temporal graphs’ data structure as well as the formalization of anomaly emergence detection. Next, Section 3 describes the methodology and experimental setup employed in our benchmarking study. Subsequently, Section 4 presents the performance of each method on the Twitter and Facebook temporal graphs. Finally, Section 5 analyzes our findings and suggests potential future studies.

2 Related work

Temporal graphs have gained significant attention in various domains as a means to capture the evolving relationships and interactions in complex dynamic systems [ 20 , 21 , 22 ]. In this section, we provide a formalization of temporal graphs followed by the anomaly emergence detection task definition.

Temporal (also known as dynamic, evolving, overtime-varying) graphs can be informally described as graphs that change with time. A temporal graph is a mathematical representation of a dynamic system that captures both the structural properties of a graph and the temporal aspects of interactions between entities. Formally, a temporal graph can be defined as follow. Let \(G = (V, E, T)\) be a temporal graph, where \(V \in \mathbb {N}^k\) represents the set of nodes or entities in the graph represented as finite state machines with \(k \in \mathbb {N}\) possible states, \(E \subset V \times V \times \mathbb {R}\) denotes the set of edges such that each edge \(e \in E := (u, v, t)\) represents an interaction between nodes u and v at time t , and \(T \in \mathbb {N}\) is the set of discrete time points or intervals at which the interactions occur. Intuitively, one can represent a temporal graph as a set of timestamped edges, \(G = {(u, v, t) | (u, v) \in E, t \in T}\) , that implicitly indicates the nodes of the graph and their interactions over time.

Though the formal treatment of temporal graphs is still in its infancy, there is already a huge identified set of applications and research domains that motivate it and that could benefit from the development of a concrete set of results, tools, and techniques for temporal graphs [ 23 ]. In the domain of biological systems, for instance, gene regulatory networks can be represented as temporal graphs, where nodes correspond to genes and edges capture interactions between genes at different time points, which allows the study of gene expression patterns [ 24 ]. Indeed, [ 25 ] proposed an inference algorithm based on linear ordinary differential equations. The authors show that algorithm can infer the local network of gene-gene interactions surrounding a gene of interest from time-series gene expression profiles of synthetic genomics samples. In addition, in the transportation systems realm, nodes of a temporal graph can represent locations, and edges capture movements or interactions between locations at different time points, providing an intuitive formalization to analyze traffic flows and congestion patterns [ 3 ]. For example, [ 26 ] propose a framework that enables extending the traditional convolutional neural network model to graph domains and learns the graph structure for traffic forecasting. Most relevant for this work, temporal graphs can capture the evolving relationships between individuals, communities, and groups over time. They enable the study of social phenomena, such as information diffusion [ 27 ], opinion formation [ 28 ], and community detection [ 2 ]. Plepi et al. [ 29 ] propose a dynamic graph-based framework that leverages the dynamic nature of the users’ network for detecting fake news spreaders. Using their model, the authors show that by analyzing the users’ time-evolving semantic similarities and social interactions, one can indicate misinformation spreading.

While there are many possible queries one can perform on a temporal graph, we focus on detecting anomalies over time in close temporal proximity to when they start to emerge. Namely, the anomaly emergence detection (AED) task aims to identify and characterize anomalous events or patterns in temporal graphs and alert about them shortly after they start to occur. Since anomalies can manifest in many forms such as unexpected changes in the interaction patterns, shifts in network behavior, or the emergence of unusual group dynamics. Hence, the AED task’s definition is closely related to the definition of an anomaly, in practice. Abstractly, we can assume the anomaly’s definition is implicitly provided by the tagging of anomalies in a given dataset [ 30 ].

Mathematically, the AED task can be defined as follows. Let G be a temporal graph and let \(A = {a_1, a_2, \dots , a_n}\) represent the set of anomalies in G such that \(a_i := (U_i, T_i)\) , where: \(U_i\) is a subset of nodes \(U_i \subset V\) , representing the entities involved in the anomaly and \(T_i\) is a point in time that indicates the start of the anomaly emergence \(T_i \in T\) . The AED task considered with finding a function M that accepts G and a subset \(A_{train} := (a_1, a_2, \dots , a_k)\) and predicts \(A_{test} := (a_{k+1}, \dots , a_n)\) .

For example, let us consider a temporal graph that represents a transportation network’s dynamics, where nodes represent physical locations and edges represent the movement of vehicles between these locations, over time. An anomaly can be sudden and unexpected traffic congestion in a location or set of locations which could be caused by an accident or unplanned road closure. In this example, one can use historical records for such events and the data about the transportation network to try and predict the emergence of unexpected traffic congestion.

figure 1

A schematic view of the experiments flow. First, we acquire data from a social media platform. Afterward, we represent the data as a temporal graph. Next, we define both temporal and spatial anomalies and test various models’ performance in these settings. Finally, we conduct a sensitivity analysis on four properties of the temporal graph for each model

3 Experiment setup

In this section, we outline the experimental setup used for our benchmarking, including six main steps (Fig.  1 ).

To conduct the benchmarking study, we carefully selected 12 data-driven models that encompass a wide range of computational approaches. Our aim was to ensure that these models represent the current state-of-the-art in the field, to the best of our knowledge. Below, we provide a detailed description of each model, including its working principles and the rationale behind our selection.

Tree-based pipeline optimization tool (TPOT) [ 31 ] - is an automated machine learning (AutoML) framework that optimizes a pipeline of preprocessing steps and machine learning models using genetic programming, based on the Scikit-learn library [ 32 ].

AutoKeras [ 33 ] - is an automated machine learning framework that uses neural architecture search to automatically select and optimize deep learning models based on the TensorFlow framework [ 34 ].

Time Series Anomaly Detection Using Generative Adversarial Networks (TADGAN) [ 35 ] - is a model that uses generative adversarial networks (GANs) to detect anomalies in time series data. We Include TADGAN in the analysis to explore the effectiveness of GAN framework for anomaly detection, which can capture both local and global patterns in the temporal graph data.

Deep Isolation Forest (DIF) [ 36 ] - is an extension of the Isolation Forest algorithm [ 37 ] that uses deep learning techniques to improve anomaly detection performance.

Long-short term memory (LSTM) neural network [ 38 ] - is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) that can model sequential data and capture long-term dependencies. It has the ability to learn temporal dependencies in the data without taking into consideration the graph-based nature of the data.

Policy-based reinforcement learning for time series anomaly detection (PbRL) [ 39 ]. This model applies reinforcement learning techniques to train a policy network for anomaly detection in time series data. It is an adaptive approach that learns from a complex from a trial-and-error approach which potentially allows it the detection of complex and evolving anomalies.

A XGboost for anomaly detection (XGBOD) [ 40 ] - is an anomaly detection algorithm based on the XGBoost gradient boosting framework [ 41 ]. XGboost is widely considered one of the best machine learning models.

A Python library for graph outlier detection (Pygod) [ 42 ] - Pygod is a Python library specifically designed for detecting outliers in graph-structured data.

Graph AutoEncoder with Random Forest (GAE \(+\) RF) [ 43 , 44 ]. This model combines a graph autoencoder to obtain a meaningful representation of the data from the graph, operating as a feature engineering component that is used by an RF classifier.

Singular Value Decomposition with Random Forest (SVD \(+\) RF) [ 44 , 45 ] - This model combines the singular value decomposition method which operates as an unsupervised feature engineering component followed by a random forest classifier.

Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks (STGNN) [ 46 ] - is a model that integrates graph neural networks (GNNs) with spatial and temporal information for anomaly detection in spatio-temporal data.

Scalable Python Library for Time Series Data Mining (STUMPY) [ 47 ] - is a Python library that provides scalable algorithms for time series data mining, including motif discovery and time series approximation.

Random model that randomly decides if an anomaly occurs or not to be a naive baseline. Namely, for each prediction request, with a uniform distribution, the model returns each label at random.

This set of models aims to capture a wide range of possible methods to tackle anomaly detection in spatio-temporal graphs. First, the TPOT and AutoKeras are automatic ML and DL libraries. Automatic ML (DL) gains popularity due to its powerful results on one hand and low level of expertise to utilize on the other hand [ 48 , 49 ]. Second, generic machine and deep learning models like GAE + RF, SVD + RF, STUMPY, LSTM. Third, dedicated data-driven anomaly detection algorithms such as XGBOD, DIF, and Pygod which not designed for spatio-temporal graph per-se but are the closest compared to the other algorithms. Finally, graph deep learning models that designed for anomaly detection, such as TADGAN, STGNN, and PbRL.

We acquire data from the Twitter Footnote 1 and Facebook Footnote 2 social media websites using their official application programming interfaces (APIs). We picked these two social media websites as they provide access to the interaction data between their users over time. In addition to capturing user profiles, we also collected information about user interactions with posts (tweets) on both platforms. This included data on actions such as re-tweeting, commenting, and reacting (liking) to posts. For each interaction, we recorded the type of action, the timestamp, and the ID of the post owner. Overall, our dataset consisted of 44.8 thousand users from Twitter and 29.7 thousand users from Facebook, encompassing a total of 51.07 million and 65.93 million interactions, respectively. The data covered a duration of one month, specifically from the 22nd of August to the 22nd of September, 2020, and the 1st of February to the 1st of March, 2023, respectively.

In order to generate the temporal graph representation of this data, one has to define the nodes and edges first. To this end, each account in the dataset represents a node, \(v \in V\) in the graph while an action (like, comment, share) that an account \(v \in V\) performance on a post of account \(u \in V\) at some time \(t \in \mathbb {N}\) represents an edge \(e := (v, u, t)\) . Based on this definition, we obtain a direct temporal graph. For simplicity, we bin all actions to time durations of 15 minutes, in order to get a representation that agrees with a temporal sequence of graphs since the chosen models require such representation.

Moreover, in order to obtain a population of temporal graphs from each dataset, we sampled 100 sub-graphs as follows. First, we picked at random a node of the graph, denoted by \(v_c\) . Next, starting from \(v_c\) , we computed Breadth-first search (BFS) [ 50 ] while ignoring the time ( t ) component of the edges \(e \in E\) (and duplicate edges caused as a result) until \(|V| = 10000\) nodes are obtained. Once the nodes were obtained, we trimmed the temporal graph representing the entire dataset to include only these nodes.

In order to perform the analysis, one should define spatial, temporal, or spatio-temporal anomalies in the network. Unfortunately, the datasets used lack such tagged anomalies and it would be infeasible in terms of time and cost to manually tag anomalies. As such, we had to generate them synthetically. Importantly, these synthetic tags have to be computed by information that is not fully available to the models; otherwise one would just examine the model’s ability to reconstruct the rules used to generate the synthetic tags. As such, inspired by the works of [ 51 , 52 ], we define three anomaly rules. For all of them, let us consider a node \(v \in V\) at a time \(t \in \mathbb {N}\) to be anomaly if and only if: \(N_t(v) > E_{t-z, t+z}[N(v)] + 2*S_{t-z, t+z}[N(v)] \) or \(\sum _{i = t-z}^{t+z} \frac{d^2N_i(v)}{di^2} > \sum _{i = t-z}^{t+z} \frac{1}{N_i(v)}\sum _{u \in C_i(v)}\frac{dN_i(u)}{di}\) or the largest eigenvalue of a matrix representing node’s v number of interactions with the rest of nodes between \(t-z\) and \(t+z\) is larger than 1, where \(C_t(v) := \{\forall u: (u, v, t) \in E\}\) , \(N_t(v) := |C_t(v)|\) , \(z \in \mathbb {N}\) is a window size, \(E_{a, b}(x)\) is the mean value of x such that \(t \in [a, b]\) , and \(S_{a,b}(x)\) is the standard deviation value of x such that \(t \in [a, b]\) .

In order to emphasize these definitions, let us consider an example of each one of them. For the first definition, a spatial anomaly, let us consider a user who typically interacts with an average of 10 other users per day, with a standard deviation of 2. If on a particular day, the user interacts with 20 users, this could be flagged as a spatial anomaly, as it exceeds the mean plus two standard deviations (14). For the second definition, a temporal anomaly, a user who typically shows a gradual increase in interactions suddenly starts posting and interacting at a much higher rate. If the user’s rate of change in interactions (second-order derivative) spikes sharply, while the users they interact with do not show a similar pattern (weighted first-order derivatives), this can be considered an anomaly behavior. Lastly, for the spatio-temporal anomaly, if a user suddenly starts interacting with a large number of new users in a very structured way (forming a dense subgraph), this can cause the largest eigenvalue of the interaction matrix to spike. For example, a user becoming a central figure in a rapidly forming group chat or event coordination could be considered an anomaly in the way social networks emerge.

Based on these anomalies, for each instance of a temporal graph, we computed the weighted \(F_1\) score [ 53 ] and weighted AUC (Area Under the receiver Curve) [ 54 ] using each one of the models. Formally, the \(F_1\) score balances precision (the accuracy of positive predictions) and recall (the ability to find all positive instances), making it suitable for anomaly detection where both false positives and false negatives are important. It is calculated as \(F_1 := 2TP/(2TP + FP + FN)\) where \(TP, FP, \) and \(FN\) are the number of true positive, false positive, and false negative samples, respectively. For weighted \(F_1\) , different anomalies are assigned weights based on their frequency, \(F_1^{weighted} := \sum _{i=1}^n (\omega _i F_{1}^i\) , where \(\omega _i\) is the relative frequency of anomalies of type i and n is the number of anomaly types. In addition, the AUC measures a model’s ability to distinguish between classes, useful for evaluating anomaly detection where distinguishing normal from anomalous behavior is critical and defined by \(AUC := \int _{0}^{1} TPR(FPR) d(FTR)\) where \(TPR = TP/(TP + FN)\) and \(FPR = FP/(FP + TN)\) such that \(TN\) is the number of true negative samples. In a similar manner to \(F_1^{weighted}\) , \(AUC^{weighted} := \sum _{i=1}^n (\omega _i AUC^i \) . For all models, we used the first 80% of temporal samples of each temporal graph instance to train the model while using the remaining 20% for the evaluation. Importantly, the model’s prediction is set to the next step in time, such that the window size is obtained for each model using the grid search method [ 55 ] ranging from \(1\) to \(2z\) .

Afterward, for each model, we conducted four sensitivity analysis tests, measuring the effect of changing one parameter of the task on each of the model’s performances. Namely, the prediction lag, temporal concept drift, spatial size, and spatial density. Formally, we increase the prediction lag from 1 to z with steps of 1. For the temporal concept drift, for each step in time t with a probability \(p \in [0, 0.001, \dots , 0.01]\) , all edges that are connected to node v are removed from the temporal graph. The spatial size sensitivity test was conducted by repeating the temporal graph instances construction but with \(9500 + 100i\) such that \(i \in [0, \dots , 10]\) . Finally, the spatial was implemented by adding \(|E_0|t \cdot i \cdot 10^{-5}\) edges to the graph at time t , where \(i \in [1, 10]\) . Formally, for each of these parameters, the value of the parameter is altered and the model’s performance is measured. A linear regression is fitted on this meta-data and the gradient is reported [ 56 ].

Initially, we explore the properties of the temporal graphs of both Facebook and Twitter. Table 1 shows several central properties of social media graphs [ 57 ]. Overall, Twitter is more dense with more connected nodes compared to Facebook but with lower average path length and betweenness centrality which indicates that Twitter has more strict communities with small number of users operating as “bridges” between them compared to Facebook.

Figure 2 summarizes the main results obtained where Fig.  2 a and b show the weighted \(F_1\) score and Fig.  2 c and d show the weighted AUC of each model for the Twitter and Facebook datasets, respectively. The results are shown as the mean ± standard deviation of \(n=100\) instances for each dataset. Upon examining the results, it becomes evident that the Facebook dataset consistently yielded lower performance, on average, compared to the Twitter dataset. This observation holds true when comparing each individual model’s performance within the dataset, as well as when considering the collective performance of all the models. In addition, focusing on Fig. 2 a, we can see that STGNN provides the best results with \(0.735 \pm 0.037\) followed by STUMPY with \(0.718 \pm 0.088\) and DIF with \(0.709 \pm 0.048\) . All of the selected models in our benchmarking study are neural network-based approaches that have been specifically designed for anomaly detection. Unlike, Fig. 2 b reveal that Tadgan obtained the best results with \(0.652 \pm 0.055\) , followed by DIF with \(0.649 \pm 0.081\) and STUMPY with \(0.625 \pm 0.075\) , showing somewhat consistency in the results. Similarly, the LSTM and SVD with RF models consistently performed worse compared to the other models. However, the performance order of the remaining models varied inconsistently between the two cases, indicating that the relative performance of these models is not consistently predictable or generalizable across different datasets or scenarios. A similar pattern is emerging for the weighted AUC.

figure 2

Comparison of different anomaly detection methods

Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis results for each model have been summarized in Table 2 , which is divided into four sensitivity tests, and the values presented represent the average change in performance, as measured by the weighted \(F_1\) score, resulting from variations in the parameters investigated in each sensitivity test.

5 Discussion and conclusion

In this study, we conducted a comprehensive benchmarking analysis to compare 12 data-driven methods for anomaly emergence detection in temporal graphs, with a specific focus on social media interactions. We evaluated the performance of these methods on two temporal graphs obtained from Twitter and Facebook, aiming to identify anomalies in pairwise and group interactions alike.

Initially, the properties of the used social graphs, as summarized in Table 1 , are aligned with previous studies analyzing social graphs from Facebook and Twitter in different timeframes and settings [ 58 , 59 ]. Thus, one can consider these datasets as well as represent social media graphs in general.

Next, the comparison of various anomaly detection methods on both Twitter and Facebook datasets, as shown in Fig.  2 , has yielded surprising results. Despite employing different computational approaches, several methods achieved statistically similar results while demonstrating inconsistency between the two datasets. This finding highlights the complex nature of anomaly detection in temporal graphs and the challenges associated with generalizing results across different platforms. For instance, we observed that the TPOT automatic machine-learning framework performed as the 9th-best model for the Twitter dataset, while ranking as the 7th-best for the Facebook dataset. This discrepancy emphasizes the need for tailored approaches and the consideration of dataset-specific characteristics when selecting the most effective anomaly detection method. Unsurprisingly, anomaly detection algorithms based on neural networks, such as STGNN and STUMPY outperformed general-purpose models such as AutoKeras and LSTM-based neural networks. This outcome highlights the advantage of leveraging the inherent temporal dependencies and graph structures present in the data for improved anomaly detection performance. More generally, deep learning models seem to outperform other types of models. This can be explained by the ability of these models to capture more complex spatio-temporal connections in the data [ 60 ]. The inconsistency observed in the performance order of models across datasets further emphasizes the importance of dataset-specific exploration and evaluation. Different social media platforms exhibit unique characteristics in terms of user behaviors, network dynamics, and information propagation patterns. Indeed, the patterns of interactions differ between Twitter and Facebook significantly [ 61 , 62 ], leading to variations in the effectiveness of the methods. This outcome further supports the common no-free-lunch theorem as we were not able to find a single clear model that outperforms all others even on a small sample size of only two datasets [ 63 ]. In the same manner, these results agree with a similar benchmarking analysis conducted for unsupervised outlier node detection on static attributed graphs [ 64 ]. More interestingly, Table 2 shows that different models excel in different tests. Generally speaking, the models designed for anomaly detection are more sensitive to temporal concept drift and spatial density while for the prediction lag and spatial size, the generic purpose models were found to decrease in performance faster. This research contributes to a better understanding of the complexities and challenges associated with anomaly detection in large and dynamic systems represented as temporal graphs. Future work should continue to explore novel techniques and methodologies that can effectively address these challenges and provide more robust anomaly detection solutions for diverse real-world applications.

Based on the results of this study, a compelling real-world application emerges in the field of cybersecurity, specifically for monitoring and detecting anomalous activities in social media platforms. By using deep learning models such as STGNN and STUMPY, which demonstrated superior performance in capturing complex spatio-temporal connections, these systems could more effectively identify suspicious activities such as coordinated misinformation campaigns or account hijacking attempts. One specific use case can be opinion manipulation through account hacking and publication of propaganda [ 65 ]. Detecting such accounts and blocking them can be extremely important in times of elections [ 66 ].

This study is not without limitations. First, the evaluation was conducted on a limited number of datasets, which may not fully capture the diversity and complexity of social media interactions. Furthermore, the anomalies used in this study are synthetic due to the time and resource burden of tagging such events in real data. As such, our results might change given realistic or other anomaly tagging. Second, while our sensitivity analysis included common properties such as prediction lag and spatial size other properties such as spaito-temporal rarity of the anomalies and noise levels in the data could play a central role in the models’ performance [ 67 , 68 ]. Further multi-factor analysis of the influence of such properties on the models performance can shed more light on the way partitioners can choose a method given their data. Third, data-driven models in general, and anomaly detection models, in particular, benefit from the introduction of domain knowledge [ 69 , 70 , 71 , 72 , 73 ]. As such, it is of great interest how the proposed results would alter if domain knowledge is integrated into the examined models in the form of integrating expert-informed features or designing specialized model architectures. Nevertheless, such knowledge integration usually narrows the scope of the models to a set of associated assumptions. A study of this trade-off across the different methods as well as the ease of adding domain knowledge is a promising future venue for research. Fourth, in the context of social media, all the interactions and data are available as all interactions are performed in a single (virtual) ecosystem. However, in other settings, this is usually not the case. Hence, future work should also explore cases where data is missing and the performance of multiple methods to address this shortcoming. Finally, in this study, transformer-based models are not included due to the computational power required to use train it [ 74 ]. Since transformer-based models show superior results in several domain such as natural language processing and computer vision [ 75 , 76 ], future work may evaluate such models in this context as well.

Taken jointly, this study shows that while machine and deep learning models achieve relatively high results with weighted \(F_1\) score of 0.6 to 0.7 in large spatio-temporal graphs with complex dynamics, there is no clear model that outperforms others and these their performance highly dependent on the nature of the dataset itself. The main outcome of this study is being the baseline for further developments in the field such as knowledge-integrated solutions, dedicated DL models designed for social media graphs, and even the collections of realistic anomalies in social media spatio-temporal graphs for more accurate analysis of future solutions.

Data Availibility

The data used as part of this study is available upon reasonable request from the authors.



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The author wishes to thank Tom Hope for inspiring this research and implicitly suggesting several of the models used as part of this study.

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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Department of Mathematics, Ariel University, Ariel, Israel

Teddy Lazebnik

Department of Cancer Biology, Cancer Institute, University College London, London, UK

Department of Economy, The Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo, Tel Aviv-Yaffo, Israel

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Lazebnik, T., Iny, O. Temporal graphs anomaly emergence detection: benchmarking for social media interactions. Appl Intell (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05821-3

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Accepted : 28 August 2024

Published : 12 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05821-3

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