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Should Smoking Be Illegal?

Should smoking be banned? What are the pros and cons of banning cigarettes in public places? If you’re writing an argumentative essay or persuasive speech on why smoking should be banned, check out this sample.

Smoking Should Be Banned: Essay Introduction

Reasons why smoking should be banned, why smoking should not be banned: essay arguments, why smoking should be banned essay conclusion.

Smoking involves burning a substance to take in its smoke into the lungs. These substances are commonly tobacco or cannabis. Combustion releases the active substances in them, like nicotine, which are absorbed through the lungs.

A widespread technique through which this is done is via smoking manufactured cigarettes or hand-rolling the tobacco ready for smoking. Almost 1 billion people in the majority of all human societies practice smoking. Complications directly associated with smoking claim the lives of half of all the persons involved in smoking tobacco or marijuana for a long time.

Smoking is an addiction because tobacco contains nicotine, which is very addictive. The nicotine makes it difficult for a smoker to quit. Therefore, a person will become used to nicotine such that he/she has to smoke to feel normal. Consequently, I think smoking should be banned for some reason.

One reason why smoking should be banned is that it has got several health effects. It harms almost every organ of the body. Cigarette smoking causes 87% of lung cancer deaths and is also responsible for many other cancer and health problems. 

Apart from this, infant deaths that occur in pregnant women are attributed to smoking. Similarly, people who stay near smokers become secondary smokers, who may breathe in the smoke and get the same health problems as smokers. Although not widely smoked, cannabis also has health problems, and withdrawal symptoms include depression, insomnia, frustration, anger, anxiety, concentration difficulties, and restlessness.

Besides causing emphysema, smoking also affects the digestive organs and the blood circulatory systems, especially heart arteries. Women have a higher risk of heart attack than men, exacerbating with time as one smokes. Smoking also affects the mouth, whereby the teeth become discolored, the lips blacken and always stay dry, and the breath smells bad.

Cigarette and tobacco products are costly. People who smoke are therefore forced to spend their money on these products, which badly wastes the income they would have otherwise spent on other things. Therefore, I think that smoking should be forbidden to reduce the costs of treating diseases related to smoking and the number of deaths caused by smoking-related illnesses.

However, tobacco and cigarette manufacturing nations would lose a lot if smoking was to be banned. I, therefore, think that it should not be banned. Some nations largely depend on exporting cigarettes and tobacco products to get revenue.

This revenue typically boosts the economy of such nations. If smoking were banned, they would incur significant losses since tobacco companies are multi-billion organizations. Apart from these, millions of people will be jobless due to the ban.

The process by which tobacco and cigarette products reach consumers is very complex, and it involves a chain process with several people involved in it. Banning smoking, therefore, means these people will lose their jobs, which most may depend on for their livelihoods.

In conclusion, the ban on smoking is a tough step to be undertaken, especially when the number of worldwide users is billions. Although it burdens nations enormously in treating smoking-related diseases, it may take a long time before a ban can work. Attempts by some nations to do this have often been met with failures.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, January 12). Should Smoking Be Illegal? https://studycorgi.com/should-smoking-be-banned/

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Persuasive Essay

Persuasive Essay About Smoking

Last updated on: Jul 11, 2024

Writing Persuasive Essays About Smoking? Use These Samples

By: Donna C.

Reviewed By: Jacklyn H.

Published on: Jan 25, 2023

Persuasive Essay About Smoking

Smoking is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States, and it's not just smokers who are affected. 

It's hard to find good essay examples about smoking that will help you write convincing arguments.

Occasionally when you're trying to find examples of persuasive essays, you end up reading articles that are poorly written.

We can arm you with persuasive essay examples about smoking that will help you write convincing arguments.

Let’s get started. 

Persuasive Essay About Smoking

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What Is A Persuasive Essay?

A persuasive essay is a type of writing that seeks to convince the reader to accept a particular point of view.

It is written to persuade readers to take action or adopt a certain viewpoint.

Most people prefer writing on controversial persuasive essay topics , as they are perfect for arguing.

They may include a call to action or an appeal to emotion, but they should always be backed up with evidence.

The goal of a persuasive essay is to convince readers that your opinion is valid and worthy of consideration.

Here is a simple example to improve your understanding.

Simple Persuasive essay about smoking

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Persuasive Essay Examples About Smoking

Writing a persuasive essay about smoking requires an understanding of why it is both beneficial and detrimental.

Here are some examples about smoking that can provide inspiration for your writing:

Persuasive speech on smoking outline

Persuasive essay about smoking should be banned

Persuasive essay about smoking pdf

Persuasive essay about smoking cannot relieve stress

Persuasive essay about smoking in public places

Speech about smoking is dangerous

Struggling to start your essay? Checkout how you can create a persuasive essay outline !

Argumentative Essay About Smoking Examples

To help you better understand how to write an argumentative essay about smoking, let's look at some examples.

Argumentative essay about smoking introduction

Argumentative essay about smoking pdf

Argumentative essay about smoking in public places

Looking for more samples? Check out these persuasive essay examples !

Tips For Writing a Persuasive Essay About Smoking

Writing a persuasive essay about cigarette smoking can be challenging. Here are some tips you can follow to make the writing process easier.

1. Show the facts

Include statistics, examples, and case studies to build a strong argument for why smoking should be banned or discouraged.

2. Be direct

Make sure your message is clear and convincing by getting straight to the point when making your argument.

3. Speak from experience

Share personal experiences with smoking or stories of others you have heard to make your argument more powerful.

4. Acknowledge the other side

Be sure to address any counterarguments and acknowledge why people may disagree with you. You should also try to explain why your position is stronger.

5. Emphasize the consequences

Showing how smoking can harm a person’s health, and the environment can make your argument even more compelling. For example, you can talk about how smoking leads to lung cancer.

This video talks about some consequences of smoking that you can use. 

6. Call to action

End your essay with a call to action that encourages readers to take steps towards further educating themselves on the issue. For example, you can ask the reader to stop smoking for the good of their children.

7. Lead by example

Advocating for anti-smoking initiatives will help spread your message and convince more people to reconsider their lifestyle choices.

Remember, smoking is a serious issue with potentially life-threatening consequences. The only way to combat it effectively is by being persuasive and getting our message across.

Tough Essay Due? Hire Tough Writers!

writing a persuasive essay about smoking can be a powerful way to spread awareness about smoking.  Using facts, examples, stories, and CTAs, you can create an essay that will convince stubborn smokers to reconsider their lifestyle choices.

Remember, your words have power – use them for good and help make a difference in the fight against smoking!

At SharkPapers.com, we provide a comprehensive essay writing service to help you create an effective argument.

Our expert persuasive essay writers have the necessary experience to craft a compelling argument that convinces your reader.

From crafting an outline and writing the content, our essay writer will ensure that your persuasive essay stands out. This is why we strive to provide you with the best persuasive essay writing service tailored specifically to your needs. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What would be a good thesis statement for smoking.

A good thesis statement for a persuasive essay on smoking could be something like this:

“Smoking is not only dangerous to your health, but it also costs taxpayers billions of dollars each year in healthcare expenses. Additionally, cigarettes are a leading cause of fires and death in the United States. For all these reasons, it's clear that smoking should be banned.”

What are good topics for persuasive essays?

Here are some good topics for persuasive essays on smoking:

  • The dangers of smoking and the health risks associated with it.
  • How smoking affects non-smokers, including children, through secondhand smoke.
  • How quitting smoking can improve your overall health and extend your life expectancy.

Donna C.

Marketing, Literature

Donna writes on a broad range of topics, but she is mostly passionate about social issues, current events, and human-interest stories. She has received high praise for her writing from both colleagues and readers alike. Donna is known in her field for creating content that is not only professional but also captivating.

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Although smoking has many negative health effects, making smoking illegal would not solve the problem.
Teenagers should be allowed to smoke if they choose to.
Smoking is a leading cause of death in the United States.
People should be able to decide what kind of lifestyle they want to have even if it is unhealthy.
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Elimination of poverty would be the best way to improve health around the world.
Life was very different 50 years ago.
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How To Create A Thesis Statement For An Academic Essay About Smoking In The Us

August 10, 2017

A thesis statement is not supposed to be something that you have to worry about. This is actually one of the easiest things that you need to think about. There are a number of students who struggle to learn how to frame a really good statement, and bearing that in mind, it will be important to at least try and make sure that you are in a good position to address the issue at hand, and then from there you can think about how to frame this and make a really good paper in the process.

The following are some ideas that you need to think about when you are looking to write the thesis statement for your essay on smoking in the US:

  • What do you want to tell the reader?

What idea do you want the reader to have?

How do your ideas fit in with the topic.

If at all there is something that you need to know when working on this particular idea for your research essay , it is the fact that you need to figure out beforehand the message that you want to share with the reader of your paper. This is one of the most important things that will help you determine how to frame this statement the way you want it to come out.

If you can do this well, rest assured that your statement will blend in perfectly with the reader, and you will have the best experience so far when you are working on this.

Other than what you want to tell the audience, you also need to think in terms of the perception that you want them to have of your topic . You should think about how you would want them to react when you are discussing your ideas on smoking within the US, and then frame your statement based on the same concept.

A good thesis statement has to blend in well with the topic of your essay .

This is mandatory. Someone should read it and see the connection between it and your topic and nod in appreciation. If you are able to do this, you will have made the first and most important step towards writing one of the best papers ever.

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Home — Essay Samples — Nursing & Health — Smoking — Effect of Tobacco: Why Cigarette Smoking Should Be Banned


Effect of Tobacco: Why Cigarette Smoking Should Be Banned

  • Categories: Smoking Smoking Ban Tobacco

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Words: 1585 |

Published: Dec 3, 2020

Words: 1585 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

Works Cited

  • Rezaei, S., Akbari, M. E., Hajizadeh, M., & Heydari, G. (2015). The financial burden imposed on healthcare system due to smoking-attributable diseases: A report from Iran. Global Journal of Health Science, 7(2), 1-9. https://doi.org/10.5539/gjhs.v7n2p1
  • World Health Organization. (2017). Tobacco. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/tobacco
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Smoking & tobacco use: Health effects. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/effects_cig_smoking/index.htm
  • Tobacco in Australia. (2021). Tobacco use in Australia. https://www.tobaccoinaustralia.org.au/chapter-1-prevalence/1-2-prevalence-of-smoking-adults
  • American Cancer Society. (2022). Lung cancer risk factors. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/lung-cancer/prevention-and-early-detection/risk-factors.html
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2019). DrugFacts: Cigarettes and other tobacco products. https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/cigarettes-other-tobacco-products
  • National Cancer Institute. (2022). Harms of smoking and health benefits of quitting. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/tobacco/cessation-fact-sheet
  • U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2014). The health consequences of smoking—50 years of progress: A report of the Surgeon General. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health.
  • Gao, B., Chapman, S., & Sun, S. (2019). The tipping point for tobacco control: Time to prohibit the sale of tobacco products?. Tobacco Control, 28(3), 349-353. https://doi.org/10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2017-054108
  • National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2018). Public health consequences of e-cigarettes. National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/24952

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good thesis statement for banning smoking

Essay on Smoking

500 words essay on  smoking.

One of the most common problems we are facing in today’s world which is killing people is smoking. A lot of people pick up this habit because of stress , personal issues and more. In fact, some even begin showing it off. When someone smokes a cigarette, they not only hurt themselves but everyone around them. It has many ill-effects on the human body which we will go through in the essay on smoking.

essay on smoking

Ill-Effects of Smoking

Tobacco can have a disastrous impact on our health. Nonetheless, people consume it daily for a long period of time till it’s too late. Nearly one billion people in the whole world smoke. It is a shocking figure as that 1 billion puts millions of people at risk along with themselves.

Cigarettes have a major impact on the lungs. Around a third of all cancer cases happen due to smoking. For instance, it can affect breathing and causes shortness of breath and coughing. Further, it also increases the risk of respiratory tract infection which ultimately reduces the quality of life.

In addition to these serious health consequences, smoking impacts the well-being of a person as well. It alters the sense of smell and taste. Further, it also reduces the ability to perform physical exercises.

It also hampers your physical appearances like giving yellow teeth and aged skin. You also get a greater risk of depression or anxiety . Smoking also affects our relationship with our family, friends and colleagues.

Most importantly, it is also an expensive habit. In other words, it entails heavy financial costs. Even though some people don’t have money to get by, they waste it on cigarettes because of their addiction.

How to Quit Smoking?

There are many ways through which one can quit smoking. The first one is preparing for the day when you will quit. It is not easy to quit a habit abruptly, so set a date to give yourself time to prepare mentally.

Further, you can also use NRTs for your nicotine dependence. They can reduce your craving and withdrawal symptoms. NRTs like skin patches, chewing gums, lozenges, nasal spray and inhalers can help greatly.

Moreover, you can also consider non-nicotine medications. They require a prescription so it is essential to talk to your doctor to get access to it. Most importantly, seek behavioural support. To tackle your dependence on nicotine, it is essential to get counselling services, self-materials or more to get through this phase.

One can also try alternative therapies if they want to try them. There is no harm in trying as long as you are determined to quit smoking. For instance, filters, smoking deterrents, e-cigarettes, acupuncture, cold laser therapy, yoga and more can work for some people.

Always remember that you cannot quit smoking instantly as it will be bad for you as well. Try cutting down on it and then slowly and steadily give it up altogether.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Smoking

Thus, if anyone is a slave to cigarettes, it is essential for them to understand that it is never too late to stop smoking. With the help and a good action plan, anyone can quit it for good. Moreover, the benefits will be evident within a few days of quitting.

FAQ of Essay on Smoking

Question 1: What are the effects of smoking?

Answer 1: Smoking has major effects like cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and more. It also increases the risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems with the immune system .

Question 2: Why should we avoid smoking?

Answer 2: We must avoid smoking as it can lengthen your life expectancy. Moreover, by not smoking, you decrease your risk of disease which includes lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more.

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1. IvyPanda . "59 Ban Smoking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." January 19, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ban-smoking-essay-topics/.


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    Smoking Ban Introduction and Thesis: The smoking ban is to prevent health risks, and ensure a better economy and cleaner environment. The first ban was in 1575 to ensure no smoking in all the churches in Mexico by the ecclesial council. Even though there is so much evidence to easily ban smoking it is still a huge debate.

  14. Thesis Statement On Smoking

    1658 Words. 7 Pages. Open Document. Smoking cigarettes can have such an harmful effect on the individuals who abuse it and the people who are in around them. A cigarette abuser is likely to become addicted to the drug resulting the person to face with lung cancer. There are many close people in my life who are trying their hardest to quit this ...

  15. Essay on Smoking in English for Students

    500 Words Essay On Smoking. One of the most common problems we are facing in today's world which is killing people is smoking. A lot of people pick up this habit because of stress, personal issues and more. In fact, some even begin showing it off. When someone smokes a cigarette, they not only hurt themselves but everyone around them.

  16. What should be the thesis statement and subtopics for a persuasive

    Smoking on college campuses should be banned in _____[state which buildings] because second-hand smoke is harmful and because smoking is offensive to those who do not smoke.

  17. developing a strong outline for essay: Banning Smoking in Public Places

    C. Thesis Statement II. Body A. Discuss negative effects of smoking & secondhand smoke effects B. Why smoking in public places should be done away with C. Examples of places that have banned smoking and their findings D. What could be expected if smoking in public places were to be banned in Minnesota or even the United States III. Conclusion ...

  18. 59 Ban Smoking Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    Smoking Should Be Banned Internationally. The questions refer to the knowledge concerning the consequences of smoking and the opinions on smoking bans. 80 % of respondents agree that smoking is among the leading causes of death and 63, 3 % [
] Microeconomics: Cigarette Taxes and Public Smoking Ban.

  19. Essay about The Banning of Smoking in Public Facilities

    Thesis: Smoking in most public facilities should be banned. I. Smoking is very unhealthy for you. A. Smoking is the number one preventable cause of death in America. B. About 3 million people die each year from diseases that result from. using tobacco products. C. Tobacco contains over 4,000 chemicals most are poisons.

  20. Smoking Essays: Examples, Topics, & Outlines

    Pages: 4 Words: 1374. Topics include motivation, stress management, the effects of smoking, preparing to quit, relapse prevention, dealing with peer pressure, media awareness, support networks, and healthy lifestyles. Four optional booster sessions are offered after the program's conclusion" (NOT, 2009, CDC).