programming assignment 5 2d drawing application

public class Point2D implements Comparable<Point2D> { public Point2D(double x, double y) // construct the point (x, y) public double x() // x-coordinate public double y() // y-coordinate public double distanceTo(Point2D that) // Euclidean distance between two points public double distanceSquaredTo(Point2D that) // square of Euclidean distance between two points public int compareTo(Point2D that) // for use in an ordered symbol table public boolean equals(Object that) // does this point equal that object? public void draw() // draw to standard draw public String toString() // string representation }
public class RectHV { public RectHV(double xmin, double ymin, // construct the rectangle [xmin, xmax] x [ymin, ymax] double xmax, double ymax) // throw an IllegalArgumentException if (xmin > xmax) or (ymin > ymax) public double xmin() // minimum x-coordinate of rectangle public double ymin() // minimum y-coordinate of rectangle public double xmax() // maximum x-coordinate of rectangle public double ymax() // maximum y-coordinate of rectangle public boolean contains(Point2D p) // does this rectangle contain the point p (either inside or on boundary)? public boolean intersects(RectHV that) // does this rectangle intersect that rectangle (at one or more points)? public double distanceTo(Point2D p) // Euclidean distance from point p to closest point in rectangle public double distanceSquaredTo(Point2D p) // square of Euclidean distance from point p to closest point in rectangle public boolean equals(Object that) // does this rectangle equal that object? public void draw() // draw to standard draw public String toString() // string representation }
public class PointSET { public PointSET() // construct an empty set of points public boolean isEmpty() // is the set empty? public int size() // number of points in the set public void insert(Point2D p) // add the point to the set (if it is not already in the set) public boolean contains(Point2D p) // does the set contain point p? public void draw() // draw all points to standard draw public Iterable<Point2D> range(RectHV rect) // all points that are inside the rectangle (or on the boundary) public Point2D nearest(Point2D p) // a nearest neighbor in the set to point p; null if the set is empty public static void main(String[] args) // unit testing of the methods (optional) }
      insert (0.7, 0.2)       insert (0.5, 0.4)       insert (0.2, 0.3)       insert (0.4, 0.7)       insert (0.9, 0.6)       --> insert (0.8, 0.1) --> -->

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2d drawing application.

A Java application similar to Microsoft Paint where a user can draw various 2 dimensional shapes on a canvas. They have the ability to change color, shape filler, line width, gradient color, and dash length.

Run the main class, Java2dDrawingApplication, inside the file

Once running, select a shape, whether you want it filled, or just the outline, the line width, and dash width.

  • Java 100.0%
public class Point2D { public Point2D(double x, double y) // construct the point (x, y) public double x() // x-coordinate public double y() // y-coordinate public double distanceSquaredTo(Point2D that) // square of Euclidean distance between two points public int compareTo(Point2D that) // for use in an ordered symbol table public boolean equals(Object that) // does this point equal that? public void draw() // draw to standard draw public String toString() // string representation }
public class RectHV { public RectHV(double xmin, double ymin, // construct the rectangle [xmin, xmax] x [ymin, ymax] double xmax, double ymax) // throw a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if (xmin > xmax) or (ymin > ymax) public double xmin() // minimum x-coordinate of rectangle public double ymin() // minimum y-coordinate of rectangle public double xmax() // maximum x-coordinate of rectangle public double ymax() // maximum y-coordinate of rectangle public boolean contains(Point2D p) // does this rectangle contain the point p (either inside or on boundary)? public boolean intersects(RectHV that) // does this rectangle intersect that rectangle (at one or more points)? public double distanceSquaredTo(Point2D p) // square of Euclidean distance from point p to closest point in rectangle public boolean equals(Object that) // does this rectangle equal that? public void draw() // draw to standard draw public String toString() // string representation }
public class PointST<Value> { public PointST() // construct an empty symbol table of points public boolean isEmpty() // is the symbol table empty? public int size() // number of points in the ST public void insert(Point2D p, Value v) // add the point p to the ST or if it already exists, update public Value get(Point2D p) // returns value mapped to by p public boolean contains(Point2D p) // does the ST contain the point p? public void draw() // draw points to standard draw public Iterable<Point2D> range(RectHV rect) // all points in the ST that are inside the rectangle public Point2D nearest(Point2D p) // a nearest neighbor in the ST to p; null if set is empty public static void main(String[] args) // unit testing of the methods (not graded) }
insert (0.7, 0.2) insert (0.5, 0.4) insert (0.2, 0.3) insert (0.4, 0.7) insert (0.9, 0.6) --> insert (0.8, 0.1) --> -->
public Iterable<Point2D> nearest(Point2D p, int k)

programming assignment 5 2d drawing application

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programming assignment 5 2d drawing application

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CMPSC 221 Penn State University Main Campus 2D Drawing Application Exercise

User Generated

Computer Science

Penn State University Main Campus


I have a 2d drawing application, it works, the problem is that when I am drawing a line, oval or rectangle it doesn't show while I'm dragging my mouse, it only shows the finished product when I release my mouse. I have attached my code and the instructions for the project if they are necessary.Java 2D Drawing Application. It's basically a bug fix

The application will contain the following elements:

a) an Undo button to undo the last shape drawn. b) a Clear button to clear all shapes from the drawing. c) a combo box for selecting the shape to draw, a line, oval, or rectangle. d) a checkbox which specifies if the shape should be filled or unfilled. e) a checkbox to specify whether to paint using a gradient. f) two JButtons that each show a JColorChooser dialog to allow the user to choose the first and second color in the gradient. g) a text field for entering the Stroke width. h) a text field for entering the Stroke dash length. I) a checkbox for specifying whether to draw a dashed or solid line. j) a JPanel on which the shapes are drawn. k) a status bar JLabel at the bottom of the frame that displays the current location of the mouse on the draw panel. If the user selects to draw with a gradient, set the Paint on the shape to be a gradient of the two colors chosen by the user. If the user does not chose to draw with a gradient, then Paint with a solid color of the 1st Color. The following code can create a gradient paint object: Paint paint = new GradientPaint(0, 0, color1, 50, 50, color2, true);

To set the stroke for a line to be drawn, you can use the following code:

if (dashCheckBox.isSelected()) { stroke = new BasicStroke(lineWidth, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 10, dashLength, 0); } else { stroke = new BasicStroke(lineWidth, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); }

Where the first stroke line creates a dashed line and dashLength is a one element float array with the dash length in the first element. The second stroke line creates an undashed line with the line width specified from the GUI.

Note: When dragging the mouse to create a new shape, the shape should be drawn as the mouse is dragged.

A template project has been provided for you in Canvas in This project contains a MyShapes hierarchy that is a complete shape hierarchy for drawing a line, rectangle or oval. You must use this MyShapes hierarchy. A template for the Drawing Application Frame is also provided along with a template for the DrawPanel inner class. You do not need to use these templates if you so choose.

In the paintComponent(Graphics g) method of the DrawPanel, to loop through and draw each shape created by the user, you will loop through an ArrayList of MyShapes, that you built, and call the draw(Graphics2D g2d) method for each shape. The draw method is already implemented in the MyShapes hierarchy.

Note: You do not need to create an event handler for each component in the top two lines of the frame. You only need to create event handlers for the buttons. You can get the values out of all the other components in the top two lines, when the user presses the mouse button on the DrawPanel. At that time, you have all the information you need to create a new Myshapes object.

Note: Do not use the NetBeans GUI generator for this assignment.

programming assignment 5 2d drawing application

Explanation & Answer

programming assignment 5 2d drawing application

View attached explanation and answer. Let me know if you have any questions. 'HDU6KDUHKROGHUV Fiscal 2011 was our second consecutive year of positive sales growth, with comp sales up 3.4 percent and total sales XSSHUFHQW'LOXWHGHDUQLQJVSHUVKDUHZHUHXSSHUFHQWUHÁHFWLQJVDOHVJURZWKRQJRLQJEHQHÀWVIURPRXU merchandising and supply chain transformations, improved technology and effective expense control. 2XUVWUDWHJLFIRFXVLVEDVHGRQD´WKUHHOHJJHGVWRROµZKDWZHDUHSDVVLRQDWHDERXW²FXVWRPHUVHUYLFHZKDWZH ZDQWWREHWKHEHVWLQWKHZRUOGDW²KRPHLPSURYHPHQWSURGXFWDXWKRULW\DQGZKDWGULYHVRXUHFRQRPLFHQJLQH² GLVFLSOLQHGFDSLWDODOORFDWLRQ:HDOVRUHFRJQL]HWKDWWKHVHHOHPHQWVVKRXOGEHHQKDQFHGWKURXJKRXURQOLQHHIIRUWV and interconnected retail. CUSTOMER SERVICE :HNQRZWKHIRXQGDWLRQRIRXUEXVLQHVVLVH[FHOOHQWFXVWRPHUVHUYLFH%\WKHHQGRIÀVFDOZHLQFUHDVHGWKH percent of our store hourly payroll allocated to customer service to approximately 53 percent. Four years ago, we were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during the year is an indicator of our success in doing that. One area of focus for us in 2011 was special order SURGXFW,I\RXKDYHIROORZHG7KH+RPH'HSRWIRUDZKLOH\RXNQRZWKDWRXUOHJDF\VSHFLDORUGHUV\VWHPVQHHG XSJUDGLQJ:HDUHQRZLQWKHPLGVWRIDPXOWL\HDULQLWLDWLYHWRUHSODFHWKHOHJDF\V\VWHPQRWZLWKRQHPDMRUFKDQJH RXWEXWZLWKDVHULHVRILQFUHPHQWDOUHOHDVHV:HDUHDERXWSHUFHQWRIWKHZD\WKURXJKWKLVHIIRUWDQGDUHYHU\ SOHDVHGZLWKWKHVXFFHVVWRGDWH:HKDYHGLJLWL]HGRXUVSHFLDORUGHUFDWDORJXHVDQGDUHSXWWLQJWKHEXLOGLQJEORFNV of the new order management system in place. Our new order management system will make placing special orders HDVLHUIRUERWKRXUFXVWRPHUVDQGDVVRFLDWHVDUHÁHFWLRQRIRXUFRPPLWPHQWWRVLPSOLI\LQJFRPSOH[SURMHFWVIRU our customers. 2XUVXSSO\FKDLQLQYHVWPHQWVDUHDOVRGHOLYHULQJVLJQLÀFDQWEHQHÀWVIRUWKHEXVLQHVVLQWHUPVRILPSURYHGLQVWRFN UDWHVDQGORZHUVXSSO\FKDLQFRVWV6LQFHWKHEHJLQQLQJRIRXU86VXSSO\FKDLQWUDQVIRUPDWLRQZHKDYHLQFUHDVHG WKHÁRZRIJRRGVJRLQJWKURXJKRXUFHQWUDOL]HGGLVWULEXWLRQIURPSHUFHQWLQWRDSSUR[LPDWHO\SHUFHQWLQ :HKDYHDJRDORISHUFHQWFHQWUDOL]HGGLVWULEXWLRQE\DQGZHKDYHFOHDUOLQHRIVLJKWWRDFKLHYLQJWKLV JRDO7KHPRYHWRFHQWUDOL]HGGLVWULEXWLRQDOVRDOORZVXVWRFUHDWHLQYHQWRU\HIÀFLHQF\WKDWLVDFFUHWLYHWRLQYHQWRU\ turnover. For the year, we ended with inventory turns at 4.3 times, up from 4.1 times the previous year. Now that RXU5DSLG'HSOR\PHQW&HQWHUSODWIRUPKDVEHHQXSDQGUXQQLQJIRUDIXOO\HDUZHDUHWXUQLQJRXUIRFXVWRRWKHU RSSRUWXQLWLHVZLWKLQRXUVXSSO\FKDLQWKHFRQVROLGDWLRQRIWUDQVORDGIDFLOLWLHVLQYHQWRU\PDQDJHPHQWDQGGLUHFW IXOILOOPHQWLQWKH86DORQJZLWKVLPLODUSURJUHVVRQRXUVXSSO\FKDLQVLQ&DQDGDDQG0H[LFR DISCIPLINED CAPITAL ALLOCATION ,Q1RYHPEHUZHXSGDWHGRXUFDSLWDODOORFDWLRQSULQFLSOHVDQGLQFUHDVHGRXUGLYLGHQGE\SHUFHQWIROORZLQJD SHUFHQWLQFUHDVHLQRXUGLYLGHQGHDUOLHULQWKH\HDU:HFRQWLQXHWRKDYHDGLVFLSOLQHGDQGEDODQFHGDSSURDFK  to capital allocation, investing to maintain and improve the health of our business and returning excess cash to our shareholders in the form of dividends and share repurchases. During the year, we reset our targeted dividend payout to 50 percent of net earnings, up from our previous target of 40 percent. We are aiming to maintain an adjusted debt to EBITDAR ratio of approximately two times. After meeting the needs of the business, we will use excess cash to repurchase shares, with the intent of completing the remaining $6.4 billion of share repurchases under our current DXWKRUL]DWLRQE\WKHHQGRIÀVFDO:HUHSXUFKDVHGELOOLRQRIRXURXWVWDQGLQJVKDUHVLQWKURXJKWKH combination of excess cash and a debt-funded accelerated share repurchase program, and we plan to repurchase an DGGLWLRQDOELOOLRQRIRXWVWDQGLQJVKDUHVLQ2XUXSGDWHGVKDUHKROGHUUHWXUQSULQFLSOHVUHÁHFWRXUYLHZWKDW a solid dividend, coupled with prudent use of cash, will create the most value for all stakeholders. INTERCONNECTED RETAIL We remain committed to our interconnected retail strategy of leveraging our e-commerce business to drive WUDQVDFWLRQVDFURVVDOOFKDQQHOV([DPSOHVRIWKLVLQFOXGHWKHUROORXWRI%X\2QOLQH3LFNXS,Q6WRUHWRDOO86 VWRUHVGXULQJWKHWKLUGTXDUWHURIDVZHOODVDPDMRUXSJUDGHRIRXURQOLQHSODWIRUPODXQFKHGDWWKHEHJLQQLQJ RI:HFRQWLQXHWRPDNHSURJUHVVLQLQWHUFRQQHFWHGUHWDLODQGVDZVROLGJURZWKLQERWKVDOHVDQGWUDIÀFIURP RXURQOLQHFKDQQHOLQ INTERNATIONAL 2QWKHLQWHUQDWLRQDOIURQWRXU&DQDGLDQEXVLQHVVLVRQDSDWKRILPSURYLQJSHUIRUPDQFHDQGKDGSRVLWLYHFRPSVLQ WKHIRXUWKTXDUWHU2XU0H[LFDQEXVLQHVVKDVKDGTXDUWHUVLQDURZRISRVLWLYHFRPSJURZWKDWHVWDPHQWWRRXU WHDPLQ0H[LFR&KLQDFRQWLQXHVWREHDWHVWLQJJURXQGDVZHDUHFRPPLWWHGWREXLOGLQJDSURÀWDEOHEXVLQHVVPRGHO that addresses customer needs in that market. ,QZHZLOOFRQWLQXHRXUHIIRUWVWRVLPSOLI\WKHEXVLQHVVLPSURYHFXVWRPHUVHUYLFHDQGSURYLGHWKHEHVWYDOXH in home improvement retail. I hope as you spend time in our store or on our website or mobile applications you will see continued improvement. )UDQFLV6%ODNH &KDLUPDQ &KLHI([HFXWLYH2IÀFHU 0DUFK UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended January 29, 2012 OR TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Commission File Number 1-8207 THE HOME DEPOT, INC. (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter) DELAWARE (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) 95-3261426 (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) 2455 PACES FERRY ROAD, N.W., ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30339 (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code) Registrant’s Telephone Number, Including Area Code: (770) 433-8211 SECURITIES REGISTERED PURSUANT TO SECTION 12(b) OF THE ACT: TITLE OF EACH CLASS NAME OF EACH EXCHANGE ON WHICH REGISTERED Common Stock, $0.05 Par Value Per Share New York Stock Exchange SECURITIES REGISTERED PURSUANT TO SECTION 12(g) OF THE ACT: None Indicate by check mark if the Registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes Indicate by check mark if the Registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act. Yes No No Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes No Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, every Interactive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to submit and post such files). Yes No Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of Registrant’s knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a smaller reporting company. See the definitions of "large accelerated filer," "accelerated filer" and "smaller reporting company" in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one): Large accelerated filer Accelerated filer Non-accelerated filer (Do not check if a smaller reporting company) Smaller reporting company Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes No The aggregate market value of the common stock of the Registrant held by non-affiliates of the Registrant on July 31, 2011 was $53.7 billion. The number of shares outstanding of the Registrant’s common stock as of March 14, 2012 was 1,523,263,533 shares. DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE Portions of the Registrant’s proxy statement for the 2012 Annual Meeting of Shareholders are incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K to the extent described herein. THE HOME DEPOT, INC. FISCAL YEAR 2011 FORM 10-K TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I Item 1. Business 1 Item 1A. Risk Factors 6 Item 1B. Unresolved Staff Comments 9 Item 2. Properties 10 Item 3. Legal Proceedings 12 Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures 12 Item 5. Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities 13 Item 6. Selected Financial Data 15 Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 16 PART II Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk 26 Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data 27 Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure 51 Item 9A. Controls and Procedures 51 Item 9B. Other Information 51 PART III Item 10. Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance 52 Item 11. Executive Compensation 53 Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters 53 Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence 53 Item 14. Principal Accounting Fees and Services 53 Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules 54 Signatures 57 PART IV Item 15. CAUTIONARY STATEMENT PURSUANT TO THE PRIVATE SECURITIES LITIGATION REFORM ACT OF 1995 Certain statements regarding our future performance constitute "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements may relate to, among other things, the demand for our products and services, net sales growth, comparable store sales, state of the economy, state of the residential construction, housing and home improvement markets, state of the credit markets, including mortgages, home equity loans and consumer credit, inventory and in-stock positions, commodity price inflation and deflation, implementation of store and supply chain initiatives, continuation of reinvestment plans, net earnings performance, earnings per share, stock-based compensation expense, capital allocation and expenditures, liquidity, the effect of adopting certain accounting standards, return on invested capital, management of our purchasing or customer credit policies, the effect of accounting charges, the ability to issue debt on terms and at rates acceptable to us, store openings and closures, expense leverage and financial outlook. Forward-looking statements are based on currently available information and our current assumptions, expectations and projections about future events. You should not rely on our forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to future events, risks and uncertainties – many of which are beyond our control or are currently unknown to us – as well as potentially inaccurate assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations and projections. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those described in Item 1A, "Risk Factors," in this report. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and we do not undertake to update these statements other than as required by law. You are advised, however, to review any further disclosures we make on related subjects in our periodic filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"). PART I Item 1. Business. Introduction The Home Depot, Inc. is the world’s largest home improvement retailer based on Net Sales for the fiscal year ended January 29, 2012 ("fiscal 2011"). The Home Depot stores sell a wide assortment of building materials, home improvement and lawn and garden products and provide a number of services. The Home Depot stores average approximately 104,000 square feet of enclosed space, with approximately 24,000 additional square feet of outside garden area. As of the end of fiscal 2011, we had 2,252 The Home Depot stores located throughout the United States including the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the territories of the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam, Canada, China and Mexico. When we refer to "The Home Depot," the "Company," "we," "us" or "our" in this report, we are referring to The Home Depot, Inc. and its consolidated subsidiaries. The Home Depot, Inc. is a Delaware corporation that was incorporated in 1978. Our Store Support Center (corporate office) is located at 2455 Paces Ferry Road, N.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30339. Our telephone number is (770) 433-8211. We maintain an Internet website at www We make available on our website, free of charge, our Annual Reports to shareholders, Annual Reports on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8-K, Proxy Statements and Forms 3, 4 and 5, and amendments to those reports, as soon as reasonably practicable after filing such documents with, or furnishing such documents to, the SEC. We include our website addresses throughout this filing for reference only. The information contained on our websites is not incorporated by reference into this report. For information on key financial highlights, including historical revenues, profits and total assets, see the "Five-Year Summary of Financial and Operating Results" on page F-1 of this report and Item 7, "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations." 1 Our Business Operating Strategy In fiscal 2011, we continued to execute on our strategy focused on the following key initiatives: • Customer Service. Our customer service initiative is anchored on the principles of putting customers first, taking care of our associates and simplifying the business. To enhance customer service, we introduced new information technology and optimized certain elements of our supply chain to eliminate tasks and give associates more time with customers. We also sought to maintain competitive wages and incentive opportunities to attract, retain and motivate our associates. • Product Authority. Our product authority initiative is facilitated by our merchandising transformation and portfolio strategy, focused on delivering product innovation, assortment and value. In fiscal 2011, we introduced a wide range of new products to our customers, while remaining focused on offering every day values in our stores. • Productivity and Efficiency. Our productivity and efficiency initiative is advanced through building best-in-class competitive advantages in information technology and supply chain, as well as building shareholder value through higher returns on invested capital and total value returned to shareholders. By the start of fiscal 2011, we had completed our Rapid Deployment Center ("RDC") rollout, and our focus turned to operating and optimizing our supply chain network. We continued our focus on disciplined capital allocation, expense control and increasing shareholder returns, both through share repurchases and increased dividend payments. • Interconnected Retail. As customers increasingly expect to be able to buy how, when and where they want, we believe that providing a seamless shopping experience across multiple channels will be a key enabler for future success. The interconnected retail initiative is woven throughout our business and connects our other three key initiatives. In fiscal 2011, we focused in particular on enhancements to our online presence and other customerfacing technology, leveraging multiple channels to expand product assortment and simultaneously simplifying the process of locating and ordering products. Customer Service Our Customers. The Home Depot stores serve three primary customer groups, and we have different customer service approaches to meet their particular needs: • Do-It-Yourself ("D-I-Y") Customers. These customers are typically home owners who purchase products and complete their own projects and installations. Our associates assist these customers with specific product and installation questions both in our stores and through online resources and other media designed to provide product and project knowledge. • Do-It-For-Me ("D-I-F-M") Customers. These customers are typically home owners who purchase materials themselves and hire third parties to complete the project or installation. Our stores offer a variety of installation services targeted at D-I-F-M customers who select and purchase products and installation of those products from us in the store. Our installation programs include products such as carpeting, flooring, cabinets, countertops and water heaters. In addition, we provide professional installation of a number of products sold through our in-home sales programs, such as roofing, siding, windows, furnaces and central air systems. • Professional Customers. These customers are primarily professional remodelers, general contractors, repairmen, small business owners and tradesmen. We offer a variety of special programs to these customers, including delivery and will-call services, dedicated staff and expanded credit programs. We recognize the unique service needs of the professional customer and use our expertise to facilitate their buying experience. In fiscal 2011, we introduced new information technology to serve our customers more effectively and enhance the overall shopping environment. To improve our labor efficiency, we completed the roll out of our new associate forecast and scheduling system and a centralized returns system in fiscal 2011. These systems allow us to take tasks out of the stores and allocate more associate hours to assisting customers and to better align our labor hours with customer traffic patterns. As of the end of fiscal 2011, approximately 53% of our store labor hours were dedicated to customer-facing activity, with a goal of reaching 60% by the end of fiscal 2013. During fiscal 2011, we also implemented enhancements to our website to improve our customers' experience when shopping online. These include Buy Online, Pick-up In Store ("BOPIS"), which allows our customers to choose how they would like to receive merchandise ordered online, and "SuperSku," which provides greater flexibility in how items are displayed online and minimizes the number of clicks necessary to find a product. In February 2012, we rolled out a significant upgrade of our website, which enhances the layout, visual appearance and responsiveness of the site, as well as further reducing the number of clicks necessary to navigate our pages. 2 We help our professional, D-I-Y and D-I-F-M customers finance their projects by offering private label credit products in our stores through third-party credit providers. In fiscal 2011, approximately 2.4 million new The Home Depot private label credit accounts were opened, and at fiscal year end the total number of The Home Depot active account holders was approximately 10 million. Private label credit card sales accounted for approximately 22% of sales in fiscal 2011. In addition, to provide alternate payment options to our customers, in fiscal 2011 we launched a pilot program for our in-store customers to use PayPal® and plan to roll it out more broadly in the fiscal year ending February 3, 2013 ("fiscal 2012"). Our Associates. Employee relations matter to us, and our associates are key to our customer service initiative. We empower our associates to deliver excellent customer service through our Customers FIRST training program. At the end of fiscal 2011, we employed approximately 331,000 associates, of whom approximately 20,000 were salaried, with the remainder compensated on an hourly or temporary basis. To attract and retain qualified personnel, we seek to maintain competitive salary and wage levels in each market we serve. We measure associate satisfaction regularly and maintain multiple means of ensuring effective communications with our associates. We believe that our employee relations are very good. Product Authority Our Products. Our product portfolio strategy is aimed at delivering innovation, assortment and value. A typical Home Depot store stocks approximately 30,000 to 40,000 products during the year, including both national brand name and proprietary items. We also offer over 300,000 products through our website, To enhance our merchandising capabilities, we made enhancements to our information technology tools in fiscal 2011 to give our merchants and vendors greater visibility into category and item performance. In addition, as part of a multi-phased project to improve our special order performance and make the special order process both simpler and more accurate for our customers and associates, we digitized our vendor catalogs in fiscal 2011. In fiscal 2011, we continued to introduce a number of innovative and distinctive products to our customers at attractive values. Examples of these new products include lithium battery technology for power tools, Ryobi® lithium ion cordless outdoor tools, Glidden® DUO™ paint + primer, Toro® gas trimmers and organic lawn care products from Vigoro®. To complement and enhance our product selection, we continued to form strategic alliances and exclusive relationships with selected suppliers to market products under a variety of well-recognized brand names. During fiscal 2011, we offered a number of proprietary and exclusive brands across a wide range of departments, such as Defiant® door locks, Everbilt® hardware fasteners, Husky® paint tools and hand tools, Hampton Bay® lighting, Vigoro® lawn care products, RIDGID® and Ryobi® power tools and Glacier Bay® bath fixtures. We also continued our partnership with Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia to offer the exclusive Martha Stewart Living brand in select categories including outdoor living, paint, cabinetry, flooring, and shelving and storage. We will continue to assess strategic alliances and relationships with suppliers and opportunities to expand the range of products available under brand names that are exclusive to The Home Depot. From our Store Support Center, we maintain a global sourcing program to obtain high-quality products directly from manufacturers around the world. Our merchant team identifies and purchases innovative products directly for our stores. Additionally, we have three sourcing offices located in the Chinese cities of Shanghai, Shenzhen and Dalian, and offices in Gurgaon, India; Rome, Italy; Monterrey, Mexico and Toronto, Canada. Quality Assurance. We have both quality assurance and engineering resources that are dedicated to overseeing the quality of all of our products, whether they are directly imported, locally or globally sourced or proprietary branded products. Through these programs, we have established criteria for supplier and product performance that are designed to ensure that our products comply with applicable international, federal, state and local safety, quality and performance standards. We also have a Supplier Social and Environmental Responsibility Program designed to ensure that our suppliers adhere to the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility. Energy Saving Products and Programs. As the world's largest home improvement retailer, we are in a unique position to enable our customers to achieve energy savings through our products and services and to educate our customers about "green" products and practices. Through our Eco Options® Program introduced in fiscal 2007, we have created product categories that allow consumers to easily identify environmentally preferred product selections in our stores. Our Eco Options® Program has certified over 4,000 products that meet specifications for energy efficiency, water conservation, healthy home, clean air and sustainable forestry. Through this program, we sell products such as ENERGY STAR® refrigerators, dishwashers, compact fluorescent light ("CFL") bulbs, EcoSmart® LED light bulbs, programmable thermostats, water heaters and other products, enabling our customers to save on their utility bills. LED light bulbs, which use approximately 85% less energy and last up to 20 years longer than traditional incandescent bulbs, were one of our fastest growing categories for the year. In fiscal 2011, the sales of ENERGY STAR® qualified products helped consumers save over 3 $700 million in annual utility costs, which equate to an over six billion kilowatt reduction and an almost five million ton decrease in greenhouse gas emissions. We also help our customers save water through sales of WaterSense®-labeled bath faucets, showerheads, aerators and toilets. Through the sales of these products, we have helped consumers save over 30 billion gallons of water and over $200 million in water bills. Our Eco Options® page on our website offers consumer education on environmental impacts of various products and identifies easy green D-I-Y projects. This online experience, coupled with our D-I-Y in-store how-to clinics on green projects and our continual enhancement of our Eco Options® product categories, helps us to meet a growing customer demand for environmentally responsible and cost-saving products and projects. In 2011, we also partnered with the U.S. Green Building Council to establish a list of products sold at our stores that meet "LEED for Homes" product specifications. This program helps our customers easily identify products with potential Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ("LEED") point values and is designed to simplify the complexities of building green. At the end of fiscal 2011, we had approximately 2,000 LEED for Homes products. We continue to offer our nationwide, in-store CFL bulb recycling program launched in 2008. This service is offered to customers free of charge and is available in all U.S. stores. We also maintain an in-store rechargeable battery recycling program. Launched in 2001 in partnership with the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation, this program is also available to customers free of charge in all stores throughout the U.S. and Canada. Through these recycling programs, in fiscal 2011 we helped recycle over 480,000 pounds of CFL bulbs and over 770,000 pounds of rechargeable batteries collected from our customers. In fiscal 2011, we also recycled over 130,000 lead acid batteries collected from our customers under our lead acid battery exchange program, as well as approximately 150,000 tons of cardboard through a nationwide cardboard recycling program across our U.S. stores. Net Sales of Major Product Groups. The following table shows the percentage of Net Sales of each major product group (and related services) for each of the last three fiscal years: Percentage of Net Sales for Fiscal Year Ended January 30, January 31, January 29, 2011 2010 2012 Product Group Plumbing, electrical and kitchen Hardware and seasonal Building materials, lumber and millwork Paint and flooring Total 30.5% 29.5 21.1 18.9 100.0% 30.0% 29.4 21.7 18.9 100.0% 29.8% 29.1 21.9 19.2 100.0% Net Sales outside the U.S. were $8.0 billion, $7.5 billion and $7.0 billion for fiscal 2011, 2010 and 2009, respectively. Longlived assets outside the U.S. totaled $3.1 billion, $3.2 billion and $3.0 billion as of January 29, 2012, January 30, 2011 and January 31, 2010, respectively. Seasonality. Our business is subject to seasonal influences. Generally, our highest volume of sales occurs in our second fiscal quarter, and the lowest volume occurs during our fourth fiscal quarter. Competition. Our business is highly competitive, based primarily on customer service, price, store location and assortment of merchandise. Although we are currently the world’s largest home improvement retailer, in each of the markets we serve there are a number of other home improvement stores, electrical, plumbing and building materials supply houses and lumber yards. With respect to some products, we also compete with specialty design stores, showrooms, discount stores, local, regional and national hardware stores, mail order firms, warehouse clubs, independent building supply stores and, to a lesser extent, other retailers. In addition, we face growing competition from online and multichannel retailers. Intellectual Property. Our business has one of the most recognized brands in North America. As a result, we believe that The Home Depot® trademark has significant value and is an important factor in the marketing of our products, e-commerce, stores and business. We have registered or applied for registration of trademarks, service marks, copyrights and internet domain names, both domestically and internationally, for use in our business. We also maintain patent portfolios relating to some of our products and services and seek to patent or otherwise protect innovations we incorporate into our products or business operations. 4 Productivity and Efficiency Logistics. Our supply chain operations are focused on creating a competitive advantage through ensuring product availability for our customers, effectively using our investment in inventory, and managing total supply chain costs. Following the completion of our RDC rollout, our initiatives in fiscal 2011 have been to further optimize and efficiently operate our network, build new logistics capabilities and improve our inventory management systems and processes. Our distribution strategy is to provide the optimal flow path for a given product. RDCs play a key role in optimizing our network as they allow for aggregation of product needs for multiple stores to a single purchase order and then rapid allocation and deployment of inventory to individual stores upon arrival at the RDC. This results in a simplified ordering process and improved transportation and inventory management. To enhance our RDC network, we continued adding mechanization, and at the end of fiscal 2011, 15 of our 19 RDCs were mechanized. Over the past two years, we have expanded our transload pilot program to three facilities near ocean ports, with a fourth facility expected to become operational in fiscal 2012. Transload facilities allow us to improve our import logistics costs and inventory management by enabling imported product to flow through our RDC network. In addition, we implemented a new distribution forecasting and replenishment system to further improve our inventory management. We added approximately 1.5 million net square feet of distribution center space in fiscal 2011, primarily for new repair and liquidation centers as part of our centralized returns system. These centers consolidate product from our stores to return to our vendors, liquidate or recycle. They also provide a small engine repair service for our stores and customers primarily focused on outdoor and hardware power equipment. At the end of fiscal 2011, in addition to our 19 RDCs in the U.S., we operated 33 bulk distribution centers, which handle products distributed optimally on flat bed trucks, in the U.S. and Canada. We also operated 35 conventional distribution centers, which include stocking, direct fulfillment and specialty distribution centers, in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. In fiscal 2011 we made further progress toward our goal of 75% central distribution penetration. In the U.S. our central distribution penetration was approximately 70% as of the end of fiscal 2011, with the remainder of goods shipped directly to our stores from our suppliers. We remain committed to leveraging our supply chain capabilities to fully utilize and optimize our improved logistics network. Commitment to Environmentally Responsible Operations. The Home Depot is committed to conducting business in an environmentally responsible manner. This commitment impacts all areas of our business, including energy usage, supply chain, store construction and maintenance, and, as noted above under "Energy Saving Products and Programs," product selection and delivery of product knowledge to our customers. In fiscal 2011, we continued to implement strict operational standards that establish energy efficient practices in all of our facilities. These include HVAC unit temperature regulation and adherence to strict lighting schedules, which are the largest sources of energy consumption in our stores, as well as use of energy management systems in each store to monitor energy efficiency. We estimate that by implementing and utilizing these energy saving programs, we have saved over 4.5 billion kilowatt hours (kWh) since 2004, enough to power approximately 400,000 U.S. homes for one year, and we are on track to meet our goal of a 20% reduction in kWh per square foot in our U.S. stores by 2015. Through our supply chain efficiencies described above under "Logistics," we are targeting a 20% reduction in our domestic supply chain greenhouse gas emissions from 2008 to 2015, which would equate to annual fuel savings of approximately 25 million gallons. In fiscal 2011, we also calculated our total carbon dioxide emissions for 2010, and we continue to monitor our "carbon footprint" from the operation of our stores as well as from our transportation and supply chain activities. Through our energy conservation and supply chain initiatives, we reduced our absolute carbon emissions by approximately 540,000 metric tons in 2010 compared to 2009. With respect to construction of our stores, we partnered with the U.S. Green Building Council and have built seven LEED for New Construction certified and other similarly certified stores. In 2011, we also obtained a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to help design, monitor and verify the energy savings of a new building in Lodi, California that is designed to consume substantially less energy than the 2007 90.1 ASHRAE standards set out by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, an international society that sets forth HVAC and refrigeration standards to promote sustainability. We also implemented a rainwater reclamation pilot in 2010, and we have retrofitted a number of our stores with reclamation tanks to collect rainwater and condensation from HVAC units and garden center roofs, which is in turn used to water plants in our outside garden centers. In September 2011, we opened a store in St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands with both ground mount and roof mount solar panel systems, and we estimate the combined total annual energy production of these systems to be up to 570 megawatt hours. 5 Our efforts have resulted in a number of environmental awards and recognitions. For instance, in 2011, we were named "Retail Partner of the Year" by the WaterSense division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for our overall excellence in water efficiency, and we were recognized as a "High Performer" by the Carbon Disclosure Project. We are also committed to maintaining a safe environment for our customers and associates and protecting the environment of the communities in which we do business. Our Environmental, Health & Safety ("EH&S") function is dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of our customers and associates, with trained associates who evaluate, develop, implement and enforce policies, processes and programs on a Company-wide basis. Our EH&S policies are woven into our everyday operations and are part of The Home Depot culture. Some common program elements include: daily store inspection checklists (by department); routine follow-up audits from our store-based safety team members and regional, district and store operations field teams; equipment enhancements and preventative maintenance programs to promote physical safety; departmental merchandising safety standards; training and education programs for all associates, with more extensive training provided based on an associate's role and responsibilities; and awareness, communication and recognition programs designed to drive operational awareness and understanding of EH&S issues. Interconnected Retail Our interconnected retail initiative supports and connects our three other key initiatives. In fiscal 2011, we focused on leveraging technology to improve our customer's retail experience and provide better access to and information about our products. As described above, these efforts included information technology solutions that take tasks out of the store and free our associates to devote more time to customer-facing activities. They also included significant website enhancements and improvements to our special ordering process that allow customers to more easily find and purchase an expanded array of products and provide a choice in how to receive the order (for example, through our BOPIS program). Through our website, which can be accessed through computers, smart phones and other mobile devices, customers can not only purchase products, but can also connect with our associates and with one another to gain product and project knowledge. Furthermore, to increase the productivity and efficiency of our associates, merchants and vendors and ensure that the right product is in the right place to meet our customers' needs, we developed and implemented the improved merchandising tools that provide better visibility into category and item performance and the new distribution forecasting and replenishment system for enhanced inventory management. Item 1A. Risk Factors. The risks and uncertainties described below could materially and adversely affect our business, financial condition and results of operations and could cause actual results to differ materially from our expectations and projections. The Risk Factors described below include the considerable risks associated with the current economic environment and the related potential adverse effects on our financial condition and results of operations. You should read these Risk Factors in conjunction with "Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" in Item 7 and our Consolidated Financial Statements and related notes in Item 8. There also may be other factors that we cannot anticipate or that are not described in this report generally because we do not currently perceive them to be material. Those factors could cause results to differ materially from our expectations. Sustained uncertainty regarding current economic conditions and other factors beyond our control could adversely affect demand for our products and services, our costs of doing business and our financial performance. Our financial performance depends significantly on the stability of the housing, residential construction and home improvement markets, as well as general economic conditions, including changes in gross domestic product. Adverse conditions in or sustained uncertainty about these markets or the economy could adversely impact consumer confidence, causing our customers to delay purchasing or determine not to purchase home improvement products and services. Other factors – including high levels of unemployment and foreclosures, interest rate fluctuations, fuel and other energy costs, labor and healthcare costs, the availability of financing, the state of the credit markets, including mortgages, home equity loans and consumer credit, weather, natural disasters and other conditions beyond our control – could further adversely affect demand for our products and services, our costs of doing business and our financial performance. Strong competition could adversely affect prices and demand for our products and services and could decrease our market share. We operate in markets that are highly competitive. We compete principally based on customer service, price, store location and appearance, and quality, availability and assortment of merchandise. In each market we serve, there are a number of other home improvement stores, electrical, plumbing and building materials supply houses and lumber yards. With respect to some products and services, we also compete with specialty design stores, showrooms, discount stores, local, regional and national 6 hardware stores, mail order firms, warehouse clubs, independent building supply stores and other retailers, as well as with installers of home improvement products. In addition, we face growing competition from online and multichannel retailers. Intense competitive pressures from one or more of our competitors could affect prices or demand for our products and services. If we are unable to timely and appropriately respond to these competitive pressures, including through maintenance of superior customer service and customer loyalty, our financial performance and our market share could be adversely affected. We may not timely identify or effectively respond to consumer needs, expectations or trends, which could adversely affect our relationship with customers, the demand for our products and services and our market share. It is difficult to successfully predict the products and services our customers will demand. The success of our business depends in part on our ability to identify and respond promptly to evolving trends in demographics, consumer preferences, expectations and needs and unexpected weather conditions, while also managing inventory levels. Failure to maintain attractive stores and to timely identify or effectively respond to changing consumer preferences, expectations and home improvement needs could adversely affect our relationship with customers, the demand for our products and services and our market share. Our success depends upon our ability to attract, train and retain highly qualified associates while also controlling our labor costs. Our customers expect a high level of customer service and product knowledge from our associates. To meet the needs and expectations of our customers, we must attract, train and retain a large number of hi...

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  3. ","COS 226 ","Programming Assignment 5: Kd-Trees","

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  5. GitHub

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    A Java 2D drawing application that allows users to draw lines, rectangles, ovals, and gradients with various options. The project contains a template, a MyShapes hierarchy, and a status bar for the mouse location.

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    Java 2D Drawing Application. Implement the application 13.31 in the textbook as illustrated in Fig. 13.34. The. AI Chat with PDF. Expert Help. ... zoz5094. 12/4/2017. 10% (10) View full document. Students also studied. Programming Assignment 5 2D Drawing Applicationlanguage javaJav.docx. Adrian College. CS 101. homework. CMIT 391 - CLIENT ...

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