10 Other Ways to Say “In This Essay, I Will” (With Examples)

In academic writing , there is a tendency to overuse common phrases like “In this essay, I will.” While this phrase clearly outlines what the essay will cover, using it repeatedly can make your writing boring and repetitive.

In this article, I aim to provide readers with 10 effective synonyms for “In this essay, I will” to add variety to their essays and papers. Using different languages keeps the reader engaged and demonstrates a more advanced writing style.

This post aims to expand your options when introducing the topics covered in an essay. You can craft a strong opening that draws readers in by avoiding overused phrases and incorporating more creative language.

Whether writing for school, work, or your blog, having alternate ways to say “In this essay, I will” will improve the flow of your writing. The examples provided will help you replace the standard phrase in your work.

I hope you find these tips useful for taking your essay introductions to the next level.

Is It Wrong to Say “In This Essay, I Will”?

It is wrong to overuse the phrase “In this essay, I will” in academic writing. Though this phrase clearly outlines the topics that will be covered, relying on it too heavily can make your writing repetitive and boring for the reader.

Here are a few reasons why it’s best to avoid overusing “In this essay, I will”:

  • It’s formulaic and overused. This phrase has become a tired cliché in essays, so finding alternatives makes your writing come across as more original and sophisticated.
  • It can make your introduction seem mechanical. Leading with “In this essay, I will” repeatedly makes the opening sound detached rather than engaging the reader’s interest from the start.
  • It’s a missed opportunity for more creative language. Varying your introduction keeps readers attentive and demonstrates a more skilled writing style.
  • It hinders smooth transitions between ideas. Overusing this repetitive phrase prevents your essay from flowing logically from one point to the next.
  • It’s redundant. Usually, the topics covered are outlined elsewhere like in the title or abstract, so repeatedly stating “In this essay, I will” is unnecessary.

While “In this essay, I will” can be useful when used sparingly, relying on this phrase too much results in monotonous writing . Keeping introductions lively and avoiding repetition makes a paper more appealing to read. With some thought and creativity, there are many engaging ways to smoothly introduce the key points in an academic essay.

What to Say Instead of “In This Essay, I Will”

  • The purpose of this essay is to
  • This essay aims to
  • In the following pages, I intend to
  • The goal of this piece is to
  • Throughout this essay, I plan to
  • In this document, my objective is to
  • The focus of this composition will be to
  • Throughout this paper, I intend to
  • The ambition of this work is to
  • Within this text, I aspire to

1. The purpose of this essay is to…

This directly states the intended goal of your essay and informs the reader of its primary aim.

Example: The purpose of this essay is to ignite a national conversation about the alarming decline of bee populations and its potential consequences for our food security.

2. This essay aims to…

Similar to the first option, it suggests a more focused exploration of the chosen topic.

Example: This essay aims to delve into the psychological motivations behind historical figures often labeled as “villains,” uncovering the complexities that shaped their actions.

3. In the following pages, I intend to…

This creates a sense of anticipation and informs the reader about the specific areas you’ll be covering.

Example: In the following pages, I intend to dissect the intricate power dynamics within Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” unveiling the societal norms and hidden agendas that fuel the characters’ interactions.

4. The goal of this piece is to…

Similar to “aims to,” but emphasizes the desired outcome you hope to achieve with your essay.

Example: The goal of this piece is to empower individuals to recognize and combat microaggressions in their daily lives, fostering a more inclusive and respectful society.

5. Throughout this essay, I plan to…

Highlights the journey of exploration your essay will take, suggesting a more dynamic reading experience.

Example: Throughout this essay, I plan to embark on a literary safari through the captivating world of Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” unraveling its magical realism and timeless themes.

6. In this document, my objective is to…

Emphasizes a clear and objective approach to the topic, suitable for informative essays.

Example: In this document, my objective is to provide a balanced overview of the pros and cons of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), equipping readers with the information needed to form their own informed opinions.

7. The focus of this composition will be to…

Narrows down the specific aspect of the topic you’ll be concentrating on.

Example: The focus of this composition will be to analyze the stylistic innovations and recurring themes within the poetry of Sylvia Plath, exploring her unique contribution to the confessionalist movement.

8. Throughout this paper, I intend to…

Similar to “focus,” but emphasizes your intent and guiding principle throughout the essay.

Example: Throughout this paper, I intend to critically examine the portrayal of mental illness in mainstream media, challenging harmful stereotypes and advocating for accurate representation .

9. The ambition of this work is to…

Conveys a strong and aspirational goal for your essay, highlighting its potential impact.

Example: The ambition of this work is to reimagine the future of education, promoting personalized learning experiences that ignite students’ curiosity and foster lifelong adaptability.

10. Within this text, I aspire to…

Expresses a personal desire to achieve something meaningful with your essay, adding a touch of emotional engagement.

Example: Within this text, I aspire to illuminate the hidden beauty and resilience of overlooked communities, fostering empathy and inspiring action for positive change.

In summary, using more varied language to introduce the topics covered adds creativity and enhances the flow of an essay. The alternatives provided in this article, such as “The purpose of this essay is to” or “Throughout this paper, I intend to,” demonstrate more lively ways to articulate what the essay will examine.

Avoiding repetition and employing these different options will make an essay introduction stand out while still effectively framing the forthcoming discussion. With some thoughtful language choices and succinct presentation , writers can craft dynamic essay openings without overly relying on the dull, ubiquitous phrase “In this essay, I will.”

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10 Better Ways To Write “In This Essay, I Will…”

“In this essay, I will” is a common way for people to talk about what they will write in their essays. However, it’s often overused, which is why it might be wise to look into a few available alternatives. This article will share the best ones with you.

What Can I Write Instead Of “In This Essay, I Will…”?

There are plenty of other ways to write this phrase. We’ll take you through the following to show you how they’re effective:

  • You will learn about
  • You will find out about
  • I find… really interesting…
  • This essay demonstrates
  • This essay will discuss
  • In this essay, you will learn
  • I will show both sides of the argument
  • This essay will analyze
  • I strongly agree/disagree, and this essay will explore why
  • This paper will explore

better ways to write in this essay i will

The preferred versions do not reference the “essay” at all. Instead, the best options are “you will learn about” and “you will find out about.” These work well because they save time and words in the essay, and they don’t seem like wasted space for the reader.

You Will Learn About

“You will learn about” works well because it shows the reader straight away what they will learn. We do not have to use the phrase “In this essay” or anything similar because they’re already aware that they are reading an essay.

The biggest problem with writing “in this essay” is that it’s a waste of time and words. Anyone reading your essay is typically evaluating it, so they do not need to be reminded what they are reading.

Instead, you should try to impress them with the contents of your essay and the points you want to highlight. The quicker you can explain the basic points you will touch on, the more engaged your examiner will be throughout the written piece.

Here are a few examples that will help you make the most of it:

  • You will learn about my beliefs here, and I will make sure to elaborate on why I think it’s important to change the current rule system.
  • You will learn about how it helps to practice these things before you undertake them.
  • You will learn about what makes elephants such captivating creatures, and I’ll be sure to convince you by the end.

You Will Find Out About

“You will find out about” works in much the same way. We still do not mention the “essay.” It helps us show what we will be demonstrating. It only needs to be a sentence or two, but it’s a great way to explore our main idea without any other unnecessary bits.

Check out some of these examples to see how it works:

  • You will find out about what makes them tick and how you can decide whether they’re right for you and your lifestyle.
  • You will find out about many things from this piece, and I’ll make sure that your mind will be blown by the end of it.
  • You will find out about the inhabitants of this fine city, as I will demonstrate going forward.

I Find… Really Interesting…

“I find… really interesting…” is a two-part phrase. We typically include the subject of the essay after “find” and then go on to explain why we find that subject “really interesting.” It’s a great way to avoid using “essay” in the introduction for no reason.

We can use this phrase with great success in many cases. It helps us to evaluate the overall tone and message behind our essay before we’ve even begun. Many readers and examiners look forward to reading essays set up in this way.

You can see how it works in the following examples:

  • I find the people’s beliefs really interesting because they do not back down from them even when challenged.
  • I find the current state of things really interesting because they’re nowhere near as glamorous as they would have been five decades ago.
  • I find the things we talk about really interesting, and I will explain to you what it takes to become the best teacher you can be.

This Essay Demonstrates

“This essay demonstrates” is a good phrase to start an essay if you want to include the phrase. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with starting essays with a phrase like this; it mostly depends on personal choice and writing style.

Some examiners do not like reading things starting with “in this essay” or “this essay does this.” In those cases, you might be better suited to try to remove it. It’s also good practice to get you used to start your essays in more exciting ways.

However, if you like the style of including “this essay” and similar phrases, there are no reasons why you shouldn’t be able to do that!

  • This essay demonstrates my vital opinion on the matter and what we can do about it.
  • This essay demonstrates everything you need to know about how to fix the issue.
  • This essay demonstrates why it is crucial that we start making strides to fix the current global situation.

This Essay Will Discuss

“This essay will discuss” is another way to share the overall point of your essay. The sooner we can convey the overall meaning, the more interested the reader will be. It helps them to know what they are reading about before they begin.

Here are a few examples to show you how it works:

  • This essay will discuss all of the most important things you need to consider.
  • This essay will discuss what it takes to make it in today’s climate.
  • This essay will discuss the importance of making sure you care for your family no matter what.

In This Essay, You Will Learn

“In this essay, you will learn” helps to show a bit more confidence in your writing skills. If you say “you will learn,” it sounds like an order, which is a great way to show that you are confident enough to explain things correctly. It’s the mark of a strong and capable writer.

Check out some examples of how it might work:

  • In this essay, you will learn a lot about what needs to be done to correct the path you’re going down.
  • In this essay, you will learn all the psychological benefits of doing physical exercise daily.
  • In this essay, you will learn how to manage your stress much better.

I Will Show Both Sides Of The Argument

“I will show both sides of the argument” helps you to evaluate the question of the essay. This works because it does not outright state you are writing an “essay” (saving time). It also shows that you want to cover both sides to remain unbiased as best you can.

Here are some examples of how it works:

  • I will show both sides of the argument before the end of this paper.
  • I will make sure to show both sides of the argument and try to convince you to agree with my view.
  • I will show both sides of the argument and come to an ultimate decision by the end.

This Essay Will Analyze

“This essay will analyze” is another great way to start an essay with the words “essay” and “will.” It helps to sound confident when using phrases like this, and it goes over the things that the essay is likely to cover.

Some examples will help you to understand it better:

  • This essay will analyze the effects on children of being surrounded by troublesome youths.
  • This essay will analyze the findings from my previous experiment.
  • This essay will analyze common social interactions and why they exist.

I Strongly Agree/Disagree, And This Essay Will Explore Why

This phrase works well to either agree or disagree with the question. Most essays ask a question that you are supposed to ponder. Starting an essay with your direct opinion is a good way to engage the reader early on.

The sooner you can keep the reader engaged, the better off you’ll be. It’ll make your writing sound much more professional and should score you higher marks in the long run.

Check out these examples for more help:

  • I strongly agree with this question, and this essay will explore my reasons why.
  • I strongly disagree with the quote above, and this essay will explore why.
  • I strongly agree with this, and this essay will explore why I think that this is the best move for everyone.

This Paper Will Explore

“This paper will explore” is the last alternative we want to cover. It’s possible to replace “essay” in all cases with “paper,” and many readers prefer to see this because it does not sound as wasteful or as obvious.

The idea behind both “this essay” and “this paper” is the same. However, it’s up to you which one you think looks best on the page.

Here are some examples:

  • This paper will explore the benefits of outreach for smaller companies.
  • This paper will explore how to keep member retention much higher than in previous calendar years.
  • This paper will explore the effects of mental illnesses.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here .

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16 Synonyms for “In This Essay I Will”

other ways to say this essay will discuss

If you’re unsure how to introduce what you will be talking about in an essay, you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’ll discuss whether it’s okay to use the phrase “in this essay I will” as an introduction. Moreover, we’ve provided a list of alternative phrases you can use instead!

“In This Essay I Will” Synonyms

  • The following essay will
  • The purpose of this paper is
  • In the following essay, I will
  • This essay will
  • This paper will
  • The following paper will
  • The aim of this paper is
  • The aim of this essay is
  • The purpose of this essay is
  • This paper aims
  • In this paper, I intend to
  • The following paper shall
  • In this paper, I will
  • This study will
  • The following dissertation will
  • This thesis will


  • It is not bad to introduce a paper with “in this essay I will,” but you should ask your teacher whether they prefer a paper without personal pronouns in it.
  • “The following essay” is a great alternative that uses similar words while removing the personal pronoun “I.”
  • You can use “the purpose of this paper is” if you want to completely change your phrasing from the original.

Keep reading to see how we use our choice of alternatives for “in this essay I will” in a couple of helpful examples.

After that, we’ll talk about whether it’s a bad idea to use the phrase “in this essay I will” in an academic paper.

The Following Essay Will

Another way to say “in this essay I will” is to say “the following essay will.” This alternative is great for when you’re writing a particularly formal essay.

After all, many academics urge against the use of personal pronouns like “I” in some academic essays. This synonym uses similar words to the original but removes the controversial “I”!

“The following essay will” isn’t an inherently better phrase than “In this essay I will.” However, it is a fact that most markers warn against the use of personal pronouns. Therefore, it’s a safer option if you’re unsure!

Let’s see a couple of examples making use of this alternative:

The following essay will discuss the sociological impacts of neocolonialism in former British colonies.

While both Clapton and Hendrix were self-taught, the following essay will illustrate that both possessed skills that were equal to, if not surpassing, their classically trained counterparts.

The Purpose of This Paper Is

If you’re wondering what to say instead of “in this essay I will,” we’d go with the phrase “the purpose of this paper is.”

This alternative is great if you want to completely alter your choice of words in your introduction. It replaces “essay” with “paper” and removes the personal pronoun “I” to boot!

This makes this synonym a better option than “in this essay I will” if you are unsure whether the marker will penalize you for using personal pronouns.

Finally, consider the following examples to see this phrase in action:

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the link between patriarchy and capitalism.

With the following questions in mind, the purpose of this paper is to theoretically unpack Kant’s notion of a “universal and objective law” in light of globalization and arguments for moral relativism.  

Is It Bad to Say “In This Essay I Will”?

The phrase “in this essay I will” is not inherently bad . For example, this may be a perfectly acceptable way to start an essay at a high school level.

There are even some higher academic papers that start this way. In general, how one goes about introducing their topic is a matter of preference .

That being said, it’s always a good idea to talk to the person who will be grading your paper before you start. Ask them if it’s okay to use personal pronouns. In recent times, some professors prefer papers written in an accessible way that’s easy for everyone to understand!

Likewise, some teachers would prefer a more formal tone, so using personal pronouns like “I” should be avoided. That’s why we recommend that you always ask before you start!

So, if you’ve found out that “in this essay I will” is acceptable according to your teacher, here are a few variations of this phrase you might try:

  • In this essay I will discuss
  • in this essay I will be discussing
  • in this essay I will argue

It would also be correct to add a comma after “in this essay.” Whether or not you add a comma is a stylistic choice , and some people choose not to for a smoother read. Nonetheless, the following variations would also be correct:

  • In this essay, I will show
  • In this essay, I will demonstrate

In conclusion, it isn’t necessarily bad to say “in this essay I will” to introduce your paper. However, it’s always good to check with your teacher or professor and find out how formal they want your paper to sound.

If you found our list of synonyms helpful, feel free to bookmark this page!

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9 Synonyms for “In This Essay, I Will”

other ways to say this essay will discuss

It’s all too easy to fall into a repetitive trap in essay writing. So, you need to actively avoid being too repetitive and boring.

This article will explore another way to say “in this essay, I will.” There are plenty of great alternatives available that will spice up your essays.

Is It Bad to Say “In This Essay, I Will”?

It is bad to say “in this essay, I will.” Generally, it’s a repetitive and bland phrase that adds nothing of value to your essay. The reader knows they’re reading your essay, so you shouldn’t be redundant and say “in this essay, I will.”

It is too personal of a phrase to include in most essays. Also, it’s informal , making it problematic when you’re writing in a more formal environment.

  • It’s clear.
  • It’s a basic phrase that might help you write your first essay.
  • It’s redundant.
  • It makes your essay sound boring and repetitive.

Clearly, “in this essay, I will” is not a good phrase to use. If you want to keep your essays readable and interesting, you should have a few synonyms ready to go.

Keep reading to learn alternatives to “in this essay, I will.” We’ve also provided essay example sentences for each.

What to Say Instead of “In This Essay, I Will”

  • You will learn about
  • I find… really interesting…
  • This essay demonstrates
  • We will discuss
  • The key factors are
  • Both sides of the argument will be explored
  • I will analyze
  • I will explore
  • My personal reflections

1. You Will Learn About

One of the best alternatives to “in this essay, I will” is “you will learn about.” Using “you” instead of “I” makes it clear to the reader what to expect from your essay.

Generally, this phrase implies that you are writing your essay for the reader. It puts them in control and shows them that they should listen to what you have to say.

It’s also a very confident phrase. Saying “you will learn” is very confident and implies that you are certain you will teach the reader something new .

You may also benefit from the following examples:

You will learn about different systems in place to keep the workforce moving. Also, I will explore alternative options that might appear in the future.

You will learn about all of the relevant arguments. Hopefully, you can come to your own conclusion alongside mine.

2. I Find… Really Interesting…

Start an essay with “I find” to discuss the topic . It allows you to explain what you’re going to discuss later in the essay. From there, you can say how interesting you find it.

So, the full phrase might look like this:

  • I find this topic really interesting .

It’s a simple sentence, but it’s a great way to set up an essay. It’ll entice the reader immediately. From there, you can start talking more about the topic and what makes it so interesting to you.

Here are a couple of examples to help you understand it:

I find these matters really interesting , so I would like to discuss them in more detail. It’s vital you understand more.

I find the experiment really interesting . Therefore, I will be exploring the different ways to go about completing it.

3. This Essay Demonstrates

Another great confident alternative to “in this essay, I will” is “this essay demonstrates.” Using “demonstrates” shows that you know your essay is good and will explain something important to the reader.

However, you should always be careful using a phrase like this too often. Any phrase that includes “this essay” in it might be a bit redundant and overused. It could bore the reader if you’re not careful. Use it once only. Any more than that might cause issues.

You can also refer to the following examples:

This essay demonstrates the difference between the two standpoints. After that, you can create a fair conclusion.

This essay demonstrates the different means behind both arguments. Therefore, you will learn which one you relate to more.

4. We Will Discuss

There’s no reason why you can’t use “we” to group yourself and the reader together . It shows that you value the reader’s insights just as much as your own while writing an essay. That’s why “we will discuss” works so well here.

It tells the reader what to expect . Also, it’s a great way to open a discussion quickly inside an essay. Then, the reader will be much clearer on where you’re going and whether they’re interested in your essay.

Here are some examples to help you understand more about it:

We will discuss the alternatives to see whether there are better options. The conclusion will determine which is the best.

We will discuss both theories in great detail. It’s the only way to settle the debate and decide which is better.

5. The Key Factors Are

It’s also worth including fancy words in your essays to keep things interesting. Something like “the key factors are” is a great way to do this.

It shows that you’ve explored your options before writing about a topic. This should show the reader that you know what you’re talking about .

Also, “the key factors are” is a great way to get to the point quickly . You can explain what your essay is about immediately before diving deeper into the key factors.

Check out the following examples if you’re still unsure:

The key factors are laid out in front of you. I will be discussing the best situations to keep things uniform between attempts.

The key factors are related to the way they conduct the projects. Therefore, I will focus on the conduct rather than the outcome.

6. Both Sides of the Argument Will Be Explored

Exploring both sides of an argument is integral to a well-written essay . So, why don’t you say “both sides of the argument will be explored” at the start of your essay? After all, it shows that you want to have an unbiased discussion .

Generally, this phrase is great at the start of an essay. It entices the reader to learn more about your discussion without expecting you to favor one side over the other.

Obviously, they can wait to hear your final verdict when they read your conclusion. However, letting the reader know you will explore both sides openly is a great way to get them to keep reading.

Also, these examples should help you to figure things out:

Both sides of the argument will be explored before any conclusions are made.

Both sides of the argument will be explored in this essay. Then, the conclusion will focus on the most reasonable argument.

7. I Will Analyze

We recommend writing “I will analyze” in your essays instead of “in this essay, I will.” It’s a great way to demonstrate what you’re trying to achieve .

You can analyze anything that you think needs to be dived into. This allows the reader to understand your motives and follow along with what you say in the rest of the essay.

You should also check out the following examples:

I will analyze the reasons behind the debate. Also, I will discuss both views to keep things fair.

I will analyze and argue both points. That way, it will be clear where we stand and what should happen next.

8. I Will Explore

Another great simplistic alternative to “in this essay, I will.” You can say “I will explore,” which removes the need to say “in this essay” at all. Instead, it lets the reader know what to expect from your essay.

It’s a great way to keep the reader engaged. It’s also clear and concise . So, they should be no confusion about the contents of your essay and what you plan to write about.

Here are some examples to help you:

I will explore different alternatives to creating sustainable living environments. There are many options available.

I will explore appropriate ways to keep things fair during all experiments. Variables are vital and must be uniform.

9. My Personal Reflections

Personal opinions can often make your opinions biased. Unfortunately, this can create issues when you’re supposed to remain unbiased in certain essays.

However, if you highlight this with “my personal reflections” at the start of an essay, you can try to explain your opinions .

It’s a great alternative to “in this essay, I will.” Of course, how you can use it is a bit more specific . Nevertheless, we recommend it to start a sentence when you want to explore an idea without directly saying “in this essay” at any point.

Perhaps these examples will clear some things up:

My personal reflections will be explored in this essay. I hope to explain more about why I chose these options.

My personal reflections might create some bias during this paper. However, I will try to keep my opinions level.

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other ways to say this essay will discuss

Alternatives to “In This Essay I Will…” (#1)

Elsewhere, I have examined the use of the self-reflexive construct  “ In this essay I will… ” in essays and argued that, at least for first year university students, it is a useful construct. “In this essay I will argue …” for instance, reminds the author that he is, in fact, making an argument; “In this essay I will evaluate …” likewise reminds the author that he is “evaluating” something. For the novice essayist it can be easy to lose sight of what you are actually doing, what the key function of the essay actually is; this admittedly perfunctory construct at least puts us in the frame of mind to make an argument, to evaluate a text, to compare and contrast two (or more) or more texts. The construct is always followed by the key verb, which is then followed by the point of focus, the text, the scene, to example, etc.

To be sure, however, “In this essay I will…” is the basic point of entry, and it is best to keep in mind that there are better ways to formulate your argument. Most first year students are ready to begin moving away from this construct, at least in the editing phase. It can be useful to start your draft with this construct and then “edit it out” later on. But the question arises: How? The first, and possibly most important point, thing to remember is that there is an element of modality expressed in this construct. Modality is an often overlooked aspect of argument. It refers to an argument as contingent or merely possible. “In this essay I will…” implicitly acknowledges this modality, and this is the point I wish to focus on.

I have professed elsewhere my favour for the adverb “ arguably ,” and its derivatives, such as “it can be argued”; the adverbial function of this word and its derivatives pulls double duty, I often say. First, it acknowledges that an argument is being made; second, it acknowledges that while there is an argument being made, there are also other arguments that could be made instead . The construct “In this essay I will argue…” is a variant of this, which by acknowledging that a particular argument is to be made, tacitly acknowledges other arguments could also be made. Similar constructs, such as “In this essay I will demonstrate…,” operate in the same way. “In this essay I will…” is a perfunctory way of performing this “double duty.”

“In this essay I will…” functions in a similar way as “It can be…”; “In this essay I will argue…” for instance has a similar function to “It can be argued.” Both express a modal proposition, a possible state of affairs. The major difference is where the respective constructs occur in the introduction of your essay. In its most basic form, “In this essay I will…” are the first five words of your essay. It’s just as artless to begin your essay with “It can be….” In order to change the construct from the former to the latter, a slight rearrangement is required. here’s a simple example:

In this essay I will argue that “The Road Not Taken” is a poem about regret.

This thesis statement can be arranged as follows:

“The Road Not Taken” can be seen as a poem about regret.

“In this essay I will argue” has been transformed into “can be seen.” In either case, the construct signifies the modality of the argument. The poem “The Road Not Taken” can, indeed, be seen or understood as a poem about regret, but it could also be seen or understood in other ways, and that could form the basis of a different argument. There is nothing wrong with making an argument in the full knowledge that there are other arguments that could be made instead. This is why it’s critical to narrow the focus of your argument. Acknowledging the modality of your argument, even in simple constructs like “it can be seen,” is a simple and elegant way of narrowing the focus. Sometimes we use the explicit modal construct in conjunction with the more self-reflexive construct:

In this essay I will argue that Frankenstein can be seen as a cautionary tale against the excesses of the scientific revolution. In particular, I will argue that Frankenstein demonstrates that science should be guided by the ethical values of society, and not simply the ambitions of scientists.

In this example both the modal and pronominal construct has been used: “In this essay I will…” and “can be/should be.” Only one needs to be used:

Frankenstein can be seen as a cautionary tale against the excesses of the scientific revolution. Frankenstein demonstrates that science should be guided by the ethical values of society, and not simply the ambitions of scientists.

If you find yourself employing the modal and the self-reflexive construct, particularly in the one sentence, it’s a good sign you’re ready to move on to more complex and nuanced introductions. All arguments have some shade of modality about them; the trick is identifying the modal propositions or components and determining and if and how that modality can be used to frame your argument. It won’t always be a modal construct, of course, but the easiest first step is to identify when and where a modal proposition is used or is necessary. You are making an argument, not asserting an incontrovertible fact – something about your argument will be, well, arguable! It’s just a question of how you make that arguable aspect work in your favour.

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One response to “ Alternatives to “In This Essay I Will…” (#1) ”

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Thank you so much for writing this, it has been a big help when writing essays and trying to get beyond the basic ‘In this essay I will…’. I have passed this article on to my friends as well. -Roe

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What Is Another Way to Say “In This Essay, I Will”?

April 6, 2023

Kahlan House

other ways to say this essay will discuss

It’s time to write that dreaded essay that makes up 50% of your grade. Knowing how to start is the most difficult part, but is in this essay, I will a suitable way to introduce your topic?

In this article, we’ll show you what to say instead of in this essay, I will . In particular, we’ll provide 10 suitable ways to start an academic paper, so read on!

10 Alternative Ways to Say “In This Essay, I Will”

Below, you’ll find 10 other ways to say in this essay, I will in an academic paper:

  • The aim of this essay
  • The following essay will
  • The purpose of this paper is
  • In this paper, I intend to
  • This essay will
  • The following paper shall
  • This study will
  • The following dissertation will
  • This thesis will
  • This paper aims

1. The Aim of This Essay

You can use the aim of this essay to introduce your topic without including the personal pronoun “I.”

This phrase is perfect for a research paper in which you are trying to prove some hypothesis with your data. This would be the “aim” mentioned in this phrase.

Check out the examples below to see what we mean:

The aim of this paper is to prove the existence of the majestic yeti using thorough data collected from the Himalayan mountains.

With the above in mind, the aim of this paper is to reformulate human conceptions of justice with a particular focus on Western legal systems.

2. This Paper Aims

This paper aims is simply a more concise version of the phrase above. You can use either version interchangeably.

However, if you’re close to reaching your maximum word count , you should probably go for this variation instead.

Let’s see it in an example or two:

This paper aims to disprove Shrier’s claims and offer a less detrimental alternative to the issues she addresses.

In addition to providing an alternative viewpoint on the matter of “gentle parenting,” this paper aims to direct parents to more modern resources on the topic of parenting in general.

3. The Following Essay Will

Like in this essay, I will , another phrase that removes the need for personal pronouns is the following essay will .

You can use this phrase in any kind of essay, but you will see it most frequently in the introduction of a discursive essay . By that, we mean it suits an essay that argues a particular point using facts and logical reasoning.

Consider the examples below:

The following essay will be discussing the impacts of deforestation on the African Tree Toad.

Although it is commonly argued that modern news outlets are “no longer trustworthy,” the following essay will demonstrate how political agendas have influenced the content of newspapers throughout history.

4. The Purpose of This Paper Is

It is also possible to set out not what your paper intends to do, but what its overall purpose is. You can state this using the phrase the purpose of this paper is.

This is a great phrase to use in a research paper where you are trying to exhibit a particular point using data.

For instance:

The purpose of this paper is to exhibit the link between childhood exposure to lead paint and the inability to regulate emotions in adulthood.

Having set out the parameters of this experiment, I will now discuss the purpose of this paper , which is to disprove Peterson’s brash statements about the nature of masculinity.

5. This Essay Will

Instead of stating that you will address something in a paper, you can remove the personal pronouns and simply state that this essay will address something.

This is a very quick and easy way to remove the personal pronouns in in this essay, I will if you already had a draft done that included the original phrase.

Check out the examples below:

This essay will consider the similarities between Brontë’s Heathcliff and the classic Byronic hero.

In addition to arguing for the inclusion of critical thinking classes at primary school level, this essay will demonstrate the benefit of these classes on the overall cognitive abilities of children aged 8 and upwards.

6. The Following Paper Shall

The following paper shall is just a more formal version of the phrase above.

Therefore, you can use it if you believe a very formal register would be preferred by your professor. Or, if you want to sound especially sophisticated for no particular reason.

Have a look at these examples:

The following paper shall discuss the importance of exposure to music in a child’s formative years.

I shall address the key concerns raised by congress members in the following paper .

7. This Study Will

A “study” is essentially a compilation of research and a report that relates to said research. Therefore, if the paper you are working on is very research-based, you could call it a “study” and make use of the phrase this study will .

This phrase has the same effect as the others on our list, in that it removes any personal pronouns and focuses on what the paper itself will demonstrate.

Let’s see an example making use of this phrase:

This study will probe into the question of whether the Earth could survive without mosquitoes.

  This study will address how historical atrocities create a lasting legacy for previously disempowered groups.

8. In This Paper, I Intend to

If your professor is happy for you to use personal pronouns in your essay, you can switch up your wording with the phrase in this paper, I intend to .

This is an especially good phrase if you feel that in this essay, I will is starting to feel a bit worn out.

See how we’ve used it in an example:

In this paper, I intend to address the psychological impacts of social media on pre-pubescent youths.

In the first half of this paper, I intend to define my terms and my parameters before moving on to the crux of my topic in the second half.

9. The Following Dissertation Will

A “dissertation” is a lengthy paper that you write in order to obtain a Ph.D. Therefore, you could use the following dissertation will if your paper fits the parameters of a dissertation.

This may simply be a more accurate way to describe the nature of your paper, although it is normal to call a dissertation an “essay” as well.

See this phrase in a few examples:

The following dissertation will address the key issues facing the American court system and discuss both views regarding whether the Constitution should be capable of alteration.

Although research in this area has pointed to aggressive behavior being linked to neurology, the following dissertation will argue that most manifestations of aggression are socialized.

10. This Thesis Will

A “thesis” is a long paper that students frequently write to complete a degree program. Therefore, you can use the phrase this thesis will instead of this essay will to be more specific.

Have a look at the examples below:

This thesis will discuss public reactions to Milton’s representation of Lucifer at the time of the epic poem’s publishing.

After a brief unpacking of the terms used herein, this thesis will argue for an increased focus on sustainable fashion in North America.

Is It Correct to Say “In This Essay, I Will”?

The phrase in this essay, I will is perfectly correct , and it is not a bad way to start off an academic paper, particularly at a high-school level.

You can use this phrase in college essays as well. However, some academics prefer that an essay doesn’t contain any personal pronouns like “ I .” Therefore, you should check with the person marking your paper before using this phrase.

Let’s look at a couple of examples illustrating how you can use this phrase:

In this essay, I will discuss the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the publishing industry.

In this essay, I will argue that using more sustainable modes of energy will have no negative impacts on a country’s economy.

Although in this essay, I will is a correct phrase that students use commonly in academic papers, it may be rather standardized . Furthermore, many academics disagree with the use of personal pronouns in essays.

If your professor is one of these academics, you may need to find an alternative phrase to use. Luckily, you can use our list of great alternative ways to introduce the topic of your paper, both with personal pronouns and without.

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what can I replace for "In this essay..."

I'm in my first year of uni & they don't use phrases like the one above. I used this all throughout high school. I'm not sure what to replace it with as I'm not allowed to use this type of language in uni.

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Synonyms for I will discuss

67 other terms for i will discuss - words and phrases with similar meaning.


How to write a discussion essay

Picture of Duygu Demiröz

  • September 21, 2023

A discussion essay, also called a controversial essay, is where you express your opinion about a topic. When writing one, 

  • Cover both sides of the topic , present the key points that back your viewpoint and the opposing one.
  • Ensure a multi-faceted understanding of the issues before presenting your own personal views and conclusions.

So let’s deeply explore the structure and components of a successful discussion paper.

Quick summary

  • Carefully read and comprehend the essay prompt.
  • Select a topic that leads to multiple viewpoints and debates.
  • Begin with a clear introduction that includes a strong thesis statement.
  • Discuss different viewpoints or/and arguments in separate body paragraphs.
  • Maintain a balanced approach by presenting viewpoints fairly.
  • Summarize the main ideas and restate your thesis statement , then end your essay.

Choose a controversial topic

Choosing a topic is the first step when starting your essay. When choosing a topic , make sure it is something that you are personally interested in as it will be easier for you to write.

Now let’s have a look at discussion essay topic examples. 

  • Should Capital Punishment be Abolished?
  • Is Genetic Engineering Ethical for Humans?
  • Should Schools Implement Mandatory Vaccination Policies?
  • Is Nuclear Energy a Viable Solution to the Energy Crisis?

After choosing the essay topic, you should create your outline to finish planning your essay.

Create an outline

The outline allows you to understand how to combine all the information and thesis statement to support claims of your essay.

Create a basic outline for your discussion essay. Start with a preliminary version of your thesis statement, main argument, opposing argument, and other main points.

Here is an outline example for a discussion essay.

Discussion essay outline example

Title: The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

  • Start with a strong and engaging opening.
  • Introduce the topic and its relevance.
  • Present the thesis statement that highlights the ethical considerations in AI integration in healthcare.
  • Begin with a clear topic sentence about AI's role in diagnosis.
  • Explain AI's superiority in analyzing medical data and images.
  • Provide an example of AI detecting diseases early.
  • Discuss concerns about the potential effects on human expertise.
  • Introduce the focus on personalized treatment.
  • Explain how AI can customize therapies based on individual data.
  • Give an example of optimizing medical outcomes.
  • Raise ethical issues about privacy, consent, and data security.
  • Start with a topic sentence about accountability.
  • Discuss the challenge of assigning blame in AI-related errors.
  • Address the importance of unbiased AI algorithms.
  • Mention the need for regulation and oversight.
  • Restate the significance of the ethical landscape of AI in healthcare.
  • Summarize the core points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Reiterate the importance of balancing AI advancements with ethical considerations.
  • End with a call to uphold ethical principles in the integration of AI in healthcare.

So now that you’ve seen an outline example, l et’s start writing your essay with an introduction.

Write your introduction

  • Start with an attention-grabbing opening ( hook sentence ) that piques the reader's curiosity and encourages them to continue reading.
  • Provide a brief background or context for the topic you'll be discussing.
  • Seamlessly transition from the general to the specific focus of your essay. Guide the reader to understand what to expect from the essay.
  • End your introduction with a strong and clear thesis statement.

Discussion essay introduction example


Now that we have written our introduction, we can move on to the discussion parts.

Compose the body of your essay

Write down the main points of the body paragraphs of your discussion paper. A well-written body paragraph illustrates, justifies, and/or supports your thesis statement. When writing body paragraphs:

  • Typically, present each issue separately and discuss both sides of the argument in an unbiased manner.
  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that transitions from the previous one to introduce the next topic.
  • Start with your least convincing argument and work your way up to your strongest argument. This structure helps readers follow your logic consistently.
  • Make sure your citation usage is consistent for each argument. If you cite three quotes that support your main argument, aim to use three quotes for the opposing view as well.

Discussion essay body paragraphs

Body Paragraph 1: Enhancing Diagnostics and Accuracy

Body Paragraph 2: Personalized Treatment and Privacy

Body Paragraph 3: Ethical Responsibility and Accountability

Now, let’s look at how to end your work.

Conclude your discussion essay

Writing a strong conclusion for a discussion essay is essential to leave a lasting impression on your readers and summarize the main points of your argument effectively. Here are the steps on how to write a good conclusion for your discussion paper:

  • Begin your conclusion by restating your thesis statement in a slightly different way. This helps remind the reader of the main argument you've presented throughout the essay.
  • Provide a brief summary of the key points you discussed in your essay.
  • Emphasize the importance of the topic and the implications of your argument.

Things to avoid in conclusion

Let’s have a look at a conclusion example for a discussion essay..

Discussion essay conclusion example

Remember that a conclusion is your final opportunity to leave a strong impression, so make it memorable and impactful.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is a discussion essay different from other types of essays.

Unlike other common essays that might focus on presenting a single argument, a discussion essay presents multiple perspectives on a topic. It strives to remain neutral and balanced while analyzing different viewpoints.

Can I express my personal opinion in a discussion essay?

Yes, you can include your personal opinion, but it should be presented alongside other viewpoints. Your opinion should be supported by evidence and analysis, and you should strive for a balanced presentation.

Do I need to include counterarguments?

Yes, including counterarguments is essential in a discussion essay. Addressing opposing viewpoints demonstrates your understanding of the topic and strengthens your analysis.

How do I ensure a balanced presentation of viewpoints?

Present each viewpoint objectively and support it with evidence. Give equal attention to different perspectives and avoid using biased language.

How can I transition between different viewpoints in my essay?

Use transitional words and phrases like “however,” “on the other hand,” and “in contrast” to smoothly guide readers between paragraphs and viewpoints.

Picture of Duygu Demiröz

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Enter any word, phrase or sentence to rewrite:

          HINT: Try a simple phrase in the context of a longer sentence and see how it turns out!

Word and Phrase Examples:

  • a back to the basics kin ...
  • a blanket generalization
  • a cat in gloves gets no ...
  • babes in the woods
  • back from the dead
  • back in the day
  • back into place
  • call a truce
  • call it a day
  • call it a night
  • call it quits
  • dance around one's probl ...
  • dance around the issues
  • dance to the beat of one ...
  • each step of the way
  • early bird specials
  • easy breezy
  • face to face
  • fall asleep at the wheel
  • fall by the wayside
  • falling apart at the sea ...
  • game of chance
  • gas guzzler
  • gas guzzling
  • hand in hand
  • hang one's head in embar ...
  • hanging out
  • I am tracking with you
  • I can't help but questio ...
  • I do the best I can
  • jack of all trades
  • Jeff simply goes through ...
  • Jill can finally be at p ...
  • johnny come latelies
  • keen interest
  • keep an eye out
  • keep focus on the end go ...
  • large and in charge
  • largely mostly
  • last acts of desperation
  • last but not least
  • made some major strides ...
  • maintain a specific leve ...
  • make a decision
  • make a difference
  • national security
  • never give up
  • new and improved
  • occasionally
  • odd man out
  • of a single mind
  • painstaking
  • painstakingly
  • pale as a ghost
  • pale as death
  • quality of life
  • quick and dirty
  • rabble rousers
  • race against time
  • raise awareness
  • raise money
  • sales figures
  • sales numbers
  • take a hard left
  • take a hard line
  • take a header
  • take a major leap of fai ...
  • unanimously
  • valuable asset
  • very different
  • very important
  • wait and see
  • walk the line
  • warms my heart
  • waste of breath
  • yada yada yada
  • yank someone's chain
  • Zain encourages people t ...
  • zany zebras zig zagged
  • zest for life

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  8. Synonyms for I will discuss - Power Thesaurus

    Synonyms for I will discuss. 67 other terms for i will discuss - words and phrases with similar meaning. i'll talk about. i will negotiate. shall comment. going to argue. i rise to speak. i shall deal. i am going to talk.

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