1. Science experiments for oscilloscopes and data loggers

    Biology experiments. Calculating heart rate. Looking at the aerobic respiration of peas. Testing the pH of common drinks using DrDAQ as a pH meter. Investigating the effect of acid on indigestion tablets. Respiration of maggots. Transpiration. Decomposition of grass cuttings. Plant measurements during day and night.

  2. Exploring the wonders of data loggers: a Key Stage 2 adventure

    These data loggers are perfect for the Key Stage 2 classroom as they: are compatible with laptops, desktops and iPads. contain built in sensors to record sound, light and temperature. can record data instantly, without being connected to a computer. work with free software specific to primary education.

  3. Data loggers Experiments: Exploding film case

    Introduction. Dry ice or coolant spray is put into film case and the lid of the film case is put on. When dry ice or coolant heats up the lid blows off. Experiment gives an application of forces. Pupils need to know about volume changes from liquid to solid to a gas. Target age groups — GCSE or A level, 11 to 18.

  4. Experiments for data loggers & oscilloscopes

    For diagrams and drawings GIF/PNG files are preferred. For photographs JPG (JPEG) files are preferred. Data files — when performing an experiment, please send us the raw data files (.PLW files for PicoLog or .PSW files for PicoScope). Pico Technology: Science experiments for data loggers and oscilloscopes. Guidelines for submitting experiments.

  5. Investigating free fall with a light gate

    The emphasis of this datalogging experiment is on investigating the relationship between the velocity of the card and the distance it has fallen from rest. ... Configure the data-logging software to measure the transit time and calculate the velocity as the card passes through the light gate. A series of results is accumulated in a table.

  6. Datalogging in Primary Science : A Quick Starter Guide

    ICT in Science. Datalogging allows you to monitor experiments using digital sensors. It allows for more accurate collection of data, taking many more readings than you could do by hand. It also allows you to monitor changes over long periods of time, if necessary. In the past, to carry out datalogging you needed a computer, a datalogging ...

  7. Experiments in Advanced Data Logging ( Using Python )

    Step 2: Building an Experiment. There are three programming steps ( and lines ) in building an experiment. Each experiment is a function in the LoggingSim object in the file Lets look at experiment 1 ( just the first graph ) which we will run in the next step: def experiment_with_sample_rates( self ):

  8. Data Loggers Explained by the Science Squad

    A data logger is an electronic device that is usually found in a laboratory or other science environment. They work by automatically recording and monitoring parameters over a set period of time. These parameters are usually environmental and allow these conditions to be accurately documented, measured, analysed, and validated.

  9. Simple motion experiments with a datalogger

    Then this can be compared to what the datalogging software produces. Record the position-time graph of a trolley rolling on a friction-compensated ramp. Place the sensor at the top of the ramp. Again predict and check the velocity-time graph. Repeat 3 but with the ramp steeper so the trolley accelerates. Record the velocity-time graph and ...

  10. Enhance Science Experiments with Digital Data Logger Tools

    In today's data-driven world, the use of data logger tools in science education has become increasingly important. These devices allow educators to collect and analyze real-time data during experiments, engaging students in active learning and improving the accuracy of data collection.

  11. What are data loggers and how are they used in science?

    Data loggers are perfect for using in schools. With a wide variety of uses, they make science experiments simple, easily repeatable and in real time. Put simply, students can capture data as they see it happening. This gives them a chance to experience real life science, participate like real scientists and adapt and change their experiments ...

  12. Advancing Physics: Logging the Lab Experiment 10D

    By collecting data from four of the sensors on the DrDAQ data logger over a period of time, we could for example monitor a classroom for changes in light level, temperature, sound level and by using the change in resistance of the potentiometer also know whether the door had been opened or closed. ... Carrying out the experiment. Start PicoLog ...

  13. Datalogging in the Environment

    Aimed at primary level this resource shows how to incorporate data logging into science lessons. It contains lesson ideas on the topics of sound, habitats, plants and animals in the local environment, light, thermal insulators, separating mixtures, electricity, changing state and sound. The teacher guidance includes a step by step guide to the setting-up process, with pictures and diagrams.

  14. Data Loggers

    Data loggers (also known as dataloggers or data recorders) are found in all manner of research, analysis, performance and process monitoring applications. As a result of this, they are used across a broad range of industries. They are designed to capture and store high volumes of accurate and detailed measurement data, usually as a way to track ...

  15. Students Can Experiment Anywhere With Portable Data Loggers

    A Certified Integrator Can Implement and Configure Data Loggers for Optimal Lesson Delivery Data loggers like the Labdisc are designed for simple operation, but they still take a little getting used to if your teachers are accustomed to older data-sampling instruments. This is where a certified AV integrator can help. Integrators are AV ...

  16. The importance of data loggers in school science

    The importance of using data loggers in school science including what a data logger is and the key advantages for schools. Menu. ... With more complicated experiments taking place, data loggers can be programmed to capture hundreds of measurements each second, every second, without the need to take a break. If required, they can capture data 24 ...

  17. 1.3.9 Computer Modelling & Data Logger

    Computer modelling is commonly done in conjunction with devices such as a data logger. Modelling is about processing the data collected from a physics experiment into software or a spreadsheet. Graphs and charts can be generated from a table of values. These can then be exported to a scientific report. One of the benefits of these computer ...

  18. Science Experiment : Sensing change in light levels

    In this experiment the datalogger is used to sense the rapid change in light levels from different light sources. The frequency of the variation of light intensity can be measured. This experiment is suitable for pupils following an Advanced Physics course (17-18 years old) as well as showing younger pupils (aged 14+) how electronic sensors ...

  19. CometLogger

    Access the Comet Experiment object: You can gain access to the underlying Comet Experiment object and its methods through the logger.experiment property. This will let you use the additional logging features provided by the Comet SDK. Some examples of data you can log through the Experiment object: Log Image data:

  20. Manage Experiments

    To track other artifacts, such as histograms or model topology graphs first select one of the many experiment managers (loggers) supported by Lightning. from lightning.pytorch import loggers as pl_loggers tensorboard = pl_loggers. TensorBoardLogger trainer = Trainer (logger = tensorboard)

  21. Science experiment with thermoelectric generator data logger

    Carrying out the experiment. With the experiment set up as described above, use the ADC-11 data logger and PicoLog software to take recordings of the two temperature sensors together with the output voltage at one-second intervals. Find the internal resistance of the generator by connecting a variable resistance to the terminals and recording ...

  22. Detecting selective logging in tropical forests with optical satellite

    Forest inventory data from four 1-ha plots was collected during May 2019, and again in October 2020, to measure biomass loss resulting from selective logging in July 2019. The four plots were logged with varying degrees of intensity, ranging from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 9 trees removed from each 1 ha plot (Table 1 ).

  23. 3.2.2 Investigating Motion & Collisions

    Investigating Motion & Collisions. There are a number of techniques and procedures that can be used to investigate the motion of objects. A few examples of experiments that could be carried out are: Measurement of speed and acceleration of trolleys down a ramp. Collisions between trolleys on an air track to investigate momentum and energy changes.

  24. Calculating the heart rate

    Data logging biology science experiment - calculating the heart rate using a pulse plethysmograph. ... all of the PC oscilloscopes and all but the slowest voltage-input data loggers. Two problems are common when using a pulse plethysmograph: movement will cause the trace to swing around wildly, so persuade the subject not to move as much and if ...