Engineering Proposals: Free Template + 12 Proposal Writing Tips

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Posted by: Cinthya Soto

An engineering service proposal is a standardized document pivotal in guiding the selection of consultants. The engineering proposal is more than just a document; it’s your opportunity to showcase expertise, understanding, and value among the piles of proposals. 

Whether you’re a seasoned engineering consultant or a firm stepping into the arena of important projects, your ability to craft a compelling proposal can make all the difference in placing your business ahead of the competition. After all, in 2023 alone companies sourced 39% of their revenue from RFPs .

However, mastering the creation of such a proposal is a complex task. For those wanting to successfully navigate this process, you must be ready to grasp the fundamental concepts of engineering proposals. But what exactly does that include? 

In this blog, we’re covering everything there is to know about writing engineering proposals. From what to include in your engineering proposal and writing tips to engineering project proposal examples and a free engineering proposal template, we aim to help you create winning proposals . 

How to Write an Engineering Proposal: What to Include 

Engineering proposals serve as the critical document on which selections of engineering consultants are based. For consulting firms in the engineering sector, these proposals are the principal tool for winning new contracts. For clients or project owners, they are an invaluable resource to help them choose the best consultants. But what should be included in an engineering proposal format? 

Here are the different sections you should include in your engineering proposal: 

Cover Page 

The cover page of your engineering proposal sets the first impression. It should include the project title, the name of the organization or individual presenting the proposal, the date, and any relevant project identification details. Make sure to keep it professional and clean to reflect the seriousness of your intentions. 

Cover page example including project name, date, client company, and sender company

Cover Letter 

The cover letter personalizes your engineering proposal. It should briefly introduce your organization, express your enthusiasm for the project, and highlight the key points that make your proposal stand out. This is your opportunity to establish a connection with the reader and encourage them to read further. 


The proposal introduction serves as the executive summary of your proposal. It should include an overview of your organization, the purpose of the proposal, and a summary of what the proposal will cover. 

Make sure to clearly define the problem or opportunity your proposal addresses. Essentially, the introduction clarifies the purpose of crafting the proposal. It should lay out the foundation for why the proposal is necessary. 

Additionally, the introduction should provide a concise overview of the proposal’s content. This summary needs to be engaging and offer a glimpse of the detailed descriptions to follow. It reveals your core idea and outlines the strategy you intend to use in delivering your services. Here’s an example of what a successful proposal introduction looks like:

Proposal introduction template

Project Background 

This section delves into the details of the project. Describe the current situation, the specific problem or opportunity, and the objectives of the project. Providing a concise but thorough background helps the reader understand the context and the necessity of the proposed work. 

You should illustrate the issue or situation that led to the creation of your proposal. In this section, it’s important to show a thorough comprehension of the problem at hand. 


In this section, highlight your qualifications and experience relevant to the project. Detail your technical expertise, prior successful projects, and any unique skills or resources that make you stand out. This section reassures the client that you are capable of handling the project. 

When writing this section, make sure to accurately highlight your skill set to emphasize your suitability for the project at hand. Consider this section as the part of your resume where you detail your skills and experiences. 

While you should showcase your expertise, It’s also important to showcase, if relevant, your company’s proficiency and ability to successfully carry out the proposed task. 

Project Team 

Typically, an engineering proposal requires including details about each team member, their specific roles, and their professional backgrounds. The collective expertise of the project team often plays a critical role in the selection of a qualified engineering consultant, which is why the “Project Team” section is extremely important. 

In this section, showcase the team that will work on the project. Ensure that every team member’s relevant experience is detailed in the proposal. Make sure to include brief employee bios in your RFP resumes that highlight each member’s qualifications and relevant experience. Just a few well-crafted sentences on such skills can make a significant difference.

Proposal example of "our team & how we work"

The right tools can help in creating and formatting these bios to present a professional image. With a robust digital asset management (DAM) solution like OpenAsset , you can cut down on the hours spent creating resumes and employee bios for engineering proposals. 

A notable feature for employee bios is Content Assist , powered by OpenAsset’s Generative AI. It’s designed to assist users in creating project descriptions and employee bios within OpenAsset. In simple terms, Content Assist will analyze the existing data in your OpenAsset system to create original project descriptions and employee bios. 

OpenAsset and the Employee Module enhance productivity within your organization by automating the creation of employee resume documents . This helps you present your team in the best light possible and quickest way possible. 

AI Content Assist in OpenAsset

Remember, the strength of your team and how you present your team can be a significant deciding factor in winning the proposal. 

Scope of Work 

In the scope of work , you’ll want to detail the specific activities, deliverables, and timelines involved in the project. It’s crucial for an engineering proposal to precisely outline the project scope. Given that misunderstandings about project scope are a primary cause of project issues or failures, defining the scope with as much clarity is essential to prevent and more easily resolve problems. 

Clearly outline the work that will be done, the methodologies used, and the expected outcomes. This section should align expectations and minimize misunderstandings about the project’s scope. When the scope is clearly defined, everyone involved understands the extent of work expected within the project’s framework. 

Work Schedule 

The work schedule section of the proposal does precisely what its name suggests: it monitors your work schedule. 

Provide a detailed schedule of the project, including key milestones, deadlines, and dependencies. This section maps out the timeline for completing the project and is crucial as it informs your audience about the expected timelines and milestones. 

The work schedule should be realistic and allow for some flexibility. You can enhance clarity by incorporating well-organized tables and specific time allocations. It’s also crucial to demonstrate your understanding of project management and your ability to complete the project on time. 

Including a work schedule provides a professional touch to your proposal. Should you find yourself unable to stick to this schedule once the project has begun, it’s crucial to communicate any changes as soon as possible with the relevant parties. 

Project Cost 

Undoubtedly, the cost of engineering services holds significant weight in the decision-making process. The potential consultant is expected to define costs for each team member based on suitable hourly rates and the estimated hours needed for each stage of the project, along with a summary. While engineering associations recommend choosing consultants based on qualifications above cost, the reality is that pricing remains a key determinant. 

Project fees and schedule example in proposal

In this section, detail the expected expenses for your project by itemizing them and assigning monetary values to each category. Break down the costs into distinct groups, such as individual labor charges per employee, material costs, and so on. Summing up these figures will provide the total cost, offering the reader a clear financial overview. 

This facilitates an informed decision-making process, allowing for a thorough assessment of different factors before committing funds. 

Write a Strong Proposal Conclusion 

The conclusion of the proposal mirrors the concluding section of a cover letter. Here, you should explain the reasons for considering you or your team as the ideal choice for the project and provide your contact information. It’s also an opportunity to reaffirm why you or your team is the most suitable candidate for the project. 

Conclude your proposal by summarizing the main points, reiterating the benefits of choosing your organization, and expressing your eagerness to work on the project. End on a positive note, inviting further discussion or questions. You want to write a compelling conclusion that will leave a lasting impression on the reader. 


Expert Engineering Project Proposal Tips 

To maximize your chances of winning projects with your engineering proposals, here are 12 proposal writing tips to keep in mind when crafting your next engineering proposal: 

1. Read the RFP Multiple Times 

Simply reading the Request for Proposal (RFP) is not enough; a deep understanding of the evaluation criteria is crucial. It’s essential to review the RFP carefully, taking in every detail beyond the basic requirements such as submission dates, formatting guidelines, and required signatures. 

This thorough examination ensures you are aligned with all the requirements, conditions, and expectations outlined in the RFP. Such attentiveness not only aids in crafting a tailored response that aligns with the issuer’s needs but also minimizes the risk of non-compliance with the RFP’s requirements. 

Moreover, upon reading a new RFP, it’s smart to draft a checklist detailing all essential criteria. This approach allows a good amount of time for you to make sure everything is included in your RFP response and allows you to request any necessary clarifications well in advance of the deadline. 

2. Do Your Research 

Undertaking comprehensive research is a cornerstone in the development of a compelling engineering proposal. This process involves gathering data, understanding industry standards, exploring the project’s context, and analyzing the potential impact of your work.

Research allows you to approach the project with a depth of knowledge that will reflect the feasibility, innovation, and planning of your proposal. It also provides a foundation for making informed decisions, identifying potential risks, and proposing effective solutions. 

In essence, the research you conduct forms the backbone of a proposal that’s both convincing and achievable. 

3. Create a Clear Proposal Format 

If you’re wondering how to draft a proposal, starting with a clear format is a great start. Maintaining a clear engineering proposal format is fundamental to creating a structured and professional document. A standardized format ensures that the information is presented in an organized manner, making it easy for the reviewers to follow and evaluate. The format typically includes a well-defined table of contents, sections with clear headings, and a logical flow of information. 

This structured approach helps display your message with precision and prevents critical elements from being overlooked. Consistency in format across various sections, such as the project background, scope, schedule, and qualifications, reinforces the overall flow of the proposal. 

A well-formatted proposal not only reflects your professionalism but also helps in communicating the seriousness and preparedness of your team for the project.  

4. Introduce Your Company’s Background 

Introducing your company with a concise background in your engineering proposal is a critical step in setting the stage for a strong pitch. This section should provide a snapshot of your company’s history, core competencies, successes, and mission as they relate to the project in question. It’s an opportunity to establish credibility and build trust with the proposal’s reviewers. 

This introduction should show the essence of your company’s identity, values, and the journey that has led to its current standing in the industry. Highlighting notable achievements, experience in similar projects, and the overarching vision can create a compelling narrative that resonates with the potential client. 

A well-articulated company background serves as the foundation upon which the rest of the proposal is built, underlining why your firm is uniquely suited for the project. 

Proposal company overview page example

5. Feature Your Team’s Talent 

In an engineering proposal, it’s important to select the best employees for your RFP response . Make sure to illustrate the unique skill sets, qualifications, and experiences that each member brings to the table. You can use this section to delve into the specific talents that differentiate your team from competitors. 

Detailing individual roles and how they will contribute to the success of the project not only showcases the depth of your collective proficiency but also helps build confidence in your team’s ability to deliver results. Remember to align these talents with the project requirements, demonstrating a perfect fit between your team’s capabilities and the project’s needs. 

If you’re looking to generate employee resumes in minutes that demonstrate your team’s talent, a robust DAM can help you store and manage employee profiles. A DAM for engineering like OpenAsset saves you time and resources in managing your resumes. Through the use of Generative AI, you can create project descriptions and employee RFP bios. 

6. Include Images and Graphics

Incorporating images and proposal graphics into your engineering proposal can significantly enhance its impact. Civil engineering projects typically require various diagrams, illustrations, and maps. This is because the essence of designs is best conveyed through visual representation for complete clarity. The same principle applies to proposals, where visual elements are crucial for demonstrating complex information clearly and effectively. 

Moreover, using images to communicate visually will save reading time for the client. The reader will also appreciate the amount of effort put into preparing the engineering proposal. 

Six images listing the types of proposal graphics to include in proposals

Use tools like OpenAsset to seamlessly find and present visuals of projects that align closely with the prospective client’s needs or showcase your team’s qualifications. This tailored visual approach not only shows your past successes but also provides a compelling, concrete visual narrative of what you can deliver. 

Moreover, AI in DAM saves you time and resources in managing your images through AI-suggested keywords, image similarity search, AI Content Assist, and more. These features: 

  • Reduce the time it takes to manually tag images
  • Helps you build and expand taxonomies
  • Gives you additional images to select from and use.
  • Enables you to leverage Generative AI for project descriptions and employee RFP bios

Images are not just embellishments; they can be powerful testimonials of your work’s relevance and quality, speaking volumes more than words alone. 

7. Use Clear Language 

Using clear and concise language is crucial when crafting an engineering proposal. The ability to demonstrate complex ideas effectively without resorting to overly technical jargon or unnecessarily complicated explanations is a skill that cannot be overstated. 

Likewise, it’s important not to assume that the readers will be familiar with the specialized jargon of your field. Take time to research the client and the reviewing committee to grasp their expertise and knowledge base. When delving into detailed technical matters, ensure you offer sufficient background to maintain inclusivity and prevent any misunderstandings. 

Proposals should be accessible, ensuring that stakeholders, regardless of their technical background, can grasp the proposed concepts and see the value in them. 

Your team might possess attributes such as “remarkable efficiency, strong motivation, and outstanding qualifications,” yet, it’s likely that your competitors claim the same. Such language is often so overused in proposals that they become clichéd and lose their impact. 

Rather than relying on generic adjectives, prove your capabilities with concrete examples of past projects or situations that illustrate your skills in action. Even more compelling would be citing testimonials or endorsements from previous clients who can vouch for your expertise. Here’s what that could look like in your proposal:

Past projects and testimonials example page in proposal

Additionally, avoiding excessive language not only helps in maintaining the reader’s attention but also demonstrates your ability to communicate efficiently. The proposal should be as concise as possible without sacrificing completeness. Every sentence should serve a purpose, whether it’s to inform, persuade, or clarify. 

8. Keep It Short 

Coming across an RFP with a large page limit or no page limit might give you the impression that you should create a significantly lengthy proposal. However, it’s best to resist this urge to write a 200-page proposal. 

Keep in mind, your potential client will be comparing your proposal with several others. A concise submission allows them to quickly discern the essential details. Overloading your proposal with text increases the likelihood of them skimming over key points — steer clear of dense paragraphs. 

A concise proposal not only respects the reviewer’s time but also enhances readability and comprehension. It’s essential to spread your message and value proposition without unnecessary elaboration. Precision in language, clarity in presenting solutions, and conciseness in your descriptions can make a powerful impact. 

Moreover, a proposal that is straight to the point is often a sign of a well-thought-out project plan and a capable, organized team that knows how to communicate. A compact and well-structured proposal often speaks volumes about your project management skills and your respect for the client’s resources and time constraints. 

9. Practice Teamwork 

A collaborative approach ensures that diverse expertise and perspectives contribute to a more robust and comprehensive document. It’s the teamwork among team members, with their unique skill sets and experiences, that can elevate the quality of a proposal. 

Working together with your team in the proposal process can lead to innovative solutions that might not surface in a siloed work environment. Teamwork facilitates thorough cross-checking, brainstorming, and problem-solving, which are essential to addressing the complex challenges typically presented in engineering projects. 

Remember, surrounding yourself with an effective team is the key to success.  A collaborative culture could be what makes you stand out from the competition. 

Moreover, highlighting the collaborative nature of your team within the proposal can also serve as a testament to your capability to work together, a quality often wanted by clients. It’s not just about the final product but also about demonstrating the process of how your team works together to achieve excellence. 

10. Proofread and Double-Check 

Proofreading and carefully double-checking your proposal is as essential as the content itself. This step ensures that your document is free from errors, which could otherwise affect the credibility of your proposal. It’s not only about catching typos or grammatical mistakes; it’s about ensuring that every figure, fact, and statement aligns with the RFP requirements and your research findings. 

A proposal that is well-edited and error-free communicates attention to detail and a commitment to excellence. It’s recommended to have multiple team members review the proposal to provide fresh perspectives and catch issues that you might have overlooked. 

Remember, a single mistake could raise doubts about the professionalism of your work and the quality of the project delivery. Therefore, rigorous proofreading and double-checking are necessary to validate the integrity and professionalism of your engineering proposal. 

11. Meet Deadlines 

Meeting deadlines is important in the context of engineering proposals. The ability to deliver on time reflects your professionalism and reliability. It’s a non-negotiable element of project management that sets the stage for how potential clients view your commitment to the project’s success. 

Planning is essential to ensure deadlines are not just met, but comfortably, allowing planning for any unexpected circumstances that might arise. Missing a deadline can have significant repercussions, from damaging your reputation to disqualification from the bidding process. 

However, it’s not just about avoiding the negative. Following deadlines can also enhance your standing with clients, as it demonstrates respect for their time and trust in your ability to manage the project effectively from the start. 

12. Submit the Proposal on Time 

Part of meeting deadlines includes submitting your proposal on time. Every RFP specifies a submission deadline that must be met. Contrary to project deadlines, which may be subject to change during a project, the cut-off date for proposal submission is non-negotiable. 

Physical submissions of hard copy proposals are often marked with an actual time stamp upon receipt. If that timestamp shows your submission arrived even one second past the deadline, it will unfortunately be too late. 

With the rise in digital submissions, the strict adherence to deadlines continues. Considering potential issues like slow upload speeds or internet disruptions, it’s wise to plan additional time when submitting proposals electronically. 

Make sure it’s clear how the proposal will be submitted so there are no surprises. You should also ask for help when it’s needed, especially if you are facing roadblocks and don’t have much time left. 

Moreover, building buffer time for reviews and potential revisions is a wise strategy. Proposal writing often shows that tasks tend to extend beyond anticipated time frames. Whether you run out of printing paper or a team member makes a last-minute change, you need to be prepared. Therefore, allowing yourself a generous timeline for the preparation and submission of the final documents can mitigate the risk of missing the deadline. 

Meeting deadlines reflect your professionalism and reliability, which are critical factors in the selection process. It demonstrates your commitment to the project timeline and sets the stage for the timely execution of the work ahead. Engineering proposals are also an investment of time and money and if you miss the deadline, this investment is wasted. 

Additionally, a punctual proposal suggests that your project management and organizational skills are well-tuned, giving potential clients confidence in your ability to deliver results within the specified timeframe. 

Free Engineering Proposal Template 

At OpenAsset, we want to provide you with valuable resources to help pave the way toward success. That’s why we’re providing a free engineering project proposal template to inspire your proposal writing journey. 

Engineering Proposale Template

Use OpenAsset for Your Engineering Services Proposal 

Leveraging a robust DAM, like OpenAsset , in your engineering proposals is a game-changer. OpenAsset streamlines the process of incorporating high-quality images and project data that represent your team’s past achievements and expertise. 

By using OpenAsset, you can create a visually impactful and content-rich proposal that stands out. It not only saves valuable time by organizing your assets efficiently but also ensures that you present a polished, professional, and tailored proposal to your potential clients. 

OpenAsset’s DAM solution makes AEC proposals simpler, faster, and more successful. That’s why 99% of customers renew. Leverage OpenAsset to elevate your proposals and effectively demonstrate why your team is the ideal choice for any AEC project.  

Ready to start creating engineering proposals that will set you apart? 

Get OpenAsset DAM Insights

engineering project proposal methodology sample

How to Create Winning Proposals

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How to Write a Project Proposal (Examples & Template Included)


Table of Contents

Types of project proposals, project proposal vs. project charter, project proposal vs. business case, project proposal vs. project plan, project proposal outline, how to write a project proposal, project proposal example, project proposal tips, what is a project proposal.

A project proposal is a project management document that’s used to define the objectives and requirements of a project. It helps organizations and external project stakeholders agree on an initial project planning framework.

The main purpose of a project proposal is to get buy-in from decision-makers. That’s why a project proposal outlines your project’s core value proposition; it sells value to both internal and external project stakeholders. The intent of the proposal is to grab the attention of stakeholders and project sponsors. Then, the next step is getting them excited about the project summary.

Getting into the heads of the audience for which you’re writing the project proposal is vital: you need to think like the project’s stakeholders to deliver a proposal that meets their needs.

We’ve created a free project proposal template for Word to help structure documents, so you don’t have to remember the process each time.

engineering project proposal methodology sample

Get your free

Project Proposal Template

Use this free Project Proposal Template for Word to manage your projects better.

In terms of types of project proposals, you can have one that’s formally solicited, informally solicited or a combination. There can also be renewal and supplemental proposals. Here’s a brief description of each of them.

  • Solicited project proposal: This is sent as a response to a request for proposal (RFP) . Here, you’ll need to adhere to the RFP guidelines of the project owner.
  • Unsolicited project proposal: You can send project proposals without having received a request for a proposal. This can happen in open bids for construction projects , where a project owner receives unsolicited project proposals from many contractors.
  • Informal project proposal: This type of project proposal is created when a client asks for an informal proposal without an RFP.
  • Renewal project proposal: You can use a renewal project proposal when you’re reaching out to past customers. The advantage is that you can highlight past positive results and future benefits.
  • Continuation project proposal: A continuation project proposal is sent to investors and stakeholders to communicate project progress.
  • Supplemental project proposal: This proposal is sent to investors to ask for additional resources during the project execution phase.

All the elements in the above project proposal outline are present in our template. This free project proposal template for Word will provide you with everything you need to write an excellent project proposal. It will help you with the executive summary, project process, deliverables, costs—even terms and conditions. Download your free template today.

Project proposal tempalte for Word

A project proposal is a detailed project document that’s used to convince the project sponsor that the project being proposed is worth the time, money and effort to deliver it. This is done by showing how the project will address a business problem or opportunity. It also outlines the work that will be done and how it will be done.

A project charter can seem like the same thing as a project proposal as it also defines the project in a document. It identifies the project objectives, scope, goals, stakeholders and team. But it’s done after the project has been agreed upon by all stakeholders and the project has been accepted. The project charter authorizes the project and documents its requirements to meet stakeholders’ needs.

Free project charter template

A business case is used to explain why the proposed project is justified. It shows that the project is worth the investment of time and money. It’s more commonly used in larger companies in the decision-making process when prioritizing one project over another.

The business case answers the questions: what is the project, why should it be taken up, who will be involved and how much will it cost? It’s therefore related to a project proposal, but the project proposal comes before the business case and is usually part of the larger proposal.

Free business case template

Again, the project proposal and the project plan in this case are very similar documents. It’s understandable that there would be some confusion between these two project terms. They both show how the project will be run and what the results will be. However, they’re not the same.

The project proposal is a document that aims to get a project approved and funded. It’s used to convince stakeholders of the viability of the project and their investment. The project plan, on the other hand, is made during the planning phase of the project, once it’s been approved. It’s a detailed outline of how the project will be implemented, including schedule, budget, resources and more.

Free project plan template

There are several key operational and strategic questions to consider, including:

  • Executive summary: This is the elevator pitch that outlines the project being proposed and why it makes business sense. While it also touches on the information that’ll follow in the project proposal, the executive summary should be brief and to the point.
  • Project background: This is another short part of the proposal, usually only one page, which explains the problem you’ll solve or the opportunity you’re taking advantage of with the proposed project. Also, provide a short history of the business to put the company in context to the project and why it’s a good fit.
  • Project vision & success criteria: State the goal of the project and how it aligns with the goals of the company. Be specific. Also, note the metrics used to measure the success of the project.
  • Potential risks and mitigation strategies: There are always risks. Detail them here and what strategies you’ll employ to mitigate any negative impact as well as take advantage of any positive risk.
  • Project scope & deliverables: Define the project scope, which is all the work that has to be done and how it will be done. Also, detail the various deliverables that the project will have.
  • Set SMART goals: When setting goals, be SMART. That’s an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. All your goals would be defined by those five things.
  • Project approach: Define the approach you’ll use for the contract. There are several different types of contracts used in construction , for example, such as lump sum, cost plus, time and materials, etc. This is also a good place to describe the delivery method you’ll use.
  • Expected benefits: Outline the benefits that will come from the successful completion of the project.
  • Project resource requirements: List the resources, such as labor, materials, equipment, etc., that you’ll need to execute the project if approved.
  • Project costs & budget: Detail all the costs, including resources, that’ll be required to complete the project and set up a budget to show how those costs will be spent over the course of the project.
  • Project timeline: Lay out the project timeline , which shows the project from start to finish, including the duration of each phase and the tasks within it, milestones, etc.

In addition to these elements, it’s advisable to use a cover letter, which is a one-page document that helps you introduce your project proposal and grab the attention of potential clients and stakeholders.

To make the best proposal possible, you’ll want to be thorough and hit on all the points we’ve listed above. Here’s a step-by-step guide to writing a persuasive priority proposal.

1. Write an Executive Summary

The executive summary provides a quick overview of the main elements of your project proposal, such as your project background, project objectives and project deliverables, among other things. The goal is to capture the attention of your audience and get them excited about the project you’re proposing. It’s essentially the “elevator pitch” for the project life cycle. It should be short and to the point.

The executive summary should be descriptive and paint a picture of what project success looks like for the client. Most importantly, it should motivate the project client; after all, the goal is getting them to sign on the dotted line to get the project moving!

2. Provide a Project Background

The project background is a one-page section of your project proposal that explains the problem that your project will solve. You should explain when this issue started, its current state and how your project will be the ideal solution.

  • Historic data: The history section outlines previously successful projects and those that could have run more smoothly. By doing so, this section establishes precedents and how the next project can be more effective using information from previous projects.
  • Solution: The solution section addresses how your project will solve the client’s problem. Accordingly, this section includes any project management techniques , skills and procedures your team will use to work efficiently.

3. Establish a Project Vision & Success Criteria

You’ll need to define your project vision. This is best done with a vision statement, which acts as the north star for your project. It’s not specific as much as it’s a way to describe the impact your company plans to make with the project.

It’s also important to set up success criteria to show that the project is in fact doing what it’s proposed to do. Three obvious project success criteria are the triple constraint of cost, scope and time. But you’ll need to set up a way to measure these metrics and respond to them if they’re not meeting your plan.

4. Identify Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies

To reduce the impact of risk in your project, you need to identify what those risks might be and develop a plan to mitigate them . List all the risks, prioritize them, describe what you’ll do to mitigate or take advantage of them and who on the team is responsible for keeping an eye out for them and resolving them.

5. Define Your Project Scope and Project Deliverables

The project scope refers to all the work that’ll be executed. It defines the work items, work packages and deliverables that’ll be delivered during the execution phase of your project life cycle. It’s important to use a work breakdown structure (WBS) to define your tasks and subtasks and prioritize them.

6. Set SMART Goals for Your Project Proposal

The best mindset when developing goals and objectives for your project proposal is to use the SMART system :

  • Specific – Make sure your goals and objectives are clear, concise and specific to the task at hand.
  • Measurable – Ensure your goals and objectives are measurable so it’s obvious to see when things are on track and going well, and conversely, when things are off track and issues need to be addressed. Measurable goals make it easy to develop the milestones you’ll use to track the progress of the project and identify a reasonable date for completion and/or closure.
  • Attainable – It’s important every project has a “reach” goal. Hitting this goal would mean an outstanding project that extends above and beyond expectations. However, it’s important that the project’s core goal is attainable, so morale stays high and the job gets done with time and resources to spare.
  • Relevant – Make sure all of your goals are directly relevant to the project and address the scope within which you’re working.
  • Time-Based – Timelines and specific dates should be at the core of all goals and objectives. This helps keep the project on track and ensures all project team members can manage the work that’s ahead of them.

7. Explain What’s Your Project Approach

Your project approach defines the project management methodology , tools and governance for your project. In simple terms, it allows project managers to explain to stakeholders how the project will be planned, executed and controlled successfully.

8. Outline The Expected Benefits of Your Project Proposal

If you want to convince internal stakeholders and external investors, you’ll need to show them the financial benefits that your project could bring to their organization. You can use cost-benefit analysis and projected financial statements to demonstrate why your project is profitable.

9. Identify Project Resource Requirements

Project resources are critical for the execution of your project. The project proposal briefly describes what resources are needed and how they’ll be used. Later, during the planning phase, you’ll need to create a resource management plan that’ll be an important element of your project plan. Project requirements are the items, materials and resources needed for the project. This section should cover both internal and external needs.

10. Estimate Project Costs and Project Budget

All the resources that you’ll need for your project have a price tag. That’s why you need to estimate those costs and create a project budget . The project budget needs to cover all your project expenses, and as a project manager, you’ll need to make sure that you adhere to the budget.

11. Define a Project Timeline

Once you’ve defined your project scope, you’ll need to estimate the duration of each task to create a project timeline. Later during the project planning phase , you’ll need to create a schedule baseline, which estimates the total length of your project. Once the project starts, you’ll compare your actual project schedule to the schedule baseline to monitor progress.

Now let’s explore some project proposal examples to get a better understanding of how a project proposal would work in the real world. For this example, let’s imagine a city that’s about to build a rapid transit system. The city government has the funds to invest but lacks the technical expertise and resources that are needed to build it, so it issues a request for proposal (RFP) document and sends it to potential builders.

Then, the construction companies that are interested in executing this rapid transit project will prepare a project proposal for the city government. Here are some of the key elements they should include.

  • Project background: The construction firm will provide an explanation of the challenges that the project presents from a technical perspective, along with historical data from similar projects that have been completed successfully by the company.
  • Project vision & success criteria: Write a vision statement and explain how you’ll track the triple constraint to ensure the successful delivery of the project.
  • Potential risks and mitigation strategies: List all risks and how they’ll be mitigated, and be sure to prioritize them.
  • Project scope & deliverables: The work that’ll be done is outlined in the scope, including all the deliverables that’ll be completed over the life cycle of the project.
  • Set SMART goals: Use the SMART technique to define your project goals by whether they’re specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.
  • Project approach: Define the methodology that the project manager will employ to manage the project. Also, figure out what type of contract will be used to define the project.
  • Expected benefits: Show how the project will deliver advantages to the company and define what these benefits are in a quantifiable way.
  • Project resource requirements: List all the resources, such as labor, materials, equipment, etc., needed to execute the project.
  • Project costs & budget: Estimate the cost of the project and lay that out in a project budget that covers everything from start to finish.
  • Project timeline: Outline the project schedule, including phases, milestones and task duration on a visual timeline.

Whatever project proposal you’re working on, there are a few tips that apply as best practices for all. While above we suggested a project proposal template that would have a table of contents, meaning it would be many pages long, the best-case scenario is keeping the proposal to one or two pages max. Remember, you’re trying to win over stakeholders, not bore them.

Speaking of project stakeholders , do the research. You want to address the right ones. There’s no point in doing all the work necessary to write a great proposal only to have it directed to the wrong target audience. Whoever is going to read it, though, should be able to comprehend the proposal. Keep the language simple and direct.

When it comes to writing, get a professional. Even a business document like a project proposal, business case or executive summary will suffer if it’s poorly constructed or has typos. If you don’t want to hire a professional business writer, make sure you get someone on your project team to copy, edit and proof the document. The more eyes on it, the less likely mistakes will make it to the final edition.

While you want to keep the proposal short and sweet, it helps to sweeten the pot by adding customer testimonials to the attachments. Nothing sells a project plan better than a customer base looking for your product or service.

ProjectManager & Project Proposals

ProjectManager allows you to plan proposals within our software. You can update tasks for the project proposal to signify where things stand and what’s left to be done. The columns allow you to organize your proposal by section, creating a work breakdown structure (WBS) of sorts.

When building a project proposal, it’s vital to remember your target audience. Your audience includes those who are excited about the project, and see completion as a gain for their organization. Conversely, others in your audience will see the project as a pain and something to which they aren’t looking forward. To keep both parties satisfied, it’s essential to keep language factual and concise.

Our online kanban boards help you think through that language and collaborate on it effectively with other team members, if necessary. Each card shows the percentage completed so everyone in the project management team is aware of the work done and what’s left to be done.

Example Project Proposal Kanban Board

As you can see from the kanban board above, work has begun on tasks such as product documentation and design. Tasks regarding stakeholder feedback, ideation, market research and more have been completed, and there’s a good start on the engineering drawings, 3D rendering, supply chain sourcing and translation services.

A PDF is then attached to the card, and everyone added to the task receives an email notifying them of the change. This same process can be used throughout the life-cycle of the project to keep the team updated, collaborating, and producing a first-class project proposal. In addition to kanban boards, you can also use other project management tools such as Gantt charts , project dashboards, task lists and project calendars to plan, schedule and track your projects.

Project proposals are just the first step in the project planning process. Once your project is approved, you’ll have to solidify the plan, allocate and manage resources, monitor the project, and finally hand in your deliverables. This process requires a flexible, dynamic and robust project management software package. ProjectManager is online project management software that helps all your team members collaborate and manage this process in real-time. Try our award-winning software with this free 30-day trial .

Click here to browse ProjectManager's free templates

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engineering project proposal methodology sample

How to Write an Engineering Proposal

November 29, 2012 by Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP 7 Comments

Engineering proposal

Engineering proposals are the industry standard document for which engineering consultant selection decisions are made.  For engineering consulting firms, they are the primary method of securing new work.  For the owners they are indispensible as a means to differentiate between consultants.  But what are the major parts of an engineering proposal?

Project Comprehension

A typical engineering proposal will need to document superb technical comprehension of the project.  In this section, the technical issues are listed and some of the alternatives discussed.  This section was always the most difficult to wrap my head around, because where I came from the industry was “small enough” that they should know our qualifications.  So maybe we could miss something and someone much less experienced could “out-write” us to better score in this category.  From the recipient’s point of view though, it is very important that a show of technical competence be a part of the proposal, and it is not likely that any one small detail will swing the proposal in one direction.

There isn’t alot of guidance I can give you here for writing this section because this is where your technical know-how has to shine.  I always write the section once, and look at it multiple times from different perspectives.  Imagine each phase of the project as it would be carried out and think about what all of the relevant technical issues are.

Project Scope

An engineering proposal needs to accurately define the project scope.  Because confusion related to the project scope is the leading cause of project failure (or problems), it is imperative that the scope be defined as accurately as possible so that issues do not arise.  And when they do, they can be dealt with much more easily when everyone knew what work was supposed to be performed within the boundaries of the project.

Generally the stakeholders of the project interpret grey areas of the project scope in their favor.  For example, if the purchase of adjacent land was not mentioned in the proposal for an interchange construction project, the owner is likely to interpret that it was included, but the engineer is likely to interpret that it was not.  To the owner, it appears to be “a part of the job.”  To the engineer, it appears to be overlooked and therefore not part of the project as defined.

Project Team

Normally an engineering proposal will require a description of each project member, their role on the team, and a professional resume.  Naturally the strength of the project team is a factor in the selection of a qualified engineering consultant, and there isn’t much you can do about this if your competitors have more relevant experience than you.

But make sure all of the relevant experience of the team members are present.  You would be surprised how good the smallest things can sound, for example an engineer spending 10 years in the field interpreting contracts may not be glamorous, but it doesn’t sound that bad on a proposal if you throw in a sentence or two on contract expertise.

Project Budget

Of course, the price of the engineering services is an important consideration.  The prospective consultant should price out each member according to an appropriate charge out rate and the number of hours required for each phase, and provide a summary.  Engineering associations advocate for a consultant selection based on merits rather than price, but price will always be a factor.

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About Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP

Bernie Roseke, P.Eng., PMP, is the president of Roseke Engineering . As a bridge engineer and project manager, he manages projects ranging from small, local bridges to multi-million dollar projects. He is also the technical brains behind ProjectEngineer , the online project management system for engineers. He is a licensed professional engineer, certified project manager, and six sigma black belt. He lives in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, with his wife and two kids.

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I found this article extremely informative as a reference material for an essay on engineering writing. Iam a 58 year old engineering major at Eastern Arizona College. This just goes to show you are never too old to learn a new profession. Thank you. Sincerely Jacob Boer

' src=

Thanks Jacob,

Glad I could help. Good luck in your studies.

' src=

I am planning to do PhD in civil engineer and have been so lost how to write a proposal on the idea that I have in mind. but this seems to be really helpful. thank you.

Glad it helped!

' src=

I am writing a proposal for a masters scholarship studies and my topic is “Design specifications for Highway bridges and structures in low income and Developing countries’ But am still finding its difficult to get technical information or points to make my proposal solid or arguable .

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please email to me i will give to you some document in order to do your proposal my email, [email protected]

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Writing engineering proposals seems like it would be so complicated. I liked that you explained that you need to cover the scope of the project and what to do if something goes wrong. That does seem like it would be really intense. It seems like you should get someone with a lot of experience to help you out.

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Top 10 Engineering Project Proposal Templates with Examples and Samples

Top 10 Engineering Project Proposal Templates with Examples and Samples

Engineering is about turning ideas into reality, from creating incredible skyscrapers that touch the sky to designing cutting-edge technology that makes our lives better. The first step to doing all of these is a project proposal.

Picture this: You have an incredible idea for a robot that can clean your room. It's going to make life so much easier! But building robots costs money, and you'll need some investors to believe in your idea and give you that money. That's where the project proposal comes in. This proposal will explain why the robot is important , how you'll build it, and how much it'll cost. It’ll even introduce the team who'll make it happen.

This blog will show you the ropes of creating a winning engineering project proposal .

Engineering Project Proposal Templates: Paving the Way for Project Success

A well-structured engineering proposal outlines your objectives, a tailored plan of action, and the resources needed to achieve your goals. SlideTeam has curated this bundle of pre-designed and 100% customizable and editable PPT Templates. The structured layout of these presentation designs simplifies conveying objectives, methodologies, and roles. With these content-ready slides, you get a head-start with the much-needed structure and flexibility that allows you to tailor your proposal presentations. You don't have to prepare project proposal presentations to pitch to your prospective clients and stakeholders from scratch. 

Let us go through the templates now!

Template 1: Engineering Project Proposal Template Bundle

A project proposal is more than simply a way to get a new project. It is about being a responsible representative of your team and organization.This PowerPoint Slide, a complete deck in 27 slides, starts with an introduction  followed by a cover letter and table of contents. Up next is a slide on project context, scope, activity schedule, investment and about the firm. This slide is followed by certifications for the project, major projects along with budget and completion time, client testimonials and terms and conditions for the project. Download this PowerPoint Deck today!

Engineering Project Proposal


Template 2: Project Context of the Engineering Proposal PowerPoint Slide

This PowerPoint Slide illustrates the context of the engineering project. In a proposal, the project context outlines the project and comes up with logical points  to convince the stakeholders of the importance of starting the  project. In this particular sample, the  project is the development of a high school building; the slide details  the land it’ll require, library portion, auditorium and basketball court. Download Now!

Project Context

Template 3: Scope for Engineering Project PowerPoint slide

You shouldn’t aim too big or too small when it comes to an engineering project. Rather, you want your project size to be just right: Large enough to capture all of your project deliverables while being manageable. The best method to do so is to establish the scope of your project. By defining your project scope, you may avoid delays and overwork. This PowerPoint Slide includes design drafting, site survey, complete planning and engineering, etc. to meet the requirements of your project. Download now!


Template 4: Activity Schedule for  Project PowerPoint Slide

This PowerPoint Slide showcases the complete schedule of an engineering project. It is divided into two slides. The first slide includes activities like site survey, construction, etc along with status, start date and end date. The next slide focuses on incomplete or to-be-started activities. This assists in good time management and keeps engineers on track. It enables improved planning, allowing those involved to better organize their time and remain productive. Get this PowerPoint Design now!

Activity Schedule

Template 5: Your Investment for the Project PowerPoint Template

This PPT Template showcases the financial aspects of a proposed engineering project. It presents a breakdown of costs associated with the project, such as fees for the planning and budget, site surveying fees, building design fees, and labor charges. This template makes it easier to understand the investment required and the conditions associated with the pricing. Download Now!

Your Investment

Template 6: About Us for Engineering Project Proposal PPT Template 

This PPT Template is designed to convey information about the engineering company.  It includes information such as the company's beginning year, vision, and purpose statements. It also introduces the company and gives background information. This slide provides the client with information, such as  company history, and its fundamental values. It contributes to a better bond between the client and the business. Get this Slide Bundle now!

About Us

Template 7: Certification for Engineering Project Proposal PowerPoint Slide

This PowerPoint Slide showcases the certification for the engineering project. It shows a company’s professionalism and seriousness regarding the project. It includes the name of the certification and how it helps the engineering project. Download today!


Template 8: Key Services Provided by the Engineering Company PPT Template

This PowerPoint Slide includes services provided like plant engineering, energy modeling, renewable energy systems, consultancy services and energy auditing. Including key services in a project proposal gives a clear idea to the clients about the offerings of the company. Download today!

 Key Services

Template 9: About the Team Involved in the Project

This PowerPoint Slide showcases information about the members involved in the engineering project. It includes their name, designation and role in the project.The inclusion of team details in the proposal makes the stakeholders aware of  individuals responsible in the engineering project, increasing their trust in the credibility and viability of the project. Download now!

About the Team

Template 10: Client Testimonials for the Project Proposal

This PowerPoint Slide highlights the reliability and positive impact of the suggested engineering project. This slide features quotes from former clients who have experienced the benefits of the project, and it also includes their names and positions. These testimonies act as social proof, creating trust in potential clients by emphasizing real-world success stories and validating the value. Get it now!

Client Testimonials

Build the Blueprint for Success

The art of crafting a professional engineering project proposal is a skill every engineer must master. It's the key that unlocks the doors to innovation and accomplishment. SlideTeam’s PowerPoint Template for engineering project proposals is important for consistency and professionalism in presentations. It ensures that all proposal-related information is visually cohesive, making it easier to understand and follow. Our Templates also save time by providing pre-designed layouts and graphics, improving efficiency. It's a small investment that yields significant benefits.

PS: A professional proposal is your first point of contact with potential clients; it represents your first impression in a business setting. With our Top 10 Professional Proposal Templates , you can create a winning proposal for your company, product, or service.

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