A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the Philippine Context

Remedial reading teachers are forerunners in elevating the reading achievement of students in schools. In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country does not have clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such teachers. This paper presents a review of the literature on remedial reading teachers. The results revealed that remedial reading teachers performed various roles in schools and that the cultivation of the roles and duties of remedial reading teachers rely so much on different factors, some of which are knowledge and the skills that they have, philosophical views in education and the whole school community, the rapport that remedial reading teachers have with their colleagues, the support of the administrators to their personal and career developments, and provisions of the local government. It was also evident in the review that literature and studies are scarce regarding remedial reading teachers in the Philippines, thus, suggesting to explore on the what's and the how's of remedial reading teachers in a hope of creating clear policies that will strengthen their identities and support their professional developments.

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Bautista, J. C., & Gatcho, A. R. G. (2019). A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the Philippine Context. JET (Journal of English Teaching) , 5 (2), 91. https://doi.org/10.33541/jet.v5i2.1063

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A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the Philippine Context

  • Judy C. Bautista College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research Philippine Normal University
  • Al Ryanne G. Gatcho College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research Philippine Normal University

Remedial reading teachers are forerunners in elevating the reading achievement of students in schools. In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country does not have clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such teachers. This paper presents a review of the literature on remedial reading teachers. The results revealed that remedial reading teachers performed various roles in schools and that the cultivation of the roles and duties of remedial reading teachers rely so much on different factors, some of which are knowledge and the skills that they have, philosophical views in education and the whole school community, the rapport that remedial reading teachers have with their colleagues, the support of the administrators to their personal and career developments, and provisions of the local government. It was also evident in the review that literature and studies are scarce regarding remedial reading teachers in the Philippines, thus, suggesting to explore on the what's and the how's of remedial reading teachers in a hope of creating clear policies that will strengthen their identities and support their professional developments.

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a literature review on remedial reading teachers the gaps in the philippine context


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A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the Philippine Context

  • J. Bautista , A. R. G. Gatcho
  • Published in JET (Journal of English… 19 July 2019

8 Citations

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  • Title & authors

Bautista, Judy C., and Al R. G. Gatcho. "A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: the Gaps in the Philippine Context." Journal of English Teaching , vol. 5, no. 2, 2019, pp. 91-103, doi: 10.33541/jet.v5i2.1063 .

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A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: the Gaps in the Philippine Context Image

Remedial reading teachers are forerunners in elevating the reading achievement of students in schools. In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country does not have clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such teachers. This paper presents a review of the literature on remedial reading teachers. The results revealed that remedial reading teachers performed various roles in schools and that the cultivation of the roles and duties of remedial reading teachers rely so much on different factors, some of which are knowledge and the skills that they have, philosophical views in education and the whole school community, the rapport that remedial reading teachers have with their colleagues, the support of the administrators to their personal and career developments, and provisions of the local government. It was also evident in the review that literature and studies are scarce regarding remedial reading teachers in the Philippines, thus, suggesting to explore on the what's and the how's of remedial reading teachers in a hope of creating clear policies that will strengthen their identities and support their professional developments.

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Comprehension Concerns: Signs and Signals for Improving a School-based Reading Intervention

Main article content.

comprehension, remedial instruction, reading difficulties, school-based reading intervention program, teaching reading

This qualitative case study explores the school-based reading intervention in a public elementary school by analyzing how the reading teachers viewed the intervention's program objectives, assessed learners' reading levels, employed reading strategies, and utilized reading materials. Through the narrative analyses of interview data coupled with triangulation of observation notes and program artifacts, it was found that the teachers' reading objectives and strategies focused mainly on the development of word reading skills while providing little to no attention to the improvement of comprehension skills. Also, piloted teacher-made and adapted materials may be more beneficial if subjected to further testing and review to be grade-level appropriate and diverse learner sensitive. The reading teachers' illustrative cases, lack of literacy-relevant resources, effective strategy, and assessment in this study may inform school stakeholders, drivers, and the school intervention program for an all-out engagement towards a well-programmed road promoting literacy for all at the school level.

Publication History

Version of Record online:  December 27, 2022

Manuscript accepted: December 27, 2022

Manuscript revised: December 14, 2022

Manuscript received: September 26, 2021

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A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the Philippine Context

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Teaching of reading in the midst of uncertainties: the narratives of elementary laboratory school teachers, the cop theory in reading enhancement programme(rep) from pragmatic lens of language development, helping struggling readers to read: the impact of the care for the non-readers (crn) program on filipino pupils’ reading proficiency, on symbolic interactionism, preventing reading failure: a review of five effective programs., what do reading specialists do results from a national survey., the role of the reading specialist: a review of research., teaching all children to read: the roles of the reading specialist. a position statement of the international redding association, what's more important—literacy or content confronting the literacy-content dualism, related papers (5), the impact of primary teachers' pedagogical knowledge and autonomy on the teaching of early reading, the development of effective strategies to teach reading among unqualified primary teachers in a developing country context., reading specialists’ perceptions and pedagogical practices towards struggling readers, professionalize sudanese teachers' conception of work through action research, toward a science of professional development in early reading instruction., trending questions (3).

Remedial reading teachers in the Philippines play crucial roles in enhancing reading skills of struggling students, yet face gaps in clear policies, identities, and support for their professional development.

The provided paper does not mention any studies connected to reading literature to students' mental health in the Philippine context.

The provided paper discusses the literature gaps in the field of remedial reading teachers in the Philippines, specifically the lack of clear policies on their identities, roles, challenges, and needs. It suggests further research to explore these gaps and create concrete policies and guidelines for remedial reading teachers.

A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the Philippine Context

dc.contributor.authorBautista, Judy
dc.contributor.authorGatcho , Al Ryanne G.
<jats:p>Remedial reading teachers are forerunners in elevating the reading achievement of students in schools. In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country does not have clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such teachers. This paper presents a review of the literature on remedial reading teachers. The results revealed that remedial reading teachers performed various roles in schools and that the cultivation of the roles and duties of remedial reading teachers rely so much on different factors, some of which are knowledge and the skills that they have, philosophical views in education and the whole school community, the rapport that remedial reading teachers have with their colleagues, the support of the administrators to their personal and career developments, and provisions of the local government. It was also evident in the review that literature and studies are scarce regarding remedial reading teachers in the Philippines, thus, suggesting to explore on the what's and the how's of remedial reading teachers in a hope of creating clear policies that will strengthen their identities and support their professional developments.</jats:p>
Bautista JC, Gatcho ARG A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the Philippine Context. JET (Journal of English Teaching). 5(2). 91-91.
UKI Press
All rights reserved unless otherwise stated
dc.subjectremedial reading
dc.subjectliteracy educaiton
dc.subjectteacher development
39 - Education::3901 - Curriculum and pedagogy::390104 - English and literacy curriculum and pedagogy (excl. LOTE, ESL and TESOL)
dc.subject.anzsrc39 - Education::3903 - Education systems::390307 - Teacher education and professional development of educators
A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the Philippine Context
Journal Article
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Education

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  1. PDF A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the

    g skills of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country does not. ave clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such te. chers. This paper presents a review of the literatures on remedial reading teachers. The results revealed that remedial reading teachers performed ...

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    Abstract. Remedial reading teachers are forerunners in elevating the reading achievement of students in schools. In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills of ...

  3. A Literature Review on Remedial R... preview & related info

    A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the Philippine Context. Bautista J; Gatcho A; JET (Journal of English Teaching) (2019) 5(2) 91 ... This paper presents a review of the literature on remedial reading teachers. The results revealed that remedial reading teachers performed various roles in schools and that the ...

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    This paper presents a review of the literature on remedial reading teachers. The results revealed that remedial reading teachers performed various roles in schools and that the cultivation of the ...

  11. A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the

    Remedial reading teachers are forerunners in elevating the reading achievement of students in schools. In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country does not have clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such teachers. This paper presents a ...

  12. PDF A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the

    ave clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such t. achers. This paper presents a review of the literature on remedial reading teachers. The results revealed that ...

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    Assistant Professor, College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education ResearchAssistant Professor, College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research SOLUTION: A literature review on remedial reading teachers the gaps in the philippine context - Studypool

  14. Judy BAUTISTA

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    In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country does not have clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such teachers. This paper presents a review of the literature on remedial reading teachers.

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    (DOI: 10.33541/JET.V5I2.1063) Remedial reading teachers are forerunners in elevating the reading achievement of students in schools. In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country does not have clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such ...

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  21. A Literature Review on Remedial Reading Teachers: The Gaps in the

    <jats:p>Remedial reading teachers are forerunners in elevating the reading achievement of students in schools. In the Philippines, there has been a continual enrichment of the reading skills of struggling readers through the initiatives of remedial reading teachers. However, the country does not have clear policies on the identities, roles, challenges, and needs of such teachers.