Master Public Speaking and Presentation Skills

These 15 public speaking courses equip leaders with the skills to effectively inform, entertain, persuade, motivate, and inspire audiences. Each course is tailored to help leaders transform their perspective on public speaking.

Imagine confidently stepping onto a stage, every word you speak resonating deeply with your audience. With our specialized presentation skills training , it’s not just about talking – it’s about captivating your listeners.

And as you build that speaking confidence , you’ll learn the art of speaking as a leader .

Ready to make every conversation count? And master the ways to deliver speeches that inform, entertain, persuade, and inspire.

Dive in, let your voice be heard, and create positive ripples in your professional and personal life.

presentation skills training philippines

Impromptu Speech Bootcamp: Think Fast and Talk Smart

Your ability to articulate your thoughts quickly and effectively is more important than ever. We all yearn to master the art of thinking on our feet, delivering smart, impactful statements with minimal preparation.

However, conventional training often leaves us rehearsing scripted speeches, rather than teaching us to handle impromptu situations with grace and confidence.

Enter the Impromptu Speech Bootcamp – a two-day intensive program designed specifically for modern professionals like you.

It’s not just about learning to speak; it’s about developing an ‘Impromptu Mindset’. This course equips you with practical ‘Off the Cuff’ strategies that help you handle spontaneous speech situations with ease.

Imagine effortlessly contributing insightful ideas during unexpected meetings or eloquently expressing your thoughts in unplanned discussions. It’s not just a pipe dream – with the right training, you can deliver impromptu speeches as if you were born ready!

In this supportive, engaging environment, you’ll have the chance to practice your newfound skills, get valuable feedback, and continually improve through our practical, interactive exercises.

So why wait?

Equip yourself with the skills to think fast and speak smart. Bring the Impromptu Speech Bootcamp to your organization today!

presentation skills training philippines

Experience a one-of-a-kind learning process that's been proven effective through decades of practice.

Our unique technique involves interactive practice, timely feedback, personalized content and "in-the-moment" coaching that provide proven and time-tested benefits virtually unmatched by other programs. , so much more than simply hearing, reading or seeing what it takes to give an extraordinary presentation, this program is all about doing—practicing, accepting feedback, making adjustments, and perfecting your presentation skills in a safe and supportive environment., a quick overview of executive presentation skills®.

It's time to start delivering powerful presentations.

A program outline is available upon request..

Anyone who must present in a business setting, using Microsoft PowerPoint™ or other presentation software.

Executive Presentation Skills® helps individuals develop, refine, and deliver powerful presentations to groups of any size.

A pre-program assignment prepares individuals for rigorous and repeated skills practice, guided by an expert, with individual video analysis and coaching. All presentations focus on the individual’s own topics and goals. The overnight assignment and additional practice build confidence as individuals gain priceless experience in capturing audience interest and commitment.

Business Outcomes

Focused, engaging presentations that promote business results.

A surge of confidence as associates apply their organizational and presenting skills – and the wider business impact of that confidence.

A consistent presentation approach that clarifies messages inside the organization and for customers.

An elevated individual impact that brings strategic and practical benefits for the business.

Improved morale and reduced turnover as associates apply new skills and achieve new standing in the organization.

This program may be delivered at your site by our instructor, at your site by your certified instructor, and in public seminars around the country.

Want to learn more about our

Executive presentation skills ® workshop .

presentation skills training philippines

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Presentation Skills Training Philippines

Achieve greater influence and deliver transformative speeches with the best presentation skills training in the Philippines.

accountability training philippines

What is Presentation Skills Training?

Presentation skills training is a soft skill corporate training to elevate the qualities and skills of an individual in delivering compelling, engaging, and transformative presentations and speeches.

With Rainmaker, we help you conduct in-house presentation skills training, which includes how you structure your content and materials, such as slides, videos, or images. We also help you identify and maximize your unique speaking styles to captivate your audience’s interest. By using tone of voice, body language, creativity, and delivery, we assist you in delivering no-dull-moment presentation skills.

Contact us today to schedule an analysis session for your training needs.

Why Invest in Presentation Skills Training?

Effective communication.

By learning the art and science of presentation and public speaking, you can help your team effectively communicate their message and sell their products or services without being pushy, manipulative, or too salesly.

The best corporate training provider can craft customized workshops to better equip your sellers, agents, and associates with relevant tools and strategies for presentation and public speaking.

Generate More Revenue

The best salespeople are the best communicators. Given that they know how to identify their client’s needs, craft a speech, and converse with them that touches both logical and emotional needs, their presentation skills become leverage to accelerate their success and business.

Hire a corporate training provider to deliver you a no-dull-moment presentation skills training to maximize communication and speeches as powerful tools to increase revenue.

Connect To Your Audience

Communication is different from connection. Great leaders and speakers can effectively deliver their message by first connecting to the hearts and minds of their listeners. The best presentation skills training can teach you how to connect to your audience instantly in the first few seconds and minutes of your speech.

By doing so, you can capture their attention from beginning to end, positively affecting how your message can make a difference in their lives.

Greater Influence

Leaders are learners. And they learn how to excel in the area of presentation. By being a good presenter, they can positively influence the lives of their associates or whoever is listening to their speech. This is a rare soft skill any leader, manager, or associate must practice and master.

More significant influence comes from choosing the right words, language, style, and context to touch someone’s emotions and intellect. Get a corporate trainer with a proven track record of presentations.

Rainmakers’ Presentation Skills Training Philippines

We customize and personalize presentation skills training to suit your learning needs.

High Impact Speaking: Mastering The Art and Science of Presentations

This program covers essential aspects of high-impact speaking, including understanding your audience, creating engaging content, and mastering various presentation platforms. You’ll explore techniques for maintaining audience rapport, using visual aids effectively, and developing a strong stage presence. The curriculum also includes strategies for managing nervousness and delivering powerful conclusions that leave a lasting impression.

Connect: The Art and Science of Business Communication

Dive deep into the critical functions and processes of business communication, understanding its pivotal role in organizational success. Using the YOUnique DISC framework, participants will evaluate their communication styles, identify strengths, and pinpoint areas for improvement. This program equips you with the tools to navigate and excel in diverse interaction scenarios, fostering better collaboration and understanding within your team. See business communication training .

Standout: Developing Presence, Confidence, and Influence

This training program is designed to help participants harness their inner confidence and project it outwardly, developing a strong personal presence. Through targeted coaching, you’ll explore techniques to exude confidence and influence others effectively. The program delves into the essence of personal presence, teaching you how to cultivate and utilize it to achieve your professional and personal goals.

Modern-Day Leadership: Leading in the New Reality

Built around five key pillars—Modeling, Connecting, Visioneering, Empowering, and Cultivating—this comprehensive leadership training aims to prepare leaders for the challenges of a rapidly changing landscape. Participants will gain the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to lead effectively, fostering a culture of innovation and resilience within their organizations. See our leadership training .

Leaders From Brands We’ve Trained

rainmakers clients 2024

Importance of Presentation Skills in the Workplace

Presentation skills are a crucial aspect of organizational success and growth. They ensure that individuals can effectively communicate their ideas and contributions, leading to more reliable and efficient operations. Here are four essential aspects of presentation skills.

Enhanced Communication

Presentation skills enable individuals to convey their ideas clearly and effectively. This clarity ensures that the intended message is understood by the audience, which is essential for collaboration and decision-making within an organization.

Increased Confidence

Strong presentation skills boost an individual’s confidence, enabling them to speak persuasively in front of an audience. This confidence can enhance their professional image and open up more career advancement opportunities.

Leadership Development

Effective presentation skills are a key component of strong leadership. Leaders who can present their vision and strategies convincingly are better able to inspire and motivate their teams, fostering a culture of innovation and productivity.

Business Success

Presentations play a vital role in business operations, from pitching ideas to closing deals. Individuals with excellent presentation skills can more effectively persuade stakeholders, secure investments, and drive the overall success of their organization.

Make an Impact with Rainmakers' High Impact Presentation Skills Training!

We customize in-house business training programs for your company. Contact us to schedule a training needs analysis (TNA) with your team.

assertive communication training philippines

Be our next success story


presentation skills training philippines

MSS Business Solutions - Training and Consultancy Company in the Philippines

Presentation skills workshop training in the philippines.

Presentation Skills Workshop Training in the Philippines


A corporate entertrainment on winning minds and hearts with words and presentation and platform skills – a 3-day presentation skills workshop training in the philippines, entertrainment overview:.

The 3-day Presentation Skills Workshop Training in the Philippines is an immersive and transformative program designed for individuals who aspire to become exceptional presenters, capable of educating, inspiring, engaging, and entertaining audiences.

This workshop is tailored for a diverse range of participants, including those who present to internal and external clients, training and development practitioners, and professional speakers and trainers.


  This 3-day Presentation Skills Workshop Training in the Philippines is best taken advantage of by:

  • Everyone who presents to anyone (internal and external clients, etc.)
  • Training and development practitioners
  • Professional speakers and trainers


The goal of this 3-day Presentation Skills Workshop Training in the Philippines is to transform participants into a compelling all-around presenter that educates, equips, encourages, engages, entertains, empowers, and escorts to success his audience.


In order to attain the aforementioned goal, by the end of this 3-day Presentation Skills Workshop Training in the Philippines, the participants should have been able to:

  • Integrate into their skillsets the qualities that make up an excellent presenter who serves the purpose of his materials;
  • Initiate mastering the goods of high-impact presentations namely subject/topic mastery, quality PowerPoint presentation, sufficient preparation, presenter’s packaging, voice quality, communication skills, thought organization, delivery, non-verbals, room or stage generalship, time management, and audience engagement .
  • Display passion and purpose when presenting or convincing colleagues, partners, clients, or the management.
  • Synchronize his presentation with the goals and objectives of his audience in order to send the right message across and have impact.


Module 1: the anatomy of an effective presenter.

  • The qualities that make up an excellent presenter


  • Writing and Living Up to Your Goals and Objectives



  • Research about your topic
  • Collect and organize data to support your points.
  • Organize and present your thoughts in an outline.
  • Know your stuff by heart.


  • The Essentials of a Winning PowerPoint Presentation


  • Audience Profiling
  • How to Manage Nervousness Before, During, and After the Presentation
  • How to Prepare for the Unexpected and Play Everything By Ear
  • Pre-Work (Room, Materials, Equipment, etc.)
  • The “BE IN THE ZONE” Process


  • The Speaker’s Aura and Demeanor (What They See is What They Think They Will Get)
  • Tips on What to Wear and How to Wear It


  • Voice Clarity – How to Sound Clear and Fluid
  • Intonation – How to Sound with the Right Tone of Voice
  • Pitch – Highness and Lowness of Voice
  • Inflection – Putting Emotions/Feelings to your Voice
  • Rhythm – How to Make it Music to their Ears
  • Pace – Am I Too Fast or Am I Too Slow?
  • Volume – How to be Audible


  • Clarity of Message – How to Send it Across Accurately
  • Stick to the Outline and Don’t Get Lost
  • Transitions and Segues
  • Sounding confident and credible.
  • Sounding and phrasing words assertively (Assertiveness and Positive Phraseology)
  • Avoiding STUTTERS and STAMMERS.
  • How to Kill Dead Air and Manage Speech Fillers


  • Showing the Right Facial Expressions
  • How to Establish and Maintain Eye Contact
  • Choreography of Body Language and Movements
  • Enhance Your Speech with Hand Gestures


  • The Art and Science of Moving Around the Room


  • How Not to Go Undertime or Overtime


  • Active Listening
  • How to Edutain or Entertrain (Injecting Gimmicks)
  • Holding their Attention
  • Observing their Behaviors and Reactions
  • Use of Warm-ups, Icebreakers, and Energizers
  • Anecdotes or Narrating a Story
  • Humor or Stand-up Comedy
  • Visual Support/Illustrations
  • Managing Questions and Answers
  • Audience Management or Control (Handling Difficult People)
  • Energy/Enthusiasm


  • Challenge or Call to Action
  • Videos/Audios with Processing

Check out our other Train-the-Trainer competencies-related programs below:

Train the Trainer Training in the Philippines

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Public Speaking Institute Best Training Philippines Logo White Header

Public Speaking Training Philippines

 The Public Speaking Institute ® offers Certified Public Speaker (CPS® ) course in the Manila, Philippines. It’s a 6-day communication program covering the art and science of public speaking . Our training course is for people who aim to present effectively in public by learning Rhetoricology™ or the art and the science of public speaking and speeches. We based it on our uniquely crafted Rhetoricology™ Public Speaking Framework . Our public speaking program is beyond confidence building, conquering stage fright and anxiety, and learning proper gestures presentation skills. As a Filipino speech coach , we have designed a unique public speaking syllabus for short courses online and face-to-face seminars and workshops in 2022-2023 at a reasonable course training fee .

The Public Speaking Institute®

Public speaking course in the philippines.

There are many public speaking training courses in the Philippines today. But what makes PSI stand out is the fact that we are the first and only certifying body to issue a certification. We call it  Certified Public Speaker  (CPS®).

The Certified Public Speaker  (CPS®) training program is a short online course, which aims to train, equip, and develop public speakers in the Philippines and in Asia. We train our students based on our uniquely designed Rhetoricology™ public speaking framework that you will not find elsewhere.

This international certification program is for those who would like to take their persuasion skills to a higher level.

We adhere to  Code of Professional Conduct  for CPS® Certified Public Speakers.

Public speaking in the Philippines isn’t as difficult as it seems. However, one has to learn to intentionally master it.

A different kind of public speakers in the Philippines

The Public Speaking Institute® (PSI) Philippines can’t overemphasize how different the listening experience is now more than any time in recent history. To speak in front of an audience who you don’t see, feel, and hear still gives every speaker an uneasy feeling.

Nevertheless, it’s not magic that helps a public speaker like me to still make an impact. A little training, a change in mentality and intentional adjustments based on art and science can do the work.

public speaking training philippines speaker

If you’re asking for a public speaking training course in the Philippines that you can take to be like me, we can easily point you to the Public Speaking Institute® . It offers a 6-day certification program called Certified Public Speaker (CPS®) . It’s a uniquely crafted program that gives you more than just the insights, theories and principles of public speaking. It takes you on a roller-coaster ride of practical exercises, quizzes and evaluation activities that will break and, eventually, make you a public speaker who is ahead of the rest.

The truth is, we have been hearing and seeing hundreds of public speakers in the market today. What sets you apart from them should not be something you need to experiment on. Using our over 15 years of experience as a public speaker, we designed a program — in fact, a framework.

As you have seen on the internet as well, many training companies and self-proclaimed public speaker coaches offer learning sessions to learn the skill. Since we haven’t been to their program, we’d rather not say anything except that you must be extra cautious in selecting your training provider.

How to be a public speaker in the Philippines?

Having the ability to speak doesn’t make one a public speaker. Many mistake speaking in front of people as public speaking. While partly it is, it’s far from true. The reality is, public speaking is a combination of art and science; both needs mastery over time.

However, if you try to master an erroneous public speaking, you’ve just become another speaker people don’t pay attention to.

The answer is, you have to learn from those who have made it. Many so-called schools and training providers for public speaking courses today doesn’t have so much track record to begin with.

Therefore, you need to research which one you should really trust to guide you in your public speaking study.

Here are the steps to be a great public speaker in the Philippines :

  • Pick a public speaking training provider. Choosing a training provider is the most important because you will depend on what is taught here the entire learning time. If you’ve chosen a program who’s only facilitated by someone without long years of experience, think again. You have already spent so much time learning theories in school. When you graduated, where have those theories gone? Your training school must be run by credible mentors, trainers, and facilitators. Otherwise, someone is only making money at your dream’s expense.
  • Demand more information. Don’t just listen. Ask. And ask some more. If your training program provider doesn’t allow you to learn critical thinking, forget it. Go where proven theories, practical wisdom, and vast experience come together.
  • Finish the course. Our Institute guarantees concrete output before you graduate. If you don’t pass our exams, quizzes, and practical assessment, we won’t allow you to get your designation. Having the money to pay for your enrollment doesn’t mean you can graduate automatically. We are serious about making you a formidable public speaker, not just crowd talker. More than the stance and outside appearance and what they call “confidence,” we prepare you to be on your own so you can stand anywhere you need to be equipped with everything you need to have.

Philippine CPS Luna Public Speaking Framework

How to Choose the Best Public Speaking Training Course in Manila, Cebu, or Davao in the Philippines

The Public Speaking Institute® certifies its students based on its proprietary intellectual property known as the Luna Public Speaking Framework — or simply, Luna Framework. It’s a Venn diagram of three full moons, which contains Character, Content and Competency. Their intersections are Story, Style, and Strategy.

Here’s the program course to help you choose the best public speaking training course for you:

  • Character. A public speaking course, which does not tackle a subject on character may fall short of its promise. As a student, you need to learn about yourself and the character you play for your audience. It starts by understanding the nature of your fear — stage fright — and how mastery can mitigate that fear. It also includes your knowledge on the oral communications loop as well as the essentials of public speaking. Embracing who you are is the most important lesson you need to learn when presenting in public.
  • Content. Once you know yourself and your speaking brand, you can start working on the content. Contents, which are not yours, are weak contents. You will need to shape your own contents — original and backed by either your own personal testimony or by research. I have seen a lot of speakers who simply borrow what they present. The sad part is realizing that you know more about his presentation than what he or she has presented or understood.
  • Competency. This includes your know-how of the public speaking tools, including but not limited to PowerPoint or Keynote. You need to understand the relationship of these tools and how they can help you more than they can do you some damage even before you realize it.

Most people hate lectures. Many speakers fail to understand their speaking style. Many speakers ignore a well-crafted speaking strategy. These concerns must be addressed, or your training program simply becomes a show where your training provider rakes the profit at your expense.

Let’s face it. Taking a more elaborate, comprehensive program designed by a seasoned public speaker gives you a better chance at learning the art of public speaking.

What I do isn’t magic. It’s a mastery of my craft, taking in mind the audience as my inspiration. Please go to our public speaking training website and learn more about our public speaking Philippines training course.

How much is public speaking training fee or payment rate in the Philippines?

Or, you may be asking, “Is public speaking training in the Philippines expensive?” “What is the average rate?” “Can I afford it?”

Good questions. Your answer is as good as ours. But let’s put the questions to test, shall we?

What’s the cost of being humiliated in front of an audience? How much will you trade for a damaged reputation? Is there a price to compensate for being cursed by people silently because you are terrible, awful, horrible on stage

Yes, public speaking training in the Philippines may be expensive. Try humiliation, damaged reputation, and cursing from the crowd.

While Harvard University offers a public speaking course for at least P170,000 (Philippine Peso), the Public Speaking Institute only offers the certification for a modest public speaking training fee of P35,000 . Have you ever wondered why, despite the seemingly high tuition, people are still enrolling? It’s because the benefits of being a great public speaker outweighs their time and money investments.

But if you’re on a tight budget, we have a training program for you:  SpeechCamp™ . SpeechCamp is the Philippines’ most affordably priced two-hour public speaking training session via Zoom. The fee is only P750.

Soon, we will introduce SpeechCamp Live In Person, a two-day actual public speaking camp outside Metro Manila.

It’s not really about the monetary value of it. In the Public Speaking Institute® , you get more than what you pay for. If not, let us know and we will give your money back. No question asked.

Is public speaking training fee or rate expensive? It depends how much you can trade for your reputation. Or, how much business you are willing to lose because your competitor is great at public presentation skill.

Public speaking syllabus in the Philippines

There are many training providers out there in the market which provides various syllabus and program topics and subjects. But without a specific intention for students to succeed, these syllabi are only as good as any other subject you took in school. Yes, you have taken but forgotten—almost every subject and you’ve only wasted your attention, time, and money enrolling in the program.

The Public Speaking Institute offers a carefully crafted outline of subjects for you. Here is the most practical public speaking syllabus you can find in the Philippines whether you are in Manila, Cebu, Davao or anywhere else in the country:

CPS 100 

Introduction to Rhetoricology™



Character (Sino), Content (Ano), Competency (Paano)


CPS 200

The Principles of Public Speaking



The Public Speaking Loop / The Messenger / The Message / The Method / The Market


CHA 100

The Public Speaker



Stage fright / Self-Confidence / Dynamics of Speech


CHA 200

Speaking Brand Archetypes



Understanding Your Speaking Brand / Defining Your Speaking Brand Strategy / Brand Value Proposition


CON 100

Speech Content Creation



Creating a Topic / Creating Stories / Mess to Message Narrative


CON 200

CARP Public Speaking Method



Story-telling Process


CON 300

Speech Presentation


COM 100

Presentation Essentials



Understanding Powerpoint


COM 200

Public Speaking Techniques I



Pitch, Speed, and Figures of Speech


COM 300

Public Speaking Techniques II



Theatrical Competency, Stage Mastery


Revalida (Final Speech)

Conferment of Certified Public Speaker CPS® designation

This public speaking syllabus in the Philippines is an outline that is unique only to the Public Speaking Institute.

Public Speaking Seminar Philippines 2021 — 2022 — 2023 Class Schedule of Training

Here is the schedule of our public speaking training program in Manila, Philippines. This can also apply in Cebu, Davao and elsewhere in the world since this is done via online platform:

February 8-25, 2021 Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 9pm-11pm

May 9-28, 2021 Monday, Thursday, Saturday 9pm-11pm

September 5-17, 2021 Monday, Thursday, Saturday 830pm-1030pm

October 3-15, 2021 Monday, Thursday, Saturday 830pm-1030pm

November 7-19, 2021 Monday, Thursday, Saturday 830pm-1030pm

December 5-17, 2021 Monday, Thursday, Saturday 830pm-1030pm

January 9-21, 2021 Monday, Thursday, Saturday 830pm-1030pm

February 6-18, 2021 Monday, Thursday, Saturday 830pm-1030pm

March 6-18, 2021 Monday, Thursday, Saturday 830pm-1030pm

April 3-15, 2021 Monday, Thursday, Saturday 830pm-1030pm

A PSI Public Speaker's Hymn

Certified Public Speaker™ Philippines Batch 1

Cut to the chase. Why enroll in our public speaking training course?

We have more than 15 years in the field of public speaking. In other words, we have more than enough experience, which you can still get to learn and apply immediately.

We have taught and trained hundreds of people to speak confidently and with sense, to embrace who they are, and the own the stage where they speak.

Bayer Leadership Speaker Philippines

The result of public speaking training course

Public speaking for all occasions.

Webinar Leadership Speaker Philippines

Webinar Leadership Keynote Speaker

leadership conference filipino speaker philippines

Leadership Conference Speaker

Leadership Speaker Ateneo Graduate School of Business

Special Social Events Speaker

armed forces of the philippines nurses leadership speaker philippines

Convention and Expo Keynote Speaker

Testimonials, what my clients say about my public speaking perfomances.

My clients have been speaking great things about their experience working with me as their motivational speaker on leadership and management. Will you be next?

christopher paul santos leadership speaker philippines

Our Services

Public speaking certification, speech coaching, speechwriting.

We exclusively issue  CPS™ Certified Public Speaker designation. We coach people on how to deliver their speech in public effectively. We help clients come up with the best speech of their life.

Public Speaking Training Course Philippines Certified Public Speaker CPS Logo

Certified Public Speaker (CPS®) Program

A 6-day public speaking classes based on Luna® Public Speaking Framework: Character, Content, Competency along with Story, Strategy, and Style.

SpeechCamp™ is an affordable public speaking training in the Philippines

SpeechCamp™ by PSI

A two-hour introductory discussion about managing stage fright, bringing out the confident you, and understanding the basic principles of persuasive presentation.

Filipino Leadership Speaker Lloyd Luna in Europe


Speechmaster® offers speechwriting and ghostwriting services for any occasions. We have written for businessmen, corporate executives, politicians, members of the academe, and students during their company presentation, product launch, conventions, sales kick-off, anniversary, political campaigns, retirement celebration, wedding, graduation, moving-up, and eulogy among many others.

presentation skills training philippines

Effective Presentation Skills Training

Course description.

Effective presentation skills are essential for success in both personal and professional settings. This course is designed to equip participants with the techniques and confidence needed to deliver compelling presentations that captivate and persuade audiences. Whether presenting to a small team or a large audience, the skills learned in this course will enhance your ability to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively, ensuring your message is heard and remembered.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamentals of effective presentation skills and their importance in various contexts.
  • Develop clear, concise, and structured presentation content that aligns with audience needs and objectives.
  • Enhance verbal and non-verbal communication skills to engage and maintain audience interest.
  • Utilize visual aids and multimedia tools effectively to support and enhance presentation messages.
  • Overcome common presentation challenges, including stage fright and nervousness, with confidence-building techniques.
  • Apply storytelling techniques to create compelling narratives that resonate with audiences.
  • Implement strategies for managing audience questions and interactions effectively.
  • Use body language and gestures to reinforce key points and create a positive impression.
  • Develop skills for effective time management during presentations to ensure all key points are covered.
  • Evaluate and incorporate feedback to continuously improve presentation skills.
  • Tailor presentations to different audience types and settings, from small meetings to large conferences.
  • Utilize technology and virtual presentation tools to deliver engaging online presentations.

Course Modules

Module 1: introduction to effective presentation skills.

  • Importance and Benefits of Effective Presentations
  • Types of Presentations and Contexts

Module 2: Planning and Structuring Your Presentation

  • Understanding Your Audience
  • Setting Clear Objectives
  • Crafting a Compelling Introduction, Body, and Conclusion

Module 3: Content Development and Organization

  • Creating Clear and Concise Messages
  • Organizing Content for Maximum Impact
  • Using Data and Evidence to Support Your Points

Module 4: Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills

  • Voice Modulation and Clarity
  • Body Language and Gestures
  • Eye Contact and Audience Engagement

Module 5: Using Visual Aids and Multimedia Tools

  • Designing Effective Slides
  • Incorporating Videos and Images
  • Best Practices for Visual Consistency

Module 6: Overcoming Presentation Challenges

  • Managing Nervousness and Stage Fright
  • Techniques for Building Confidence
  • Dealing with Technical Issues

Module 7: Storytelling and Persuasion Techniques

  • Crafting a Compelling Narrative
  • Using Anecdotes and Examples
  • Techniques for Persuasive Communication

Module 8: Managing Audience Interactions

  • Encouraging Audience Participation
  • Handling Questions and Objections
  • Techniques for Active Listening

Module 9: Effective Time Management in Presentations

  • Planning and Practicing Your Presentation
  • Keeping to Time Limits
  • Adjusting on the Fly

Module 10: Continuous Improvement and Feedback

  • Collecting and Analyzing Audience Feedback
  • Self-Assessment and Reflection
  • Setting Goals for Improvement

Module 11: Tailoring Presentations to Different Audiences

  • Adapting Content and Style
  • Presenting to Small Groups vs. Large Audiences
  • Strategies for Various Professional Settings

Module 12: Virtual Presentation Skills

  • Using Online Presentation Platforms
  • Engaging a Remote Audience
  • Technical Tips for Virtual Success

This comprehensive course on effective presentation skills will provide participants with the tools and confidence to deliver impactful presentations in any setting. By mastering these skills, participants will be able to convey their messages with clarity and persuasion, leading to greater success in their professional and personal endeavors.

presentation skills training philippines

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Effective Presentation Skills

About the webinar.

Delivering an effective presentation gives a positive and professional impression from the audience. This program gives you valuable ideas and techniques on how to perfect your presentation design and delivery. This highly interactive program is guaranteed to give the participants a solid foundation in presenting.

● To learn tips on how to manage nervousness whenever asked to do a presentation. ● To provide basic knowledge of the techniques and skills used when presenting. ● To provide an overview of the methods used to develop aids and support materials used to make an effective presentation. ● To be able to deliver a powerful presentation.

Who Should Participate

● New Trainers ● Managers ● Supervisors ● Salespeople ● People who need to develop presentation skills whether for personal or work-related reasons.

I. Introduction- What is an Effective Presentation?

II. The “Me” Syndrome – Coping with Nervousness and Gaining Confidence

III. Planning the Presentation Design

a. how to customize your presentation to your target audience b. gathering contents c. developing procedures on how to present the ideas

IV. Preparing the Presentation

a. use of visual aids b. use of projectors and proper font sizes c. use of games, energizers, or props

V. Practicing the Presentation

a. proper timing b. tone and pitch of your voice c. body language, eye contact, hands, and gestures d. dress rehearsal

VI. Delivering the Presentation

VII. Closing with Conviction

Schedule: Click to view BusinessCoach Seminar Schedule »

3 hours (via ZOOM)


• Mobile phone, tablet, computer, or laptop • Download free ZOOM app • Internet connection • Good audio connection

 Effective Presentation Skills

Registration Details

Webinar fee.

Php 1,750.00 per participant (inclusive of e-Handouts and e-Certificate) to be paid at least 3 banking days before the event


Please call to register, or you may download our registration form. Kindly fill-out and send to us through fax (8727.88.60) or email. You will receive a confirmation within 48 hours.

Mode of Payment

Deposit/Transfer cash payment to Banco de Oro:

• Savings Account Name: BUSINESSCOACH, INC. • Savings Account Number: 00235-003-71-22

Kindly email deposit slip or screen capture of payment details (indicate name of participant and seminar title) to confirm reservation.

Schedule may change without prior notice. Please call to confirm. BusinessCoach, Inc. is not liable for any expense incurred by seminar registrant resulting from cancellation of any of its events.

Contact Details

Contact numbers.

Please call (632) 8727.88.60, (632) 8727.56.28, (632) 8569.78.84 or (632) 8569.46.90 or call/text mobile numbers 0915.205.0133 / 0908.342.3162 / 0926.622.0768 / 0933.584.7266

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Effective Virtual Presentation Skills


Presentation skills are integrated in everything we do. In order to effectively communicate and engage with others, we must be able to lead ourselves, create our content, and deliver our message effectively to our target audience.

This program intends to equip the participants with the foundations of effective virtual presentations. The activities will enable them to appreciate best practices that will help them create and deliver clear and compelling presentations.

A fun learning experience is to be expected from this virtual presentation skills program that provides the basics of effective virtual presentations.

Program Objectives

By the end of the 3-hour program, the learners will be able to:

  • Project confidence through congruent visual, vocal, and verbal impressions
  • Prepare for presentations using the virtual presentation guide
  • Practice applying the presentation format, and open and close their presentations effectively
  • Address challenges in one's presentations

Program Outline

I. Centering and Introductions

II. Sharing Session: Virtual Presentation Challenges and Best Practices

III. Effective Virtual Presentations

A. Preparing for Presentations

1. Understanding my Audience game

2. Mapping my Content - worksheets and frameworks

3. Presentation Deck/Peripherals Design game

4. Self-Management - Mindset, Visual, Vocal, and Verbal Impact

5. Opening and Closing Techniques

6. Overcoming Challenges

B. Delivering Presentations Checklist

IV. Celebrating Lessons Learned and Action Items

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Powerful presentation skills.

There’s more to presenting than clicking a mouse and reading what’s on the screen. Hone valuable skills like starting and ending with impact, developing an animated style, delivering lines spontaneously, and handling questions and objections confidently. With Powerful Presentation Skills, you will:

  • Prepare yourself and your materials properly before the performance
  • Learn how to size up an audience and determine the best approach
  • Structure presentations so that the audience will understand and “buy into” your message
  • Start off and close with a bang
  • Design and use high-impact visual aids
  • Gain more power, poise and presence
  • Avoid boring presentations
  • Field questions like a pro
  • Defuse tense and dysfunctional situations
  • Facilitate a presentations smoothly and seamlessly

This program is for all members of your organization who make sales, financial, technical and training presentations.


“Thank you so much for bringing the confidence in us in speaking in front of the group of people.” Lex Escaner Jr. – Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific ”Taking the “Effective Presentation Skills” training from Guthrie Jensen certainly helps presenters on any skill level. Beginners or experts alike will get valuable inputs that can easily be translated into powerful presentations. As a trainer, I highly appreciate the interactive, light and easy-to-understand way of teaching the course. There is no doubt that the insights gained from this training will manifest not just in my work but in my everyday dealings with other people.” Kristine Grace B. Tamayo – Corporate Trainer, Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation “The program at Guthrie Jensen make you feel confident in tackling and overcoming shyness especially when talking in front of a large group of people.” Omark Amorato – Management Trainee, CCT CHEMICALS “Great job! Learn how to do powerful and meaningful presentations in just 3 days!” Allan Sepillo – Anti Virus Engineer, TREND MICRO INC. “The seminar is lively and gives us the opportunity to apply what we learn immediately. There is reinforcement of learning.” Dianne Aviles – Business Dev’t. Assistant, IFF “I have read several book in communication regarding presentation skills but my attendance here reinforced what I already knew about new knowledge and techniques – it’s a ‘mind opener’.” Art Valencia – Training Manager, Bayer
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Microsoft PowerPoint Training - Philippines


  • Improve presentation skills and professionalism
  • Learn advanced features for impactful slides with
  • Boost efficiency in presentation creation and delivery Microsoft PowerPoint Training

Microsoft PowerPoint Training Overview

  • Course syllabus
  • Who it’s for
  • What’s included
  • Why choose this course

Microsoft PowerPoint Training Outline

Module 1: Ribbons

  • Home Ribbon
  • Insert Ribbon 
  • Design Ribbon
  • Transition Ribbon
  • Animations Ribbon
  • Slide Show Ribbon
  • Review Ribbon
  • View Ribbon

Module 2: Getting Started

  • Adjusting the Slide Size
  • Format Background

Module 3: Views

  • Changing the Views
  • Normal View
  • Slide Sorter View
  • Reading View
  • Side Show View
  • Outline View
  • Zoom Slider
  • Viewing a Slide Show from the First Slide
  • Viewing a Slide Show from Current Location

Module 4: Working with Text

  • Adding Text to a Slide
  • Editing Text Objects
  • Using the Format Painter
  • Creating a Bulleted and Number List
  • Create a Custom Bullet and Picture Style
  • Create Sub Bullets

Module 5: Working with Shapes

  • Drawing Shapes
  • Resize a Shape
  • Format a Shape
  • Aligning Shapes
  • Distributing Shapes
  • Smart Art Shapes

Module 6: Slide Master

  • Steps for Accessing Slide Master

Module 7: Using the Insert Ribbon

  • Insert an Online Image
  • Adding a Table
  • Inserting an Excel Spreadsheet
  • Inserting a Video from YouTube
  • Inserting a Video from Your PC
  • Inserting Audio

Module 8: Charts

  • Inserting a Chart
  • Editing Chart Data
  • Change the Chart Type
  • Chart Styles

Module 9: Transitions and Animation

  • Slide Transitions
  • Animation Effects

Module 10: Printing and Publishing

  • Printing the Presentation
  • Printing Notes
  • Exporting to PDF

Who should attend this Microsoft PowerPoint Training?

The PowerPoint Course is an extensive course designed to equip participants with advanced skills in using Microsoft PowerPoint, a powerful presentation software. This course can be useful for the following professionals:

  • Educators and Trainers
  • Designers and Creative Professionals
  • Freelancers
  • Project Managers
  • Event Planners
  • Sales and Business Development Professionals
  • Marketing Professionals

Prerequisites of the Microsoft PowerPoint Training

There are no formal prerequisites for this PowerPoint Course. However, a basic understanding of designing, customising templates, and presentation skills would be beneficial for the delegates.

Among our range of Microsoft Office Courses, the Microsoft PowerPoint Training is a comprehensive course that delves into the world of Microsoft PowerPoint, an essential component of the Microsoft Office suite. In today's professional landscape, creating effective presentations is more critical than ever, and PowerPoint offers a range of tools to achieve just that.

Understanding Microsoft PowerPoint is vital for professionals across diverse fields. From business executives delivering critical presentations to educators enriching their teaching materials, and from marketing professionals creating compelling visuals to project managers conveying complex data, mastering PowerPoint is crucial. This Microsoft Office Training is tailored to meet the needs of individuals who seek to enhance their value and career prospects by honing their Microsoft PowerPoint skills.

The Knowledge Academy's 1-day Microsoft PowerPoint Course in Philippines offers an intensive training experience, equipping delegates with a comprehensive understanding of this powerful tool. Our expert trainers, with years of experience, will guide the delegates through essential topics such as slide creation, text editing, smart art usage, slide master customisation, audio insertion, chart styling, note printing, and more.

Course Objectives

  • To enable delegates to create visually engaging PowerPoint presentations
  • To teach delegates how to use the PowerPoint view ribbon effectively
  • To guide delegates in inserting and editing various multimedia elements within their presentations
  • To provide an understanding of slide master customisation and its benefits
  • To show delegates how to use animations and transitions for more dynamic presentations
  • To instruct delegates on effective methods for printing and publishing their PowerPoint content

At the end of this Microsoft PowerPoint Course in Philippines, delegates will be able to effectively insert an excel spreadsheet, videos, and audio in their presentations. They will also be able to adjust the slide size and format background easily. This expertise will enable them to pursue more Microsoft Office Courses.

What’s included in this Microsoft PowerPoint Training?

  • World-Class Training Sessions from Experienced Instructors
  • Microsoft PowerPoint Certificate
  • Digital Delegate Pack

Why choose us

Ways to take this course.

Online Self-paced

Online Instructor-led

Experience live, interactive learning from home with The Knowledge Academy's Online Instructor-led Microsoft PowerPoint Training. Engage directly with expert instructors, mirroring the classroom schedule for a comprehensive learning journey. Enjoy the convenience of virtual learning without compromising on the quality of interaction.

  • See trainer’s screen
  • Recording & transcripts
  • Virtual whiteboard
  • Share documents
  • Works on all devices


Unlock your potential with The Knowledge Academy's Microsoft PowerPoint Training, accessible anytime, anywhere on any device. Enjoy 90 days of online course access, extendable upon request, and benefit from the support of our expert trainers. Elevate your skills at your own pace with our Online Self-paced sessions.

  • Certificates provided online
  • Get immediate access on purchase


Experience the most sought-after learning style with The Knowledge Academy's Microsoft PowerPoint Training. Available in 490+ locations across 190+ countries, our hand-picked Classroom venues offer an invaluable human touch. Immerse yourself in a comprehensive, interactive experience with our expert-led Microsoft PowerPoint Training sessions.


Highly experienced trainers

Boost your skills with our expert trainers, boasting 10+ years of real-world experience, ensuring an engaging and informative training experience


State of the art training venues

We only use the highest standard of learning facilities to make sure your experience is as comfortable and distraction-free as possible


Small class sizes

Our Classroom courses with limited class sizes foster discussions and provide a personalised, interactive learning environment


Great value for money

Achieve certification without breaking the bank. Find a lower price elsewhere? We'll match it to guarantee you the best value

Streamline large-scale training requirements with The Knowledge Academy’s In-house/Onsite Microsoft PowerPoint Training at your business premises. Experience expert-led classroom learning from the comfort of your workplace and engage professional development.


Tailored learning experience

Leverage benefits offered from a certification that fits your unique business or project needs


Maximise your training budget

Cut unnecessary costs and focus your entire budget on what really matters, the training.


Team building opportunity

Our Microsoft PowerPoint Training offers a unique chance for your team to bond and engage in discussions, enriching the learning experience beyond traditional classroom settings


Monitor employees progress

The course know-how will help you track and evaluate your employees' progression and performance with relative ease

Some of our worldclass trainers


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What our customers are saying

I would surely recommend this training.

Celine Schurmans

Very informed, clear class course and delivery

Alice Millett

Ben was brilliant

Ross Farrey

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Best price in the industry

You won't find better value in the marketplace. If you do find a lower price, we will beat it.


Many delivery methods

Flexible delivery methods are available depending on your learning style.


High quality resources

Resources are included for a comprehensive learning experience.

barclays Logo

"Really good course and well organised. Trainer was great with a sense of humour - his experience allowed a free flowing course, structured to help you gain as much information & relevant experience whilst helping prepare you for the exam"

Joshua Davies, Thames Water

bmw Logo

"...the trainer for this course was excellent. I would definitely recommend (and already have) this course to others."

Diane Gray, Shell

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University of the Philippines Open University Logo

UPOU Chancellor, OPA Director Speak at PhilCeCNet’s 19th KEC in Tagaytay

UPOU Chancellor, OPA Director Speak at PhilCeCNet’s 19th KEC in Tagaytay (1)

The University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) Chancellor, Dr. Melinda dela Peña Bandalaria, and the UPOU Office of Public Affairs Director, Dr. Myra C. Almodiel, served as resource speakers for the 19th Knowledge Exchange Conference (KEC19) organized by the Philippine Community eCenter Network (PhilCeCNet). 

On the first day of the activity, Dr. Almodiel served as the resource person for the two sessions. Her first presentation tackled the Sustainable Development Goals, while her second presentation was on 21st-century Competencies. 

Chancellor Bandalaria, on the other hand, gave a lecture on topics about “Lifelong Learning Skills”  for the third session and “Global Digital Citizenship” for the fourth and final session of the 2-day conference. 

The event also featured networking sessions among participants. In addition, Marketplace of Ideas sessions were held throughout the two-day event, during which participants shared the Community eCenters projects and programs they run in their eCenters. 

Dr. Almodiel receives certificate of appreciation from Dr. richard Amansec, PhilCecNet President.

Dr. Almodiel receives certificate of appreciation from Dr. Richard Amansec, PhilCecNet President.

The KEC19 is a two-day capacity-building program held on 25-26 July 2024 at Summit Ridge Hotel, Tagaytay City, Cavite. The event is co-organized by the Department of Information Communication and Technology (DICT) and partners, namely, UPOU, Quezon Power (Philippines) Limited, and PLDT Smart.  

Carrying the theme “Empowering Futures: Building Capacities and Connecting Communities” – is the second milestone of PhilCeCNet’s Digital Inclusion and Transformation for All Roadmap. Participants of KEC19 are Local Chief Executives, Knowledge Managers/Workers, and other eCenter stakeholders all over the country who are advocating development through modern information and communications technologies (ICT4D). 

KEC is held every year, and in its 19th year, the focus is to conduct a Competency and Output Based Certification Training in accordance with the National Competency Standards for Knowledge Workers, provide the latest updates on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in promoting Government Services and Citizen Empowerment; and Sharing best practices among eCenter operators. The practical and relevant topics covered in the conference are part of PhilCeCNet’s capability-building program, dubbed KEC19TASK Course 2024. 

KEC is the Philippine Community eCenter Network or PhilCeCNET. It is a learning and collaborative community of CeC stakeholders that supports the building of responsive, efficient, valuable, and sustainable CeCs. Chancellor Bandalaria served as President of PhilCeCNet from 2021-2023. Dr. Emely Amoloza, a UPOU Faculty Member, is the current Treasurer and Secretariat of PhilCeCNet.

Written by Anna Cañas-Llamas ♦ Edited by Dr. Myra C. Almodiel

Sustainable Development Goals

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  • UP offers free online course on local governance June 1st, 2015
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  • DLUP Graduates of UPOU Eligible to take EnP Licensure Exam October 8th, 2018

UPOU Chancellor, OPA Director Speak at PhilCeCNet’s 19th KEC in Tagaytay (1)

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Corporate Training Courses in Quezon City, Manila, Caloocan City, Davao, Cebu City, Philippines Logo

Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in Philippines

Our training course “Sales Training Courses in the Philippines” is available in Manila, Quezon City, Makati, Pasig, Taguig, Cebu City, Davao  City, Bacolod, Baguio, Iloilo City, Cagayan de Oro, Zamboanga City, Dumaguete, General Santos, and Legazpi City.      

In the vibrant landscape of the Philippines, where the warmth of the people is matched only by their entrepreneurial spirit, mastering the art of sales presentation can be the key to unlocking boundless opportunities. Imagine standing before an audience, your heart racing with anticipation, as you share your ideas and products with the potential to change lives. The ability to convey your message with clarity and charisma is not merely a skill; it’s a powerful tool that can transform your career and elevate your business to new heights.     Yet, we all know that the journey to becoming an exceptional presenter can feel daunting. The fear of stumbling over words, the anxiety of being judged, or the frustration of failing to connect with your audience can weigh heavily on your mind. But what if you could turn that anxiety into confidence? What if you could learn to engage, inspire, and persuade with ease? This is where our Sales Presentation Skills Training Course comes into play, offering you the chance to break free from those limitations and discover the presenter within you.     Throughout the course, you will not only gain essential techniques to enhance your presentation skills but also learn to harness the power of storytelling and emotional connection. Picture yourself captivating your listeners, their eyes lighting up with interest as you speak passionately about your ideas. You will discover how to tailor your message to resonate with diverse audiences, ensuring that your presentations leave a lasting impact . With expert guidance and hands-on practice, you will be equipped to handle any audience, turning potential challenges into opportunities for engagement.     As you embark on this transformative journey, you will find a supportive community of fellow learners, all eager to grow and succeed together. The camaraderie and shared experiences will ignite a sense of belonging, reminding you that you are not alone in this pursuit of excellence. By the end of the course, you will emerge not just as a better presenter , but as a more confident and dynamic individual, ready to take on the world of sales with renewed vigour .     Join us in this exciting venture, and take the first step towards mastering the art of communication. Together, let’s unlock your potential and pave the way for your success in the competitive landscape of sales. Embrace this opportunity to refine your skills and elevate your career with our Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in the Philippines.  

Who Should Attend this Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in Philippines

In the vibrant and ever-evolving landscape of business, the ability to present and sell ideas effectively can be the difference between success and missed opportunities. Imagine standing before an audience, your heart racing with anticipation, as you share your vision with passion and conviction. This is the power of persuasive communication, and it’s a skill that can be honed and perfected. Our Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in the Philippines is designed to empower individuals with the tools and techniques necessary to captivate their audience and drive results.     Have you ever felt the thrill of landing a significant deal, or the disappointment o f a presentation that didn’t resonate? The emotional stakes in sales are high, and being able to connect with your audience on a personal level can make all the difference. This course will guide you through the nuances of engaging storytelling, dynamic delivery, and impactful visuals, ensuring that your presentations leave a lasting impression . Together, we’ll explore the art of persuasion, helping you to not only share information but to inspire action.     Whether you are a seasoned professional or just sta rting your career, the ability to convey your message with clarity and passion is invaluable. Don’t let your ideas fade into the background; instead, learn to shine a spotlight on them. Join us in this transformative journey and take the first step towards becoming a more effective communicator. Embrace the opportunity to elevate your sales presentations and connect with your audience like never before at our Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in the Philippines.  

  • Sales Executives  
  • Sales Managers  
  • Marketing Professionals  
  • Business Development Representatives  
  • Customer Service Representatives  
  • Entrepreneurs  
  • Team Leaders  
  • Retail Managers  

Course Duration for Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in Philippines

The Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in the Philippines is designed to transform your presentation abilities, offering flexible options to suit your needs. Whether you choose an intensive three full days for a deep dive into effective techniques, a focused one-day session, or even a concise half-day workshop, each format is crafted to empower you with the necessary skills. For those with tighter schedules, we also provide 90-minute and 60-minute sessions, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to enhance their presentation prowess and captivate their audience.  

  • 2 Full Days
  • 9 a.m to 5 p.m

Course Benefits of Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in Philippines

Unlock the power of persuasive communication and elevate your sales game with our Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in the Philippines, designed to equip you with the essential tools to captivate your audience and drive results.  

  • Enhance your confidence in presenting ideas, making you a more engaging speaker.  
  • Master the art of storytelling to create emotional connections with your audience.  
  • Learn to tailor your presentations to meet the diverse needs of different clients.  
  • Develop effective visual aids that complement your message and keep your audience engaged.  
  • Acquire techniques to handle objections gracefully and turn challenges into opportunities.  
  • Improve your body language and vocal delivery for a more impactful presence.  
  • Gain insights into the psychology of your audience to influence their decision-making.  
  • Participate in practical exercises that allow you to practice and refine your skills in real-time.  
  • Network with fellow sales professionals, sharing experiences and best practices.  
  • Receive personalised feedback from experienced trainers to identify areas for improvement and growth.  

Course Objectives of Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in Philippines

The Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in the Philippines is designed to empower participants with the essential skills and confidence to deliver compelling sales presentations that resonate with their audience. By honing these skills, attendees will not only enhance their professional capabilities but also cultivate lasting relationships with clients.  

  • Develop an understanding of the key components of an impactful sales presentation.  
  • Enhance verbal and non-verbal communication techniques to engage audiences effectively.  
  • Master the art of storytelling to create emotional connections with potential clients.  
  • Learn to tailor presentations to the specific needs and preferences of different audiences.  
  • Improve persuasive skills to drive action and increase sales conversions.  
  • Gain insights into the use of visual aids to support and enhance the presentation message.  
  • Practice managing nerves and building confidence when presenting in front of a group.  
  • Foster active listening skills to better understand client needs and feedback.  
  • Explore strategies for overcoming objections and addressing concerns during presentations.  
  • Cultivate a positive mindset to inspire enthusiasm and credibility in delivery.  
  • Learn the importance of follow-up techniques to maintain client relationships post-presentation.  
  • Receive personalised feedback and coaching to refine individual presentation styles and effectiveness.  

Course Content for Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in Philippines

The Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in the Philippines is designed to empower participants with the essential skills and confidence to deliver compelling sales presentations that resonate with their audience. By honing these skills, attendees will not only enhance their professional capabilities but also cultivate lasting relationships with clients.

  • Explore the foundational elements that make a presentation memorable and effective.  
  • Learn how to structure your presentation for maximum engagement and clarity.  
  • Identify the importance of establishing a strong opening and a persuasive closing.
  • Discover the power of tone, pace, and clarity in verbal communication.  
  • Understand how body language can reinforce your message and connect with your audience.  
  • Practice techniques to read audience reactions and adjust your delivery accordingly.
  • Learn the components of a compelling story and how to weave them into your presentations.  
  • Understand how storytelling can evoke emotions and drive decision-making.  
  • Develop your personal narrative to create authenticity and relatability.
  • Identify the characteristics and preferences of various audience types.  
  • Develop strategies for customising your content to resonate with specific groups.  
  • Gain insights into engaging diverse audiences through relevant examples and language.
  • Explore techniques for crafting persuasive arguments that prompt action.  
  • Understand the psychology behind decision-making and how to leverage it.  
  • Practice closing techniques that effectively encourage commitment from clients.
  • Learn how to create impactful visual presentations that complement your spoken words.  
  • Understand the dos and don’ts of visual design for clarity and engagement.  
  • Discover tools and resources to effectively incorporate visuals into your presentations.
  • Explore techniques for reducing anxiety and fostering a calm mindset before presenting.  
  • Learn the importance of preparation and rehearsal in boosting confidence.  
  • Engage in exercises that promote a positive self-image and reduce self-doubt.
  • Understand the significance of active listening in building rapport and trust.  
  • Develop techniques for effective questioning that clarify client needs.  
  • Practice summarising and reflecting feedback to demonstrate understanding.
  • Learn to anticipate common objections and respond confidently.  
  • Understand the role of empathy in addressing client concerns constructively.  
  • Practice techniques for turning objections into opportunities for dialogue.
  • Explore the impact of mindset on presentation effectiveness and audience perception.  
  • Develop techniques for fostering positivity and enthusiasm in your delivery.  
  • Learn to project credibility through confidence and authenticity.
  • Understand the key role follow-ups play in nurturing client relationships.  
  • Explore various methods for effective follow-up communication.  
  • Develop a personalised follow-up plan that aligns with client expectations.
  • Engage in peer reviews to gain diverse perspectives on your presentation skills.  
  • Receive targeted feedback from trainers to identify areas for improvement.  
  • Create an action plan to continually refine your presentation style and effectiveness.  

Course Fees for Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in Philippines

Investing in your future is vital, and the Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in the Philippines offers four tailored pricing options to suit various needs and budgets. Whether you’re looking for a brief yet impactful lunch talk or an immersive two-day experience, we have a package designed just for you. Plus, if you’re bringing along colleagues, you’ll be pleased to know that discounts are available for groups of three or more participants, making this an opportunity you won’t want to miss!  

  • USD 679.97 For a 60-minute Lunch Talk Session.   
  • USD 289.97 For a Half Day Course Per Participant.   
  • USD 439.97 For a 1 Day Course Per Participant.   
  • USD 589.97 For a 2 Day Course Per Participant.   
  • Discounts available for more than 2 participants.  

Upcoming Course and Course Brochure Download for Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in Philippines

We are thrilled to announce that exciting updates are on the horizon for our Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in the Philippines! If you’re eager to elevate your presentation prowess and connect with your audience like never before, don’t miss the opportunity to download our comprehensive brochure. Stay tuned for more information, as we can’t wait to help you unlock your full potential and achieve your sales goals!  

Sales Training Courses in the Philippines

Sales presentation skills training course in the philippines. the philippines’ best sales presentation skills training courses. sales presentation skills training courses philippines. sales presentation skills training courses in the philippines by knowles training institute. 2019 & 2020 sales presentation skills training courses in the philippines..

presentation skills training philippines

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  1. Presentation Skills Workshop Training in the Philippines

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  2. Presentation Skills Training in the Philippines

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  1. Presentation Skills Training & Courses

    Master Presentation Skills Training Courses Philippines. Learn effective audience interaction and confident delivery techniques. Join now! +44 1344 203999 - Available 24/7. ... The training fees for Presentation Skills in Philippines starts from $1295. Show more. Why we're the go to training provider for you.

  2. Presentation Skills Training Course Philippines

    Course participants not in Philippines may choose to sign up for our online Delivering Great Presentations training course in Philippines. USD 679.97 For a 60-minute Lunch Talk Session. USD 259.97 For a Half Day Course Per Participant. USD 419.97 For a 1 Day Course Per Participant.

  3. Presentation Skills Training

    Experience live, interactive learning from home with The Knowledge Academy's Online Instructor-led Presentation Skills Training. Engage directly with expert instructors, mirroring the classroom schedule for a comprehensive learning journey. Enjoy the convenience of virtual learning without compromising on the quality of interaction.

  4. 15 Best Public Speaking Courses in the Philippines

    Master Public Speaking and Presentation Skills. These 15 public speaking courses equip leaders with the skills to effectively inform, entertain, persuade, motivate, and inspire audiences. ... Public Speaking Training Isn't English Speaking Training. Here in the Philippines, there's a common misconception that's been peddled around for far ...

  5. Executive Presentation Skills

    Overview. Executive Presentation Skills® helps individuals develop, refine, and deliver powerful presentations to groups of any size. A pre-program assignment prepares individuals for rigorous and repeated skills practice, guided by an expert, with individual video analysis and coaching. All presentations focus on the individual's own topics ...

  6. Presentation Skills Training Philippines

    With Rainmaker, we help you conduct in-house presentation skills training, which includes how you structure your content and materials, such as slides, videos, or images. We also help you identify and maximize your unique speaking styles to captivate your audience's interest. By using tone of voice, body language, creativity, and delivery, we ...

  7. Presenting with Impact Training Course

    Proficiency in this Presentation Skills Training Course offered by The Knowledge Academy equips delegates to the art of effective communication and presentation skills. The ability to convey ideas convincingly is crucial. ... The training fees for Presenting with Impact Training certification in Philippines starts from $1295.

  8. Presentation Skills Training Courses Training Course in the Philippines

    Presentation Skills Training Courses Training Course in the Philippines ... In the dynamic professional landscape of the Philippines, mastering presentation skills is not just advantageous but essential for career growth and success. With a diverse array of training courses available both online and face-to-face, professionals across Manila ...

  9. Effective Presentation Skills Training Course in The Philippines

    Effective Presentation Skills Training Course in The Philippines . Our training course " Train the Trainer Training Course in the Philippines " is available in Manila, Quezon City, Makati, Pasig, Taguig, Cebu City, Davao City, Bacolod, Baguio, Iloilo City, Cagayan de Oro, Zamboanga City, Dumaguete, General Santos, and Legazpi City. In today's fast-paced world, the ability to convey ideas ...

  10. Powerful Presentation Skills by Guthrie-Jensen

    Customer needs-driven solutions. Results-oriented implementation. Human resource partner and answer to total organizational success. For the past 30 years, Guthrie-Jensen, the leading Management Training and Consulting firm in the Philippines has been the choice of more than 15,000 companies, with clients belonging to the top 1,000 Filipino corporations and the Global 500 companies.

  11. Presentation Skills Workshop Training in the Philippines

    Phone: (Globe) (02) 7255-5568. Mobile: (Globe) 0995 846 2495 | (Smart) 0933 232 6149. Block 4, Lot 2, Bronze Meadow Street, Westernvill Sapphire Subdivision. Barangay Tagpos, Binangonan, Rizal 1940. This 3-day Presentation Skills Workshop Training trains the employees on how to present to their stakeholders effectively and professionally.

  12. Public Speaking Training Course Philippines • Certified Public Speaker

    Yes, public speaking training in the Philippines may be expensive. Try humiliation, damaged reputation, and cursing from the crowd. While Harvard University offers a public speaking course for at least P170,000 (Philippine Peso), the Public Speaking Institute only offers the certification for a modest public speaking training fee of P35,000.

  13. Effective Presentation Training in the Philippines by TalkShop

    Many corporations, businessmen and professionals invest their communication training and personality development with TalkShop. TalkShop educates individuals and improves the students' communication skills such as public speaking, technical writing, presentation and management, and others like leadership training and creative writing.

  14. Presentation Skills Training

    Presentation Skills Training This workshop aims to have participants demonstrate effective presentation skills in both body movements and conveying ideas. Aside from learning essential knowledge in presenting, handling distractions, and managing venues, participants are given several feedback throughout the session. ...

  15. Presentation Skills Training

    Course Description. Presentation Skills Training combines the perfect balance of theory with practical presentation techniques. This course will help the participants effectively understand presentation techniques using various visual aids, including the latest presentation tools with different practical hands-on approaches.

  16. PDF Effective Presentation Skills and Techniques (Twp 2)

    FFECTIVE PRESENTATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (TWP 2)This course offers tips and strategies to help you develop your presentation skills and learn how to present. your ideas with conviction, poise, and without fear. You'll gain. onfidence in speaking through planning and practice. It will focus on coming up with a compelling presentation and ...

  17. Effective Presentation Skills (Webinar) » Business Seminars by

    Objective. To learn tips on how to manage nervousness whenever asked to do a presentation. To provide basic knowledge of the techniques and skills used when presenting. To provide an overview of the methods used to develop aids and support materials used to make an effective presentation. To be able to deliver a powerful presentation.

  18. Effective Virtual Presentation Skills

    A fun learning experience is to be expected from this virtual presentation skills program that provides the basics of effective virtual presentations. ... Philippine AXA Life Centre, Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue cor. Tindalo St., Makati City, 1200 Metro Manila, Philippines P: (+632) 8845.1323 • (+632) 8856.0423 Email:[email protected] Sitemap. About us;

  19. Presentation and Public Speaking Skills Training Courses in the Philippines

    The "Presentation and Public Speaking Skills Training Course in The Philippines" provides numerous benefits aimed at enhancing your presentation and public speaking capabilities. By participating in this course, you will develop the skills needed to deliver impactful presentations and speak with confidence.

  20. Effective Presentation Skills Training Manila

    Effective Presentation Skills Training Manila. Powerful Presentation Skills. There's more to presenting than clicking a mouse and reading what's on the screen. Hone valuable skills like starting and ending with impact, developing an animated style, delivering lines spontaneously, and handling questions and objections confidently. ...

  21. Powerful Presentation Skills & Techniques Training

    "Taking the "Effective Presentation Skills" training from Guthrie Jensen certainly helps presenters on any skill level. Beginners or experts alike will get valuable inputs that can easily be translated into powerful presentations. As a trainer, I highly appreciate the interactive, light and easy-to-understand way of teaching the course.

  22. Microsoft PowerPoint Training

    Join our Microsoft PowerPoint Training Philippines for expert instruction on creating dynamic presentations and mastering presentation skills. +44 1344 203999 ... a basic understanding of designing, customising templates, and presentation skills would be beneficial for the delegates. Microsoft PowerPoint Training Overview. Among our range of ...

  23. Asialink Finance Corporation Branch Sales Officer Work, Jobs

    Has excellent communication skills (both written and oral), marketing skills, problem solving skills, presentation skills and people skills. Should be persuasive, assertive, creative, innovative, adaptable and analytical. Has the ability to work under pressure and handle challenging situations. Should have strong convincing power and teamwork ...

  24. 2025 Enterprise Services & Public Affairs Full-Time Analyst Program

    All ESPA Analysts participate in a comprehensive training program in July and August. Training begins with a Citi orientation followed by technical training and soft skills training including presentation skills, communication skills and leadership skills. This training will facilitate the ability to immediately contribute to their initial ...

  25. UPOU Chancellor, OPA Director Speak at PhilCeCNet's 19th KEC in

    Her first presentation tackled the Sustainable Development Goals, while her second presentation was on 21st-century Competencies. Chancellor Bandalaria, on the other hand, gave a lecture on topics about "Lifelong Learning Skills" for the third session and "Global Digital Citizenship" for the fourth and final session of the 2-day conference.

  26. Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in Philippines

    The Sales Presentation Skills Training Course in the Philippines is designed to transform your presentation abilities, offering flexible options to suit your needs. Whether you choose an intensive three full days for a deep dive into effective techniques, a focused one-day session, or even a concise half-day workshop, each format is crafted to ...