• Gadgets and Technology: Boon or Curse?

Technology has become so synonymous to all our lives today that we have even crossed that stage when we discussed whether it is a boon or bane. However, when it comes to our children, it is probably worth thinking a bit deeper and seeing if it’s affecting their development and behavior.

Children born today are technology savvy almost right at birth. Kids as young as 18 to 24 months use mobiles and tabs with great ease. Though they learn a couple of things there too but overuse of it can lead to some behavioral issues like Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Restlessness and Aggression.

Researchers have found that the negative impacts of gadgets and electronic media outweigh the positive. Some of the significant impacts of gadgets on children’s brain development and behavior are as follows:

  • Not good for the brain: Overexposure to gadgets has been linked to Attention Deficit,  Hyperactivity  Disorder ( ADHD), cognitive delays and impaired learning. 
  • Language  delay for toddlers: According to American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), severe language delay is seen in children who are overexposed to gadgets.
  • Less active play equals delayed development: Kids under the age of 12 spend more time in front of a screen rather than playing  outdoors. This restriction in movement results in delayed motor development.
  • Not good for bedtime: The late-night glow of laptops and mobile phones are depriving children a good night sleep.
  • Not good for school: Being sleep-deprived doesn’t only affect child development but also their performance in school.
  • Terrible child aggression: A study by the National Institutes of Health found that the increase in use of modern technology can break the old boundaries of family, values, behavior and children’s well-being.
  • Kids suffer mental illness: A study of more than 1,000 children between the ages of 10 and 11, found that children who spend longer than two hours in front of a screen or another entertainment medium are more likely to suffer psychological difficulties.
  • Gadgets cause tantrums: Kids throw tantrums because they get over attached to gadgets and can’t emotionally handle themselves when these devices are taken away from them.

As parents, you can practice a few things to prevent your kid from being enslaved to technology. Here are a few tips:

  • De-addict yourself: Kids always grow on the model of imitation. When they see their parents glued to their mobiles, they also develop a strong desire to explore the same. Limiting the use of mobile and tab in front of kids can go a long way in dissuading away from them.
  • Sing, act, dance: Bond with your child by singing those rhymes that he enjoys watching on the tab. Sing those rhymes, stand up and act and dance.
  • Read books together: Invest in some interesting story books with big and colorful pictures. Not only would it help develop reading habit in the kid, will build his language skills and cognitive development as well.
  • Play interactive games: Encourage him/her for interactive and outdoor games that would lead to his/her social and physical evelopment.
  • Restricted screen time: If you are busy with some house or office work and want to seek refuge in the digital medium to engage your toddler, allow access only for a limited time period.

Last but not the least, don’t worry about keeping your child away from gadgets until he/she is five. It will not make your child any less gadget-savvy when he/she grows up. It will still come naturally to this generation as they are born after the advent of gadgets.

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Sample of a Short Essay on Electronic Gadgets

Using electronic devices in the classroom is often underestimated. They can bring a lot of benefits if students and professors use them only for studying purposes. Otherwise, if students use their smartphones and laptops only for entertainment, this misuse significantly distracts them from the learning process and makes their devices uselessm, unless they look for “ write my essay for me cheap ” help.

short essay on electronic gadgets

WritingCheap cheap essay writing service proposes students to read our sample short essay on electronic gadgets. After getting acquainted with this subject, you can understand the methods of using electronic devices in the classroom and how to write a perfect essay by yourself. Impress your teacher with your knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of electronic gadgets in class.

Effects of Electronic Devices on Education Electronic devices include integrated circuits controlled by the electric current; they are mainly used for processing, transfer, and control systems. Education, on the other hand, involves the process of gaining knowledge through an interactive process. Electronic devices affect education positively and negatively; the positive influence concerns enhancing education, and the negative influences affect the entire learning process. Positive Effects Electronic devices enhance education by making the learning resources easily assessable. By using a computer, students can access education information through the Internet. Additionally, there are technology-related projects that help the student be creative, innovative, and inventive (Eggers, 16). It also improves the teacher-student communication; these devices make a classroom a network system where there is a transfer of information from teacher to student and among students. Moreover, they directly help teachers in educating by bringing out the real picture in the process of giving information. For example, documentaries show the practical experience of events in history. Negative Effects The negative effects include making students spend the most time on devices, time that could otherwise be used for studying. Additionally, the information given tends to diminish the necessity of education. Some devices, such as mobile phones, also affect the learning process through interruptions from calls and text messages. Moreover, there is too much information available on electronic devices, and some of it is wrong. Hence, they tend to misguide students (Chen & Yun 6). Finally, these devices also create an opportunity for cheating among students. Conclusion In conclusion, electronic devices positively affect the communication process by making it easier for both the student and the teacher. However, if they are not contained, they change the process negatively. Therefore, there is a need to establish the best approach to ensure that devices have a positive effect, for example, through creating rules about the use of these devices in a classroom. Works Cited Chen, Shengjian, and Yun Lu. “The Negative Effects and Control of Blended Learning in the University.” 2013 the International Conference on Education Technology and Information System (ICETIS 2013) . Atlantis Press, 2013. Eggers, William D. Government 2.0: Using Technology to Improve Education, Cut Red Tape, Reduce Gridlock, and Enhance Democracy. Rowman & Littlefield, 2017.

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Essay on Technology – A Boon or Bane for Students

500+ words essay on technology for students.

In this essay on technology, we are going to discuss what technology is, what are its uses, and also what technology can do? First of all, technology refers to the use of technical and scientific knowledge to create, monitor, and design machinery. Also, technology helps in making other goods that aid mankind.

Essay on Technology – A Boon or Bane?

Experts are debating on this topic for years. Also, the technology covered a long way to make human life easier but the negative aspect of it can’t be ignored. Over the years technological advancement has caused a severe rise in pollution . Also, pollution has become a major cause of many health issues. Besides, it has cut off people from society rather than connecting them. Above all, it has taken away many jobs from the workers class.

Essay on technology

Familiarity between Technology and Science

As they are completely different fields but they are interdependent on each other. Also, it is due to science contribution we can create new innovation and build new technological tools. Apart from that, the research conducted in laboratories contributes a lot to the development of technologies. On the other hand, technology extends the agenda of science.

Vital Part of our Life

Regularly evolving technology has become an important part of our lives. Also, newer technologies are taking the market by storm and the people are getting used to them in no time. Above all, technological advancement has led to the growth and development of nations.

Negative Aspect of Technology

Although technology is a good thing, everything has two sides. Technology also has two sides one is good and the other is bad. Here are some negative aspects of technology that we are going to discuss.

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With new technology the industrialization increases which give birth to many pollutions like air, water, soil, and noise. Also, they cause many health-related issues in animals, birds, and human beings.

Exhaustion of Natural Resources

New technology requires new resources for which the balance is disturbed. Eventually, this will lead to over-exploitation of natural resources which ultimately disturbs the balance of nature.


A single machine can replace many workers. Also, machines can do work at a constant pace for several hours or days without stopping. Due to this, many workers lost their job which ultimately increases unemployment .

Types of Technology

Generally, we judge technology on the same scale but in reality, technology is divided into various types. This includes information technology, industrial technology , architectural technology, creative technology and many more. Let’s discuss these technologies in brief.

Industrial Technology

This technology organizes engineering and manufacturing technology for the manufacturing of machines. Also, this makes the production process easier and convenient.

Creative Technology

This process includes art, advertising, and product design which are made with the help of software. Also, it comprises of 3D printers , virtual reality, computer graphics, and other wearable technologies.

Information Technology

This technology involves the use of telecommunication and computer to send, receive and store information. Internet is the best example of Information technology.

essay writing electronic gadgets a boon or curse

FAQs on Essay on Technology

Q.1 What is Information technology?

A –  It is a form of technology that uses telecommunication and computer systems for study. Also, they send, retrieve, and store data.

Q.2 Is technology harmful to humans?

 A – No, technology is not harmful to human beings until it is used properly. But, misuses of technology can be harmful and deadly.

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Our Schools

Technology is a major factor in the lives of millions of students. Wherever we go, we see technology improving the lives of students. However, as useful as technology is, it has a dark side that affects students in a dangerous and bad way. So, this leads us to the controversial question:Is technology a boon or a curse?

Technology has made significant positive changes in the society. Schools, with the help of modern technology such as computers, interactive T.Vs and platforms like power school, google classroom and BYJUs, are capable of providing practical learning to budding students. With the help of technology, students understand what they are taught and can apply it in real life easily. Thanks to technology, school has become a place where students love to go.

Even outside the classroom, students can share notes online, research, annotate, collaborate on work, have study groups, share courses and create virtually creative content online with the help of apps like google drive.

Even social media platforms like facebook and twitter are places where students can connect with each other to share ideas, articles and other resources with each other.

However there’s always a catch. Wrong utilization of technology can cause a lot of distress in the society. Constant addiction to video games, Facebook, Instagram, etc leads to inactiveness which can cause many health issues such as brain and heart diseases, high sugar, obesity and in extreme cases , mental problems, depression, death, accidents, destructive behaviour and suicide.

As students, we need to have a strict routine which balances fitness, studies and fun equally. Due to addiction to mobile phones and other browsing devices, there is an uneven pattern emphasizing more on convenience and satisfaction rather than outdoor and studying activities.

Technology is like a double-edged sword and we must utilize it properly. We must restrict gaming and browsing to certain hours of the day to avoid addiction. We must keep a balanced lifestyle with equal hours for studying, playing and browsing.

By Rohith  Maiyya and Aditya Mehta , 6A

Ekya School, JP Nagar

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Not Using Adverbs

 missing comma in a compound sentence, faulty sentence structure, lack of pronoun, unnecessary shift in verb tense, nnecessary or missing apostrophe , poorly integrated quotation.

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Common Mistakes When Making A Class Presentation

Not doing your research, not making a proper introduction, lack of preparation for the presentation, confident body language, not being engaging, inconsistent slides.

  • Overcrowding the slides: It is one of the most common presentation mistakes often committed by students. You need to understand that for presentation “less is more” fits perfectly. Instead of too much text, visuals should be used. Instead of paragraphs, pointers should be used. Using different colours also makes the presentation interesting.
  • Reading directly from the slides: Reading directly from the slides only projects you as underconfident and unprepared. Although it might seem a little tempting and an easier option, the best is to make small pointers of important topics on which you want to talk.
  • Complicated data: Data should be presented in a way that the written content becomes more understandable. For this Pie charts or bar graphs in different colours can be used. 
  • Not maintaining the hierarchy: Arranging the slides haphazardly
  •  only confuses the students. It will distract them as there will be less clarity regarding the points. 

Going Off-Topic

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AI Workshop Intel Ai-Thon – AI4YOUTH

essay writing electronic gadgets a boon or curse

  • Data Science - Science that deals with manipulation of data. This was explained through ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’, which was played against the computer. The computer analysed our previous moves in order to beat us. 
  • Computer Vision - Process of a computer using input from a camera to recognize its surroundings. We learnt this concept by playing ‘Emoji Scavenger Hunt’. In this game, the computer would show us an object (Ex: Phone) and we had to find the object and show it in front of the screen within a time limit so that the computer could check whether or not the object was the same. 
  • Natural Language Processing - Process of a computer recognizing human speech, similar to how Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri work. We had to ask questions verbally to the computer in order to guess a previously selected animal. It was a game very similar to ‘20 Questions’. This was an example of NLP as the computer had to recognise our voice and then process the question that we asked in order to answer it.  We created graphs in Python using various sets of data. Data Science programming was really hard but fun and interesting. We also were able to change the colour scheme of a picture, make the AI recognize certain parts of the picture etc. We really enjoyed CV Programming as we were able to manipulate the picture to morph into another picture. We also explored many online chatbots such as Cleverbot, Eliza, Jabberwacky etc. The final day was actually the most fun as we were able to see the projects related to AI done by the students of some other schools in Bangalore. We were able to see the real-life applications of AI. Then we were asked to come up with our own ideas and pitch it to Mr. Chawla. Some of the ideas that were pitched included Farming using AI (Using AI to calculate the amount of water to be used in irrigation, using AI in irrigation and pest prevention, so as to remove human error), Fitness app based on AI and Reminder app that reminds people who are suffering from chronic illnesses to take their medicine. The workshop concluded on a pleasant note with an inspiring speech from a CBSE official and an aim of continuing to build upon our innovations. The readiness workshop provided us with a clear image to carve a pathway for a future filled with innovation.

Grade 6A – Class Assembly- The Child Prodigies of India

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Technology A Boon Or Bane Essay For Students


Technology has become a vital part of our daily lives in the modern period, penetrating many parts of our existence, including education. As students traverse the educational world, they must critically evaluate whether technology is a blessing or a curse. This essay will investigate both points of view, offering a more nuanced understanding of the impact of technology on kids.

Technology as a Boon:

One cannot ignore the countless benefits that technology provides to schooling. With the introduction of the internet, information accessibility has witnessed an incredible increase. Students now have access to a multitude of information, allowing them to widen their minds beyond the constraints of traditional textbooks. Online resources, educational apps, and e-books have transformed the learning experience, creating a dynamic and interactive academic environment.

In addition, technology has changed the way students interact and communicate. Virtual classrooms, video conferencing, and collaboration platforms enable students to communicate with one another beyond geographical barriers. This interconnection not only improves the learning experience, but it also prepares pupils for the globalised world into which they will inevitably be thrust.

Technology has improved the efficiency of administrative operations within educational institutions. Technology, from online registration systems to automated grading, has reduced administrative burdens on both students and educators, allowing them to focus more on the core aspects of teaching and learning.

Furthermore, technology technologies have made personalised learning experiences possible. Individual student needs are met via adaptive learning platforms, which ensure that each learner advances at their own speed. This personalisation accommodates various learning styles, enabling a more inclusive educational environment.

Technology as a Bane:

While the benefits of technology in education are clear, it is critical to recognise its downsides. The digital divide – the gap between those who have access to technology and those who do not – is one of the key worries. Inequitable access can worsen existing discrepancies in educational achievement, separating rich and impoverished students.

Another challenge in the digital age is the prevalence of diversions. Students’ attention can be diverted away from their academic responsibilities due to the pervasiveness of smartphones and social media. During study hours, the temptation to engage in non-educational activities may impair academic performance and focus.

Furthermore, the quick speed of technology advancement makes it difficult for educational institutions to stay up. Outdated infrastructure, a lack of educator training, and financial constraints can all stymie successful technology incorporation into the curriculum. This implementation gap may result in an inefficient use of available resources.


Finally, the impact of technology on pupils is a complicated combination of benefits and drawbacks. While technology has clearly transformed the educational landscape by providing unparalleled access to information and fostering global communication, it is not without drawbacks. The digital divide, possible distractions, and the need for constant adaptability all pose issues that must be addressed.

Finally, a balanced approach is essential. To reap the benefits of technology while reducing its negatives, educators, legislators, and the technology industry must work together. We can maximise the good impact of technology on students by prioritising fair access, supporting responsible use, and providing continual professional development for educators, transforming it into a true boon for the educational journey.

FAQs for Technology

1. How has technology progressed over time, and what are some significant milestones in its evolution?

An summary of technology’s historical history, highlighting major advancements and innovations that have influenced our modern technological landscape.

2. What role does technology play in education, and how has it changed students’ learning experiences?

These look at how technology is being used in education and how it affects teaching methods, access to information, and the overall learning environment for students.

3. What are the ethical implications and challenges of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and biotechnology?

These explore into the ethical implications of technology, covering issues such as privacy, security, and the responsible creation and application of cutting-edge technologies.

4. What role does technology play in economic development and innovation across industries?

This investigate the economic ramifications of technology, looking at how it fosters innovation, drives productivity, and shapes the competitive landscape across many industries.

5. How can individuals ensure that they use technology responsibly and mindfully in their personal and professional lives?

These offer practical insights into ethical technology use, including cybersecurity, digital well-being, and ways for keeping a good balance between the digital and offline parts of life.

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Technology A Boon Or Curse Essay Examples

Technology A Boon Or Curse - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Technology can be considered both a boon and a curse, depending on how it is used. On one hand, technology has made our lives easier and more efficient, enabling us to connect with people across the globe and access vast amounts of information at our fingertips. It has also revolutionized many industries, such as healthcare and transportation, leading to significant advancements and improvements in quality of life.However, technology can also be a curse when it is misused or overused. The constant barrage of notifications, social media, and digital distractions can negatively impact our mental health and relationships. Technology has also led to the loss of privacy and security concerns, with data breaches and online scams becoming more common.

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  • Technology: A Boon Or Curse?
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  • Technology: Friend Or Foe?
  • Technology In Our Lives: Is It A Blessing Or A Curse?
  • Technology: A Blessing Or A Curse?
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  • Technology: An Advantage Or A Disadvantage?
  • Technology: A Help Or A Hindrance?
  • Technology: A Tool For Good Or Evil?
  • Technology: To Be Used For Good Or Bad?
  • Technology: Its Advantages And Disadvant
  • Technology: The Boon And The Bane
  • Technology In Our Lives: A Boon Or A Curse?
  • Technology: A Necessity Or A Curse?
  • Technology: To Enrich Or To Enslave?
  • Technology: The Great Enabler Or The Great Disabler?
  • Technology: The Friend Or The Foe?
  • Technology: The Blessing Or The Curse?

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Is Technology a Boon or a Bane? An Essay

Through neocolonial trade relations, globalization has caused a world-wide division of labor, resources, and consumption—between former colonizers and the colonized. Technology—the latest in the choir of idols worshipped by the modern West—exacerbates this schism even as it reduces it. This article explores the implications of the products of technology for work, class, and caste in this last phase of neocolonialism. Technological devices that de-class us, by replacing human and animal workers, can also re-class us by dividing owners from the operators of machines.

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Ameerudheen , TA . 2018 . “ Kerala engineers who developed robot to clean manholes are on a mission to end manual scavenging .” Scroll.In . Feb 27 . ( https://scroll.in/article/869900/kerala-engineers-who-developed-robot-to-clean-manholes-are-on-a-mission-to-end-manual-scavenging ).

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Bora , Garima . 2019 . “ A robot to end manual scavenging? This startup can provide the ‘Swachh Bharat’ we need .” The Economic Times . June 7 . ( https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/startups/features/a-robot-to-end-manual-scavenging-this-startup-can-provide-the-swachh-bharat-we-need/articleshow/69685536.cms ).

Genrobotics . nd. “ Manual Scavenging v/s Bandicoot .” Genrobotics. com ( https://www.genrobotics.org/bandicoot ).

Goswami , Subhojit . 2018 . “ Manual scavenging: A stinking legacy of suffocation and stigma .” DownToEarth . September 11 . ( https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/waste/manual-scavenging-a-stinking-legacy-of-suffocation-and-stigma-61586 ).

Heidegger , Martin . 1977 . The Question Concerning Technology and other Essays . NY : Harper & Row Publishers, Inc .

Nkrumah , Kwame . 1974 . Neo-Colonialism The Last Stage of Imperialism . London : Panaf Books Limited .

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Mental health, positive mental attitude, values of life, electronic gadgets: a boon or curse for human.

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8 thoughts on “ electronic gadgets: a boon or curse for human ”.

Dear Writer, Greetings!!! Appreciation for coverage of current scenario and future upcoming queries as well as concerns of availing variegated electronic gadgets by various sections & age groups. We agree to your point of view on gadgets usage – a Boon or Curse. The adon thoughts is like Sunshine and Moonlight has their own identity – a dark day or a bright moonlight has itz own significance . Henceforth in this mundane world everthing & every scenario is for a reason take it boon or curse itz doers opinion. Moral is Avail All … Value All !!!

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Absolutely true dear Richa mam It is all up to the users Thanks for your appreciation

Hello sir…..your day starts with the alarm you set in ur cell phone last night…some even enjoy morning songs on FM facilties of cell phones…then you look to day planner in your phone and you get a reminder …”Today’s your friend’s b’day”…thank God you have a mobile to remind you of this event otherwise your friend wouldn’t have left you!… Birthday surely needs a gift…second thing you do is just use the GPRS facility in your phone and order something for your friend via internet..Thanks again to this wonderful device….Now its party time….and you play some heart throbbing music on your cell phones and even store those incredible moments with your friends in the same multimedia device, Cell Phones.

this was just a example, how useful this small gadget has become in our daily life. Calling it a “curse” is totally rubbish as its like putting your fault on others head. People use it in a wrong way that doesn’t mean it is useless. It means people lack the awareness in themselves.

Cell Phones are, for sure ,Boon for us all…..but if you use it in some wrong way than its your fault not cell phones.

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Dear Kinjal, read the article again I already said if you use it properly then there is no problem It is totally dependent on a person how he or she uses it I did not write only for mobile, there are other gadgets also … And the example you gave about alarm and reminders are showing your dependability on it. We can see the people around us who are busy in their gadgets only.. I must say Smart phones make humans dumb.

Yes you are right sir…sometimes it happens with me too..People dnt hv time to talk face to face..now days they remain busy with their gadgets only…and its right that it only makes them dumb

It is absolutely right that today’s electronic gadgets are becoming curse for human when he or she use as a negative way. This is a very burning issue nowadays.

Yes Pragnesh agree with you

resourceful article

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Gadgets, a bane or boon: Will the debate ever end?

Gadgets, a bane or boon: Will the debate ever end?

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Seema loves books, clothes, cooking, travelling and re-creating Indian art on paper, canvas, fabric and even walls. While currently her life revolves around her two kids and work, she is waiting to exhale as she dreams to settle down in a serene place to unleash her creativity in the form of her own book cafe with Indian art and textiles on display. Read More

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essay writing electronic gadgets a boon or curse

100 Words Essay On Technology Boon Or Bane In English

Technology can be considered both a boon and a bane. On one hand, technology has made our lives more convenient and efficient, from instant communication to online shopping and remote work. It has also revolutionized industries such as healthcare, education, and entertainment.

On the other hand, technology can also have negative effects, such as addiction to social media, loss of privacy, and can be harmful to the environment and human health if not used responsibly.

In conclusion, while technology has undoubtedly improved our lives in many ways, it is essential to use technology responsibly and be aware of its potential negative impacts.

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Technology: A Boon or a Curse

We are armed with the greatest gift in the world and that is imagination. Through this imagination we have given birth to technology which converts imagination into reality. The pace with which technology has boomed is mind boggling. It has become an indispensible part of our daily modern life and we thrive on it. It has made our life easier as we don’t require doing monotonous and repetitive tasks manually. Tiresome tasks have been automated and so efficiency and accuracy have increased dramatically.

Technology has given us a paradigm shift in our personal, social and professional lifestyles.

Last decade was the decade of IT and millions of job opportunities were created through it. Everything is now available to us on World Wide Web at the click of button. Economies have flourished but if we look closely, only people who are Tech savvy have benefited in real terms. Even then, they have inadvertently become slaves of it.

Technology has severely impacted our habits.

We are expecting everything just by a touch on screen, and so we also treat humans in the same way; we expect things to be done instantly. Is this not impacting our approach to life?

Young children are inquisitive by nature. Technology in their arms deprives them of childhood. When they should be playing for hours and flying aero planes, running after butterflies and making sand castles, they sit glued to a laptop or ipad. They play games and put on weight. We are bringing up a generation of kids in front of computer screens, whose brains are going to be peculiarly different.

essay writing electronic gadgets a boon or curse

Proficient in: Communication

“ Ok, let me say I’m extremely satisfy with the result while it was a last minute thing. I really enjoy the effort put in. ”

Early exposure to, for instance mobile applications, is detrimental to their social and mental progress.

People like us are on the benefiting end as it has increased human potential and subsequently reduced human limits. We are hopelessly dependant on technology as we have developed a habit of it and the force of it is great. Unfortunately we have laid an extensive burden on irreplaceable reso…

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"Technology: A Boon or a Curse." PaperAp.com, Mar 08, 2019. Accessed June 26, 2024. https://paperap.com/paper-on-technology-a-boon-or-a-curse/

"Technology: A Boon or a Curse," PaperAp.com , 08-Mar-2019. [Online]. Available: https://paperap.com/paper-on-technology-a-boon-or-a-curse/. [Accessed: 26-Jun-2024]

PaperAp.com. (2019). Technology: A Boon or a Curse . [Online]. Available at: https://paperap.com/paper-on-technology-a-boon-or-a-curse/ [Accessed: 26-Jun-2024]

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Technology: A Boon or a Curse


Essay on Scientific Gadgets Boon Or Bane

Students are often asked to write an essay on Scientific Gadgets Boon Or Bane in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Scientific Gadgets Boon Or Bane

Scientific gadgets: boon or bane.

Scientific gadgets have revolutionized our lives in countless ways. From smartphones and laptops to advanced medical devices and space exploration technologies, these gadgets have brought about remarkable progress and convenience. However, it is important to consider both the positive and negative impacts of these advancements to determine their true nature – boon or bane.

Positive Impacts

Negative impacts.

Despite the undeniable benefits, scientific gadgets also pose certain risks. Excessive use of smartphones and social media has been linked to mental health issues, sleep deprivation, and cyberbullying. The reliance on technology can also lead to a sedentary lifestyle, contributing to health problems like obesity and heart disease. Additionally, the production and disposal of electronic devices raise environmental concerns.

Scientific gadgets are powerful tools that have transformed our lives in many ways. They have the potential to be a boon, granting us convenience, knowledge, and improved healthcare. However, it is crucial to use these advancements responsibly and address their potential negative impacts. By striking a balance between progress and well-being, we can harness the benefits of scientific gadgets while mitigating their risks.

250 Words Essay on Scientific Gadgets Boon Or Bane

Boons of scientific gadgets.

Scientific gadgets bring convenience, efficiency, and entertainment to our daily lives. They streamline communication, simplify tasks, provide access to information, and offer a wide range of entertainment options.

Moreover, these gadgets facilitate learning, enable innovation, and enhance healthcare. Educational tools, research instruments, and medical devices have revolutionized respective fields. Gadgets like smartphones, laptops, and tablets have become indispensable tools for students and professionals alike.

Banes of Scientific Gadgets

Despite their benefits, scientific gadgets also have potential drawbacks. Excessive use can lead to addiction, isolation, and health issues. Gadgets like video games and social media can be highly addictive, consuming excessive time and distracting from real-world interactions.

Scientific gadgets offer both benefits and risks. It is essential to use them wisely, maintaining a balance between their positive and negative impacts. Striking this balance requires conscious effort, parental guidance for children, and vigilant self-management. By making informed choices and setting limits, we can harness the benefits of scientific gadgets while minimizing their potential harms.

500 Words Essay on Scientific Gadgets Boon Or Bane

A double-edged sword.

Scientific gadgets have revolutionized our lives. From smartphones to self-driving cars, they’ve made our days easier, more convenient, and more connected. But, like any powerful tool, they can also be used for harm. The question is: Are scientific gadgets a boon or a bane to society?

Information at Our Fingertips

Convenience and efficiency.

However, scientific gadgets also have some negative impacts. One of the biggest concerns is that they can be addictive. People can spend hours scrolling through social media, playing games, or watching videos. This can lead to problems with relationships, work, and school.

Health Concerns

Addiction and isolation, the verdict.

So, are scientific gadgets a boon or a bane? The answer is: both. These devices can be incredibly useful and convenient, but we need to be aware of their potential risks and use them in moderation. By being mindful of how we use scientific gadgets, we can maximize their benefits and minimize their harmful effects.

Scientific gadgets have the potential to make our lives better, but only if we use them wisely. We need to be aware of their potential risks and take steps to mitigate them. By doing so, we can reap the benefits of these devices without sacrificing our health, relationships, or well-being.

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essay writing electronic gadgets a boon or curse

essay writing electronic gadgets a boon or curse

essay writing electronic gadgets a boon or curse

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New user create your account register now , gadgets - a boon or a curse, 24 may 2019, posted by : c m international school, category : c m international school pune.

essay writing electronic gadgets a boon or curse

I come from a time where techology meant using internet with a dial-up connection, google did not become the whole and soul for everything, pictures were clicked using the film roll camera with no selfie option, television which was not at all smart, landline phones were only used for talking purpose, the facts and figures were on the tip of the tongue, etc. But now  education is evolving fast. Every day, we hear about some new technology that will change the world. Now gadgets surround us.  Wherever we go, whatever we do, we need a gadget by our side. Be it mobile phones, tablets or any other electronic device, we cannot imagine our day without the help of these gadgets. There has always been a debate on whether gadgets are a boon or a bane to the society. While one set of people consider them a boon, there are many who consider it a bane. Some people feel that we are way too dependent on our gadgets and feel handicapped without them. Gadgets play a vital role in the educational field in order to improve student's skills and knowledge. It is very important for them since they need to improve their knowledge power to gain success in the future. Teachers can enhance their teaching skills and strategies also. There is saying that " Every Coin Has 2 Faces." In short, this technology is very important for both students and teachers but on the other hand, this technology has disadvantages too. 


Promotes Independent Learning : Nowadays students can learn without the assistance of their parents and teachers. The internet has turned out to be a treasure trove of information. They use the internet for their lessons and use online libraries to prepare their assignments too. It is very helpful for them to improve their skills and knowledge through this well-equipped technology. Enhance Communication : In the earlier times, people use to communicate by writing letters which used to take days or even months to deliver; nevertheless, now E-mail has made things extremely easy. Speed Up Work : There are many gadgets that make life easier.This technology helps the student to work efficiently. A student can complete their lengthy dissertation writing tasks in less time period. Memory Tools : With the help of gadgets, students can store away vital piece of information in separate folders so that it’s convenient for them to refer to it anytime, anywhere on the go! Further, with a bevy of devices such as tablets, phones, and external hard drives at their command, students can now store abundant information and carry it along with them anywhere, anytime.


Addiction : Most commonly seen, students gets addicted to gaming, texting or talking on phone or online.It causes their learning and at home, they detract from their studies. Lack of Interest In Studies : Now everything is dependent on the students themselves, whether they develop poor education habits and lazy attitude or learn useful stuff available. Moreover, it also makes student forget their basic learning.  Health Problems : Gadgets are notorious in causing many health issues in students such as anxiety, obesity, insomnia, etc.  According to countless surveys done by various organizations over the past decade or so, the increasing use of gadgets by children is causing severe health problems in them like weak eyesight, numb limbs, back pain, etc. Social Relationships : Gone are the days when children used to spend quality time with their parents. Rather, these gadgets have become the source of alienation and hostility towards others. There are no more family dinners at the table anymore, children now prefer watching movies or browsing through social media feed on their laptops while eating food. Now, they prefer connecting with their pals via text messaging, chatting etc. on social networking sites in the confines of their rooms.  Harmful Impact on Writing Skills : Excessive usage of gadgets surely has its own negative effects on the writing skills of children. Children are increasingly coming into contact with slang verbiage and forgetting the tenets of formal written language while they indulge in text messaging, chatting etc. While writing text messages, the emphasis on punctuation, grammar, and spelling is almost forgotten, which is the leading cause of poor writing skills of students.

Parents can also be very helpful in keeping a check over the excessive use of the gadgets. As parents, we can practice a few things to prevent our kid from being enslaved to technology. Here are a few tips: De-addict yourself : Kids always grow on the model of imitation. When they see their parents glued to their mobiles, they also develop a strong desire to explore the same. Limiting the use of mobile and tab in front of kids can go a long way in dissuading away from them. Bond with the child : Bond with your child by singing those rhymes that he enjoys watching on the tab. Sing those rhymes, stand up and act and dance. Read books together : Invest in some interesting story books with big and colorful pictures. Not only would it help develop reading habit in the kid, will build his language skills and cognitive development as well. Play interactive games : Encourage them for interactive and outdoor games that would lead to their social and physical evelopment. Restricted screen time : If you are busy with some house or office work and want to seek refuge in the digital medium to engage your child, allow access only for a limited time period.

Gadgets, when used properly, are a boon, however, when used inappropriately can cause serious problems. We get quick fixes to problems that would have been impossible without gadgets. It is good to depend on our gadgets for informational needs but overdependence can lead to more harm than good.

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Science Is A Boon Or Curse Essay | Essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by sastry

Science Is A Boon Or Curse Essay:  Man has risen from the lowest position of a caveman to the highest position of a spaceman. He has conquered time and space and has tamed all the forces of nature. But as every coin has two faces, so is the case with science.

You can read more  Essay Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Long and Short Essays on Science Is A Boon Or Curse for Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Science Is A Boon Or Curse’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse of 400-500 words. This long essay about Science Is A Boon Or Curse is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

The science which has been of such great assistance to mankind has another face too. There is evidently a drastic change in the lives we are leading today and that we had some years ago. Science which has bestowed us with development, progress, expansion and growth has also rendered us with hostilities, violence, ruin, devastation and bloodshed. George Bernard Shaw has rightly said

“Science… never solves a problem without creating ten more.”

Gone is the age of steam. We are now in the age of hydrogen bombs and electricity. The most fantastic dreams of HG Wells in his novel: “The Dream” have come true. In this space age, where the wonders of science excel the wonders of nature, science affects our day-to-day life. Science has surpassed the old cobwebs of mythology and yesterday’s faith has proved to be today’s superstition in the crucible of science.

Yet the problem is whether science is a boon or bane to society. Science nurtures intelligence but leaves the will and emotions uncared for. As Helen Keller has quoted

“Science may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all- the apathy of human beings.”

Science triumphs in automating processes but now it reigns over man. Automation is the order of the day. The specter of war and destruction haunts the world and nobody is safe. Controlling scientific knowledge with moral judgement may be a solution to this dilemma. Audio-visual appliances annihilate times and distances. But more valuable than these concrete achievements is the spirit of science. Science means systematised knowledge. It finds the causes of phenomena, and works through observation and experiments. Science is the torch-bearer of the civilisation.

Is science really a bane? As religion is a Matter of Faith, in the same way science is a Matter of Fact. Modern warfares are destructive beyond the wildest dreams of our unscientific predecessors. Machine guns, shells, submarines, the atom hydrogen bombs and nuclear weapons can destroy the world in the twinkling of an eye. Aeroplanes in war act as engines of mass destruction. Not only in times of war but in times of peace also man lives in the midst of diseases. Thfough cures are being invented, diseases are multiplying too.

If the former is in; arithmetic progression, the latter is in geometric progression.That is why peace loversrblame science as a curse. It is said that Mathematics makes man subtle and history makes man wise. Likewise, science upgrades the human intellect.

It supplements him with acute knowledge and adds to his comforts. It should be refined by the philosophy of love, by a desire to tolerate others and then only man will be able to avert the evil effects that may follow from the misuse of science. An integrated educational pattern, which makes a scientist aware of his social responsibilities, may be a solution to the present turmoil. The extremely genius Albert Einstein once quoted

“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”

Indeed, since his times, science has advanced manifolds. More than ever, science has brought hope to the lives of many with its medical advances, genetic engineering, biotechnology, various inventions and discoveries. Science has made it possible for man to live for longer time, decrease the death rate, increase the life expectancy etc.

Moreover, life has become extremely easy only with the help of science. Going places is easy, staying connected with people is convenient and keeping updated with the latest in world, and being entertained are all the blessings of science. Today even a child cannot imagine his life without cartoons. Latest technology toys that can fly, dance, move around, talk etc, mobiles, television, video games, movies and latest clothes are the boon of science.

Science Is A Boon Or Curse Essay

Short Essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse 200 Words in English

Below we have given a short essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Doubtlessly, we cannot live without electricity. An hour’s power cut at our homes and offices drives us mad and makes our routine and work go haywire. Telephones, television, radio, kitchen appliances like mixer, grinder, LPG, refrigerator, ovens, microwaves etc make our lives easy, comfortable and enjoyable. And who can forget computers! Life has never been the same ever since the IT revolution took the world by storm. The entire world has been reduced to one global village. Any kind of information is just a click of mouse away. There has been an explosion of knowledge and wisdom.

The leap of science in aeronautics and space research is commendable. One cannot think of life without the satellites hovering over the earth for a variety of reasons. They make so many things of our daily life possible like weather forecasts, communication, entertainment etc. Nuclear power can do wonders if used for the betterment of mankind. But the tendency of man to tread the forbidden paths leads him into the black hole of death, destruction and decay.

Man has manipulated deserts, hills, mountains, oceans, ice covered regions, all of them, in accordance with his needs; and has exploited animals to their extinction. Man has constructed whole new islands for himself; but global warming is a big threat to the already existing lands. Man has invented radiations and lasers only to prove harmful to human body than being beneficial. Science has made modern man’s life simpler but has loaded it with huge tensions and threats.

Science is the greatest blessing that man could ever receive. It is indeed a boon and a blessing, if used for the benefit of mankind and for constructive purposes unless it becomes a tool in the hand of a few selfish and evil-minded people. When used as a weapon to destroy, create fear, spread violence and annihilate people, then science becomes a double-edged sword destroying even the perpetrator. It is thus in our hands to make science a blessing for humanity or to convert it into a curse, a bane and destroy even the footprints of mankind on this planet.

Science Is A Boon Or Curse Essay Word Meanings for Simple Understanding

  • Tamed – manipulated
  • Hostilities – enmity
  • Devastation – destruction, ruination
  • Surpassed – overshadow, to go beyond the limit
  • Cobwebs – confusion, disorder
  • Crucible – a severe test, as of patience of belief, a trial
  • Apathy – passivity, indifference
  • Triumphs – dominates, prosper
  • Reigns – predominate, prevail, influence
  • Specter – ghost
  • Annihilate – destroy, eliminate, extinguish
  • Subtle – hard to grasp, not obvious easily understood
  • Acute – important, serious
  • Avert – prevent, avoid
  • Turmoil – confusion, chaos
  • Manifolds – numerous, many, diverse
  • Hovering – remain in one place in the air
  • Tread – walk on, over or along
  • Perpetrator – culprit, offender
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Is electricity boon or curse

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electricity is a boon to us. Now-a-days the things we do is almost with the help of electricity

Tito Nolan ∙

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What if electricity has not been invented?

Electricity was not invented it was discovered. Electricity is a natural part of nature.....look at lightning, that is electricity.

How do you spell the sound of electricity?

Sound of electricity

Where did Thomas Edison invented electricity?

Thomas Edison did not invent electricity. He invented means of making use of electricity.

Is voltage a flow of electricity?

no...current is a flow of electricity

When does electricity flow?

When there is a closed circuit, there is electricity flow.


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    Gadgets - A Boon or A Curse . ... Be it mobile phones, tablets or any other electronic device, we cannot imagine our day without the help of these gadgets. There has always been a debate on whether gadgets are a boon or a bane to the society. While one set of people consider them a boon, there are many who consider it a bane.

  18. Essay on Science is a Boon or Curse (Sample Essays)

    This essay explores the dual nature of science, examining its contributions as both a boon and a curse to humanity. Addressing advancements in medicine, technology, and environmental concerns, it provides students with a balanced perspective on the ethical and societal implications of scientific progress.

  19. Creative Spot: essay writing on electronics gadgets

    essay writing on electronics gadgets Electronics gadgets: a boon or a curse . I - pad, laptop, mobiles, television, PS3 etc. we all are very familiar with these terms and find them very essential now-a-days. Its very familiar seeing small children being exposed to electronic gadgets. What do you feel are electronic gadgets a boon or curse for ...

  20. Science Is A Boon Or Curse Essay

    The second essay is a short essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below. Long Essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse 500 Words in English. Below we have given a long essay on Science Is A Boon Or Curse of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam ...

  21. Write an essay on 'Gadgets: boon or curse' in 300 words.(I will mark

    Young generation can showcase their talents though various application available on gadgets . Spending time on gadgets doing productive things , may help us learn new things. I would like to conclude by saying that gadgets are a boon but if misused can make it a curse . Explanation: this is all that I can write, add few more points from your side

  22. Are computer a boon or a curse?

    I like them - so I vote boon.

  23. Is electricity boon or curse?

    A "boon" is a "benefit" or "bonanza"; in this context, a curse is the opposite. Is science and technology a boon or curse for mass media? it can be both a boon and a curse,it depends on how we use it.