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BMAT Past Paper Compilations with Free Worked Solutions

Unsure how much to revise for bmat physics looking for free explanations for official bmat past papers struggling to find bmat section 3 essay plans.

Welcome to our BMAT Past Paper Bank with BMAT Past Paper Compilations for BMAT Section 1 and 2 along with detailed explanations and worked solutions. We also have BMAT Section 3 Essay Plans - your golden BMAT resource.

We cover every BMAT Past Paper Question

S1: critical thinking.

We go through BMAT Past Papers from 2003 for Critical Thinking and teach you evidence-based methods to help you answer BMAT Section 1 Questions and do well in the BMAT in 2024.

  • Lesson 1 Introduction
  • Lesson 2 Conclusions: Theory
  • Lesson 3 Conclusions: Questions
  • Lesson 4 Assumptions: Theory
  • Lesson 5 Assumptions: Questions
  • Lesson 6 Flaws: Theory
  • Lesson 7 Flaws: Questions
  • Lesson 8 Evidence: Theory
  • Lesson 9 Evidence: Questions
  • Lesson 10 Inferences: Theory
  • Lesson 11 Inferences: Questions
  • Lesson 12 Principles: Theory
  • Lesson 13 Principles: Questions
  • Lesson 14 Parallels: Theory
  • Lesson 15 Parallels: Questions


Here will introduce what critical thinking question types are most common and look at BMAT trends from BMAT past papers over the past 5 years and beyond.


Conclusions: Theory

Here we tackle the easier Conclusion questions. We’ll discuss what these questions involve, and practice some questions together from BMAT Past Papers

Conclusions: Theory

Conclusions: Questions

Hopefully by now you have understood the theory and we will apply it to BMAT Past Paper questions to see if you can show us that you have! If you are struggling, we will delve deeper and go into theory more.

Conclusions: Questions

Assumptions: Theory

In this tutorial, we tackle the more difficult Assumption questions, discussing a range of techniques for time-saving and efficient working. We work through BMAT Past Paper Worked Solutions

Assumptions: Theory

Assumptions: Questions

To make sure you’re 100% confident, we’ll test you on a few questions from BMAT Past Papers ensure you’ve fully grasped the content we have taught you

Assumptions: Questions

Flaws: Theory

Flaw Questions often trick BMAT students up – even after doing lots of BMAT Past Papers. We’ll teach you how to spot them and answer them well in a limited amount of time.

Flaws: Theory

Flaws: Questions

You will then apply the knowledge gained from the previous tutorial and become confident in knowing how to approach spatial reasoning questions. We’ll have plenty of BMAT Questions for you to use.

Flaws: Questions

Evidence: Theory

Here, we teach you how to apply our Critical Thinking techniques on the most difficult and long-winded questions in the BMAT – Evidence Questions. Our BMAT Past Papers will be absolutely vital here in securing your grade

Evidence: Theory

Evidence: Questions

In this BMAT tutorial we put the theory of evidence into practice and allow you to bring in examples of questions you are struggling with too.

Evidence: Questions

Inferences: Theory

In this tutorial, we teach you how to successfully tackle the more complicated, passages where you have to make inferences rather than extracting info quickly.

Inferences: Theory

Inferences: Questions

Now we will go through BMAT questions that present you with this sort of information and produce a strategy that works for you.

Inferences: Questions

Principles: Theory

We will apply the principles of reasoning and look at how questions around principles come up in the BMAT exam and help you develop effective techniques.

Principles: Theory

Principles: Questions

You should be getting into the swing of things by now! Tackle the hardest BMAT questions you could get to make you confident for test day.

Principles: Questions

Parallels: Theory

We have compiled every parallels question that has come up and we can use this to our advantage in tackling these question types for BMAT!

Parallels: Theory

Parallels: Questions

We will apply this theory through Section 1 BMAT questions which we will cover together with you and help you advance further.

Parallels: Questions

S1: Problem Solving

We approach Problem Solving by systematically working through the various question types you can expect to face in the exam and teach you shortcuts to save you time.

  • Lesson 2 Date & Time: Theory
  • Lesson 3 Date & Time: Examples
  • Lesson 4 Pin Codes: Theory
  • Lesson 5 Pin Codes: Questions
  • Lesson 6 Speed + Distance: Theory
  • Lesson 7 Speed + Distance: Qs
  • Lesson 8 Tabular Data: Theory
  • Lesson 9 Tabular Data: Questions
  • Lesson 10 Mathematical Qs
  • Lesson 11 Mathematical Qs
  • Lesson 12 Spatial Reasoning I
  • Lesson 13 Spatial Reasoning II
  • Lesson 14 Cubes: Theory
  • Lesson 15 Cubes: Questions
  • Lesson 16 Graphical Data: Theory
  • Lesson 17 Graphical Data Qs
  • Lesson 18 Data Analysis: Theory
  • Lesson 19 Data Analysis: Questions

Here will introduce what problem solving question types are most common and look at trends in question types over the past 5 years and beyond.


Date & Time: Theory

Date and Time questions involve you knowing how many minutes there are in a year, seconds in a week and more! We help you memorise the important information making your life a lot easier.

Date & Time: Theory

Date & Time: Examples

We will put the theory from this section into practice by doing interactive questions together and give you a walkthrough so you are prepared.

Date & Time: Examples

Pin Codes: Theory

These come up every year! We’ll show you hidden secrets that help you do well in Section 1 Problem Solving questions and become Sherlock Holmes in disguise!

Pin Codes: Theory

Pin Codes: Questions

Pin Codes: Questions

Speed + Distance: Theory

Speed, Distance & Time is an important part of the exam to test your mathematical nous. We help you understand how to convert units and answer questions.

Speed + Distance: Theory

Speed + Distance: Qs

Speed + Distance: Qs

Tabular Data: Theory

BMAT questions often present you with data in confusing tables so we strategise and allow you to see common pitfalls students face.

Tabular Data: Theory

Tabular Data: Questions

Tabular Data: Questions

Mathematical Qs

We brush up on your mathematical reasoning and help you work out how to answer these questions by condensing the information down into an understandable format.

Mathematical Qs

In this BMAT tutorial we put the theory of mathematical reasoning into practice and allow you to bring in examples of questions you are struggling with too.

Mathematical Qs

Spatial Reasoning I

Spatial Reasoning is almost guaranteed to come up in BMAT! We teach you a unique, super fast method for questions involving both 2-D and 3-D shapes

Spatial Reasoning I

Spatial Reasoning II

You will then apply the knowledge gained from the previous tutorial and become confident in knowing how to approach spatial reasoning questions.

Spatial Reasoning II

Cubes: Theory

Here we will introduce one of our most effective Problem Solving Resoning techniques – answering cube questions. We’ll discuss shortcuts if you struggle to visualise information as many do!

Cubes: Theory

Cubes: Questions

To make sure you’re 100% confident, we’ll test you on a few questions to ensure you’ve fully grasped the content we have taught you.

Cubes: Questions

Graphical Data: Theory

It’s easy to forget the basics of graphical data that is presented and while it is hard to prepare for all of these questions, we teach you a method you can apply to all of these BMAT questions.

Graphical Data: Theory

Graphical Data Qs

Hopefully by now you have understood the theory and we will apply it to see if you can show us that you have! If you are struggling, we will delve deeper and go into theory more.

Graphical Data Qs

Data Analysis: Theory

Coming to the end of this section now, we will cover the last element of the course which we think is necessary to do well.

Data Analysis: Theory

Data Analysis: Questions

The final hurdle to completing BMAT Section 1 Problem Solving! We will apply the techniques with interactive questions and real past paper question compilations.

Data Analysis: Questions

S2: Biology + Chemistry

We’ve broken down Section 2 into the most commonly tested topics as well as giving you a refresher of the topics you’re least familiar with like GCSE Physics! Our statistical analysis will aid your revision plan and help you achieve above 7 in S2!

  • Lesson 1 Inheritance & Genes
  • Lesson 2 Homeostasis
  • Lesson 3 Digestion
  • Lesson 4 Respiration
  • Lesson 5 Nervous System
  • Lesson 6 Natural Selection
  • Lesson 7 Genetic Engineering
  • Lesson 8 Cell Structure
  • Lesson 9 Cell Division
  • Lesson 10 Heart and Circulation
  • Lesson 11 Atomic Structure
  • Lesson 12 Calculations I
  • Lesson 13 Calculations II
  • Lesson 14 Calculations: % Yield
  • Lesson 15 Structure and Bonding
  • Lesson 16 Balancing Equations
  • Lesson 17 Separation Techniques

Inheritance & Genes

There have been 14 BMAT Past Paper Questions on Inheritance. It is the most commonly tested topic, so we will discuss inheritance maps, genes, alleles, DNA and more!

 Inheritance & Genes


There have been 13 BMAT Past Paper Questions on Homeostasis. We will discuss realistic BMAT questions on osmoregulation, thermoregulation, negative feedback and more.


There have been 4 BMAT Past Paper Questions on Digestion. We will discuss realistic BMAT questions on osmoregulation, thermoregulation, negative feedback and more.



There have been 6 BMAT Past Paper Questions on Respiration. We will discuss topics such as aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, energy and more.


Nervous System

There have been 6 BMAT Questions on the Nervous System. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on neurone structure, impulses, reflexes and more.

Nervous System

Natural Selection

There have been 3 BMAT Questions on Natural Selection. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on speciation, evolution, adaptation and more.

 Natural Selection

Genetic Engineering

There have been 5 BMAT Questions on Genetic Engineering. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on gene engineering, production and biotechnology.

Genetic Engineering

Cell Structure

There have been 2 BMAT Questions on Cell Structure. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on organelles, cell functions and more.

Cell Structure

Cell Division

There have been 5 BMAT Questions on Cell Division. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on mitosis, meiosis, inheritance and more.

Cell Division

Heart and Circulation

There have been 2 BMAT Questions on the Heart. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on heart function, the circulatory system, blood vessels and more.

Heart and Circulation

Atomic Structure

There have been 4 BMAT Questions on Atomic Structure. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on RAM, RMM, atomic number, isotopes, mass number, electron shells and more.

Atomic Structure

Calculations I

There have been 14 BMAT Questions on Chemistry Calculations. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on moles, molar mass, gas volumes, reacting masses, concentration and more.

Calculations I

Calculations II

There have been 14 BMAT Questions on Chemistry Calculations. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on RAM, RFM, RMM and more.

Calculations II

Calculations: % Yield

There have been 14 BMAT Questions on Chemistry Calculations. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on calculating percentage yield and percentage composition.

Calculations: % Yield

Structure and Bonding

There have been 5 BMAT Questions on Structure and Bonding. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on giant ionic, giant covalent, simple molecular and metallic structures.

Structure and Bonding

Balancing Equations

There have been 9 BMAT Questions on Balancing Equations. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on balancing equations.

Balancing Equations

Separation Techniques

There have been 3 BMAT Questions on Separating Techniques. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on simple distillation, filtration, fractional distillation, chromatography and more.

Separation Techniques

S2: Physics + Maths

  • Lesson 1 Waves I: Properties
  • Lesson 2 Waves II: Light
  • Lesson 3 Waves III: Sound
  • Lesson 4 Waves IV: EM Waves
  • Lesson 5 Electricity I: Charge
  • Lesson 6 Electricity II: Circuits
  • Lesson 7 Electricity III: Power
  • Lesson 8 Energy I: Work Done
  • Lesson 9 Energy II: KE & GPE
  • Lesson 10 Density
  • Lesson 11 Radioactivity
  • Lesson 12 Algebra: Rearranging
  • Lesson 13 Algebra: Index laws
  • Lesson 14 Algebra: Inequalities
  • Lesson 15 Algebra: Area & Length
  • Lesson 16 Trigonometry
  • Lesson 17 Probabilities
  • Lesson 18 Ratios
  • Lesson 19 Graphs and Gradients
  • Lesson 20 Means

Waves I: Properties

There have been 12 BMAT Questions on Waves. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on the speed, frequency, wavelength and amplitude of waves.

Waves I: Properties

Waves II: Light

There have been 12 BMAT Questions on Waves. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on the properties of light, including reflection, refraction and more.

Waves II: Light

Waves III: Sound

There have been 12 BMAT Questions on Waves. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on the properties of sound, including speed, reflection and echoes.

Waves III: Sound

Waves IV: EM Waves

There have been 12 BMAT Questions on Waves. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on the electromagnetic spectrum and its different components.

Waves IV: EM Waves

Electricity I: Charge

There have been 11 BMAT Questions on Electricity. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on the properties, uses and hazards of static electricity.

Electricity I: Charge

Electricity II: Circuits

There have been 11 BMAT Questions on Electricity. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on circuit diagrams, voltage, current, charge and resistance.

Electricity II: Circuits

Electricity III: Power

There have been 11 BMAT Questions on Electricity. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on power, work done, voltage and different electrical appliances.

Electricity III: Power

Energy I: Work Done

There have been 7 BMAT Questions on Energy. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on energy transferred, work done, force and distance.

Energy I: Work Done

Energy II: KE & GPE

There have been 7 BMAT Questions on Energy. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy and energy changes in different scenarios.

Energy II: KE & GPE

There have been 2 BMAT Questions on Density. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on calculating density of solids, liquids and gases in different experiments.



There have been 9 BMAT Questions on Radioactivity. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on types of radioactivity, half-life, uses and hazards of radioactivity and more.


Algebra: Rearranging

There have been 19 BMAT Questions on Algebra. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on rearranging and simplifying algebraic formulae

Algebra: Rearranging

Algebra: Index laws

There have been 19 BMAT Questions on Algebra. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on standard form, index rules and more.

Algebra: Index laws

Algebra: Inequalities

There have been 19 BMAT Questions on Algebra. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on inequalities signs and solving inequalities algebraically

Algebra: Inequalities

Algebra: Area & Length

There have been 19 BMAT Questions on Algebra. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on areas, lengths, BMAT formulae and more

Algebra: Area & Length


There have been 4 BMAT Questions on Trigonometry. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on Pythagoras, sin, cos, tan, 3D applications and more



There have been 8 BMAT Questions on Probabilities. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on estimating frequency of an event, double probabilities, mutually exclusive events and more


There have been 2 BMAT Questions on Ratios. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on simplifying and using ratios in different scenarios


Graphs and Gradients

There have been 2 BMAT Questions on Graphs. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on graphical data, y = mx + c, intersections of straight lines and more

Graphs and Gradients

There have been 3 BMAT Questions on Means. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on mean, median, mode, modal class, range, quartiles and more


For many, writing a scientific essay is a big challenge. That’s made harder by being restricted to one side of A4 only. We’ll show you how to plan an essay, good/bad examples and give our top tips for succeeding.

  • Lesson 2 Marking Section 3
  • Lesson 3 Choosing Your Question
  • Lesson 4 Planning Your Essay
  • Lesson 5 Essay Content
  • Lesson 6 Writing Your Essay
  • Lesson 7 Proofing Your Essay
  • Lesson 8 Essay Tips 1-5
  • Lesson 9 Essay Tips 6-10
  • Lesson 10 Essay Tips 11-15
  • Lesson 11 Essay Plans 2003-2006
  • Lesson 12 Essay Plans 2007-2010
  • Lesson 13 Essay Plans 2011-2014
  • Lesson 14 Essay Plans 2015-2019
  • Lesson 15 Example Essays 1-4
  • Lesson 16 Example Essays 5-9
  • Lesson 17 Example Essays 10-15

To begin with, we give you a short overview of Section 3, discussing the various question styles and introduce the challenges that come with it.


Marking Section 3

We want to get into the Examiner’s head and understand what they are looking for in an ideal candidate to give you the best shot at succeeding.

Marking Section 3

Choosing Your Question

This is a big dilemma for many – You might find you’re better at some BMAT Essay questions compared to others so we help you pick what works for you.

Choosing Your Question

Planning Your Essay

Planning Your Essay

Essay Content

Essay Content

Writing Your Essay

This will take up the bulk of your time and it’s important to stick to your plan and not waffle or write unnecessary information.

Writing Your Essay

Proofing Your Essay

This is the fourth stage of the BMAT essay but the most important as you need to ensure you have secured that “A” for Grammar and Communication.

Proofing Your Essay

Essay Tips 1-5

Learn Tips from BMAT Essay Experts who scored above 4.5A in their BMAT Exam and become confident when it comes to your BMAT Test Day.

Essay Tips 1-5

Essay Tips 6-10

Essay Tips 6-10

Essay Tips 11-15

Learn Tips from BMAT Essay Experts who scored above 4.5A in their BMAT Exam and become confident when it comes to your BMAT Test Day. Ace your BMAT today with Medic Mind

Essay Tips 11-15

Essay Plans 2003-2006

We have written detailed essay plans for EVERY BMAT Essay that has ever come up from past BMAT Papers 2003-2019 so use these to either help you plan an essay or mark one you’ve done!

Essay Plans 2003-2006

Essay Plans 2007-2010

Essay Plans 2007-2010

Essay Plans 2011-2014

We have written detailed essay plans for EVERY BMAT Essay that has ever come up from past BMAT Papers in 2003-2019 so use these to either help you plan an essay or mark one you’ve done!

Essay Plans 2011-2014

Essay Plans 2015-2019

Essay Plans 2015-2019

Example Essays 1-4

Here we go through some more essays both good and bad and show you areas students go wrong but also give you key techniques to take away. This will be based on previous BMAT Past Papers and BMAT Past Essays.

Example Essays 1-4

Example Essays 5-9

Example Essays 5-9

Example Essays 10-15

Example Essays 10-15

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BMAT S1 Past Papers

| BMAT Past Paper 2023 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2019 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2018 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2017 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2016 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2015 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2014 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2013 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2012 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2011 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2010 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2009 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2008 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2007 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2006 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2005 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2004 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2003 Section 1

BMAT S2 Past Papers

| BMAT Past Paper 2023 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2019 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2018 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2017 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2016 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2015 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2014 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2013 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2012 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2011 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2010 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2009 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2008 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2007 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2006 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2005 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2004 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2003 Section 2

Biology BMAT Past Papers

12 | Inheritance and Genetics

11 | Homeostasis

4 | Digestion

6 | Respiration

5 | Cell Division

6 | Nervous System

3 | Natural Selection

5 | Genetic Engineering

2 | Cell Structure

1 | Heart and Circulation

3 | Kidneys

1 | Carbon Cycle

Physics BMAT Past Papers

10 | Electricity

3 | Speed, Distance, Time

1 | S.I. Units

9 | Energy and Work Done

2 | Density

2 | Electromagnetism

9 | Radioactivity

Chemistry BMAT Past Papers

4 | Atomic Structure

3 | Separation

14 | Calculations

1 | Electrolysis

5 | Structure and Bonding

1 | Equilibria

9 | Balancing Equations

3 | Reactions & Elements

3 | Organic

Maths BMAT Past Papers

18 | Algebra

1 | Transformations

2 | Calculations

5 | Area & Length

4 | Trigonometry

6 | Probabilities

2 | Graphs and Gradients

Critical Thinking BMAT Past Papers

1 | Assumptions

2 | Conclusions

4 | Inferences

5 | Strengthening Evidence

6 | Weakening Evidence

8 | Conclusions (IMAT)

9 | Conclusions 2 (IMAT)

10 | Assumptions (IMAT)

11 | Flaws (IMAT)

12 | Effect of Evidence (IMAT)

13 | Applying Principles (IMAT)

14 | Matching Arguments (IMAT)

BMAT Section 3 Essay Plans

1 | BMAT 2016 Q1

2 | BMAT 2016 Q2

3 | BMAT 2016 Q3

4 | BMAT 2017 Q1

5 | BMAT 2017 Q2

6 | BMAT 2017 Q3

7 | BMAT 2018 Q1

8 | BMAT 2018 Q2

9 | BMAT 2018 Q3

BMAT S3 Past Papers

| BMAT Past Paper 2019 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2018 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2017 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2016 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2015 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2014 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2013 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2012 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2011 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2010 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2009 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2008 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2007 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2006 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2005 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2004 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2003 Section 3

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We highly recommend having some BMAT 1-to-1 lessons with our experts. Our BMAT lessons are all personal and specific to you. On average, our 1-to-1 students score above 13.5A in the BMAT.

Why you should upgrade to 1-to-1 Tutoring

Are you aiming for the best BMAT score possible? Well, if you are, we really recommend having some BMAT 1-to-1 lessons with our experts. Our BMAT lessons are all personal and specific to you; we break down your thinking process, and continuously improve and perfect your BMAT technique. On average, our 1-to-1 students score above 13.5A in the BMAT.

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bmat practice essay questions

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Book your medic mind consultation, start your medic mind journey, still got questions don’t worry, we’ve got you covered., →what is the bmat.

The BMAT stands for the Biomedical Admissions Test. It is an exam which is used for medical, dental and veterinary school in the UK and abroad. It is used by the following UK Medical Schools: Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Imperial, Brighton & Sussex, Leeds and Lancaster.

→How many BMAT Past Papers are there?

In total, there are over 16 years of BMAT Past Papers as well as the specimen paper so that makes 17 BMAT Past Papers! That should give you lots of free BMAT preparation materials and free BMAT questions.

→How hard is the BMAT Exam?

No one can deny that the BMAT is a tricky exam however preparing well and using the right BMAT resources e.g. the Official BMAT Past Papers can put you in good stead to do well in the exam.

→What is a good BMAT score?

It's difficult to say as it varies year on year but we usually say you should aim for a score of above 5.7 in Section 1, 5.5 in Section 2 and 3A in Section 3. This tends to be above the threshold for most universities.

→What is in the BMAT Test?

The BMAT Test has 3 sections. Section 1 is made up of problem solving and critical thinking (data analysis no longer tested from 2020). Section 2 contains questions based on GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics. BMAT Section 3 is a scientific essay you have to write on an A4 page.

→When should I start preparing for BMAT?

You should aim to start preparing for BMAT at least 8 weeks beforehand. You should aim to do 2 to 3 hours a week for the first 3 weeks and then increase to 6 to 7 hours a week. This means if you are doing the BMAT in November, you should start in September and if you are doing the BMAT in September you should start in July.

→Is BMAT harder than UCAT?

The BMAT is very different to the UCAT but that doesn't mean it is harder. If you like essay writing, science or problem solving then BMAT is the exam for you. Otherwise, most people tend to find the UCAT easier.

→How long should you revise for BMAT?

You should revise for BMAT at least 2 to 3 times a week for up to 8 weeks to get the best possible preparation. It can be hard if you have school work too, but try and find some time to do some BMAT Past Papers, watch free BMAT videos on YouTube and kickstart your BMAT preparation.

→Do you take the BMAT in Year 12 or Year 13?

The BMAT usually takes place in Year 13 however if you're keen and want to get a trial run you can sit it in Year 12 and then sit it again in Year 13 to give you a flavour of the exam a year before.

→Where can I access free BMAT Questions?

For the BMAT, thankfully there are many free BMAT questions floating around! The free official BMAT past papers should be your main BMAT question resource. On this page we have free BMAT past paper explanations, which is helpful as the BMAT consortium sadly don't provide answer explanations. We've also compiled the free BMAT official questions by topic, so you can address each common S2 BMAT question type one by one.

→Where can I access free BMAT resources?

On our YouTube channel we've uploaded some free BMAT videos and a free mini BMAT course! On this web page, we have lots of free BMAT questions too.

Didn’t find the answer you’re looking for? Feel free to contact us directly

bmat practice essay questions

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BMAT Past Paper Compilations with Free Worked Solutions

Unsure how much to revise for BMAT? Looking for free explanations for Official BMAT Past Papers? Struggling to find BMAT Section 3 Essay Plans? Welcome to Study mind's BMAT Past Paper Bank with BMAT Past Paper Compilations for BMAT Sections 1 and 2 along with detailed explanations and worked solutions. We also have BMAT Section 3 Essay Plans - your golden BMAT resource.

BMAT S1 Past Papers

  • | BMAT Past Paper 2020 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2019 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2018 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2017 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2016 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2015 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2014 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2013 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2012 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2011 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2010 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2009 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2008 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2007 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2006 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2005 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2004 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2003 Section 1 Question Paper Mark Scheme

BMAT S2 Past Papers

  • | BMAT Past Paper 2020 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2019 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2018 Section 2BMAT Past Paper 2018 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2017 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2016 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2015 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2014 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2013 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2012 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2011 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2010 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2009 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2008 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2007 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2006 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2005 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2004 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2003 Section 2 Question Paper Mark Scheme

Biology BMAT Past Papers

  • 12 | Inheritance and Genetics Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 11 | Homeostasis Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 4 | Digestion Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 6 | Respiration Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 5 | Cell Division Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 6 | Nervous System Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 3 | Natural Selection Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 5 | Genetic Engineering Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2 | Cell Structure Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 1 | Heart and Circulation Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 3 | Kidneys Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 1 | Carbon Cycle Question Paper Mark Scheme

Physics BMAT Past Papers

  • 11 | Waves Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 10 | Electricity Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 3 | Speed, Distance, Time Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 1 | S.I. Units Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 9 | Energy and Work Done Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 6 | Forces Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2 | Dentistry Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2 | Electromagnetism Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 9 | Radioactivity Question Paper Mark Scheme

bmat practice essay questions

Chemistry BMAT Past Papers

  • 4 | Atomic Structure Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 3 | Separation Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 14 | Calculations Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 1 | Electrolysis Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 5 | Structure and Bonding Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 1 | Equilibria Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 9 | Balancing Equations Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 3 | Reactions & Elements Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 4 | Rates Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 3 | Organic Question Paper Mark Scheme

Maths BMAT Past Papers

  • 18 | Algebra Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 1 | Transformations Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2 | Calculations Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 5 | Area & Length Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 4 | Trigonometry Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 6 | Probabilities Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 1 | Ratios Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 2 | Graphs and Gradients Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • 1 | Means Question Paper Mark Scheme

Critical Thinking BMAT Past Papers

  • | Assumptions Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Conclusions Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Flaws Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Inferences Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Strengthening Evidence Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Weakening Evidence Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Other Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Conclusions (IMAT) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Conclusions 2 (IMAT) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Assumptions (IMAT) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Flaws (IMAT) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Effect of Evidence (IMAT) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Applying Principles (IMAT) Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | Matching Arguments (IMAT) Question Paper Mark Scheme

BMAT Section 3 Essay Plans

  • | BMAT 2016 Q1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT 2016 Q2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT 2016 Q3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT 2017 Q1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT 2017 Q2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT 2017 Q3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT 2018 Q1 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT 2018 Q2 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT 2018 Q3 Question Paper Mark Scheme

BMAT S3 Past Papers

  • | BMAT Past Paper 2019 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2018 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2017 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2016 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2015 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2014 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2013 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2012 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2011 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2010 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2009 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2008 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2007 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2006 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2005 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2004 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme
  • | BMAT Past Paper 2003 Section 3 Question Paper Mark Scheme

FREE BMAT Textbook

  • Free Guide on Acing the BMAT
  • 50+ Practice Questions
  • Learn effective techniques

→ What is BMAT?

BMAT stands for BioMedical Admissions Test. It is an aptitude test used for admission to undergraduate biomedical courses at certain universities in the United Kingdom.

→ What are BMAT past paper compilations?

BMAT past paper compilations are collections of previous years' BMAT papers that have been made available to students for practice and preparation. These papers provide an opportunity for candidates to familiarize themselves with the format and types of questions that they might encounter in the actual BMAT test.

→ Why are BMAT past paper compilations useful?

BMAT past paper compilations are useful because they provide candidates with an opportunity to practice and hone their skills before taking the actual test. By familiarizing themselves with the types of questions and format of the test, candidates can improve their performance and increase their chances of success.

→ What are free worked solutions?

Free worked solutions are explanations of the correct answers to questions that are provided with BMAT past paper compilations. These solutions help students understand the reasoning behind the correct answer and can aid in their understanding of the subject matter.

→ Are there any free BMAT past paper compilations with worked solutions available?

Yes, there are several websites that offer free BMAT past paper compilations with worked solutions. These resources are helpful for students who want to prepare for the BMAT test without incurring any additional costs.

→ How can I access free BMAT past paper compilations with worked solutions?

You can access free BMAT past paper compilations with worked solutions by searching online. There are several websites that offer these resources for free, including BMAT Ninja, The Medic Portal, and UniAdmissions.

→ How should I use BMAT past paper compilations with worked solutions?

To make the most of BMAT past paper compilations with worked solutions, you should start by taking a full-length practice test under test conditions. Once you have completed the test, you can use the worked solutions to check your answers and identify any areas where you may need to improve. You can then use this information to guide your study and preparation for the actual BMAT test.

→ Can using BMAT past paper compilations with worked solutions guarantee success in the BMAT test?

While using BMAT past paper compilations with worked solutions can be helpful, it is important to remember that there is no guarantee of success in the BMAT test. Success in the test depends on a variety of factors, including your overall preparation, knowledge of the subject matter, and test-taking skills. However, using these resources can certainly increase your chances of success and help you feel more confident and prepared on test day.

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BMAT practice papers

Use the practice and past papers below to get a good understanding of the test format, different question types and skills BMAT assesses.

  • Work through some practice papers and then look at the explained answers to help you review your work.
  • Download a few past papers and practise under timed conditions – this is really important.
  • If you are taking BMAT in computer-based format, use the computer-based demonstration test to familiarise yourself with the test functionality.

Practice papers with explained answers

The specimen and 2020 question papers below are in the new format for Section 1: Thinking Skills, now consisting of 32 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking questions.

Specimen Section 1   Specimen Section 1 answer sheet   Specimen Section 1 answer key   Specimen Section 1 explained answers  

Past Paper November 2020 Section 1 Past Paper November 2020 Section 1 answer key Past Paper November 2020 Section 1 explained answers

You can still use Section 1 past papers to practise, but note that Section 1 no longer contains Data Analysis and Inference questions, in which a longer text is followed by a set of related questions.

Past Paper 2014 Section 1 Past Paper 2014 Section 1 answer sheet Past Paper 2014 Section 1 answer key Past Paper 2014 Section 1 explained answers

Specimen Section 2 Specimen Section 2 answer sheet Specimen Section 2 answer key Specimen Section 2 explained answers

Past Paper November 2020 Section 2 Past Paper November 2020 Section 2 answer key Past Paper November 2020 Section 2 explained answers

Past Paper 2014 Section 2 Past Paper 2014 Section 2 answer sheet Past Paper 2014 Section 2 answer key Past Paper 2014 Section 2 explained answers

Specimen Section 3 Specimen Section 3 answer sheet Specimen Section 3 sample responses with examiner comments

Past Paper November 2020 Section 3 Past Paper November 2020 Section 3 sample responses and examiner comments

Past Paper 2014 Section 3 Past Paper 2014 Section 3 sample responses with examiner comments

Section 3 marking criteria

Section 3 essay tips

Past papers

Thinking Skills

Past Paper November 2020 Section 1 Past Paper November 2020 Section 1 answer sheet Past Paper November 2020 Section 1 answer key

Scientific Knowledge and Applications

Past Paper November 2020 Section 2 Past Paper November 2020 Section 2 answer sheet Past Paper November 2020 Section 2 answer key

Writing Task

Past Paper November 2020 Section 3

Aptitude and Skills

Past Paper October 2019 Section 1 Past Paper October 2019 Section 1 answer sheet Past Paper October 2019 Section 1 answer key

Past Paper October 2019 Section 2 Past Paper October 2019 Section 2 answer sheet Past Paper October 2019 Section 2 answer key

Past Paper October 2019 Section 3

Past Paper October 2018 Section 1 Past Paper October 2018 Section 1 answer sheet Past Paper October 2018 Section 1 answer key

Past Paper October 2018 Section 2 Past Paper October 2018 Section 2 answer sheet Past Paper October 2018 Section 2 answer key

Past Paper October 2018 Section 3

Past Paper November 2017 Section 1 Past Paper November 2017 Section 1 answer sheet Past Paper November 2017 Section 1 answer key

Past Paper November 2017 Section 2 Past Paper November 2017 Section 2 answer sheet Past Paper November 2017 Section 2 answer key

Past Paper November 2017 Section 3

Past Paper 2016 Section 1 Past Paper 2016 Section 1 answer sheet Past Paper 2016 Section 1 answer key

Past Paper 2016 Section 2 Past Paper 2016 Section 2 answer sheet Past Paper 2016 Section 2 answer key

Past Paper 2016 Section 3

Past Paper 2015 Section 1 Past Paper 2015 Section 1 answer sheet Past Paper 2015 Section 1 answer key

Past Paper 2015 Section 2 Past Paper 2015 Section 2 answer sheet Past Paper 2015 Section 2 answer key

Past Paper 2015 Section 3

Past Paper 2014 Section 1 Past Paper 2014 Section 1 answer sheet Past Paper 2014 Section 1 answer key

Past Paper 2014 Section 2 Past Paper 2014 Section 2 answer sheet Past Paper 2014 Section 2 answer key

Past Paper 2014 Section 3

Past Paper 2013 Section 1 Past Paper 2013 Section 1 answer sheet Past Paper 2013 Section 1 answer key

Past Paper 2013 Section 2   Past Paper 2013 Section 2 answer sheet   Past Paper 2013 Section 2 answer key  

Past Paper 2013 Section 3  

Past Paper 2012 Section 1 Past Paper 2012 Section 1 answer key  

Past Paper 2012 Section 2   Past Paper 2012 Section 2 answer key  

Past Paper 2012 Section 3  

Past Paper 2011 Section 1 Past Paper 2011 Section 1 answer key

Past Paper 2011 Section 2       Past Paper 2011 Section 2 answer key  

Past Paper 2011 Section 3  

Past Paper 2010 Section 1 Past Paper 2010 Section 1 answer key

Past Paper 2010 Section 2      Past Paper 2010 Section 2 answer key  

Past Paper 2010 Section 3  

Past Paper 2009 Section 1 Past Paper 2009 Section 1 answer key

Past Paper 2009 Section 2      Past Paper 2009 Section 2 answer key  

Past Paper 2009 Section 3  

Past Papers from 2003 to 2008 with Answer Keys

Past Papers from 2003 to 2008

BMAT conversion tables from 2003 - 2008

This document shows how BMAT tests taken between 2003-2008 convert to the new BMAT score.

Computer-based demonstration test

  • BMAT computer-based demonstration test
  • Computer-Based Demo Instructions

Please use this demonstration test and the instructions to familiarise yourself with the functionality of BMAT in computer-based format.

Please note, however, that you will not be provided with a score. You can find practice tests in paper-based format, with answer keys and explanations, to help you evaluate your progress.

The demonstration test is intended to be viewed on a desktop computer, rather than a mobile device, to accurately reflect the test-day experience.

Section 1 tests problem solving and critical thinking.

Please note Section 1 has been updated for 2020 and will no longer include questions that test data analysis and inference.

The sample papers below are in the new format for Section 1: Thinking Skills, now consisting of 32 Problem Solving and Critical Thinking questions. You will also find a further paper in the new format in the section above called Practice papers with explained answers.

Sample A - BMAT Section 1 Sample A - BMAT Section 1 answer key

Sample B - BMAT Section 1 Sample B - BMAT Section 1 answer key

Section 2 is based on the knowledge typically included in non-specialist school Science and Mathematics courses. It tests your ability to apply this knowledge – possibly in unfamiliar contexts.

Please note that as curriculums have changed over time, so has the Science and Mathematics content of BMAT Section 2. The BMAT Section 2 content specification has been revised for testing from August 2019 onwards. Questions in the practice papers marked with an asterisk assume knowledge that is not currently on the specification.

Further information on Section 2 is available in the BMAT test specification which can be found in Further resources , and in the BMAT Section 2: Assumed Subject Knowledge guide, which can be found in Section 2 preparation .

Section 3 tests the capacity to develop ideas and to communicate them effectively in writing. It is not a test of knowledge. From 2010-2016, Section 3 had four writing tasks. From 2017, it has a choice of three writing tasks.

BMAT.Ninja was used by 2 in 3 applicants in 2022

Bmat.ninja teaches you everything you need to know for the bmat, takes you through over 6,000 timed practice questions, and gives you fully worked solutions every step of the way., the bmat will not be running in 2024.

The BioMedical Admissions Test has been discontinued and will not be required by any UK medical schools in 2024. Instead, all medical schools in the UK will require applicants to sit the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) during the admissions process.

Want to get prepared for the UCAT? Visit UCAT.Ninja to discover over 15,000 practice questions, 80+ expert tutorials and 6 full mock exams, all within a realistic UCAT simulator.

How does BMAT.Ninja work?

The platform is split into three sections which are designed to help you rapidly progress with the BMAT exam.

Training Temple

60+ comprehensive tutorials that cover all you need to know about the BMAT in the Training Temple.

Practice Dojo

6,000+ high quality practice questions, all with fully worked solutions, to work on in the Practice Dojo.

20+ BMAT Past Papers with worked solutions for you to practice under test conditions in the Exam Arena.

Learn how to smash each BMAT section.

Expert tutorials & practice questions that cover all of the Critical Thinking and Problem Solving knowledge you need to score highly in Section 1.

Learn vital strategies and tips for the scientific knowledge section with detailed tutorials, revision notes and thousands of practice questions.

You'll learn the optimum strategy for writing and answering the BMAT essay section, with 20+ example essays (complete with full feedback) and optional essay marking!


Simulate the BMAT past papers in the Exam Arena.


Every past paper included.

All BMAT Past Papers and fully worked solutions for all questions are here. See what score you're getting and where you need to improve.

Timed exam runs.

Get valuable, timed practice on actual past papers and employ the time-saving techniques youve learnt in the Training Temple.

TSA & NSAA papers included.

Every Oxford TSA past paper (for BMAT Section 1) is included, along with NSAA papers (Section 2 sources). You won't run out of practice papers.

Revise with detailed BMAT revision notes in the Training Temple.

60+ expert tutorials..

Every tutorial is written by a true BMAT Ninja, who scored in the top 10%. We're sharing their tips & tricks with you.

Track your progress.

We'll track where you're up to with your progress so you don't have to. Just focus on your preparation - we take care of the rest.

Concise explanations.

We dont use 10,000 words when 500 can do the job. You'll get in-depth information - without any of the fluff.

Utilise thousands of BMAT questions in the Practice Dojo.

6,000+ high-quality practice questions..

Apply the strategies and techniques you've learned in the Training Temple to thousands of super high-quality practice questions.

True-to-life exam questions.

We've been careful to make sure that the questions in the Dojo simulate the real difficulty of the exam. You won't be surprised on the day.

Fully worked solutions.

All of the questions in BMAT.Ninja come with fully explained solutions and show you what other students answered. We explain out solutions in the simple, effective terms.

What do BMAT.ninja students think?

Thousands of students use BMAT.ninja to get ready for their exam successfully each year. Here's what some of them had to say!

I did the BMAT crash course with you guys and basically lived on BMAT.NINJA… I can confidently state that your resources saved me!

These guys really understand the challenges involved in BMAT preparation. Past paper answers and explanations on BMAT.Ninja were excellent, definitely worth the money. Thanks guys!

I would just like to say a big thank you for all the help and support you have given me. I am certain I would not have gotten my BMAT Score without both the support and advice on BMAT.Ninja.

I found BMAT Ninja very useful because there were so many questions to do that i know i would not run out of practise to do. I started practising a while before the exam and i only finished like 60% of the questions!

BMAT.ninja has been a very interactive experience. The systematic order of train, practice, and examination make my life much easier. The skills and strategies taught for students to help tackle the BMAT is just brilliant.


All you need to do is focus on your exam.

£ 49 one-time payment

  • 60+ BMAT tutorials.
  • Advanced techniques.
  • Time-saving tips.
  • 6,000+ practice questions.
  • 6,000+ worked solutions.
  • Practice all sections.
  • 50+ real papers.
  • Fully timed environment.
  • Accurate scoring.

Road To Enlightenment

£ 125 one-time payment

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BMAT Past Paper Compilations with Free Worked Solutions

Unsure how much to revise for bmat physics looking for free explanations for official bmat past papers struggling to find bmat section 3 essay plans.

Welcome to our BMAT Past Paper Bank with BMAT Past Paper Compilations for BMAT Section 1 and 2 along with detailed explanations and worked solutions. We also have BMAT Section 3 Essay Plans - your golden BMAT resource.

BMAT S1 Past Papers

| BMAT Past Paper 2019 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2018 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2017 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2016 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2015 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2014 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2013 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2012 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2011 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2010 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2009 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2008 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2007 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2006 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2005 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2004 Section 1

| BMAT Past Paper 2003 Section 1

BMAT S2 Past Papers

| BMAT Past Paper 2019 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2018 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2017 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2016 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2015 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2014 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2013 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2012 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2011 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2010 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2009 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2008 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2007 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2006 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2005 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2004 Section 2

| BMAT Past Paper 2003 Section 2

Biology BMAT Past Papers

12 | Inheritance and Genetics

11 | Homeostasis

4 | Digestion

6 | Respiration

5 | Cell Division

6 | Nervous System

3 | Natural Selection

5 | Genetic Engineering

2 | Cell Structure

1 | Heart and Circulation

3 | Kidneys

1 | Carbon Cycle

Physics BMAT Past Papers

10 | Electricity

3 | Speed, Distance, Time

1 | S.I. Units

9 | Energy and Work Done

2 | Density

2 | Electromagnetism

9 | Radioactivity

Chemistry BMAT Past Papers

4 | Atomic Structure

3 | Separation

14 | Calculations

1 | Electrolysis

5 | Structure and Bonding

1 | Equilibria

9 | Balancing Equations

3 | Reactions & Elements

3 | Organic

Maths BMAT Past Papers

18 | Algebra

1 | Transformations

2 | Calculations

5 | Area & Length

4 | Trigonometry

6 | Probabilities

2 | Graphs and Gradients

Critical Thinking BMAT Past Papers

1 | Assumptions

2 | Conclusions

4 | Inferences

5 | Strengthening Evidence

6 | Weakening Evidence

8 | Conclusions (IMAT)

9 | Conclusions 2 (IMAT)

10 | Assumptions (IMAT)

11 | Flaws (IMAT)

12 | Effect of Evidence (IMAT)

13 | Applying Principles (IMAT)

14 | Matching Arguments (IMAT)

BMAT Section 3 Essay Plans

1 | BMAT 2016 Q1

2 | BMAT 2016 Q2

3 | BMAT 2016 Q3

4 | BMAT 2017 Q1

5 | BMAT 2017 Q2

6 | BMAT 2017 Q3

7 | BMAT 2018 Q1

8 | BMAT 2018 Q2

9 | BMAT 2018 Q3

BMAT S3 Past Papers

| BMAT Past Paper 2019 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2018 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2017 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2016 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2015 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2014 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2013 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2012 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2011 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2010 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2009 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2008 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2007 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2006 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2005 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2004 Section 3

| BMAT Past Paper 2003 Section 3

Number of BMAT Questions since 2009

Get the real learning experience by trying one of our lessons for free today!

BMAT S1 Laptop-19

Get the real learning experience for free today

Liked our BMAT Past Paper Worked Solutions? Get the full BMAT Experience today! Click the button below to try a sample of our BMAT Online Course!

We cover every BMAT Past Paper Question

S1: critical thinking, s1: problem solving, s2: biology + chemistry, s2: physics + maths.

We go through BMAT Past Papers from 2003 for Critical Thinking and teach you evidence-based methods to help you answer BMAT Section 1 Questions and do well in the BMAT in 2020.

  • Lesson 1 Introduction
  • Lesson 2 Conclusions: Theory
  • Lesson 3 Conclusions: Questions
  • Lesson 4 Assumptions: Theory
  • Lesson 5 Assumptions: Questions
  • Lesson 6 Flaws: Theory
  • Lesson 7 Flaws: Questions
  • Lesson 8 Evidence: Theory
  • Lesson 9 Evidence: Questions
  • Lesson 10 Inferences: Theory
  • Lesson 11 Inferences: Questions
  • Lesson 12 Principles: Theory
  • Lesson 13 Principles: Questions
  • Lesson 14 Parallels: Theory
  • Lesson 15 Parallels: Questions


Here will introduce what critical thinking question types are most common and look at BMAT trends from BMAT past papers over the past 5 years and beyond.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 23.36.46

Conclusions: Theory

Here we tackle the easier Conclusion questions. We’ll discuss what these questions involve, and practice some questions together from BMAT Past Papers

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.33.13

Conclusions: Questions

Hopefully by now you have understood the theory and we will apply it to BMAT Past Paper questions to see if you can show us that you have! If you are struggling, we will delve deeper and go into theory more.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.36.43

Assumptions: Theory

In this tutorial, we tackle the more difficult Assumption questions, discussing a range of techniques for time-saving and efficient working. We work through BMAT Past Paper Worked Solutions

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.34.47

Assumptions: Questions

To make sure you're 100% confident, we'll test you on a few questions from BMAT Past Papers ensure you've fully grasped the content we have taught you

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.38.01

Flaws: Theory

Flaw Questions often trick BMAT students up - even after doing lots of BMAT Past Papers. We’ll teach you how to spot them and answer them well in a limited amount of time.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.39.11

Flaws: Questions

You will then apply the knowledge gained from the previous tutorial and become confident in knowing how to approach spatial reasoning questions. We'll have plenty of BMAT Questions for you to use.

Screenshot 2020-10-14 at 00.18.40

Evidence: Theory

Here, we teach you how to apply our Critical Thinking techniques on the most difficult and long-winded questions in the BMAT - Evidence Questions. Our BMAT Past Papers will be absolutely vital here in securing your grade

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.40.30

Evidence: Questions

In this BMAT tutorial we put the theory of evidence into practice and allow you to bring in examples of questions you are struggling with too.

Screenshot 2020-10-14 at 00.19.11

Inferences: Theory

In this tutorial, we teach you how to successfully tackle the more complicated, passages where you have to make inferences rather than extracting info quickly.

Inferences: Questions

Now we will go through BMAT questions that present you with this sort of information and produce a strategy that works for you.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.20.08

Principles: Theory

We will apply the principles of reasoning and look at how questions around principles come up in the BMAT exam and help you develop effective techniques.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.15.23

Principles: Questions

You should be getting into the swing of things by now! Tackle the hardest BMAT questions you could get to make you confident for test day.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.18.31

Parallels: Theory

We have compiled every parallels question that has come up and we can use this to our advantage in tackling these question types for BMAT!

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.12.48

Parallels: Questions

We will apply this theory through Section 1 BMAT questions which we will cover together with you and help you advance further.

Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 08.03.35

We approach Problem Solving by systematically working through the various question types you can expect to face in the exam and teach you shortcuts to save you time.

  • Lesson 2 Date & Time: Theory
  • Lesson 3 Date & Time: Examples
  • Lesson 4 Pin Codes: Theory
  • Lesson 5 Pin Codes: Questions
  • Lesson 6 Speed + Distance: Theory
  • Lesson 7 Speed + Distance: Qs
  • Lesson 8 Tabular Data: Theory
  • Lesson 9 Tabular Data: Questions
  • Lesson 10 Mathematical Qs
  • Lesson 11 Mathematical Qs
  • Lesson 12 Spatial Reasoning I
  • Lesson 13 Spatial Reasoning II
  • Lesson 14 Cubes: Theory
  • Lesson 15 Cubes: Questions
  • Lesson 16 Graphical Data: Theory
  • Lesson 17 Graphical Data Qs
  • Lesson 18 Data Analysis: Theory
  • Lesson 19 Data Analysis: Questions

Here will introduce what problem solving question types are most common and look at trends in question types over the past 5 years and beyond.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.47.05

Date & Time: Theory

Date and Time questions involve you knowing how many minutes there are in a year, seconds in a week and more! We help you memorise the important information making your life a lot easier.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.48.08

Date & Time: Examples

We will put the theory from this section into practice by doing interactive questions together and give you a walkthrough so you are prepared.

Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 08.22.58

Pin Codes: Theory

These come up every year! We'll show you hidden secrets that help you do well in Section 1 Problem Solving questions and become Sherlock Holmes in disguise!

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.49.16

Pin Codes: Questions

Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 08.26.15

Speed + Distance: Theory

Speed, Distance & Time is an important part of the exam to test your mathematical nous. We help you understand how to convert units and answer questions.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.50.33

Speed + Distance: Qs

Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 08.28.39

Tabular Data: Theory

BMAT questions often present you with data in confusing tables so we strategise and allow you to see common pitfalls students face.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.51.45

Tabular Data: Questions

Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 08.31.22

Mathematical Qs

We brush up on your mathematical reasoning and help you work out how to answer these questions by condensing the information down into an understandable format.

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.52.59

In this BMAT tutorial we put the theory of mathematical reasoning into practice and allow you to bring in examples of questions you are struggling with too.

Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 08.33.37

Spatial Reasoning I

Spatial Reasoning is almost guaranteed to come up in BMAT! We teach you a unique, super fast method for questions involving both 2-D and 3-D shapes

Screenshot 2020-10-13 at 17.54.07

Spatial Reasoning II

You will then apply the knowledge gained from the previous tutorial and become confident in knowing how to approach spatial reasoning questions.

Screenshot 2020-10-12 at 08.36.18

Cubes: Theory

Here we will introduce one of our most effective Problem Solving Resoning techniques - answering cube questions. We’ll discuss shortcuts if you struggle to visualise information as many do!

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Cubes: Questions

To make sure you're 100% confident, we'll test you on a few questions to ensure you've fully grasped the content we have taught you.

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Graphical Data: Theory

It's easy to forget the basics of graphical data that is presented and while it is hard to prepare for all of these questions, we teach you a method you can apply to all of these BMAT questions.

Graphical Data Qs

Hopefully by now you have understood the theory and we will apply it to see if you can show us that you have! If you are struggling, we will delve deeper and go into theory more.

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Data Analysis: Theory

Coming to the end of this section now, we will cover the last element of the course which we think is necessary to do well.

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Data Analysis: Questions

The final hurdle to completing BMAT Section 1 Problem Solving! We will apply the techniques with interactive questions and real past paper question compilations.

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We've broken down Section 2 into the most commonly tested topics as well as giving you a refresher of the topics you're least familiar with like GCSE Physics! Our statistical analysis will aid your revision plan and help you achieve above 7 in S2!

  • Lesson 1 Inheritance & Genes
  • Lesson 2 Homeostasis
  • Lesson 3 Digestion
  • Lesson 4 Respiration
  • Lesson 5 Nervous System
  • Lesson 6 Natural Selection
  • Lesson 7 Genetic Engineering
  • Lesson 8 Cell Structure
  • Lesson 9 Cell Division
  • Lesson 10 Heart and Circulation
  • Lesson 11 Atomic Structure
  • Lesson 12 Calculations I
  • Lesson 13 Calculations II
  • Lesson 14 Calculations: % Yield
  • Lesson 15 Structure and Bonding
  • Lesson 16 Balancing Equations
  • Lesson 17 Separation Techniques

Inheritance & Genes

There have been 14 BMAT Past Paper Questions on Inheritance. It is the most commonly tested topic, so we will discuss inheritance maps, genes, alleles, DNA and more!

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There have been 13 BMAT Past Paper Questions on Homeostasis. We will discuss realistic BMAT questions on osmoregulation, thermoregulation, negative feedback and more.

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There have been 4 BMAT Past Paper Questions on Digestion. We will discuss realistic BMAT questions on osmoregulation, thermoregulation, negative feedback and more.

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There have been 6 BMAT Past Paper Questions on Respiration. We will discuss topics such as aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, energy and more.

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Nervous System

There have been 6 BMAT Questions on the Nervous System. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on neurone structure, impulses, reflexes and more.

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Natural Selection

There have been 3 BMAT Questions on Natural Selection. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on speciation, evolution, adaptation and more.

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Genetic Engineering

There have been 5 BMAT Questions on Genetic Engineering. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on gene engineering, production and biotechnology.

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Cell Structure

There have been 2 BMAT Questions on Cell Structure. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on organelles, cell functions and more.

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Cell Division

There have been 5 BMAT Questions on Cell Division. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on mitosis, meiosis, inheritance and more.

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Heart and Circulation

There have been 2 BMAT Questions on the Heart. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on heart function, the circulatory system, blood vessels and more.

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Atomic Structure

There have been 4 BMAT Questions on Atomic Structure. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on RAM, RMM, atomic number, isotopes, mass number, electron shells and more.

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Calculations I

There have been 14 BMAT Questions on Chemistry Calculations. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on moles, molar mass, gas volumes, reacting masses, concentration and more.

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Calculations II

There have been 14 BMAT Questions on Chemistry Calculations. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on RAM, RFM, RMM and more.

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Calculations: % Yield

There have been 14 BMAT Questions on Chemistry Calculations. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on calculating percentage yield and percentage composition.

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Structure and Bonding

There have been 5 BMAT Questions on Structure and Bonding. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on giant ionic, giant covalent, simple molecular and metallic structures.

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Balancing Equations

There have been 9 BMAT Questions on Balancing Equations. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on balancing equations.

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Separation Techniques

There have been 3 BMAT Questions on Separating Techniques. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on simple distillation, filtration, fractional distillation, chromatography and more.

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  • Lesson 1 Waves I: Properties
  • Lesson 2 Waves II: Light
  • Lesson 3 Waves III: Sound
  • Lesson 4 Waves IV: EM Waves
  • Lesson 5 Electricity I: Charge
  • Lesson 6 Electricity II: Circuits
  • Lesson 7 Electricity III: Power
  • Lesson 8 Energy I: Work Done
  • Lesson 9 Energy II: KE & GPE
  • Lesson 10 Density
  • Lesson 11 Radioactivity
  • Lesson 12 Algebra: Rearranging
  • Lesson 13 Algebra: Index laws
  • Lesson 14 Algebra: Inequalities
  • Lesson 15 Algebra: Area & Length
  • Lesson 16 Trigonometry
  • Lesson 17 Probabilities
  • Lesson 18 Ratios
  • Lesson 19 Graphs and Gradients
  • Lesson 20 Means

Waves I: Properties

There have been 12 BMAT Questions on Waves. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on the speed, frequency, wavelength and amplitude of waves.

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Waves II: Light

There have been 12 BMAT Questions on Waves. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on the properties of light, including reflection, refraction and more.

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Waves III: Sound

There have been 12 BMAT Questions on Waves. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on the properties of sound, including speed, reflection and echoes.

BMAT Physics

Waves IV: EM Waves

There have been 12 BMAT Questions on Waves. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on the electromagnetic spectrum and its different components.

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Electricity I: Charge

There have been 11 BMAT Questions on Electricity. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on the properties, uses and hazards of static electricity.

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Electricity II: Circuits

There have been 11 BMAT Questions on Electricity. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on circuit diagrams, voltage, current, charge and resistance.

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Electricity III: Power

There have been 11 BMAT Questions on Electricity. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on power, work done, voltage and different electrical appliances.

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Energy I: Work Done

There have been 7 BMAT Questions on Energy. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on energy transferred, work done, force and distance.

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Energy II: KE & GPE

There have been 7 BMAT Questions on Energy. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy and energy changes in different scenarios.

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There have been 2 BMAT Questions on Density. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on calculating density of solids, liquids and gases in different experiments.

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There have been 9 BMAT Questions on Radioactivity. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on types of radioactivity, half-life, uses and hazards of radioactivity and more.

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Algebra: Rearranging

There have been 19 BMAT Questions on Algebra. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on rearranging and simplifying algebraic formulae

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Algebra: Index laws

There have been 19 BMAT Questions on Algebra. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on standard form, index rules and more.

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Algebra: Inequalities

There have been 19 BMAT Questions on Algebra. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on inequalities signs and solving inequalities algebraically

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Algebra: Area & Length

There have been 19 BMAT Questions on Algebra. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on areas, lengths, BMAT formulae and more

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There have been 4 BMAT Questions on Trigonometry. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on Pythagoras, sin, cos, tan, 3D applications and more

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There have been 8 BMAT Questions on Probabilities. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on estimating frequency of an event, double probabilities, mutually exclusive events and more

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There have been 2 BMAT Questions on Ratios. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on simplifying and using ratios in different scenarios

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Graphs and Gradients

There have been 2 BMAT Questions on Graphs. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on graphical data, y = mx + c, intersections of straight lines and more

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There have been 3 BMAT Questions on Means. We will discuss realistic BMAT Past Paper Questions on mean, median, mode, modal class, range, quartiles and more

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For many, writing a scientific essay is a big challenge. That's made harder by being restricted to one side of A4 only. We'll show you how to plan an essay, good/bad examples and give our top tips for succeeding.

  • Lesson 2 Marking Section 3
  • Lesson 3 Choosing Your Question
  • Lesson 4 Planning Your Essay
  • Lesson 5 Essay Content
  • Lesson 6 Writing Your Essay
  • Lesson 7 Proofing Your Essay
  • Lesson 8 Essay Tips 1-5
  • Lesson 9 Essay Tips 6-10
  • Lesson 10 Essay Tips 11-15
  • Lesson 11 Essay Plans 2003-2006
  • Lesson 12 Essay Plans 2007-2010
  • Lesson 13 Essay Plans 2011-2014
  • Lesson 14 Essay Plans 2015-2019
  • Lesson 15 Example Essays 1-4
  • Lesson 16 Example Essays 5-9
  • Lesson 17 Example Essays 10-15

To begin with, we give you a short overview of Section 3, discussing the various question styles and introduce the challenges that come with it.

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Marking Section 3

We want to get into the Examiner's head and understand what they are looking for in an ideal candidate to give you the best shot at succeeding.

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Choosing Your Question

This is a big dilemma for many - You might find you're better at some BMAT Essay questions compared to others so we help you pick what works for you.

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Planning Your Essay

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Essay Content

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Writing Your Essay

This will take up the bulk of your time and it's important to stick to your plan and not waffle or write unnecessary information.

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Proofing Your Essay

This is the fourth stage of the BMAT essay but the most important as you need to ensure you have secured that "A" for Grammar and Communication.

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Essay Tips 1-5

Learn Tips from BMAT Essay Experts who scored above 4.5A in their BMAT Exam and become confident when it comes to your BMAT Test Day.

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Essay Tips 6-10

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Essay Tips 11-15

Learn Tips from BMAT Essay Experts who scored above 4.5A in their BMAT Exam and become confident when it comes to your BMAT Test Day. Ace your BMAT today with Medic Mind

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Essay Plans 2003-2006

We have written detailed essay plans for EVERY BMAT Essay that has ever come up from past BMAT Papers 2003-2019 so use these to either help you plan an essay or mark one you've done!

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Essay Plans 2007-2010

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Essay Plans 2011-2014

We have written detailed essay plans for EVERY BMAT Essay that has ever come up from past BMAT Papers in 2003-2019 so use these to either help you plan an essay or mark one you've done!

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Essay Plans 2015-2019

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Example Essays 1-4

Here we go through some more essays both good and bad and show you areas students go wrong but also give you key techniques to take away. This will be based on previous BMAT Past Papers and BMAT Past Essays.

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Example Essays 5-9

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Example Essays 10-15

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Are you aiming for the best BMAT score possible? Well, if you are, we really recommend having some BMAT 1-to-1 lessons with our experts. Our BMAT lessons are all personal and specific to you; we break down your thinking process, and continuously improve and perfect your BMAT technique. On average, our 1-to-1 students score above 13.5A in the BMAT.

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  • Trained to simplify difficult BMAT concepts by adapting to your learning style
  • Students of prestigious Russell Group universities with an outstanding academic record
  • Scored highly in BMAT and have years of BMAT experience


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Book your medic mind consultation, start your medic mind journey, still got questions don’t worry, we’ve got you covered., frequently asked questions, what is the bmat.

The BMAT stands for the Biomedical Admissions Test. It is an exam which is used for medical, dental and veterinary school in the UK and abroad. It is used by the following UK Medical Schools: Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, Imperial, Brighton & Sussex, Leeds and Lancaster.

How many BMAT Past Papers are there?

In total, there are over 16 years of BMAT Past Papers as well as the specimen paper so that makes 17 BMAT Past Papers! That should give you lots of free BMAT preparation materials and free BMAT questions.

How hard is the BMAT Exam?

No one can deny that the BMAT is a tricky exam however preparing well and using the right BMAT resources e.g. the Official BMAT Past Papers can put you in good stead to do well in the exam.

What is a good BMAT score?

It's difficult to say as it varies year on year but we usually say you should aim for a score of above 5.7 in Section 1, 5.5 in Section 2 and 3A in Section 3. This tends to be above the threshold for most universities.

What is in the BMAT Test?

The BMAT Test has 3 sections. Section 1 is made up of problem solving and critical thinking (data analysis no longer tested from 2020). Section 2 contains questions based on GCSE Biology, Chemistry, Maths and Physics. BMAT Section 3 is a scientific essay you have to write on an A4 page.

When should I start preparing for BMAT?

You should aim to start preparing for BMAT at least 8 weeks beforehand. You should aim to do 2 to 3 hours a week for the first 3 weeks and then increase to 6 to 7 hours a week. This means if you are doing the BMAT in November, you should start in September and if you are doing the BMAT in September you should start in July.

Is BMAT harder than UCAT?

The BMAT is very different to the UCAT but that doesn't mean it is harder. If you like essay writing, science or problem solving then BMAT is the exam for you. Otherwise, most people tend to find the UCAT easier.

How long should you revise for BMAT?

You should revise for BMAT at least 2 to 3 times a week for up to 8 weeks to get the best possible preparation. It can be hard if you have school work too, but try and find some time to do some BMAT Past Papers, watch free BMAT videos on YouTube and kickstart your BMAT preparation.

Do you take the BMAT in Year 12 or Year 13?

The BMAT usually takes place in Year 13 however if you're keen and want to get a trial run you can sit it in Year 12 and then sit it again in Year 13 to give you a flavour of the exam a year before.

Where can I access free BMAT Questions?

For the BMAT, thankfully there are many free BMAT questions floating around! The free official BMAT past papers should be your main BMAT question resource. On this page we have free BMAT past paper explanations, which is helpful as the BMAT consortium sadly don't provide answer explanations. We've also compiled the free BMAT official questions by topic, so you can address each common S2 BMAT question type one by one.

Where can I access free BMAT resources?

On our YouTube channel we've uploaded some free BMAT videos and a free mini BMAT course! On this web page, we have lots of free BMAT questions too.

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BMAT Assessment 2023

bmat test example

Immobility impacts almost every system in the body and compromises patients’ cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal function. It can lead to patient harm, including deterioration and complications such as infection, pressure ulcers, and falls.

Mobilizing patients safely and consistently is challenging. Accurately assessing mobility status allows healthcare providers to monitor improvements and deterioration, apply interventions, and progress patients toward physical independence.

Free BMAT Assessment Practice Test Online

Bmat test questions and answers.

The outcome for 2023 cannot be determined at this time. Nevertheless, the findings of the BMAT can be verified by logging into the Metritests system. Make sure you use the login information that can be found on the Confidential Results Information document, which is handed out on the same day as the exam.

The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is an aptitude test that is used as part of the admissions process for Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, and Dentistry in some universities.

There is a majority among students that it will be a challenging test; hence, it is important to give yourself enough time to study. The easiest method to get ready for the BMAT test is to try your hand at some practice questions and papers. The official website for the BMAT offers a selection of practice tests and previous exams, each of which comes with a detailed answer key.

You will receive one mark for each correct answer in Sections 1 and 2, and no marks will be deducted for any answers that you get wrong. After that, your raw score will be converted to a scale that ranges from 1.0 to 9.0, and that will be your score for each section.

Certain colleges require prospective medical students to take the BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT), which is a test that lasts for two hours. Your ability to think critically, your capacity to apply scientific knowledge, and your capacity to communicate effectively will all be put to the test.

BMAT scores are a little hard to understand because they are given on a scale instead of as a total of all the points you got. Section 1 can give you up to 32 points, and Section 2 can give you up to 27 points. Each correct answer gives you one point. But your score will be given on a scale from 1 to 9, not in terms of how many points you have. You can’t lose points in these parts, so if you get a question wrong, you won’t lose a point. For Section 3, you’ll get a score between 1 and 5 based on how good the content is, and an A, C, or E based on how good your English is. The essay is graded by two people, so you get two scores, which are then averaged to give you your final grade.

Abilities that absolutely must be have in order to be fully prepared for the BMAT exam: • Being able to read and comprehend written instructions in an official form of the English language • Expertise in the practical applications of science and mathematics • The quickness with which work is completed • Performing mathematical calculations in your head and analyzing facts in order to draw conclusions • Drawing logical inferences from texts or data and being able to recognize when someone has drawn an illogical conclusion from the same source. • The capability to communicate effectively, particularly the ability to make arguments, predictions, and assertions supported by evidence

• First Section (problem solving questions) Review some fundamentals of mathematics, such as the following: – Ideas concerning numbers (fractions, place value, percentages) – The mathematical processes and the quantities (time, calendar, money, measures) – Thinking in three dimensions (area, perimeter, volume) – Analysis of data presented in tables and graphs – In order to get through the Critical Thinking questions in Section 1, you need to demonstrate that you are able to comprehend and analyze arguments (for example, by identifying assumptions or flaws in an argument).

• Second Section (questions on science and mathematics) – Ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum that can be found on the Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing website, as questions that are not related to the curriculum will not be asked.

• Third Section, (essay writing) – You will be expected to learn how to clearly develop and communicate your ideas, as well as to use a high level of English. • Give yourself plenty of opportunities to answer practice questions so that you can evaluate both your strong and weak points. Do some practice with old tests so that you can become accustomed to the time constraints and the requirement of maintaining your focus. If you find that this is an area in which you struggle, you might want to think about enrolling in a free writing class offered by the Open University before beginning your BMAT preparation course. Although the writing course is not specifically designed for the BMAT, it can provide you with a solid grounding.

Students may have an easier time with Section 1 due to the fact that it examines skills that are similar to those tested in the UCAT Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning sections. Students who perform really well in mathematics and physics won’t have a hard time with Section 2, while students who are passionate about writing might find Section 3 to be the most straightforward. It is essential to structure your BMAT preparation around your personal strengths and weaknesses, and to place your primary attention on the section(s) that demand the greatest effort from you.

The BMAT is an acronym for “Biomedical Admissions Test,” and its purpose is to evaluate a candidate’s scientific knowledge as well as their capacity for reasoning and writing in order to assist admissions officers in determining whether or not a candidate would be a good fit for a biomedical program.

According to the official website for the BMAT, the average candidate will receive a score of approximately 5.0, while the best candidates will receive a score of approximately 6.0, and exceptional candidates will receive a score that is greater than 7.0.

The scores for Sections 1 and 2 range from 1 (low) to 9 (high). The quality of the content is graded on a scale ranging from 1 (low) to 5 (high), and the quality of the English is graded on a scale ranging from A (high) to E (low). The essay is graded by two examiners who are not affiliated with each other, and the examiners’ marks are then made available to interviewers.

The BioMedical Admissions Test, also known as the BMAT, is a standardized exam that prospective students for medical, dentistry, biomedical, and veterinary degree programs take. This exam is utilized by colleges all over the world. The capacity to use scientific and mathematical knowledge, as well as skills in problem solving, critical thinking, and written communication, are all necessary to the study of at the university level and will be evaluated by this test. The BMAT provides you with the opportunity to distinguish yourself from other applicants and demonstrate your capabilities to universities.

You should give yourself at least a month, and preferably at least six weeks or longer, to thoroughly prepare for the BMAT by going through a large number of practice questions and tests. You can reduce the amount of stress you feel while preparing for the exam by spacing out your review sessions.

You still have options open to you even if you fail on the BMAT. You still have many options for pursuing a medical education, including the following: • Submit your application to universities that demand the UCAT. • You should submit your application to the University of Central Lancashire and the University of Buckingham because none of these institutions requires applicants to take an admissions exam. • You should consider taking a gap year and retaking the BMAT if you have your heart set on attending a particular university that requires the test. Learn something new, and if it doesn’t work, make another attempt via graduate medical school. • Learn the medical trade in another country (e.g. in the Republic of Ireland, Eastern Europe or Australia and New Zealand)

You sit for the BMAT in October of 2023, during your 13th year.

It will depend on how well prepared you are for each individual area, but keep in mind that most students study for several months leading up to the exam, so you can anticipate some tough competition. You should give yourself at least a month, and preferably at least six weeks or longer, to thoroughly prepare for the BMAT by going through a large number of practice tests and questions. The more time you give yourself to study, the less stressed you’ll feel as exam day approaches.

Results from the BMAT are only good for one year. If you take the BMAT in 2023, you will only be able to utilize the score for classes that begin in 2024; it will not be valid for any years after that.

It includes 59 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) as well as an essay question. Section 1 consists of 32 questions Section 2 consists of 27 GCSE-level questions Section 3 consist of 1 essay question

Within the United Kingdom and the European Union, the cost to register for the BMAT is now £78 or €91. Aside from this, the price is going to be £104 or $142. In past years, late registration resulted in an additional fee being assessed. On the other hand, the BMAT website notes that late registrations will not be allowed in this academic year. You should also be aware that there is an additional cost involved if you want to file an application for results enquiries or appeals, and you should prepare yourself for this.

This book, “How to Master the BMAT,” will assist you in achieving the highest possible score on the UK BMAT examination in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of effort possible. It includes six mock exams and more than 400 practice questions, and it focuses on fundamental knowledge in the following six key areas: – aptitude and skills – mathematics – physics – chemistry – biology – writing tasks At the end of each section, you will find a set of review questions that will allow you to identify and improve your weak areas before you take the test. Once you feel that you are prepared, you will be able to work through the practice papers that are similar to the BMAT test. Candidates are provided with support throughout the entirety of the book, and whenever it is feasible, each question is provided with its revision topics indicated in brackets, helpful hints, and expanded answers.

The process of registering for the BMAT is organized into discrete steps. • Locate a testing location near you. It’s possible that this will be your school, but in any case, you’ll need to look into the BMAT’s network of testing centers. • In order to register for a test, you will need to ask the Exams Officer to do so, and you will also need to provide the personal information that is requested on the BMAT website. These are the following:      – Your name and date of birth      – Your UCAS number      – The names of the courses and universities to which you are applying      – Evidence that you require modified question papers or any Access Arrangements, such as extra time      – Your name and date of birth – Your UCAS number      – The names of the courses and universities to which you are applying      – Your name and date of birth – • Make a note of your candidate number, as this is the evidence that demonstrates that you have successfully registered for the BMAT. It will begin with a B, and then proceed to display five digits after that. • Get yourself ready for the exam.

The BMAT is generally regarded as the more challenging of the two admissions tests, and this may be because it is required by many medical schools. It is essential to keep in mind that the UCAT and the BMAT test completely different things in order to properly evaluate them. If you enjoy being tested on your intelligence and performing well under time constraints, then the UCAT will be easier for you. If you are comfortable with essay-style questions and data analysis, the BMAT will come more easily to you.

There is no minimum score required on the BMAT to enter Medicine 2022 at Leeds. As a result of the fact that BMAT results are evaluated in conjunction with the candidates’ total academic achievements in comparison to those of the rest of the cohort applying that year, there is no predetermined minimum level of BMAT achievement that is necessary.

They recommend that, as a general rule of thumb, the typical applicant should be working towards a score of six in Sections 1/2. These are weighted more heavily (40 percent apiece), in comparison to Section 3, which only receives 20 percent.

The candidates who achieve a ranking total score in Sections 1 and 2 and a minimum grade of 2.5B or above in Section 3 will be considered for an interview.

The better the score on the BMAT, the greater the likelihood of being invited for an interview. There is no minimum or maximum required score on the BMAT to enter Cambridge. The average score of successful candidates for Cambridge University on the BMAT parts 1 and 2 is 6.1.

According to the information provided on the official website for the BMAT, average applicants will receive a score of approximately 5.0, while the top candidates will receive a score of approximately 6.0, and exceptional candidates will receive a score that is greater than 7.0.

Applicants to medical schools are typically required to take either the UCAT or the BMAT. They are utilized in the decision-making process to determine which candidates will be invited to an interview and, in some cases, who will be given the final offer. The additional examination is necessary for universities because the majority of candidates have exceptionally high academic performance. Taking both the BMAT and the UCAT, and doing well on both of them, will increase your chances of getting into medical or dental school. This is because some colleges demand the BMAT rather than the UCAT. You can also apply to medical programs at prominent colleges like Oxford, Cambridge, and University College London if you take the BMAT.

The examination is comprised of three parts: a 30-minute writing task, a 60-minute test of one’s ability to think critically, and a 30-minute test of one’s scientific knowledge and its applications. The following paragraph will provide an outline of the structure of each of these three components.

The University Clinical Aptitude Test, also known as the UCAT, is a standardized test that is administered on a computer and is designed to evaluate a student’s capacity to comprehend numerical and written information that is presented in a variety of formats. The Biomedical Admissions Test, often known as the BMAT, is a test that takes place over the period of two hours and is given by CAAT (Cambridge Assessments Admissions Testing). This test is designed to separate applicants for professional healthcare courses including dentistry and medicine.

The test is broken up into multiple sections, and each of those sections must be completed in order. According to the amount of time that has been allotted, you will be informed when it is appropriate to begin each phase (Section 1: 60 minutes, Section 2: 30 minutes, Section 3: 30 minutes). You are not allowed to carry over any remaining time from one segment to the next.

Beginning the BMAT as soon as feasible and starting with a low dose is recommended for optimal results. It is important that applicants engage in as much repeated practice with the questions as possible given that the test is not solely based on knowledge but rather asks candidates to think in an abstract manner. Therefore, the optimal time to study for the exam is between one and one and a half and two months before the test; however, it should be emphasized that “cramming” for the BMAT is not suggested.

The following list of UK universities necessitates completion of the BMAT: • Brighton and Sussex Medical School • Imperial College London • Lancaster University • University College London (UCL) • University of Cambridge • University of Leeds • University of Oxford

A BMAT score is a key part of your medical course application, and can make the difference between getting in and not. The BMAT is a rigorous assessment that tests your problem-solving, critical thinking and analytical skills, all of which are essential for success in medical school.

A good BMAT score will help you stand out from the crowd and get invited to interview. It will also show that you have the aptitude for studying medicine.

The BMAT is a test that is used by a small number of universities to identify the best students for their most competitive courses. It comprises three sections: thinking skills, scientific knowledge and application and a writing section.

Each section has its own grading system, based on quality of content and quality of English. Your overall bmat score is calculated by adding your scores from each section together to get a maximum of 27 points.

Some universities have strict cut-offs for each section of the BMAT, requiring applicants to score above this in order to be considered for interview. For example, Imperial College London recently set a minimum BMAT score of 3 for Sections 1 and 2 and 2.5C in Section 3.

BMAT Nursing

A nurse-driven bedside mobility assessment tool (BMAT) was developed to provide guidance regarding safe patient handling and mobility (SPHM). BMAT aligns with the American Nurses Association’s (ANA) Safe Patient Handling and Mobility standards by promoting early and frequent mobilization techniques.

The BMAT is used to identify the patient’s mobility level and select equipment that will safely handle and transport the patient. It also helps nurses monitor progress, improve safety, and promote physical independence for patients.

In an early pilot study at a 60-bed medical telemetry unit, nurses reported decreased nurse injuries and patient falls after the use of the BMAT 1.0. They also reported increased confidence using SPHM lifts and getting their patients out of bed more frequently.

The BMAT teaches nurses how to assess mobility and determine the equipment that will safely move patients, including mechanical lifts and other devices. It is based on ANA’s SPHM Standard 6 and aims to integrate the patient-centered SPHM assessment, plan of care, and equipment use. The tool is most effective when it’s documented in the electronic health record and clearly communicated with all staff

bmat test papers 

BMAT is an admissions test used by many universities to help differentiate applicants who on paper appear to be equally qualified. It measures scientific knowledge , writing skills and application of that knowledge in a challenging assessment of relevant intellectual capacity.

The test consists of three sections – multiple-choice questions in parts one and two, and an essay task in section 3. This writing part is marked by 2 examiners who give separate scores on content (on a scale from 0 to 5), and written English quality (on a scale from A to E).

Each question in the first two sections has one mark, so every correct answer counts. Your total raw score is then converted to a BMAT scale, which ranges from 1 at the bottom to 9 at the top.

In the essay, you’ll have 30 minutes to complete the task and submit your answer. This requires you to write your response on one A4 page, including a maximum of 50 words per paragraph. You’ll also need to use precise language, and make sure your answers are well-organised and concise.

Medicine BMAT

BMAT is a test that’s used in the medical sector as part of admissions processes at some universities around the world. It has become an essential part of the application process for many of these institutions, particularly those in the UK and Singapore.

It’s a subject-specific assessment that measures a wide range of skills including critical thinking, logic and the ability to think on your feet. It also tests your ability to use scientific knowledge and maths to solve real-world problems.

While the bmat is one of the most difficult tests you can take, it’s also an opportunity to prove yourself to the best medical schools in the country. Most candidates will score above average, but a few are more talented than others.

The bmat is not the only test to assess your abilities and there are numerous other tests to choose from, so be sure to do your research when it comes to choosing the right exam for you. The bmat is a tough test to get right, so make sure you do all you can to prepare.

BMAT Dates For 2023 Entry

The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a test required by dozens of universities worldwide for admission to medical, dental and health-related courses. It tests applicants’ abilities to apply scientific knowledge gained in school, and their problem-solving, critical thinking and written communication skills.

Typically, it is a two-hour exam with three sections. It is usually used for entry to European universities, but it can also be taken by UK and Asian students applying for medical and healthcare degrees.

BMAT 2023 dates are a crucial part of the application process and can make or break your chances of getting onto a medical course. As a result, it is important to consider your options and decide whether taking the test makes sense for you.

You can take the BMAT at a number of different locations – either at home or at a test centre. Taking it at home allows you to be in a familiar environment, but it could be more distracting than at a test centre.

The BMAT is not always used for every degree course, so it’s important to check that the university you are applying to requires it before registering for the exam. If it is, you will need to register for it and pay the relevant fees before sitting the test.

bmat test prep

BMAT Preparation Book

The BMAT assessment is used by a range of UK and international institutions to select students for Medicine, Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Science courses. In order to achieve an impressive score, candidates should be well prepared for the test by completing a range of self-study methods. The BMAT is an arduous and lengthy test so students should be familiar with its various components and test structure to minimise the number of hours spent in front of the computer.

One of the most effective preparation techniques involves a combination of a good question book and a comprehensive practice test – preferably online. This is a relatively simple process that requires no financial outlay and can be completed in the comfort of your own home.

A well-written and crafted question book can be a great source of inspiration. It is also a useful tool to reference during a test as it will highlight the most important questions to concentrate on. A test answer sheet is also a must have as it will ensure that you don’t forget any critical points. The best practice books are easy to navigate, offer a variety of questions at different levels of difficulty and are clearly marked with the appropriate BMAT logo to show that they are legitimately endorsed by Cambridge Assessment.

BMAT Test Prep

The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a standard test used for entry to a range of medical courses. It is designed to assess candidates’ aptitude, scientific knowledge and communication skills.

The test is divided into three sections: Section 1, Section 2 and Section 3. Each section tests different skills and knowledge.

Section 1 is a multi-choice question-based paper, which tests your verbal and numerical reasoning skills. This section can be difficult to master, so make sure you take plenty of practice papers and focus on the explanations of your answers.

Section 2 is a problem-solving paper, which assesses your ability to apply the scientific knowledge you should have acquired by the age of 16 in non-specialist school science and maths. This section requires thorough revision of previous portions from your secondary education science and maths syllabus.

BMAT Preparation Course

The BMAT Assessment is an aptitude test used by some universities to assess candidates for entry into medical or dental schools. It consists of 59 multiple choice questions and an essay.

The BMAT assessment tests critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and scientific knowledge. It can be difficult for some students to pass and may require a significant amount of study.

You should take a BMAT preparation course before taking the exam to ensure that you are prepared and that you can achieve your best possible score. The best courses will help you familiarise yourself with the content of the BMAT test, and provide you with a comprehensive revision plan.

The course covers all three sections of the BMAT, including an introduction to each, followed by worked examples and overall exam technique. You will also learn about key questions types, common pitfalls and revision tips. This will help you ace your BMAT and maximise your chances of getting into your dream university.

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BMAT Section 3: Essay

Please note that the BMAT is now discontinued. Most universities that used the BMAT will use the UCAT from 2024 onwards. See our comprehensive UCAT guide.

  • Discover how to stand out with your BMAT essay
  • Find out how to prepare for Secion 3
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Please note that the BMAT is now discontinued, and most universities will switch to the UCAT admissions test from 2024 onwards. See  our comprehensive UCAT guide.

BMAT Section 3: The BMAT Essay

In BMAT Section 3, you’re required to write a short essay. This will cover one side of A4, but it can’t be any longer, so timing and technique are crucial.

Each essay option is based on a short quote or statement. These can be scientific or medically-related but often aren’t. Typical examples might include a quote from Voltaire or Charles Darwin.

Section 3 Scores

Your Section 3 BMAT score will be split into two.

You’ll score between one and five for the quality of the content of your essay. Five is the highest, and awarded to those who have addressed the question in the way demanded, organised their thoughts clearly, and used general knowledge and opinions appropriately.

You’ll also get a score from A to E for the quality of your written English . A is the best, and will be given to students who express themselves clearly using concise, compelling and competent English.

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Section 3 Essay Questions

You’ll get to choose from three essay questions in Section 3 of the BMAT. You must fill one sheet of A4 in the 30-minute timeframe.

Each question may seem totally different, but the reality is that you’ll do the same three things no matter what question you pick.

When writing your Section 3 essay, you will:

  • Explain the proposition, part of it, or its implications
  • Produce a counter-argument
  • Reconcile the two sides

You may not be studying essay-based subjects for A-Level , which can lead to a degree of trepidation. However, we have designed a clear and repeatable strategy for success in this section that you’ll learn in our BMAT Course – and we can review your BMAT essay practice  too.

How To Tackle Your Question

When it comes to selecting the best question to answer, we recommend you choose the one that:

  • Has a statement you understand fully
  • Has a question that you understand fully
  • Covers a topic that you have good arguments and good general knowledge of

Once you’ve decided on the question, you should follow these steps:

  • Write a clear explanation of the statement in one or two sentences
  • Prepare your arguments and note them down
  • Think about your conclusion
  • Start writing once you have the structure planned

Learn score-boosting strategies for producing a 5A essay every time in our BMAT Course.

Bmat Section 3 Essay Tips

  • Plan essay questions. Outline the key points, plan contrasting arguments and list points to make in the conclusion.
  • Practise writing concisely, with clearly articulated points.
  • Ask others to review your work. Send your BMAT essays to us to review – they’ll get marked by an expert Medicine Tutor!
  • Read widely, to understand different arguments.

BMAT Preparation

BMAT Course

Our BMAT Course has been created by Doctors and Oxbridge Science grads. It even includes a secret formula for Section 3 success. Secure your place in-person or online.

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Combine the very best of BMAT teaching, live courses, online practice and private tutoring. You'll save 20% on everything with our BMAT-boosting prep packages.

BMAT Questions

Our BMAT Question Bank allows you to answer and mark BMAT questions from every section of the test. See step-by-step solutions and discover your score for past papers.

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Free BMAT Practice Questions - Section 2

Advice & Insight From BMAT Specialists

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1 . Question

During a period of exercise, an animal inspires 120 litres of air over the course of 6 minutes. The air leaving the animal’s lungs was tested to be 16% oxygen. At rest, the same animal takes in 15 litres of air per minute, which is atmospheric air at 21% oxygen. What is the rough change percentage in the volume of  oxygen absorbed by the animal whilst exercising compared to at rest

  • A) No change
  • B) An increase ≥ 10%
  • C) A decrease ≥ 10%
  • D) An increase ≤ 10%
  • E) Can't tell

2 . Question

bmat practice essay questions

  • A) X-Linked dominant
  • B) X-linked recessive
  • C) Autosomal dominant
  • D) Autosomal recessive
  • E) None of the above

3 . Question

Which statement is correct regarding the response of the eyes to see objects at a distance:

  • A) The ciliary muscles are contracted and the lens becomes more convex in order to increase the refractive power of the eye.
  • B) The ciliary muscles are contracted and the lens becomes more convex in order to decrease the refractive power of the eye.
  • C) The ciliary muscles are relaxed and the lens becomes more convex in order to increase the refractive power of the eye.
  • D) The ciliary muscles are relaxed and the lens becomes less convex in order to increase the refractive power of the eye.
  • E) The ciliary muscles are relaxed and the lens becomes less convex in order to decrease the refractive power of the eye.

4 . Question

In an electrolysis experiment, a voltage of 12V produced a current of 0.25A. The current passed for 3 minutes.

Calculate the charge passing through the electrolyte during this time.

5 . Question

Which of the following statements about genetic transmission of a trait with two alleles are correct?

  • Individuals with the recessive allele may still express the dominant phenotype.
  • Heterozygous parents may produce homozygous offspring.
  • Only males can express sex linked recessive phenotype.
  • The children of a homozygous dominant father will always express the dominant phenotype.
  • Females cannot be carriers of a sex linked recessive trait.
  • A) Statements 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct.
  • B) Statements 1, 2 and 4 are correct.
  • C) Statements 1, 2, 3 and 5 are correct.
  • D) Statements 1, 3 and 4 are correct.
  • E) All statements are correct

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  • Free BMAT Practice Questions - Section 2 0%

During a period of exercise, an animal inspires 120 litres of air over the course of 6 minutes. The air leaving the animal's lungs was tested to be 16% oxygen. At rest, the same animal takes in 15 litres of air per minute, which is atmospheric air at 21% oxygen. What is the rough change percentage in the volume of  oxygen absorbed by the animal whilst exercising compared to at rest

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BMAT Timetable

  • 10:00 - 11:00: BMAT Section 1 Techniques & Practice Questions
  • 11:00 - 11:15: BMAT Section 1 Mock Exam
  • 11:15 - 11:30: BMAT Section 1 Feedback
  • 11:30 - 11:45: Morning Break
  • 11:45 - 12:45: BMAT Section 2 Key Content & Practice Questions
  • 12:45 - 13:00: BMAT Section 2 Mock Exam
  • 13:00 - 13:15: BMAT Section 2 Feedback
  • 13:15 - 14:00: Lunch Break
  • 14:00 - 15:00: BMAT Section 3 Techniques & Implementation
  • 15:00 - 16:00: BMAT Section 3 Mock Exam, Feedback & Further Discussion
  • 16:00 - 16:30: Exclusive Interview Insight

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The Ultimate BMAT Guide: 800 Practice Questions: Fully Worked Solutions, Time Saving Techniques, Score Boosting Strategies, 12 Annotated Essays, 2018 Edition (BioMedical Admissions Test) UniAdmissions

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Rohan Agarwal

The Ultimate BMAT Guide: 800 Practice Questions: Fully Worked Solutions, Time Saving Techniques, Score Boosting Strategies, 12 Annotated Essays, 2018 Edition (BioMedical Admissions Test) UniAdmissions

Want to score highly in the BMAT? Look no further than The Ultimate BMAT Guide .

Whether you’re applying for Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or Dentistry, the top universities expect an exceptional BMAT score. The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a notoriously difficult test, testing your problem solving, critical thinking, knowledge of principles of Science and Maths, and ability to write an essay that guides its reader to a logical and reasoned conclusion – all within a tight time limit. Your score in the BMAT can make or break your application, as it tests all the skills that admissions departments look for in a top medical student. Therefore, it’s essential to score as highly as possible on this crucial exam.

Written by BMAT specialists, doctors and top medical tutors, and full of insider knowledge and tips, The Ultimate BMAT Collection is designed to help you make the most of your preparation, approach the test with confidence, and get those top scores.

Published by the leading Medical and University Admissions Company, this fully comprehensive guide to the BMAT exam, is fully updated for 2019 and includes:

  • 800 practice questions, written by experts exactly in the style of the real exam, to allow you to practice and revise successfully.
  • Three mock papers so you can put your revision into practice.
  • Fully worked solutions, including 12 annotated sample essays to give you clear and thorough guidance to help you understand where the gaps in your knowledge are and to learn from your mistakes.
  • Containing score-boosting tips, tricks, techniques, and advice all written by medical experts, doctors, and BMAT tutors.
  • Time-saving strategies to help you beat the clock and answer efficiently.
  • Advice to cover every section extensively: Aptitude and skills (Section 1), Scientific Knowledge and Applications (Section 2), and the Writing Task (Section 3).

Hungry for more? Visit the Uni Admissions website for even more admissions test tips, personal statement resources, and application support.

  • ISBN-10 0993571190
  • ISBN-13 978-0993571190
  • Publication date July 28, 2017
  • Language English
  • Dimensions 8.5 x 0.81 x 11 inches
  • Print length 357 pages
  • See all details

Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ RAR Medical Services (July 28, 2017)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 357 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0993571190
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0993571190
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 2.31 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 8.5 x 0.81 x 11 inches
  • #1,518 in College Entrance Test Guides (Books)
  • #2,299 in Health, Mind & Body Reference
  • #7,959 in Test Prep & Study Guides

About the author

Rohan agarwal.

Dr Rohan Agarwal graduated in Medicine from Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge and is the Headmaster & CEO at UniAdmissions. He has authored 100+ books on University admissions tests and interviews. Over the last 10 years, he has tutored hundreds of successful Oxbridge and Medical applicants. In addition, he has taught physiology at Cambridge and also interviewed prospective Cambridge medical School applicants. In his spare time, he enjoys playing the piano and table tennis.

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Where to find BMAT practice questions

Pippa Morris BMAT December 18th, 2020 5:07pm 15 minute read

The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is one of the two most widely required exam prerequisites for medical school entry in the UK, together with the UCAT. Though very different in content from each other, both the BMAT and the UCAT can be quite stressful for students without proper support and preparation.

One important distinctive factor for the BMAT, however, is how theory-heavy its content is in comparison to other examination tools known in the medical school application process. It is, therefore, really important that as part of your BMAT revision you ensure you follow your progress using practice questions. Whether you are a first or final year medical student, practice essay questions on past papers or even mock MCQs are one of the most useful tools you can implement in your study schedule and one of the most realistic methods of tracking your knowledge.

The reason for this is because learning a concept and applying a concept are two very different skills and even if you feel very confident regurgitating facts and figures you have learnt from lectures, you still might have trouble applying those to a clinical scenario on exam day. Training yourself from early on to apply your knowledge to practice questions will ensure that you truly understand the content covered and even if encountered in an unfamiliar situation, you are able to draw from memory and answer the questions correctly.

Considering that the BMAT content tests a lot of your scientific knowledge up to this point, it is understandable that the same practice method can be applied when studying for it, too. Once you are confident that you have the knowledge required to sit the BMAT, the best way to ensure you are on track and monitor your progress is to attempt past papers and mark your performance using the answer key. Thankfully, all of the BMAT past papers since 2003 are available on the Cambridge Assessment and Admissions Testing website for you to attempt and use as a scoring guide. We thoroughly recommend working through as many of these as possible in the lead-up to the exam day. This will not only allow you to refresh your knowledge but will also help you get very familiar with the exam format, eliminating any element of surprise on the day.

Cambridge Assessment and Admissions Testing (or CAAT for short) is the regulatory body for the BMAT amongst other entrance exams. They provide the most up to date information on all logistical details surrounding taking the exam. They are also the only institution that is able to provide accurate information on the nature of the exam and the content tested. By including the past BMAT papers on their website for applicants to access, they have ensured that you get a good understanding of the format the BMAT implements, the skills you are required to do well and the question types you are likely to encounter.

How should I use BMAT past papers?

You should find that the past paper questions available on the CAAT website are more than sufficient for your preparation. With every single paper since 2003 uploaded on the website, a large number of practice questions has been amassed and made available for your revision. It is highly unlikely that you will be able to get through all of them, especially with other commitments such as interview preparation and the UCAT Admissions Exam , if you’re sitting both. However, if you do find yourself running out there are a variety of different books and online courses with large question banks. These may not be fully reflective of the questions provided by CAAT, so be mindful of this.

When going over past papers, if you have the resources possible, it may be worth printing the practice papers out. This means you can write on the questions, jot down any notes or thoughts and you may find this makes it easier to come to your answer.

Whilst going through the practice questions, it may be worth keeping track of your score and monitoring your progress in order to objectively evaluate your improvement. By doing so, you will notice if there is a specific section that you are consistently not scoring as well on as others, and you can adapt your BMAT preparation accordingly. Tracking your scores will give you the confidence you need that your preparation has been worth it.

Useful learning tips for the BMAT

Even though all the BMAT past papers have been made available at the CAAT website, how effectively you use these in your preparation depends a lot on the style of revision you adopt in the process.

One of the most important contributing factors to seeing consistent improvement in your score is learning how to self-evaluate. The answer key for each past paper is provided to you in a separate document than the past paper, so resist all temptation to having a sneak peek at it until you’ve sat the exemplar paper. Once you have, go in detail through the answer key and compare the provided answers to the answers you put down. Score yourself fairly and only award yourself the points you definitely got. Remember that the past papers are there simply as a progress tool and you will benefit more from them by setting yourself a realistic expectation of where you would score if you took the real test that day.

Once you have marked the full paper, the most important part of your learning begins. Reflect on your mistakes and consider why you got them wrong. Was the topic unfamiliar and more revision is required to really nail down that concept? Then spend the next few days reviewing the information and consulting different resources until you feel confident in your knowledge. Attempt said question again. Or was it because you panicked or ran out of time? Do you need to reconsider the conditions under which you sat the paper, find a more quiet environment or make a point of following the clock a bit more closely next time? You can see that by reflecting on the reasons why you didn’t score as well as you wished can really identify in what ways you can best improve. It can be hard at first but spend the necessary time on reflection and then implement the changes you wish to see in your performance to really see a jump in progress!

Other things that we have alluded to but are important to be mindful of are being able to keep track of the time and making sure you allow yourself sufficient time to get through the whole paper. Keeping a watch nearby is important to make sure you don’t run out of time. Also, ensuring that you sit each practice paper under as realistic conditions as possible is incredibly important not only in getting a realistic score, but also reducing stress and anxiety surrounding being in an unfamiliar situation as much as possible. That way when you sit the real exam you will feel confident in your understanding and knowledge - not only of the layout of the exam and the expected content, but also of all surrounding nitty-gritty practical details that have the potential to throw you off otherwise.

Specific Section Advice

Section 1, the Aptitude and Skills section , is the one that resembles certain aspects of the UCAT. The skills tested in this section are more analytical, so you can expect a lot of problem-solving and critical thinking questions here. The former relies on numerical skills and as such is akin to DM and QR, whereas the latter is a measure of language skills and so can be compared to VR. For this section try to identify key problem areas that you find you are struggling on. As with UCAT, you might realise that you are very good with numerical and data analysis questions, but your verbal reasoning skills could use some polish. Therefore identifying where your strengths and weaknesses lie is a crucial aspect of your preparation. You will also find that the same type and category of questions come up again and again and sometimes you may find that questions are virtually repeating themselves. This is why it is really important to go over as many questions as possible.

Section 2, the Scientific Knowledge and Applications portion  of the exam, is more theoretically oriented and tests your understanding of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. Before you attempt section 2 past paper questions, it may be worth going over the assumed subject knowledge guide beforehand. From this, you should pick out any topics which you are unfamiliar with. Revisit your GCSE notes on the topic, or look it up in a revision guide before you start attempting past papers. Once you feel like you have a comfortable grasp of the assumed subject knowledge, try the past papers. When you mark your answers, make a note of the topic area the question was based on, and revise these areas again.

For section 3 essays, also known as the Writing Task , there are a wealth of questions available. There is not much point answering every single one. We suggest planning most of them unless there is no possibility you would ever answer it. Write 4 or 5 in full to get used to the timing of the section, which is 30 minutes and ensure that you are able to produce a good essay in that timeframe. Use the BMAT section 3 marking criteria to assess your answers and score yourself objectively. You should see improvement over time, but remember to be harsh on yourself as the most accurate reflection on your progress.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many bmat past papers are available.

As already pointed out, CAAT has included all past papers starting from 2003 up to the most recent one from 2019. This means that you have a total of 17 full past papers at your disposal to get through in your preparation.

How long should I do untimed practice?

Untimed practice is only helpful at the beginning when you first get to grip with the content tested for this exam. It quickly can start working against you however if you don’t start timing yourself early. The BMAT is a big exam that covers a lot of different skills and knowledge under a timed constraint. One of the most important aspects to you scoring well is, therefore, to make sure you can get through the entire paper in the allocated time. To answer shortly, do not spend too long doing untimed practice and once you have familiarised with the content, which should take you no more than one or two past papers, you should then move on to implementing the timing aspect in your practice too.

When should I use BMAT test solutions?

As previously mentioned, it is important to use the BMAT answer key wisely in your preparation. You might be tempted to take a look at it as you begin, to use as a guide to the types of answers you are expected to give... but resist and save them for the end once you have attempted the paper and have put an answer to all the questions you could. This would benefit you a lot more as you will challenge yourself to really use your knowledge. This will realistically highlight the gaps in your knowledge instead of providing you with a false sense of security. So only refer to the test solutions at the scoring stage of your preparation.

How is the BMAT essay marked?

Section 3 of the BMAT is scored slightly differently than the rest of the exam. The essay is scored in two separate categories, quality of content and quality of English. The former category is awarded a grade between 1 and 5, where 1 is given to unfocused or incoherent answers or those that do not address the question. A 5, on the other hand, is awarded to excellent answers without significant weaknesses, which address all aspects of the question and express ideas in a clear and logical way. An applicant may also receive a 0 if their answer is irrelevant, unintelligible or missing. The second aspect of the essay, quality of English, is awarded a grade between A and E, where A signifies a good use of English with few errors and good grammar, vocabulary and punctuation and E is given to those with regular spelling and grammar errors and poor sentence structure. A grade of X may be given if it is felt that the quality of English of the essay is below the marking criteria for an E.

Which parts of the BMAT past papers should I focus on the most?

There is no single best answer to this question. The most important part of the BMAT you should focus on is the one that you feel your performance is weakest at - one that you will draw the most benefit from practising. This is why it is particularly helpful to identify your strengths and weaknesses at the start by attempting a couple of untimed papers. You might find that you are an excellent essay writer but could use the numeracy practice. Or perhaps your problem-solving skills are spotless but verbal reasoning is still confusing to you. Instead of enquiring about the test from friends who have sat it or looking information up online, approach the test from a personal perspective and draw individual conclusions about it based on your own feelings and your own performance, as what someone found hard may not ring true for you.

Our recommendations

The first thing you want to do when you start your BMAT preparation is to take it in a structured and logical approach. The BMAT is a big exam consisting of many different components. Instead of tackling it all at once from the beginning, it may be worth just to focus on a specific section of the exam at a time. For example, you can start with the problem-solving part of Section 1, in which you can go over the questions in-depth, do some practice questions and review your answers. Give yourself an objective score based on the answer key you will find online and assess your performance. Do you feel that you have gaps in your knowledge and is it worth exploring those further? Once you have done this, you can move on to the next part of Section 1, then Section 2 and finally Section 3.

Additionally, you should take at least one BMAT practice test as part of your preparation. Ideally you will commence your preparation soon enough to allow yourself enough time to sit several full practice test, but doing at least one is absolutely essential. Doing a whole BMAT past paper will allow you to get familiar with the timings and the intensity of the exam, which will take a total of two hours. If you only allocate enough time to sit a single practice paper, it is best to use a more recent paper, as this will be most similar to the exam that you will take. Some of the older papers have questions which are not multiple choice, or more options for essays to write. Even if you are able to do multiple tests, sitting the most recent ones last will still be beneficial.

As we have previously advised, once you have completed the BMAT practice test, take a break. After a couple of hours, mark it and see how you did. It should become apparent to you that one mark can make all the difference between a ‘good’ and a ‘bad’ score. By practising papers, you should be able to identify your areas of strengths and weaknesses and also to track your progress over time.

If you’re unsure regarding any logistic details surrounding the BMAT, the CAAT website is an up-to-date reliable resource that can help answer most of your questions and concerns. For further information, you can even watch free BMAT preparation videos they have uploaded on their channel that go in even further depth.

We’ve got a lot of resources that we’re currently creating to aid you with your BMAT preparation. This includes the BMAT live online course , BMAT tutoring and our series of blogs that we are publishing at the moment. These are excellent BMAT preparation resources that have received a lot of feedback from past applicants and current medical students, as they review all the information and knowledge you will require to sit the exam in a structured and systematic manner. They also provide you not only with tons of practice to ensure that you feel confident tackling the exam, but offer professional feedback on your performance with personalised tips on how to improve your score. Our blogs are also frequently updated to include the latest information surrounding entrance exam preparation, so be sure to frequently check there for any news that might be of interest!

We hope that you have enjoyed this post. If you have any questions feel free to contact us at [email protected] .

Find out more about BMAT preparation

  • What is the BMAT exam?
  • BMAT Section 1 Tips
  • BMAT Section 2 Tips

BMAT Section 3 Tips

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Mastering the BMAT: Your Essential Guide to Oxford and Cambridge Medical Admissions

Mastering the BMAT: Your Essential Guide to Oxford and Cambridge Medical Admissions

Importance of BMAT

Test structure and format.

How to Prepare for the BMAT

Are you looking to study biomedical sciences or medicine at Oxford or Cambridge? If so, sitting for the Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is compulsory! The BMAT is a key component of the application process, providing a level playing field for applicants to distinguish themselves. In this blog post, the BMAT will be detailed, along with insights and tips to aid adequate preparation. Read on!

Who Needs to Take the BMAT?

The Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a critical requirement for those aspiring to enter certain medical, veterinary, and related health courses at a range of universities in the UK , including prestigious institutions like the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge . This standardised test is designed to assess fundamental skills and aptitudes crucial to succeeding in these demanding fields, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and scientific knowledge application. Its objective nature ensures that all applicants, regardless of their educational background, are evaluated fairly, making it a key step for anyone targeting a career in these medical and health disciplines.

In the context of Oxford and Cambridge’s highly competitive medical school admissions, the significance of the BMAT cannot be overstated. As a standardised test, it plays a pivotal role in assessing the aptitude and skills essential for success in medical school.

The admissions team at Oxford and Cambridge utilises the BMAT to differentiate among the large pool of strong applicants they receive each year. Specifically, the BMAT focuses on evaluating candidates' abilities in problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication — all vital competencies for thriving in medical school.

A strong performance in the BMAT can substantially enhance an applicant’s likelihood of being called for an interview and ultimately receiving an offer . In this way, a candidate’s BMAT score becomes a crucial component of the selection process, serving as a key criterion for shortlisting candidates for the interview stage.

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The BMAT is structured into three sections , each focusing on different skill sets and question types. The time allocated for each section varies, with 30 minutes for sections 2 and 3 and 60 minutes for section 1.

In terms of scoring, the BMAT uses a 9-point scale , with each section being scored separately. For Sections 1 and 2, candidates earn one mark for each correct answer and 0 for incorrect answers.

These scores are then placed on the 9-point BMAT scale. Section 3, however, is scored differently. It's initially scored out of 5, and these raw marks are later adjusted to fit the 1.0 to 9.0 scale, aligning with the scores of the other sections. The average BMAT score typically falls between 4.0 and 6.0, with 6.0 and above considered strong.

BMAT Test Structure and Format Summary Table

SectionFocusQuestion TypeTime AllocationScoring MethodScore Range
1Understanding Fundamental Biological Concepts and Principles Multiple-Choice Questions 60 minutesScored on a 9-point scale, 1 mark per correct answer1.0 - 9.0
2Applying Scientific Knowledge and Skills in Problem-SolvingProblem-Solving, Critical Thinking, and Communication Questions30 minutesScored on a 9-point scale, 1 mark per correct answer1.0 - 9.0
3Communication and Wider Reading; Argumentative SkillsEssay Writing on Varied Topics30 minutesInitially out of 5, then scaled to 1.0 - 9.01.0 - 9.0

Breakdown of the BMAT Test Sections: Understanding the Core Components

In the first section, candidates are assessed on their understanding of fundamental biological concepts and principles through multiple-choice questions. This section is similar to the UCAT Verbal Reasoning section, necessitating a careful and logical approach. To excel, candidates must practice diligently, focusing on developing a deep understanding of various concepts and applying them in diverse and increasingly complex scenarios.

The second section evaluates candidates’ ability to apply scientific knowledge and skills to problem-solving . Often familiar to many, this section is generally considered the easiest to prepare for among the three. It specifically assesses problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills. Success hinges on sufficient practice to gain familiarity with the questions and tackling each problem logically.

The final section focuses on communication and wider reading, requiring candidates to discuss different viewpoints on given subject areas . This section tests the ability to present arguments, consider various perspectives, and reach reasoned conclusions. Effective preparation can involve reviewing past essay topics, engaging in discussions with others, and practicing writing argumentative essays. Throughout the practice, it's important to develop the skill of dissecting the question, planning responses in advance, and forming concise yet well-supported arguments.

How to Prepare for the BMAT?

Preparing for the BMAT requires a strategic approach to ensure comprehensive coverage of all topics and skills assessed in the test. Here are some refined tips and strategies to help you prepare effectively:

1. Start Early: Building a Strong Foundation

  • Importance of Time Management: Beginning your preparation early provides ample time to thoroughly understand each topic.
  • Gradual Learning: This approach allows for a more effective absorption of information, avoiding the stress of cramming.

2. Create a Study Plan: Structuring Your Preparation

  • Daily/Weekly Goals: Establish specific goals for each day or week to monitor progress and maintain focus.
  • Tailored Focus: Allocate more time to weaker areas, ensuring a balanced and comprehensive understanding.
  • Week 1-3: Focus on mastering each section with regular reviews.
  • Week 4: Intensive revision of weaker areas.
  • Week 5-7: Practice under timed conditions to improve speed and accuracy.

3. Get Disciplined and Practice: The Key to Mastery

  • Consistent Practice: Regular practice is essential for familiarity with the exam's format and types of questions.
  • Diverse Resources: Utilize a range of study materials, including past papers and online resources.

4. Seek Feedback and Assistance: Leveraging External Help

  • Peer Review: Collaborate with peers for new perspectives and problem-solving methods.
  • Professional Guidance: Seek advice from tutors or teachers, especially for complex topics or essay writing.

5. Work Sustainably: Balancing Rigor with Rest

  • Avoid Burnout: Integrate adequate rest into your study plan to maintain mental well-being.
  • Active Breaks: Engage in relaxing yet active breaks, such as sports or hobbies.

6. Take Practice Tests: Simulating the Exam Experience

  • Realistic Simulation: Timed tests help adapt to the exam's pressure and time constraints.
  • Identifying Patterns: Regular tests aid in recognizing common mistakes and challenging areas.

Check out Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing’s free BMAT preparation materials

7. Stay Calm and Focused: Mental Preparedness on Test Day

  • Mindfulness Techniques: Use techniques like deep breathing to stay calm during the exam.
  • Time Management: Develop and adhere to a time allocation strategy for different test sections.

8. Book a Free Consultation: Seeking Expert Guidance from Crimson Education Advisors

  • Expert Advice: Scheduling a free consultation with a Crimson Education advisor , especially one with experience at Oxford and/or Cambridge, can provide invaluable insights and practical steps for BMAT preparation.
  • Tailored Strategies: These advisors can offer personalized advice to enhance your study methods and overall approach, significantly increasing your chances of success in the BMAT and your journey to gaining admission to Oxford or Cambridge.
  • Comprehensive Support: They can help in identifying your strengths and weaknesses, providing targeted strategies that cater to your individual needs and aspirations.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

1. insufficient practice: emphasizing regular preparation.

  • Consistent Effort: Consistent and thorough practice is crucial for success in the BMAT.
  • Varied Exercises: Engage in diverse practice exercises to cover all test aspects.

2. Poor Time Management: Mastering the Clock

  • Strategic Approach: Avoid spending excessive time on challenging questions and allocate your time wisely.
  • Pacing Techniques: Practice pacing like in a marathon, ensuring steady progress throughout the test.

3. Overlooking the Essay Section: Honing Writing Skills

  • Equal Importance: Balance your preparation to include significant essay writing practice.
  • Structured Responses: Focus on structuring essays effectively with clear arguments and concise conclusions.

4. Neglecting Weak Areas: Addressing All Topics

  • Comprehensive Review: Identify and work on weaker areas, not just on strengths or familiar topics.
  • Seek Help: If certain areas remain challenging, seek additional help or resources.

5. Stress and Anxiety: Maintaining Composure

  • Mindfulness Practices: Use techniques like meditation or deep breathing to manage stress.
  • Simulated Conditions: Regular practice under exam-like conditions can help reduce anxiety.

6. Underestimating the Test: Respect the BMAT's Complexity

  • Realistic Expectations: Recognize the BMAT's challenge and approach it with dedication.
  • In-depth Study: Aim for a deep understanding of each topic, beyond superficial knowledge.

These tips address the common pitfalls encountered by BMAT candidates, offering strategies to improve preparation and performance in the test.

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Essential Strategies for BMAT Test Day Success

1. prepare and arrive early.

Ensure you comply with all instructions and bring the required identification materials on test day. Avoid unnecessary stress before the test by arriving 15-20 minutes early for check-in. This allows you some quiet time to calm your nerves. The last thing you want is to enter the exam venue feeling anxious and flustered from having rushed.

2. Read Questions Carefully

It's crucial to read each question carefully and with precision. Answering questions incorrectly due to a misreading can be easily avoided with this careful approach.

3. Time Management

You may encounter questions that momentarily stump you. Don't dwell on these longer than your allocated time per question. Move to secure marks from other questions first, then return to the challenging ones. In multiple-choice sections, like sections 1 and 2, it's wise to eliminate options, make an informed preliminary guess, and revisit the question later.

4. Stay Level-Headed

Find ways to quieten and calm your mind. This could be through meditation, prayer, or any routine that helps you stay composed. Experiment with different techniques during your timed practices and replicate them on the day. Remind yourself that you have prepared diligently for the test and that it's simply a matter of executing it like another practice test.

Final Thoughts

As you receive your BMAT scores and reflect on the journey thus far, the next phase of your journey to Oxford unfolds. Here's a structured approach to navigating the post-test steps effectively:

  • Understand where your score positions you in the competitive landscape. A high score can be a significant advantage, but don't be discouraged if it's not as high as you hoped. Every part of your application matters.
  • If your BMAT score aligns with the requirements of your chosen course at Oxbridge, prepare for the possibility of being shortlisted for interviews. These interviews are a critical component of the selection process and demand as much preparation as the BMAT itself.
  • Regularly check the official Oxford and Cambridge website for updates on the application process, interview schedules, and any additional requirements specific to your course.
  • Take the time to reflect on your BMAT experience. What went well? What could have been better? Use these insights to improve and prepare for the next stages.
  • Consider booking a free consultation with an expert Crimson Education counselor. These counselors, especially those with experience in Oxbridge admissions, can provide tailored advice to maximize your chances of success. They can help refine your interview skills, polish your personal statement, and provide insights into the Oxbridge admissions process.
  • Remember, the journey to Oxbridge is a marathon, not a sprint. Maintain a positive outlook and stay prepared for each step of the process.

The journey to a top UK University is challenging but immensely rewarding. With the right preparation, mindset, and guidance, you can enhance your prospects and make your dream a reality. Remember, the effort you put in now can open doors to a world of opportunities. Stay focused, stay motivated, and take the first step towards your future at Oxbridge.

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  • Join our free webinars on US university applications
  • Free eBooks and guides to help with the college application process
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  19. The Ultimate BMAT Guide: 800 Practice Questions: Fully Worked Solutions

    Published by the leading Medical and University Admissions Company, this fully comprehensive guide to the BMAT exam, is fully updated for 2019 and includes: 800 practice questions, written by experts exactly in the style of the real exam, to allow you to practice and revise successfully. Three mock papers so you can put your revision into practice.

  20. Where to find BMAT practice questions

    How is the BMAT essay marked? Section 3 of the BMAT is scored slightly differently than the rest of the exam. The essay is scored in two separate categories, quality of content and quality of English. The former category is awarded a grade between 1 and 5, where 1 is given to unfocused or incoherent answers or those that do not address the ...

  21. Mastering the BMAT: Your Essential Guide

    The BMAT is structured into three sections, each focusing on different skill sets and question types. The time allocated for each section varies, with 30 minutes for sections 2 and 3 and 60 minutes for section 1. In terms of scoring, the BMAT uses a 9-point scale, with each section being scored separately. For Sections 1 and 2, candidates earn ...