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70+ Python Projects for Beginners [Source Code Included]

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Python is an incredibly powerful programming language, and it is becoming more popular every day. With its flexibility, it is no wonder that Python is used in so many different projects.

With so many options, it can take time to figure out where to start. So if you are looking for some great Python projects to get you started, here are the 70+ best python projects out there!

Master Python with live projects will be your best investment.

Work on Real-time Projects

  • Mad Libs Generator in Python
  • Python Number Guessing Game
  • Countdown Timer in Python
  • Python Password Generator
  • Create Contact Book using Python
  • Binary search algorithm in Python
  • Create Desktop Notifier App in Python
  • Python Website Blocker Project
  • Web Scraping Python Project
  • Python URL Shortener
  • Python Twitter Bot
  • Python Reddit Bot
  • Python Discord Bot
  • Crypto App using Python
  • Sorting Method in Python
  • Create Interactive Quiz using Python
  • Develop Counter App using Python
  • Web Browser Python Project
  • Build Notes App in Python
  • Create Typing Tester using Python
  • Python Wikipedia Explorer
  • Python Stock Market Prediction App
  • Create Image Recognition App in Python
  • Design Price Prediction Model in Python
  • Interactive Map in Python
  • Temperature Converter Project in Python
  • Measurement Converter Project in Python
  • Python Prison Break Project
  • Star Wars Survey Python Project
  • Netflix Data Analysis in Python
  • Bulk File Renamer in Python
  • Python Weather Program
  • Markov Text Chain Composer Project
  • Pong Game in Python
  • Connect Four Python Project
  • Python Tetris Game Project
  • Online Multiplayer Game in Python
  • Python Minesweeper Game
  • Flames Game in Python
  • Python 2048 Game
  • Python Snake Game
  • Build Space Invaders Game in Python
  • Create Sudoku Solver using Python
  • Python Tic-Tac-Toe Game
  • Dice Rolling Simulator using Python
  • Hangman Game in Python
  • Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python
  • Create Text Adventure Game in Python
  • Create Memory Puzzle Game in Python
  • Photo Manipulation using Python
  • Python Calculator
  • Python QR Code Encoder/ Decoder Project
  • Video to Audio Converter Python Project
  • Python YouTube Downloader
  • Visualise a Solar System using Python
  • Shutdown, Restart and Logout Computer with Python
  • Shop Management System Python Project
  • Voice Assistant Python Project
  • Convert PDF File Text to AudioBook & Speech to PDF using Python
  • Extract Song Lyrics in Python
  • Website Connectivity Checker Python Project
  • Python Library Management System
  • Convert Text to Speech and Speech to Text with Python
  • Expense Tracker Python Project
  • Screen Recorder Python Project
  • Python Currency Converter
  • Music Player Python Project
  • Language Translator Python Project
  • Python To-Do List
  • Python Text Editor
  • Python Chatbot Project
  • Sentiment Analysis Model using Python

Python Project for Beginners

1. mad libs generator in python.

Python Project Idea – Mad Libs is a game where players have to put random words in the blanks of a story. The Mad Libs Generator is a Python project that allows users to generate their own Mad Libs stories.

This project will require you to use basic Python programming constructs such as variables, loops, and conditionals. It will also require you to use string manipulation methods to fill in the blanks in the template story. It is perfect for beginners who are just starting to learn Python programming. At the end of this project, you will have a basic understanding of using Python to create a simple but useful program.

Source Code – Mad Libs Generator in Python

2. Python Number Guessing Game

Python Project Idea – This is a fun little project that I like to do in my spare time. It is a number-guessing game written in Python. The basic idea is to have the computer produce a random number between 1 and 100 and then have the user try to guess it. If the user guesses correctly, they win! If not, the computer tells them whether their guess was too high or too low, and they get another chance. It is a simple concept but a lot of fun to play.

Source Code – Number Guessing Game

3. Countdown Timer in Python

Python Project Idea – A countdown timer is a useful tool for keeping track of time. In this project, we will create a countdown timer using Python. We will first create a function to take time in seconds and print it out in a formatted string. We will then use this function to create a countdown timer.

The countdown timer will start at a given time and count down to zero. At each second, it will print out the remaining time. When the timer reaches zero, it will print out a message saying, “Time’s up!.” This project is a great way to learn about working with time in Python. It is also a useful tool that you can use in your projects.

Source Code – Countdown Timer in Python

4. Python Password Generator

Python Project Idea – Python is a versatile language to create all sorts of applications, including a password generator. This project will walk you through creating a password generator with Python. You will learn how to generate passwords of different lengths and complexity, as well as how to store them securely. This project is a great way to learn more about Python and practise your coding skills.

Source Code – Password Generator in Python

5. Create Contact Book using Python

Python Project Idea – A contact book is a handy tool to keep all your contacts in one place. This python project will allow you to create a contact book and add, edit, and delete contacts. In addition, you’ll be able to view all your contacts and their details in one place. This project is perfect for anyone who wants to keep their contacts organised and accessible.

Source Code – Contact Book using Python

6. Binary search algorithm in Python

Python Project – A binary search algorithm finds an item in a sorted array in O(log(n)) time. The binary search algorithm can be implemented in Python using a simple while loop.

The array must first be sorted in ascending order to perform a binary search. Then, the algorithm will search the array for the target value by repeatedly dividing the search array in half until the target value is found. If the target value is not found in the array, the algorithm will return -1.

A binary search algorithm is a tool that can efficiently search large arrays. When implemented in Python, the binary search algorithm can quickly find an item in a sorted array.

Source Code – Binary search algorithm in Python

7. Create Desktop Notifier App in Python

Python Project – A desktop notifier app can keep track of your to-do list and ensure you don’t miss any important deadlines. This Python project involves building a simple app that displays notifications on your desktop when a task is due. It will help you learn the Python requests module to fetch data from a remote API, how to use the Python Pillow module to generate images, and how to use the Python pynotifier module to display notifications. By the end of this project, you’ll have a useful tool that you can use to stay organised.

8. Python Website Blocker Project

Python Project – Website blocking is a process of preventing users from accessing certain websites. This can be done to prevent access to sites that contain malware or phishing content.

There are different ways to block websites in Python. One popular method is to use a Python module called host block. This module provides several features for blocking websites, including blocking specific URLs or domains and redirecting blocked URLs to a custom page.

Another popular method for blocking websites in Python is to use the urllib2 module. This module provides several functions for working with URLs, including blocking specific URLs.

9. Web Scraping Python Project

Python Project Idea – Web scraping means extracting data from websites. It can be done manually, but it is usually done using special software. Python is a popular language for building web scraping programs because it is powerful and easy to use. There are many libraries and tools available for web scraping in Python.

10. Python URL Shortener

Python Project Idea – A URL shortener is a web application that takes long URLs and converts them into short, easy-to-remember URLs. The shortened URL can be used by anyone who wants to access the original URL.

Many URL shorteners are available online, but you can also create your own URL shortener using the Python programming language. You will need to import the Flask and requests modules in your Python script. Flask will be used to create the web application, and requests will be used to send requests to the Bitly API.

Beginner Python Project Examples

11. python twitter bot.

Python Project Idea – A Twitter bot can tweet and retweet on behalf of its user. You can use the tweepy library to interface with the Twitter API. The time, random, and os libraries will also help with some of the bot’s functionality.

12. Python Reddit Bot

Python Project Idea – A Reddit bot login to Reddit parses comments and posts and responds accordingly. The bot will be used to automatically post new content from a specific subreddit to a Discord channel. You can use the PRAW (Python Reddit API Wrapper) library to interact with the Reddit API. This is a complex project that will require time and effort.

13. Python Discord Bot

Python Project – The discord bot python project is an interesting and unique project that can be used to create a bot for the popular chat application, Discord. This project requires a bit of knowledge in Python programming language and will also be using the Discord API. In addition, the project will be using the library.

You will first need to create a Discord account and a Discord application. After that, the project will need to get the Discord API key and use it to create a bot. The bot will then need to be added to a Discord server. The project will then need to code the bot and make it do different things, such as responding to messages, playing music, etc.

14. Crypto App using Python

Python Project Idea – The crypto app python project is a tool allowing users to encrypt and decrypt messages using the AES256 encryption algorithm. It also provides a user-friendly interface for managing keys and encrypting/decrypting messages.

15. Sorting Method in Python

Python Project Idea – The sorting method python project is a project that enables you to sort a list of items in ascending or descending order. This project is very useful for those who want to organise their data in a particular order.

16. Create Interactive Quiz using Python

Python Project Idea – Interactive quiz python project is a web-based Quiz application that allows users to answer questions in a quiz format and receive feedback on their answers. In addition, the application keeps track of the user’s progress and allows them to look at their answers at the end of the quiz.

17. Develop Counter App using Python

Python Project Idea – The Counter app is a Python project that allows users to keep track of the number of times they perform a given task. For example, users can use the app to count the number of times they brush their teeth or walk their dogs. The app can be used for any task the user wants to track.

18. Web Browser Python Project

Python Project Idea – The web browser python project is a project that allows users to browse the internet using the python programming language. The project provides a web browser interface that is easy to use and allows users to surf the web without installing any additional software. The project is open source and is available for free.

Source Code – Web Browser in Python

19. Build Notes App in Python

Python Project Idea – The Notes App Python Project is a simple command line application that allows users to create and manage notes. The project is written in Python and uses the built-in sqlite3 module to store data.

The application has two main features: creating and managing notes. To create a note, the user must specify a title and body. The body of the note can be either plain text or Markdown. Once a note is created, the user can view, edit, or delete it.

20. Create Typing Tester using Python

Python Project Idea – The Type Tester Python Project is a set of scripts that will help you to test and debug your fonts. It is designed to be in conjunction with font files, so you will need to have the font files installed on your system.

This project is not meant to replace a typeface designer or typographer. It is only meant to help identify inconsistencies in the font file and then provide the user with suggestions about how to fix them.

Source Code – Typing Tester in Python

21. Python Wikipedia Explorer

Python Project Idea – The Wikipedia Explore Python Project is a project that aims to teach people how to code in Python. This project is not a course but an interactive and exploratory way of learning Python. It provides various exercises that help you learn the basics of Python.

The project also has a section for learners who have already learned some basics of coding and want to explore more advanced concepts.

Easy Python Projects for Aspiring Developers

It’s time to work on basic Python projects

22. Python Stock Market Prediction App

Python Project – A Python project for a stock market prediction app is an exciting opportunity to learn about financial markets. The project aims to develop a Python library that can predict the prices of stocks in the future based on their historical prices. The library will use linear regression analysis to find a relationship between past and future prices.

23. Create Image Recognition App in Python

Python Project Idea – Image recognition is a technology that will make our lives easier. The project aims to create an image recognition app using Python. This app will use computer vision and image processing algorithms to recognise objects in images and then provide the user with the object’s name. This technology has many applications, such as recognising faces and identifying people in images or videos, recognising scenes and objects in images or videos, identifying text in images or videos, etc.

24. Design Price Prediction Model in Python

Python Project – A price prediction model is a mathematical model that predicts the price of an item based on certain parameters. Python is a programming language used to create these models. The following are some ways to use it:

  • To create games
  • To create websites
  • To make animations
  • To program robots or drones

25. Interactive Map in Python

Python Project – The interactive map python project is an open-source project which aims to provide a framework for developers to create interactive maps. It has been developed by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.

It is a Python library that works with the ArcGIS API for Python and can also be used with other GIS software. The Interactive Map Python Project provides a framework for developers to create interactive maps and has been developed by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.

26. Temperature Converter Project in Python

Python Project – This project aims to be a temperature converter for people living in Celsius or Fahrenheit countries. It converts the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa.

27. Measurement Converter Project in Python

Python Project – The measurement converter python project is a simple application that converts between various units of measure. It has been created to help people who need to convert between different measurements but don’t know how to do it. The project is open-source and free to use.

This project was created in order to provide the user with a simple application that can convert one unit of measure to another. The measurement converter python project is open-source and free for anyone who needs it.

Source Code: Python Weight Converter Project

28. Python Prison Break Project

Python Project Idea – The Prison Break Python Project is an open-source project that aims to provide a library of code for people who want to write programs that can break out of prisons. It is a system that can be used to break into any password-protected computer. The system is a Python library designed to use brute force attacks to guess the password.

29. Star Wars Survey Python Project

Python Project – The star wars survey project in Python is a framework for creating surveys. It is an open-source Django application that provides a framework for building surveys. The project has been created to make it easy to build a questionnaire that can be submitted to respondents and then analysed using statistical software such as R or Stata.

30. Netflix Data Analysis in Python

Python Project – The company has a history of using machine learning to improve its services and recently released a project called the Netflix Analysis Project in Python. This project aims to provide an intuitive interface for data exploration and analysis by using tools from the Python ecosystem.

The project consists of three modules: Data Exploration Toolkit (DET), Data Analysis Toolkit (DAT), and Visualization Toolkit (VIT). All three modules are built on Jupyter notebooks with the JupyterLab extension.

31. Bulk File Renamer in Python

Python Project – The bulk file renamer project in Python renames files with a given prefix. It works by analysing the directory for files with the given prefix and then renaming them with the specified suffix. This project can be helpful when you want to organise your media library or if you are working on a large project and need to rename all your images.

32. Python Weather Program

Python Project – The weather program project in Python is a tool that provides the user with a clear interface to display the current temperature and forecast of the weather. Using this program, you can find weather details in different parts of the world.

The program takes in input from various sources, such as Google Maps, Yahoo Weather, and the US National Weather Service.

It then displays this data on its interface for easy reading. It also has an option for users to share their location with friends or family so that they can see what the current weather is like from their perspective.

Source Code – Live Weather Notifications using Python

33. Markov Text Chain Composer Project

Python Project – Markov Text Chain Composer is a project in Python that uses machine learning to generate new text based on existing text. It works by looking at a body of text and using the patterns it finds to create new text with the same style. So if you have a book written in a certain way, the project can generate new sentences that sound like they came from the same book.

Cool Python Projects for Game Developers

34. pong game in python.

Python Project – Pong is a game written in Python using the PyGame library. It is a classic two-player game where players control a paddle and hit the ball back and forth. The first player who misses the ball loses! Making a Pong project in Python means writing code to run the game.

Source Code – Pong Game in Python

35. Connect Four Python Project

Python Project – Connect Four is a game where you try to line up four pieces in a row on a board. With a Python project, you can use computer programming to create a version of the game. This version will be able to track how many pieces each player has, what colour pieces the player has, how many pieces are left to place, and when somebody wins the game.

36. Python Tetris Game Project

Python Project – A Tetris project in Python is one of the popular game python projects. It is a computer game that someone can write in Python. It involves writing code to make pieces of different shapes fall from the top of the screen, and the goal is to fit them together, so they make a complete row. If you can do that, the row of pieces will disappear, and you can keep playing.

37. Online Multiplayer Game in Python

Python Project Idea – A Python Online Multiplayer Game project is a computer program that allows people to play games together over the internet. It could be a card game, a racing game, a board game or whatever game people want to play. The programming language Python is used to create this type of game so that people can have fun interacting with each other online.

38. Python Minesweeper Game

Python Project – Minesweeper is a game where you must find all the hidden ‘mines’ (or bombs) on a grid without clicking on any of them. To do a Minesweeper project in Python, you’ll have to write a program that will create the game and allow you to play it by clicking on the squares and trying to figure out which ones have hidden bombs. If you get it wrong, you lose the game!

39. Flames Game in Python

Python Project Idea – Flames Game is a Python project that helps two people determine if they are meant to be together. First, you give it your name and your crush’s name, and it generates a word made up of the letters from both of your names. Then, it gives you instructions on counting the letters until you are left with only one letter, which tells you if you are compatible or not.

Source Code – Flames Game in Python

40. Python 2048 Game

Python Project Idea – The 2048 project is a game written in Python where a player moves tiles around on the board to try to add them up to 2048. Each move adds a new tile to the board with a value of two or four. The goal is to keep adding tiles and moving them around to get the sum of tiles on the board to reach 2048.

python 2048 project output

Source Code – 2048 Game in Python

41. Python Snake Game

Python Project – The Snake Python Project is a project to create a comprehensive database of information on snakes. The project is open to anyone who wishes to contribute, and all contributions are welcome. The project is still in the initial stages, but it is predicted to eventually become a valuable resource for snake enthusiasts and experts alike.

Source Code – Snake Game in Python

42. Build Space Invaders Game in Python

Python Project Idea – Space Invaders is a classic video game from the 1980s. In this game, the player controls a ship at the screen’s bottom and must destroy the waves of aliens attacking from the top.

This project will involve creating a Space Invaders game in Python. We will start by creating a basic game engine, then add the player ship, aliens, and other features. Finally, the project will be completed with a high-score system and some sound effects.

43. Create Sudoku Solver using Python

Python Project – The challenge of creating a Sudoku solver program is to take an arbitrary Sudoku puzzle and generate a solution. This can be accomplished by exhaustively searching through all possible permutations of the digits until the correct solution is found.

The first step is to input the Sudoku puzzle to create a Sudoku solver program. The program will then generate all possible permutations of the digits 1-9 and check to see if each permutation satisfies the constraints of the Sudoku puzzle. If a permutation satisfies the constraints, the program will output the permutation as the solution to the Sudoku puzzle.

python sudoku solver output

Source Code – Sudoku Solver using Python

44. Python Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Python Project Idea – The tic-tac-toe python project is an excellent way to learn how to code in Python. The goal is to create a functioning tic-tac-toe game that two people can play. The project is simple to code and can be used to teach the basics of coding to beginners.

The project can also be used to teach more advanced concepts to experienced coders. The project is a great way to learn about coding in Python and can be used to teach others how to code in Python.

Source Code – Tic-Tac-Toe Game in Python

45. Dice Rolling Simulator using Python

Python Project Idea – Python is a versatile language you can use to create programs, including a dice-rolling simulator. This project will walk you through creating a dice-rolling simulator program in Python.

We will start by creating a basic program that simulates rolling a single die. Then, add a few features to make the program more realistic, like rolling multiple dice at once. Finally, add a graphical user interface (GUI) so that users can interact with the program more easily.

Creating a basic dice-rolling simulator is a great way to learn Python’s programming basics. At the end of this project, you will have a program you can use to play all sorts of dice games. So let’s get started!

Source Code – Dice Rolling Simulator in Python

46. Hangman Game in Python

Python Project – This is a python project that implements the game of hangman. The player is given a specific number of chances to guess the word, and if they are unsuccessful, they are “hanged”. The project uses a simple text-based interface.

Source Code – Hangman Game in Python

47. Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python

Python Project – Rock Paper Scissors is a simple game you can play with a friend. The game is played by each player choosing one of rock, paper, or scissors, and then the players compare their choices. It is a draw if both players have chosen the same thing. Otherwise, the winner is the player who has chosen the winning hand (rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, scissors beats paper). This project is a fun and easy way for people to learn about Python.

Source Code – Rock Paper Scissors Game in Python

48. Create Text Adventure Game in Python

Python Project Idea – The text adventure game is a game where the player uses text commands to control the character and progress through the story. The game is written in Python programming language and designed to run on the command line. The project is open source, meaning anyone can contribute to the game’s development.

49. Create Memory Puzzle Game in Python

Python Project – A Memory Puzzle Game is an interactive game using Python programming to help you remember things. It’s like a game of Concentration where you have to match two cards with the same picture. You can make the game harder by increasing the number of cards or easier by decreasing the number of cards. It’s a fun way to practise your coding skills!

Source Code – Memory Puzzle Game in Python

Python Project for Final Year Students

50. photo manipulation using python.

Python Project Idea – Photo manipulation is when you use a computer program to edit photos. For example, in a Python project, you would write computer code in the Python language to manipulate photos. This could include changing the size or brightness of the photo, cropping it, adding text or objects, or removing certain elements.

51. Python Calculator

Python Project Idea – The Calculator Project in Python is a fun way to learn to program. It’s a project where you create your own calculator that can do essential functions like adding, subtracting, and multiplying numbers. You can program the calculator to do more advanced maths and even create your own calculator functions. It’s a great way to learn Python programming and develop your skills.

python project calculator output

Source Code – Calculator in Python

52. Python QR Code Encoder/ Decoder Project

Python Project – This project is where you write code that can create a special type of barcode called a QR Code. Then, you can also write code that can scan and decode these barcodes and figure out what information is inside them. This is useful for quickly scanning a product in a store and getting information about it.

Source Code – Generate QR Code using Python

53. Video to Audio Converter Python Project

Python Project – A Video to Audio Converter project in Python is a way to take a video file and turn it into an audio file. It is a type of computer program written in the Python programming language that takes a video file and converts it into an audio file you can listen to or share with others.

Source Code – Video to Audio Converter in Python

54. Python YouTube Downloader

Python Project – A YouTube Downloader project in Python is a program written in the python language that can be used to download videos from YouTube onto your computer. It will use code to search for videos and then download them directly to your computer, so you can watch them later when you don’t have an internet connection.

Source Code – YouTube Downloader in Python

55. Visualise a Solar System using Python

Python Project – This project is a way to use code to create a picture of a solar system on a computer screen. It uses loops and data sets to draw the planets and their orbits, then add the sun and other stars to the system. It’s a fun project that shows how coding can be used to create something beautiful.

python project solar system output

Source Code – Visualise a Solar System using Python

56. Shutdown, Restart and Logout Computer with Python

Python Project – This project is a way to use the Python programming language to make a program that lets you shut down, restart, or log out of your computer. It will use commands to tell the computer what to do. For instance, if you want to shut down your computer, the program will send a command to the computer telling it to shut down.

Source Code – Shutdown, Restart and Logout Computer with Python

57. Shop Management System Python Project

Python Project – A Shop Management System project in Python is a computer program that helps people who run shops track and organise their stock. It can help them keep track of what items they have in their shop, how much money they’re making from selling items, and how much money they need to buy more things. Python is the programming language used to create this project.

Source Code – Shop Management System in Python

58. Voice Assistant Python Project

Python Project – Voice Assistant project in Python teaches a computer to understand and respond to speech. You can use the Python programming language to create a program that can understand and answer questions or commands you give using your voice. With this project, you can use your voice to control your computer, play music, or search the internet.

Source Code – Voice Assistant in Python

59. Convert PDF File Text to AudioBook and speech to PDF using Python

Python Project – This project is about using Python, a computer programming language, to take text from a PDF document and turn it into an audiobook or to take speech and turn it into a PDF document. It’s like using a computer to listen to a book or type out what someone said into a PDF.

Source Code – PDF File Text to AudioBook using Python

60. Extract Song Lyrics in Python

Python Project – The Extract Song Lyrics project in Python is a computer program that can search the internet and find the words to any song. So it can help you learn the lyrics to your favourite songs without having to look them up or memorise them. Instead, you type in the song’s name, and the program will do the rest!

Source Code – Extract Song Lyrics in Python

61. Website Connectivity Checker Python Project

Python Project – The Website Connectivity Checker project in Python is a program that checks to ensure websites are working properly and can easily be accessed. It can look at websites from different parts of the world and ensure they respond quickly.

Source Code – Website Connectivity Checker in Python

Python Project Ideas –  Advanced Level

62. python library management system.

Python Project – The Library Management System project in Python is a program that helps librarians manage their library by keeping track of the books in the library and the people who borrow them. It can also help keep track of the due dates and fines for books that are overdue. It makes it easier for borrowers to find books they want and for librarians to ensure books are returned on time.

library management system python project output

Source Code – Library Management System in Python

63. Convert Text to Speech and Speech to Text with Python

Python Project Idea – This project is a way of using programming to take written words and convert them into spoken words or take spoken words and convert them into written words. So, for example, it can make talking robots or allow people to type messages without typing them out.

Source Code – Python Text to Speech and Speech to Text Converter Project

64. Expense Tracker Python Project

Python Project Idea – The expense tracker project in Python helps you track how much money you are spending. It keeps a record of your spending and lets you figure out where you can save money. It can also give you advice on how to manage your finances better.

Source Code – Expense Tracker in Python

65. Screen Recorder Python Project

Python Project – The Screen Recorder Project in Python is a program that allows you to record the screen of your computer and save it as a video file. It’s like making a movie of what you’re doing on your computer, so you can watch it later or show it to friends.

Source Code – Screen Recorder in Python

66. Python Currency Converter

Python Project – The Currency Converter Project is one of the best python projects for beginners. It is a program that can convert an amount of money from one currency to another. So, if you had $100 in US Dollars and wanted to see how much it was worth in Euros, you could use the Currency Converter Project to find out.

Source Code – Currency Converter in Python

67. Music Player Python Project

Python Project Idea – The Music Player Project in Python is a project where you can create a program that can play music, like a jukebox. It can store a list of songs and let you choose which one to play. You can also create controls like ‘stop’, ‘pause’ and ‘play’ to control the music.

Source Code – Music Player in Python

68. Language Translator Python Project

Python Project – The Language Translator project is a way to create a program that can translate words and phrases from one language to another. You can use it to help people who don’t speak the same language understand each other. It’s like a human translator, but a computer does it.

Source Code – Language Translator in Python

69. Python To-Do List

Python Project Idea – The To-Do List project in Python is a program that you can use to keep track of tasks you have to do. With this project, you can write down the things that need to be done and then ‘tick’ them off the list when they are complete. It’s a great way to stay organised and ensure nothing is forgotten.

Source Code – To-Do List in Python 

70. Python Text Editor

Python Project Idea – The Text Editor project helps you create a computer program to write and edit text. You can use it to write stories, take notes, or do whatever you need to do with text! It’s like a program that acts like a word processor, but it’s written in Python code.

Source Code – Text Editor in Python

71. Python Chatbot Project

Python Project Idea – Chatbots are a type of AI programmed to communicate with human beings. The chatbot project in this section will teach you to build a chatbot using Python. The first step is to install the Python programming language on your computer and then create a new folder for your project. You will need many libraries, including python-dateutil, python-requests, GoogleMaps, and pytz.

72. Sentiment Analysis Model using Python

Python Project Idea – Sentiment analysis models are a classification type that analyses a given text’s sentiment. A sentiment analysis model can be used in applications such as social media, customer feedback, and even live-chat interfaces. It aims to create an API that will support sentiment analysis through Python.

Python Projects – Summary

As we have seen above, these are the top 70+ python projects. They are simple and fun python projects through which you can learn Python programming. So, choose a project you find interesting and start programming.

Tags: beginner python projects beginners python projects beginning python projects mini python projects python project for college python project ideas python projects python projects beginners Python Projects for beginners Python projects for final year students python projects for graduation Python projects for students python projects source code python projects with source code real-time python projects

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it was good i need u r code

Great work indeed. I am trying to develop a mdi app with python tkinter, composed of several source codes. Is there any one in your list ? If not ,it world be great if you add one thanks

12th Project

Thank you for codes

hello welcome the project

Hello Welcome to the technical world !!

Great,I’m enjoying, exploring and learning at the same time.thank you

very useful

it is very usefull

i want to source code python

Sweet can’t wait to start !!!

It helped me a lot so thank you.

I want to develop a python code. But i don’t know the alphabets also. so please understand and help me

Very Good Keep it up bro!

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Python Projects You Can Build

A common question by Python beginners and those at an intermediate skill-level is “Which Python projects should I work on to gain practical experience?”

You can use Python for web development, data science, desktop applications, and more. With so many options, it can be tough to choose your next project idea …

On this page, you’ll find example projects with step-by-step instructions that’ll walk you through building real-world Python projects, from scratch.

Building hands-on projects will help you gain practical coding skills. One step at a time, you’ll be putting your theoretical knowledge to use and build an impressive portfolio.

Just pick a tutorial from the list below, and you’ll have all of the sample code and instructions you’ll need to have a finished project by the end:

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Web Scraping With Scrapy and MongoDB

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Python and PyQt: Building a GUI Desktop Calculator

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Creating Great README Files for Your Python Projects

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Build a Guitar Synthesizer: Play Musical Tablature in Python

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Build Conway's Game of Life With Python

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Build a Tic-Tac-Toe Game Engine With an AI Player in Python

Create a Tic-Tac-Toe Python Game Engine With an AI Player

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Build a Hangman Game With Python and PySimpleGUI

Build a Hangman Game With Python and PySimpleGUI

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Build Conway's Game of Life With Python

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Build a Hangman Game for the Command Line in Python

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Build a Blog From Scratch With Django

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Get Started With Django Part 1: Build a Portfolio App

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Build a Code Image Generator With Python

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Build a Maze Solver in Python Using Graphs

Mazes in Python: Build, Visualize, Store, and Solve

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Build a Maze Solver in Python Using Graphs

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Build a JavaScript Front End for a Flask API

Build a JavaScript Front End for a Flask API

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Build a Tic-Tac-Toe Game Engine With an AI Player in Python

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ChatterBot: Build a Chatbot With Python

ChatterBot: Build a Chatbot With Python

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Build Your Python Project Documentation With MkDocs

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Python and PyQt: Building a GUI Desktop Calculator

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Build a Flashcards App With Django

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Build a Site Connectivity Checker in Python

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Build a Quiz Application With Python

Build a Quiz Application With Python

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Manage Your To-Do Lists Using Python and Django

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Build a Dice-Rolling Application With Python

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Using Pygame to Build an Asteroids Game in Python

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50+ Python Projects with Source Code: Beginner to Advanced

Faraz Logo

By Faraz - June 17, 2024

Popular 50+ Python projects with source code, suitable for all skill levels. From basic to advanced, start coding today! #PythonProjects

50+ Python Projects with Source Code Beginner to Advanced.jpg

Table of Contents

Sr NoProjectAuthor

Introduction to Python Projects

Python is a versatile programming language known for its simplicity and readability. It's widely used in various domains such as web development, data analysis, machine learning, automation, and more. One of the best ways to master Python is by working on projects. In this blog post, we present a comprehensive collection of over 50 Python projects complete with source code. Whether you're a beginner looking to practice your skills or an experienced programmer seeking new challenges, these projects offer something for everyone.

1. Alarm Clock

alarm clock using python

Are you looking to build your Python skills while creating something useful? Start with a simple yet practical project like an Alarm Clock. With Python, you can code an alarm clock that wakes you up with your favorite tune or a custom message.

2. Calculator

python calculator gui using tkinter

Mastering Python isn't just about complex algorithms; it's also about solving everyday problems. Build a calculator using Python to perform basic arithmetic operations. It's a great way to understand functions, user input, and mathematical operations in Python.

3. QR Code Generator

qr code generator using Python

QR codes are everywhere these days, and understanding how to generate them using Python can be a valuable skill. Create a QR code generator application that allows users to input text or a URL and generates a QR code image that they can save or share.

4. Password Generator

password generator and manager

Security is crucial, especially in the digital age. Develop a password generator application in Python that creates strong and random passwords based on user-defined criteria such as length and character types. It's a practical project that enhances your skills while promoting cybersecurity.

5. Guess the Number

guess the number with python

Embark on a classic programming challenge by creating a "Guess the Number" game in Python. Challenge the user to guess a randomly generated number within a certain range. This project will reinforce your understanding of loops, conditionals, and user interaction in Python.

6. Age Calculator

python age calculator

Explore date and time manipulation in Python by building an Age Calculator. Allow users to input their birthdate, and then calculate and display their age in years, months, and days. It's a practical application that demonstrates Python's datetime module functionalities.

7. Weather Forecast App

python weather forecast app

Combine your Python skills with web scraping to develop a Weather Forecast App. Utilize APIs or web scraping techniques to fetch real-time weather data from online sources and present it in a user-friendly interface. This project will enhance your knowledge of data retrieval and visualization in Python.

8. Photo Compressor

photo compressor using python

Optimize images with a Python-based Photo Compressor. Create an application that reduces the file size of images while preserving their quality. You can explore image processing libraries like Pillow to implement various compression techniques and improve your understanding of image manipulation in Python.

9. Vending Machine

vending machine with python

Simulate the functionality of a vending machine using Python. Design a program that allows users to select items, input payment, and receive their chosen product. This project will help you grasp concepts such as conditionals, loops, and data structures while simulating real-world scenarios.

10. Youtube Downloader

python based youtube downloader

Build a Youtube Downloader application in Python to download videos from YouTube. Utilize third-party libraries like pytube to fetch video URLs, download videos, and save them to the local filesystem. This project will introduce you to working with APIs and handling multimedia data in Python.

11. Typing Speed Test

python typing speed test

Sharpen your typing skills while practicing Python programming with a Typing Speed Test project. Develop an application that prompts users to type a passage within a specified time limit and calculates their words per minute (WPM) and accuracy. This project will enhance your understanding of string manipulation and timing functions in Python.

12. Currency Converter

python currency converter

Dive into the world of financial applications by creating a Currency Converter in Python. Utilize exchange rate APIs or manually input conversion rates to allow users to convert between different currencies. This project will deepen your understanding of data manipulation and user input handling in Python.

13. Quiz Application

quiz application using tkinter

Create an interactive Quiz Application using Python to challenge users with a variety of questions. Implement features such as multiple-choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank questions, along with scoring and feedback mechanisms. This project will reinforce your knowledge of data structures and user interfaces in Python.

14. Word Counter

python word counter gui

Enhance your text processing skills by building a Word Counter application in Python. Develop a program that analyzes text input and calculates the frequency of each word, along with other statistics such as total words and unique words. This project will strengthen your understanding of dictionaries, strings, and file handling in Python.

15. Bitcoin Price Tracker

bitcoin price tracker with python and bs4

Stay up-to-date with cryptocurrency trends by creating a Bitcoin Price Tracker in Python. Fetch real-time Bitcoin prices from cryptocurrency APIs and display them in a graphical or text-based interface. This project will introduce you to working with APIs and handling JSON data in Python.

16. MP3 Player

python mp3 player

Immerse yourself in the world of multimedia applications by developing an MP3 Player in Python. Utilize libraries like pygame or tkinter to create a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to play, pause, stop, and navigate through their music library. This project will enhance your understanding of audio playback and GUI programming in Python.

17. Generate Random Jokes

python generate random jokes

Inject some humor into your Python projects by building a Random Jokes Generator. Fetch jokes from online APIs or create a collection of jokes and randomly select and display them to the user. This project will reinforce your skills in working with APIs, strings, and randomization in Python.

18. Text Editor/Notepad

python text editor/notepad

Create a simple Text Editor or Notepad application in Python to manage and edit text files. Implement features such as opening, editing, saving, and formatting text, along with functionalities like search and replace. This project will deepen your understanding of file handling and GUI programming in Python.

19. Digital Clock

digital clock in python with tkinter

Explore graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in Python by building a Digital Clock application. Design a clock interface that displays the current time and updates in real-time. You can use libraries like tkinter or pygame to create the GUI elements and handle time-related functionalities. This project will enhance your knowledge of GUI programming and event handling in Python.

20. Flappy Bird

python flappy bird

Challenge yourself with game development by creating a Flappy Bird clone in Python. Utilize libraries like pygame to design the game mechanics, graphics, and user interface. Implement features such as bird movement, pipe generation, collision detection, and scoring. This project will deepen your understanding of game development concepts and object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python.

21. Brick Breaker Game

brick breaker game

Experience the thrill of classic arcade gaming by developing a Brick Breaker game in Python. Use libraries like pygame to create the game environment, paddle, ball, and bricks. Implement features such as ball movement, collision detection, power-ups, and scoring. This project will reinforce your understanding of game physics and event handling in Python.

22. Captcha Generator

python captcha generator

Protect websites from spam and bots by creating a Captcha Generator in Python. Design an application that generates random Captcha images with distorted text, which users must correctly identify to proceed. This project will deepen your understanding of image manipulation and randomization in Python.

23. Scientific Calculator

scientific calculator using python

Delve into advanced mathematical concepts with a Scientific Calculator project in Python. Develop a calculator application that supports functions like trigonometry, logarithms, exponents, and more. This project will challenge you to implement complex mathematical algorithms and enhance your problem-solving skills in Python.

24. PDF 2 Image Converter

python pdf 2 image converter

Unlock the potential of document processing by creating a PDF to Image Converter in Python. Utilize libraries like PyPDF2 and Pillow to extract pages from PDF files and convert them into image formats like JPEG or PNG. This project will introduce you to working with different file formats and image processing techniques in Python.

25. Hash Cracker

hash cracker using python

Explore the world of cryptography by developing a Hash Cracker application in Python. Design a program that can crack hashed passwords using techniques like dictionary attacks or brute force. This project will deepen your understanding of encryption algorithms, string manipulation, and cybersecurity concepts in Python.

26. Python Bounce Game


Immerse yourself in game development by creating a Python Bounce Game. Utilize libraries like pygame to design the game environment, ball, and paddles. Implement features such as ball movement, collision detection, and scoring. This project will deepen your understanding of game physics and event handling in Python.

27. Dino Game

google chrome dino game made with python

Explore the world of web browser games by recreating the classic Dino Game from Google Chrome's offline mode. Use libraries like pygame to design the game environment and implement features such as jumping, ducking, and avoiding obstacles. This project will challenge you to create a game with simple mechanics while honing your skills in Python.

28. PNG to JPG

png to jpg using python and tkinter

Expand your image processing skills by developing a PNG to JPG Converter in Python. Utilize libraries like Pillow to load PNG images, convert them to JPG format, and save them to the local filesystem. This project will deepen your understanding of image file formats and manipulation techniques in Python.

29. Connect Four Game

connect four game in python

Challenge yourself with board game development by creating a Connect Four game in Python. Design the game board, pieces, and rules, and implement features such as dropping pieces, checking for win conditions, and handling player turns. This project will reinforce your understanding of game logic and algorithms in Python.

30. Car Race Game

game car race in python

Experience the thrill of racing games by developing a Car Race Game in Python. Utilize libraries like pygame to design the game environment, cars, and tracks. Implement features such as car movement, collision detection, and scoring. This project will deepen your understanding of game physics and simulation in Python.

31. Digital Certificate Creation

digital certificate creation using python

Enter the realm of cybersecurity by developing a Digital Certificate Creation tool in Python. Design a program that generates digital certificates using cryptographic techniques such as public-key encryption. This project will deepen your understanding of cryptography and secure communication protocols in Python.

32. Chatbot


Explore the exciting field of natural language processing (NLP) by creating a Chatbot in Python. Design an interactive conversational agent that can respond to user inputs and engage in meaningful conversations. This project will introduce you to NLP libraries like NLTK or spaCy and enhance your skills in text processing and machine learning in Python.

33. Rock Paper Scissors Game

rock paper scissors game in python

Relive the timeless fun of the Rock Paper Scissors game by creating your own version in Python. Design the game mechanics, user interface, and implement features such as player input, computer AI, and scoring. This project will reinforce your understanding of conditional statements and randomization in Python.

34. Music Player


Immerse yourself in multimedia applications by developing a Music Player in Python. Utilize libraries like pygame or tkinter to create a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to play, pause, stop, and navigate through their music library. This project will enhance your understanding of audio playback and GUI programming in Python.

35. Restaurant Management System

restaurant management system in python

Explore the world of software solutions for businesses by developing a Restaurant Management System in Python. Design a program that allows restaurant staff to manage orders, inventory, and customer information efficiently. This project will deepen your understanding of data management and user interface design in Python.

36. Python Dictionary

python dictionary

Dive into data structures by creating a Python Dictionary application. Design a program that allows users to add, remove, and search for entries in a dictionary. Implement features such as key-value pair management and dictionary manipulation. This project will reinforce your understanding of dictionaries and data organization in Python.

37. Test Internet Speed

python test internet speed

Monitor your internet connection with a Test Internet Speed tool in Python. Design a program that measures the download and upload speeds of your internet connection and displays the results. This project will introduce you to network programming concepts and enhance your skills in working with external APIs in Python.

38. Task Management System

task management system in python

Stay organized and productive with a Task Management System in Python. Design an application that allows users to create, update, and track tasks and deadlines. Implement features such as task categorization, priority levels, and reminder notifications. This project will deepen your understanding of data management and user interaction in Python.

39. To-do List

python to-do list

Simplify your daily tasks with a To-do List application in Python. Design a program that allows users to create, edit, and delete tasks, along with setting deadlines and reminders. Implement features such as task categorization, sorting, and search functionalities. This project will enhance your skills in working with lists and user interfaces in Python.

40. WebScraper

python webscraper

Explore web scraping techniques by developing a WebScraper in Python. Design a program that extracts data from websites and saves it for further analysis or processing. Implement features such as data extraction, parsing, and storage. This project will deepen your understanding of web technologies and data manipulation in Python.

41. Paint Application

paint application in python

Unleash your creativity with a Paint Application in Python. Design a program that allows users to draw, paint, and manipulate images using various tools and brushes. Implement features such as color selection, brush sizes, and saving and exporting artwork. This project will enhance your understanding of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and image processing in Python.

42. School Management System

python school management system

Streamline educational processes with a School Management System in Python. Design an application that manages student records, class schedules, grades, and attendance. Implement features such as user authentication, data encryption, and reporting functionalities. This project will deepen your understanding of data management and security in Python.

43. Translator / Language Converter

language converter in python

Bridge language barriers with a Translator or Language Converter application in Python. Design a program that translates text or phrases between different languages using translation APIs or libraries. Implement features such as language detection, input validation, and user-friendly interfaces. This project will introduce you to working with external APIs and text processing in Python.

44. Hangman Game

python hangman game

Challenge your vocabulary and logic skills with a Hangman Game in Python. Design a program that randomly selects a word for the player to guess, with limited attempts. Implement features such as displaying the hangman figure and tracking incorrect guesses. This project will reinforce your understanding of strings, loops, and user interaction in Python.

45. Chess Game

chess game in python

Enter the world of strategy and tactics with a Chess Game in Python. Design a program that simulates a chessboard, pieces, and rules, allowing players to compete against each other or against a computer AI. Implement features such as legal move validation, check detection, and checkmate conditions. This project will challenge you to implement complex game logic and algorithms in Python.

46. Minesweeper Game

python tkinter minesweeper game

Test your puzzle-solving skills with a Minesweeper Game in Python. Design a program that generates a grid of cells containing hidden mines, and allows the player to uncover cells without detonating any mines. Implement features such as mine placement, cell revealing, and game logic. This project will reinforce your understanding of nested loops, conditionals, and algorithms in Python.

47. Ping Pong Game

python ping pong game

Experience the excitement of classic arcade gaming with a Ping Pong Game in Python. Design a program that simulates a virtual ping pong table, allowing two players to compete against each other. Implement features such as paddle movement, ball physics, and scoring. This project will enhance your understanding of game mechanics and event handling in Python.

48. Snake Game

python snake game

Relive the nostalgia of old-school gaming with a Snake Game in Python. Design a program that simulates a snake moving around a grid, eating food to grow longer while avoiding collisions with itself and the walls. Implement features such as snake movement, food generation, and scoring. This project will deepen your understanding of game logic and data structures in Python.

49. Memory Tile Game

memory tile game in python

Challenge your memory and concentration with a Memory Tile Game in Python. Design a program that generates a grid of tiles, each containing a hidden image or symbol. Implement features such as tile flipping, matching pairs, and scoring. This project will reinforce your understanding of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and event handling in Python.

50. Sudoku Solver

python sudoku solver

Master the art of puzzle-solving with a Sudoku Solver in Python. Design a program that can solve Sudoku puzzles of varying difficulties using algorithms such as backtracking or constraint propagation. Implement features such as puzzle input, solution validation, and step-by-step solving. This project will challenge you to implement advanced algorithms and enhance your problem-solving skills in Python.

51. Tic Tac Toe Game

tic tac toe game using python

Enjoy a timeless classic with a Tic Tac Toe Game in Python. Design a program that simulates a Tic Tac Toe board, allowing two players to take turns marking spaces until one player wins or the board is full (resulting in a draw). Implement features such as player input, win detection, and replayability. This project will reinforce your understanding of game logic and conditional statements in Python.

52. 2048 Game

2048 game in python

Experience the addictive gameplay of 2048 with a Python implementation of the game. Design a program that generates a grid of numbered tiles, allowing players to combine matching tiles by sliding them across the board. Implement features such as tile movement, merging, and scoring. This project will deepen your understanding of game mechanics and algorithms in Python.

Python projects with source code offer an excellent opportunity to enhance your programming skills and explore various domains. Whether you're interested in web development, data analysis, machine learning, or just looking for fun projects to try, there's something for everyone in this diverse collection. Start coding, learning, and building with Python today!

Q1. How can I get started with Python projects?

Begin by learning the basics of Python programming and then gradually progress to more complex projects. You can find project ideas online or create your own based on your interests.

Q2. Are there any prerequisites for working on Python projects?

Having a basic understanding of Python syntax and programming concepts is helpful. Additionally, familiarity with relevant libraries and frameworks for your chosen project domain can be beneficial.

Q3. Where can I find Python project ideas?

You can find project ideas on websites, forums, and GitHub repositories dedicated to Python projects. Additionally, brainstorming based on your interests and goals can help generate project ideas.

Q4. How do Python projects contribute to skill development?

Python projects provide hands-on experience, allowing developers to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios. They also encourage problem-solving and foster creativity, leading to skill development.

Q5. Why is community involvement important in Python projects?

Community involvement allows developers to learn from others, collaborate on projects, and receive feedback on their work. It also fosters a sense of belonging and contributes to the growth of the Python community.

Crafting a Responsive HTML and CSS Footer.jpg

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Thanks! Faraz 😊

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  • Chapter 3: Branch
  • Chapter 4: Loop
  • Chapter 5: Function
  • Chapter 6 Collection

Presentation Slides ¶

Part i. fundamental python programming ¶, chapter 1: introduction to programming ¶.

  • Python Crash Course

Chapter 2: Variable and Expression ¶

  • Variables .
  • Expression and Statements
  • Turtle Introduction

Chapter 3 Branch ¶

Chapter 4 loop ¶, chapter 5 function ¶, chapter 6 collection ¶, chapter 7 class ¶.

  • Basic Class
  • Advanced Class

Part II. Advanced Programming ¶

Chapter 8 exception ¶, chapter 9 module ¶, chapter 10 file ¶, chapter 11 python data model ¶, part iii. algorithmic thinking ¶, chapter 12 a web site ¶.

  • Django Crash Course
  • Basic Django
  • Advanced Django

topics for presentation in python

99 advanced Python topics

Some topics covered in Powerful Python Bootcamp this year:

  • Advanced uses of super()
  • A live troubleshooting session, figuring out a bug in a lab under Pytest
  • Optional arguments in dataclasses
  • Spilling some secrets from the Coder Dream Job course
  • The three ways to use type annotations
  • Aaron's opinions on Javascript
  • Reducing operations in Pyspark
  • The decorator pattern that should be ILLEGAL
  • Peering under the hood of Powerful Python's marketing automation code
  • The C3 Linearization algorithm
  • How to inspect the source of your imported libraries
  • Why we never use f-strings in logging
  • Module organization
  • Is Python high level or low level? How does it compare to other languages? What does ‘high level’ even mean? And what does one of the most famous Python libraries of all time have to teach us about this?
  • Sentinel values, and how they relate to None, pandads.NA, and np.nan
  • Higher-order function tricks
  • The @functools.cached_property decorator (which is totally and completely different)
  • When to use notebooks, and when to avoid them
  • Walking through the codebase of a Django web application I recently cooked up, demonstrating many advanced techniques from Next-Level Python and other Powerful Python courses.. A real-world production application with a STACk of money on the line
  • Exploratory mutations of the lab
  • Core concepts in the Twisted framework
  • Levels of technological abstraction, and how understanding lower levels affects the effectiveness with higher levels
  • How to learn a new programming language that's different from what you are familiar with
  • A detailed walkthrough of how to do the labs in the most systematic way, and working with mocks in unittest.
  • Deep dive into the lab from Next-Level Python
  • How to handle it when you start to become better than your peers
  • How IDEs can get in the way of your learning (and how to deal with it)
  • Testing functions that are inherently difficult to test
  • Bash wrappers for Python programs
  • The evolution of built-in exceptions from Python 2 to Python 3, and the lessons that evolution has for our coding today
  • Higher-level strategies of automated testing
  • Subclassing built-in types, and why str is different there
  • Unconventional decorator patterns
  • How to read PEPs
  • Deferred Reference
  • The security risks and other hazards of eval()
  • The essence of super()
  • Revealing the source of a script I wrote to generate the HTML version of the Powerful Python book
  • Strategy for navigating multiple layers of abstractions
  • A small distributed Pythonic app to get around a corporate firewall
  • Details of the iterator protocol (and how generator objects fit into that)
  • Understanding the Liskov Substitution Principle, and how it relates to Python's OOP syntax
  • How to think about mocks
  • Covering many advanced details of working with web services and the HTTP protocol
  • Complexity trade-offs for code calling APIs
  • Talking through a challenging network-engineering issue with strong security considerations
  • The @functools.cache decorator, and how it relates to the memoization labs in Next-Level Python
  • Adding exception context in the "catch and re-raise" pattern
  • Why DownloadDir.wait_for_chrome_download() (from Code Walkthroughs) is like a state machine
  • The three pillars of concurrency in Python
  • How @functools.cached_property relates to the lab in Next-Level Python
  • Object lifecycle in Python, and the __del__() magic method
  • A partial code walkthrough of the program, including comments on environment variables
  • Prompt engineering troubleshooting
  • Many fascinating details of generators and decorators
  • A non-Python database design question
  • Learning more advanced Git
  • Deep distinctions on Python’s generator model
  • Is the GIL finally going away? And why it is important for Python concurrency. How threading, asyncio, and multiprocessing compare now... and how PEP 703 will change that.
  • Looking at a multithreaded production codebase
  • how object identity is defined in Python's language model
  • My blasphemous opinion on Linus Torvald's greatest achievement
  • Scoping rules around nonlocal variables
  • A broad survey of the different collection types in Python, beyond lists and dicts
  • The different roles of type attributions
  • System paths vs Python paths vs other paths
  • Debugging diabolical decorators
  • The concept of "cognitive cost" when coding
  • Method Resolution Order
  • Deeper understanding of lambdas (anonymous functions), including how Python does them differently than other languages
  • Choosing good inheritance hierarchies
  • Book recommendations for Python pros
  • The right way to use Stack Overflow (and how to avoid mis-using it)
  • Generator objects/comprehensions/functions
  • Troubleshooting a bug so subtle, that we had to dig elbows-deep into the Pandas source code to crack it
  • Peering into the Asciidoc source of the Powerful Python slide decks (the same format used by O'Reilly for its books)
  • How instance, static and class methods differ in Python, and how that's all different from how it works in languages like Java
  • Defensive asserts
  • Talking about defaultdict... not just how to use it, but going deep into WHY it was designed the way it was, and the lessons it has for your own code
  • Multithreaded/multiprocessor programming, and the best book for learning it deeply
  • Diving deep into exception patterns
  • Troubleshooting a high-throughput messaging architecture problem
  • Many insights about automated testing
  • What to do when you are facing an overwhelmingly complex coding problem
  • A demonstration of expanding the test suite with more refined requirements, and how that affects the evolution of the application
  • Strategies for cramming for a FAANG interview
  • Classmethod vs. staticmethod
  • Should you be worried about being replaced by a bot? In fact, many Python developers SHOULD be worried, but a small fraction will come out of this as big winners. Today's session tells you how to be one of them
  • Generator algorithms
  • Talking about the "walrus operator", formally called "assignment expressions" (PEP 572)
  • Talking about generator-based coroutines
  • The intersection of module organization + dependency management
  • Inter-Python-process communication
  • How Github Copilot, ChatGPT, and other AI tools coming in the future affect your career
  • A stateful low-level parsing algorithm
  • The why and how of functools.wraps()
  • How to catch exceptions in twisted

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Here are 32 public repositories matching this topic..., mimseyedi / pysentation.

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Create Presentations Using RISE in Jupyter Notebook

RISE is an extension of Jupyter Notebook designed to revolutionize the way you create presentations. By seamlessly integrating with Jupyter Notebook, RISE allows you to transform your static code and data into dynamic, interactive presentations. In this guide, we’ll explore how to install RISE, set up presentation slides, view and present your slides, and delve into the additional features of using the RISE chalkboard for enhanced interactivity.

Installation of RISE

Let’s start with the basics. Installing RISE is the first step towards creating engaging presentations in Jupyter Notebook . To install RISE, follow these simple steps:

Open your terminal, use the following command, and press shift+enter to execute the command:

python -m pip install RISE

Steps to Create Presentations using RISE in Jupyter

Now, let’s move on to setting up your presentation slides. You will find the RISE icon on the top of the Jupyter Notebook page.


Setting Up Presentation Slides

Setting up presentation slides involves configuring the slide types and layout for your presentation.

  • Open Jupyter Notebook.
  • Click on the ‘View’ menu at the top of the notebook.
  • Select ‘Cell Toolbar’ from the dropdown menu.
  • Choose ‘Slideshow’ from the options available.


Now that you’ve configured your slide types and layout, it’s time to prepare your slides.

Preparing Slides

Creating compelling content for your slides is essential to captivate your audience. Follow these steps to prepare your slides:

  • Create new cells in the notebook for each slide’s content.
  • Assign different slide types to cells based on their purpose, such as Slide, Subslide, Fragment, Skip, or Notes.

Determine the slide types you’ll use:

  • Slide: The content on this slide is self-explanatory. A new slide will start from this cell.
  • Subslide: Type of slide that will appear under the current slide
  • Fragment: If you want to control the flow of information on your slide, divide it into fragments.
  • Skip: skip this cell, it won’t appear on the slide.
  • Notes: This cell works as notes.
  • “ — ”: Inherit behavior from the cell above.

Example: Here’s an example of slide preparation using different slide types:


Viewing Presentation

Before presenting to your audience, it’s crucial to preview how your presentation will appear. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Run the notebook by clicking the ‘Run’ button or pressing Shift + Enter.
  • Navigate through the slides using the space bar, arrow keys, or other navigation controls provided by RISE.

Now that you’ve previewed your presentation, Follow these steps to start presenting:

  • Utilize the presentation mode by pressing the appropriate shortcut.
  • Navigate through your slides seamlessly using the space bar, arrow keys, or other navigation controls.

How to Use RISE Chalkboard

Now, let’s explore the additional feature of RISE: the chalkboard. The chalkboard feature allows you to annotate your slides in real time, adding a layer of interactivity to your presentation. Here’s how you can use the RISE chalkboard:

  • Enable the chalkboard mode by clicking on the chalkboard icon in the presentation mode.
  • Use your mouse or touchpad to draw or write on the slides.
  • Erase or clear annotations as needed to maintain clarity.

With the RISE chalkboard, you can engage your audience and make your presentations more interactive and dynamic.


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Important topics for basic python programming.

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Last Updated on November 23, 2023 by Ankit Kochar

topics for presentation in python

Python, known for its simplicity and versatility, has become a cornerstone in the world of programming. As a beginner-friendly language, Python offers a fantastic gateway into the world of coding. Mastering the basics of Python is crucial for anyone starting their programming journey or looking to expand their skill set. In this article, we’ll explore the essential topics that form the foundation of basic Python programming. From understanding variables and data types to looping constructs and functions, this guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of fundamental Python concepts. Python is one of the easiest coding languages in the world. Let’s discuss the basic Python programming language in detail.

What is Python?

Python is a popular programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991. It is used for:

  • web development (server-side),
  • software development,
  • mathematics,
  • system scripting
  • Web scraping
  • Web Automation.

Why Python?

  • Python works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc).
  • Python has a simple syntax similar to the English language.
  • Python has syntax that allows developers to write programs with fewer lines than some other programming languages.
  • Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written. This means that prototyping can be very quick.
  • Python can be treated in a procedural way, an object-oriented way or a functional way.

Let’s Start with “Hello World!”

In Python, it is only one line code for printing the hello world as output. In the above example, a print function is present which is used to print the output to the user.

Python Indentation

Indentation refers to the spaces at the beginning of a code line. Where in other programming languages the indentation in code is for readability only, the indentation in Python is very important. Python uses indentation to indicate a block of code.

Python Variables

In Python, variables are created when you assign a value to it. Python will make your workload less as there is no need to initialize any variables.

Built-in Data Types

In programming, data type is an important concept. Variables can store data of different types, and different types can do different things. Python has the following data types built-in by default, in these categories:

Text Type: str Numeric Types: int, float, complex Sequence Types: list, tuple, range Mapping Type: dict Set Types: set, frozenset Boolean Type: bool Binary Types: bytes, bytearray, memoryview None Type: None

We will see some data types used in some examples in the below topics.

Python Casting

Specify a Variable Type There may be times when you want to specify a type on a variable. This can be done with casting. Python is an object-oriented language, and as such it uses classes to define data types, including its primitive types. Casting in python is therefore done using constructor functions.

Python String

Python booleans.

In programming you often need to know if an expression is True or False. You can evaluate any expression in Python, and get one of two answers, True or False. When you compare two values, the expression is evaluated and Python returns the Boolean answer.

Mostly values are True

Almost any value is evaluated to True if it has some sort of content. Any string is True, except empty strings. Any number is True, except 0. Any list, tuple, set, and dictionary are True, except empty ones. The bool() function allows you to evaluate any value, and give you True or False in return.

Python List

Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable. Lists are one of 4 built-in data types in Python used to store collections of data, the other 3 are Tuple, Set and Dictionary all with different qualities and usage. Lists are created using square brackets

Python Tuple

Sets are used to store multiple items in a single variable. A set is a collection which is unordered, unchangeable*, and unindexed.

  • Sample Title

Python Dictionaries

Dictionaries are used to store data values in key:value pairs. A dictionary is a collection which is ordered*, changeable and do not allow duplicates.

If, Elif, and Else

Decision making is required when we want to execute a code only if a certain condition is satisfied. The if…elif…else statement is used in Python for decision making.

With the while loop we can execute a set of statements as long as a condition is true.

A function is a block of code which only runs when it is called. You can pass data, known as parameters, into a function. A function can return data as a result. In Python a function is defined using the def keyword.

Conclusion In conclusion, diving into the fundamental concepts of Python programming is an essential step towards becoming proficient in the language. The topics covered in this article serve as building blocks for developing more complex programs and applications. Remember, practice is key! Continuously applying these basics in small projects and exercises will solidify your understanding and set you on a path to becoming a proficient Python programmer. As you progress, exploring advanced topics and real-world applications will further enhance your skills and creativity in utilizing Python’s power.

FAQ Related to Basic Python Programming

Here are some FAQs related to basic python programming.

1. What are the essential topics in basic Python programming? The essential topics in basic Python programming include variables, data types (such as strings, integers, floats, lists, tuples, dictionaries), control structures (if statements, loops), functions, modules, and file handling.

2. How can I practice and improve my Python skills? Practice regularly by solving coding challenges, working on small projects, and experimenting with Python’s various features. Online platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and Codecademy offer exercises and projects suited for learners at different levels.

3. Why is understanding basic Python important? Basic Python concepts form the foundation for more advanced programming. Mastering these fundamentals helps in writing efficient code, understanding complex concepts, and building sophisticated applications.

4. Where can I find additional resources to learn basic Python programming? There are numerous online resources available, including interactive tutorials on websites like Codecademy, free courses on platforms like Coursera and edX, official Python documentation, and books like "Python Crash Course" by Eric Matthes and "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" by Al Sweigart.

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Thank you so much for very good details about python

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Introduction to computer science and programming in python, lecture slides and code.

The slides and code from each lecture are available below.

1 What is computation?
2 Branching and Iteration
3 String Manipulation, Guess and Check, Approximations, Bisection
4 Decomposition, Abstractions, Functions
5 Tuples, Lists, Aliasing, Mutability, Cloning
6 Recursion, Dictionaries
7 Testing, Debugging, Exceptions, Assertions
8 Object Oriented Programming
9 Python Classes and Inheritance
10 Understanding Program Efficiency, Part 1
11 Understanding Program Efficiency, Part 2
12 Searching and Sorting


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Python PowerPoint Presentation Templates and Google Slides

Python Computing Learning Five Year Roadmap Formats

Python Computing Learning Five Year Roadmap Formats

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Python Computing Learning Half Yearly Roadmap Summary

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Python Computing Learning Six Months Roadmap Background

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Python Computing Learning Three Months Roadmap Sample

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Corporate Training Program Training Program To Improve Data Analysis Skill Using Python And Sql Professional PDF

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Python Reactive Programming In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Python Reactive Programming In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Introducing our well-designed Python Reactive Programming In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. This PowerPoint design presents information on topics like Python Reactive Programming. As it is predesigned it helps boost your confidence level. It also makes you a better presenter because of its high-quality content and graphics. This PPT layout can be downloaded and used in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, it is available in both Standard Screen and Widescreen aspect ratios for your convenience. Therefore, click on the download button now to persuade and impress your audience.

Florida Python Problem Solution In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

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Presenting our innovatively-designed set of slides titled Florida Python Problem Solution In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. This completely editable PowerPoint graphic exhibits Florida Python Problem Solution that will help you convey the message impactfully. It can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. Apart from this, you can download this well-structured PowerPoint template design in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, click the download button now to gain full access to this PPT design.

Ppt Template Python Language In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Ppt Template Python Language In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our innovatively-designed set of slides titled Ppt Template Python Language In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. This completely editable PowerPoint graphic exhibits Ppt Template Python Language that will help you convey the message impactfully. It can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. Apart from this, you can download this well-structured PowerPoint template design in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, click the download button now to gain full access to this PPT design.

Data Manipulation Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Data Manipulation Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Introducing our well designed Data Manipulation Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. This PowerPoint design presents information on topics like Data Manipulation Python. As it is predesigned it helps boost your confidence level. It also makes you a better presenter because of its high quality content and graphics. This PPT layout can be downloaded and used in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, it is available in both Standard Screen and Widescreen aspect ratios for your convenience. Therefore, click on the download button now to persuade and impress your audience.

Collections Package Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Collections Package Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our innovatively-designed set of slides titled Collections Package Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. This completely editable PowerPoint graphic exhibits Collections Package Python that will help you convey the message impactfully. It can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. Apart from this, you can download this well-structured PowerPoint template design in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, click the download button now to gain full access to this PPT design.

Fundamental Python Libraries Associated With Sentiment Emotionally Intelligent Insights Leveraging AI SS V

Fundamental Python Libraries Associated With Sentiment Emotionally Intelligent Insights Leveraging AI SS V

This slide provides information regarding essential Python libraries utilized for sentiment analysis implementation. Popular libraries include Panda, Matplotlib, Seaborn, WordCloud and Re. This Fundamental Python Libraries Associated With Sentiment Emotionally Intelligent Insights Leveraging AI SS V is perfect for any presentation, be it in front of clients or colleagues. It is a versatile and stylish solution for organizing your meetings. The Fundamental Python Libraries Associated With Sentiment Emotionally Intelligent Insights Leveraging AI SS V features a modern design for your presentation meetings. The adjustable and customizable slides provide unlimited possibilities for acing up your presentation. Slidegeeks has done all the homework before launching the product for you. So, do not wait, grab the presentation templates today

Ways To Execute Sentiment Analysis With Python Emotionally Intelligent Insights Leveraging AI SS V

Ways To Execute Sentiment Analysis With Python Emotionally Intelligent Insights Leveraging AI SS V

This slide provides information regarding various methods through sentiment analysis can be performed with Python by using Text blob, transformer-based models and VADER. Welcome to our selection of the Ways To Execute Sentiment Analysis With Python Emotionally Intelligent Insights Leveraging AI SS V. These are designed to help you showcase your creativity and bring your sphere to life. Planning and Innovation are essential for any business that is just starting out. This collection contains the designs that you need for your everyday presentations. All of our PowerPoints are 100 percent editable, so you can customize them to suit your needs. This multi-purpose template can be used in various situations. Grab these presentation templates today.

Plot Classification Report Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Plot Classification Report Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our innovatively-designed set of slides titled Plot Classification Report Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. This completely editable PowerPoint graphic exhibits Plot Classification Report Python that will help you convey the message impactfully. It can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. Apart from this, you can download this well-structured PowerPoint template design in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, click the download button now to gain full access to this PPT design.

Html Reports Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Html Reports Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Introducing our well-designed Html Reports Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. This PowerPoint design presents information on topics like Html Reports Python. As it is predesigned it helps boost your confidence level. It also makes you a better presenter because of its high-quality content and graphics. This PPT layout can be downloaded and used in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, it is available in both Standard Screen and Widescreen aspect ratios for your convenience. Therefore, click on the download button now to persuade and impress your audience.

Replace Alphabet String Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Replace Alphabet String Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Presenting our innovatively-designed set of slides titled Replace Alphabet String Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. This completely editable PowerPoint graphic exhibits Replace Alphabet String Python that will help you convey the message impactfully. It can be accessed with Google Slides and is available in both standard screen and widescreen aspect ratios. Apart from this, you can download this well-structured PowerPoint template design in different formats like PDF, JPG, and PNG. So, click the download button now to gain full access to this PPT design.

Web Scraping Using Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Web Scraping Using Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Introducing our well-designed Web Scraping Using Python In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. This PowerPoint design presents information on topics like Web Scraping Using Python. As it is predesigned it helps boost your confidence level. It also makes you a better presenter because of its high-quality content and graphics. This PPT layout can be downloaded and used in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, it is available in both Standard Screen and Widescreen aspect ratios for your convenience. Therefore, click on the download button now to persuade and impress your audience.

Fundamental Python Libraries Associated Decoding User Emotions In Depth Exploration AI SS V

Fundamental Python Libraries Associated Decoding User Emotions In Depth Exploration AI SS V

This slide provides information regarding essential Python libraries utilized for sentiment analysis implementation. Popular libraries include Panda, Matplotlib, Seaborn, WordCloud and Re. This modern and well-arranged Fundamental Python Libraries Associated Decoding User Emotions In Depth Exploration AI SS V provides lots of creative possibilities. It is very simple to customize and edit with the Powerpoint Software. Just drag and drop your pictures into the shapes. All facets of this template can be edited with Powerpoint, no extra software is necessary. Add your own material, put your images in the places assigned for them, adjust the colors, and then you can show your slides to the world, with an animated slide included.

Fundamental Python Libraries Associated Sentiment Analysis Demystified Understanding AI SS V

Fundamental Python Libraries Associated Sentiment Analysis Demystified Understanding AI SS V

This slide provides information regarding essential Python libraries utilized for sentiment analysis implementation. Popular libraries include Panda, Matplotlib, Seaborn, WordCloud and Re. This modern and well-arranged Fundamental Python Libraries Associated Sentiment Analysis Demystified Understanding AI SS V provides lots of creative possibilities. It is very simple to customize and edit with the Powerpoint Software. Just drag and drop your pictures into the shapes. All facets of this template can be edited with Powerpoint, no extra software is necessary. Add your own material, put your images in the places assigned for them, adjust the colors, and then you can show your slides to the world, with an animated slide included.

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  • Jun 26, 2021

Important Python Topics For Python Programmer

Python programming topics.

Python Fundamentals and Programming

Introduction to Python

Strings, Lists and Tuples

Dictionaries and Sets

Conditional Execution & Loops


Scopes and Namespaces

Intermediate Python

File Handling

Object Oriented Programming

Iterator, Generator, Decorators

Lambda Expressions

Advanced Python

Writing Library

Building Framework

Python C Extensions (C code in Python)

Closure, Function Factory, Method Chaining

Exception Handling, Context Manager

Metaclasses, Introspection

Multithreading, Multiprocessing

Python In Java (Java Dynamic Language Support)

Python Web Development Frameworks

List of django topics.

Basic topics


Admin Interface

Creating Views

URL Mapping

Template System

Generic Views

Advanced topics

Page Redirection

Sending E-mails

Form Processing

File Uploading

Apache Setup

Cookies Handling

List of Flask Topics


Flask - URL

Static Files

Sending Form Data to Template

Redirect & Errors

Complete list of Python Topics

1)Python – An Introduction

➢ Python: An Overview

➢ History of Python

➢ Version of Python

➢ Feature of Python

Open Source

High Level Programming Language

Object Oriented & Procedure Oriented


Easy to Maintain

➢ Comparisons of Python with Other Language

Java Script

➢ Execution of Programs

➢ Python Comment

2) Python Variables & Data Types

➢ What is variables

➢ Assign Variables

➢ Data Types:

Numeric Data Types

Boolean Data Types

Compound Data Types


3) Operators:

➢ Types of Operators

Arithmetic Operators

Relational Operators

Assignment Operators

Logical / Boolean Operators

Identity Operators

Membership Operators

Bitwise Operators

➢ Operators Precedence & Associativity

Precedence of Operators

Associativity of Operators

4) Python Conditional Statements:

➢ The If Statements

➢ The if-else Statements

➢ The Elif Statements

➢ The Nested If – Else Statements

5) Python Looping Concept:

➢ Python for Loop

➢ Python While Loop

6) Python Control Statements:

➢ The Break Statements

➢ The Continue Statements

➢ The Pass Statements

7) Python Data Type Casting

8) Python Number

➢ Mathematical Function

➢ Random Function

➢ Trigonometric Function

9)Python String

➢ Accessing Strings

➢ Basic Operations

➢ String slices

➢ String Built-In Function

10) Python List

➢ Introduction

➢ Accessing list

➢ Operations

➢ Working with lists

➢ List Slices

➢ List Comprehension

➢ Deleting List

➢ Built-in Function

11)Python Tuple

➢ Creating Tuple

➢ Accessing Tuple

➢ Modifying Tuple

➢ Deleting Tuple

12) Dictionary

➢ Creating Dictionary

➢ Accessing Dictionary

➢ Deleting Dictionary

➢ Built-In Function

13) Python Sets

➢ Declaring an Sets

➢ Operation on Sets

14) Python Date & Time

➢ The Time Module

➢ The Calendar Module

15) Python Function

➢ Defining a function

➢ Calling a function

➢ Types of functions

➢ Function Arguments

➢ Anonymous functions

➢ Global and local variables

➢ The Import Statement

➢ The From…Import Statement

➢ The From…Import* Statement

17) File Handling (Input / Output)

➢ Opening & closing Files

➢ Reading & writing Files

➢ Rename & Remove Files

➢ The Directories

18) Exception Handling

➢ Error in Python Program

Syntax error

➢ Types of Exception

➢ Handling Exception in Python

➢ Raising Exception

➢ User Defined Exception

19) OOPs Concepts

➢ Class and object

➢ Attributes

➢ Inheritance

➢ Overloading

➢ Overriding

➢ Interface & Abstraction

20) Multithreading

➢ Starting a thread

➢ Threading module

➢ Synchronizing threads

➢ Multithreaded Priority Queue

21) Python Mail Sending Program

➢ Introducing

➢ Execute mail program

➢ Attachment with file

➢ Sending multiple mail

22) Regular Expression

➢ Match function

➢ Search function

➢ Matching VS Searching

➢ Modifiers

23) Database Connection

➢ Connections

➢ Executing queries

➢ Transactions

➢ Handling error

24) Interacting with Networks

➢ Socket in Python

➢ TCP/IP Client & Server

➢ Creating a Client / Server Program

➢ Executing Socket Program

25) GUI (Graphical User Interface)

➢ Tkinter programming

➢ Tkinter widgets

26) Python Web Scraping

➢ Scrape all the details of any website

27) Python for Image Processing

➢ Image processing

➢ Loading Video

➢ Reading image

➢ Saving a capture video

28) Python Data Science

➢ introduction

➢ Data analysis with Python

➢ Plotting Graph

Contact us to get any help related to above topics at:
  • Python Programming

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    SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL with Python. ORMs like SQLAlchemy. 5. Advanced Libraries and Frameworks. Web Development (Django, Flask) Data Science (SciPy, Matplotlib) Machine Learning (TensorFlow ...

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  6. Creating Presentations with Python

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  7. Presentation Slides

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  8. Python Projects

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  10. Creating and updating PowerPoint Presentations in Python using python

    Installation: Open the command prompt on your system and write given below command: pip install python-pptx. Let's see some of its usage: Example 1: Creating new PowerPoint file with title and subtitle slide. Python3. from pptx import Presentation .

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  16. Important Topics For Basic Python Programming

    This article tried to discuss important topics for basic python programming. Hope this blog helps you understand and solve the problems in the interview.

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  18. Python PowerPoint templates, Slides and Graphics

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  19. Important Python Topics For Python Programmer

    Complete list of Python Topics. 1)Python - An Introduction. Python: An Overview. History of Python. Version of Python. Feature of Python. Simple. Open Source. High Level Programming Language.