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119 Environmental Issues Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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The environment is facing numerous challenges today, and it is important for us to address these issues in order to create a sustainable future for our planet. In this article, we will explore 119 environmental issues essay topic ideas and provide examples to help you get started on your own essay.

  • Climate change: Discuss the causes and effects of climate change and potential solutions to mitigate its impact.

Example: The role of deforestation in contributing to climate change and the importance of reforestation efforts.

  • Air pollution: Analyze the sources of air pollution and its effects on human health and the environment.

Example: The impact of vehicle emissions on air quality in urban areas and ways to reduce pollution from transportation.

  • Water pollution: Examine the sources of water pollution and the potential consequences for aquatic ecosystems and human health.

Example: The effects of agricultural runoff on water quality and strategies to prevent pollution from entering waterways.

  • Deforestation: Discuss the causes and consequences of deforestation and the importance of preserving forests for biodiversity and climate regulation.

Example: The impact of deforestation on indigenous communities and the loss of traditional knowledge and cultural practices.

  • Plastic pollution: Explore the sources and effects of plastic pollution in the ocean and ways to reduce plastic waste.

Example: The role of microplastics in marine ecosystems and the need for regulations to prevent further pollution.

  • Biodiversity loss: Analyze the factors contributing to the loss of biodiversity and the importance of protecting endangered species.

Example: The impact of habitat destruction on wildlife populations and the need for conservation efforts to preserve biodiversity.

  • Overfishing: Discuss the consequences of overfishing on marine ecosystems and sustainable fishing practices.

Example: The decline of fish stocks due to overfishing and the importance of implementing fishing quotas and marine protected areas.

  • E-waste: Examine the growing problem of electronic waste and the environmental and health risks associated with improper disposal.

Example: The challenges of recycling electronic devices and the need for better e-waste management practices.

  • Urban sprawl: Analyze the impact of urban sprawl on natural habitats and the importance of smart growth and sustainable urban planning.

Example: The loss of green spaces and farmland to urban development and the benefits of compact, walkable communities.

  • Renewable energy: Discuss the potential of renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

Example: The growth of solar and wind power as clean energy alternatives and the challenges of integrating renewables into the grid.

  • Ocean acidification: Explore the causes and consequences of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and the need for carbon emission reductions.

Example: The effects of ocean acidification on coral reefs and shellfish populations and the importance of marine conservation efforts.

  • Soil erosion: Analyze the causes of soil erosion and the impact on agricultural productivity and ecosystem health.

Example: The loss of topsoil due to deforestation and unsustainable farming practices and strategies to prevent erosion through soil conservation.

  • Wildlife trafficking: Discuss the illegal trade of wildlife and the threats to endangered species and biodiversity.

Example: The demand for exotic pets and animal products driving the illegal wildlife trade and the need for stronger enforcement of wildlife protection laws.

  • Pesticide use: Examine the environmental and health risks associated with pesticide use in agriculture and the need for sustainable pest management practices.

Example: The impact of pesticide runoff on water quality and non-target species and the benefits of organic farming methods.

  • Food waste: Analyze the causes and consequences of food waste and potential solutions to reduce waste and improve food security.

Example: The environmental footprint of food production and distribution and the benefits of composting and food rescue programs.

  • Greenhouse gas emissions: Discuss the sources of greenhouse gas emissions and the need for global action to reduce carbon pollution.

Example: The role of the transportation sector in contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and the potential for electrification and public transit to reduce emissions.

  • Climate refugees: Explore the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities and the need for adaptation and resilience measures.

Example: The displacement of communities due to sea-level rise and extreme weather events and the challenges of climate migration.

  • Land degradation: Analyze the causes of land degradation and the consequences for food security, water quality, and ecosystem health.

Example: The loss of arable land to desertification and soil erosion and the importance of sustainable land management practices.

  • Ocean pollution: Discuss the sources of ocean pollution, including plastic waste, oil spills, and chemical contaminants, and the need for marine conservation.

Example: The impact of oil spills on marine ecosystems and the challenges of cleaning up and restoring affected areas.

  • Environmental justice: Explore the intersection of environmental issues with social justice and equity, including the disproportionate impacts on marginalized communities.

Example: The siting of polluting industries in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color and the need for environmental policies that prioritize equity and inclusion.

  • Green infrastructure: Discuss

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Human Impacts on the Environment

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water. These negative impacts can affect human behavior and can prompt mass migrations or battles over clean water.

Help your students understand the impact humans have on the physical environment with these classroom resources.

Earth Science, Geology, Geography, Physical Geography

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Saving Earth | Encyclopedia Britannica

The challenges posed by our environmental problems may seem overwhelming. The effects of these problems have shown up at regional and global scales, and the prospect of overcoming the differences between countries, between factions within countries, and even between individuals seems insurmountable at times.

However, the world has solved global environmental problems before, like ozone depletion and acid rain. We tackled them by developing an understanding of the scope of the problem and coming together to develop sets of rules that eliminate the sources of the problem. We have what it takes to do it again! 


Consider how each cause contributed the challenges of global warming, pollution, water scarcity, and biodiversity loss.

Let's begin by looking deeper into the underlying causes

The major environmental problems that face our planet did not appear overnight. They are the result of several forces working together: our technological innovation, our consumptive habits, and our pursuit of wealth, along with the exponential rise in the human population over the last 200 years. 

These forces have transformed the face of Earth to create economic opportunities and increase the standard of living for many people throughout the world. As time has passed, however, scientists have discovered that if population growth and the ravenous consumption of the planet’s natural resources continue unabated, they would pose serious threats to the survival of our species, as well as to the survival of millions of others..

We’re on this planet and in this fight together. Every person needs to contribute to the solution.

Next, let's understand how we can help create solutions.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of inaction. Perhaps Earth’s environmental problems don’t seem so bad to you right now. Conversely, perhaps they seem so overwhelming and complex that it’s hard to know where to begin. No one argues that Earth’s environmental problems are simple ones to solve, but there are several regulatory and policy approaches we can use to better take the environment into account.

Learn about some of the big solutions that underpin the environmental steps we need to take to slow and halt greenhouse gas emissions, enact better pollution and species protection laws, and conserve the water resources we all depend on.

It is a big to-do list, but we can use science, creativity, and sheer willpower to once again get things done. 

Take Action

The issues facing Earth are big, but imagine the difference we could make if we all took steps to address them. Learn about the small but important changes you can make in your daily life to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions, save water, help wildlife, and limit pollution.

Home / Essay Samples / Environment / Environment Problems

Environment Problems Essay Examples

Our immediate future promises to be one in which most humans on Earth will be heavily affected by environmental problems. An environmental problems essay normally focuses on one or more such problems in an attempt to review the current situation and the dangers of leaving the problem unsolved, to propose solutions, to raise awareness to both the problem and the required solutions, to call for action.

Three disastrous environmental problems that our generation faces are climate change, a massive loss of biological species, and pollution (air, water, soil pollution, including plastic pollution). In this context, a great number of important subtopics can be addressed: deficient waste management, the use of fossil fuels, unsustainable agriculture and resource exploitation.

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