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How to assign pins in Quartus II

We are looking at moving some code into a CPLD or FPGA in order to make it faster. I have worked with Xilinks and their suite of tools before, but for some reason it was decided that we'd use Altera this time around so I am trying to get used to Quartus II.

In particular, I am looking for a way to explicityly assign pins to the chip I am using. In Xilinx, I'd edit the netlist file but I can find no such thing in Quartus. There is a program (Assignments => Pin Planner) that does this, but it has a clunky GUI and I'd far prefer to edit the pins in a text editor, so my twofold question is

A: How do I find the file that stores the pin assignment? It's not listed under my files in the project navigator but the pins I've assigned in Pin Planner stay from session to session so they must be stored somewhere .

B: Is this a horrible idea?

IDE is Quartus II 10.1 Development kit is MAX II Development Board Language is VHDL

EDIT: Right now, I've run into the problem that I'm trying to interface with the Dev Kit through USB. I'm making a serial data receiver on it and have given it a Data In pin. The Dev Kit has a USB receiver so I'm trying to map din to whichever pin the USB connector is on. According to a file I have (rm_maxII-develop_board-rev1.pdf) the USB connector is on "Board Designation U13" but when I go into the Pin PLanner and try to assign that, there is no PIN_U13. I suspect this is an error in the pdf, rather than in Pin Planner but seing as I've never worked with Altera products before, I'm very confused.

Qiu's user avatar

  • Ah, you posted here too. :-) I added answer at overmapped.com/questions/how-to-assign-pins-in-quartus-ii –  Prof. Falken Commented Apr 11, 2011 at 14:29
  • I did - slightly before I read about Overmapped and figured that'd be a better place for it. What's your user name on Overmapped? I see no replies from Amigable Clark Kant over there. –  shieldfoss Commented Apr 12, 2011 at 9:14
  • Jakob. It's here too if you look around hard enough. :-) –  Prof. Falken Commented Apr 12, 2011 at 9:26

A) You need to edit the *.qsf file, and add lines similar to the following:

B) While I will sometimes use the pin planner in the early stages of a design, I almost exclusively edit the qsf file directly when modifying pins, adding or removing VHDL files from the design, etc. To be completely safe, when making large changes (particularly to optimization or compiler settings) I will make sure Quartus is not running. I've been working this way with Quartus since it came out, and have not had any problems.

Once your design is compiled, you can refer to the *.pin file to see the final pinout for the FPGA. In particular, refer to the column indicating whether or not the pin is manually assigned, as any pins not specifically assigned to a location will change pretty much every time you recompile the chip (which is sub-optimal if you've already made a PCB! :).

Charles Steinkuehler's user avatar

  • @medivh, that I don't know, please tell us where you found it. –  Prof. Falken Commented Apr 13, 2011 at 10:04

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pin assignment in quartus

Quartus pin assignment of signals like HPS_DDR3_DQ

I am following one of the manuals/tutorials at RocketBoard and I really like it. However I had a question which I couldn’t find an answer to. It has to do with the following.

For using the QSys system in the tutorial all kind signals should be assigned to pins. Also the externally exported signals of the custom IP should also be assigned to pins. However the manual does not say anything about this but it magically still works. Quartus does assign all kind of pins to signals/Node names but I have no clue on base of what Quartus makes those decisions. I have been searching the whole working directory folder tree but I cannot find any file which defines these pin assignments (except for the one I changed by hand). I think that those signal labels, like HPS_DDR3_DQ[x] are standard labels which are automatically assigned to the corresponding PIN on the current FPGA, but I haven’t manage to find any information about this. Is this assumption right?

In case it is, does this also main that migrating to another FPGA should not result in any problems if they both support the same functions/hardware? (I own a CycloneV SoCKit instead of DE10 which has, for example, the LEDs connected to other pins of the FPGA than the DE10).

Thanks in advance!

Cheers, Wobbert

Hello wobbert, You are particullary right. You need not assign pins like those for DDR3 memory because each model of FPGA has dedicated pins for this interface. Quartus knows, where these dedicated pins are situated. You can also find their possitions in manuals (in manual for Yours kit as well as in manual for the model of FPGA of Yours kit). More over, these pins are so well protected that You cannot assign they manually in PIN Planner (and I think nor in the Assignment Editor). It is probably right if You are not fable to find the possitions of pins for DDR3 in any file in the directory od Quartus project, I think that they are hidden somewhere in the database folder. So do not think about it too much, it is done by Intel (Altera) for us. I hope that this answer will help You a bit.


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How does Quartus pin planner know about voltage in each I/O bank?

It is possible to specify a range of I/O standard options in Quartus pin planner. I am trying to understand a few things:

  • How does Quartus know what voltage is supplied to each bank?
  • Why does Quartus give a long list of I/O standards for each pin and not limit them based on the supply voltage for that specific I/O bank?
  • What is the difference between "3.3V LVTTL" and "3.3V LVTTL (default)" in the pin planner?

gyuunyuu's user avatar

  • \$\begingroup\$ I believe your question #1 answers #2. \$\endgroup\$ –  Austin Commented Apr 13, 2021 at 4:42
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ 3 or '(default)' just means that it is not specified explicitly and it is implied. If you go to the configuration file and set the voltage, it will not show as 'default'. The configuration is typically '.qsf'; this type of information seems to change release-to-release and any information on the internet is often outdated. It is difficult to change the voltages in the pin planner as it will complain that the banks are locking them. Ie, you can not change them all at once in the GUI. The QSF is a TCL file, like SDC, but Quartus modifies it during compiles so not revision control friendly. \$\endgroup\$ –  artless noise Commented Nov 11, 2023 at 15:53

It doesn't know. The Pin Planner is a variant of the more generic Assignment Editor, all it generates are additional constraints on the Fitter.

During compilation, the Fitter will tell you whether it can find a solution that fulfills all your constraints.

If you have Location assignments, then that is a pretty strict constraint, and if the Fitter cannot find a valid configuration, compilation fails.

If you have I/O Standard assignments, the Fitter will arrange pins so that the standard can be implemented, and then it will tell you what supply voltage is required for each bank.

The "(default)" setting removes the I/O Standard assignment for the pin from the list of assignments in the project file, the Fitter will then apply the project-wide default to the pin. If you change the default, it will be applied to any pin that is currently set to the "(default)" setting.

You'd normally create I/O standard assignments first, compile, and then refine from the generated configuration. That's why there is a read-only column "fitter location": this is what the fitter suggested, so if you start assigning pins but paint yourself into a corner, you can still see what it came up with.

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    \$\begingroup\$ As a start, look in the project's .qsf (Quartus Settings File). That will list the pin physical constraints including pin locations. You can edit and save that directly, following the format of the existing pin location constraints, which should be there from what you show. Then try synthesizing that and let us know. \$\endgroup\$

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  17. Pin assignment in Quartus II

    Normally if your using a dev kit, do not let quartus do pin assigment. However if your on a new design, then just compile it and quartus fitter will assign pins. Then use back annote assignments command. 03-03-2010 06:13 AM. Yeah, what you need to do is let Quartus II handle the random pin assignments.

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    I would like to now program my Cyclone 10 Dev board to perform this simple task, but I need to set up the pin assignments on my qsf file. That being said, I don't know where to find the correct pins and how I would assign them to the inputs and outputs of my module. The model I am using is a 10CL025YU256I7G. fpga. pins. intel-fpga. quartus. Share.

  19. Quartus pin assignment of signals like HPS_DDR3_DQ

    Quartus knows, where these dedicated pins are situated. You can also find their possitions in manuals (in manual for Yours kit as well as in manual for the model of FPGA of Yours kit). More over, these pins are so well protected that You cannot assign they manually in PIN Planner (and I think nor in the Assignment Editor).

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    Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Design Constraints Document Archives A. Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guides. 1. Constraining Designs x. ... Entering Pin Assignments with Tcl Commands 3.2.8. Entering Pin Assignments in HDL Code. 3.2.6. Assigning Differential Pins x. Overriding I/O Placement Rules on Differential Pins.

  21. How does Quartus pin planner know about voltage in each I/O bank?

    The "(default)" setting removes the I/O Standard assignment for the pin from the list of assignments in the project file, the Fitter will then apply the project-wide default to the pin. If you change the default, it will be applied to any pin that is currently set to the "(default)" setting.

  22. Re: pin assignment in Quartus II

    01-16-2014 10:47 AM. 2,820 Views. If you're new to this I recommend you use the Pin Planner tool built into Quartus. If you haven't already, run the 'Analysis & Synthesis' on your project. Select 'Assignments' -> 'Pin Planner'. On the left will be a list of all your top level signal names. Double click the 'Location' cell next to each signal.

  23. Solved: Incomplete pin location assignments

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  24. Stratix 10 HPS DDR4 EMIF placement error

    2. Check the pins that are mentioned in the KDB (PLL and RZQ) and looks like it is already in bank 2M. Suspect other pin placement restriction. 3. Terasic website on newer designs able to compile on 24.1 but without EMIF HPS or the GHRD project (tested few designs) 3. Remove all pin assignments for DDR4A and let fitter to decide which pins to ...