Pigeon Essay

Pigeon Essay | Essay on Pigeon for Students and Children in English

Pigeon Essay :  The word represents a symbol of peace in our minds. A pigeon is a beautiful, stunning bird that is mostly domesticated by humans. It has attractive features that increase the delight at the sight of it. Additionally, pigeons also serve a wide range of other purposes in our day to day lives.  Pigeons are most popular for their beautiful looks but in the early days, they were also used for delivering mails and messages over long distances.

It is necessary to know about the flora and fauna of our country in detail. The topic of Pigeon is a popular topic among school students on which they are asked to write compositions. We have provided useful samples below.

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Long and Short Essays on Pigeon for Students and Kids in English

A long essay of 450-500 words has been provided. It is useful for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. For the reference of students in Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, a short essay of 100-150 words has been provided.

Long Essay on Pigeon 500 Words in English

Pigeons as birds are symbols of calmness and beauty. They are widely used to represent peace and harmony throughout the world. Even if they majorly serve the purpose of domestication by bird lovers and different houses, there are many other dimensions to their benefits and advantages. They are known for a sharp sense of memory and accuracy as a result of which pigeons were used to deliver messages in and around different parts of the world. 

Some characteristics of pigeons are identified in terms of different colour variations and other bodily features. They are small to medium-sized birds and can be white, brown or red in colour. Their feathers serve the purpose of enhancing beauty as birds as well as regulate the body temperature. Pigeons have wings that facilitate flight which is essential for them to serve the different purposes they are known for. Their beaks are sharp and they also have pointed claws which can be used for different purposes and also for defence. The upper part of the beak helps them carry out breathing functions. These physical features are noticed significantly in all varieties of pigeons and the variation in colour can be attributed to the species to which a pigeon belongs.

There are specific patterns of behaviour that can be commonly encountered in pigeons as is the case with other birds. They are usually found in most climatic conditions and in the majority of countries around the world. Pigeons are also compatible and adapting in nature as they easily socialize with the different kinds of environment where they are put in. They are known to search for resources and gather their food and build their nests on their own with twigs, stems and anything that is available in their nearby environment. Pigeons reproduce by laying eggs and usually have a lifespan of about 4 years. This makes them ideal as pet birds and explains why they are most commonly chosen for domestication. 

Keeping the usefulness and popularity of pigeons aside, it is important to note that birds are sometimes exploited by human life. Be it in the name of hunting, domesticating or any other commercial purpose, there have been several instances of the exploitation of these peace-loving, majestic birds. So as human beings, it should be our duty to not only appreciate the beauty and make use of the features of the birds we pet or see around us, but also protect them and provide them with a suitable habitat. Also, to offer food and water to the birds near our homes by situating small cans of water outside our balconies, especially in the Summer season. This will help with saving as many pigeons and birds as we can from the harsh UV rays of the Sun, pollution and global warming.

Short Essay on Pigeon 150 words in English

Pigeons are small and beautiful birds that can be often seen in homes and around us. They are calm and friendly creatures that serve as great pets. The best thing about pigeons is their sharp memory. This is a reason why they were used to transfer messages in the ancient days. Pigeons have white, grey or red feathers that cover their bodies, provide protection and help them maintain the body temperature. Pigeons lay eggs and produce young ones.

Pigeons are independent birds and look after their own shelter and food.  They make characteristic calls to interact with each other. They also serve many other purposes which is why they can sometimes be misused. However, causing harm to pigeons or any other animal or bird around us is not the right thing to do. Our motive should be to live in cooperation with these birds in order to sustain a healthy and beautiful environment. 

10 Lines on Pigeon Essay in English

Some lesser-known facts about pigeons are related to their heart rate, wings and instances of their utility.

  • It is fascinating to know that a pigeon has a heart rate of beating 600 times in a minute.
  • The wings of a pigeon move 10 times in a second while flying.
  • Pigeons fly quite high up to 5000 or more feet.
  • Their speed of flight is about 70 kilometres per hour.
  • They lay a pair of eggs for reproducing their young ones.
  • The young ones hatch in a timespan of about 20 days.
  • Pigeons are known for their beautiful appearance and sharp memory.
  • They are a popular bird to pet domestically.
  • In earlier days, pigeons were used to send messages.
  • During World War II a message sent by flying pigeons saved the lives of thousands of people from the bombing of a village. 

FAQ’s on Pigeon Essay

Question 1.  What are pigeons famous for?

Answer.  Pigeons are famous for their beauty and memory.

Question 2.  What makes pigeon a unique bird?

Answer.  Pigeons were trained to send messages in the earlier times.

Question 3.  What is the lifespan of a pigeon?

Answer.  Pigeons live for about four years.

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10 lines on Pigeon in English - Short essay on Pigeon

Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Pigeon . This article can help the students who are looking for information about Pigeon in English . This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3 .

short essay on pigeon

10 lines on Pigeon in English

  • Pigeon is a very beautiful bird which is found almost all over the world.
  • Pigeons are of different colors like white, gray, and black.
  • Pigeon has two eyes, two wings, two claws, and small feathers all over the body.
  • Pigeon's paws are dark red in color.
  • Pigeons mostly live in herds, there are about 10-22 pigeons in their flock.
  • Pigeons eat wheat, cereals, pulses, etc. in their diet.
  • Pigeon's hearing and memory power are more than other birds.
  • Pigeon was used as a messenger in ancient times.
  • The female pigeon lays 5-6 eggs at a time, and about 130 eggs throughout her life.
  • The average lifespan of a pigeon is around 3-4 years.

essay on pigeon class 3

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essay on pigeon class 3

Is it stuck or something ? Try pulling her back from the window sill gently if she is stuck. Also keep some seeds at a place which she can reach from her perch for food. Keep water as well. There's a ton of possibility that this beautiful pigeon has come to your place because she feels she's gonna get some care and rest. Or she may be stuck. Nudge her into your hand gently so that you can be sure. Don't push her out of the window sill. pigeon

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Hindi Yatra

कबूतर पर निबंध – Essay on Pigeon in Hindi

Essay on Pigeon in Hindi : आज हमने कबूतर पर निबंध कक्षा 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 के विद्यार्थियों के लिए है।

कबूतर एक पालतू पक्षी है जिसको इंसानों के बीच रहना पसंद होता है इसको सभी लोग पसंद करते हैं यह हमें शहरों की ऊंची ऊंची इमारतों, सड़कों पर बैठे दिखाई देते है।

अक्सर विद्यार्थियों को कबूतर पर निबंध लिखने को दिया जाता है इसी को ध्यान में रखते हुए हमने छोटे-छोटे भागों में बांट कर इस निबंध को लिखा है।

essay on pigeon in hindi

Get Some Essay on Pigeon in Hindi for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 Students.

10 lines Essay on Pigeon in Hindi

(1) कबूतर एक सुंदर और मध्यम आकार का पक्षी है।

(2) यह सफ़ेद, स्लेटी, भूरे और म्यूट रंग के होते है

(3) कबूतर भोजन में बीज, अनाज, छोटे मेवे, दाले इत्यादि खाते है

(4) इसके मुंह में की जगह एक छोटी चोंच होती है।

(5) इसके दो पंख होते है जिससे यह है उड़ान भरता है।

(6) कबूतर के दो लाल और भूरी आंखें होती है

(7) जिसके दो पैर होते है जिनमें लोग नुकीले पंजे होते है।

(8) कबूतर शांति और सौभाग्य के प्रतीक होते है

(9) कबूतर को पुराने जमाने में चिट्ठी भेजने के लिए उपयोग में लिया जाता था।

(10) कबूतर का जीवन काल 6 से 10 वर्ष का होता है।

Long Essay on Pigeon in Hindi

कबूतर शांत स्वभाव का एक छोटा पक्षी होता है यह सुंदर और आकर्षक होता है। कबूतर का वैज्ञानिक नाम कोलंबा लिविया डोमेस्टिका होता है। कबूतर को वर्षों पहले से ही पालतू पक्षी के रूप में पाया जाता है।

पुराने जमाने में राजा महाराजाओं द्वारा कबूतर को चिट्ठी भेजनी के उपयोग लिया जाता था। इसकी स्मरण शक्ति और स्वर्ण शक्ति बहुत ही अच्छी है।पुरानी हिंदू मान्यताओं के अनुसार कबूतर और शांति का प्रतीक भी माना जाता है।

शारीरिक संरचना –

कबूतर एक मध्यम आकार का पक्षी होता है। इनका वजन लगभग 2 से 4 किलो होता है। यह सफ़ेद, स्लेटी, भूरे और म्यूट रंग में पाए जाते है।

इनके दो बड़े पंख होते है जिसकी सहायता से यह उड़ान भरता है। इसके मुंह में कि जगह पर छोटी तीखी चोंच होती है। इसके 2 पैर होते हैं जिनमें नुकीले पंजे होते है।

कबूतर के शरीर पर छोटे-छोटे बाल होते हैं इनसे यह गर्मी और सर्दी में अपने शरीर का तापमान नियंत्रित रखता है।

इसकी गर्दन बहुत लचीली होती है। स्लेटी रंग के कबूतर की गर्दन पर बैंगनी, हरे, नीले रंग की आभा होती है। मादा कबूतर के गले में काले रंग की एक रिंग बनी होती है।

कबूतर की दो आंखें होती हैं जिनका रंग प्रजाति के अनुसार लाल और भूरा हो सकता है। इसकी चोंच के ऊपरी भाग पर सांस लेने के लिए छिद्र होते है।

कबूतर की जीवन शैली –

कबूतर वर्षों पहले से ही इंसानों के बीच रहना पसंद करता है यह आमतौर पर सभी देशों में पाया जाता है। यह बर्फीले और रेगिस्तानी क्षेत्र में भी जिंदा रह सकता है।

कबूतर हमेशा झुंड में रहना पसंद करता है। कबूतर अपना घोंसला ऊंची इमारतों और पुरानी हवेलियों में बनाते है।

सुबह होते ही कबूतर भोजन की तलाश में निकल जाते है। यह काफी शांत स्वभाव का होता है और इंसानों के साथ मिलकर रहना पसंद करता है। कबूतर का जीवन काल लगभग 6 वर्षों का होता है।

कबूतर के कुछ तथ्य – Information About Pigeon in Hindi

(1) कबूतर उड़ान भरते हुए 1 सेकंड में 10 बार पंखों को हिलाता है।

(2) कबूतर का दिल 1 मिनट में 600 बार धड़कता है।

(3) कबूतर शीशे में अपनी शक्ल देखकर अपने आप को पहचान सकता है।

(4) कबूतर की स्मरण शक्ति बहुत अधिक तेज होती है जिसके कारण इसे पुराने जमाने में डाकिए के रूप में उपयोग लिया जाता था।

(5) दूसरे विश्व युद्ध में कबूतर की सहायता से हजारों लोगों की जान बचाई गई थी।

(6) कबूतर 60 से 70 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे की रफ्तार से उड़ान भर सकता है। कुछ कबूतर 92 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे की रफ्तार से भी उड़ सकते है।

(7) कबूतर 6000 फीट की ऊंचाई तक उड़ान भर सकते है।

(8) कबूतर एक दिन में 600 मील की दूरी तय करके वापस अपने ठिकाने पर आ सकते है।

(9) कबूतर बहुत अत्यधिक संवेदनशील पक्षी है यह ज्वालामुखी फटने, भूकंप आने जैसी प्राकृतिक आपदाओं को पहले ही भाप लेता है।

(10) मादा कबूतर एक समय में 2 अंडे देता है और 19 से 20 दिन के मध्य में इनमें से चूजे निकल आते है।

(11) यह 20 से 30 कबूतरों के झुंड में रहता है।

(12) कबूतर 6 महीने की उम्र में प्रजनन कर सकते है।

(13) कबूतर बहुत अधिक बुद्धिमान होते हैं इसलिए यह वर्णमाला के 26 अक्षरों को आसानी से पहचान सकते है और यह इंसानों की शक्ल पहचानने में भी माहिर होते है।

कबूतर बहुत ही शानदार और शांत स्वभाव के पक्षी होते है। वर्तमान में इनकी जनसंख्या कम हो रही है इसलिए हमें इनकी देखभाल करनी चाहिए।

अपने आसपास कबूतर दिखने पर उनको भोजन के रूप में पानी और दाने डाल देने चाहिए। हमें पृथ्वी पर रहने वाले प्रत्येक प्राणी की रक्षा करनी चाहिए।

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हम आशा करते है कि हमारे द्वारा Essay on Pigeon in Hindi  पर लिखा गया निबंध आपको पसंद आया होगा। अगर यह लेख आपको पसंद आया है तो अपने दोस्तों और परिवार वालों के साथ शेयर करना ना भूले। इसके बारे में अगर आपका कोई सवाल या सुझाव हो तो हमें कमेंट करके जरूर बताएं।

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10 Lines on Pigeon

Pigeons are the birds belonging to the category of 310 species with presence all around the globe except places with extreme temperatures (either very low or very high). The scientific name of the species is Columbiformes. Pigeons are considered to be the most powerful birds pigeons are also one of the favourite pets of humans because of their sheer beauty and intelligence. Pigeons prefer to live in a group and are very social in nature like other birds species. They are considered to be very friendly to humans and over a period of time they have played very important role in our civilization. Like in World war, pigeons were used as message carriers.

Ten Lines on Pigeon in English

Here, I’m providing 10 lines, 5 lines, few lines and sentences on Pigeon for Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in form of sets. This topic is very useful for everyone who wants to know about Pigeon in detail within less time.

1) The pigeon is a bird that can be found in every habitat in the world.

2) Lifespan of average Pigeon is around 15 years.

3) Pigeons lay 1 to 3 eggs which are white colour.

4) Pigeons are herbivorous in nature and their diet includes seeds, fruits and plants.

5) Fat body, small neck, and short thin beak are the body features of this bird.

6) They are of different colours like white, blue-black, ash-red, and brown.

7) The size of the pigeon can be as large as 19 inches and an adult pigeon can weigh up to 8.8 pounds.

8) Pigeons are very clever and they have very unique ability to find their way home.

9) Pigeons prefer to live in flocks (20 to 30 birds) and are monogamous creature.

10) Pigeons can detect sound at lower frequencies and can forecast distant storms.

10 Lines and Sentences on Pigeon

1) Pigeons have deep meaning in religion and are considered as symbol of love.

2) Many species of pigeons are used as food in areas like Rome, Middle East and Europe.

3) The chicks of the pigeons generally leave the nests after two months and are particularly named as “squabs”.

4) Pigeons are intelligent enough to find their mating partner for life and can breed up to 6-8 times a year in favourable conditions.

5) The breeding pair of pigeons build nests with sticks and they feed pigeon milk (crop milk) to squabs.

6) Pigeons are the champion in racing and are multitasker. Even if they are left 1300 miles away from their home they would return back.

7) Falcons are the real predators of pigeons and the survival chance of the pigeons from falcons depends upon the colour pattern of feathers. If the colour of the feather of pigeon is white there is a high chance falcons won’t attack as per the research study.

8) Pigeons have the very unique ability of understanding the time, space and matter.

9) It has been proven in studies and research that pigeons can differentiate among the words also after proper training.

10) They are problem solver and can perform various tasks like categorizing the common items and have very impressive visual skills meaning they can recognize their face in the mirror.

5 Lines on Pigeon

1) Pigeon is a medium-sized bird.

2) They can be black, white, or grey.

3) They have small feathers.

4) They are intelligent.

5) They eat small insects.

20 Lines on Pigeon

1) Except the region of Sahara deserts, Arctic and Antarctic pigeons are distributed all across the globe including Asia, Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia.

2) The famous Passenger Pigeon is an extinct species of Pigeon.

3) The blue-black pigeon is found normally and is called a domestic pigeon.

4) Crowned Pigeon is the largest species of pigeon and is found in New Guinea.

5) In the olden days, pigeons were used to carry messages from one place to another.

6) The pigeon had been used as messengers during World wars by different countries.

7) It is the bird without the presence of a gall bladder in its body.

8) Pigeons can easily trace their home location as they are gifted with good navigation power.

9) Some species of pigeons are domesticated and used in sport like pigeon racing, weddings, and conveying messages.

10) Pigeons are symbolized as the birds of Good luck and prosperity.

11) Pigeon is a bird that belongs to the Columbidae family.

12) The word pigeon is derived from the Latin word ‘pipio’ that means ‘peeping chick’.

13) The colour, size and shape may vary for the different groups of species of pigeons. Some might have dull colour some very bright depending upon their diet and habitat.

14) Pigeons are the highly intelligent animal and can fly at the greater speed because of their strong wings as fast as 70 to 80 miles per hour.

15) Pigeons eat seeds, fruits, and plants as their food.

16) The female pigeon lays 1-2 eggs at a time and gives good parenting to their young ones with her partner.

17) The young ones of pigeons called squabs take 5 weeks time to fly.

18) Pigeons are birds with large strong wings with eleven primary feathers.

19) They have the habit of bobbing their head to see things clearly and constantly.

20) White Pigeon with olive branch represents positivity, happiness, and peace in Christianity.

As per the recent data from researchers approximately 20% of all the species of pigeons are facing the threat of extinction around the globe. Many important steps like laws for curbing the hunting of pigeons, setting up of the establishments like parks for conserving the habitat have been taken by the government in order to protect the species similar to pigeons.

After going through various facts and figures about pigeons, I firmly believe that pigeons can help humans in a lot of other ways because of their unique features which have yet not been explored for ages and it’s possible only if scientists and researchers would work in collaboration for in-depth analysis of pigeons as an amazing species.

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Essay On Pigeon In English and For Class 6

Essay on pigeon in english.

Pigeons, belonging to the Columbidae family, encompass a wide variety of 308 bird species under the order Columbiformes. Globally dispersed, these birds find their richest diversity in regions like Indonesia and Australia. Commonly, the term “pigeon” is interchangeably used with “dove,” especially in urban contexts where these birds are frequent visitors. The domestication of pigeons traces back to ancient civilizations, notably the Egyptians and Sumerians around 3000 BC, heralding a profound relationship between humans and these avian creatures.

Historically, pigeons have been revered, often considered sacred messengers by civilizations such as the Egyptians, who would mummify them for spiritual purposes. This reverence facilitated the spread of pigeon domestication, reaching the Greeks and Romans who furthered the breeding and diversification of pigeon breeds. Today, this legacy continues with a myriad of pigeon breeds, each with distinct characteristics.

Pigeons exhibit a remarkable range of physical and behavioral traits. Notably, they possess a unique ability to recognize all 26 letters of the alphabet, demonstrating their intelligence. Their vision is equally impressive, with the capability to perceive color and ultraviolet light, extending beyond the visual capacity of humans. Moreover, pigeons have an extraordinary navigational skill set, utilizing the Earth’s magnetic field and seismic waves to find their way home, a feat that fascinates scientists and bird enthusiasts alike.

The life expectancy of pigeons varies significantly, influenced by factors such as human interaction and natural predators, with falcons being their most formidable foes. Despite these challenges, pigeons have adapted to various environments, showcasing their resilience and versatility.

Pigeons have not only adapted to the natural world but have also played significant roles in human history. Their homing ability, for instance, was instrumental during the world wars, saving thousands of lives by delivering messages across enemy lines. Such historical significance underscores the pigeon’s enduring impact on human society.

The pigeon’s scientific nomenclature, Columba Livia Domestica, hints at their domestication history. Despite their global presence, pigeons thrive in harmony with humans, often found in urban settings as well as rural areas. Their diet predominantly consists of grains and fruits, reflecting their vegetarian tendencies.

In terms of social behavior, pigeons exhibit a strong preference for communal living, often seen in flocks. They possess remarkable memory and navigational skills, enabling them to return to their nests over great distances. This ability, coupled with their calm demeanor, makes pigeons a familiar and welcomed presence in human environments.

The reproductive cycle of pigeons is another area of interest, with females typically laying two eggs per cycle. Pigeons reach maturity quickly, allowing for rapid population growth under favorable conditions. This aspect, combined with their intelligence and the ability to recognize human faces, underscores the complexity and adaptability of these birds.

In conclusion, pigeons are more than just urban dwellers or subjects of historical anecdotes. They are creatures of great intelligence, adaptability, and significance, both in the natural world and in their interactions with humans. As populations fluctuate due to various factors, it becomes imperative to appreciate and protect these birds, ensuring they continue to thrive alongside humanity. Pigeons, with their gentle nature and remarkable abilities, remain a fascinating subject of study and an enduring symbol of peace and resilience.

Essay On Pigeon In English For Class 6

Pigeons are fascinating birds that have lived alongside humans for thousands of years. These birds are part of the Columbidae family, which includes over 300 species found all around the world. Pigeons can adapt to various environments, which is why you can find them everywhere except in the coldest and driest places like the Sahara Desert, Antarctica, and the Arctic.

Pigeons have a rich history with humans, dating back to ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Sumerians over 5,000 years ago. These people held pigeons in high regard, considering them sacred and using them as messengers. The practice of keeping and breeding pigeons spread from Egypt to other parts of the world, including ancient Greece and Rome. Over time, different pigeon breeds were developed, each with unique features.

One interesting fact about pigeons is their incredible ability to find their way home. They can fly up to 700 miles in a single day at speeds up to 77.6 mph. Pigeons have a keen sense of direction, thanks to their ability to sense the Earth’s magnetic field and use other cues like the sun and landmarks to navigate.

Pigeons are not only known for their navigation skills but also for their intelligence. They can recognize all 26 letters of the alphabet and have a remarkable memory. During the World Wars, pigeons saved thousands of lives by delivering important messages.

Despite their importance and intelligence, pigeons are often misunderstood. Some people see them as pests, mainly because of the mess they can make in urban areas. However, pigeons play a crucial role in our cities. They help control insect populations and are a source of food for predators like falcons.

Pigeons come in various colors, including white, gray, and brown. They prefer living in groups and can be found in both urban and rural areas. Their diet mainly consists of seeds, fruits, and plants. Pigeons are also known for their unique drinking method—they suck up water using their beaks like straws, unlike most birds.

Protecting pigeons and their habitats is essential for maintaining biodiversity and the balance of our ecosystems. As humans, we have a responsibility to ensure these remarkable birds can thrive in a safe and clean environment. By understanding and appreciating pigeons, we can foster a more harmonious relationship with these beautiful creatures that have been our companions for millennia.

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English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Pigeon” for Kids, Students of Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 CBSE, ICSE Board Examination.

The pigeon is a very common bird, and some kinds of pigeons are found in almost all countries. In Urdu, it is called kabutar . There are three wild kinds in England, wood pigeon or “cushat”; the rock-dove (for the well-known dove is pigeon); and the stock-dove, which is found also in India. But men by breeding from the wild kinds, have made many fancy kinds like the tumbler-pigeon, which turns over in the air when flying: the fantail-pigeon with its spread-out tail, the shape of fan: the pouter-pigeon, with a very large round chest; the homing-pigeon, which is used for carrying messages, and many more.

Pigeons are bred and kept for food, like fowls, for they make good eating; and wild pigeons are hunted and shot for the same reason. Pigeon pie is a favourite dish in England.

The pretty fancy kinds are also kept as pets. They are very tame and will feed out of their master’s hand, and sit on his head and shoulders. They are in great numbers in some big towns, where they are favourites with people and are not hunted. It is a pretty sight to see flocks of pigeons flying about the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, and coming down onto the street to be fed by the passers-by.

The homing-pigeon is so-called because, however far you take it from its “home”, or the place where it was bred, it will always find its way back there when you let it go. Even if it is taken always by train in a closed basket so that it cannot see where it is going, then let go, it somehow away finds the way back. These pigeons are very strong and fast fliers, as indeed most kinds of pigeons are. So these homing-pigeons are used to carry messages, which are written on small bits of paper and tied under their wings. They are therefore like postmen.

The dove is taken by poets as the birds of meekness and · Hence the saying “as gentle as a dove”. It is very pleas to hear doves cooing or crooning on a warm sleepy afternoon-a sweet, gentle, and soothing sound.

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Essay on Pigeon | [Essay for Students]

Hello, today Essay for Students has come up with an essay on Pigeon. In this essay we have given information about the pigeon bird and have told about them. So let us start with the essay.

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Essay on Pigeon.

Pigeons, also known as rock doves, are a type of bird that is found all over the world, including in India. These birds are known for their distinctive cooing sounds and their ability to navigate long distances using their excellent sense of direction. Pigeons have a long history of being used for communication and transportation, and are also popular as pets.

Students, do you have pigeons in your locality? Do tell us in the comment section below.

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English Summary

Short essay on If I were a Bird in English for Students and Children

Everyone loves to dream big. Some dreams are possible to be made true. Some are based on a complete imagination. I always had a dream to fly high above the sky. I always had admired different kinds of beautiful birds who fly freely above us. They look so happy and carefree.

I feel if I were a bird , I could also fly above my house and above this place. I could fly above the buildings, mountains and hills and look down on people’s houses and all through the city. My school would look pretty from high above. I could look at my friends who play on the school playground.

I wish to be a bird so that I could fly above the sky where the Planes fly. I would be able to wave my hands pointing the pilot. If I were a bird I could also fly to the top of the big mango tree nearby our fishery. I could also fly and dive into the nearby lake and take a cool shower.

My dream to be a bird got developed when I saw a group of birds talking to each other in their own language. I could not understand their language yet I felt good listening to the sounds of their speeches. I felt free when I say them flying like planes high above the sky away from everyone’s reach.

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  • Sparrow Essay


Essay on Sparrow

Sparrows are small yet attractive birds. This bird is found all over the world including India. The sparrow is a very nimble bird. There are many species of sparrow found. The sparrow has small wings. Its beak is yellow and the colour of the feet is brown. Its body is light greyish-black. They usually have black spots on their neck. Male sparrows and female sparrows are different in appearance. Male sparrows are more attractive than female ones. 

A sparrow is an omnivorous bird. It eats seeds, grains, fruits and insects etc. Sparrows generally build their nests in the roof of houses, buildings, bridges and hollows of trees. In urban areas, these birds often nest in the houses of humans.

Details and Other Characteristics 

Sparrows are flexible in all climates. Their lifespan is 4 to 7 years. These birds usually fly at a speed of about 24 miles per hour. Sparrows mostly like to fly in herds. These birds are rarely seen in hilly areas. Sadly, the sparrow species are dying due to environmental pollution and other reasons. And as a result, this beautiful bird has started to disappear gradually. To spread awareness about sparrows and their protection, “World Sparrow Day” is celebrated every year on 20 March worldwide. Excess temperature proves fatal for these birds.

Some Facts About Sparrows

Once, the sparrow was the most common bird in Britain. However, their ratio has been steadily decreasing for some time.

The common sparrow in East Asia is not the house sparrow, it’s the tree sparrow.

They are very social birds, in fact, they make their nest in colonies, houses, etc.

They are mainly vegetarian but young birds need high protein in their diet so they eat insects.

Cats, dogs, snakes and foxes are the major predators for the house sparrow.

Three-quarters of sparrows disappeared from London between 1994 and 2000. Due to fast decline, this bird is listed as nearly endangered.

The length of a sparrow can be a maximum of 8 inches and 0.8 to 1.4 ounces in weight.

Although sparrows do not belong to the family of water birds, they can swim very fast.

Sparrows have beautiful voices and their chirping can be heard all around.

Some of the species of sparrow include the vesper sparrow, tree sparrow, white-crowned sparrow, song sparrow and fox sparrow.

The vesper sparrow: The vesper sparrow has a long tail and a relatively larger body and is known to respond quite promptly to changes in habitat. It is mainly found across the majority of the Northern part of the United States and in parts of Canada. 

Tree sparrow: The Eurasian tree sparrow is a rare type of sparrow and can usually be spotted in areas like farmlands and woodlands. However, it is unfortunately even more difficult to find it in urban areas due to the growing environmental dangers like pollution, overpopulation, etc. 

White-crowned sparrow: This bird’s native is in North America and although the white-crowned sparrows are numerous in numbers, their population is still declining quite quickly. 

Song sparrow: The song sparrow is known to be one of the most easily adaptable and abundantly found species compared to the other types of sparrows found in North America. 

Fox sparrow: This sparrow is known to build nests in far-off areas such as those of the north and western mountains. A fox sparrow is a little larger than a song- sparrow and it is often known to be only either a winter visitor or simply a migrant. 

Extinction of the Sparrow

At present, it is seen that due to pollution and deforestation, etc., results in temperature have risen. Hence, the sparrows are migrating from the cities in search of food and nests. However, they are not able to get rest even in the rural areas, because the villages too are populous. Sparrow Day is celebrated every year to make people more aware about the threat to the lives of this bird’s population. The purpose of celebrating this day is to increase awareness among people about saving the life of this lovely bird.

To save sparrows, this bird has been declared as a State bird in Bihar so that everyone can pay attention and take a serious step to protect this bird. If the right measures are not taken to preserve these beautiful birds in time, then the day is not far when they will go extinct. According to bird scientists, people should provide some places in their homes to recall sparrows, where they can easily make their own nest, lay their eggs and their children can be safe from the invading birds, cats, dogs, snakes and foxes. We must pledge to take some measures to protect their lives.

Sparrows are one of the most beautiful birds. Due to pollution and other reasons, these birds are on the verge of extinction. According to the ornithologists, people should provide some places in their homes for their shelter, where they can easily make their own nest and lay their eggs. So that these invasive birds can be saved. These are some basic steps that should be taken to protect these birds from the predator birds.


FAQs on Sparrow Essay

1. When and Why is ‘Sparrow Day’ Celebrated?

World Sparrow Day is celebrated every year on March 20 worldwide. Sparrow Day is celebrated every year to enable the bird to survive. The purpose of celebrating this day is to increase awareness among people about saving the life of this lovely bird. To save the bird species, it has been declared as a state bird in Bihar so that everyone can take necessary measurements in order to protect this bird.

2. List Some Interesting Facts about the Sparrow.

Some of the facts are:-

The length of sparrow can be a maximum of 8 inches and 0.8 to 1.4 ounces in weight.

Some of the species of sparrow include the vesper sparrow, white-crowned sparrow, song sparrow and fox sparrow.

Once, the sparrow was the most common bird in Britain. However, their quantity has been steadily decreasing here from some time.

3. How Does Pollution Affect the Sparrow? How Can We Save Them?

At present, it is seen that due to pollution, cutting trees, etc., the temperature of cities is increasing very fast. Hence, they are migrating from the cities in search of food and a nest. However, they are not able to get rest even in the rural areas, because the villages are also polluted. Due to pollution and other reasons these birds are on the verge of extinction. According to bird scientists, people should provide some places in their homes to recall sparrows, where they can easily make their own nest, lay their eggs and their children can be safe from the invading birds, cats, dogs, snakes, and foxes.

4. Are sparrows endangered? 

Yes, sparrows are considered to be an endangered species, sadly,  not only in India but also on a worldwide basis. The majority of the factors that have led to this are more or less because of man. The ever increasing pollution levels along with deforestation, growing population, urbanisation, demolishing mother nature, etc., has slowly led to the endangerment of this beautiful species. The population growth is posing a predicament for sparrows because that restricts these birds from building their nests.

5. When is World Sparrow Day and why is it celebrated?

Every year, 20th March is celebrated as World Sparrow Day all across the globe. This day is celebrated worldwide to spread awareness regarding sparrows, how they’re going extinct, how they need to be saved, and also as a way of appreciating these little birds. The principal goal of this day is to raise and spread as much awareness as possible, among people to try their best to help save sparrows. This way, we might just be able to preserve the lives of these lovely birds. 

6. How can we as individuals help to protect sparrows and save them from going extinct? 

There are a number of things an individual could try to do to protect the common house sparrow. For instance, one could let a sparrow build its nest and lay its eggs in their backyard or on the roof of their house, etc., as a result of which they would be providing aid to the bird. That way, sparrows also won’t fall prey to foxes, snakes, etc., that easily. Another way would be to contribute to the environment instead of harming it. The less pollution we cause, the better it will be for not only the environment but also for the animals and people living in it.

7. Describe the sparrow’s diet and its various types. 

Sparrows are tiny, yet pretty birds that fly around in herds and are social birds. A sparrow’s diet mainly consists of grains, different types of seeds, fruits, and even insects. Although sparrows are more commonly found to be vegetarian, they’re still considered to be omnivorous birds. This is because young birds often feed on insects due to their need for a high amount of protein. 

The most common type of sparrow is the house sparrow but there are several other types including the tree sparrow, the fox sparrow, the vesper sparrow, the single sparrow, and the white-crowned sparrow.

8. Is the study material provided by Vedantu effective? 

Vedantu is a highly revered and quite popular site for students to not only study and hone their skills, but it also helps them to track their progress in a way. The study material provided by Vedantu is far less complicated and at the same time, it’s very informative as well as engaging, thereby being a great source of studying for students. You can easily access the free study material Vedantu provides on its site.

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Essay on Peacock in English for Children and Students

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Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds on earth. It is particularly known for its colourful feathers that are a sight to behold. It looks best when it dances merrily in the rain.

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Peacock is the national bird of India. It finds several references in the Indian mythology and history. It is known for its metallic blue and green colour and spectacular feather. These various essays on Peacock of varying lengths will help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Peacock essay as per your interest and need.

Long and Short Essay on Peacock in English

We have provided below short and long essay on peacock in English language for children and students.

These Peacock essay will make you familiar with appearance and characteristics of peacock.

You will also know about distinct physical features and behaviour of peacock. You will also get a glimpse of the beauty of the bird because of which it is the national bird of India.

You can use these peacock essay in various school and college competitions wherein you need to write essay on peacock, or give a speech on national bird or be a part of debate on national bird of India etc.

Peacock Essay 1 (200 words)

Peacock is known for its mesmerizing beauty. This beautiful bird comes in different colours. There are mainly three species of peacock. These are the Indian peacock (found in India and Sri Lanka), the Green Peacock (found in Indonesia) and the Congo Peacock (found in Africa). While the Indian and Green peacock have an elaborate crest on their head and long colourful plumage, Congo peacock on the other hand, has a less attractive crest and short tail.

Both Indian and Green peacock look extremely beautiful whereas the Congo peacock appears rather dull. The colour of the body and crest is what mainly distinguishes the Indian peacock from the Green peacock. The Indian peacock has a blue coloured body whereas the Green peacock has a green coloured body.

The Indian peacock has been given the stature of the National Bird of India. This joyful and beautiful bird has been a significant part of the Indian history as well as mythology.

The colourful and bright feathers that add to the beauty of peacock also serve as an item to beautify various things and places. A number of home décor items are crafted around these feathers. These feathers are also considered auspicious and are used to bring in good luck and prosperity. Peacock has inspired many notable artists in the past and continues to do so.

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Peacock Essay 2 (300 words)


Peacock is a bird of national importance for the Indians. It has held a very special place in the Indian history. Many prominent kings and leaders in the past have shown their fondness for this beautiful creature. Peacock is known worldwide for its mesmerizing beauty.

Peacock – Our National Bird

India boasts of a number of beautiful birds with different features and habits. Some of these birds such as cuckoo and bulbul are amazing when it comes to singing. Other birds have other unique qualities for instance parrot can mimic, white pigeon is just so beautiful and pure and Asian Paradise Flycatcher is known for its beautiful long tail. Choosing a national bird among such beauties was quite hard.

However, peacock seemed to be a clear winner here. Peacock outsmarts all the birds when it comes to looks. No other bird possesses such big, colourful and bright feather. Not just its looks, peacock is also loved for its positive and joyful nature. This can very well be seen by the joy with which the bird dances and makes merry during the monsoon season. Other reasons cited for choosing peacock as the national bird of India include its association with the Indian mythology and religion and the fact that it was found in almost every part of the country.

In India, peacocks are found in almost every part. However, these are found in greater numbers in Jammu and Kashmir, South Mizoram, East Assam and Indian peninsula.

Peacock was declared national bird of India in the year 1963. The bird is protected under the Indian Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.

Peacock is one of the most beautiful creations of God. It seems like the almighty specially took out time to craft this rare beauty. It has rightly been chosen as the national bird of our country.

Peacock Essay 3 (400 words)

Peacock boasts of immense beauty. It is loved for its blue and green coloured body, its turquoise, green, blue and brown coloured feathers and its beautiful crest. Catching a glimpse of peacock dancing during the monsoon season can make your day. Peacock has been a source of inspiration for painters, poets and other artists since times immemorial.

Historical References

Peacock finds many references in the Indian history. Mughal emperor Shah Jahan especially got his throne crafted in the form of peacock. The peacock throne was embedded with numerous jewels that added to its beauty. The Mughal Empire lost this magnificent throne to the Persian emperor Nadir Shah in 1739.

Hunting was a popular activity during the earlier times and the kings indulged in the same quite often. However, King Asoka particularly ensured that people did not hunt down peacock. During his reign, he made killing of peacock an offence. Interestingly, Aurangzeb, who was otherwise known for his cunning nature also ensured safety of peacocks. He put a ban on shooting this beautiful bird. During the Gupta period peacock was recognized as royal bird.

Besides, numerous paintings, engravings and pieces of literature in India have been inspired by peacocks. Many invaders were also fascinated by the beauty of peacock.

Mythological Reference

Peacock has been associated with various Indian Gods and Goddesses. It is believed that peacock came into being from the feathers of Garuda. Garuda is a mythical bird that serves as a mount for Lord Vishnu.

Peacock is the conveyance of God Kartikeya. Kumari, who is a form of Shakti, also rides peacock. This beautiful bird also serves as conveyance for Vikata, an incarnation of Lord Ganesha.

Lord Krishna is seen adorning the beautiful peacock feather on his head. Peacock has also been associated with Goddess Laxmi and Goddess Saraswati. Goddess Laxmi is known as the Goddess of luck, beauty and prosperity and Goddess Saraswati is known as the Goddess of wisdom, kindness and patience.

It is said that Lord Indra took refuge under peacock wing when it was unable to defeat Ravana. He then blessed the bird with courage to take on the snakes. It is also said that as a result of a curse, Lord Indra was transformed into a peacock with thousand eyes.

Peacock feathers are considered sacred in the Hindu religion. People hang peacock feathers at home to bring in good luck and prosperity.

Thus, peacock is not only associated with beauty and vibrancy but also holds an important place in the Indian history and mythology thereby making it all the more special.

Peacock Essay 4 (500 words)

Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds on earth. Mostly found in Asian countries, these are famous for their beauty worldwide. People specially visit these countries to catch a glimpse of this beautiful bird. It holds a special relevance to the Indians as it is the National Bird of India.

Peacock Habitat

Peacocks prefer living in the forests or places inhabited by a good number of trees such as the outskirts of cities. These are also found in farmland. They look for a place with water body nearby. They do not build nests. Nests are built by peahen for the purpose of laying eggs. Peacocks usually rest on the ground. Many of them also sleep on the trees, mostly on the low-hanging branches.

Though they love pleasant weather and are particularly fond of the rainy season, peacocks have an amazing ability to adapt in different kinds of climatic conditions. They can survive in extreme climate. These are thus found in hot desert region as well as in cold and snowy areas. Average age of a peacock is around 20-25 years.

Physical Features of Peacock

Peacock is known for its attractive physical features. Here are the physical features of peacock that distinguish it from other birds:

  • It is blue and green in colour.
  • It has a beautiful crest on its head that adds to its beauty. This crest is unique to peacock.
  • It is known to have a long, colourful and bright tail.
  • The tail comprises of beautiful feathers and constitutes more than half of peacock’s body length.
  • A peacock has around 200 feathers.
  • The feathers are gold, blue, green and brown in colour with oval shaped eye marking.
  • Its long metallic blue coloured neck is equally mesmerizing.
  • Its beauty can best be seen when it spreads its feathers to dance.
  • Some peacocks are white in colour. These peacocks have a white coloured body and white feathers. These look equally spectacular.

Peacock: Nature and Activities

Peacocks are said to be quite shy in nature. They shy away from the humans and are scared of animals. It is common to see peacocks run away and hide in bushes at the sight of people. They love to roam around in groups. It makes them feel safe and secure.

Peacocks are quite observant and vigilant. They can sense danger from far away. Peacocks do not only run or hide to save their own lives but also ensure that their fellow peacocks, peahens and other birds are safe. For this, they shrill to alert everyone around about the danger at hand.

On a usual day, peacock’s voice can be heard during the morning and evening hours when the weather is pleasant. Their voice can be heard more frequently during the monsoon season. Peacocks love the rains. They open up their vibrant and colourful plumes and look their best as they dance during the monsoon season.

Peacocks are the largest flying birds on earth. They are also the most beautiful birds seen on our planet. The sight of peacock dancing is simply mesmerizing.

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Peacock Essay 5 (600 words)

Peacock, also known as peafowl, is one of the most spectacular creations of God. It is loved for its beauty as well as nature. It is a joyful and harmless bird. Peacock has inspired several pieces of art, particularly in India.

Types of Peacock

There are mainly three types or species of peacocks. Here is a brief look at all these:

  • Indian Peacock

Mostly found in India, Sri Lanka and certain other East Asian countries, it is known to be one of the most popular and beautiful species of peacock. It is metallic green in colour. It has a long blue, green, brown and gold coloured plume which is a treat to the eyes. The blue crest on its head enhances its beauty further. Indian peahen, on the other hand, is brown in colour. It has a short tail and green or blue heads.

  • Javanese Peacock

Also known as Green peacock, this species of peacock hails from Indonesia. It looks quite similar to the Indian peacock and is as beautiful. It has a metallic green body. It has a bright coloured long plume that looks stunning. The head of this peacock is adorned with a green-coloured crest. Green peahen also has a beautiful green coloured body. However, it has a short tail.

  • Congo Peacock

Found in Africa, the Congo peacock looks extremely different from the other two species of peacock. It has blue coloured feathers on its upper body. It does not have long plumage like the Indian and Green peacock. Its crest is also shorter compared to the other two species. Congo peacock thus does not appear attractive. Congo peahen has green and brown feathers.

Peahen is Very Different from Peacock

Peahens are female, extremely plain looking, unlike the peacocks that look splendid. Indian peahens particularly look quite different from the Indian peacock. While the peacock is metallic blue in colour and adorns a colourful plume which is extremely attractive, peahen has a plain brown coloured body. It is also devoid of the beautiful long plume. It has a short brown coloured tail. Peahen thus looks quite dull compared to the peacock. It also appears quite small in size as it does not have a plume. The dull brown colour of the Indian peahen helps it camouflage.

Eating Habits of Peacock

Peacocks are omnivores. This means that they eat flesh as well as vegetation. Peacocks eat grains, fruits, ants, crickets, termites, snakes, lizards, scorpions and other insects and reptiles. Their vigilant eyes and the ability to act quickly help them hunt down snakes with ease.

Peacocks are particularly loved by the farmers. This is because they eat insects that cause harm to the crops in the farms.

Uses of Peacock Feather

Peacock feathers are extremely beautiful. These are used in various home decor items and other fancy items. Peacock feather earrings, bracelets and other jewellery items are also quite popular.

These are not just loved for their beauty but also symbolize prosperity and peace. These are considered auspicious and are kept at home to bring in positive energy. Its use it quite popular in Vastu Shastra. As per this ancient Hindu system, different number of peacock feathers are tied together and clubbed with various chants for various purposes. Among other uses, these beautiful feathers help in attracting wealth and beauty. Peacock feathers are also used during religious rituals.

Peacock feathers are also known for their miraculous healing properties. These were used in the ancient times to heal certain illnesses. The ancient Indian and Sri Lankan literature has a mention of the same.

Though mainly found in the Asian countries, peacocks are popular for their beauty worldwide. They look their best when they spread their feathers to dance and make merry during the rainy season.

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Pigeon English Lesson Plan

Classroom activities, biography and fiction, kind of activity:.

Group Discussion

Students will be able to understand the influence of the author's life on their fiction.

As homework the night before, the students should research Stephen Kelman's biography, including both primary and secondary sources. They should collect at least five sources and write a brief paragraph describing each one. Have them bring these sources to class the next day, either printed out or saved to a flash drive or tablet.

Break students into groups of three or four, and have them go around and share the sources they've gathered. Consider allowing time for sharing any short audio or video...

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Pigeon English Questions and Answers

The Question and Answer section for Pigeon English is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel.

How does Kelman present ideas of control and power in Pigeon English?

All of the characters are forced to uphold the masculine traits like power and control or toughness and ruthlessness in order to protect themselves. This culture of violence means that life is treated as disposable and death is ever-present.

how does the writer present the struggles of childhood in pigeon english

The setting of this British town is quite a dangerous place, especially for the children. As readers learn almost from the outset, a boy from Harrison's school was murdered and left for dead in the street recently. Harrison learns firsthand how...

How does Stephan Kelman present Harri as a vulnerable character in the novel

Being from Ghana and still a child, Hari is vulnerable to the world of a child near teen as well as the world of a visible immigrant. The protagonist/narrator is an eleven-year-old schoolboy newly arrived in London from Ghana. He is a good kid...

Study Guide for Pigeon English

Pigeon English study guide contains a biography of Stephen Kelman, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis.

  • About Pigeon English
  • Pigeon English Summary
  • Character List

Lesson Plan for Pigeon English

  • About the Author
  • Study Objectives
  • Introduction to Pigeon English
  • Relationship to Other Books
  • Bringing in Technology
  • Notes to the Teacher
  • Related Links
  • Pigeon English Bibliography

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How does Kelman use language and dialect to convey the novel’s themes of assimilation and experience?

How is religion portrayed in the text? How do the interjections made by Harri’s Pigeon connect to the idea of religion and divinity?

Discuss the seemingly inherent disparity in the narrative from having a child narrating a story that touches on “adult” issues.

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  22. Pigeon English Lesson Plan

    The Pigeon English lesson plan is designed to help teachers and educators plan classroom activities and instruction. ... , 2769 sample college application essays, 926 lesson plans, and ad-free surfing in this premium content, "Members Only" section of the site! ... Have them bring these sources to class the next day, either printed out or ...

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