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AOs write the “What do you do for fun?” essay by Jeremy Weprich

Ever wondered what admissions officers do when they're not reading applications?

July 9, 2021

  • in Admissions ,
  • Best from staff

We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it. (250 words maximum)

If you are familiar with the MIT application, you’ve likely encountered our short answer essay questions , including the one written above. Rather than asking applicants to write a long “personal statement,” we prefer asking a few short essay questions intentionally designed to help us get to know the student as a real person.

But this isn’t a blog about how to write a college essay. If you’re looking for that, we have plenty of great essay advice on our site already. Instead, this post is to help you get to know the Enigmatic Admissions Officers of MIT™ who are responsible for reading your applications. We get to learn so much about all of you, so I thought it was our turn to share a bit about ourselves.

While we share many of the same values, our admissions officers are remarkably different from one another. Our staff includes trained engineers, educators, performing artists, philosophers, writers, researchers, and more. Some of us listen to Bartók while others prefer BTS; some of us cultivate rare orchids while many of us desperately attempt to keep our succulents alive. And as you’ll see, some of us write carefully crafted prose, while others take a much more casual approach to writing.

We know from reading your applications each year that asking people what they like to do for fun is a fantastic window into their world. It’s a rare and wonderful thing to get to read about the joys of others—and best of all, there are no right or wrong answers. ⁠ 01 I regularly think about an applicant from years ago who wrote about his deep obsession with King's Hawaiian Rolls. I hope he's doing okay.

Every summer I receive a visit from a person I’ve never met, a person who technically doesn’t exist. Let me explain. When I took AP Literature (many moons ago) I encountered Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie for the first time. I fell in love with Adichie’s detailed, perceptive prose, her humor, and most of all, Ifemelu—the confident, witty, blog-writing main character. The story follows Ifemelu as she grows up in Lagos, Nigeria and immigrates to the United States for university, eventually becoming a successful writer and moving back to Nigeria to rediscover home. It’s a coming-of-age tale, a love story, and a record of how we all evolve based on social context and age. I reread this book every June, and each time, something new resonates with me—the nerve-wracking freedom of moving to a new city, the overwhelming rush of first love, the difficulty of reconciling one’s childhood self with an emerging adult self. Rereading the book has become a means to measure how I’ve grown as a person—similar to how I marked my height in pencil on my doorframe each year as a kid. By now Ifemelu feels like a friend, and the week I spend with her each summer feels like a highly-anticipated visit during which I remember all the reasons I connected to her in the first place and discover new axes of connection (and new parts of myself). Back to reading now—Ifemelu’s only here for a few more days (246 more pages).

One word. Dance. I will dance anywhere at any time. Whether it’s at a party, a supermarket in line, my room at 3am, or even at work during selection committee (ask Kellen, he’ll vouch this), I absolutely love dancing. It’s one of the purest, most authentic ways for me to express my emotions. There’s just something about finding the rhythm in a song, and absolutely crushing the beat with movement that’s insatiable. Hip hop, afro beats, soca, bachata, dembow, kizomba, swing, I love so many different styles of dance. I come from a family of dancers, so I suppose it’s a bit of a hereditary trait. Regardless, I can guarantee you that if you see me on campus, at some point you will catch me subtly hitting a woah, woo walking across the street, or dougie-ing in line at Dunkin Donuts. Dance and pleasure go hand in hand for me, and it’s what I go to most often for fun.

I glide out on the ice in the 10-degree Vermont winter morning. I can see my breath and my fingers are already starting to go numb, but I have the biggest smile on my face. It’s the best weekend of the year—the Vermont Pond Hockey Championship. I’ve been playing hockey since I was about 4 years old; one of the very few skaters with a pony-tail sticking out of their helmet. Since then, I’ve developed friendships that have lasted well into my adult life, created memories I’ll never forget, and learned a lot about what it means to be a part of a team. This annual weekend in Vermont is the culmination of that—a chance to hang out with my best friends playing a sport that has given me so much. The joy isn’t always calculated by our win/loss record (like the year we went 0-4…ouch) but by the laughs we have and the minutes spent together. Being on the ice is an escape for me: there’s no school work, work, or personal commitments on my mind. It’s just me and the game, and the only thing on my mind is what the optimal position is to defend the net. Every time I’m on the ice I try to skate to my best ability, knowing that my hard work benefits everyone on the team and even if we lose, we’ve done our best. But I’ll be honest…it definitely feels better to win!

As I’ve grown older my interests have evolved and changed with every new fad and craze. I am what you call a “marketer’s dream”, who buys trinkets at the check-out line. From pop music, anime, cargo shorts, bowl cuts, and playing basketball at my local park, to scholarly research, work, and trying to fit a workout into my daily routine, one thing has remained constant since my childhood. While I still jam out to the top songs of the 1990s and 2000s on a weekly basis, I have never been able to say bye, bye, bye to that mouse-like critter with yellow fur, pointy ears, and red circular spots. From collecting cards, watching Ash Ketchum continually lose in big tournaments, and spending thousands of hours on their video games, Pokémon has always managed to keep my interest in one way or another since its 1996 debut. These days, you can find me out on runs and long walks while playing Pokémon Go on my way to catching them all, or on my Nintendo Switch trying to become the next Pokémon master. Now in my 30s, I get to share my love for Pokémon with my nieces who have jumped on the poke-express with open arms. At least they know what to expect to get for their birthdays and Christmas. It’s amazing to see how Pokémon has been able to captivate audiences of all ages for so many years, which is perfect for someone who is a kid at heart.

When I was recruited to do this post my first thought was, what is fun? Everyone characterizes it differently. A great example of this is SpongeBob’s idea of fun vs. Plankton’s idea of fun.*

SpongeBob SquarePants

*I mean, SpongeBob is iconic and if you haven’t applied SOME lesson from SpongeBob to your life—you’re doing it wrong.

Aside from learning life lessons through watching episodes of SpongeBob, having fun means to reach complete serenity. Activities that take my mind away from work, the news, media, etc. are things I have fun doing.

If I had to choose one that I’m loving at the moment…I’d choose walking on trails. In the Boston area, there are plenty of trails and parks to walk through on a nice day. Now, I’m not a hiker—I don’t do this on a consistent basis but it’s the perfect getaway for me.

One of my favorite trails overlooks the Neponset River. You can find people roller skating, biking, skateboarding, running or walking and taking in the scenery. I actually found this trail through one of our colleagues, Bintou (thanks Bintou!). It’s been a go-to spot whenever I need a breath of fresh air.

149 West Market St in Newark, New Jersey holds a secret gem. While Google will tell you this is the home of the local T-Mobile, I knew this as the best place to buy jewelry. In front of T-Mobile was a local vendor who sold the best fashion jewelry I know. Even when I moved out of state and went back to visit family, I always made sure I had time to find his stand. However, when I needed him most he vanished. I tried to find alternate earring vendors but they were more costly and not as stylishly captivating. Naturally, I would lose an earring here and there, so my collection continued to dwindle. At this point, I had no choice but to start learning how to make my own earrings. Part of the fun in learning to make my own earrings is that I get to express myself and my passions. One passion that I have is in sustainability. For one project, I decided to use a couple of old ripped jeans. With these jeans I made a large flower-esque pair of earrings. When I look around, all I see is inspiration for my next earring creation. So far, I have made earrings using Christmas ornaments, the book-bind of an old journal, extra braiding hair, and I even used the faux-fur pom-pom that attaches to purses. Being able to enhance my expressive style through my own earring creations has been one of my favorite pastimes.

All right, so let me set the scene. It’s like 3 am on some random Saturday during my junior year of college and I just bought two cheeseburgers from a local gas station called Sheetz (it was a thing that we did, no further questions). I came back to my dorm room, sat on the couch, and turned the TV to Cartoon Network. An episode of a show called Lupin the 3rd had just started, and everything just seemed to fall into place. I don’t think I’ve ever been that content in my life. Needless to say, I was hooked. Now, this wasn’t the first time I watched anime by any means. I grew up on Dragon Ball Z and watched a decent amount of Toonami in middle and high school. But, that was probably the moment I realized that this was my wave. From there, Adult Swim’s anime block became my nightly ritual. From Fullmetal Alchemist to Samurai Champloo , to Cowboy Bebop and Paranoia Agent , the time I would have normally dedicated to sleeping or homework, transitioned to strictly anime and homework (rip sleep). As time went on and graduation passed by, my friends all grew out of their anime phase, but I didn’t. I even wrote a blog about how binging Naruto at a nursing home got me through what could have been a really depressing part of my life. So, yea. Anime. That’s a thing I like. Now excuse me while I catch up on Tokyo Revengers .

I applied to only one college my senior year of high school. It was an art school and I wanted to go there because someone told me once that if I just focused on what I liked to do for fun, I’d always be able to find a job. I liked making art. I took oil painting lessons and painted a still life that still hangs in my grandparent’s house. I taught myself how to draw with charcoal and colored pencils. That summer, in order to put together a portfolio that would serve as my application, I would lug a big pad of paper and sit on top of the cars in the junk yard and draw them. I drew boulders in the quarry in my town with colored pencil. I opened the door of my closet and drew all the shoes on the floor. I drew the edge of my unmade bed. Once I got accepted, it turned out I didn’t like drawing or painting much anymore. Instead, I made super 8 films and wrote poems. But my friends and I had the most fun hosting dinner parties in our Brighton apartment. We’d make big trays of chicken enchiladas and homemade guacamole, we’d decorate and light candles, and pick out the perfect music soundtracks. Because we were art-school kids, these parties were visual and creative. To this day, I still have the most fun using my artistic skills to entertain friends and family, to garden, and to cook.

Still life oil painting

Still life painting by Kris Guay

In the heart of the Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota you will find a winding gravel road full of potholes that, if you’re not careful, will take the front end off your car. Cell phone reception drops immediately leaving you completely unplugged from the modern world.

A secret place awaits you there. A place where you step back in time to when people lived quieter, slower-paced lives. There, nestled back against Aspen and Pine trees sits a small, green cabin with a tin roof, an outhouse, a screened-in porch, and a babbling creek directly across the road. Electricity and running water don’t exist here. Oil lanterns and a big pot belly stove are your only sources of light and warmth. Water comes from hauling buckets from the creek and cooking is done on an original wood burning cookstove with cast iron skillets. When it rains, the water’s percussion against the tin roof instantly puts you to sleep. The swing on the porch invites voracious readers. We play board games, hike, go swimming, and sit on the porch listening to coyotes as the sun sets over the canyon.

This is my paradise, my favorite place on earth. This is where I unplug from the stresses of life and briefly forget my adulting responsibilities. The little green cabin in the middle of the forest is where I recharge, reset, and get back to the core of who I am and who I want to be.

I like to lift heavy things. For about 8 years now, I’ve been following a powerlifting program roughly similar to the publicly available StrongLifts 5×5 . What I like about lifting heavy things is that it is a combination of technical and creative, intense and enduring, and that it is both emotionally and physically exhausting. I feel more calmer, focused, and more levelheaded after lifting. I like that there is measurable progression: if you can lift more weight, or the same weight at more sets/reps, and even if I’m stalled in other parts of my personal or professional life, here I can (usually) move forward. As the essayist Alyssa Keiko wrote , “it never gets easier, you just get stronger.” Plus, I can easily pick up my mom and swing her around like a baby now, and she smiles and laughs, and that makes me happy.

I slowly make my way through the metal doors, moving slowly, as to not draw too much attention. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself of my goal—one that will involve patience and determination. With each step, I make my way toward the future and the past:

  • Stonewashed denim, with frayed hems that catch in the breeze
  • A sequined gown straight out of Studio 54… that would also make a splash in Dua Lipa’s latest music video
  • Military inspired jackets with gleaming epaulets
  • Battered concert tees of my favorite 80s bands

Suddenly, without any warning, my attention is drawn elsewhere—Italian loafers, chunky bangles, vibrant leather bags, with just a hint of irregular stitching. Then, out of nowhere, I spot her: hiding in an overstocked rolling rack, between a faux pas and my future self—the perfect dress. 50% off. In the cart she goes. Bargain shopping is not for the faint of heart, but for those willing to take the risk… the possibilities are endless.

Ever since Riley, now a 75-pound Golden Retriever puppy (see photo), arrived home on May 15, 2020, it has been full-fledged “Life with Riley” for my family and me. I am most focused on playing, training, and walking/jogging with her around Cambridge. On any morning, you can see us around Harvard Yard, Fresh Pond, or even occasionally MIT (~8 mile round trip walk). My immediate goal is to be able to get Riley to ride the Red Line and behave in the new MIT Admissions Office. Another goal is to have her certified as an MIT Puppy Lab dog.

Training Riley has not been easy as she normally has full freedom to roam in the house and yard. I have enough bite/scratch marks to prove it. I have witnessed her chase a wild turkey up Littauer Center’s roof (can provide video upon request). Some of Riley’s acquaintances almost got Riley into trouble. Cooper (a 90-pound Golden) stole a big juicy bagel sandwich from a surprised guy up the pedestal on Widener Library. Luckily Riley was too slow to follow the full operation.

While I have been training Riley (she understands “pre-flight check”, “get off me”, “sit” and “crate”), she has also been training me. I understand when she needs to go, when she is hungry, and when she doesn’t want to return home. An unexpected side effect of training Riley has been that she gained 10 extra pounds from all the rewards that I have to give her.

Golden retriever puppy

Note: while participants were required to adhere to the same word limit as the MIT application, I allowed them to submit photos along with their responses. On the actual MIT application, images cannot be included with short essay responses.

  • I regularly think about an applicant from years ago who wrote about his deep obsession with King's Hawaiian Rolls. I hope he's doing okay. ⁠ back to text ↑

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165 Fun Essay Topics

Essay writing is a common way for instructors to assess students’ critical thinking, writing skills, and knowledge of a particular topic.

While writing an essay may not always be the most entertaining way to learn, it does help students become active learners who can construct well-supported arguments.

Many students often face various challenges when it comes to essay writing, but the truth is that essay writing can be a lot easier when choosing a fun essay topic to write about.

By choosing a fun essay topic that interests the students, writing assignments become more productive and less daunting.

Check out the four types of essays students can be assigned, along with a list of 165 fun essay topics to write about. By combining these helpful writing tips with the list of fun essay topics, students can easily create well-crafted essays.

The Four Types of Essay

Regardless of the assignment, essay formats can be categorized into four major types. Each type has its own unique purpose and structure. By understanding the structure, guidelines, and formatting of each essay type, students can be sure to ace each writing assignment.

Narrative Essay

The narrative essay is the most common type of essay students will encounter in their academic careers. A narrative essay tells a story and is often used to reflect on personal experiences.

The structure of a narrative essay typically includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction introduces the reader to the story while the body develops the story with necessary details. Finally, the ending wraps up the story and provides a final thought.

To write a solid narrative essay, students should start by introducing the characters and setting of the story. They should also include essential plot points that help develop the story. By providing readers with a clear understanding of the story, students can create an engaging experience for their readers.

Argumentative Essay

The argumentative essay is a typical assignment in many college courses, especially in fields such as history. An argumentative essay presents a claim and defends this claim from a variety of angles. Often, an argumentative essay will be supported by evidence or research that has been collected in advance.

The introductory paragraph of an argumentative essay should introduce the claim and provide a brief background to establish why this claim is necessary. The body of the argumentative essay includes evidence for both sides of the argument while allowing students to present their final argument that should be defended in the concluding paragraph.

The three types of arguments that can be included in an argumentative essay are affirmative, negative, and alternative. An affirmative argument supports the claim, while an opposing argument denies the claim. Finally, an alternative argument suggests a different solution to the problem.

To create a strong argumentative essay, students should use evidence from credible sources, develop their arguments logically, and use clear writing.

Expository Essay

An expository essay is often assigned for courses such as science and mathematics. Expository essays allow students to explore a particular topic in-depth through the use of facts, data, research, and examples.

To write an effective expository essay, students can organize their thoughts by first creating an outline with specific topics from which they will be able to gather information for each paragraph.

Students should include a thesis statement in the first paragraph that introduces the topic of the essay. The following paragraphs should explore the information researched, while the conclusion should summarize the main points.

To ensure accuracy and avoid plagiarism, students should use credible sources when gathering information for their expository essays.

Descriptive Essay

One of the most popular types of essays, the descriptive essay, allows students to describe a person, place, or thing in great detail. A descriptive essay paints a picture for the reader by using sensory details.

The structure of a descriptive essay typically includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should consist of a brief description of the subject, while the body should provide detailed information about the topic. The conclusion should summarize the essay and solidify the main points.

To write an engaging descriptive essay, students should use sensory details, active verbs, and explicit language to create vivid images for their readers. By using these techniques, students will be able to turn their essays into striking and enjoyable writing pieces.

Overcoming the Challenges of Essay Writing

The challenges students face with any form of essay writing often cause trouble starting or finishing the essay. One way to overcome these challenges is to break the essay writing process down into smaller steps.

First, students should brainstorm ideas for their essay. Once they have a list of ideas, they can then decide on a topic.

Next, students should gather evidence and research to support their arguments. After that, students can outline their essay and write body paragraphs.

Finally, they can write the introduction and conclusion.

By breaking the essay writing process down into smaller steps, students can better focus on one task at a time and make the process less daunting. Additionally, this approach will help them to produce a high-quality essay that is well-organized and properly researched.

Any of these topics will provide students with a fun writing prompt that will keep them engaged with the assignment and allow the reader to understand the topic fully.

Fun Essay Topics for Narrative Essays

  • The best time I ever had
  • A party that went too far
  • The best day of my life
  • My favorite holiday
  • Memories of my childhood
  • My scariest experience
  • When I got in trouble at school
  • Why home is the best place to be
  • My favorite tradition
  • Ways to overcome a fear
  • The importance of respect towards others
  • My most embarrassing moment
  • The most embarrassing thing my parents ever did in public
  • A silly thing I did for attention
  • How I learned Santa Claus wasn’t real
  • My most embarrassing fashion moment
  • Something I have secretly always wanted
  • How I dance when nobody’s looking
  • How I broke a bone
  • When my parents embarrassed me as a teenager
  • My best first kiss
  • The worst thing that happened on Halloween
  • A day that changed my life
  • What I wished for on New Year’s Eve and what actually happened
  • The most fun I’ve ever had with my friends
  • Ways to escape from boredom

Fun Essay Topics for Argumentative Essays

  • Why movie remakes are a bad idea
  • The pros and cons of being bilingual
  • How to make learning more fun
  • The best way to break up with someone
  • What is the best animal on the planet
  • Why strawberry is the best ice cream flavor
  • Why the customer is always right
  • Is it ever okay to steal
  • Can insults be a good thing for a personas self-esteem
  • How to make the world a better place with active visualization
  • How to feel good about yourself no matter what
  • How teaching students with disabilities is more rewarding than teaching regular students
  • The benefits of drug use for everyone
  • How to make friends as an adult
  • Why having a pet is better than having kids
  • Why travel is the best way to learn
  • Why life is better without school
  • The benefits of a digital detox
  • How to deal with difficult people
  • The benefits of procrastination
  • Why being lazy isn’t such a bad thing

Fun Essay Topics for Expository Essays

  • How to make a perfect pizza
  • How to make the perfect scrambled eggs
  • How to make the perfect cup of coffee
  • Why being yourself is the best thing you can do
  • How to be happy every day
  • The benefits of a positive attitude
  • The importance of being organized
  • What happiness really means
  • Why giving back is important
  • The benefits of getting enough sleep
  • Why breaking the rules isn’t always a bad thing
  • The importance of being punctual
  • What I would change about the world
  • How to be creative every day
  • How to make life easier with planning ahead
  • Ways to deal with everyday stress
  • The problems with social media
  • How to be a good listener
  • How to make learning easier for everyone
  • The importance of playing games
  • Why every day should be game day
  • Ways to relax your brain and body on a regular basis

Fun Essay Topics for Descriptive Essays

  • My favorite place to go on a date
  • A perfect day at the beach
  • What it’s like to be a celebrity for a day
  • The best party I ever went to
  • What it’s like to sleep in my childhood bed again
  • The most amazing concert I ever attended
  • How it feels to stand in front of a cheering crowd
  • The best family vacation I ever went to
  • What it’s like to wake up in Paris
  • My favorite season after summer
  • What it’s like to see the Northern Lights
  • My first kiss
  • How it feels to hug someone you love for the first time
  • How it felt when my pet died
  • Why every pet should have a forever home
  • The best day of my life so far
  • What it’s like to have a dog for the first time
  • How much I love being from [insert city here]
  • Why every alcoholic drink should be on a pub crawl
  • What it’s like to die in your dreams
  • Where I go when I’m feeling sad
  • The best prank I ever played on someone
  • What it’s like to see your favorite band live in concert

Fun Essay Topics About Being a Teenager

  • Why every teenager should get their own car
  • Why popular girls aren’t always the best friends
  • How to deal with bullies at school
  • The pros and cons of being a freshman in high school
  • How it feels to date someone older than you
  • What I wish my life was like in high school
  • How it feels to be home-schooled
  • What I would do if I knew no one at school
  • The best movies to watch on a Friday night with your friends
  • Why you should never get in the car with someone who’s been drinking
  • My worst teenage dating experience ever
  • My worst breakup story
  • Why every teenager should have a summer job
  • What I love most about being a teenager
  • The best and worst things about being a teenager
  • How to survive your teenage years

Fun Essay Topics About Life

  • What living your dream means to you
  • If I could go back to any age, it would be…
  • How to stay happy and positive every day
  • What being successful really means to me
  • The most important lesson I’ve learned in life
  • Why I’m grateful for my struggles
  • The best way to spend a weekend afternoon
  • My favorite thing about life so far
  • What I would do with an extra hour each day
  • My favorite quote about life
  • The best way to relax after a long day
  • What I love most about my family
  • What I love most about my friends
  • My happiest memory from childhood
  • How I’ve changed over the years
  • What I hope to accomplish in the next ten years
  • The meaning of life from my dog’s perspective

Fun Essay Topics About Science

  • The best and worst things about science
  • How to make a volcano in your kitchen
  • The dangers of space travel
  • What would happen if the Earth stopped spinning
  • The future of genetic editing
  • What it’s like to be a scientist
  • The most exciting thing I learned in science class this year
  • Why every kid should go to space camp
  • What it’s like to live on Mars
  • How life would be without gravity
  • The best way to celebrate Earth Day every day of the year
  • What it feels like in a tornado
  • How to make your own solar system
  • The best and worst things about space travel
  • Ten amazing facts about the universe
  • The most interesting thing I learned about biology this year
  • Why science is important for everyone
  • The future of the world, according to science

Fun Essay Topics About History

  • Why every American should visit Europe
  • Why traveling to another country is the best way to learn history
  • My favorite historical figure ever
  • How I would spend my time in Colonial America
  • What I love most about Aztec history
  • The most important lesson I’ve learned from World War II
  • The pros and cons of living during the Renaissance
  • How Alexander Graham Bell changed the world
  • Why we should always question authority
  • The meaning of life, according to history teachers
  • What it’s like to live in Ancient Greece every day
  • The best and worst parts about living in Ancient China
  • The best story from Greek mythology I know by heart
  • Why we should always respect our teachers
  • The best way to celebrate Thanksgiving every day of the year
  • The timeline of history from the perspective of my pet pigeon
  • What it’s like to be a time traveler for 30 days

Fun Essay Topics About Pop Culture

  • Why I won’t be watching the Oscars this year
  • What’s the best movie on Netflix right now?
  • The top 5 movies of all time
  • My favorite scary movies ever made
  • Why every millennial should watch old black and white movies

Enjoy writing your next essay with any of these 165 fun essay topics that are sure to get your creative juices flowing!

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what i like to do for fun essay

How To Write the MIT Enjoyable Activity Essay

This article was written based on the information and opinions presented by Hale Jaeger in a CollegeVine livestream. You can watch the full livestream for more info.

What’s Covered:

Choosing an activity, two methods of storytelling, example #1: sunset photography, example #2: solving rubik’s cubes.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) consistently is ranked as one of the top five universities in the nation according to U.S. News and World Report. Based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Is known for its rigorous STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), business, and entrepreneurship programs. They use their own application system called MyMIT instead of the Common Application, and applicants are required to submit five essays. The prompt for option 1 reads:

“We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it. (225 words)”

In this article, we will discuss how to approach the prompt as well as some tips for writing your essay. For an overview of the five essay prompts and guidance on how to approach them, check out our post on how to write the MIT application essays .

Your response to this prompt should focus on something that you do, not because it is required of you, but because you are intrinsically motivated to do it. This could be a formal extracurricular activity, such as being a leader of a club at your high school or an informal hobby that you pursue independently and for your personal enrichment. 

This essay is a key opportunity to discuss something that you have not explored in your other essays. You need not, and should not, choose something just because you think it may seem impressive. Rather, choose a pursuit that demonstrates your genuine, authentic passion and that is reflective of who you are and what you will bring to MIT. 

You want to discuss an activity or pursuit that demonstrates your ability to think critically, creatively, and maturely about something. Scrolling through TikTok or looking at memes will not resonate with admissions officers. Rather, you want to highlight a substantive activity where you are engaged actively, invested emotionally, and maybe even producing original content. This could take the form of volunteering in your community, having a part-time job at a local store, or operating your own Etsy shop or YouTube channel. Choose something that you love to do without even being asked. 

Once you have selected an activity, decide which method you want to use for telling your story. One method you can use is the “moment-in-time” method where you share a brief but detailed anecdote about a single point in time in which you were engaged fully in the activity. With this method, you will recreate a moment that is significant to you and demonstrate through your narration why you love doing the activity. 

Alternatively, you can use the longitudinal method where you explore the activity you love, explain how you discovered it, describe how you have engaged in the activity, reflect on how you have grown and what you have learned, and contemplate how you will pursue the activity in the future.

Regardless of whether you choose the moment-in-time or longitudinal method, you will want to incorporate some elements of both methods into your essay. For instance, if you are using the moment-in-time method, you still need to provide context and self-reflection. If you are using the longitudinal method, you still want to provide a rich description of a meaningful moment. Overall, your essay should strike a balance between description and analysis and incorporate vivid imagery, compelling narration, pathos, context, and self-reflection. 

Consider these questions as you brainstorm and begin drafting your response to this essay prompt: 

  • Who introduced you to the activity? 
  • Who inspires you to keep doing the activity? 
  • Who do you serve when you do the activity? 
  • What is involved in doing the activity? 
  • What does the activity mean to you? 
  • What are some of the strongest memories you have of doing the activity?
  • Where do you do the activity? 
  • When do you do the activity? 
  • When did you first learn about the activity? 
  • How often do you do the activity?
  • How has the activity shaped your life and the lives of those around you? 
  • How have you grown as a person? 
  • Why are you passionate about and motivated to do the activity?

For example, consider an applicant whose passion is sunset photography. If the applicant uses the moment-in-time method, they may describe sitting on a pier and watching the sun go down, the experience of lifting the camera, the colors and the sky melting into a gradient of buttercup and creamsicle, the sun hitting the horizon, taking a burst of photos, hearing the rapid succession of camera shutter clicks, and feeling all of their stress evaporate. 

Meanwhile, maybe the applicant uses the longitudinal method and describes their first time holding a camera, their first photo, their experience taking photography classes, and the journey they went on taking photos of various subjects before, ultimately, focusing on sunset photography. With either method, the applicant can use sunset photography to talk about why they appreciate nature’s beauty and how photography allows them to capture a fraction of that beauty and hold onto it for just a while longer.

Another example of the difference between the moment-in-time method and the longitudinal method of approaching Prompt 1 is an applicant who loves solving Rubik’s Cubes of all sizes, from the standard 3x3x3 cube to the 33x33x33 cube. The applicant has been solving Rubik’s Cubes for as long as they can remember and loves solving puzzles and improving over time. 

The applicant could write about the moment when they solved their first Rubik’s Cube. Maybe the applicant could describe how solving the standard Rubik’s Cube led to tackling more complex cubes, starting a speedcubing club in their community, and competing at the state, regional, national, and international levels. With either method, the applicant could have a meaningful discussion about their approach to solving puzzles and handling challenges.

Related CollegeVine Blog Posts

what i like to do for fun essay

What should I go with for MIT essay prompt: "What do you do for fun?"

The MIT application has a question that asks “We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do for the pleasure of it.”

I’m having trouble deciding between talking about drawing/painting or novel-writing. I have lots of creative writing awards on the national and state level, and lots of literary EC’s as well. My love for writing is going to be a major component of my application.

On the other hand, art won’t appear anywhere else on my application. It’s something I genuinely enjoy, plus I’ve sold some commissions and won very minor awards, but I haven’t taken an art class at school since freshman year and I don’t have any EC’s for it. I don’t know if talking about this is going to provide another angle on who I am, or make me look disorganized/disingenuous.

However, mentioning how I like to write might just be redundant here, since it’s proven over and over in other facets of my application.

Which one should I choose? Or should I go with a completely different topic (badminton, blogging, etc.)?

The only wrong answer would be to write about something that you don’t actually do for fun. Give a shot at both essays and see which one you like better. There’s no definitive answer here.

Anything you want to write about is fine. That is kind of the point. Use it to tell the school something new and interesting about yourself.

How about what you REALLY do for fun rather than what item you think puts you in the best light for your essay reader? Sincerity has a quality all its own. That’s the purpose of this essay – not seeing how you can beef up one of your ECs or traits.

I’d like to clarify that I like to do both of these things for fun. However, I only can choose to submit an essay about one of these things in the end.

Thanks to everybody for the advice, though! I can see how this would be something that depends on each individual applicant, and there’s no “right” or “wrong” answer. I’ll probably write both essays and see.

What makes you laugh and fills you with joy? What gives you stress relief? If it is something silly or quirky that is fine.

The point of the exercise is that YOU answer the prompt…isn’t it? So, use what got you to this point and build on it. You could also use a couple of beginning lines that might lead to a few more words, such as: “It was the funnest of times, it was the worst of times”, or the always popular “Call me Ishmael”.

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201 Interesting & Fun Essay Topics for Students [UPD 2024]

what i like to do for fun essay

Looking for unique essay topics to spark your interest and impress your tutors? Who said that academic writing could not be fun? Choose an interesting essay topic, and you will start enjoying it. You will surely find some topics matching your interests among these top 146 best essay topics.

In this article, you’ll find out:

  • What is an interesting essay topic?
  • How to choose good topics to write about for an essay?
  • 146 captivating essay topics that will inspire you!
  • 📋 What Is an Interesting Topic?
  • 💡 Interesting Things for an Essay
  • 🖊️ Good Topics
  • 👻 Fun Topics
  • 💭 Thought-provoking Topics
  • ➕ Other Interesting Topics
  • ✍️ Proposal Topics
  • ✔️ Possible Mistakes

🔗 References

📋 what is an interesting essay topic.

You might be wondering how to define what topic can be called ‘interesting.’ When choosing a topic for your essay, use these tips to understand whether you should pick a particular topic.

  • Choose a topic that interests you. It is essential, as you might spend quite some time researching, thinking, and writing about it. When you’re truly passionate about your essay topic, you’re more likely to succeed. Also, keep in mind that readers will definitely feel if you enjoyed the writing process.
  • Pay attention to the formulation of your topic. It might be challenging to formulate a good topic. It shouldn’t be too broad and, at the same time, too narrow.

what i like to do for fun essay

Let’s have a look at one example:

Good Topic Bad Topic
This topic is well formulated, as it is narrow enough. A reader understands what the essay is about. The topic is too broad. It is unclear what the essay is about. A more detailed focus is needed.
  • If you’re still unsure what topic you should pick, get inspired with our list!

💡 Interesting Topics to Write an Essay About

Here is a list of interesting essay topics for students who like to write about debatable issues and are always taking sides in disputes.

Each of these topics provokes everyone to join the discussion—and may start debates that last for an hour or more! With such exciting topics, people are captivated to read your essays, whether the essay topic is persuasive or not, and offer their ideas to support or contradict your point of view.

  • Extreme sports . Is adrenaline worth the risk?
  • Sciences . Is genetic engineering the answer to ending global hunger?
  • Justice . If athletes cannot use steroids, is it fair for models to use Photoshop?
  • Philosophy . Philosophical issue: Should abortion be legal?
  • Social standards . Do all people need to be of the same size, and does beauty need any standards?
  • Family, life, & experiences. How to put a baby to bed?
  • Gaming . If there are video game competitions, can gaming be regarded as a sport?
  • History . Was Korean War a Civil War or an International War?
  • Social networks. Do they improve communication skills or reduce social activity in the real world?
  • Psychology. Should children be punished?
  • Schools . Should phones and social media be banned in classrooms?
  • Family psychology . Are women better parents than men?
  • Education . Nature versus nurture – what wins?
  • Entertainment & Media . Social media marketing for generation Y.
  • Genetics and crime . Can “bad” genes be an excuse for divorce and crime?
  • Behavior studies . Do violent video games cause behavior problems?
  • Social studies. Does money determine success?
  • Politics & Government. Marijuana legalization: It’s time to make it.
  • Sociology. Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Culture. What is cultural pluralism?

🖊️ Good Essay Topics to Boost Your Creativity 

Here are another ten essay topics to practice in university – working with such texts is a pleasure. They are perfect for sharpening your imaginative thinking and persuasive skills, and they are captivating enough to discuss with friends or relatives. Let’s go!

  • The games people play and the masks they wear: Sincerity versus politeness.
  • Is it ethical to advertise products to children?
  • Is it acceptable to use white lies in advertisements?
  • Environmental pollution is a global problem. Should everyone make a small contribution to the struggle against it?
  • Is one volunteer really worth ten pressed men? How can motivation improve outcomes?
  • What do you think of “Calvin Klein”? Is fashion more important than individuality?
  • Is there a problem of a generation gap in modern families?
  • Should children follow in their parent’s footsteps?
  • Zoos claim to contribute to the conservation of species. Can a zoo be a better habitat for a giraffe than a savanna?
  • Should people keep pets? Do companion animals feel comfortable in homes?

👻 Fun Essay Topics

Sometimes you might like to write just for your own pleasure or to share some fun facts with your classmates. We’re here to help with ideas! Have a look at these fun essay topics.

  • Why do the worst students often become famous and successful?
  • The perfect plan to lose all friends.
  • What would happen if animals ruled the world?
  • What are animals thinking about?
  • How to ask people for money?
  • Why do all elderly people need to attend computer courses?
  • Why should parents sign contracts with their children?
  • Why is it a good idea to refuse to count the time?
  • How to stop procrastinating?
  • How to win the lottery?

Fun Essay Topics for Middle School

Are you looking for some fun essay ideas to spark your creativity? Check out our list of exciting essay topics for middle school students.

  • If I could have a superpower, it would be…
  • My favorite fictional character and why I admire them.
  • The best video game I’ve ever played.
  • If I were a time traveler, I would visit…
  • A new holiday: what would it celebrate?
  • Designing my own theme park: attractions and rides.
  • My ideal school: what would it look like?
  • The day I discovered a hidden treasure.
  • A guide on how to train a dragon.
  • My favorite mythical creature and its adventures.
  • My own comic book: characters and plot.
  • The best book I’ve ever read and why it’s my favorite.
  • If animals could speak, what would they say?
  • If I were the mayor of a magical town.
  • A day in the life of a time-traveling explorer.

Fun Essay Topics for High School

Look no further if you’re searching for some engaging and lighthearted inspiration for your essay! To help you craft an outstanding paper, we’ve collected fun topics to write about for an essay.

  • The influence of superhero movies on modern culture.
  • The psychology of nostalgia and its influence on consumer trends.
  • The psychology of humor and its effects on human interaction.
  • The art of storytelling: from ancient myths to modern narratives.
  • The world of cosplay: creativity, craftsmanship, and community.
  • The magic of sports: teamwork, rivalry, and personal growth.
  • The evolution of online memes and their social impact.
  • The role of fantasy literature in shaping our imaginations.
  • The art of street photography and its reflection of urban life.
  • The rise of DIY culture and its impact on creativity and self-expression.
  • The joy of exploring diverse cuisines and culinary traditions.
  • The art of self-expression through slam poetry and spoken word.
  • Road trips and the freedom of open exploration.
  • Decoding the art of special effects in movies.
  • Vintage fashion and its resurgence in modern style.

Fun Essay Topics for College Students

Wondering what topic to choose for your next writing assignment? Check out these fun topics for essays that will spark your creativity and engage your readers.

  • The psychology of decision-making in a complex, interconnected world.
  • The key skills for thriving in an ever-changing job market.
  • The evolution of language in the digital age: memes, emojis, and new forms of communication.
  • The chemistry and creativity of cocktails.
  • The power of art therapy in promoting mental wellness and self-expression.
  • How virtual communities shape individual identities and personal growth.
  • The connection between music and memory: how sound shapes our experiences.
  • The impact of street art on urban culture and the public sphere.
  • The world of eSports: competitive gaming, community, and professional leagues.
  • Virtual reality and modern entertainment experience.
  • The future of work: remote teams and flexible schedules.
  • The psychology of superstitions and their role in decision-making.
  • The impact of AI on music composition.
  • The science of sleep: sleep disorders, circadian rhythms, and optimizing rest.
  • Selfies in the digital age and the evolution of self-representation.

Things to Write an Essay About for Fun

Essay writing can be an enjoyable experience when you have the right topic to explore. Let’s dive into our list of intriguing ideas on what to write an essay about for fun!

  • Music . You can write about your favorite genre, a specific musician or band, the impact of music on society, or the emotional and psychological effects of music.
  • Fantastic literature . You can explore the themes and motifs in fantasy or science fiction literature, analyze a specific book or series, or discuss the role of fantastic literature in shaping culture and imagination.
  • Childhood memories . You can write about a specific memory from your childhood, reflect on how your childhood experiences have shaped you, or explore the importance of preserving childhood memories.
  • Traveling . You can write about a memorable travel experience, discuss the impact of travel on personal growth and cultural understanding, or provide tips and advice for fellow travelers.
  • Cooking . You can share your favorite recipes, discuss the cultural significance of certain dishes, or explore the therapeutic and creative aspects of cooking.
  • Memes and internet slang . You can analyze the evolution and impact of internet memes and slang, discuss their role in shaping digital communication, or explore the humor and social commentary embedded in internet culture.
  • Conspiracy theories . You can examine the psychology behind conspiracy theories, debunk common misconceptions, or analyze the societal implications of widespread belief in conspiracy theories.
  • Pets . You can share heartwarming stories about your pets, discuss the benefits of pet ownership, or explore the bond between humans and animals.
  • Anime and cosplay . You can review a specific anime series or movie, discuss the cultural influence of anime, or explore the creativity and community of cosplay.
  • Board or video games . You can review a specific game, discuss the impact of gaming on society and individuals, or explore the art and design elements of games.

💭 Thought-provoking Essay Topics

If you still don’t know what essay topics to write about, check out this thought-provoking list – there are many ideas to consider and choose from. Plus, this set of questions is not only perfect for essays; they also make interesting speech topics to discuss with your audience.

  • Errors in any sphere are unavoidable. Do doctors, judges, and teachers have the right to make mistakes ?
  • Leaders are born, and managers are made?
  • How can capital punishment be acceptable if judges’ errors are inevitable?
  • What is effective risk management in an organization?
  • Emotional Intelligence role in successful leadership.
  • Why use stick and carrot motivation? Wouldn’t sticking to policies be enough?
  • What team efficiency depends on?
  • Digital marketing challenges in organizations.
  • It is said that women are from Venus, and men are from Mars. Are men and women really that different?
  • How can the Federal Reserve affect prices?
  • Social media influences on marketing: Current trends.
  • Can women be regarded as the weaker sex today?
  • How can Emotional Intelligence be used in leadership?
  • What is consumer behavior’s role in global business?
  • Modern theater and remakes of classic plays – new interpretation or outrage?
  • International business: Do cultural differences matter?
  • Is Graffiti Art or Vandalism?
  • Can the way to success be laziness?
  • Human resource management: How does it look in the modern world?
  • Does an artist need the talent to create abstract pictures?
  • Team building: Does it make sense?
  • What does a human resource manager do?
  • Live to eat or eat to live? Healthy diets versus favorite dishes.
  • How leadership’s role has evolved in the 21st century?
  • What is bad customer service?
  • Apple’s management and leadership development.

➕ Other Interesting Essay Topics

Interesting essay topics for an argumentative paper.

Argumentative essays require a decent number of arguments. Choosing the right topic is essential. Even though any paper is purely individual, there are still specific rules to follow. Otherwise, an article may not have any scientific power.

More than that, the author will have to prove their arguments constantly. Also, there will be discussions of specific facts with other people who might disagree with what’s written.

Thus, any simple argumentative essay should have the specific features of this type of work to achieve as much effectiveness as possible. Here is a list of topics you can choose for your argumentative paper:

  • Patients in the hospital need better care. This essay will describe the problems of modern nursing care.
  • The search for oil is one of the priorities today. This persuasive research paper is associated with the problem of oil search and striving for leadership.
  • The credibility of data in the media is questionable. The theme is connected with the problem of understatement or lies in the media.
  • Nobody wants to deal with obsessive sellers. An argumentative and persuasive essay on this topic should describe the best methods to sell goods and not to annoy potential buyers.
  • Deviant behavior is a consequence but not a cause. An argumentative essay format of this topic implies revealing the problems that can lead to the occurrence of deviant behavior in adolescents and adults.
  • The more you take sports, the better it is. Argumentative essay subjects, in this case, should relate to sport and reveal the advantages of a healthy lifestyle and regular sports activities.
  • Consultations with colleagues at work can increase the level of trust in the team. When writing a good argumentative essay on this topic, you can try to reveal the connection between interaction and good relations.
  • People who cannot communicate with others feel depressed. The problem of the lack of communication and the consequences that can arise are described in such an article.
  • Excessive passion for video games affects mental health. You can write an argumentative essay or persuasive essay; the topic will reveal the danger that great affection for video games brings.
  • Personal experience is useful in the process of getting an education. When it is an argumentative research essay on such a theme, the benefits of personal experience and knowledge should be discussed to persuade your readers of the necessity of self-study.
  • Other authors’ works can be helpful when writing scientific papers. The advantages of citing respected authors’ thoughts will be described in such persuasive essay papers.
  • Industrial spheres prevail over others. In this paper, you will present your opinion concerning the distribution of industrial enterprises on the planet.
  • Territories of wildlife are increasing. To write an excellent argumentative essay on this topic, you should give specific statistical data to demonstrate your knowledge of environmental pollution and information concerning human activity.
  • Swimming is one of the healthiest hobbies. Try to reveal the benefits of swimming for human health.
  • Teaching is the profession of patient people. The paper aims to disclose teachers’ features of character and their positive traits.

Random essay Topics

An argumentative research paper is not the only format for university work. Authors write articles on different themes, using a variety of techniques and methods to achieve specific goals.

In the process of disclosing a particular topic, it is not always possible to use the same methods. For example, sometimes, you need to compare two or more phenomena or concepts. And sometimes, you have to consider specific points critically.

If you want to learn more about different types of essays in college, we recommend you consider the following tips . They will help you learn creative writing and make your texts unique and exciting for readers. We recommend the following topics:

  • Compare and contrast the issues of successful and unhappy marriages. A comparative essay is often used when considering specific issues related to sociology, and this topic is one of them. This type of work is sometimes called a discursive essay.
  • The consequences of the Chernobyl disaster. Just as in a compare-contrast essay, several research objects can be used here. A cause-effect piece on this theme is a comprehensive study of factors that arise for reason of a famous disaster that happened in 1986.
  • All the world’s religions are similar. The topic should present the similarity of various religious concepts. Here, argumentative issues are used, and excellent argumentative essays imply adequate author’s criticism based on verified confirmations.
  • Animal species in Australia: A great variety of the local fauna. A descriptive essay on this topic gives a detailed description of the reasons why there are so many unique animal species on this continent and includes listing some of them. Such essay subjects must be relevant only to the nature of Australia.
  • Possible factors that influence the effectiveness of employees’ work. It can be an exploratory essay that is different from many other types of articles. Its essence is a continuous study of all the possible phenomena that influence people’s results rather than an assessment or criticism of particular nuances. This type of work is not similar to a persuasive research paper where a specific point of view is proved. On the contrary, the author seeks to find the most accurate results on a given topic.
  • The evaluation of the effectiveness of electronic control systems at industrial enterprises. This topic implies another approach in comparison with an argumentative essay paper; there is no need to give clear arguments, just a personal opinion.
  • The great Shakespeare’s masterpiece. This literature essay aims at studying a particular text and the author’s assessment of the events described in his famous plays.
  • The leadership of the enterprise should be involved in working on increasing productivity. A perfect argumentative essay will contain arguments in favor of the leadership that is actively involved in the affairs of a specific company and is bothered by its successes.
  • The implementation of electronic resources for the preparation of students. This topic implies an admission essay that, as a rule, is used as an official document in universities and colleges. The essence of such a paper is to assess an applicant’s abilities.
  • Financial indicators of the success of specific business strategies. This theme is associated with a persuasive paper that is also called argumentative. This type of writing has much in common with an expository essay, where you also need to provide statistics or accurate data to confirm a particular point of view.

Critical Essay Topics

Here is another list for you. 10 best critical essay topics! Get inspired!

  • Crimes and governmental influence.
  • Corporate social responsibility: Business benefits.
  • The growth of the tech industry and environmental issues associated with it.
  • What is the right balance between open and closed innovation?
  • Homelessness in the UK: Is it a big issue?
  • Innovation influences the business environment.
  • Is it possible to influence climate change?
  • Canadian small businesses in public perception.
  • Reasons for food allergy development.
  • Consumer behavior and international marketing.

Animal Persuasive Essay Topics

To write an excellent argumentative essay and fully reveal the stated issue, it is worthwhile to guide specific rules for writing this type of work.

However, it is significant to use credible sources and reliable arguments and choose a theme that will be interesting to readers. You can use one of the following topics about animals:

  • Governments should protect animal rights.
  • Animal testing should be banned.
  • Zoos can be good for animals.
  • It should not be allowed to use animals for entertainment.
  • It should be forbidden to have exotic pets.
  • Using animals for fashion purposes is inhumane.
  • Hunting for entertainment should not be allowed.
  • Governments should strictly control factory farm conditions.
  • Cruelty towards animals should be legally punished.
  • Endangered species should be better protected.

Cool Essay Topics: Nursing

Another excellent list for you! If you want to focus on nursing, go through these cool essay topics!

  • Ethical questions in healthcare management.
  • Should euthanasia be allowed?
  • What is assisted suicide?
  • Medical ethics in the workplace.
  • Medication error disclosure in South Carolina.
  • What are nursing leaders for?
  • The issue of racism in healthcare leadership.
  • Moral dilemmas in nursing.
  • The importance of pain management in nursing.
  • Healthcare collaboration for patient quality care.
  • Medication errors in nursing practice.
  • Electronic clinical decision support tools for nurses.
  • Importance of theory in nursing.
  • The problem of obesity in childhood.
  • Racial and cultural inequalities in health.

✍️ Interesting Proposal Essay Topics

In case you have a task to write a proposal essay, get inspired by this list! We’ve picked the most interesting proposal essay topics for you!

  • Why are foreign languages important in school education?
  • Should the sale of drugs be strictly controlled?
  • How should children be taught manners?
  • What is the best way to tell children about the dangers of our world?
  • What can be done to protect animals from human cruelty?
  • How to solve the water pollution problem?
  • How can cyberbullying be reduced?
  • What is the best way to reduce smoking among teenagers?
  • What can be done to lower corruption in sports?
  • What can be done against fake news?

✔️ Interesting Topics for Essays: Possible Mistakes

You can write a creative essay without using a large number of sources. Nevertheless, when writing an English argumentative essay or an article in any other language, it is essential to avoid typical mistakes that inexperienced authors often make.

Moreover, to write compelling essays, some people choose somewhat tricky topics that can become the cause of problems:

  • The evaluation of the development of an accounting department next year. Such an analytical essay can be full of unnecessary information, which hardly conveys the general essence of the article and can be easily excluded from the text without the loss of sense.
  • The comparison of the country’s total gross product over the past decade. It is quite a problematic theme that requires specific knowledge in the sphere of economics. Persuasive essay writers sometimes choose too complex topics. It is essential to know how to reveal this or that issue and to find reliable sources of information.
  • The events of the American Civil War in chronological order. Great persuasive essays like this one can be appreciated only if the data used in them is accurate; in such a paper, you should give correct information and not miss any significant point to give your readers the most useful data.
  • The development of baseball and the formation of the game rules. This topic aims at describing the history of baseball development, but it is likely to have a limited number of readers. Argumentative subjects should be close to the target audience; otherwise, the theme will be uninteresting.
  • The development of printing in pictures and tables. Such a topic means that you will have to use many graphic elements. The format for an argumentative essay should not differ from generally accepted standards.
  • The opinions of famous philosophers about the upbringing of children. If it is an excellent discursive essay, it should have an appropriate number of quotes cited appropriately. Without them, the argumentative paper will look too weak, and you will be blamed for the lack of identical pieces of evidence.
  • The peculiarities of English literature in the 17-19th centuries. This theme is directly connected with literature, and any English persuasive essay should be relevant and competently written. Any grammatical, punctuation, or other errors are inadmissible; otherwise, the argumentative article will be considered unsuccessful and will not be able to comply with the rules of writing.
  • Five great thoughts regarding the unacceptability of racism. An excellent persuasive essay on this topic will discuss outstanding people’s opinions about a stated problem and, at the same time, will be completely free from plagiarism. In no case can you use other people’s thoughts and texts without first quoting them in the text.
  • Difficulties of various professions: the experience of different people. This topic means that you will have to use some opinions of different respondents to convey the general idea of such a paper fully. In the process of writing an argumentative essay, help can be provided by colleagues or other authors. Remember: great argumentative essays contain your arguments supported by evidence; otherwise, your work will be considered to be false.
  • A comparative study of the sources confirming the need to introduce electronic knowledge assessment systems. This theme will be connected with the review of various articles and online resources to compare authors’ results and give a specific conclusion. It will be useful to pay attention to electronic libraries and other services where various scientific articles and other works of respected scientists are collected. If you do not do it, your paper can have insufficiently relevant arguments.

We hope that our article helps you to start your own paper! Now you have more than 100 interesting essay topic ideas. So, it’s time to choose one and write a brilliant paper. Good luck!

  • The Basics of Essay Writing – UNSW
  • Write Your Essay – UNSW
  • Writing an Essay – Monash University
  • Expository Essays – Purdue University
  • Essay Writing – Deakin University
  • Components of a Good Essay – Evansville.edu
  • Essay Introductions – University of Maryland
  • What is an Essay? – Curtin University

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We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it.

I love listening to hard rock and heavy metal music. I find these music genres liberating because they pump me up and help me release stress. I enjoy doing this so much that I am an expert at games such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band, which I play with friends or alone just for the pleasure of it. Music allows me to entertain myself when I have to do things I do not like to do. Between rock music and reading a good book I can spend a full afternoon or evening perfectly content.

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What Do You Do for Fun?

A Discussion of This Frequently Asked College Interview Question

  • Ph.D., English, University of Pennsylvania
  • M.A., English, University of Pennsylvania
  • B.S., Materials Science & Engineering and Literature, MIT

It's almost a guarantee that your interviewer is going to ask what you like to do for fun. The college interviewer might ask this question in one of many ways: What do you do in your free time? What do you do when you're not in school? What do you do on your weekends? What makes you happy?

Quick Interview Tips: "What Do You Do for Fun?"

  • You are almost guaranteed to be asked some version of this question, so be prepared.
  • Answers focused on hanging out, partying, or social media are unlikely to impress.
  • Think about activities that improve you or your community as well as pastimes that distinguish you from other applicants.

This is not a trick question, and many kinds of answers will do well. If you're doing an interview at all, it's because the college has a holistic admissions policy , and the interviewer is simply trying to get to know you better. College is about much more than academic classes, and the admissions folks want to know how you keep yourself busy when you're not doing schoolwork. The most attractive students are those who do interesting things in their spare time.

Bad Interview Question Answers

So, when you answer the question, make sure you actually sound like you do interesting things in your spare time. Answers like these will not impress:

  • I like hangin' with my friends. (Do you actually do anything with those friends, or do you just take up space on our little planet?)
  • I do Facebook in all my free time. (Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, or some other social platform, this response is true for many students. But too much online time is a major source of poor academic performance in college, so you won't want to highlight your online addictions during your interview)
  • I like partying. (Another activity that, if abused, has caused many students to fail out of college)
  • I watch lots of TV. (Many of us watch too much TV; don't highlight that fact during your interview)
  • I don't have any free time. (This answer is true for some highly involved students, but it is an evasive answer; what would you do if you did have free time?)
  • I've been reading all of the Greek classics. (Good for you, but really? Colleges like good scholars, but they also want students who occasionally take their heads out of their books)

You'll also want to avoid insincere answers that may be about important activities, but that clearly are not fun. Cleaning dishes at a local shelter or scooping poop at an animal rescue are admirable and important activities, but probably not fun. That said, there certainly is a lot of personal satisfaction in helping others, but you'll want to frame your answer to make it clear why such activities bring you pleasure.

Good Interview Question Answers

In general, the best answer to this question will show that you have passions outside of the classroom. The question allows you to show that you are well-rounded. Within reason, it doesn't much matter what you do in your free time as long as you do something.

Do you love working on cars? Playing a pick-up game of soccer? Hiking in the neighboring mountains? Experimenting in the kitchen? Building rockets? Playing word games with your younger brother? Painting sunsets? Surfing?

Note that this question is not necessarily about your extracurricular activities such as theater, varsity athletics, or marching band. Your interviewer will learn about those interests from your application or activities resume, and you're likely to get another question about those interests. This doesn't mean you can't answer with a discussion of your favorite extracurricular activities, but you should view this question as an opportunity to reveal a side of yourself that appears nowhere on your application.

Your transcript will show that you are a good student. Your answer to this question will show that you are also someone who has diverse interests that will enrich the campus community.

Explain WHY the Activity is Fun

Finally, be sure to follow up your answer with a discussion of why you answered the way you did. Your interview isn't going to be impressed with this exchange:

  • Interviewer : What do you like to do for fun?
  • You : I like swimming.
  • Awkward silence

Assume the interview is also asking you WHY you like the activity. Think how much better the interviewer gets to know you with a response like this:

  • You : I love swimming. There's a lake up the hill from my house, and I spend time there every day when the weather permits. I really enjoy the exercise, and I also like being surrounding by nature. When I'm in the water it's so peaceful. I get most of my best thinking done when I'm swimming. In fact, one reason I'm interested in Wellesley College is that I'll be able to keep doing what I love in Lake Waban.

A Final Word on College Interviews

Interviews are typically a pleasant exchange of information, and they aren't designed to trip you up or be confrontational. That said, you will want to be prepared to answer some of the most common interview questions before you set foot in the interview room, and you'll also want to avoid these common interview mistakes . In general, it's a good idea to do an interview, even if it's optional, but you'll want to do enough preparation so that you make a positive impression.

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How To Answer “What Do You Do For Fun?” (With Examples)

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Find a Job You Really Want In

Summary. Answer “What do you do for fun?” by mentioning one or two of your hobbies and why you enjoy them. Hiring managers ask this question so they can round you out as a candidate, so consider telling a story highlighting how this activity will help you succeed in this job. Don’t force it, though.

During an interview, you might get asked “What do you do for fun?” It’s one of the most common interview questions , and knowing how to answer can help you make a good impression to the hiring manager and make you stand out from the crowd.

We’ll cover why hiring managers and recruiters ask this question at a job interview, give tips for how to (and how not to) answer, and pull all our advice together with a few sample answers.

Key Takeaways

Interviewers ask what you do for fun to get an idea of your personality, work-life balance, and professionalism.

Answer this question by mentioning a hobby or two and why you enjoy doing them.

If appropriate, tell an anecdote that highlights how the activity has prepared you for the job and how it makes you unique.

How To Answer

Why Interviewers Ask “What Do You Like To Do Outside of Work?”

How to answer “what do you do for fun”, example answers to “what do you do for fun”, tips for answering “what do you do for fun”, common mistakes to avoid when answering “what do you do for fun”, what do you like to do in your free time faq, ask the experts, final thoughts.

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With most interview questions , hiring managers are trying to get a sense of who you are as a person and if you are a good fit for the position.

When they ask what you like to do for fun, its not just wanting to know more about you. They are trying to see if any of your personal interests align with the job, if you fit with the company culture , or even just if you’re a baseline interesting person to talk to.

Here are some things the hiring manager or recruiter might be trying to figure out about you by asking this question:

Good work-life balance. They want to know that you have a good sense of how to keep yourself from being overwhelmed with work stress without spending so much time on non-work activities that your productivity suffers.

Things in common. Your boss and coworkers are going to have to hang out with you all day, so they want to know there’s at least some non-work common ground they have with you.

They also want to see if you’re willing to hang out and develop relationships with strangers, or if you’re more likely to stay home and play obscure indie games on your VR console.

A good filter. There are a lot of perfectly reasonable hobbies or habits that are nonetheless inappropriate to bring up in a work setting, and your interviewer wants to know that you have the ability to censor yourself when necessary.

Some other variations to this question could include:

What do you do in your spare time?

What do you like to do outside of work?

Do you have any hobbies?

Unlike some interview questions, you don’t really need to prepare a full answer to this question, and doing so might even work against you.

You’re looking for common ground with your interviewer or for a way to portray your unique interests in such a way that they’ll understand what you find valuable about your hobbies.

Here’s a four-step strategy for giving a winning answer to “what do you do for fun?”

Make a list of your hobbies. Identify one or more hobbies that you actively participate in. If you’re really passionate about one hobby that indicates attractive job-related skills or qualities, stick with just one.

But if you want to show how diverse your tastes are, giving two or three things you do for fun can work well also.

Find ways to tie it back to the job. How you spend your free time reveals a lot about what you value in your life outside of work. It can also tie into skills or qualities that are helpful for the job you’re applying for.

For example, if you spend time knitting, you can mention something about finding detail-oriented tasks meditative and relaxing.

Tell a story. This isn’t a behavioral interview question , and you don’t really need the STAR method here. That said, you can tell a brief, interesting anecdote about one of your hobbies.

If you can show how you’ve built skills through your hobby or that it directly ties to the company’s values (like volunteering, sustainability, etc.), you’ll have a much more robust answer.

Talk about how it makes you unique. Don’t just say you enjoy doing X, Y, and Z. Mention what your motivation for this hobby is and what you get out of it. This can also make you stand out from other candidates.

Your intrinsic motivations reveal a lot about you as a person and potential coworker/subordinate, so your answer could be just what you need to seem like the perfect cultural fit .

While we’re sure there are plenty more things people do for fun, these are some good hobbies to mention:

Outdoors activities like rock climbing, hiking, cycling, etc.

Reading, learning, documentaries, podcasts, etc.

Crossword puzzles, chess, sudoku, or other puzzle games

Art, music, crafts, writing, podcasting

Volunteer work

Community-based activities like church, clubs, sports teams, etc.

Video games (but explain why)

Remember, you can try to tie in an element of your hobby with a job-related skill or quality, but don’t force it. Simple answers can be just as effective for this question.

Let’s look at some example answers:

“Travel is my passion. I’ve been to 21 countries so far, and I’m not done yet! I love learning and adapting to new cultures, finding commonalities between people everywhere, and just trying a bunch of new foods. There’s a real magic to communication in that so much of it is nonverbal, and I’ve learned to pick up on body language and read the room, even if I can’t always read the menu.”
“I really enjoy cooking. I experiment with a new recipe every Sunday evening and while some are disastrous, it’s always fun finding a good meal and adding it to my arsenal. And I never stop trying to tweak my recipes to perfection; except for my grandma’s meatballs.”
“Don’t laugh, but I’m a huge Dungeons and Dragons nerd. I organized a biweekly game night with friends that’s gone on for about a year now, and I love my role as dungeonmaster. It’s a fun way to blend my impulse for bookkeeping with my more creative story-telling side.”
“I keep up with a variety of hobbies. I go hiking with my dog and husband on the weekends, get out on the boat in the summer, and go skiing upstate in the winter. I’ve also recently gotten into knitting, but I’ve got a long way to go before I can make you a pair of mittens.”

None of these answers try too hard to jam in job-specific keywords . Nevertheless, they all allude to great qualities for the job they’re applying for.

A salesperson has to be able to read the room and adapt.

A marketing manager needs to experiment and try new things.

An accountant should definitely enjoy bookkeeping (creativity is a bonus).

A retail clerk with a variety of interests can speak to a variety of people.

Think about how where your hobbies and your career overlap, and you’ll be on your way to a winning answer.

When talking about what you enjoy doing in an interview, be honest and passionate about what you enjoy, being careful that your answers are professional and that you’re gauging how much detail your interviewers want you to go into.

Start vague, then get progressively more specific. For example, try talking about how much you love video games in general and gauge the hiring manager’s interest before you start talking about your favorite Starcraft build orders.

Be passionate. When you start talking specifically about your hobbies, make sure that you’re showing how important they are to you. Speak with enthusiasm or the recruiter might doubt you have a genuine interest in what you’re talking about.

Bring up constructive hobbies. It’s okay to talk about some of the less “exciting” hobbies that you might have, like watching Netflix or going on long walks, but make sure that you balance these out by bringing up more positive hobbies as well.

As a last resort, bring up interests. If you have trouble coming up with these constructive hobbies, try talking about your interests , or hobbies you’ve either had in the past or would like to eventually have.

Answer the question directly. Don’t avoid the question, or talk about things you don’t like to do. The hiring manager will wonder why you’re trying to avoid answering the question and will assume the worst.

You might think it’s pretty hard to mess up on this question. You’re right — even if you don’t give a stellar answer, this is not a super important part of the job interview.

That said, a truly horrible answer will stick out in your interviewer’s mind and may cost you the job. If you and another candidate have all the same skills and qualifications, but their just a more interesting person to talk to, the odds are that the hiring manager will hire them.

Avoid these common mistakes and you’ll be just fine:

Don’t say you have no hobbies at all. Even if this is mostly true, it’s not a good look, and there are a lot of ways that you can frame your interests to make them a little more accessible to those who are unfamiliar with them.

Don’t lie . Best case scenario is that you do get hired only to have it eventually revealed that you’re not actually that into fantasy football, making you the office liar.

Worst-case scenario, the hiring manager is an avid fantasy football player and immediately discovers how little you actually know about it, ending the interview on the spot.

Don’t bring up anything illegal. Enough said. Also, this isn’t college, and your love of drinking and smoking does not qualify as a hobby.

Hanging out with friends. It’s common to say this, but it can be a boring answer. If you bring up your friends, talk about what you and your friends actually do.

Don’t bring up any religious or political hobbies. You don’t know what other people believe, so it’s best not to bring these topics up. If you do it could end the interview poorly.

What is the meaning of, “What do you do for fun?”

Interviewers ask, “What do you do for fun,” to find out more about your personality, work-life balance, and communication skills. Your answer to this question can provide insight into how easily you’ll connect with others on the team and how healthy your work-life balance is.

How do you answer, “What do you enjoy most in your work?”

Answer “What do you enjoy most in your work?” by saying what you enjoy and why. This could be a specific task or something more intangible like “collaboration,” “variety,” or “problem-solving.”

How do I know what I enjoy doing?

You know what you enjoy doing when you choose to do it during your free time. This is just one way of noticing which activities you love, but it’s a significant one.

What are some “What do you enjoy doing?” example answers?

Some example answers to, “What do you enjoy doing?” include:

How To Answer “What Do You Do For Fun?”

what i like to do for fun essay

Ed Samuel Executive Career Coach

Here’s a twist. If during an interview you are NOT asked the question, “What do you do for fun?”, don’t make the mistake of not sharing something about yourself that gives them a glimpse of who you are beyond work. Yep, a common mistake is simply answering their questions and saying anything about what you do for fun. A great way to give them a glimpse is early on when you’re asked, “So, tell me about yourself .” Use this as the opportunity to weave in one or two items whether it’s volunteer work, a hobby, or simply spending time with your loved ones doing something in common.

Tips For Answering “What Do You Do For Fun?”

what i like to do for fun essay

Marty Nemko Career advisor , blogger Psychology Today

Especially for jobs with a company that prioritizes getting the work done over work-life balance, you can say that you find some aspect of work particularly fun. For example, “I actually find work fun. For example, distilling the research into a concise article or two-minute presentation is, frankly more fun than my hobbies, for example, playing basketball or the video game Stardew Village.”

Tips for answering what do you do for fun?

what i like to do for fun essay

Stacie Garlieb President, Successful Impressions LLC

To prepare for this question, it’s important to understand the company you are interviewing with. Is the company involved in any community based activities that align to your interests outside of work? For example, if the organization participates in volunteering and that is something you also do, you could answer “There are several things that I do for fun including volunteering for X organization. My experience doing that has allowed me to meet people, use my skills to help others, and contribute to our community. Does the company encourage wellness or work-life balance activities, and which of those could be things you like to do or would like to do? Many companies have programs for employees to exercise and maintain healthy lifestyles. If you have done your research and found out that they have these, you may include “I also like to exercise by doing Y at least three times a week. I have been doing that for Z years and it helps me feel better physically and I also enjoy challenging myself.”

When it comes to talking about what you do for fun, remember that enjoyment — much like beauty — is in the eye of the beholder.

What you find fun isn’t necessarily what other people would find fun, but then, that isn’t really the point. The point is that you enjoy things outside of work and that you have some way of communicating that to other people, even if they don’t share that interest.

While this is a sort of a softball question, you can knock it out of the park if you’re able to tie your hobby into a job-related skill or quality. At the same time, don’t feel forced to do that if your answer sounds awkward.

At the end of the day, just communicate what you like and why you like it, and you’ll be fine.

InterviewPenguin – Interview Questions Answered: What Do You Like to Do For Fun?

Career Sherpa – Answering “What Do You Like to Do For Fun?” The Right Way

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Ryan Morris was a writer for the Zippia Advice blog who tried to make the job process a little more entertaining for all those involved. He obtained his BA and Masters from Appalachian State University.


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25 Creative Writing Prompts

by Melissa Donovan | Oct 23, 2018 | Creative Writing Prompts | 236 comments

creative writing prompts

Twenty-five creative writing prompts to inspire and motivate you.

Don’t you just hate writer’s block? Some say it’s a disease that only creative workers succumb to. Some say it’s a curse. Others argue that it doesn’t exist at all. But just about everyone has been there–sitting in front of a blank screen, fingers itching to create a masterpiece. And nothing happens.

For me, the most bizarre thing about writer’s block is that it strikes randomly. Most of the time, I’m overwhelmed with more ideas than I can possibly write about. But then I’ll sit down to write and my mind goes blank. Sure, I flip through my notebooks and review all the ideas I’ve stockpiled, but nothing feels right. I want something fresh. I need a new angle.

To help break through this block, I started turning to creative writing prompts. And then I started making up my own prompts. The result:  1200 Creative Writing Prompts ,  a book designed to spark ideas for writers.

Creative Writing Prompts

Today I’d like to share a mash-up of creative writing prompts, all of which come from  1200 Creative Writing Prompts . There are no rules. Write a poem. Write a short story. Write an essay. Aim for a hundred words or aim for a hundred thousand. Just start writing, and have fun.

  • The protagonist is digging in the garden and finds a fist-sized nugget of gold. There’s more where that came from in this hilarious story of sudden wealth.
  • Write a poem about something ugly—war, fear, hate, or cruelty—but try to find the beauty (silver lining) in it or something good that comes out of it.
  • An asteroid and a meteoroid collide near Earth, and fragments rain down onto the planet’s surface, wreaking havoc. Some of those fragments contain surprising elements: fossils that prove life exists elsewhere in the galaxy, for example.
  • The story starts when a kid comes out of the school bathroom with toilet paper dangling from his or her waistband. Does someone step forward and whisper a polite word, or do the other kids make fun? What happens in this pivotal moment will drive the story and have a deep impact on the main character.
  • Revisit your earliest memories of learning about faith, religion, or spirituality.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: bit, draw, flex, perilous, bubble, corner, rancid, pound, high, open.
  • Write a poem about a first romantic (dare I say sexual?) experience or encounter.
  • Write a personal essay describing an exotic animal you’d like to have as a pet.
  • Silvery flakes drifted downward, glittering in the bright light of the harvest moon. The blackbird soared.
  • Write a tongue-in-cheek, satirical tribute. Tell bad drivers, rude customers, and evil dictators how grateful you are for what they’ve done. Do it with a wink and a smile.
  • Write a story about a detective solving a crime that was committed against his or her partner or a crime that his or her partner committed.
  • Three children are sitting on a log near a stream. One of them looks up at the sky and says…
  • There is a magic talisman that allows its keeper to read minds. It falls into the hands of a young politician.
  • We’ve seen cute and cuddly dragons, mean and vicious dragons, and noble dragons. Write a story about a different kind of dragon.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: dash, hard, staple, billboard, part, circle, flattened.
  • Write a story set in the distant future when humanity is at a fork in the evolutionary road. Some humans are evolving; others are not.
  • The kids were raised on the mantra “Family is everything.” What happens when they find out their parents aren’t who they pretended to be? Will the family fall apart?
  • Write a poem about one (or both) of your parents. It could be a tribute poem, but it doesn’t have to be.
  • Turn ordinary animals into monsters that prey on humans: dog-sized rats, killer rabbits, or a pack of rabid mountain lions. Give the animals intelligence and set them loose.
  • A twinkling eye can mean many things. Write a poem about a twinkle in someone’s eye.
  • What determines an action or person as good or evil? Who gets to decide what or who is good or evil? Write a personal essay about it.
  • Write a poem about your body.
  • The protagonist is about to drift off to sleep only to be roused by the spontaneous memory of an embarrassing moment from his or her past.
  • Write about the happiest day of your life.
  • Use all of the following words in a poem: feast, fire, modify, squash, robbed, forgotten, understated.

Now It’s Your Turn

Did any of these prompts inspire you? Do you ever use creative writing prompts to ignite a writing session? Tell us what gets your pen moving by leaving a comment, and keep writing!

To get more prompts like these, pick up a copy of  1200 Creative Writing Prompts   today.

Creative Writing Prompts



Melissa, Wow, there’s something about this list that feels like a lightbulb went off! There are times when I feel stuck, like ideas aren’t there. And this list really shines what can be…limitless possibilities!

26. If my life were a cartoon… 27. Pick two crayons at random. What thoughts/feelings do two color stir up in you?

Melissa Donovan

Ah, I love the feeling of a light bulb illuminating my mind! Thanks for adding to the list!


what about… That spark which seemed like a star, when it approached closer, my lips went white and body shivering despite the fact I knew I was placed in a desert – by them- and the sun shone directly above my head. Then at a distance of 1m probably, I got the sight of…

Steve Davis

Thanks for sharing these.

If you have children, visualize one of them running the house for a day.

That’s a good one. Kids running the house…how very Dr. Seuss! Cat in the Hat without the cat, hehee.

Positively Present

Ooh, great prompts! Thanks for sharing these!

Thanks! Glad you like them!


A day in the life of a doormat

The adventures of a shooting star

Making friends with my enemy

Ooh, interesting! Thanks, Fouzia.

Kevin Van Buerle

Hi Melissa,

Bought 3 of your books. 1. 101 Creative Writing Excercises 2.10 Core Practices For Better Writing and 3. 1,200 Creative Writing Prompts.

I decided to start with 1,200 Creative Writing Prompts.

So far, I have written 4 stories from the prompts. I guess I want to enquire as to whether I need to go through each prompt. Thank you

Wow, Kevin, thanks for getting three of my books. I truly appreciate that. You can use the prompts in any way that is comfortable for you. No, you do not have to go through each and every prompt. I encourage you to skip around, flip through book, and find prompts that inspire. I hope you have fun with it! Thanks again.


When I took my creative writing class in college the instructor gave us a really good one to use if we couldn’t think of what to write. She said to write the word Remember 3 times and that would prompt something. The entire class tried it and it worked and I have used it several times since then!

I like the use of remember . There are a lot of words that help people when they can’t think of anything to write about. Maybe I should do a list of single-word prompts. Hmm…


Wow. I was COMPLETELY stuck and this brought back a great story for me to write about, though only faintly attached to any memory of mine. Thanks!

That’s great, Camille! Good luck with your story!


I like to use the question “what would happen if …. ”

What would happen if your husband retired and your kid left home and you’re getting older? -> ” Always Faithful”

What would happen if a person moved back home to care for a relative after decades of living far away? -> “The Way Home”

What would happen if a person who has been divorced and alone for a long time suddenly met the most perfect mate imaginable … but it turns out the person may not be what she appears to be? -> “Baiting and Fishing”

In a way, I think “What Would Happen If…” is my novelist version of my favorite childhood game, “Let’s pretend that…..”

“What if” is the best creative writing prompt ever! You can apply it to just about any situation. Just look at any movie, book, or even real life and start asking, “What if things happened a little differently?” or “What if this person made a different decision?” Asking these questions can take your writing in all kinds of new and interesting directions! It’s great fun.


I love these. Here’s one:

“She was drifting off to sleep when there was a sharp knock at the door . . . “

Ooh, I like that one.


Fabulous list. I’ve been brainstorming all morning with no luck, and so I came online and VOILA, here you are. Loved the list, especially 22.

I’ve created several interesting works using my personal favourite “things to do on a rainy day”. I usually write from the perspective of a child, but rarely myself as a child. This one just opens up so many possibilities for make beleive!

Thanks, Melanie! Glad this list helped you in a time of need. My favorite “things to do on a rainy day” story is The Cat in the Hat . Of course, it’s a “day when mom’s away” rather than a “rainy day,” but it’s pretty much the same idea. Keep writing!


these are very great… i got this one off of True Jackson VP.. spin around and the first thing you see will give you an idea..

i just did this and i saw flowers…

i’m writing about “you are walking through a field with your best friend.. you spot a flower and pick it up.. it gives you super powers…

Ah, a flower that gives one super powers. I love that idea! You should definitely run with it!


I love True Jackson VP! Cool that you got an idea from it! 🙂


You’re suggestion really helped! Im doing imaginative writing for homework and I was so stuck but I’ve found the right one now!!

That’s awesome, Grace! Keep writing.


ooh those are cool… how about: He cradled her, taking in all of her burdens as he swept her hair back from her face and stroked her cheek in a gentle calming motion.

I do creative writing as an A level so it would be cool to know if this starter is ok! ty xoxo

Catherine, I think that’s a great starter line, especially for a romantic story or poem! My only suggestion would be the part “gentle calming motion.” There might be one too many adjectives there. If you keep both adjectives, be sure to add a comma after the first one: “gentle, calming motion.” Nice job!


A young man attempts to pull a robbery of some kind on an older man. Things go drastically wrong for the young man. Either viewpoint!

Either viewpoint, or both, could work!


what if the old man was a retired super spy and the young robber is homeless and broke. he tells this to the old man and the man trains him to be a good spy and lets the young robber live with him. then the old man gets the young robber a job as a spy and then they both find out that the retired spy is the young robbers father and the mother ran away while she was pregnant to go be with some rich guy but the rich guy killed the mother and the young robber has been living on the streets since he was 10.

Buttercup Smith

Heres a gorgeous one! Write a story in the POV of a flower being given from person 2 person.



Wow! These are great, thanks for putting these up. I’m 12 and I really want to be a novelist when I grow up. One of my favourites is: the empty glass. It’s a bit over-used but I think that it’s so versatile, it doesn’t matter if it’s popular because you can take it in so many different directions!

That’s great, Katie! You’re off to an early start. Just stay focused and passionate, and you’ll become a novelist if that’s what you truly want. Good luck to you!


Katie, It is never too young to start living your dreams. Don’t ever let anyone get you down. Keep on writing and believe in yourself that one day you will make it! Best of luck!

I couldn’t agree more, AJ!

I’m 11 and everyone thinks I am a good writer and I love to write so much!

That’s wonderful, Maria. Keep writing!


I’m 16 and i wrote a great alternate ending for an assignment in english, and i wrote a short christmas story on christmas eve, but now i just don’t know what to write about. i have ideas and i have been reading prompts that are good but i just don’t know.

Kristi, give the prompts a try. There are also lots of writing exercises that you can use to spark writing sessions when you’re feeling uninspired. The trick is to write something (anything) rather than sit around waiting for something to write about.


Hi! I am 14 and just wanted to do some creative writing, but could not think of anything to write about. Thank you so much for the ideas! I will definitely be using some.

You’re so welcome! Good luck with your writing!


I’m 14 and writing is my whole life. I recently started a blog with my friend, but she’s not a writer. She just inspires me with ideas and stuff. I love your site, Melissa. I check it almost every day. Your prompts and tips are so completely helpful! Thanks so much!

Thank you! I appreciate your kind words.

Emily Mead

I’m fourteen, too, and writing is hard to juggle with school and everything else that’s going on. I know – such a teenager-y thing to say…but true nonetheless. I just wanted to say thank you for posting these prompts because they make for quick, satisfying writing that doesn’t end in frustration (at least, mostly). Thanks again!

Writing is hard to juggle at any age. It takes a lot of perseverance, but if you stick with it, you’ll succeed. Good luck to you, and keep on writing!


Im also fourteen and i love to write! i have won a national competition 2 years in a row and i never dreamed i would have won or anything but that just goes to show that youre never too young to write! Just keep believing in yourself and who knows where you might go!

I am thrilled when young people are so passionate about writing (or any craft, really). Congratulations on your success!

Ann Zimmerman

One good place to find good story prompts are the obituaries of a large newspaper. One true example: from the Arizona Republic years ago, an elderly gentleman got hit by a motorist one a late, rainy afternoon as he was crossing the street. He had been an immigrant from Norway, and had been a professor at ASU, and was retired and in his 80’s when he died. I have always imagined what his life had been, what he had experienced, etc.

Yes, newspapers are packed with story ideas!


Write a story from the perspective of a sock being separated from its twin in the laundry.

That would make a great children’s story.

salman hanif

a person went to the football stadium and was wearing manu shirt and came out with a barcalona shirt.why???

Well, I have no idea, but this certainly makes a good writing prompt!


I love these!! 😀 Here are a few I made: *Make up your own recipes for your favorite foods *Create your own list of idioms *Write stories of idioms literally happening *Write about something blue *What’s your idea of a perfect vacation? *List what you fear. pick a few and write how they came, why, and when you got the fear first *What would you say to an univited guest at your party *Draw a picture of the setting around you. Now look into your inner being. What do you truly feel? *Write from the point of view of a stack of paper waiting a few inches from the shredder *Her laugh broke the silence…

These are great! Thank you for adding them to the list.

By the way, I’m 11, love writing, and hope to publish fiction teen/children books one day

I wish you the best of luck! You have a head start, being such a young writer. Stick with it!


Lovarsnari,that’s kinda funny because l think the same thing! 🙂 My prob is that l start writing with great ideas,get stuck, and then start a new story/play….


same except that I’m 13 and mix my writing with my guitar playing and music


Well when i get stuck I like to think: What would I do if I were to die in a week? Once I picked everything and it turned quite an interesting story…

That’s a good one!


Hey I’m 14 years old and I love writing but I get writers block often and this really helped me. I love reading the ideas and other people’s ideas they are just very interesting. Number 19 seemed the most interesting to me and I’m almost done with my story. 🙂 thanks so much

Thanks, Violet. I often find that prompts and exercises can be used in different ways. You don’t always have to do the actual exercise. Sometimes, just reading through a book of exercises will generate ideas for a project I’m working on or help me understand a writing concept in a new way. Good luck with your story!


Hi Melissa 🙂 Last year i won junior writer of the year ( I’m 13) and I am entering this year as well and in the process of creating my first draft. I love your site and its wonderful, all-inclusive feel. So, here are my ideas for your list.

26. Post-War oppression & depression ( this was my winning topic last year – i wrote it from the perspective of a scarred war veterans’ emotionally abused child) I also commend you in your point concerning finding hope and light in darkness ( war, death, etc.) and i am going to write about that! Possibly with an Amish girl as the protagonist? thank you again for inspiring me. I also hope to be a great writer some day. Bee

Congratulations, Bee, and thanks for adding to these prompts. I wish you the best of luck in becoming a great writer. You are certainly well on your way!


POV of a toy sitting on a shelf in a toy store, hoping to be purchased.

your pet starts talking to you in perfect english and tells you what he/she really thinks of you…. what does he/she say?

Ha! That could be enlightening indeed!

I actually saw an animated short based on that premise (or something similar to it) and found it quite compelling. A great idea!

Nick Danger

My contribution:

“When I look in the mirror, I don’t see what everyone else sees. What I see is…”

Nice! Thanks for adding this prompt, Nick.


My college English teacher gave my class this prompt. First Line: John closed his eyes. Last Line: It was a good day for the yellow crocuses. Anything in between. I easily made five pages with that prompt. Have fun guys.

Thanks for sharing that prompt, Jessy. It’s a good one.

Jalen Kinmon

Im a 17 year old living in the most secluded area of Kentucky, unfortunately. lol My dream is to pursue a career in filmmaking, my goal is to help people who are confused or unsure about life and what they want to do with their oppourtunity of life. I want people to think and find happiness in their lives by doing something they love. My idea of doing this came from being in a depressed state from the past few years as a teen and felt strong enough to overcome it without professional help which is progressing for the good. I found setting goals is a great strategy to stay focused and optimistic about life. I appreciate your time for reading this and if there is any advice you could influence me with id appreciate that as well. Thanks

It’s wonderful that you have set your sights on a clear career path at such a young age. Filmmaking is awesome! I sometimes wish I had taken up an interest in film or photography. The best advice I can offer is to never give up, stay focused, and pursue your goals with heart and soul. I would also advise studying film at college, if you can. The film industry is notoriously networked and you’ll benefit greatly by making friends and acquaintances who share your interest. Best of luck to you!

Thanks for taking the time to reply, it’s very much appreciated and yes im going to film school out in LA next year.

Hi! I am 13 and have been writing since I was 7 or younger, and I am in love with writing. I am a very dedicated author and I have finished books in the past (about 11 or 12) but now I can’t seem to get into any longer stories! I write more short stories now, but it’s not satisfying anymore…and then, when I come up with a new idea, it’s useless, and my brain gets all cluttered! Help!

It sounds like you’re having trouble staying focused. The first (and most important) thing that can help with that is to stay healthy: eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep. You may also need to break up your writing with other activities. Make sure you read regularly! For the time being, maybe you need to write short stories. I’m not sure you need to fight it.

thank you for the advice! 🙂

You are most welcome!


Hello 🙂 I am 17 and doing my HSC this year. I am attempting (unsuccessfully) to write a creative writing piece as practice for my exams, and thank you so much for these, they’re really helpful 🙂 I am not a writer (and never will be), but these have given me some great ideas that I can hopefully use to increase my writing skills for my exams. So thank you very much 🙂

You are very welcome, Emily, and best of luck on your exams.


I’ve found that this list, and peoples comments/ideas have been quite inspiring. I’m 21 and haven’t been in school for a few years and I have that desire to write, but never knew how to get started. I thank you all for these wonderful ideas and I’m hoping that writing will be a good outlet for me and my struggle with depression.

So really I’m just thanking you all 🙂

You’re welcome, Nicole, and thank you for joining in the discussion. Writing is a great way to work through emotions; I wish you the best of luck!


These are great!!!! My favourite starter would definetly have to be: “Sometimes a girl just has to run. Sometimes our feet take over. This was one of those times”

I think it holds a lot of suspense but it could also be happy and bright, like a sports day or carnival. Thanks for adding these, I am going to try to write a story for each one.

I’m not sure where that starter comes from, but it sounds good to me.

Yarrow Stronski

Hi! Thanks so much for these prompts. I especially like number two, because I feel like a little bit of positive thinking can go a long way. 🙂

I have a question, too, if you don’t mind.

What is your opinion on fanfictions? I know some creative writers don’t like them and feel they corrupt a series, while others think it’s a great creative exercise.

Thanks so much!

I think fan fiction is a great way for young and new writers to explore the craft. Some copyright holders are extremely strict about allowing fan fiction to be published. Others will actually develop and publish collections of fan fiction. There are also franchises in which fan fiction is encouraged. One of my all-time favorite writers, TV and film writer Damon Lindelof, said in a recent interview that he started out writing fan fiction. Now he’s writing for Ridley Scott and working on the Star Trek films as a fan-fic professional! It’s definitely an avenue worth pursuing if it interests you.


I’m fifteen and I want to write a book before the end of highschool. The problem is I can’t finish what I’ve started. I always find a “better” idea and write about that and the cycle begins again. Please help me!!!

The only way to finish what you’ve started is to simply finish it. When “better” ideas present themselves, make a note and file those ideas away for a future project. Part of being a writer involves developing self-discipline. I recommend setting up a reward system. For example, you have to work on the novel for 20 minutes before you can call or text your friends after school. Or you have to finish a scene before you go out to see a movie. These are self-imposed rewards, so you have to discipline yourself. Nobody else can do it for you.

You might also look into participating in NaNoWriMo. The timing is great because it starts in just a few weeks. That means you’ll have some time to prepare and check it out. Then you can write your novel in November, leaving plenty of time afterwards for you to clean it up (edit, proof, polish).

Finally, if you’re truly committed to writing, start looking at schools with good creative writing programs and plan to study at college. University instructors are quite helpful in teaching students self-discipline and good writing habits and practices.

Best of luck to you, Art!


Hi! Your prompts and the comments have really helped me! I can’t wait to start some stories from them:) Here are a couple that I’ve come up with: The Bell sounded. Workers froze in their places… Kay frowned as she opened her school locker after school. Down the hall, Alexis and Christine exchanged grins…

That’s great, Alyssa. Keep up the good work!


These are fantastic! I’m also 21 and have been out of school for awhile. I used to write all the time when I was in school but not so much these days. These ideas are really going to help once I get started writing again. I’m attempting to set a goal for myself. An hour a day, just writing whatever I want. Just to get me back in the habit.

Thank you so much!!!

One prompt my creative writing teacher in high school gave the class was “It was a smile that darkness could kill…”

That’s wonderful! An hour a day is enough to produce quite a bit of writing. I wish you the best of luck, Ashlee!

Melanie Jones

Obviously it is now 2011 haha, but these are great!! I have wanted to write a novel for quite some time but I can’t seem to get the creative juices flowing. So I set out on a quest across the World Wide Web and I am finding some amazing ideas!! Thank you so much for this website I look forward to writing now instead of despairing of that dreaded cursor blinking me to oblivion!!

I hope your quest for inspiration is fruitful! And keep writing!


I’ve just been inspired to start a personal blog full of my own creative writing, with the assistance of some of these wonderful writing prompts (both yours, and the ones left in the comment section). Thank you, thank you, thank you.

That’s wonderful! Blogs have been a boon for writers, and I think more writers should take advantage of the technology. I wish you the best of luck with your blog, Emily.


Hi, I’m 17. I started creative writing when I was about 10 or 11. I found myself writing more and more when I was troubled a few years back, so it was good stress relief for me. But now that I’m busy with college, I realize that I haven’t been writing as much as I used to. I reread some of my old work and I thought “Hey, why not? I’ll give it a try for old times’ sake.”

I was a bit confused with where to start off, but these prompts really got my creative juices flowing. After I post this comment, I think I’ll try one or two of them and see how far it takes me. Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂

I’m so glad that these prompts inspired you, Christi. I think many writers go through phases when they drift away from the craft, but when you’re called back to it, that might be a sign. Follow it and keep writing!


In my junior year of high school, we were given a creative writing assignment to expand on this sentence:

“A person walked into the room, looked around, sat down, and ate.”

That’s a great prompt. It would certainly be interesting to see what a whole classroom of people come up with. I imagine each piece of writing would be quite different from the others, even though they are all based on the same premise. Thanks for sharing it, Alli.


Here’s a prompt! Prop open the door. I can actually see my breathe tonight. But that doesnt mean im breathing.

Ooh, sounds like a zombie, robot, or vampire story.


These writing ideas helped a lot thank you. I really want to go to a creative writing school when I get older. One idea which I just came up with is Write from the perspective of your fish.( does each fish have there own personality, how does each fish react to the different members of the house, what is it like to be a fish) 😛 I hope you like I write often mostly stories with a more poetic base, but once in a while i will feel in the mood to write some thing different. Oh also try continuing after this sentence. Its eyes gleamed pitch black death, creeping into imaginary, azure skies. now continue it :3

Thanks for sharing your prompt, Samantha, and good luck to you!


For school, I have to enter a creative writing competition. I have two days and i was really panicking but then i found this website! It really helped! Thankyou Writing Forward!!

Hannah, I’m so glad you found help and inspiration here. Thank you!


Lately I’ve been trying to write a lot like Sarah Dessen! Were doing stories in class and I’m doin one about a girl who runs away, it starts out “I’m on the run! I don’t know where I’m going or where I’ll end up, but I’m not turning back!” 🙂 Do you like it?

I do like your opening line. It certainly grabs the reader’s attention and rouses curiosity. Nice job.


Thank you so much!!!! This got me over my terrible case of writer’s block. But now my muse is back!

Wow, thanks, Maria. That’s awesome!


I just want to say that this list of prompts has inspired me to take on a challenge of using one every day up until xmas on my blog… or at least until the end of the month!

Thanks for the great list 🙂

That’s awesome, Julz. Good luck with your December writing!


I haven’t tried it yet, but I think a fun way to mix these up even more would be to choose one of these, then draw the name of an author out of a hat, then write that prompt in the style of that author. That would really stretch your creativity.

That’s an excellent exercise and would definitely be challenging. You’d have to be deeply familiar with the author’s voice.


I have found these prompts really helpful for the English lessons that I teach.

Many thanks.

That’s great, Cass. I love the idea of these prompts helping students with reading and writing.

sumaira jehanzeb

i have learnt English as a second language…writing is my passion…this page is REALLY inspiring!thanks for evoking our creative faculties… i want to suggest some topics and the list goes as: 1The beast in me 2Daily journal of a pair of shoes which is in the process of its making 3What the world be if gender roles get changed 4What if i were in the shoes of my English teacher 5How things at the high school are going to be if the concept of beauty gets altered altogether 6It is said that writing is all about pouring your mind on a piece of paper but what it your pen literally starts articulating your thoughts and you end up writing EVERRRRYTHING(What consequences are you going to face)

Thanks for adding your ideas to these prompts!


I haven’t tried the prompts yet but I have always wanted to be a writer since I was eight years old. However ever since graduating and entering the real world I find my muse being choked to death by the responsibility at home. I’ve had to give up my dream of writing for the past two years. I tried taking it up again and was drawing a huge blank, but just by reading a few of these prompts I’ve felt my muse start to breathe. Thank you!

Hi Rochelle. I remember graduating and entering the real world, and I had a similar experience. All of a sudden I just didn’t have the time or inspiration. It took a while, but I adjusted and my creativity returned. I’m so glad you found these prompts helpful!


I found like 5 great writing prompts thank u so much

You are so welcome!


you thought dragoons unicorns and monsters didnt exist? think again! write story of your pet unicorn

That’s a cute idea!


Thank you for these, I am a writer waiting to hear if a publisher is going to publish my novel. Waiting is so hard and my mind has gone blank. These help to stir the jucies again. I’m hand writing them in a note book and taking them with me when I’m out, to write on the go. When I have to wait for a kid to get to the car I can write and not have to figure out how to start a story. So thank you. so much.

That’s awesome. What is it about being in a car or shower that makes us more creative? I always get ideas in those two locations!


thanks sooo much! those were super helfull! you have the most helpfull website ive found! and i’m a picky writer! THANKYOU!!!

Thanks, Anna.


here are some more ideas: you inherit 1 million dollars your backpack grows wings on the way to school a zombie invasion stikes your small/big town a kidnapper captures you … hope these help 🙂

Thanks, Ebony!

Molly Sue

Hey! These prompts really helped and I can’t wait to use some 🙂 I have started with the one about twinklling eyes and turned it into a story about creatures similar to werewolves XD

Sounds interesting, Molly! Good luck with your story, and keep writing!


My English teacher says she doesn’t believe in writer’s block. I on the other hand am not so sure. Sometimes I sit in the afternoon and stare out the window, unable to come up with anything good but I find that ideas flow like crazy at two in the morning with a cup of coffee in my left hand. That’s always my best remedy, though writing prompts like these always help me get going. Thanks for sharing 🙂

Some prompts:

10 things I hate about… What’s the recipe for those wonderful _______ muffins you baked last night? (Try filling that blank with ‘unicorn’.)

I believe in writer’s block, but I think that it’s presented as being unable to write whereas usually it’s just a case of needing to work a little harder at writing. Sometimes, we need to stop procrastinating, stop trying to force our ideas, or we just need to allow ourselves to write badly for a while. I believe there are ideas everywhere; the trick is to keep ourselves open to them and be willing to explore them. Having said all that, writer’s block still sucks. I’m like you, Maluly, the ideas flow like crazy at two in the morning (no coffee required!).


i dont believe in writiers block.. i think its more like an exuse to hide what we really want to write or say. Like sometimes peoploe wonder if it will be good enough so they put it off or they dont want people who read it to know something.. its all about the way you look at it i guess. Write what you feel. Write whatever you want. I love writing but i find myself wondering will this be good enough? What would someone think if they read it? Maybe thats just me. no self esteem… but, low selfesteem is what keeps creativity hidden…. my advice.. to everyone is to just go for it. if its not good try again you’ll get better(:

I agree: just go for it.


Thanks for these! I definitely believe in writer’s block!! In fact, I am just emerging from what I like to call writer’s ‘droubt’, since it lasted at least a year. But I don’t think you need to be blocked to use prompts. They are great exercises and get you to try new ways of writing. And sometimes, when I get burned out with the story I’m currently writing, it helps to focus on something completely different for a while, and you can come back to it with fresh eyes. Here are some prompts that I came up with and they helped me out: 1) ‘It all started with the cat…’ 2) ‘Have you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye, but when you turned to look, found nothing there? You dismiss it as an illusion, a trick of the light. You’re wrong…’ 3) Write something from the perspective of a ghost. 4) Write something using the five senses EXCEPT sight (hearing, smell, touch, taste) 5) Instead of using first or third person, write with second person point-of-view (in other words, use ‘you’ instead of ‘he/she’ or ‘I’. Or try writing in present or even future tense, instead of past tense.

Oh yeah, and one more: 6) Write something from the perspective of the BAD guy, instead of the hero

I love when stories do this! Thanks for adding it, CJM.

These are excellent prompts, especially well suited for speculative fiction writers. My favorite is the prompt about seeing something out of the corner of your eye (that happens to me sometimes!). Thanks for adding these.

Lily Duval

Here’s one for those of you who have pets What do your pets do when you and other inhabitants of your house are not at home?

Ooh, that’s a good one, Lily. That could be great for a children’s story!


Thank you SO much for these exciting writing prompts! They really inspire me. I have one idea for a prompt: Write about a conversation that you would have if were stuck in an elevator with a celebrity or famous book character.

You’re welcome, Arieda. I love your elevator prompt! You could also do it with characters from your novel as a test to see how each would behave in an elevator with a celebrity. That could tell you a lot about your characters. Good one!


Lovely ideas, both of these! Arieda, that prompt gave me a short story idea, one that I’m pretty excited about, and I’m definitely going to have to do that with all my characters now, Melissa. 🙂 I thought up another twist on this prompt that intrigues me: Your characters get stuck in an elevator with you, their author. How do they react when they discover who you are and that you control their destinies? What sort of conversations would you have? Would you like interacting with your character? Would your character like you?

Hannah, I love your prompt idea. What a fun writing exercise: The Character Meets the Author. That’s quite brilliant!


Thank you so much for these, I’m trying to write a book…and I’ve been at a stand still lately, so this will help me more than ever.

You’re welcome, Alexis. I’m glad you found these prompts helpful.


Hi Ms. Donovan! thank you so much for the writing prompts! i’ve been using them for all my english creative writing assignments. it’s been my dream to be a writer since i was little. although i find it hard to write mysteries. ironically it’s my favorite genre to read though. any advice on how to get started on a good mystery?

I myself haven’t written mysteries, although I have read a few. My suggestion would be to read as many mysteries as you can, and watch mystery films and television shows, so you thoroughly know your genre (you should still read other stuff too!). Study the greats and ideas will come to you!


Wow i have writers block i have my charecter but i dont know what the problem is…… help any good title ideas?

When I’m stuck and can’t come up with a character or a title, I just skip it. The important thing is to keep writing. You can always come back later and add names and titles. Here’s how I do it:

GIRL said that there was no way out but OLD LADY knew otherwise…

I use all caps for characters who don’t have names yet. Many writers use a “working title” as they are developing their project. A working title can be anything. It’s just temporary.

You’ll find that as you work on your project (and if you work around these little setbacks), ideas will come to you. Good luck!


Awesome post:) Thanks so much, really helped! have a great day! Peace-Jeff

Thanks, Jeff!


A prompt could be : She started to fall over and _________( fill in the blank) picked her up.

or : The alien gaze stared from above the fence , and I blushed in embarrassment.

100 words about your favorite animal

a short story about a difficult topic like : war , famine , bullying .etc

a poem about the weather

Hi Melody! Thanks for adding your prompts to this ever-growing list!


Your prompts are definitely creative and helpful, but what I’m most impressed with is how you respond so positively and encouragingly to everyone who replied to this. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of encouragement or approval from even a complete stranger to shift a young writers thought from maybe being able to do something to just doing it. I haven’t written in months, and are still my having any real luck, but I know I will write again someday, and I just thought it should be mentioned that you are a good person for encouraging others to do what they love. Best of luck to you…

Thank you so much, Shannon. Your words mean a lot to me. I try to be an advocate for writers and encourage young and new writers to explore their ideas and find their voices. I believe the world would be a better place if we all followed our passions, and more importantly, encouraged others to do so as well.

Conner R.


The little girl cries with a lie on her lips The girl can’t remember her name The little boy’s laugh rings with hollow self-doubt The little girl feels just the same A little dog lost in the thick of the woods A little man sick with dismay A little boy born in the arms of the girl A little life born from a day A little death born from an ignorant choice A little boy crying away And a little God laughs at the sight of it all For this little herd has not a say

Thanks for sharing your poem with us, Conner. Keep writing!

Dido Lawrence

It’s the first time that i’m gonna be doing an inter-school creative writing competition, and i found these prompts really helpful! Thanks a billion!

You’re welcome!

Jenny Hutcherson

Really like the prompts! It was really helpful! My brother and I are always gonna use this website! I <3 it!

Thanks! I’m glad you like it here 🙂


Thanks Melissa for the writing prompts. I asked my students to develop their writing skill through these useful prompts. By the way, I have published my first fiction ‘Faith No More’. I’d be extremely glad if you could manage to read any of it and provide me with feedback.

Hi Afshin. Thanks for sharing these prompts with your students. Requests for feedback should be sent via email (you can use the “Contact” link at the top of this site).


i have been major struggling with writing my second book and when i found these i just opened up my mind more and i decided not to write a second book it was just fine without one and now i can be on a whole other spectrum thanks so much these has inspired me a lot i put a few of em together to get ideas 🙂 well done 🙂 highly appreciated

That’s awesome. Thanks for letting me know that these prompts helped you. Good luck with your writing projects!

Mack Jordan

I just got a typewriter at a great market the other day so I came looking for something to help me have fun and get inspired while I was using it. Thanks for the help! I ended up writing a thing about an embarrassing moment that helped me learn how to not sweat it when embarrassing moments happen. This particular one had to do with toilet paper… haha. Cheers!

Embarrassing moments always make for good storytelling. Enjoy your new typewriter!


I’ve been really into playwriting lately, but I’ve been stuck with writers block for the longest time. A couple of these prompts really caught my attention and I’ve already got so many new ideas, I don’t know where to begin! 🙂

That’s awesome. I’m glad you found this piece so helpful.


I have had writers block for months now. This site has helped me so much!

I’m thrilled to hear that! Keep writing!


My favorite way to start up a story is to listen to a song and think about the story of it. Sometimes I use the first part of the song as the first sentence of my story. I hope this helps.

That’s an awesome idea! I love music-literature crossovers.


Hi thank you so much for these ideas i have chosen an idea and i have a perfect picture of my idea . Thank you again and as you will see on all of your comments you have helped a lot of children or adults from this website . Thank you !

You’re welcome! Thanks for commenting.

Mera Sampson

Great prompts.

I shared #9 with my page for a fun writing exercise about an hour ago. Great response! 🙂

Thanks for sharing one of these prompts with your readers. I hope they have fun with it.

Liana C.

Thanks for the prompts! Reading other people’s ideas always makes me feel more hopeful about initiating my own. I have struggled to put my thoughts down on paper for as long as I can remember- there just seems to be a disconnect between the disorganized chaos of possibilities in my head and that little spot where the ink meets the paper. BUT- I wanted to offer an idea that has often provided many interesting and fun possibilities to me- Think of a time of day ( 7 pm, the sun setting, the day cooling off, night creatures beginning to stir), or a month ( August, the air laden with heat and damp, everything deep and green and vibrant), and then try to think of all the qualities that accompany that period of time ( do most people seem happy then? is it a relaxing time? a tense time? does the weather make life easier or harder?). Once you’ve collected as many descriptions and feelings about this time as you can, then begin to build a world where it is ALWAYS that time- how do people’s lives change? 🙂

Ooh, that’s a great exercise. I wasn’t expecting the twist at all! Love it.


This is awesme. i like these. i like writing prompts, and this is a very helpful website

Thanks! I’m glad you liked these prompts.


omg wow, this helped me so much, thankyou so much!! i love my writing and this just helped me ten fold. xxx

You’re welcome. I’m glad you found it helpful.


I’ve been writing since i was eight, [approximately (obviously – i haven’t been counting!)] but I started to loose it… flame was REIGNITED by my best friend. but despite the burning, I have never actually completed a story. It knaws at me all the time! I’m currently writing a revolutionary/Sci-fi, which is odd for me, I’m more into writing realist novels… but your prompts gave me such a PERFECT plot twist that I had to comment on it! this will give me motivation for at least a few weeks… (meanwhile dancing up and down with sheer joy and attracting VERY weird looks.) Though it IS kind of weird, because non of the prompts have anything to do with it… My, how strangely the mind works…

Yes, the mind works in mysterious ways. I’m glad one of these prompts inspired you. Best of luck with your story (I love sci-fi).


This website is a life saver. My brain just froze and I was trying to do a creative writing story, and my life and my school / collage life depended on it. Thanks to one of your prompts, it won my school a pride. Thanks a lot. 🙂 bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoops I meant prize

That’s awesome, Tierrney! Congrats on winning a prize. Keep writing!


wow great writing promts, ive already decided on the start of my story but I cant think of anything that can happen. I want something to happen. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try throwing some conflict at your main character. Good luck to you!


Wow!! I tried prompt number one just for fun one day, I have not exercised my creative mind in a long time, and I want to thank you for offering these prompts. I really surprised myself at the poem I wrote. It probably wouldnt go over to well with the grammar police because I used old english and standard english.. but the content just really surprised me. I was like, “where did that come from”? Thank you so much!!!! Blessings and Thanks to you for your website!

Thanks for your kind words, Kathleen. I’m so glad you found inspiration here!

kamra schultz

thank you so much i found 3 ideas for a school project i am working on this is going to be one of my most big acomplishments!

You’re welcome! Good luck with your project.

kristina bundhi booduz

i love this website because it helped me get an A on my project!!! i am soo thankfull to WRITING FORWARD!!! thank you sooo much and i am sooo confident that i will be sure to use this website again….thanX a million luv WRIGHTING FORWARD~~kbb

You’re welcome. Congratulations on getting such a good grade!

Khaled Syfullah

Writing comes from the mind and obviously the ideas comes from our real life….The story of mystery novels always comes from the fear we have in our minds and it can come from everything… I can remember the things…when I wrote my first poem ‘Rain’…it was raining in cats and dogs outside…..

I think writing comes from many places. I try not to over-analyze it, but it is interesting to examine our ideas and try to figure out where they came from.

Shreya Jain

I really like your ideas but I had some of my own that I think you could add to your list. You could add things like:

You’re outside cutting your grass when you come across a large hole in the ground. You’ve never noticed the hole before, but it looks to be some sort of tunnel to another world. You decide to peek through and see where it leads, only it leads you to a pivotal moment in your past—and it’s giving you an opportunity to change it. Write this scene.

A toy, stuffed animal, or game that once meant a lot to me

Why I deserve a larger allowance

The book that got me hooked on reading

This really bugs me.

One thing I want to do by the time I finish 8th grade

I would like to have lived during this time in history.

Thanks for adding these writing prompts, Shreya.


Start your story with: Jessica had no choice. She closed her eyes and jumped.

You might be surprised.

Ah, that’s an interesting prompt.


Here one possibly

What if you woke up one day with no memories in a strange world where nobody was who they said they were?


Wow! I really like this list of prompts! I’ve been looking for inspiration to write a short story and I especially liked the one about dragons! “We’ve all seen cute and cuddly dragons, mean and vicious dragons, and noble dragons write about a different dragon”

Thanks, Meredith! I’m glad you liked these writing prompts.

Lindsey Russell

Anyone considered using visual (photos/paintings) prompts?

A scenic view, a city view, a beach, a hill, a house, a village, a car, a train, a plane, a boat, a castle, a body?

Yes, I’ve used visual prompts, and I’ve included them in my book, 1200 Creative Writing Prompts . The image prompts are described (rather than using images), but they’re a lot of fun.


Hi I’m Hallie I’m 13 years old and I love writing. Just for some reason I can never think of things to write about. I really like fantasy. I look online for writing prompt ideas and I find a lot of good ones but none of them really click. I really want to write something but I don’t know what. What should I do?

Hi Hallie. Thanks for visiting Writing Forward. What you’re experiencing is fairly common among writers. I have experienced it many times — when I want to write but I don’t know what to write and nothing clicks, I will look through prompts and my old notes, and I just don’t get fired up about anything.

I’ve found that in moments like these, the best thing to do is just write anyway. We can’t feel inspired and fired up all the time. And often, when I force myself to just follow some prompt or writing exercise, even when I don’t really feel like it, I start to get into it and eventually, something clicks.

There will be many times when writing is fun or even thrilling. But I’ve found that the people who stick with writing are those who write even when they’re not especially inspired. Sometimes it’s work. Stick with it, and you’ll experience all these highs and lows. Every single one of them is worth it.


Wow! I really like the diversity of your prompts, Mellisa. I’ve been writing a collection of short stories of my childhood experience of the Biafran War in Nigeria and struggled with some troubling memories but you’ve reminded me that I could just write everything as it comes to me and revise later. Also, I love your children stories prompts.

Thank you, Edit. That makes my day. I’m always glad when people find the articles here at Writing Forward useful. Good luck with your stories. That sounds like an important project.


is it weird that when i saw the one on dragons the first thought to my mind is ‘ i counld do one on a gay dragon, right?’ and then when i saw number 4 ( for all the twilight fans, just a heads up), i thought of jasper hale- i’m not calling him ugly- but i saw the fear part and thought to myself how he fears hurting someone/ losing control.

Is it weird? I don’t think it’s weird. The point of the prompts is to engage your imagination, so it seems like they are working, which is great.


I absolutely love these! I have been writing since I was able to talk. I told my dad exactly what to write down on little pieces of paper. Now that I’m fourteen, I was sure I wrote every idea imaginable. But these really gave me a fresh perspective, and for that, I am so grateful! It also inspired me to come up with a prompt of my own: She sprinted through the trees, quickly twisting around thick trunks as she dodged the sheriff’s arrows. Her stomach ached from the laughs that shook her entire body. Foolish sheriff. He thought he could catch a pirate?

I’m glad you enjoyed these writing prompts. Your prompt is awesome. Keep writing! It will take you places that only you can imagine.

Nora Zakhar

I loved these prompts. I had my friends pick a number between 1 and 25 to chose which on to do. I think they improved my writing skills. Thank you!

I’m glad you enjoyed these prompts, Nora. Thanks for your comment.

Sam Hayes

I am a 13 year old and I love to write. I have a best friend and she always wants to see my writing, but I didn’t want her to see it because I didn’t think it was very good. She insisted on seeing it, and when I showed her the first chapter in a story I was writing just for myself, she thought it was brilliant. She then disguised it as an excerpt from an e-book app and showed it to our English teacher. My friend pretended that it was a real, published book by an actual author and asked for the teacher’s opinion. The teacher loved it and asked for the name of the book. When she discovered it was written by her own pupil, she was shocked and said i should send it to a publisher. Now I am confused. I didn’t think my writing was very good. What should I do now?

Hi Sam. I was your age when I started writing.

There are a few things you might want to do. First, continue working on your book until it’s finished. This will be hard. You will probably lose interest at some point. You’ll get stuck and feel unsure where to take the story. You’ll have other ideas that seem better, and you’ll be tempted to set this story aside. Don’t be deterred. Stick with it.

Do your parents know about your interest in writing? At 13, you would need their involvement in any publishing or submissions that you might want to do. You can also try talking to your teacher. Don’t be shy about this. It’s the job of teachers to guide their students. But keep in mind, not all English teachers are knowledgeable about the publishing industry. See if she can offer some guidance. You might be able to find literary magazine for kids your age and submit your writing so you can start getting some practice in the publishing world.

Beyond that, make sure you read a lot and write as much you can. If you love writing, it’s something that will always be with you. As you get older, you’ll be able to carve out the path you want, whether that’s to make writing a career or continue enjoying it as a hobby.

Best of luck to you!

Kaiya Lakhani

I am 10 and I have written a few short stories of my own, and I really enjoy creative writing. I was very pleased when I found this website, now I won’t be struggling to think about what to write.

That’s wonderful, Kaiya. We love having young writers around here. Thanks so much!


I’m 12 and I also really like writing. I have always been trying to write short stories since I was six (I started with mostly seven page picture books). Finding how to start a story has always been pretty hard, but these prompts have really helped! I definitely have to explore some more of these prompts. There are so many! Thank you!!

Wow, Naomi, that’s wonderful. I was just a little older than you (13) when I started writing (poetry for me). You have a long and wonderful journey ahead of you, and I hope you enjoy all of it! You’re welcome for these prompts. I’m so glad you found them helpful.

Britany Garden

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post with us.


the one that has the tailsman remids me of “Wings of Fire” because one of the dragons named darkstalker put is animus magic on a scroll and called it his tailsman and he can read minds so it really reminded me of that book

I haven’t read Wings of Fire but it sounds interesting!

oh and it fell into the wrong hands or really talons but ya i just wanted to share that information thank you for this i really got some good ideas like the detective one


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The Write Practice

10 Tips to Write an Essay and Actually Enjoy It

by Joe Bunting | 41 comments

Writing an essay may not be easy. It may not come to you naturally. After all, writing is a skill, and skills take practice, whether it's playing a sport, performing an instrument, or playing video games.

But writing an essay   can be fun,  if  you have the right attitude.

With that in mind, here's an infographic with ten tips to write an essay without hating every moment of the process.

Click the image below to see a larger view:

10 Tips for Writing an Essay

Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic .

To make it through high school and college, you're going to have to write essays, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the time you write them.

The secret is to stop trying to write a good essay. Instead, write an  interesting  essay, write an essay you think is fascinating.

In other words, start by writing what you think is interesting about the topic you're assigned. Then, when you’re finished, go back and edit with your teacher or professor in mind.

How about you? Do you like writing essays? Do you hate writing essays? Let me know in the comments section .

Use tip #3 and ask yourself, “What surprises me about this topic?”

Then, spend fifteen minutes writing an answer to that topic (here's a handy tool to help you keep track of your time ). Just write whatever comes to mind. Write for you, not for your teacher or professor.

When your time is up, share your answer in the comments section as a way to get feedback encourage others to have fun writing essays, too.

Happy writing!

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Joe Bunting

Joe Bunting is an author and the leader of The Write Practice community. He is also the author of the new book Crowdsourcing Paris , a real life adventure story set in France. It was a #1 New Release on Amazon. Follow him on Instagram (@jhbunting).

Want best-seller coaching? Book Joe here.

what i like to do for fun essay


Brunette At Heart

This is excellent! I’ve been struggling with my essay for two days and I already know that this is going to help me tremendously! Thank you so much, for writing this at the perfect time:)

Joe Bunting

Awesome! Good luck!


These are great tips, not only for those writing essays, but also for bloggers too. Thank you!

Very true, Em. Thanks for reading!

You’re welcome Joe. Thank YOU!

Jayne Bodell

Although the article is geared toward school essays, I found some good tips to use in my personal essay. Thanks.

Great! Glad you found it helpful, Jayne.


This came at the perfect time! I’ve been putting off writing an essay for a week now since I dread writing them. This post helped me have a new perspective; I can’t wait to try these tips out on my work. 🙂

That’s so great, Dara. What’s the essay about?

This essay is about the power of silence. It filters through our culture being so “noisy” that many of us don’t have time for quiet or solitude anymore.


Those 10 tips are great and they all say writing is for fun and relaxation so stop stressing and I guarantee you will bring that inner you to the top and your reader will be dazzled and amazed at the mind-blowing and interesting essay you have developed.

My hardest goal in writing an essay is I can do the research as a matter of fact I love the research, but until I have determined by target audience, I can’t seem to put a word on paper and I decided that my professor and his colleagues are not my target audience.

That’s a great point, Parker. It’s much harder to write when your target reader is your teacher/professor.


I love essay writing! I have always done all of the tips you mentioned naturally. To me it is a way to organize what I know about a subject. Essays are usually done because they are required for some reason, but when you relax and start organizing your thoughts they(essays) can be very enjoyable.

That’s so cool! I’m glad these principles are working for you (also, I wish I had this perspective when I was writing essays!).

LaCresha Lawson

I love making my 13 year-old write them. They are pretty funny.

Um, can you please post one of them!


I had never thought of essay writing in the way you have described. Many thanks. These are really helpful!

Great! Thanks for reading!

Lauren Timmins

This couldn’t have come at a better time! I have a rough draft of a surprise paper due Monday about Rhetoric in The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, and that is literally all we have discussed for three weeks. Pathos, Ethos, Logos, Fallacies… ugh. I’ll give the out-of-order method a try and see how it goes.

Ha, I hear you Laren. Just remember all those Latic words are just code for intense and emotional situations and ideas. People like to dress them up in serious sounding words, but they’re the same emotions you see in your own life and on TV. Don’t take them too seriously.


Okay, here’s my essay:

Inspired by a young man’s account of being thrown out of work in 1930 and surviving through the Great Depression, I started studying that history and the facts behind the Stock Market Crash in October 1929.

I was intrigued by the similarity between conditions leading up to the 1929 Crash and conditions leading up to the economic recession the US went through in the 1990s. I guess what surprised me most is how little we seem to learn from history. Even some of the greatest man-made tragedies get repeated.

Historians tell us that in the “roaring Twenties” the stock market was booming. Share prices were rising and everyone and his pup wanted in on the action. The market seemed so secure that banks began making collateral-free loans to individuals wanting to buy stocks. So many people with money to buy drove the demand and the price of stocks through the roof. Then the building collapsed.

In the 1980s the builders unions started putting pressure on US banks to make home mortgages more readily available, even to home buyers with no collateral. This was to boost home sales and stimulate building. Great idea in theory. Bank loans officers started handing out “no-down payment” mortgages. People started buying houses on spec. But when these mortgages came up for renewal, reality hit home. Owners tossed their keys on the bankers’ desks and walked away.

Collateral-free loans didn’t work for long in the 1920s and they didn’t work for long in the 1990s either. Were there not a few historians saying, “Wait a minute here”?

There are other events of those years that we would do well to remember. Sometimes I fear we lack the connection to history that would spare us further grief. Maybe It’s time we delve into our past again so we can avoid repeating bad history?


A couple of friends (who remains “friends” despite reading my most private documents without permission or even a good excuse) have described my journal entries as “like little snippets of David Foster Wallace’s essays, except not quite as good” (which to me is still a great compliment, apart from, you know, the total rape of my privacy and peace of mind). If that’s the case, I find essay-writing cathartic, rather than painful (and probably ought to write an essay on encryption, in the interest of finding a better way to store my files).

When you think as much as I do—and, that probably sounds like boasting, but it’s not; I should say, when you *ruminate* as much as I do—trying to put your inchoate, rambling, chaotic thoughts into a more-or-less coherent and cohesive form, without the impetus for perfection attendant to publication, imparts a certain freedom to just *riff* … and riff, and riff, and riff, occasionally for hours at a time, talking at length about nothing, or something, or something ex nothing. Trying to explain this sort of Vesuvian vernacular vehemency to a normal, functional human being is an exercise in vanity; people don’t care, and aren’t interested in being convinced to care. It’s easy for me, with sedulous attention to detail and a few shots to loosen the nerves, to make basically anything interesting, if you can get into it—my trouble lies in getting people into it. I’m bad at marketing. It’s not that I think it’s not important, mind; I just suck at it. As easily as I understand how people work in my absence, I’m totally incapable of comprehending their behavior before my own work.

The biggest surprise, that being the point of this little exercise, comes in the ease of writing it: being a complete narcissist, I can make absolutely anything about myself, which makes anything easy to write about. It’s probably the ultimate source of Gonzo journalism; when you like talking about yourself too much not to include yourself in the content of your writing. When your head races a mile a minute, the trick is not in coming up with things to write about something, but in figuring out what *not* to write, and trying to find ways to include all the little prosodical gems you uncover in the course of your excursus—there’s a million different little ways to impress people, which is, ultimately, the point, far and above convincing anyone of anything.

And that, in itself, reveals so much about the process: at this point, in the blither[^1]-saturated internet media, the subject of the essay becomes a secondary concern, at best; in the traditional fashion of celebrity culture, the author of the essay is the paramount concern; the validity of the opinions therein are of, at best, second concern—everything now revolving around the self, the informative nature of the essay falls short of the opinions and personal anecdotes conveyed thereby. It isn’t that people don’t care about facts or perspectives or reality, it’s merely that it is no longer possible to discern truth from fiction, or reality from fantasy, at least not without a Ph.D. in the subject matter: maybe an M.D. could tell the difference between a legit article in the Lancet or the NEJM, but I sure can’t, and it’s true across all professions, even scientists between disciplines—a molecular biologist is no more apt to descry the falsities of any essays or articles written on the Alcubierre drive than I am, and the same holds true for pretty much anyone, across any field.

Personality has supplanted information; entertainment has supplanted enlightenment. The spin doctors of the nineties and early 2000s got smart—verisimilitude is the key to belief, and with everyone believing everything they write (and they write it because they believe it), the truth is, at best, an abstract principle. It’s a philosophical issue, one totally unrelated to the vagaries and vicissitudes and batshit insanity of modern living.

And but the point of all this remains unknown to me—somehow it related to essay-writing, and the attempt to convey opinions or state of mind (cf. actual facts, which are few and far between), but the relation thereof to the subject of today’s practice—whatever the hell it is—remains elusive, or illusory, or something, and I don’t know where I stand anymore. I think that’s the end point of most supposedly illuminating pieces, anyway.

[1]: Here synonymous with “information.”

It’s probably hard to believe I wrote that in fifteen minutes but I promise I did; I was (am) drunk and not really thinking about it and I type like 150 wpm and etc. This will probably be a total embarrassment tomorrow morning.

I could never figure out the difference between an essay and an opinion piece. I’ve hesitated before submitting to publications that welcome essays but say things like “please, no opinion pieces.” I thought an essay was, basically, an opinion piece, in which you try to convince the reader that your way of interpreting or evaluating an event or series of events or life or whatever is the most objectively correct or least painful interpretation.

I guess essay-writing could be hard if you’re being forced to write about things you could care less about. I think the solution, there, is to find a way to be unboreable. If you can make yourself interested in anything, you will thrive no matter where you are or what ringers they put you through.

B. Gladstone

Since my pet peeve is fiction writing, I never thought about essay writing yet now that I’m reading about it, it makes sense that I need to keep in mind a few basic tips. I like journal writing, and to an extent, I can say it’s similar to essay writing since I make it a short writing on a particular subject, not just random thoughts.

What surprises me about this subject is that some people might actually hate the process, especially in a writing group. Perhaps someone does not like it, or realises that it’s not their strong suit . These ten tips are simple and useful, and of course, I am going to use Wikipedia, who wouldn’t?

But I if I were to boil it to one tip would be tip number seven. Whatever I write, I want it to be best in class.

Katherine Rebekah

Super cool info graphic! Good tips too. I actually love writing essays too (as long as I’m interested in the topic) but I’ll keep your graphic in my downloads to help me out sense it’s got some great, well organized advice.

Emily Johnson

Being a writer I’ve loved these tips, because they not only for those writing essays. I’m a contributor to many websites and I’m finding helpful this infographic for me.

Joe, thank you.

Yeah post it here!


I’m so glad to see you used Wikipedia as source tool. As someone that is more of a technical writer, research scientist/business person and who sells his work in the form of technical reports and occasional publications – I am a huge proponent of Wikipedia.

There is no better way for the average person to research a subject (and that is a fact, see below).

I am always saddened when I run into some severely handicapped and uninformed soul who thinks that Wikipedia is not a valid source because it isn’t on paper. Few people take the time to read the comparison studies that have been done regarding the accuracy of Wikipedia and other encyclopedic sources, none of which are 100% accurate and or unbiased. The first of such comparisons was done by Nature in 2005:

“For its study, Nature chose articles from both sites in a wide range of topics and sent them to what it called “relevant” field experts for peer review. The experts then compared the competing articles–one from each site on a given topic–side by side, but were not told which article came from which site. Nature got back 42 usable reviews from its field of experts. In the end, the journal found just eight serious errors, such as general misunderstandings of vital concepts, in the articles. Of those, four came from each site. They did, however, discover a series of factual errors, omissions or misleading statements. All told, Wikipedia had 162 such problems, while Britannica had 123.”

Since 2005 there have been several other comparisons and Wikipedia fairs very well in all. One article I found in Forbes also reveals a curious phenomenon, conservative personality types tend to have a general bias against Wikipedia – and are also uninformed as to accuracy. Not unlike conservative college professors who have biases against even high quality online courses. Never underestimate the limitations of the conservative personality type. Here are some the references I’ve found regarding Wikipedia accuracy:




Conservative bias and Wikipedia


Zachary Smith

Thanks so much for this. I teach 12th grade English and will share this info-graphic with them tomorrow. They have an essay coming up and I’m always looking for new ways to push the idea that essays really aren’t so evil. I completely agree with you that they can be fun.

I would’ve loved to see you add an example of an essay you’ve written or one you find to be a well-written piece as well.

Thanks again for the great post!

Gary G Little

I’m on Facebook a lot, but Facebook can be a true learning experience. For instance, I learned something truly amazing. The universe began at midday on the 23rd of October 4004 BC. I never knew that. That makes the universe, that’s the universe mind you, all those millions and millions of stars you see on a dark and starry night, are only a maximum of 6,000 years old. It seems that in 1650 Archbishop James Ussher conducted his own literalistic exegesis of all those begets and begots in the book of Genesis, and determined that time and date.

So close all those science books, put away all those instruments of measurement because the Holy Bible says they ain’t so. Really? Absolutely and positively it tain’t possible for the center of the galaxy to be 25,000 light years away, ‘cuz da Bilbe say da universe be only 10,000 years old. The Andromeda spiral galaxy cannot possibly be 2.1 million light years away because the universe tain’t old enough for the light to get here. ‘Cuz da Bible says it’s so. Einstein was WRONG. The speed of light cannot possibly be a constant, ‘cuz da Bible says da universe is only 6,000 years old and if Andromeda appears to be 2.1 million light years away dat means light had to move ever so much faster to get here long long ago. Why did it slow down. I dunno, da Bible don’t say.

See there, Facebook can be such a front, or is that fount of information.


Wow, impressive infographic and great tips, Joe! Practice part is also awesome, I like the way you advice to think about. Truly, it’s so simple – write about your thoughts on this topic without trying to adapt them to your professor.

In your infographic, you mentioned some words and phrases which are highly desirable to avoid. Adding clichés is not a good choice for making your essay more wordy. Everyone is sick of them already, and – foremost – teachers and professors. Reading similar and not pure writing daily could simply lead to educators’ contempt of all students. Besides, one of modern problems in writing is lack of originality. It’s easy to google and find some short reviews of any more or less well-known book. Some ignorant people without any slight doubt could use that material. Or articles from Wikipedia. Or some other resources on the web, without any citations or with incomplete quotations. It is called plagiarism. For discernable reasons, being part of such situations, it’s extremely undesirable both for the students and for any creative person – writer, blogger, content creator. Because easiness of taking credit of the other’s person proceedings transforms into the complexity of getting out of this situation. Sometimes, plagiarism problems could even destroy a starting writing or academic career.

Moreover, occasionally students face with unintentional plagiarism – when they have non proper citation – they didn’t intend to commit plagiarism, but it happened. What are the best ways to prevent such situations? Do more deep research, learn how to make proper quotations, use plagiarism detection tools. These tools could be free of charge (as PlagTracker) and those you have to pay for (as Unplag plagiarism checker). If you have career connected with writing is more rational to choose a more proficient tool. Or use both, if they had a different working algorithm. Personally, I prefer software for a fee, because using it, I could be sure that the team of professionals is working for me


Love the tips! I never liked writing essays. But, I have grown to learn my own tricks to make sure I do it right the first time. Thanks for the tips! Just in time to work on my second essay!!

Olivia Roach

I write plenty of essays for school, all the time. I have actually learned to enjoy them. The best thing about an essay is that although you have a question and a style in which it likely has to be written, the approach you take to it is all yours. And I have fun being creative and inventive with the way in which I approach the subject and support my opinion.

Niamh Jackson

Not even sure if this is an essay, but neither is it fiction. After listening to the webinar I had to get up out of bed zzz to check out The Write Practice… so, if this is an essay or not, here’s 593 words: Morning Musings. Christmas your way.

So beautiful, sitting here in the half dark of early morning, fire already lit, candles and lamps making puddles of yellow light in corners and on floors and against walls.

Feels like Christmas.

Christmas. When beauty hangs in the house, it having been decorated in seasonal favourites speaking of all those other years, leaning back into the comfortable familiarity of my children’s childhoods, when the world was often tired, frequently stretched, sometimes stressed but always simpler. And full of the joy of children emerging, little people growing into their next surprising iterations.

Christmas at home – not the manic version on the city streets. This Christmas, the one you make yourself within your four walls, be they big or small, literal or metaphorical. Be they the walls you want, or the walls you don’t. Within them: its yours to make. Even if that means starting in your own head.

This Christmas, the one you make yourself. When the air seeps with good will and we can set aside the conflicts and irritations and it seems easier, somehow, to have grace for everyone’s shortcomings. When you steal precious moments away from the distractions and sit in the candlelight and with the lamps throwing yellow puddles on the floor. When forgiveness comes easier and peace, as Yeats so famously said, comes dropping slow.

And when, despite the financing of it all which could darn near break the bank if you weren’t wise, at least somewhat planned and decidedly restrained, there is the joy of plotting and finding something just right for someone and anticipating their face when they get it.

A joy for every sorrow. Other times, it seems there is a sorrow for every joy, that every good thing is marred with a disappointment or a difficulty. What’s the difference? What my eyes see? Both are there. How come sometimes I see only one, and other times I see the other?

What if we were to live life with eyes wide open, knowing that sorrow abides in every corner, pain is rife out there and often in here, and difficulty or trouble is just the nature of everyday stuff. LIke men of old might say, it is a fallen world. And then, then look for the joy, look at, look for, the childhood that’s emerging not the exhaustion of accompanying it. Look for the grace to overlook the shortcoming, not the fact of the shortcoming being there. (Of course its there, duh!). Look for the potential in the problem. Looking for, creating, enjoying, the mastery of managing the budget – despite the pain and strain and limitation of the budget.

I have a premise and its this. If we quit (if I quit) moaning about the problem and start being grateful for what’s good about it, we will (I will ) actually become more able to actually tackle the darn problem in the first place. The real problem… is that my problem with the problem binds me to it… rendering me unable to tackle it: therein lies its power. The problem is definitely a problem in the first place. Giving it power by not accepting it enough to actually tackle it constructively… not that just takes the biscuit.

Givin’ that up this year! Gonna make this Christmas my Christmas. The one with the joy for every sorrow and the lift for every drag – the one full of wonder and people and loving them and ourselves and loving life and the beauty nestling hidden within it… however we are able to.


Thanks, Joe. I will keep this handy to share with my students! Peace, Sherrie

Claire Wilson

Awesome tips, Joe. But I’m just curious about the number 8 – if you write about too many things, won’t your essay be messy? For example, if you check this discrimination essay out, you’ll see there are many points and nothing concrete about either of them. But if the author wanted to go more deeply into each and every of them, he may have ended up with a research paper. Besides, when it comes to editing, lots of things are crossed out because 90% have nothing to do with the topic. So, I guess this tip may be good for those who are writing big papers but if you have to write a one or two page essay, isn’t it better to stick to the topic?

Grace Fisher

Nice tips. Hope they can help me to write better.

Abbie Fred

It was very informative when any student ask or would like to know about the do’s and don’ts about a great essay. To improvise a proper structure in essays it would be wise enough for any writer to take advantage from these aforementioned tips and rules. There are multiple essay writing service that are presenting available services for the students who are just learning to build an informative and detailed essay. Top essay writing services UK are also available online for assistance for UK students that deals with essay writing tips for competitive exams UK.

Liam Brooklyn

A 500 word essay is a common assignment for high school and college students. Many students ask how long is this kind of an essay? It is approximately 2 pages. Preparing a 500-word essay for college often means that you will need to conduct preliminary research in order to have useful materials and prepare a good topic for your paper. Once you complete your research, you will need to prepare an outline before starting to write the first drafts. Do not forget about proofreading, i.e. fixing grammar and spelling errors. In order to conduct research, you may visit numerous libraries and search for the books which cover the topic of your paper. Make sure you take notes on the cards. This will help you remember some very important facts related to the topic of your research.

Alex Hayes

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Kyle flyer

Excellent tips! Many students have a hard time finding the right words to express their thoughts and feelings in writing. Online tutors from platforms like Sweetstudy or Homeworkmarket can help with this. A tutor will work with you on your specific needs and goals in order to help you achieve them. They’ll work with you to form a plan for success that is tailored specifically for your needs as a learner. Tutors can also be a great resource for those who are looking to improve their writing skills or build confidence in this area of academic study. They’re trained professionals who have been through the process of learning how to write effectively themselves! This means they have experience guiding other learners through this process as well as knowledge about what works best when it comes time for students to submit their work online.

Alexander Alves

Great Post, Keep it up always.


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113 Perfect Persuasive Essay Topics for Any Assignment

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Do you need to write a persuasive essay but aren’t sure what topic to focus on? Were you thrilled when your teacher said you could write about whatever you wanted but are now overwhelmed by the possibilities? We’re here to help!

Read on for a list of 113 top-notch persuasive essay topics, organized into ten categories. To help get you started, we also discuss what a persuasive essay is, how to choose a great topic, and what tips to keep in mind as you write your persuasive essay.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

In a persuasive essay, you attempt to convince readers to agree with your point of view on an argument. For example, an essay analyzing changes in Italian art during the Renaissance wouldn’t be a persuasive essay, because there’s no argument, but an essay where you argue that Italian art reached its peak during the Renaissance would be a persuasive essay because you’re trying to get your audience to agree with your viewpoint.

Persuasive and argumentative essays both try to convince readers to agree with the author, but the two essay types have key differences. Argumentative essays show a more balanced view of the issue and discuss both sides. Persuasive essays focus more heavily on the side the author agrees with. They also often include more of the author’s opinion than argumentative essays, which tend to use only facts and data to support their argument.

All persuasive essays have the following:

  • Introduction: Introduces the topic, explains why it’s important, and ends with the thesis.
  • Thesis: A sentence that sums up what the essay be discussing and what your stance on the issue is.
  • Reasons you believe your side of the argument: Why do you support the side you do? Typically each main point will have its own body paragraph.
  • Evidence supporting your argument: Facts or examples to back up your main points. Even though your opinion is allowed in persuasive essays more than most other essays, having concrete examples will make a stronger argument than relying on your opinion alone.
  • Conclusion: Restatement of thesis, summary of main points, and a recap of why the issue is important.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Essay Topic?

Theoretically, you could write a persuasive essay about any subject under the sun, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Certain topics are easier to write a strong persuasive essay on, and below are tips to follow when deciding what you should write about.

It’s a Topic You Care About

Obviously, it’s possible to write an essay about a topic you find completely boring. You’ve probably done it! However, if possible, it’s always better to choose a topic that you care about and are interested in. When this is the case, you’ll find doing the research more enjoyable, writing the essay easier, and your writing will likely be better because you’ll be more passionate about and informed on the topic.

You Have Enough Evidence to Support Your Argument

Just being passionate about a subject isn’t enough to make it a good persuasive essay topic, though. You need to make sure your argument is complex enough to have at least two potential sides to root for, and you need to be able to back up your side with evidence and examples. Even though persuasive essays allow your opinion to feature more than many other essays, you still need concrete evidence to back up your claims, or you’ll end up with a weak essay.

For example, you may passionately believe that mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream flavor (I agree!), but could you really write an entire essay on this? What would be your reasons for believing mint chocolate chip is the best (besides the fact that it’s delicious)? How would you support your belief? Have enough studies been done on preferred ice cream flavors to support an entire essay? When choosing a persuasive essay idea, you want to find the right balance between something you care about (so you can write well on it) and something the rest of the world cares about (so you can reference evidence to strengthen your position).

It’s a Manageable Topic

Bigger isn’t always better, especially with essay topics. While it may seem like a great idea to choose a huge, complex topic to write about, you’ll likely struggle to sift through all the information and different sides of the issue and winnow them down to one streamlined essay. For example, choosing to write an essay about how WWII impacted American life more than WWI wouldn’t be a great idea because you’d need to analyze all the impacts of both the wars in numerous areas of American life. It’d be a huge undertaking. A better idea would be to choose one impact on American life the wars had (such as changes in female employment) and focus on that. Doing so will make researching and writing your persuasive essay much more feasible.


List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you’ll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, “should fracking be legal?” you’d decide whether you believe fracking should be legal or illegal, then you’d write an essay arguing all the reasons why your audience should agree with you.


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  • Did the end of Game of Thrones fit with the rest of the series?
  • Can music be an effective way to treat mental illness?
  • With e-readers so popular, have libraries become obsolete?
  • Are the Harry Potter books more popular than they deserve to be?
  • Should music with offensive language come with a warning label?
  • What’s the best way for museums to get more people to visit?
  • Should students be able to substitute an art or music class for a PE class in school?
  • Are the Kardashians good or bad role models for young people?
  • Should people in higher income brackets pay more taxes?
  • Should all high school students be required to take a class on financial literacy?
  • Is it possible to achieve the American dream, or is it only a myth?
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  • Should the United States impose more or fewer tariffs?
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  • Should students learn cursive writing in school?
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  • Should students be able to learn sign language instead of a foreign language?
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  • Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Should employers be required to offer paid leave to new parents?
  • Are there any circumstances where torture should be allowed?
  • Should children under the age of 18 be able to get plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?
  • Should white supremacy groups be allowed to hold rallies in public places?
  • Does making abortion illegal make women more or less safe?
  • Does foreign aid actually help developing countries?
  • Are there times a person’s freedom of speech should be curtailed?
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  • Should the minimum voting age be raised/lowered/kept the same?
  • Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood?
  • Should the United States build a border wall with Mexico?
  • Who should be the next person printed on American banknotes?
  • Should the United States’ military budget be reduced?
  • Did China’s one child policy have overall positive or negative impacts on the country?
  • Should DREAMers be granted US citizenship?
  • Is national security more important than individual privacy?
  • What responsibility does the government have to help homeless people?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?
  • Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  • Should privately-run prisons be abolished?
  • Who was the most/least effective US president?
  • Will Brexit end up helping or harming the UK?


  • What’s the best way to reduce the spread of Ebola?
  • Is the Keto diet a safe and effective way to lose weight?
  • Should the FDA regulate vitamins and supplements more strictly?
  • Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  • Is eating genetically modified food safe?
  • What’s the best way to make health insurance more affordable?
  • What’s the best way to lower the teen pregnancy rate?
  • Should recreational marijuana be legalized nationwide?
  • Should birth control pills be available without a prescription?
  • Should pregnant women be forbidden from buying cigarettes and alcohol?
  • Why has anxiety increased in adolescents?
  • Are low-carb or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • What caused the destruction of the USS Maine?
  • Was King Arthur a mythical legend or actual Dark Ages king?
  • Was the US justified in dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
  • What was the primary cause of the Rwandan genocide?
  • What happened to the settlers of the Roanoke colony?
  • Was disagreement over slavery the primary cause of the US Civil War?
  • What has caused the numerous disappearances in the Bermuda triangle?
  • Should nuclear power be banned?
  • Is scientific testing on animals necessary?
  • Do zoos help or harm animals?
  • Should scientists be allowed to clone humans?
  • Should animals in circuses be banned?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?
  • What’s the best way to reduce illegal poaching in Africa?
  • What is the best way to reduce the impact of global warming?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Is there legitimate evidence of extraterrestrial life?
  • Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  • Should the United States devote more money towards space exploration?
  • Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?
  • Should stem cells be used in medicine?
  • Is it right for the US to leave the Paris Climate Agreement?
  • Should athletes who fail a drug test receive a lifetime ban from the sport?
  • Should college athletes receive a salary?
  • Should the NFL do more to prevent concussions in players?
  • Do PE classes help students stay in shape?
  • Should horse racing be banned?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Should children younger than 18 be allowed to play tackle football?
  • Are the costs of hosting an Olympic Games worth it?
  • Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools?
  • Do violent video games encourage players to be violent in real life?
  • Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  • Does excessive social media use lead to depression/anxiety?
  • Has the rise of translation technology made knowing multiple languages obsolete?
  • Was Steve Jobs a visionary or just a great marketer?
  • Should social media be banned for children younger than a certain age?
  • Which 21st-century invention has had the largest impact on society?
  • Are ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft good or bad for society?
  • Should Facebook have done more to protect the privacy of its users?
  • Will technology end up increasing or decreasing inequality worldwide?


Tips for Writing a Strong Persuasive Essay

After you’ve chosen the perfect topic for your persuasive essay, your work isn’t over. Follow the three tips below to create a top-notch essay.

Do Your Research

Your argument will fall apart if you don’t fully understand the issue you’re discussing or you overlook an important piece of it. Readers won’t be convinced by someone who doesn’t know the subject, and you likely won’t persuade any of them to begin supporting your viewpoint. Before you begin writing a single word of your essay, research your topic thoroughly. Study different sources, learn about the different sides of the argument, ask anyone who’s an expert on the topic what their opinion is, etc. You might be tempted to start writing right away, but by doing your research, you’ll make the writing process much easier when the time comes.

Make Your Thesis Perfect

Your thesis is the most important sentence in your persuasive essay. Just by reading that single sentence, your audience should know exactly what topic you’ll be discussing and where you stand on the issue. You want your thesis to be crystal clear and to accurately set up the rest of your essay. Asking classmates or your teacher to look it over before you begin writing the rest of your essay can be a big help if you’re not entirely confident in your thesis.

Consider the Other Side

You’ll spend most of your essay focusing on your side of the argument since that’s what you want readers to come away believing. However, don’t think that means you can ignore other sides of the issue. In your essay, be sure to discuss the other side’s argument, as well as why you believe this view is weak or untrue. Researching all the different viewpoints and including them in your essay will increase the quality of your writing by making your essay more complete and nuanced.

Summary: Persuasive Essay Ideas

Good persuasive essay topics can be difficult to come up with, but in this guide we’ve created a list of 113 excellent essay topics for you to browse. The best persuasive essay ideas will be those that you are interested in, have enough evidence to support your argument, and aren’t too complicated to be summarized in an essay.

After you’ve chosen your essay topic, keep these three tips in mind when you begin writing:

  • Do your research
  • Make your thesis perfect
  • Consider the other side

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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100 Best Things to Write About When You’re All Out of Ideas

Want to be a writer but can’t think of anything to write? Use these 100 writing topic ideas and writing prompts to get inspired and stay motivated.

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Writing can be one of life’s most fulfilling and satisfying experiences. But what can you do when you hit a creative block or are unsure what your writing voice is? Every writer will tell you just get writing. We have fifty-five writing ideas plus writing prompts, so you can discover your amazing writing potential just waiting to be expressed. 

100 Writing Ideas When You Don’t Know What to Write

These ideas are organized by theme and topic for easy reference whenever you’re unsure what to write. Don’t forget to print or bookmark this article so you can refer to it when needed. 

Personal Experiences And Anecdotes

In Anne Lammott’s classic book on writing, Bird by Bird, she encourages writers to start by writing their personal experiences. 

“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories.” —Anne Lamott, Author

These are eight ideas to help you write about your personal experiences. 

  • Your Life and Memories

Even if you don’t think your life is interesting, it’s still a treasure trove of source material and inspiration! Start with your earliest memory or something that seems mundane but holds a special place in your heart. Get as detailed as possible.

  • What were you feeling?
  • Add sight, smell, taste, and texture.
  • Describe the people and environment. 
  • Connect your memory from the past to something in the present. 
  • Try to communicate a mood or your feelings without directly telling us the mood or feeling. 
  • Interests & Hobbies

People love to learn new things, and if you have personal experience or knowledge about a topic, you’re the perfect person to write about it. You don’t have to have a Ph.D. in British literature to write about Jane Austen, and you certainly don’t need to be an expert on everything about relationships to write about dating.

Your personal experiences give you a unique view of the subject. Instead of trying to write as an expert (unless you are!), write from your unique angle. 

Maybe you crochet because you live with a chronic illness and need something you can do from bed. Or maybe you’re obsessed with trains because a train engine is easier to understand than interpersonal relationships. 

When writing about interests and hobbies, start with why you love this thing. The rest will follow. 

  • Experiences From the Every Day

You may think writing about experiences means going on dramatic global adventures or doing daring and shocking things in daily life. Skip the drama and intrigue––some of the most interesting writing is about mundane things.  

What do you do every day? Write about it. For example, 5% of the American workforce 1 https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2021/acs/acs-48.pdf takes public transport daily. What does that feel like? Do you have to wake up an hour earlier to get to work on time? Do you worry about your safety? Does public transportation give you freedom, or does it limit what you can do?

5% of Americans will identify with your experiences. For the rest of the population, your writing could offer insight and understanding of an experience far from their own. 

Maybe you’ve lived in Hong Kong and New York. The public transportation between these two places is incredibly different. Or maybe you live in India, where public transport 2 https://www.uitp.org/news/energy-transition-and-climate-action-public-transport-india-2022-budget/ has been an ongoing concern for years. Write about that. 

Pro Tip: Write about how experiences vary by time, location, and even for different people. 

  • Feelings and Emotions

How are you feeling today? Get into the practice of reflecting on your feelings and emotions , either at the start or the end of the day. You’ll build emotional intelligence through self-awareness as you write down your feelings. 

Being connected to your emotions is vital to the writing process. It facilitates writing from multiple perspectives and understanding what motivates people. Whether you’re writing a blog for a specific audience or the next great novel, you’ll need that. 

Short List of Feelings and Emotions:

  • Disappointed
  • Thoughts and Ponderings

Do you ever wonder why mockingbirds sing or feel like the blossoming of cherry trees is a symbol of beauty and regeneration? Whatever you think about, even the most random passing thought can be the foundation for beautiful writing.

Pro Tip: Carry paper and pencil with you, or use your notes app on your phone to quickly record your thoughts as they come. Those short notes you made on the commute to work or at night when you can’t sleep may be the seed for something longer. When you aren’t sure what to write about, look over those notes and think about whether you could write an article, a poem, or if it’s even a plot premise for a new book. 

  • Dreams Without Pressure

Keep a notebook by your bed and write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. Don’t rely on doing it later because, as we all know, dreams often dissolve from memory if they aren’t recorded immediately.

As well as being a good practice for processing your unconscious thoughts, it gets you into the practice of writing without the pressure of anyone seeing what you’ve written. 

  • Goals Through the Year

We’re a big advocate of setting goals at the start of the year! But you can also write down your goals and aspirations throughout the year. 

Write down your goals and the steps you’ll need to get there, and don’t forget to add specific goals to your writing. This could include a weekly word count, submitting your writing at least once a month, joining a writer’s group, completing your novel by the end of the year, etc.

How To Set Better Goals Using Science

Do you set the same goals over and over again? If you’re not achieving your goals – it’s not your fault! Let me show you the science-based goal-setting framework to help you achieve your biggest goals.

  • Quirky and Strange Family

Whether it’s your family history or the quirky and strange personalities that make up your family unit, writing about your family can offer insight into who you are. Try taking a step back as you write to observe your family members with less emotion and judgment.

Be curious, and explore what makes your family special, surprising, or intriguing. Even if you don’t have a good relationship with family members, look for things you can appreciate our respect as you write about them.

Pro Tip: Ask questions! We often think we know everything about our family, but there are probably experiences and events you’ve never heard about. 

Current Events And News Stories

When writing about current events, it’s important to be informed before you write and respectful of the people you’re reporting on. Don’t be afraid to be controversial, but don’t seek controversy just for the sake of it. 

As you approach any news story, differentiate between opinion and report. Even if you have a personal perspective, your feelings shouldn’t be included in a news report. That’s what opinion pieces are for.

Let’s dive into five different ways to cover the news. 

  • Local Perspective on Local Events

If you want to report on local events, get involved in your community. Make connections with key people, and always be on the lookout for stories. Even if you’re not writing for a publication, you can write about local events to get experience writing and sharpen your observation skills. 

Action Steps: Attend a festival or other event and see if you can identify the person in charge. Tell them you’re writing an article about the event and ask if you can have five minutes of their time. If they say no, thank them for their time, leaving them with a good impression of you. They may prove to be a contact for you later! 

Interview at least three people attending the event and practice taking good pictures. If you submit your story to a local paper, they will want photos. 

Pro Tip: Research the event, performer, or location and prepare some interesting interview questions in advance. When you ask questions, get permission to record them using a voice memo app on your phone. Have paper and pencil so you can jot down some quick notes as well. 

  • Global events from a Local Perspective

Global events offer a constant source for writing topics. Even if you can’t write knowledgeably about foreign relations, you may be able to offer a local perspective on a global concern. Subscribe to a good news round-up , preferably nonpartisan, to get a daily overview of what’s happening. Plus, check several different partisan news sources to get an idea of the difference in reports. 

  • Opinion Pieces On Social Or Political Issues

If you’ve been tracking local and global news for a while, you’ll start forming educated opinions. Not to be confused with what people write on social media every day. If you’re going to write opinion pieces, start developing a robust research process that integrates both the present and an understanding of the past. 

Action Step: Pick a social or political issue to start researching. Think critically about the present and ask questions. For example, instead of looking at the labor strikes in England based only on the present, consider the context of British history. Research the first labor strike (The General Strike of 1926) and explore the various responses to and interactions with labor workers by the Conservative and Labor parties. 

Pro Tip: If you don’t have a good grasp on global history, sign up for a class at your local college or start reading books that cover topics relevant to current social or political issues. Again, read and study varying perspectives. 

  • Political Events

You’ll have plenty to choose from to write about political events! We recommend taking a similar approach to this as you would for an opinion piece––context is everything. If you view politics only through what you see happening in front of you, you may get a skewed and imbalanced view of things. 

Action Step: Pick a political event you’d like to write about, then look for articles that offer a roundup of the most significant world events in X year. Gather roundups from at least the past five years and see if you can trace how politics have progressed or regressed. 

Pro Tip: Want to get really serious? Do an intensive deep dive into political commentaries on the topic and read up on the history of that country or location. 

  • Social Events

Social events are lighter and a quicker news topic to cover, but can be just as interesting and relevant to local communities! Subscribe to local newsletters and magazines, and start attending networking events so you can be aware of events before they happen. If you’re covering social events, be prepared to interact with people attending the event, and make sure to take photos. 

Travel And Adventure Stories

Magazines and online publications are always looking for travel and adventure stories, so if you like to travel, you should be writing about it! There are several approaches you can take when writing about travel, so use these ideas if you’re overwhelmed by the thought of writing about your last adventure. 

To start writing travel and adventure, look for Facebook groups or other forums for the location that you’re visiting. People constantly post about their favorite restaurants and events that are happening, and you might even pick up interesting information from the latest local drama. Sometimes this is more reliable than online reviews or roundup posts written by people who have never set foot in the location they are writing about. 

Let’s get into seven different ideas for writing about travel and adventure. 

  • Research Other Cultures

You’ll have to do significant research to write about other cultures, but it’s definitely worth it. Learning about other cultures can be enriching and helps both you and your reader see the world in a new way. Try to research before traveling to learn about acceptable communication and avoid doing things that could be seen as offensive. 

While experiencing the culture, ask questions, go to places off the beaten path, and, most importantly, be respectful. 

Pro Tip: Avoid criticizing when writing about another culture, and please don’t objectify people. Or better yet, write about your own culture!

  • Where to Stay

Researching a good place to stay is often the most intimidating thing about traveling to a new place. So if you can write well about this, you’ll be meeting a real pain point for many people. 

When traveling, ask for local tips about neighborhoods that are less safe for foreigners or out-of-towners. You might ask someone where their family stays when they come to town or what hotels have a good reputation. 

Check out these top tips from Lonely Plant to make your travel writing even better. 

As a writer, think about what you can add to the conversation that makes it fresh. Skip all the regular tourist destinations, and do a deep dive into what makes a place special or exciting. Here are some fun ways to get a unique view of the place you’re visiting and gather unique suggestions for things to do.

  • Get on a bus without a destination in mind.
  • Stay at a bed and breakfast and interact with the owner.
  • Hire a tour guide and ask them to take you to their favorite childhood hangout.

Pro Tip: Read a novel written by a local about the location you’re visiting. You’ll get an insider perspective on where you’re going and may learn about a location or fact that isn’t in the guidebooks. 

  • What to Pack

Packing the right things can make a trip more enjoyable or even downright frustrating. Use your knowledge of the location to suggest what people should pack. Here are some questions to help you put together a location-specific packing list.

  • How do locals dress? 
  • Are there religious or social customs around clothing that should be respected? 
  • What is suitable footwear? 
  • Do most people walk everywhere, take public transport, or drive?
  • What adaptors are needed for electronics?
  • Are there any safety concerns?
  • What food is available for those with dietary restrictions? 
  • What’s the weather like at specific times of the year?
  • What over-the-counter medicine is available? 
  • Is this a shopping destination, or is it remote and hard to get to shops of any kind? 
  • Stresses and Challenges

While travel and adventure can appear glamorous, countless stresses and challenges are involved. That’s the type of content that is interesting, so don’t feel like you need to censor or sanitize your travel experiences. Obviously, you need to think about your audience and what publication you’re writing for, but sharing challenges can make your experiences more relatable. 

  • The Stories of People You Met

Let’s start with the caveat––anytime you’re writing about other people, respect their privacy and their stories. 

With that in mind, when you travel, try to make human connections. It can be incredibly lonely when you’re traveling, especially in another country. And while it may be tempting to simply eat the food and see the sights, slow down a little and interact with locals in the location you’re visiting. After all, this is their home. Taking time to talk to others, ask questions, and even listen to their stories is a way to respect the environment you’re visiting as an outsider. 

When you write about places, write about people. 

Pro Tip: Don’t just go for the spectacular beaches of Costa Rica. Go to hear the dancing melody of the Spanish language, talk to the artisans selling their handmade products, and meet the families growing coffee for generations.

Don’t just go to Singapore because you watched Crazy Rich Asians and love boba tea. Go to learn about a country that was greatly altered by rapid urbanization and is considered one of the most religiously diverse countries in the world. Wherever you travel, go to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the local people.  

  • Photo Essays

If you love to write and take photos, the photo essay has been waiting for you to discover it! Photo essays offer an immersive experience for your reader. 

The photos should create a narrative or theme that your writing will support and expand on. 

Types of photo essays:

  • Events such as protests or demonstrations, parades, or rallies
  • A walking tour of a location
  • Documenting the changes at a single place over a period of time 
  • Street Fashion
  • Day in the life
  • Food from a specific culture, a single ingredient, or a roundup of food locations in a city.
  • A religious tradition
  • A common place in different locations. Such as public transportation, hotel rooms, restaurants, and beaches. For example, you would take photos of public transportation in each country or state you visit, and create a theme around the commonalities and differences. 

Reviews Of Books, Movies, Or TV Shows

Practice your writing skills and share your opinions with these pop culture writing topics.

  • New books from your favorite author
  • Books from your favorite genre
  • A roundup of the best books of the year
  • Hot new authors to pay attention to
  • Movies everyone should watch
  • Themed lists of movies 
  • TV shows they should bring back
  • TV shows everyone has been waiting for

A meme from a movie that says "how I look when someone asks me what I'm writing about",  where one man is explaining what he is writing about with may facial expressions and the may listening has a perplexed look on his face

How-To Guides Or Tutorials On Specific Skills Or Hobbies

How-to guides and tutorials are always popular! If you’ve got a skill, we can almost guarantee there is someone out there who wants to learn.

  • About your hobbies
  • Trending hobbies
  • Detailed steps on how to do something
  • A skill you have 
  • A skill you want to learn
  • A skill someone important taught you
  • A product you love
  • Products people are raving about
  • An underappreciated product
  • List of supplies needed for a skill or hobby
  • How to overcome a barrier to learning a skill

Reflections On Life, Love, Or Happiness

Human emotions are complex, and people love reading about other people’s relational fails or successes. Share some of your interpersonal stories and tips with these topic ideas. 

  • Things that make you happy, sad, or angry
  • Things that make you relaxed
  • Things that inspire you
  • Relationship tips
  • Relationship challenges
  • Summer love
  • School love
  • Surprising love stories

Funny Things to Write About

Humor can make a serious topic more approachable or relatable. Plus, good humor in writing is surprisingly hard to find. If you’re skilled at writing humorous stories or articles, that’s not a skill to sleep on. 

  • Things that happened to you
  • Things you’ve seen or heard
  • Things you’ve read about
  • Humorous or satirical takes on everyday situations

Why Use Writing Prompts?

Writing prompts are something even the best writers use at times to spark creativity, find new ways of expression, and help with focusing on a topic or theme. 

Plus, writing prompts are a nice diversion when you’re blocked on another piece of writing. 

We’ve written some fun and interesting prompts to keep you going. 

Things to Write Poems About

Fact: Poetry didn’t die out with the modern world. We need poetry now just as much as people in times past. If you’re struggling to get started, try these poetry prompts. 

  • The shape and color of light on the object in front of you.
  • The texture of the carpet under your foot.
  • How you felt when someone told you they loved you.
  • How you felt when someone wasn’t there for you.
  • The rhythm of moving water.
  • The smell of sunshine and freshly cut grass.
  • Your father’s hands.
  • Your mother’s smile.
  • Being sick as a kid.
  • Letting go of a dream.
  • The visceral feeling of heartbreak.
  • The sound of public transportation.
  • The smell of city life.
  • The rhythms of rural life.
  • The sight of children playing.
  • The feel of the trousers you’re wearing today. 

Poetry Resources:

  • Poetry Foundation
  • Poetry Magazine Foundation Submissions 
  • 100 Best Places to Submit Poetry

Things to Write About When Bored

Next time your bored, don’t reach for your phone! As a writer, you’ll need empty space so unexpected ideas have room to grow. Instead of distracting yourself when bored, settle into it as an opportunity to become a better writer. 

  • Imagine you’re a dog, and you’ve just discovered your favorite toy is missing. Write a scene or short story written from the first perspective. 
  • If you don’t have any siblings, write an event that happened in your life but add a sibling to that moment. If you have siblings, think about an event in your life where a sibling played an important role. Now, rewrite that moment and what would have happened if your sibling didn’t exist.
  • What do you see in front of you? Write about an object that you can see as if it were a product that you had to sell. Give it an imaginary function, and write about it by considering who you would sell it to. 
  • A thank you note to someone special in your life.

Things to Write Songs About

  • The classic breakup song, but add an unexpected twist.
  • Your toothbrush.
  • How it feels waking up at home.
  • Write a melody that mirrors the rhythm of the wind in the trees.
  • The summer you lived overseas.
  • A dream that was taken away.
  • The way your child looks when they are happy.
  • The sound of plants growing (if you could hear that).

Resources for Songwriters

  • The Songwriter’s Club Facebook Group
  • The American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers 
  • Broadcast Music International (BMI)

Things to Write About Yourself

Think about your family history within the context of time and place. Did you grow up with Florida sunsets, church barbeques, Bugs Bunny, and listening to 90s grunge? Or were you raised with miners’ strikes, Margaret Thatcher, and Jacob’s Trio biscuits? Your life may seem boring at best, but your experiences can provide delightful vignettes or source material for a novel. 

  • What food did everyone bring to lunch when you were a kid? Write about what it felt like to always have that food or never have it. 
  • What was your favorite school hot lunch? Write a detailed scene about the smells, taste, and whether you ate alone or had lots of friends. 
  • What was the political climate when you were in grade school? Do you remember being aware of any of it? If not, research a political event when you were 11, and write a scene where it impacts you without knowing it. 
  • Write about something a parent did that drove you crazy growing up. Then, connect it to a good memory where you felt loved and safe. 
  • Write about your favorite summer memory.
  • Write a slow and poetic narrative about the city or town you grew up in.
  • Write about a change that shifted how you experience the world (e.g., a move, parents getting divorced, a new sibling, a friend leaving, etc.).
  • How do people see you? How do you wish people saw you?

Resources for Nonfiction Writers:

  • The Whiting Foundation Nonfiction Grants
  • What is Narrative Nonfiction?
  • Nonfiction Groups (North America)

Things to Write Stories About

If you’re ready to write a novel or a short story, but don’t have any inspiration, try using a plot generator . We tested Reedsy, and it’s pretty fun! Here are some examples.  

A veteran who is weary. A reporter who is deaf. It’s a family saga story about overcoming insecurities. It kicks off in a manor with a job offer. (Note that: someone in the story had a troubled childhood.) And there’s a twist! You should tell the story in epistolary form.

A detective who is cynical. A pilot who is poor. It’s a hardboiled PI story about blackmail. It kicks off at a farmhouse with news that a research institute’s confidential database has been hacked. (Note that: the case in this story will span four decades.) And there’s a twist! Everyone in the story dies.

A jockey who can be stubborn. A barista, who is cautious. It’s a romantic suspense story about standing up for oneself. It kicks off near a yard sale with a runaway cat. (Note that: both protagonists are always in the right place at the wrong time.) And there’s a twist! The two protagonists never manage to meet in person.

Resources for Novelists and Short Story:

  • How to Write a Novel
  • How to Write Compelling Content For Yourself and Your Audience
  • How to Write a Book: 10 Questions to Ask Before You Start Writing
  • One Story Literary Magazine

Things to Write About in a Letter

While most people don’t write letters anymore, there’s something special about this mode of communication. Don’t worry about saying something profound or having lots of news to share when writing a letter. A letter is similar to writing in your diary, but of course, not quite so vulnerable or uncensored. Write what you think, and share your feelings without worrying about the content or structure. Use these writing prompts to start your letter.

  • Last week, I was surprised by…
  • I am sitting… and I can see …
  • Remember when…
  • I always think of you when…
  • Did you know…? 
  • I was thinking about… 
  • Lately, I’ve been feeling…
  • You’ll never believe who I saw last week… 

Resources & Tools for Writers

  • Writer’s Digest
  • Writer’s Digest Competitions
  • Nuance Dictation Tool $
  • Descript Audio and Video Transcription Free and $
  • Scrivener Writing Tool $$
  • Reedsy Book Formatting 
  • Poets and Writers Contests and Training
  • Narrative Magazine Contests & Prizes
  • Critique Circle for Beta Readers
  • Wattpad Self Publishing Platform
  • She Writes––Self Publishing Business Advice for Women
  • Submittable

Tips & Tricks to Find Inspiration and Overcome Writer’s Block

These are eight of our best tips and tricks to help you when writing feels like a drag. 

  • Change your environment. Go to a local cafe, restaurant, botanical garden, or park. The new setting can help clear your head and even give you a chance to people-watch for character development. 
  • Know when to push through and when to stop. Somedays, you just have to sit down and write. On other days, if writing is like pulling teeth, try taking a short walk or doing something different for the day. 
  • Write about things that interest you. There’s nothing worse than writing about a topic that makes you yawn. Even if it’s not a topic you’d like to write about, try to find a unique angle or something you can learn through the process. 
  • Research more. If you’re struggling to get through writer’s block, ditch writing and start researching. Make notes and even create stick figure drawings to capture concepts to reference later.
  • Keep a journal. Journaling can provide a rich source of inspiration for your writing practice. There’s no pressure because no one sees what you write in a journal, but it can help you get down thoughts and feelings or things you want to remember for a project down the road. 
  • Get in a writer’s group. Even if you’re an introvert, being in a supportive community can change everything for you as a writer. Writing can be lonely, and you need support to stay motivated, get fresh ideas, and have your ideas tested and pushed even further.
  • Keep a source file. Any time you come across an interesting study, article, or image, save that in a file or bookmark it on your computer. When you’re feeling bogged down or uninspired, cull through your sources to get inspiration. 
  • Set goals. Accomplishing even small goals like a weekly word count or writing time can give you a dopamine rush and motivate you to keep writing. 

Now that you have everything imaginable to write about, get going! We’re excited to imagine what you’ll produce. Curious about what a writing process looks like? Check out Vanessa Van Edwards’s Writing Process for the book Captivate and watch our video below:

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How To Write An Essay

Essay Topics

Barbara P

Amazing Essay Topics & Ideas for Your Next Project (2024)

19 min read

Published on: Jan 25, 2021

Last updated on: Jul 23, 2024

Essay Topics

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Are you a student struggling to find interesting and engaging essay topics for your next essay?

Choosing the right essay topic can be a daunting task. It often feels overwhelming to find a topic that is both captivating and meets the requirements of your essay. 

Without a compelling topic, you may struggle to engage your readers and convey your ideas effectively.

But fear not! In this blog post, we provide a list of topics to choose from. 

By exploring these diverse topics, students will not only find inspiration but also develop their critical thinking and analytical skills.

Let's dive in and explore the endless possibilities together!

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Good Essay Topics for Students

A good essay topic will make your writing phase easy and help you get good grades from the teacher. When you pick the essay topic, make sure it is interesting and meets your teacher’s requirements.

We compiled some simple essay topics that will help you in creating a great essay. 

Essay Topics for Kids

  • Describe your worst nightmare.
  • Football vs. baseball.
  • Why is math hard?
  • How to help animals?
  • If I Could Fly.
  • Benefits of drinking tea Vs. Coffee.
  • Is your school day too short?
  • Our school library.
  • What do you like best about winter?
  • Christmas Eve with family and friends. 

Essay Topics for Grade 3 

  • My Favorite Season
  • My Best Friend
  • If I Were a Superhero
  • A Place I Like to Visit
  • My Dream Job
  • The Best Day of My Life
  • My Favorite Animal
  • The Importance of Kindness
  • My Favorite Book

Essay Topics for Grade 4 

  • My last summer vacation.
  • What is the funniest thing you've ever seen?
  • How to prevent bullying?
  • Why is it important to be honest and not lie? 
  • What do you like about how you look?
  • What is your favorite television show, and why?
  • Can you live without television?
  • How are we affecting the environment?
  • Importance of recycling.
  • If I Could Have a Superpower

Essay Topics for Grade 5 

  • Write a poem about your favorite season.
  • Skating and running have a lot in common.
  • Who is your hero, and why?
  • What if the president were a kid?
  • Being rich vs. being famous.
  • Cereal is not a healthy breakfast.
  • A random act of kindness.
  • Are boys too dominating?
  • The rainy season.
  • The Value of Honesty

Essay Topics for Middle School Students 

  • What is your favorite children’s literature?
  • From your point of view, what factors contribute to a good movie?
  • Write about a vacation that you will never forget.
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals like chimpanzees or tigers?
  • Should sports marketing professionals earn more money?
  • Difference between effects of books and video games on morals.
  • How many friends do teens need to have?
  • How do online high schools compare to traditional education?
  • What are the best informative essay topics?
  • Should students be able to pick their teachers?

Essay Topics for Grade 6 

  • Tom and Jerry are the best cartoons.
  • Reading is more important than math.
  • A field trip that your class took.
  • Annual day in my school.
  • How to deal with a bully
  • A world where dogs take over. 
  • Should boys and girls be in separate classes?
  • Describe your future life.
  • How should parents be an example to their children?
  • Technology and education.

Essay Topics for Grade 7 

  • The value of volunteerism
  • The impact of social media on relationships
  • A good diet means good health.
  • Zoos are unsafe for young children.
  • My favorite academic writing website.
  • Why is it important to set goals?
  • What is the best decision you ever made?
  • Schools and colleges should minimize the fees.
  • Effects of social media on youth.
  • How fair is our election process?

Essay Topics for Class 8 

  • The importance of financial literacy
  • Exploring gender equality.
  • Technology makes people's lives better.
  • Is the death penalty right?
  • Youth activism
  • The power of literature
  • Do you prefer weekdays or weekends?
  • The matter of age in a relationship.
  • Do your teachers use technology well?
  • Do you make friends slowly or quickly? 

Essay Topics for Class 9 

  • The impact of social media on young people's mental health
  • Should school uniforms be mandatory? Why or why not?
  • How can we reduce bullying in schools?
  • The importance of physical exercise for students
  • Is homeschooling a better option than traditional schooling?
  • The benefits and drawbacks of online learning
  • The impact of technology on communication skills
  • The impact of fast food on public health
  • The effects of climate change on the environment
  • The importance of conserving natural resources for future generations

Essay Topics for Class 10 

  • The impact of chemical fertilizers on the environment
  • The role of mathematics in daily life 
  • The importance of vaccines in preventing diseases
  • The physics of roller coasters
  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The benefits of learning a second language
  • The impact of computers on modern society
  • The role of art and music in promoting mental health
  • The history and significance of the Indian Constitution
  • The impact of globalization on Indian economy 

Essay Topics for O levels 

  • Why is education important for personal and societal development?
  • How has social media changed the way we communicate and interact with one another?
  • How can sports help individuals develop discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills?
  • What are some of the drawbacks of technological advancements in our daily lives?
  • What can individuals and governments do to promote sustainable development?
  • How has globalization affected cultural diversity and individual identity?
  • Why is it important to prioritize mental health?
  • Should animals be used for scientific research?
  • How have historical events shaped the world we live in today?
  • How can volunteerism and community service benefit both individuals and society?

Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Does social media negatively impact teenagers’ social lives?
  • Do you always have your phone or tablet at your side?
  • Should children be punished for inappropriate behavior?
  • What is the most important thing in the world to you?
  • Is there a connection between real-life violence and video games?
  • Ways to deal with insomnia and other sleeping disorders.
  • Do advancements in modern technologies ruin childhood?   
  • The implementation of capital punishment should be adopted universally.
  • Methods of preventing excessive air pollution from factories.
  • Pros and cons of getting admission to an expensive university.

Essay Topics for Grade 12 

  • The Benefits and Challenges of Online Learning
  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  • The Role of Social Media in Politics
  • The Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Global Health
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering
  • The Pros and Cons of Universal Basic Income
  • The Future of Space Exploration
  • The Value of Intercultural Competence
  • The Role of Art and Culture in Society

Essay Topics for College Students 

  • What are the advantages the US educational system offers to international students?
  • Explain the possible consequences of dropping out of college.
  • Social media has played a big role in increasing business opportunities.
  • What is one thing you want to accomplish in college?
  • How would you feel about a computer grading your essays?
  • What is an extracurricular activity that has been meaningful to you?
  • Professional athletes are overpaid.
  • Do you know the secret to Taylor Swift's popularity?
  • The day you decided to change your life.
  • Can you succeed in life working in the field of art?

Essay Topics for University Level 

  • The Ethics of Human Cloning
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment
  • The Role of Mass Media in Shaping Public Opinion
  • The Relationship between Technology and Privacy
  • The Pros and Cons of Renewable Energy
  • The Future of Healthcare
  • The Impact of Globalization on Economic Inequality
  • The Ethics of Animal Rights
  • The Importance of Cultural Diversity in Education
  • The Role of Government in Addressing Climate Change

COVID-19 Topics

As the world continues to recover from the effects of the pandemic, it's worth examining some of the topics that emerged during this unprecedented time.

Here are some potential COVID-19 topics to reflect on:

  • How does the current situation compare with other major outbreaks in history?
  • What steps need to be taken now, or soon inaction might lead?
  • How do you get COVID-19?
  • Where do coronaviruses come from?
  • School life during COVID-19
  • How is coronavirus diagnosed?
  • Mental health challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Pros and cons of self-isolation
  • The effects of Covid-19 on business
  • A person or special friend you lost due to COVID-19

Essay Topics by Category

Here are some essay topics that can be categorized into different types of essays.

Good Argumentative Essay Topics

An  argumentative essay  presents arguments for and against an issue. You have to show both sides of the issue, but you only need to focus on the side that you support the most.

Some good argumentative essay topics are below:

  • What should be done to reduce income inequality?
  • Should self-driving cars be legal?
  • Should companies market to children?
  • Is it still important to teach English in schools?
  • Are emojis beneficial or destructive to communication?
  • Should women be allowed to fight on the front lines alongside men?
  • Is cheese a good enough substitute for milk?
  • Should the United States have one official language?
  • Are the public school policies reasonable?
  • The sales and production of tobacco should be made illegal.

Controversial Argumentative Essay Topics 

Essay topics are sometimes controversial. For your help, check this list that gives you ideas for a great essay.  

  • Are hot dogs bad for you?
  • Should euthanasia be illegal?
  • Paper books vs. E-books.
  • Are school uniforms advantageous?
  • Should torture be acceptable?
  • Sports make you a good student.
  • Is bottled water safe?
  • Monarchy: pros and cons.
  • Is prostitution a crime?
  • Should gym classes be required?

Funny Argumentative Essay Topics 

Do you want to make your essay more interesting? Why not try a funny topic? Humor is a great way to get your reader's attention and keep them interested in what you have to say.

Look at the below-mentioned interesting essay topics and write a great one.

  • Why is wearing braces fun?
  • Why are dogs, irreplaceable friends?
  • Can a diamond be a girl’s best friend?
  • Does Google make us smart?
  • Things your mother is always saying.
  • How to deal with breakups?
  • Is music class necessary?
  • Why do women like evening outs?
  • Can I join your family?
  • How not to sleep?

If there's a specific topic or type of writing that interests you, be sure to check more argumentative essay topics .

Persuasive Essay Topics

A  persuasive essay  is a type of writing that you are often asked to do in high school, college, and university. It shows how well you can persuade people with facts and logic.

Here are some topics that you can use for your help.

  • Should healthcare be universal?
  • Should students learn cursive writing in school?
  • School should take place in the evenings.
  • What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen?
  • Do hobbies help people with their careers?
  • How does it benefit nature to reduce human paper consumption?
  • Dreamers must obtain permission to stay in the US.
  • Schools should have playtime in between classes.
  • Churches should pay taxes too.
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?

Continue reading our blog persuasive essay topics and get some more interesting topics. 

Narrative Essay Topics

A  narrative essay  is a type of writing that tells the writer's story and experiences. The writer's point of view and life events entertain the audience in this essay type.

Below are some good narrative essay topics for your help.

  • The story of how you got your first pet.
  • How did you write your first essay?
  • The beginning of a friendship or relationship.
  • What I remember most about my childhood.
  • The best songwriters of modern times.
  • Write about a time when you felt on top of the world.
  • Growing up in New York.
  • How much time do you spend alone?
  • A day in the life of a flight attendant.
  • Did you like any particular subject when in school?

You can also get more interesting narrative essay topics and choose the one that suits your needs. 

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

In a  compare and contrast essay , you show how two things are similar and different. This essay type is easy to write because you don’t need to use facts, but you have to express your thoughts.

The following are the topics for your ease.

  • Mobile healthcare units or stationary clinics.
  • Formulas of two different chemical reactions.
  • Public vs. private transportation.
  • Chocolate and marmalade candies.
  • How do education and employment compare?
  • British colonization and Spanish colonization.
  • Eating fast food against consuming healthy meals.
  • African countries vs. European countries.
  • Differences and similarities: Writing emails and letters.
  • Plagiarizing content vs. cheating on exams.

You can also check more compare and contrast essay topics an d get ideas for your next essay. 

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

It is fascinating to discuss the effects and causes of two subjects in an essay. An essay that discusses the effects and causes of two subjects enhances the students’ creative and analytical skills.

Take a look at the below topics and choose the best one for your essay.

  • How happy relationships affect a person.
  • Coke and Pepsi: Their influence on our health.
  • What causes social media sites to lose popularity?
  • Why would you mix Coke and Pepsi at breakfast?
  • How does college differ from university?
  • Explain the outcomes of low social status.
  • Microplastic in food damages human health.
  • What are the main reasons couples get divorced?
  • What are the consequences of drinking and driving?
  • How does social media help in overcoming shyness?

Choose from the best cause and effect essay topics for your academic assignment. 

Informative Essay Topics

An  informative essay  is a type of essay that provides detailed information to the readers. This type of essay requires good research skills.

Check out the below topics for your informative essay assignment.

  • Kindness is the utmost personal trait.
  • Things that cause eating disorders.
  • What is the importance of oxygen?
  • How can tanning be dangerous for your skin?
  • The events that led up to World War II.
  • Trump presidency outcomes.
  • The important human health vitamins.
  • How to clean your room?
  • Eating Maggi destroys your health.
  • Importance of vitamin C.

You can also get more informative essay topics from our blog for your essay assignment.  

Research Essay Topics

When you write a research essay, you present an issue based on the work of scholars and scientists.

Here are some interesting research essay topics that you can use or alter according to your teacher’s requirements:

  • What is the future of religion?
  • Effects of homeschooling.
  • What are the pros and cons of cloud computing?
  • How does a search engine work?
  • Should prayer be a part of high school?
  • Can bullying be a cause for murder?
  • Effects of vaccination.
  • How do behavioral patterns develop?
  • The importance of mental health.
  • Explain the art of Ancient Egypt.

Expository Essay Topics

An expository essay's main goal is to explain a process or a cause-and-effect relationship. You have to use facts and research to support what you say. The biggest difference between an expository essay  and other types of essays is that the point you are trying to argue is based on analysis, not just your opinion.

Some good expository essay topics below for your essay assignment:

  • Explain why teens do drugs.
  • How would you stop racism?
  • How was your first day at school?
  • Explain how a seed becomes a plant?
  • Describe the state of the cure for cancer
  • What makes a good friend?
  • Explain how tobacco companies target teenagers.
  • How to become a leader?
  • Why do kids lie?
  • Autocorrect could ruin your life.

Explore more expository essay topics and begin your essay with ease!

Definition Essay Topics

In a  definition essay , the essay writer gives a clear and concise definition of a term. In most cases, these essays are about terms that are not concrete and which can have different meanings depending on the culture or personal perspective.

Here are some excellent topics for a definition essay:

  • Does money matter?
  • Is one friend enough?
  • What is honesty?
  • Social media
  • Define smelly cats/
  • What is college for you?
  • What is physics?
  • Are bananas fruit?
  • Explain the word “agility.”

Get more outstanding definition essay topics from our blog and make your topic selection process easy.

Descriptive Essay Topics

A  descriptive essay  focuses on describing details of a particular person, place, event, etc. Descriptive essays are usually about personal experiences or things that are vivid in the writer's memory.

Any topic can be used for a descriptive essay. For your help, we gathered some great topics, so take a look at them and pick the best one.

  • Describe a lucky object.
  • The best singer
  • My first flight
  • My favorite singer
  • Going fishing.
  • The traffic signal
  • An inspiring view
  • Best summer vacation
  • Piece of art

If you're looking for more great descriptive essay topics , check out this blog. 

Personal Essay Topics

A personal essay is a story about your life. It should be written in a friendly, intimate tone. The essay should reflect your character and examine the emotions you have felt because of certain events that have happened to you.

Here is a great list of topics for your help.

  • Your biggest loss
  • What makes you a good coworker or friend?
  • How did you get hurt?
  • What was your most precious childhood possession?
  • Why do people like karaoke?
  • Your bucket list of wishes
  • Why do some people avoid vaccines?
  • Child discipline
  • Your family traditions.
  • Why don’t I smoke?

Problem Solution Essay Topics

A  problem-solution essay  is a persuasive type of writing. It presents a problem and then describes it in detail. The writer must show how to fix the problem, and they must be convincing. The essay must have strong evidence and arguments that prove that the given solution is the best.

Below are some topics that can make your essay great.

  • What obstacles prevent people from getting help?
  • Should college athletes be paid?
  • How can schools promote tolerance?
  • Educating women on self-defense
  • Helping young people create a healthy family.
  • What are the ways of avoiding cheating?
  • The films are just not very good
  • Cyberbullying
  • Business problems
  • Rising costs of bills

Classification Essay Topics

A  classification essay  is a formal piece of writing that shows how you group things together. You might put things with similar characteristics together or with things that are different.

Check out some great essay topics.

  • Types of Music Genres
  • Healthy breakfast foods
  • Types of fashion brands.
  • Reasons why graffiti is an art form.
  • Types of lectures
  • Portable music players
  • Types of Food Cuisines
  • Types of therapies
  • Examples of women
  • Types of internet commerce

Proposal Essay Topics

A proposal essay is a type of essay where you propose an idea and try to convince the reader why it is a good or bad idea.

You can pick any of the topics from the below-mentioned list and write a great essay.

  • Can vaccines cause autism?
  • The impact of gender roles in Roman society.
  • A program for attracting more men nurses.
  • What tests should be eliminated?
  • Offer simple ways to deal with stray animals.
  • Best ways to handle overbearing parents.
  • Do statistical arguments in sports help?
  • Turning points in personal life
  • Should teens have jobs?
  • How to decrease the number of smokers?

Essay Topics on Technology 

  • The impact of blockchain technology on supply chain management
  • The ethics of using drones in military operations
  • The role of technology in promoting sustainable agriculture
  • The use of biometrics in modern security systems
  • The impact of technology on the music industry
  • The benefits and drawbacks of self-driving cars
  • The potential of nanotechnology in medical research
  • The impact of technology on modern art
  • The role of artificial intelligence in improving cybersecurity
  • The impact of technology on the gig economy

Tips for Choosing the Best Topics 

Choosing the perfect essay topic is one of those things you really should do before starting your essay. If it's not something that interests or excites you, then how will anyone else find any passion in reading about it?

A good backbone for an interesting essay starts with a strong idea. For your help, we gathered some tips that will help you in choosing a good essay topic. 

  • Identify your interests: Choose a topic that you are interested in or passionate about. This will make the research and writing process more enjoyable and engaging for you.
  • Consider your audience: Think about who will be reading your essay. Choose a topic that is relevant and interesting to your audience.
  • Research your options: Do some preliminary research on your topic options. Ensure that there is enough information available to write a comprehensive essay.
  • Narrow your focus: If a topic seems too broad or general, try to narrow it down to a specific aspect or angle that you can explore in more detail.
  • Brainstorm multiple ideas: Generate a list of potential essay topics and then narrow down the options based on your interests, research, and audience.
  • Be creative: Don't be afraid to explore unique or unconventional topics that may not have been covered extensively before. This can help your essay stand out and capture the reader's attention.

Now, you get a list of several essay topics for your college essay assignment. You can experiment with generating new topics using an AI essay writer as well. However, if you need help in the essay writing phase, simply consult CollegeEssay.org .

Our professional essay writers will help you in writing top-notch essays. So, place your " write my essay " request now and get an experienced writer’s help for your assignments.

Barbara P (Literature, Marketing)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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My church is closing, and I don’t know what comes next — for me, or America

I researched the decline of organized religion while having a front-row view of the change in my own life.

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By Ryan Burge

How do you get rid of a pulpit? Or a communion table?

Does anyone want 30-year-old choir robes?

What do you do with the baptismal records of a church that dates back to the 1860s?

I never thought I would be asking myself these questions, but here I am, like many other pastors across the country as the number of Americans who belong to a faith community shrinks and churches that once housed vibrant congregations close.

What’s happened at my own church is especially poignant since in my day job I research trends in American religion. And when I first became a pastor, right out of college, there were ominous signs, but I did not foresee how quickly the end would come, hastened by a pandemic.

what i like to do for fun essay

I first took the pulpit of First Baptist Church of Mount Vernon, Illinois, in the fall of 2006. The church was a part of the American Baptist denomination, a mainline tradition that welcomed women into leadership and tended to take a more moderate stance on theological and social issues. I was 24 years old, pursuing a master’s degree in political science, and I needed a job that would give me the flexibility to focus on my studies. It seemed like a good fit at the time, both theologically and logistically, although it was inconceivable to me then that I would still hold the same position into my early 40s.

I preached in a sanctuary that could easily accommodate 300 people. That first year or two, I could count about 50 people scattered around the pews. It felt sparse, but not empty — a relief, since I wasn’t the most credentialed pastor in the history of the church. As an undergraduate, I took a couple of classes that focused on theology and ministry, but that was it. I did my best to not say something heretical during my Sunday sermon. What I lacked in education and experience, I was sure I could make up with enthusiasm. There’s an apocryphal quote from John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, that I thought about often in those first couple of years: “Light yourself on fire with passion, and people will come from miles to watch you burn.”

I tried to light that match every Sunday morning. People didn’t show up.

I don’t know if the members of my congregation thought I was going to be the one who turned around the fortunes of the church, but there was lots of talk of growth in those first few hopeful years. Many faithful members had been sitting in those pews for decades. They had seen the church in its heyday, when there were so many people in Sunday School that they had to install movable dividers in the fellowship hall so they could add more classrooms in the 14,000-square-foot building.

But the church’s membership began to dwindle in the 1970s and 1980s. If you talked to five members of my church about this period of time, you would get five different reasons for the decline: An ill-advised sermon drove off a few key families. Lots of kids who grew up in the church went off to college and didn’t return to rural Illinois because of the lack of employment opportunities. Other churches in town seemed more attractive with their drums, guitars and high-energy worship. Regardless of the cause, the membership of First Baptist dipped below 100 by the late 1990s.

After a couple of years, the discussion about revitalizing the church began to grow quiet. A sense of resignation started to creep in. I came to a disheartening conclusion: I wasn’t going to be able to turn things around. I think at that point most members knew in their hearts that the end was coming for the church. We were just all afraid to speak that truth into existence. It was better to keep our heads down and focus on the next worship service and not worry about what would happen in three or five years.

what i like to do for fun essay

The rise of ‘The Nones’

On one of my first Sundays as pastor, the older adults had invited me to their Sunday School class. We sat around a table with Styrofoam cups of coffee and tried to find common ground across a five-decade generational divide. They were glad to have me, and I was honored that they trusted me enough to be their pastor. About a year ago, I was looking at an old church directory and realized that every person in that classroom back in 2006 had met their eternal reward over the previous 15 years, and I had presided at many of their funerals.

But as my church was dying, my academic career was starting to accelerate. I began to plunge headlong into data about American religion. I had earned a Ph.D. in political science with a dissertation that focused on religion and politics while I held the pulpit at First Baptist, and I had landed a job at a university that was within driving distance of my home base. I could be a professor during the week and pastor on the weekends.

I wrote a couple of academic articles about American religion in an effort to secure my employment in academia, but I didn’t want to produce scholarship that only a dozen or so people in my subfield would read.

So I decided to take the things I was seeing in the data and help the average person understand the changing American religious landscape. I began posting graphs on my Twitter account. Most of them got little attention until I created a simple line graph that traced American religion between 1972 and 2018.

The point was simple: The share of Americans who were nonreligious was now the same size as evangelicals. The post went viral, and the trajectory of my life changed. That graph appeared in nearly every major media outlet in the United States, and it led to me writing a book about the rise of nonreligious Americans, a book entitled “ The Nones .”

What I was seeing in the data was unmistakable and mapped perfectly onto what I was seeing every Sunday — mainline Protestant Christianity was in near free fall, and the numbers of nonreligious were rising every single year. Members of the media found my career combination of pastor and social scientist fascinating. I can’t count the number of times I was asked what it was like to have both jobs. My response was a shrug of the shoulders and the simple statement, “It doesn’t seem odd to me. It’s all I’ve ever known.”

Soon, I was being asked to comment on stories about religion and politics for a number of prominent media outlets. Journalists would thank me for helping provide them with ideas for stories. I was being asked to speak in front of crowds of hundreds of people about the past and future of American religion. When I was asked what motivated me to continue to do this kind of work, all I could say was, “I’m just trying to help other people see the big picture in American religion.”

What I was really trying to do was to convince myself that the rapid decline of my church wasn’t my fault.

what i like to do for fun essay

A sense of letting people down

I always had a nagging sense that I was never supposed to be a pastor. That I took the job at First Baptist for the wrong reasons. That I didn’t believe enough. That I didn’t try hard enough. That there was a way to revitalize that little congregation in Mount Vernon, but I just wasn’t willing to do the work to make it happen.

I knew I couldn’t say that part that out loud.

While my online platform was rising and I was being offered a variety of opportunities to speak and write, things were continuing to decline at my little church. I would come from home from speaking at a conference that had a couple hundred in attendance to preach before a nearly empty sanctuary on Sunday morning.

The church members decided that it was best for us to move from that giant space to a large classroom in the education wing of the building. We bought a small sound system and set up chairs around a pulpit at the front of the room. Looking back on that time now, it was my favorite period of pastoring at the church. The room was small enough that it felt intimate. When we sang, it filled up the space. Saying “The Lord’s Prayer” together meant so much more when I could hear 20 voices reciting those same lines back at me in unison.

However, there was a looming problem that I would make mention of in our quarterly business meeting and then move on to other matters — we were running out of money.

The building was huge. It was built to accommodate hundreds of worshippers and dozens of Sunday School classes. Many rooms had not been used in decades. We just didn’t need the space anymore. What had once been a point of pride for the church was now little more than an albatross around our necks. The utility bills in winter were larger than my salary. The 40-year-old boiler that heated the church could stop working at any moment.

So with a tremendous amount of trepidation, we decided to put the building on the market. I clearly remember the day that I had to post the information on social media. I felt so ashamed that we had to publicly announce the fact that we couldn’t afford to keep our church home anymore. There were countless members of First Baptist who had donated their time and their labor to construct that building in the 1960s. They had given over and above their tithe to finance the bricks, the carpet and the pews. I couldn’t get over the feeling that I was letting all of them down. I still can’t.

How to sell a church, 101

There is no handbook for how to sell a church building, and none of us were prepared for how exhausting that process would be. One day, I got a call from a real estate developer who was interested in buying the property. While he never said it outright, and I never asked, I realized that his plans included razing the building and using the property for a subdivision or a commercial opportunity. I told him that I appreciated the interest, but I would only be in contact if we had no other options.

We had about a dozen groups tour the property; most never followed up. In the end, we got one cash offer — for $150,000. The pastor said that God had instructed him that they could go no higher. Our church council politely declined. That sum would have made it virtually impossible for us to move to another facility for any period of time. We were getting desperate.

Then we were thrown a bit of a lifeline. Another church in town had started a private Christian school and quickly outgrown their space. They wanted to take over ownership of the building. The details of the agreement were complicated, but the outcome was fairly straightforward: The school would use the building during the week, but we would have access on the weekends for worship. That’s how we continued to exist over the last five years. We had no building to worry about; we could just gather together on Sundays and try to limp along for as long as we wanted. It felt like we had been granted a divine stay of execution.

For a couple of years, we were fine. We would have two dozen people on a good Sunday, enough to make us feel like we were still a congregation. But every six or eight months, we would lose a key member, then another, then another. That two dozen became 15, then 12, then 10. As attendance dwindled, so did our bank accounts. I didn’t need to put together a statistical model to tell my members when the bank balance was going to hit zero. They could do the math.

what i like to do for fun essay

The last Sunday

I’ve heard several people say that organizations die slowly, then all at once. That’s what happened to us.

At the start of the year, we went four Sundays without meeting. Illness ran through our thinning ranks, and one Sunday the wind chill was below zero, and we knew that our folks didn’t want to get out. When we met again in February, things felt different. We were lucky to get to double digits, and any enthusiasm that existed before had seemed to evaporate. It was time to talk about closing.

After Easter, we held a business meeting, one that had been playing out in my mind for a decade or more. The minutes of that meeting are sparse, taking up just a single piece of paper. There was no discussion of whether we should close or not. We just decided on the logistics.

We picked a date: July 21. That would be the last time that the faithful few of First Baptist of Mount Vernon, a church founded by hardscrabble pioneers in 1868, would gather together to worship.

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I get asked all the time, by pastors, denominational leaders and interested observers, about ways to grow a church. I guess people assume that since I spend my days digging through religion data, that I should have been able to uncover the secret to getting people back into religion.

It takes everything in my power to not say to them, “My church went from 50 people to less than 10 under my watch. If I knew anything about how to grow a church I would have done it by now.”

But I know where they are coming from because many of them are in the same boat that I was in. They are watching the waves lap over the side of their rickety vessel every day. The bucket to bail out the water is too small to do any good. Still, thousands of pastors are trying to keep the boat seaworthy by any means necessary, even as more cracks begin to emerge in the hull. They sense that they have a hopeless mission, but believe that God has called them to be faithful, not necessarily successful.

Last Sunday, I stood behind the pulpit of First Baptist Church for the last time.

I asked the people gathered there for prayer requests, and we sang “Happy Birthday” to anyone who is celebrating in the coming weeks. We said the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed together and sang a few favorite hymns along with the Doxology and the Gloria Patri. I stumbled through a sermon that will likely be soon forgotten.

Then, after the hymn of invitation, I raised my hand to the congregation and gave them one final benediction from the book of Numbers:

The Lord bless you

and keep you;

the Lord make his face shine on you

and be gracious to you;

the Lord turn his face toward you

and give you peace.

Then I told them once more, “Go in peace to love and serve your neighbors.” I know that I may never see some of those people ever again.

I walked out those doors into the blinding heat of a summer day in southern Illinois and stepped into a future where I don’t know where I will go to church next Sunday, or even if I want to go. Frankly, I don’t know if my own faith will survive, and I’m not sure if the church in America will be there for the next generation like it was for me.

And I’m terrified because for the first time in my spiritual life, I don’t know what’s next.

what i like to do for fun essay

Ryan Burge is an associate professor of political science at Eastern Illinois University. He is the author or co-author of four books, including “The Nones,” “20 Myths about Religion and Politics in America” and “The Great Dechurching.” He has written for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Politico, and has appeared on “60 Minutes,” where Anderson Cooper called him “one of the leading data analysts of religion and politics in the United States.” He was the pastor of an American Baptist Church in Illinois for more than 17 years.


Essay on Things I Like To Do

Students are often asked to write an essay on Things I Like To Do in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Things I Like To Do

Reading books.

One thing I love to do is read books. Books take me to new places and let me live many lives. I like all kinds of books – adventure, science, and history. Reading helps me learn and grow.

Playing Sports

Playing sports is also something I enjoy. It keeps me fit and energetic. I love playing football and basketball with my friends. Winning a game feels great, but playing is what’s most fun.

Exploring Nature

I love spending time in nature. I like to watch birds, look at flowers, and climb trees. Nature makes me feel peaceful and happy. I also enjoy hiking and camping trips.

Art and Craft

Making art is another thing I love. I like to draw, paint, and make crafts. It’s fun to create something new. Art lets me express my feelings and ideas.

250 Words Essay on Things I Like To Do


Things I like to do are plenty. These activities bring joy to my life, making it more colorful and exciting. In this essay, I will share some of the things I love to do.

One of my favorite activities is reading books. Books are like doors to different worlds. They can take me to magical kingdoms, exciting adventures, and even into the future. Reading also helps me learn new words and ideas.

Playing sports is another activity I enjoy. It keeps me fit and healthy. I love playing football with my friends. It builds teamwork and teaches me to be a good sport, whether I win or lose.

Drawing and Painting

Drawing and painting are also among my favorite things to do. They allow me to express my feelings and ideas in a creative way. I love using different colors and shapes to create beautiful pictures.

Spending Time with Family

Lastly, I love spending time with my family. We play games, watch movies, and share stories. These moments are special because they create happy memories.

500 Words Essay on Things I Like To Do

Everyone has different hobbies and activities they enjoy. These activities make us feel happy and relaxed. In this essay, I will share some of the things I like to do the most.

One of my favorite activities is reading books. Books take me to different worlds and times. They let me meet exciting characters and learn about their lives. I enjoy different types of books, like adventure stories, mysteries, and science fiction. Reading helps me grow my imagination and learn new words.

Spending time with my family is something I always look forward to. We play games, watch movies, or just talk about our day. These moments are special because they bring us closer together. I learn a lot from my parents and siblings during these times.

Drawing and painting are also on my list of favorite things. I can express my feelings and thoughts through my art. It’s exciting to create something from scratch. I can make a world of my own on a blank piece of paper. I feel proud when I finish a piece of art.

Learning New Things

In conclusion, the things I like to do are reading books, playing sports, spending time with my family, drawing, and learning new things. These activities make me happy and help me grow as a person. They make my life more exciting and fulfilling. It’s important to do what we love because it’s good for our minds and bodies. What are the things you like to do?

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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what i like to do for fun essay


Liberal ‘White Dudes’ Rally for Harris: ‘It’s Like a Rainbow of Beige’

A huge video call for self-professed “White Dudes for Harris” showed the breadth of Democratic support for her candidacy, and the ways the party is learning to make fun of itself.

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Rebecca Davis O’Brien

By Rebecca Davis O’Brien and Ken Bensinger

  • July 29, 2024

First came the Black women, who had been meeting every week for four years and were ready to spring into action for Kamala Harris. Then came the Black men and South Asian Americans. There were also the white women, in a Zoom-busting paroxysm of solidarity and angst.

On Monday night, the string of identity groups backing Ms. Harris reached its bizarre, and perhaps inevitable, apotheosis with the inaugural meeting of the aptly named “White Dudes for Harris.”

“What a variety of whiteness we have here,” marveled Bradley Whitford, the “West Wing” actor, his tongue firmly in cheek as he opened his remarks to the 60,000 or so attendees who had gathered on a live video call to show their support and raise money for Ms. Harris’s nascent presidential campaign. “It’s like a rainbow of beige.” (Their ranks, across screening platforms, ultimately grew to nearly 200,000, the organizers said on Tuesday morning.)

The call, put together by a few Democratic organizers (and not affiliated with the Harris campaign), was billed as a moment of solidarity, a chance to prove that former President Donald J. Trump doesn’t own the votes of white men or speak for them.

The speakers included two white dudes on the shortlist to be Ms. Harris’s running mate — Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg — as well as the singers Josh Groban and Lance Bass and the actor Mark Hamill. Gov. Roy Cooper of North Carolina was there, in a suit and tie, and Gov. JB Pritzker of Illinois was too, cracking jokes about JD Vance.

Since President Biden dropped out of the race and backed Ms. Harris, just over a week ago, there has been a rush of Democratic enthusiasm behind her — momentum that some have likened to Barack Obama’s first presidential run.

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Writing essays is a fun thing to do.

Writing is fun, you get a few pages to just speak your mind and say whatever you want so long as you can back it up with sources.

The hard part of writing is coming up with ideas, and essays give you not only a topic but a rubric of how to talk about them. There's no just staring at a blank word doc and a blinking cursor because you have a path set out already and can just talk. Maybe edit it after to make it sound more academic, but that's it.

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