• Speech balloons/text

Let’s create speech balloons! - How to use the balloon tool -



Here we will explain how to create “Speech balloons” - a unique form of expression in comics - and well will introduce the balloon tools along with some other useful tips.

[1] Speech balloons in CLIP STUDIO PAINT

Speech balloon consists of a vector outline and an inner fill part (painted white in the figure below). The color and the opacity of the inner fill can be adjusted freely, and you can also hide or tone it. Furthermore, there are other ways to create balloons by freely drawing curves and going about it free hand all-together. In the example shown below, the outline is selected with the [Object] tool.

There are roughly 3 different ways to create speech balloon in CLIP STUDIO PAINT: [■1. Balloon (Creating with a tool)], [■2. Balloon (Material)], and [■3. Flash].

■1. How to make a speech balloon using the balloon tools.

The following will explain how to make a speech balloon using the [Ellipse balloon] sub tool.

① Entering characters (texts)

Enter text using the [Text] tool.

② Creating a balloon

Create the balloon’s body using the [Ellipse balloon] tool. The created balloon will be drawn on a [Balloon] layer.

  • The [Ellipse balloon] sub tool is stored under [Balloon] in the [Balloon] tool palette in the initial settings.

③ Creating a balloon tail

Create the “tail” part sticking out of the balloon with the [Balloon tail] tool.

  • The [Balloon tail] sub tool is stored under [Balloon] in the [Balloon] tool palette in the initial settings.

The order of creating balloons or text does not matter.

It does not matter, which is created first. A layer for the balloon or the text will be created regardless. By adding text or a balloon on the same layer, both can be managed collectively on the same layer.

④ Adjusting the balloon

After creating the balloon, clicking on it with the [Object] tool will display the handles. You can change the size and aspect ratio by adjusting the individual handles.

The settings can be adjusted in the [Tool Property] and [Sub Tool Detail] palettes before using the [Balloon] tool, or when selecting a balloon with the [Object] tool.

For details on the settings of the balloon tools, please refer to [2] “How to use balloon tools.”

■2. Speech balloons from balloon materials

Apart from using tools, speech balloons can also be created with default balloon materials, which can be selected from the [Material] palette under [Manga material] → [Balloon], and pasted onto the canvas.

The operations after pasting the balloons onto the canvas are the same as for the balloons created with the balloon tool.

■3. Balloon flash

Flash speech balloons consist of vector effect lines and an inner fill (painted white in the figure below). Like balloons, the color and opacity of the inner fill can be set freely, and be hidden or toned.

Flashes are stored under [Balloon] in the [Tool] palette, but they are also very similar to the [Saturated line] tool functionally.

  • The [Flash] sub tool is contained in the [Flash] group under the [Balloon] tool in the initial settings.

The first two procedures when creating flashes are identical to normal speech balloons. However, as newly created flashes are drawn on a “saturated line” layer, operations differ from speech balloons created with balloon tools.

① Creating a flash

Use [Flash] from the [Sub Tool] palette to create a flash.

② Entering text

Enter text (characters) using the [Text] tool. Unlike the [Balloon] tool, the [Flash] tool does not combine as a text layer, but is operated separately.

③ Adjusting the flash

After creating the flash, click and select it with the [Object] tool to display the control handles. Change the size or aspect ratio by adjusting the individual handles.

Settings, such as the length of effect lines or the density of lines can be adjusted in the [Tool Property] and [Sub Tool Detail] palettes when using the [Flash] tool before creating the flash, or selecting the created flash with the [Object] tool. These can be used in the same way as the [Saturated line] tool.

[2] How to use balloon tools

The following will introduce how to create speech balloons using the [Balloon] sub tools.

■1. Ellipse balloon

Drag to select the start and end point of the ellipse, and determine the aspect ratio and size of it. Pressing the [Shift] key while dragging the balloon will draw a perfect circle.

This is the [Tool Property] of the [Ellipse balloon] sub tool.

① [Line color] and [Fill color]

Change the color of the line art and the balloon fill. Be aware that when making a new balloon, the colors may be limited to gray or monochrome depending on the canvas settings. Confirm or change this using the [Edit] menu → [Canvas properties] or [Page Management] → [Change basic page settings].

② [How to add]

If a text layer is already selected, selecting [Add to selected layer] will add a balloon to the same layer.

Turn [Layer effect] → [Toning] ON when applying a tone based on the color set by [① Fill color] to the created balloon. Set ⑥ Anti-aliasing to [None] when toning.

Select a balloon shape. Even if the figure changes, it can be created with the same steps.

⑤ [Brush Size]

Adjust the line width with this.

⑥ [Anti-aliasing]

Set whether or not to add anti-aliasing.

⑦ Brush shape

Select the shape of the brush tip.

The following are examples of [Pen], [Dotted line] and [Waved line] brush shapes.

■2. Curve balloon

Create a free shaped balloon by making curves. The method to create it changes with the selected ① [Curve].

Select a method to create a line.

・[Straight line]

Each time a point is clicked, a straight line between points will be drawn. Double click the final point to confirm.

A curve is drawn by clicking different points. Double click the final point (or press the Enter key) to confirm.

・[Quadratic Bezier] and [Cubic Bezier]

Create a balloon using a quadratic bezier or a cubic bezier.

Making ② pointed

If there are any corners on the line, they may become round when scaling up, due to the shape of the brush being used. Choose whether to sharpen these lines at the corners or not.

Items other than ① and ② in the [Tool Property] are the same as those in the [Ellipse balloon] tool.

■3. Balloon Pen

Create a balloon as if you are drawing with the [Pen] tool. This also supports pen pressure, therefore, speech bubbles with uneven strokes can be created.

In the settings, the thickness of the line can be adjusted so that the pen pressure works just like the [Pen] tool.

① Brush size

In the same way as the [Pen] tool, the line width can be changed by adjusting the brush size.

② Control brush size

Click on the icon to adjust the elements that affect the brush size. To apply pen pressure similarly to the [Pen] tool, check the [Pen pressure] and set it to ON. To prevent the pen pressure from being applied, turn all check marks OFF.

③ Post correction

This feature corrects lines to make them smoother.

■4. Settings when creating balloons: Other

In the [Sub Tool Detail] palette of the [Balloon] tool, there are items that are not displayed in the [Tool Property] palette. These special settings are as follows.

① [Line/Fill]

Select whether to display the balloon’s lines and fills. Increasing the transparency of the inside of the balloon, and adding edges when characters and images are superimposed will make it easier to read.

・ Create new layer

・ Add to selected layer

When creating a balloon near an existing balloon or text, select whether to create the balloon on a new layer or on the same one.

③ Combine with the text in the drawing area

Creating a balloon above inputted text will group the elements on the same text layer. Multiple text/balloon layers can also be combined into one layer afterwards.

[3] How to create balloon tails

Here we will show how to create a tail for a speech balloon. From [How to bend], choose a drawing type out of [Straight line], [Polyline] or [Spline].

[How to bend]

Choose between [Straight line], [Polyline] or [Spline].

A [Straight line] Creates a straight tail. Dragging between the start point 1 and the end point 2 creates a straight tail.

B [Polyline] Creates a tail with corners. Click to create corner parts starting from point 1, and keep clicking further to create more points. Confirm by double clicking at the last point.

C [Spline] Creates a curved tail. Start clicking the point 1to start, click in further to add more points, and confirm by double clicking at the last point.

[4] How to use the flash tool

Depending on the registered sub tool settings, the drawn content will change drastically.

To create a flash, set the size by dragging from the start point to the end point in the same way as the [Ellipse balloon].

■1. Creating a flash

Use the sub tool [Sea urchin flash] to create a flash.

■2. Adjusting the flash

We will adjust the created flash. In this example, the situation is that the lines are “too long”, “too thick” and “not blank inside” as compared to what is intended.

Selecting the [Object] tool will display the path of the flash sheech balloon.

■3. Adjusting the line width and density

Adjust the flash with the [Tool Property] palette.

・Make the lines thinner by adjusting the [Brush Size].

・Adjust the line density using [Gap of line (distance)].

This process is executed as thinner lines create wider gaps between lines.

■4. Adjusting the line length

・Shorten the [Length].

■Adjusting the “Rough edges”

Click the [+] mark on the left side of [Make the reference position jags] to access further settings. Lowering the value of [Height] and shortening the rough edges makes it more like a sea urchin flash.

■6. Adjusting the flash size

Using the handle displayed on the path of the flash, adjust the size of the flash so that it matches the text.

[5] Advanced use of Balloon/Flash

■1. Combining multiple balloons (* only speech balloons)

The overlapping parts will combine when multiple balloons are gathered on one layer. Keep the balloons on separate layers to display them separately, and create them on one layer to combine them.

To gather multiple existing balloon layers, select the layers to gather and use [Layer] menu → [Merge with layer below] or [Combine selected layer].

■2. Fitting a balloon in a frame border - advanced use of layer masks

Each balloon and flash created will be managed on its own layer. Drawing tools such as [Pen] and [Eraser] are unavailable on these layers. When erasing a section, use a mask. Furthermore, by rasterizing the layer with the [Layer] menu → [Rasterize], you can directly draw and erase the balloon. However, you will not be able to make any further edits to the contents.

When using balloons and flash tools, it may overlap with frame borders. A [Mask] can be useful in that case.

  • For more functional details on layer masks, please refer to “How to master the layer mask 1”.

① Specify the display area

Mask so that the speech bubble does not overlap with the frame border or the characters. Select the area using tools such as the [Auto select] tool.

Using the [Selection Area] menu → [Quick Mask] is beneficial as the area can be selected using the [Fill] tools or other drawing tools, etc.

② Creating a layer mask

After creating the selection area, select [Layer] menu → [Layer Mask] → [Mask Outside Selection] to create a layer mask. To hide the selected area, choose [Mask Selection]. The created mask can be checked via the thumbnail displayed in the [Layer] palette.

Display the mask from the [Layer] menu → [Layer Mask] → [Show Mask Area].

The mask can be toggled ON/OFF with the following operations.

・Color of the masked sections: [Alt] + thumbnail mask click

・Toggling ON/OFF of the mask itself: Click [Shift] + thumbnail mask

③ The completed masked flash

The flash is completed if the created flash is partially masked and hidden. Further adjustments are possible as long as the layer of the flash is not rasterized (by combining images etc.).

・Masking multiple flashes

For balloons created with the [Balloon] tool, multiple balloons can be registered on a single special layer, but for flashes created using the [Flash] tool, one flash occupies one layer.

To use the same mask on multiple flashes, make a folder containing multiple flash layers and apply a mask to the folder.

It is useful to use [Divide frame folder] when creating frame borders, as a mask is created on each frame. By creating a balloon or flash inside the frame border folder, the mask will hide the part sticking out of the frame border.

  • In the initial settings, the [Divide frame folder] sub tool is stored under [Cut frame border] of the [Frame border] tool.

This concludes the lesson on how to use the balloon tool. When creating a balloons, please also have a look as “How to use text tools”.

Speech balloons/text #4 by ClipStudioOfficial

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Ilka Perea Studio

Meaning of Speech Bubbles in Comics

Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by Ilka Perea Hernández

The visual tool used to represent the characters’ speech, dialogue, or conversation in the comics is known as a “bubble”. The meaning of speech bubbles in comics will be addressed, emphasizing their proper use and comic grammar.

Table of Contents

Speech Bubbles

What are speech bubbles, different kinds of speech bubble, normal speech, electronic devices, extended speech, some insights, what do you think, cite this post.

Batman by Yale Stewart. Source: superdstuff.blogspot.co.uk

One of the most important parts of comics is the character dialogue. It is one of the  features of comics  and it is as valuable as the images themselves. They are a great support for the narrative within the comics.

As part of the visual language of comics, bubbles are small expressions in themselves, with their own meaning. They can communicate in a situation or context. Therefore, it is important to know the meaning of speech bubbles in comics to know how to express emotions in a dialogue, nature, the source of the speech, and sounds, for instance.

The Daily Drawing by Lorie Ransom for March 13, 2017 | GoComics.com

Certainly, speech bubbles are usually added after the editing and photography of the images. However, at this point in  the process of making a comic , you must have the text included inside the bubbles. The extension of the text must be set during the scriptwriting process, as well as the type of bubble to be used. Therefore, knowing the meaning of speech bubbles in comics ensures a better choice of each one to correctly communicate the message you want to convey.

Creative Process of Making Comics

There are different kinds of speech bubbles because there are different ways that a character could dialogue or communicate a message in a comic. There are some examples:

Meaning of Speech Bubbles in Comics: Normal Speech

The “basic” bubble — which often has an oval shape — is used for normal character speech. The “tail” of the bubble should generally point towards the speaker, particularly towards his mouth or the area that produces the sound.

Source: “All Aboard The Tchoo-Tchoo Train” by Yale Stewart at jl8comic.tumblr.com

Vertical bubbles can be used when there is not enough horizontal space.  Therefore, this provides flexibility in distributing the bubbles within the panel.

the end speech bubble

Most of the time, this kind of bubble has an oval shape. However, it can have different shapes.

Meaning of Speech Bubbles in Comics: Normal Speech - Variations

To express a thought, an idea, or that one is daydreaming, the bubble with a cloud shape is the right one. Besides, the shape can also be oval, like the basic one. But its tail is formed by a group of circles, or ellipses. For example, there are 2 or 3 circles.

Andres Colmenares - Always thinking of you

Besides, this bubble serves to communicate what animals, plants, or things cannot say, as they “do not talk”. For example, the meow of a cat or the bark of a dog could be represented by onomatopoeias. However, to express their internal dialogue, you can use the cloud bubble.

the end speech bubble

Rectangular bubbles without a tail are known as captions. They express what the narrator says in such a way that they support the course of the story. In other words, this space describes, in words, a given situation that would not be attributed to a character. Sometimes they are appreciated as voice-overs. Likewise, they are used for subtitles.

Example of Captions in Comics.  Source: CBR.com

Multi-edged bubbles usually represent screaming or a message out loud, but the screams may have a positive or negative connotation. For example, the character is urging his team to try harder. However, the same bubble can be used to insult or express abuse.

Meaning of Speech Bubbles in Comics. Source: bleedingcool.com

Depending on the connotation of the message, either negative or positive, the text in its content may have variations in style: bold, larger, or different colors, for instance.

Meaning of Speech Bubbles in Comics. Source: harleyquinn.org

On the other hand, this bubble can also vary in shape, depending on the intensity of the emotion to be expressed and the style of the comics.

the end speech bubble

This is used to represent words or sounds coming from an electronic device such as a television, telephone, radio, or microphone. The tail of the bubble points towards the device, and it looks like lightning. In addition, it can be used for robot and hologram dialogs.

spiderman-ironman - Peter Parker – Page 8 – Douglas Ernst Blog

Whispers are presented with a dashed-lined bubble. However, it also represents saying a secret or speaking in a very low voice. Certainly, the shapes can also vary for greater flexibility.

Source: Susurros, por Ogden Whitney en leyendotebeos.blogspot.com

The wavy bubble indicates that the speaker is suffering from physical weakness. Likewise, it indicates that a character is exhausted, semi-unconscious, or about to faint. So, its wavy shape reflects the weakness of the character’s voice.

 Example of  Weakness Bubble.  Source: thereasonsimbroke.tumblr.com

  • If the speech or dialogue is too long or a pause is required, the text is distributed into extended speech bubbles.

the end speech bubble

Moreover, the extended speech bubble has variations. Dialogues can be interleaving but use a bridge that links the speech bubbles of the same character.

Meaning of Speech Bubbles in Comics: Extended Speech Variation

  • Speech bubbles represent the characters’ dialogue or thoughts.
  • Normal speech is often represented by an oval-shaped bubble.
  • To express a thought or an idea, the bubble with a cloud shape is the right one.
  • Rectangular bubbles without a tail are known as captions.
  • Multi-edged bubbles usually represent screaming or sending a message out loud.
  • The bubble, whose tail looks like a flash of lightning, is used to represent words or sounds coming from an electronic device.
  • Whispers are presented with a dashed-lined bubble.
  • The wavy bubble indicates that the speaker is suffering from physical weakness.

Comics are not just a piece of entertainment for children and teenagers. This massive medium is appreciated and understood by adults as well. Marketing agencies and advertising companies have understood this and have started to use it to attract potential customers.

In conclusion, the narrative power of comics can be exploited in graphic design to communicate ideas interestingly and differently. Learning the meaning of speech bubbles in comics is one of the first steps. If graphic designers want to take advantage of the full potential of comics, it is necessary to understand the concepts and features of comics and their different genres. It is also necessary to follow the process of creating a comic in order to develop a story through this format.

In the comments section, tell me if you already knew these bubbles and their meanings. Do you know other bubbles?

  • APA Style: Perea Hernandez, I. (2019, August 15). Meaning of speech bubbles in comics. Retrieved from https://ilkaperea.com/2019/08/15/meaning-of-speech-bubbles-in-comics/
  • Chicago Style: Perea Hernandez, Ilka. “Meaning of Speech Bubbles in Comics.” Ilka Perea, August 15, 2019. https://ilkaperea.com/2019/08/15/meaning-of-speech-bubbles-in-comics/ .
  • MLA Style: Perea Hernandez, Ilka. “Meaning of Speech Bubbles in Comics.” Ilka Perea, 15 Aug. 2019. Web. https://ilkaperea.com/2019/08/15/meaning-of-speech-bubbles-in-comics/ . Accessed [insert current date].
  • Harvard Style: Perea Hernandez, I. 2019. Meaning of Speech Bubbles in Comics. [ONLINE] Available at: https://ilkaperea.com/2019/08/15/meaning-of-speech-bubbles-in-comics/ (Accessed [insert current date]).

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  • Acevedo Fernández, J. (2019). Para hacer historietas.  Instituto de Estudios Peruanos.
  • Labarre, N. (2020). Understanding Genres in Comics (Palgrave Studies in Comics and Graphic Novels). Editorial Palgrave Pivot.
  • McCloud, S. (2006). Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels. William Morrow Paperbacks.
  • Stevenson, J. (2020).  How to Draw Manga (Includes Anime, Manga and Chibi) Part 2 Drawing Manga Figures. Editorial Golden Valley Press.

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Episode 292, speech bubbles: understanding comics with scott mccloud.

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Author of  Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art ,  c artoonist and theorist Scott McCloud has been making and thinking about comics for decades. His classic volume explores formal aspects of comics, the historical development of the medium, its fundamental vocabulary, and various ways in which these elements have been used.

the end speech bubble

When pressed to give a full definition, McCloud explains that comics are a distinct art form of “juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence.”

But in everyday usage, there’s no need to get that formal or technical. McCloud believes calling them “comics” is fine, as long as people realize the medium has the potential to do more than just funny strips in the Sunday paper or action-packed graphic novels. When Scott started out, superheroes were in vogue, but today there are graphic memoirs and silent comics, folk tales and stories of magic (as in  Sandman or Saga ), plus a lot of less-conventional hero narratives (including some creative and groundbreaking recent runs of Hawkeye and Vision ).

There are certain universals in comics, and one of those is choosing the moments to represent — any narrative can theoretically be broken down in infinite ways. An artist might choose to stretch a few seconds of activity into dozens (or thousands) of incremental panels.

the end speech bubble

Or, at the other extreme, someone might make a two-panel sequence showing the history of the universe, beginning to end, illustrating the Big Bang and (perhaps) the Big Crunch.

Beyond picking moments to depict, artists also have to choose the framing — how close or far away will the viewer be? Will they see from an “eagle’s eye” or “worm’s eye” view?

the end speech bubble

Then, of course, there is the balance of words and pictures, and how the story flows from one frame to the next. A lot of readers (and artists) take some of these things for granted, but they represent design decisions that are made and have evolved over time.

Speech bubbles, for instance, have a centuries-long legacy with antecedents in ancient art. Dialogue is part of life, and any medium that is going to represent life has to include it. But it’s also something that can feel like a “desperation device,” says McCloud — a product of necessity — and some “silent” comics can be very powerful, too.

To see a range of approaches and how comics have changed over time, McCloud recommends checking out work by Art Spiegelman (including but also beyond Maus ), Chris Ware’s Building Stories , silent comics by Jim Woodring ,  The Arrival by Shaun Tan, Persepolis  by Marjane Satrapi, and City of Glass by Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli. Also discussed in this episode: Bingo Love and Smile . You can see more of Scott’s ongoing work and writing on his website  and  click here to buy his book .

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Strip Panel Naked: Deconstructing the Art & Design of Comic Book

Comments (19).

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I came here hoping to find a picture of that BIKE PATH sign that gets discussed in the episode.

Scott needs his own podcast. This was a great episode — and then in the ‘afterword’ where he was discussing his daughter and how her condition changes the way she perceives the world, that turned it into an awesome episode. You get the feeling Scott could discuss anything and make it exciting and understandable. More please!

I came here to say the same thing. He could tell me what he had for lunch and I bet it would be captivating. I’m going to read his book now, he seemed so interesting.

I agree – he was fantastic!

Just saw the roving exhibition Manga Hokusai Manga. This had a couple of panels on ‘speech bubbles ‘ in Tokugawa Era illustrations. The equivalent of a speech bubble ( which emerges from the neck ) contains an illustration of the mental state of the protagonist. Perhaps the dream they are having or an action they wish to accomplish. Any spoken words are written arbitrarily anywhere on the page.

I don’t understand what he’s complaining about the bike path. He didn’t describe the problem very well, and I don’t understand the mumbling metaphor. I came here looking for a picture.

I don’t get it, either, and his mumble part. That is the only reason I came to this website, which didn’t help me understand. Maybe because I’m so used to seeing that type of bike path sign? I agree with his spouse who told him to just drop it! Also, too, it’s not easy to talk about visual problems in an audio medium.

It’s about the way we interpret images. When things are close to eachother we group them, you see this in text as well: letters that are grouped from words or sentences grouped to form paragraphs.

the thing with the bike path is that the words “bike” and “path” are farther away from eachother than the words are away from the wheels. Visually the words are more associated with the wheels than with eachother, even though you know the words should be associated with eachother and not with the wheels. It’s like the visual equivalent of mumbling some thing after a sentence. There’s something extra that you wouldn’t really expect or that shouldnt be there.

Such a cool episode! I’m not a big comic guy, but I still read them occasionally. Thinking beyond the classic superhero comic is really interesting to me. Although it’s constructed in a way not too different from this superhero style, I wanted to tip you off in regards to the menus at The Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog (two year winner of best bar in the world); their menus are formatted in the form of a comic book, or at least there are menu pages scattered throughout the comic. The comic itself tells a story of the “Dead Rabbit” itself, and the characters are actually stylized depictions of the bartenders–or at least they looked extremely similar to the bartenders I saw in front of me.

Anyway, just a really unique way of expressing their identity as an NYC institution. Also, I’m a HUGE cocktail nerd–if that’s even a thing. 🤓

A link to their current menu (Issue 4) sans comics: https://www.deadrabbitnyc.com/retribution

A link to their shop where you can buy the comic: https://www.deadrabbitnyc.com/shop-online/the-mixed-drinks-menu-4th-edition-issue-4

A link to their awards page: https://www.deadrabbitnyc.com/awards-press/

Cheers! Stuart

A link to the comic PDF: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5804f105893fc02b80dbd9c4/t/5a4bda07652dea72c86bbbb1/1514920460731/444747+DR+MIXED+DRINKS+LIST+COMIC+ISSUE+INDIVIDUAL+LO-RES.pdf

I’m not a visual artist, have never bought a single comic book and only two graphic novels, but I find stories like this one utterly riveting. Plus, it’s one of those occasional 99PI interviews that just cracks me up. Scott’s blunt-force critiques of bike path signage and building evacuation maps made my day.

Thanks, Roman. You and the 99PI team do great work.

I might be the only one that found this episode supremely boring. I listen to all the episodes. Where’s the story? I don’t get any of the energy from this episode that one would get from a comic, or from the folks at comic con. A medium that relies on pictures and few words– would have been nice to get the same experience from the episode itself.

This Bike Path murrr-murr-murr is now one of my favorite 99PI moments. People love a good rant about visual design. I envision a pin and or T-shirt.

I’m a relatively new listener (finally getting into podcasts in general), enjoying the quality of 99 PI quite a bit.

But I’m surprised that you don’t have transcripts available for any of the episodes. They’re scripted, so the text must be available somewhere.

Yes, it’s an auditory medium, but transcripts increase access to a lot of listeners, including Deaf/HoH people, those with lower language proficiency, and many others. Several lower production level podcasts make them available.

I hope you do soon, too, so I can share them widely, as I’d like to.

Here’s an interesting example of “speech bubbles” from a famours 15th-century French illuminated manuscript: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1f/Le_Mort_devant_son_juge%2C_Maitre_de_Rohan.jpg The dead man addresses God formally, in Latin, but God speaks in French, with the writing upside-down from our point of view, but the right way up from his!

Dammit, I meant “famous”, not famours!

Now I notice all the wack signs around town! Yesterday we went for a walk on a river trail…the map at the trail head was oriented 180 degree wrong, so annoying!

Check out this beautiful graphic novel by Giacomo Patri from the Great Depression about white collar workers needing to organize (it’s a “silent comic” – there are no words). In addition to “White Collar” Patri did many wonderful illustrated pamphlets for unions that often used a classic comic book style to tell stories about the history of labor. Several of these pamphlets are being digitized and will soon be available online from the Labor Archives and Research Center at SFSU.

White Collar, a graphic novel by Giacomo Patri http://digital-collections.library.sfsu.edu/cdm/compoundobject/collection/p16737coll1/id/386/rec/1

In the podcast there was a comment about how fire escape maps, floor plans, which are often oriented with north at top, would instead be clearer if oriented the way you are facing. But for me, I can only understand a map if it’s oriented north. Because then I can fit that map into my map of the world.

For example, one time a friend looked up directions on his phone and handed the phone to me. I was totally lost until I changed the map orientation to north. Then it was clear. I needed to go “over there”, and no longer needed directions. The map was in my head.

There are different ways to navigate the world. You can be told where to go or find your own path.

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How to Draw Speech Bubbles

the end speech bubble

  • August 31, 2022

Speech bubbles is the most currently used bubble in manga and comics. It is used to convey the speech of the characters and is therefore a key ingredient of any manga story. Speech bubbles are not complicated to draw, but the process requires a bit of attention to obtain a good looking result.

You can have a look at my article on the different types of text bubbles that exist to discover other kinds of bubbles.

the end speech bubble

The process of drawing speech bubbles

Drawing speech bubbles, even though it might seem trivial, requires some care to be made right.

Here is a quick overview of the process of drawing speech bubbles:

  • First, before you start drawing, you have to prepare your dialogs.
  • Then you have to prepare the layout of your bubbles.
  • And finally you can draw your speech bubbles.

Prepare your speech bubbles

The preparation of the speech bubbles, like for the drawing part of the manga, shall be made when you script your manga pages .

You have to work your dialogs and narrations. You shall keep what is essential for your story, and get rid of the unnecessary. Of course, you must also take into consideration the emotions of the scene, as well as the personality of the characters. The idea is simply to avoid adding dialogs for the sake of it.

Also, be conscious of the category of readers you want to attract. Younger population might get afraid or bored when seeing too much text and skip reading it. On the other side, adults might be expecting deeper dialogs.

Prepare your speech bubbles layout

Preparing the layout of your speech bubbles is as important as preparing the layout of the panels in a manga page. This ensures that your readers will read your bubbles in the correct order. You cacn find more details on that specific topic in my article on laying out speech bubbles .

Drawing speech bubbles

The text in your speech bubbles will have as much importance as your drawing for your story.

Therefore here is one rule to remember:

The text is not meant to be squeezed and distorted to fit into the bubbles. Bubbles are here to wrap the text and make it obvious.

For this reason, I would advise following the process described hereafter.

Write the text first

the end speech bubble

When sketching your bubbles, start by writing the text before drawing the bubble itself .

Too many times, amateur artists will draw the bubbles first, and then they will try to cram the text inside. This ends at best not looking good. But this can lead them also to have to add speech bubbles to the detriment of the drawing. And this can even lead to parts of the text being stripped if they cannot be fit in the panel.

Another aspect to have in mind is that text in speech bubbles is generally justified to the center.

the end speech bubble

Control the space around your text

Once you have written your text in your panel, the next step is to draw the shape of your bubble around it.

To make this text pop out, the objective will be to have the text centered within the bubble .

You should have somewhat equal amount of space on the left and on the right of the text. And somewhat equal amount of space above and below the text.

One approach can be to center a rectangle around the text.

the end speech bubble

The sides of this rectangle can then be used as tangents to draw the speech bubble border. This will ensure the space around the text is appropriately set.

the end speech bubble

Add the tail to your speech bubble

The final stage is to add the tail.

Adding a tail isn’t compulsory if there is no ambiguity regarding who is speaking. But I find it good to have one as the tail is also an indication of that someone is speaking at an audible level.

And add it systematically if you have more than one character in your frame. Some artists take an habit of not adding tails, and from my own experience it gets really confusing when two characters are having a conversation.

For the drawing itself, again nothing complicated. There is just one rule I would follow to make it look good:

The tail shall be pointing toward the speaker’s head or mouth .

And at the minimum, the tail should be pointing toward the speaker. For that purpose, you can move the tail around the shape of the bubble. It mustn’t absolutely be at the bottom.

the end speech bubble

Inking your speech bubbles

For the inking of the bubbles, you have different options. You can do it traditionally (that is to say with an ink pen), including the text, or you can do it digitally.

You can also mix-up both techniques by drawing the bubble traditionally, and adding the text digitally. This is the most current practice in the world of manga.

the end speech bubble

If you are looking for a font for your speech bubbles, be aware that manga and comic generally use a font called “Comic”. Such font should be readily available in your drawing apps, but if needed you can find a link to a free one in my article on fonts for manga .

I can’t draw perfectly round speech bubbles

If that’s a worry for you, you have a few options.

  • First, you can use French curves. French curves is a kind of ruler that provides arcs of different sizes (see the picture below for a better understanding).

the end speech bubble

  • Second option, is to draw it piece by piece through smaller strokes. The line will look a bit jagged though, but with some practice you should be able to control that issue.
  • And a third option is to draw them digitally. For instance Photoshop and Paint Clip Studio in the paid application domain, and MediBang Paint, Krita or Fire Alpaca in the free applications domain have tools to draw ellipses or bubbles. In Procreate for instance you just have to draw an oval shape freehand and keep the Apple Pencil down at the end of your stroke.

But, if this can bring you some relief, be aware that many pro manga artists don’t draw perfectly round speech bubbles. Therefore don’t look for too much perfection on this point.

I hope you found that article useful. Do not hesitate if you have comments or questions.

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Biden pledges mpox aid to Africa in his valedictory speech to the United Nations

Asma Khalid photographed by Jeff Elkins/Washingtonian

Asma Khalid

Biden at UNGA

President Biden waves as he leaves the stage after his final address to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 24.

President Biden waves as he leaves the stage after his final address to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 24. Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images hide caption

President Biden on Tuesday announced new aid to try to stem the mpox epidemic in a valedictory address to the United Nations where he expressed optimism in the face of wars and other global challenges.

FILE PHOTO: Christian Musema, a laboratory nurse, takes a sample from a child declared a suspected case Mpox - an infectious disease caused by the monkeypox virus that spark-off a painful rash, enlarged lymph nodes and fever; at the the treatment centre in Munigi, following Mpox cases in Nyiragongo territory near Goma, North Kivu province, Democratic Republic of the Congo July 19, 2024. REUTERS/Arlette Bashizi/File Photo

Goats and Soda

Alarmed by mpox surge, africa cdc declares a 'continental emergency'.

Biden said the United States would give African countries $500 million to help prevent and respond to mpox and will donate 1 million doses of mpox vaccine. “Now we call on our partners to match our pledge and make this a billion-dollar commitment to the people of Africa,” Biden said in his speech.

Biden told leaders he had seen “a remarkable sweep of history” since he was first elected to office during the Cold War, noting the United States was still embroiled in the Vietnam War at that time.

“Our country was divided and angry, and there were questions about our staying power and our future,” he said.

Biden said the U.S.-Vietnam relationship is an example of diplomatic success

But last year, the United States and Vietnam officially elevated their diplomatic and trade ties , Biden noted — part of a long list of other global issues that have changed for the better, he said.

Biden is off to India and Vietnam. It's part of his push to counter China's influence

Biden is off to India and Vietnam. It's part of his push to counter China's influence

“It's proof that even from the horrors of war, there was a way forward. Things can get better. We should never forget that,” he said.

“I know many look at the world today and see difficulties and react with despair, but I do not. I won't,” Biden said, urging leaders to stand against forces causing division and chaos in the world.

Wars in Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan are top global challenges, Biden said

He said the world must not let up on its support for Ukraine in its war with Russia, and must continue to work to end the war in Gaza, and de-escalate tensions in the Middle East. He urged UN members to act to end the conflict in Sudan and address the humanitarian crisis there.

A Sudanese girl who has fled from the war with her family arrives at a refugee transit center. The conflict that began in April 2023 has displaced millions and created a humanitarian crisis.

Why Sudan is being called a 'humanitarian desert'

”The world needs to stop arming the generals. To speak with one voice and tell them, ‘Stop tearing your country apart. Stop blocking aid to the Sudanese people. End this war now,’” Biden said.

Biden praised China for its cooperation to stop global flows of synthetic narcotics , but said the world must continue to stand up against economic and military coercion.

“Our task — our test — is to make sure that the forces holding us together are stronger than those that are pulling us apart,” he said.

Biden said AI is the greatest test for world leaders

Biden devoted considerable time in his speech to artificial intelligence, saying it is the greatest test of international leadership, and that the technology could profoundly change life, work, war and science.

“AI also brings profound risks, from deep fakes to disinformation to novel pathogens to bioweapons,” Biden said, noting preliminary international work on “global rules of the road” for the technology.

President Biden signs a new executive order on artificial intelligence on Oct. 30. Vice President Harris will talk about the order in London with world leaders this week.

Biden plans to step up government oversight of AI with new 'pressure tests'

“But let's be honest, this is just the tip of the iceberg. What we need to do to manage this new technology,” he said, saying an “urgent effort” is needed to ensure AI is safe, secure and equitable.

“We must make certain that the awesome capabilities of AI will be used to uplift and empower everyday people, not to give dictators more powerful shackles on the human spirit in the years ahead,” he said.

Biden ended his address with a plea to leaders to listen and serve their people, explaining that preserving democracy had been the central cause of his presidency.

“The future will be won by those who unleash the full potential of their people to breathe free, to think freely, to innovate, to educate, to live and love openly, without fear,” Biden said, drawing a through line from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the end of apartheid to the recent disputed election in Venezuela to LGBT activism in Uganda .

“My fellow leaders, let us never forget, some things are more important than staying in power. It's your people. It's your people that matter the most. Never forget we are here to serve the people, not the other way around,” he said.

  • U.N. General Assembly

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What is the Pointy Part of a Speech Bubble Called?

Given a speech bubble, what is the pointy part from which indicates the origin of the spoken word?

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I'm assuming this is the same term for thought bubbles? If not what's the term for the origin of thought bubbles?

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Mari-Lou A's user avatar

2 Answers 2

According to wikipedia, it's a tail :

... uses a bubble with a pointer, called a tail, directed towards the speaker.

I can't find a definitive source, and Wikiepdia doesn't provide one. But it's used in the sites like this and elsewhere.

A common speech bubble is usually made up of a oval shape, with a tail at the bottom, indicating which person is the speaker.

There doesn't appear to be a distinction among the different versions of speech bubbles, so for a thought bubble, tail is still appropriate.

jimm101's user avatar

  • Also, Microsoft platforms use the term Callout for the whole shape. –  Yosef Baskin Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 16:21
  • 1 Plenty of usage on this page if you want to add a citation: blog.animaker.com/speech-bubbles-meaning-in-animated-videos –  Phil M Jones Commented Jul 4, 2018 at 11:04

it's Notch. Well pronounced as speak bubble notch.

Luckieee's user avatar

  • 1 Welcome! Do you have a reference for that? A dictionary entry, perhaps, or do you know it by personal experience? –  gmauch Commented Jul 4, 2018 at 11:24
  • 1 I wouldn't mind giving an upvote or even accepting if you could provide a source. As it stands I've gotten used to calling it a tail. –  Jonathan Mee Commented Jul 9, 2018 at 1:29

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the end speech bubble

Biden calls on nations to unite amid an 'inflection point in world history' in last U.N. speech

In his last speech as president before the United Nations General Assembly, Joe Biden called on nations Tuesday to band together amid the spiraling conflict in the Middle East, Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine and growing global concerns about China’s influence.

"I truly believe we’re at another inflection point in world history. The choices we make today will determine our future," Biden said.

He said Russian President Vladimir Putin, for example, has "failed" at his goal of destroying Ukraine and NATO. "But Ukraine is free," Biden said. "NATO is bigger, stronger, more united than ever before, with two new members: Finland and Sweden."He said the world cannot let up in its protection of Ukraine against Russian aggression.

Biden detailed Hamas' attack on Israel on Oct. 7, which killed 1,200 people and included acts of sexual violence and the taking of many people into Gaza as hostages. In response, he said, innocent civilians in Gaza have experienced “hell” as Israel has sought to fight back against Hamas. He said the U.S. has put forward a cease-fire proposal that has been endorsed by the U.N. Security Council, which he called on the parties to finalize.

"A diplomatic solution is still possible. In fact, it remains the only path to lasting security," said Biden, who also criticized the violence against innocent Palestinians in the West Bank and the need to strive for a two-state solution between Israel and Palestinians. Biden said Gaza is "not the only conflict that deserves outrage," saying Sudan is embroiled in a civil war in which millions of people are on the brink of famine and hundreds of thousands are already suffering from it. "The world needs to stop arming these generals," he said, adding that nations need to speak with one voice and demand that the war end.

Biden spent several minutes toward the end of his speech focusing on artificial intelligence, saying it will change our ways of life, ways of work and ways of war. Biden said countries must ensure that AI supports, rather than undermines, because it can "uplift and empower everyday people."

Biden finished his remarks by sharing his decision over the summer to exit the presidential race and not seek re-election. "Let us never forget, some things are more important than staying in power," he said. "It's your people that matter the most. ... We are here to serve the people — not the other way around." Biden said that "every age faces its challenges" and that he has witnessed moments of tension and uncertainty in his decades of public service, referring to the Cold War, the Vietnam War and the wars in the Middle East.

But, he argued, there's always a "way forward."

"Things can get better," he said. "We should never forget that. I've seen that throughout my career."

His speech comes against the backdrop of the presidential race on its final leg before Election Day, knowing that his successor — Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump — will face the same issues in the White House and may deal with them very differently.They were also Biden’s first remarks before the General Assembly since Hamas’ attack on Israel in October and the conflict that has ensued in Gaza, killing thousands of civilians. He spoke to the leaders of other nations as hope for a cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas has dimmed.

As Israel continues its battle with Hamas, its conflict with Iran-backed Hezbollah has also escalated in recent days. On Monday, Israel launched airstrikes on neighboring Lebanon , whose government said nearly 500 people were killed and more than 1,600 were injured in Lebanon’s deadliest day of conflict with Israel since 2006. Israel also issued evacuation warnings to people living in its northern region to escape the violence near the border.

National Security Council spokesman John Kirby had told reporters last week that Biden would “reaffirm America’s leadership on the world stage” and “rally global action to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges.” They include, he said, climate change, artificial intelligence, the opioid epidemic and the wars in Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan .Kirby said Biden would meet with U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres to “talk about how the partnership between the United States and United Nations in advancing peace and safeguarding human rights can endure and to — prosper.” Kirby said Biden will have engagements with foreign leaders Wednesday. 

Biden is also scheduled to host a summit of a coalition to address synthetic drug threats, including the supply chain of illicit fentanyl. Republicans have often accused him of not doing enough to tackle the problem as part of the strategy at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Other key speakers expected at the General Assembly include Iran’s new president, Masoud Pezeshkian ; Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy; Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas; and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu .

Biden administration officials have been involved in negotiating a cease-fire agreement between Israel and Hamas for months, though progress appears to have diminished. Defense Department spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters last week: “We do not believe that the deal is falling apart. We believe that that is the best way to end the war that’s happening in Gaza and to lower those tensions in the region.” Still, there have been no recent signs of a breakthrough.

Biden also addressed his administration's 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, over which he has faced ongoing criticism from GOP lawmakers. Congressional Republicans who have been investigating the pullout recently released a scathing report . The administration and Democrats, on the other hand, have largely blamed Trump for what unfolded during the withdrawal.

Biden said Tuesday that "13 brave Americans lost their lives, along with hundreds of Afghans in a suicide bomb," referring to the attack at the Kabul airport. He said he thinks of those lost lives every day, the 2,461 U.S. troops who died during the 20-year war and the more than 20,000 Americans who were wounded. "I think of their service, their sacrifice and their heroism," he said.

Biden kicked off the week of global engagements near his hometown, Wilmington, Delaware, where he hosted the leaders of Australia, India and Japan on Saturday for a meeting of a security grouping known as the Quad .Though officials say the Quad is not aimed at any particular country and China was not explicitly mentioned in the four leaders’ joint statement after the summit, Secretary of State Antony Blinken began the closed-door meeting by saying, “Our first topic of discussion is China.”

Biden then said, “China continues to behave aggressively, testing us all across the region,” in comments that were briefly caught on hot mics after journalists were escorted from the room.

In his speech Tuesday before the U.N., Biden briefly mentioned China, the world’s second-largest economy, and reiterated U.S. policy, which is to "responsibly manage the competition with China so it does not veer into conflict."

Asked about Blinken’s and Biden’s comments Monday, a Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson said that the U.S. is “lying through its teeth” when it says it is not targeting China and that groupings such as the Quad undermine regional peace and stability.

Biden announced various initiatives during the summit, including a “cancer moonshot” partnership with the other countries to save lives in the Indo-Pacific region.

the end speech bubble

Rebecca Shabad is a politics reporter for NBC News based in Washington.

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How To Add Speech Bubbles To Your Photos

By Whitney | Basic Photo Editing • Photo Editor Tutorials

adding speech bubbles to photos

There are some photos that are just asking for a speech bubble. The expression on someone’s face usually sets it off. You take one look and instantly think of the perfect caption, then proceed to laugh out loud at the perfectness of it all. They say pictures are worth a thousand words but some can be summed up in just a few hilariously fitting ones.

For all the photos you come across that would be made even better with a speech bubble, we’ve got a little something that will help you get the look in just a few clicks. Whatever the caption, you can add BeFunky’s Speech Bubble overlays to your photos and type away! They’re sure to help you share the fun with all of your friends, all in a matter of minutes.

Speech Bubbles Help Tell A Story  

Whether you want to turn your photo into a professional-looking comic or just want to have a little fun, any time is a good time to add a speech bubble. You can make an image hilarious by adding the right caption, or simply say exactly what you were thinking when you took that last selfie. There are many different kinds of speech bubbles that are available in BeFunky to help you tell your story. Here's a little sample of them and when to use each kind: 

when to use speech bubbles

Similar to making memes, speech bubbles can help you get the point across in a unique way. Here are some of the best cases where speech bubbles can make your photos more amusing:

Awkward Family Photos. Family photos can be a great opportunity to add a thought or speech bubble, the more awkward the better!  

how to add speech bubbles to photos

Pet Photography. Since animals can say so much with their facial expressions and nonverbal cues, you can give them a voice with a speech bubble.

adding speech bubbles to photos in BeFunky

Photos With Your Best Friend. Because you know each other well enough that you have a million inside jokes.

custom speech bubbles for photos in BeFunky

For Stating Facts And Quotes. For a school project or a website, a speech bubble can be an easy and intriguing way to make a point.

free speech bubbles for photos

How To Add A Speech Bubble In BeFunky

If you’re dying to add a speech bubble or two to your photos, BeFunky makes it incredibly easy. First, head to the Photo Editor and upload a photo.

upload your photo BeFunky speech bubbles

Under the Graphics tab, click Search Graphics and then search for Speech Bubbles. Multiple options will come up, some with pre-filled text and others that are blank for you to type your own messages.

search BeFunky speech bubbles

From here, you can click and drag the speech bubble wherever it fits best on your photo, and use the blue circles around it to resize and rotate.  If you hold down the Shift key while dragging the blue circles, you’ll be able to resize your speech bubble in freeform!

Notice that when you click on your speech bubble, a Graphic Properties toolbar appears. In this menu, you can flip the orientation of the speech bubble so it’s facing the correct direction, if need be. The Graphic Properties toolbar also presents you with tons of options to change the color, opacity, blend mode, and more!

edit your graphics BeFunky speech bubbles

When you’ve got your speech bubble exactly where you want it, it’s time for the fun part: adding some text. Click on the Text tab in the left menu and select Add Text . Select the text box that appears and start typing!

From the Text Properties toolbar that appears when your text box is selected, you can change the font, font color, paragraph orientation, and more. It’s best to start by resizing your text box to fit inside the speech bubble. That way, you’ll know exactly what the end result will look like.

add text BeFunky speech bubbles

Once you've got your text looking perfect, you're ready to save and share your photo! Using the Save button at the top of the Photo Editor, you'll be able to save your photo to your computer, Dropbox, and more.

save BeFunky speech bubbles

If you're ready to share it on social media right away, select the Share button at the top of the Photo Editor and automatically post it to your Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, or Twitter!

final image BeFunky speech bubbles

Take It To The Next Level With Cartoonizer

If you’re going for more of a comic book feel, we’ve got some really cool effects that will take your photo to the next level! Clicking on the Artsy tab will open a huge library of photo to art effects that will transform your photo into something that looks like it came from the pages of a graphic novel. One of the best effects for this is BeFunky’s Cartoonizer .

cartoonizer BeFunky speech bubbles

When you click on the Cartoonizer category, you’ll find several effects that will take you from photo to cartoon in a single click. Preview each effect on your photo until you find one you love.

cartoonizer on your photo BeFunky

Notice that each Cartoonizer effect has it’s own Settings Menu where you can control the strength of the effect, colors, and detail level. Once you're satisfied, click Save.

save cartoonizer BeFunky speech bubbles

The best part about these Photo To Art effects is that they’re completely exclusive to BeFunky - you can’t find them anywhere else. That means you’ve got yourself a photo that’s truly unique. And just look at that detail! 

Final image cartoonizer BeFunky speech bubbles

Ready to start adding speech bubbles to your photos or turning them into comics? Our Photo Editor has everything you could ever need and then some. Follow the link below to get started!

Photo Editing, Simplified.

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Below Deck Med Season 9 Charter Guests Reveal Behind-the-Scenes Secrets: “Hate to Say It..."

These  Below Deck Mediterranean  Season 9 guests had plenty to say about their time aboard Mustique .

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While we may know  what goes on in the crew quarters on Below Deck Mediterranean , it's less common that we get all of the guests' takes on their time aboard Mustique — until now! In the above video for BravoTV.com, some of Season 9's primary guests unpack what it was like to spend time with the crew, be surrounded by drama, and eat Chef Johnathan Shillingford 's food.

How to Watch

Watch Below Deck Mediterranean  on Peacock  and the Bravo app . 

"Overall, the yacht was amazing. The crew was stellar . Great parties. Great dinners. They totally embraced everything we wanted to do," said Brad and Stacey, who had the privilege of being the last primary charter guests of the season.

"I have been obsessed with Greece. Love everything Greek, so this was really tailor-made for me," added Julie Ann from charter two. However, she wouldn't be picky about location if offered another charter with the Season 9 squad. "I would love to go on any experience with this crew. It was epic," she later added.

The boat itself  was also a highlight for guests. "It was beautiful," said Pamela who attended charter seven. "It made me feel like we were high-end luxury." 

"It was an awesome boat. Biggest, coolest boat I'd ever been on in my life," added her partner Evan. 

What everyone’s talking about on Bravo:

Where the Below Deck Mediterranean Yachties Stand After Season 9 (EXCLUSIVE)

Aesha Calls Out Ellie on the After Show for Being "Immediately Threatened" by Carrie

Jono Reveals What Ellie Dubaich "Confided" in Him Off-Camera About Carrie: "I Heard..."

Season 9 charter guests name which crew members made their trip special

As for what crew member had the biggest impact on guests? Aesha Scott was charter five guest Coleen's pick, because "she made me laugh so much on my trip."

Modeling industry icon Marsha from charter three agreed. "I love her," she said.

Get an Exclusive Look at Captain Sandy's Wedding with Guests Kate, Aesha & Chef Dave

"Aesha by far. She made the biggest impact," said Pamela.

"I think that Aesha is a fantastic rapper," added Evan. "I'm pretty sure I cut a couple with her. I think, in my next life I'm gonna be a country music rapper. I think it's in the cards for me."

Charter one guests Joel and Jacob had a different answer, though. "I would say for us, Nathan [Gallagher] and Joe [Bradley] ," they said. "They went above and beyond for us." (As fans might recall, the deckhands went in search of rosé for the guests after a provisioning mishap — and were able to buy some from a nearby mega yacht.)

Elena Dubaich Tells Aesha Scott There's Drama in the Laundry Room

Aesha Scott during Season 9 Episode 8 of Below Deck Mediterranean.

Charter guests praise (and criticize) Chef Johnathan Shillingford's food

The boys also had a soft spot for Chef Jono, calling his cooking "unreal."

"For me, I think the food was the best part about the trip. I loved the food," they added. 

Mahisha and John from charter six also thought "everything was pretty good" food-wise, with John especially appreciative of Jono's ability to accommodate requests like "extra-crispy" duck.

Ellie Is at a Loss for Words After Aesha's "Real Yachtie" Remark: “What Do You Want From Me?”

Tennis player Gigi Fernández from charter two did have a word of advice for the chef, though: "Get some training."

"He said he was self-taught," she added. "That just threw up a red flag for me. You can't expect to be a chef at this level and not get some kind of training."

Charter seven guests Janie and Steve, who were offered a cookie after talking about how they wanted soufflés, were also less than impressed with the food.

"We had put on our preference sheet that we wanted soufflés for our anniversary, right?" said Janie. "We were excited. Here's a chance to be out there and get everything you've ever dreamed of eating," added Steve.

And Jono brought ... a chocolate chip cookie . "I hate to say it Jono, I love you, but honey, I could've been in your galley cooking your food," said Janie. "Sorry."

Guests reveal what it's like to hang with Captain Sandy Yawn

The primaries also loved having Captain Sandy Yawn head the crew; Coleen noted that being on a girls' trip with a female captain was special, or rather "the cherry on top" of her vacation.

"I will never forget it. It is a birthday trip of all birthday trips," she said.

"It was great chartering with Captain Sandy again. She runs a tight ship, and everything was spectacular," added Gigi.

Below Deck Mediterranean  Season 9 is now streaming in its entirety on Peacock.

  • Aesha Scott
  • Joe Bradley
  • Johnathan Shillingford
  • Nathan Gallagher

Below Deck Mediterranean

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Lies of P: What Does The Rosa Isabelle Street Entrance Speech Bubble Mean?

Find and talk to Subject 826.

Lies of P: Rosa Isabelle Street Entrance Speech Bubble

After defeating Laxasia the Complete in the Arch Abbey, you might have noticed a speech bubble appear in Lies of P next to Rosa Isabelle Street in the stargazer menu. If you have been wondering what that speech bubble is for, wonder no more. That speech bubble actually indicates progress in the Subject 826 questline.

You would have already met Subject 826 by now and should remember that he expressed his desire to leave Arche Abbey and move to Rosa Isabelle Street. Well, once you defeat Laxasia, that is exactly what he does, and then you can go to his new location in Rosa Isabelle Street and talk to Subject 826 to get rid of this speech bubble.

Where to find Subject 826 in Rosa Isabelle Street

Note: Even if you killed Laxasia before meeting with him, don’t worry, as he will still be at the bottom of the Arch Abbey Outer Wall, and you can talk to him for the whole scenario to play out the same way.

In any case, if you see the speech bubble next to Rosa Isabelle Street in Lies of P, it means the NPC has moved there, and now you need to find him. Subject 826 will be on the bridge that overlooks the long street where you fought the Mad Clown Puppet Boss .

To get here, you can take the Rosa Isabelle Street Entrance Stargazer, or to save a bit of time, take the Rosa Isabelle Street Culvert Stargazer.

If you choose to go from the Rosa Isabelle Street Entrance Stargazer, proceed forward till you reach the burning gate at the end, then turn left to the shortcut you opened the first time you went through this area.

From there, follow the path and simply move straight ahead, up the staircase directly in front of you. A Rifle Puppet will be standing there, but you can get around him without aggroing him by sticking to the right side. In any event, a right turn here will lead you to Test Subject 826 right ahead.

In case you choose the Rosa Isabelle Street Culvert Stargazer, turn left from the Stargazer, past the shortcut you opened here on the first run through the area. Go straight and ascend the stairways past the maid puppets.

You’ll reach an open area with a Rifle Puppet on the elevated area ahead and a staircase to the left corner that leads up above. An Exploding Jester Puppet will be present here. Once you kill it, turn right after ascending the stairs, and you will find Test Subject 826 right ahead.

Lies of P: Rosa Isabelle Street Entrance Speech Bubble

Talk to Test Subject 826 to clear the Rosa Isabelle Street speech bubble in Lies of P

Once there, you can talk to him for some new dialogue about himself, the place, and its history. He will comment about his favorite singer Patricia, aka the White Lady Stalker boss from Chapter 6, and how she lost her voice, the details of which elude him. Of course, if you met Adrianna in the Estella Opera House and followed her quest, you will know the truth of the matter already.

Subject 826 also mentions reading memories about a Maid Puppet who professed her love to a human. This, too, is a callback to an early quest in the area when you first came here, regarding Julian the Gentleman and his Puppet Wife and the wedding ring you found next to her body.

Now, however, you can get a clear answer to the dilemma. Test Subject 826 will direct you to see the markings behind her body as proof, and when you return there this time, you will see a note next to her in which the Puppet makes clear that she did love Julian, thus tying up the mystery of that particular side story.

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Zelensky Addresses the Security Council, Calling for Attention to Stay on Ukraine

“Russia can only be forced into peace.” President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine urged the Council members to sustain their backing for his country’s resistance to Russia’s full-scale invasion.

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By Edward Wong and Farnaz Fassihi

Reporting from the United Nations

  • Sept. 24, 2024

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine told the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday that “Russia can only be forced into peace” and urged that the Russia-Ukraine war not be overlooked as the world turned its attention to wars in Gaza, Sudan and Myanmar. “Russia is committing an international crime,” Mr. Zelensky said in a short but impassioned speech. “This war can’t simply fade away, this war can’t be calmed by talks. Actions are needed. Russia can only be forced into peace.” Mr. Zelensky also told the council’s 15 members that Ukraine had obtained information that Russia was planning to attack its three nuclear plants. “We have proof of this, if Russia is ready to go that far, it means nothing you value matters to Moscow,” he said.

Mr. Zelensky said he had put together a new victory plan in the almost three-year-old war based on the principles and values of the U.N. charter, but did not elaborate on its details other than to say that he was organizing a peace conference. He added that he would invite all countries to the conference, including China, Russia’s most powerful partner, and India, which has said it is a neutral player in the war but is helping to sustain Russia’s economy with large oil purchases.

Mr. Zelensky was speaking ahead of meetings this week, during which he plans to present his “victory plan” to President Biden and other U.S. officials. So far, he has withheld details of the plan from the public. Mr. Zelensky has also called for the United States and other allies to permit Ukraine to use long-range missiles provided by the West to strike deep into Russia.

Secretary General António Guterres briefed the Council, telling diplomats that it was past time to end the war in Ukraine, which has led to catastrophic civilian suffering and spillover consequences, such as a rise in grain and energy prices and the displacement of millions. He also laid out the U.N.’s role in providing lifesaving humanitarian aid to some 6.2 million people in Ukraine this year, and he appealed to donors for more funding.

With the bitter winter approaching, only half of the U.N.’s response plan was funded, Mr. Guterres pointed out.

“The longer this tragic war continues, the greater the risk of escalation and spillover,” he said.

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Watch: Starmer promises ‘light at end of the tunnel’ in key Labour conference speech

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Watch as Sir Keir Starmer delivers a speech at the Labour Party conference on Tuesday 24 September.

He will tell Britons there is “light at the end of this tunnel” but they must first join a “shared struggle” through tough short-term pressures.

In his first conference speech as prime minister, Sir Keir will say he wants to “build a new Britain” with faster economic growth, shorter hospital waiting lists and safer streets.

But he will warn there are no easy answers and he could not offer “false hope” about the challenges ahead.

Sir Keir will attempt to set out his positive vision of “national renewal” but the speech comes against a backdrop of anger within the Labour movement about the decision to means-test winter fuel payments, stripping them from millions of pensioners.

That decision, along with infighting behind the scenes in No 10 and rows over donations to the PM and other senior Labour figures, has contributed to a party conference with a more subdued mood than might have been expected after July’s election landslide.

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  1. Speech balloon

    Speech balloons (also speech bubbles, dialogue balloons, or word balloons) are a graphic convention used most commonly in comic books, comics, and cartoons to allow words (and much less often, pictures) to be understood as representing a character's speech or thoughts. A formal distinction is often made between the balloon that indicates speech and the one that indicates thoughts; the balloon ...

  2. Let's create speech balloons!

    Drag to select the start and end point of the ellipse, and determine the aspect ratio and size of it. ... Mask so that the speech bubble does not overlap with the frame border or the characters. Select the area using tools such as the [Auto select] tool. Using the [Selection Area] menu → [Quick Mask] is beneficial as the area can be selected ...

  3. Speech bubbles and their meaning in animated videos

    Dialogue delivery: when a video is conversational, these speech bubbles are used to contain text (dialogues). A speech bubble can be divided into two parts- The bubble and the tail. Where the bubble holds text, the tail indicates the source of the speech. So the tail is always kept closer to the character's mouth indicating the source of speech.

  4. Text Bubbles And Their Variations

    A text bubble is a mechanism used in comics to render speech. This can be used to image the speech of characters or sentences pronounced by a narrator. A text bubble generally consists of a shape that will contain the text being spoken and that floats around the speaker, like a soap bubble. That shape will vary according to different parameters ...

  5. What's the history of speech bubbles in cartoons? Where and ...

    The speech bubble developed in political cartoons because these images were dealing with fairly complex events, not always easily reducible to a single trope or caricature. They enabled satirists - who occupied a ground somewhere between news reportage and propaganda - to put words in the mouths of political figures, providing both exegesis ...

  6. Meaning of Speech Bubbles in Comics

    Summary. Speech bubbles represent the characters' dialogue or thoughts. Normal speech is often represented by an oval-shaped bubble. To express a thought or an idea, the bubble with a cloud shape is the right one. Rectangular bubbles without a tail are known as captions.

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  8. Laying Out Speech Bubbles

    In the end, if the problem repeats too often, you might lose your readers. At the best, they can find some parts of your story weird. But this might also lead your readers to get bored and quit reading your manga. ... If the speech bubble is near the top right/right, readers will generally read the bubble first, before having a look at the ...

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  10. Speech Bubbles: Understanding Comics with Scott McCloud

    Producer. 99pi. Author of Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art, c artoonist and theorist Scott McCloud has been making and thinking about comics for decades. His classic volume explores formal aspects of comics, the historical development of the medium, its fundamental vocabulary, and various ways in which these elements have been used.

  11. How to Draw Speech Bubbles

    Speech bubbles is the most currently used bubble in manga and comics. It is used to convey the speech of the characters and is therefore a key ingredient of any manga story. ... In Procreate for instance you just have to draw an oval shape freehand and keep the Apple Pencil down at the end of your stroke. But, if this can bring you some relief ...

  12. Biden pledges mpox aid in a sweeping farewell speech to the UN : NPR

    Biden pledges mpox aid in a sweeping farewell speech to the UN President Biden talked about the sweeping changes he has seen during his long career, urged an end to wars in Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan ...

  13. What is the Pointy Part of a Speech Bubble Called?

    A common speech bubble is usually made up of a oval shape, with a tail at the bottom, indicating which person is the speaker. There doesn't appear to be a distinction among the different versions of speech bubbles, so for a thought bubble, tail is still appropriate. Share.

  14. Biden calls on nations to unite amid an 'inflection point in world

    Biden spent several minutes toward the end of his speech focusing on artificial intelligence, saying it will change our ways of life, ways of work and ways of war. Biden said countries must ensure ...

  15. How To Add Speech Bubbles To Your Photos

    First, head to the Photo Editor and upload a photo. Under the Graphics tab, click Search Graphics and then search for Speech Bubbles. Multiple options will come up, some with pre-filled text and others that are blank for you to type your own messages. From here, you can click and drag the speech bubble wherever it fits best on your photo, and ...

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  17. THE END! Comic speech bubble, cartoon. Vector illustration

    Illustration about the END! Comic speech bubble, cartoon. Vector illustration. Illustration of explosion, splash, speech - 96401049

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    Zelensky criticises 'powerless' UN in major speech to world leaders Ukraine's president said the organisation cannot stop the war raging in his country because of Russia's part in the ...

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  24. Lies of P: What Does The Rosa Isabelle Street Entrance Speech Bubble Mean?

    In any case, if you see the speech bubble next to Rosa Isabelle Street in Lies of P, it means the NPC has moved there, and now you need to find him. Subject 826 will be on the bridge that ...

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  26. Zelensky Addresses the Security Council, Calling for Attention to Stay

    "Russia is committing an international crime," Mr. Zelensky said in a short but impassioned speech. "This war can't simply fade away, this war can't be calmed by talks. Actions are needed.

  27. Keir Starmer to promise 'light at the end of tunnel' in key speech

    Sir Keir Starmer will warn of a "shared struggle" ahead but say there is "light at the end of the tunnel" for the country, in his first speech to the Labour Party conference as prime minister. The ...

  28. Various speech bubbles I have collected/made + bonus gif at the end

    Add your thoughts and get the conversation going. 1.1K subscribers in the SpeechBubbleMemes community. Anything with a speech bubble image ontop.

  29. Watch: Starmer promises 'light at end of the tunnel' in key Labour

    Watch as Sir Keir Starmer delivers a speech at the Labour Party conference on Tuesday 24 September.. He will tell Britons there is "light at the end of this tunnel" but they must first join a ...

  30. Keir Starmer to offer glimpse of what lies at end of tunnel

    In his first Labour conference speech as prime minister, Keir Starmer will say there is light at the end of the tunnel. The thrust of this conference has been that Labour want to unbrick the exit ...