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Mastering the art of crafting a stellar synthesis essay – top tips, techniques, and examples to boost your writing skills and academic success.

How to write a good synthesis essay

Are you ready to embark on a journey of discovery, where you meld ideas, thoughts, and arguments into a seamless tapestry? The synthesis essay offers you a unique opportunity to showcase your ability to synthesize various sources and present your ideas in a coherent and convincing manner. In this article, we will explore some tried-and-true strategies to help you master the art of crafting a compelling synthesis essay that will leave a lasting impression on your readers.

First and foremost, it is essential to develop a strong grasp of the central theme or topic of your essay. This theme serves as the thread that will tie all the different sources and ideas together. By understanding the underlying essence of your essay, you can better navigate through the vast sea of information and select the most relevant and persuasive sources to support your arguments.

Once you have identified the central theme, it is crucial to critically analyze the various sources at your disposal. Remember, the key is not just to summarize these sources but to analyze them in relation to your thesis statement. Look for patterns, contradictions, and connections between the different sources. Highlight the key arguments and evidence that are relevant to your essay’s central theme, and be prepared to present counterarguments that address opposing viewpoints.

Understand the Prompt

In order to write an effective synthesis essay, it is crucial to fully understand the prompt provided. The prompt serves as a guide, outlining the specific topic or issue that needs to be addressed in the essay.

When analyzing the prompt, it is important to carefully examine the keywords and phrases used. These words may provide valuable insight into the expectations of the essay and the specific elements that should be included. It is also crucial to identify any limitations or guidelines outlined in the prompt.

Understanding the prompt also involves determining the purpose of the essay. Is it meant to inform, persuade, or argue a specific point? By grasping the purpose, you can tailor your writing style and arguments to best meet the objectives of the prompt.

Additionally, it is essential to consider the context and audience of the essay. Who will be reading your essay? What are their expectations and knowledge on the topic? By considering these factors, you can better adjust your writing style and tone to effectively communicate your ideas.

Overall, understanding the prompt is the first step towards writing an effective synthesis essay. By carefully analyzing the prompt, identifying key elements, and considering the purpose and audience, you can ensure that your essay is well-focused, coherent, and meets the requirements of the assignment.

Conduct Thorough Research

When it comes to crafting a compelling and well-supported synthesis essay, conducting thorough research is crucial. A successful essay requires a deep understanding of the topic at hand, as well as a comprehensive exploration of different perspectives and sources. Simply put, conducting thorough research means digging deep and gathering a wide range of relevant and reliable information that will enrich your synthesis essay and make it more convincing.

Research is the foundation on which your essay will be built. It allows you to gather facts, statistics, and expert opinions that support your thesis and strengthen your arguments. By conducting thorough research, you can demonstrate your knowledge and expertise on the topic, as well as present a well-rounded perspective that takes into account different viewpoints and evidence.

It is essential to use a variety of sources during your research process. This includes academic journals, books, reputable websites, and studies conducted by experts in the field. By consulting a diverse range of sources, you can ensure that your synthesis essay is well-informed and comprehensive.

When conducting research, it is important to critically evaluate the sources you come across. Not all sources are created equal, and it is your responsibility as an essay writer to determine their credibility and reliability. Look for sources that are peer-reviewed, published by reputable scholars or organizations, and have a track record of accuracy and reliability.

In addition to gathering information from various sources, you should also take notes and organize your research in a systematic and structured manner. This will make it easier to refer back to specific information when writing your essay and ensure that you include all relevant facts and data in your synthesis.

In conclusion, conducting thorough research is a critical step in writing an effective synthesis essay. It enables you to gather a wealth of relevant information, evaluate its credibility, and present a well-informed and comprehensive perspective on the topic. By investing time and effort into research, you can ensure that your essay is well-supported, convincing, and showcases your knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

Create a Strong Thesis Statement

One of the most essential elements for writing a successful synthesis essay is the creation of a strong thesis statement. A thesis statement serves as the guiding principle and main argument of your essay, offering a clear and focused direction for your synthesis. This statement should be concise and powerful, encapsulating the main idea or theme that you will explore throughout your essay.

To create a strong thesis statement, it is important to consider the main points or ideas that you want to convey in your essay. Think about the connections and relationships between these points, and how they contribute to the overall theme or argument of your synthesis. Your thesis statement should reflect these connections and provide a clear stance or perspective on the topic.

Additionally, your thesis statement should be specific and avoid vague or general language. It should clearly state your main argument or position, and highlight the unique perspective or insights that you will bring to the topic. Avoid using clichés or common phrases, as they can weaken the impact of your thesis statement.

Lastly, make sure that your thesis statement is arguable. A strong thesis statement should invite discussion and debate, rather than stating an obvious or universally agreed-upon fact. It should be a statement that can be supported or refuted through evidence and logical reasoning.

By creating a strong thesis statement, you lay the foundation for a compelling and cohesive synthesis essay. It will guide your writing process and help you maintain a clear focus throughout your essay. Take the time to craft a thesis statement that is powerful, specific, and arguable, and you will set yourself up for success in writing an effective synthesis essay.

Organize Your Ideas

Organize Your Ideas

When it comes to crafting a compelling synthesis essay, one of the most important steps is organizing your ideas. Effective organization ensures that your thoughts flow smoothly and cohesively, allowing your readers to easily follow your argument. By structuring your essay in a logical and coherent manner, you can effectively convey your message and make a strong impact.

A key aspect of organizing your ideas involves creating an outline. This serves as a roadmap for your essay, helping you to visualize the overall structure and flow of your argument. Start by brainstorming your main ideas and supporting evidence, then arrange them in a logical order. This can be done using a variety of methods, such as creating a mind map or a hierarchical list.

Once you have established your outline, it’s important to consider the most effective way to present your ideas. One option is to use a chronological or sequential order, where you present your arguments in a logical progression. Another option is to use a thematic approach, grouping related ideas together to create a cohesive narrative. Whichever approach you choose, make sure to clearly introduce each main point and provide sufficient evidence to support your claims.

In addition to organizing your ideas structurally, it’s also important to consider the cohesiveness of your writing. Use transitional words and phrases to guide your readers through your argument, signaling shifts in ideas or providing connections between different points. This will help your essay to flow smoothly and prevent any misunderstandings.

Lastly, don’t forget to revise and refine your organization as you go. After completing a first draft, take the time to review your essay and make any necessary adjustments. This may involve reordering paragraphs, adding or deleting sections, or rephrasing sentences for clarity. By continuously revising and refining your organization, you can ensure that your essay is well-structured and easy to follow.

By organizing your ideas effectively, you can elevate your synthesis essay and make a strong impression on your readers. Take the time to carefully plan and structure your argument, and you’ll be well on your way to writing an impactful and persuasive essay.

Use Evidence and Examples from Various Sources

One crucial aspect of writing a synthesis essay is the use of evidence and examples from different sources to support your claims and arguments. By drawing from a variety of sources, such as scholarly articles, books, interviews, and research studies, you can strengthen the validity and credibility of your essay.

When selecting evidence and examples, it’s important to consider the diversity of viewpoints and perspectives. Including evidence from multiple sources allows you to present a well-rounded argument and demonstrate that you have considered various opinions on the topic.

Moreover, using evidence and examples from different sources helps to avoid biases and ensure that your essay is objective and comprehensive. By incorporating a variety of sources, you can present a more balanced and informed analysis.

Additionally, when using evidence and examples, be sure to provide proper citations and references. This not only gives credit to the original authors but also strengthens the credibility of your essay. Make sure to follow the appropriate citation style, such as APA or MLA, and include in-text citations and a reference list or bibliography.

In conclusion, by utilizing evidence and examples from various sources, you can enhance the effectiveness of your synthesis essay. By incorporating different viewpoints and perspectives, avoiding biases, and providing proper citations, you can create a well-supported and persuasive argument.

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How to write a synthesis essay: step-by-step guide.

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Updated: May 1, 2024

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Ever felt overwhelmed by the idea of writing a synthesis essay? Combining multiple sources into a coherent essay can be daunting, especially when each source presents a different view. A synthesis essay is an analytical or argumentative piece that draws together ideas and data from various sources to present a new, unified argument or perspective. This guide will walk you through understanding what a synthesis essay is, organising your thoughts, crafting engaging introductions and conclusions, and integrating sources effectively to master the art of synthesis essay writing.

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Understanding synthesis essays: definition and purpose.

a person is reading a book on a bench

A synthesis essay is a form of writing that combines information and ideas from two or more sources. The purpose of this essay type is to make connections between parts of works or multiple works with the goal of ultimately presenting and supporting a claim about a topic. In essence, it involves gathering information from various sources and fusing it together to form a cohesive narrative or argument.

The main objectives of a synthesis essay include demonstrating critical thinking, deep understanding of the topic, and the ability to negotiate meaning among multiple perspectives. This form of essay is commonly used in academic settings to encourage students to think deeply about related topics, assess information critically, and articulate a strong thesis statement that reflects synthesized insights.

Organizing Your Synthesis Essay: Effective Structures

a camera sitting on top of a book next to a computer

When organizing your synthesis essay, choosing the right structure is crucial for clarity and coherence. A popular method is the Comparison/Contrast structure, which is ideal when you have sources that directly oppose or complement each other. In this structure, you can:

  • Summarize each source, highlighting similarities and differences.
  • Move from one point to another, alternating between the sources to maintain a balanced argument.
  • Discuss each source or point in blocks, fully exploring one before moving to the next.

Another effective structure is the Sequential Order , which can include the Problem/Solution or Climactic methods. This approach works well when your essay needs to build up to a strong conclusion or when explaining a process or issue over time. For instance, in a Problem/Solution structure, you:

  • Introduce the problem in your opening sections.
  • Discuss each potential solution in the subsequent body paragraphs, using sources that support or refute these solutions.
  • Conclude with the most viable solution based on the evidence provided.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay: A Step-by-Step Approach

a notebook and pen on a wooden table

Writing a synthesis essay involves merging ideas from various sources into a cohesive argument. Start by selecting a topic that allows for comprehensive exploration through multiple perspectives. Ensure the topic is not too broad; it should be narrow enough to allow for in-depth discussion but broad enough to find sufficient sources.

Next, develop a synthesis essay outline to organize your thoughts and research. This outline should include an introduction with a thesis statement , body paragraphs each focusing on a different aspect or source, and a conclusion that revisits your thesis and synthesizes your main points. Here are some elements to include in your outline:

  • Introduction with a thesis statement
  • Body paragraphs with clear topic sentences
  • Conclusion that synthesizes information

When writing your essay, use a clear and concise style to ensure readability. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea. Then, include evidence and analysis to support your points. Finally, ensure each paragraph links back to your thesis statement, reinforcing the central argument of your synthesis essay.

Crafting an Engaging Introduction for Your Synthesis Essay

a white desk with a keyboard, glasses and a notepad

Crafting an engaging introduction for your synthesis essay is crucial to capture your reader's attention. Start with a hook that piques interest, such as a startling statistic or a provocative question. Then, provide a brief overview of the topics you will cover, leading smoothly into your thesis statement. This approach sets the stage for the arguments to follow, ensuring the reader is intrigued and informed.

Concluding Your Synthesis Essay Effectively

A strong conclusion is essential in a synthesis essay as it ties all your points together and reiterates the significance of your thesis. Begin by summarizing the main arguments made in the body of your essay. Then, emphasize the synthesis of these arguments, highlighting how they support your thesis. Conclude with a powerful statement that underscores the relevance of your discussion, leaving a lasting impression on your reader.

Citing Sources Correctly in a Synthesis Essay

Proper citation is vital in a synthesis essay to avoid plagiarism and strengthen your argument. Use in-text citations to credit your sources accurately within the essay. When citing, include the author's name and publication year in parenthesis after the quoted or paraphrased text. For example, (Smith, 2020). This not only gives credit where it's due but also allows readers to trace the information back to the original source, enhancing the credibility of your essay.

Tips for Writing an Effective Synthesis Essay

Crafting a successful synthesis essay requires more than just understanding the content; it's about strategically organising and presenting your ideas. Start by creating a detailed outline that categorises your points and evidence, ensuring a logical flow that enhances the reader's understanding. This structured approach not only keeps your writing on track but also makes it easier to navigate complex topics.

When selecting a synthesis essay topic , choose one that allows for a broad range of perspectives, yet is narrow enough to be thoroughly explored within your essay's scope. This balance is crucial for developing a compelling argument. Remember, a good synthesis essay doesn't merely summarise sources; it intertwines them to reveal new insights and perspectives.

Mastering the AP Lang Synthesis Essay

The AP Language and Composition exam challenges students with a synthesis essay that assesses their ability to craft a cohesive argument using multiple sources. This essay is crucial as it tests students on not just their understanding of the content but their ability to engage with different perspectives and construct a well-founded argument.

To excel in the AP Lang synthesis essay, students must integrate at least three sources into their argument, ensuring each is cited correctly to support their thesis. Key strategies include:

  • Developing a clear thesis statement as a response to the prompt.
  • Utilising diverse sources to enrich the essay's depth and breadth.
  • Maintaining a logical flow that seamlessly connects the argument back to the thesis.

Integrating Commentary and Analysis in Synthesis Essays

Integrating commentary and analysis in a synthesis essay is about weaving your insights with sourced material to deepen the discussion. Effective integration involves not just stating facts from sources, but also providing analysis that connects these facts back to your main argument. This approach helps in demonstrating a deeper understanding of the topic and enhances the persuasive power of your essay.

When incorporating commentary, consider the following steps: - Explain the relevance of the evidence in relation to your thesis. - Analyse the implications of the facts, considering what they suggest about your argument. - Reflect on the broader impact , discussing how your analysis affects the overall discussion of your topic. These steps ensure that your commentary is insightful and contributes significantly to the synthesis essay.

Elevate Your Synthesis Essay with offers a revolutionary approach to crafting synthesis essays, making the process simpler and more efficient. With AI-driven writing assistance, students can seamlessly integrate diverse sources into a cohesive argument, ensuring all components align perfectly with their thesis statement.

Key features of include:

  • Advanced plagiarism checks to ensure originality and academic integrity.
  • Access to credible sources and multimedia content, enriching the depth of essays.
  • Tailored assistance that aligns with various citation styles , enhancing the essay's credibility and readability.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start a synthesis essay.

To start a synthesis essay, begin with an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention. Use a hook such as a startling statistic or a provocative question, provide a brief overview of the topics you will cover, and smoothly transition into your thesis statement. This approach sets the stage for the arguments that will follow and ensures the reader is both intrigued and informed.

What is the format of a synthesis paper?

The format of a synthesis paper typically includes an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs that each focus on a different aspect or source, and a conclusion that synthesizes the main points and revisits the thesis. This structure helps in presenting a cohesive argument that integrates information from various sources.

How do you write a synthesis in writing?

To write a synthesis in writing, start by selecting a topic that allows for comprehensive exploration through multiple perspectives. Develop an outline to organise your thoughts and research. Include an introduction with a thesis statement, body paragraphs with clear topic sentences, and a conclusion that synthesizes the information. Use a clear and concise writing style, start each paragraph with a topic sentence, and ensure each paragraph links back to your thesis statement to reinforce the central argument of your synthesis essay.

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Synthesis Essays: A Step-by-Step How-To Guide

A synthesis essay is generally a short essay which brings two or more sources (or perspectives) into conversation with each other.

The word “synthesis” confuses every student a little bit. Fortunately, this step-by-step how-to guide will see you through to success!

Here’s a step-by-step how-to guide, with examples, that will help you write yours.

Before drafting your essay:

After reading the sources and before writing your essay, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the debate or issue that concerns all of the writers? In other words, what is the question they are trying to answer?
  • On what points do they agree?
  • On what points do they disagree?
  • If they were having a verbal discussion, how would writer number one respond to the arguments of writer number two?

In a way, writing a synthesis essay is similar to composing a summary. But a synthesis essay requires you to read more than one source and to identify the way the writers’ ideas and points of view are related.

Sometimes several sources will reach the same conclusion even though each source approaches the subject from a different point of view.

Other times, sources will discuss the same aspects of the problem/issue/debate but will reach different conclusions.

And sometimes, sources will simply repeat ideas you have read in other sources; however, this is unlikely in a high school or AP situation.

To better organize your thoughts about what you’ve read, do this:

  • Identify each writer’s thesis/claim/main idea
  • List the writers supporting ideas (think topic sentences or substantiating ideas)
  • List the types of support used by the writers that seem important. For example, if the writer uses a lot of statistics to support a claim, note this. If a writer uses historical facts, note this.

There’s one more thing to do before writing: You need to articulate for yourself the relationships and connections among these ideas.

Sometimes the relationships are easy to find. For example, after reading several articles about censorship in newspapers, you may notice that most of the writers refer to or in some way use the First Amendment to help support their arguments and help persuade readers. In this case, you would want to describe the different ways the writers use the First Amendment in their arguments. To do this, ask yourself, “How does this writer exploit the value of the First Amendment/use the First Amendment to help persuade or manipulate the readers into thinking that she is right?

Sometimes articulating the relationships between ideas is not as easy. If you have trouble articulating clear relationships among the shared ideas you have noted, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do the ideas of one writer support the ideas of another? If so, how?
  • Do the writers who reach the same conclusion use the same ideas in their writing? If not, is there a different persuasive value to the ideas used by one writer than by the other?
  • Do the writers who disagree discuss similar points or did they approach the subject from a completely different angle and therefore use different points and different kinds of evidence to support their arguments?
  • Review your list of ideas. Are any of the ideas you have listed actually the same idea, just written in different words?

how to write commentary for a synthesis essay

How to Write a Synthesis Essay: Your Guide From Start to Finish

how to write commentary for a synthesis essay

Today, we're swamped with information, like reading 174 newspapers every day. It comes from all over—news, social media, science, and more. This flood might make you feel overwhelmed and lost in a sea of facts and opinions. But being able to make sense of it all is crucial.

In this guide, we'll show you steps for choosing the right topic and organizing your essay. Let's dive in and learn how to turn scattered facts into powerful essays that really stand out. If you're looking for assistance in writing a paper, you can consider the option to order essay from our expert writing service.

What Is a Synthesis Essay

Synthesis essay is an academic assignment where you take information from several sources and combine it to create a new, unified argument. Throughout the essay, you'll weave in evidence and insights from your sources to support your thesis, explaining how each source contributes to your overall argument.

Synthesis essays are commonly assigned in high school and undergraduate courses across various disciplines. They are a great way to develop critical thinking, research, and writing skills. They are particularly useful when a topic has multiple angles or ongoing debates, as they train you to analyze information objectively and form your own well-supported conclusions.

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How to Write a Synthesis Essay with Easy Steps

Writing a synthesis essay requires a methodical approach to blend information from different sources into a strong and persuasive argument. Here are steps to help you along the way.

1. Choose Your Topic:

  • Make sure it's broad enough to allow for multiple perspectives but specific enough for focused research.
  • Look for topics with ongoing debates or with room for your own interpretation.

2. Research and Gather Sources:

  • Use credible sources like academic journals, books, and reputable news websites. Aim for a variety of perspectives to ensure a well-rounded analysis.
  • Take notes while researching! Focus on key points, evidence, and the author's main arguments.

3. Develop Your Thesis Statement:

  • This is the central argument of your essay, informed by your research.
  • It should clearly state how the different sources will be used to create a unified perspective.

4. Structure Your Essay:

  • Introduction: Briefly introduce the topic, highlight the various perspectives, and present your thesis statement.
  • Topic Sentence: Briefly introduce the point you'll be making in this paragraph.
  • Analysis & Evidence: Integrate information from your sources, explaining how they support your point. Use in-text citations and proper formatting.
  • Commentary: Explain the significance of the source material and how it contributes to your overall argument.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main points and reiterate the importance of your thesis statement. You can also offer further implications or remaining questions on the topic.

5. Write and Revise:

  • Draft your essay, ensuring smooth transitions between your ideas and source integration.
  • Revise for clarity, proper citation format, and strong argument flow.

For a more detailed explanation on how to write a conclusion , check out our special guide.

Synthesis Essay Example

Here are a couple of synthesis essay examples that demonstrate how to apply the synthesis process in real life. See how they tackle a wide range of issues by drawing on diverse perspectives.

Ready to Transform Your Synthesis Essay from Bland to Grand?

Let's tap into the magic of our expert wordsmiths, who will create an essay that dances with ideas and dazzles with creativity!

Synthesis Essay Thesis Statement

A strong thesis statement for a synthesis essay is more nuanced than a simple opinion. It acknowledges the complexities of the topic and positions your essay as a bridge between existing perspectives. Here's how to craft an effective thesis:

  • Avoid extremes: Statements like "Social media is destroying society" are too broad and lack specific arguments. Saying "Taxes are bad" ignores potential benefits or complexities.
  • Acknowledge Nuance: Show you understand different viewpoints by using qualifiers like "often," "in some cases," or "to a certain extent."
  • Bridge the Gap: Your thesis should connect various source viewpoints to create a new perspective.

Example transformation:

Original (weak): Video games are a waste of time.

Improved: While video games can be a source of leisure, their excessive use can negatively impact academic performance and social interaction. (This acknowledges the entertainment value while highlighting potential drawbacks.)

  • Your thesis should be specific to your topic and the sources you'll use.
  • It should be clear, concise, and directly address the prompt.
  • It sets the stage for your argument by outlining the connections between your chosen sources.

Synthesis Essay Checklist

Writing a strong synthesis essay requires careful attention to detail. Use this checklist to ensure you've covered all the bases:

Criteria Questions
Clear Thesis Statement 📜 Does your thesis clearly state how you'll use multiple sources to create a unified perspective?
Source Integration 🔗 Do you seamlessly weave evidence and insights from your sources throughout the essay?
Balanced Analysis ⚖️ Do you acknowledge different viewpoints and offer fair treatment to all sources?
Strong Argument Flow 🌊 Do your ideas transition smoothly, building a cohesive argument towards your thesis?
Grammar and Punctuation ✅ Is your essay free of grammatical errors and typos?
Word Count 📏 Does your essay meet the required word count?

Synthesis Essay Format

A well-structured synthesis essay guides the reader through your analysis of multiple sources and effectively builds your argument. Here's a breakdown of the typical format:

  • Double-space your essay unless otherwise instructed.
  • Use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) and font size (e.g., 12 pt).
  • Maintain consistent margins (e.g., 1 inch).
  • Include page numbers in the top right corner (optional, but often recommended).
  • Introduction (10-15% of word count):
  • Body Paragraphs (60-70% of word count)
  • Conclusion (10-15% of word count):
  • The specific word count breakdown might vary based on your assignment instructions.
  • Always follow the formatting guidelines provided by your instructor.

For a deeper understanding of a compare and contrast essay , including format and writing process, consult our dedicated article.

Explanatory vs. Argumentative Synthesis Essays

In synthesis writing, there are two main types: explanatory and argumentative. While both involve analyzing multiple sources, their ultimate goals differ. Here's a breakdown of the key distinctions between explanatory and argumentative synthesis essays:

Criteria Explanatory Synthesis Argumentative Synthesis
Goal 🎯 To clearly explain and compare/contrast different perspectives on a complex topic. To develop a specific argument on a debatable topic, supported by evidence from multiple sources.
Focus 🔍 Presents a balanced overview of various viewpoints without taking a strong personal stance. Persuades the reader by integrating source material that strengthens your chosen position.
Structure 🏗️ Highlights key arguments, evidence, and conclusions from each source, demonstrating their connections and potential contradictions. Selectively emphasizes information from sources that align with your argument, while acknowledging and addressing opposing viewpoints.
Thesis Statement 📜 Outlines the key points of comparison or contrast between the sources. States your position on the topic and outlines how the sources will be used to support your claim.
Example 💡 "This essay will explore the different approaches to tackling climate change, analyzing the proposals put forth by environmental scientists, economists, and social scientists." "While some argue for a complete ban on social media, a more measured approach that encourages responsible use and promotes digital literacy is a more effective solution."

And if you're keen on knowing how to write an informative essay , we've got you covered on that, too!

Synthesis Essay Topics

Picking essay topics is just the beginning. To write a great synthesis essay, you need to carefully evaluate and connect different sources to build a strong argument or viewpoint. Here's a step-by-step infographic guide to help you choose the right synthesis essay topics wisely.

There are myriads of essay topics , so how do you choose the right one? Don’t waste your time, here we offer some great ideas:

  • What role does effective communication play in resolving international conflicts?
  • Are video games a legitimate form of art?
  • Does standardized testing hinder critical thinking skills?
  • Is cultural appropriation a valid concern or does it stifle artistic exchange?
  • Should economic growth outweigh environmental sustainability and social welfare?
  • Is the traditional family structure the best model for child-raising?
  • Should social media platforms curb misinformation?
  • Is artificial intelligence a boon for scientific discovery, or does it pose ethical challenges?
  • Is globalization more about economic prosperity or cultural homogenization?
  • Should controversial historical monuments be preserved?
  • Can renewable energy alone combat climate change, or are more drastic measures necessary?
  • Should artistic expression face censorship or enjoy complete freedom?
  • How can national security and individual privacy be balanced in the digital age?
  • Does the cost of higher education hinder social mobility?
  • Does automation threaten jobs or create new opportunities?

If you’re interested in persuasive essays topics , this guide's got your back.

Concluding Thoughts

Writing a synthesis essay is a great way to learn about a topic. It lets you explore different viewpoints and see how they fit together. This guide gives you the steps to follow for a strong essay. Remember, the goal is to use what you learn from your sources to create your own unique understanding. So next time you have a complex topic, give a synthesis essay a try! You might be surprised by what you learn.

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How Should You Conclude a Synthesis Essay?

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

how to write commentary for a synthesis essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

How to Write a Music Essay: Topics and Examples

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How to Write a Synthesis Essay

How to Write a Synthesis Essay

4-minute read

  • 31st May 2023

Are you writing a synthesis essay? This is a paper that combines information from a variety of sources to form a new idea. Essentially, you’re synthesizing existing concepts and arguments to create something original.

As a student, you’ll probably have to write a synthesis essay at some point. Read on for our step-by-step guide on how to write one effectively.

Step 1. Define Your Idea or Argument

If you haven’t done so already, decide on a topic to write about. Read up about it using a variety of credible sources and make detailed notes while you research. Make sure you keep track of the sources you decide to pull information from so that you can cite them properly later.

Make a list of key points from your research. Once you have a good selection of material to work with, start developing your own idea or argument. This will be the focus of your essay.

Step 2. Create an Outline

Synthesis essays generally follow this format: an introduction, a handful of main body paragraphs, and a conclusion. It’s a good idea to come up with an essay plan before you start writing so that you can keep things organized while you work.

The outline is mainly helpful for deciding what to include in your body paragraphs. Decide what supporting points (and counterarguments ) from your research you want to include, and which order you want to discuss them in. You should have enough information to flesh out one paragraph for each point.

Step 3. Write Your Introduction

In your introduction, you should open with something that hooks the reader and captures their attention. Then, state your argument or idea (i.e., your thesis statement) and briefly summarize the material you’ll be including in your essay. You should also include any relevant background information here.

Step 4. Write the Body Paragraphs

Using your outline, discuss each point from your source material in more depth, devoting a body paragraph to each. Explain the information from the outside source, including appropriate citations, and discuss how it connects with your idea.

It’s a good idea to mostly focus on points that support your argument, but you should also include a paragraph with a counterargument or two. This means discussing a perspective that doesn’t necessarily align with your idea, and then explaining why your argument still works.

Step 5. Tie It All Together With a Conclusion

The conclusion should leave the reader feeling convinced of your idea. Restate your point clearly and summarize the main points you’ve discussed. You could also offer any concluding reflections on the topic.

Different Types of Synthesis Essays

While you can follow our steps for any type of synthesis essay, yours will probably fall under one of two categories: explanatory or argumentative.

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Argumentative essays are as they sound – they present an argument. With an argumentative essay, you’ll take a more definitive stance on something and use your supporting material to persuade the reader.

Explanatory essays don’t necessarily take a side one way or the other. Rather, they focus on developing and explaining a concept thoroughly. Knowing which type of essay you’re writing will help you to gather more effective source material for your purpose.

Cite Your Sources

Since synthesis essays are particularly dependent on outside material, it’s especially important that you cite your sources correctly. Familiarize yourself with your referencing system before you start researching so you know what information you need to keep track of, and include appropriate citations whenever you use someone else’s work.

At the end of the essay, you’ll need to compile your sources into a reference list following the requirements of your style guide.

Summary: Writing a Synthesis Essay

Hopefully, this post has helped you to feel more confident in writing a synthesis essay. Choose a topic first, do your research, keep track of your sources, and develop an argument or idea. From there, you can organize your thoughts into an outline and get to writing!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a synthesis essay.

A synthesis essay gathers ideas and viewpoints from several different sources and ties them together to form a new concept.

How long is a synthesis essay?

Synthesis essays usually follow the five-paragraph format, with an introduction, three main body paragraphs discussing different points, and a conclusion.

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How to write a good AP synthesis essay

Published September 27, 2020. Updated June 7, 2022.

Synthesis Essay Definition

A synthesis essay uses information from multiple sources to support an argument or explanation.

Overview of Synthesis Essay Writing

First, take some time to develop a thorough understanding of what you will be writing about. Take notes as you go, keeping track of points you want to make and evidence you want to include in the essay. While you read, you can begin to brainstorm a thesis statement and outline for the essay. Writing an outline will help structure your essay and keep you on track. The standard synthesis essay outline includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Spend adequate time reviewing the instructions, sources, and prompts.

The AP English Language and Composition (also known as AP Lang) exam is composed of two sections: a Multiple Choice section and a Free Response section. It’s normal to be nervous before an exam, especially an AP exam. If you’re not sure what to expect from the AP Lang synthesis essay, never fear. Here you can read about everything you need to know before exam day, including:

  • the purpose of the synthesis essay
  • what to expect from the sources and prompt
  • a sample prompt and response
  • how the synthesis essay is scored
  • how to write a high-scoring synthesis essay

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Synthesis essay

The College Board describes the synthesis essay this way:

“After reading 6–7 texts about a topic (including visual and quantitative sources), students will compose an argument that combines and cites at least 3 of the sources to support their thesis.”

You will have 45 minutes to complete the synthesis essay. How you use this time is up to you, but below we’ve included a timeline for how you might choose to use your 45 minutes.

What will the sources and prompt be like?

The six to seven sources will all be centered on a specific topic. In past exams, the prompt has been focused on subjects like alternative energy and eminent domain. At least two of the sources will be visual, and at least one will be numerical (a chart or graph). The others will be text passages of roughly 500 words.

Before the sources, you’ll be given directions and a writing prompt. The prompt will explain the topic, then present a claim for you to respond to. Your response should synthesize material from at least three of the sources, forming a full-fledged essay.

See a sample synthesis essay prompt directly from the College Board linked here.

Following the directions in this sample prompt, you’ll find Sources A-F. Click here to view sample student responses.

How will my synthesis essay be scored?

Synthesis essays will be scored on a range from 0 to 6 based on an analytic rubric. This score will be the total of three scores based on three categories: your thesis, your evidence and commentary, and your sophistication.

Click here to review the complete free-response scoring guidelines for the 2020 AP Lang exam. As a quick summary, we’ll provide the College Board’s descriptions for what warrants the highest and lowest points in each category.

According to the AP English Language Scoring Rubrics, 0 points in the thesis category will be given “for any of the following”:

  • There is no defensible thesis.
  • The intended thesis only restates the prompt.
  • The intended thesis provides a summary of the issue with no apparent or coherent claim.
  • There is a thesis, but it does not respond to the prompt.

1 point in the thesis category will be given to essays that respond “to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible position.”

0 points will be given in the evidence and commentary section to any essay that “Simply restates thesis (if present), repeats provided information, or references fewer than two of the provided sources.”

4 points will be given in the evidence and commentary section to an essay that “Provides specific evidence from at least three of the provided sources to support all claims in a line of reasoning” and “Consistently explains how the evidence supports a line of reasoning.”

Finally, in the sophistication category , 1 point will be given to an essay that demonstrates “sophistication of thought and/or develops a complex understanding of the rhetorical situation.” 0 points will be given to essays that do not meet that criteria.

While it’s natural to worry about your score, keep in mind that your scorers know you have less than an hour to complete your synthesis essay. They know it is essentially a first draft, and they will pay more mind to what you do right than what you do wrong. Even the highest-scoring essays will contain occasional errors, so worry less about perfection than your holistic argument and synthesis.

How to write a high-scoring synthesis essay

Before we dive into what makes a high-scoring synthesis essay, let’s cover the basics. What is a synthesis essay?

Basically, a synthesis essay uses information from multiple sources to support an argument or explanation. However, when it comes to the AP Lang exam, you will be writing an argumentative synthesis essay.

You’ll take an argumentative stance, which you will express via your thesis statement, and argue in favor of that stance using evidence from multiple sources.

Outstanding AP Lang synthesis essays tend to do the following things very well. They:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the topic at hand.
  • express understanding of the topic’s importance.
  • make the writer’s opinion on the topic clear early on.
  • frequently cite examples from the sources, such as statistics and quotes.
  • conclude with a strong “so what” point.

To write an essay that succeeds in all of these areas, you should use a few strategies on exam day.

Read, read, and read again

One of the worst mistakes you can make is to jump into outlining and writing before you’ve read and analyzed the directions, prompt, and sources. Though you have limited time, it’s worth taking some time to develop a thorough understanding about what you’ll be writing about.

Take notes as you go, keeping track of points you want to make and evidence you want to include in your essay. While you read, you can begin to brainstorm a thesis statement and outline for your essay.

Follow an outline

Even if you’re more of a “fly by the seat of your pants” type, an outline will help structure your essay and keep you on track.

Below is a standard synthesis essay outline to keep in mind. However, this is only an example, and your argument may not fit this outline exactly.

  • Give a bit of context on the subject, demonstrating the knowledge you gained from reviewing the sources.
  • Give a clear and concise thesis statement that presents your argument.
  • Topic sentence
  • Evidence #1
  • Evidence #2
  • Sum up the main points made in the essay.
  • Restate the thesis statement
  • End on a “so what?” statement.

Don’t lose track of time

While it’s vital you spend adequate time reviewing the instructions, sources, and prompt, it’s a lost cause if you don’t leave yourself enough time to outline and write!

Here’s a handy timeline to keep in mind during the 55-minute-long synthesis essay portion of the AP Lang exam:

  • Reading the directions, sources, and prompt: 15 minutes
  • Analyzing the sources and outlining your response: 10 minutes
  • Drafting your response: 25 minutes
  • Reviewing and revising your response: 5 minutes

Before you turn in that paper, don’t forget to cite your sources in APA format , MLA format , or a style of your choice.

Sample synthesis essay

Although you cannot know what your prompt and sources will be before exam day, you can prepare beforehand by reading sample synthesis essays  and writing practice essays from past questions .

AP synthesis example essay

Based on the 2020 prompt : 

The impact of television on political matters has been  under  debate for years. Television provides a low-cost method to  stay informed  about policy changes  and receive  important announcements, and  it  often  offers  a path to learn more about political figures and their plans for the United States. However, critics of television believe that there is a strong psychological and marketing strategy in play,  which  presents  false images of personalities and  is  commonly used as a tool to sway public opinion. While there are drawbacks to  broadcasting debates and politics ,  it  positively influences presidential elections by providing accessible information to viewers ,  shar ing  the candidate s’  personali ties , plans, and ideals during  their  potential role as president,  and  ultimately assisting citizens in casting their vot e.  

The  primary benefit of televising politics is t hat it provides  accessible information . Television, as s ource A explains , provides an opportunity for citizens to be more involved in political matters than ever before, specifically  by adding to  their  knowledge. With public speeches and political events televised, viewers can learn about the structure of the U.S. political system and build a better understanding  of  how legislation is created, in addition to their representative s’  contribution s  to political matters.  The reach of television is clear, as shown in Source D, where millions of viewers tune in every four years for the presidential debates.  T he data reports  that  80.6 million people view ed  the debates in 1980,  and even  in 1996, the chart’s lowest year of ratings, 46.1 million viewers tuned in — all who may have been influenced to vote !  The data shows that television is unmatched in  its  ability to reach voters , proving that it is a beneficial tool for providing information  to help  citizens  make their choices .  

Television also works as a trust-building tool between the viewer and the presidential candidate s . Although the criticism from Source C — which  claim s  that televised debates  are  largely  focused  on image instead of content — is noteworthy,  we  must also consider the relationship development that occurs between the constituent and the politician.  For example, consider  the story of Walter Cronkite, who performed investigat ive  journalism on-site in Vietnam to deliver a message about his opinion of the war. In doing so, he was able to shift the support for the ongoing war into a national call for closure, resulting in the end of the United States ’  presence in Vietnam and potentially saving thousands  of  live s  (Source E) . For presidents, their arguments, vision, and speeches can establish trust with the viewers, raising  citizens’  confidence  in their  ability  to  do the job successfully.  Though  televised appearances do result in investment in public relation campaigns and sometimes  support  an inauthentic view  of their subjects , at the same time, television serves as an important tool to connect citizens with their  president and  candidates .  

Perhaps the most  troubling   element of  televisi ng  presidential elections  is the threat  of commercialism. With the variety of issues and complaints regarding legislation and public policy, presidential candidates may use their live airtime to tackle only the most popular economic and social issues. T ed Koppel  analyzed  this phenomenon  during a past presidential debate,  in which  the television station structured the debate to limit responses from the candidates (Source F) .  This approach is somewhat deceptive, forcing the candidates to come up with quick answers  while  masking other issues.  For example,  only the most popular social issues may have been brought up, sidelining  complex political matters and policy problems  that may have been ongoing for years.  However, while this  format  surely limits candidates ’ ability  to share their opinions on a wide variety of issues, television does allow  the candidates to connect with the masses, which may not be possible through other forms of communication.  I f necessary , the format  of future debates  could be restructured to create  more  space for complex  argumentation   without sacrificing the benefits of televised  communication.  

In summary, t he  influence of television is unprecedented, allowing presidential candidates and other politicians to connect with viewers from across the nation. The critics are justified in  remarking   that  televised debates  may mislead  citizens through their  emphasis on  public image. However,  if audiences  analyz e  the debates, announcements, and other  such  matters with a critical approach,  this highly accessible form of communication  encourages people to build trust with presidential candidates, enhance their worldview, and feel more involved in political matters.  

Works cited

“AP English Language.” AP Central , 13 Aug. 2020,

“AP English Language and Composition Free-Response Questions Scoring Rubrics, Effective Fall 2019.” The College Board, 2019,

“AP English Language and Composition 2020 Free-Response Scoring Guidelines Applied to the 2019 Exam Questions.” The College Board, 2019,

Published September 8, 2020.

By Jolee McManus. Jolee earned a BA in English from the University of Georgia. She has several years of experience as a writing tutor and freelance copywriter and editor.

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How to Write a Perfect Synthesis Essay for the AP Language Exam

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Advanced Placement (AP)


If you're planning to take the AP Language (or AP Lang) exam , you might already know that 55% of your overall exam score will be based on three essays. The first of the three essays you'll have to write on the AP Language exam is called the "synthesis essay." If you want to earn full points on this portion of the AP Lang Exam, you need to know what a synthesis essay is and what skills are assessed by the AP Lang synthesis essay.

In this article, we'll explain the different aspects of the AP Lang synthesis essay, including what skills you need to demonstrate in your synthesis essay response in order to achieve a good score. We'll also give you a full breakdown of a real AP Lang Synthesis Essay prompt, provide an analysis of an AP Lang synthesis essay example, and give you four tips for how to write a synthesis essay.

Let's get started by taking a closer look at how the AP Lang synthesis essay works!

Synthesis Essay AP Lang: What It Is and How It Works

The AP Lang synthesis essay is the first of three essays included in the Free Response section of the AP Lang exam.

The AP Lang synthesis essay portion of the Free Response section lasts for one hour total . This hour consists of a recommended 15 minute reading period and a 40 minute writing period. Keep in mind that these time allotments are merely recommendations, and that exam takers can parse out the allotted 60 minutes to complete the synthesis essay however they choose.

Now, here's what the structure of the AP Lang synthesis essay looks like. The exam presents six to seven sources that are organized around a specific topic (like alternative energy or eminent domain, which are both past synthesis exam topics).

Of these six to seven sources, at least two are visual , including at least one quantitative source (like a graph or pie chart, for example). The remaining four to five sources are print text-based, and each one contains approximately 500 words.

In addition to six to seven sources, the AP Lang exam provides a written prompt that consists of three paragraphs. The prompt will briefly explain the essay topic, then present a claim that students will respond to in an essay that synthesizes material from at least three of the sources provided.

Here's an example prompt provided by the College Board:

Directions : The following prompt is based on the accompanying six sources.

This question requires you to integrate a variety of sources into a coherent, well-written essay. Refer to the sources to support your position; avoid mere paraphrase or summary. Your argument should be central; the sources should support this argument .

Remember to attribute both direct and indirect citations.


Television has been influential in United States presidential elections since the 1960's. But just what is this influence, and how has it affected who is elected? Has it made elections fairer and more accessible, or has it moved candidates from pursuing issues to pursuing image?

Read the following sources (including any introductory information) carefully. Then, in an essay that synthesizes at least three of the sources for support, take a position that defends, challenges, or qualifies the claim that television has had a positive impact on presidential elections.

Refer to the sources as Source A, Source B, etc.; titles are included for your convenience.

Source A (Campbell) Source B (Hart and Triece) Source C (Menand) Source D (Chart) Source E (Ranney) Source F (Koppel)

Like we mentioned earlier, this prompt gives you a topic — which it briefly explains — then asks you to take a position. In this case, you'll have to choose a stance on whether television has positively or negatively affected U.S. elections. You're also given six sources to evaluate and use in your response. Now that you have everything you need, now your job is to write an amazing synthesis essay.

But what does "synthesize" mean, exactly? According to the CollegeBoard, when an essay prompt asks you to synthesize, it means that you should "combine different perspectives from sources to form a support of a coherent position" in writing. In other words, a synthesis essay asks you to state your claim on a topic, then highlight the relationships between several sources that support your claim on that topic. Additionally, you'll need to cite specific evidence from your sources to prove your point.

The synthesis essay counts for six of the total points on the AP Lang exam . Students can receive 0-1 points for writing a thesis statement in the essay, 0-4 based on incorporation of evidence and commentary, and 0-1 points based on sophistication of thought and demonstrated complex understanding of the topic.

You'll be evaluated based on how effectively you do the following in your AP Lang synthesis essay:

Write a thesis that responds to the exam prompt with a defensible position

Provide specific evidence that to support all claims in your line of reasoning from at least three of the sources provided, and clearly and consistently explain how the evidence you include supports your line of reasoning

Demonstrate sophistication of thought by either crafting a thoughtful argument, situating the argument in a broader context, explaining the limitations of an argument

Make rhetorical choices that strengthen your argument and/or employ a vivid and persuasive style throughout your essay.

If your synthesis essay meets the criteria above, then there's a good chance you'll score well on this portion of the AP Lang exam!

If you're looking for even more information on scoring, the College Board has posted the AP Lang Free Response grading rubric on its website. ( You can find it here. ) We recommend taking a close look at it since it includes additional details about the synthesis essay scoring.


Don't be intimidated...we're going to teach you how to break down even the hardest AP synthesis essay prompt.

Full Breakdown of a Real AP Lang Synthesis Essay Prompt

In this section, we'll teach you how to analyze and respond to a synthesis essay prompt in five easy steps, including suggested time frames for each step of the process.

Step 1: Analyze the Prompt

The very first thing to do when the clock starts running is read and analyze the prompt. To demonstrate how to do this, we'll look at the sample AP Lang synthesis essay prompt below. This prompt comes straight from the 2018 AP Lang exam:

Eminent domain is the power governments have to acquire property from private owners for public use. The rationale behind eminent domain is that governments have greater legal authority over lands within their dominion than do private owners. Eminent domain has been instituted in one way or another throughout the world for hundreds of years.

Carefully read the following six sources, including the introductory information for each source. Then synthesize material from at least three of the sources and incorporate it into a coherent, well-developed essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies the notion that eminent domain is productive and beneficial.

Your argument should be the focus of your essay. Use the sources to develop your argument and explain the reasoning for it. Avoid merely summarizing the sources. Indicate clearly which sources you are drawing from, whether through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. You may cite the sources as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the descriptions in parentheses.

On first read, you might be nervous about how to answer this prompt...especially if you don't know what eminent domain is! But if you break the prompt down into chunks, you'll be able to figure out what the prompt is asking you to do in no time flat.

To get a full understanding of what this prompt wants you to do, you need to identify the most important details in this prompt, paragraph by paragraph. Here's what each paragraph is asking you to do:

  • Paragraph 1: The prompt presents and briefly explains the topic that you'll be writing your synthesis essay about. That topic is the concept of eminent domain.
  • Paragraph 2: The prompt presents a specific claim about the concept of eminent domain in this paragraph: Eminent domain is productive and beneficial. This paragraph instructs you to decide whether you want to defend, challenge, or qualify that claim in your synthesis essay , and use material from at least three of the sources provided in order to do so.
  • Paragraph 3: In the last paragraph of the prompt, the exam gives you clear instructions about how to approach writing your synthesis essay . First, make your argument the focus of the essay. Second, use material from at least three of the sources to develop and explain your argument. Third, provide commentary on the material you include, and provide proper citations when you incorporate quotations, paraphrases, or summaries from the sources provided.

So basically, you'll have to agree with, disagree with, or qualify the claim stated in the prompt, then use at least three sources substantiate your answer. Since you probably don't know much about eminent domain, you'll probably decide on your position after you read the provided sources.

To make good use of your time on the exam, you should spend around 2 minutes reading the prompt and making note of what it's asking you to do. That will leave you plenty of time to read the sources provided, which is the next step to writing a synthesis essay.

Step 2: Read the Sources Carefully

After you closely read the prompt and make note of the most important details, you need to read all of the sources provided. It's tempting to skip one or two sources to save time--but we recommend you don't do this. That's because you'll need a thorough understanding of the topic before you can accurately address the prompt!

For the sample exam prompt included above, there are six sources provided. We're not going to include all of the sources in this article, but you can view the six sources from this question on the 2018 AP Lang exam here . The sources include five print-text sources and one visual source, which is a cartoon.

As you read the sources, it's important to read quickly and carefully. Don't rush! Keep your pencil in hand to quickly mark important passages that you might want to use as evidence in your synthesis. While you're reading the sources and marking passages, you want to think about how the information you're reading influences your stance on the issue (in this case, eminent domain).

When you finish reading, take a few seconds to summarize, in a phrase or sentence, whether the source defends, challenges, or qualifies whether eminent domain is beneficial (which is the claim in the prompt) . Though it might not feel like you have time for this, it's important to give yourself these notes about each source so you know how you can use each one as evidence in your essay.

Here's what we mean: say you want to challenge the idea that eminent domain is useful. If you've jotted down notes about each source and what it's saying, it will be easier for you to pull the relevant information into your outline and your essay.

So how much time should you spend reading the provided sources? The AP Lang exam recommends taking 15 minutes to read the sources . If you spend around two of those minutes reading and breaking down the essay prompt, it makes sense to spend the remaining 13 minutes reading and annotating the sources.

If you finish reading and annotating early, you can always move on to drafting your synthesis essay. But make sure you're taking your time and reading carefully! It's better to use a little extra time reading and understanding the sources now so that you don't have to go back and re-read the sources later.


A strong thesis will do a lot of heavy lifting in your essay. (See what we did there?)

Step 3: Write a Strong Thesis Statement

After you've analyzed the prompt and thoroughly read the sources, the next thing you need to do in order to write a good synthesis essay is write a strong thesis statement .

The great news about writing a thesis statement for this synthesis essay is that you have all the tools you need to do it at your fingertips. All you have to do in order to write your thesis statement is decide what your stance is in relationship to the topic provided.

In the example prompt provided earlier, you're essentially given three choices for how to frame your thesis statement: you can either defend, challenge, or qualify a claim that's been provided by the prompt, that eminent domain is productive and beneficial . Here's what that means for each option:

If you choose to defend the claim, your job will be to prove that the claim is correct . In this case, you'll have to show that eminent domain is a good thing.

If you choose to challenge the claim, you'll argue that the claim is incorrect. In other words, you'll argue that eminent domain isn't productive or beneficial.

If you choose to qualify, that means you'll agree with part of the claim, but disagree with another part of the claim. For instance, you may argue that eminent domain can be a productive tool for governments, but it's not beneficial for property owners. Or maybe you argue that eminent domain is useful in certain circumstances, but not in others.

When you decide whether you want your synthesis essay to defend, challenge, or qualify that claim, you need to convey that stance clearly in your thesis statement. You want to avoid simply restating the claim provided in the prompt, summarizing the issue without making a coherent claim, or writing a thesis that doesn't respond to the prompt.

Here's an example of a thesis statement that received full points on the eminent domain synthesis essay:

Although eminent domain can be misused to benefit private interests at the expense of citizens, it is a vital tool of any government that intends to have any influence on the land it governs beyond that of written law.

This thesis statement received full points because it states a defensible position and establishes a line of reasoning on the issue of eminent domain. It states the author's position (that some parts of eminent domain are good, but others are bad), then goes on to explain why the author thinks that (it's good because it allows the government to do its job, but it's bad because the government can misuse its power.)

Because this example thesis statement states a defensible position and establishes a line of reasoning, it can be elaborated upon in the body of the essay through sub-claims, supporting evidence, and commentary. And a solid argument is key to getting a six on your synthesis essay for AP Lang!

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Step 4: Create a Bare-Bones Essay Outline

Once you've got your thesis statement drafted, you have the foundation you need to develop a bare bones outline for your synthesis essay. Developing an outline might seem like it's a waste of your precious time, but if you develop your outline well, it will actually save you time when you start writing your essay.

With that in mind, we recommend spending 5 to 10 minutes outlining your synthesis essay . If you use a bare-bones outline like the one below, labeling each piece of content that you need to include in your essay draft, you should be able to develop out the most important pieces of the synthesis before you even draft the actual essay.

To help you see how this can work on test day, we've created a sample outline for you. You can even memorize this outline to help you out on test day! In the outline below, you'll find places to fill in a thesis statement, body paragraph topic sentences, evidence from the sources provided, and commentary :

  • Present the context surrounding the essay topic in a couple of sentences (this is a good place to use what you learned about the major opinions or controversies about the topic from reading your sources).
  • Write a straightforward, clear, and concise thesis statement that presents your stance on the topic
  • Topic sentence presenting first supporting point or claim
  • Evidence #1
  • Commentary on Evidence #1
  • Evidence #2 (if needed)
  • Commentary on Evidence #2 (if needed)
  • Topic sentence presenting second supporting point or claim
  • Topic sentence presenting three supporting point or claim
  • Sums up the main line of reasoning that you developed and defended throughout the essay
  • Reiterates the thesis statement

Taking the time to develop these crucial pieces of the synthesis in a bare-bones outline will give you a map for your final essay. Once you have a map, writing the essay will be much easier.

Step 5: Draft Your Essay Response

The great thing about taking a few minutes to develop an outline is that you can develop it out into your essay draft. After you take about 5 to 10 minutes to outline your synthesis essay, you can use the remaining 30 to 35 minutes to draft your essay and review it.

Since you'll outline your essay before you start drafting, writing the essay should be pretty straightforward. You'll already know how many paragraphs you're going to write, what the topic of each paragraph will be, and what quotations, paraphrases, or summaries you're going to include in each paragraph from the sources provided. You'll just have to fill in one of the most important parts of your synthesis—your commentary.

Commentaries are your explanation of why your evidence supports the argument you've outlined in your thesis. Your commentary is where you actually make your argument, which is why it's such a critical part of your synthesis essay.

When thinking about what to say in your commentary, remember one thing the AP Lang synthesis essay prompt specifies: don't just summarize the sources. Instead, as you provide commentary on the evidence you incorporate, you need to explain how that evidence supports or undermines your thesis statement . You should include commentary that offers a thoughtful or novel perspective on the evidence from your sources to develop your argument.

One very important thing to remember as you draft out your essay is to cite your sources. The AP Lang exam synthesis essay prompt indicates that you can use generic labels for the sources provided (e.g. "Source 1," "Source 2," "Source 3," etc.). The exam prompt will indicate which label corresponds with which source, so you'll need to make sure you pay attention and cite sources accurately. You can cite your sources in the sentence where you introduce a quote, summary, or paraphrase, or you can use a parenthetical citation. Citing your sources affects your score on the synthesis essay, so remembering to do this is important.


Keep reading for a real-life example of a great AP synthesis essay response!

Real-Life AP Synthesis Essay Example and Analysis

If you're still wondering how to write a synthesis essay, examples of real essays from past AP Lang exams can make things clearer. These real-life student AP synthesis essay responses can be great for helping you understand how to write a synthesis essay that will knock the graders' socks off .

While there are multiple essay examples online, we've chosen one to take a closer look at. We're going to give you a brief analysis of one of these example student synthesis essays from the 2019 AP Lang Exam below!

Example Synthesis Essay AP Lang Response

To get started, let's look at the official prompt for the 2019 synthesis essay:

In response to our society's increasing demand for energy, large-scale wind power has drawn attention from governments and consumers as a potential alternative to traditional materials that fuel our power grids, such as coal, oil, natural gas, water, or even newer sources such as nuclear or solar power. Yet the establishment of large-scale, commercial-grade wind farms is often the subject of controversy for a variety of reasons.

Carefully read the six sources, found on the AP English Language and Composition 2019 Exam (Question 1), including the introductory information for each source. Write an essay that synthesizes material from at least three of the sources and develops your position on the most important factors that an individual or agency should consider when deciding whether to establish a wind farm.

Source A (photo) Source B (Layton) Source C (Seltenrich) Source D (Brown) Source E (Rule) Source F (Molla)

In your response you should do the following:

  • Respond to the prompt with a thesis presents a defensible position.
  • Select and use evidence from at least 3 of the provided sources to support your line of reasoning. Indicate clearly the sources used through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. Sources may be cited as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the description in parentheses.
  • Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning.
  • Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.

Now that you know exactly what the prompt asked students to do on the 2019 AP Lang synthesis essay, here's an AP Lang synthesis essay example, written by a real student on the AP Lang exam in 2019:

[1] The situation has been known for years, and still very little is being done: alternative power is the only way to reliably power the changing world. The draw of power coming from industry and private life is overwhelming current sources of non-renewable power, and with dwindling supplies of fossil fuels, it is merely a matter of time before coal and gas fuel plants are no longer in operation. So one viable alternative is wind power. But as with all things, there are pros and cons. The main factors for power companies to consider when building wind farms are environmental boon, aesthetic, and economic factors.

[2] The environmental benefits of using wind power are well-known and proven. Wind power is, as qualified by Source B, undeniably clean and renewable. From their production requiring very little in the way of dangerous materials to their lack of fuel, besides that which occurs naturally, wind power is by far one of the least environmentally impactful sources of power available. In addition, wind power by way of gearbox and advanced blade materials, has the highest percentage of energy retention. According to Source F, wind power retains 1,164% of the energy put into the system – meaning that it increases the energy converted from fuel (wind) to electricity 10 times! No other method of electricity production is even half that efficient. The efficiency and clean nature of wind power are important to consider, especially because they contribute back to power companies economically.

[3] Economically, wind power is both a boon and a bone to electric companies and other users. For consumers, wind power is very cheap, leading to lower bills than from any other source. Consumers also get an indirect reimbursement by way of taxes (Source D). In one Texan town, McCamey, tax revenue increased 30% from a wind farm being erected in the town. This helps to finance improvements to the town. But, there is no doubt that wind power is also hurting the power companies. Although, as renewable power goes, wind is incredibly cheap, it is still significantly more expensive than fossil fuels. So, while it is helping to cut down on emissions, it costs electric companies more than traditional fossil fuel plants. While the general economic trend is positive, there are some setbacks which must be overcome before wind power can take over as truly more effective than fossil fuels.

[4] Aesthetics may be the greatest setback for power companies. Although there may be significant economic and environmental benefit to wind power, people will always fight to preserve pure, unspoiled land. Unfortunately, not much can be done to improve the visual aesthetics of the turbines. White paint is the most common choice because it "[is] associated with cleanliness." (Source E). But, this can make it stand out like a sore thumb, and make the gargantuan machines seem more out of place. The site can also not be altered because it affects generating capacity. Sound is almost worse of a concern because it interrupts personal productivity by interrupting people's sleep patterns. One thing for power companies to consider is working with turbine manufacturing to make the machines less aesthetically impactful, so as to garner greater public support.

[5] As with most things, wind power has no easy answer. It is the responsibility of the companies building them to weigh the benefits and the consequences. But, by balancing economics, efficiency, and aesthetics, power companies can create a solution which balances human impact with environmental preservation.

And that's an entire AP Lang synthesis essay example, written in response to a real AP Lang exam prompt! It's important to remember AP Lang exam synthesis essay prompts are always similarly structured and worded, and students often respond in around the same number of paragraphs as what you see in the example essay response above.

Next, let's analyze this example essay and talk about what it does effectively, where it could be improved upon, and what score past exam scorers awarded it.

To get started on an analysis of the sample synthesis essay, let's look at the scoring commentary provided by the College Board:

  • For development of thesis, the essay received 1 out of 1 possible points
  • For evidence and commentary, the essay received 4 out of 4 possible points
  • For sophistication of thought, the essay received 0 out of 1 possible points.

This means that the final score for this example essay was a 5 out of 6 possible points . Let's look more closely at the content of the example essay to figure out why it received this score breakdown.

Thesis Development

The thesis statement is one of the three main categories that is taken into consideration when you're awarded points on this portion of the exam. This sample essay received 1 out of 1 total points.

Now, here's why: the thesis statement clearly and concisely conveys a position on the topic presented in the prompt--alternative energy and wind power--and defines the most important factors that power companies should consider when deciding whether to establish a wind farm.

Evidence and Commentary

The second key category taken into consideration when synthesis exams are evaluated is incorporation of evidence and commentary. This sample received 4 out of 4 possible points for this portion of the synthesis essay. At bare minimum, this sample essay meets the requirement mentioned in the prompt that the writer incorporate evidence from at least three of the sources provided.

On top of that, the writer does a good job of connecting the incorporated evidence back to the claim made in the thesis statement through effective commentary. The commentary in this sample essay is effective because it goes beyond just summarizing what the provided sources say. Instead, it explains and analyzes the evidence presented in the selected sources and connects them back to supporting points the writer makes in each body paragraph.

Finally, the writer of the essay also received points for evidence and commentary because the writer developed and supported a consistent line of reasoning throughout the essay . This line of reasoning is summed up in the fourth paragraph in the following sentence: "One thing for power companies to consider is working with turbine manufacturing to make the machines less aesthetically impactful, so as to garner greater public support."

Because the writer did a good job consistently developing their argument and incorporating evidence, they received full marks in this category. So far, so good!

Sophistication of Thought

Now, we know that this essay received a score of 5 out of 6 total points, and the place where the writer lost a point was on the basis of sophistication of thought, for which the writer received 0 out of 1 points. That's because this sample essay makes several generalizations and vague claims where it could have instead made specific claims that support a more balanced argument.

For example, in the following sentence from the 5th paragraph of the sample essay, the writer misses the opportunity to state specific possibilities that power companies should consider for wind energy . Instead, the writer is ambiguous and non-committal, saying, "As with most things, wind power has no easy answer. It is the responsibility of the companies building them to weigh the benefits and consequences."

If the writer of this essay was interested in trying to get that 6th point on the synthesis essay response, they could consider making more specific claims. For instance, they could state the specific benefits and consequences power companies should consider when deciding whether to establish a wind farm. These could include things like environmental impacts, economic impacts, or even population density!

Despite losing one point in the last category, this example synthesis essay is a strong one. It's well-developed, thoughtfully written, and advances an argument on the exam topic using evidence and support throughout.


4 Tips for How to Write a Synthesis Essay

AP Lang is a timed exam, so you have to pick and choose what you want to focus on in the limited time you're given to write the synthesis essay. Keep reading to get our expert advice on what you should focus on during your exam.

Tip 1: Read the Prompt First

It may sound obvious, but when you're pressed for time, it's easy to get flustered. Just remember: when it comes time to write the synthesis essay, read the prompt first !

Why is it so important to read the prompt before you read the sources? Because when you're aware of what kind of question you're trying to answer, you'll be able to read the sources more strategically. The prompt will help give you a sense of what claims, points, facts, or opinions to be looking for as you read the sources.

Reading the sources without having read the prompt first is kind of like trying to drive while wearing a blindfold: you can probably do it, but it's likely not going to end well!

Tip 2: Make Notes While You Read

During the 15-minute reading period at the beginning of the synthesis essay, you'll be reading through the sources as quickly as you can. After all, you're probably anxious to start writing!

While it's definitely important to make good use of your time, it's also important to read closely enough that you understand your sources. Careful reading will allow you to identify parts of the sources that will help you support your thesis statement in your essay, too.

As you read the sources, consider marking helpful passages with a star or check mark in the margins of the exam so you know which parts of the text to quickly re-read as you form your synthesis essay. You might also consider summing up the key points or position of each source in a sentence or a few words when you finish reading each source during the reading period. Doing so will help you know where each source stands on the topic given and help you pick the three (or more!) that will bolster your synthesis argument.

Tip 3: Start With the Thesis Statement

If you don't start your synthesis essay with a strong thesis statement, it's going to be tough to write an effective synthesis essay. As soon as you finish reading and annotating the provided sources, the thing you want to do next is write a strong thesis statement.

According to the CollegeBoard grading guidelines for the AP Lang synthesis essay, a strong thesis statement will respond to the prompt— not restate or rephrase the prompt. A good thesis will take a clear, defensible position on the topic presented in the prompt and the sources.

In other words, to write a solid thesis statement to guide the rest of your synthesis essay, you need to think about your position on the topic at hand and then make a claim about the topic based on your position. This position will either be defending, challenging, or qualifying the claim made in the essay's prompt.

The defensible position that you establish in your thesis statement will guide your argument in the rest of the essay, so it's important to do this first. Once you have a strong thesis statement, you can begin outlining your essay.

Tip 4: Focus on Your Commentary

Writing thoughtful, original commentary that explains your argument and your sources is important. In fact, doing this well will earn you four points (out of a total of six)!

AP Lang provides six to seven sources for you on the exam, and you'll be expected to incorporate quotations, paraphrases, or summaries from at least three of those sources into your synthesis essay and interpret that evidence for the reader.

While incorporating evidence is very important, in order to get the extra point for "sophistication of thought" on the synthesis essay, it's important to spend more time thinking about your commentary on the evidence you choose to incorporate. The commentary is your chance to show original thinking, strong rhetorical skills, and clearly explain how the evidence you've included supports the stance you laid out in your thesis statement.

To earn the 6th possible point on the synthesis essay, make sure your commentary demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the source material, explains this nuanced understanding, and places the evidence incorporated from the sources in conversation with each other. To do this, make sure you're avoiding vague language. Be specific when you can, and always tie your commentary back to your thesis!


What's Next?

There's a lot more to the AP Language exam than just the synthesis essay. Be sure to check out our expert guide to the entire exam , then learn more about the tricky multiple choice section .

Is the AP Lang exam hard...or is it easy? See how it stacks up to other AP tests on our list of the hardest AP exams .

Did you know there are technically two English AP exams? You can learn more about the second English AP test, the AP Literature exam, in this article . And if you're confused about whether you should take the AP Lang or AP Lit test , we can help you make that decision, too.

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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27 How do I Write a Synthesis Essay?

A synthesis essay is a type of essay that gathers information from a variety of sources to form a new idea, question, or argumentative thesis. Writers composing a synthesis essay will discuss ideas, data, and evidence from a series of sources to either explain or argue something original.

Explanatory vs. Argumentative Synthesis Essays: How Are They Different?

Though the formatting is largely the same, there are two main types of synthesis essays: explanatory and argumentative.

  • 1.   Explanatory : The purpose of an explanatory synthesis essay is to use different sources to explain a particular point of view. These synthesis papers objectively examine the similarities and differences between ideas but don’t necessarily choose a side or attempt to sway the reader in any direction.
  • 2.   Argumentative : An argumentative synthesis essay follows the same structure as a typical argumentative essay. The thesis of an argumentative essay will argue one specific point.

Synthesis Essay Structure

Synthesis essays typically adhere to the five-paragraph essay structure, but there are slight nuances to structuring this type of essay. Here is how a synthesis essay is structured.

  •   Introduction : The foundational ideas of your essay are expressed in the introductory paragraph. You will address the general landscape of ideas around your topic, introducing some of your sources. You will also introduce the argument to be made through a thesis statement, which succinctly states your primary argument in a sentence or two. The thesis statement typically comes at the very end of your introductory paragraph.
  •   Body : The body of your synthesis essay is usually about three paragraphs long. This typically includes two paragraphs synthesizing your sources in a way that supports your argument, and one paragraph that acknowledges opposing arguments.
  • Conclusion : The conclusion of your synthesis essay reiterates the argument that you’ve made throughout your essay. It may emphasize how each of the points you made and the sources you’ve cited substantiate your point.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay

A great synthesis essay walks readers through a series of ideas and sources to prove or explain a larger point.

Follow this step-by-step guide for writing your essay:

  • Choose a topic you’re curious about . Brainstorm a few ideas for your synthesis essay topic, prioritizing the subjects you feel passionate about.
  • Do your research . Once you’ve decided on a topic, use the internet, library, and other sources to perform extensive research. You can turn to academic primary sources to find quotes from scholars and experts, or look up statistics or scientific studies relevant to your topic. This research will help you develop a point of view that is backed up by concrete information. Use credible sources that are unbiased.
  • Outline your point . Your entire essay should focus on either explaining a certain perspective or making an argument. Outline how each of your sources relates to your theme and support your idea.
  • Write your introduction . An introduction is the first paragraph of a paper. Its main purpose is to present the general premise of the paper, provide any necessary background information, and hopefully, capture the reader’s attention. The introductory paragraph to your synthesis essay should be where you include a strong thesis statement. This is where you will state the point of view that you’re exploring or the argument you’re making.
  • Include your body paragraphs . Synthesis essays will typically contain three body paragraphs. A good body paragraph contains three main sections: a topic sentence (or key sentence), relevant supporting  sentences, and a closing (or transition)
  • sentence. This structure keeps your paragraph focused on the main idea, providing clear, concise information. Each body paragraph should discuss different elements and supporting arguments of your thesis, along with evidence drawn from each source. Explain the common theme between your resources, as well as how they are relevant to your text. Include counterarguments as well as how your source material can discredit those claims and support your own idea.
  • Wrap it up with a strong conclusion . A conclusion is a final piece of writing in a research paper, essay, or article that summarizes the entire work. The concluding paragraph of your synthesis essay will restate your thesis, summarize the key supporting ideas you discussed throughout the work, and offer your final impression of the central idea.
  • Proofread . Always proofread your writing a few times before submitting or presenting it. A few missed words or grammatical errors can sometimes change or discredit the entire crux of an argument or opinion. Make sure that your grammar, syntax, and flow are as accurate and clear as possible. This will help you come across as a credible source.

College Reading & Writing: A Handbook for ENGL- 090/095 Students Copyright © by Yvonne Kane; Krista O'Brien; and Angela Wood. All Rights Reserved.

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How to Write a Synthesis Essay

March 29, 2022 by Beth Hall

Learning how to write a synthesis essay is a crucial skill for students, as it teaches the basics of writing a research paper.

Approaching the Synthesis Essay Prompt

In the AP® Lang synthesis essay prompt, you will be given some context to work with, so it’s important that you carefully read the context to figure out the different perspectives on the issue. This can be especially helpful if the prompt is about a topic you have not previously considered.

The prompt is usually written as a statement that includes “write an essay that synthesizes material from at least 3 sources and develops your position on…” Topics will vary, but the rest of the statement could include phrases such as “the role, if any,” “the extent to which” or “the factors one should consider.” It usually helps if you turn the prompt statement into a question.

Next, you will see six to eight sources, with at least one being a visual text. Take a look at the sources, making sure to note the citation information (located in a box at the top of the page) and the brief source information sentence (which is an italicized sentence above the source.) As you examine each source, try to identify the position or argument of each source. If you feel a source is unusable or you don’t understand it, just skip it.

As you are looking at sources, don’t forget to annotate and write down quotes that you find. This can be really useful later when composing your synthesis essay. Additionally, you may want to write down commentary as you are reading the source. This can help you plan how this source can be used in your essay.

For more information about analyzing a visual text, check out this video.

Creating an outline.

Before you begin writing, I highly suggest that you draft a quick outline. This doesn’t need to be very detailed. The goal of the outline is to make sure your essay has a logical argument, that your ideas progress well, and you know where you will be inserting your sources.

When writing your outline, you want to clearly determine your argument or position. If it helps, make a quick note about what your thesis will be. Next, determine how many body paragraphs you will have and create a map of those paragraphs. Within that map, include which sources you will use – you need to cite at least three sources in your essay.

Lastly, determine if you need a counterclaim and rebuttal or concession and refutation. If so, decide where you will include that in your essay.

Writing a Thesis Statement

In a synthesis essay, you will be developing a position, so it is important that you have a defensible thesis . Within your thesis, be sure to assert your position. Some students also like to include a counterclaim in their thesis. That is completely fine, but be sure you aren’t trying to argue both sides equally.

Once written, the thesis statement will go in your introduction. Don’t spend too much time creating an introduction because the bulk of your score comes from the body paragraphs. As long as you have a defensible thesis, you will be okay. If you have time, you can definitely add a hook and appropriate context to your intro.

Selecting Sources

Synthesis means a combination of sources, so a synthesis essay can be thought of as a “conservation of sources”. The key word here is conversation – you want the sources to support your argument. You don’t want your essay to be a summary of sources.

AP® Lang requires that you include at least three sources. A common mistake students make is using the same source twice and thinking that counts as two citations. Because it’s the same source, it only counts as one.

I often recommend to students that you choose two sources that support your argument, and one that can be used with your rebuttal and counterclaim. 

When learning how to write a synthesis essay, avoid inserting large quotes into your body paragraphs You want the bulk of your essay to be your original thoughts and commentary, so your sources should complement what you have to say – not replace it.

Citing Your Sources

During the AP® Lang exam, you will get two booklets. One will have all of your essay prompts, including the sources for your synthesis essay. The other booklet will be where you actually write your essay.

There are two ways that you can cite your sources. You want to pick one method and use that throughout your synthesis essay. One method is by simply referring to the sources as (Source A) or (Source C). You can also cite by using the author’s name, such as (Dickinson). Make sure you use parenthetical citations. These parenthetical citations should always come at the very end of the sentence, not the end of your quote.

Citation tip: The period goes after the second parenthesis.

Remember, evidence can be in the form of a direct quote or paraphrase. Either way, you must include a citation.

For more information about citing sources in a synthesis essay, check out this blog post.

Developing commentary.

One major components of knowing how to write a synthesis essay is knowing how to develop commentary.

Developing commentary is always the hardest part of any essay. Commentary is analysis. It’s your original thoughts and interpretations. Your synthesis essay will be composed of more commentary than evidence because commentary is what explains the significance of the evidence and makes connections to your thesis.

When developing commentary, think about some of the following questions:

  • Do you have any relevant personal experience with the topic?
  • Who benefits from this situation/circumstance/solution? Who experiences a disadvantage?
  • What will happen if this issue continues? What will happen if it ceases?
  • How will this benefit or hurt society?
  • What are the real-world or current implications of this issue?

Pacing Tips

Training for the AP® Lang exam is a lot like training for a marathon. You can’t expect yourself to start out running 26 miles in a day. The pacing of the essay is often intimidating for students. It seems like you don’t have a lot of time. The College Board recommends you take 15 minutes to read the prompt and sources and 40 minutes to write the essay.

In order to feel comfortable with that time frame, you are going to need to practice.

For more tips regarding how to write a synthesis essay, check out this video!

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How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay + Example

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What is the ap lang synthesis essay, how will ap scores affect my college chances.

AP English Language and Composition, commonly known as AP Lang, is one of the most engaging and popular AP classes offered at most high schools, with over 535,000 students taking the class . AP Lang tests your ability to analyze written pieces, synthesize information, write rhetorical essays, and create cohesive and concrete arguments. However, the class is rather challenging as only 62% of students were able to score a three or higher on the exam. 

The AP Lang exam has two sections. The first consists of 45 multiple choice questions which need to be completed in an hour. This portion counts for around 45% of your total score. These questions ask students to analyze written pieces and answer questions related to each respective passage.  All possible answer choices can be found within the text, and no prior knowledge of literature is needed to understand the passages.

The second section contains three free-response questions to be finished in under two hours and 15 minutes. This section counts for 55% of your score and includes the synthesis essay, the rhetorical essay, and the argumentative essay.

  • The synthesis essay requires you to read 6-7 sources and create an argument using at least three sources.
  • The rhetorical analysis essay requires you to describe how a piece of writing evokes specific meanings and symbolism.
  • The argumentative essay requires you to pick a perspective of a debate and create an argument based on the evidence provided.

In this post, we will take a look at the AP Lang synthesis essay and discuss tips and tricks to master this part of the exam. We will also provide an example of a well-written essay for review.  

The AP Lang synthesis essay is the first of three essays included in the Free Response section of the AP Lang exam. The exam presents 6-7 sources that are organized around a specific topic, with two of those sources purely visual, including a single quantitative source (like a graph or pie chart). The remaining 4-5 sources are text-based, containing around 500 words each. It’s recommended that students spend an hour on this essay—15 minute reading period, 40 minutes writing, and 5 minutes of spare time to check over work.

Each synthesis essay has a topic that all the sources will relate to. A prompt will explaining the topic and provide some background, although the topics are usually broad so you will probably know something related to the issue. It will also present a claim that students will respond to in an essay format using information from at least three of the provided sources. You will need to take a stance, either agreeing or disagreeing with the position provided in the claim. 

According to the CollegeBoard, they are looking for essays that “combine different perspectives from sources to form a support of a coherent position.” This means that you must state your claim on the topic and highlight relationships between several sources that support your specific position on the topic. Additionally, you’ll need to cite clear evidence from your sources to prove your point.

The synthesis essay counts for six points on the AP Lang exam. Students can receive 0-1 points for writing a thesis statement, 0-4 based on the incorporation of evidence and commentary, and 0-1 points based on the sophistication of thought and demonstration of complex understanding.

While this essay seems extremely overwhelming, considering there are a total of three free-response essays to complete, with proper time management and practiced skills, this essay is manageable and straightforward. In order to enhance the time management aspect of the test to the best of your ability, it is essential to divide the essay up into five key steps.

Step 1: Analyze the Prompt

As soon as the clock starts, carefully read and analyze what the prompt asks from you. It might be helpful to markup the text to identify the most critical details. You should only spend around 2 minutes reading the prompt so you have enough time to read all the sources and figure out your argument. Don’t feel like you need to immediately pick your stance on the claim right after reading the prompt. You should read the sources before you commit to your argument.

Step 2: Read the Sources Carefully

Although you are only required to use 3 of the 6-7 sources provides, make sure you read ALL of the sources. This will allow you to better understand the topic and make the most educated decision of which sources to use in your essay. Since there are a lot of sources to get through, you will need to read quickly and carefully.

Annotating will be your best friend during the reading period. Highlight and mark important concepts or lines from each passage that would be helpful in your essay. Your argument will probably begin forming in your head as you go through the passages, so you will save yourself a lot of time later on if you take a few seconds to write down notes in the margins. After you’ve finished reading a source, reflect on whether the source defends, challenges, or qualifies your argument.

You will have around 13 minutes to read through all the sources, but it’s very possible you will finish earlier if you are a fast reader. Take the leftover time to start developing your thesis and organizing your thoughts into an outline so you have more time to write. 

Step 3: Write a Strong Thesis Statement 

In order to write a good thesis statement, all you have to do is decide your stance on the claim provided in the prompt and give an overview of your evidence. You essentially have three choices on how to frame your thesis statement: You can defend, challenge or qualify a claim that’s been provided by the prompt. 

  • If you are defending the claim, your job will be to prove that the claim is correct .
  • If you are challenging the claim, your job will be to prove that the claim is incorrect .
  • If you choose to qualify the claim, your job will be to agree to a part of the claim and disagree with another part of the claim. 

A strong thesis statement will clearly state your stance without summarizing the issue or regurgitating the claim. The CollegeBoard is looking for a thesis statement that “states a defensible position and establishes a line of reasoning on the issue provided in the prompt.”

Step 4: Create a Minimal Essay Outline

Developing an outline might seem like a waste of time when you are up against the clock, but believe us, taking 5-10 minutes to outline your essay will be much more useful in the long run than jumping right into the essay.

Your outline should include your thesis statement and three main pieces of evidence that will constitute each body paragraph. Under each piece of evidence should be 2-3 details from the sources that you will use to back up your claim and some commentary on how that evidence proves your thesis.

Step 5: Write your Essay

Use the remaining 30-35 minutes to write your essay. This should be relatively easy if you took the time to mark up the sources and have a detailed outline.  Remember to add special consideration and emphasis to the commentary sections of the supporting arguments outlined in your thesis. These sentences are critical to the overall flow of the essay and where you will be explaining how the evidence supports or undermines the claim in the prompt.

Also, when referencing your sources, write the in-text citations as follows: “Source 1,” “Source 2,” “Source 3,” etc. Make sure to pay attention to which source is which in order to not incorrectly cite your sources. In-text citations will impact your score on the essay and are an integral part of the process.

After you finish writing, read through your essay for any grammatical errors or mistakes before you move onto the next essay.

Here are six must-have tips and tricks to get a good score on the synthesis essay:

  • Cite at least four sources , even though the minimum requirement is three. Remember not to plagiarize and cite everything you use in your arguments.
  • Make sure to develop a solid and clear thesis . Develop a stable stance for the claim and stick with it throughout the entire paper.
  • Don’t summarize the sources. The summary of the sources does not count as an argument. 
  • You don’t necessarily have to agree with the sources in order to cite them. Using a source to support a counterargument is still a good use of a source.
  • Cite the sources that you understand entirely . If you don’t, it could come back to bite you in the end. 
  • Use small quotes , do not quote entire paragraphs. Make sure the quote does not disrupt the flow or grammar of the sentence you write. 

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Here is an example prompt and essay from 2019 that received 5 of the 6 total points available:

In response to our society’s increasing demand for energy, large-scale wind power has drawn attention from governments and consumers as a potential alternative to traditional materials that fuel our power grids, such as coal, oil, natural gas, water, or even newer sources such as nuclear or solar power. Yet the establishment of large-scale, commercial-grade wind farms is often the subject of controversy for a variety of reasons.

Carefully read the six sources, found on the AP English Language and Composition 2019 Exam (Question 1), including the introductory information for each source. Write an essay that synthesizes material from at least three of the sources and develops your position on the most important factors that an individual or agency should consider when deciding whether to establish a wind farm.

Source A (photo)

Source B (Layton)

Source C (Seltenrich)

Source D (Brown)

Source E (Rule)

Source F (Molla)

In your response you should do the following:

  • Respond to the prompt with a thesis presents a defensible position.
  • Select and use evidence from at least 3 of the provided sources to support your line of reasoning. Indicate clearly the sources used through direct quotation, paraphrase, or summary. Sources may be cited as Source A, Source B, etc., or by using the description in parentheses.
  • Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning.
  • Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.

[1] The situation has been known for years, and still very little is being done: alternative power is the only way to reliably power the changing world. The draw of power coming from industry and private life is overwhelming current sources of non-renewable power, and with dwindling supplies of fossil fuels, it is merely a matter of time before coal and gas fuel plants are no longer in operation. So one viable alternative is wind power. But as with all things, there are pros and cons. The main factors for power companies to consider when building wind farms are environmental boon, aesthetic, and economic factors.

[2] The environmental benefits of using wind power are well-known and proven. Wind power is, as qualified by Source B, undeniably clean and renewable. From their production requiring very little in the way of dangerous materials to their lack of fuel, besides that which occurs naturally, wind power is by far one of the least environmentally impactful sources of power available. In addition, wind power by way of gearbox and advanced blade materials, has the highest percentage of energy retention. According to Source F, wind power retains 1,164% of the energy put into the system – meaning that it increases the energy converted from fuel (wind) to electricity 10 times! No other method of electricity production is even half that efficient. The efficiency and clean nature of wind power are important to consider, especially because they contribute back to power companies economically.

[3] Economically, wind power is both a boon and a bone to electric companies and other users. For consumers, wind power is very cheap, leading to lower bills than from any other source. Consumers also get an indirect reimbursement by way of taxes (Source D). In one Texan town, McCamey, tax revenue increased 30% from a wind farm being erected in the town. This helps to finance improvements to the town. But, there is no doubt that wind power is also hurting the power companies. Although, as renewable power goes, wind is incredibly cheap, it is still significantly more expensive than fossil fuels. So, while it is helping to cut down on emissions, it costs electric companies more than traditional fossil fuel plants. While the general economic trend is positive, there are some setbacks which must be overcome before wind power can take over as truly more effective than fossil fuels.

[4] Aesthetics may be the greatest setback for power companies. Although there may be significant economic and environmental benefit to wind power, people will always fight to preserve pure, unspoiled land. Unfortunately, not much can be done to improve the visual aesthetics of the turbines. White paint is the most common choice because it “[is] associated with cleanliness.” (Source E). But, this can make it stand out like a sore thumb, and make the gargantuan machines seem more out of place. The site can also not be altered because it affects generating capacity. Sound is almost worse of a concern because it interrupts personal productivity by interrupting people’s sleep patterns. One thing for power companies to consider is working with turbine manufacturing to make the machines less aesthetically impactful, so as to garner greater public support.

[5] As with most things, wind power has no easy answer. It is the responsibility of the companies building them to weigh the benefits and the consequences. But, by balancing economics, efficiency, and aesthetics, power companies can create a solution which balances human impact with environmental preservation.

More examples can be found here at College Board.

While AP Scores help to boost your weighted GPA, or give you the option to get college credit, AP Scores don’t have a strong effect on your admissions chances . However, colleges can still see your self-reported scores, so you might not want to automatically send scores to colleges if they are lower than a 3. That being said, admissions officers care far more about your grade in an AP class than your score on the exam.

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How to Write the AP Lang Argument Essay (With Example)

December 14, 2023

We’d like to let you in on a little secret: no one, including us, enjoys writing timed essays. But a little practice goes a long way. If you want to head into your AP English Exam with a cool head, you’ll want to know what you’re getting into ahead of time. We can’t promise the AP Lang Argument Essay will ever feel like an island vacation, but we do have tons of hand tips and tricks (plus a sample essay!) below to help you do your best. This article will cover: 1) What is the AP Lang Argumentative Essay? 2) AP Lang Argument Rubric 3) AP Lang Argument Sample Prompt 4) AP Lang Argument Essay Example 5) AP Lang Argument Essay Example: Answer Breakdown.

What is the AP Lang Argument Essay?

The AP Lang Argument Essay is one of three essays included in the written portion of the AP English Exam. The full AP English Exam is 3 hours and 15 minutes long, with the first 60 minutes dedicated to multiple-choice questions. Once you complete the multiple-choice section, you move on to three equally weighted essays that ask you to synthesize, analyze, and interpret texts and develop well-reasoned arguments. The three essays include:

Synthesis essay: You’ll review various pieces of evidence and then write an essay that synthesizes (aka combines and interprets) the evidence and presents a clear argument. Read our write-up on How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay here.

Argumentative essay: You’ll take a stance on a specific topic and argue your case.

Rhetorical essay: You’ll read a provided passage, then analyze the author’s rhetorical choices and develop an argument that explains why the author made those rhetorical choices. Read our write-up on How to Write the AP Lang Rhetorical Essay here.

AP Lang Argument Essay Rubric

The AP Lang Argument Essay is graded on 3 rubric categories : Thesis, Evidence and Commentary, and Sophistication . How can you make sure you cover all three bases in your essay? We’ll break down each rubric category with dos and don’ts below:

  • Thesis (0-1 point)

When it comes to grading your thesis, AP Exam graders are checking off a box: you either have a clear thesis or you don’t. So, what crucial components of a thesis will get you your check mark?

  • Make sure your thesis argues something . To satisfy your graders, your thesis needs to take a clear stance on the issue at hand.
  • Include your thesis statement in your intro paragraph. The AP Lang Argumentative essay is just that: an essay that makes an argument, so make sure you present your argument right away at the end of your first paragraph.
  • A good test to see if you have a thesis that makes an argument for your AP Lang Argumentative Essay: In your head, add the phrase “I agree/disagree that…” to the beginning of your thesis. If what follows doesn’t logically flow after that phrase (aka if what follows isn’t an agreement or disagreement), it’s likely you’re not making an argument.
  • In your thesis, outline the evidence you’ll cover in your body paragraphs.

AP Lang Argument Essay Rubric (Continued)

  • Avoid a thesis that merely restates the prompt.
  • Avoid a thesis that summarizes the text but does not make an argument.
  • Avoid a thesis that weighs the pros and cons of an issue. Your job in your thesis is to pick a side and stick with it.
  • Evidence and Commentary (0-4 points)

This rubric category is graded on a scale of 0-4 where 4 is the highest grade. Unlike the rhetorical and synthesis essays, the evidence you need to write your AP Lang Argument Essay is not provided to you. Rather, you’ll need to generate your own evidence and comment upon it.

What counts as evidence?

Typically, the AP Lang Argument Essay prompt asks you to reflect on a broad cultural, moral, or social issue that is open to debate. For evidence, you won’t be asked to memorize and cite statistics or facts. Rather, you’ll want to bring in real-world examples of:

  • Historical events
  • Current-day events from the news
  • Personal anecdotes

For this essay, your graders know that you’re not able to do research to find the perfect evidence. What’s most important is that you find evidence that logically supports your argument.

What is commentary?

In this essay, it’s important to do more than just provide examples relevant evidence. After each piece of evidence you include, you’ll need to explain why it’s significant and how it connects to your main argument. The analysis you include after your evidence is commentary .

  • Take a minute to brainstorm evidence that logically supports your argument. If you have to go out of your way to find the connection, it’s better to think of different evidence.
  • Include multiple pieces of evidence. There is no magic number, but do make sure you incorporate more than a couple pieces of evidence that support your argument.
  • Make sure you include more than one example of evidence, too. Let’s say you’re working on an essay that argues that people are always stronger together than apart. You’ve already included an example from history: during the civil rights era, protestors staged group sit-ins as a powerful form of peaceful protest. That’s just one example, and it’s hard to make a credible argument with just one piece of evidence. To fix that issue, think of additional examples from history, current events, or personal experience that are not related to the civil rights era.
  • After you include each piece of evidence, explain why it’s significant and how it connects to your main argument.
  • Don’t summarize or speak generally about the topic. Everything you write must be backed up with specific and relevant evidence and examples.
  • Don’t let quotes speak for themselves. After every piece of evidence you include, make sure to explain and connect the evidence to your overarching argument.

AP Lang Argument Essay (Continued)

  • Sophistication (0-1 point)

According to the College Board , one point can be awarded to AP Lang Argument essays that achieve a high level of sophistication. You can accomplish that in four ways:

  • Crafting a nuanced argument by consistently identifying and exploring complexities or tensions.
  • Articulating the implications or limitations of an argument by situating it within a broader context.
  • Making effective rhetorical choices that consistently strengthen the force and impact of the student’s argument.
  • Employing a style that is consistently vivid and persuasive.

In sum, this means you can earn an additional point for going above and beyond in depth, complexity of thought, or by writing an especially persuasive, clear, and well-structured essay. In order to earn this point, you’ll first need to do a good job with the fundamentals: your thesis, evidence, and commentary. Then, to earn your sophistication point, follow these tips:

  • Outline your essay before you begin to ensure it flows in a clear and cohesive way.
  • Include well-rounded evidence. Don’t rely entirely on personal anecdotes, for example. Incorporate examples from current events or history, as well.
  • Thoroughly explain how each piece of evidence connects to your thesis in order to fully develop your argument.
  • Explore broader implications. If what you’re arguing is true, what does that mean to us today? Who is impacted by this issue? What real-world issues are relevant to this core issue?
  • Briefly explore the other side of the issue. Are the instances where your argument might not be true? Acknowledge the other side, then return to proving your original argument.
  • Steer clear of generalizations (avoid words like “always” and “everyone”).
  • Don’t choose an argument you can’t back up with relevant examples.
  • Avoid complex sentences and fancy vocabulary words unless you use them often. Long, clunky sentences with imprecisely used words are hard to follow.

AP Lang Argument Sample Prompt

The sample prompt below is published online by the College Board and is a real example from the 2021 AP English Exam. The prompt provides background context, essay instructions, and the text you need to analyze.

Suggested time—40 minutes.

Many people spend long hours trying to achieve perfection in their personal or professional lives. Similarly, people often demand perfection from others, creating expectations that may be challenging to live up to. In contrast, some people think perfection is not attainable or desirable.

Write an essay that argues your position on the value of striving for perfection.

In your response you should do the following:

  • Respond to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible position.
  • Provide evidence to support your line of reasoning.
  • Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning.
  • Use appropriate grammar and punctuation in communicating your argument.

AP Lang Argument Essay Example

As the old phrase says, “Practice makes perfect.” But is perfection something that is actually attainable? Sometimes, pushing for perfection helps us achieve great things, but most often, perfectionism puts too much pressure on us and prevents us from knowing when we have done the best we can. Striving for perfection can only lead us to shortchange ourselves. Instead, we should value learning, growth, and creativity and not worry whether we are first or fifth best.

Students often feel the need to be perfect in their classes, and this can cause students to struggle or stop making an effort in class. In elementary and middle school, for example, I was very nervous about public speaking. When I had to give a speech, my voice would shake, and I would turn very red. My teachers always told me “relax!” and I got Bs on Cs on my speeches. As a result, I put more pressure on myself to do well, spending extra time making my speeches perfect and rehearsing late at night at home. But this pressure only made me more nervous, and I started getting stomach aches before speaking in public.

Once I got to high school, however, I started doing YouTube make-up tutorials with a friend. We made videos just for fun, and laughed when we made mistakes or said something silly. Only then, when I wasn’t striving to be perfect, did I get more comfortable with public speaking.

AP Lang Argumentative Essay Example (Continued)

In the world of art and business and science, perfectionism can also limit what we are able to achieve. Artists, for example, have to take risks and leave room for creativity. If artists strive for perfection, then they won’t be willing to fail at new experiments and their work will be less innovative and interesting. In business and science, many products, like penicillin for example, were discovered by accident. If the scientist who discovered penicillin mold growing on his petri dishes had gotten angry at his mistake and thrown the dishes away, he would never have discovered a medicine that is vital to us today.

Some fields do need to value perfection. We wouldn’t like it, for example, if our surgeon wasn’t striving for perfection during our operation. However, for most of us, perfectionism can limit our potential for learning and growth. Instead of trying to be perfect, we should strive to learn, innovate, and do our personal best.

AP Lang Argument Essay Example: Answer Breakdown

The sample AP Lang Argumentative Essay above has some strengths and some weaknesses. Overall, we would give this essay a 3 or a 4. Let’s break down what’s working and what could be improved:

  • The essay offers a thesis that makes a clear argument that is relevant to the prompt: “Striving for perfection can only lead us to shortchange ourselves. Instead, we should value learning, growth, and creativity and not worry whether we are first or fifth best.”
  • The first body paragraph provides evidence that supports the essay’s thesis. This student’s personal anecdote offers an example of a time when perfectionism led them to shortchange themselves.
  • The second body paragraph provides additional evidence that supports the essay’s thesis. The example describing the discovery of penicillin offers another example of a situation in which perfectionism might have limited scientific progress.
  • The writer offers commentary explaining how her examples of public speaking and penicillin illustrate that we should “value learning, growth, and creativity” over perfectionism.
  • The essay follows one line of reasoning and does not stray into tangents.
  • The essay is organized well with intro, body, and concluding paragraphs. Overall, it is easy to read and is free of grammar errors.

What could be improved:

  • Although the second body paragraph provides one good specific example about the discovery of penicillin, the other examples it offers about art and business are only discussed generally and aren’t backed up with evidence. This paragraph would be stronger if it provided more examples. Or, if this writer couldn’t think of examples, they could have left out mentions of art and business altogether and included alternate evidence instead.
  • This writer would more thoroughly support their argument if they were able to offer one more example of evidence. They could provide another personal anecdote, an example from history, or an example from current events.
  • The writer briefly mentions the other side of the argument in their concluding paragraph: “Some fields do need to value perfection. We wouldn’t like it, for example, if our surgeon wasn’t striving for perfection during our operation.” Since it’s so brief a mention of the other side, it undermines the writer’s overall argument. This writer should either dedicate more time to reflecting on why even surgeons should “value learning, growth, and creativity” over perfectionism, or they should leave these sentences out.

AP Lang Argument Essay Example—More Resources

Looking for more tips to help you master your AP Lang Argumentative Essay? Brush up on 20 Rhetorical Devices High School Students Should Know and read our Tips for Improving Reading Comprehension .

If you’re ready to start studying for another part of the AP English Exam, find more expert tips in our How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis and How to Write the AP Lang Rhetorical Essay blog posts.

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Christina Wood

Christina Wood holds a BA in Literature & Writing from UC San Diego, an MFA in Creative Writing from Washington University in St. Louis, and is currently a Doctoral Candidate in English at the University of Georgia, where she teaches creative writing and first-year composition courses. Christina has published fiction and nonfiction in numerous publications, including The Paris Review , McSweeney’s , Granta , Virginia Quarterly Review , The Sewanee Review , Mississippi Review , and Puerto del Sol , among others. Her story “The Astronaut” won the 2018 Shirley Jackson Award for short fiction and received a “Distinguished Stories” mention in the 2019 Best American Short Stories anthology.

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How to End a College Essay: Strategies and Examples

How to End a College Essay: Strategies and Examples

Writing a college essay takes skill, but making a strong college essay conclusion is often the most important part. A great ending can make a big impact on your readers and bring your main ideas together. This guide will walk you through four strategies that will help you create impactful conclusions that resonate with your audience.

1. Writing a Memorable College Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of your essay is your last chance to strengthen your main points and leave a lasting impression. A well-written ending can make your whole essay better and more memorable.

Successful Essay Ending Examples

Here are some great ways to end an essay:

  • Share a thoughtful idea that connects to your main point, giving a sense of closure and understanding.
  • Quickly go over your main points, showing them in a new way.
  • Discuss why your topic matters beyond just your essay.
  • Link back to your introduction, making your writing feel complete.


"When I started looking into how music affects the brain, I didn't know I'd find a connection to my grandmother's struggle with Alzheimer's. I learned that songs people know well can often bring back memories for patients, even when they have trouble talking. This discovery changed how I see music's power and gave me a new way to connect with my grandmother. When we hum her favorite songs together, I see hints of recognition in her eyes, reminding me that sometimes, big scientific ideas can have very personal effects."

Common Mistakes in Ending an Essay

Avoid these problems when writing your college essay conclusion:

  • Adding new ideas: Your conclusion should bring together existing points, not introduce new information.
  • Just repeating your main point: While it's important to remind readers of your main idea, simply saying it again word-for-word doesn't work well.
  • Using overused phrases: Don't use expressions like "In conclusion" or "To sum up."
  • Stopping too suddenly: Make sure your conclusion gives a feeling of completion and doesn't leave readers hanging.

Aithor's advanced language model can help you write compelling conclusions that avoid these common mistakes and enhance the overall impact of your essay.

2. Thought-Provoking Questions: A Powerful Way to End an Essay

Ending an essay with a question that makes people think can get your readers interested and encourage them to keep thinking about your topic. This approach leaves a strong impression and can make your essay more memorable.

"After looking at how social media changes how we see ourselves, we're left with an important question: Can we find a way to share our lives online while still living them fully offline? Maybe the answer isn't choosing between the online and real worlds, but learning how to connect well in both."

When using this method, make sure your question is:

  • Related to your essay's main topic
  • Open-ended, encouraging deeper thought
  • Not easy to answer with just "yes" or "no"

3. How to End Your College Essay with a Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) in your conclusion can encourage your readers to do something based on the ideas you've talked about. This works well for essays about social issues, environmental problems, or personal growth topics.

"In this essay, we've looked at the problem of plastic in our oceans. Now, it's time to help fix it. Start by replacing one single-use plastic item you use every day with something you can use again. It could be as simple as using a reusable water bottle or bringing your own bags to the store. Tell your friends and family what you're doing. By taking these small steps, we're not just making less waste; we're starting a chain reaction that can lead to cleaner oceans and a healthier planet."

When writing a CTA for your college essay conclusion, make sure it's:

  • Clear and easy to write
  • Directly related to your essay's main points
  • Something your readers can actually do

Aithor can assist you in writing perfect calls to action that connect with your readers and fit well with your essay's content.

4. Personal Anecdotes: An Engaging Essay Ending

Ending an essay with a personal story can help your readers feel connected to you and strengthen your main message. This approach makes your writing more relatable and human.

"Last summer, I helped at a local animal shelter. One day, they brought in an older, scruffy dog named Max. For weeks, people passed him by, always choosing younger, cuter puppies instead. I started spending extra time with Max, and slowly, his playful side came out. When a family finally took him home, the happiness on their faces – and Max's wagging tail – showed me how important it is to give every living thing a chance. This taught me more about patience, unfair judgments, and the power of second chances than any book ever could."

When using a personal story to end your college essay:

  • Make sure it relates to your main topic
  • Keep it short and powerful
  • Use clear language to paint a picture for your readers

Tips on How to End a College Essay

To write a strong conclusion, think about these extra tips on how to end a college essay:

  • Wrap up your main points clearly while suggesting how they might apply to other things or future ideas to keep your readers thinking.
  • Make sure your conclusion sounds like the rest of your essay for a smooth, polished finish.
  • Don't weaken your arguments by sounding unsure in your conclusion.
  • Be extra careful with grammar and punctuation in your conclusion, as it's the last thing your readers will remember.
  • Write your conclusion to connect with your specific readers, whether they're college admissions staff, teachers, or other students.
  • Write a short and powerful conclusion that drives your main points home without repeating too much or using too many words.

Remember, your conclusion is your last chance to make a strong impression. Take your time to write it carefully, making sure it ties together your main points and shows why your essay matters.

For those wondering how to end a reflection paper, Aithor can help you improve your college essay conclusion, making sure it's polished, powerful, and fits your specific needs. This top writing tool can help you refine your essay ending examples and give you guidance on how to end a reflection paper or any other type of school writing.

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    1.Pick three points to write about from your list of points about which the writers agreed or disagreed. When picking three to write about, pick the three that offer you ample evidence. 2.Decide the order of the three points to be written about in your body paragraphs.

  8. How to Write a Synthesis Essay: Your Guide From Start to Finish

    A well-structured synthesis essay guides the reader through your analysis of multiple sources and effectively builds your argument. Here's a breakdown of the typical format: Double-space your essay unless otherwise instructed. Use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) and font size (e.g., 12 pt).


    A synthesis essay uses a variety of sources to form a new idea, answer a question, or defend an argumentative thesis statement. A synthesis does not summarize but shows the connections among the different sources and the writers' ideas. A successful synthesis essay overviews research on the chosen topic, highlights the connections among ...

  10. How to Write a Synthesis Essay

    As a student, you'll probably have to write a synthesis essay at some point. Read on for our step-by-step guide on how to write one effectively. Step 1. Define Your Idea or Argument. If you haven't done so already, decide on a topic to write about. Read up about it using a variety of credible sources and make detailed notes while you research.

  11. How to write a good AP synthesis essay

    Here's a handy timeline to keep in mind during the 55-minute-long synthesis essay portion of the AP Lang exam: Reading the directions, sources, and prompt: 15 minutes. Analyzing the sources and outlining your response: 10 minutes. Drafting your response: 25 minutes. Reviewing and revising your response: 5 minutes.

  12. How to Write a Perfect Synthesis Essay for the AP Language Exam

    Paragraph 1: The prompt presents and briefly explains the topic that you'll be writing your synthesis essay about. That topic is the concept of eminent domain. Paragraph 2: The prompt presents a specific claim about the concept of eminent domain in this paragraph: Eminent domain is productive and beneficial.

  13. 27 How do I Write a Synthesis Essay?

    Though the formatting is largely the same, there are two main types of synthesis essays: explanatory and argumentative. 1. Explanatory: The purpose of an explanatory synthesis essay is to use different sources to explain a particular point of view.These synthesis papers objectively examine the similarities and differences between ideas but don't necessarily choose a side or attempt to sway ...

  14. How to EASILY Write Commentary for Research Papers and Synthesis

    WRITE STRONG RESEARCH AND SYNTHESIS COMMENTARY! This video will guide you through ways make sure you produce the best commentary possible so you can score w...

  15. How to Write a Synthesis Essay

    The prompt is usually written as a statement that includes "write an essay that synthesizes material from at least 3 sources and develops your position on…". Topics will vary, but the rest of the statement could include phrases such as "the role, if any," "the extent to which" or "the factors one should consider.".

  16. Full Guide to Synthesis Essays: How to Write a Synthesis Essay

    Step 1: Choosing a compelling topic. The first step in writing a synthesis essay is to select a topic that you find particularly interesting. However, this topic should also provide ground for ...

  17. PDF Writing a Synthesis Essay

    Tips for an effective synthesis essay: • Establish your purpose to shape the way you want to argue and form your thesis. The thesis is the main claim or idea of your essay. • Select your sources and become familiar with them so that you can discuss them in relationship to your thesis and supporting argument(s).

  18. How to Improve Commentary for an AP Lang Synthesis Essay

    This video offers tips about how to develop commentary as students are outlining and writing a synthesis essay for AP Language and Composition. Teachers: Wan...

  19. How to Write the AP Lang Synthesis Essay + Example

    Step 5: Write your Essay. Use the remaining 30-35 minutes to write your essay. This should be relatively easy if you took the time to mark up the sources and have a detailed outline. Remember to add special consideration and emphasis to the commentary sections of the supporting arguments outlined in your thesis.

  20. Well-Written Synthesis Essay Examples

    Get multiple synthesis essay examples covering a range of topics. Learn how to craft an introduction, thesis, outlines, or write your entire synthesis essay.

  21. Synthesis Essay

    Examples of synthesis writing are: An explanatory synthesis essay, in which the writer presents factual information to help the reader understand a subject. In an expository synthesis essay, the ...

  22. How to Write the AP Lang Argument Essay (With Example)

    Write an essay that argues your position on the value of striving for perfection. In your response you should do the following: Respond to the prompt with a thesis that presents a defensible position. Provide evidence to support your line of reasoning. Explain how the evidence supports your line of reasoning.

  23. How to Write a Synthesis Essay

    Wondering what a synthesis essay is? This video offers tips about how to write a synthesis essay for AP Language and Composition.Let's Connect on Social Medi...

  24. How to End a College Essay: Strategies and Examples

    Writing a college essay takes skill, but making a strong college essay conclusion is often the most important part. A great ending can make a big impact on your readers and bring your main ideas together. This guide will walk you through four strategies that will help you create impactful conclusions that resonate with your audience. 1. Writing a Memorable College Essay Conclusion The ...

  25. The Basics Of Subtractive Synthesis For Beginners

    If you aren't sure where to get started when it comes to making your own synth sounds, this tutorial covers subtractive synthesis, which is at the heart of most modern and vintage synths. "Over 99% of synthesizers use the same fundamental building blocks," notes Carr, "and the secret to programming synths is that they're all pretty ...