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2 Minute Speech On Parents Are Visible Gods In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about Parents are visible gods. We engage with our parents daily. We witness their daily struggles to maintain our happiness. Our parents work very hard to provide for us.

Lord Vishnu, I once told Marekendeya Rishi that my finest devotees are those who serve their parents and believe that their mother and father are the Holy River Ganga and the Lord of the Universe, respectively. This just serves to emphasize how important it is to support our parents.

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10 Lines on Parents for Students and Children in English

June 26, 2020 by Prasanna

10 Lines on Parents:  Parents are God-given precious gifts for children. Parents are both Mother and Father who have brought us to this world and nurture us with eternal affection and love since childhood. Parents take care, advice, and teach us through our journey as infants, children, teenagers, and at the early stages of Adulthood.

Even if they face trouble and live in scarcity, they will never let us face any tough situations. We remain indebted to our parents, and we must be with them and take care of them during their need for time.

Parents work hard and make sacrifices to ensure we get all the necessary resources that aid us in our overall development, such as mental, physical, financial, social, and educational. We should never denounce the role and value of parents in our life.

Here, we have provided ten lines on Parents in English to help you formulate paragraph writings and essays on this topic as well to assist you during competitive exams and G.K. quizzes.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines on Parents for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  • Parents are the most beautiful and valuable God-given gifts in our lives.
  • They play an immense role in the physical, mental, social, educational, and financial development.
  • Parents teach and guide us on the right path and differentiate between the right and wrong things in life.
  • Grandparents are also considered as parents in our life.
  • They listen to our problems and help us make the right life choices.
  • They do everything to keep us happy and protect us from any harm that befalls us.
  • A mother protects and takes care of the child while a father guides and teaches the child.
  • Parents work hard to provide us with proper education and everything in life.
  • They feel proud and happy when they see us attain success in life.
  • Parents are our guardians, and we must respect them as a Godly figure.

10 Lines on Parents for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines on Parents for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  • Parents are second God figures who are living with us in our life.
  • Parents can be biologically or legally related to a person.
  • People who preceded us by two to three generations are also considered as Parents. Thus, Grandparents are also considered as Parents.
  • Parents teach skills and knowledge and guide us on the right path.
  • Parents always wish to see their children reach the highest place in society and life.
  • They are the shadows of our behaviors, and we display the reflections of our parents.
  • Parents listen to all our problems, work hard, and provide us with the best resources.
  • No matter what we do in life, parents will never develop feelings of hatred in their minds.
  •  Parents do everything, even beyond their capacity and sacrifice only to make their child happy.
  •  We have to serve them, respect them, and obey them and become good children they want.

Set 3 – 10 Lines on Parents for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  • Parents are a child’s first teacher and mentor, and aid in the overall development of the children.
  • The spontaneous and serene love of parents cannot be compared to any other attachment.
  • Parents teach their children to learn and experience the knowledge that aids their overall development and molds them to become a well-behaved and civilized human being.
  • They are the pillars of our lives because we can speak, walk, and differentiate between the wrong and right.
  • Parents are the roof in our life, who protect and save us through difficult times and aid us in becoming an independent and self-reliant person.
  • Parents are role models in our lives and influence, motivate, and encourage us in every aspect of our life.
  • Parents make a tremendous sacrifice to keep us happy and provide us with necessities, and every child must take care of their parents through their life.
  • A few parents have adopted children, i.e., they are not the birth givers but raise and take care of the kids are their own.
  • However, Surrogacy is another way a third person gives birth to a couple’s child, thus making them as parents.
  • A Father is a key figure who guides and teaches us about things in life while a Mother takes care and protects us from all harm and danger.

10 Lines on Parents for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Parents

Question 1. Why are parents important in our life?

Answer: Parents protect and save us through difficult times and aid us in becoming an independent and self-reliant person. They are our role models and influence, motivate, and encourage us in every aspect of our life.

Question 2. Can people who are not biologically related be considered as parents?

Answer: Yes, parents can be biologically or legally related to a person.

Question 3. Cna Grandparents be considered as parents?

Answer: It is known that people who preceded us by two to three generations are also considered as Parents. Thus, Grandparents are also considered as Parents.

Question 4. What is the role of parents in our life?

Answer: Parents work hard and make sacrifices to ensure we get all the necessary resources that aid us in our overall development, such as mental, physical, financial, social, and educational.

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School Essay

  • Essay on My Parents
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  • Reading time: 5 mins read

Essay on My Parents: Parents are the most precious gift from God, and we should give importance to our parents no matter what. Parents are the ones who support us at every stage of life and guide us in the right direction. There is no one other than the parents who take care of us truly without any condition.

According to my, the word ‘sacrifice’ is the synonym of parents. Parents are the most precious gift that God could have ever given to me. Just like many other children, even I am fortunate to have caring and loving parents. They love me more than their lives. They are very affectionate and caring. My father’s name is Mr. Minoo and my mother’s name is Mrs. Heera.

My parents are my first school in which I have received the basic values and morals of a good life. I have learned from them good manners, discipline, obedience, hard work, and honesty since childhood. Respect towards the poor and the needy is an important part of my nature. This quality has been imparted by my parents since I was very young. They are the guiding force of my life. They are always ready to help me out with difficulties and problems. I feel protected and secure when they are around me. They protect me from everything that can adversely affect me. They are always willing to give me good advice when I need it the most. I have always found my parents standing beside me when I need them the most.

My parents have developed my character. They have laid down the foundation of my thinking. I feel very fortunate to have parents who have always devoted their lives to make me happy and comfortable. However, they are great disciplinarians. Just like many other good and dedicated parents, my parents are selfless. They have never cared for their personal comforts and happiness. They have always sacrificed their own needs for my fulfilments and wishes.

I have an elder sister. Her name is Roxana. My parents have never made any difference between us. They love us equally. When I fall ill, they get quite tense and worried. They take leave from their jobs and take me to the doctor. They take my extra care until I am well. They stay awake all night to look after me. When something wrong is done by me, they explain to me very patiently why it is wrong. I then realize that they want me to learn good habits. They always encourage me to develop skills within myself. I have always experienced peace, prosperity, care, and love staying with them.

Every night all of us sit together after dinner and watch selected television programs. This is the time I like the most. I feel very safe when I am with them. I love my parents very much and I am aware that I and my sister are very dear to them. I thank God for giving me such loving and caring parents.

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What writing about our parents can tell us about God

parents my living god essay in english

Growing up physically can be measured in inches on the kitchen wall or in pounds on the scale of the school nurse. The growth of the soul isn’t so easily assessed, yet it happens whenever the world as I know it encounters the world as you know it to become the world as we know it. The soul grows when its world expands.

The soul grows when its world expands.

The acclaimed American novelist Richard Ford has just published a memoir, entitled Between Them: Remembering My Parents . Memory cannot summon up an entire life. It can only offer fragments to us, which we gather as clues to the whole of a life. “But pieces can stand for the whole well enough,” Ford insists. “Though each must make a difference to me or I wouldn’t remember them so well.”

Here’s a small passage, recording a moment in the life of every child: when we first learn how the rest of the world sees the parent, who is the center of our own world.

I remember an elderly neighbor stopping me once on the sidewalk and asking me matter-of-factly who I was. This was on Congress Street. Maybe I was nine or seven or five. It was a thing that could happen to you in Jackson. But when I said my name—Richard Ford—she said, “Oh, yes. Your mother’s the cute little black-haired woman up the street.” These were words that immediately affected me, and strongly, since they proposed my first conception of my mother as someone else, as someone whom other people saw and considered and not just as my mother. A cute woman, which she wasn’t. Black-haired, which she was. She was five feet five inches tall, but I never have known if that is tall or short. I think I must have believed, as I still do, that it was normal. I remember this, however, as a sentinel moment in life. Small but important. It alerted me to my mother’s—what?—public side. To the aspect of her that other people saw and dealt with and that was always there, alongside what I saw. I don’t believe I ever thought of her again without thinking of that, or ever addressed her except with that knowledge. That she was Edna Ford, a person who was my mother but who was also someone else.
It is, of course, a good lesson to learn early—cute, little black-haired, five-five—since one of the premier challenges for us all is to know our parents fully—assuming they survive long enough, are worth knowing, and it is physically possible. The more we see our parents fully, after all, see them as the world does, the better our chances to see the world as it is.

Unless she’s absent from its life, every child knows its mother. Her face is the font from which the world will flow; she is the portal through which the rest of the world first enters. Ford remembers this mundane incident, a neighbor commenting upon his mother’s appearance, because it truly was “mundane,” a founding stone of his adult world. Mundus is Latin for “world.” Ford’s soul grew when what he saw and what others saw—all the while looking at the same spot in the world, namely his mother—combined into a world that was simply, yet profoundly, greater. That is how any soul grows!

The deepest Christian conviction about Jesus of Nazareth is that he is not of this world, that, in him, this world, which all of us know, encounters another world, which none of us know. This is what we mean when we speak of him being truly man and truly God. In the Christ, earth and heaven meet, though only in him. Put another way, here on earth he is all we know of heaven.

To profess that Jesus was truly human is to insist that he grew as we do.

Imagine what it must have been like for Jesus to hear the God, whom he called Father, be described by others. How many of the adjectives, which they might have employed, would have struck him as strained, useless or simply untrue?

To profess that Jesus was truly human is to insist that he grew as we do. That means that his soul grew as his world expanded. But to profess Jesus as God is to insist that it was our knowledge of the Father that grew in our encounter with him, not his.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have seen him” (Jn 14:6-7).

In all of the Gospels, but especially in the Fourth, Jesus is savior because Jesus is revealer. The vehicle or instrument of salvation is true knowledge of God, which is revealed in the very person of Jesus the Christ. To know who God is is to know what God wants of us. It is to know who we are meant to be, who we must become. Jesus would not be who Christians confess him to be if he did not reveal the Father to us and allow us to enter another world, one which we could never have known without him.

To know who God is is to know what God wants of us.

Yet the God whom Jesus called Father, whom Jesus reveals, remains an ever-elusive mystery. God is pure spirit, which means that most of the adjectives that we use to describe our world can be applied to God metaphorically at best. Yet, as we gaze upon the face of Jesus, as we ponder his actions—as both of these are given to us in the Gospel the church proclaims—we learn all that we must know of God in order to come to God.

Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, “Show us the Father”? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own. The Father who dwells in me is doing his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else, believe because of the works themselves (Jn 14:9-11).

parents my living god essay in english

So, to write about my parents long after they’ve gone inevitably discloses hollow places, failures, frailties, rents and absences in me, insufficiencies that the telling, itself, may have tried to put right or seal off, but may only have re-opened and left behind, absences that no amount of life or truthful telling can completely full or conceal. These I agree to live with. Though when I turn to regard life—my own or others’—I now never fail to struck, amid the onslaught of all that’s happened and still is happening, by how much that’s gone from me. Absences seem to surround and intrude upon everything. Though in acknowledging this, I cannot let it be a loss or even be a fact I regret, since that is merely how life is—another enduring truth we must notice.

Readings : Acts 6:1-7 1 Peter 2:4-9 John 14:1-12

parents my living god essay in english

The Rev. Terrance W. Klein is a priest serving in the Diocese of Dodge City and author of Vanity Faith . 

Father Klein's reflection made me think of last week's season-ending episode of BLUE BLOODS, a particularly emotional episode involving the entire Reagan family. In the last years of my father's life, watching this show together was a Friday night ritual we both enjoyed. My Dad was a retired New York City policeman, and being Catholics we both enjoyed the Sunday dinners preceded by a pause for Grace before Meals along with the many references to the Church in the show. Reading Fr. Klein's piece, I connected with the observation that Jesus must have listened to so many tell Him their understanding of who His Father was and what He was like. And no matter how sincere, how heartfelt, they were inadequate, but yet they were necessary on the journey to discovery. My own recollections of my own Dad remind me of what I miss but also of how much I have, not a loss but a truth, as Richard Ford so wisely says. At the conclusion of last Friday's BLUE BLOODS episode, the family is really struggling with the events of the last couple of days, involving tremendous danger and loss to some of them. Danny, the older son, is asked to say Grace before Meals, and he can't get the words out because he doesn't feel very thankful. Then his wife, Linda, sums it up and brings him and all of us viewers right back where we belong as she says, "when we have everyone we love, we have everything, and for that we should be grateful." Amen! Thanks, Fr. Klein.

“What writing about our parents can tell us about God,” very interesting reflection by Fr. Klein, as his reflections always are. About my maternal parent, my Mom, long before my First Grade Teacher, Sister Gertrude Agnes told us kids that God is a Father, my Mom, I should say “our” Mom as there were within ten years of marriage six children, taught us call God “Poppa God.”

For some, calling God “Poppa” could be a not good thing depending on how the earthy poppa was viewed. If the Old Man was nasty, then God became nasty, if he was kind and loving, God became kind and loving. I liked my Father although we kids never saw much of him and suddenly he wasn’t there! But he was a happy guy, loved singing, so from My Dad I think I got the notion that God is a Happy Guy too, a “Happy Poppa God” and to this day I believe that, even though later schooling did all it could to convince me that God is a tyrant in the sky, ever ready to zap you for mistakes, call them sins, whip in hand ready to smash you down!

That image of God never took much hold of me and now it’s just a memory thanks to my parents each in their own way. But I think it was the foundation set in place by my Mom that clinched for me how I would see God, as an ever loving, kind “Poppa God,” a French term as she was of French ancestry, her Father from Bordeaux. Mom would tell us as we cringed how Grandfather ate cheese that walked across the table, legged by maggots natural to the cheese, relationally perfecting its flavor. Yuk! Later on it dawned on me that we eat clams and oysters killed moments before eating them, whereas Grandfather killed as he ate a favorite cheese. Not much difference to enjoy a delicious outcome. Come to think of it, in some way Grandfather too taught me something about God. in that in Eucharist, don’t we gnaw at the Resurrected, not the dead Body of the Lord for spiritual sustenance, the “worm” or “maggot” and “not a man” that Isaiah called Jesus in his Suffering Servant dialogue? It shows me once again that somehow, whatever is possible naturally, is also possible supernaturally!

Yes, we learn a lot about God through parental contributions, like from a saintly Mom who after Dad was no longer there, raised six kids singlehandedly! God bless my parents and my granddad.

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Lord, Help Me Love My Parents

More by chelsea stanley.

parents my living god essay in english

The past year has tested and stretched many of our relationships, including those with our parents. Navigating parental relationships under normal circumstances can already be a challenge, but trying to do so against the backdrop of a global pandemic and contentious election cycle hasn’t made it any easier.

As I’ve talked with other grown children, I’ve noticed one particular phrase popping up with more frequency.

“I love my parents, but the physical distance between us has been hard on our relationship.”

“I love my parents, but I don’t know how to talk to them when we disagree on so much.”

“I love my parents, but I’m weary and just don’t have the energy to give to our relationship right now.”

“I love my parents, but”—maybe you’ve said it too.

Opportunity to Pray

I had such a moment in my early 20s: “I love my parents, but I don’t know how to honor them in light of their recent divorce.” Since then, God has taught me that it’s possible to love and honor my parents because Christ first loved me (1 John 4:19).

He’s accomplished much of my heart change through the discipline of prayer. I’ve seen firsthand how God can use prayer to soften our hearts toward our parents and help us see them through his eyes, especially when we use his Word as our guide.

As we head into a season set apart for celebrating our mothers and fathers, I propose that we turn our “I love my parents, but” feelings over to the Lord. Let’s take this opportunity to pray for our hearts toward our parents—to come before God, admit our weakness, and ask him to help us love them better.

Let’s turn our ‘I love my parents, but’ feelings over to the Lord.

Even if your parents’ behavior means you can no longer safely maintain a close relationship with them, you can still intercede for them before God. Prayer is a safe first step of obedience, allowing you to honor your parents from a distance.

Here are five prompts based in Romans 12 that will help us offer rich, intentional prayers for our parents, be they biological or adoptive, involved or inattentive, loving or cold, frail or fit, believers or unbelievers. Whatever their situation or posture toward us, if we want to love them well, we need to pray.

Five Things to Pray

God, we want to love our parents well. Supply the grace we need to:

“Honor one another above yourselves” (Rom. 12:10).

In the Old Testament, the word “honor” means to “give weight.” Ask God to help you honor your parents by giving them the proper weight in your heart and life. Pray that you would reflect our merciful Savior, who honored us by seating us in the heavenly places with Christ, despite our sinful state (Eph. 2:5–6).

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Rom. 12:12).

You’re in a position to be one of your parents’ strongest prayer advocates. Ask God to help you love your parents by continuing to intercede for them before the throne of grace. In what particular areas do your parents need your faithful prayer? Bring those requests before God now, and praise him for hearing you.

“Practice hospitality” (Rom. 12:13).

Thank God for welcoming you into his family and inviting you to sit at his table. Ask him to show you ways in which you can welcome your parents into your home and life. Pray that you would be willing to sacrifice your time, resources, and comfort out of love for God and your parents.

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse” (Rom. 12:14).

Whether you have a great relationship with your parents or a troubled one, pray God’s blessing upon them. Ask the Lord to make his face shine upon them and to grant them grace and peace. Thank God for your parents—and for the other parental figures in your life—recalling specific ways God has used this generation to minister to you.

5. Live at peace

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone” (Rom. 12:18).

As Christians, we’re called to follow Christ’s example by living at peace with everyone—including family—as far as it depends on us. We don’t have to muster up peace in our own strength. The Prince of Peace equips us to make peace with others. Ask him to grant you peace today.

Power of Prayer

The Bible tells us that “the prayers of a righteous person have great power” (James 5:16)—including the power to help us love our parents well. As we humbly come to God with our requests, he will be faithful to give us all that we need to honor, welcome, bless, pray for, and live at peace with them.

The Lord intends blessing for those who devote themselves to prayer and seek to love and honor their mothers and fathers. May you and your family reap these blessings as you do what’s pleasing in his sight.

This article is adapted from 5 Things to Pray for Your Parents: Prayers that Change Things for an Older Generation (The Good Book Company, 2021).

Why Do So Many Young People Lose Their Faith at College?

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New Testament professor Michael Kruger is no stranger to the assault on faith that most young people face when they enter higher education, having experienced an intense period of doubt in his freshman year. In Surviving Religion 101 , he draws on years of experience as a biblical scholar to address common objections to the Christian faith: the exclusivity of Christianity, Christian intolerance, homosexuality, hell, the problem of evil, science, miracles, and the Bible’s reliability.

TGC is delighted to offer the ebook version for FREE for a limited time only. It will equip you to engage secular challenges with intellectual honesty, compassion, and confidence—and ultimately graduate college with your faith intact.

Chelsea Stanley is the author of 5 Things to Pray for Your Parents (The Good Book Company, May 2021). She is a wife, mother, and member of Crossway Community Church in Bristol, Wisconsin, where she serves alongside the women’s ministry teaching team. Connect with her at chelseakstanley.com .

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My Parents Essay For Students and Children in 1000 Words

My Parents Essay For Students and Children in 1000 Words

In this article you will read My Parents Essay for students and children in 1000 words. It includes importance, connection, activities, and 10 lines about my parents.

Table of Contents

My Parents Essay in English (1000 Words)

Most of the time, they don’t express their love directly, but we can easily recognise that. Most fathers don’t express their love for their children directly, but they love us more than they love themselves— mothers , on the other hand, express love in every little thing. 

My Parents My Divine

They work hard for us throughout their lives and dedicate their lives to making our lives better and giving us a good lifestyle. That’s why we consider our parents to be the living God. 

My Parents Love Me Lot

On the other hand, my father guides me and teaches me basic things about our world, our society, and other important knowledge . He encourages me to do things and helps me to achieve my targets. He also loves me a lot.

My Parents Help Me In My Daily Activities

My parents are my role model.

A role model is a person who has a powerful impact on our lives- a person that changes our thoughts and decisions about life. Whenever I think about a role model, the first person who comes to mind is my parents. 

How I Help My Parents At Home?

I also help my mom clean plates, wash, and cut vegetables. I help her clean the rooms, furniture, and entire house. I help my father with marketing and cleaning bikes. Furthermore, I go with him to the market and assist him in buying things. 

10 Lines on My Parents Essay in English

They are indeed my divine, and I am blessed to live my life with them. I hope you likes this My parents essay in english for students and children.

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God's most beautiful creations are ; we exist in this world due to them. Our parents have been in charge of all we have today since they gave birth to us. No one else in the world can be compared to our parents, the most significant individuals in our life.

My parents adore me more than anything else in the entire world. They frequently don't communicate their affection in words, but we can immediately tell when they do. On the other hand, mothers show love in every small thing, whereas most fathers don't express their love for their children in many words, even if they value us more than they value themselves.

They deserve the same love and devotion we do; therefore, we must respect and cherish them just as much. They teach us how to eat, walk, speak, and do everything children need to learn.

They commit their lives to improving and providing us with a comfortable existence, working hard for us all of their lives. We view our parents as the living God because of this. The significance of love, devotion, and duties to our parents is also reflected in our Indian culture, indicating that we need to love our parents as much as God.

She provides me with healthy meals as soon as I get home. She also gives me snacks in the evenings and sometimes makes me a special meal. She cares for me all day long and shows her affection for me.

Later, she keeps herself occupied with additional housework. She feeds me, watches over my belongings, and cleans my shoes, school uniform, and other things. She makes sure that everything I own is organized and spotless.

She also sees that I maintain a healthy weight and am physically fit by giving me a cup of warm milk each evening. My father buys me my delicious ice cream on the way home from school.

He joins me in playing football and supports me in finishing my homework. He instructs me and helps in my recollection of my academic books. They keep me in all of my regular tasks in this way.

They have every quality necessary to make great parents. They are responsible and devoted to their work, and they are committed to ensuring that we have a promising future. They may not be perfect, but they possess all the morals and qualities essential to being successful parents.

I also assist my mother with dishwashing, chopping, and washing veggies. I help her with cleaning the house, all the furnishings, and the rooms. I assist my father with bike maintenance and marketing. In addition, I accompany him to the market and help him make purchases.

She is good at drawing and does beautiful portraits, cartoons, and pictures; we are all proud of her creative abilities.

Dad is my idol. He was always seen as an inspirational figure, the father. Fathers are constantly proud of their importance, function, and obligations in addition to mothers, and We all have a great love for our fathers. Despite leading a busy lifestyle, my father looks after us all.

The whole family takes vacations and eats out together every week. The entire family travels the country during the summer holidays, and everyone will enjoy themselves immensely. My father worries a lot about everything, even us. Even though he is busy at work, he never forgets about us.

The love between parents and their children is essential. Without the help of our parents, we would not be where we are today. Those things would have happened without laughter, smiles, and prosperity. There are various reasons why we should respect our parents as a result.

Parents serve as both our finest mentors and friends. They are the ones that offer us their greatest regard. Even their lives are willingly given up for the sake of children. To feed their children, many stressed fathers go starving. As a result, it only makes sense for us to obey our parents.

Every child's obedience to his parents is a requirement of their religion. According to the Hindu sacred scripture, a person's mother is higher to heaven. In light of this, we may see that one of our religious obligations is to obey our parents.

The advantages of obeying your parents include mental tranquillity and happiness. We learn discipline from it, which increases the children's quality of life and brings them joy, prosperity, and tranquillity. It teaches moral and ethical values to children, and disobedient children can never be happy.

Everyone appreciates their parents because they support and shield them from the world's numerous dangers. In addition to guarding and directing us in the proper direction, our parents also make innumerable sacrifices for our happiness.

I find it difficult to express my parents' significance in my life adequately. My mother and father are charming, caring, and kind, and I feel lucky. They are my gods, and I consider myself lucky to have them in my life.


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EssayBanyan.com – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on My Parents

We always say god is the creator of everything that exists in this world. And of course we enjoy many of these. Every natural thing in this universe is the creation of god. But above all, the best creation of God is parents. God created parents to provide unconditional love, guidance, and protection in the world. We can say that God created parents and parents are responsible for creating a good human. To understand more about parents and their importance in our life, today we will discuss My Parents in detail.

Short and Long My Parents Essay in English

Here, we are presenting long and short essays on My Parents in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on My Parents.

My Parents Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) My parents provide me unconditional love.

2) They always support me in anything I choose to do.

3) My parents take care of me and ensure that I have everything.

4) They provide plenty of guidance and advice when I need it.

5) They also give children the strength to face challenges of life.

6) My parents are my biggest role models.

7) My parents have always been my biggest sources of encouragement and inspiration.

8) They have been a huge source of motivation and support throughout my life.

9) My parents have demonstrated the values of respect, loyalty and family.

10) I have the best parents in the world and I love them very much.

Short Essay on My Parents (250 – 300 Words)


Parents are the first teachers in our lives and are responsible for shaping us into adults. Our existence is just because of our parents. They offer us support when we feel down and provide a shoulder to cry on when we need it. Nobody can take place of our parents. They are the one who gave us this beautiful life.

Significance of Parents

Parents provide us unconditional love, support, and guidance at every step of life. Parents are the first teachers of their children and teach them the basic values in life which help them to grow up into strong individuals. They provide the security and the feeling of being loved that foster a child’s development. Parents also play a major role in imparting knowledge and skills that children need to build a successful and meaningful life.

My Parents My Support System

My parents are my rock. They were always present to teach me valuable life lessons. They have always given me the right guidance and support that I need to make my life a success. Whether I am having trouble with a problem, want some advice about making a decision, or just need someone to talk to, I know that I can always count on my parents. They are like a beam of energy in my life, providing stability and security even in the most trying of times.

Parents provide us life’s most valuable gift of precious time and hope. Thanks to our parents, we are better equipped to navigate our way through life. I love my parents more than anything and am so grateful for their unwavering love and support.

Long Essay on My Parents (500 Words)

For us, parents take place of the most important people in our life. They are our best friends and mentors. Their presence and guidance provides children with invaluable life lessons and emotional support. A child’s success in life is greatly dependent on having a supportive and caring parent. Furthermore, parents provide much-needed love, security, and stability for their kids.

My parents My Life

My parents have been a tremendous influence in my life. They have taught me the value of hard work, honesty, courage and remaining true to myself. They have supported and guided me throughout my life, helping me to make good decisions and to stay on the right path. Even during the toughest times in my life, they have always been there to support me and motivate me to keep going. They have given me everything I need for success in life, and have always been there for support. Even when I made mistakes, or needed someone to talk to, they were always there to listen and provide guidance. They believed in me when I had difficulty believing in myself. I am extremely grateful for the sacrifices they made and I strive to live my life in a way that will make my parents proud of me.

Importance of Parents

Parents play an integral role in a child’s life. They are the first people children learn from, and their influence can shape the child’s character and personality. Parents help shape the values, skills, resilience, and ambition of their children to become better human beings. With their endless support and teaching, they help children shape their career path and form personal goals. Furthermore, they are a source of inspiration and motivation to young individuals, providing them guidance and advice to tackle difficult situations in their lives. All in all, parents are the backbone of their children’s lives and have an immeasurable significance.

Learning from My Parents

My parents have taught me a lot over the years, from life lessons to simple lessons about common courtesy. They have taught me the importance of respect, the value of hard work and the power of kindness. My parents have also taught me the importance of being honest and taking responsibility for my actions. As a result of these lessons, I have developed into a well-rounded and successful person. I am thankful for all the important things my parents have taught me. My parents have taught me the importance of hard work and dedication, and believe that anything worth having is worth working for.

My parents always act as a pillar of strength for me. Since childhood, their unconditional love and support has taught me the value of respect, responsibility, and hard work. I can say without a doubt that I wouldn’t be who I am today without them. I am so thankful to have such amazing parents in my life. They have taught me so many valuable lessons and I am forever grateful for their unconditional love and commitment.

I hope the above provided essay on My Parents will be helpful for you to know about parents and taught you to love and support your parents always.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on My Parents

Ans. National Parent’s Day is celebrated every year on fourth Sunday of July.

Ans. There are four types of parents, permissive, authoritative, neglectful and authoritarian.

Ans. Spend quality time with your parents, listen to them, be honest and open with them, and try to show them that you respect their opinions.

Ans. Parents are considered to be like gods because they are the people who nurture and care for their children from the moment they are born.

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  • My Family Essay


Essay on My Family

A family is God’s greatest gift to all living beings on earth including human beings. A person without family and its love is never complete and happy. A family is one with whom you can share all your joys and sorrows. Family stands by you at the toughest situations in life. Family gives you the warmth and affection that you may not get anywhere else. I too am blessed with such a family. My family has always been my strength. My mother, father, sister and I complete my family.

My Mother 

My mother is the strongest woman I have ever seen in my life. She is a super woman. She can manage everything at the same time so beautifully and confidently. She is a fine individual with poise and dignity. She is the pivot around whom our family revolves. She has raised us with important values in life. She explained to us the true essence of love and compassion. She also tells us the importance of spirituality. She has given utmost importance to our education. She coordinates with our teachers in school and helps us with our weaknesses. My mother is an amazing cook and takes care of what we like to eat. She’s  just not a housewife. She is an entrepreneur too. She owns a restaurant managing a staff of 30 boys. It is indeed not an easy job but she manages everything very efficiently. She is an inspiration to all of us. She is indispensable to our family.

My father is a man of strong principles. His presence at home itself gives us a sense of security and hope. He is very gentle, disciplined and strict. He is a software engineer by qualification and works for a multinational company. Since the headquarters of his company is in The United States of America, he frequently needs to travel. I know he feels very sorry that he is not able to spend much time with us due to work pressure and travel but whenever he is at home he makes the best of it. He has a good sense of humor. He makes us laugh with his jokes and keeps telling us about his work experience. I get a lot of insight from it and clarity of what field I can take when I grow up. I have learnt a most important and valuable lesson from him that is being content in life with whatever I have. The atmosphere in our home becomes so cheerful and joyful when he is around. It gives a feeling of a complete family. He is a dutiful son towards his mother. Even though my grandmother doesn’t live with us, my father carries all his duties and responsibilities for her very diligently. I feel proud to be his son. I want to grow like him and take care of my parents the way he does.

My sister is three years older than me. She is a very soft and gentle girl. She is my best friend and a confidant. We fight on silly things but I know she really cares for me and loves me a lot. She always protects me from getting scolded by my mother. She is an artist and helps me with all my drawings. My sister supports and stands by me when seniors in my school bully me. I feel very secure around her when I am away from my parents.

To Conclude

My family has taught me to be a better person. I am blessed and fortunate enough to have such a wonderful family who has taught me important values in life. I am very grateful and I thank God for the most precious gift.

The childrens who live with a mother and a father are known as a small discern family. A couple in which more than two children reside is referred to as a huge discern family. And a family in which mother, father and youngsters, besides grandparents, uncles and aunts, a circle of relatives stays together is referred to as a joint family . My family is a small joint family. Apart from siblings, mother and father, grandparents also stay with us. Our family plays a crucial role within the making of any development. With the increase in the circle of relatives, India climbs the ladder of improvement. The country is formed by way of its own family and global fashion with the aid of nations. This is why it's far stated, “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” means the entire world is our circle of relatives. And it had superb importance in ancient India, which is slowly becoming extinct with time. A primary purpose for this is the conversion of the joint family into the unique circle of relatives.

Significance of Family in My Lifestyle

My own family, despite being a joint own family, is a happy family. And I am glad that I was born in this joint circle of relatives. wherein it became simplest through our own family that we had been able to study the critical things of existence in our children which we could rarely analyze thru books. each of my parents ' paintings in faculty. At some point during my stay at home, my siblings and I spoke many topics with our grandparents, which is quite exciting. Other than this, we also have one of our dogs, who is a part of our circle of relatives.

Family as Safety Clause

A family provides safety from outside evils and risks, that is, the man or woman is protected from all varieties of outside failures within their own family, in addition to the physical, mental and highbrow improvement of a character is due to the circle of relatives. The circle of relatives creates a secure environment for the kid and all our expectations and wishes are met via the family. My circle of relatives is a middle-class family, still my mother and father try their best to fulfill each of mine and my siblings wishes. The love from the circle of relatives towards me takes me closer to my family and helps me recognize my obligations in the direction of my own family. A person additionally will become a responsible citizen of society by the habit of spitting out his responsibilities. Every family individual faces hassle collectively during their difficult time.

Importance of Elders Inside the Family

A joint family in which our elders (grandparents, grandparents) stay with us, is the most important thing to focus on as they are not part of the authentic circle of relatives so that kids are deprived of understanding many critical beliefs and values. In advance, children used to play on time and additionally concentrate on the tales of grandparents, which gave them information, however the kids of the prevailing time use mobile from their adolescence to play. The authentic family has additionally taken away the kid’s formative years.

What the child will become inside is the destiny that depends totally on the child’s own family. With the help of the proper steerage, even a susceptible baby kisses is a brand new dimension of achievement inside the future. On the contrary, a brilliant student forgets his intention due to wrong steering and is left at the back of inside the race of life.


FAQs on My Family Essay

1. How can you Define a Family?

A family is a group of people who are related and live together in every situation. Family normally comprises mother, father, sister, brother, grand parents, uncles and aunts.

2. Why is Family Important?

Family is important to us because it gives us the warmth, love and affection that you may not get anywhere in the world. Family teaches the high moral values in life and makes you a better human being.

3. How does your father inspire you?

My father inspires me with his hard work, honesty and diligence. He is very loving and caring and binds the entire family together.

4. Why should you thank god for giving a family?

I thank God and am very grateful for the most precious gift of family because family members give unconditional love, care and affection. I am what I am because of my family. My family completes me.

The Living God

The Bible often describes God by using modifying terms. One of the better known expressions is “God Almighty,” which is used eleven times in eleven verses. However, a more frequently used expression in biblical times was “the living God,” which is used thirty times in thirty verses (NKJV). Why God is designated as “the living God” is not always indicated. However, some reasons seem evident. First, God may be called the living God because he is the source of all life. Only God has life in himself (John 5:26) and only God can give life to others. After creating the heavens and the earth and all things in them, God said, “Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures . . . So God created . . . every living thing that moves” (Genesis 1:20, 21). “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7). God not only gives life, he is the means by which all life is sustained (Genesis 2:7; Psalm 66:9; Acts 17:25).

Second God seems sometimes to have been called the “living God” because he is perceived to be the true God who is alive in contrast to false gods of idolatry (Acts 14:15; 2 Corinthians 6:16; 1 Thessalonians 1:9) which are dead (Psalms 115:3-8; 135:15-18; Isaiah 44:9-20; Jeremiah 10:8-10, 14). Elijah caused Israel to acknowledge the true God when he challenged the priests of Ba’al to produce sacrificial fire from heaven. When they could not, Elijah prayed to God and fire fell from heaven to consume his sacrifice (1 Kings 17-18).

Third, to speak about the “living God” is to talk about a God of power. Although idol worshippers may attribute power to their gods, the Bible indicates that only “the living God” has power. “The living God . . . made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them” (Acts 14:15). The power of God was recognized by the Persian king Darius after Daniel was not eaten by lions. He therefore made a decree “that in every dominion of my kingdom men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel. For He is the living God, and steadfast forever; His kingdom is the one which shall not be destroyed, and His dominion shall endure to the end. He delivers and rescues, and He works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth, who has delivered Daniel from the power of the lions” (Daniel 6:25-27). When the Israelites were about to go into the land of Canaan, Joshua said, “By this you shall know that the living God is among you, and that He will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites . . .” (Joshua 3:10). In the Bible, the consistent portrait of the living God is that he is the true and powerful God.

The living God speaks. The worlds were framed by the word of God (Genesis 1; Hebrews 11:1). Many times God spoke directly to individuals, as to Adam (Genesis 2:16-17), to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3), to Moses (Exodus 3:4ff) etc. When the Ten Commandments were given, people “heard the voice of the living God speaking from the midst of the fire” (Deuteronomy 5:22, 26). Sometimes God spoke through dreams (Genesis 28:11-16; Matthew 1:19-24) or visions (Ezekiel 8:3ff; Daniel 4:1-18; 2 Corinthians 12:1-4). God spoke in previous times through the prophets, but now speaks to us through his Son (Hebrews 1:1-2). When Jesus was baptized – and again when he was transfigured – God spoke, saying “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17; 17:5; 2 Peter 1:16-21). Jesus Christ, who declares God (John 1:18) is acknowledged as the “Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16; John 6:69). By the word of God we will be judged (Hebrews 4:12, 13; see also John 12:47-48).

The living God listens. He heard the prayer of Hannah, who vowed that if God would give her a son, she would give him to the Lord. God granted her request (1 Samuel 1:11-28). God heard the prayer of Solomon who desired an understanding heart that he might rule righteously, God not only granted him wisdom, but also riches (1 Kings 3:5-14). God heard the prayer of Hezekiah requesting that the reproach of the Assyrian king, Sennacherib, might be overcome. God assured Hezekiah that Sennacherib’s army would be turned back from destroying Jerusalem. And they were (2 Kings 19:15-36; Isaiah 37:15-37).

The living God often takes the initiative, as he did in making man in his own image (Genesis 1:27) and designating requirements for Adam and Eve to live in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 1:28-30; 2:16-17). God initiated a call to Abram to leave Ur of Chaldee to receive an inheritance in another place (Genesis 12:1-3; Acts 7:3-4; Hebrews 11:8). At a burning bush, God commissioned Moses to go to Egypt to bring the Israelites from that country (Exodus 3:4-22). At Mt. Sinai, God gave a law through Moses to guide the newly formed Israelite nation (Exodus 19:1-40:38; John 1:17). When the Israelite nation was in the Promised Land, God chose David to become king over his people (1 Samuel 16:1-13; 2 Samuel 12:7). God selected prophets to call the people back to him (Jeremiah 7:21-25; Zechariah 1:1-6). In the New Testament, God sent his Son into the world to redeem humanity (John 3:17; 1 John 4:10; Revelation 5:9). God called the Apostle Paul to proclaim the gospel to the Gentiles (Acts 9:15; 22:21).

The living God reacts toward people to reward and to punish. Because Noah was faithful, he found grace with God (Genesis 6:8). Therefore he and his household were spared when the world was destroyed by a universal flood (Genesis 6-8; Hebrews 11:7). Because Joshua and Caleb believed that God would give the Israelites the Promised Land, their lives were spared while all other Israelites were condemned to perish (Numbers 14:36-38; Deuteronomy 2:14-16).

The living God reacts not only to reward righteousness, but also to punish evil. When Cain killed his brother Abel, God withheld the earth’s productivity from him, thus making Cain a fugitive and a vagabond (Genesis 3:12-14). When “the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually,” God brought a universal flood upon the earth (Genesis 6:5). When the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah became excessively wicked, God reacted by raining down fire and brimstone upon them (Genesis 19:20-25; Jude 7). “God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7) “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31).

The “living God” is “the Savior of all men , especially of those who believe” (1 Timothy 4:10). Through Christ, both Jews and Gentiles may become “sons of the living God” (Romans 9:26; Hosea 1:10). Through the blood of Christ, our consciences may be cleansed “from dead works to serve the living God” (Hebrews 9:14). Believers in Christ have “the seal of the living God” (Revelation 7:2; 1 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13; 4:30), are called to “serve the living and true God” (1 Thessalonians 1:9), and are commanded “not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17). The living God dwells in his temple, the church (2 Corinthians 6:16; 1 Timothy 3:15), which is also described as “the city of the living God” (Hebrews 12:22).

How wonderful it is to serve the true, powerful, and living God! Even so, brethren should beware “lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God” (Hebrews 3:12). May we be like the Psalmist who declared, “My soul thirsts for God, for the living God” (Psalm 42:2). “My heart and my flesh cry out for the living God” (Psalm 84:2).

Copyright ©, May, 2005, by Robert L. Waggoner. Permission is granted to copy and distribute this document for non-profit educational purposes if reproduced in full without additions or deletions. Why not distribute this document to others? For other essays about God and additional information regarding biblical theism, go to the website www.biblicaltheism.com


Essay on God’s Importance In Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on God’s Importance In Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look

100 Words Essay on God’s Importance In Life

Understanding god’s role.

Many people believe in a higher power known as God. They see God as a guide who helps them choose right from wrong. When life gets tough, thinking of God can give comfort and hope.

Learning Through Stories

Religious books are full of stories about God’s love and power. These tales teach kids about bravery, kindness, and honesty. They often look to these stories for lessons on how to live well.

Prayer and Strength

Praying to God is like talking to a friend. It can make you feel strong and calm. When you’re scared or sad, praying might bring peace and a sense of not being alone.

Belonging to a Community

Believing in God can connect you with others. Many gather in places like churches or temples to worship together. This can create a feeling of family and support among the people.

250 Words Essay on God’s Importance In Life

Learning right from wrong.

God is often seen as a teacher of what is good and what is bad. Different religions have their own rules that God has given them. These rules help people decide how to act and treat others. With God’s teachings, they learn to be kind, honest, and fair.

Finding Strength in Tough Times

Life can be hard sometimes. When people face problems, they may pray to God for help. They believe God listens and gives them strength to get through tough times. This belief can make them feel less alone and more able to handle life’s challenges.

Bringing People Together

Belief in God can bring people together. In churches, temples, mosques, and other places of worship, people gather to pray and celebrate their faith. This creates a sense of community and belonging, which is very important in life.

Hope for the Future

Thinking about God can give people hope for the future. They believe that God has a plan for them and that everything will work out for the best. This hope can keep them going when things are difficult and can inspire them to work towards a better future.

500 Words Essay on God’s Importance In Life

Many people believe in a higher power known as God. They see God as a source of strength, guidance, and love. In this essay, we will explore why God plays a significant role in the lives of believers.

Comfort in Tough Times

Guidance for right choices.

Every day, we make choices. Some are easy, and some are hard. Believers turn to God for help in making the right decisions. They may read holy books, like the Bible or the Quran, to learn what God teaches about living a good life. By following these teachings, they feel they can choose the path that will make them and the people around them happy.

Feeling Loved and Valued

Everyone wants to feel loved. Believers find this love in God. They think of God as a parent who loves them no matter what. This love gives them confidence. It makes them feel important and valued. When they know God loves them, they also learn to love themselves and others.

Learning to Forgive

We all make mistakes, and sometimes we hurt others. God teaches about forgiveness. Believers try to follow this teaching by forgiving those who have wronged them. They also ask God to forgive their own mistakes. This helps them live without anger and bitterness.

Building a Community

Believing in God often brings people together. They gather to worship, celebrate, and help each other. This creates a community where people care for one another. In this community, they share their love for God and find friends who support them in their beliefs.

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parents my living god essay in english

Essay on Good Mother for Students and Children

500+ words essay on good mother.

It is a common saying that God could not be present everywhere so he made a mother. The saying is also true as the status of the mother is equivalent to God. She is the one who gave us life and made us stand on our own feet. My mother is the idol of selfless love and ever-ready for me despite being tired. My mother is the one on whom I can completely rely on. She is the one who will never say no to our wishes. She never lets us feel the difference in love and showers any time. My mother is like the sun that chases out all darkness and gives the light of happiness and love upon me.

essay on good mother

Definition of a Good Mother

It is difficult to define a good mother in a few words. However, in very simple words I can say that a good mother is the one for whom her child is her world. There are many qualities which I see in her which makes her the world’s best mother. She loves me strongly and deeply without any condition. Apart from all this she also takes care of me with great responsibility.

Thus she is the statue of forgiveness. She forgives each and every mistake of mine and also ensures that I realize my mistakes with responsibility. A good mother does every effort to make her child one in a million. She sacrifices every comfort of her life for the comfort of her child.

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Qualities of a Good Mother

There are certain natural qualities which already get inherited into a woman on acquiring motherhood.  Some qualities of a mother are as follows:


Acquiring motherhood comes with great responsibility. The responsibility of taking care of the child before and after birth is one of the most necessary qualities of a mother. She is the one who takes care of the child since birth.

Selfless Love

A mother will always shower her children with her love without anything in return. She always loves her children selflessly in spite of their mischiefs. Her love for her children always remains the same irrespective of her child’s age.

A mother should always be supportive of their children. She should always stand strong beside her children in all of their ups and downs. So, she should be always there for supporting her children in their decisions and interests.

This is the quality which every mother should inculcate on acquiring motherhood. The high amount of patience is a must for a mother with a growing child especially.

A mother should always be empathetic for her kids. As her care is the most need for a child.

Why My Mother is Important in My Life?

Her importance could be easily understood from the fact that the first word uttered from the mouth of a child is ‘mama’. She is the source of my life and the reason for my existence. My mother is the backbone of my family. Because she binds the whole family with unity.

She gives me the confidence to face the world and motivate me to achieve success in life. She is the only one who will never have any ill thoughts against me. A good mother acts like a sculptor who molds her children into beautiful sculptures.

Mother: The First Teacher and Guide of a Child

She is the one who started my schooling at home and became my first and lovely teacher. She taught me behavioral lessons and true philosophies of life. She gave birth to me after bearing lots of pain and struggle but in turn, she is always giving me love. In fact, there is no love in this world which is so lasting, strong, selfless, pure and devoted. She is the one who brings lights in my life by removing all the darkness.

My mother is the holy creation of God and a source of providing life to me. She is a sacred statue of selfless love, sacrifices, forgiveness, and patience. She is the guiding soul who helps me always to progress on the right path and achieve success in my life.

I, as her child, will always do my best to make her happy and comfortable all the time especially when she becomes old. It is our responsibility to bestow her with the same amount of love, care and understanding as she did with us when we were young.

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Honoring Your Parents With a Tribute

The scene is forever etched in my mind. It was August in Ozark, Missouri. I was 18 years old and about to leave home. In the driveway stood Dad and Mom, about to face an empty nest.

For the first time in my life, I remember feeling an enormous sense of gratitude and appreciation to these two people who had given me so much of themselves.

As I looked them in the eyes, the emotion rose suddenly in my throat. I swallowed hard, fought off the tears and said, with a breaking voice, “Mom, Dad, I love you.”

It was the first time I had truly acknowledged the love and sacrifice they had shown in raising me. For 18 years I had been, for the most part, a self-centered, ungrateful receiver of their love.

That day I began to take responsibility to honor my parents for who they were and for what they had done right in my life.

An Honorable Tribute

My father died in 1976 of a massive heart attack. There were no warnings, no goodbyes. Sixty-six years of life were summed up in a 30-minute memorial. It was meaningful, but it still bothered me â€” it seemed too brief a remembrance for all he meant to us.

Dad was a great man: Impeccable character. Quiet. Hardworking. The most influential man in my life. I wondered, Did he really know how I felt?

I had worked hard to express my love to him for several years, but words seemed so hollow. Had I really honored him as I should have?

I pledged then that I would not wait until Mom died to let her know about my feelings for her. So I began working on a written tribute â€” a formal document that publicly proclaimed my gratitude for what she did right, for the positive qualities and values she passed on to me.

As I jotted down memories, tears splattered the legal pad as I recounted lessons she taught me and fun times we shared.

I knew she would like it, but I was unprepared for the depth of her appreciation. She hung the tribute above the table where she ate all her meals. She shared it with family, the television repairman, the plumber and countless others who passed through her kitchen.

The results of honoring my mom with a tribute were so encouraging that I began to challenge others to write tributes of their own.

Weighed Down With Respect

The verb “honor,” according to Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, means to regard with respect. In Exodus 20:12, God commands, “Honor your father and your mother” (New American Standard Bible). In the original Hebrew language, the word for “honor” meant “to make weighty.”

That is what a tribute accomplishes â€” “weighing down” a parent with honor, respect and dignity.

God commands us to honor our parents regardless of their performance, behavior or dysfunction. For some of us, honoring our parents may be a spiritual barometer for our relationship with God. If we want to walk in His ways and experience His love and power, then we need to obey His commands.

Honoring your parents isn’t approving of their wrong choices, endorsing irresponsibility or denying what they’ve done wrong. But it is choosing to place great value on your relationship with them, taking initiative to improve the relationship and seeing them through the eyes of Christ.

If we honor our parents, there are the benefits of better communication, the possibility of peace with them and greater freedom in relationship with them.

Give Hope and Encouragement to Your Parents

“I never felt that my mother treated me like an adult,” says Diane. To Diane’s mother, there was only one way to do things â€” her way. So over the years, Diane began to withdraw from her.

Diane’s feelings began to change, however, when she heard about writing a tribute for her parents. As she wrote, God slowly gave her a different perspective. As her mother read the tribute, she immediately broke down in tears.

“I think part of the problem,” says Diane, “was that all those years, while I was feeling she didn’t respect me, she didn’t feel any respect and appreciation from her kids.” The tribute allowed Diane and her mother to set aside their differences and begin building a relationship.

The Bible declares that parents are worthy of honor, and honor gives hope and encouragement when parents need it most. You can never totally repay your parents for what they gave you. But you can try.

A written tribute can be an island of appreciation in a sea of form letters and impersonal communications. I have found that parents don’t care if you’re a gifted writer, grammarian or spelling-bee champion. They feel honored by the fact that you are speaking from your heart.

How to Write a Tribute

Here are a few suggested steps in writing a tribute.

1. Prepare Your Heart

Once you decide to write a tribute for your parents, spend some time examining your heart. 

Ask yourself some questions: Are you willing to look at your parents through the eyes of Christ? Are you looking to God rather than your parents for approval? Are your motives pure? Do you expect anything in return? Are you prepared to honor them regardless of their response?

2. Create a Memory List

Think back over your childhood. Can you remember a favorite vacation? A funny episode? A lesson your parents taught you? What character traits typify your dad or mom?

3. Write the Tribute

Don’t worry about being fancy. Just tell the story as if you are talking to a friend. If you plan to honor both parents, decide whether you want to write two individual tributes or one to both.

Start with a statement telling why you have written this tribute. Then look over your memory list. This will help you capture your thoughts and statements of gratitude. Have another person â€” a friend or a spouse â€” read your tribute. He or she may spot problems you haven’t thought of or catch a phrase that, while clear to you, is unclear to an outsider.

4. Frame the Tribute

When you’re finished writing your tribute, design the gift for your parents. Create a clean version of the document, suitable for framing. Use a computer with word processing, have your document typeset by a local graphic designer or hire a calligrapher. If you choose, add photos, artwork or other mementos.

5. Present the Tribute to Your Parents

Here are a few ideas to bring additional honor to your parents:

  • Do it publicly: You can present the tribute at a special occasion such as a family reunion, birthday party or when the family gathers for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Christmas.
  • Do it privately: Steal away with your mom or dad for a private reading. Possibly, a trip home for no other reason would etch the message on their hearts permanently.
  • Do it with your children listening: What better picture can we give the next generation of the profound power of obeying God and His commandments?

I wrote a tribute to my father nearly 10 years after he died. I have no idea whether those in heaven are able to see what happens here on earth, but I do know he would have been pleased. And I am certain of this: God sees, and He is pleased with the tribute I wrote because it honors my dad.

The only thing better would have been to have read it to him in person. 

Next Steps:

  • To learn more, download a personal guide to writing a tribute or order the book “ The Forgotten Commandment ” by Dennis Rainey.
  • Explore more content relating to family life .

© 2014 Dennis Rainey. All rights reserved. Adapted with permission from “ The Forgotten Commandment ” (Little Rock, FamilyLife Publishing). For more helpful information on strengthening your marriage and family, please visit www.familylife.com .

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New user create your account register now , parents are visible god, 25 jan 2019, posted by : jindal vidya mandir kalmeshwar, category : jindal vidya mandir kalmeshwar.

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Parents are indeed the visible God. Parents are our roots who supports us from the base; though they are hidden they are with us. Without them our life is impossible. As there can be no present without the past, similarly the young cannot develop without parents.

We forget to comprehend their importances, their need in our life. They earn and work for us! Where would we all be without their loving care? Would our survival be possible without them? Our life will become grave without them. Have you ever been hurt? Have you ever undergone the agonizing pains of heart break? Have you ever felt lonely and forlorn? If yes, you must be remembering vividly who stands by you in those dark and hard times.

Of course, our parents and grandparents shine in our darkness, they are the rays of light. The truth is that our parents are the most in dispensable part of our life. We must respect them and love them for their invaluable love and care in our life.

        “Love can change a person the way a parents can change a baby. Awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess’’

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Paragraph Buzz

  • My Parents: Short and Simple Paragraph

Parents are the best gift from God. We need to love and respect our parents. Here are a few short and long paragraphs on ‘My Parents’. I hope you will love these paragraphs.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

My Parents: Short Paragraph (100 Words)

My parents are really loving and caring about me. My father’s name is Jahid Ahmed and my mother’s name is Rokeya Ahmed. They both are highly educated and doing a government job. My father is an Engineer and my mother is a school teacher. I think there are none in the entire world who can love us more than our parents .

Like other parents, my parents are also amazing. They are working hard to making our life better. We, the kids never understand them properly. But we should. I love my parents very much. I would love to stay in my whole life.    

My Parents: Paragraph (150 Words)

Parents have the most important part of our life. When we grow up, they help us to learn everything about the world. We learn our first word from our mom. I have amazing parents and I will talk about them here. My mom’s name is Geeta Patel and my father’s name is Sanjib Patel. We are from Bihar, India. My mother is a housewife and my father is a business owner in the nearest market.

We have a few shops in the market. My father is a hard-working person who works all day long for making a good future for us. We all siblings are really helpful to our parents. I love to go shopping with my father and my elder sister Nitu helps my mother in her kitchen tasks. I love my parents and I think they are the best parent ever. I wish they live longer with us.    

Paragraph on My Parents (200 Words)

We even can’t imagine how important it is to stay with parents. Those people who don’t have parents they can realize that pain. Our father and mother is the most loving person in this world, who loves us the most. We need to be aware of them. I am Sahil from Mumbai. I live with my parents and read in class seven; I have an elder sister who is reading in class ten.

My father is a teacher and my mother is a housewife. I see they work very hard for us. They are dreaming big to give us a better life. They are very honest about their dream and thinking.  I love my parents very much. My father used to teach me at night and I enjoy that. He is a very good person with a big heart. My mother is also a really caring woman. She takes care of the whole family on her own.

She does almost every work of the home. Sometimes, my sister, Nisha helps her a bit, but mom does almost everything. We can realize that our parents are really working hard for us. They are trying to make their dream true in our life. Every parent is like this and they love their kids very much.  

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Essay on parents are my living god. ​


Everyone loves their father and mother. Don’t you? There is no doubt that every child sitting here loves and respects their father and mother. However is there any difference which we can find unique in India in our attitudes towards parents? Yes, we should be proud to say that in our culture and tradition, our parents are treated as equal to godOur parents are the one whom we interact daily. Every day we see how they struggle to keep us happy. Our parents work hard to give us the best. They sacrifice their luxuries to provide food and education for us. Thats why we consider them as visible god. Indian Culture clearly defines the importance of expressing love and obligations towards our parents. Our ancient Vedic text says ‘Matha Pitha Guru Deva’ which means father, mother and teacher should be treated as god itself.

Bhagawan Vishnu Once said to Marekendeya Rishi that Those who serve their parents, thinking that their father as the Lord of Universe ,Mother as Holy River Ganga are my best devotees. This Simply demonstrates the importance of serving our parents. Infact, Bhagawan has himself demonstrated how we should respect elders and parents. Sri Rama, chose to to to forest for 14 years to keep his father’s words given to his step mother. Even though he underwent years of hardship, he never became angry with her and forgive her.


please mark me as brainleest

our parents are one of whom we interact daily everyday we see how they struggle to keep us happy our parents work hard to give us best they sacrifice luxuries to provide food and education to us that's why we consider them as visible God Indian culture clearly define the importance of expressing love obligations to Our Parents our ancient Vedic texts Mata Pita Guru Deva which means father mother and teachers should be treated As god itself.

hope it will help you as brain list now

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