English Aspirants

My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality/The Person I Like Most: Everyone has a person in his /her life whom he/she likes the most. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay or a paragraph on My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality/The Person I Like Most/the person I admire the most. We’ve provided here 4 paragraphs or essays on this topic (100, 150, 200, and 250 Words). So, let’s begin

Table of Contents

My Favourite Person: 100 Words

My most favourite person is Rajiv sir. He teaches us English. He has such a charming and friendly personality. He teaches us with love and care.  I respect him a lot for his excellent command over the subject. To me, he is a friend, philosopher and guide.

He inspires us to speak in English and to take part in sports, cultural activities and social work. He never gets angry when we make mistakes. Due to his teaching my marks in English improved a lot. I like him as a human being and aspire to become like her in future. Our country needs mode ideal teacher like him.

my favourite person

Also Read: My Favourite Teacher Essay

The Person I Like Most: 150 Words

I have come across many good persons in my life of fifteen years. I like some of them and dislike many others. But one person I like in particular. He is my neighbour and my father’s friend. He is Biswanath Chattopadhyaya. He is a school teacher and also a priest. He is a person of amiable disposition. He is also charitable and helpful to the needy. Such qualities definitely impress me.

He is also different from most material-minded people. He is not rich and has to maintain his family with hardship. Yet, he never takes any undue advantage from anyone. He is a selfless man of an honest bearing. I adore him and look upon him as an ideal in the style of living. In fact, I take him as my friend, philosopher and guide.

The Person I Admire the Most: 200 Words

The person I like and admire most in my life is my father. He is a highly educated person. He works as an engineer in a private company. He works so hard to run our family. My father is a very religious person. He reminds me that life is a great gift of God. He leads a healthy lifestyle. He is very punctual and disciplined. He is the backbone of our family.

My father believes in me and shows a sense of confidence in me. Whenever I feel sad or depressed he is the person who motivates me. His love for me and our family members is unconditional. He teaches me to make good use of time. He is not only my father, he is also my friend, teacher and guide. He has always been a source of inspiration for me.

My father is a keen helper of poor kids and people. He donates some of his income to charity. He is an honest and truthful person. He loves to travel a lot. In this free time, he takes us to many beautiful places. I want to be like him when I grow up.

My Favourite Person/My Favourite Personality/The Person I Like Most/the person I admire the most

Also Read: My Mother Essay in English 10 Lines

My Favourite Personality My Mother: 250 Words

My mother is God’s best gift to me. My mother is a housewife. She is adorable and caring. She takes care of the likes and dislikes of all the family members. She is my home tutor. She helps me in my study in the morning and evening. When I feel depressed she motivates me. She always inspires me to do better in life. She plays with me whenever she gets time. She is a devotee of God.

She is very hard working. She usually gets up at 5 o’clock in the morning. She prepares delicious dishes for us. She struggles a lot to run our house but never loses her patience. I wonder how she manages everything perfectly. She is diligent and devoted in her duties. She is an inspiration to me.

She is my first teacher, guide, friend and above all my world. She helps the needy and poor people. She provides me the valuable lessons of life. She teaches me the values of discipline and punctuality. She has taught me to help others and respect elders.

Everyone in the family loves her so much. If anyone in the family is ill, she forgets her own hunger and thrust. Such care and love no one in the world can give to me. I never want to lose her.

My Favourite Person My Mother

Read More: 1. Paragraph on My Aim in Life 2. Paragraph on My Daily Routine 3. Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes

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my favourite person essay 200 words

My favorite person

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Essay On My Favourite Person – 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words

A person can have a significant impact on our lives, inspiring us, guiding us, and shaping who we become. In this collection of essays, we explore the theme of “my favorite person” and dive into the relationships and connections that have left a lasting impression on us. Whether it be a family member, friend, mentor, or even a celebrity, these individuals hold a special place in our hearts for various reasons. Through these essays, we will delve into the qualities, actions, and memories that make these individuals our favorite person, and reflect on the ways in which they have influenced our lives. Join us on this journey of gratitude, love, and introspection as we celebrate the special people who have touched our lives in profound ways.

100 words Essay On My Favourite Person

My favorite person is my grandmother, or as I call her, Nani. She is the epitome of love, kindness, and wisdom. Nani has always been my guiding light, teaching me valuable life lessons through her stories and experiences. Her delicious home-cooked meals, warm hugs, and soothing lullabies have always made me feel safe and cherished.

Growing up in India, Nani played a significant role in shaping my values and beliefs. Her strong sense of tradition, resilience, and compassion have inspired me to navigate life’s challenges with grace and humility. I am truly grateful for her presence in my life.

150 words Essay On My Favourite Person

My favorite person is definitely my mother. She is the epitome of love, sacrifice, and strength. In the Indian context, mothers hold a special place in our hearts as they are the ones who selflessly devote themselves to their children’s well-being. My mother has always been there for me, supporting me through every struggle and celebrating my every success.

Her cooking is the best in the world, and her hugs are like a warm blanket that makes all my worries disappear. She is my go-to person for advice, comfort, and laughter. Her wisdom and kindness shine through in everything she does, and I consider myself lucky to have her as my role model.

I cherish the long conversations we have, the memories we create, and the lessons she teaches me. My mother is undoubtedly my favorite person, and I am grateful for her presence in my life every single day.

200 words Essay On My Favourite Person

My favorite person is my mother. She is the embodiment of love, strength, and resilience. In the Indian context, mothers are considered to be the epitome of sacrifice and selflessness. From a young age, my mother has always been my pillar of support, guiding me through life’s ups and downs with unwavering love and patience.

Growing up in India, my mother played a pivotal role in shaping my values and beliefs. She instilled in me the importance of hard work, honesty, and compassion towards others. Her endless sacrifices and dedication to our family have been truly inspirational. She has always put the needs of others before her own, always making sure that we are taken care of.

My mother’s strength and resilience in the face of adversity have been a source of inspiration for me. She has faced numerous challenges with grace and dignity, always emerging stronger and more determined. Her positive attitude and unwavering faith in the face of obstacles have taught me the power of perseverance and resilience.

In conclusion, my mother is my favorite person because of her unwavering love, strength, and selflessness. She is not just a mother but a mentor, a friend, and a guiding light in my life. I am truly grateful to have her by my side, and I will always cherish the lessons she has taught me.

250 words Essay On My Favourite Person

My favorite person in the world is my mother. She has been my biggest inspiration and support system since I was born. In all aspects of life, she has been there for me, guiding me through the ups and downs and teaching me valuable life lessons.

Growing up in an Indian household, my mother played a pivotal role in shaping my values and beliefs. She instilled in me the importance of hard work, respect for elders, and empathy towards others. I have always looked up to her for her unwavering strength and unwavering dedication to our family.

One of the things I admire most about my mother is her ability to juggle multiple responsibilities effortlessly. From managing the household to her professional career, she always gave her best in everything she did. She is a true example of a modern Indian woman who balances traditional values with a progressive mindset.

My mother’s selflessness and generosity have also left a lasting impact on me. She is always willing to help others in need, whether it is a family member, friend, or stranger. Her kindness and compassion towards others have taught me the importance of giving back to society and making a positive impact in the world.

In conclusion, my mother is not only my favorite person but also my role model. Her love, support, and teachings have shaped me into the person I am today. I am forever grateful to have her in my life, and I strive to make her proud every day.

300 words Essay On My Favourite Person

My favorite person is my mother. She is the epitome of love, sacrifice, and strength. In the Indian context, mothers hold a special place in our hearts as they are considered the pillars of our families. From the moment I was born, she has been my biggest supporter, always putting my needs before hers.

Growing up, my mother played multiple roles in my life. She was not just a caregiver, but also a teacher, mentor, and friend. She taught me valuable life lessons about hard work, perseverance, and kindness. Her selfless nature and unwavering love have been a source of inspiration for me in every aspect of my life.

One of the things I admire most about my mother is her ability to balance multiple responsibilities effortlessly. She managed to juggle her career, household chores, and taking care of me and my siblings without ever complaining. Her dedication and determination to provide us with the best possible upbringing have shaped me into the person I am today.

My mother’s unconditional love and support have been a constant source of strength for me during both good times and bad. Whenever I face challenges or setbacks, she is always there to lift me up and encourage me to keep going. Her belief in my potential has given me the confidence to pursue my dreams and overcome obstacles.

In a country like India, where family values and traditions are deeply rooted, my mother embodies the essence of a loving and caring individual. She instilled in me the importance of respecting our elders, staying connected to our roots, and giving back to society.

In conclusion, my mother is not just my favorite person, but also my role model and biggest influence. Her unconditional love, selfless nature, and unwavering support make her the most special person in my life. I am grateful for everything she has done for me and aspire to be as compassionate and loving as her.

500 words Essay On My Favourite Person

In the heart of every Indian, there lies a special place for their favourite person. For me, that person is my grandmother, my Nani. Nani holds a unique and cherished spot in my life, as she has been my source of love, wisdom, and guidance since I was a child. Her presence in my life has shaped me into the person I am today, and I am grateful for every moment spent with her.

Nani is a strong, independent woman who has faced many challenges in her life with grace and resilience. Born and raised in a small village in India, she grew up in a time when opportunities for women were limited. Despite this, she pursued her education and went on to become a teacher, inspiring countless young minds with her passion for learning.

Her dedication to education has always been a source of inspiration for me. She instilled in me the value of knowledge and encouraged me to always strive for excellence in my studies. Nani would sit with me for hours, helping me with my homework and teaching me valuable life lessons along the way.

But Nani’s influence goes beyond just academics. She is a beacon of warmth and love, always ready with a comforting hug and a listening ear. Her home-cooked meals are soul-nourishing, filled with love and care that only a grandmother can provide. I have spent countless evenings sitting with her, listening to her stories of days gone by and learning about our family’s history and traditions.

Nani’s wisdom and guidance have been instrumental in shaping my values and beliefs. She has always emphasized the importance of kindness, respect, and empathy towards others. Her compassionate nature has taught me the power of love and understanding, and I strive to embody these qualities in my own interactions with the world.

One of my fondest memories with Nani is our visits to the local temple. Every week, we would walk hand in hand to offer our prayers and seek blessings for our family. These moments of quiet reflection and spiritual connection have strengthened my faith and provided me with a sense of peace and serenity.

As I navigate the challenges of adulthood, Nani continues to be my pillar of strength and support. Her unwavering belief in me gives me the confidence to pursue my dreams and overcome obstacles with resilience and determination. I know that I can always count on her wise counsel and loving presence, no matter what life may throw my way.

In conclusion, my grandmother, my Nani, is truly my favourite person. She embodies the qualities of love, strength, and wisdom that I aspire to cultivate in my own life. Her influence has shaped me into the person I am today, and I am forever grateful for her presence in my life. Nani will always hold a special place in my heart, and I cherish every moment spent in her loving embrace.

Final Words

In conclusion, writing about my favorite person has allowed me to reflect on the impact that special individual has had on my life. Whether it is a family member, friend, or mentor, each of these essays captures the essence of the person who holds a special place in my heart. Through these writings, I have been able to express my gratitude, admiration, and love for someone who has touched my life in a meaningful way. Each essay reflects the unique qualities and attributes that make that person my favorite, and has given me the opportunity to delve deeper into the reasons why they are so special to me. Overall, writing about my favorite person has been a heartwarming and introspective experience that has allowed me to recognize and appreciate the positive impact that certain individuals have on shaping who we are as individuals.

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Essay on My Favourite Person

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Favourite Person in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Favourite Person


My favourite person is my grandmother. She is full of life and wisdom. Her presence brings joy and warmth to our home.

Her Personality

She is kind-hearted and caring. She always helps others and treats everyone with respect. Her smile is contagious.

She has seen many ups and downs in life. Her experiences have made her wise. She always gives the best advice.

Her Love for Me

She loves me unconditionally. She is my biggest supporter and encourages me to chase my dreams.

250 Words Essay on My Favourite Person

Every individual has a person in their life who holds immense significance and leaves an indelible mark on their existence. My favourite person, who has profoundly impacted my life, is none other than my mother.

Embodiment of Love and Sacrifice

My mother is a paragon of love and sacrifice. Her selflessness and ceaseless care are the foundation that upholds our family. She is a woman of substance, who has mastered the art of balancing her professional and personal life with great poise.

Source of Inspiration

My mother is my source of inspiration. She has battled numerous challenges in her life with unwavering courage and resilience. Her determination and tenacity have taught me that no obstacle is insurmountable if one has the will to overcome it.

Epitome of Wisdom

She is an epitome of wisdom. Her insightful perspectives on life and its complexities have guided me through my darkest hours. Her words of wisdom have been a beacon, illuminating my path and steering me in the right direction.

In conclusion, my mother is my favourite person. Her love, sacrifice, resilience, and wisdom have shaped me into the person I am today. She is my pillar of strength and my beacon of hope. Her life is a testament to the fact that love and kindness can conquer all. I am eternally grateful for her presence in my life, and I aspire to emulate her virtues in my own life.

500 Words Essay on My Favourite Person

Her life: a testament of strength.

Born in a period marked by tumultuous social and political changes, my grandmother’s life is a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Her tales of surviving the partition of India, of losing loved ones and everything familiar, imbue me with a profound sense of respect and admiration. Yet, she never let these trials embitter her. Instead, she chose to rise from the ashes, like a phoenix, embracing life with renewed vigour and optimism.

Her Wisdom: A Beacon of Guidance

My grandmother’s wisdom, gleaned from the crucible of her experiences, has been my guiding light. Her words of wisdom are not mere platitudes but poignant insights into the human condition. She taught me that life is not about avoiding the storm but learning how to dance in the rain. Her perspective on life, her ability to find joy in the simplest of things, and her indomitable spirit have shaped my worldview, teaching me to value resilience over regret.

Her Love: An Unconditional Embrace

Her influence: a lasting legacy.

The influence of my grandmother on my life is profound and enduring. She has not just been a person but a force, a guiding light, a source of strength and wisdom. Her life is a testament to the power of resilience, the beauty of love, and the wisdom of age. She has taught me to embrace life with all its vicissitudes, to find joy in the mundane, and to love unconditionally.

In conclusion, my grandmother, with her life rich in experiences and her heart full of love, is my favourite person. Her strength, wisdom, love, and influence have shaped me into the person I am today. She is not just my grandmother but my mentor, my guide, and my friend. Her life is a tapestry of lessons, a testament to the human spirit, and a beacon of hope and resilience. As I navigate through my own journey, I carry her lessons close to my heart, cherishing the gift of having such an extraordinary person in my life.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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my favourite person essay 200 words


Paragraph on My Favourite Personality in 100 to 300 Words

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Paragraph

My Favourite Personality: Exploring our favorite person or personality unveils a tapestry of admiration, inspiration, and connection. From their unique quirks to their extraordinary talents, there’s an undeniable fascination that draws us to delve deeper into their essence. Through their words, actions, and presence, they transcend mere acquaintance to become a guiding light, offering insights and lessons that resonate with our own journey.

As we navigate the complexities of life, our favorite person or personality serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the transformative power of human connection and the boundless potential within each of us.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on My Favourite Personality -100 words

My favorite person is Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam , who served as India’s President. He was not only a renowned scientist but also an exemplary leader. Dr. Kalam played a crucial role in developing India’s missile program, earning him the title of “Missile Man.” He emphasized the importance of education and innovation, especially among young minds.

Dr. Kalam inspired millions with his humility, perseverance, and dedication to nation-building. His books, speeches, and interactions with students continue to motivate future generations to pursue excellence and contribute to society.

Paragraph on My Favourite Personality

Paragraph on My Favourite Personality-150 words

My favorite person is Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, widely known as the “People’s President” of India. His journey from a humble background to the highest office in the country is truly inspiring. Dr. Kalam was not only a brilliant scientist but also a visionary leader who advocated for youth empowerment and education.

He played a pivotal role in India’s space and missile programs, contributing significantly to the country’s technological advancements. Dr. Kalam’s passion for teaching and mentoring young minds earned him immense respect and admiration. His speeches and writings continue to inspire students across the nation to dream big, work hard, and strive for excellence in their academic endeavors.

Paragraph on My Favourite Personality – 200 words

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, also known as the Missile Man of India, holds a special place in my heart and is my favorite person. Born in a modest family in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu, he rose to become one of India’s most distinguished scientists and the 11th President of India. Dr. Kalam’s journey from his early days of studying physics and aerospace engineering to playing a pivotal role in India’s civilian space program and military missile development efforts showcases his unwavering dedication to science and technology.

His work at the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) was instrumental in putting India on the map of space exploration and defense capabilities. Dr. Kalam’s academic endeavors did not stop at his contributions to science and technology; he was also a passionate educator and author. He believed in igniting young minds and encouraged them to dream big and persevere in the face of challenges.

His books, such as “Wings of Fire” and “Ignited Minds,” inspire students across India to pursue their passions and contribute to national development. His life story teaches us the importance of hard work, determination, and the desire to contribute to the betterment of society. Dr. Kalam’s legacy continues to influence and inspire a new generation of Indians, making him a timeless hero and my favorite person for his academic and scientific achievements.

Paragraph on My Favourite Person or My Favourite Personality – 250 words

My favorite person is Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, fondly remembered as the “Missile Man” of India and one of the most beloved Presidents the country has ever had. Dr. Kalam’s journey from a modest upbringing to becoming a world-renowned scientist and statesman is nothing short of remarkable. His contributions to India’s defense and space research, particularly in the development of ballistic missile technology, have earned him both national and international acclaim.

However, it is not just his professional achievements that make Dr. Kalam my favorite personality. It is his unwavering commitment to education and his profound belief in the power of youth that truly inspire me. Dr. Kalam was a tireless advocate for education, always encouraging students to dream big and work hard to achieve their goals. He believed that education was the key to unlocking India’s potential and empowering its citizens to lead meaningful lives.

Dr. Kalam’s humility, integrity, and dedication to serving the nation continue to resonate with millions of Indians, especially students like me. His books, speeches, and interactions with young minds are a source of inspiration and motivation. Through his life and work, Dr. Kalam has left an indelible mark on Indian society, reminding us of the importance of perseverance, integrity, and compassion in our academic and personal endeavors.

Paragraph on My Favourite Personality – 300 words

My favorite person, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, is a figure of immense inspiration and respect. Known affectionately as the People’s President, his life story is a testament to the power of determination, humility, and hard work. Dr. Kalam was born into a poor family in Rameswaram, yet he overcame numerous challenges to become a renowned scientist and the 11th President of India. His academic journey was marked by his keen interest in physics and aerospace engineering, which paved the way for his future achievements.

Dr. Kalam made significant contributions to the Indian space program and missile development projects, earning him the title of the Missile Man of India. His work in developing ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology has been pivotal in enhancing India’s defense capabilities. Beyond his scientific pursuits, Dr. Kalam was deeply committed to education and youth development. He dedicated his life to teaching and interacting with students across the country, inspiring them to dream big and work tirelessly towards their goals.

Dr. Kalam’s vision for India was rooted in technology, education, and development. He advocated for a self-reliant India, capable of meeting its challenges through innovation and scientific advancement. His books, speeches, and teachings continue to motivate students to contribute positively to society and the nation. His simple living and high thinking were not just principles he lived by but also the lessons he imparted to the youth.

Dr. Kalam’s legacy is not just in the fields of science and technology but also in the hearts of millions of Indians who admire him for his contributions to the nation’s progress and his role as a mentor to the young minds of India. He remains my favorite person, embodying the virtues of perseverance, humility, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge.

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Essay On My Favorite Personality

my favourite person essay 200 words

Table of Contents

Short Essay On My Favorite Personalit

My favorite personality is Mahatma Gandhi. He was a leader of the Indian independence movement and a political and spiritual icon for millions of people around the world.

What I admire most about Gandhi is his commitment to non-violent resistance. He believed that violence only begets more violence and that the path to justice and freedom must be paved with peace and compassion. He inspired others to follow his example and to fight for their rights and freedoms through peaceful means.

Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence has had a profound impact on the world, inspiring leaders and movements for change in many countries. He showed that change can be achieved through peaceful means, and that it is possible to challenge the status quo without resorting to violence.

In addition to his commitment to non-violence, Gandhi was also a man of great integrity and moral conviction. He lived a simple and austere life, and he was always guided by his principles, even in the face of adversity. He was a true believer in the power of love and compassion, and he inspired others to follow his example.

Gandhi’s legacy continues to inspire millions of people around the world, and he remains an icon of peace, justice, and freedom. He showed us that it is possible to challenge the status quo and to create change, without resorting to violence or hatred.

In conclusion, Mahatma Gandhi is my favorite personality because of his commitment to non-violent resistance, his moral conviction, and his inspiring example of what it means to be a true leader. He remains an inspiration to me, and to millions of people around the world, and his legacy will continue to be remembered for generations to come.

Long  ssay On My Favorite Personality

Everyone has someone that they look up to and admire. Whether it’s a celebrity, a politician, a family member, or a friend – we all have someone who has had an impact on our lives. In this essay, I will discuss my favorite personality – their traits, accomplishments, and the lessons they have taught me.


I have always been fascinated by people who are comfortable in their own skin and exude an air of confidence. This is why my favorite personality is my mother. She is the perfect example of a strong, independent woman who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to go after it.

My mother has always been a role model for me, even though she wasn’t always perfect. I remember when I was younger, she would often tell me that I could do anything I set my mind to. Even when things were tough, she never gave up on her dreams and continued to pursue them with determination.

Now that I am older, I can see how much my mother has accomplished in her life. She has been successful in both her personal and professional life, and she has always put her family first. She is someone who I aspire to be like someday, and I know that with hard work and dedication, I can achieve anything just like she has.

Who is my favorite personality?

There are many people who have influenced me throughout my life. However, there is one person who has had the most significant impact on me, and that is my mother. She is my favorite personality.

My mother is a strong and independent woman. She has always been there for me, even when no one else was. She has always believed in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself. She is my biggest supporter and my best friend.

My mother has taught me so much over the years. She has taught me to be strong and to never give up on myself. She has also taught me the importance of being kind and compassionate to others. These are just a few of the many things that she has taught me.

I am so grateful to have my mother in my life. She is truly my favorite personality and I will always look up to her.

What qualities make this person stand out to me?

When it comes to my favorite personality, there are several qualities that stand out to me. For one, this person is incredibly intelligent and always seems to know exactly what to say in any situation. Additionally, this person has a great sense of humor and is always making me laugh, even when I don’t want to. Finally, this person is incredibly loyal and always has my back, no matter what. All of these qualities combined make this person my favorite personality and someone I admire greatly.

How has this person impacted my life?

This person has impacted my life in a very positive way. They have always been there for me when I needed them and have never judged me. They have also helped me to become a better person by teaching me valuable life lessons. I am very grateful to have this person in my life and would not be the same without them.

Why do I admire this person so much?

I admire this person because of their qualities, accomplishments, and values. They possess many admirable qualities, such as intelligence, kindness, and a strong work ethic. This person has accomplished many great things, such as becoming successful in their chosen field or helping others in need. They also have strong values that I respect, such as honesty and loyalty.

This person is someone who I can look up to and aspire to be like. They are a role model for me and many others. I admire this person because they are a good person with a lot to offer the world.

What are the lessons that I have learned from them?

There are many lessons that I have learned from my favorite personality. One of the most important lessons is to be yourself. Be confident in who you are and don’t try to be someone else. Another lesson is to never give up on your dreams. Pursue your passions and don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Finally, always stay positive and optimistic. No matter what life throws at you, stay positive and believe in yourself. These are just a few of the many lessons that I have learned from my favorite personality.

Through this essay, I have been able to express my admiration for the person who has made a profound impact on my life. My favorite personality has inspired me in so many ways and truly illuminated the path that I am meant to take in life. This appreciation will always stay with me no matter what obstacles may come along. Thank you for being such an incredible role model and mentor; your guidance means more than anything else!

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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My Favourite Person Essay Examples

My Favourite Person - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

Favorite people can be defined by a range of factors, including their personality, character, accomplishments, and impact on our lives. They may be a family member, friend, mentor, or public figure, but they share a deep connection with us that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

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  • Essay on Favourite Personality

500 Words Essay On Favourite Personality

There are a lot of people all over the world who have achieved greatness and people look up to them. Many celebrities, leaders and artists serve as inspiration for a lot of people. Thus, everyone has a favourite personality whom they admire. In most cases, it is usually a well-known person. But, for me, my favourite personality is not someone famous throughout the world, but famous in our family, my father .

favourite personality

My Father- My Favourite Personality

I used to look up to celebrities growing up and many of them were my role models. But, as I got older, I realized that my favourite personality is right in front of me. My father with whom I live, eat and sleep.

He is the one who has helped me become a better human being. Moreover, my father is the one I thank for my healthy and protected life. My father is a kind man who is very polite. He always likes helping out others.

Moreover, he also teaches us good manners and helps us feel grateful for all we have. As he is very polite, my neighbours also love him. He knows how to make others feel comfortable.

Most importantly, my father always helps out those in need. He will go out of his way to help strangers when they need it. As he is a God-fearing person, I have learned to have faith in my father.

My father is the pillar of my family . He holds us together and makes us strong. I have always seen him sort everything out between us members if we ever get into a fight. He does not show any biases to anyone but loves everyone equally.

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What Makes My Father a Great Personality

I have realized that you don’t have to be super famous to have a great personality. You can be an ordinary person and still have the greatest personality. My father is a great personality as he considers everyone’s feelings in my family.

He makes us feel equally important and takes the advice of every one of us, no matter the age. He follows the simplest of rules and never refuses those who come seeking help at our door.

My father has a soft heart and that is something I strive to have. He does not raise his voice ever and treats everyone with kindness. In addition, my father is a unique personality who serves as a good citizen too.

He never ever breaks any laws or rules. Also, my father never spoils us by buying unnecessary things. He makes sure we learn the value of things so that we turn out to be humble people.

Conclusion of Essay on My Favourite Personality

All in all, my father is like a guide who cares about his family. His personality makes me admire and respect him the most. He acts like a friend and as a parent when he needs to. To conclude, my father is my favourite personality and my biggest support.

FAQ on Essay on Favourite Personality

Question 1: What is meant by favourite personality?

Answer 1: A favourite personality is someone whom you like in a special way for who they are and how they carry themselves.

Question 2: Why are fathers the most influential person in our lives?

Answer 2: Fathers acts as our parent as well as a friend . They push us to do better no matter what happens and always guide us on the right path to help us succeed.

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essay on my favorite personality

Essay on My Favourite Personality | Short & Long Essays For Students

Everyone has got a favorite person in life. The ideal favorite personality can be your mother, father, best friend etc. Sometimes your favorite person can be the leader like Quaid Azam, Allama Iqbal or Gandhi Je etc.

We have written short to long essays, speeches & sentences on the topic of my favorite person. These essays will help you in KG, Class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10th level students.

Essay on My Favourite Person | Favorite Personality Essay | Short & Long Essay For Students

Everyone has that one favorite person in life that he can always rely on. No matter how hard a situation a person is facing, he knows that he has that one person that he can take advice from. People always admire and look up to their favorite person. They want to achieve everything like their favorite person.

My Favourite Person Essay | My Favorite Personality My Mother

I also have a favorite person in my life who is very close to me and that person is my mother. My mother is my favorite person in this whole world because she has all the qualities that makes a person ideal.

Her character is very simple and charming. She is wise, honest and truthful. I always admired her because of her kindness towards everyone and the way she tries to help everyone as much as possible. She never refuses anyone who comes to the door asking for help. She is very religious too and prays regularly. She is a God fearing person who always teaches me to remember God’s gifts and thank him daily by praying.

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She has always motivated me in every walk of my life. She is always there, praying for me whenever I am going for my exams. Whenever, I feel helpless and confused about certain matters, she is always there as a guardian angel to help me in my decisions. She has always encouraged me to be the best in all that I do.

If I fail in anything then she is always there to help me in what I did wrong and support me without any criticism. She is not just a mother but a best friend too. I can talk to her for countless hours without getting bored.

I feel comfortable to share everything with her. She is my friend who always encouraged and helped me whenever I needed a friend for moral support.

On weekends, we cook together and also go for hangouts. My friends also like her very much. She cooks very delicious meals for my friends as well. They often come at my house to meet my mother too. She is also obsessed with cleanliness and always makes sure to keep the house clean.

She made me who I am today. She taught me how to be selfless, humble and caring towards others. She never bounded or restricted me from anything but she taught me one thing that there is a fine line between right and wrong and I must know what is right for me.

It is because of her trust and faith in me that I am a confident person today. I never heard her of speaking ill about anyone. The way she has grown in the past few years amazes me.

She is not just an ordinary woman. She loves to read, write and paint. She is always eager to learn and read more. We also play games and I know she always lets me win. She is the humblest lady I have seen in my entire life.

I know that she sacrificed her dreams just for the well being of our family but she never discouraged us from dreaming. She always puts herself on second priority but still never complains.

She taught me to be patient and not to give up in any situation. I wish to be like her, if not completely then just a little bit. I always pray for her health and well-being. She is the perfect example of an ideal human being. I am so proud of my mother. May she live long to see my success.

My Favorite Personality Quaid Azam Essay:

Quaid Azam, or Muhammad Ali Jinnah, is a name that holds great reverence in the hearts of Pakistanis. He was a man of great determination and courage who fought for the rights of his people and laid the foundations for an independent state.

Born on December 25th, 1876 in Karachi, Quaid Azam received a Western-style education and was trained as a lawyer. He rose to political prominence during the Indian independence movement, representing the Muslim League in negotiations with the British government for constitutional reform. As the leader of the Muslim League, he became known as the “Father of the Nation” for his role in creating Pakistan on August 14th, 1947.

Quaid Azam’s vision for an independent Pakistan was based on the principles of unity, faith and discipline. He believed that a nation could only prosper if its people were united and worked towards a common goal. His famous quote, “Unity, Faith, Discipline,” served as a guiding motto for the new country and continues to inspire generations to come.

Despite facing countless challenges, Quaid Azam never wavered from his mission. He worked tirelessly to secure the rights of Muslims in a predominantly Hindu population and fought against discrimination and oppression. He firmly believed in equal rights for all citizens, regardless of their religion or background.

Quaid Azam was not just a political leader, but also a man of great integrity and character. His impeccable honesty and unwavering dedication to his cause earned him the respect and admiration of people from all walks of life. He was a man of few words, but his actions spoke louder than any speech.

Even after his death in 1948, Quaid Azam’s legacy continues to live on. His teachings and principles are still relevant today, and he remains an inspi ration for many leaders around the world. He showed that with determination, courage and a steadfast belief in one’s cause, anything is possible.

In conclusion, Quaid Azam was not just my favorite personality, but he was also a hero for millions of Pakistanis. His contributions to the creation of Pakistan cannot be overstated, and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations. As we celebrate his birthday every year on December 25th, let us remember the values he stood for and strive to uphold them in our lives as well. Long live Quaid Azam

My Favorite Personality 120 Words Essay:

My father is my favorite person in the world. He has been my role model, my support system, and my best friend since I was a child. There are so many reasons why I admire and love him, but most importantly, it’s because of his kind heart and selfless nature.

Growing up, my father always put our needs before his own. He worked tirelessly to provide for our family and never once complained. He taught me the value of hard work, determination, and perseverance through his actions. His dedication to his job and his family has always inspired me.

Apart from being a great provider, my father is also an amazing human being. He is kind, compassionate, and generous. I have seen him go out of his way to help others, whether it’s a family member or a stranger. He has taught me the importance of giving back and being there for those in need.

My father is also my go-to person whenever I need advice or someone to talk to. He listens patiently and offers wise words of wisdom that always make me feel better. His calm demeanor and positivity have helped me through some of the toughest times in my life.

I am grateful to have such an incredible father who has shaped me into the person I am today. He continues to be my biggest supporter and cheerleader, and I couldn’t imagine a life without him. My father is not just my favorite person; he is also my hero. So, make sure to cherish and appreciate your loved ones, especially your parents because they are truly irreplaceable.

Their love and guidance will always be a source of strength and comfort in our lives. Remember to tell them how much they mean to you, not just on special occasions, but every day. That’s the best way to honor their love and sacrifices for us. Let’s all strive to be like my father, selfless and kind-hearted individuals who make the world a better place.

As Mahatma Gandhi once said, “be the change you wish to see in the world.” Let’s start by being like my father – someone who is loved and admired by everyone. So, here’s to all the amazing fathers out there! Thank you for everything you do. You are truly the best

13 thoughts on “Essay on My Favourite Personality | Short & Long Essays For Students”

Thanku very much it helped me a lot for school

Thank you very much it helped me a lot for school 🙏🙏

This is completely a good essay. I’m so happy to read that kind of essay. I’m thanks to the person who wrote this essay.

This essay is very helpful, motivational and amazing 😍❤

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Thanks for appreciation

GOOD forever

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Amazing essay,I like it and Thanks a lot for this essay.

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EssayBanyan.com – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Essay on My Favorite Personality

Everyone in this world has one or more ideal personalities whom they admire the most. They impact our lives in many ways. However, it is good to set a role model in life. This will not only help you to reach your goals but will also help you to stay motivated. Different people choose different personalities as their ideal. Therefore, today we will discuss My Favorite Personality in detail to highlight their importance in our life.

Short and Long My Favorite Personality Essay in English

Here, we are presenting Short and Long essays on My Favorite Personality in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on My Favorite Personality will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

My Favorite Personality Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Many people inspire me but my favorite personality is Nelson Mandela.

2) His leadership quality made him popular in the entire world.

3) In South Africa, Nelson Mandela was the first black president.

4) His struggles and achievements are the true inspiration.

5) He spent 27 years in prison fighting against inequality.

6) I admire Mandela because he rose from poverty to global leadership.

7) He was a remarkable person with mental toughness.

8) Nelson Mandela was a strong supporter of democracy, equality, and education.

9) His honesty, hard effort, love, compassion, and kindness inspire everyone.

10) Although, today he is not with us, his work will always be remembered.

Short Essay on My Favorite Personality (250 – 300 Words)


Every person has some unique qualities that make them stand out from the crowd. Due to their work and efforts, they become popular. As a result, people start following them. But the person I follow is not any famous personality. She is a normal housewife and my mother. My mother is my favorite personality. My mom and I have a special bond that makes me admire her more.

What Makes her My Favorite?

My mother is my ideal and favorite person. She is honest and kind, which makes her the best kind of person in today’s world. She manages to smile even when things are hard or boring because she knows that if she doesn’t think positively, things will never get better. My mother’s willingness to help everyone has always impressed me.

My Ideal: My Mother

My mother is my ideal because she has a loving, caring, and helping nature. She has taught me more than any book ever could have. I’m always thankful for what my mom has taught me. She is not like other women. I’m a confident person now because she believed in me and trusted me. At every moment of life, she guides me on the correct path and encourages me to work hard.

There are a lot of important people in my life, but my mom is the most important one. I want to be a little bit like her, if not exactly the same. She is the best example of what a good person should be like.

Long Essay on My Favorite Personality (500 Words)

Life is a journey where we meet a lot of people in different stages of our life. People who teach us good things are often the ones who stay in our hearts. But there are also people whom we never met but still have a great influence on our life. We hear about them, we read about them, and we try to discover more about them. Their success and work motivate us and help us to do big in life. We call these people our favorite personalities. They can come from different castes, religions, sex, or background but their work stand above all.

My favorite Personality: Bill Gates

Everyone has a favorite personality, and I have one too. William Henry Bill Gates III is my favorite person. Most people call him Bill Gates, born on 28 th of October 1955 in Seattle, Washington (United States). He is an American business tycoon, software developer, entrepreneur, author, and charitable person. He began to be interested in computer programming when he was young.

Currently, he works for Microsoft Corporation as a Technology Advisor. He is also Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a group named after him and his sister. He is the CEO of Cascade Investment and the Chairman of Corbis, which is the top job there.

His Contributions

Bill Gates contributed a lot to the technology industry. He has helped not only with technology but also with helping people in poor and underdeveloped countries. Because of his contribution, offices, schools, factories, hospitals, and other places are much more efficient and productive than they used to be. Gates has won a lot of awards and made a lot of progress in the world because of his great software ideas and work. He was also named one of America’s 400 richest people and one of the century’s 100 most influential people.

Why do I Admire him the most?

Bill Gates is my favorite entrepreneur as he is always trying to make something new and change the world. Even though he was born with a lot of money, he still wants to work hard to reach his goals. He didn’t give up, he became famous and the world’s hero. Many people look up to and are inspired by Bill Gates because of how successful he is in life and business. I am determined to change my life by becoming an entrepreneur and living out my dream. Following him can make me more determined to reach my goal.

A favorite personality is someone you look up to and want to be like. There are certain things that make a person a good role model and a great man. “If you were born poor, it wasn’t your fault. If you die poor, it was your fault”. This is one of the most well-known things that Bill Gates has said. It reminds us that we have to take charge of our own lives to reach our goals.

I hope the above provided essay on My Favorite Personality will be helpful in understanding the role of our favorite personality in our life.

FAQS: Frequently Asked Questions on My Favorite Personality

Ans. A person whose acts and views have a significant impact on our life can be considered the most influential person. It can be our mother, father, or any personality.

Ans.   Of course, you can have more than one favorite personality or ideal person.

Ans. Elon Musk, Joe Biden, Nelson Mandela, Jeff Bezos, etc are some famous personalities in the world.

Ans. The environment, culture, experiences, etc can influence personality.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Admired Person — My Father – A Person I Admire The Most


My Father – a Person I Admire The Most

  • Categories: Admired Person Someone Who Inspires Me

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Words: 1488 |

Published: Dec 16, 2021

Words: 1488 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, the person i like most – my father, works cited.

  • Dolan, A. (2020). The Importance of Role Models: Why You Need Them and How to Find Them. Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/happiness-purpose/202006/the-importance-role-models-why-you-need-them-and-how-find-them
  • Johnson, R. A. (2015). The Power of Positive Role Models. The Huffington Post. Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-power-of-positive-role-models_b_6349268
  • Shukla, P. (2018). Importance of Father's Involvement in a Child's Life. LinkedIn. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/importance-fathers-involvement-childs-life-pooja-shukla/
  • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (2021). Role Model. In Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/role-model
  • Shehan, C. (2018). The Impact of Parental Involvement on Children's Well-being. Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/singletons/201805/the-impact-parental-involvement-childrens-well-being
  • Warneken, F., & Tomasello, M. (2006). Altruistic Helping in Human Infants and Young Chimpanzees. Science, 311(5765), 1301-1303. doi: 10.1126/science.1121448
  • Hoff, E. (2006). How Social Contexts Support and Shape Language Development. Developmental Review, 26(1), 55-88. doi: 10.1016/j.dr.2005.11.002
  • Bandura, A. (1991). Social Cognitive Theory of Moral Thought and Action. In W. M. Kurtines & J. L. Gewirtz (Eds.), Handbook of Moral Behavior and Development: Theory, Research, and Applications (Vol. 1, pp. 45-103). Psychology Press.
  • Fletcher, G. J. O., Simpson, J. A., Thomas, G., & Giles, L. (1999). Ideals in Intimate Relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(1), 72-89. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.76.1.72
  • Sulloway, F. J. (1997). Born to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics , and Creative Lives. Vintage Books.

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my favourite person essay 200 words

Study Paragraphs

About My Favorite Personality Paragraph In 120, 150, 200 Words

Read two brief paragraph on the topic My Favorite Personality Mother and father. These sample paragraph are very important for all class students.

Table of Contents

Short Paragraph On My Favorite Personality My Mother for students

My favorite personality is my mom . My mother and I have a special bond that makes me admire her more than she knows. She was always there for me and I want to be there for her too. Let me tell you how much I love my mother by talking about some of the qualities she possesses, such as: generosity, ambition, and happiness.

Paragraph about my favorite personality my mother and father

My mother is generous because every morning when we wake up she prepares breakfast for us before we go to work in our pajamas so we don’t go hungry and get sick.

She is ambitious because after working all day in the office or wherever, she comes home and runs errands around town such as picking up our medicines at the pharmacy, grocery shopping, and buying clothes for herself.

My mom is also very happy because she is always smiling. Even in difficult or boring times, she still manages to smile because she knows that if she doesn’t think positively, nothing will ever get better.

In conclusion, I want to say that I appreciate everything my mother does for me and I love her as much as she loves me unconditionally. I hope that one day I can be just like her and give 100% of myself to someone who deserves it as much as my mother deserves every effort I can offer her.

My mother is the most important person in my life. I hope to one day repay her kindness by being as generous, ambitious and happy as she is every day in her life.

Paragraph About My  Favorite Personality My Father for children

My daddy is very caring and loving. He makes my mother very happy, which is his goal in life. He is also very patient with me when I make mistakes and tries to improve. If I don’t understand something, he’ll sit with me and go through the problem until I understand.

My dad works really hard on his job because he says it would be great for all of our beautiful things like the house we live in, the food on the table, the clothes on the back, etc., would be great if he could take some time off could so he can rest.

I love it when my father gives us money, when we eat with him or go to the movies. It’s best if he let me spend his money on something I want, which he usually does.

My father takes care of my mother and my family. He works a lot to look after us and it’s great when he gives us or himself an occasional gift. Once, when we were all eating out at a fancy restaurant, my dad got a free dessert, so he gave it to me because I was his favorite child at the table.

On Father’s Day everyone in our church was making cards with pictures they’d drawn on them with crayons or felt tip pens, but during church when we were making the cards, some kids were making fun of my father and I was really pissed off for them berated like pencil-necked geek, skinny, etc. They also said it was heavy which made me feel guilty when it wasn’t my fault that it was tall.

I wish if people were mean to my dad or someone else I know is very nice they would stop because everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Also, when people do something wrong, they should be told in a nicer way rather than being yelled at so that their feelings are not hurt.

I’m glad I have a father and I want to give him something nice for his birthday next year. Sometimes we go on trips together like the Grand Canyon or Disneyland, but this time I want to plan something special because he did so much for me.

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My Favourite Personality My Mother Essay in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 & 500 Words

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My Favourite Personality My Mother Paragraph

My Mother is not just my favorite personality but also my role model and my greatest source of inspiration. She possesses all the qualities that I admire and aspire to have in my own life. First and foremost, my mother is incredibly selfless. She always puts the needs of others before her own and never hesitates to lend a helping hand to those in need. Whether it’s cooking a comforting meal for a friend, volunteering at a local charity, or simply being there to listen and support someone, my mother consistently shows kindness and compassion towards others. Another admirable quality my mother possesses is her unwavering strength and perseverance. I have seen her overcome countless challenges and face adversity with a courage that is truly remarkable. She never gives up, even in the face of difficult circumstances, and her determination is truly inspiring. Whenever I feel discouraged or lose hope, I think of my mother’s strength and it motivates me to keep pushing forward. Furthermore, My Mother is an excellent communicator and a wonderful listener. She has a way of making people feel heard and understood, and her advice is always valuable and well-thought-out. She has taught me the importance of effective communication and the power of listening, which are skills that I strive to emulate in my own life. Above all else, my mother’s unconditional love and support have been a constant source of comfort and encouragement for me. She has always been there to celebrate my successes, console me in times of sorrow, and provide guidance when I need it most. Her love for me is unwavering, and I am truly blessed to have her as my mother. In conclusion, my mother is not just my favorite personality, but she is my rock and my guiding light. Her selflessness, strength, communication skills, and unconditional love make her a truly remarkable individual. I am forever grateful for her presence in my life and strive to embody the qualities that make her the incredible person she is.

My Favourite Personality My Mother Essay in 100 Words

My mother is my favorite and most admired personality. She is my role model and a constant source of inspiration for me. With her selfless nature and kind heart, she always puts the needs of others before her own. Her strength and perseverance in overcoming challenges are truly remarkable. My mother is an excellent communicator and a wonderful listener. Her love and support have always been there for me, providing comfort and guidance. I am grateful for her presence in my life and aspire to be like her.

My Favourite Personality My Mother Essay in 150 Words

My mother is my favorite personality and the person I admire the most. She is my role model and has a huge influence on my life. In just 150 words, it’s difficult to describe all the amazing qualities my mother possesses. She is incredibly selfless, always putting the needs of others above her own. Her love and care for us are unconditional. My mother is also very strong and resilient. She has faced many challenges in her life and has always come out stronger. Her determination and positive attitude inspire me to never give up. Moreover, my mother is a great communicator and an amazing listener. She always lends a patient ear to my problems and gives me the best advice. I can always count on her for guidance and support. In conclusion, my mother is a truly remarkable person and my biggest inspiration. I am grateful to have her as my mother and aspire to be like her.

My Favourite Personality My Mother Essay in 200 Words

My mother is not just my favorite personality; she is my role model and the person I admire the most. In just 200 words, it’s difficult to describe all the amazing qualities my mother possesses. She is a kind-hearted and selfless woman who always puts the needs of others before her own. One of the qualities that I admire most about my mother is her strength and perseverance. She has faced numerous challenges in her life, but she never gives up. Her determination to overcome obstacles and her positive attitude in the face of adversity inspired me to be strong and resilient. My mother is also an excellent communicator and a wonderful listener. She has the ability to make people feel heard and understood. I can always count on her for her advice, guidance, and support. Moreover, my mother’s love for her family is unconditional and unwavering. She always goes above and beyond to make sure that we are taken care of and loved. Her selflessness and dedication to our well-being are truly remarkable. In conclusion, my mother is not just my favorite personality, but she is my hero. Her strength, perseverance, communication skills, and unconditional love make her an incredible person. I am forever grateful for her presence in my life and the lessons she has taught me. I aspire to be as caring, strong, and selfless as she is.

My Favourite Personality My Mother Essay in 300 Words

My mother is not just my favorite personality, but she is also my role model and my greatest source of inspiration. She possesses all the qualities that I admire and aspire to have in my own life. Firstly, my mother is incredibly selfless. She always puts the needs of others before her own and never hesitates to lend a helping hand to those in need. Whether it’s cooking a comforting meal for a friend, volunteering at a local charity, or simply being there to listen and support someone, my mother consistently shows kindness and compassion towards others. Secondly, my mother is a strong and resilient person. I have seen her face many challenges in life, but she always manages to remain positive and never gives up. Her determination and strength inspire me to keep pushing forward, no matter how difficult the circumstances may be. Furthermore, my mother is a great communicator and an excellent listener. She has the ability to make people feel heard and understood. Her advice is always valuable and well-thought-out, and she knows how to communicate effectively in any situation. Lastly, my mother’s love and support have been a constant source of comfort and encouragement for me. She has always been there to celebrate my successes, console me in times of sorrow, and provide guidance when I need it most. Her love is unconditional and unwavering, and I am truly blessed to have her as my mother. In conclusion, my mother is not just my favorite personality, but she is my rock and my guiding light. Her selflessness, strength, communication skills, and unconditional love make her a truly remarkable individual. I am forever grateful for her presence in my life and strive to embody the qualities that make her the incredible person she is.

My Favourite Personality My Mother Essay in 350 Words

My mother is my favorite and most admired personality. She is my role model and the person I look up to with the utmost respect and admiration. In just 300 words, I will try to capture the essence of her remarkable qualities and the impact she has had on my life. First and foremost, my mother is the epitome of selflessness. She always puts the needs and happiness of others before her own. Whether it’s taking care of our family or helping someone in need, she constantly gives without expecting anything in return. Her kindness and generosity are truly inspiring and have taught me the importance of compassion and empathy towards others. Secondly, my mother is an incredibly strong and resilient woman. She has faced numerous challenges and hardships throughout her life. However, she never allows these adversities to break her spirits. Instead, she faces them head-on with determination and perseverance. Her strength has taught me the importance of resilience and the power of a positive mindset in overcoming obstacles. Furthermore, my mother is an excellent communicator and a fantastic listener. She has the ability to make people feel heard, understood, and valued. Her advice is always thoughtful and full of wisdom. I have learned the importance of effective communication and the art of active listening from her. Above all, my mother’s unconditional love and support have been a constant source of comfort and encouragement for me. She has always been there for me in my highest highs and lowest lows. Her love is unwavering and has given me the confidence and security I need to pursue my dreams. In conclusion, my mother’s selflessness, strength, communication skills, and unconditional love make her my favorite personality. She has shaped me into the person I am today and continues to inspire me every day. I am grateful for her presence in my life and strive to embody the qualities that make her the incredible person she is.

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My Favorite Person

My Favorite Person

In this passage, the author discusses the importance of their mother in their life. They describe their mother as a friend and advisor who has always been there for them. Despite not being their entire life, their mother is still a significant part of their heart and they couldn’t imagine living without her. The author shares an experience in which they struggled with a subject in school, and their mother encouraged them to keep trying and believe in themselves. Their mother also advised them to find a job to learn about the ways of the world, which the author found to be a valuable experience. Overall, the author expresses gratitude for their mother’s endless love and support.

In our life we meet many people. Sometimes are people who teach us good things, and those are the ones who get in our heart. In my life there is a person who has always been there for me. She is my mom my favorite person in the world.

My mother is my friend and advisor. She always says “It doesn’t help when you say it won’t be easy” to teach me not to give up when things get really hard. Although, she is not my entire life, she is still a big part in heart. I can’t imagine how I could live without her. She is my biggest support at all times.

When I was a junior student, the most detestable subject was American History. I am very helpless and I had no way to test well in history. I tried to practice again and again, but it still useless. When my mother knew I got bad grades in history she encouraged me to try patiently and to believe in myself. Although, I was not the best in class, I did well after all my hard work and my mother’s advice.

My mother always says that most of the things can learned from books but dealing with people can’t. So, my mother supported me to find a job to learn the ways of the world. No matter what kind of job I found, I should take it and try to do my best. Even sometimes I feel tired but I think I got valuable experience more than from a book.

In conclusion, my mother is an energetic and strong woman who has given me the right directions of my life. She has a kindly heart to tolerate my mistakes and give me endless love but ask for nothing in return. I can’t find any words to thanks everything she has done for me.

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How long is 200 words? A 200-word text is perfect for conveying concise and focused thoughts on a topic. It takes less than one double-spaced or 0.4 single-spaced pages , so it requires you to prioritize the most crucial points while preserving clarity and consistency. This word count is typical for abstracts, annotated bibliography entries, discussion board posts, position papers, and book reports.

In this article, we will discuss how to structure a 200-word essay to make it compelling and engaging. As a bonus, you will also receive a list of interesting topics, writing prompts, and practical samples. You can check out IvyPanda free essays for more inspiration!

  • 🔝 Best Essay Topics
  • 📝 Obesity Essay Examples
  • 💡 Essay about Myself
  • 🤰 Pregnancy Essay Examples
  • ✍️ How to Write a 200-Word Essay
  • ⚡ Alternative Energy Essay
  • 📱 Social Media Prompts
  • 🖊️ Essay Examples on Life after Covid-19
  • 📋 Sample Essay Prompts
  • 🖥️ Essay about ICT: Samples

🔝 Best 200 Words Essay Topics

  • Why is it important to recycle?
  • The significance of education in society.
  • How does social media influence teenagers’ mental health?
  • My role model for my career.
  • What are the benefits of being bilingual?
  • Effective ways to decrease depression among youth.
  • My first trip abroad.
  • Modern technology: the key drawbacks.
  • People should protect the environment.
  • How does fashion impact self-expression?
  • Teenage abortion: for or against.
  • The value of time management.
  • Gambling should be banned in the United States.
  • Why is it crucial to forgive?
  • The benefits of a positive mindset.

📝 Causes and Effects of Obesity Essay 200 Words: Examples

  • Management of Obesity and Social Issues That Emerge With Its Development The article by Omole focuses on recent shift in the management of obesity and the social issues that emerge with its development, namely, the culture of fat-shaming, by considering some of the alternatives toward evaluating […]
  • “Childhood and Adolescent Obesity”: Article Review In the article “Childhood and adolescent obesity: A review,” the authors examine the different treatment options for obesity and argue that current medication is the most effective approach to addressing this issue.
  • “Obesity, Physical Activity, and the Urban Environment” by Lopez Additionally, the study had proved that suburban areas’ features could not be connected to the higher risks of obesity since the inner-city population has higher rates of illness.
  • Disseminating Evidence: Childhood Obesity The attendees at the meeting will also publish the proposed solutions and results of the research study. It is also vital to mention that researchers of the study will be expecting feedback after the convention.
  • Obesity Among the Elderly People in Warren Township Obesity among the elderly people living in Warren Township could be a result of different measures of socioeconomic status which may include; the family, cultural factors, biological pathways as well as ethical and sociopolitical factors […]

💡 Prompts for a 200 Words Essay about Myself

Here are some helpful 200-word essay example prompts that you can use to reveal your personality or talk about your life experience:

  • Autobiography about yourself 200 words. In your essay, you can describe your place of birth, childhood, or major life events that have shaped your worldview.
  • Who am I: essay 200 words. Write about your bad and good habits, values, and hobbies. Also, you can describe your personality traits and preferences.
  • 200-word essay about the importance of research to you as a student. Provide the benefits you get from conducting research. Examples include acquiring new knowledge, clarifying complicated concepts, understanding research methods , and balancing between collaborative and individual work.
  • How will counseling help you get through with your problems: 200 words essay. Discuss how counseling may be a beneficial resource in dealing with personal issues that prevent you from achieving your ambitions.
  • My first job essay — 200 words. Describe your first employment, the lessons you learned from it, and how it shaped your outlook on work and responsibilities.

🤰 Adult & Teenage Pregnancy Essay 200 Words Examples

  • Adolescent Pregnancy and School Dropout After COVID-19 in Kenya The article of Zulaika presents the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on adolescent pregnancy and school dropout among secondary school girls in Kenya.
  • The National Campaign End Teenage Pregnancy in Ohio The dream of most parents is to ensure their children lead to a successful future which may be affected by the occurrence of unplanned teenage birth.

✍️ How to Write a 200 Word Essay

Writing an essay in 200 words may be difficult since you must present a logical and convincing point in a limited number of words. It requires you to be precise and selective in choosing the information you want to cover, making every word count.

In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the structure of a 200-word essay in detail!

This image shows the 200-word essay structure.

What Does 200 Words Look Like?

A 200-word essay usually consists of 3 parts:

  • Introduction (2-3 sentences)
  • Main body (4-5 sentences)
  • Conclusion (2-3 sentences)

A 200-word essay’s main body should be focused and clearly address your chosen topic. Each sentence should efficiently express your point of view while staying within the word limit.

Try our outline generator to create a compelling 200-words example outline!

200 Word Essay Introduction

The introductory paragraph of a 200-word essay is about 50 words in length. Since the paper is short, you can begin your opening paragraph with a strong thesis statement. After the thesis, summarize the points you want to reveal in the body paragraph.

To make the process of writing the introduction easier, use our hook sentence generator , thesis statement tool , and research introduction maker .

200 Word Essay Conclusion

The conclusion of the 200-word article, like the introduction, should be about 50 words. It must briefly outline the main thoughts and restate the thesis statement. Also, the last paragraph should provide the reader with a sense of closure and emphasize the importance of the topic.

We also recommend you use our concluding sentence generator to write your essay’s conclusion quickly and effectively!

How Many References in a 200 Word Essay?

The number of sources depends on the type of work and your teacher’s requirements. On average, for 150 words, you need to include 1 reference. As a result, for a 200-words paragraph, you will need 1-2 sources.

Our citation generator is a helpful online tool that can assist you in creating the reference list for your essay within several seconds.

⚡ Alternative Sources of Energy Essay 200 Words: Examples

  • Energy: Types and Conversion Process This process is called energy conversion, and it is one of the most important concepts in understanding energy. An example of energy conversion in daily activities is the shift from electric energy to heat in […]
  • The Nuclear Power Passages: Rhetorical Analysis At that, the writer also provides some data utilized by the former vice president and some information to show the negative side of power plants.
  • Technology and Wind Energy Efforts by the elite members of the society enlightened the global countries about the benefits of renewable energy sources in conserving the environment prompting the need to consider wind energy.
  • Non-Renewable Energy and Gross Domestic Product of China The use of non-renewable energy in China has the negative impact on the GDP, as indicated by the negative values of DOLS and CCR coefficients. The generation of renewable energy has a negligible negative impact […]
  • Building Energy Assessment and Rating Tools Houses are rated prior to building them or after building them and the rating depends on the dwelling’s plan; the erection of its roof, walls, windows and floor; and the direction of its windows relative […]

📱 Essay of 200 Words on Social Media: Prompts

Writing an essay on social media? We have prepared for you good writing prompts that can be helpful when crafting a 200-word paragraph on social media. Find a suitable 200-words sample prompt below:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of Facebook: paragraph 200 words. Discuss the pros and cons of Facebook. Its benefits can include networking, access to new information, and dating. Among the disadvantages are privacy issues , addiction, unnecessary criticism, etc.
  • The impact of social media on mental health: essay 200 words. Explore how social media might damage mental health. You can also come up with possible solutions.
  • Impact of social media on youth: essay 200 words. Investigate the effects of social media on young people, emphasizing the benefits and risks social platforms may have for teenagers’ behavior and development.
  • Facebook should be banned: essay 200 words. Provide arguments for or against banning Facebook. Support your opinion by sharing your experience using this social media platform.
  • 200 words essay on social media addiction. In your essay, you can focus on a specific aspect of social media addiction . For example, you can dwell on its major signs, risks of developing, or ways to deal with it.
  • Virtual life and real-life paragraph 200 words. Compare and contrast virtual life with real life, highlighting differences and possible intersections. Discuss how virtual life can make you less social.

🖊️ Essay on Life after COVID-19: 200 Words Examples

  • Post-COVID-19 Pandemic Policy Changes The case of COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the necessity for governments to institute new policies swiftly in order to address the spread of infections.
  • The Healing Wings Project After COVID-19 The pandemic of COVID-19 did not only pose a threat to the physical health of the population but also put many people in a position in which they had to deal with the loss of […]
  • The Issue of Gender Inequality After Covid-19 To date, the role of women in society has increased many times over, both in the economic, social, and political spheres of public life.
  • World Medical Relief After COVID-19 In conclusion, patients’ needs for healthcare equipment and supplies are critical, and the failure to receive the appropriate medication might be life-threatening.
  • Future of Public Health After the COVID-19 The pandemic acted as a detonator of the problems of the key sphere of life support of the population. In my opinion, public medical institutions will improve themselves under the influence of factors such as […]
  • Digital Economy After the COVID-19 Pandemic With the spread of COVID-19 in the world, more and more people work remotely using video conferencing services and instant messengers.

📋 Essay 200 Words: Sample Prompts

Check our writing prompts for a 200-word essay now to receive some more fresh ideas:

  • Online classes vs traditional classes essay 200 words. In your 200-words text, you can provide several reasons why online courses can be better than traditional ones. Support your opinion with a real-life example.
  • Should smoking be banned: essay 200 words. Examine both sides of the issue while discussing the health, economic, and societal effects of smoking prohibition .
  • Essay on Pythagoras in 200 words. You can start by providing a biography of Pythagoras and the most memorable events of his life. Then, dwell on the contribution he made to the philosophy.
  • Coping with stress: essay 200 words. Discuss ideas and strategies for efficiently managing stress and preserving mental well-being.
  • A trip to Mars essay 200 words. You can describe the fictitious expedition to Mars. Try to provide details about preparation, challenges you may face, and your emotions about such an experience.
  • Outdoor activities essay 200 words. Emphasize the physical and mental advantages of participating in outdoor activities and spending time in nature. Then, write more about your favorite outdoor activity.
  • You are what you eat: essay 200 words. Discuss how food choices affect general health and well-being. You can also highlight the importance of nutrition in daily life.

🖥️ Essay about ICT 200 Words: Best Samples

  • Health Information Technology: The Main Benefits The promising functionality of HIT has attracted media attention, but its eventual implementation faced obstacles such as a lack of technological resources or inability to understand which types of HIT must be used. Thus, HIT […]
  • How My Organization Uses Technologies for Communication In addition, new forms of communication are constantly being improved, enhanced, and updated, allowing one to optimize the existing work in the right direction.
  • Evaluation of Health Information Technology Since most data will be categorical, this can be a terrifically effective technique of analyzing data because it will also be immensely useful to this project.

📌 200 Word Essay: Answers to the Most Pressing Questions

📌 how many pages is 200 words double spaced.

How many pages are 200 words of academic text? According to the guidelines of all the key citation styles, one page should contain approximately 250 words (12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced). If you follow these guidelines, your 200-word essay will be one page. If you make it single-spaced, it will take half a page.

📌 How Much Is 200 Words in Paragraphs?

How many paragraphs is a 200-word essay? Since a typical paragraph in academic writing contains 50-100 words, an essay of 200 words will consist of 2 to 4 paragraphs.

📌 How Many Sentences Is 200 Words?

How many sentences is a 200-word essay? A typical sentence in academic writing consists of 15-20 words. So, 200 words are not less than 10-13 sentences.

📌 How to Outline a 200-Word Essay?

When you write a 200-word essay, proper planning is the key to success. Such a short piece will consist of three to five concise paragraphs. A 200-word paper outline can contain a short introduction with background information, 1-3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

📌 How Long Does It Take to Write 200 Words?

How long does it take to write a 200-word essay? It will take you 4-8 minutes to type 200 words on your keyboard (the total time will depend on your typing speed). Writing an academic paper will take more time because you’ll have to research, make an outline, write, format, and edit your text. It would be best if you planned to spend not less than 40 minutes for a 200-word paper.

📌 How to Reduce Word Count in a 200-Word Essay?

The easiest way to do that is to get rid of the less important arguments you consider in your 200-word essay. Rank your arguments and eliminate those weaker. Another idea is to edit your paper in order to make sentences shorter. For instance, you can remove some of the adverbs.


  • Secondary School

Write an essay on "Your favourite person" In about 200 words


My Favourite Person :

My mother is the person I admire the most. She is the ideal example of a good human being. She is sensitive yet bold ; she is a loving mother and a strict teacher too. She has always been my pillar of support and stood by me in every situation.

She sacrificed her dreams and desires for the well- being of our family but never discouraged us from dreaming. She believed in me, in my dreams, my capabilities more than anything . She inspires me a lot as I have never seen a woman so humble, so confident and devotee.

She taught me to be patient , to not give up in any situation, to fight and to respect. I not only admire her as a mother, but I also love her for the person she is. I wish I could be though not completely but a little bit of my mother.


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