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Rights of Medication Administration Nursing Quiz

Rights of medication administration nursing quiz for students!

The foundation for learning how to properly administer medications starts with the Rights of Medication Administration . This foundation starts with 5 Rights of Medication Administration . However, over the years more rights have been added on to help ensure patient safety. This quiz will cover the 5 basic rights along with the most recent ones added.

Before taking the quiz, don’t forget to watch the rights of medication administration video and review the notes .

medication administration case study ati quizlet

  • A. Ask the patient to state their last name and compared this to the patient's ID arm band.
  • B. Ask the patient to state their full name and compare this information to the medication administration record and the patient's ID arm band.
  • C. Ask the patient to state their full name along with their date of birth and compare this information to the medication administration record and the patient's ID arm band.
  • D. Ask the patient to state their full name and compare this to the patient's ID arm band.

A. Right Route and Right Dosage; hold dose and notify pharmacy

B. Right Dosage and Right Time; administer the medication on hand

C. Right Medication and Right Dosage; hold dose and notify pharmacy

D. Right Medication and Right Dosage; administer the medication on hand

A. 2 tablets, right evaluation

B. 2.5 tablets, right calculation

C. 2 tablet, right dosage

D. 2.5 tablets, right time

A. Pain Rating

C. Location of the Pain

E. Medication Name

F. Current Vital Signs

G. Follow-up Pain Rating

A. Blood pressure

B. PT result

C. PTT result

D. INR result

A. Administer the medication as ordered.

B. Confirm you have been dispensed with the right medication before administering the medication and then administer the medication.

C. Hold the order until you can obtain an order clarification from the prescribing physician.

D. Educate the patient on how to perform punctual occlusion before administering the medication.

A. This medication is a loop diuretic that will help increase urination and remove extra fluid from the blood.

B. This medication is a nitrate that will help dilate the coronary arteries and increase oxygen delivery to the myocardium.

C. This medication is a HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor and will help decrease lipid levels in the blood.

D. This medication is an ACE inhibitor and will help decrease cardiac output.

A. Right Site

B. Right Assessment

C. Right Documentation

D. Right Patient

  • A. The patient's heart rate is within 60-100 bpm and normal sinus rhythm in on the cardiac monitor.
  • B. The patient's morning weight is 175 lbs. compared to yesterday's morning weight of 181 lbs.

C. The patient has crackles in the right and left lower lung fields.

  • D. The patient's urinary output for 24 hours was 250 mL.

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1. During medication administration how can the nurse properly confirm he or she has the right patient?

A. Ask the patient to state their last name and compared this to the patient’s ID arm band.

B. Ask the patient to state their full name and compare this information to the medication administration record and the patient’s ID arm band.

C. Ask the patient to state their full name along with their date of birth and compare this information to the medication administration record and the patient’s ID arm band.

D. Ask the patient to state their full name and compare this to the patient’s ID arm band.

The answer is C. To confirm you have the right patient the nurse needs to use at least two patient identifiers. Full name and birthday is sufficient.

2. The nurse notes in the MAR that the patient was ordered to take Acetazolamide 500 mg. The nurse checks the medication packaging on hand and finds it contains Acetohexamide 500 mg. The nurse is assessing which “Rights of Medication Administration”, and what should be the next nursing action?

The answer is C. The nurse checked the Right Medication and Right Dosage. Due to this safety check of the medication administration rights, the nurse should note that the medication on hand is not the same medication ordered. The medication names are very similar: acetaZOLAMIDE (diuretic) acetoHEXAMIDE (treats diabetes and helps lower blood glucose)

3. The doctor writes an order for a medication. The nurse notes the order says to administer 12.5 mg PO. Pharmacy dispenses the nurse with 6.25 mg tablets. How many tablets will the nurse administer and what medication administration right is the nurse assessing?

The answer is C. Two tablets should be administered and the nurse is checking the right dosage.

4. The doctor ordered a patient who is post-op from surgery to receive 2 mg of IV Morphine. The patient can have the pain medication every 4 hours PRN for a breakthrough pain rating of 5 or greater on 1-10 scale. The patient’s current pain rating is a 6 on 1-10 scale. The patient’s last dose was at 0400 and it is now 1000. You administer the medication as ordered. What information will you include in your documentation? Select all that applies:

All the answers are correct. This nurse would want to include all the information above when documenting.

5. The patient is ordered to take Warfarin at 1800. Before administration of the medication, the nurse performs the medication administration rights. When checking the “Right Assessment” medication administration right the nurse makes it priority to check what information before administering the Warfarin?

The answer is D: INR result. Prior to administering Warfarin (which is an anticoagulant), the nurse must make it priority to assess the INR result and confirm it is within parameters before administering the medication.

6. You received a new medication order on a patient for the treatment of glaucoma. The patient has no other health history and is allergic to Penicillin. The order says to administer Timolol 0.25% 1 gtt twice a day. Your NEXT action is to:

The answer is C. The order the nurse received is incomplete. When assessing the medication administration rights the nurse will note that the order fails to specify the route (hence which eye the drops should be instilled in). The nurse needs an order clarification before continuing.

7. A patient is admitted with right-sided heart failure. The patient is prescribed Lisinopril, Metoprolol, and Furosemide. You prepare the medications as ordered using the medication administration rights to ensure patient safety. When assessing the “Right Reason” for Furosemide you determine?

The answer is A. Furosemide is a loop diuretic that will help increase urination and remove extra fluid from the blood.

8. A patient is scheduled to take three medications at 1000. The nurse confirms the following about each medication: right medication, right dose, right time, and right route. When thinking of the first 5 Rights of Medication Administration what “right” is the nurse missing?

The answer is D: Right Patient is missing. The nurse needs to confirm they have the right patient for these medications. The first 5 Rights of Medication Administration include: Right Patient, Right Medications, Right Doses, Right Time, and Right Route

9. In question 7 the patient has right-sided heart failure and was prescribed to take Furosemide. Which finding below demonstrates to the nurse the “Right Evaluation” of this medication?

A. The patient’s heart rate is within 60-100 bpm and normal sinus rhythm in on the cardiac monitor.

B. The patient’s morning weight is 175 lbs. compared to yesterday’s morning weight of 181 lbs.

D. The patient’s urinary output for 24 hours was 250 mL.

The answer is B. Furosemide is a loop diuretic and helps remove extra water for the blood. In right-sided heart failure, fluid overload presents because the heart is too weak to pump blood forward and this leads to edema, respiratory failure, weight gain etc. Furosemide increases urination and causes the patient to lose fluid via the urinary system. A drop in weight shows the patient is losing fluid and this is a positive finding…hence the Right Evaluation.

10. True or False: The purpose of the medication administration rights is to help prevent medication errors.

This answer is True.

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Skills Modules 3.0

Help students master more than 180 essential nursing skills from the convenience of an online skills lab. With the knowledge delivered from 30 newly formatted modules — each featuring tutorials, step-by-step demonstration videos, checklists, quick references, animations, pre- and post-tests, challenge cases, remediation, and more — students will enter the on-site skills lab with more refined clinical judgment skills. Plus, they’ll be more prepared for hands-on time finessing technique instead of learning the steps.

  • Updated content and 90 updated videos
  • Complete modernization and easier navigation
  • Content organized by skill
  • Clinical judgment call-outs
  • Quick, easy-to-download skills checklists
  • New evidence-based studies to support techniques
  • EHR Tutor chart integration
  • New virtual scenarios for practice with virtual clients
  • Alignment and integration of fundamental skills videos and checklists with ATI’s Engage Fundamentals


Virtual practice prepares students and builds confidence for lab and clinicals. Interactive scenarios challenge students to apply the skills they’ve learned as they care for authentic virtual clients in both hospital and clinic-based settings.

  • Virtual Scenario: Pain assessment
  • Virtual Scenario: HIPAA
  • Virtual Scenario: Vital signs
  • Virtual Scenario: Nutrition
  • Virtual Scenario: Blood transfusion

Skills Modules 3.0 is comprehensive, covering routine skills from taking and monitoring vital signs to more complex procedures like central lines and intubation.

  • Airway management
  • Blood administration
  • Bowel elimination *Previously Enemas
  • Central venous access devices
  • Closed-chest drainage
  • Comprehensive physical assessment of an adult
  • Comprehensive physical Assessment of a child
  • Concepts of medication Administration *Previously Medication administration 1
  • Diabetes mellitus management
  • Enteral tube feeding
  • Healthcare fraud, waste, and abuse prevention
  • Infection control
  • Injectable medication administration *Previously Medication administration 3

*For a complete list of all skills included please contact your ATI representative.

  • Intravenous Medication Administration *Previously Medication administration 4
  • IV Therapy and peripheral access
  • Maternal newborn
  • Mobility *Previously Ambulation, transferring, and range of motion
  • Nasogastric intubation
  • Nutrition *Previously Nutrition, feeding, and eating
  • Oral and topical medication administration *Previously Medication administration 2
  • Ostomy care
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Pain management
  • Personal hygiene
  • Specimen collection
  • Surgical asepsis
  • Urinary elimination *Previously Urinary catheter care
  • Vital signs

Students use computers to access interactive resources

Each module includes:

  • Step-by-step video instruction
  • Accepted practice guidelines
  • Evidence-based research
  • Challenge cases
  • Audio pronunciation glossary
  • Key considerations
  • Student reporting
  • Pre- and post-testing with rationales
  • Certificate of completion to submit to instructors
  • EHR documentation examples


Align skills modules with laboratory and clinical content. Each module can be assigned to the appropriate area of the curriculum and course content for student learning prior to their clinical assignment with real clients and families.

Remediation and reinforcement. Students can review skills modules as often as is needed to improve their understanding and application of the information.

Practice and clinical readiness. Students can use the Skills Modules Series to prepare for their clinical practice and clinical assignments by watching the videos and taking the tests to ensure that they are prepared to successfully complete a skill with actual clients. Students may also print off easy-to-use skills checklists for guided lab practice.

Pre-conference and post-conference. A specific Skills Module and EHR Tutor client can be reviewed by a clinical group and discussed in preconference or post-conference and related to an actual client experience.

ATI offers a detailed Educator Implementation Guide (EIG) for every ATI solution, designed to make lesson planning and integration easier. Following product launch, access EIGs in your ATI faculty portal under Resources > Products & Integration. Or dig in and explore your faculty account student view to experience what Skills Modules can offer your students this semester.

Note: Lesson plans are coming for virtual scenarios.

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medication administration case study ati quizlet


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9 Modules / ~18 hours / ~300 drill questions

6 Assessments / 25 questions each with rationales


Reason and problem solve while working through an in-depth tutorial and real-life scenarios at your own pace. By pairing easy-to-use and easy-to-understand programs with classroom content, you gain the understanding and practice necessary to boost your confidence in medical calculations and in nursing proficiency. Interactive drills, embedded videos, and case studies enrich real-life scenarios, providing valuable experience for building competence to administer medications safely. Mathematical equations are simplified through step-by-step animations that demonstrate the dosage calculation process using three different calculation methods.


The Desired Over Have method allows a nurse to calculate dosages by using the amount of medication prescribed and the dose available. For example, a client is prescribed haloperidol 1 mg PO BID and the dose available is 0.5 mg/tablet. The desired amount is 1 mg, the dose available is 0.5 mg and the quantity available is 1 tablet. Use the following formula to calculate dosages using the Desired Over Have method.


Have = Desire

Quantity X


The Dimensional Analysis method allows a nurse to calculate dosages by using a series of ratios and factors, organized in the form of fractions that are then multiplied. The nurse must know the unit of measure being calculated, the amount of medication prescribed and the dose available. Equations involving multiple factors are arranged so that the unit of measurement in the denominator of one factor is placed in the numerator of the following factor and so on. Unwanted units are then cancelled. For example, a client is prescribed haloperidol 1 mg PO BID and the dose available is 0.5 mg/tablet. The desired amount is 1 mg, the dose available is 0.5 mg and the quantity available is 1 tablet. Use the following formula to calculate dosages using the Dimensional Analysis method.


Unit of measure = Quantity x Desired Dose

Have      1

Tablet = 1 tab x 1 mg

0.5 mg    1


Ratio and Proportion method allows a nurse to calculate dosages by using the amount of medication prescribed and the dose available. For example, a client is prescribed haloperidol 1 mg PO BID and the dose available is 0.5 mg/tablet. The desired amount is 1 mg, the dose available is 0.5 mg and the quantity available is 1 tablet. Use the following formula to calculate dosages using the Ratio and Proportion method.


Desired x Quantity = Amount to be given

Have 1 mg x 1 tab = x tablets
0.5 mg

Included Products

Dosage Calculation and Safe Medication Administration 3.0
Dosage Calculation RN Critical Care Online Practice Assessment 3.0
Dosage Calculation RN Fundamentals Online Practice Assessment 3.0
Dosage Calculation RN Adult Medical Surgical Online Practice Assessment 3.0
Dosage Calculation RN Maternal Newborn Online Practice Assessment 3.0
Dosage Calculation RN Mental Health Online Practice Assessment 3.0
Dosage Calculation RN Nursing Care of Children Online Practice Assessment 3.0


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