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What Is a RACI Matrix?

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Successful project management depends on a team-wide understanding of roles and responsibilities. Using a RACI matrix to assign and define each role is a great way to keep a project on track and positioned for success.

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How Does a RACI Chart Help Project Managers?

Project managers use RACI charts to keep track of team roles and relay those responsibilities to the larger team. The matrix defines clear roles and responsibilities for individual team members across the various phases of the project, breaking the roles down into four types. Each letter of the project management acronym stands for a designation: those who are Responsible and Accountable for project deliverables, those who should be Consulted as work begins, and stakeholders who need to be Informed of ongoing progress, roadblocks, and updates. 

Read more: Project Management Phases

RACI Matrix Definitions 


The individual(s) with responsibility for the task or deliverable is typically responsible for developing and completing the project deliverables themselves. The responsible parties are typically hands-on team members who make direct contributions toward the completion of the project. The responsible team is comprised of the project’s “doers”, working hands-on to ensure that each deliverable is completed. 

Some examples of responsible parties are:

  • Project Managers
  • Business Analysts
  • Graphic Designers
  • Copywriters


Accountable parties ensure accountability to project deadlines, and ultimately, accountability to project completion. This group frequently also falls under the informed category.

Some examples of accountable parties are:

  • Product Owners
  • Signature Authorities
  • Business Owners
  • Key Stakeholders

Consulted individuals’ opinions are crucial, and their feedback needs to be considered at every step of the game. These individuals provide guidance that is often a prerequisite to other project tasks, for example, providing legal guidance on a project throughout the process. If you are working on new product development or expansion, this could essentially be the entire organization.

Some examples of consulted parties are:

  • Legal Experts
  • Information Security and Cybersecurity Experts
  • Compliance Consultants

Informed persons are those that need to stay in the loop of communication throughout the project. These individuals do not have to be consulted or be a part of the decision-making, but they should be made aware of all project updates. Typically, this party are business owners or stakeholders that are more interested in viewing the project at a 30,000-foot view.  Keep this group on your cc list for awareness of topics, decisions, and progress – that includes making them part of the initial project kickoff and project demos as optional attendees. This group often also falls under the accountable group.

Some examples of informed parties are:

  • Project Committee Members
  • External Stakeholders

Read more: DACI vs RACI Model Guide

Why Are RACI Roles Important?

The same way a requirements traceability matrix provides accountability to project requirements by mapping out the relationship between these requirements and the project work, RACI roles provide a sense of organization and clarity for teams that are looking to divide roles and keep team members accountable for their contributions. Considering that 27% of projects go over budget, for reasons like scope creep and lack of defined roles, RACI roles help position a project for success and avoid common pitfalls. 

Moreover, RACI roles help ensure that communication between all roles is ongoing. When you consider that nearly half of all project spending is at risk of being wasted due to a lack of effective team-based communication, it becomes all that more important to prioritize. Ultimately, teams who prioritize communication and well-defined roles are better off, and RACI roles help teams achieve that goal faster – while providing accountability for each team member’s unique contributions to the success of the project. 

Read More: Top 10 Main Causes of Project Failure

How to Create a RACI Matrix 

If you’re looking to implement a RACI matrix as part of your team’s project planning process, take these steps to create a RACI matrix.

Ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the project and its demands before outlining any further steps by communicating with key stakeholders and decision-makers.

Determine the list of key activities and deliverables from the director of program management or other leadership. 

Determine who is needed to be a part of the project or initiative.

Determine the project roles and responsible job titles and persons for each activity and deliverable.

Hold review sessions with key members of the team for alignment, and if you haven’t already, host a kickoff meeting with the entirety of the team and key stakeholders to unveil the matrix, address questions, and more. 

If the project has already started, it’s not too late to implement a RACI matrix.

  • Outline the story. Using research from multiple sources, do a, b, c, and d.
  • Utilize steps 2 and 3 (shown above). Ensure the right groups are assigned and engaged. 
  • Hold a review session. Ensure that the team acknowledges and discusses the plan and the roles assigned.

Read more: 8 Factors That Lead to Successful Projec ts

Examples of a RACI Matrix

RACI matrix example.

As shown above, a RACI matrix helps break down what roles individuals will play as work is carried out and to what extent they will be involved in the project overall. The horizontal axis represents each person on the project team and the vertical axis represents each task.

Each square of the matrix represents an individual, a task, and that individual’s role within the project, either responsible, accountable, consulted, or informed. In this situation, for example, the project manager is accountable for accessing risk, defining performance requirements, creating designs, executing construction, and approving construction work. However, they are only informed about approving construction work and defining functional and aesthetic needs.

Read more: Understanding Different Types of Stakeholders and Their Roles

Our FREE Downloadable RACI Matrix Template

Who creates the raci matrix.

The RACI matrix — sometimes called RACI model, RACI diagram, or simply just RAC — is created by the project manager at the start of the project as a key part of establishing the initial human resources planning for the project. Because miscommunication is a common threat to any project, RACI charts are a great asset to teams dealing with any type of project, from very simple projects to extremely complex ones. 

Common Mistakes When Creating a RACI Matrix

  • Failure to plan ahead: Utilizing a RACI matrix should not be your first step in project planning. Having a fully assembled project team and at least a general idea of a task list and project plans is a better place to start before preparing a matrix.
  • Working with too large a team: A RACI matrix is likely not the best bet for a large team, as it will make the matrix hard to understand and overly complex.
  • Not communicating with the project team: A RACI matrix should help organize tasks and responsibilities that have already been introduced to the project team – no one likes to be blindsided. Be sure to host a kickoff meeting with the team first before creating a RACI matrix.

Frequently Asked Questions

Implementing a RACI matrix takes more than just a few emails and sporadic conversations – it takes consistent communication and planning. You should host a kickoff meeting to introduce the matrix to the team and make a plan to continue meeting at predetermined times throughout the project lifecycle. 

Here are a few more tips to keep in mind as you implement your RACI matrix within the team dynamic:

  • Get everyone prepared. Send the document around to the meeting distribution as read-ahead material, requesting feedback if there are any major concerns. 
  • Roll out each role for the team . During the meeting, conduct a review of the tasks and responsible parties. Do not rush through this review, but rather ensure enough time in your project kickoff for this important aspect. (Be certain to clarify the definitions of RACI to avoid ambiguity.)
  • Consider changes and update accordingly. After the meeting, send out the notes documenting acceptance or updates to the RACI. In addition to sending out the notes, request any corrections within a reasonable yet defined timeframe. Clarify that if no changes are requested, each person is acknowledging their role and committing to the project tasks as outlined.
  • Stay in touch. Consider a quick review with the entire team each quarter or every six months for longer projects to ensure it remains up-to-date and not simply another document in the repository but a relied-upon artifact.

As you implement the RACI matrix…

  • Encourage teamwork and foster collaboration whenever possible.
  • Don’t fear updates – make changes and adjustments as needed (but be sure to communicate those changes clearly to all parties).
  • Earlier is better. Roll out your matrix plan to the team BEFORE you plan to implement it for the best results. 
  • Have a clear-cut understanding of the project scope and how each role connects to the overall project goal.

For “Responsible” Parties:

  • Make sure your project’s definition of Responsible is clear on who holds the “decider” role for the project or project phase’s completion, and what the dimensions of that responsibility will be.
  • Ensure that all parties are aware of their role and responsibilities within the matrix.

For “Accountable” Parties: 

  • When multiple Accountable team members must exist, use your definitions to make clear which individual is accountable for a given project element, and how that individual needs to interact with other Accountable team members.
  • Ensure that there is only one “Accountable” party assigned per task.
  • Be sure that the Accountable party has the authority and power to oversee the task as the accountable party.

For Consulted and Informed Parties: 

  • Consulted parties are often high-level decision-makers with heavy schedules. Make sure you’re clear on their availability ahead of time.
  • Similar to Consulted parties, Informed parties are often less hands-on and have less understanding of day-to-day project operations. As the project goes on, make sure to keep detailed notes to keep the Informed party up-to-date on key information. 
  • Understand the ways that these parties like to communicate and create a plan to reach them early – whether that’s over phone calls, emails, video calls, or from within your project management system’s collaboration tools.
  • Knowing the difference between who needs to be consulted versus informed can be a challenge if there is ambiguity about project roles. Consider what aspects of the project different team members need to know to do their jobs, and then bake those into your definitions.

RACI Matrix Pros & Cons

  • Increased Engagement: RACI helps engage project participants in the project lifecycle. 
  • Enhanced Project Planning: Project managers make project planning more organized, efficient, and detailed.
  • Identifiable Improvement Opportunities: Areas of improvement are more easily identified.
  • Easier Collaboration: Use of a RACI matrix creates a clear path for leadership to sign off on project steps, as project documentation in the RACI model is heavily emphasized.
  • Better Communication: Improves overall group communication as a whole.
  • Group Accountability: Assists groups, especially larger project teams, stay connected and accountable to their roles and project goals
  • Limitations on Role Scope: The RACI model does not provide details on role scope, especially for responsible parties. These gaps in detail also affect other team roles, for example, another gap in a RACI is the determination of who is responsible for verifier and signatory.
  • Limits on Task Details and Scope: While a RACI matrix can provide an overview of who is responsible for different tasks, it will not state what needs to be done.
  • Not Aligned to the Agile Methodology: Project managers using an agile methodology like scrum may find it redundant since accountability, ownership, and ongoing communication is built into the scrum framework (i.e., product owner, scrum master, and daily standups with the team). Additionally, agile focuses on team-based delivery and accountability, while the RACI framework and alternatives focus on individual responsibility and autonomous accountability.

Read more: Top 10 Causes of Project Failure

Free RACI Matrix Templates

A number of project management software solutions include a native RACI matrix template. Here are just a few we’ve found:

Colorful RACI Chart Template

We love this template from Smartsheet because it’s colorful, thorough, and includes room for every party involved in the project. 

RACI template from

Pastel Colored RACI Matrix Template

This template from the Academy to Innovate HR is a great choice for project managers who want to organize their team roles with an easy-on-the-eyes chart that evolves beyond the simple spreadsheet. 

RACI matrix template from the Academy to Innovate HR.

Simple RACI Chart from Clickup

These RACI templates from Clickup have enough variety to fit any of your project needs, but are simple enough for even beginner PMs to use.

A simple RACI matrix from

Detailed RACI Matrix Template

This template is a great starter template for anyone looking to explore RACI charts in their project management strategy . As an added bonus – it comes with the RACI definitions already built in!

A detailed RACI matrix template from Vertex42.

Excel-Based RACI Chart Template

Are you an Excel or Google Sheets user looking to take advantage of the RACI matrix? An Excel-formatted template from Project Management Docs can be just the solution for you. This template is a great template for users who want a chart that comes in a pre-formatted structure.

An Excel spreadsheet-based RACI matrix from

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How to Make a Responsibility Assignment Matrix for a Project (Template Included)


The most important resource you’ll employ to deliver the project is people. They have to fit into the schedule and maintain the project budget. Defining what their roles and responsibilities are when executing tasks and delivering on the project goals is an important part of controlling the project.

How can you coordinate all the people who are involved in a project so they know what they’re doing and don’t block others from doing what they are assigned? Using a responsibility assignment matrix can help. An assignment matrix gives your project a team that gets things done.

What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management?

A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) is a project management chart used to identify and define the various people and organizations and outline each of their roles in working on tasks or delivering a part of the project.

Project managers use an assignment matrix to clarify what cross-functional teams do within the boundaries of the project and its numerous processes. Sometimes a responsibility assignment matrix is required when responding to a request for proposal (RFP).

The responsibility assignment matrix can also be called a RACI matrix, which stands for responsible, accountable, consulted and informed.

  • Responsible: Notes who is responsible for executing the task, which is then assigned to them.
  • Accountable: Notes who has decision-making authority and how that power is delegated throughout the project team.
  • Consulted: Notes who is able to offer insight into the task, from team members to stakeholders.
  • Informed: Notes who is updated on what in terms of progress and performance, as well as when and how this information is disseminated.

This creates a map of connections between activities and project team members. Depending on the size of the project, there can be several assignment matrices used for various project levels.

Why Create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix?

The assignment matrix identifies what everyone on the team is responsible for, which means not only what their duties are, but how they participate in the project. Some will have defined tasks, others will offer help with work, while there are some who are designated as decision-makers. These groups all have an identity and function within the project to help guide it towards a successful end.

Clear communication leads to more efficient projects. An assignment matrix facilitates better communication between team members and provides transparency by creating a system to make sure everyone is updated and always on the same page. Belaboring communications can bog down a project with too many pointless meetings and confusing interactions in which people try to understand what they’re supposed to be doing. Using the responsibility assignment matrix helps, but having project management software that connects teams in real-time is ideal.

ProjectManager manages project information by allowing teams to attach files directly to tasks, and our unlimited file storage keeps important project documents at your fingertips anywhere, anytime. Commenting on tasks can save time and tagging others in the project team creates a communication process that avoids the pitfalls of redundancies or unnecessary meetings.

Gantt chart screenshot with a team collaboration pop up

When Should a Responsibility Assignment Matrix Be Created?

The responsibility assignment matrix would be created at the start of the project. You’d want to have everyone on the project team aware of where they stand in terms of their involvement before they start executing tasks.

As much as its use is a preventative measure, it can be used prescriptively. If you’re deep into the project and things are not moving as planned, there could be communication gridlock. If team members are not in the loop, or misconstrue what they’re supposed to be doing, using a responsibility assignment matrix might untie up those knots in the communication channel.

If there’s a problem with leadership overruling suggestions on how to advance the project and this is seen as a problem, it’s likely that the roles and responsibilities of the project team need refining. The responsibility assignment matrix defines who has authority to make decisions and using it or revisiting can determine if the right people are in that position.

In fact, any of the definitions might need reexamining at any phase in the project. Perhaps tasks are falling behind schedule. This could be because team members aren’t aware of what tasks they own. Anytime a delay occurs, returning to the assignment matrix is a good first step, even if you went through the process as you should during the planning stage of the project.

How to Create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix

The actual making of a responsibility assignment matrix is not as difficult as getting everyone on board with what their roles and responsibilities are.

Therefore, you want to include your team in the process, get their input and eventually buy-in without spending too much time and energy on the process. Follow these steps to make sure everyone is in agreement and you’ll have a successful responsibility assignment.

  • Identify all the participants involved in the project, from team members to stakeholders and everyone in between.
  • List all deliverables associated with the project. Use a work breakdown structure to make sure you don’t miss any.
  • Meet with team members on how to execute the tasks to create the deliverables. Every task needs to be discussed in terms of the team’s responsibility and authority.
  • Draft the responsibility assignment matrix using a table with the project tasks listed on the left-hand column. Across the top add the name of everyone in the project.
  • Where the tasks meet the project team member, assign whether they’re responsible, accountable, consulted or informed.
  • When completed, share the responsibility assignment matrix with the project team and stakeholders and hold a meeting if necessary to make sure everyone understands their part in the project. If you’re working in a shared space, print out a copy and post it.

Free Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template

Using a RACI template is a shortcut that sets up your team and the project for success. ProjectManager is more than an award-winning software that organizes tasks, teams and projects to streamline work and boost productivity, it’s also the online hub for all things project management.

Among the hundreds of blog posts, guidebooks and tutorial videos are dozens of free templates that can help you through every phase of your project’s life cycle. Using our free RACI template will help you guide all the project teams better, allowing them to know where they stand in relation to the project and what their level of responsibility and accountability is.

Use it at the start of the project to avoid delays and untangle any communicative knots that are preventing the project from progressing as planned. To keep your project on track, download our free RACI template and get a head start on building a workable responsibility assignment matrix.

RACI Matrix Template for Excel

Best Practices

Using our free RACI template is a good start, but you have to make sure you fill it in correctly. A responsibility assignment matrix is only as good as the effort put into creating it. Here are some best practices to apply when you’re in the process of building your assignment matrix.

  • Involve the team: They’re the ones who will be executing the work. You want their input and buy-in to avoid any costly mistakes or time-consuming questions about what wasn’t made clear at the beginning of the project.
  • Identify every single task: Identify all the tasks required to reach your final deliverable. Once you have that thorough list make sure that there is only one person on the team who is accountable.
  • Update your RACI regularly: Make sure that each new one is clearly marked as the most current version and is distributed to everyone on the team. There will be times when you’ll want to revisit the responsibility assignment matrix or changes in personnel will require an edit.
  • Share responsibility viably: One person shouldn’t have to shoulder the bulk of the responsibilities for the project and you want to give authority throughout the project team and not just among the very top management team.
  • Optimize tasks: Managers can use the RACI matrix to see if too many team members have been assigned to a task. Maybe these workers could be spread out for greater productivity. There could be too many people listed as consulted, which slows down the process. The assignment matrix is endlessly useful.

How ProjectManager Helps You Manage Projects Better

ProjectManager is a cloud-based tool that connects everyone in real-time to facilitate planning, monitoring and reporting on the project. It works to give everyone on the project team a job and the knowledge as to where they have authority and when to consult others, as well as defining the reporting process.

Let’s look at the people who are responsible, for example, the team who execute the project. Once invited into the software, you can share the project plan, assign them tasks, add detailed direction, add a deadline and tag for priority and more. The teams can then collaborate by attaching files and images to the tasks and commenting in real-time to work better together.

A screenshot of the Team collaboration user interface in ProjectManager

Those who need to stay informed of the project can do so by also getting invited into the project and sharing plans and schedules with them. Stakeholders can stay updated with reporting features that can generate reports on project variance, cost, time and more with one click. Then share them as a PDF. Reports can even be quickly filtered to zero in on the data stakeholders are interested in.

a screenshot of the status report generation screen in ProjectManager

The responsibility assignment matrix can help you reallocate your resources when things aren’t progressing as planned. Use our software to get further insight. The resource management features include a workload chart that’s color-coded so it’s easy to see who has too many tasks and who can take on more work. Then you can simply reallocate those resources from the workload page to help your team work more productively.

color-coded workload chart

ProjectManager gets you organized, keeps your team focused on their tasks and stakeholders in the loop. Gain efficiencies throughout every aspect of your project’s life cycle with an online Gantt chart to schedule work and kanban boards, a visual workflow feature that provides transparency into production. All that and it’s on a collaborative platform to keep everyone connected. Try ProjectManager today for free.

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Program Management

Definition: A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) describes the role and responsibilities of various people and/or organizations in completing specific tasks for a project.

Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed (RACI) Matrix

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What Is A RACI Chart? How This Project Management Tool Can Boost Your Productivity

Dana Miranda

Updated: Jun 4, 2024, 2:46pm

What Is A RACI Chart? How This Project Management Tool Can Boost Your Productivity

The RACI chart has long been a popular tool amongst project managers around the world. Also referred to as the RACI matrix, it’s used to clarify employee roles and responsibilities for each task, milestone and decision that takes place throughout a project.

The chart is designed to ensure clear communication and smooth workflows across all parts of a team. RACI charts can help prevent that sinking feeling when a major decision-maker comes at the end of a project and complicates things with a large number of changes because they weren’t consulted throughout the project.

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What Is a RACI Chart?

A RACI chart, also called a RACI matrix, is a type of responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) in project management. In practice, it’s a simple spreadsheet or table that lists all stakeholders on a project and their level involvement in each task, denoted with the letters R, A, C or I. Once these roles are defined, assignments can be attributed to the roles and work can begin.

R, A, C, I stands for:



Here’s what each designation means:

Responsible designates the task as assigned directly to this person (or group of people). The responsible person is the one who does the work to complete the task or create the deliverable. Every task should have at least one responsible person and could have several.

Responsible parties are typically on the project team and are usually developers or other creators.

The accountable person in the RACI equation delegates and reviews the work involved in a project. Their job is to make sure the responsible person or team knows the expectations of the project and completes work on time. Every task should have only one accountable person and no more.

Accountable parties are typically on the project team, usually in a leadership or management role.

Consulted people provide input and feedback on the work being done in a project. They have a stake in the outcomes of a project because it could affect their current or future work.

Project managers and teams should consult these stakeholders ahead of starting a task to get input on their needs, and again throughout the work and at the completion of a task to get feedback on the outcome.

Not every task or milestone needs a consulted party, but the project manager should consider all possible stakeholders when creating the RACI chart and include as many consulted parties as is appropriate. You should limit this to only necessary input, however. For example, one consulted party per affected team is generally considered best practice to avoid clogging the process with too much input.

Consulted parties may be individuals on the project team who aren’t working on a given task but whose work will be affected by the outcome. They’re also often teammates outside of the project team—even in different departments—whose work will be affected by the outcomes of the project.

Informed folks need to be looped into the progress of a project but not consulted or overwhelmed with the details of every task. They need to know what’s going on because it could affect their work, but they’re not decision makers in the process.

Informed parties are usually outside of the project team and often in different departments. They might include heads or directors of affected teams and senior leadership in a company.

When Should You Use a RACI Matrix?

The framework of a RACI chart is useful for almost any project, although some teams might find it more useful than others

For example, I know in creating this article that I’m the responsible party, because I’m doing the work of writing. My editor is accountable for assigning and reviewing the work. And they likely have consulted and informed others around them, such as a managing editor and an SEO specialist.

But this project is fairly simple. It only takes a few steps and includes a handful of stakeholders. A formal RACI chart comes in handy for complex and long-lasting projects that include lots of stakeholders, tasks and milestones, especially if work is overlapping.

For example, a company’s website redesign would require design, copy and development teams to work on tasks concurrently. Each task would affect work in sales, marketing, finance and business development. Structural changes, timelines and major costs would require input and approval from senior management.

Needs are easily overlooked and requirements dropped in such complex projects.

A project manager typically creates a RACI chart to avoid missing those important details and ensure clear communication throughout the project.

Using RACI with Other Project Management Methodologies

Agile is a very popular type of project management, especially for tech workers. While RACI is applicable to agile project management, schools of thought vary on whether it is necessary for an agile context.

Additionally, the Scrum and Scrumban project management methodologies build project ownership (accountability) into their framework and are designed to facilitate regular communication among project teams and outside stakeholders. That makes a RACI chart seem redundant for this method and possibly a poor use of a project manager’s time.

However, additional communication and clarification—in a systematic fashion—tend to be more of a benefit than a drawback for any project, so some SCRUM project managers find RACI useful for clarifying roles for individual projects or their overall process.

Example RACI Chart (and How To Use It)

functions of responsibility assignment matrix

To create a RACI chart, list all of a project’s tasks down the left-hand column and stakeholders across the top row. For each task, enter an R, A, C or I to assign a level of involvement for each stakeholder in each task.

For example, in the matrix above:

  • The senior analyst is responsible for completing the work in the econometric model.
  • The SVP finance is accountable for that task—they assign it to the senior analyst and review the work.
  • The team will consult the SEO lead for input before and feedback after the task.
  • The team will inform the project manager, head of design, sales director and senior management of the project’s progress.

Color coding tasks can be useful to see at a glance whether any team member is responsible for too many tasks within a project and to make sure you’ve assigned at least one Responsible and one Accountable party for each task.

Breaking the chart down by project phases also lets you see how many tasks anyone is responsible for within a certain timeframe, which can help distribute work evenly and avoid overwhelm.

Pros and Cons of RACI

From a project management perspective, things like more organization and clearer communication are generally better, so the benefits of using a RACI chart on a project far outweigh the drawbacks in most cases. With that in mind, teams should be cognizant of the initial time investment of creating a RACI chart and the rigidity of the roles.

  • Maintain clear and open communication with all stakeholders.
  • Avoid overwhelming team members with tasks or unnecessary information.
  • Avoid “too many cooks” offering input on any task.
  • Help stakeholders prepare for a project’s future impact on their work.
  • You might spend time unnecessarily creating the chart for simple projects.
  • Roles are rigid and might not fully illustrate a team member’s stake in a project.

You might see additional drawbacks using a RACI chart for your project if your team succumbs to some common pitfalls, including:

  • Stakeholders will be confused if they don’t understand the differences among the terms, especially Responsible versus Accountable and Consulted versus Informed.
  • It’s a formality and a waste of time if no one references it after approval.

RACI Matrix Alternatives

Some teams find the roles designated through the RACI model aren’t the right fit for their projects. You might find better options in these less common alternatives—all use a chart with tasks and stakeholders like RACI, but they use different terms in an attempt to more clearly define roles.

This alternative to RACI uses the RACI model plus S for Supportive. This is someone who participates in doing the work of a task by supporting the responsible parties.

This model designates stakeholders as:

  • Communicate: These are the consulted and informed parties.
  • Approve: This is the decision maker.
  • Responsible: This person does the work.
  • Support: These parties support the responsible person in doing the work.

This model simplifies CARS with just the Responsible, Approve and Support roles. It eliminates communication outside the project team, which would need to be accounted for another way in the project management method.

This model includes these roles similar to RACI:

  • Drivers: The people who do the work.
  • Approvers: The decision makers.
  • Contributor: People who are consulted on the task.
  • Informed: People who are informed of the project’s progress.

In this model, stakeholders are assigned these actions:

  • Contribute: People who are consulted and who do the work.
  • Lead: People who delegate work and manage a task.
  • Approve: Decision makers.
  • Monitor: People who are kept in the loop on a project’s progress.

Bottom Line

Projects can be complex, confusing and chaotic. That’s why we rely on team members with the project management skills necessary to reign in the disparate pieces of a project and focus directly on keeping them organized as a project progresses.

A RACI chart is one tool that helps project managers keep a project on track.

By listing all stakeholders and assigning a level of involvement for each task, the chart helps teams communicate clearly and keep the right people in the loop.

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Ten Six Consulting

Project and Earned Value Management, Primavera P6 & Deltek Cobra & Acumen Services

What Is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) in Project Management?

April 11, 2024 By Ten Six

What Is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) in Project Management? A Guide

Here, we’ll explore what a RAM is, how you can create one, best practices for creating and using it effectively, as well as some common challenges with incorporating them into your projects.

What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)? A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a tool used in project management to define and assign roles, responsibilities, and authority levels for each task or activity within a project.

It includes columns for each team member’s name, their role or title, their area of expertise or skill set, and any other pertinent information related to the task at hand. The rows represent individual tasks associated with the project.

This allows managers to easily identify which team members have been assigned specific tasks and how much responsibility they have over those tasks.

The Benefits of RAM

Using a RAM provides several benefits when managing projects; such as improved communication between teams by clearly outlining roles and responsibilities; increased accountability among team members; better tracking of progress against goals; improved resource allocation based on skillset requirements; and reduced risk due to more accurate forecasting capabilities.

Additionally, it can help reduce costs by eliminating unnecessary resources from being allocated towards certain activities, while also providing greater visibility into potential issues before they arise.

Types of RAM

There are two main types of Responsibility Assignment Matrices. A Functional (F-RAM) and a Projectized (P-RAM).

  • Functional (F-RAM) – Functional RAM assigns individuals according to their functional expertise, allowing them flexibility in terms of where they work within an organization’s structure.
  • Projectized (P-RAM) – Projectized RAM assigns individuals according to their particular skillsets but requires them to remain dedicated solely towards one particular project until it’s completion, regardless if there are changes in personnel or scope during this time period.

Key Takeaway: A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a useful tool for project managers to assign tasks and responsibilities to team members. It can help improve communication, increase accountability, track progress more accurately and reduce risk. There are two main types of RAMs: Functional (F-RAM) and Projectized (P-RAM), each with their own advantages depending on the particular needs of the project. Overall, using a RAM can lead to better resource allocation and improved visibility into potential issues before they arise.

Best Practices for Creating and Using a RAM

Identify the project tasks and responsibilities.

The first step in creating a RAM is identifying all of the tasks required for successful completion of the project. This includes everything from planning meetings to writing reports to testing software.

Once you’ve identified all of the necessary tasks, you can then assign each task to one or more individuals who will be responsible for completing it. It’s important that everyone understands their role so they know what’s expected of them and how they fit into the overall picture.

Assign Resources to Each Task

Next, it’s time to assign resources such as personnel, equipment and materials needed for each task. Make sure that everyone has access to what they need, when they need it so there are no delays or roadblocks along the way.

Also consider any potential risks associated with certain resources so you can plan accordingly if something goes wrong during the execution of your plan.

Monitor Progress Regularly

As work progresses on your project, monitor progress closely using whatever tools are available such as status reports or dashboards. If things aren’t going according to plan due to unforeseen circumstances or other issues arise, adjust resource assignments accordingly. This could mean reassigning people from one task area to another area where more help is needed.

By monitoring progress regularly, you’ll be able to keep projects moving forward without unnecessary delays.

Regular Check-Ins

Having open lines of communication allows for quick resolution of issues or changes that may arise during the course of the project.

Update the RAM

It’s critical for the success of a project to keep the RAM updated throughout all stages. As tasks are completed or changed, it’s important to update both individual roles and responsibilities within the matrix so that everyone remains on track with their assigned tasks.

This ensures accuracy in reporting progress and makes sure no one falls behind due to lack of clarity about their duties or goals.

Key Takeaway: Creating a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) involves identifying all of the tasks and responsibilities required for successful completion of the project, assigning resources to each task,  monitoring progress regularly, regular check-ins and updating the RAM.

functions of responsibility assignment matrix

Don’t get left behind on your project! Make sure to keep your Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) up-to-date with clear roles and responsibilities. Communication is key, so don’t forget to check in regularly with team members! #ProjectManagement Click To Tweet

Challenges of Using a RAM

When using a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM), there are several challenges that can arise.

Lack of Clarity in Assigning Roles and Responsibilities

It’s important to ensure everyone on the team understands their specific tasks, as well as who they should report to for guidance or updates. Without this clarity, it can be difficult to effectively manage the project and hold people accountable for their work.

Overlapping Responsibilities Between Team Members

This happens when two or more people have similar duties or tasks assigned to them, which can lead to confusion about who is responsible for what part of the project. To avoid this issue, it’s important to clearly define each person’s role and make sure everyone knows exactly what they need to do and how they fit into the overall plan.

Tracking Progress and Adjusting Resources Accordingly

As changes occur throughout the project lifecycle, it may become necessary to reassign certain tasks to different resources or adjust timelines in order for everything to stay on track. Keeping an up-to-date RAM helps ensure that all stakeholders are aware of any changes that have been made. This ensures everyone remains informed about where things stand at any given time during the course of the project

Using a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is an effective way for project managers to keep track of tasks assigned to each member on their teams. By understanding how this tool works and following best practices when creating one, they can ensure that their projects run smoothly while also helping the team stay organized throughout its duration.

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What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) in Project Management?

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Introduction to Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

Project management is a complex process that involves multiple stakeholders, tasks, and resources. To ensure the success of a project, it is crucial to assign clear roles and responsibilities to team members and accurately define their tasks. 

One tool that can help project managers achieve this goal is the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM). In this article, we will explore the definition and benefits of RAM, as well as some examples.

If you’re looking for a RAM template that will help you assign roles and clarify responsibilities, Wrike has a customizable template ready to go.

What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) in project management?

A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) in project management, also known as a RACI chart or RACI matrix, details all the necessary stakeholders and clarifies responsibilities amongst cross-functional teams and their involvement level in a project. RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed and each letter corresponds to a team member.

A RAM in project management should be referred to by all parties throughout a project because it helps plan an individual’s roles and responsibilities before work begins. A RACI matrix ensures all stakeholders know who is responsible for completing a task or getting feedback on deliverables.

The four roles are broken down as follows:

  • Responsible: The person(s) completing the task
  • Accountable: The team member coordinating the actions, making decisions, and delegating to those responsible for the task
  • Consulted: The person(s) who will be communicated with regarding decisions and tasks
  • Informed: The person(s) who will be updated during the project and upon completion

Read more about RACI here . 

Identify and visualize roles seamlessly with Wrike

Responsibility assignment matrix example.

A common RAM   template looks like the example below. Notice how all stakeholders can have more than one role:

functions of responsibility assignment matrix

Responsibility Assignment Matrix template

Below you can see a powerful RAM template . The chart helps with visualizing roles and workload clearly. Therefore, project managers and team members follow the progress easily and stay on track.

functions of responsibility assignment matrix

Clarify roles with Wrike

In conclusion, RAM is a useful tool for any project manager who wants to ensure their team is clear on their responsibilities. It helps to establish a structured approach to project management, allowing for better communication, accountability, and ultimately, project success.

Using Wrike’s pre-built template, you can define the roles of each team member so everybody is on the same page. The template will also help you balance your workload and create complete transparency on your team structure.

What is a RACI Chart?

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Your guide to RACI charts, with examples

Julia Martins contributor headshot

Can you identify exactly who’s doing what by when for each task, milestone, and deliverable in your project? If not, you might need a RACI chart.

RACI is an acronym to help teams clarify project roles and figure out who the responsible party is for any given task. Whether you've never heard of RACI before or you’re considering creating a RACI chart for your next project, here’s everything you need to know about how to create and use these charts.

What is a RACI chart?

Responsible.  This person is directly in charge of the work. There should only ever be one Responsible role per task so you know who to go to with questions or updates. If a task has more than one Responsible person, you can lose clarity and cause confusion. Instead, aim to add additional collaborators as some of the other RACI roles, which can have more than one person.

Accountable.  The Accountable person is responsible for overseeing overall task completion, though they may not be the person actually doing the work. There are two ways to assign an Accountable role. Sometimes, the Accountable is the project manager (or even the Responsible, though in that case the person is taking on two different roles during the task workflow). In these cases, the Accountable is responsible for making sure all of the work gets done. In other cases, the Accountable is a senior leader or executive who is responsible for approving the work before it’s considered complete. Like the Responsible role, there should only ever be one Accountable.

Consulted.  This will be the person or people who should review and sign off on the work before it’s delivered. There may be multiple Consulted roles for each task,  project milestone , or deliverable.

Informed.  This is the person or group of people who are informed about the progress and completion of work. They probably are not involved in any other aspect of the deliverable.

When should I create RACI charts?

RACI charts are a helpful way to track each stakeholder’s role for a task, milestone, or deliverable—especially if you’re managing a complex project with many decision makers and subject matter experts. With a RACI chart, you can prevent poor decision making and avoid roadblocks in the approvals process that could impact overall project success.

These charts, while different from PERT charts , are especially useful if your stakeholders may be taking on different roles throughout the project. For example, there could be a stakeholder who is Responsible on one deliverable but Informed on another. With a RACI chart, you can clearly outline these details and make sure everyone knows who’s responsible for what.

Example of a RACI chart

To build a RACI chart, list every task, milestone, or deliverable for your project. Then, identify who the Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed team members are for each one.

Let’s say you’re updating the homepage on your website.  Project stakeholders  include:

Head of website

Web developer

You want to create a RACI chart for five tasks and deliverables:

Update homepage CTAs

Update customer story on homepage

Revamp website design

Improve homepage loading speed

Update homepage design

The RACI chart would look like:

Responsible: Copywriter

Accountable: Web developer

Consulted: Head of website

Informed: Designer

Revamp video on homepage

Responsible: Designer

Informed: Copywriter

Responsible: Web developer

Informed: Copywriter & Designer

Pros and cons of RACI charts

Ultimately, the question is: should you create a RACI chart? While RACI charts are a useful tool to identify project responsibilities, they can get a little cumbersome over the lifecycle of a project. Here are the pros and cons of creating a RACI chart for your team’s work:

The benefits of RACI charts

Clear project roles and responsibilities can help your team move fast and reduce confusion about who’s working on what. With a RACI chart, you can ensure you don’t have two team members working on the same thing. As a result, you’ll have an easier time  collaborating  with your team.

RACI charts are also particularly helpful when the decision-making process is split between tasks. There might be scenarios where the Informed on one task or milestone is the Responsible or Consulted on another—in order to have that clearly defined, it’s helpful to track this work in a RACI chart.

RACI chart pitfalls (and how to avoid them)

RACI models focus on the granular, instead of capturing work at the project level. You might know who the Consulted is on a particular task—which is helpful—but knowing that doesn’t help you understand how various stakeholders interact with the broader project work.

Additionally, if you attempt to write out each task and each role, your RACI chart can get bulky. Worse, if your project changes in some way, your RACI chart would immediately become outdated. That can make it hard for you to gain real-time clarity about where each task is in your project workflow.

RACI charts are limited because they aren’t able to adapt to your project needs in real time. In order to establish clear expectations and eliminate confusion on the project level, you need a  project management tool .

Take your RACI chart to the next level

With project management software, every task has an assignee—that’s the Responsible. You can see work on the project level, so the Accountable and Informed don’t have to check in via email or status meetings. And, for any approvals you need from your Consulted, you can track reviews and approvals in one place. That way, your entire RACI team has a central source of truth for all of the work being done.

[Product UI] Brand campaign RACI chart (Lists)

Instead of having your RACI chart separate from where the work is happening, project management tools capture the topic, assignee, and other important information like the task due date or relative importance. That way, your entire project team has visibility into who’s doing what by when—and you’re not relying on a single person to manage and update your RACI chart. Project management tools update in real time, so you can see exactly where you are in the approval process.

Track who’s doing what by when

Clear team roles and responsibilities help you hit your deliverables on time. Tracking different and complex stakeholder responsibilities in a RACI chart can help you do that—but RACI charts are just the beginning. Learn more about  work management , and how your team can benefit.

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Responsibility Assignment Matrix: A Complete Overview

Dive into the world of Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAMs), which helps assign roles and responsibilities and how they streamline Project Management. This comprehensive blog explains their purpose, benefits, and practical use, enabling effective role definition and accountability in project teams. Continue reading!


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This comprehensive blog aims to provide you with a complete overview of the Responsibility Assignment Matrix and its pivotal role in Project Management and organisational structure. 

Table of Content 

1) What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management? 

2)  Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) goal in Project Management 

3) How to create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix? 

4) Benefits of Responsibility Assignment Matrix 

5) Developing Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) best practices 

6) Conclusion  

What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management? 

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) in project management is a tool that outlines and defines the roles and responsibilities of individuals or groups involved in a project. Its purpose is to ensure that everyone understands their specific duties and tasks. The primary purpose of a RAM is to bring clarity to the project structure, helping to prevent confusion, overlap, and accountability issues throughout the project lifecycle.

RAM in Project Management is also known as Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed (RACI). RACI represents different levels of roles and responsibilities for individuals or teams:

a) Responsible: The individual or group in responsible for finishing a certain job or project. They are the ones who perform the work.

b) Accountable: The individuals who have complete responsibility and decision-making authority over the job or result. They ensure that the task is completed and of satisfactory quality.

c) Consulted: Individuals or stakeholders are consulted for their views or skills before to making a decision or taking actions. They contribute essential insights but may not be directly responsible for the task.

d) Informed: Individuals or stakeholders who need regular updates on the task’s progress or result. They are not actively involved in its conclusion, but they must be notified of any advancements.  

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Responsibility Assignment Matrix goal in Project Management 

The primary goal of a Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management is to clearly define and communicate the roles and responsibilities of individuals or teams involved in a project. Here are the key goals of using a RAM in Project Management: 

a) Clear roles and responsibilities: The RAM establishes clear roles and responsibilities for each team member, minimising confusion and conflicts.

b) Enhanced communication: Documenting roles and responsibilities concisely in the RAM facilitates effective communication within the project team. Also, enabling quick identification of contacts for specific issues or inquires.

c) Conflict resolution: BY operating a reference point, the RAM helps to resolve conflicts or misunderstandings about responsibilities, providing a foundation for conversation and conflict resolution.

d) Improved project control: With the RAM in place, Project Managers and stakeholders can more easily monitor project progress, identifying task accountability and monitoring work package status.

e) Efficiency and accountability: By allocating responsibility to each project aspect, the RAM promotes accountability among team members, resulting in increased efficiency as everyone understands their duties and expectations.

f) Risk Management : The clear roles of RAM help detect potential hazards associated with functional gaps or overlaps, enabling proactive risk mitigation strategies.  

g) Optimal Resource Allocation: Project managers can optimise resource allocation by understanding task ownership and workload distribution as described in the RAM.

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How to create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix? 

How to Create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Identify the project scope 

Start by recognising the project's scope or the exact purpose for which you are building RAM. This includes establishing project objectives, outcomes, and critical milestones.

Define roles and responsibilities 

a) Identify the key roles involved in the project. Common roles may include Project Manager , Team Leader, Team Member, Stakeholders, and other relevant positions. 

b) Clearly define the responsibilities associated with each role. These responsibilities should be specific and measurable so there is no ambiguity. 

Choose a framework - RACI, RASCI, or DACI 

a) Select a framework for your RAM. The most commonly used frameworks are RACI, RASCI, and DACI: 

b) RACI: RACI   Stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. It outlines who is in charge of a task, who is answerable for following it through to completion, who should be consulted, and who should be informed. 

c) RASCI: RASCI Similar to RACI, but with an additional role, the "S" for Support. This framework further clarifies who provides support for a task. 

d) DACI: This framework is similar to RASCI but adds the role of Driver. The Driver is responsible for ensuring that a task is completed. 

Assign roles using the framework 

a) For each task or work package within the project, assign the relevant roles using the chosen framework. Each task should have a Responsible person, an Accountable person, and, if necessary, people who need to be Consulted, Informed, or Supported. 

b) Be specific and ensure that there is only one person designated as "Accountable" for each task to avoid confusion. 

Document the RAM 

a) Create a table or chart that lists all the tasks or work packages on one axis and the identified roles on the other. 

b) Fill in the matrix with the appropriate role designations (R, A, C, I, S, D) for each task and role. 

Review and validate 

Share the RAM with the project team and stakeholders for evaluation and approval. Confirm that everyone agrees on the roles and responsibilities.

Implement and communicate 

Once the RAM has been completed and approved, communicate it to the project team and other stakeholders. Ensure that everyone understands their jobs and responsibilities. 

Regularly update the RAM 

As the project evolves, it is critical to improve the RAM as necessary. Roles and duties might shift, and new tasks may develop. Keep the RAM current to reflect the project's evolving needs.

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Benefits of Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Benefits of Responsibility Assignment Matrix

a) Clarify roles and responsibilities: A RAM clearly defines who is responsible for each task, which helps prevent confusion and ensures that team members understand their roles.

b) Improved communication: The RAM serves as a central reference point for roles and responsibilities, promoting effective communication within the project team. Team members can quickly identify who to contact for specific issues or questions.

c) Conflict resolution: When there is a dispute or ambiguity regarding responsibilities, the RAM provides a basis for discussion and conflict resolution. It helps identify where accountability lies and facilitates problem-solving.

d) Enhanced project control: The RAM allows Project Managers and stakeholders to monitor and manage the project's development.  It helps you to track the status of assignments and ensure that tasks are getting done as planned.

e) Efficiency and accountability: Clearly defined roles and responsibilities create a sense of responsibility among team members, maybe resulting in improved productivity. When people understand what is required of them, and they are more likely to fulfil it.

f) Resource allocation: The RAM helps Project Managers optimise resource allocation by understanding who is responsible for specific tasks. This ensures that workloads are distributed evenly and that resources are used efficiently. 

Developing Responsibility Assignment Matrix best practices 

Developing a Responsibility Assignment Matrix is a critical aspect of project management. To create an effective RAM, consider the following best practices: 

a) Involve key stakeholders: Define roles and responsibilities after consulting with project stakeholders, team members, and subject matter experts. Their participation can provide useful information about the project's objectives. 

b) Keep it simple: Use a simple framework (e.g., RACI, RASCI, or DACI) that team members are able to quickly understand and use.

c) Use clear and specific language: In order to prevent confusion, write tasks clearly and precisely. Avoid using confusing or unclear terms that may lead to confusion.

d) Designate a single "accountable" person: Assign only one person as "Accountable" for each task. This individual is ultimately responsible for the task's completion. Multiple accountable persons can lead to confusion and accountability issues. 

e) Consult and inform appropriately:   It is important to carefully consider the individuals who need to be consulted and informed for each task. Avoid unnecessary involvement, which can lead to inefficiency. Ensure that the right people are included in these roles. 

f) Review and validate with the team: Share the RAM with the project team and stakeholders for feedback and validation. Ensure that all parties agree with the assigned roles and responsibilities. 

g) Document assumptions and clarifications: If certain roles and responsibilities are based on assumptions or require clarification, document these notes alongside the RAM. This can help avoid misunderstandings in the future. 

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A Responsibility Assignment Matrix is an important tool in Project Management and organisational systems. Its importance comes from its capacity to define, assign, and explain the roles and responsibilities, resulting in improved project effectiveness and performance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Creating a Responsibility Matrix is appropriate for the project's initiation stage. It outlines roles, duties, and communication channels to promote responsibility throughout the project's lifecycle. 

The Responsibility Assignment Matrix or RACI model divides tasks as Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, or Informed. It promotes transparency and accountability among the project group.

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Clearer Responsibilities, Smoother Operations: The RACI Matrix Explained

Boost your operation’s efficiency with the RACI Matrix. Define roles, streamline communication, and mitigate risks for efficient project management and team collaboration.

 Sonja Glisic

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Key Takeaways:

  • The RACI Matrix is a visual responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) that ensures every team member knows their specific responsibilities within a project.
  • The RACI Matrix establishes clear communication channels within the team and ensures that relevant stakeholders are kept in the loop, preventing information silos.
  • The benefits of using the RACI Matrix include more efficient project workflows, optimized resource allocation, and ultimately, improved project efficiency and success rates.
  • Digital tools like Insightful, an employee project time tracking software , enhance the RACI Matrix and project efficiency through real-time monitoring and in-depth data usage reports.

Read time: 8 minutes

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As projects grow more complex, knowing who does what becomes essential for success. Enter the RACI Matrix—a task management system that fosters collaboration and accountability.

Let’s go over each element of the RACI Matrix, highlighting the benefits. We’ll give you a heads-up about potential pitfalls and explain how employee project time tracking software and other digital tools can help you overcome them.

What Is the RACI Matrix?

The RACI Matrix is a visual chart that lists the stakeholders involved in a particular project and outlines the duties of each team member within the organization. It’s a fluid responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) where everyone is given a specific role, ensuring the tasks unfold with precision.

The name is short for ‘’Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed,’’ each word denoting the level of involvement in the project. Let's break down what that means in practice:

Responsible (R)

In a project scenario, the person designated as Responsible is the one who actually performs the task or activity. They are the hands-on contributor, in charge of executing the work. 

For example, within a marketing campaign, the responsible individual could be the freelance graphic designer tasked with creating visuals for the campaign. Their role involves taking creative direction and bringing it to life through their work. Their responsibility is to ensure the results meet the project's objectives and deadlines.

Accountable (A)

The person in the Accountable role holds ultimate ownership and authority over a certain task or activity. While they may not be directly involved in executing the work, they are responsible for ensuring its successful completion. 

Within a marketing campaign, the accountable individual would be the marketing manager. Their role involves providing strategic direction, overseeing the campaign's overall progress, and making key decisions to ensure its success. A marketing manager is ultimately accountable for the campaign's outcomes and responsible for resolving any issues that may come up along the way.

Consulted (C)

The Consulted role is meant for someone who provides input on a particular task or activity, typically an industry expert or a stakeholder. While they may not be directly involved in the execution, their expertise guides the entire project, ensuring its success. 

In a marketing campaign, for example, the role could go to someone from the sales team or an external partner. They would provide insights, feedback, and recommendations based on their experience to further the campaign's development and maximize its effectiveness.

Informed (I)

The person inhabiting this role isn’t directly involved in its execution or decision-making process. However, the Informed need to be aware of any developments, so they can sync up and support the project in other ways. 

Within a marketing campaign, the Informed role could go to an employee from another department, such as finance or human resources. From then on, that person needs to be in the loop about the campaign's progress and outcomes, to ensure it aligns with organizational goals and priorities. The Informed is also meant to provide support and guidance when needed.

Benefits of the RACI Matrix

The RACI Matrix brings clarity and accountability to the table by helping you precisely define roles and responsibilities within a project. With every team member knowing exactly what their job is, there’s no room for guessing games. This helps employees build a sense of ownership and dedication to their tasks.

Furthermore, the RACI Matrix helps establish clear channels for consultation and data sharing. As a result, the information flows throughout the project lifecycle, keeping everyone on the same page. This prevents any potential misunderstandings and bottlenecks. 

Finally, the RACI Matrix is a great strategy for risk mitigation. The chart helps you spot potential gaps or overlaps in responsibilities early on, allowing your team to nip issues in the bud. With this proactive approach,  there are fewer project setbacks .

Challenges & Solutions

Team members who are accustomed to traditional task assignments might be reluctant to embrace the RACI Matrix. Instead of forcing them to adjust, try communicating why you think this approach could be helpful. 

For example, schedule transparent communication sessions, emphasizing the benefits of the RACI Matrix. Focus on concrete upsides, like enhancing role clarity and accountability. Additionally, you can organize training sessions on the RACI framework and its practical application. 

Another potential challenge is making sure the RACI Matrix is updated consistently and accurately, especially in more complex projects. To avoid any missteps, you can schedule regular review sessions to validate task assignments and ensure everything aligns with project objectives. 

With any type of RAM, it’s best to rely on digital tools to streamline the process. More advanced software like Insightful can help you keep tabs on everything that goes down within a project. You’ll have access to website and app usage, real-time monitoring, and useful integrations that’ll enhance your RACI Matrix and improve workplace productivity.

How to Implement the RACI Matrix

The RACI Matrix requires proactive leadership and clear communication on your part. Here are three things you can do for your team to warm them up to this approach:

Educate & Train 

Start by educating your team about the RACI Matrix and its significance in project management. You can schedule dedicated training sessions or workshops to explore the system together. These sessions can be conducted in person or virtually, depending on the employee’s preferences and availability.

Alongside training sessions, you can provide learning materials, like slideshows, documents, or videos explaining the RACI Matrix. Make sure to include examples, case studies, and step-by-step guides on creating and using RACI charts.

Encourage Collaboration

Schedule regular team rallies where the RACI Matrix is discussed and updated as necessary. These meetings provide an opportunity for team members to collaborate, ask questions, and clarify their roles and responsibilities.

Make the most of collaborative tools, like project management software or shared documents to encourage communication among team members. These tools will allow them to access and update RACI charts in real time, ensuring that everyone has the latest information.

Provide Ongoing Support

You need to be readily available to answer questions, address concerns, and guide the implementation process. This can involve setting aside dedicated office hours or establishing an open-door policy where team members can approach the manager with any issues.

Schedule regular check-in meetings with individual team members to assess progress, provide feedback, and offer support. These one-on-one meetings allow the manager to address any challenges or roadblocks that team members may be facing and provide personalized assistance.

Helpful Digital Tools

The following digital tools can help you introduce the RACI Matrix to your team:

  • Project Management Software : Tools like Asana and Trello offer features for creating and managing tasks, assigning roles, and tracking progress. You can use them to create RACI charts, assign responsibilities to team members, and track task completion status. 
  • Collaborative Platforms: Collaborative document platforms like Google Docs and Microsoft Teams, allow multiple users to work together in real time. You can create and share RACI charts with your team, allowing team members to collaborate on defining roles and responsibilities. Version control and commenting also make it easy to track changes and provide feedback.
  • Time Tracking Software or App: Insightful monitoring software for remote employees offers advanced features for time tracking and productivity analysis. You can use it to monitor team members' time allocation, identify bottlenecks in the workflow, and optimize resource utilization. Thanks to these detailed time usage patterns, you can ensure that each role and responsibility is distributed effectively within the RACI Matrix.

Transform Your Project Management with Insightful 

If you want to make sure you have the right people in the right role—get Insightful remote employee tracking . Our workforce analytics solution was designed to create a collaborative, transparent workplace environment.

  • Real-Time Tracking: Insightful's real-time monitoring feature offers invaluable insights into your team's digital resource usage. With quick access to each team member's activities, you can easily align their responsibilities with the RACI Matrix, ensuring tasks are delegated effectively and progress is tracked in real time.
  • Effortless Integration: Seamlessly integrate Insightful into your workflow using our Integration Card feature. With simple options for activation, deactivation, and modification of integrations, you’re able to incorporate our platform into your existing software in just a few steps. Stay tuned for upcoming integrations with other project management tools, like our Asana integration .
  • Project Efficiency & Performance Boost: Gain a clear view of actual hours worked with Insightful's comprehensive time-tracking capabilities. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions, delegate tasks more efficiently, and ultimately boost project efficiency and performance. Make sure that every team member's contributions are maximized, leading to successful project outcomes. ‍

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What is the RACI Model?

functions of responsibility assignment matrix

Project management is constantly evolving in its technology and trends, from RACI to Gantt and back. It’s no wonder that sometimes it feels like a Pandora’s box of different decision makers, project roles, and responsibilities. This is particularly true if you don’t have a project plan and the structures in place to complete the task milestones from start to finish while managing the responsible parties involved.

Without this, it’s pretty easy for the right hand to be in the dark about what the left hand is doing. One steadfast method involves the use of something called a RACI chart. In this blog, we’ll cover what the RACI model is, why it’s important for a healthy project management environment, and how to implement it the right way.

What does RACI mean?

The acronym RACI stands for responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed . This is how each of the 4 components is defined:

  • Responsible: a manager or team member who is directly responsible for successfully completing a project task.
  • Accountable: the person with final authority over the successful completion of the specific task or deliverable.
  • Consulted: someone with unique insights the team will consult.
  • Informed: a client or executive who isn’t directly involved, but you should keep up to speed.

There are other variations of this method. RACI is the base level, the vanilla ice cream of responsibility matrices. Other versions add their own unique flavors — peanut butter, cookies, and more. RASCI, for example adds the 5th level, support, to the matrix. This could look like a senior developer who works on another project but also has unique experience working with APIs.

What is RACI in project management?

Also called a RACI matrix, RACI charts are a type of responsibility assignment matrices in project management. These simple spreadsheets or tables highlight the different states of responsibility a stakeholder has over a particular task or deliverable and denotes it with the letters R, A, C, or I. It’s typically implemented by color-coding each responsibility level and creating a simple table layout.

raci model color coding responsibility

Generally, nobody should have more than a single responsibility level for each deliverable or activity group in the RACI chart.  In this example, we’ve given every person some level of involvement to keep things simple. But when you make a real model for more than four people, there’s often more white space. We will get more into how class RACI looks and functions later.

Why do you need a RACI?

The goal of the RACI model is to bring structure and clarity regarding the roles that stakeholders play within a project. This responsibility assignment matrix instills confidence in each responsible person because they know what they are doing— this type of stakeholder engagement is crucial, according to a 2020 study by Wellingtone . In fact, it was ranked as the highest-valued project management process.

PPM process value vs. difficulty chart

RACI provides a concrete and intentional framework to manage all relationships appropriately, from start to finish. A large scale project could involve many stakeholders, like:

  • Government regulators
  • VIP clients and project sponsors
  • Company executives
  • Business analysts
  • Internal users of the product

Mapping all of their responsibilities out from the beginning and sharing them is an excellent way to avoid miscalculations and blunders that could cost you precious time and money. And of course, it will contribute to your overall stakeholder engagement efforts.

Research-backed tips for effective stakeholder engagement

Before we get into the technical components of creating a RACI chart, let’s dive into stakeholder engagement briefly. A recent McKinsey study highlighted three key areas for engaging external stakeholders effectively — a corporate purpose, active use of technology, and organizational agility.

( Image Source )

How can you apply this research? Check out these tips.

1. Map out deliverables and activity groups thoroughly before using RACI

Don’t jump immediately into assigning individual responsibilities. Start by consulting with subject matter experts and accurately mapping out the moving parts. Only once you’ve got a clear outline of your project can you make educated decisions. That could be your Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) or a project roadmap.

2. Don’t be afraid to give responsibility to less senior staff

Assigning the accountable role to a high-level executive or project manager for all tasks is a mistake. Since they have the final say on when a job is complete, you instantly create a bottleneck. Instead, don’t be afraid to assign that role to experienced staff on the project team itself, who is most familiar with the work.

3. Standardize the approach across departments and locations

While a single project team is good, stakeholder relationships don’t exist in a vacuum. Your whole organization must get on board to truly maximize the return on investment. Make distributed responsibility and decision-making part of your corporate purpose. Everyone — from executive to intern — must be on the same page.

4. Use the right digital tools to implement RACI at scale

A written memo isn’t enough to standardize your methods and remove departmental silos. Use digital tools to build a platform for efficient RACI implementation and stakeholder management.

Who uses a RACI matrix?

Even though the RACI model is a project manager’s useful tool for stakeholder management, that doesn’t mean it should be used for all projects. The deciding factors on who uses it relate to the scale of the project and the company structure.

Use the RACI matrix for projects that are:

  • Large-scale with clear-cut deliverables or workgroups
  • For organizations with static roles and responsibilities
  • Involving a wide variety of stakeholders for different aspects
  • Spanning multiple departments
  • In highly regulated industries

Don’t use the RACI matrix for:

  • Small, single-department projects — it’s likely not necessary
  • Teams working with an Agile framework like Scrum

In Agile organizations, cross-functional teams and collaboration is the default. So task responsibility depends on the employees’ initiative rather than a top-down decision. For Agile teams, implementing a hard version of RACI will likely not be helpful, as teams should be self-organizing.

Traditional vs Agile Organizations

What should a RACI include? RACI model guidelines

RACI has a set of general guidelines to help you implement the method successfully:

  • Only 1 accountable per task or deliverable.
  • Only 1 responsibility type per person. If you don’t follow this, the RACI matrix will be more confusing than helpful.
  • The accountable person needs to have the authority to help finish the task.
  • Only the responsible and accountable roles are mandatory for every task. Not every task is complex enough to need outside input or warrant informing anyone else.
  • Prioritize effective communication with the consulting person.
  • Always keep all stakeholders informed. Even the lowest level needs to know about updates and changes to the project.

How to create a RACI chart with

While there is a wide variety of project management apps out there, in the particular case of a RACI, project management provides an outstanding offering of robust integrations and extensibility that allow you to build the exact platform you need to manage this structure and more.

You can get started much quicker with our RACI matrix template and share it with the entire team. Keep track of the RACI roles for all project activities and easily see project phases and individual deliverables for each.

functions of responsibility assignment matrix

In addition to customizations on columns, statuses, and more, easily assign roles to internal users or guest users created for external stakeholders. All assigned roles will automatically get informed of status changes to the work item.

Here are a few more ways you can get the most out of your RACI matrix.

Continually update and revise to reflect the real-time statuses

An out-of-date RACI diagram helps nobody. Use board permissions to let responsible users directly edit the status of the row themselves.

screenshot of setting board permissions in

Keep stakeholders involved with shared boards and dashboards

With, you can easily give them viewer access to project and workflow boards. That way, they know the actual status of the project in real-time. They can then use that information to guide their decisions. You can also inform stakeholders of crucial changes automatically with automations.

Our integrations with Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Gmail let you send messages based on status changes, new items, missed due dates, and more.

functions of responsibility assignment matrix

Remove data silos to keep everyone on the same page

Naturally, every department uses a different set of tools and applications.’s robust integrations make it easy to bring all of this data And even if you use custom business apps, you can easily integrate them into using our API and 50+ pre-built adaptors.

RAPID vs.RACI— What’s the difference?

Sometimes when you want to define RACI, it’s important to use another method for comparison.

RAPID and RACI are both two important tools for project managers, but they have different functions. As we have seen, the RACI method revolves around deliverables and the key person responsible throughout each stage of the process. RAPID however, focuses primarily on the decision-making process and the actions made by an organization.

You can see the breakdown of RAPID here:

RAPID method diagram

While making a key decision is a part of the project management process, it’s not the whole journey. The RACI framework outlines who should do a task, who to keep in the loop, and who gets the final say.

Empower stakeholders and don’t miss a beat with RACI charts

The RACI matrix is an excellent method for assigning responsibilities and keeping stakeholders engaged throughout the journey because it clarifies where everyone should focus their energy and makes it easy for people to lead the way in their area of expertise.

That being said, the platform and tools you use to make it automated and up to date can have a significant impact on its success. Use our RACI template and share it with your entire team to ensure everyone understands and deals with it accordingly.

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functions of responsibility assignment matrix

How to Make a Responsibility Assignment Matrix: Excel RACI Template

functions of responsibility assignment matrix

What is a responsibility assignment matrix?

How to create a responsibility assignment matrix in excel, free raci template for excel, how to manage raci roles in your teamgantt plan.

A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) is a tool used in project management to clarify team and stakeholder roles for each project step. It paves the way for smooth collaboration by ensuring everyone knows what they need to do, who they need to talk to, and who has the final say on key decisions and deliverables.

RACI—which stands for Responsible , Accountable , Consulted , Informed —is the most popular framework used for assigning roles and responsibilities on projects. Here’s a quick breakdown of RACI categories in basic terms:

  • Responsible : Who completes the work?
  • Accountable : Who makes decisions? 
  • Consulted : Who provides expertise?
  • Informed : Who needs status updates?

Of course, RACI isn’t the only responsibility assignment matrix out there. These RACI alternatives provide a small sample of other approaches you might come across in project management.

  • RASCI (or RASIC) matrix : This RACI alternative adds one extra role into the responsibility assignment mix. In the RASCI model, the S stands for Supportive . While this role covers anyone who will lend the Responsible person a hand with the work, a Supportive team member isn’t responsible for the outcome.
  • DACI matrix : DACI stands for Driver , Approver , Contributor , Informed and is used to outline decision-making roles and responsibilities for projects. In this framework, the project manager or leader typically serves as the Driver guiding the team to a decision.‍
  • RAPID responsibility matrix : RAPID stands for Recommend , Agree , Perform , Input , Decide and is another decision-making framework used to define authority vs accountability. The Recommend role kicks things off by suggesting an action, while the Decide role has the ultimate say in how things move forward. ‍
  • CARS : CARS stands for Communicate , Approver , Responsible , Support . In this model, Communicate combines RACI’s Consulted and Informed roles into a single assignment. Someone with the Communicate role lends their expertise and needs to be kept up-to-date on progress. The Approver is the main decision-maker who calls the shots.

Lay a clear path to success with a visual plan that’s easy to understand, and keep everyone in sync with flexible workflows and team collaboration.

functions of responsibility assignment matrix

Lots of people use spreadsheets to make a responsibility assignment matrix for their projects, so let’s walk through the basic steps of building one in Excel, using the RACI framework as our model.

Looking for an online solution? See how TeamGantt's RACI feature integrates into your project plan.

1. List project tasks and deliverables in column A

First, make a list of all the work that needs to be done for your project down the left side of your matrix. Enter each project task, milestone, or decision in column A of your Excel worksheet. 

Feel free to group tasks by project phase like we’ve done in the screenshot below. That way, your RACI matrix is easy to scan and read.

Excel RACI Matrix Step 1 - List project tasks and deliverables

2. Add team members or project roles across row 1

Starting with column B, label each column header with the name of a team member and/or project role. 

Include the people who will execute and review work for the project, as well as any subject matter experts or stakeholders you may need to consult or keep in the loop along the way.

Excel RACI Matrix Step 2 - Add project role and team member names

3. Insert a new worksheet for roles and definitions

Click Insert > Insert Sheet from the Home ribbon at the top of your Excel workbook.

Excel RACI Matrix Step 3a - Insert new sheet for roles and definitions

Go to your new worksheet, and list each letter of the RACI acronym in column A. Then enter the corresponding role for each letter in column B. We also included RACI definitions in column C as a handy reference for anyone who might need a refresher.

Excel RACI Matrix Step 3b - Enter roles and definitions

You’ll use this worksheet to populate a drop-down list on the main RACI matrix tab to make it easier to assign roles quickly.

4. Add a drop-down list of roles to your matrix

Now, go back to your main worksheet, and click into the first open cell in your matrix.

On the ribbon, click Data > Data validation to insert a drop-down list with RACI roles.

Excel RACI Matrix Step 4a - Click Data Validation

On the Settings tab, choose List under the Allow menu.

Excel RACI Matrix Step 4b - Select allow list setting

Click into the Source field, then highlight the data range with your options from the RACI Roles & Definitions worksheet you set up in Step 3. We highlighted cells A2-A5 in our example.

Excel RACI Matrix Step 4c - Select data source

Verify your Data validation settings are correct, then hit Enter to add the drop-down list to your selected cell.

Excel RACI Matrix Step 4d - Confirm data validation settings

Copy and paste that cell to apply the drop-down list to other cells in your RACI matrix worksheet.

5. Color-code assignments with conditional formatting

Click Conditional Formatting > New Rule on the Home tab. Select Classic > Format only cells that contain > Specific text > containing . Enter the letter R in the text box, then choose Custom Format , and apply a background color (and any other styles you want). 

Repeat this step for each additional letter in the acronym.

Excel RACI Matrix Step 5 - Color-code responsibility assignments with conditional formatting

6. Assign a RACI value to everyone on every task

You’re almost there! Now go down the list of tasks on your responsibility assignment matrix, and assign a role to every person who will be involved in that project step or deliverable.

Excel RACI Matrix Step 6 - Assign a role to everyone on every task

Want to build a responsibility assignment matrix of your own, but don't want to start from scratch? Download our ready-made Excel template for free. This blank RACI template is fully editable, so you can customize it for any project you manage. 

We added drop-downs for assigning RACI roles more easily and included a RACI chart example tab as reference in case you need a little extra guidance.

Download: RACI matrix template for Excel

Free RACI Template for Excel by TeamGantt

You can easily upload your final matrix to your TeamGantt project . But if you don’t want to worry about outdated spreadsheets that get forgotten once work begins, why not assign RACI roles directly to your plan?

Here’s how to use TeamGantt’s online RACI feature for your next project.

Assigning RACI roles and responsibilities to TeamGantt tasks

  • Open your project, and toggle to the RACI tab. This will display all your project tasks in a list format (rows). On the right side of the matrix, you’ll see a column for each person currently invited to the project with cells for each task in the project. 
  • Click the cell below each person who needs to be assigned a role on a task, and choose one of the RACI options from the drop-down.

Screenshot of TeamGantt's built-in RACI matrix for assigning task responsibilities

Viewing RACI matrix assignments for your project

There are 2 simple ways to view RACI assignments in TeamGantt:

  • From the Gantt tab : If someone is assigned to a task and has a RACI role on that task, the RACI value will appear in parentheses next to that person’s name on the gantt chart. Just be aware that you won’t see RACI assignments for people who haven’t been assigned to a specific task in Gantt view.

Screenshot of RACI roles in a TeamGantt timeline

  • From the RACI tab : To access your project’s full RACI matrix, simply toggle to the RACI tab for that project. You’ll find RACI assignments for every person playing a role—whether or not they’re the one responsible for doing the work.

Screenshot of the RACI tab in a TeamGantt project

Keep teams in sync—and accountable—with TeamGantt

A responsibility assignment matrix is a simple tool that makes projects easier to manage by creating less confusion and more accountability. But you’ve got more than roles and responsibilities to keep straight.

TeamGantt makes it easy to build a project plan your whole team can contribute to and collaborate on. Everything happens online, so you can stay on top of deadlines and monitor progress in real time.

Use our built-in RACI chart to assign roles and keep them visible from project start to finish, so everyone knows how they contribute to success.

Try TeamGantt’s Pro Manager plan free for 30 days!

functions of responsibility assignment matrix


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Responsibility Assignment Matrix: Template, Example & Benefits

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Your team is the most crucial resource in completing a job. They must adhere to the project's schedule and budget. Controlling the project requires everyone involved to understand their roles and duties when carrying out tasks and accomplishing project objectives. How can all the participants in a project be coordinated so that they are aware of what they are doing and do not prevent others from carrying out their tasks? An assignment of responsibility matrix can be useful.

Your project will have a productive crew thanks to an assignment matrix. You can take an online PMP course to learn the details included in RAM, Responsibility Assignment Matrix in project management, and Responsibility Assignment Matrix example, to advance your career.

What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management?

So, what is the responsibility assignment matrix?  A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM), sometimes referred to as a RACI chart or RACI matrix, in project management identifies all relevant stakeholders and specifies roles for cross-functional teams and their level of involvement in a project. Each letter in the acronym RACI, which stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed, refers to a different team member in the Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management.

1. Responsible

The team member that oversees finishing the assignment is the person responsible for the RAM, Responsibility Assignment Matrix. The person in charge may be tasked with gathering all the visual and data assets required to put together the presentation if your team is working on a pitch deck (Responsible for executing the task).

2. Accountable

The responsible team member distributes the tasks to the other team members and ensures that they are finished accurately and on time. This team member oversees making sure the project is completed on schedule and that the tasks are fairly distributed among the accountable parties (Has governing & directing authority).

3. Consulted

A responsible party in Responsibility Assignment Matrix Project Management may frequently need to consult an expert, who serves as the consulted person, to finish certain responsibilities. A professional analysis of the consulted party is required when someone is tasked with gathering marketing statistics for a presentation. They also need to ensure that the data the responsible party is required to submit is accurate (Provide insights, analysis or expert judgment).

4. Informed

The informed party needs to be aware of when the major project components are finished even though they may not be directly involved in all the steps to ensure that everything is running smoothly. The informed team member must be aware of any delays or stalls in the project as they must complete their tasks (Updated with project information and outcome).

Responsibility Assignment Matrix in Project Management

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Goal in Project Management

The goal of the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is to clearly define roles and responsibilities of everyone on a project team. This ensures that everyone understands their role and how it fits into the bigger picture. RAM also allows for quick identification of whom to contact when an issue arises. It might also be applied within a working group to establish authority levels, roles, and duties for tasks.

The matrix format displays each person's associated actions and each person's associated people. To avoid confusion, this makes sure that there is only one person responsible for each task. It is also important to outline the dates and reminders for each participant, so that they are aware of their deliverables/plans to fulfill the deliverables. The best Project Management Certification programs online will teach you how to make efficient decisions and effectively use RAM.

How to Create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix?

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a table that shows the tasks needed to be completed as part of a project, who is responsible for each task, and when the task needs to be completed. Making a matrix to distribute responsibilities is not as challenging as getting everyone on board with their respective jobs and responsibilities.

You should therefore involve your staff in the process, receive their feedback, and eventually secure their buy-in without expending excessive time and effort on it. You will have a successful responsibility assignment if you follow these instructions to ensure that everyone is on the same page. 

  • List every person involved in the project, including the team, stakeholders, and everyone in between.
  •  List each project deliverable that you can think of. To make sure you do not overlook any, use a work breakdown framework.  
  •  To discuss how to carry out the tasks and produce the deliverables, meet with the team members. The duty and authority of the team for each assignment must be discussed.
  •  Utilizing a table with the project tasks specified in the left-hand column, create a Responsibility Assignment Matrix. Print the names of everyone involved in the project across the top.
  • Assign whether a project team member is liable, accountable, consulted, or informed where the tasks meet them.  
  •  Share the completed Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template Word with the project team and stakeholders. If necessary, conduct a meeting to ensure that everyone is aware of their responsibilities for the project. Print a copy, and if you are working in a common location, post it.

Developing Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Best Practices

The best practices for developing a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) will vary depending on the specific project and organization. However, some tips on how to develop a RAM matrix effectively include the following:

  • Define the project scope and objectives clearly, so that all stakeholders understand the parameters of the project and what is expected to be accomplished.
  • Assign clear roles and responsibilities to individuals and teams so that everyone knows who is responsible for what aspect of the project.
  • Make sure that the Responsibility Assignment Matrix PMP is kept up to date as the project progresses so that everyone is aware of any changes in roles and responsibilities.
  • Use the RAM matrix as a tool to help identify potential risks and issues related to the project so that they can be addressed early on.
  • One stakeholder leads a task.
  • The lesser number of people are accountable, the better.
  • Act efficiently with meetings.
  • Continuous communication.
  • Stakeholder agreement on final RAM.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix Examples and Templates

  • Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI) 
  • RACI-VS (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed- “V”erification and “S”ign off)
  • RASCI (Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consulted, Informed)
  • RAC (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted)
  • ARCI (Accountable, Responsible, Consulted, Informed)
  • RATSI (Responsibility, Authority, Task, Support, Informed)
  • PACSI (Perform, Accountable, Control, Suggest, Informed)
  • RACIQ (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed, Quality Review)
  • DACI (Driver, Approver, Contributors, Informed)
  • CAIRO (Consulted, Accountable, Informed, Responsible, Omitted)

sample responsible assignment matrix - RACI

Downloadable Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template Excel

Download the Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template (xlsx) here!

This Responsibility Assignment Matrix template is available for free in both Excel and OpenDocument Spreadsheet formats. The template can be completely modified using Microsoft Excel and adjusted to meet the needs of your project. To make it simple to understand what is required of each worker on each task, the template employs conditional formatting to change the color of each cell.

Download a Printable Responsibility Assignment Matrix PDF

Download the Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template (PDF) here!

If you intend to design a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM), you may require samples and templates to use as a guide, regardless of whether you are managing an event, a construction project, or a restaurant. Some of the templates are-

  • Responsibility Assignment Matrix Sample
  • Responsibility Assignment Matrix for Construction Project Template
  • Basic Responsibility Assignment Matrix Sample
  • Responsibility Assignment Matrix in PDF

Benefits of Responsibility Assignment Matrix

There are many benefits of the Responsibility Assignment Matrix. One benefit is that it helps to ensure that everyone on a project team understands their roles and responsibilities. This can help to prevent misunderstandings and conflict between team members. Another benefit of using RAM is that it can help to improve communication between team members.

By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, team members will know whom to go to for specific information or tasks. This can help to avoid confusion and delays. Lastly, RAM can help to improve project management by providing a clear overview of who is responsible for what. This can help project managers to identify potential problems or areas where there may be a lack of resources.

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A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a tool used to identify and define the roles and responsibilities of individuals and groups within an organization. It is a means of clarifying who is responsible for what and ensuring that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. RAM can be used to create accountability and ownership for tasks and projects, and to identify potential areas of conflict.

It is a valuable tool for effective project management and can help to ensure that everyone involved in a project is aware of their roles and responsibilities. It can also help to identify potential areas of conflict and ensure that tasks are properly assigned. The KnowledgeHut online PMP course will give you an insight into the Responsibility Assignment Matrix and can be a helpful tool for any project manager.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. what is included in a responsibility assignment matrix.

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a tool used to help define and assign roles and responsibilities for a project or process. The matrix typically includes a list of tasks or deliverables and the people or groups responsible for each. 

2. What can a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) eliminate?

RAM eliminates ambiguity and confusion over who is responsible for what on a project. It also provides a clear overview of who is responsible for each task, making it easier to hold team members accountable.

3. What does a Responsibility Assignment Matrix not show?

The duty assignment matrix links resources to the tasks or work packages they must do, but it does not indicate when they will be required to do their work.


Kevin D.Davis

Kevin D. Davis is a seasoned and results-driven Program/Project Management Professional with a Master's Certificate in Advanced Project Management. With expertise in leading multi-million dollar projects, strategic planning, and sales operations, Kevin excels in maximizing solutions and building business cases. He possesses a deep understanding of methodologies such as PMBOK, Lean Six Sigma, and TQM to achieve business/technology alignment. With over 100 instructional training sessions and extensive experience as a PMP Exam Prep Instructor at KnowledgeHut, Kevin has a proven track record in project management training and consulting. His expertise has helped in driving successful project outcomes and fostering organizational growth.

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What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) in Project Management?

Fahad Usmani, PMP

March 30, 2024

A responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) in project management is a key document that distinguishes stakeholders’ roles and responsibilities. The RACI chart is the most popular example of a RAM that clarifies stakeholders’ roles and defines their involvement.

RACI stands for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. Each team member in the RACI chart has at least one role.

All stakeholders refer to RAM in case of conflict regarding the roles and responsibilities in assignments or duties. RAM helps reduce conflict in projects to a great extent. Using this document, every team member will know their roles and the responsibilities of other team members.

The roles in the RACI matrix are as follows:

  • Responsible: This stakeholder is responsible for completing the task.
  • Accountable: This stakeholder is accountable for the task. They will make decisions and delegate work to the stakeholders who are responsible for completing the task.
  • Consulted: These stakeholders will be consulted on any decisions made about the task.
  • Informed: These stakeholders only require an updated status report on the progress of the task.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix Example

As I said, the RACI chart is the most popular example of RAM.

The table below shows the RAM example using the RACI chart:

Example of Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Some other less-popular responsibility assignment matrix examples are as follows:

  • RASCI Chart: This chart is also known as the “RASCI matrix,” as the letter S is added, which means “supportive.” 
  • DACI Chart: DACI stands for “Driver, Approver, Contributor, and Informed.” 
  • RAPID Chart: RAPID stands for “Recommend, Agree, Perform, Input, and Decide.” 
  • CARS: CARS stands for “Communicate, Approval, Responsible, and Support.” 
  • CLAM: CLAM stands for “Contribute, Lead, Approve, and Monitor.” 

Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template

The table below shows the basic template for the responsibility assignment matrix.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix Template

RAM is a key tool in project management . It helps the project manager assign roles and responsibilities. Additionally, it ensures that the team stays on its path and that no one interferes with each other’s roles. Finally, RAM ensures that every task has responsible and accountable stakeholders assigned to it.

This topic is important from a PMP exam point of view.

functions of responsibility assignment matrix

I am Mohammad Fahad Usmani, B.E. PMP, PMI-RMP. I have been blogging on project management topics since 2011. To date, thousands of professionals have passed the PMP exam using my resources.

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What is a Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Last updated: Feb 15, 2023

Table of contents

What is a RAM matrix used for?

How to make a ram or raci chart.

Learn what a Responsibility Assignment Matrix is and how to use one to make all your upcoming projects run smoothly.

Credit: track5/Getty Images

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM), sometimes known as a RACI chart, is a tool used in project management to keep track of all responsibilities assigned to cross-functional teams on a specific task or assignment.

It’s known as a RACI chart because its acronym names the four key roles displayed in the matrix:

  • Responsible: Who is the person responsible for completing a task or making a decision?
  • Accountable: Who is accountable for the completion of the project overall and will sign off on deliverables and decisions?
  • Consulted: Who needs to be consulted to provide input on a particular task or item?
  • Informed: Who needs to be kept informed of project progress or completion?

A typical RAM template looks like this:

| Task | Annabelle (PM) | Jack (Technical Lead) | Dory (Technical Team Member) | | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | | Task 1 | A | I | R | | Task 2 | R | C | I | | Task 3 | C | R | C | | Task 4 | A | R/I | R |

The RAM matrix is used to document every task, item and decision involved in a project completion process. By keeping everything logged all in one place, a RAM matrix is an invaluable tool to any project manager or company leader for a few reasons.

  • Defines clear roles and responsibilities

There is nothing worse than a project being slowed down or stalled because of confusion over who was supposed to do what. In a RAM, every person or team involved can check to see which task or item.

  • Streamlines communication

Sometimes explaining directions in person or over a workplace communication tool can get confusing or be interpreted the wrong way. Even worse, one instance of miscommunication can tank an entire project or jeopardize a relationship with a client.

With a RAM, project managers don’t have to waste time directing questions to the responsible stakeholder in charge of making a decision. The chart informs everyone involved exactly who they can go to for answers, cutting out repetitive conversations and notifying the right people at the right time.

  • Distributes workloads evenly

No one ever wants to be the one in the group project that has to do everything. Team members with a higher workload are at a greater risk for burnout. A great benefit of a RAM is that everyone can see how the workload for a certain project is distributed. It’s also a great way to be transparent within workflows.

Don’t let the random letters confuse you. Building a RACI chart is surprisingly simple. It can also easily be tweaked to fit your organization and your particular project. According to the work management platform Wrike , here are four steps to follow when building a responsibility assignment matrix:

  • Identify all project roles

Start out with a list of everyone involved in a project, including every team, team member, manager and stakeholder.

  • Identify all project tasks

Then make a list of all the tasks and items needed to get a project done. These can include deliverables, activities, milestones and decisions.

  • Create a chart with a column for each role and a row for each task

In a spreadsheet—or any other tool you’d like—create a simple table by listing each person or role in the columns and each task or deliverable in the rows.

To get the most out of your RACI chart, try to make the roles as personal as possible. For example, instead of naming a role “technical lead,” try to use names, like “Jack.” This will give every person involved a sense of ownership, while also streamlining communication even further.

  • Assign “R,” “A,” “C” or “I” to each person involved

Once you have written out the names of each person and task, now comes the important part of assigning RACI to each person involved. Identify who is responsible, who is accountable, who needs to be consulted and who needs to be informed for every task in the project. A role can have more than one letter, but simplify it as much as you can. Bonus step: Add a color to each letter to make the roles stand out even more.

That’s it! You now have made a successful RACI chart. Review with your team and all stakeholders before you initiate a plan, and you are officially on your way to more effective project management.

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The Responsibility Assignment Matrix - RAM

Yad Senapathy

Published: December 21, 2022

Updated: June 11, 2024

The responsibility assignment matrix, also known as RAM, is a helpful tool used in project management to identify and clarify the roles and responsibilities of each team member. It ensures that every team member understands their duties and how they fit into the project plan. Using RAM in project management helps define roles and responsibilities within a project team and avoids confusion or overlap. Besides these things, the Responsibility Assignment Matrix also helps improve communication and coordination within the team, leading to a more successful project outcome.

What is RAM in project management?

A RAM consists of a grid with four columns: responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed also known as a RACI chart. Each row on the grid represents a specific task or activity within the project, and each column represents a role or responsibility. To help you understand these four columns, we have explained them below.


This column represents the person or team responsible for completing the task. They are the ones who will do the work.


This column represents the person or team ultimately accountable for completing the task. They may not be doing the work themselves, but they are responsible for ensuring it gets done.

This column represents the people or teams who need to be consulted or informed about the task before it is completed. They may have input or expertise that can help in completing the task effectively.

This column represents the people or teams who need to be informed about the task once it is completed. They may not have direct involvement in the task, but they need to be kept in the loop for various reasons.

Things to Consider When Creating a RAM or a RACI chart

If you’re creating a RAM, here are a few key considerations to keep in mind.

  • Ensure the roles and responsibilities are clearly defined: It is vital that everyone on the team understands their specific duties and how they fit into the project plan. If there is any confusion or uncertainty, it can lead to delays or mistakes.
  • Ensure accountability: The person or team in the accountable column should be identified, as they are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the task is completed successfully.
  • Be mindful of overlap: Avoiding overlap or duplication of responsibilities within the team is important. If multiple people or teams are responsible for the same task, it can lead to confusion and potentially create unnecessary bottlenecks.
  • Use it as a living document: A RAM is not a static document, as it should be updated with the change in roles and responsibilities and the progress made in the project. Make sure to regularly review and revise the RAM as needed to reflect the project’s current state accurately.

Example of Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

Following is an example of a responsibility assignment matrix for a new product launch project.

Task Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed
Conduct market research Marketing team Product manager Sales team Executive team
Design product packaging Design team Product manager Marketing team Executive team
Source materials for production Procurement team Product manager Design team Executive team
Set up production line Operations team Product manager Procurement team Executive team
Create marketing campaign Marketing team Product manager Sales team Executive team

In this example, the product manager is the one who is ultimately accountable for the success of the project, while the various teams are responsible for completing specific tasks. The marketing, design, procurement, and operations teams are all responsible for their respective tasks, and they are also consulted or informed as needed by other teams. The executive team is kept informed of the project’s progress.

To sum it up, the responsibility assignment matrix RAM also known as a RACI chart is a valuable tool for any project manager to have in their toolkit. It helps to clearly define roles and responsibilities within a team, which ultimately leads to a more successful outcome for any project.

yad senapathy

Yad is not just the leader of the Project Management Training Institute (PMTI). He helped to write significant portions of the project management standards worldwide. He is helping PMI right now in reviewing, directing, and leading the development of the 7th edition of the PMBOK ® Guide to incorporate the most monumental changes to project management standards in 35 years. He shares his wisdom with readers via the PMTI blog.

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Understanding the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RACI Matrix)

The Responsibility Assignment Matrix also referred to as RACI Matrix or Responsibility Accountability Matrix is a key tool an organization can use to ensure successful completion of projects. The matrix helps managers know who plays what role or performs which duties during a project.

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

If this isn’t clearly defined it can lead to a common problem when carrying out projects, where conflicts arise over who is to do what, some team members having more workload, understaffing of the project and so on. That is why the RACI matrix comes in handy in project management . By developing the matrix a manager can ensure everybody knows what is expected of them and team members stick to specific roles assigned to them, therefore avoiding confusion and problems in the project.

The Four Roles in RACI Matrix

RACI is an acronym for Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed  the four roles team members can be assigned in a project. In the matrix, tasks are listed in the first column and project members in the top row of the table.

The Acronym RACI Stands For:

Responsible (r).

This refers to the individual who will perform a task. Each task has to have at least one person who completes it. If an R is missing in any of the matrix rows that task has not been assigned to anyone creating a gap that needs to be filled immediately. For tasks, they can be several people expected to perform it who then report to the person accountable.

Accountable (A)

Consulted (c), informed (i).

These are people in the team who have to be updated on the project progress or decisions. These individuals are in most cases informed once a task is completed and then take the necessary next step i.e. to mark that project as done, once update. Communication with the informed is usually one-way and they don’t contribute directly to the task.

Creating a RACI Matrix (Step-By-Step)

Raci example, questions to ask before finalizing your raci matrix, variations of raci matrix.

RASIC – This has the RACI Matrix associations Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed but adds a 5 th association which is Supportive. These are individuals tasked with assisting the responsible party to perform the task.

One of the best things the RACI Matrix helps get rid of is the passing of blame amongst team members because if work is not done it is very clear where the buck stops and who is letting the others down. The RACI Matrix is a good project management tool but it should be noted that it cannot address issues such as poor teamwork or low morale among employees for that you would have to figure out how to motivate the group, maybe by giving rewards for a successful project.

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Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Responsibility Matrix

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is sometimes called a RACI Chart, or Responsibility Matrix.

There are several avoidable excuses in the project management world, such as:

  • I didn’t think I was supposed to be doing that!
  • I thought (name other employee here) was doing that!
  • But the contractor was responsible for that!

The Responsibility Assignment Matrix will prevent this from happening on your project!

Responsibility Assignment Matrix Definition

The Association for Project Management (APM) definition is as follows:

A diagram or chart showing assigned responsibilities for elements of work. It is created by combining the work breakdown structure (WBS) with the organisational breakdown structure (OBS).

The APM (BoK 6th edition) further states that a RAM is used to assign the work packages to the people responsible for creating the project’s output.

So when you have a list of those involved in the project ( the OBS ) and the tasks in the project ( the WBS ) you can create your matrix!

Check what your organisation calls it, and use the same terminology.

A Responsibility Assignment Matrix could be at department and work-package level for larger projects, or individual people and task level for smaller projects.

A RACI chart is a matrix of the project tasks (from the WBS) against the people in the project (from the OBS). It ensures that everybody knows what they are expected to deliver, by giving every task has an accountable task owner.

RACI stands for;

  • Responsible – I’m involved with this task
  • Accountable – I’m accountable (own) this task
  • Consult – Consult me before you do anything
  • Inform – Inform me of your intentions and progress

Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Other definitions can be found in text books: Primary and Secondary ownership, Owner and Support, RASCI, etc.

Interestingly, there is some debate about the difference between “Accountable” and “Responsible” and an indication that originally the “A” was for Approve which does make some sense. Personally, I advocate the use of Accountable for one, and only one person on each task.

Creating a Responsibility Matrix

There are several tools that you can use to create these matrices. It really depends on the application that you have your task list available in. A list of tasks in Microsoft Project can be copied and pasted into other applications.

  • A WORD Table could be used. However you may be limited to the width of your paper, so this may be a problem for a large project.
  • An EXCEL Spreadsheet is a good choice, however care must be taken on setting up a ‘Print Area’ to share the document. (Print to pdf could be used)

Consider how you are going to share the matrix with the project team and other stakeholders when you create it.

One of the best ways to populate the matrix is at a project team meeting, asking for staff to state their involvement on a task by task basis. this will create a dialogue around each task  – the start of project communication .

Responsibilities in Microsoft Project

Although you can assign resources to tasks in Microsoft Projec t, you cannot define their roles in the RACI type format.

Microsoft Project Resource Names

Microsoft Project Resource Names

Personally, I encourage people to assign the accountable owner first, so that the first name on the Gantt chart is the accountable task owner.

I wrote about assignments in Microsoft Project in a previous blog .

Knowing that every task has an owner is vital if the project is to be completed on time. The Responsibility Assignment Matrix is the tool to use in order to make sure that task ownership is clear.

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How to Benefit from the Responsibility Assignment Matrix

How to Benefit from the Responsibility Assignment Matrix

The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM or RACI) enables the project management team to properly identify each person’s responsibilities. This is especially important as project teams grow larger and accountabilities need to be more greatly formalised. Using the RAM, any human resource confusion is removed and projects move at a faster pace.

Preventing duplication of efforts

A major drag on project timelines is the unnecessary duplication of tasks and responsibilities. A better definition of responsibilities is the first step to more effective human resource management in the project management context. This is initially conducted in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) , with the RAM then used to ensure elimination of overlap.

There are four main functions of a RAM (remember it is also known by the acronym RACI):

Responsibility – confirming who is responsible for the task, and assigning it to them.

Accountability – defining those with authority to take decisions, and delegating that accountability.

Consultation – discuss with all who can tell more about the task, including stakeholders that have already been identified.

Information – Ensure that all people whose work depends upon the task are considered, and updated as to progress.

Optimising team numbers and structure

Using the RAM, a project manager is able to:

  • immediately identify if people are either assigned with too many or too few tasks;
  • ensure everyone knows lines of responsibility, accountability, and reporting;
  • avoid miscommunication and ensure all people remain ‘in the loop’;
  • more effectively manage the information and communication process, reducing unnecessary meetings and interaction.

Making the RAM efficient

Project management tools and techniques themselves have to be managed. A project manager can increase the efficiency of the RAM by ensuring at least one person is assigned to each role of responsibility and accountability (this could be the same person). However, only one person should be assigned as accountable for any single task. Finally, keep both the consultation and information loops as tight as possible.

In conclusion

The RAM is a project management tool that improves team communication, and increases efficiency and speed of project completion. When used effectively, it helps the project manager keep everybody informed at the optimum time and therefore increases individual and team productivity.

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Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template | FREE Download

The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) shows 'who does what' on a work package or task. It is a popular tool because it shows what is expected of each member of the project team 'at a glance'. Scheduling tools like Microsoft project allow multiple resources to be linked to a task, but there is no easy way to show what each resource is expected to do - RAMs fill the gap.
  • See a screenshot of the template
  • How to use the template
  • Download the Excel Template

Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template

How to use the RAM template

  • Enter your project details on the first tab
  • Open the second tab named RAM
  • List your work packages down the left hand side (replacing Workpackage 1, 2, 3.. etc)
  • Enter the names of your project team in the columns. Replacing Person (1,2,3..)


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  20. Creating a Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM ...

    A Responsibility Assignment Matrix could be at department and work-package level for larger projects, or individual people and task level for smaller projects. Responsibility Assignment Matrix A RACI chart is a matrix of the project tasks (from the WBS) against the people in the project (from the OBS).

  21. The Power of Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)

    The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) is a powerful tool in project management that brings clarity and structure to team roles and responsibilities. By adopting the RACI framework, project ...

  22. How to Benefit from the Responsibility Assignment Matrix

    The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM or RACI) enables the project management team to properly identify each person's responsibilities. This is especially important as project teams grow larger and accountabilities need to be more greatly formalised. ... There are four main functions of a RAM (remember it is also known by the acronym RACI ...

  23. Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) Template

    The Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) shows 'who does what' on a work package or task. It is a popular tool because it shows what is expected of each member of the project team 'at a glance'. Scheduling tools like Microsoft project allow multiple resources to be linked to a task, but there is no easy way to show what each resource is expected to do - RAMs fill the gap.