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Easy Emulsifier Chemistry Demonstration

Oil and Water Don't Mix - That's why you need an emulsifier.  (Joanne Goldby)

Soap is good at cleaning because it acts as an emulsifier , enabling one liquid to disperse into another immiscible liquid. While oil (which attracts dirt) doesn’t naturally mix with water, soap can suspend oil/dirt in such a way that it can be removed.

It’s easy to demonstrate the action of an emulsifer. All you need are two immiscible liquids and a little dishwashing detergent or soap.

How an Emulsifier Works (Fvasconcellos)

Emulsifier Demo Materials

You only need simple home materials for this demo:

  • oil or kerosene
  • dishwashing detergent or soap
  • flask or clear glass

If you like, you can add food coloring to this demonstration. It will color the water and not the oil or kerosene. You don’t need to add coloring to tell the water and oil apart, though. Some oils are naturally colored. Or, if you use kerosene, it’s often tinted so people can identify it on sight.

Perform the Demonstration

  • Add some oil or kerosene together with some water in a flask. Swirl the contents around to try to mix them. What happens?
  • Add a squirt of dishwashing liquid. Swirl or shake the flask to mix the ingredients. How has the layer of kerosene or oil been changed?

What could be easier, right?

Pepper and Water Emulsifier Trick

This video shows another fun way to illustrate emulsification. If you sprinkle pepper on a dish of water and touch your finger to the surface of the liquid, you get a wet finger but no reaction from the pepper. Next, if you put a drop of liquid dishwashing soap on the tip of your finger and touch the surface of the water, the pepper seems to scatter away.

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Emulsifiers in the kitchen

In association with Nuffield Foundation

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Test a range of common ingredients to see which ones stabilise an oil and water emulsion in this class practical

A mixture of oil and water usually separates quickly, but a range of substances act as emulsifiers. In this simple activity, students test a range of substances commonly found in the kitchen to see which ones stabilise an oil and water emulsion. Colloids such as these are often found in foods.

This experiment is very straightforward and does not take very long, although if students shake the boiling tubes too vigorously then the mixtures can take a while to separate. It is probably worth ensuring that students understand the meaning of the terms ‘emulsifier’ and ‘emulsion’ before they begin. They should be encouraged to record the results clearly, which probably means a results table.

Students should be warned against tasting anything – eg the sugar – in the laboratory. Eggs have a salmonella risk and should be marked with the lion symbol. Raw egg should be handled as little as possible, and a disposable pipette should be used to transfer it to the boiling tubes.

  • Boiling tubes and bungs (see note 2 below)
  • Disposable teat pipettes
  • Spatulas or small spoons
  • Cooking oil (see note 3)
  • A range of detergents (see note 4)
  • Mustard powder (see note 5)
  • Egg white (see note 6)

Note: other substances can be used if preferred.

Health, safety and technical notes

  • Read our standard health and safety guidance.
  • Using boiling tubes rather than test-tubes means that more chemicals are consumed, but it is easier to see what is going on and much easier to clean up. The boiling tubes must be very clean and must not be contaminated with detergent.
  • Corn oil is good because it is dark in colour and easier to see.
  • Cheaper detergents do not usually work very well.
  • Colman’s powder is good and powder lasts far longer than ordinary mustard so can be used from year to year.
  • If you use fresh eggs it is fairly easy to separate these. Ensure no yolk contaminates the white – the other way round is less important. Due to the salmonella risk, handling raw egg should be kept to a minimum, so provide disposable pipettes with the egg for students to transfer it to the boiling tubes.
  • Put about 2 cm 3  of oil into a boiling tube. Add about the same amount of water. Put a bung into the top of the tube and shake it – but not too vigorously. Remove the bung and leave the mixture to stand. Observe what happens.
  • Repeat the experiment but add a small quantity of one of the substances you are testing before you shake the tube. (Suggested emulsifiers to test are: flour, sugar, mustard powder, egg white, egg yolk, a range of different detergents.)
  • Test all the substances in the same way to find out which acts as an emulsifier.

Teaching notes

This experiment can easily be done in a kitchen as ‘making a salad dressing’ using oil and vinegar rather than oil and water. You can taste the resulting mixtures as well as observing them. If you do this, do not taste the ones containing raw egg; also do not taste those made with detergent as the emulsifier.

An emulsifier is a substance that stabilises an emulsion (a mixture of one liquid dispersed in another). Detergent, egg yolk and mustard are emulsifiers, the others are not. Students may observe colloidal mixtures in the other tubes, but they are not oil and water emulsions and two separate layers should be clearly seen.

Additional information

This is a resource from the  Practical Chemistry project , developed by the Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry. This collection of over 200 practical activities demonstrates a wide range of chemical concepts and processes. Each activity contains comprehensive information for teachers and technicians, including full technical notes and step-by-step procedures. Practical Chemistry activities accompany  Practical Physics  and  Practical Biology .

© Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry

  • 11-14 years
  • 14-16 years
  • Practical experiments
  • Compounds and mixtures
  • Properties of matter


  • An emulsifier can be used to prevent non-polar and polar liquids separating into layers.
  • An emulsion contains small droplets of one liquid dispersed in another liquid.
  • Emulsifiers for use in food can be made by reacting edible oils with glycerol. In the molecules formed, only one or two fatty acid groups are linked to each glycerol backbone. The hydroxyl groups present in the emulsifier are hydrophilic whilst the…
  • 1.9.4 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the terms soluble, insoluble, solute, solvent, solution, residue, filtrate, distillate, miscible, immiscible, evaporation and condensation;

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Fats and Oils: Emulsification

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Emulsions: making oil and water mix

By Laura Cassiday

In This Section

After reading this article, you will understand:

  • the basic science of emulsions;
  • how formulators choose which emulsifier to use for a particular emulsion;
  • how emulsifiers are used in foods, nutraceuticals, personal and home care products, industrial lubricants, environmental technologies, biofuels, and other applications.

The immiscibility of oil and water has inspired the proverb “Oil and water don’t mix” and other expressions that reflect the general incompatibility of two entities, such as “My coworker and I are like oil and water.” Yet within our homes are numerous examples of products in which oil and water do mix: mayonnaise, milk, salad dressings, hand lotion, and hair conditioner, to name but a few. These examples represent emulsions, which are stable mixtures of tiny droplets of one immiscible fluid within another, made possible by chemicals called emulsifiers.

How emulsions and emulsifiers work

Simple emulsions are either oil suspended in an aqueous phase (o/w), or water suspended in oil (w/o). Milk is an example of an o/w emulsion, in which the fat phase or cream forms tiny droplets within the skim milk, or water phase. In contrast, margarine is a w/o emulsion containing droplets of water or skim milk in a blend of vegetable oils and fat. In both cases, emulsifiers are needed to prevent the suspended droplets from coalescing and breaking the emulsion.

Anybody who has made a simple oil-and-vinegar salad dressing knows that, with enough shaking or whisking, one can make a temporary emulsion. However, in the absence of emulsifiers, this unstable emulsion breaks down within minutes, and the oil forms a layer on top of the vinegar. For centuries, cooks have added natural emulsifiers, such as egg yolk, mustard, or honey, to help prevent this separation. Today, a wide variety of nature-based and synthetic emulsifiers are available for the diverse fields that benefit from them, including food, nutraceuticals, home and personal care, biofuel, environmental cleanup, and industrial lubricant applications.

Emulsifiers work by forming physical barriers that keep droplets from coalescing. A type of surfactant (see Sidebar), emulsifiers contain both a hydrophilic (water-loving, or polar) head group and a hydrophobic (oil-loving, or nonpolar) tail. Therefore, emulsifiers are attracted to both polar and nonpolar compounds. When added to an o/w emulsion, emulsifiers surround the oil droplet with their nonpolar tails extending into the oil, and their polar head groups facing the water (Fig. 1). For a w/o emulsion, the emulsifier’s orientation is reversed: nonpolar tails extend outward into the oil phase, while polar head groups point into the water droplet. In this way, emulsifiers lower the interfacial tension between the oil and water phases, stabilizing the droplets and preventing them from coalescing.

Figure 1

Emulsifiers can be cationic (positively charged polar head group), anionic (negatively charged head group), or non-ionic (uncharged head group). When charged emulsifiers coat droplets in an o/w emulsion, the positive or negative charges on the outside of the oil droplets electrostatically repel each other, helping to keep the droplets separated. Non-ionic emulsifiers tend to have large, bulky head groups that point away from the oil droplet. These polar head groups clash and tangle with head groups on other water droplets, sterically hindering the droplets from coming together. The type of emulsifier used depends on the application, with cationic emulsifiers typically used in low-to-neutral pH solutions and anionic emulsifiers in alkaline solutions. Non-ionic emulsifiers can be used alone or in combination with charged emulsifiers to increase emulsion stability.

How to choose the right emulsifier

How do product formulators choose which emulsifier to use for a particular emulsion? Calculating the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of an emulsifier or combination of emulsifiers can help. In an ideal emulsion, the emulsifier is equally attracted to the water phase and the oil phase. If the balance is tipped in either direction, the emulsifier may lose contact with the phase to which it is less attracted, causing the emulsion to break down.

Different emulsifiers have different HLB values, which can predict their ability to stabilize various kinds of emulsions (Fig. 2). The HLB scale ranges from 0 to 20, with 10 corresponding to an emulsifier that is equally attracted to water and oil. Emulsifiers with HLB values greater than 10 are more hydrophilic and thus better at stabilizing o/w emulsions. In contrast, emulsifiers with HLB values less than 10 are more hydrophobic and therefore better suited for w/o emulsions.

Fig. 2

Furthermore, different oils have different HLB requirements. For example, vegetable oil emulsions need an emulsifier with an HLB of 7–8, whereas the required HLB value to form a stable castor oil emulsion is 14. By matching the HLB value of the emulsifier with that of the oil, formulators can greatly increase their chances of producing a stable emulsion.

According to George Smith, technical director for the Americas at Huntsman Performance Products in The Woodlands, Texas, USA, a combination of emulsifiers usually works better than any single emulsifier. “If you’re trying to make a mineral oil emulsion, for example, the HLB for mineral oil is 10,” he says. “So you’ll pick a pair of emulsifiers, one with an HLB higher than 10 and another with an HLB lower than 10. When you combine them, the average comes out around 10.”

The HLB system, which works primarily for non-ionic emulsifiers, has been around since 1954. In the 1970s, the hydrophilic-lipophilic difference (HLD) system was introduced. The HLD system works for ionic as well as non-ionic surfactants, and it is better able to take into account detailed characteristics of a particular emulsion such as salinity, oil type, surfactant concentration, and temperature.

The HLD equation includes terms for the salt concentration, “oiliness” of the oil (the effective alkane carbon number), and the characteristic curvature (Cc) of the emulsifier. The Cc value of an emulsifier reflects whether the emulsifier prefers to curve around an oil droplet in water (negative Cc) or to curve around a water droplet in a w/o emulsion (positive Cc). For example, a very hydrophilic emulsifier, sodium laurel sulfate, has a Cc of –2.3, whereas a very hydrophobic emulsifier, dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate, has a Cc of 2.6. The Cc for combinations of emulsifiers is the weighted average for each emulsifier. The HLD scale centers on 0, which corresponds to the optimal emulsion. Online calculators exist to optimize the HLD for a particular emulsion (e.g.,

Macro- and microemulsions

Increasingly, formulators are interested in making microemulsions, which offer greater stability than conventional macroemulsions. As the name suggests, microemulsions have smaller droplet sizes than regular emulsions, making them appear transparent rather than opaque. Unlike macroemulsions, microemulsions are thermodynamically stable. “Given enough time, a macroemulsion will break down into water and oil phases,” says David Sabatini, associate director of the Institute for Applied Surfactant Research at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA. “But time is not a factor in how long a microemulsion will remain in its current state.” In addition, if a temperature change causes an emulsion to break down, a microemulsion will spontaneously reform when the temperature changes back to its original value. In contrast, a macroemulsion requires an energy input to reappear.

Microemulsions are made differently from macroemulsions. Macroemulsions require high-intensity mixing. Because microemulsions are a thermodynamically stable end point that a system naturally migrates toward, they generally do not require vigorous mixing. However, formulators often use gentle agitation to evenly spread the components and speed up the process of microemulsion formation.

Compared to macroemulsions, microemulsions require more surfactant. “Time stability points in the direction of microemulsions, but surfactant requirement may point in favor of macroemulsions,” says Sabatini. “It may be that 3 or 6 months is plenty long enough for your application and time may not be a factor in that situation.” For example, food products will often go bad before a macroemulsion breaks down, he says.

Because of their remarkable stability, microemulsions are finding applications in diverse fields such as personal care products, oil field chemicals, and medicine. “Macroemulsion concepts have been around for centuries, but advanced microemulsion concepts are only about two to three decades old,” says Sabatini. “There’s growing interest in microemulsions because we’re just beginning to understand their capabilities.”

Many popular food items are emulsions, including mayonnaise, salad dressings, sauces such as Hollandaise, chocolate, and ice cream. Lecithin, a blend of naturally occurring phospholipids, is widely used in the food industry to promote o/w emulsions. Worldwide, most commercial lecithin comes from soybean oil. Egg yolk, the traditional emulsifier for mayonnaise and sauces, also contains lecithin. Other common emulsifiers in foods are proteins, fatty acid esters, sodium stearoyl lactylate, and mono- and diglycerides.

Making food emulsions can be challenging because “foods are complex systems with many different ingredients interacting,” says John Neddersen, senior application scientist in fats, oils, and emulsifiers at DuPont Nutrition and Health, based in New Century, Kansas, USA. “Although guidelines like the HLB scale can help, most of the time experience and experimentation are needed to find the optimal choice of emulsifiers and usage rates.” Neddersen notes that processing can be another challenge when working with food emulsions. “A company might have a single formula run at multiple locations and see different results at the different plants,” he says. These differences may arise from seemingly subtle variations in plant conditions.

DuPont sells a broad range of emulsifiers, including the Panodan ® DATEM (diacetyl tartaric acid ester of monoglycerides) line especially for bakery products and the Cremodan ® line for ice creams and other frozen desserts. As an alternative to lecithin in chocolates and other confectionary, DuPont offers Grindsted ® CITREM, a citric acid ester. This emulsifier can substitute for soy lecithin, which has recently come under fire, particularly in Europe, because most soy crops grown for export (especially the United States, Brazil, and Argentina) are genetically modified. Non-genetically modified soy is expensive and in short supply. Therefore, CITREM may prove an attractive alternative for confectioners who want to avoid ingredients made from genetically modified soy.

Sustainable sourcing of palm oil has also become a customer concern, as reports have surfaced that the development of palm oil plantations harms the environment and threatens endangered wildlife in Malaysia and Indonesia, where most palm oil originates. As a result, DuPont introduced a portfolio of emulsifiers based on sustainably sourced palm and non-palm oils. By 2015, DuPont has pledged to source 100% of its palm oil from plantations certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

Reduced-fat emulsions are another hot topic for the food industry. When fat is removed from a food to make a reduced-fat or fat-free version, the taste, appearance, and texture often suffer. D. Julian McClements, professor of physico-chemistry at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA, says that there are several ways that emulsions or emulsifiers could help reduce the fat content of foods. For instance, researchers could structure water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) emulsions. “You could take some of the fat out of the droplets and replace it with water,” he says.

Another approach, called heteroaggregation, is to mix oil droplets coated with emulsifiers of opposite charge. “We mix a positive droplet and a negative droplet together, and they form a gel network,” says McClements. “The resulting emulsion has a very high viscosity and low fat content and mimics some of the characteristics of a high-fat product.”


Researchers are exploring emulsions as delivery vehicles for vitamins, supplements, and other nutraceuticals. McClements’ lab has used emulsions to encapsulate vitamin E, carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, coenzyme Q 10 , and other bioactive compounds. Eventually, he would like to incorporate nutraceuticals such as these into functional foods.

“One of our goals is to increase the stability of active compounds that are encapsulated in emulsions in food particles,” says McClements. “We’d also like to control their fate in the gastrointestinal tract once they’ve been digested.”

In addition to conventional emulsions, McClements’ lab makes more complex emulsions such as nanoemulsions, solid-lipid nanoparticles, filled hydrogel particles (Fig. 3), and multilayer emulsions. Different types of emulsions could have different applications. “Some of them can protect components from chemical degradation, some can deliver compounds to the colon, and some can control flavor release,” says McClements. “So you have to have a different kind of delivery system for each application.”

Fig. 3

Multilayer emulsions consist of oil droplets coated with an emulsifier plus one or more biopolymer layers, dispersed in an aqueous solution. The emulsifier is typically electrically charged, and the polymer layer(s) have opposite charges that attract them to the surface of the oil droplet.

According to McClements, multilayer emulsions tend to have better physical stability than single-layer emulsions through fluctuations in pH, ionic strength, temperature, freezing and thawing, and dehydration. In addition, researchers can design multilayer emulsions to control their breakdown in the gastrointestinal tract. “You can make them so they’re digested very quickly, like a normal emulsion, or you can make them so they go further down the gastrointestinal tract,” he says. “The latter might be useful if you want to deliver something to the colon or you’re trying to control satiety by getting undigested compounds further down in the gastrointestinal tract.”

Personal care

Most personal care products, including lotions, creams, shampoos, and conditioners, are emulsions. Common emulsifiers for personal care products include ethoxylated alcohols, carboxylates, sodium isethionate, glycerol monostearate, cetyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, and silicone emulsifiers such as dimethicones.

“The trend right now is most people would like to use an emulsifier that’s based on plant raw materials rather than petrochemicals,” says Smith. Synthetic emulsifiers such as ethoxylated alcohols and their naturally derived counterparts have identical structures, performance, and biodegradation. “The price swings back and forth depending on the price of palm kernel oil in Malaysia and the price of ethylene in North America,” says Smith. “At the moment, I think petrochemicals have the advantage, but it switches every two to three years.”

Juan Mateu, technical director at JEEN International in Fairfield, New Jersey, USA, says that there has been a move away from synthetic ethoxylated alcohols in recent years due to worries about residual 1,4-dioxane, a suspected carcinogen that is a by-product in their manufacture. Naturally derived glucosides have been suggested as replacements for some applications. However, “It’s too early to say that ethoxylated alcohols can be replaced,” says Mateu. “There are some emulsions you can make with glucosides, but for the most part the whole world is still using ethoxylates.”

In 2009, JEEN International launched its Jeesperse line of cold-process emulsifiers, which allows formulators to make emulsions containing waxy substances at ambient temperatures (25–30°C). Many common emulsifiers in personal care products, such as cetyl alcohol and glycerol monostearate, are waxes with relatively high melting points (up to 165°C). Prior to Jeesperse, manufacturers had to heat emulsifiers in the oil phase to melt them, and then add the melted emulsifier to the aqueous phase and cool the emulsion at a controlled rate down to room temperature. In contrast, Jeesperse allows the emulsion to be made in a single kettle at room temperature, resulting in significant savings of money and time.

The secret ingredients in Jeesperse products are polyelectrolytes, such as sodium polyacrylate. The polyelectrolytes are polar molecules that can induce polarity in nonpolar waxes, enabling them to dissolve in cold water (a polar solvent). Mateu says that in the lab, he can make an emulsion with the cold process in about 20 minutes, as opposed to several hours of mixing, heating, and cooling with the conventional process. “Aesthetically, the product is the same thing—it feels the same and looks the same—so why not?” he says.

A short video demonstrating the cold-process formulation of a lotion with a Jeesperse emulsifier.

Many household cleaners and laundry detergents contain surfactants that emulsify oily dirt particles so that they can be diluted and washed away. Ethoxylated alcohols are a common ingredient of laundry detergents. Many detergents contain a blend of nonionic and anionic emulsifiers to lift stains out of textiles.

According to Sabatini, removing triglycerides such as fats, bacon grease, and vegetable oils from fabrics is particularly challenging. His lab has shown that extended surfactants, which are surfactants with intermediate polarity groups (e.g., polypropylene oxide and polyethylene oxide) inserted between the hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail, are effective in removing these types of oily stains.

Industrial lubricants

Metalworking fluids and other industrial lubricants are typically o/w emulsions. Emulsifiers allow metalworkers to make use of both the lubricating properties of oils and the cooling capabilities of water. Anionic and nonionic emulsifiers are often used together in metalworking fluids. Cationic emulsifiers are rarely used because they are unstable in the alkaline solutions (pH 8–9.5) required for metalworking fluids.

Environmental technologies

Emulsions and microemulsions have been applied to environmental technologies such as subsurface remediation and biofuel production. For example, when oil or gas is spilled, the oil becomes trapped in pores in the soil and rock. Sabatini’s lab has developed alcohol-free microemulsions that help remove oil contaminants from the subsurface in an environmentally friendly manner. “The oil is trapped in the pores because of the interfacial tension between water and oil,” says Sabatini. “If we can lower that interfacial tension with emulsifiers, we can increase our rate of cleaning up contamination.”

In 1997, Sabatini and several colleagues founded a company called Surbec Environmental, LLC, to implement this technology. Since then, Surbec has assisted with the environmental cleanup of multiple sites in the United States and abroad. Examples include a gas station with a leaky underground tank and a military site contaminated with jet fuel.

Sabatini has also applied his emulsions research to the more efficient production of biofuel. Biodiesel is a vegetable oil, such as soybean oil, that has been chemically modified through a transesterification reaction to reduce its viscosity. “In terms of combustion, you don’t need to modify the vegetable oil. You can use vegetable oil in a diesel engine, and it’ll work pretty well without modification,” says Sabatini. “It’s just that vegetable oil has viscosity problems, especially at lower temperatures.”

As it turns out, microemulsification of vegetable oils can reduce viscosity without the need for the transesterification reaction. This would save time and allow more of the raw material to be used as fuel. However, Sabatini notes that the research is still in its early stages.

Although humans have been making emulsions for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, we are only now beginning to appreciate their diverse applications in many fields. Complex emulsions, such as microemulsions and multilayer emulsions, promise to further expand the repertoire of applications, particularly in emerging areas such as functional foods and biodiesel production. Now if only we could find an emulsifier for that difficult coworker.

Laura Cassiday is a freelance science writer and editor based in Hudson, Colorado, USA. She has a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the Mayo Graduate School and can be contacted at [email protected] .

What’s the difference? The terms surfactant, emulsifier, and detergent are often used interchangeably, but there are distinctions.

Surfactant is the broadest term: Both emulsifiers and detergents are surfactants. Surfactants, or surface-active agents , are compounds that lower the surface tension between two liquids or between a liquid and a solid. Surfactants are amphiphilic, meaning that they contain hydrophilic (water-loving) head groups and hydrophobic (water-hating, or oil-loving) tails. Surfactants adsorb at the interface between oil and water, thereby decreasing the surface tension.

An emulsifier is a surfactant that stabilizes emulsions. Emulsifiers coat droplets within an emulsion and prevent them from coming together, or coalescing.

A detergent is a surfactant that has cleaning properties in dilute solutions.

Likewise, the terms emulsion, suspension, and foam are sometimes confused.

An emulsion is a mixture of two or more liquids, with or without an emulsifier, that are normally immiscible. One of the liquids, the “dispersed phase,” forms droplets in the other liquid, the “continuous phase.”

A suspension is a solid dispersed in a liquid. The particles are large enough for sedimentation.

A foam is a substance in which gas bubbles are suspended in a liquid.

Technical session highlights suspensions, emulsions, and foams You can learn about the latest developments in suspensions, emulsions, and foams by attending a joint technical session on these topics at the upcoming 2014 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo in San Antonio, Texas, USA. The session, which will be held on Wednesday, May 7, from 1:55–5 p.m., will feature a wide range of technical topics—from the fabrication of reduced-fat products by controlled aggregation of lipid droplets to the formulation of lipopeptide biosurfactant mixtures for dispersing oil spills in seawater.

The session is jointly sponsored by AOCS’ Edible Applications Technology (EAT) and Surfactant & Detergent (S&D) divisions, and is cross listed in the program as EAT 5.0 and S&D 5.1. A complete list of presentations .

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Making an Emulsion

This Unilever Laboratory Experiment, published in 1966, demonstrates that mineral oil and water form an oil-in-water emulsion when sodium oleate is the emulsifier, and a water-in-oil emulsion when calcium oleate is the emulsifier. Water-soluble and oil-soluble dyes are used to distinguish the two types of emulsion.

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Subject(s)Science, Practical work, Chemistry
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November 17, 2011

Emulsion Explosion: How to Make Butter

Another experiment from Crazy Aunt Lindsey's Mad Science Room

By Lindsey E. Murphy &

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Key concepts Physical Science Molecules Emulsion Colloid Introduction Whoever told you oil and water don't mix might not have considered the term "emulsion." It is possible for tiny particles of two seemingly unmixable substances to suspend in one another—like oil and water! This super scientific experiment demonstrates the magic of the invisible globule while bringing a yummy result to the table. Background Milk is mostly water with about 5 to 10 percent protein and fat globules. Cream is milk that contains closer to 15 to 25 percent fat globules. What's a "globule"? A globule is a super tiny membrane filled with fat molecules—think of a microscopic water balloon. Because these globules are so small and fat is lighter than water, it floats! This forms a "stable suspension," a colloid! The bigger the globules, the slower it moves—and the thicker the milk or cream. When shaken, the globules' membranes smash against each other and break apart like bursting water balloons. The fat then spills out and clumps together with the contents of other burst globules, which causes the freed fat to separate from the water. As this process continues, two new substances are formed: a solid (butter) and the remaining liquid (buttermilk)! Materials •    Jar or other airtight container •    Heavy cream (at room temperature) Preparation •    Make sure you are working with a clean jar or airtight container. •    It is important that your heavy cream or whipping cream be room temperature. Procedure •    Pour the cream into the jar. •    Screw the lid onto the jar securely. •    Now, hold on tight to your jar and "shake with force." No wimpy shakes here! Use your arms to make firm, vigorous strokes. Do this for between five and 20 minutes. You should start to see results in about 10 minutes. Can you see changes happening inside the container? Does it start to feel different when you are shaking it? The butter is done when it has completely separated from the liquid and forms a solid, single clump.

Observations and results You will have created two new substances—butter and buttermilk! The butter is the result of the globules having broken apart and their fatty contents adhering together. The buttermilk, then, is the liquid that is left over. How are the two substances different? Are they both different from the heavy cream you started out with? How so? What different things can you do with butter and with buttermilk? Can you think of other mixtures that are emulsions? (Hint: think of other oil and water substances.) Cleanup •    If you intend to use them later, keep the butter and buttermilk in the refrigerator to prevent them from going bad—that's a whole other transformation, and one with results that are not quite so yummy. More to explore " How to Make Butter out of Cream, and Why It Works " from Crazy Aunt Lindsey " Salad Dressing Science Mixes Up Researchers " from Scientific American " Ice Cream Science " Scientific American " Making Butter at Home " from Boston Children's Museum This activity brought to you in partnership with

s Science Experiments








ace ive ge ) are used in the emulsification process. A surfactant can be considered a "confused" molecule having both a hydrophobic (water-hating) and hydrophilic (water-loving) part. Surfactants are also referred to as wetting agents and foamers. It is said that they "make water wetter". The surfactant we used in all of the following experiments is dish soap, but other examples of surfactants include detergents, hand soaps, etc. Surfactants lower the surface tension of the water, thus making it easier for cleaners to lift dirt and grease off of dirty dishes and clothes and help to keep them suspended in the dirty water to keep them from being redeposited on the clothes and dishes. In an emulsion, they temporarily stabilize the oil and water mixture. As anyone who uses Italian dressing knows, the oil and water do not mix unless shaken vigorously in the bottle. They separate almost immediately afterward. Although you can create an emulsion without a surfactant, surfactants lengthen the amount of time it takes to separate these two phases (sometimes it could take years to separate the oil and water in an emulsion).


Testing household products

Surfactants and water tension

Observing emulsions

Making the end emulsion

Saponification — Using a chemical change to create a hand cream.

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These materials will be sufficient to do these activities for several years.

LESSON 1: Testing household products

Students will be in groups of 2-4

At least 10 different household emulsions (sunscreen, hand cream, salad dressing, etc.). (Avoid cleansers, caustic substances and bleaching substances) At least 10 test tubes w/lids or small bottles with lids per group 10 beakers with medicine droppers or pipettes (one per emulsion to be tested) Tap water to fill test tubes/bottles Safety glasses

  • Number beakers then fill beakers 1/3 of the way full with each emulsion.
  • Get students into groups.
  • Distribute 10 test tubes w/lids (or bottles) to each student group.
  • Fill containers 3/4 full with water.
  • Give one numbered beaker to each group with pipette/medicine dropper.
  • Have students drop one drop of emulsion into test tube/bottle of water.
  • Have students put lids tightly on containers and shake vigorously.
  • Observe water in test tube/bottle.
  • If water is cloudy/milky then have the students record that emulsion as o/w.
  • If water is relatively clear and the emulsion appears as round droplets dispersed in the water, then have the students record that emulsion as w/o.
  • Have students pass beakers to the next lab group and repeat the process until all lab groups have tested each emulsion.
  • Dispose of emulsion-water mixture by discarding them down sinks and have students wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Lesson 1 Data Table:


Extension Activity:

  • Number the original containers to correspond with the beaker numbers.
  • Pass around the original containers and have the students note where water appears in the list of contents.
  • Have students record the location of water in the list of ingredients as being one of the first or one of the last ingredients.
  • Pass around common household emulsions and have students determine if they are water continuous or oil continuous based on reading the list of contents and the relationship they discovered in step 4.
  • Review data with students.



Lesson 2: Surface tension - Part 1

Small paper cups New paper clips Dish detergent Water

  • Distribute one cup and 5 to 6 paper clips to each group.
  • Have students fill cups 3/4 full with water.
  • Have students carefully place paper clips on the surface of water and release the paper clip. (Students should attempt this until at least one stays on top of the water.)
  • Have students carefully place a drop of dish detergent into their cup, but not actually touching the clips.
  • Have students record their observations below.
  • Students should then attempt to put another clip on the water and observe what happens.

Surface Tension Part 2

One clean penny and quarter per group Soapy water (dish soap and water) Salt water Medicine dropper (pipettes) or micropipetes Paper towels Rubber stoppers Tap water Calculators


How many drops of tap water do you think you can fit on a penny and quarter before it spills? Penny ____________Quarter ____________

How many drops of soapy water do you think you can fit on the penny and quarter? Penny ____________Quarter ____________

How many drops of salt water do you think you can fit on the penny and the quarter? Penny ____________Quarter ____________

  • Put rubber stopper on top of paper towel and then place your penny on the rubber stopper head side up.
  • Carefully place drops of tap water on the penny, counting as you go. (Be careful not to allow the dropper to touch the water.)
  • Record the number of drops your penny held before the water overflowed.
  • Repeat steps one to three using tap water and the quarter. Record on data table.
  • Repeat step one to four for soapy water and then for salt water. Record on data tables on following page.

Lesson 2 Data Table:




Lesson 3: Observing Emulsions

Dawn dish soap Glass or clear plastic bottles (4 per group) Mineral oil Water Stopwatches (1 per group) or class clock (Optional) food coloring Markers or grease pencils

  • Fill one small container with mineral oil and one other one with water and distribute to each group (adding food coloring to the water beforehand makes it easier for the students to discern which is the oil layer and which is the water layer!).
  • Distribute 2 empty containers of the same size to each group as well.
  • Have the student label the empty containers w/o and o/w
  • Have the students pour about 3/4 of the oil into the w/o container and the rest into the o/w empty container.
  • Add a drop or two of food coloring to the water (optional)
  • Have the students then pour water into the containers with the oil in them until they are nearly full, but not completely full.
  • Have students shake each of the containers vigorously for about one minute.
  • Dispose of emulsion-water mixtures by discarding them down sinks and have students wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Explanation: How to get the "best" emulsion:

When we set out to make an emulsion, we didn't have any idea which proportion of mineral oil to water to soap would work the best. What follows is a description of how we used the scientific method to arrive at the proportions for lesson #4.

After observing the separation of these emulsions (which was not desirable), we decided to use 4 ml of Dawn in the same proportions as above. The overall results were much better (see following graphs). We mixed these batches in relatively large containers and used manual eggbeaters to help in the mixing. We realized that this created an excess amount of foam as well as presented extra equipment for users of this activity, so we decided to test the "best" of the above proportions using manual shaking for one minute. In this case, no eggbeaters would be necessary. The results were not as good as with the eggbeaters.

We then decided to try adding much more soap (as a % of the total volume) and continue shaking with the "best" of the above proportions. The results were very encouraging. The shaken emulsions with the increased soap were much more stable for a longer period of time than what we had done previously. We also decided to try Dawn Power Plus, and in the end, we feel that that produced the most stable emulsion. It is that formula which we used in lesson 4.

So, why go to all this trouble? We have found that different oils and different soaps perform differently. Olive oil can be used instead of mineral oil, but different proportions might be necessary to achieve the "best" emulsion. Same thing for the different soaps. You could have your students test the materials that you have as part of the scientific method. Each group could be given one or two proportions to test with the same soap and oil. You could try changing oils and comparing the results. You could try changing soaps and comparing results. These extension activities could definitely enhance the scientific method in the context of our emulsion lesson.


Worksheets for Lesson 3 are available for download in PDF format:


Lesson 4: Making the End Emulsion

Materials per group: Mineral oil (approx. 45 ml) Water (approx. 5ml) Power Plus Dawn (approx. 5 ml) Clear glass or plastic bottles (2) with lid Graduated Cylinders (2) Graduated pipettes

  • Have students measure out the amount of the above materials from a centralized location using graduated cylinders and return to their desks (for ease of mixing, you could have the student getting the 5 ml of water also get the 5 ml of Dawn in the same graduated cylinder-this will allow the Dawn to come out of the graduated cylinder to be mixed much more easily than if you just had the Dawn)
  • Have students pour the Dawn and water into the bottle with the oil.
  • Secure bottle cap tightly on bottle.
  • Have students shake vigorously for about 1 minute.
  • Observe what happens and record below.
  • Let emulsion stand overnight and have the students observe their emulsion the next day and record below.


Describe what you observed below (use color, consistency, etc.)


We feel that students will have an excellent opportunity to use the scientific method if you allow them to determine the "best" proportions and/or the best surfactant for their emulsions. This can be done by dividing the class into 6 groups. Have each group test a different surfactant. (Dawn, Joy, Palmolive) and different proportions of oil and water. After allowing their emulsions to sit for 24 hours, students can then report their findings to the class.

Lesson 5: Observing Chemical Change in Making a Hand Cream Emulsion:

Students will be in groups of 4-5

Materials (per group):

Glass bottle with lid 2 small beakers 2 graduated cylinders Mineral oil (or baby oil) Stearic acid Baking soda Water Hot plate pH paper Triple beam balance Weighing paper Pot holders/oven mittens Safety goggles

Safety Concerns:

When using hot plates, be sure to make students aware that they should not touch the hot plates (even after they are turned off) because they are hot. They also do not need to heat the solutions very much (the students are not trying to boil the solutions (50 degrees C is equivalent to 122 degrees F, which is warm, but not overly hot)). During the whole lab, have students keep safety goggles on for eye protection. When transferring the warm solutions to the larger bottle, make sure that they use something like potholders or oven mittens to hold the beakers (so that they don't burn their fingers). In the same way, if the bottle is too hot to handle for shaking, allow it to cool without the lid on it for several minutes until the bottle is cool enough to handle before shaking!!!

  • Measure out 12.5 ml of mineral oil.
  • Weigh out 0.75 g of stearic acid.
  • Using low heat , have students dissolve the stearic acid in the mineral oil (the solution will turn clear when stearic acid dissolves).
  • Get pH of solution with pH paper and record.
  • Obtain 37.5 ml of water.
  • Weigh out 0.5 g of baking soda
  • Slowly heat the water ( under low heat ) and dissolve the baking soda.
  • When both solutions are dissolved, pour both into jar with lid using potholders/oven mittens/tongs/test tube clamps!!
  • If jar is too hot to handle with bare hands, allow to cool for several minutes before putting lid on. Jar should be warm to the touch ( NOT HOT ) when you begin shaking.
  • Close jar lid tightly and shake vigorously for 1 minute.
  • Allow to sit overnight.
  • (optional) If students want, have them take a small amount of cream with a wood splint or similar tool and put a small amount on back of hand and spread with fingers.
  • (optional) Have students record their observations of the cream as it was applied to their skin.

pH of stearic acid and oil ____________.

pH of baking soda and water ___________.

pH of cream ___________.

emulsion science experiment

STEAM Powered Family

Oil and Water Experiment

This simple science experiment explores the properties of oil and water, and teaches colour theory. All in one simple, quick experiment that is perfect preschool and early elementary. Want to power up the learning for older kids? Read on for some extension activities that take this activity to the next level!

Oil and Water Colours Experiment

What you will discover in this article!

oil and water experiment

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I can still remember as a kid my grandmother saying, “you get on like oil and water!” This was usually in response to the latest squabble I was in with my sister.

From a very early age I knew oil and water don’t mix thanks to these types of comments. But it wasn’t until I was older and got to play with science experiments, or again when I started learning how to cook, that I realized how often we are faced with the fact that oil and water don’t mix.

In this experiment we use the incredible science behind oil and water repelling each other to also learn some colour theory. Adding in the magic of colour mixing takes this simple science experiment from “meh” to “WOW”.

The best part about this experiment is that all the supplies are probably sitting in your cupboard right now. All you need is:

  • Baby oil (other liquid oils work too, but baby oil is clear)
  • Cup, glass bowl, or petri dish.
  • Small cups (3)
  • Food coloring (minimum 2 colours, start with primary colours)
  • Dropper (like a medicine dropper, pipette or even a syringe)

Fill the small cups with about 2 to 3 tablespoons of water.

Add 2-3 drops of yellow food colouring to one cup. Mix with a spoon. Then add 2-3 drops of blue food colouring to the other cup. Mix. Leave the third cup with just plain water.

Fill the larger cup/bowl/petro dish about 1 inch deep with baby oil.

Fill the dropper with the coloured water from either cup.

Drop by drop add the the coloured water into the cup of oil.

What happens? Encourage your child to explain what they are seeing.

Now clean the dropper in the clean water cup.

Fill the dropper with the second colour and slowly drop by drop add it to the cup.

What happens?

Oil and water experiment


While doing this experiment the coloured oils will form into bubbles that float on top of the water. The colours will eventually start to mix creating a whole new colour!

That’s why I love this specific experiment for seeing how oil and water mix. You can see that not only do oil and water not mix, but that even when floating in oil, the waters will mix together, creating our new colours.

Next try this experiment with different colours.

  • Mix 2 different primary colours to create more secondary colours. Or mix 3 primary colours to create a tertiary colour.
  • Mix secondary colours. What colours do you get?
  • Play with the saturation of your colours (make it more concentrated by adding more drops or less water), how does that change the resulting colours?
  • What happens if you change the temperature of the water?

It is possible to make oil and water mix! This is called an emulsion.

It’s possible to create an unstable emulsion through vigorous shaking or mixing. You can test this by taking your water and oils, and place them in a mason jar. Screw on the lid tightly and shake! What happens? The oil and water mix for a bit, but eventually seperate again. This is called an unstable emulsion.

To get a stable emulsion, you will have to add an emulsifier. An emulsifier is a molecule that has a hydrophobic (non-polar) end and a hydrophilic end. The molecules of the emulsifier will surround tiny droplets of oil, attaching the hydrophobic ends to it and leaving the hydrophilic ends exposed. Doing this makes it possible for the oil to mix with water molecules.

Try adding an emulsifier, like polysorbate 80 and see what happens. You can see emulsifiers at work in our moon dough recipe . We also use emulsifiers in our bath bomb recipes so the colours of the bath bombs mix with the bath water.

The Science – Why don’t oil an water mix?

Water molecules are polar and one end has a slight negative charge, the other a slight positive charge. We explored this in other experiments like Magic Milk .

The polarity means those water molecules can form hydrogen bonds and attach to other molecules that are also polar, this includes other water molecules. It is like little magnets attracting each other.

On the other hand we have oil molecules which are non-polar. This means they can’t form hydrogen bonds with water molecules.

This results in water and oil not mixing and instead bunching together.

When we shake the water and oil mixture you are attempting to emulsify the mixture through a physical process. It breaks down the water bubbles into smaller bits, but this is an unstable emulsification.

To get water and oil to mix in a stable way, we need an emulsifier.

Next Level Oil and Water Experiments

Ready to take this experiment to a new level? Try these activities to dig deeper into the study of oil and water mixing. These are great for older students.

Oil Spill Cleanup Experiment is a great way to explore this concept in a practical way. Cleaning up oil spills in our oceans is a major undertaking. In this activity kids get hands on with this environmental issue.

Oil spill cleanup experiment for home or classroom

Build a Homemade Lava Lamp using one of 5 different approaches, including a glow in the dark version.

Against a white background a mason jar has dark and light green liquids with bubbles in dark green going through the light green layer in a lava lamp style. Overlay text says How to Make a Lava Lamp

Make Oil and Water Mix With Emulsifiers – see it in action when we made our special Moon Dough recipe .

Moon Dough Recipe

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What is an Emulsion?

January 13, 2020 By Emma Vanstone Leave a Comment

What is an emulsion? Two or more liquids that don’t mix create an emulsion when one is added to the other. The properties of the new liquid are different to either of the liquids alone. Emulsions are a special type of colloid .

Liquids that don’t mix together are called immiscible liquids .

Examples of Immiscible Liquids

Oil and water are examples of immiscible liquids. This density jar shows how some objects float on the water layer and some on the oil layer.

Density Jar showing oil and water as immiscible liquids.

The diagram above shows the difference between a liquid, an emulsion and immiscible liquids.

You can see that in the emulsion, liquid two is spread evenly through the water.

What is an emulsifier?

Emulsifiers are substances which stop liquids in an emulsion from separating. Emulsifier molecules have two different ends. One end is hydrophilic (water-loving) and the other end hydrophobic (water-hating). In the case of oil and water, the hydrophilic end of the emulsifier forms a bond with the water and the the hydrophobic end forms a bond with the oil!

Emulsifiers are used in foods such as ice cream, sauces and biscuits to stop the oil and water from separating!

Examples of emulsifiers

Egg yolks are an example of a food emulsifier. It is egg yolks that stabilise mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce.

Find out more about emulsions with a magic milk experiment. This uses dish soap ( washing up liquid ) as an emulsifier.

magic milk investigation

Last Updated on January 11, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

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Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

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The Kitchen Pantry Scientist

Simple recipes for real science, the science of emulsions: vinaigrette and mayonnaise.

emulsion science experiment

When you’re trying to make an emulsion, it also helps to add a mediator called a surfactant  to get between and interact with the immiscible molecules to stabilize the mixture. In a vinaigrette prepared using oil, mustard and vinegar, the proteins in the mustard act as surfactants.

To make delicious vinaigrette:

  • Using a fork or wire whisk, mix together: 1 Tbsp. vinegar and 1 Tbsp. mustard.
  • Add 3 Tbsp. oil (olive, vegetable or your favorite), drop-by-drop, whisking until you see an emulsion form!   You can tell when an emulsion begins to form, because the mixture will start to look lighter-colored and thicker as the molecules are rearranged and reflect light differently!

emulsion science experiment

Try some variations on these kitchen experiments. Does it work better to use a cold egg, room temperature egg, or warm egg?  What happens if you try to make mayo by setting your mixing bowl in a bowl of ICE water? Do you get an emulsion?

emulsion science experiment

Can you see the difference between batches of vinaigrette? One was whipped over a bowl of ice water and the other over warm water.

emulsion science experiment

Here’s the New York Times recipe we used to make mayonnaise:

  • 1 large egg yolk, at room temperature
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon cold water

emulsion science experiment

*Remember that a bacteria called Salmonella enteriditis can lurk in raw eggs and make you sick, so it’s better to use pasteurized eggs for recipes like mayonnaise, where you don’t cook the eggs.

As Julia Child would say, “Bon Appetit!”

Tags: emulsions , food , kids , mayonnaise , science , vinaigrette In: Chemistry Experiments , Food Science | 1 comment »

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Three Engaging Science Experiments on Oil and Water

  • Carole Bruzzano
  • Categories : Fun activities & crafts for grade school
  • Tags : Teaching grades pre k to 5

Three Engaging Science Experiments on Oil and Water

Let’s Experiment!

Teach new and unfamiliar content in creative ways. Through the use of simple materials and easy to follow steps, students will learn important science concepts while exploring the properties of oil and water. Dish soap, food coloring, a plastic container, a tablespoon and of course the stars - oil and water - are the only materials needed for the experiments presented here. Minimal preparation and clean up are required, but high levels of student learning will result - a perfect combination for the elementary science classroom.

Materials and Vocabulary Terms

Before beginning these three oil and water experiments, prepare the materials needed. Also, plan on teaching students the new vocabulary terms, solubility and emulsion .

First, gather and prepare the following materials before the start of these lessons:

  • 2 tablespoons of cooking oil (such as vegetable, corn or canola)
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 clear plastic container with lid (or plastic soda bottle with cap)
  • 1 bottle of food coloring
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid dish washing soap

Next, introduce these new vocabulary terms to students:

To teach these terms, you may want to use a reliable strategy such as explicit instruction (have students say the word, spell it, define it, and then use the word during the experiment process). Also, use these words when speaking to the students during the lesson periods while students are conducting the experiments.

Experiment 1: Mixing Oil with Water

Once materials are ready and the new vocabulary terms have been introduced to the students, create groups of three or four students. Then, distribute the materials. Begin the first oil and water experiment as presented here.

Helpful tip: Provide these steps as written directions on the board or on a handout sheet to distribute to each group.

Step 1: Fill the plastic container with the cup of water.

Step 2: Add the 2 tablespoons of cooking oil into the water.

Step 3: Cover the container with the lid. Be sure it is tightly sealed.

Step 4: Shake the container to mix the oil and water.

Step 5: Place the container down and remove the lid to observe what happens.

Students will observe that the oil and water separate even after mixing. The oil will rise to the surface of the water.

Step 6: Have students write down the process used to conduct this experiment, as well as their final observations. Then, have students share their results with the class.

Experiment 2: Adding Food Coloring to Oil and Water Mixture

For this experiment, students will observe that food coloring does not mix with oil but mixes with water. Instruct students to follow steps 1 through 5 (see first experiment). Then, students continue with step 6 as presented here.

Step 6: Add a few drops of food coloring to the oil and water mixture.

Step 7: Cover the container with the lid and shake the container.

Step 8: Place the container down and remove the lid.

Step 9: Observe what happens over the next few minutes and write down observations.

Students will observe the oil separating from the water and rising to the surface. They will also observe that the food coloring mixes with the water, but not with the oil. Have students record the process followed for the experiment in addition to these observations.

Experiment 3: Combining Oil and Water

For this experiment, students learn the process of emulsion. This is done by adding soap to an oil and water mixture. Repeat steps 1 through 5 from the first experiment, then continue on to step 6 presented here.

Step 6: Add a tablespoon of dish soap to the oil and water.

Step 7: Place the lid on the container and shake the container.

Step 9: Record observations.

Students will observe that water, oil and soap mixed together. Use this experiment to teach about emulsion. Have students compare these results with the results from the two previous experiments. Instruct them to identify the similarities and differences.

Helpful hint: Explain to students that soap acts to dissolve the oil allowing the oil and water to mix together (the emulsion process).

Beyond Oil and Water Experiments

For upper grade elementary students, present a learning challenge by teaching the molecular structures of water and oil. Or, use these basic experiments to progress to more complicated mixtures beyond food coloring. Many options are available. Density, for example, can be taught by using other substances in the mixture. This extension provides the perfect opportunity for students to learn, understand and apply new science terms such as solution, property and viscosity. Your students will be active learners gaining understanding of new science concepts in engaging and challenging ways. That’s one reason why students enjoy the science classroom.

  • Science Kids.
  • Layered Liquids.

emulsion science experiment


emulsion science experiment

Emulsion experiments

Characterising emulsions.

Emulsions are mixtures of immiscible materials such as oil and water.  Such mixtures are possible by forming tiny droplets of one liquid (dispersed phase) and suspending them in the other liquid (continuous phase).  In the case of foods, we normally encounter two types of emulsion – oil in water (o/w) in which the oil forms the dispersed phase and the water the continuous phase. The other type of emulsion commonly encountered with foods are water in oil emulsions (w/o).  It is only possible to thin (dilute) an emulsion  by addition of the continuous phase.

This experiment allows us to characterise emulsions by identifying the nature of the continuous phase

  • 6 Watch glasses
  • Milk, Cream, Butter ,Margarine, Mayonnaise, Low-calorie spread, Salad cream.
  • A pepper shaker containing a mixture of Sudan III and methylene blue dyes   (Sudan III is soluble in oil and methylene blue is soluble in water).  WARNING these dyes are both poisonous and intensely coloured and if you get them on your fingers you will stain yourself! DO NOT eat the dyes or the foods onto which the dye have been added.
  • Place a small amount of each food in a separate watch glass  
  • Sprinkle a little of the dye mixture onto the surface of each food on a watch glass.  Leave for a few minutes and then observe which dye has coloured the continuous phase. (with “solid” emulsions it may help if you warm them a little to help the continuous phase to melt)  
  • Note which foods are water-in-oil emulsions and which are oil-in-water emulsions.

1.    Why does the low-calorie spread have a lower energy value than margarine?

2.    What happens to the emulsion when cream is churned into butter?

Forming Emulsions

The process of forming an emulsion can be assisted by the addition of surface active “emulsifying” agents. 

This experiment investigates which common food materials have emulsifying properties (and which do not).

  • One Test tube rack
  • 10 Test tubes
  • Three spatulas
  • Three five ml Measuring cylinders
  • Oil, Vinegar, an Egg (separated into white and yolk), Mustard, Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Paprika, Glyceryl Monostearate – GMS

Measure 5ml of vinegar into each of a series of 10 test tubes in a rack.  Add the various ingredients as indicated below and shake each tube 100 times.

Observe the contents of each tube immediately after shaking and again after they have been left standing in the rack for 10 minutes.

Tube No        Oil                Vinegar            Other Additions

1.                     5ml               5ml                    

2.                     10ml             5ml                    

3.                     5ml               5ml                     1g mustard

4.                     5ml               5ml                     a pinch of salt

5.                     5ml               5ml                     a pinch of pepper

6.                     5ml               5ml                     a pinch of sugar

7.                     5ml               5ml                     1ml egg yolk

8.                     5ml               5ml                     1ml egg white

9.                     5ml               5ml                     a pinch of paprika

10.                   5ml               5ml                     a pinch of glyceryl monostearate

Which tubes contain temporary emulsions?

Which tubes contain permanent emulsions?

Which of the substances used exerts an emulsifying influence?

Which of the substances produces a 'thicker' emulsion?

Making a reduced cost cake

The most expensive ingredients in many conventional cakes are the shortening materials (butter or margarine).  If we can reduce the amount of such ingredients without diminishing their performance, then we can reduce the overall product cost. Butter and margarine are both water in oil emulsions (mixtures of tiny drops of water suspended in a continuous phase of oil). 

By understanding the science that underlies emulsions we can add alternative emulsifying agents which undertake the same function as the conventional ingredients but at a fraction of the cost. Several emulsifying agents are available, but in this experiment we will use Glycerol Monostearate. 

Suggested formulation

Cake flour


Baking powder










Glycerol Monostearate






1.            Sieve flour, GMS, salt and baking powder together

2.            Cream fat and sugar

3.            Add whisked egg, vanilla essence and milk

4.            Gradually add flour mix

5.            Place in a greased lined cake tin (approx 19 x 9 x 5 cm).  Bake at 190°C  for about 30 mins.

emulsion science experiment


The chef's lab, your go-to food chemistry blog, what is the chef's lab.

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The Chef's Lab is a food chemistry blog created and organized by the Chemistry Club at Choate Rosemary Hall. 

Our objective is to facilitate interest in chemistry by making chemistry more directly applicable and relevant to our day-to-day lives. 

  • Feb 3, 2019

Mayonnaise: The Science of Emulsions

By Anya Miksovsky '20

While mayonnaise has become a staple of almost every American household, creating it manually can be an arduous process. If not using a food mixer or blender, serious time must be dedicated towards stirring vigorously by hand. The process requires laborious sacrifice but, to true mayonnaise connoisseurs, results in a product infinitely superior to the factory-produced stuff you’ll find stocked at the grocery store. However, if made incorrectly, the entire batch will have to be scraped and started anew.

That’s because—like aioli sauce or hollandaise—mayonnaise is an emulsion, or combination of water and fats which normally can’t be mixed together. For the classic example, picture adding oil and water into the same bowl. No matter how hard or long you stir, the two liquids will eventually separate, with oil floating to the top and the denser water at the bottom.

Mayonnaise is composed of several basic ingredients including both oil and vinegar (which consists of water and acetic acid). Water and acetic acid are polar molecules, providing strong and stable intermolecular bonds. Meanwhile, oil molecules form bonds with other oil molecules. Both types of aforementioned bonds are sturdier than the attraction formed between oil and water, which is why under normal circumstances the two liquids won’t combine.

This is where the third ingredient of mayonnaise—eggs—comes into play. Egg yolks contain a molecule known as lecithin. Lecithin acts as an “emulsifier,” the illustration’s blue and red halves attracting vinegar and oil, respectively. In other words, lecithin acts as the glue holding the mayonnaise together.

emulsion science experiment

To make mayonnaise, the eggs and vinegar are first combined together. Then, while whisking vigorously, oil is added no more than several drops at a time until the mixture has reached the correct viscosity. Whisking hard and introducing the oil slowly works to distribute the oil molecules evenly into the mayonnaise solution, ensuring none will clump together. “A single tablespoon of oil,” writes Harold McGee, culinary author of On Food and Cooking , breaks “into about 30 billion separate droplets,” each less than 0.003 millimeters across.

However, caution and dedication are of the utmost importance. One must not be overeager. Whisk your concoction poorly, or add the oil too rapidly, and you risk your mayonnaise “breaking.” In other words, the oil droplets will stick to each other and the mayonnaise becomes greasy. At this point, there are very few ways to salvage the process without great effort.

“The oil has to be added literally drop by drop for the first 3 tablespoons at least,” warns culinary student Andrew Liberio. “This is what gives the mayonnaise the thick consistency. If you add too much oil at once, or just mix all the ingredients at once, the sauce "splits," as we call it in cooking can beat or whisk that mixture for hours, it will never develop the thick consistency of mayonnaise.”

But if executed properly, homemade mayonnaise will reach precisely the texture and taste, surpassing all store-bought brands. And thankfully, many modern blenders will do an excellent job of blending the emulsion for you, requiring minimal effort to create a perfect handcrafted condiment.

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Summer holiday science: turn your home into a lab with these three easy experiments

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Many people think science is difficult and needs special equipment, but that’s not true.

Science can be explored at home using everyday materials. Everyone, especially children, naturally ask questions about the world around them, and science offers a structured way to find answers.

Misconceptions about the difficulty of science often stem from a lack of exposure to its fun and engaging side. Science can be as simple as observing nature, mixing ingredients or exploring the properties of objects. It’s not just for experts in white coats, but for everyone.

Don’t take my word for it. Below are three experiments that can be done at home with children who are primary school age and older.

Extract DNA from bananas

DNA is all the genetic information inside cells. Every living thing has DNA, including bananas.

Did you know you can extract DNA from banana cells?

What you need: ¼ ripe banana, Ziploc bag, salt, water, washing-up liquid, rubbing alcohol (from a pharmacy), coffee filter paper, stirrer.

What you do:

Place a pinch of salt into about 20ml of water in a cup.

Add the salty water to the Ziploc bag with a quarter of a banana and mash the banana up with the salty water inside the bag, using your hands. Mashing the banana separates out the banana cells. The salty water helps clump the DNA together.

Once the banana is mashed up well, pour the banana and salty water into a coffee filter (you can lay the filter in the cup you used to make the salty water). Filtering removes the big clumps of banana cells.

Once a few ml have filtered out, add a drop of washing-up liquid and swirl gently. Washing-up liquid breaks down the fats in the cell membranes which makes the DNA separate from the other parts of the cell.

Slowly add some rubbing alcohol (about 10ml) to the filtered solution. DNA is insoluble in alcohol, therefore the DNA will clump together away from the alcohol and float, making it easy to see.

DNA will start to precipitate out looking slightly cloudy and stringy. What you’re seeing is thousands of DNA strands – the strands are too small to be seen even with a normal microscope. Scientists use powerful equipment to see individual strands.

Learn how plants ‘drink’ water

What you need: celery stalks (with their leaves), glass or clear cup, water, food dye, camera.

  • Fill the glass ¾ full with water and add 10 drops of food dye.
  • Place a celery stalk into the glass of coloured water. Take a photograph of the celery.
  • For two to three days, photograph the celery at the same time every day. Make sure you take a photograph at the very start of the experiment.

What happens and why?

All plants, such as celery, have vertical tubes that act like a transport system. These narrow tubes draw up water using a phenomenon known as capillarity.

Imagine you have a thin straw and you dip it into a glass of water. Have you ever noticed how the water climbs up the straw a little bit, even though you didn’t suck on it? This is because of capillarity.

In plants, capillarity helps move water from the roots to the leaves. Plants have tiny tubes inside them, like thin straws, called capillaries. The water sticks to the sides of these tubes and climbs up. In your experiment, you will see the food dye in the water make its way to the leaves.

Build a balloon-powered racecar

What you need: tape, scissors, two skewers, cardboard, four bottle caps, one straw, one balloon.

  • Cut the cardboard to about 10cm long and 5cm wide. This will form the base of your car.
  • Make holes in the centre of four bottle caps. These are your wheels.
  • To make the axles insert the wooden skewers through the holes in the cap. You will need to cut the skewers to fit the width of the cardboard base, but leave room for the wheels.
  • Secure the wheels to the skewers with tape.
  • Attach the axles to the underside of the car base with tape, ensuring the wheels can spin freely.
  • Insert a straw into the opening of a balloon and secure it with tape, ensuring there are no air leaks.
  • Attach the other end of the straw to the top of the car base, positioning it so the balloon can inflate and deflate towards the back of the car. Secure the straw with tape.
  • Inflate the balloon through the straw, pinch the straw to hold the air, place the car on a flat surface, then release the straw.

The inflated balloon stores potential energy when blown up. When the air is released, Newton’s third law of motion kicks into gear: for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

As the air rushes out of the balloon (action), it pushes the car in the opposite direction (reaction). The escaping air propels the car forward, making it move across the surface.

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Physicists solve nuclear fusion mystery with mayonnaise

The same physics that underlie mayonnaise could help physicists corral the ultrahot plasma needed to produce nuclear fusion.

A jar of mayo in front of a burning sun

Nuclear fusion technology could get a breakthrough from an unexpected place: mayonnaise.

In a new study, published in May in the journal Physical Review E , scientists plopped the creamy condiment into a churning wheel machine and set it whirling to see what conditions made it flow.

"We use mayonnaise because it behaves like a solid, but when subjected to a pressure gradient, it starts to flow," study lead author Arindam Banerjee , a mechanical engineer at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, said in a statement .

This process could help elucidate the physics that occur at ultrahigh temperatures and pressures inside nuclear fusion reactors — without having to create those extreme conditions.

Related: World's largest nuclear fusion reactor is finally completed. But it won't run for another 15 years.

Nuclear fusion forges helium from hydrogen at the hearts of stars. In theory, it could be the source of nearly limitless clean energy on Earth — if the reaction could produce more energy than it requires to run.

That's a tall order; star-powered fusion occurs at 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius), according to NASA . And a star's massive gravity forces hydrogen atoms together, overcoming their natural repulsion. On Earth, however, we don't have those crushing pressures, so human-made fusion reactors must run 10 times hotter than the sun .

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To reach these mind-melting temperatures, scientists use multiple approaches, including one called inertial confinement.

In this process, physicists freeze pea-sized pellets of gas — typically a mix of heavy isotopes, or versions, of hydrogen — into metal capsules. Then, they blast the pellets with lasers, which heats the gas to 400 million F (222 million C) in a flash — and, ideally, turns it into a plasma where fusion can occur, according to the statement.

Unfortunately, the hydrogen gas wants to expand, causing the molten metal to explode before hydrogen has time to fuse . This explosion occurs when the metal capsule enters an unstable phase and starts to flow.

Banerjee's team realized that molten metal behaves a lot like mayonnaise at lower temperatures: It can be elastic, meaning it bounces back when you push on it, or plastic, meaning it doesn't bounce back, or flowing.

The Rotating Wheel Rayleigh Taylor Instability Experiment - YouTube

"If you put a stress on mayonnaise, it will start to deform, but if you remove the stress, it goes back to its original shape," he said. "So there's an elastic phase followed by a stable plastic phase. The next phase is when it starts flowing, and that's where the instability kicks in."

In the new study, the researchers placed mayonnaise in a machine that accelerated the egg-and-oil emulsion until it started to flow. Then, they characterized the conditions at which the condiment transitioned between plastic, elastic and unstable states.

— Nuclear fusion reactor in UK sets new world record for energy output

— Nuclear fusion reactor in South Korea runs at 100 million degrees C for a record-breaking 48 seconds

— 2nd nuclear fusion breakthrough brings us a (tiny) step closer to limitless clean energy

"We found the conditions under which the elastic recovery was possible, and how it could be maximized to delay or completely suppress the instability," Banerjee said.

The study also found which conditions allowed for more energy yield.

Of course, mayonnaise and ultrahot metal capsules are different in many ways. So it remains to be seen whether the team's findings can be translated to a pellet of plasma many times hotter than the sun.

Tia is the managing editor and was previously a senior writer for Live Science. Her work has appeared in Scientific American, and other outlets. She holds a master's degree in bioengineering from the University of Washington, a graduate certificate in science writing from UC Santa Cruz and a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. Tia was part of a team at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that published the Empty Cradles series on preterm births, which won multiple awards, including the 2012 Casey Medal for Meritorious Journalism.

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emulsion science experiment


  1. Fats and Oils: Emulsion Experiments

    3. Add whisked egg, vanilla essence and milk. 4. Gradually add flour mix. 5. Place in a greased lined cake tin (approx 19 x 9 x 5 cm). Bake at 190°C for about 30 mins. An emulsion can be defined as a mixture of oily and watery liquids. Here are some ideas for investigating emulsions.

  2. Fats and Oils: Emulsion Experiments

    Three five ml Measuring cylinders. Oil, Vinegar, an Egg (separated into white and yolk), Mustard, Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Paprika, Glyceryl Monostearate - GMS. Method. Measure 5ml of vinegar into each of a series of 10 test tubes in a rack. Add the various ingredients as indicated below and shake each tube 100 times.

  3. Making an oil-water emulsion

    Suggesting ways of creating an emulsion from two non-mixing, based on observations of the experiment. Introduction: This experiment can easily be done in a kitchen as 'making a salad dressing' using oil and vinegar rather than oil and water. You can taste the resulting mixtures as well as observing them.

  4. What Is an Emulsion? Definition and Examples

    Emulsion Definition. An emulsion is defined as a mixture of two or more normally immiscible (unmixable) liquids. Emulsions are colloids, which are homogeneous mixtures consisting of particles larger than molecules that scatter light, but are small enough that they don't separate. Emulsions consist of two parts: the dispersed phase and the ...

  5. Fats and oils: emulsification

    By vigorously mixing the emulsifier with the water and fat/oil, a stable emulsion can be made. Commonly used emulsifiers include egg yolk, or mustard. Emulsions are thicker than either the water or of fat/oil they contain, which is a useful property for some foods. Explore. In four glasses or test tubes place 2.5ml vinegar and 2.5ml oil.

  6. Easy Emulsifier Chemistry Demonstration

    Emulsifier Demo Materials. You only need simple home materials for this demo: water. oil or kerosene. dishwashing detergent or soap. flask or clear glass. If you like, you can add food coloring to this demonstration. It will color the water and not the oil or kerosene. You don't need to add coloring to tell the water and oil apart, though.

  7. Emulsifiers in the kitchen

    Put about 2 cm 3 of oil into a boiling tube. Add about the same amount of water. Put a bung into the top of the tube and shake it - but not too vigorously. Remove the bung and leave the mixture to stand. Observe what happens. Repeat the experiment but add a small quantity of one of the substances you are testing before you shake the tube.

  8. PDF 11.1 Oil, water, and dish soap (polarity and emulsions)

    and agitate to create an emulsion. Let the mixture stand and within a few moments, the layers will separate. 3. Add oil, water and dish soap to the second flask. 4. Shake the flask to mix the contents. In the presence of the emulsifier, the emulsion will

  9. Fats and Oils: Emulsification

    An emulsion can be defined as a mixture of oily and watery liquids. To make an emulsion you need an emulsifier and force such as whisking and beating to break the oil droplets apart so they mix with the watery liquid. There are two types of emulsions. The first is when water gets dispersed into fat/oil (such as butter, margarine or chocolate ...

  10. Oil and Vinegar Do Mix…When You Have an Emulsifier

    Abstract In this cooking and food science fair project, you will explore the role of proteins as emulsifying agents. Emulsifying agents are substances that are soluble in both fat and water and enable fat to be uniformly dispersed in water as an emulsion. Foods that consist of such emulsions include butter, margarine, salad dressings, mayonnaise, and ice cream.

  11. Emulsions: making oil and water mix

    How emulsions and emulsifiers work. Simple emulsions are either oil suspended in an aqueous phase (o/w), or water suspended in oil (w/o). Milk is an example of an o/w emulsion, in which the fat phase or cream forms tiny droplets within the skim milk, or water phase. In contrast, margarine is a w/o emulsion containing droplets of water or skim ...

  12. Making an Emulsion

    This Unilever Laboratory Experiment, published in 1966, demonstrates that mineral oil and water form an oil-in-water emulsion when sodium oleate is the emulsifier, and a water-in-oil emulsion when calcium oleate is the emulsifier. Water-soluble and oil-soluble dyes are used to distinguish the two types of emulsion.

  13. Emulsion Explosion: How to Make Butter

    Procedure. • Pour the cream into the jar. • Screw the lid onto the jar securely. • Now, hold on tight to your jar and "shake with force." No wimpy shakes here! Use your arms to make firm ...

  14. Salad Dressing Science: Emulsion Lab

    Label each glass with the emulsifier that was added, and label the empty glass "control.". Label the data sheet with the emulsifiers you will be testing. Unseparated (left) and separated (right) mixtures of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. To each glass, add four tablespoons of vinegar, and swirl to fully mix in the emulsifier.

  15. Emulsion K-12 Experiments and Background Information

    Give one numbered beaker to each group with pipette/medicine dropper. Have students drop one drop of emulsion into test tube/bottle of water. Have students put lids tightly on containers and shake vigorously. Observe water in test tube/bottle. If water is cloudy/milky then have the students record that emulsion as o/w.

  16. Oil and Water Experiment

    This simple science experiment explores the properties of oil and water, and teaches colour theory. All in one simple, quick experiment that is perfect preschool and early elementary. ... To get a stable emulsion, you will have to add an emulsifier. An emulsifier is a molecule that has a hydrophobic (non-polar) end and a hydrophilic end. The ...

  17. What is an Emulsion?

    What is an emulsion? Two or more liquids that don't mix create an emulsion when one is added to the other. The properties of the new liquid are different to either of the liquids alone. Emulsions are a special type of colloid. Liquids that don't mix together are called immiscible liquids.

  18. The Science of Emulsions: Vinaigrette and Mayonnaise « The Kitchen

    3/4 cup neutral oil such as safflower or canola. In a medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolk, lemon juice, mustard, salt and 1 teaspoon cold water until frothy. Whisking constantly, slowly dribble in the oil until mayonnaise is thick and oil is incorporated. When the mayonnaise emulsifies and starts to thicken, you can add the oil in a thin ...

  19. Three Engaging Science Experiments on Oil and Water

    In the three science lessons found here, students learn will the concepts of solubility and emulsion. These lessons involve science experiments on oil and water and can be used consecutively within a longer lab period, or used across the span of three individualized lessons. Either way they are presented, students will be active learners deepening their understanding of new science concepts.

  20. Kitchen Science: 3 Mini-Experiments to Try at Home

    Ask your kids to write down what they learned (some definitions to keep handy: molecules, immiscible, emulsion) during these oil and water experiments for kids. Keep the conversation, curiosity, and kitchen science going with a science journal to document your findings. You might just find that you have the next Marie Curie on your hands!

  21. Emulsion experiments

    Add whisked egg, vanilla essence and milk. 4. Gradually add flour mix. 5. Place in a greased lined cake tin (approx 19 x 9 x 5 cm). Bake at 190°C for about 30 mins. Characterising emulsionsEmulsions are mixtures of immiscible materials such as oil and water. Such mixtures are possible by forming tiny droplets of one liquid (dispersed phase ...

  22. Food Science: What Is an Emulsion?

    At its most basic, an emulsion is a suspension two liquids within each other that would not naturally mix. Think of a liquid-a cup of vinegar, for instance-as made up of millions of tiny droplets. If you pour oil into the vinegar, at first the oil will float on the top of the vinegar because it's less dense. However, if you whisk them ...

  23. Mayonnaise: The Science of Emulsions

    By Anya Miksovsky '20While mayonnaise has become a staple of almost every American household, creating it manually can be an arduous process. If not using a food mixer or blender, serious time must be dedicated towards stirring vigorously by hand. The process requires laborious sacrifice but, to true mayonnaise connoisseurs, results in a product infinitely superior to the factory-produced ...

  24. Recent advances in ultrasonic cavitation technologies for emulsion

    Emulsion is the term used to describe a system of two immiscible liquids where one liquid is dispersed in the other, such as oil-in-water (O/W), water-in-oil (W/O), and multiple emulsions (W/O/W or O/W/O). Food products, including mayonnaise, salad dressings, emulsified sausage, and ice cream, are prime examples of emulsions.

  25. Summer holiday science: turn your home into a lab with these three easy

    In your experiment, you will see the food dye in the water make its way to the leaves. Build a balloon-powered racecar What you need: tape, scissors, two skewers, cardboard, four bottle caps, one ...

  26. Physicists solve nuclear fusion mystery with mayonnaise

    The Rotating Wheel Rayleigh Taylor Instability Experiment - YouTube ... in a machine that accelerated the egg-and-oil emulsion until it started to flow. ... and was previously a senior writer for ...