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Why Must a Burette & Pipette Be Rinsed With the Appropriate Solution Before a Titration?

Why Must a Burette & Pipette Be Rinsed With the Appropriate Solution Before a Titration?

How to Tell If a Sample of Water Is Pure or Mixed

When performing a titration, or chemical analysis, with a burette, a common piece of lab glassware, you start by rinsing the burette with a little of the solution you will add to it. This step isn't just a sacred ceremony or a special chemistry ritual – by rinsing the burette, you make sure the concentration of the solution inside will be exactly what you expect it to be. Rinsing with solution actually serves a simple but very practical purpose.

Concentration of Titrant

You perform titrations to determine the concentration of a chemical in a sample. To do so, you make use of a titrant, a solution whose concentration you already know. If the concentration of the titrant isn't what you think it is, then your results will be meaningless. Consequently, make sure the concentration of the titrant in the burette is exactly what you expect it to be.

Beware of Impurities

If you share equipment with someone else, such as a lab partner, and she didn't clean the burette as thoroughly as you would, it's possible you could introduce some contaminants into your titrant if you don't rinse the burette first. Depending on the nature of these contaminants, they might have an effect on the concentration of your titrant and the reaction that takes place in your sample.

The second and more important reason for rinsing your burette has to do with water. When you're cleaning your glassware, you use water to rinse it off. If the burette is not completely dry by the time you use it, the remaining traces of water on the inside will make your titrant more dilute and thereby change its concentration. Consequently, if you don't rinse your burette with titrant and there really is some water remaining inside, the titrant you dispense will be more dilute than it should be.

Some Additional Considerations

If there's one place where haste makes waste, it's in the lab. It will only take you a few moments to thoroughly rinse your burette, but that simple act can spare you data anomalies that would force you to repeat a whole experiment – potentially costing hours of your time. If you're in a lab class, a bad result might translate into a poorer grade. Rinsing your burette is a sensible and simple precaution you can take to help ensure accuracy.

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  • Purdue University Chemistry: Cleaning the Burette
  • Preparing a burette

About the Author

Based in San Diego, John Brennan has been writing about science and the environment since 2006. His articles have appeared in "Plenty," "San Diego Reader," "Santa Barbara Independent" and "East Bay Monthly." Brennan holds a Bachelor of Science in biology from the University of California, San Diego.

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  • w ogóle na komórkach przy wąskim wyświetlaczu to z reklamami kiepsko wygląda
  • Basic terms
  • Titration end point
  • End point indicators
  • End point detection
  • Equivalence point calculation
  • Titration curve calculation
  • Titration calculation
  • Back titration
  • Sample & titrant volume
  • Volumetric glassware
  • Volumetric glass cleaning
  • Glassware calibration
  • Standard substances
  • Sources of errors
  • End point (pH) indicators
  • Indicators preparation
  • Polyprotics and mixtures
  • Solutions used
  • Solutions standardization
  • HCl determination
  • H 2 SO 4 determination
  • Acetic acid in vinegar
  • H 3 PO 4 determination
  • NaOH determination
  • NaOH & Na 2 CO 3 assay
  • Potentiometric titrations
  • Permanganate titration
  • Precipitation
  • Argentometry
  • Solution standardization
  • Chlorides - Mohr method
  • Chlorides - Volhard method
  • Complexometric
  • EDTA titration overview
  • EDTA standardization
  • magnesium titration
  • calcium titration
  • zinc titration
  • nickel titration
  • aluminum titration
  • total water hardness
  • Further reading
  • » Burette, pipette, flask - volumetric glassware

Burette & pipette - basic volumetric glassware used in titrations, ASTM E287-02 standard specification

During titration experiments you will be using several types of volumetric glass. They all are designed to help measure volume of a liquid.

Some types of the volumetric glass can be used only to measure predefined volume of solution. These are volumetric flasks and single volume pipettes. They are characterised by a a high accuracy and repeatability of measurements. Flasks are designed to contain (TC, sometimes marked as IN) known volume of the solution, while pipettes are generally designed to deliver (TD, sometimes marked as EX) known volume (although in some rare cases they can be designed to contain). This is an important distinction - when you empty pipette you deliver exactly required volume and you dont have to worry about the solution that is left on the pipette walls and in pipette tip. At the same time you will never know how much solution was in the pipette. On the contrary, volumetric flask is known to contain required volume, but if you will pour the solution to some other flask you will never know how much of the solution was transferred.

Both kinds of glass were designed this way as they serve different purposes. Volumetric flask is used to dilute original sample to known volume, so it is paramount that it contains exact volume. Pipette is used to transfer the solution, so it is important that it delivers known volume.

Note, that volumetric pipettes are designed in such a way that after a fluid is dispensed, a small drop of liquid will remain in the tip. In general you should not blow this drop out. The correct volume will be dispensed from the pipette if the side of the tip is touched to the inside wall of the flask (or beaker).

Third kind of precise volumetric glass is burette. Burette is used to add titrant to the titrated solution and it has a scale on the side, so that you can precisely measure volume of the added solution. Burette is similar to the pipette, as it is designed to measure volume of the delivered liquid, but it can measure any volume of the solution.

Two other types of volumetric glass are graduated pipettes and graduated cylinders. These are too designed to deliver requested amount of solution and they have a scale on the side. However, their accuracy is usually much lower than the accuracy of volumetric glass described above. They are used to measure amounts of auxiliary reagents, like buffers.

Usually when measuring volume of the solution, the bottom of the concave meniscus must be precisely on a calibration mark. To make reading of the meniscus position easier we can use piece of paper with a horizontal black stripe, about an inch and half wide. If paper is hold half an inch behind a burette with a stripe about a half an inch below meniscus, solution surface seems to be black and is much easier to see.

Reading volume on the graduated pipette (or burette) - 1.4 mL. Meniscus surface is in fact a little bit below the 1.4 mL mark, so you may read it as 1.42 mL, assuming it is about 1/5 of the scale distance.

So called Schellbach burettes have additional thin, colored line embedded in the glass. This line, when watched through the meniscus, seems to be hourglass shaped - and you should align the thinnest part of the line with the calibration mark.

Reading volume on the Schellbach burette - 42.25 mL (that is 42.2 and half of the mark).

In the case of dark solutions (like permanganate), that won't let you see through, meniscus is invisible, and you should align top of the solution with the calibration mark. For obvious reasons this procedure works only for burettes.

Volumetric glassware used in labs can be either A class or B class (or non classified). A class glassware is more accurate. Details are covered in the Standard Specification for Laboratory Glass Graduated Burets (ASTM E287-02) . Note that ASTM standards, while adopted worldwide, may be different from your national standards.

Required tolerance for volumetric glassware
capacity mLdelivery time tolerance of glassware, mL
pipets class A or equiv. TD graduated cylinder TD burets (class A) TD volumetric flasks (class A) TC

1 Minimum delivery time for Class A serialized and non-serialized (maximum delivery time 60 sec). 2 Calibrated to deliver. 3 Calibrated to contain.

Class B volumetric glassware has ±mL tolerances twice those of Class A glassware.

Most popular burettes are 10 mL, 25 mL and 50 mL types. 10 mL burettes are usually graduated each 0.05 mL, while 25 mL and 50 mL burettes are usually graduated each 0.1 mL. That means that 50 mL burettes have the highest resolution. 0.050 mL out of 50 mL is 0.1%, and that's about maximum precision that we can get from volume measurement when using burette. In turn that's also about the maximum precision of the titration. We will use these numbers - 50 mL burette, 0.050 mL volume, 0.1% accuracy - throughout the site, when discussing different aspects of titration.

It can be interesting to check relative accuracies of volumetric glass calculated wih the use of the tolerances data.

Maximum relative errors for A class volumetric glassware
capacity mLpipetteburetteflask
tolerance mLrelative (%)tolerance mLrelative (%)tolerance mLrelative (%)

Relative errors for burettes are calculated assuming 80% of the burette volume was used during titration.

There is one, obvious conclusion form the table - the lower the volume of glasware, the higher the relative error. Thus, for high precision work we should use glassware of higher volume. As it often happens, this is not a rule to be followed blindly - in the case of small samples large volumes mean dilution, which in turn may mean problems with the end point detection, or larger distance between end point and equivalence point.

Note, that for really precise applications you should calibrate pipette and volumetric flask. This is done by precisely weighing water dispensed from the pipette and weighing empty and full flask. Depending on the glass class difference between nominal and real volume can be neglected or have to be taken into account when calculating titration result.

Some examples of the markings on the volumetric glassware follows. Note, that these pictures were taken in the lab in Poland, using glass made according to local standards. These are similar, but different from ASTM E287-02.

Markings on the B class volumetric flask. Flask is calibrated to contain ( In ) 1000±0.80 mL of liquid at 20 °C. According to ASTM E287-02, tolerance of A class 1000 mL volumetric flask should be ±0.300, that means ±0.600 for B class flask (twice A class tolerance). However, this flask is marked DIN - Deutsches Institut für Normung - and DIN standard is slightly different.

Markings on the volumetric cylinder. B to the right means B class, calibrated to contain ( In ) at 20°C. No idea why this cylinder is calibrated to contain.

Markings on the B class 10 mL pipette. Calibrated to deliver ( Ex ) at 20°C. Once again tolerance slightly differs - according to ASTM E287-02 it should be ±0.04.

Markings on the A class single volume pipette. Calibrated to deliver ( Ex ) 15 mL ±0.03 at 20°C, you should wait for at least 15 seconds, touching side of the pipette tip to the inside of the flask (beaker) till solution is delivered.

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Experiment #1 Calibration of pipette, burette and measuring cylinder

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Science First

Lab Equipment (Burettes and pipettes) – Making Science More Fun

Contrary to what many people believe, especially those who haven’t been in close association with it, science is a lot of fun. The most important thing that Science has taught us is that everything that happens has a logical explanation to it.

In order to make us understand things better, laboratories and lab equipment have played a crucial role.

Burette and pipette

Burette and pipette are lab equipment used in the volumetric analysis of an analyte. Burette is a glass tube having a tap at the bottom. Pipette is also a glass tube that has a bulge in the middle. They both have gradations to measure the quantity of chemical substances. While burette is used to deliver a chemical solution with a known concentration into a flask, pipette is used to measure the quantity of the analyte- the chemical substrate whose concentration is to be determined.

What are they used for?

They are both used for Titration.

Titration or Titrometry is a common laboratory procedure used in the quantitative analysis of an analyte (a chemical substrate) which is usually an acid in acid base titration.

Titrant- The solution with the known concentration is called the titrant. The burette contains the titrant which is slowly delivered into the analyte present in the conical flask.

Titrand-The chemical substrate with unknown concentration is called titrand. The titrand is present in the flask.

End Point/ Equivalence Point-End point or equivalence point is the point at which there is complete neutralization of eth acid with the base. To measure the end point different indicators are used that change color. The change in color is referred to as the end point.

After filling the burette up till a certain mark, and placing a flask underneath that contains the analyte (the quantity of which is measured with a pipette), indicator is added to the solution present in the flask to measure the end point. In acid base titration, the end point is determined with the help of an indicator solution or Ph paper. A titration curve is plotted, and the concentration of the titrand is determined.

Who says science is boring, you just need to devote some time to realize how fascinating it can be. In Marie Curie’s own words “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

Apparatus for Measurements ( CIE IGCSE Chemistry )

Revision note.


Chemistry Lead

Time, temperature, mass & volume

  • Time can be measured using a stopwatch or stopclock which are usually accurate to one or two decimal places
  • Other units may be used for extremely slow reactions (e.g. rusting)
  • Remember:  1 minute = 60 seconds

Careful: Units of time often cause issues in results tables.

If the display on a stopwatch showed 1:30.

  • The incorrect time to record would be 1.30 minutes.
  • The correct time would be 1.5 minutes.

To avoid any confusion, if the time intervals are less than a minute, it is best / easire to change the recorded units to seconds.

  • So, the same stopwatch display would be recorded as 90 seconds.


  • Temperature is measured with a thermometer or digital temperature probe
  • Digital temperature probes are available which are more precise than traditional thermometers and can often read to 0.1 o C
  • Digital temperature probes can be just as, if not, more accurate than traditional thermometers
  • The units of temperature are degrees Celsius (ºC)
  • Balances should be tared (set to zero) before use
  • Balances should also be allowed time to settle on a final measurement / reading before it is recorded


  • However, in chemistry grams (g) are most often used
  • Remember: 1 kilogram = 1000 grams

Volumes of liquid

  • The choice of apparatus depends on the level of accuracy needed
  • Volumetric pipettes
  • Measuring cylinders


  • They are most commonly used in titrations
  • Careful: Read the burette scale from top to bottom as 0.00 cm 3 is at the top of the column
  • They have a scratch mark on the neck which is matched to the bottom of the meniscus to make the measurement
  • A pipette filler is used to draw the liquid into the volumetric pipette
  • The most common volumes for volumetric pipettes are 10 cm 3 and 25 cm 3
  • These are graduated (have a scale so can be used to measure)
  • Measuring cylinders typically range from 10 cm 3 to 1 litre (1 dm 3 )
  • Whichever apparatus you use, you may see markings in millilitres, ml, which are the same as a cm 3

Volumes of gas

  • For some experiments, the volume of a gas produced needs to be measured
  • Using a gas syringe  
  • By downward displacement of water
  • A gas syringe is more precise and accurate than downward displacement of water

Equipment used to collect gas from chemical reactions, IGCSE & GCSE Chemistry revision notes

Diagram of the set-up for an experiment involving a gas syringe

  • This method does not work if the gas is soluble in water

4.1.1 Molar Volume of a Gas | Edexcel A Level Chemistry Revision Notes 2017  | Save My Exams

Diagram of the set-up for an experiment collecting gas by downward displacement of water

  • If the gas happens to be heavier than air and is coloured, the cylinder does not need to be inverted

Advantages & disadvantages of methods & apparatus

  • In the lab, we often have choices of different apparatus to do the same job
  • Evaluating which piece of apparatus is the best one to use is part of good experimental planning and design
  • This means appreciating some of the advantages and disadvantages of laboratory apparatus

Advantages and disadvantages of lab apparatus


Five pieces of apparatus that can be used to measure the volume of a liquid. They all have their pros and cons

Planning your method

  • Good experimental design includes the answers to questions like
  • Have I chosen a suitable apparatus for what I need to measure?
  • Is it going to give me results in an appropriate time frame?
  • Is it going to give me enough results to process, analyse and make conclusions?
  • Does it allow for repetitions to check how reliable my results are?
  • Does my plan give a suitable range of results?
  • How can I be sure my results are accurate ?
  • Have I chosen an appropriate scale of quantities without being wasteful or unsafe?
  • You may be asked about experimental methods in exam questions and your experience and knowledge of practical techniques in chemistry should help you to spot mistakes and suggest improvements

Make sure you know the names of common laboratory apparatus.

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Pipette vs Burette (Explained)

When it comes to precise measurement and delivery of liquids in the lab, two essential tools stand out: the pipette and the burette .

While they may appear similar at first glance, there are key differences between these instruments that make them suitable for distinct purposes.

In this article, we will explore the differences between the pipette and burette , helping you understand which one is best suited for your specific needs.

pipette vs burette

Key Takeaways:

  • Pipettes and burettes are both used in volumetric analysis but serve different functions.
  • A burette is used to deliver a known volume of solution, while a pipette is used to measure the quantity of the analyte.
  • Burettes have a stopcock mechanism, while pipettes have a dropper-like system.
  • Pipettes are versatile and can pick up and deliver fluids, while burettes are fixed pieces of equipment for fluid delivery.
  • When choosing between a pipette and a burette, consider factors such as required volume, ease of use, and overall efficiency.

Table of Contents

What is a Burette?

A burette is a long, graduated glass tube with a stopcock at the bottom. It is used to deliver known volumes of a liquid, especially in titrations.

The graduations on the burette allow the user to measure the desired volume with accuracy. Burettes are typically clamped onto a stand and filled from the top by pouring liquid until the desired volume marker is reached.

Burettes are commonly used in analytical chemistry experiments where precise measurement and delivery of liquids are required.

They are particularly useful in titration procedures, which involve the gradual addition of a solution of known concentration to another solution until the reaction is complete.

In this process, the burette allows for controlled and accurate delivery of the titrant, ensuring precise analysis of the analyte.

The stopcock at the bottom of the burette enables controlled release of the liquid, making it easy to stop and start the flow as required.

This feature allows for fine adjustments during the titration process, ensuring that the correct volume is delivered.

Burettes also offer better precision and accuracy compared to other types of glassware used for liquid delivery, such as graduated cylinders or volumetric flasks.

Uses of Burette:

  • Titration experiments
  • Quantitative analysis
  • Chemical reactions requiring precise liquid delivery
  • Research and development in various industries
Burettes are essential tools in the laboratory when it comes to accurately delivering known volumes of liquid. Their precise graduations and stopcock mechanism make them invaluable in titration experiments and other analytical procedures.
Burette Pipette
Used to deliver known volumes of liquid Used to measure the quantity of liquid
Clamped onto a stand Held by hand or clamped onto a stand
Has a stopcock at the bottom Has a dropper-like system
Designed for larger volumes Designed for smaller volumes

All in all, a burette is a specialized piece of glassware used in laboratory settings to deliver precise volumes of liquid.

It is an essential tool in titration experiments and other quantitative analyses, offering accuracy, precision, and control in liquid delivery.

What is a Pipette?

A pipette is a laboratory tool used to transport a measured volume of liquid. It is commonly used in chemistry, biology, and medicine for various applications.

Pipettes come in different sizes and can be made from both glass and plastic materials. They have a dropper-like system that releases liquid in the desired amount by lessening the vacuum.

Pipettes are versatile instruments that can both pick up and deliver fluids, making them essential in the lab.

They are designed to provide accurate measurements and are often used in titration procedures, where precise volumes of liquid are required.

Additionally, pipettes are commonly used for applications that involve the dispensing of small volumes of liquid, such as adding reagents to test tubes or preparing samples for analysis.

Overall, pipettes play a crucial role in scientific research and analysis, enabling scientists to handle and dispense liquids with precision and accuracy.

Their design and functionality make them indispensable tools in various fields of study and contribute to the overall progress of scientific discoveries.

Uses of Pipettes:

  • Measuring and dispensing precise volumes of liquid
  • Titrations and volumetric analysis
  • Preparing samples for analysis
  • Adding reagents to test tubes
  • Performing chemical reactions
  • Transferring liquids between containers
“A pipette is a versatile instrument used in scientific research and analysis. It allows scientists to accurately measure and dispense precise volumes of liquid, making it an essential tool in various fields of study.”
Advantages of Pipettes
Ability to pick up and deliver small volumes of liquid
Precision and accuracy in measurement
Versatility in different laboratory applications
Wide range of sizes available

Key Differences Between Burette and Pipette

When it comes to laboratory equipment, burettes and pipettes are commonly used in volumetric analysis. While they may seem similar, there are key differences between these two tools that make them suitable for different tasks.

Release Mechanism

One of the main differences lies in their release mechanisms. Burettes feature a stopcock at the bottom, which allows for controlled delivery of fluids.

On the other hand, pipettes have a dropper-like system that can both pick up and deliver fluids. This makes pipettes more versatile in terms of their function.

Volume Capacity

Another difference between burettes and pipettes is their volume capacity. Burettes are designed to handle larger volumes of liquid, making them ideal for situations where precise delivery of larger quantities is required.

Pipettes, on the other hand, are better suited for smaller volumes, making them perfect for tasks that require precise measurements in smaller quantities.

Material Composition

Burettes are typically made of glass, which offers excellent chemical resistance and durability. Pipettes, on the other hand, can be made from either glass or plastic.

The choice of material depends on factors such as the type of liquid being handled and the specific requirements of the experiment or analysis.

Burette Pipette
Features a stopcock at the bottom Has a dropper-like system
Designed for larger volumes Suited for smaller volumes
Usually made of glass Can be made of glass or plastic

Understanding the key differences between burettes and pipettes is essential for scientists and researchers when choosing the appropriate equipment for their experiments.

Whether it’s the release mechanism, volume capacity, or material composition, each tool has its unique advantages and applications.

By selecting the right instrument, accurate and precise measurements can be achieved, ensuring the success of scientific analyses and experiments.

Accuracy and Precision

One of the key aspects to consider when using both pipettes and burettes is their accuracy and precision in measuring volumes of liquids.

Accuracy refers to how closely the measured value matches the true value, while precision refers to how closely repeated measurements of the same quantity match each other.

In scientific experiments and analyses, both accuracy and precision are crucial for obtaining reliable and valid results.

Pipettes and burettes are designed with mechanisms that aim to provide accurate measurements.

However, it is important to note that the accuracy of these instruments can be influenced by various factors, including the quality of the instrument, the user’s technique, and the environmental conditions.

To ensure accurate measurements, it is recommended to calibrate the pipettes and burettes regularly and follow proper handling and usage guidelines.

When it comes to precision, pipettes and burettes can vary in their ability to consistently deliver the same volume of liquid.

Factors such as the quality of the instrument, the user’s technique, and the viscosity of the liquid being measured can affect the precision of the measurements.

To enhance precision, it is important to practice proper pipetting techniques, ensure consistent environmental conditions, and use high-quality instruments that are well-maintained.

Table: Comparing Accuracy and Precision of Pipettes and Burettes

Pipettes Burettes
Accuracy Accurate within a specified tolerance Accurate within a specified tolerance
Precision May have slight variations in precision depending on the type and quality of the pipette High precision due to the fine control provided by the stopcock
Factors Affecting Accuracy and Precision – Quality and calibration of the pipette
– User technique
– Environmental conditions
– Quality and calibration of the burette
– User technique
– Environmental conditions

Overall, both pipettes and burettes can provide accurate and precise measurements when used correctly.

It is important to understand the factors that can affect the accuracy and precision of these instruments and take appropriate measures to minimize any potential errors.

By ensuring accuracy and precision in volumetric analysis, scientists and researchers can rely on the results obtained from pipettes and burettes to make informed decisions in their experiments and analyses.

Choosing Between a Pipette and a Burette

When it comes to selecting the right instrument for your lab work, choosing between a pipette and a burette can be a crucial decision.

Both have their advantages and it’s important to consider your specific needs and requirements before making a choice.

Advantages of Using a Pipette:

  • Versatility: Pipettes are highly versatile instruments that can both pick up and deliver fluids. This makes them suitable for a wide range of applications in chemistry, biology, and medicine.
  • Precision: Pipettes are designed to provide accurate and precise measurements of small volumes of liquid. This precision is crucial for experiments and analyses where accuracy is paramount.
  • Ease of Use: Pipettes are generally easy to use, with a dropper-like system that allows for efficient and controlled dispensing of liquids. They are available in various sizes and can be made from glass or plastic, offering flexibility to meet different laboratory needs.

Advantages of Using a Burette:

  • Volume Handling: Burettes are ideal for delivering larger volumes of liquid. If you need to dispense a significant amount of liquid accurately and efficiently, a burette is the way to go.
  • Time Efficiency: Burettes offer a faster dispensing mechanism compared to pipettes, making them more time-efficient when working with larger volumes.
  • Accuracy: Burettes are designed to provide accurate measurements, especially when it comes to delivering precise volumes for titrations and other volumetric analyses.

When deciding between a pipette and a burette, it’s important to consider factors such as the required volume, ease of use, and overall efficiency. If you need versatility and precision for smaller volumes, a pipette is the go-to choice.

On the other hand, if you’re dealing with larger volumes and time efficiency is a priority, a burette may be the better option.

By understanding the advantages of each instrument, you can make an informed decision and ensure the success of your experiments and analyses.

Comparison Table: Pipette vs Burette

Factors Pipette Burette
Volume Handling Smaller volumes Larger volumes
Versatility Can pick up and deliver fluids Primarily delivers fluids
Precision High precision for small volumes Precision for larger volumes
Time Efficiency Efficient for small volumes Efficient for larger volumes
Ease of Use Generally easy to use Straightforward operation
Material Glass or plastic Usually glass

Uses of Pipettes and Burettes

Pipettes and burettes are indispensable tools in laboratories, particularly in titration procedures.

Their precise measurement and delivery capabilities make them vital for accurate volumetric analysis of substances.

However, their uses extend beyond titration, finding applications in various other scientific fields.

When it comes to titration, pipettes are commonly employed to measure precise volumes of the analyte or the titrant. By using a pipette, scientists can accurately transfer small amounts of liquid, ensuring precise and controlled reactions during titration.

Additionally, pipettes are widely used in chemistry, biology, and medicine for tasks such as dispensing reagents, preparing samples, and conducting experiments that require precise handling of small volumes.

Burettes, on the other hand, excel in delivering larger volumes of liquid. Their graduated scale allows for easy measurement of the volume being dispensed, making them ideal for titrations that require larger quantities of analyte or titrant.

Burettes are frequently used in quantitative chemical analyses, where precision and accuracy are critical.

Pipettes Burettes
Measuring precise volumes of liquid Delivering larger volumes of liquid
Dispensing reagents and samples Quantitative chemical analyses
Handling small volumes accurately Providing controlled reactions during titration
“Using pipettes and burettes in titration ensures reliable results by enabling precise measurement and controlled delivery of liquids.”

Overall, the uses of pipettes and burettes extend beyond titration, with pipettes being versatile in handling smaller volumes accurately, while burettes excel in delivering larger volumes precisely.

These essential laboratory tools play a crucial role in scientific research, allowing scientists and researchers to perform accurate measurements and analyses across various disciplines.

What is the difference between a pipette and a burette?

Burettes are used to deliver a chemical solution with a known concentration into a flask, while pipettes are used to measure the quantity of the analyte.

How do burettes and pipettes work?

Burettes have a stopcock at the bottom to control the release of the liquid, while pipettes have a dropper-like system that releases liquid by decreasing the vacuum.

Can a burette pick up and deliver fluids?

Burettes are designed to deliver fluids, while pipettes can both pick up and deliver fluids.

Which one is more suitable for smaller volumes?

Pipettes are generally used for smaller volumes, while burettes can handle larger volumes.

What are the main uses of burettes and pipettes?

Both burettes and pipettes are primarily used in titration procedures to determine the concentration of a chemical substrate.

How do I choose between a pipette and a burette?

Factors to consider include the required volume, ease of use, and overall efficiency for your specific experiment or analysis.

Are burettes and pipettes made of the same material?

Burettes are often made of glass, while pipettes can be made of both glass and plastic.

What is the difference between accuracy and precision in pipettes and burettes?

Accuracy refers to how closely a measurement matches the true value, while precision refers to how closely repeated measurements of the same quantity match each other. Both are important in scientific experiments and analyses.

What are the advantages of using a pipette?

Pipettes offer versatility, precision, and the ability to pick up and deliver small volumes of liquid.

What are the advantages of using a burette?

Burettes excel at delivering larger volumes efficiently and can be more time-efficient in certain situations.

Can pipettes and burettes be used in fields other than chemistry?

Yes, pipettes are commonly used in chemistry, biology, and medicine for various purposes that require accurate dispensing of small volumes of liquid.

In conclusion, pipettes and burettes are essential lab tools for accurate measurement and delivery of liquids. Both instruments have their advantages and are suited for specific needs in scientific experiments and analyses.

When it comes to advantages, pipettes offer versatility and precision for measuring small volumes of liquid. Their dropper-like system allows for controlled dispensing, making them ideal for applications that require accurate delivery.

On the other hand, burettes excel at delivering larger volumes efficiently. With their stopcock at the bottom, they can handle higher quantities of liquid, making them time-efficient in certain situations.

Understanding the differences and advantages of pipettes and burettes allows scientists and researchers to choose the appropriate equipment for their work.

Whether it’s the versatility of pipettes or the efficiency of burettes, having the right instrument ensures accurate and reliable results in the lab.

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A microscale acid–base titration

In association with Nuffield Foundation

  • Five out of five

Use microscale titration to complete an acid–base neutralisation with sodium hydroxide in this class practical

In this experiment, students use a microscale titration apparatus – prepared from pipettes, a syringe and some rubber or plastic tubing – to carry out a titration, filling the ‘burette’ with hydrochloric acid and placing sodium hydroxide solution in a beaker. Students then try to calculate the exact concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution.

For this microscale technique manipulative skills are important, and students need to be capable of careful manipulation to carry the experiment out successfully. Students also need to be familiar with the concept of the mole, and capable of performing the calculations from the results of the experiment.

On such a small scale, safety issues are minimal. Similarly, the time taken to carry out a titration should be much reduced as the volumes being reacted are so small. It should be possible for a class to carry out the practical work and calculations in a one-hour session.

  • Graduated glass pipette, 2 cm 3
  • Pipette, 1 cm 3 , and pipette filler to fit (or a 1 cm 3 plastic syringe)
  • Plastic syringe, 10 cm 3
  • Fine-tip poly(ethene) dropping pipette (see note 6 below)
  • Small lengths of rubber, plastic or silicone tubing
  • Beakers, 10 cm 3 , x2
  • Clamp stand with two bosses and clamps
  • Dilute hydrochloric acid, 0.10 M, about 10 cm 3
  • Sodium hydroxide solution, approx. 0.1 M (IRRITANT), about 10 cm 3
  • Phenolphthalein indicator solution (HIGHLY FLAMMABLE), a few drops

A photograph of the apparatus for a microscale titration, including a plastic syringe, a pipette and a small beaker

Source: Royal Society of Chemistry

The microscale titration apparatus ready to be used

Health, safety and technical notes

  • Read our standard health and safety guidance.
  • Wear eye protection throughout.
  • Dilute hydrochloric acid, HCl(aq) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard  HC047a  and CLEAPSS Recipe Book RB043.
  • Sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH(aq), (IRRITANT at concentration used) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard  HC091a  and CLEAPSS Recipe Book RB085. Students are to calculate the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution so the bottle should not be labelled with the exact concentration.
  • Phenolphthalein indicator solution (HIGHLY FLAMMABLE) – see CLEAPSS Hazcard  HC032  and CLEAPSS Recipe Book RB000.
  • A suitable poly(ethene) dropping pipette would be fine-tip standard, non-sterile, 3.3 cm 3  capacity, such as those available from Sigma-Aldrich.
  • Sargent-Welch produce eady-made microscale titration kits.

Preparing the microscale titration apparatus

The microscale titration apparatus replaces the normal burette. To make the microscale titration apparatus, cut the tip end off a fine-tip poly(ethene) dropping pipette and push the tip carefully onto the end of a 2 cm 3 graduated glass pipette. Clamp a plastic syringe, 10 cm 3 capacity, above the adapted pipette, as shown in the picture, and connect the two with rubber, plastic, or silicone tubing. Because the diameters of the syringe nozzle and of the top of the pipette may be quite different, two pieces of tubing, one to fit each end, will probably be needed; these can then be joined by an adaptor. A suitable adaptor can be made by cutting the lower end off a 1 cm 3 plastic syringe, such that the syringe body diameter fits the wider tubing, and the syringe tip fits the narrower tubing. (See the diagram and photograph.)

It is possible for students to build their own microscale titration apparatus from supplied components, but this is likely to take the students more time than the titration itself! For that reason, it is probably preferable to prepare a class set of these in advance.

A diagram showing the equipment required for conducting a microscale titration in the classroom, using a pipette, a plastic syringe and some rubber tubing

A diagram of the set-up for the microscale titration, illustrating the use of an adaptor joining the two main parts of the apparatus

  • Clamp the microscale titration apparatus securely in position as in photograph and push the syringe plunger completely down.
  • Fill the apparatus with 0.10 M hydrochloric acid as follows. Put about 5 cm 3  of the acid in a 10 cm 3  beaker and place the tip of the apparatus well down into the solution. Raise the syringe plunger slowly and gently, making sure no air bubbles are drawn in. Fill the pipette exactly to the zero mark. Release the plunger; the level should remain steady.
  • Use the 1 cm 3  pipette and pipette filler to transfer exactly 1.0 cm 3  of the sodium hydroxide solution into a clean 10 cm 3  beaker.
  • Add one drop (no more!) of phenolphthalein indicator solution to the sodium hydroxide solution.
  • Adjust the position of the microscale titration apparatus so that the tip is just below the surface of the sodium hydroxide and indicator solution in the beaker
  • Titrate the acid solution into the alkali by pressing down on the syringe plunger very gently, swirling to allow each tiny addition to mix and react before adding more.
  • Continue until the colour of the indicator just turns from pink to permanently colourless.
  • Record the volume of hydrochloric acid added at that point.
  • Repeat the titration until you get reproducible measurements – that is, the volume required is the same in successive titrations.

Calculating the concentration of sodium hydroxide solution

  • The equation for the neutralisation reaction is: HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H 2 O(l) From the equation you can see that one mole of hydrochloric acid reacts with one mole of sodium hydroxide.
  • What was the reliable value for the volume of hydrochloric acid solution needed? Let us call this value V cm 3 .
  • Calculate the number of moles of hydrochloric acid in this volume using the formula: V/1000 x C , where C is the concentration of the hydrochloric acid in M.
  • How many moles of sodium hydroxide were therefore present in the original 1 cm 3  of sodium hydroxide solution placed in the beaker?
  • Now calculate how many moles of sodium hydroxide would have been present in 1000 cm 3 . This is the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution in mol dm – 3 .

Teaching notes

This microscale technique minimises apparatus and chemical requirements, and takes less time to perform than titration on the usual scale. Although the solutions used do present minor hazards, the use of such small quantities reduces risks from those hazards to very low levels. Students should nevertheless take all usual precautions in handling these solutions. The main risk is from misuse of the syringe or pipettes, especially if containing hazardous solutions.

The technique also makes the point that quantitative chemical experimentation does not always have to be performed on the traditional ‘bucket’ scale at school level.

Additional information

This is a resource from the  Practical Chemistry project , developed by the Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry. This collection of over 200 practical activities demonstrates a wide range of chemical concepts and processes. Each activity contains comprehensive information for teachers and technicians, including full technical notes and step-by-step procedures. Practical Chemistry activities accompany  Practical Physics  and  Practical Biology .

© Nuffield Foundation and the Royal Society of Chemistry

  • 11-14 years
  • 14-16 years
  • 16-18 years
  • Practical experiments
  • Acids and bases
  • Quantitative chemistry and stoichiometry


  • Use of: titration apparatus including at least class B bulb pipettes and burettes (volume), burette holder/clamp and white tile;
  • 2.6.4 carry out acid–base titrations using an indicator and record results to one decimal place, repeating for reliability and calculating the average titre from accurate titrations (details of the practical procedure and apparatus preparation are…
  • carry out an acid-base titration to determine the concentration of acid/base, the degree of hydration in a hydrated metal carbonate and the percentage of ethanoic acid in vinegar;
  • 1.9.2 demonstrate understanding of the techniques and procedures used when experimentally carrying out acid-base titrations involving strong acid/strong base, strong acid/weak base and weak acid/strong base, for example determining the degree of…
  • 8. Investigate reactions between acids and bases; use indicators and the pH scale
  • AT d: Use laboratory apparatus for a variety of experimental techniques including: titration, using burette and pipette, distillation and heating under reflux, including setting up glassware using retort stand and clamps, qualitative tests for ions and…
  • Titrations of acids with bases.
  • 11. be able to calculate solution concentrations, in mol dm⁻³ and g dm⁻³, including simple acid-base titrations using a range of acids, alkalis and indicators. The use of both phenolphthalein and methyl orange as indicators will be expected.
  • 6. use acid-base indicators in titrations of weak/strong acids with weak/strong alkalis
  • di) use of laboratory apparatus for a variety of experimental techniques including: i) titration, using burette and pipette
  • f) use of acid–base indicators in titrations of weak/ strong acids with weak/strong alkalis
  • 2a Determination of the reacting volumes of solutions of a strong acid and a strong alkali by titration.
  • The volumes of acid and alkali solutions that react with each other can be measured by titration using a suitable indicator.
  • Students should be able to: describe how to carry out titrations using strong acids and strong alkalis only (sulfuric, hydrochloric and nitric acids only) to find the reacting volumes accurately
  • 3.18 Describe how to carry out an acid-alkali titration, using burette, pipette and a suitable indicator, to prepare a pure, dry salt
  • 5.9C Carry out an accurate acid-alkali titration, using burette, pipette and a suitable indicator
  • 6 Titration of a strong acid and strong alkali to find the concentration of the acid using an appropriate pH indicator
  • C5.4.7 describe and explain the procedure for a titration to give precise, accurate, valid and repeatable results
  • C5.3.6 describe and explain the procedure for a titration to give precise, accurate, valid and repeatable results
  • PAG 6 Titration of a strong acid and strong alkali to find the concentration of the acid using an appropriate pH indicator
  • C5.1b describe the technique of titration
  • determining the volumes of acids and alkalis required for neutralisation to occur
  • phenolphthalein
  • In an acid-base titration, the concentration of the acid or base is determined by accurately measuring the volumes used in the neutralisation reaction. An indicator can be added to show the end-point of the reaction
  • titration is used to accurately determine the volumes of solution required to reach the end-point of a chemical reaction.
  • (d) the neutralisation of dilute acids with bases (including alkalis) and carbonates
  • (e) neutralisation as the reaction of hydrogen ions with hydroxide ions to form water H⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq) → H₂O(l)
  • (j) titration as a method to prepare solutions of soluble salts and to determine relative and actual concentrations of solutions of acids/alkalis
  • carrying out and representing mathematical analysis
  • (e) neutralisation as the reaction of hydrogen ions with hydroxide ions toform water H⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq) → H₂O(l)
  • (f) acid-base titrations
  • (j) concept of stoichiometry and its use in calculating reacting quantities, including in acid-base titrations

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