How to Create a Market Research Proposal (+Template)

how to create a market research proposal

Continuing the market research series, in this article, we’ll discuss what a market research proposal is and how to create one.

To recap, what we’ve covered so far in the series, we’ve talked about what market research is, the different types of market research you need to do to grow your business, and the benefits of conducting market research .

What is A Market Research Proposal

Conducting market research is expensive, and if you work in a large organization, then you would need to justify such expenses.

Before conducting your research you’d need to shed some light on past data about your market, gaps in the data, and why new research is necessary.

This is where a Market Research Proposal come in to play.

Typically, a research proposal is a document proposing a research project, usually, these proposals are done by a scientist or an academic. 

The proposals are then evaluated on the cost and potential impact of the proposed research, and on the soundness of the proposed plan for carrying it out. Research proposals generally address several key points:

  • What research question(s) will be addressed, and how they will be addressed
  • How much time and expense will be required for the research
  • What prior research has been done on the topic
  • How the results of the research will be evaluated
  • How the research will benefit the sponsoring organization and other parties involved

The same principles apply here, only that your business market environment is what is being researched, which is your target market.

A market research proposal is a document that details the what, the where, the when and the how of market research and the information and costs associated with it.

If this sounds complicated, then here’s what you need to know about a market proposal. It addresses:

  • Why market research is necessary and what you aim to gain from the research
  • What resources are required for the research
  • Past research done on your market
  • How the data from this market research will be collected, stored and used
  • How the research will benefit your business

Keep in mind that at this point you are not conducting the research yet, you are simply providing a rationale behind why market research is necessary.

In the next article in this “Market Research” series, we will discuss the process of conducting market research, but for now, we need to provide a compelling document on why, how, when and where the research will be conducted.

11 Steps to Create A Market Research Proposal

market research proposal checklist

Now that you know what a market research proposal is, it’s time to create one. There are 11 steps to create a sound and compelling market research proposal

1. Market Research Proposal Summary

Start your proposal by briefly explaining the purpose of the market research and why it is required. Also, give an overview of what the desired outcome of the market research is.

If your business is interested in pouring resources into an in-depth market research then surely, there is something you hope to gain from it.

Remember to provide reasoning for the need of this specific market research and let whoever is reading this, such as the CEO, COO. know what contributions this research will make to the company.


The market research project, entitled [RESEARCH PROJECT TITLE] hopes to discover more information regarding market trends in [SPECIFIC AREA]. The following summary will give an overview of the causes, processes, and possible effects of the market research proposal, detailed below.

2. Research Objectives

In this section of your proposal give full details about what problem has been identified that requires market research to be conducted. I.e. Show why there is a specific need for this research in the first place.

Explain what the market research results will be used for and how they will help achieve the overall goals. Describe the goals which you hope to achieve with this project.

The proposed market research project contains the following objectives:

  • Objective one
  • Objective two

3. Background Information on Past Market Research

Odds are you’re not the first person/company to conduct research on your market. This means that there is existing information on your market. However, this knowledge might be outdated, or might not provide the data your business needs.

So, in this section explain what information already exists on this topic and what is already known. Also, highlight the gaps in knowledge that the market research will hopefully fill.

Here you will show information from existing sources regarding the specific topic to be researched. It is great to provide cited sources, graphs, charts, and statistics. 

You will use this section to show that you know a great deal about the market you will be researching, but you also need to show the holes in the current knowledge.

You can then demonstrate the specific need for your proposed research plan, and how this market research plan will fill these holes and contribute to the knowledge of this subject.

4. Market Research Proposal Hypothesis

If your business needs to conduct market research, then you probably have a few ideas of what you hope to get or learn from the research.

In this section describe what you believed to be the likely outcome of the market research and what you hope to learn.

5. Research Target Audience

Your business doesn’t target everyone, and odds are your business targets different audience types. So who is this research targeted at?

This is a very important part of your proposal and you need to be as detailed as possible about the target audience or audiences you will be researching.

Also, describe how you will source this target audience and how you will ensure they meet the correct criteria.

6. Data Collection of Market Research

Time to get to the good stuff. In this part of your proposal, you MUST detail all the data collection methods that will be used during the market research and, how they will be carried out. 

You MUST also explain how the accuracy of data will be maintained, how potential candidates for the research will be approached and, if applicable, how they will be reimbursed for their time and contribution.

Use specifics and consider potential questions such as.

  • How will you maintain the accuracy of data? 
  • How will you approach potential survey or research candidates? 
  • Will these participants be paid for their time? 
  • At what times of day will you make phone calls? 
  • In what ways will you ensure an accurate data sample? 

The more information you can provide in this section, the better.

Our methods of data collection will be best suited to the project at hand. Research methods will include:

  • Focus groups
  • Collection of social media data
  • Surveys via the Internet, phone, or email
  • Long range in-home consumer tests
  • Distribution of samples
  • In person promotionals

These individuals will be selected [HOW THEY ARE SELECTED] to ensure an appropriately constituted pool of data from which we can infer accurate insights and trends.

The pool itself comprises of individuals who have expressed to us an interest in participating in such surveys, and they will be compensated by [METHOD OF COMPENSATION]….

7. Research and Analysis Methodology

In this section of your proposal, you are to discuss the strengths and possible limitations of your research methods. 

Provide an overall blueprint for your methodology in approaching research data, and describe the implications of each method of data collection, and explain the methods you will use to interpret the data. 

Lastly, discuss the means of evaluating the collected data and how you will account for errors, holes in data, or inaccuracies.

8. Ethics to be Followed During Research

You’re almost done with your proposal, but there are still a few important details that need to be included. 

Explain how the market research will adhere to ethical codes by thinking about how issues such as participant confidentiality, data security, privacy, and consent of research participants will be addressed.

Include waivers or documents you plan to provide to research participants, if applicable

9. Market Research Timeline

In this section, provide a detailed timeline of when the research needs to begin and when a full report is required, ensure sufficient and realistic time for both data collection and data analysis are considered.

Market Research Timeline

  • Task 1 ([DATE] [TIME])
  • Task 2 ([DATE] [TIME])
  • Task 3 ([DATE] [TIME])

10. Market Research Budget

We’re almost done with our proposal, but it’s time to include arguably the most important section. After all, if your company does not have the funds and resources then there would be no research in the first place.

Provide an overall budget for the proposed project. Make sure to include all possible cost considerations. You can provide a breakdown of those here. 

Don’t forget budgets for sections such as Participant Reimbursement, funds for documents, rental space.

11. Conclusion

This is the last part of your market research proposal. You can add ways in which this market research will provide further benefits or include unique applications of the potential results.

Now that you know the market research proposal process and the importance of market research, in the next article will discuss the actual market research process.

Comment with any questions you have about Market Research Proposals and I will get back to you ASAP.

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Table of contents

market research proposal template free

What is a Marketing research proposal?

A marketing research proposal is a document designed to sell your services by showing potential clients the research that you will carry out for their project. Whether you’re a freelance marketing consultant or you have your own marketing agency, a market research proposal will cover what research needs to be done, how you’ll go about it, and why they should choose you for the project.

A proposal is typically one of the first points of contact that you have with an organization. Therefore, it’s a chance to make a strong first impression.

Note: Sign up now to get your free marketing research proposal template that will make yours stand out for all the right reasons.

What to include in the Marketing research proposal

A market research proposal will outline your market research plan and each critical step you need to take to perform the necessary research. It usually consists of three parts.

  • Introduction: This includes project objectives and scope, target market, and methodology, including data collection methods.
  • Discussion: This covers existing knowledge of the market, case studies or competitor analysis, a project timeline, proposed budget, deliverables, and ethical considerations. ‍
  • Summary: This concludes what you expect to achieve from the market research, how it will support the initial objectives, and why your company is the best for the job.


At the top of any market research proposal template should be the title of your document followed by who it has been written by and who it’s for. You can also include both company addresses here if you wish.

Proceed to outline the project description and the purpose of performing the market research. What are you trying to achieve? Why is this research needed? Who will be conducting it? What problem are you trying to solve for the client?

You should also include a methodology section in your introduction. The research methodology should dive into what primary and secondary research will be conducted, how data will be collected, and the expected outcomes. As a freelance researcher, you’ll already know this, but it’s worth covering what’s included in each to the client:

  • Primary research is research that you carry out yourself in the form of two research methods: qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research relies on first-hand observation from things like interviews, questionnaires, and focus groups. Quantitative research, on the other hand, relies on the collection and analysis of data from an online survey and polls.
  • Secondary research is research that has already been published and comes from secondary sources. This may include academic literature, print publications, and online studies.

It’s important to give an overview of your target audience in your methodology too.

For instance, if your client is trying to determine whether it’s a good time to launch a new product, your methodology in your market research proposal would explain how you plan to arrange a focus group with their target audience of females aged 16-24. Being present in the meeting, asking the right questions, and making notes to refer to later on would confirm whether the prospective product could be useful and — ultimately — successful.

The discussion section of your marketing research proposal is typically the meatiest. It’s where you should demonstrate what you already know about the industry and company, while getting into the finer details of the market research project.

  • Existing Industry Knowledge: Prospective clients are likely going to want to hire someone who knows what they’re talking about. Right? Demonstrate that’s you by discussing the market and how it’s being affected in terms of the PEST analysis (politically, economically, socioculturally, and technologically). You can also cover case studies or a competitor analysis of companies that have already undertaken the same research and achieved similar goals.
  • Timeline: For the research items that you listed in your methodology, include time frames of when each one will be conducted. You don’t have to be super precise here — it’s more about giving your client a realistic idea of the timings of key project milestones. However, exact details can be tweaked and laid out in a marketing research contract once your proposal and project quote has been approved.
  • Proposed Budget: Any market research proposal template has to include a budgeting section. This is where you would break down how much you expect the research to cost, while offsetting it with how the client can make the most out of their investment. Just like with the timeline, the information doesn’t have to be exact at this stage. It’s more a rough estimate to ensure that the project expectations of both parties align.
  • Deliverables: This section should answer any questions that a prospective client may have on the general organization of the project. In other words, it should tell them how you plan to present the research and its findings, whether it’s in the form of a one-off report, series of meetings, or collaborative Google Docs. You may choose to hand-deliver a printed copy of your findings or email through a PDF file. Either way, this section is a significant part of a market research proposal as the findings taken from the document need to be actionable by the marketing team.
  • Ethical Considerations: This part of the market research proposal should outline any ethical issues that may arise throughout the course of your research, from conflicts of interest to concerns about supplier relationships. It should also cover how you plan to deal with participants, data gathering, and privacy issues before the project has even begun.

For example, you may write something like the following: “Each participant will be told that their input in this research is voluntary. They will be provided with a form to assure them that their data will remain confidential for the purposes of this research and won’t be used by third parties. They must sign this form in person or we can accept digital signatures to consent to these terms.”

The summary tends to be the shortest section of your market research proposal. It’s where you would refer back to the initial project objectives and conclude the desired outcomes from the market research.

It’s a good idea to end on a punchy note by describing why your potential client should become an actual client.

  • What can your company offer to this project that no other company can?
  • Why are you the perfect person or team to perform the research?
  • What makes this proposal unique?

Don’t lose sight of the fact that you’re trying to convince somebody (or some people) of your value. You want them to take action after reading your proposal, which is why you should include a compelling Call-To-Action (CTA). Let them know what the next steps entail, and how to take them.

How to write a Marketing research proposal

The truth is, it’s difficult to draft a market research proposal without some key information from your prospective client.

To gather all of the details you need to create a winning marketing research proposal, follow the below steps.

Find out exactly what the client wants to achieve

During your initial email or phone discussion, ask your client what they want to get out of the research. Are they rebranding and want to redefine their target market? Or are they testing out a new product with a small group of people before unleashing it to the masses?

Either way, it’s useful to know their final goals so that you can start to make a plan on how to help them achieve them.

Discuss the finer details

Alongside your prospective client’s research objectives, you need to find out more details in terms of their:

  • Target demographics
  • Project deadline
  • Project budget

You should also ask them if there’s any other key information that they would like you to include in the market research proposal. This will ensure that you have everything you need upfront without having to make extensive edits later on.

Figure out what sets you apart

Keep in mind that you haven’t been awarded the job yet. A work proposal is essentially a sales document — it almost serves as a resume before the client decides that you’re the ideal person to hire.

As such, do some company research to put you ahead of your competition. Is there a link you can make with the company based on your background and interests? Why should they care about you? What do you offer that no one else does?

Be sure to feature all of this information in your market researching proposal, and don’t be afraid of highlighting your strengths and wins.

Creating a Marketing research proposal is simple with Bonsai

There's plenty to think about when conducting marketing research, which is why you can make life a little simpler with Bonsai. Bonsai's all-in-one tool for small businesses, freelancers, and entrepreneurs streamlines administrative tasks and covers all bases when it comes to proposals, contracts, and invoices.

You can find a template specific to market research and edit it to meet your needs in minutes. Then all you have to do is send it off to your client, which you can do without even leaving the platform. Talk about a time- and energy-saver!

The marketing research proposal template is professional and refined in structure. This provides clarity to your potential client by laying out exactly what you can do for them within their timeline and budget.

Simply enter your information, sit back, and be prepared to wow your prospective client so much that they hire you on the spot.

Note : Sign up for free and get started!

Marketing research proposal FAQs

How long should a marketing research proposal be.

A market research proposal should be concise and fluff-free. It should cover all the obligatory information without dragging it out. After all, prospective clients are busy reviewing other proposals and working on further aspects of their business.

The perfect length is between 1-2 pages, but try to ensure that it’s no more than 3.

What should the tone and writing style of a marketing research proposal be?

Because your market research proposal is only a couple of pages long, the writing style should be clear and easy to read. The language should be simple, everyday, and familiar, using short sentences that get to the point and won’t clutter up the document.

The tone of your plan should be informative and position you as the expert to leave a positive, long-lasting impression on your prospective client.

What is the main purpose of marketing research?

Marketing research aims to investigate and assess how certain factors influence consumer behavior. This provides key insights that are relevant to decision making.

Marketing research can identify new business opportunities and avoid business failures. That said, above all, it can be used to inform a company’s marketing strategy to help them achieve their business goals.

Free Marketing Research Proposal Template

How do you write a marketing research proposal?

What is market research and examples, what is research proposal template.

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Market Research Proposal Template To Close Deals

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Market Research Proposal

Proposal maker.

market research proposal template free

Setting the direction for any market research effort is an essential and critical step that you have to consider whenever you would like to look into the trends in the marketplace or assess the key factors that affect the purchasing decisions of your target audience. Before doing any program or activity related to the specified matter, you first have to know how to execute an effective proposal writing procedure.

Developing a comprehensive and detailed market research proposal can help you a lot in terms of organizing the market research processes that you would like to conduct as well as the resources that you will be needing.

Market Research Proposal Template

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State the objectives, scope of work, research methodology, target market, and other such important information of your market research by downloading and using this above-shown research  proposal example  template. This ready-made template’s content can be edited and customized in various file formats such as MS Word, Pages, Gooogle Docs, and editable PDF. Hurry up and try it out now!

Market Research Proposal Example

Market Research Proposal Example

Download and make use of this market research template so that you can conduct your market research effectively. Using this, you can conveniently outline the objectives and goals for your market research, thereby, saving you enough time to do other tasks related to the research. Edit and customize using  MS Word and Pages. You can also click on  multimedia project proposal examples .

Marketing Research Proposal Example

Marketing Research Proposal Example

It is important to not let yourself get confused between a market research proposal and a marketing research proposal. The marketing research proposal deals with the presentation of potential promotional and advertising activities that can be implemented by a company to present and market its products, services, deals, and other offers while the marketing research proposal is focused on learning the market movement based on the market’s trends, activities, and size.

Proposal for Market Research Example

Proposal for Market Research Example

Size: 10 KB

If you want to create your market research proposal, one of the things that you can do to help you have an easier time when developing the document is to look into references like downloadable examples. Simply browse through the market research proposal examples in PDF that are available in this post so you can have an idea of how to properly create the best market research proposal for your business.

Free Market Research Proposal Example

Free Market Research Proposal Example

Size: 340 KB

Importance of a Market Research Proposal

A market research proposal helps you properly think of the things that truly matter when it comes to the market research. With the help of this document, you can give priority to the factors and elements that can contribute to the advancement and growth of your business .

Using a market research proposal can also give you time to put together relevant and necessary processes that are most likely helpful in achieving not only the goals of your market research activities but the corporate goals of the business as well. Here are some of the reasons why you need to create and use a market research proposal:

1. A market research proposal is one of the most essential documents that are used by businesses to properly plan the entire process of their market research activities. It presents the outline of the market research’s goals and it also focuses on the action plans that can lead the business to the achievement of its objectives and vision.

2. A market research proposal can give an idea about the funding that is needed by the team to execute the activities for market research. Financial support from the organization is needed to be addressed to make sure that all plotted procedures will be implemented accordingly. You may also see business proposal examples .

Developing the market research proposal with the knowledge that funding will be given for its implementation can make the marketing team, as well as the other people involved in the activity, become more proactive and efficient as it is most likely that what they envisioned and planned will be realized.

3. A market research proposal, especially one that contains a marketing SWOT analysis and a market condition overview, can help you look into the external and internal factors that affect your business operations.

The knowledge about the nature of your business, the competition that you need to look out for, the threats and risks that you need to prepare for, the needs and demands of your audience, the movement and shifts in the marketplace, and the opportunities that you should grab can make you become more well-rounded and multifaceted when drafting the market research proposal that you would like to present. You may also check out project proposal examples .

4. A market research proposal can discuss the milestones that are expected to be achieved by the business with the help of market research strategies and general action plans . Hence, this document can persuade and convince its target audience that a proposed market research activity must be approved especially if expected results can excessively benefit the business or provide a solution to its current issues, problems, and concerns.

Sample Marketing Research Proposal Example

Sample Marketing Research Proposal Example

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Market Research Proposal Content

Different market research proposals have different sections, clauses, or areas of discussion. The content of a market research proposal depends on the purpose of its usage, the scope of the activity, the expected returns of the business, the professional goals of the market research, and the relation of the document’s usage to the vision of the business.

Even if there are differences when it comes to the information that you can see in many market research proposals used in various industries, there are still common or usual information that is seen in any market research proposal. Some of the details that are essential to be included in a market research proposal are as follows:

1. Develop a hypothesis. This is very important as you need to present the potential impacts of the market research proposal when implemented. This can also help you identify the ways on how you can interlink or align all the elements that are essential for the successful execution of all the market research proposal’s areas. You may also see short proposal examples .

2. Present an overview of the market research activities that you would like the business to consider. You have to sum up the intent of the market research as well as the output that you expect from it. More so, you have to discuss the feasibility, attainability, and sustainability of your general plans . Being able to showcase these strengths can help your market research proposal become more appealing and relevant.

3. Just like when making a development project proposal , use a timeline that can give an idea of the entire duration of the market research proposal’s actual usage. You have to set time frames where specific deliverables should be seen or observed already. With this, you can ensure your target audience that the proposal is time-bound and realistic.

4. Especially if you will use technical terms, a proper definition of terms is highly suggested to be included in your market research proposal. This part of the document can make the general proposal more understandable for any reasonable person.

5. Know your targets so you can easily come up with the methodology that is relevant to your needs. All the practices and activities that you would like to immerse in should be thoroughly defined in the document so that the general analysis of the measures of your proposal can be objectively done.

6. Discuss the current market conditions in the marketplace where your business belongs. Aside from the trends that you need to consider, you also have to list down the opportunities that the business can take to help it achieve its goals and return of investments.

Marketing Information Management System Research Proposal Example

Marketing Information Management System Research Proposal Example

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Research Proposal Usable for Market Study Example

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Market Research and Developing a Marketing Plan Proposal Example

Market Research Conduct and Proposal Drafting Example

Market Research Conduct and Proposal Drafting Example

Size: 131 KB

Discussion Flow for a Simple Market Research Proposal

The format and discussion flow of the market research proposal can contribute to the document’s successes, or the lack thereof. This is the reason why you have to be careful with how you will present the market research proposal to your audience. You have to ensure that the document is visually pleasing and well-organized so that people will not have a hard time reviewing its content. You may also see  freelance proposal examples .

A basic discussion flow that you can use when presenting the details of your market research proposal are listed below:

  • The title of your market research  proposal sample
  • The date when the market research proposal has been made and the dates of its updates
  • The name of the company who can benefit from the document
  • The name of the person who prepared the proposal and the department or division where he or she is assigned at
  • The executive summary of the market research proposal
  • The objectives of the market research proposal
  • The current condition of the business and the market as well as other important existing knowledge
  • The expected output of the document’s usage, when approved
  • The demographics targeted by the business with the help of the market research proposal
  • The processes of data gathering, collection, assessment, and presentation
  • The methodology that will be applied for the  research project plan intended for a particular market
  • The dates and periods where particular tasks should already be done
  • The budget proposed by the team or the individual who made the proposal
  • Any ethical considerations that must be looked into before the implementation of the market research

Proposal to Conduct Consumer Experience of Care Surveys or Market Research

Proposal to Conduct Consumer Experience of Care Surveys or Market Research

Size: 103 KB

Request for Proposal for Solicitation for Contract for Market Research Example

Request for Proposal for Solicitation for Contract for Market Research Example

Size: 344 KB

Marketing Research Group Project Proposal Example

Marketing Research Group Project Proposal Example

Marketing Research Firm Proposal Example

Marketing Research Firm Proposal Example

Size: 477 KB

Tips to Develop an Impressive Market Research Proposal

Aside from having an advertising and marketing business plan , you should also have a market research plan. It is not enough for you to rely on your knowledge about the things that you can control. You also have to think of the elements that are not within your hands like the trends in the marketplace and the reaction of your audience and competition with regards to these trends and/or any other market changes.

Listed below are a few of the tips that you can use if you want to develop an impressive market research proposal for your business:

1. Since a market research proposal is one of the first documents that you will be needing for your market research, you have to ensure that the content of the document is flexible enough to adapt to possible changes within the development of the market research planning and implementation phases. You have to ensure that there are windows where appropriate changes can be inserted as well as channels, mediums, or platforms where you can incorporate backup plans when necessary or called for.

2. Keep in mind that the language and tone that you will use when creating the content of the market research proposal must be highly considered.

You have to ensure that the document is formal, business-appropriate, and compelling. Aside from the fact that the market research proposal is expected to be complete with all the details about your proposed market research plan, it is also imperative for you to make sure that the document is understandable, well-defined, and clear. You may also see security proposal examples .

3. Know the basics of market research proposal organization. There are different kinds of structures that you can look into so that your market research proposal can look cohesive and well put together.

The structure of the document should depend on the length of your discussion, the details that you will incorporate in your market research undertakings, and the key factors that you need to give focus and highlight on when presenting the complexity of the market research. You may also like budget proposal examples .

It will rather be more efficient for you if you plan to use references like templates and examples while preparing your market research proposal.

Maximize the help that you can get from the downloadable examples in this post as well as the related discussion that we have presented. Always ensure that there is an organization in the procedures of market research proposal development so you can be well-guided in terms of getting the output that you would like to have for your market research undertaking.


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Market Research Proposal Template

Capture clients' interest with this well-crafted Market Research Proposal Template – demonstrate research approach, expert knowledge, and potential results.

Preview of Market Research Proposal Template

About this template

Secure more market research projects with our Market Research Proposal Template. Designed to showcase your research methodologies, expertise, and success stories, this visually engaging template demonstrates your capabilities and helps you win more business.

Capture the attention of potential clients by highlighting your unique approach to market research and the valuable insights you provide. Our Market Research Proposal Template is tailored to present the best of your research offerings, driving increased interest and bookings for your services.

What's included?

  • Executive summary
  • Timeline and costs

What is a Market Research Proposal?

A Market Research Proposal is a strategic document outlining the objectives, methodologies, timeline, and budget of a proposed research project. It's crucial in securing stakeholders' support by clearly communicating the project's value. Utilizing a proposal management system streamlines the creation and management of such proposals, ensuring efficiency, accuracy, and consistency in presenting the project's details and objectives to stakeholders.

Market research is vital for understanding target audiences and their preferences, uncovering new opportunities, and improving existing products or services.

Key elements in a proposal include clear research objectives, appropriate methodologies like surveys or interviews, a realistic timeline, and a well-planned budget covering all stages of the project. This essential document helps businesses efficiently conduct market research within their financial constraints.

When should you use a Market Research Proposal?

A Market Research Proposal is crucial when introducing a research project to stakeholders. It enhances the likelihood of securing internal funding or client approval. This proposal outlines the research's objectives, methodologies, expected outcomes, timeline, and budget.

Market research, a critical part of business strategy, provides insights into customers, competitors, and market trends. Your proposal should be tailored to meet stakeholder needs, focusing on the potential benefits for the company or how it can help external stakeholders achieve their goals.

Benefits of using Qwilr's Market Research Proposal Template?

Qwilr's Market Research Proposal Template offers several benefits that enhance your proposal creation process:

  • User-Friendly : The template is designed to be simple and intuitive. You don't need advanced design skills to build an impressive, professional proposal.
  • Customizable : You can tailor the template to meet your specific needs, including adding or removing sections, changing the color scheme and fonts, and uploading your company logos or images.
  • Real-Time Collaboration : The platform allows for synchronous collaboration. You and your team can edit, comment, and fine-tune the proposal together, streamlining the process.
  • Engagement Tracking : Qwilr provides analytics on proposal engagement, alerting you when someone views your proposal and how long they spend on each section.
  • Responsive Design : With its adaptive design, your proposal will display correctly and attractively on any device, enhancing the user experience.

How do you use Qwilr's Market Research Proposal Template?

Here's a quick video overview of how to get started with this template:

Using Qwilr's Market Research Proposal Template is easy. To begin, simply select the template from the Qwilr library and customize it to match your needs. Add your business information, project objectives, and timeline for completion. You can also add visuals such as graphs or images that will help illustrate the proposal's key points. Once you're finished, share, and track engagement with your team or external clients.

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Frequently asked questions

How do you write a market research proposal.

When writing a market research proposal:

  • Start with an overview of the project's objective, methods, timeline, and budget.
  • Describe the target market and research methodology, including the sampling method, sample size, data collection tool, and survey questions.
  • Address potential limitations and provide a timeline for completion.
  • Outline the budget and provide a breakdown of the cost estimate.

What are the components of market research proposal?

The components of a market research proposal include an overview of the project's objective, methods, timeline, and budget, as well as the target market and research methodology, a description of potential limitations, and a budget breakdown.

How do you create a market research proposal in Qwilr?

To create a market research proposal in Qwilr, select the Market Research Proposal Template and customize it to match your needs.

Add your business information, project objectives, and timeline for completion. You can also add visuals such as graphs or images that will help illustrate the proposal's key points.

Finally, share and track engagement with your team or clients.

How do you price a market research project?

To price a market research project, consider factors such as complexity, time, and manpower needed to carry out the research.

As a rule of thumb, pricing should be commensurate with the project's scope and level of effort.

It's also a good idea to evaluate the competition pricing to ensure you remain competitive without undercutting your work's value.

What makes an effective market research proposal?

An effective market research proposal clearly outlines the objective of the project, the research methodology, and the budget.

Detailed graphics and visual aids can help illustrate key points and make the proposal easier to understand. Additionally, a clear timeline for completion and potential limitations should be addressed.

Finally, it should be presented in a professional and visually-appealing format that can be easily shared and tracked.

Market Research Proposal

market research proposal template free

Executive Summary

Why [sender company], 1. in-house research, 2. panel expertise, 3. premium databases, 4. global coverage, 5. data visualization, our research approach, primary research, our primary research services, secondary research, ip research, social media listening & analytics.

market research proposal template free

Our Services

Market analysis, consumer research and insights, competitive intelligence, custom research.

Terms and Conditions

1. payment terms, 2. limitation of liability, 3. termination, 4. governing law, acceptance and signature, free market research proposal templates, this proposal template encompasses every possible details necessary for a market research proposal..



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Marketing Proposal Template for Word, PDF

market research proposal template free

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Template Highlights

  • Briefly describe your company and team, then summarize the marketing, branding, and/or advertising services you provide
  • Give your potential client some background on the talented team you've put together, including any skills or qualifications that will be valuable on this project
  • Sketch out the project, including its objectives, challenges, and target audience. Then explain how you'll meet the target goals and what your proposed outcome is
  • Use the project schedule section to explain key project stages and deliverables
  • Next, outline any related costs. This ensures the client won't be taken aback by the bill at the end
  • Provide contact information so the client can easily get in touch with you
  • Use the Appendix section to include any other information, such as case studies or testimonials
  • Download it as a PDF or Word file
  • Print it, email it, go to town with it.

Template Preview

Marketing Proposal Template

Whether you are pitching a branding, marketing, or advertising campaign, you need to create a proposal that explains how you will help your client promote and expand their business. You can adapt this template to suit just about any marketing project.

HubSpot Tip: Every proposal should be client-centered, so be sure to update this template to meet the specific needs of your customer.

Our Company and Team

Whether you are submitting this proposal to a long-time or brand new client, it is always a good idea to provide a brief introduction to your company and team. No more than a paragraph is needed. Include key information like when and by whom your marketing firm was founded, what your major strengths are, and any similar work that you have completed in the past.

Our Services

Provide a summary of the marketing, branding, and/or advertising work that your company does. Be broad. Include all of the kinds of services you offer, even ones that you might not be proposing to this client at this time. You can organize them in a bulleted list like the one below.

• Service 1

• Service 2

• Service 3

The Proposed Team

In this section, you should provide information on the relevant skills and experience of your proposed team members. Provide brief profiles of each of the staff who will work on this project, indicating their name, title, role on the project, special skills, relevant qualifications, and education. You can also mention successes on similar work in the past. Consider organizing this section with bullets, as shown below.

• Team Member 1, Title – Profile

• Team Member 2, Title – Profile

• Team Member 3, Title – Profile

HubSpot Tip: You can include professional headshots for each of your team members to personalize your proposal. Be sure that the look of the photographs is uniform across the team members and matches the overall design of the proposal.

Project Scope

Now that you have introduced your company and team, you should indicate your understanding of the client’s needs and the project you will conduct in order to meet their specific requirements.

Begin by giving an overview of the project. Items you might discuss include the situational analysis, challenges and issues, and the target market and customers. This section should set the stage to introduce your proposed solution.

Proposed Solution

Explain to the client the activities you will undertake in order to meet their needs. If possible, break the activities into phases. You should also indicate any deliverables that will be submitted to the client under each phase. Organize these items in a table like the one below.


• Activity 1 • Activity 2

• Deliverable 1

• Activity 3 • Activity 4 • Activity 5

• Deliverable 2 • Deliverable 3

• Activity 6

• Deliverable 4

In some cases, just a table may suffice, but you might also consider including additional narrative to explain your methods more fully.

Projected Outcome

In a paragraph or two, describe what your proposed solution will achieve for the client. Try to ensure that your outcomes are measurable. Provide a brief explanation of how you will evaluate success on this project.

HubSpot Tip: If there are key parts of the project that the client will be responsible for, be sure to indicate them in your proposal. Don’t surprise your client with requests for work once the project has started!

Project Schedule

After describing the steps in your project plan, you should align them to a timeline to show the customer how the project will unfold and when each step will occur. Including a schedule boosts your credibility and shows the client that you have a plan for executing the project on time. You can use a simple table, like the one that follows, to depict the project schedule.

Completion Date

HubSpot Tip: Be sure to set reasonable deadlines. It is much better to turn in a product early than to set an unreasonable deadline and be forced to make a late submission!

Your Investment

This section should outline the cost to the client of all of the necessary activities and items to complete this marketing project. Some of your costs might be billed with an hourly rate and others might be charged as a flat fee. Keeping with the same organization by Phase and Activity that you have used throughout the proposal, present all of the costs clearly in a format like the one below.


Hourly Rate/Flat Fee

Estimated Hours/Quantity

HubSpot Tip: Accuracy is important! Consider reproducing this table in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Word and doing the calculations there, then copying them into the template. Nothing looks more unprofessional than a math error in the middle of your proposal!

Make your contact information impossible to miss, in case the client has any questions as they review your proposal. Include multiple ways to get in touch with you quickly, for example, an email address and a phone number.

HubSpot Tip: Make getting in touch as easy as possible for the client. If you know your client’s preferred method of communication is email, then be sure to provide your email address and be ready to respond quickly. If they prefer to speak by phone, give them a number at which they can reach you anytime during the workweek.

Contract and Signatures

Explain the next steps required to approve the proposal. You most likely need your client’s signature, so include customized signature lines for everyone who needs to sign, like shown below.


[Name], [Role]

You should also include your company’s contract details indicating the specific terms and conditions for this project.

HubSpot Tip: Including signature lines directly in the document can speed up the approval process by limiting the number of documents that need to change hands.

Additional Materials

If you have additional information you would like to provide to the client, you can include it in an Appendix. Some examples might include case studies of past work, a portfolio of your branding or advertising work, or sample products that you have created for past clients.

HubSpot Tip: Past experience is the best indicator of future success! Including examples of your best past work at the end of your proposal provides evidence of your knowledge and capabilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i write a marketing proposal, is this template free, can i edit this template, related tags:.

  • Proposals, Estimates & Quotes

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Market Research Proposal

Market Research Proposal

Build a professional market research proposal with Jotform Sign. No coding. Works on iOS and Android devices. Drag and drop to customize. Collect e-signatures.

A market research proposal is a document that outlines a plan or project to collect research about a specific market or market trends. This type of document could be prepared by market researchers or other marketing professionals. With Jotform Sign , you can create your own Market Research Proposal and add your own unique details — all with no coding.

Customizing this Market Research Proposal is easy with Jotform’s drag-and-drop builder. Upload branding assets, edit letter text, change fonts and colors, and so much more. You can even create your own custom signing order if your proposal needs to collect more than one e-signature. Try this free Market Research Proposal from Jotform Sign now.

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Getting your business off the ground is no small task and might require gathering funding from investors. With Jotform Sign’s free business proposal template, you can present your new business’s needs, ideas, and benefits to potential investors — making it easier to get their buy-in.A business proposal template is a tool for entrepreneurs to quickly and effectively create professional business proposals without having to start from scratch. Just create and customize your proposal, then send it to your investors and other stakeholders for their e-signatures.Need to make changes to your business proposal template? No problem! With Jotform, you can drag and drop elements to personalize your proposal and match your company branding. You can add or remove form fields, create an automated signing order for multiple investors, upload logos and branding, and choose fonts and colors that work best for you. Work smarter with Jotform Sign!

Free Project Proposal Template - PDF Templates

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Consulting Proposal Template - PDF Templates

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Bid Proposal Template - PDF Templates

Bid Proposal Template

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These templates are suggested forms only. If you're using a form as a contract, or to gather personal (or personal health) info, or for some other purpose with legal implications, we recommend that you do your homework to ensure you are complying with applicable laws and that you consult an attorney before relying on any particular form.

Research Proposal Template

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Prepared by: ​ [Researcher.FirstName] [Researcher.LastName] ​

Image 1

Prepared for: ​ [Supervisor.FirstName]

​ [Supervisor.LastName]

This should be clear and concise, leaving the reader with no doubt regarding your field of study. A good title structure can often be “Short Title: Longer Explanation of Your Field.” Your academic institution may have a preferred format for the title, or even a title page. Find out before you submit your proposal. If there is no preferred format, keep it simple and clear, and use a “serif” font that is easily legible.

(Main title: What I am trying to find out by taking on this project)

(Academic Institution)

(Subject Area)

​ [Supervisor.FirstName]

​ [Supervisor.LastName] (if you already have one)

​ [Researcher.FirstName]

​ [Researcher.LastName]

(Student ID/Number)

2. Abstract

100-200 words. This summarizes the central theme of your research. Use concise, clipped language that is academic without being over-wordy and verbose. The abstract needs to be entirely your own words, as every abstract should be completely different, unique in its approach to your topic. Like the rest of the document, apart from block quotations, it should be double-spaced and laid out clearly.

3. Contents

Depending on the length of your research proposal, you may wish to include a contents page for the proposal itself (not for your main research project: suggested contents for this are included in your Proposed Chapter Outline, section 9) , as follows (add page numbers/subsections when you know them, depending on your research) . As you introduce sub-sections into your different sections, number them accordingly e.g. subsections of the literature review could be numbered 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, etc.




Problem Statement……………………pn


Literature Review……………………….pn

Notion of Original Research……

Key Assertions / Objectives……

Research Methods…………………….pn

Sample Audience……………………….pn

Research Questions…………………

Research Design………………………


Proposed Chapter Outline…………pn

Research Limitations…………………pn

Proposed Timescale………………….pn

Funding (Optional)……………………

References/ Bibliography………….pn

4. Introduction

200-400 words. Unlike the abstract, this is not a summary of everything you are about to say — you can afford to grab your readers’ attention right out of the gate. Deliver a surprise beginning, perhaps a quote from someone who inspires you on this topic, and show your knowledge of the research area (include, if you like, your previous research experience in this field; in fact, it may serve you well to be personal in this section) and why it is relevant to today’s world.

Try to provide facts and references here in order to give relevance to your study and why it is being conducted. This will help to explain the motivation behind your research and how important it is for academia, the industry or public sector it is being conducted in.

5. Problem Statement

Keep this short and informative. This section is meant to provide the reader with a summarized description of the problems you seek to address through your research proposal. Showcase the questions you seek to answer through your research and how it will help benefit those who read it. A problem statement should include the context of the problem, a particular audience you are targeting, and a timeline for the study. This will ensure that your research is well-focused and relevant to the current time and people.

The application of (topic, aka the main title of the subject you are researching) for (a particular group of people) in (timeline, this should either be current year or upcoming years but research can be done on past years as well) .

6. Objectives

This follows up on the problem statement section. It elaborates further on the problem statement by dividing it into a set of 3 to 5 descriptive assertions or intentions that relate to the problem. Objectives establish the scope and depth of your project and also help set up the idea for the research design (as seen later in the research proposal template) . The objectives can also indicate a section that shows how your research will contribute to already existing research and knowledge.

To study the applications of blockchain in the gaming industry and how it can help be a new source of revenue.

To study how blockchain gaming can influence people who don’t gamble to actively invest time in gaming.

To determine whether blockchain gaming can be a viable job opportunity in the future.

7. Literature review

Length can vary immensely, but probably 300-1500 words or more, depending on the nature of your research. This is one of the most important sections of your research proposal. It demonstrates that you know your field, who the key research players are in it, what has been said in the past and what is being said at the moment. You will want to mention — and where appropriate, quote from — key works in your area.

This is the section that requires the most preliminary research, so be sure you spend ample time in an academic library and use search engines for relevant academic papers before presenting. You do not need to discuss every work in your area, but you need to present a competent outline, and (especially if this is a proposal for doctoral research) you need to be sure that no one else has already done the same project. A good way of presenting a literature review coherently is in the form of a narrative, which can either be chronological or thematic.

There has been a (small/considerable/state value here) amount of previous academic research in this field.

(For a chronological narrative) I will outline how the understanding of (subject) has developed over (the last number of) years.

(Insert chronological narrative, remembering to introduce key players, dates, and academic works, and end with the state of the field as it is today.)

(For a thematic narrative) I will outline the major themes that are of relevance in this field, and go through them each in turn:

• (use a bulleted list to outline what themes/topics you are planning on covering)

After your bulleted list, you can use the themes from your list as subtitles to split up your literature review. Put them in bold. You could also add them as subsections in your contents page.

Under each subtitle, describe the state of the field of research in this area, including the most important researchers and works in this area.

8. Notion of original research

Length varies here as well, but similar in length to the literature review is likely a good place to start. This is where you sell your research proposal to the reader. You need to explain, clearly and simply, how your research will complement the field you have just described in your literature review — what you will add, how it fills an existing gap, why the academic world would benefit from your research, etc.

9. Key Assertions/Objectives

One sentence for each question/assertion. This is really part of the “notion of original research” section. A good way of making your research aim clear is to state a clear research question, and back it up with 2-4 specific assertions or objectives.

My central research question is as follows:

(insert research question here, in bold)

In the light of this, I will make the following observations/assertions: (insert observations/assertions here, in bulleted list.)

10. Research methods

Approx. 50-1000 words, depending on the nature of your research. This is where you explain how and where you plan to carry out your research. This will vary hugely depending on your subject. Will you be researching in libraries and archives? Which ones hold the books and documents you will need? Will you need to travel? If so, where? Will your research involve extensive field work? How and where? State whether you will plan to use different methods of data collection, and if so what they will be.

Do you need to be in a laboratory? Will you be emphasizing qualitative or quantitative collection of data, or both equally? Do you have the necessary skills and qualifications to undertake your research (for instance, foreign languages, statistical analysis, laboratory training, etc) ? If not, what are your plans to acquire these skills? (Note: many postgraduate institutions offer considerable support in the acquisition of new skills necessary to perform research, but this will require discussion at the proposal stage.)

11. Sample Audience

This section aims to provide the reader of the proposal with a description of who the sample audience is. You can add a brief description of your ideal sample audience and why such a person is relevant or necessary to the research. You can also mention what measures can be taken to gain their consent for the research in order to get a more enthusiastic and unbiased response. Lastly, you should mention where you propose to find this sample audience and any barriers that may occur in finding or engaging them.

12. Research Questions

13. research design.

This section will give the reader a description of what the research stimuli will look like. It gives a background of the different variations you may employ to better help test your hypothesis. It should also showcase the different factors that may vary a person's response to the research problem while you are researching the topic. This is important in a research proposal, because as with method, different factors help show what could affect you by confirming or denying your hypothesis. Keep your design descriptive and show how you will rule out or control factors that may come up.

14. Analysis

Approx. 50-300 words. Once you have collected your data, include details about what you plan to do with it. Again, depending on the nature of your research, this section could be anywhere from one or two sentences to several paragraphs.

If your research is in a survey format, then include the questions to the survey along with the method of collecting the survey. You can also include a few examples of how you plan to present the data, such as in a pie chart format or as a bar graph.

15. Proposed chapter outline

Probably less than 200 words, unless you have a very detailed plan already in mind. Note: this is like the preliminary contents page, but it does not need to be very specific, and can suggest sections rather than chapters at this stage. The academics reading your proposal will be impressed to know that you have some idea how you may wish to present your work, and that you have some way in mind of translating your research to paper.

(title of your first chapter) (explanation of your first chapter contents: one sentence)

(first subsection of your first chapter)

(second subsection of your first chapter)

(title of your second chapter) (explanation of your second chapter contents: one sentence)

(first subsection of your second chapter)

(second subsection of your second chapter)

(smaller section)

(another small section)

(title of your third chapter) (explanation of your third chapter contents: one sentence)

16. Research limitations

Approx 50-300 words. This section states everything you won’t be able to do in your research. It is surprisingly important, as it shows that you can recognise the limited scale of your work. Every project needs distinct limiting factors and clear boundaries in order to be manageable.

Naturally, the scope of this project is limited. This section describes specific limitations. (add limitations here) .

17. Proposed Timetable

Approx 50-300 words. This section is optional, but may be helpful to show your potential supervisors that you are being realistic and recognize that your project has set parameters within which to conduct the study. It also will help you to know the scale of your work in the preliminary stages of planning, and help you to maintain realistic expectations of yourself.

I predict that this research project will take (number) months/years. I propose a rough timeline, as follows:

(Here, include a list of tasks that will need completing as part of your research project, and how long you predict each will take in terms of weeks or months. End with a final count of months. If you have a predicted start date, you can begin with this and work towards a proposed end date.)

You can also use a project schedule table in order to plan out the project for yourself as well as give a better understanding as to the breakup of the project timeline. An example of this is:





Project End


Jan 1 – Jan 7

Jan 8 – Jan 14

Jan 15 – Jan 21

Phase 1


Phase 2


Phase 3


18. Funding

For example, your money allocation table can look like this:

Items required for research

X amount of dollars


X amount of dollars

To pay survey respondents

X amount of dollars

Add in additional details

X amount of dollars

Add in additional details

X amount of dollars

19. References/Bibliography

The reference list should always begin on a new page. Depending on your subject, there will probably be a specific format and referencing pattern for written work (Chicago, Harvard, MLA, Social Sciences) . Before you start writing, make sure you know what the convention for your subject area is, learn it and stick to it. There are a wide variety of different referencing conventions so it is important to make sure you find the correct one and stay consistent.

This will make doing your research proposal (and future research) a lot easier. Depending on your subject, your referencing may involve in-text citations or footnotes. Either way, your proposal will need a full reference list or bibliography at the end, including all of the secondary works you have mentioned in your literature review and primary sources (if applicable) .

You do not, however, need to include work that you have read in preparation but not used or mentioned in your work. Make sure this is correctly formatted — plenty of style guides for each referencing style are available online. Also, remember to lay out your reference list in alphabetical order by the authors’ surnames.

​ [Researcher.FirstName] [Researcher.LastName] ​

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How to write a research proposal?

To make a comprehensive research proposal, make sure you answer all the questions your review committee might have, such as who is your sample audience, what kind of questions you plan to ask them, why you are conducting this research, what you think will come out of it, etc. Leave no room for assumptions. Alternatively, you can also use this template to best understand which nitty-gritty details to cover.

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    COLLECTION OF DATA. Use this section of the marketing research proposal to thoroughly describe all data collection methods which will be utilized in your research. The overall strategy can be addressed, as well as the individual data collection methods. For market research, these often include methods such as focus groups, surveys, social ...

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    The Importance of a Market Research Proposal Template. As a market researcher, I understand the importance of creating a comprehensive and well-organized market research proposal. This document serves as a roadmap for our research process, outlining the objectives, methodology, and timeline for our project.However, creating a proposal from scratch can be time-consuming and challenging.

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  5. How to Create a Market Research Proposal (+Template)

    There are 11 steps to create a sound and compelling market research proposal. 1. Market Research Proposal Summary. Start your proposal by briefly explaining the purpose of the market research and why it is required. Also, give an overview of what the desired outcome of the market research is.

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    Templates. Market Research Proposal Template. Companies that conduct market research and analysis can use our sample marketing research proposal template as an example of how to write a market research proposal, and as a guide when preparing survey proposals, data collection proposals, or business research. This template allows you to explain ...

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    A Market Research Proposal is a strategic document outlining the objectives, methodologies, timeline, and budget of a proposed research project. It's crucial in securing stakeholders' support by clearly communicating the project's value. Utilizing a proposal management system streamlines the creation and management of such proposals, ensuring ...

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