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Metaphors for Life That Can Fit Your Journey

Popular Metaphor Examples to Inspire and Motivate you

  • Development
  • Common Examples
  • Using Metaphors

Metaphors about life are figures of speech that state that one thing is actually another thing. They are a way of creating a comparison that while not literally true, provides a figurative meaning. This can help you think about your life and problems in a different way , also serving as a source of encouragement, motivation, or gratitude.

Here we explore some common metaphor examples about life that can be used to inspire you in your daily life. These metaphors may also help you better understand some of the challenges you face, giving you the ability to see more clearly why you feel the way you do or even how to move forward.

How Metaphors About Life Begin

As children, we begin to understand and organize the world. If we think of the brain as a filing cabinet, childhood is when we open new files and label them. We then spend the rest of our lives putting material in these files.

Metaphors often begin as a way to understand the world around us, both as individuals and within the communities in which we live. They can make it easier to know where to place this information in our internal filing system.

Impact of Metaphors for Life

Even if we don't know the origin of certain life metaphors, many have stood the test of time for good reasons. These metaphor examples not only help us define and describe an experience but they can be used to improve our lives in many ways.

For example, some people see life as a battle. Every encounter is a struggle, and if they don't win, they feel like they have lost. Others view life as an adventure. Each new day brings new opportunities to explore, and if something goes badly today, there's always tomorrow.

If you are facing a challenge , a metaphor might help you see the big picture and give you strength. For example, someone going through cancer treatment may look at the journey as climbing a mountain. It may be difficult at the moment, but the view that lies at the top helps them keep pushing forward.

Metaphors can also provide a picture that helps others enter your world. A picture is often worth a thousand words, but a word picture (a metaphor) can sometimes do the same. Alternatively, a negative metaphor may help you see that you haven't been living your life the way you wish. It might be the stimulus you need to make changes.

While there are no specific studies looking at commonly held life metaphors and wellness, positive thinking is beneficial in many ways. A general attitude of optimism has been correlated with lower rates of cancer, heart disease, stroke, respiratory disease, and infection.

Common Metaphor Examples for Life

Metaphors for life are not always obvious. We may have to stand back a long way to see patterns. Because the way we look at things can have a great impact on how our lives unravel, it's worthwhile to think about the metaphors that fit the life we currently live.

Metaphors can be positive or negative. These are just examples and not every metaphor will resonate with every individual. Take a moment to think of other metaphor examples that may describe your life or serve you better.

If you see your life as a garden, you may feel that relationships with family and friends can be cultivated like flowers or vegetables. Relationships, like flowers, need regular watering. They need sunshine. Sometimes they need to be pruned. Sometimes you need to weed the garden (or eliminate toxic friends ).

The end result of careful and regular care, with timely interventions for insect infestations or decay, can lead to plants (or relationships) that are growing, producing oxygen that helps you breathe. They also create beauty as they flower and bloom.

You may see a battle as a metaphor for your life if everything is a competition or a struggle. In a battle, you are always either winning or losing. If a battle represents your life, you may wish to look at how life isn't always about winning or losing.

Relationships, especially, are not always a competition. Sometimes it is better to be more loving toward others than to be right or win.

Viewing your life as a mission can be either positive or negative. You may feel that you have talents and gifts you wish to share. On the other hand, you might feel that you need to convince others that your point of view is the only correct one.

Just as with missions throughout history, your life can be a platform to bring goodness to the world. Alternatively, you may see your mission as the need to impose your beliefs on those who do not wish to hear them.

A journey is a common metaphor for life as it reminds us that the destination is not our only goal. Like with any journey, there are times when the roads are straight and times when they are winding.

This metaphor example helps us remember that there will be ups and downs and potholes along the way—times when life will feel easy and times when life feels hard . Yet, there are also often wonderful surprises and fun discoveries that we would never have experienced if it weren't for the route we chose.

An adventure can also be a beautiful metaphor for life. We don't always know where we are going, but the thrill of our travels (our day-to-day living) leaves us excited and ready to see and experience new things.

A building is a solid metaphor for life and can be a reminder that a sturdy foundation is needed before building higher. Once you have a firm foundation in place, whatever that means to you, it's easier to confidently add floors and rooms that will stand the test of time and weather.

Roller Coaster

This metaphor example can describe life or it can describe the speed bumps we encounter. For example, people with a chronic disease know the roller coaster effect of a challenging diagnosis. Using the metaphor of a roller coaster also illustrates what many people who have had hardships understand so well.

You don't fully experience the high points of your journey without the contrast of the lows. For example, studies are now finding that being diagnosed with cancer doesn't just introduce challenges but can also change people in positive ways as well.

Stained-Glass Window

The metaphor of a stained-glass window illustrates not just the variety of lights and colors which make up our world, but the beauty in every person and situation. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude by taking the time to see what isn't obvious at a quick glance can be illustrated by this metaphor.

Mountain Climb

Climbing a mountain is a great metaphor for many parts of our lives. It can describe our educational path or the steps we take in climbing the corporate ladder. Life often consists of hierarchies.

This metaphor example also illustrates that it typically takes hard work, determination, and sometimes sheer endurance to get where we wish to go. Most mountain paths are not directly uphill, but take us down through valleys to get to the next peak.

Emotional resilience allows you to follow the trail as it descends before it turns the corner and heads back up again. This can improve your ability to cope and protect mental health during times of stress.

A race can be both a positive and negative metaphor for life. In the biblical sense of the metaphor, we are called to run the race of life not only for the prize.

A race can also be a negative metaphor, as in the "rat race," describing how sometimes we are so busy going from one place to another that we never really stop to enjoy any particular moment. In yet another negative sense, a race can describe the practice of always finding the fastest route, or needing to keep up with the proverbial Joneses.

If you view life as a courtroom, life can be challenging. In a courtroom, everything in life should be fair. Real life, however, is not always fair.

Good people die young and criminals go free. If you try to constrain your life to the metaphor of a courtroom, you open yourself up for repeated disappointment.

Stepping Stones

Stepping stones can be a metaphor for life in many ways. In a negative sense, stepping stones may describe the phenomena in which we barely get comfortable where we are before we look for a better job or a bigger house. In another sense, stepping stones can be a positive metaphor for a life lived with goals in mind and conscious awareness of the steps needed to get there.

This metaphor can also describe how we sometimes take a detour right or left along our way to prevent negative influences from catching up with us. An example of this type of metaphor is stepping stones crossing a stream in a garden.

Life is a classroom in so many ways and there are always new lessons to learn no matter your age. This metaphor can be a reminder to keep your mind active and strive to continue to learn throughout your life.

A prison can be a metaphor for a life in which you feel out of control . You may feel like you don't have choices and that others have the power. If this is you, it might be helpful to visualize a key to the door by which you can escape to your freedom, and what that might mean in real life.

Learning to reframe a situation can shift your perspective and change how you see a situation. Doing this can help reduce worry, stress, and anxiety.

A battery represents a life metaphor example of being drained and recharged through life, such as the daily drain of energy related to work, followed by weekends and evenings in which to recharge. Often taking small periods of time to recharge at frequent intervals leaves your battery less likely to die (lose all energy).

How to Use These Metaphor Examples

The examples above are just a few of the metaphors that illustrate people's lives. What metaphors fit your life? Do they work for you or do they cause problems and limit your choices? It's possible to change metaphors or modify yours (such as finding the key to the prison cell) but it can take some effort.

Taking the time to think about the metaphors that fit your life can help you find patterns that aren't working well for you, motivate you in positive directions, and help you cope with the obstacles we all periodically face. Think of your life metaphors today, but don't stop there.

Periodically re-think your life metaphors. Are they positive metaphors that bring you peace and contentment , help you reach goals, or allow you to see the beauty around you? Or are they negative metaphors that are limiting your life?

Good mental health includes having metaphors that help you see the big picture of your life. After thinking about your life metaphors, learn about other ways in which you can become a positive thinker and reduce stress in your life .

Metaphors about life can be helpful ways of thinking through problems you might be facing. They can also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation to encourage you to keep working toward your goals.

At other times, negative metaphors might hold you back or contribute to feelings of hopelessness or helplessness. If your life metaphors are hurting instead of helping, look for ways to reframe your thinking in order to take a more positive, optimistic approach.

Black Rupp N. The rise and fall of metaphor: A study in meaning and meaninglessness . Semiotica . 2016:213:419-433. doi:10.1515/sem-2015-0131

Kim ES, Hagan KA, Grodstein F, Demeo DL, De Vivo I, Kubzansky LD. Optimism and cause-specific mortality: a prospective cohort study. Am J Epidemiol . 2017;185(1):21-29. doi:10.1093/aje/kww182

Holtmaat K, van der Spek N, Lissenberg-Witte BI, Cuijpers P, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Positive mental health among cancer survivors: overlap in psychological well-being, personal meaning, and posttraumatic growth .  Support Care Cancer . 2019;27(2):443-450. doi:10.1007/s00520-018-4325-8

Färber F, Rosendahl J. The association between resilience and mental health in the somatically ill .  Dtsch Arztebl Int . 2018;115(38):621-627. doi:10.3238/arztebl.2018.0621

Eagleson C, Hayes S, Mathews A, Perman G, Hirsch CR. The power of positive thinking: Pathological worry is reduced by thought replacement in generalized anxiety disorder .  Behav Res Ther . 2016;78:13-18. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2015.12.017

By Leonard Holmes, PhD Leonard Holmes, PhD, is a pioneer of the online therapy field and a clinical psychologist specializing in chronic pain and anxiety.


Essay on Life Is Not Easy

Students are often asked to write an essay on Life Is Not Easy in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Life Is Not Easy

Life’s challenges.

Life is not easy. It is filled with challenges that test our strength. Just like a rough road full of potholes and bumps, life also has its ups and downs. These challenges help us grow and become stronger.

Learning from Mistakes

Mistakes are a part of life. We all make them. But, they are not to be feared. Instead, they are lessons in disguise. They teach us what not to do. They help us improve and do better next time.

Importance of Hard Work

Nothing in life comes easy. We have to work hard to achieve our goals. Success is not handed to us on a silver platter. It is earned through dedication and effort. Hard work always pays off in the end.

Dealing with Change

Change is a constant part of life. It can be scary and uncomfortable. But it is also necessary. Change helps us adapt and grow. It pushes us out of our comfort zones and forces us to face new situations.

Value of Relationships

250 words essay on life is not easy, understanding life’s challenges.

Life is like a big journey filled with lots of ups and downs. It’s not always easy. Sometimes, life is like climbing a steep mountain. It’s hard and tiring. But, like a mountain climber, we have to keep going. We must face the hard times with courage.

Why Life Is Not Easy

Everyone in the world faces problems. These problems can be big or small. They can be about school, friends, family, or health. These problems make life difficult. But, they also teach us important lessons. They make us strong and wise.

Learning From Difficulties

When we face a problem, we learn how to solve it. This is a very important skill. It helps us in the future. If we face a similar problem again, we know what to do. We also learn to be patient and not to give up easily.

Life’s Hardships Are Important

Hardships in life are like a tough teacher. They teach us lessons that we remember for a long time. They help us grow and become better people. They also make us value the good times more.

So, life is not easy. It’s full of challenges and problems. But, these difficulties are important. They teach us many things. They make us strong and wise. So, even though life is not easy, it’s still a beautiful journey. We should be brave and face all challenges with a smile.

500 Words Essay on Life Is Not Easy

Introduction, challenges in life.

Life throws many challenges at us. Some are small, like a hard math problem or a tough spelling test. Others are big, like moving to a new place or losing a loved one. These challenges can be hard to face. They can make us feel sad, scared, or confused. But they also help us grow and learn. Every challenge we overcome makes us stronger and more able to handle the next one.

In life, we all make mistakes. Sometimes, these mistakes can make us feel bad. We might think we are not good enough or that we have failed. But mistakes are not always bad. They are a chance to learn and improve. When we make a mistake, we can look at what went wrong and how we can do better next time. This helps us grow and get better at handling life’s challenges.

The Role of Hard Work

Support from others.

Even though life can be hard, we don’t have to face it alone. We have friends, family, and teachers who can help us when things get tough. They can give us advice, lend a listening ear, or just be there to make us laugh when we’re feeling down. Having support from others makes life’s challenges easier to face.

Life is not always easy, but that’s what makes it worth living. The challenges we face, the mistakes we make, the hard work we put in, and the support we get from others all help us grow and become stronger. So, even though life can be hard, it is also a journey full of learning, growth, and love. And that’s what makes it beautiful.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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life is like a road essay

Life is About Choices and the Decisions We Make

There are no guarantees.

You do not really know where a road will lead you until you take it. There are no guarantees. This is one of the most important things you need to realize about life. Nobody said that choosing to do the right thing all the time would always lead you to happiness. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that it would be returned. Gaining fame and fortune does not guarantee happiness. Accepting a good word from an influential superior to cut your trip short up the career ladder is not always bad, especially if you are highly qualified and competent. There are too many possible outcomes, which your really cannot control. The only thing you have power over is the decisions that you will make, and how you would act and react to different situations.

Wrong decisions are always at hindsight.

Had you known that you were making a wrong decision, would you have gone along with it? Perhaps not, why would you choose a certain path when you know it would get you lost? Why make a certain decision if you knew from the very beginning that it is not the right one. It is only after you have made a decision and reflected on it that you realize its soundness. If the consequences or outcomes are good for you, then you have decided correctly. Otherwise, your decision was wrong.

Take the risk: Decide.

Since life offers no guarantee and you would never know that your decision would be wrong until you have made it, then you might as well take the risk and decide. It is definitely better than keeping yourself in limbo. Although it is true that one wrong turn could get you lost, it could also be that such a turn could be an opportunity for an adventure, moreover open more roads. It is all a matter of perspective. You have the choice between being a lost traveller or an accidental tourist of life. But take caution that you do not make decisions haphazardly. Taking risks is not about being careless and stupid. Here are some pointers that could help you choose the best option in the face of life's crossroads:

Get as many information as you can about your situation.

You cannot find the confidence to decide when you know so little about what you are faced with. Just like any news reporter, ask the 5 W's: what, who, when, where, and why. What is the situation? Who are the people involved? When did this happen? Where is this leading? Why are you in this situation? These are just some of the possible questions to ask to know more about your situation. This is important. Oftentimes, the reason for indecision is the lack of information about a situation.

Identify and create options.

What options do the situation give you? Sometimes the options are few, but sometimes they are numerous. But what do you do when you think that the situation offers no options? This is the time that you create your own. Make your creative mind work. From the most simplistic to the most complicated, entertain all ideas. Do not shoot anything down when an idea comes to your head. Sometimes the most outrageous idea could prove to be the right one in the end. You can ask a friend to help you identify options and even make more options if you encounter some difficulty, but make sure that you make the decision yourself in the end.

Weigh the pros and cons of every option.

Assess each option by looking at the advantages and disadvantages it offers you. In this way, you get more insights about the consequences of such an option.

Trust yourself and make that decision.

Now that you have assessed your options, it is now time to trust yourself. Remember that there are no guarantees and wrong decisions are always at hindsight. So choose... decide... believe that you are choosing the best option at this point in time.

Now that you have made a decision, be ready to face its consequences: good and bad. It may take you to a place of promise or to a land of problems. But the important thing is that you have chosen to live your life instead of remaining a bystander or a passive audience to your own life. Whether it is the right decision or not, only time can tell. But do not regret it whatever the outcome. Instead, learn from it and remember that you always have the chance to make better decisions in the future.
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The Road of Life, Essay Example

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You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work.

The road of life is full of twists and turns, of exhilarating highs and sometimes stunning lows. Throughout the journey we are given choices and opportunities. We all hope to make the right decisions most of the time. Going to college is a choice that is posed upon every high school student. The choice of whether or not to pursue a scholastic career is not one that is made lightly. It takes dedication and intent to make it all the way through college, but the reward is not just in getting the diploma. The journey itself can be the greatest reward. The choice of whether or not to go to college ultimately depends on the person and whether or not they are up for the journey that lies ahead on the road to a degree.

For me, the decision so go to college is one that I didn’t have to ponder to long. I have always known that I would be going to college after high school. College presents the opportunity not only to discover new truths about the world around me, but also to find myself and how I fit into the world and society. It will be my first step out of the comfort of home and into a world where I will be confronted with independence and self reliance. The choices I will make along that journey will be all mine, good or bad.

As I sit here now, preparing myself for the college journey, which hopefully lies ahead, I feel much like a treasure hunter, equipped with a map where “X” marks the spot. I know all the classes to take, all of the credits needed in order to claim my treasure, my diploma. Yet, I am clueless as to what I will really encounter. What obstacles will be in my path? Who will I encounter along the way? Like an adventurer, I relish the journey ahead, which I know will be one full of unexpected obstacles and surprises. I look forward to all the people I will meet along the way, and the lessons that they have for me. I realize the true treasure of is not just the degree I am seeking, but in the adventures that lie on the long road ahead.

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Life is a journey — 15 inspirational quotes to make you treasure it

Life is not one but many journeys. here are quotes to help you treasure every journey you take in life..

Photo of Nirandhi Gowthaman

Sunday September 13, 2020 , 3 min Read

All of us have heard it — “Life is a journey” — so many times. It’s not a singular journey though. Every person has a different experience, a different destination and itineraries to tick off. However, it's a journey that we must learn to savour, cherish and treasure.

Everyone has a different meaning to their journey as well. Life’s journey is filled with roadblocks and achievements but we must savour every bit. Here are quotes to help you take on the many journeys that life has to offer.

maya angelou quotes

“Because the greatest part of a road trip isn’t arriving at your destination. It's all the wild stuff that happens along the way.” – Emma Chase, author

“Sometimes the longest journey we make is the sixteen inches from our heads to our hearts.” – Elena Avila, author

“Life is an opportunity, seize the day, live each day to the fullest. Life is not a project, but a journey to be enjoyed.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of life really takes place.” – Barbara De Angelis, relationship consultant and author

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“I haven’t a clue how my story will end, but that’s all right. When you set out on a journey and night covers the road, that’s when you discover the stars.” – Nancy Willard, writer

“Embrace your life journey with gratitude, so that how you travel your path is more important than reaching your ultimate destination.” – Rosalene Glickman, author and entrepreneur

“If ever there was a metaphor to illustrate the importance of the journey over the destination, it is life itself. For everyone who departs from birth is destined for death, so the journey IS life. Savour it!” – Michele Jennae, author

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” – Ursula K Leguin, author

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“Winning and losing isn’t everything; sometimes, the journey is just as important as the outcome.” – Alex Morgan, professional football player

“Life is a journey and it’s about growing and changing and coming to terms with who and what you are, and loving who and what you are.” – Kelly McGillis, actor

“The benefits of the accomplished journey cannot be weighed in terms of perfect moments but in terms of how this journey affects and changes our character.” – Ella Maillart, adventurer, travel writer and photographer

“Learn to trust the journey, even when you do not understand it.” – Lolly Daskal, entrepreneur and leadership coach

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life is like a road essay

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123 The Road Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

If you're struggling to come up with a topic for your next essay, look no further! We've compiled a list of 123 road essay topic ideas and examples to inspire you and get your creative juices flowing. Whether you're writing a narrative essay about a road trip you took, analyzing the symbolism of roads in literature, or discussing the impact of road infrastructure on the environment, we've got you covered. Check out these ideas and examples below:

  • The road less traveled: A personal narrative of a journey off the beaten path.
  • The road to success: How perseverance and determination can lead to achievement.
  • Road rage: Exploring the causes and consequences of aggressive driving behavior.
  • The road to recovery: Overcoming obstacles and finding strength in adversity.
  • The road to self-discovery: Reflecting on a journey of personal growth and transformation.
  • The road to happiness: Finding joy and fulfillment in life's journey.
  • The road to redemption: Seeking forgiveness and healing after making mistakes.
  • The road to freedom: Escaping from oppression and embracing independence.
  • The road to enlightenment: Exploring spiritual enlightenment and inner peace.
  • The road to nowhere: A philosophical reflection on the meaninglessness of life's journey.

Literature and Film

  • The road as a symbol of freedom in Jack Kerouac's "On the Road".
  • The road as a metaphor for life's journey in Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken".
  • The road as a symbol of escape in Cormac McCarthy's novel "The Road".
  • The road as a motif in the film "Mad Max: Fury Road" and its significance in the post-apocalyptic world.
  • The road as a symbol of adventure and discovery in J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Hobbit".
  • The road as a symbol of transformation in Alice Walker's novel "The Color Purple".
  • The road as a symbol of rebellion in the film "Easy Rider" and its countercultural themes.
  • The road as a symbol of isolation in Samuel Beckett's play "Endgame" and its existential themes.
  • The road as a symbol of hope in John Steinbeck's novel "The Grapes of Wrath" and its themes of resilience.
  • The road as a symbol of danger in Stephen King's novel "The Long Walk" and its dystopian setting.

Travel and Adventure

  • The road trip of a lifetime: A travelogue of a cross-country journey.
  • Exploring the backroads: Finding hidden gems off the beaten path.
  • Road tripping on a budget: Tips for traveling cheaply and efficiently.
  • The thrill of the open road: Embracing spontaneity and adventure on a road trip.
  • Road trip essentials: Packing list and must-have items for a successful journey.
  • The road less traveled: Discovering unique destinations and experiences.
  • Road tripping with kids: Tips for a family-friendly adventure on the road.
  • Road trip playlist: Creating the perfect soundtrack for your journey.
  • Road trip cuisine: Sampling local delicacies and regional cuisine along the way.
  • Road trip photography: Capturing memories and moments on the road.

History and Culture

  • The impact of the Silk Road on trade and cultural exchange in ancient times.
  • The construction of the Roman road network and its influence on European civilization.
  • The significance of Route 66 in American history and popular culture.
  • The development of the interstate highway system and its impact on transportation.
  • The role of roads in the expansion of empires and conquest throughout history.
  • The cultural significance of pilgrimage routes like the Camino de Santiago in Spain.
  • The symbolism of roads in Native American folklore and mythology.
  • The impact of colonial roads on indigenous communities and land rights.
  • The role of roads in the spread of religion and missionary activity.
  • The significance of the Great Wall of China as a defensive road network.

Environmental and Urban Planning

  • The environmental impact of road construction and deforestation.
  • The role of roads in habitat fragmentation and wildlife conservation.
  • The benefits of green infrastructure and sustainable road design.
  • The impact of road pollution on air quality and public health.
  • The challenges of urban sprawl and road congestion in metropolitan areas.
  • The importance of pedestrian-friendly road design and walkable communities.
  • The role of public transportation in reducing traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The benefits of cycling infrastructure and promoting active transportation.
  • The impact of road salt on freshwater ecosystems and aquatic life.
  • The future of autonomous vehicles and smart road technology in urban planning.

Social Issues and Justice

  • The role of roads in facilitating human trafficking and exploitation.
  • The impact of road closures and infrastructure projects on marginalized communities.
  • The connection between road access and economic development in rural areas.
  • The challenges of road safety and reducing traffic accidents worldwide.
  • The intersection of race and class in road construction and transportation policy.
  • The role of roads in gentrification and displacement of low-income residents.
  • The impact of road closures on emergency response times and public safety.
  • The role of roads in forced migration and refugee crises around the world.
  • The challenges of road maintenance and funding in developing countries.
  • The importance of accessible roads and transportation for people with disabilities.

Science and Technology

  • The engineering behind road construction and infrastructure projects.
  • The impact of climate change on road maintenance and resilience.
  • The role of GPS and navigation systems in modern road travel.
  • The future of electric vehicles and renewable energy on the road.
  • The challenges of cybersecurity and protecting connected vehicles from hacking.
  • The impact of road sensors and data analytics on traffic management.
  • The role of drones in road inspection and maintenance.
  • The benefits of smart road technology in reducing accidents and congestion.
  • The challenges of integrating autonomous vehicles into existing road infrastructure.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in optimizing traffic flow and road safety.

Health and Wellness

  • The benefits of road running and outdoor exercise for physical fitness.
  • The impact of road noise and pollution on mental health and well-being.
  • The connection between road safety and public health outcomes.
  • The benefits of urban green spaces and pedestrian-friendly road design for community health.
  • The role of road closures and car-free zones in promoting active lifestyles.
  • The impact of road congestion on stress levels and quality of life.
  • The benefits of road cycling and bike commuting for cardiovascular health.
  • The challenges of road safety for pedestrians and vulnerable road users.
  • The connection between road infrastructure and access to healthcare services.
  • The importance of road safety education and awareness campaigns for preventing accidents.

Economics and Business

  • The impact of road infrastructure investments on regional economic development.
  • The role of transportation logistics and supply chain management in road networks.
  • The benefits of road connectivity for businesses and commerce.
  • The challenges of road congestion and transportation costs for businesses.
  • The impact of road closures on tourism and hospitality industries.
  • The role of road maintenance and repair in job creation and economic growth.
  • The connection between road access and property values in real estate markets.
  • The benefits of road connectivity for small businesses and entrepreneurship.
  • The challenges of road tolling and financing infrastructure projects.
  • The future of drone delivery and autonomous vehicles in changing business models.

Politics and Policy

  • The role of road infrastructure in political campaigns and public works projects.
  • The impact of road funding and transportation policy on government budgets.
  • The challenges of partisan gridlock and infrastructure investment in Congress.
  • The connection between road access and voting rights in marginalized communities.
  • The role of roads in disaster response and emergency management.
  • The impact of road closures on public services and government operations.
  • The benefits of public-private partnerships in financing road projects.
  • The challenges of regulatory compliance and environmental protections in road construction.
  • The connection between road safety laws and public health outcomes.
  • The future of transportation policy and sustainable road development.

Education and Learning

  • The benefits of road trips for experiential learning and cultural immersion.
  • The role of roads in historical education and heritage preservation.
  • The impact of road closures on school transportation and student access.
  • The connection between road safety education and reducing accidents among young drivers.
  • The benefits of road safety programs and driver training for adolescents.
  • The challenges of road congestion and transportation options for students.
  • The role of road infrastructure in promoting access to education in rural areas.
  • The impact of road construction on school bus routes and student transportation.
  • The benefits of road safety campaigns and awareness programs in schools.
  • The future of virtual field trips and online learning in supplementing road travel.

Family and Relationships

  • The role of road trips in family bonding and creating lasting memories.
  • The impact of road closures on family vacations and travel plans.
  • The benefits of road safety education for children and parents.
  • The challenges of road congestion and traffic delays for family outings.
  • The connection between road access and social isolation in rural communities.
  • The role of roads in fostering community connections and neighborhood relationships.
  • The impact of road infrastructure on family dynamics and quality of life.
  • The benefits of road trips for multigenerational families and extended relatives.
  • The challenges of road travel with young children and elderly relatives.
  • The future of family road trips and technology in staying connected on the go.

Creativity and Inspiration

  • The road as a symbol of creativity and

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dedra davis writes

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Life Is A Rocky Road-Three Paths To Compassion


I learned long ago that everyone is going through something. Life is a rocky road and everyone needs compassion and prayer through life’s bumps. Some roads have boulders and some roads have pebbles. No matter how large your problem, no matter how large the rocks are in your road, there are others who need a lift.

Everyone is going through something. Everyone travels down a rocky road . There are three paths to finding compassion and a smoother road to travel.

life is like a road essay

Yes, you are not alone in this. Everyone is going through something. You may not have a clue what that something is. It is important to remember this when you don’t understand something, when you can’t comprehend someone’s why . When you don’t get the why of their action taken. You may find yourself thinking they are crazy or ridiculous.  You may get mad at their actions.

Try to remember you may not know the entire story. Chances are, you do not know the story at all. There may be a good reason. Their road traveled may not be as smooth, as it seems to you.

Have compassion for others

Have compassion , no matter what is happening with those you love. Try to have compassion with those you know. With strangers, and those passing on your road.

I need to tell myself this daily, as well.

“True compassion means not only feeling another’s pain but also being moved to help relieve it.” -Daniel Goleman

Empathy and compassion for others is a true gift.  If you have it, use it, and help others see the need for it. Kindness goes a long way.  You can fuel yourself and others by giving it freely.

Put others first through prayer

Another thing I learned, the best way to make yourself feel better, is to pray for others. Putting others before yourself is a brilliant way to clear your own path. When we dwell on our own problems, sometimes the situation grows. The stress grows.  The panic.  Your blood pressure.

All these are negatives to your body.

No matter your direction, thinking and praying about others takes the focus off yourself and your own problems.

We can look around and always find others that are feeling worse.  There is always someone going through something worse than us. The roads they travel are rockier than ours. Pray for them.  Hold them up and the benefits will be tri-fold. You will benefit, as well as the other.  And, this will make God so happy.

When your spouse is diagnosed with cancer, your life is turned upside down. You focus on him and your own family. Being diagnosed with cancer is about as bad as it gets. Until you hear of a friend losing her child from cancer.

The focus has now changed directions. You now forget about yourself and pray for the family that lost their sweet girl.

This is the perfect example of looking around and finding others who need more prayer than yourself.   This is when I go to prayer for others. Someone always needs Him more than I do.  I pray for those and try to stop thinking of myself.

Go that-a-way and you will feel your load get lighter.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” -Plato

Don’t worry-be prayerful

Worry does no good.  Worry is not good for anyone.  It causes stress and keeps you focused on the problem, not the solution. Being worried, self- absorbed, is hard on your entire body.  Free yourself of the burden.

Rather than worrying about your situation, talk to God about it.  He loves to listen to our problems. He loves to help us, just like we want to help our own children.  Give God your problem and let it go.  Sometimes that is easier said than done.  I know this .  I also know if you give your problems to God, rather than making yourself sick over them, your problem will find its answer.  Your load will lighten.  Your worry will lesson. Your road will be a less bumpy one.

He will lighten your burden and your road will be easier traveled. He will remove some of those boulders causing your pathway to be impassable. You will soon be on the road to smiles.

When we do turn to God with our worries, He gives us clarity, a new direction and strength. He will give us the courage to continue our travels down life’s roads. This, too, makes Him happy.  He wants to help us with our troubles.  He longs for it.

Basically, we all need to have compassion.  Kindness.  We all need to put others first and take it all to God.

life is like a road essay

I hope for you a smooth road.  If your path becomes laden with boulders, I hope you pray through them. I hope for you compassion for others. Pray through life’s rocky roads– yours and others .  I hope you pray for smooth passages for others. I pray so.

love and blessings~dd

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life is like a road essay

01/23/2018 at 8:33 pm

Beautifully written Dedra. Comforting words as our community prays for the Stephen’s family ?. Blessings to your family and your husband’s journey to wellness.

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01/23/2018 at 9:23 pm

Thank you, Diane. She is why my heart is grey today. I can’t even believe it. She was an amazing fighter and bold young women. We were blessed to know her, weren’t we? Praying for John and Brenda and the boys, and everyone she touched. Thanks for reading and your kind words.

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Life is Like Riding a Bicycle

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life is like a road essay

Life is Like a Road

We will be starting our first project, "Life is Like A Road."

You will think about your life so far, and your future. You will create poster to present and display all about you. What you have done so far, and where your road will take you.

If you have pictures of important people like friends and family you should bring for your poster.

Next you will choose one event from your timeline and create a graphic organizer for your Autobiographical Event Five Paragraph Essay, using Inspiration 8.

Finally, you will submit your peer reviewed writing sample for CIM scoring and first official writing sample.

In a landslide-stricken town in California, life is like camping with no power, gas

RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif. — Nick Mardesic and his family are living off the power grid, so light at night comes from a flashlight, and a hot meal and shower require driving several miles to his parents’ home.

The family is not in a rugged location, but rather on a scenic peninsula on the edge of Los Angeles. And they aren’t off the grid by choice. Their power and gas were cut because worsening landslides from two years of heavy rain are threatening to tear apart scores of multimillion-dollar homes perched over the Pacific Ocean.

Mardesic has been fighting for months to keep his home standing. Sections of his front yard have sunk about 3.5 feet. Deep fissures snake across the walls of his house and a piece of dry wall fell from his ceiling. The sidewalk and one end of his driveway have caved, creating a gaping hole that has exposed an underground water pipe. His bedroom is on the verge of collapse, he said, so he has been placing wood on a beam under the house and jacks it up. In the past five months, he has spent about $50,000 to keep his home elevated.

“It’s something you see out of a movie,” he said outside the home he shares with his wife and two children, ages 3 and 1. “It’s almost unbelievable … just watching your house sink away.”

The landslides are the latest catastrophe in California, already burdened by worsening wildfires and extreme weather that has swung from heat waves to torrential rains that have caused flooding and mudslides in the past year.

In Rancho Palos Verdes, entire homes have collapsed or been torn apart. Walls have shifted and large fissures have appeared on the ground. Evacuation warnings are in effect and swaths of the community have had their power and  gas turned off . Gas service was cut to more residents on Thursday and more were expected Friday. Others are contending with temporary water shutdowns to fix sewer lines.

Gov. Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on Tuesday.

The Portuguese Bend Community on the Rancho Palos Verdes were an evacuation warning has been issued due to ectricity being cut

Jill Carlton, who has lived in the community for nearly 30 years, said it is good the problem has finally gotten the governor’s attention.

“They’ve been pressuring him for a long time and hopefully he’ll come down and actually visit us,” Carlton said, but she is disappointed “there’s still no aid to the individuals.”

The declaration instead opens state resources, such as emergency personnel, equipment and services. In an email, the city of Rancho Palos Verdes said it continues to urge state leaders and agencies to ask President Joe Biden to declare a federal disaster, which would trigger resources and possible individual help from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Nearly 70 years ago, the Portuguese Bend landslide in Rancho Palos Verdes was triggered with the construction of a road through the area, which sits atop an ancient landslide. It destroyed 140 homes at the time and the land has moved ever since.

But the once slow-moving landslides began to rapidly accelerate after torrential rains drenched Southern California over the past two years. The land that once was sliding at an average of several inches per year is now moving between 9 to 12 inches (22.8 to 30.48 centimeters) weekly.

The rapid movement forced the dismantling earlier this year of  Wayfarers Chapel , a historic landmark designed by Frank Lloyd Wright’s son, Lloyd Wright. Scenic roads that wind through the city have been buckling, too. Signs warn motorists of dips and the shifting, disfigured terrain.

“Bicycles and motorcycles use extreme caution,” reads one sign. “Rough road” and “Slide area,” read others.

Mike Phipps, the city’s geologist, said the average rate of movement has slightly slowed but is still about 4 feet a month. “It’s still significant movement. It’s just, we’ve kind of reached full speed and are cruising right now,” he said.

Some residents believe leaks are to blame for the destruction in their community. They argue multiple burst water and sewer pipes that were not quickly or adequately fixed saturated the ground and contributed to the land movement.

Residents recently filed a  lawsuit  against the city, its water provider and others, alleging in part that negligence and their failure to act were “substantial factors” in the landslide acceleration “and the resulting damage to the homes and lives of the residents.”

The city said it doesn’t comment on pending litigation.

Newsom declares state of emergency in Rancho Palos Verdes after additional power shutoff

Jeffrey R. Knott, emeritus professor in geological sciences at California State University, Fullerton likened the argument to the chicken or the egg dilemma.

“Did the landslide move and cause the pipe to break? Or did the pipe break and then cause the landslide to move?” he said. “It’s an extraordinarily difficult thing to prove.”

Water leaks would contribute to the acceleration, but their significance is unknown, Knott added.

Last year, the city received a $23.3 million grant from FEMA for a project that officials hoped would slow the land movement by removing trapped water underground and stop rain from percolating into it in the future. But crews recently discovered a deeper and wider landslide.

“It’s like a freight train going down the hill. It’s billions of tons of earth,” Phipps said. “Trying to stop that is extremely challenging.”

Mayor John Cruikshank said finding funding for solutions poses challenges, as does preparing for the forthcoming rainy season.

“The climate is changing, and we’ve got to be more resilient,” he said. “We can’t always rely on old systems like above-ground wire and below-ground natural gas.”

In the meantime, residents are left with difficult decisions.

Those with collapsed or severely damaged homes have had to abandon them. Others, like Carlton’s neighbors, left after their utilities were shut off indefinitely. Some are relying on generators to keep the lights on and propane to cook.

Others, like Mardesic, are hoping for relocation assistance and said that without help they are stuck and unable to afford anything in Southern California’s pricey housing market. Mardesic’s house was valued at about $2.3 million before the damage, he said.

“What can we do but keep fixing our home and try to stay here?” said Mardesic, a maintenance supervisor. “We have nowhere to go.”

For now, his family plans to move into the pool house in the back that is less at risk of falling down the hillside.

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