How Many Words Is 5 Pages? It’s Not 2000 Words! Calculating the Number of Words per Page

how many words is 5 pages

How many words is 5 pages? This is a question that a lot of people ask, especially students who are writing essays. The answer, however, can vary depending on the formatting. In this article, we’ll calculate how many words are in 5 pages for different fonts and sizes!

Factors Influencing the Number of Words per Page in Papers or Essays

There are a few factors that can influence how many words are in a paper:

  • font style (some fonts are more condensed than others, which means they’ll fit more words on a page);
  • spacing between lines;
  • spacing between paragraphs.

Now that we know what factors influence the word count, how many words is 5 pages? Keep reading – we’ve calculated the figures for different fonts and sizes. They’re just general guidelines, though.

How Many Words Is 5 Pages? Single-Spaced

Generally speaking, how many words is 5 pages? With single spacing, it’s about 2500 words if the font is Arial, size 12. If you’re using Times New Roman, it might be closer to 3000 words. This is because Arial has bigger letters than Times New Roman.

If you want to be really precise, how many words is 5 pages? Here’s what our tests with Lorem Ipsum and Google Docs came up with:

  • Arial, size 12 – 2541 words;
  • Arial, size 11 – 3017 words;
  • Times New Roman, size 12 – 2801 words;
  • Times New Roman, size 11 – 3316 words;
  • Calibri, size 12 – 2671 words;
  • Calibri, size 11 – 3078 words.

But what if you use double spacing? This is the usual requirement for essays, and it makes the page look less crowded. How many words is 5 pages double-spaced? Read on to find out.

How Many Words Is 5 Pages? Double-Spaced

With double spacing, how many words is 5 pages? This time, it’s about 1250 for 12 point Arial. If you’re using Times New Roman, expect it to be closer to 1500 words with the same margins. It will always be more than 1000 words.

Here’s what we found when we tested it with Lorem Ipsum:

  • Arial, size 12 – 1354;
  • Arial, size 11 – 1607;
  • Times New Roman, size 12 – 1486;
  • Times New Roman, size 11 – 1761;
  • Calibri, size 12 – 1399;
  • Calibri, size 11 – 1607.

As you can see, it isn’t always exactly half the number of words with double spacing. So, if you were given a word count range, it’s better to stick to that rather than the number of pages. Online calculators and word counters can help you determine how many words your assignment is.

Ask Your Teacher for the Goal Word Count and Font

So, how many words is 5 pages? About 2500. Here are other numbers you might be interested in:

  • Half a page – 250 words.
  • 1 page – 500 words.
  • 1.5 page – 750 words.
  • 2 pages – 1000 words.
  • 4 pages – 2000 words.
  • 8 pages – 4000 words.
  • 10 pages – 5000 words.

Of course, these are just estimates and a general rule of thumb. To avoid the headache in the first place, you can ask your teacher how long the paper should be in words instead of pages. This way, everyone will be on the same page – pun intended!


Hacks to Write a Five Page Essay Paper in a Day or Less


Let’s face it, writing a five-essay paper fast is not a walk in the park. Like a comprehensive essay , it entails planning, critical thinking, researching, outlining, writing, and polishing. Yet, it is a typical writing assignment in high school, college, and university. Even graduate students pursuing MBAs, Masters, and PhDs write five-page essays on various topics.

One thing is for sure; it is an ideal essay for honing research, writing, creativity, critical thinking, reasoning, and organization skills. However, while some find it easy to write it, some students might struggle, especially if the deadline is shorter.

If you were assigned a five-page paper and need advice on saving time and finishing your 5-page essay paper fast, this quick guide is a perfect place for you to start. We cover aspects such as the meaning of a five-page essay, how to plan and budget time for it, and the steps it takes to write a well-organized and professional essay that scores you a better grade.

Let’s dig right in!

What is a 5-page essay?

A five-page essay is an academic piece of assignment assigned to students to write about a specific topic in 5 full pages. If it is double-spaced, it is between 1250 words and 1500 words assuming a page is anything between 250 and 300 words. If it is single-spaced, it is between 2500 words and 3000 words.

It is a typical essay for nursing, English language, English literature, sociology, business and management, medicine and health sciences, biology, social work, and humanity subjects.

Because of its length, it is expected that students explore different topics in the five pages. Therefore, it always requires 5-8 references or sometimes ten resources, depending on the complexity of the subject or topic.

As it is considered a short assignment, its deadline is often between a few hours and three days. Therefore, when assigned such an essay, do not panic. Instead, follow the steps outlined below to conquer your fears of writing.

The time it takes to write a 5-page essay

In most cases, five-page papers are assigned within a one-week submission window. In other courses, you can be assigned homework to write a five-page paper overnight. Still, some professors assign five pages essay papers to be completed between 10 to 48 hours.

Suppose you are settled to write a five-page essay paper. In that case, it will only take you 10 hours or less, depending on your motivation, the complexity of the content of the paper, availability of resources, your typing speed, and your writing skills. A professional and experienced writer will take 5-6 hours at most, planning, drafting, writing, and polishing a 5-page essay.

Writing fast is relative. For example, a student rushing to complete a last-minute essay may only have a few hours to do it. On the other hand, a student who wants to complete their essay, submit it, and move to other things will also want to hasten the process of writing their essay. At the same time, a student assigned to write an essay that is five pages long under a day would also want to write faster.

The secret of writing a five-page essay paper fast lies in adequate planning. By the end of this guide, you will be able to write a five-page essay in under 8 hours, and not just write it but write it to the desired quality.

Budgeting time for a five-page essay

Assuming you already have a topic and want to write a five-page essay, you should divide the writing process into prewriting, writing, and post-writing stages.

During the prewriting stage, you engage in brainstorming, formulating a thesis, outlining, and researching. Naturally, therefore, pre-writing should take much of your time. Precisely, it should take 60 percent of the entire time you have to write the essay. If you have an hour to fall a tree, spend at least 45 minutes sharpening the ax and the remaining 15 minutes falling the tree quickly. Well, that analogy applies here. We have tested it, our writers use it, and it works perfectly.

Budget your time as follow if you have 12 hours to complete a 5-page essay: brainstorming (2 hours), research (5 hours), and writing an outline (1 hour).

In the writing stage, you frame your title, set the title page, write the body paragraphs, and write the introduction and conclusion. The writing stage should take 25% of the entire time you have to write an essay. For instance, if you have 12 hours to write an essay, allocate 3 hours to the writing section: writing the body paragraphs (2 hours), writing the introduction (20 minutes), writing the conclusion (20 minutes), and setting the title page (10 minutes)

Finally, in the post-writing stage , spend the remaining 15% of the entire time. For instance, if you have 12 hours, allocate one hour for rewriting and editing, one hour for proofreading, and thirty minutes for formatting.

Steps to Write a 5-page essay fast

Now that you are conversant with the essay writing process or stages, and you have probably budgeted your time well, here are some steps to follow to write that five-page essay fast, accurately, and coherently.

Kickout the distractions

To be able to write any essay fast, you need to raise your concentration levels. Therefore, the first step is to find a good place to write your essay . It could be your room, a spot in the library, café, or office, or at your friend’s place.

Let it be distraction-free enough to give you room for concentrating on the task ahead of you. For example, if you work well when listening to music, have your favorite music that sparks your morale in the background.

Another thing, keep off any distractions – turn off your phone or put it in silent mode, mute social media notifications, and don’t engage anyone on the phone unless it is utterly vital.

Have a schedule and stick to it

With the mind free to think, create a schedule for your paper. You can do this manually on sticky notes and pin it where you can see it.

You can place it on a mirror, table, at the back of your laptop, or on the surface of your study area.

Ensure that each time is spent as budgeted to prevent deadline violations or lateness, which can cost you some marks.

Brainstorm for points and the way forward

Assuming you have the topic, begin by brainstorming. Brainstorming stretches your mind , expands your creativity, and makes you actively think of the best ways to solve a problem.

If you brainstorm well, you will create a mind map that guides your writing process. Besides, it makes the research process easier.

While brainstorming, be at ease but do not relax too much. Decide on the points you want to feature in your essay, the claims and the counterclaims, and the examples you want to give. As you brainstorm, take notes. These questions can help you as you brainstorm:

  • What is the meaning of the topic?
  • What is the purpose of the essay?
  • Are there enough sources for this essay?
  • What are some examples I can give?
  • What are the likely challenges, potential solutions, and recommendations?
  • What unique lens can I view this problem given what others have written?
  • What perspective am I sticking to for this essay?
  • What are the resources and research materials that I will need?

Structure you essay

Now that you have brainstormed, design a proper essay scaffold that will determine the flow of ideas or order of points in your essay. by writing an outline, you are developing a framework that defines your essay paper.

 It is a blueprint or landmark that gives your essay some direction. Outlining helps in avoiding the number one killer of research skills: information overload. When you derail, you will not derail when you have an outline.

Research Widely and Deeply

Nothing substitutes comprehensive research when writing an essay. However, you must check various sources to understand the subject of your essay and get facts to support your thesis.

Although Wikipedia and website blogs are not recommended as scholarly sources, use them to familiarize yourself with your topic .

Check through the governmental documents, pdf files published by organizations, and research journal articles to get facts and evidence to support your thesis. When researching, you will generate fresh ideas to make your essay presentable, engaging, and of high quality.

To avoid information overload, check the authenticity of the information, check for the recency of the information, and omit information that is obsolete, does not create rigor in your essay, or has questionable facts.

As a rule of thumb, always choose information published within the last five years, unless you need old seminal works on frameworks, concepts, and ideas. Keep an inventory of every research that matters.

You can do so using online bibliography organizers such as Zotero, Citethisforme, or Citefast. However, it is best if you decide the number of references to use in your essay early enough so that you can organize them better and cite them as you write for a fast, accurate, and efficient writing process.

Complete the body paragraphs

Although many students prefer to begin their essays with the title, introduction, body, and then conclusion, we find it practical to deal with the body of your essay first. Developing the body paragraphs helps you to understand the flow of your essay better.

 You will know how to develop topic sentences that support the thesis and link each paragraph to one another and the thesis.

The supporting paragraphs in the body of your essay should be between 3-8 paragraphs, depending on the essay's word count . Ensure that every paragraph has its own idea, and it should be supported by facts, evidence, and examples from research.

Cite the body paragraphs where you paraphrase, summarize, or quote from other resources. As well, conclude the body paragraphs with concluding sentences that make sense and link to the next paragraphs or sections of your essay.

Given that your essay is 5-pages long, the body should be comprehensive; it should at least be 4-pages long with 5-8 paragraphs. In addition, each paragraph should have at least 5-9 sentences for good balance.

And to top it all up, write your paragraphs using short, clear, and concise sentences. Of course, once in a while, you can throw in long sentences, but ensure that they are sound and fit the context of your essay. 

Write a catchy introduction

Your introduction is one of the earliest contact points with your readers second to your title. Ensure that it creates a lasting first impression . You must begin the introduction with an appropriate hook . Essay hooks or attention grabbers help to grab the attention of your readers and introduce the topic generally. You can use relevant statistics, facts, evidence, anecdotes, or quotes.

As well, give good background information on your topic. Finally, finalize the introduction paragraph with one or two lines of your thesis statement that announces your main argument in the essay. Ensure that your introduction foreshadows your argument; it is where you frame your arguments.

We have a complete guide on how to begin an essay , familiarize with the process.

Write the conclusion of your essay

In an essay, the topic sentences are signposts that work together with the conclusion and introduction to guide a reader through the arguments in your essay. The conclusion must be succinct but comprehensive enough. You can achieve this through restating the main argument, recapping or summarizing the logic of the argument, and writing a final statement that reinforces the argument better. If possible, include an active call to action for your readers by suggesting materials for further reading or recommending solutions. This is the very last page in your five-page essay, and it should leave a lasting impact on your readers.

Polish your essay without rushing

When you are done with the writing phase, take a break. It helps refresh your mind and develop an objective mind, which can help you spot little or silly mistakes you made while writing.

Rewriting your essay helps to rephrase the essay and make it straightforward, coherent, and accurate. It can also be helpful when you have identified plagiarism in your essay. To speed up the process, read out loud your essay to yourself and make the changes that seem relevant. You will be amazed at how keen you are to be able to catch errors and improve the essay.

You should also proofread and edit your essay, which entails checking for any omissions, misspellings, punctuation errors, grammatical mistakes, and typos in your essay. Make sure that everything flows.

Finally, you need to spend some quick 10-20 minutes checking the format of your essay. Double-space your essay , check on the font style and size, check if your essay's cover or title page is good, and check whether you have achieved the desired essay length . If you are short of a few words, follow our recommended steps to increase the length of your essay . Remember to format the paper in APA , MLA, Harvard, or Chicago formatting styles.

Parting Shot!

Now that you know the tips to write a five-page essay fast, you can apply them when writing a 3-page essay, 4-page essay, or two-page essay. The process is literary the same, only that you will reduce the budget for prewriting, writing, and post writing, respectively.

If you need someone to write your last-minute essay, we have fast essay writers who can help. It could be that you realized late that you have an upcoming deadline, have an emergency, or things are getting pretty sticky with writing an essay, do not struggle alone.

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If you decide to write it on your own, keep practicing, perfect, and scale through the heights of academia. We wish you the best of luck!


Gradecrest is a professional writing service that provides original model papers. We offer personalized services along with research materials for assistance purposes only. All the materials from our website should be used with proper references. See our Terms of Use Page for proper details.

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Do you wonder how many pages a given number of words is? This website converts the number of words to the number of pages, online and for free. This tool is useful when writing essays at university to determine how many pages you are required to write.

The number of pages changes depending on the number of words, the font and the font size. You can select the following fonts: Arial, Calibri, Comic sans MS, Courier New, Times New Roman and Verdana. Available spacing options: single spaced, 1.5, double spaced.

Note: This calculator provides an indication only and works most accurately for an academic essay with four paragraphs per page and no (sub)headings.

Enter details below

The overview below provides an indication of the number of pages required (based on font: arial, font size: 12, single spaced):

  • How many pages is 500 words? 1.1 pages
  • How many pages is 600 words? 1.3 pages
  • How many pages is 750 words? 1.8 pages
  • How many pages is 800 words? 1.8 pages
  • How many pages is 1000 words? 2.2 pages
  • How many pages is 1200 words? 2.7 pages
  • How many pages is 1500 words? 3.3 pages
  • How many pages is 2000 words? 4.4 pages
  • How many pages is 2500 words? 5.6 pages
  • How many pages is 3000 words? 6.7 pages
  • How many pages is 4000 words? 8.9 pages
  • How many pages is 5000 words? 11.1 pages
  • How many pages is 6000 words? 13.3 pages
  • How many pages is 8000 words? 17.8 pages
  • How many pages is 10000 words? 22.2 pages
  • How many words is 1 page? 450 words
  • How many words is 2 page? 900 words
  • How many words is 3 page? 1350 words
  • How many words is 4 page? 1800 words
  • How many words is 5 page? 2250 words
  • How many words is 6 page? 2700 words
  • How many words is 7 page? 3150 words
  • How many words is 8 page? 3600 words
  • How many words is 10 page? 4500 words
  • How many words is 12 page? 5400 words
  • How many words is 15 page? 6750 words
  • How many words is 20 page? 9000 words
  • How many words is 30 page? 13500 words
  • How many words is 50 page? 22500 words
  • How many words is 100 page? 45000 words

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  • How long is an essay? Guidelines for different types of essay

How Long is an Essay? Guidelines for Different Types of Essay

Published on January 28, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on July 23, 2023.

The length of an academic essay varies depending on your level and subject of study, departmental guidelines, and specific course requirements. In general, an essay is a shorter piece of writing than a research paper  or thesis .

In most cases, your assignment will include clear guidelines on the number of words or pages you are expected to write. Often this will be a range rather than an exact number (for example, 2500–3000 words, or 10–12 pages). If you’re not sure, always check with your instructor.

In this article you’ll find some general guidelines for the length of different types of essay. But keep in mind that quality is more important than quantity – focus on making a strong argument or analysis, not on hitting a specific word count.

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Table of contents

Essay length guidelines, how long is each part of an essay, using length as a guide to topic and complexity, can i go under the suggested length, can i go over the suggested length, other interesting articles.

Type of essay Average word count range Essay content
High school essay 300–1000 words In high school you are often asked to write a 5-paragraph essay, composed of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
College admission essay 200–650 words College applications require a short personal essay to express your interests and motivations. This generally has a strict word limit.
Undergraduate college essay 1500–5000 words The length and content of essay assignments in college varies depending on the institution, department, course level, and syllabus.
Graduate school admission essay 500–1000 words Graduate school applications usually require a longer and/or detailing your academic achievements and motivations.
Graduate school essay 2500–6000 words Graduate-level assignments vary by institution and discipline, but are likely to include longer essays or research papers.

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In an academic essay, the main body should always take up the most space. This is where you make your arguments, give your evidence, and develop your ideas.

The introduction should be proportional to the essay’s length. In an essay under 3000 words, the introduction is usually just one paragraph. In longer and more complex essays, you might need to lay out the background and introduce your argument over two or three paragraphs.

The conclusion of an essay is often a single paragraph, even in longer essays. It doesn’t have to summarize every step of your essay, but should tie together your main points in a concise, convincing way.

The suggested word count doesn’t only tell you how long your essay should be – it also helps you work out how much information and complexity you can fit into the given space. This should guide the development of your thesis statement , which identifies the main topic of your essay and sets the boundaries of your overall argument.

A short essay will need a focused, specific topic and a clear, straightforward line of argument. A longer essay should still be focused, but it might call for a broader approach to the topic or a more complex, ambitious argument.

As you make an outline of your essay , make sure you have a clear idea of how much evidence, detail and argumentation will be needed to support your thesis. If you find that you don’t have enough ideas to fill out the word count, or that you need more space to make a convincing case, then consider revising your thesis to be more general or more specific.

The length of the essay also influences how much time you will need to spend on editing and proofreading .

You should always aim to meet the minimum length given in your assignment. If you are struggling to reach the word count:

  • Add more evidence and examples to each paragraph to clarify or strengthen your points.
  • Make sure you have fully explained or analyzed each example, and try to develop your points in more detail.
  • Address a different aspect of your topic in a new paragraph. This might involve revising your thesis statement to make a more ambitious argument.
  • Don’t use filler. Adding unnecessary words or complicated sentences will make your essay weaker and your argument less clear.
  • Don’t fixate on an exact number. Your marker probably won’t care about 50 or 100 words – it’s more important that your argument is convincing and adequately developed for an essay of the suggested length.

In some cases, you are allowed to exceed the upper word limit by 10% – so for an assignment of 2500–3000 words, you could write an absolute maximum of 3300 words. However, the rules depend on your course and institution, so always check with your instructor if you’re unsure.

Only exceed the word count if it’s really necessary to complete your argument. Longer essays take longer to grade, so avoid annoying your marker with extra work! If you are struggling to edit down:

  • Check that every paragraph is relevant to your argument, and cut out irrelevant or out-of-place information.
  • Make sure each paragraph focuses on one point and doesn’t meander.
  • Cut out filler words and make sure each sentence is clear, concise, and related to the paragraph’s point.
  • Don’t cut anything that is necessary to the logic of your argument. If you remove a paragraph, make sure to revise your transitions and fit all your points together.
  • Don’t sacrifice the introduction or conclusion . These paragraphs are crucial to an effective essay –make sure you leave enough space to thoroughly introduce your topic and decisively wrap up your argument.

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  • Choosing Essay Topic
  • Write a College Essay
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  • College Essay Format & Structure
  • Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay

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McCombes, S. (2023, July 23). How Long is an Essay? Guidelines for Different Types of Essay. Scribbr. Retrieved September 3, 2024, from

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Word Counter

  • Character Counter
  • Words Per Page
  • Word Unscrambler
  • 5 Letter Words
  • Size (pt) 9 10 11 12 13 14
  • Font Arial Calibri Comic Sans Courier Verdana Times New Roman
  • Spacing Single 1.5 Double

Words per page

For those who work in the writing field or professional publishing sector, the demand for knowing words per page is extremely important. Therefore, calculating words per page is considered necessary.

Feature Function:

Whenever you write an assignment in the college, both a certain number of pages and a word count are required. If your professor required the assignment of a three-page paper on a related topic, you must wonder how many words are in three pages. Actually, there is no precise answer to this question because it depends on the font type, font size, spacing (single-spaced or double-spaced), margins, and paragraph length. Besides, the headings and subheadings also affect the number of words per page.

There are, however, general guidelines for estimating the number of words on a page. For example, a one-page essay includes approximately 500 words with single spacing and 250 words with double spacing.

By accounting for more specific information, the conversion provided by the tool is more accurate. For example, to make an estimate, you can choose from a number of the below:

  • Comic Sans.
  • Times New Roman.
  • From 13 to 20 (px).

After you input your text into the text box, you will immediately see the needed information on the right-hand side of the screen. In real-time, detailed indicators such as the number of words, full characters, characters (without punctuation and spaces), sentences, paragraphs, and estimated reading and speaking time are displayed.

To sum up, knowing how many words per page helps you manage your required  word count for your content. This tool will allow you to find an answer to the question regarding the number of words per page, as it all depends on specific factors such as font, size, and spacing.

Full characters0
Characters 0
Reading Time0
Speaking Time0

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how many words in 5 page essay

How Many Words Per Page?


No matter what kind of writing assignment you’re working on, you probably know something about the length of the text you need. For students writing a term paper, the teacher may assign a page count. Novelists often receive feedback about word count from publishers. A journalist might be told the exact number of characters a newspaper has allotted for an article. Still, it’s not always obvious how you should translate from characters or words to pages. After all, the number of pages you complete depends on the formatting of your finished work.

For a term paper with standard formatting, it’s fairly easy to convert characters or words to pages. First, you’ll want to make sure to select default 1-inch margins within your word processor. You should use a standard font, like Arial, Times New Roman, or Verdana, in a 12-point font size. Assuming you’ve made these selections, you’ll know the approximate number of words on each page, based on your line spacing. If you use double spacing, you should have about 250 words per page. If your document is single spaced, you can expect around 500 words per page. Typically, you’ll see 3,500 characters for every 500 words.

how many words in 5 page essay

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Here’s a chart that shows what you can expect for single-spaced pages:

Pages Words Characters
1 500           3,500
2 1,000           7,000
3 1,500         10,500
4 2,000         14,000
5 2,500         17,500

Now, if you’re writing a book, the number of pages in your manuscript won’t be the same as the number of pages in a printed edition. Manuscript pages, much like term papers, have standard document formatting. They’re almost always double spaced and run 250-300 words per page.

You can expect to see manuscripts fall in line with this chart, although it’s common to fit more words and characters per page:

Pages Words Characters
1 250           1,750
2 500           3,500
3 750           5,250
4 1,000           7,000
5 1,250           8,750

On a printed and published book page, the size and layout of the book will impact the number of words that fit. Many books use either Garamond or Calibri font, size 10-14, although formatting varies considerably from book to book. Of course, illustrations, photos, and charts can significantly impact the total page count. Again, the number of manuscript pages won’t match the number of pages in the published book exactly. 

Getting a Precise Word and Character Count

While the charts above can be helpful, especially as you begin a writing assignment and need to conceptualize how much writing you’ll need to do, they should be considered general guidelines. Individual writing styles vary. For example, we used a ratio of 7 characters per word. It’s common for people to use longer words; on the other hand, some writers prefer shorter words. The best way to determine a total word or character count for a block of text is to review it in your word processor. 

Here’s how you can navigate to find the word count within different word processing tools. 

Microsoft Word: Tools > Word Count

Google Docs: Tools > Word Count

Scrivener: Scrivener > Preferences > Editing > Live Counts

Pages: View > Show Word Count

Open Office: Tools > Word Count

How many words do articles have?

The length of an average article varies, depending on the publication. For example,  The New York Times  solicits opinion essays that are 400-1,200 words in length.  Longreads  regularly accepts features in excess of 6,000 words. As a good rule of thumb, try to match the word count to other articles published by the same magazine or newspaper. Anything that falls outside the range of the publisher’s previous work may be too short or long for publication.

How many words do books have?

The word count of a book depends on the genre. Here are some examples of types of books, along with typical word counts.

Memoir: 45,000-80,000

Self-Help: 30,000-70,000

Sci-Fi: 50,000-50,000

Mystery: 40,000-80,000

Romance: 50,000-90,000

Young Adult: 60,000-90,000

Middle Grade: 20,000-55,000

No matter what your writing assignment entails, knowing how to convert word, character, and page counts will help you. You can pace yourself, keeping in mind how much space you have to make each argument. Whether you’re writing an 80,000-word mystery novel or a 700-word article, you’ll know how many pages you have left to write. Just remember to divide your total word count by 500 if you’re writing something with single spacing. Divide by 250, when you use double spacing.


The Word Counter  is a dynamic online tool used for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs, and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking.


Kari Lisa Johnson

I’m an award-winning playwright with a penchant for wordplay. After earning a perfect score on the Writing SAT, I worked my way through Brown University by moonlighting as a Kaplan Test Prep tutor. I received a BA with honors in Literary Arts (Playwriting)—which gave me the opportunity to study under Pulitzer Prize-winner Paula Vogel. In my previous roles as new media producer with Rosetta Stone, director of marketing for global ventures with The Juilliard School, and vice president of digital strategy with Up & Coming Media, I helped develop the voice for international brands. From my home office in Maui, Hawaii, I currently work on freelance and ghostwriting projects.

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Words to Pages Calculator

Use this words to pages calculator to quickly convert the number of words into the number of pages. It will help you to estimate how many words per page are required in your essays, assignments, and papers depending upon the word count, font size, and letter spacing.

Enter Total Words

Font Arial Calibri Comic Sans MS Courier Times New Roman Verdana

Font Size 10 11 12 13 14

Letter Spacing single 1.5 double

Creative Aspirant

Words Per Page Converter

Estimated Page 0

Word Count 0

Is it difficult to translate your word count into pages? Our word-to-page tool makes this process easy.

Input the number of words in your document and select the required formatting. Our tool will automatically estimate how many pages the content would fill based on your chosen font type, font size, and spacing between lines.

We support popular academic fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, and more. Pick your preferred spacing, too: single, 1.5 lines, or double-spaced.

While not every document is structured identically, our calculator provides a highly accurate page estimate for standard academic essays without images or charts.

You can quickly estimate page counts using our easy, free online tool.

Convert Words Counts to Pages

The way a Words to Pages calculator works is simple. It estimates how many pages a given word count would take up based on format settings like font type, font size, and line spacing.

Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

1. User Input

  • Total Number of Words : The user inputs the total word count of their document.
  • Font Choice : The user selects a font type (e.g., Arial, Calibri, Comic Sans MS, Courier Times, New Roman Verdana)
  • Font Size : The user chooses a font size (e.g., 10, 11, 12, 13, 14).
  • Line Spacing : The user selects the line spacing (e.g., single, 1.5 lines, double).

2. Calculation Logic

Using certain formatting settings, the calculator can determine how many words will fit on a standard page.

  • Font Type : Different fonts have different sizes and spacing characteristics. For example, Arial is generally considered a standard and easily readable font.
  • Font Size : Larger font sizes take up more space. It reduces the number of words that can fit on a page.
  • Line Spacing : More spacing between lines means fewer lines per page. Single spacing allows more words per page than double spacing.
  • Standard Page Definition : A standard page is typically defined as an 8.5 x 11-inch page (for the U.S.) or an A4 page (internationally).
  • Average Words Per Page : This value is calculated based on the chosen font, font size, and spacing. It’s an average because the actual word count can vary depending on word length and other factors.

For example, a page with an Arial font size of 12 and single spacing might fit an average of 500 words.

3. Execution of Calculation

  • Once the user inputs their word count and selects their formatting preferences, the calculator uses a formula to estimate the number of pages.
  • This formula is essentially: [ Total Word Count ] / [ Average Words Per Page ]
  • The Average Words Per Page is a pre-calculated value based on the chosen font, font size, and line spacing.

4. Displaying the Result

  • The result (total estimated pages) is then displayed to the user. This is usually rounded up since you can’t have a fraction of a physical page.

Suppose a user inputs 1500 words and chooses Arial font, size 12, with single spacing. If the average words per page for these settings is 500, the calculator will perform the following calculation:

  • 1500 words / 500 words per page = 3 pages

The user would then see “3 pages” as the estimated length of their document.

Average Words Per Page

Times New Roman10605480370
Times New Roman11480380290
Times New Roman12395315245
Times New Roman13340270209
Times New Roman14310250191
Courier New10550435335
Courier New11435345265
Courier New12365286220
Courier New13310245189
Courier New14285220174
Comic Sans MS10535425325
Comic Sans MS11425335260
Comic Sans MS12355280215
Comic Sans MS13300240185
Comic Sans MS14280225170

How Many Pages are in

The list below shows how many pages are needed (based on font: Arial, font size: 12, single-spaced)

Word CountEstimated Pages
5001.1 page
6001.3 pages
7001.6 pages
8001.8 pages
9002.0 pages
10002.2 pages
11002.4 pages
12002.7 pages
13002.9 pages
14003.1 pages
15003.3 pages
16003.6 pages
17003.8 pages
18004.0 pages
19003.8 pages
20004.4 pages
21004.7 pages
22004.9 pages
23005.1 pages
24005.3 pages
25005.6 pages
2600 5.8 pages
27006.0 pages
28006.2 pages
29006.4 pages
3000 6.7 pages
31006.9 pages
32007.1 pages
33007.3 pages
3400 7.6 pages
3500 7.8 pages
3600 8.0 pages
37008.2 pages
38008.4 pages
39008.7 pages
40008.9 pages
41009.1 pages
4200 9.3 pages
43009.6 pages
44009.8 pages
450010.0 pages
4600 10.2 pages
470010.4 pages
480010.7 pages
490010.9 pages
500011.1 pages
510011.3 pages
520011.6 pages
530011.8 pages
540012.0 pages
5500 12.2 pages
5600 12.4 pages
5700 12.7 pages
5800 12.9 pages
5900 13.1 pages
6000 13.3 pages
610013.6 pages
620013.8 pages
630014.0 pages
640014.2 pages
650014.4 pages
660014.7 pages
670014.9 pages
6800 15.1 pages
690015.3 pages
7000 15.6 pages
710015.8 pages
720016.0 pages
730016.2 pages
740016.4 pages
750016.7 pages
800017.8 pages
8500 18.9 pages
900020.0 pages
950021.1 pages
1000022.2 pages

Average Page Per Words

The list below shows how many pages per page (based on font: Arial, font size: 12, double-spaced )

Word CountPages (Double-Spaced)
250 words0.9 page
300 words1.1 pages
400 words1.5 pages
500 words1.8 pages
600 words2.2 pages
750 words2.7 pages
800 words2.9 pages
1,000 words3.6 pages
1,200 words4.4 pages
1,500 words5.5 pages
2,000 words7.3 pages
2,500 words9.1 pages
3,000 words10.9 pages
3,500 words12.7 pages
4,000 words14.5 pages
5,000 words18.2 pages
6,000 words21.8 pages
7,500 words27.3 pages
8,000 words29.1 pages
10,000 words36.4 pages
12,500 words45.5 pages
15,000 words54.5 pages
20,000 words72.7 pages
25,000 words90.9 pages
50,000 words181.8 pages

How Many Words are in

Below is a table estimating the number of words typically found in documents with specific page counts based on Arial font, size 12, and single spacing.


How many words are in a 5-page paper?

A 5-page paper contains approximately 2,250 words with standard single-spaced formatting and a 12-point Arial font.

How Many Pages Is 50 Words?

50 words is equivalent to 0.1 pages single-spaced or 0.2 pages double-spaced. Documents typically containing 50 words are short memos, blog posts, or marketing copy.

How Many Pages is 600 Words?

600 words is approximately 1.3 pages when single-spaced and 2.2 pages when double-spaced, using 12-point Arial font.

How Many Pages is 1000 Words?

The number of pages that 1000 words will take up depends on various factors such as font size, spacing, and page layout. Here are the estimates based on different formats.

Using a 12-point font, a 1000-word essay will be approximately 2.2 pages when single-spaced and 3.6 pages when double-spaced.

How Many Pages Is the Bible

The number of pages in the Bible can vary depending on the edition, font size, and page layout.

  • Protestant Bible:  Around 1,200 pages
  • Catholic Bible:  Around 1,500 pages (including apocryphal books)
  • King James Version (KJV): Around 1,500 pages
  • New International Version (NIV): Around 1,100 pages

How Many Pages is 1500 Words

1500 words are approximately 3.3 pages when single-spaced and 5.5 pages when double-spaced, using the 12-point Arial font.

However, the number of pages can vary based on margin spacing and paragraph length.

How Many Pages are 2000 Words

2000 words are 4.4 pages when single-spaced and 7.3 pages when double-spaced, using a 12-point Arial font . You can use a word counter tool to estimate a specific document more accurately.

How Many Pages is 3000 Words

3000 words is approximately 6.7 pages when single-spaced and 10.9 pages when double-spaced, using a 12-point Arial font.

Larger fonts or those using more space per character (like Times New Roman compared to Arial) will result in fewer words per page.

How Many Pages Is 1200 Words

The number of pages for 1200 words can vary based on formatting. Here are estimates for different formats:

  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (12-point font): Approximately 4.4 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (12-point font): Approximately 2.7 pages.
  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 2.9 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 1.7 pages.

How Many Pages Are 750 Words

750 words are 1.5 pages when single-spaced or 3 pages when double-spaced, using a 12-point Arial font.

  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 1.8 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 1.1 pages.

These are rough estimates, and the actual number of pages may differ based on the specific formatting of your document.

How Many Pages Is 5000 Words

A 5,000-word count will create about 7.2 pages with single spacing or 12 pages double-spaced when using normal 1-inch margins, 12 pt. Arial font, and a standard A4 (letter size) page size.

Here are the estimates for 5000 words with different font sizes:

  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 7.2 pages.
  • Standard 1.5 Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 9.3 pages.
  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 12.0 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (11-point font): Approximately 9.3 pages.
  • Standard 1.5 Spaced Page (11-point font): Approximately 11.8 pages.
  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (11-point font): Approximately 15.2 pages.

How Many Pages Are 800 Words

The 800 words in a 12-point Arial font equals approximately 1.8 pages when single-spaced and 2.9 pages when double-spaced.

How Many Pages Is 4000 Words

The number of pages for 4000 words can vary based on factors such as font size, font type, line spacing, and margin size. Here are rough estimates for different formats:

  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (12-point font): Approximately 14.5 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (12-point font): Approximately 8.9 pages.
  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 9.6 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (10-point font): Approximately 5.8 pages.
  • Standard Double-Spaced Page (11-point font): Approximately 12.1 pages.
  • Standard Single-Spaced Page (11-point font): Approximately 7.4 pages.

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How Many Words is a 5 Page Paper And Other Facts About Academic Writing

Posted: September 02, 2017

How Many Words is a 5 Page Paper And Other Facts About Academic Writing

Did you know that there are calculators that allow you to determine how many words in a five page paper? All you have to do is enter in information about your 5 page essay, the font, and spacing. For example, the answer to how many words is a 5 page paper double spaced using arial is, 1250 words. That is how you determine how many words in a 5 page essay.

Once you know how many words is a 5 page double spaced paper, you can figure out how many words is a 5 page essay as well. You can then use the 5 page paper figures to extrapolate the number of words for other papers as well.

Why do Students Need to Know How Many Words is a 5 Page Essay Double Spaced?

In academic writing, precision is very important. The ability to follow instructions is part of meeting the standards of academia. Everything from how many paragraphs in a 5 page essay or how many paragraphs is 5 pages is important. For example if the answer to how many paragraphs is five pages is 5, that means your instructor wants you to write a five paragraph essay that spans five pages. The answer to the question how many paragraphs is 5 pages double spaced is the same, however your word count will be smaller.

How Many Paragraphs is a 5 Page Essay Double Spaced in MLA?

Fortunately, the calculations don’t change when citation formats change. However, the requirements regarding spacing and font may. So, the answer to how many words are in a 5 page paper may vary, but you still calculate things the same way. Also as a small detail how many words in 5 page essay is the same as any other paper. This is also true when determining how many words is a double spaced 5 page paper.

What is The Best Way to Get Enough Words in my Paper?

how many words in a 5 page essay

Why do I Have to Write a Certain Number of Words?

This requirement ensures that there is an even playing field. If all students must meet certain requirements, it is easy to grade them on the merits of their paper. Also, teachers select word counts from experience. They know that you won’t study a subject deeply enough if you only have to write a couple of hundred words about it.

What is The Point of Different Citation Formats?

Most citation formats are associated with specific academic disciplines or career fields. They are designed to create a professional standard by which papers written for the classroom or academic publications follow the same structure. This helps to maintain some consistency.

Will Writing More Help Earn a Better Grade?

Not necessarily. If you have done a great job at researching and writing, that is the only thing that matters. More words don’t translate to better grades unless you are truly adding something worthwhile to your paper.

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How Many Words Should Your Essay Have for Grading High?

How many words are in an essay?

This question bothers all students, whether in middle school or college. Two reasons:

They don’t have word count guidelines to know how long their essay should be to grade high. Or, they struggle with the word limit within a paper and wonder if they can go under the suggested length.

The essay length varies, depending on many factors: subject, purpose, and academic level. Essays are usually shorter than dissertations or research papers. The thesis is the longest one.

In this article, I’ll answer two popular questions: How long is an essay? How many paragraphs are in an essay?

Also, let’s learn how long each essay part is and if it’s okay to go beyond or under the suggested length.

How Long is an Essay, Depending on the Type?

High-school350-1,000Students learn to write standard 5-paragraph essays with an intro, core, and conclusion.
College admission250-650These are concise texts, with a word limit prescribed by admission officers. Applicants write essays expressing their motives to enter a particular college.
Undergraduate1,500-5,000The length depends on several factors: subject, paper type, and purpose.
Graduate admission500-1,000Like admission essays, these are statements about achievements and motivations to continue learning.
Graduate2,500-6,000These are enhanced research papers with more complex structures. You write them to prove your Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees.

The above rules are average. They may vary at different educational institutions. It stands to reason that elementary-level students write short essays. And their papers get longer in their middle 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grades, etc.

Often, there’s no exact word number or page count for academic papers. Guidelines usually prescribe a supposed range: 500-850 words, 5-7 pages, and so on. When in doubt, you can ask your instructor.

How Many Paragraphs is an Essay? 6 Main Lengths

You won’t find any rule prescribing a set number of paragraphs for an essay. Five-paragraph essays are a standard, but it doesn’t mean ALL papers should follow it.

Each essay consists of three parts:

  • Introduction . Often, it’s one paragraph introducing your topic and thesis to readers. When writing complex papers like dissertations, your intro section can be 2-3 paragraphs.
  • Body. It’s a core section discussing the topic in detail. The number of paragraphs here depends on your paper’s type and complexity. This part is 1-4 paragraphs unless you write extended research papers.
  • Conclusion. Like intros, this section is often one paragraph summarizing the essay.

Below, I’ll cover the six main lengths to show how to balance a word count in essays.

One-paragraph essays

150-200Aimed at practicing the concepts of paragraph writing. It can be a summary or an extended definition. Common for elementary and middle school students.

Three-paragraph papers

– Intro paragraph = 25%
– Body paragraph = 50%
– Concluding paragraph = 25%

Assigned to practice cohesive and logical writing with introduction, body, and conclusion. The body section is the longest one here.

Five-paragraph essays

– Intro = 100-200
– Body paragraph 1 = 150-250
– Body paragraph 2 = 150-250
– Body paragraph 3 = 150-250
– Conclusion = 100-150

It’s a standard essay structure for high school students learning to build arguments. Most types of fall into this category.

Extended papers

1,500; 3,000; 5,000
– Check the guidelines
+/- 10% of the prescribed length allowed

Assigned in college to undergraduates getting their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Such papers need deep research and may be of a more complex structure.


10,000; 15,000
Paragraph length by section, in % of the total length:

– Abstract – 5%
– Intro – 10%
– Literature review – 25%
– Methodology – 15%
– Result – 20%
– Discussion – 15%
– Conclusion – 10%

It’s a final project for Bachelor’s and Master’s to prove they’re worth their degree. Dissertations have a complex structure and need original research.
Paragraph length by section, in % of the total length:

– Abstract – 5%
– Intro – 10%
– Literature review – 25%
– Methodology – 15%
– Result – 20%
– Discussion – 15%
– Conclusion – 10%

Assigned to doctoral students getting PhDs. Its structure is as complex as a dissertation but with more details. The focus is on the research and data analysis.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is essay length important.

Yes, it is. Prescribing a length, instructors understand if you can organize thoughts and arguments. An essay of 1,000 words requires more research and effort than a 350-word paper, agree? The specified length also helps you understand how complex your work should be to grade high. Longer essays teach you to write cohesive texts, choose arguments, and think critically.

Don’t write essays for the sake of count. Quality matters, so please focus on arguments, evidence, and analysis. Avoid placing too many transitions, generic words, and lengthy expressions. Make your every word and sentence count.

How many words are in an essay sample?

350 words at least.

It depends on the essay type you write. Thus, a high school essay sample will be 350 words at least. If you need a college application essay, consider personal papers of 250-650 words. Check essay samples of 800-1,000 words if you need a standard college paper. More complex works like graduate school essays or dissertations will be 3,000+ words.

How long is each part of an essay?

Stick to the 80/20 rule when calculating the length of each essay part. An essay body is the core section of academic papers: Make it 80% of the text. The remaining 20% goes to an introduction and a conclusion.

Say you write a 1,000-word essay. It means you will have 800 words in the body; 100 words go to the introduction and 100 words — for a concluding paragraph. You can go 10% below or above the prescribed limit. (Unless your instructor sets specific limitations.)

How many sentences are in an essay?

21-34 sentences for a standard 5-paragraph essay.

It depends on your essay type and the required word count. I’ll take a standard 5-paragraph college paper as an example:

You have one introductory paragraph, which is 3-5 sentences average. Other 3-5 sentences go to your conclusion. The body consists of three sections, 5-8 sentences each (1). So, here we have it: 21-34 sentences in an essay.

How many words are in an essay introduction?

Take 10-15% of the total length required. Thus, if you need to write a 1,000-word essay, your introduction will be 100-150 words.

For advanced research papers, where intros are longer than one paragraph, stick to 100-150 words per paragraph average. Such texts are usually above 3,000 words, so you’ll follow the 80/20 rule anyway.

Can I go under the suggested length?

It’s not advisable. Please do your best to meet the minimum word count given in the assignment. If the guidelines say “350-600 words,” write at least 350 words in an essay. Sometimes, a 10% deviation is acceptable, but don’t take this rule for granted. Most instructors won’t appreciate your 315-word paper if they ask you to write 350 words at least.

How to make your essay longer?

  • Add more examples and evidence to the body paragraphs. 
  • Explain and analyze every argument in detail. 
  • Mention counterarguments if applicable.

Can I make my essay longer?

Yes, you can exceed the word limit by 10% if allowed by your course instructor. For example, if you get an assignment of 500-700 words, it’s okay to submit a 770-word essay for a review.

Important! Always ask your instructor if the 10% rule is available in their course. And exceed the word count only if you have critical information to add.

Academic writing is all about rules and instructions. Essay length isn’t an exception:

Every college paper has a prescribed, approximate word count to follow. When asking, “How long is an essay?” remember the answer will depend on several factors:

  • Academic level. (Middle and high school students write short essays. Undergraduates and graduates craft longer and more complex papers.)
  • Type and purpose. (Research-based essays are longer than reflective stories you write for college admission officers.)
  • Instructions you get from a teacher. (Check them: The supposed essay length is often there.)

How many words are in an essay? You can answer this question now.


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What is WordCounter?

Apart from counting words and characters, our online editor can help you to improve word choice and writing style, and, optionally, help you to detect grammar mistakes and plagiarism. To check word count, simply place your cursor into the text box above and start typing. You'll see the number of characters and words increase or decrease as you type, delete, and edit them. You can also copy and paste text from another program over into the online editor above. The Auto-Save feature will make sure you won't lose any changes while editing, even if you leave the site and come back later. Tip: Bookmark this page now.

Knowing the word count of a text can be important. For example, if an author has to write a minimum or maximum amount of words for an article, essay, report, story, book, paper, you name it. WordCounter will help to make sure its word count reaches a specific requirement or stays within a certain limit.

In addition, WordCounter shows you the top 10 keywords and keyword density of the article you're writing. This allows you to know which keywords you use how often and at what percentages. This can prevent you from over-using certain words or word combinations and check for best distribution of keywords in your writing.

In the Details overview you can see the average speaking and reading time for your text, while Reading Level is an indicator of the education level a person would need in order to understand the words you’re using.

Disclaimer: We strive to make our tools as accurate as possible but we cannot guarantee it will always be so.

how many words in 5 page essay

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  • ACTIVITY Keeps track of your word and character count.
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The Best College Essay Length: How Long Should It Be?

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College Essays


Figuring out your college essay can be one of the most difficult parts of applying to college. Even once you've read the prompt and picked a topic, you might wonder: if you write too much or too little, will you blow your chance of admission? How long should a college essay be?

Whether you're a terse writer or a loquacious one, we can advise you on college essay length. In this guide, we'll cover what the standard college essay length is, how much word limits matter, and what to do if you aren't sure how long a specific essay should be.

How Long Is a College Essay? First, Check the Word Limit

You might be used to turning in your writing assignments on a page-limit basis (for example, a 10-page paper). While some colleges provide page limits for their college essays, most use a word limit instead. This makes sure there's a standard length for all the essays that a college receives, regardless of formatting or font.

In the simplest terms, your college essay should be pretty close to, but not exceeding, the word limit in length. Think within 50 words as the lower bound, with the word limit as the upper bound. So for a 500-word limit essay, try to get somewhere between 450-500 words. If they give you a range, stay within that range.

College essay prompts usually provide the word limit right in the prompt or in the instructions.

For example, the University of Illinois says :

"You'll answer two to three prompts as part of your application. The questions you'll answer will depend on whether you're applying to a major or to our undeclared program , and if you've selected a second choice . Each response should be approximately 150 words."

As exemplified by the University of Illinois, the shortest word limits for college essays are usually around 150 words (less than half a single-spaced page). Rarely will you see a word limit higher than around 650 words (over one single-spaced page). College essays are usually pretty short: between 150 and 650 words. Admissions officers have to read a lot of them, after all!


Weigh your words carefully, because they are limited!

How Flexible Is the Word Limit?

But how flexible is the word limit? What if your poignant anecdote is just 10 words too long—or 100 too short?

Can I Go Over the Word Limit?

If you are attaching a document and you need one or two extra words, you can probably get away with exceeding the word limit by such a small amount. Some colleges will actually tell you that exceeding the word limit by 1-2 words is fine. However, I advise against exceeding the word limit unless it's explicitly allowed for a few reasons:

First, you might not be able to. If you have to copy-paste it into a text box, your essay might get cut off and you'll have to trim it down anyway.

If you exceed the word limit in a noticeable way, the admissions counselor may just stop reading your essay past that point. This is not good for you.

Following directions is actually a very important part of the college application process. You need to follow directions to get your letters of recommendation, upload your essays, send supplemental materials, get your test scores sent, and so on and so forth. So it's just a good general rule to follow whatever instructions you've been given by the institution. Better safe than sorry!

Can I Go Under the Word Limit?

If you can truly get your point across well beneath the word limit, it's probably fine. Brevity is not necessarily a bad thing in writing just so long as you are clear, cogent, and communicate what you want to.

However, most college essays have pretty tight word limits anyways. So if you're writing 300 words for an essay with a 500-word limit, ask yourself: is there anything more you could say to elaborate on or support your points? Consult with a parent, friend, or teacher on where you could elaborate with more detail or expand your points.

Also, if the college gives you a word range, you absolutely need to at least hit the bottom end of the range. So if you get a range from the institution, like 400-500 words, you need to write at least 400 words. If you write less, it will come across like you have nothing to say, which is not an impression you want to give.


What If There Is No Word Limit?

Some colleges don't give you a word limit for one or more of your essay prompts. This can be a little stressful, but the prompts generally fall into a few categories:

Writing Sample

Some colleges don't provide a hard-and-fast word limit because they want a writing sample from one of your classes. In this case, a word limit would be very limiting to you in terms of which assignments you could select from.

For an example of this kind of prompt, check out essay Option B at Amherst :

"Submit a graded paper from your junior or senior year that best represents your writing skills and analytical abilities. We are particularly interested in your ability to construct a tightly reasoned, persuasive argument that calls upon literary, sociological or historical evidence. You should NOT submit a laboratory report, journal entry, creative writing sample or in-class essay."

While there is usually no word limit per se, colleges sometimes provide a general page guideline for writing samples. In the FAQ for Option B , Amherst clarifies, "There is no hard-and-fast rule for official page limit. Typically, we anticipate a paper of 4-5 pages will provide adequate length to demonstrate your analytical abilities. Somewhat longer papers can also be submitted, but in most cases should not exceed 8-10 pages."

So even though there's no word limit, they'd like somewhere in the 4-10 pages range. High school students are not usually writing papers that are longer than 10 pages anyways, so that isn't very limiting.

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Implicit Length Guideline

Sometimes, while there's no word (or even page) limit, there's still an implicit length guideline. What do I mean by this?

See, for example, this Western Washington University prompt :

“Describe one or more activities you have been involved in that have been particularly meaningful. What does your involvement say about the communities, identities or causes that are important to you?”

While there’s no page or word limit listed here, further down on page the ‘essay tips’ section explains that “ most essay responses are about 500 words, ” though “this is only a recommendation, not a firm limit.” This gives you an idea of what’s reasonable. A little longer or shorter than 500 words would be appropriate here. That’s what I mean by an “implicit” word limit—there is a reasonable length you could go to within the boundaries of the prompt.


But what's the proper coffee-to-paragraph ratio?

Treasure Hunt

There is also the classic "treasure hunt" prompt. No, it's not a prompt about a treasure hunt. It's a prompt where there are no length guidelines given, but if you hunt around on the rest of the website you can find length guidelines.

For example, the University of Chicago provides seven "Extended Essay" prompts . You must write an essay in response to one prompt of your choosing, but nowhere on the page is there any guidance about word count or page limit.

However, many colleges provide additional details about their expectations for application materials, including essays, on FAQ pages, which is true of the University of Chicago. On the school’s admissions Frequently Asked Questions page , they provide the following length guidelines for the supplemental essays: 

“We suggest that you note any word limits for Coalition or Common Application essays; however, there are no strict word limits on the UChicago Supplement essays. For the extended essay (where you choose one of several prompts), we suggest that you aim for around 650 words. While we won't, as a rule, stop reading after 650 words, we're only human and cannot promise that an overly wordy essay will hold our attention indefinitely. For the “Why UChicago?” essay, we suggest about 250-500 words. The ideas in your writing matter more than the exact number of words you use!”

So there you go! You want to be (loosely) in the realm of 650 for the extended essay, and 250-500 words for the “Why UChicago?” essay.

Help! There Really Is No Guidance on Length

If you really can't find any length guidelines anywhere on the admissions website and you're at a loss, I advise calling the admissions office. They may not be able to give you an exact number (in fact, they probably won't), but they will probably at least be able to tell you how long most of the essays they see are. (And keep you from writing a panicked, 20-page dissertation about your relationship with your dog).

In general, 500 words or so is pretty safe for a college essay. It's a fairly standard word limit length, in fact. (And if you're wondering, that's about a page and a half double-spaced.) 500 words is long enough to develop a basic idea while still getting a point across quickly—important when admissions counselors have thousands of essays to read!


"See? It says 500 words right there in tiny font!"

The Final Word: How Long Should a College Essay Be?

The best college essay length is usually pretty straightforward: you want to be right under or at the provided word limit. If you go substantially past the word limit, you risk having your essay cut off by an online application form or having the admissions officer just not finish it. And if you're too far under the word limit, you may not be elaborating enough.

What if there is no word limit? Then how long should a college essay be? In general, around 500 words is a pretty safe approximate word amount for a college essay—it's one of the most common word limits, after all!

Here's guidance for special cases and hunting down word limits:

If it's a writing sample of your graded academic work, the length either doesn't matter or there should be some loose page guidelines.

There also may be implicit length guidelines. For example, if a prompt says to write three paragraphs, you'll know that writing six sentences is definitely too short, and two single-spaced pages is definitely too long.

You might not be able to find length guidelines in the prompt, but you could still hunt them up elsewhere on the website. Try checking FAQs or googling your chosen school name with "admissions essay word limit."

If there really is no word limit, you can call the school to try to get some guidance.

With this advice, you can be sure you've got the right college essay length on lockdown!


Hey, writing about yourself can even be fun!

What's Next?

Need to ask a teacher or friend for help with your essay? See our do's and dont's to getting college essay advice .

If you're lacking in essay inspiration, see our guide to brainstorming college essay ideas . And here's our guide to starting out your essay perfectly!

Looking for college essay examples? See 11 places to find college essay examples and 145 essay examples with analysis !

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Ellen has extensive education mentorship experience and is deeply committed to helping students succeed in all areas of life. She received a BA from Harvard in Folklore and Mythology and is currently pursuing graduate studies at Columbia University.

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Words to Pages Converters

Do you get assignments in words or pages? Sometimes, it’s essential to know both values to develop your writing. Another reason to know how many words does it take to fill a certain number of pages: if you’re a freelancer and you need to calculate your prices.

It doesn’t matter what your goal is, let’s talk about the ways to achieve it. In this post, you’ll find 6 awesome words to pages converters. These tools perfectly perform their function by calculating the exact number of pages. To get the precise result, you’ll need to fill in specific fields like fonts, size, line spacing, and more.

Remember, that every tool has its own fields depending on the accuracy of the result, that’s why every calculator is different. You should choose one tool that works for you. It may demand thorough research, but in the end, you’ll be able to find the one you need.

🏆 6 best word to pages converters

🤔 what’s a typical essay format, ✍️ essay types & structure, 🔗 references.

Students often ask us how to convert words into pages. The easiest way is to take the text of your word count, put it into Microsoft Word, and format to the required academic style. But although it’s so easy to accomplish, it’s not the quickest option. Also, you may need to know some pages for an astronomic word count. This won’t be easy to calculate on yourself for a novel or dissertation, for example.

To make your task simpler, use one of these pages converters. They’re easy to use and can calculate for any style and format.

1. Words to Pages

An easy to use tool where you need to fill only four fields to get an accurate result. Enter the number of words, font type, font size, and spacing. When choosing a font, you’ll see six options—Arial, Calibri, Comic Sans, Courier, Times New Roman, Verdana. These fonts are the most popular, but if you use some other fonts or there are two different fonts in your paper, you can enter one of these fonts (preferably, Times New Roman). This way, you’ll easily know the approximate number of pages.

2. Word Counter

This is a popular website bookmarked by hundreds of students. Here you can add such characteristics as total word count, font type and size, and spacing. For advanced settings, you can use the fields below. There it’s possible to paste your text and change its style. There are the following settings:

  • Page format (A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, U.S. letter)
  • Line spacing

At the end of the page, you’ll find clarifications and instructions on how to get the most accurate result. Also, there’s a short FAQ for those in a hurry to answer your questions like “how many pages is 500 words”.

3. Word

This website’s goal is to show how many words in a page there are (with some specific settings, of course). Start by entering the text into the field. The tool won’t only count words but characters as well. It will show the number of sentences, paragraphs and pages.

5. Word Count Tool

This tool will provide you with the characters, words, sentences, and paragraphs count. Also, it will measure the Flesch Reading Score and reading time.

If you already know how many words in the text, type the number into a proper fiels, choose the font, its size, and spacing. It’s important because sometimes you need to format a paper in other styles, and that would increase or decrease the number of pages.

Here you can choose one of six fonts which are usually enough to calculate the pages for an academic paper: Arial, Colibri, Comic Sans MS, Courier, Times New Roman, and Verdana.

6. The Word Finder

Another typical tool to determine how long is your paper. It’s a fast and convenient way to get the result without difficult calculations.

You have to set the word count, and choose one of six font families and one of five sizes. Don’t forget to set line spacing as well—the wrong setting can increase or decrease the number of pages significantly.

These were the most comfortable and user-friendly words to pages converters. Choose the one you like more but make sure it has all the necessary settings. Only when the converter has your font, size, and spacing settings, you can get the accurate words equivalent to pages.

In this section, we’ll describe the typical format colleges and universities require from students. It’s an important topic for everyone who wants to convert words into pages or vice versa.

The point is:

With the choice of font, margins, size, spacing, type of titles, the number of images, and other settings, your paper takes more or less space.

Fortunately, the most institutions use just one format for academic papers. They’re the same for MLA and APA styles, which is a significant fact for students who aren’t sure in the proper format.

Here’s the list of setting for you to prevent the choice of wrong options:

  • Font: Times New Roman
  • Size: 12 pt
  • Line spacing: Double
  • Margins: 1-inch on the top, right, bottom, and left
  • Alignment: Left side
  • Page numbers: Top left.

These settings are what usually chosen for an essay, but your university may ask to change the style according to their requirements. Make sure you’ve read all the instructions before sending the paper in.

Thousands of words may seem a super challenging point to achieve. What should you write to develop a long constructive paper? Where to find supporting arguments for every paragraph?

If you develop a clear outline and hold to one of four essay types, you can easily write a paper of any length.

In this section, let’s investigate these four most popular types and learn to build strong structures for them.

1. Narrative essay

A narrative essay is a piece of academic writing that focuses on your personal experience and thoughts. It usually takes the shape of a story including important narrative elements such as characters, plot, climax, introduction and conclusion, storyline, and so on.

Here are some principles and tips you should stick to while writing one:

  • Have an idea. A narrative essay should link to some current events or issues to make people think about something problematic happening in life. Choose an idea that connects with your readers and present it in your story.
  • Try to be neutral. As an author, you should take a neutral position in your story. Don’t try to convince readers and don’t let yourself choose between several points of view. An author should only tell the story and let the readers decide which side to take.
  • You can use the first pronouns “I” and “we”. As you’re writing a story, you’re free to use first pronouns. This isn’t a rule but an opportunity to build the plot the way you want it to be.
  • Search for stylistic devices to include in your text. Your story should be expressive enough to touch readers’ hearts.

2. Descriptive essay

Another type of academic essay that challenges your writing skills. Its goal is to describe a piece of art, person, place, etc. to portray all the senses the object provokes. This essay type is extremely expressive and should transmit the author’s emotions as well as the looks and physical characteristics.

Here’s a couple of tips to follow:

  • Use expressive words. A descriptive essay is similar to painting or coloring—it should show the beauty of an object. To achieve this goal, make your language as expressive as possible. Need some help? You can use Thesaurus to find the most appropriate synonyms.
  • Make lists. Although the description usually focuses on one person, place, or object, keep the information about it organized and clear. Unfortunately, it’s too easy to lose your ideas when it comes to actual writing. To prevent it, outline every piece of evidence for your paper.
  • Make lists. Although the description usually focuses on one person, place, or object, keep the information about it organized and clear. Unfortunately, it’s too easy to lose your ideas when it comes to actual writing. To prevent it, outline every evidence for your paper.

3. Argumentative essay

The argumentative essay can be called the most popular type as long as it teaches to express your thoughts logically and defend your point of view. These papers are often based on debatable issues and usually divide all students into two groups—those who support the topic and those who argue against it.

Here are some guidelines to handle this type:

  • Always make an outline. This type of essay depends on the structure you develop. Remove it—and there’s no way to prove your point of view! Mapping is a great way to organize an essay. Just think about arguments for and against the thesis statement and write them on a piece of paper. Then add any supportive points you have for these topics. In the end, you’ll have a detailed scheme on the issue and can follow it to build your writing.
  • Use evidential support. You won’t automatically persuade everyone who reads your paper in your rightness. To prove your point of view, it’s significant to find out which supports can change readers’ opinion and make your arguments powerful.
  • Facts and statistics. It’s essential to include proven information in your paper. Use credible sources like Google Scholar to find case studies and reports to use as arguments. Always credit the authors of statistics you use. That’s not only an important rule of academic writing but also a way to convince your readers—the fact you have evidence makes even the most uncertain readers change their mind.
  • Organize it logically. Firstly, leave the most powerful evidence for the end. Secondly, use a lot of transition words and make your message clear (remember, that every paragraph should have only one idea). Then, eliminate wordiness and ambiguousness.

4. Expository essay

The last type of essay is the expository one. Its main goal is to inform readers. In contrast to the argumentative, the expository essay doesn’t persuade readers from any point of view. It highlights facts, statistics, historical events, and other knowledge to educate people. The way they deal with the information isn’t the issue the author should tackle.

To write a decent informative essay follow these rules:

  • Choose the topic carefully. When you select a topic from a specific list or making up on your own, make sure it is appropriate for your college/university subject and possible for you to speak on. Also, don’t make it too challenging to understand—if you write an essay on the Roman army, there’s no need to describe every campaign it participated in (and the paper isn’t long enough for you to accomplish this goal).
  • Develop a clear structure. The knowledge you share should be organized to get to the readers. Make your text is free of ambiguous statements, add transitions words, emphasize certain ideas, and follow the outline.
  • Check the facts. Whether you include dates, numbers, terms, statistics, and other facts, make sure you’ve written everything right. Fix all inaccuracies if there are some and proofread all statistics you include in the text.

Now when you know all the four types, let’s learn how to develop a structure appropriate for any of them. Usually, students use a 5-paragraph structure to present the information in a logical and concise way.

Let’s break this structure into paragraphs!

The 1 st paragraph is the introduction. Here you should present the topic, develop a thesis statement, and attract readers’ attention.

To start your essay, use a hook—it can be a quote, rhetorical question, statistics, or anything else that can draw the audience to further reading. Also, devote a lot of time to the thesis statement formulation. It should cover all the aspects of your essay in one sentence.

The 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th paragraphs combine to build a powerful body. Here you will provide arguments to prove your thesis statement multiple times.

There are many techniques to present your supportive ideas online. But the key principle is: you should explain only one supportive idea per paragraph. Fill up your outline with facts and statistics to make your paper worth trusting.

The 5 th paragraph is the conclusion. The main rule here—don’t provide any new ideas. This section should only summarize the ideas presented before not replace them with new ones. In the end, combine all these evidence in the final statement.

With this easy structure, you can develop a great essay on any topic. All four essay types can follow this organization perfectly. All you have to do is just fill it with information.

In this article you’ve found the best words to pages converters, learned how to develop a good structure, and knew about different types of essays. We hope these guidelines were helpful for school, college, and university students.

Updated: Oct 25th, 2023

  • Essay Structure
  • A typical structure for an academic essay
  • Traditional Academic Essays in Three Parts
  • MLA General Format
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IvyPanda's free words-to-pages converter will help you if you want to see how many words fit on a page or how many pages you need to fit a specific word count. Here, you can also find out about typical essay formats and descriptions of common essay types and structures.

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How many pages is 2500 words.

What is the page count of 2500 words? 2500 words is about 5 pages single spaced and 10 pages double spaced.

How Many Pages is 2000 Words?

How many pages does 2000 words equal? The answer is around 4 pages single spaced, and 8 pages double spaced.

How Many Pages is 500 Words?

How many pages is 500 words? The answer is one page single spaced or two pages double spaced

How Many Pages is 6000 Words?

How many pages does 6000 words produce? If you're single spacing your work, 6000 words is close to 12 pages; double spaced around 24 pages.

About Word Counter

Word Counter is an easy to use online tool for counting words, characters, sentences, paragraphs and pages in real time, along with spelling and grammar checking. Get started by typing directly into the text area above or pasting in your content from elsewhere. Word and character counts will display at the top, any writing mistakes will be underlined and your most frequently used keywords will appear to the right.

You can also use Word Counter to track your text length against common web standards like Twitter's tweet character count (140), Google's meta description (300), and Facebook's average post display length (~250). If your text is longer than 360 characters the counter will show you the number of sentences, paragraphs and pages instead; useful metrics for blog posts, articles, papers, essays, dissertations and other long-form content.

How Long Is an Essay? The Ultimate Essay Length Guide

It’s safe to say that most students struggle with the word limit within an essay. Sometimes, it’s hard to find ideas for a text and meet the word requirement for every part of the paper. With so many factors influencing essay length, it’s easy to get confused.

The picture enumerates the factors influencing essay length.

Luckily, our custom-writing team has your back. In this article, our custom-writing experts will answer all your questions regarding essay length. We will also help you write papers with an ideal number of words!

📜 Is Essay Length Important?

📏 essay parts: recommended length.

  • 🤔 How to Make Essays Shorter or Longer
  • 📑 Essay Length & Formatting
  • ❓ Different Academic Levels FAQ
  • 📚 Essay Length: Different Types
  • ⭐ Other Aspects
  • 📝 Essay Examples

🔍 References

Often, the phrase “word limit” causes panic among students. After all, if an essay is too long or too short, your grade will be lowered. However, in reality, there’s nothing to worry about. When it comes to words, limitations are beneficial for both the students and the professors.

Let’s see what exactly it means.

Many people believe that the longer an essay is, the better. However, according to Frontiers, research shows that it’s a bias that couldn’t be further from the truth. A perfect-length paper is one that allows students to express their ideas and showcase their knowledge fully while keeping it clean and simple.

What Influences Essay Length

Various factors determine the length of an essay. Here are the most important ones:

Some themes may require more explanations and supporting ideas to prove a point or convey a message to the reader. 
For instance, if your topic is related to literature, you might need more words and descriptions to get the point across. Subjects such as science or management typically require shorter papers. 
Usually, the more advanced the students are, the more complex their papers get. For example, high school essays differ from ones for college and university in terms of length and presentation.
Students may be asked to write various types of essays—such as short, extended, narrative, or persuasive—throughout their careers. The essay’s type reflects in both its outline and length. 

Let’s start with the essentials. Usually, assignment length is given as a number of words rather than pages. Unless your supervisor or instructor mentions any specific limitations, it’s acceptable to be 10% below or above the word limit.

It’s also worth knowing the 80/20 rule . According to it, the body should constitute 80% of the text, while the intro and the conclusion take up the remaining 20%.

Keep reading to learn more about the recommended length of each essay part. The main numbers are shown in the table below:

3-5 sentences (50-80 words)
5-8 sentences (80-200 words)
3-5 paragraphs
3-5 sentences (50-80 words)

How Long Should an Introduction Be?

An introduction is the first section and the face of your essay. For that reason, it needs to be compelling and well-thought-out. Usually, it consists of 3 to 5 sentences or 50 to 80 words .

An introduction must have a hook, some background information, and a thesis statement. While the attention grabber and the thesis are usually brief, you may need 2 to 3 sentences for the background. To avoid going overboard, try to stay on topic and don’t add any filler.

How Long Is a Body Paragraph in an Essay?

The length of a body paragraph may vary. Sometimes, it can be limited to a single sentence. In other cases, it may take up a whole page. Usually, it’s recommended to have between 80 and 200 words (5-8 sentences) per body paragraph.

Since the paper’s body contains the most information, it’s necessary to explain and support your ideas properly. That’s why it’s no big deal if your body paragraphs go slightly over the word limit.

How Many Body Paragraphs Should Be in an Essay?

Like the word count, the number of paragraphs is determined by the type of paper and its topic. The minimum is 1. Generally, however, the body consists of 3-5 paragraphs , 1 for each argument.

To improve your paper’s structure, ensure that there are as many paragraphs as there are points in your thesis statement. Each one should have a purpose and support your arguments. If there’s any fluff, it’s better to get rid of it.

How Long Should a Conclusion Be?

Like the introduction, the conclusion consists of 50-80 words . It’s essential to keep it simple and only mention the central ideas. A weak concluding sentence may affect the reader’s understanding of the topic and spoil the overall impression of your paper.

🤔 How to Make Essays Shorter or Longer: Best Tips

Undoubtedly the essay’s content is more important than the number of words you use. But there are times when students go more than 10-15% below or over the limit. Is there a solution to this problem?

Yes, there is! In this section, we will share the most useful tips to help you stay on point with your paper’s word count.

How to Make Essays Longer

Since having enough words is essential for a good grade, we’ve collected the best tips that can help you lengthen your essay without teachers noticing:

  • Use relevant quotations.  You don’t need to litter your essay with citations, but using them whenever appropriate is a great idea. For instance, if you’re working on a book analysis, referencing a couple of direct quotes from the source text will make your essay more credible and increase the word count.
Original Revision
In Indian culture, hair symbolizes self-respect, a sense of belonging, and pride. In Indian culture, hair symbolized self-respect, a sense of belonging, and pride: ”Our mothers had taught us that only unskilled warriors who were captured had their hair shingled by the enemy.”
  • Give examples.  Go through the claims in your paper and provide additional evidence where possible. It will make your essay longer and more informative.
Original Revision
Directors considered the dark side of speed, driving, mobility, and all the other icons associated with the road. Directors considered the dark side of speed, driving, mobility, and all the other icons associated with the road. Some well-known examples are movies such as (1969), (1963), and (1963-64).
  • Use transitional expressions.  Adding transition words and phrases is a natural way of increasing the number of words. It will also improve your essay’s readability. 
Original Revision
The book’s author believes this is just a general misconception. However, the book’s author believes this is just a general misconception.
  • Add more references.  Providing references is always a good idea when writing a formal essay. That way, you will increase the number of words and make your paper more credible.
Original Revision
It is believed that writing, reading, or reciting poetry positively affects our psychological well-being. According to another article published in the  in 2014, the practice of writing, reading, or reciting poetry positively affects our psychological well-being.
  • Work on your descriptions.  If you struggle to develop new ideas, go over what you’ve already written and consider adding some descriptive words. It’s a great idea for creative essays to include more imagery. 
Original Revision
They believe that language is more than a communication tool and should be introduced in a playful way for most effectiveness. They believe that language is more than a simple day-to-day communication tool and that it should be introduced in a pleasurable and playful way for the most effectiveness.

How to Shorten an Essay

Another struggle of academic writing is cutting down the number of words in your essay to meet a set limit. We are here to tell you that it’s not that hard. Writing straightforwardly and keeping your sentences short is a key to concise content. Here are several strategies you may use to tighten a lengthy essay:

  • Choose the active voice.  It takes up less space than passive voice. Using it also makes your writing more professional and compelling.
Original Revision
The research was conducted by  .  conducted the research. 
  • Remove needless transitions.  Transitions can indeed maintain the flow of the paper. But some transitional phrases can be easily removed.
Original Revision
Furthermore, it has been discovered that children who play violin have stronger visual and verbal pattern abilities. Discoveries show that children who play violin have stronger visual and verbal pattern abilities.
  • Get rid of unnecessary adverbs and adjectives.  Some students tend to overuse adjectives and adverbs. It adds wordiness to their writing.
Original Revision
The whole article focuses on the mechanics of easily managing fear itself. The article focuses on the mechanics of managing fear itself. 
  • Avoid running starts.  Some students like to start their sentences with long phrases like: “there are,” “it is believed,” or “the fact that.” Getting rid of them makes texts much more concise.
Original Revision
The fact that the dialogue contains some Shakespearean elements emphasizes the protagonist’s longing for his lover.  Shakespearean elements in the dialogue emphasize the protagonist’s longing for his lover. 
  • Delete “that.”  In most cases, the word “that” can often be easily removed from texts.
Original Revision
The idea that was expressed in the novel translated well into the live-action movie. The idea expressed in the book translated well into the live-action movie.

Another cool trick is to use our summarizing tool as essay shortener. Try it out!

📑 How Long Is an Essay Depending on Formatting?

As we mentioned earlier, the essay’s length is usually limited by the number of words. But sometimes, a teacher may ask you to write a specific number of pages. This is trickier because the amount of text you can place on the page depends on the formatting. By using the font size and spacing properly, it’s possible to make the paper visually longer or shorter. Let’s discuss it in more detail.

The picture describes how formatting affects essay length.

Essay Spacing: How Does It Affect the Length?

  • Adjusting the spacing between lines.  Try to make the changes as slight as possible. For instance, if you were asked to double-space the paper, use 2.1 or 2.2 spacing instead. Another option is to slightly extend spaces between paragraphs.
  • Extending the margin size.  You can increase the right and bottom margins by a quarter to make very subtle changes in length. For example, if the margins are 1 inch , you can set them at 1.25 inches instead. 
  • Increasing the spacing between characters.  It is less noticeable than the line spacing. Still, try not to overdo it and keep the numbers between 1.2 and 1.5 . 
  • Adjusting the footer.  Add a footer with page numbers to stretch the bottom margin even further.
  • Lengthening the header.  You can extend your header by adding your name, e-mail address, or other relevant information. Another option is double-spacing it.

Length of an Essay: Font and Size

  • Using the right type of font.  If your instructor didn’t specify which font you should use, go for the bigger ones. We suggest Arial, Bangla Sangam MN, Cambria, or Quicksand. They will make your text look longer without being too on the nose.  
  • Using a bigger font size.  This is another technique that can come in handy. However, be careful and don’t increase your font by more than 0.1-0.5 pt.  
  • Increasing the size of periods and commas.   This is one of the less noticeable tricks you can use. For instance, if your paper’s font is 12 pt. , increase it to 14 pt. only for punctuation marks. Italicizing periods and commas will also add several lines of length to your essay. 

What to Do if There Are No Length Guidelines

Sometimes a teacher sets no word limit for a written work. What to do in that case? Well, first, you can ask your professor to confirm if they have simply forgotten to mention it. But if that’s not the case, here are a couple of helpful solutions:

  • Think of the paragraph number.  Sometimes, you may be given the number of paragraphs instead of words. In that case, you can decide on the number of words depending on how many paragraphs you have. 
  • Think about the topic’s complexity.  The length of your paper is also directly dependent on the theme. If the topic is simple, 4-5 paragraphs will be enough. A more complex issue may require an in-depth explanation, so your essay can be 6-8 paragraphs long.

❓ Essay Length for Different Academic Levels FAQ

The length of the elementary school essay is usually short. Usually, a paper needs to have around 3-5 paragraphs, with 4-5 sentences per paragraph. Primary school essays can be 1-2 paragraphs long.

The word limit for a middle school essay is usually between 300 to 1000 words. The most common essay length is 500 words, which is about 5 paragraphs. However, it may differ from school to school.

The length of the high school essay may differ depending on the school and the complexity of the task itself. Usually, however, a paper can be between 300 to 1000 words long.

The length of the undergraduate college essay often falls within the range of 1500 to 2100 words. It translates into roughly 5-7 pages. 5 pages is the most common essay length at this level.

When it comes to the graduate school admission essay, the word limit is usually between 500 and 1000 words. It’s possible to go slightly over or below the set limit; however, it’s best to stick to the requirements as close as possible.

📚 How Long Should an Essay Be: Different Types

Now, let’s talk about different types of essays. How long should they be? Keep reading to learn about the length of college essays, short and extended ones, scholarship essays, and research papers.

How Long Is a College Essay?

When it comes to a college essay, it’s more important to stick to the word limit than with any other paper. Some teachers may refuse to read it unless it meets all the requirements.

The shortest limit for a college essay is about 250 words which is the shortest length of a Common App personal statement. It’s also rare to see a good college essay with over 650 words . So, an average piece usually has between 150 and 650 words ; you can go over or below the limit by 50.

How Long Is a Paragraph in College Essays?

A college essay usually consists of 4-5 paragraphs . One paragraph takes about 1/3 of the page, which is roughly 5 sentences . Each sentence corresponds with one of the following components:

  • Topic sentence.
  • Explanation.
  • Transitions.

College Essay Length Requirements: Top 5 Schools

To understand the requirements for a college application essay even better, take a look at the table below. It showcases the top 5 schools and their length criteria for personal statements. Keep it in mind when writing your college essay:

HBS essay length 900-word limit
UC essay length 350-word limit
Chicago Booth essay length 300-word limit
UChicago essay length 650 suggested word limit
AMCAS essay length 5300 characters (spaces included)

How Long Is a Short Essay?

A short essay is usually 500 words long. Using 12pt Times New Roman font with standard margins and double spacing should result in about 2 pages of text.

Extended Essay Length

An extended essay is different from a short or a standard one. It requires extensive research and thorough explanation. That’s why the upper limit for this kind of essay is 4000 words . In this case, a typical essay length is 3500 words or 18 paragraphs .

Scholarship Essay Length

Generally, scholarship papers have a limit of 500 words , which is 1 page in length. Most scholarship programs provide additional requirements that indicate the minimum number of words or pages. If there are no set limitations, you can stick to the limit.

How Long Is a Research Paper?

Typically, a research paper is between 4000 and 6000 words long. Sometimes, there are shorter papers, which have around 2000 words, or in-depth ones with over 10000 words.

⭐ Other Aspects of Essay Length

When it comes to essay length, many different aspects come into play. Here, we’ve gathered all the essential information regarding an essay’s number of pages, paragraphs, words, and references.

How Many Paragraphs Are in an Essay?

Sometimes, it is more convenient to count paragraphs rather than words. Let’s now figure out how many paragraphs are in essays of different lengths. You may also check out the examples to see what such an essay looks like:

WordsParagraphs Example
250-word essay length 4
300-word essay length 4-5
500-word essay length 6 Water Cooling Tower Construction Site’s Problems
600-word essay length 7
800-word essay length 8-9
1000-word essay length 10
2000-word essay length 18-19

How to Count Paragraphs in an Essay Based on Word Count

You can also count the number of body paragraphs for your essay using the formula below:

Number of body paragraphs (average) = (TWC – TWC*0.16)/100

  • TWC – total word count
  • 0.16 – an average percentage of total word count for introduction and conclusion
  • 100 – an average number of words per paragraph

How Many Pages Are in an Essay?

The number of pages in your essay may vary from subject to subject. But it’s still possible to determine the number of pages based on word count. Check out the numbers below to see the conversions with bonus examples:

Pages (Double-spaced) Example
How many pages is a 200-word essay? 1 Food Safety: A Policy Issue in Agriculture Today 
How many pages is a 250-word essay? 1
How many pages is a 300-word essay? 1 The Major Causes of the Great Depression
How many pages is a 400-word essay? 1,5
How many pages is a 500-word essay? 2
How many pages is a 600-word essay? 2 Single-Parent Families: Source Analysis
How many pages is a 700-word essay? 2,5 CytoGainer Overview: Purpose and Results
How many pages is a 750-word essay? 3 Modeling Sustainable Food Systems
How many pages is a 800-word essay? 3
How many pages is a 900-word essay? 3,5
How many pages is a 1000-word essay? 4
How many pages is a 1500-word essay? 6
How many pages is a 2000-word essay? 8 Advocacy Campaign: the Problem of Childhood Obesity

You can also use a specialized calculator such as Word Counter to determine a number of pages in your essay.

What Does an Essay Look Like when Typed?

You might be wondering: what do essays of different lengths look like when typed? Well, here’s the table where you can find out the metrics for single- and double-spaced papers.

Single-spaced Double-spaced Example
What does a 200-word essay look like? 0,5 pages 1 page How Hate Took Hold of Him: Parrish Reflection
What does a 250-word essay look like? 0,5 pages 1 page What Social Factors Prevent Adolescents to Acquire Appropriate Education in Their Later Life
What does a 300-word essay look like? 0,5 pages 1 page “Racial Inequality, at College and in the Workplace” by Johnson
What does a 500-word essay look like? 1 page 2 pages
What does a 600-word essay look like? 1 page 2 pages “8 Million Have Slipped Into Poverty Since May as Federal Aid Has Dried Up” by Jason DeParle
What does a 750-word essay look like? 1,5 pages 3 pages Methods for Avoiding Relapse
What does a 1000-word essay look like? 2 pages 4 pages Heroin Distribution and Its Use Within the United States
What does a 2000-word essay look like? 4 pages 8 pages

How Many Pages Are in a Handwritten Essay?

In case you need to turn in a handwritten paper, you should check out the table below.

How many pages is 150 words handwritten? 0,5
How many pages is 200 words handwritten? 1
How many pages is 250 words handwritten? 1
How many pages is 300 words handwritten? 1,25
How many pages is 350 words handwritten? 1,5
How many pages is 400 words handwritten? 1,5-2
How many pages is 500 words handwritten? 2
How many pages is 600 words handwritten? 2
How many pages is 700 words handwritten? 2,5
How many pages is 800 words handwritten? 3
How many pages is 1000 words handwritten? 4

Counting Words in a Handwritten Essay

If you don’t have enough time to count the words in your handwritten essay one by one, here’s what you can do:

  • Count how many words there are in one line. Take the first and last lines and a line in the middle of a page. Let’s say there are 15, 14, and 15 words in them. Then, the average number of words per line is 15.
  • Next, count how many lines there are on one page. Let’s say there are 17 lines on a page.
  • Take the number of words per line and multiply it by the number of lines per page. In our case, we multiply 15 by 17. So, there are 255 words per page on average.
  • Finally, multiply the number of words per page by the number of pages. If your essay has 3 pages, it is approximately 765 words long.

How Long Does it Take to Write an Essay?

It is crucial to know how long writing will take you, especially if you are working on an exam essay or just short on time. Note that you need to consider the time for typing and researching necessary to complete a piece. Research time may vary. Usually, it’s 1-2 hours for 200-250 words .

The picture shows the fact about the average speed of writing.

Below, we’ve gathered the average writing time for average and slower writing speed:

Time (Slow) Time (Average)
How long does it take to write 250 words? 50 min 6.3 min
How long does it take to write 300 words? 60 min 7.5 min
How long does it take to write 500 words? 100 min 12.5 min
How long does it take to write 750 words? 150 min 18.8 min
How long does it take to write 800 words? 160 min 20 min
How long does it take to write 1000 words? 200 min 25 min
How long does it take to write 1200 words? 240 min 30 min
How long does it take to write 1500 words? 300 min 37.5 min
How long does it take to write a 2000-word essay? 400 min 50 min

And here are the results in pages:

Time (Slow) Time (Average)
How long does it take to write a 2-page paper? 200 min 25 min
How long does it take to write a 3-page paper? 300 min 37.5 min
How long does it take to write a 4-page paper? 400 min 50 min
How long does it take to write a 5-page paper? 500 min 62.5 min
How long does it take to write a 6-page paper? 600 min 75 min
How long does it take to write a 7-page paper? 700 min 87.5 min

How Many References Does an Essay Need?

Another essential part of any composition is the reference list. Different academic levels require different references. You’ll find out how many of them should be in your paper in the table below!

School College Bachelor Master Ph.D.
How many references in a 200-word essay 2 3 4 5 6
How many references for a 500-word essay 4 6 8 10 12
How many references for a 1000-word essay 8 12 16 20 24
How many references for a 1200-word essay 10 15 20 25 30
How many references in a 1500-word essay 12 18 24 30 36
How many references for a 2000-word essay 16 24 32 40 48
How many references for a 4000-word essay 32 48 64 80 96
How many references for a 5000-word essay 40 60 80 100 120

📝 Essay Examples: Different Length

Finally, we’ve gathered some excellent sample essays of different lengths. Make sure to check them out!

200-word essay example
300-word essay example Modifications of the Nomi Move
400-word essay example
500-word essay example
600-word essay example
700-word essay example Ethics, CSR, and Ignatian Values
800-word essay example
900-word essay example
1000-word essay example
1500-word essay example
2000-word essay example Research Critique: The Importance of Relationships in Mental Care
3000-word essay example
4000-word essay example

We also recommend you check out our free essay samples sorted by pages:

  • 1-Page Essay Examples
  • 2-Page Essay Examples
  • 3-Page Essay Examples
  • 4-Page Essay Examples
  • 5-Page Essay Examples
  • 10-Page Essay Examples
  • 20-Page Essay Examples
  • 30-Page Essay Examples
  • 40-Page Essay Examples
  • 50-Page Essay Examples

Now you know all about essay length, word limits, and ways to lengthen or shorten your text. If you know other interesting tricks, make sure to share them in a comment! Good luck with your writing assignments!

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  • Word Limits and Assignment Length: Massey University
  • The Paragraph in the College Essay: California State University, Long Beach
  • Introductions & Conclusions: The University of Arizona Global Campus
  • How Long Should a Paragraph Be?: Daily Writing Tips
  • Paragraphing (Length Consistency): Purdue University
  • Hitting the Target Word Count in Your College Admission Essay:
  • How Long Should Your College Essay Be? What is the Ideal Length?: College Vine
  • Writing Personal Statements Online: Issues of Length and Form: Penn State University
  • Pen Admissions: Essays: University of Pennsylvania
  • Essay Questions: University of Michigan
  • Essay Structure: Harvard University
  • Components of a Good Essay: University of Evansville
  • Write Your Essay: UNSW Sydney
  • College Writing: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • 21 Helpful and Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer: Seventeen
  • How to Make a College Paper Longer: ThoughtCo
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Words to Pages Converter

In some cases, it is very useful to know the number of words a page includes. It is considered that a page of a single-spaced text comprises 600 words, and that of a double-spaced text - 300 words. However, this is just an approximate number. A word count of one page depends on various issues such as a font and its size, spacing items, margins, the length of paragraphs, etc. Certainly, one cannot mind all these factors when defining the number of words on a page. Still, if to take the indicated factors into consideration, one will manage to determine a more precise number of words per page than just a rough figure indicated above, i.e. 300/600 words.

How to use our converter

Our pages to words calculator online will help you identify a correct word count of one page if detailed information about the type is available. For instance, in order to make correct calculations, you may select one of the 8 popular fonts:

  • Times New Roman
  • Comic Sans MS
  • Verdana Myriad Pro

You can also define the spacing:

Finally, you can pick the font size, 12pt, 14pt (mostly used for essays), 16pt or 18pt.

If you enter the aforementioned data in a specific calculator, the program will help you determine an exact number of words a page should include. Additionally, such a calculator can specify the number of pages you have written in case the word count is known.

Using this words to pages converter you would get known dependence between any amount of words to pages. We have created this converter using the most popular fonts in academic writings. Also, it can be useful when you need to find how many words per page should novel or book include.

We do everything possible to improve our calculators. Still, we cannot guarantee that the obtained results will be perfectly accurate. The calculator processes the entered data to determine as the exact figure as possible. Nevertheless, it is just an approximate number. Such factors as the length of paragraphs and margin spacing will most likely change the outcome. Anyway, by using our calculator, it will be much easier for you to determine a more precise number of pages written and that of words a page contains in comparison with the rule of thumb. is famous custom writing company. We offer any type of academic writings for the decent price. Here you can check prices per page for an essay . Also, you can proceed to order form and check our another order types.

Defining the Number of Pages

The data presented below are the calculations made by using Times New Roman 12pt font size, double spacing:

  • What number of pages do 250 words equal? - 250 words equal about 0.83 pages.
  • What number of pages do 300 words equal? - 300 words equal about 1 page.
  • What number of pages do 500 words equal? - 500 words equal about 1.7 pages.
  • What number of pages do 750 words equal? - 750 words equal about 2.5 pages.
  • What number of pages do 900 words equal? - 900 words equal about 3 pages.
  • What number of pages do 1000 words equal? - 1000 words equal about 3.4 pages.
  • What number of pages do 1250 words equal? - 1250 words equal about 4.2 pages.
  • What number of pages do 1500 words equal? - 1500 words equal about 5 pages.
  • What number of pages do 2000 words equal? - 2000 words equal about 6.8 pages.
  • What number of pages do 2500 words equal? - 2500 words equal about 8.3 pages.
  • What number of pages do 3000 words equal? - 3000 words equal about 10 pages.
  • What number of pages do 3500 words equal? - 3500 words equal about 11.67 pages.
  • What number of pages do 4000 words equal? - 4000 words equal about 13.3 pages.
  • What number of pages do 4500 words equal? - 4500 words equal about 15 pages.
  • What number of pages do 5000 words equal? - 5000 words equal about 16.7 pages.
  • What number of pages do 6000 words equal? - 6000 words equal about 20 pages.
  • What number of pages do 7500 words equal? - 7500 words equal about 25 pages.
  • What number of pages do 8000 words equal? - 8000 words equal about 26.67 pages.
  • What number of pages do 9000 words equal? - 9000 words equal about 30 pages.
  • What number of pages do 10000 words equal? - 10000 words equal about 34 pages.
  • What number of pages do 12000 words equal? - 12000 words equal about 40 pages.
  • What number of pages do 14000 words equal? - 14000 words equal about 46.67 pages.
  • What number of pages do 15000 words equal? - 15000 words equal about 50 pages.

Determining the Number of Words per Page

  • What number of words does one page include? It includes about 300 words.
  • What number of words do two pages include? Two pages include about 600 words.
  • What number of words do three pages include? Three pages include about 900 words.
  • What number of words do four pages include? Four pages include about 1200 words.
  • What number of words do five pages include? Five pages include about 1500 words.
  • What number of words do ten pages include? Ten pages include about 3000 words.
  • What number of words do fifteen pages include? Fifteen pages include about 4500 words.
  • What number of words do twenty pages include? Twenty pages include about 6000 words.
  • What number of words do twenty-five pages include? Twenty-five pages include about 7500 words.
  • What number of words do thirty pages include? Thirty pages include about 9000 words.
  • What number of words do forty pages include? Forty pages include about 12000 words.
  • What number of words do fifty pages include? Fifty pages include about 15000 words.
  • What number of words do seventy-five pages include? Seventy-five pages include about 22500 words.
  • What number of words do one hundred pages include? One hundred of pages include about 30000 words.

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Words To Pages Converter

Use this converter to calculate how many pages a certain number of words is. Just enter a number of words or paste your text, choose the formatting you need, and get the estimated number of pages your essay will take.

Words to Pages Converter

Enter a number of words or paste your text & choose the formatting, are your assignments troubling you.

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Many are times when you need to know the number of words you are writing per page. The rule of thumb is that 500 words make one page when single-spaced or 250 words for one page when double-spaced. However, other factors affect the word count per page, such as margin spacing, spacing elements, font size, font type, and paragraph length.

While it is difficult to consider all the above factors in your writing to estimate your word count per page, our calculator gives you a more accurate conversion estimate of the words per page, unlike the standard 250/500 thumb rule.

Are you having problems writing the exact word count or pages given by your instructor? Use our college homework help services to get a head start.

How Word-to-Page Calculator Works

This calculator shows how many pages a specific number of words or an essay has. To use this converter, copy your text or enter the number of words on the designated boxes, pick the formatting you need, and the calculator will get the number of pages your document will take.

The number of pages changes depends on the formatting, i.e., the font size, the font family, spacing, or the number of words you enter. You can choose the following font-family:

  • Times New Roman
  • Verdana, Courier

The spacing you can choose between:

  • Single spaced
  • Double spaced

The available font size is 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14.

Taking into consideration the above formatting option will give you the best results.

How Many Pages are there in the Following?

Below is a preview of the results you should expect when you use our tool, assuming the font family is Time New Roman, the default font size is 12, and the default double spacing.

  • How many pages are 200 words? 200 words are approximately 0.7 pages.
  • How many pages are 300 words? 300 words is approximately 0.9 pages. ( See how to write a 300- word essay .)
  • How many pages are 500 words? 500 words are approximately 1.5 pages. ( See examples of a 500- word essay .)
  • How many pages are 750 words? 750 words are approximately 2.3 pages.
  • How many pages are 800 words? 800 words are approximately 2.4 pages.
  • How many pages are 1000 words? 1000 words are approximately 3 pages.
  • How many pages are 1500 words? 1500 words are approximately 4.5 pages.
  • How many pages are 2500 words? 2500 words are approximately 7.4 pages.
  • How many pages are 2700 words? 2700 words are approximately 8 pages.
  • How many pages are 3200 words? 3200 words are approximately 9.5 pages.
  • How many pages are 4000 words? 4000 words are approximately 11.8 pages.
  • How many pages are 5000 words? 5000 words are approximately 14.8 pages.
  • How many pages are 6000 words? 6000 words are approximately 17.7 pages.
  • How many pages are 8000 words? 8000 words are approximately 23.6 pages.
  • How many pages are 10000 words? 10000 words are approximately 29.5 pages.
  • How many pages are 50000 words? 5000 words are approximately 147.1 pages.
  • How many pages is 4000 words, 1.5 spaced 12 fonts? 4000 words are approximately 9.4 pages.
  • How many pages is 15000 words 1.5 spaced? 15000 words are approximately 34.9 pages.

Perhaps you would be interested in converting words to time ?

How Many Words are in Pages?

  • How many words are in 2 pages? 2 pages is approximately 666 words.
  • How many words are in 3 pages? 3 pages are approximately 1000 words.
  • How many words are in 4 pages? 4 pages is approximately 1333 words.
  • How many words are in 5 pages? 5 pages are approximately 1667 words.
  • How many words are in 10 pages? 10 pages are approximately 3333 words.
  • How many words are in 15 pages? 15 pages are approximately 5000 words.
  • How many words are in 20 pages? 20 pages are approximately 6667 words.
  • How many words are in 50 pages? 50 pages are approximately 16667 words.

Word to pages calculator is a useful tool when you are writing your essay at school as it enables you to know how many pages you need to write to achieve a specific word count. Although certain factors, such as spacing and font size, affect the number of pages, our calculator will assist you in getting an approximate number.

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  • Words To Page
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Words to pages converter

Paste your text or just put the number of words you have into an appropriate line.

Define the font, it’s size and line spacing (single, double or 1,5)

Get your result!

What is words to pages converter tool?

When creating this tool, we kept the user’s convenience and comfort in mind. Despite there being generally perceived numbers like 250 words per double-spaced page and double that for single, we found that this number is a variable. It can depend on the font, it’s size and other factors. Our calculator tries to take as many of these factors into account as possible to estimate the number of pages your words constitute.

Factors that influence the number of words per page

The font type, the font size, margin spacing, other spacing elements, paragraph length, how it works.

The tool’s main aim is to estimate the number of words per page. Although there can be discrepancies due to the multiple variables involved,
the difference will not be major. To minimize this difference, we put most as settings that you can choose and adjust. Take a look at them below.

Adjust the font size

10, 11, 12, 13 and 14

Choose your preferred spacing

Single spaced; Double spaced; 1.5 spaced

A large database of information

Our title generator has a huge database of information to help you find tons of great ideas that will surprise your professor. It collects ideas from our own database, as well as from outside sources, that are constantly being updated to make relevant suggestions.

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Studyfy’s main goal is to save our users’ precious time and help them graduate with ease. Remember that at our service, you can request our ' write my essay ' service from a huge pool of qualified professionals."

Words to pages converter by Studyfy

Students often get anxious when writing academic papers, including research papers. They check the number of words borderline obsessively, trying to meet the word count. Not meeting the word count can mean a lot of things, but mostly, it can bring a poor grade. Our research paper writing service understands this challenge. When you convert words to pages with our tool, you know exactly how many pages your research paper needs to be and don’t have to check the word count so often! This service helps alleviate stress and ensures that your papers meet the required standards.

While using our tool, you get the following guarantees:

  • Round-the-clock support;
  • High accuracy of results;
  • Complete anonymity;
  • Ease of use tool.

Our customers speak about the tool

This converter was the first thing i tried and I have to say, I’m impressed. 10/10 will come back to it again!

Thank you guys! I don’t know what I would do without you!

There’re lots of services that claim to help you but in reality, they just want your money. Studyfy is free and really more helpful than the rest!

I was so happy! I use Studyfy’s editing services often and now I have this converter, too! It’s perfect!

I always worry about not meeting the word count. Now that I have this converter, I’ve become a more efficient student!

I never thought I needed this tool before I tried it. Now, I reach for it nearly every day.

How many pages are there?

In order to give you a clearer picture of how the service works, below, you’ll find some examples. These results were obtained using 12 point, double-spaced Arial font. This is what happens if you ask ‘how many pages is ...?’

How many pages is 450 words? 450 words is about 1.4 pages.

How many pages is 500 words? 500 words is approximately 1.6 pages.

How many pages is 750 words? 750 words is approximately 2.4 pages.

How many pages is 800 words? 800 words is about 2.5 pages.

How many pages is 1,000 words? 1,000 words is approximately 3.2 pages.

How many pages is 1,250 words? 1,250 words is approximately 3.9 pages.

How many pages is 1,500 words? 1,500 words is approximately 4.7 pages.

How many pages is 2,000 words? 2,000 words is approximately 6.3 pages.

How many pages is 2,500 words? 2,500 words is approximately 7.8 pages.

How many pages is 2700 words? 2700 words is about 8.4 pages.

How many pages is 3,000 words? 3,000 words is approximately 9.4 pages.

How many pages is 3200 words? 3200 words is about 10 pages.

How many pages is 4000 words? 4000 words is about 12.5 pages.

How many pages is 4500 words? 4500 words is about 14 pages.

How many pages is 5,000 words? 5,000 words is approximately 15.6 pages.

How many pages is 5200 words? 5200 words is about 16.2 pages.

How many pages is 6000 words? 6000 words is about 18.7 pages.

How many pages is 6500 words? 6500 words is about 20.2 pages.

How many pages is 7,500 words? 7,500 words is approximately 23.3 pages.

How many pages is 10,000 words? 10,000 words is approximately 31.1 pages

Define the number of words in pages

The following results were also obtained using standard, 12 point, double-spaced Arial font. But the same issue in question here is ‘how many words are in ... pages?’

How many words are in 1 page? There are about 300 words in one page.

How many words are in 2 pages? There are about 620 words in two pages.

How many words are in 3 pages? There are about 950 words in three pages.

How many words are in 4 pages? There are about 1260 words in four pages.

How many words are in 5 pages? Five pages are about 1600 words.

How many words are in 10 pages? Ten pages are about 3200 words.

How many words are in 15 pages? Fifteen pages are about 4800 words.

How many words are in 25 pages? There are approximately 9650 words in 35 pages.

How many words are in 35 pages? There are approximately 11250 words in 35 pages.

How many words are in 50 pages? There are approximately 16100 words in 50 pages.

How many words are in 100 pages? There are approximately 32200 words in 100 pages.

Frequently asked questions

Is studyfy words to pages converter really free, how to choose the words convertingtool that provides correct data, can i trust your tool, how accurate is the data that this tool calculates.

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Words to pages calculator

How can we calculate the amount of pages per some words count.

Very often, the task arises to count the number of pages that occupy a certain number of characters and words.

It is not always possible to do this with precision. Much depends on the parameters that determine the page as well as the characteristics of the font.

Our words to pages calculator allows you to set page size, layout, font size, margins, and line spacing in the text.

In order to accurately understand the amount of work expected, customers often order a fixed amount of characters or words in the text.

In SEO page ranking, the determining factor is the amount of text on the page, its content and uniqueness.

With a text quantity of at least 500 words, the page starts to rank well and appear in search engines.

For the convenience of users, we have provided a table of correspondence between the number of pages, words and characters, taking for consideration Arial font and the default font size of 12 pixels. (please, check below)

Also, in the printing industry, one of the defining roles is defined by the resolution of printed material.

Our service sets this value to 300 dpi by default.

For the convenience of calculating the volume of pages, an user can choose any of the fonts supported by our system.

At the moment there are:

  • Times New Roman
  • Courier New
  • Trebuchet MS
  • Comic Sans MS

The set of fonts for counting words was determined based on those commonly used in printing and web design.

We emphasize once again that the accuracy of the calculator is approximate and is determined based on the average number of characters in the English language and amount of paragraphs that can be expected.

Our users can always set the number of characters or the number of words and estimate the amount of corresponding amount of pages.

Our service is completely free and does not require any reward.

Any adjustments and recommendations for the counting algorithm are greatly welcome!

How many pages is in words? *

How many pages is in 500 words ~ 1.39 pages
How many pages is in 1000 words ~ 2.78 pages
How many pages is in 2000 words ~ 5.55 pages
How many pages is in 3000 words ~ 8.33 pages
How many pages is in 4000 words ~ 11.1 pages
How many pages is in 5000 words ~ 13.88 pages
How many pages is in 6000 words ~ 16.65 pages
How many pages is in 8000 words ~ 22.21 pages
How many pages is in 10000 words ~ 27.76 pages
How many pages is in 15000 words ~ 41.64 pages
How many pages is in 20000 words ~ 55.52 pages
How many pages is in 30000 words ~ 83.27 pages
How many pages is in 50000 words ~ 138.79 pages
* - For Arial, 12pt, Single line spacing

How many pages is in symbols?

How many pages is in 500 symbols ~ 0.3 pages
How many pages is in 1000 symbols ~ 0.59 pages
How many pages is in 2000 symbols ~ 1.18 pages
How many pages is in 3000 symbols ~ 1.77 pages
How many pages is in 4000 symbols ~ 2.36 pages
How many pages is in 5000 symbols ~ 2.95 pages
How many pages is in 6000 symbols ~ 3.54 pages
How many pages is in 8000 symbols ~ 4.72 pages
How many pages is in 10000 symbols ~ 5.91 pages
How many pages is in 15000 symbols ~ 8.86 pages
How many pages is in 20000 symbols ~ 11.81 pages
How many pages is in 30000 symbols ~ 17.72 pages
How many pages is in 50000 symbols ~ 29.53 pages
* - For Arial, 12pt, Single line spacing

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Word Count Tool

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How Many Words, One Page

How Many Words In One Page?

You’re assigned a homework in school today, “Please submit an essay four pages long.” That’s all you get. The next question in your mind will be “How many words do I have to write?”, or “What’s the word count for that?”

Fortunately, or unfortunately, there’s no definite answer to that. There are many factors that contribute to the number of words one page can contain. Some of the more common ones are: font size, type of font used, line spacings, margins of the document, etc. Intuitively speaking, the smaller the font size, the more words you need; the smaller the line spacings, the more words you need in a page.

When it comes to writing academic papers, meeting the required word count can sometimes be a challenge. If you find yourself struggling to reach the desired length, consider seeking assistance from a professional assignment writing service .

In any new Microsoft Word document on your computer, the default font size is 12 pt, and the default font is either Times New Roman or Cambria. These are also the standard academic font for college papers. We recommend you to change this to the default if yours isn’t!

In One Page

As a general estimation, a typical page of single spaced document with font size 12 pt takes approximately 500 words to fill the page. Alternatively, you will need 250 words to fill a page of a double spaced document. Therefore, for your assignment of 4 pages long, it will add up to 2000 words for single spaced, or 1000 words for double spaced. The type of font you use may change your word count, but it should not affect too much.

Here’s two tables for your quick reference. Remember, these are just general guidelines for you. If you want the most accurate information, ask the person who gave you the assignment directly! And make sure to follow their instructions!

By word count

How many words do you need to write?




1 1/5


1 3/5



1 1/5

2 2/5

1 1/2


1 3/5

3 1/5



2 2/5

4 4/5

























By page count

How many pages do you need to write?































Use our word counter tool to check your word count, and find out how many pages they make up!

October 05, 2019

September 16, 2019

September 11, 2019

September 10, 2019


Full Transcript of Kamala Harris’s Democratic Convention Speech

The vice president’s remarks lasted roughly 35 minutes on the final night of the convention in Chicago.

  • Share full article

People watch as Kamala Harris speaks on a large screen above them.

By The New York Times

  • Aug. 23, 2024

This is a transcript of Vice President Kamala Harris’s speech on Thursday night in which she formally accepted the Democratic Party’s nomination for the presidency.

OK, let’s get to business. Let’s get to business. All right.

So, let me start by thanking my most incredible husband, Doug. For being an incredible partner to me, an incredible father to Cole and Ella, and happy anniversary, Dougie. I love you so very much.

To our president, Joe Biden. When I think about the path that we have traveled together, Joe, I am filled with gratitude. Your record is extraordinary, as history will show, and your character is inspiring. And Doug and I love you and Jill, and are forever thankful to you both.

And to Coach Tim Walz. You are going to be an incredible vice president. And to the delegates and everyone who has put your faith in our campaign, your support is humbling.

So, America, the path that led me here in recent weeks was, no doubt, unexpected. But I’m no stranger to unlikely journeys. So, my mother, our mother, Shyamala Harris, had one of her own. And I miss her every day, and especially right now. And I know she’s looking down smiling. I know that.

So, my mother was 19 when she crossed the world alone, traveling from India to California with an unshakable dream to be the scientist who would cure breast cancer.

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  1. Words Per Page: convert words to pages calculator

    How many pages is 4,000 words? 4,000 words is approximately 14.6 pages. How many pages is 5,000 words? 5,000 words is approximately 18.3 pages. How many pages is 7,500 words? 7,500 words is approximately 27.4 pages. How many pages is 10,000 words? 10,000 words is approximately 36.5 pages.

  2. How Many Words Is 5 Pages? Essay Length

    1 page - 500 words. 1.5 page - 750 words. 2 pages - 1000 words. 4 pages - 2000 words. 8 pages - 4000 words. 10 pages - 5000 words. Of course, these are just estimates and a general rule of thumb. To avoid the headache in the first place, you can ask your teacher how long the paper should be in words instead of pages.

  3. 5-Page Essay: Tips, Tricks, and Guidelines to do it Quickly but Well

    Learn the meaning, time, and steps of writing a 5-page essay paper in a day or less. Find out how to plan, research, outline, write, and edit your essay effectively and efficiently.

  4. 5 Page Essay: Examples, Topics, & Word Count

    A 5 page essay word count is usually 1200 to 1250 words (12 pt., double-spaced). The length of a typical academic paragraph is 100 to 150 words. So, there are 12 to 16 paragraphs in a five page essay. If you need 5 page essay examples, take a look at the list below. We've collected A+ samples for you to get inspired. Good luck with your essay!

  5. Convert Words to Pages

    Find out how many pages a given number of words is for an academic essay. Select the font, font size and spacing options, and see the overview of common word counts and page numbers.

  6. How Many Words per Page?

    If single-spaced, it is one page. It all depends on the font type, font size, spacing, and formatting of the text. If a novel has a total of 80,000 words with 300 words per page, the number of manuscript pages is 267. It is interesting, as well as necessary at times, to look at the number of words per page. If you are a college student writing ...

  7. How Long is an Essay? Guidelines for Different Types of Essay

    Essay length guidelines. Type of essay. Average word count range. Essay content. High school essay. 300-1000 words. In high school you are often asked to write a 5-paragraph essay, composed of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. College admission essay. 200-650 words.

  8. Words Per Pages

    Besides, the headings and subheadings also affect the number of words per page. There are, however, general guidelines for estimating the number of words on a page. For example, a one-page essay includes approximately 500 words with single spacing and 250 words with double spacing.

  9. How Many Words Per Page?

    If you use double spacing, you should have about 250 words per page. If your document is single spaced, you can expect around 500 words per page. Typically, you'll see 3,500 characters for every 500 words.

  10. Words to Pages Calculator

    Use this words to pages calculator to quickly convert the number of words into the number of pages. It will help you to estimate how many words per page are required in your essays, assignments, and papers depending upon the word count, font size, and letter spacing. Your Text. Load Sample. Enter Total Words. Font. Font Size. Letter Spacing.

  11. Words Count to Pages Convert: Know How Many Pages Are In Words

    How many words are in a 5-page paper? A 5-page paper contains approximately 2,250 words with standard single-spaced formatting and a 12-point Arial font. ... Using a 12-point font, a 1000-word essay will be approximately 2.2 pages when single-spaced and 3.6 pages when double-spaced.

  12. How Many Words is a 5 Page Paper? Get the Answer Here!

    All you have to do is enter in information about your 5 page essay, the font, and spacing. For example, the answer to how many words is a 5 page paper double spaced using arial is, 1250 words. That is how you determine how many words in a 5 page essay. Once you know how many words is a 5 page double spaced paper, you can figure out how many ...

  13. How Many Words Are in an Essay? The Length Guide

    350 words at least. It depends on the essay type you write. Thus, a high school essay sample will be 350 words at least. If you need a college application essay, consider personal papers of 250-650 words. Check essay samples of 800-1,000 words if you need a standard college paper.

  14. WordCounter

    Tip: Bookmark this page now. Knowing the word count of a text can be important. For example, if an author has to write a minimum or maximum amount of words for an article, essay, report, story, book, paper, you name it. WordCounter will help to make sure its word count reaches a specific requirement or stays within a certain limit.

  15. The Best College Essay Length: How Long Should It Be?

    In the simplest terms, your college essay should be pretty close to, but not exceeding, the word limit in length. Think within 50 words as the lower bound, with the word limit as the upper bound. So for a 500-word limit essay, try to get somewhere between 450-500 words. If they give you a range, stay within that range.

  16. 6 Best Words to Pages Converters to Calculate Your Paper

    Here you can choose one of six fonts which are usually enough to calculate the pages for an academic paper: Arial, Colibri, Comic Sans MS, Courier, Times New Roman, and Verdana. 6. The Word Finder. Another typical tool to determine how long is your paper.

  17. Word Counter

    Quickly check word count and writing mistakes by pasting your text into our free online word counter. Great for essays, papers, Google meta tags and more. ... What is the page count of 2500 words? 2500 words is about 5 pages single spaced and 10 pages double spaced. About Word Counter. Word Counter is an easy to use online tool for counting ...

  18. How Long Is an Essay?: Word Count Tips & Essay Length Tricks [+Examples]

    Usually, it consists of 3 to 5 sentences or 50 to 80 words. An introduction must have a hook, some background information, and a thesis statement. While the attention grabber and the thesis are usually brief, you may need 2 to 3 sentences for the background.

  19. Words to Pages Converter

    1.5; Double; Finally, you can pick the font size, 12pt, 14pt (mostly used for essays), 16pt or 18pt. If you enter the aforementioned data in a specific calculator, the program will help you determine an exact number of words a page should include.

  20. Best Words To Pages Converter

    How many pages are 300 words? 300 words is approximately 0.9 pages. (See how to write a 300- word essay.) How many pages are 500 words? 500 words are approximately 1.5 pages. (See examples of a 500- word essay.) How many pages are 750 words? 750 words are approximately 2.3 pages. How many pages are 800 words? 800 words are approximately 2.4 pages.

  21. Words to Pages Converter

    page (s) ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS: 1. Paste your text or just put the number of words you have into an appropriate line. 2. Define the font, it's size and line spacing (single, double or 1,5) 3. Get your result!

  22. Words to pages calculator

    How many pages is in 1000 words ~ 2.78 pages: How many pages is in 2000 words ~ 5.55 pages: How many pages is in 3000 words ~ 8.33 pages: How many pages is in 4000 words ~ 11.1 pages: How many pages is in 5000 words ~ 13.88 pages: How many pages is in 6000 words ~ 16.65 pages: How many pages is in 8000 words ~ 22.21 pages: How many pages is in ...

  23. How Many Words In One Page?

    In One Page. As a general estimation, a typical page of single spaced document with font size 12 pt takes approximately 500 words to fill the page. Alternatively, you will need 250 words to fill a page of a double spaced document. Therefore, for your assignment of 4 pages long, it will add up to 2000 words for single spaced, or 1000 words for ...

  24. Kamala Harris's 2024 DNC Speech: Full Transcript

    The vice president's remarks lasted roughly 35 minutes on the final night of the convention in Chicago. By The New York Times This is a transcript of Vice President Kamala Harris's speech on ...