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Detecting radioactivity – the Geiger Muller Tube

  • Radioactive Half Life

Alpha, Gamma and Beta radiations are invisible to humans and exposure to these radiations can be hazardous to the health of living organisms. It is therefore extremely important that suitably designed detectors are available in order to gain information on the type and amount of radiation present.

The Geiger-Muller tube or Geiger counter

Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiations are all ionising radiations. This means that all three forms of radiations have enough energy to pull electrons from atoms turning them into ions. The Geiger-Muller tube makes use of this fact.

The animation below explains how a Geiger-Muller tube works.

A Geiger-Muller tube consists of a sealed metallic tube filled with argon or another noble gas mixed with a small amount of alcohol vapour or bromine gas. The argon gas is called the detecting gas whereas the bromine gas or alcohol vapours are referred to as the quenching gas. The gas mixture inside the tube is at a pressure below atmospheric pressure. A thin metal wire runs through the centre of the tube. An electric potential of up to 1 kilovolt is maintained between the metal wire (the anode) and the cylinder (the cathode). In the absence of any radiation no current flows between the wire and the cylinder.

When a radioactive particle enters the tube it ionises an argon atom. The resulting electron is accelerated towards the metal wire or anode.

As the electron approaches the metal wire it experiences an increasing electric field strength which in turn applies a greater accelerating force on the electron. The accelerating force becomes so strong that on collision with other argon atoms the electron can ionise them. The electrons from these ionisations can go onto to generate a cascade of further electrons, an effect called the avalanche effect. The ionisation by one particle can result in millions of electrons striking the metal wire.

This migration of electrons inside the tube results in an electric discharge. This gives a measurable voltage pulse in the external circuit of the Geiger-Muller tube. The counter registers the number of pulses and converts them into sound signals or displays them as a measure on the screen.

Quenching Gas

The purpose of the quenching gas is to absorb the positive argon ions as they accelerate to the cathode. Without the quenching gas these positive ions will be neutralised at the cathode in an exited state or could even also dislodge electrons from the cathode. These dislodged electrons or excited atoms could trigger further ionisation creating a further voltage discharge giving inaccuracies in the measure from the device. When the quenching gas migrates to the cathode it recombines at ground state and so does not present the potential to cause any further ionisation.

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Detecting Radioactivity  using a Geiger - Müller Tube .

How is Radioactivity Measured ?

Radioactivity is measured in Becquerels , symbol Bq . 1 Bq = 1 decay per second . A Geiger - Müller tube displays the amount of radioactivity in Bq .

What is a Geiger - Müller Tube ?

A Geiger - Müller tube detects the ions which are formed by radioactivity . The tube is filled with argon gas and has a very thin piece of mica at the end. It is called a mica window , and it lets all types of radioactivity penetrate through it, even alpha particles .

Below is a picture of a Geiger - Müller tube .

The tube is filled with argon gas . When an electron is knocked off an argon atom , a positive ion is formed . The ion is attracted to the negative inside lining of the tube . When the ion collides with the tube it collects an electron and becomes an argon atom again.

The electron that was knocked off is attracted to the central positive wire . When the electron collides with the positive wire , the tiny amount of electricity causes a click from the loudspeaker of the counter .

The counter has a digital display of the number of clicks per second . This is the same as the number of radioactive waves or particles that have entered the tube and made ions in one second .

The Geiger - Müller tube and the counter together are often called a Geiger counter . The count rate ( reading ) obtained from a Geiger counter depends on the distance of the tube from the radioactive source. The closer the tube is to the source, the more radioactivity will enter it and the higher the reading will be. The reading is also affected by the background count .

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The Geiger Muller Tube

geiger muller experiment gcse

Detecting Radiation ( Edexcel IGCSE Physics: Double Science )

Revision note.


Physics Project Lead

Detecting radiation

  • photographic film
  • a Geiger–Müller tube

Photographic film

  • The more radiation the film absorbs, the darker it is when it is developed
  • People who work with radiation, such as radiographers, wear film badges which are checked regularly to monitor the levels of radiation absorbed
  • These materials may include aluminium, copper, paper, lead and plastic
  • The diagram shows what a typical radiation badge looks like:

radiation-badge, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

A badge containing photographic film can be used to monitor a person’s exposure to radiation

Geiger-Müller tube

  • The Geiger-Müller tube is the most common device used to measure and detect radiation
  • Each time it absorbs radiation, it transmits an electrical pulse to a counting machine
  • This makes a clicking sound or displays the count rate
  • Therefore, it matters how close the tube is to the radiation source
  • The further away from the source, the lower the count rate detected

Geiger-Counter, IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

A Geiger-Müller tube (or Geiger counter) is a common type of radiation detector

Worked example

A Geiger-Müller tube is used to detect radiation in a particular location. If it counts 16,000 decays in 1 hour, what is the count rate?

Step 1: Identify the different variables

  • The number of decays is 16 000
  • The time is 1 hour

Step 2: Determine the time period in seconds

  • 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, and 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds

Time period = 1 × 60 × 60 = 3600 seconds

Step 3: Divide the total counts by the time period in seconds

Counts ÷ Time period = 16 000 ÷ 3600 = 4.5

  • Therefore, it detects 4.5 decays per second

If asked to name a device for detecting radiation, the Geiger-Müller tube is a good example to give. You can also refer to it as a GM tube, a GM detector, GM counter, Geiger counter etc. (The examiners will allow some level of misspelling, providing it is readable). Don’t, however, refer to it as a ‘radiation detector’ as this is too vague and may simply restate what was asked for in the question.

Background radiation

  • It is important to remember that radiation is a natural phenomenon
  • Radioactive elements have always existed on Earth and in outer space
  • However, human activity has added to the amount of radiation that humans are exposed to on Earth
  • Background radiation is defined as:

The radiation that exists around us all the time

Cosmic rays from space

Chart of background radiation sources.

Background Radiation Chart, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Background radiation is the radiation that is present all around in the environment. Radon gas is given off from some types of rock

  • Natural sources
  • Artificial (man-made) sources

Natural Sources of Background Radiation

  • Radon gas from rocks and buildings
  • Airborne radon gas comes from rocks in the ground, as well as building materials e.g. stone and brick
  • Uranium decays into radon gas, which is an alpha emitter
  • This is particularly dangerous if inhaled into the lungs in large quantities
  • Radon gas is tasteless, colourless and odourless so it can only be detected using a Geiger counter
  • Levels of radon gas are generally very low and are not a health concern, but they can vary significantly from place to place
  • The sun emits an enormous number of protons every second
  • Some of these enter the Earth’s atmosphere at high speeds
  • When they collide with molecules in the air, this leads to the production of gamma radiation
  • Other sources of cosmic rays are supernovae and other high energy cosmic events

Carbon-14 in biological material

  • All organic matter contains a tiny amount of carbon-14
  • Living plants and animals constantly replace the supply of carbon in their systems hence the amount of carbon-14 in the system stays almost constant

Radioactive material in food and drink

  • Naturally occurring radioactive elements can get into food and water since they are in contact with rocks and soil containing these elements
  • Some foods contain higher amounts such as potassium-40 in bananas
  • However, the amount of radioactive material is minuscule and is not a cause for concern

Artificial Sources of Background Radiation

Nuclear medicine.

  • In medical settings, nuclear radiation is utilised all the time
  • For example, X-rays, CT scans, radioactive tracers, and radiation therapy all use radiation

Nuclear waste

  • While nuclear waste itself does not contribute much to background radiation, it can be dangerous for the people handling it

Nuclear fallout from nuclear weapons

  • Fallout is the residue radioactive material that is thrown into the air after a nuclear explosion, such as the bomb that exploded at Hiroshima
  • While the amount of fallout in the environment is presently very low, it would increase significantly in areas where nuclear weapons are tested

Nuclear accidents

  • Nuclear accidents, such as the incident at Chornobyl, contribute a large dose of radiation to the environment
  • While these accidents are now extremely rare, they can be catastrophic and render areas devastated for centuries

Accounting for background radiation

  • Background radiation must be accounted for when taking readings in a laboratory
  • This can be done by taking readings with no radioactive source present and then subtracting this from readings with the source present
  • This is known as the corrected count rate

Measuring background count rate


The background count rate can be measured using a Geiger-Müller (GM) tube with no source present

  • 24 counts per minute (cpm)
  • 24/60 = 0.4 counts per second (cps)

Measuring the corrected count rate of a source


The corrected count rate can be determined by measuring the count rate of a source and subtracting the background count rate

  • 285 − 24 = 261 counts per minute (cpm)
  • 261/60 = 4.35 counts per second (cps)
  • Repeating readings and taking averages
  • Taking readings over a long period of time

A student uses a Geiger counter to measure the counts per minute at different distances from a source of radiation. Their results and a graph of the results are shown below.

Background example, downloadable IGCSE & GCSE Physics revision notes

Determine the background radiation count.

Step 1: Determine the point at which the source radiation stops being detected

  • The background radiation is the amount of radiation received all the time
  • When the source is moved back far enough it is all absorbed by the air before reaching the Geiger counter
  • Results after 1 metre do not change
  • Therefore, the amount after 1 metre is only due to background radiation

Step 2: State the background radiation count 

  • The background radiation count is 15 counts per minute

The sources that make the most significant contribution are the natural sources:

  • Food and drink
  • Cosmic rays

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Author: Ashika

Ashika graduated with a first-class Physics degree from Manchester University and, having worked as a software engineer, focused on Physics education, creating engaging content to help students across all levels. Now an experienced GCSE and A Level Physics and Maths tutor, Ashika helps to grow and improve our Physics resources.

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Lesson 4: Radiation Detection and Attenuation with Geiger Counter

Photo: .

geiger muller experiment gcse


In this laboratory, you will be able to review attenuation of the different types of radiation in matter, and then apply this information as you attempt to fully shield a Geiger counter from a radiation source. 

Background Information

A Geiger counter, also known as a Geiger-Muller counter, is used to detect and measure ionizing radiation. It operates based on the ionization effect produced by radiation when it interacts with matter. The core of a Geiger counter is the GM tube, which is filled with an inert gas, often argon or neon. When ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, or gamma particles, passes through the GM tube, it collides with the atoms of the gas within the tube. These collisions ionize the gas atoms (strip them of their electrons), producing positively charged ions and free electrons, which are amplified inside the tube as they collide with other gas atoms. The avalanche of electrons results in a brief but intense flow of electric current- this is the pulse that results in a clicking sound. Each pulse is the result of one ionization event. 

Why This Matters

Why do you wear a lead vest when you get an X-ray at the dentist? Why can we see our skeleton on X-rays- but not our organs? How can doctors tell when we have a broken bone, or we're sick? Learning about X-rays and the way that they are absorbed in matter can help us find these answers!

Radiation is all around us in many forms: galactic cosmic radiation, radioactive elements in the body and natural world around us, and more, but is radiation something that we can see, hear, touch, or taste? No, but we do have ways of detecting radiation! Due to fun twists in the physics of radiation interaction with matter, we can even reveal what kinds of radiation we're measuring. In this lesson, we'll experiment with detecting radiation with Geiger counters to demonstrate radiation presence, shielding, and attenuation in materials. 

Student Objectives

Students will be able to describe the concept of attenuation in matter.  Students will be able to determine what types of materials attenuate alphas, betas, and gammas, respectively. 

Learning Objectives

  • Radiation is a common, normal part of the natural world around us.
  • Radiation cannot be detected with any human senses.
  • Geiger Counters are one method of detecting radiation. 
  • Different types of radiation are absorbed ("attenuated") differently in different types of matter.
  • Time, distance, and shielding are ways that radiation exposure can be controlled. 

Materials List

Geiger Counter

  • Materials of different composition and thicknesses (for example: aluminum foil, plastic bag, acrylic, tissue paper, printer paper, steel, tin, water...)
  • Radioactive check source (for example: NoSalt (potassium chloride KCl), Thorium lantern mantle, Fiestaware crockery, radium watch dial, rock/mineral with radioactive content ( https://geigercheck.com/ , https://unitednuclear.com/radioactive-isotopes-c-2_5/ , see other potential suppliers in 'Supplemental Resources' section at bottom of page)
  • Slideshow of physical concepts underlying Geiger activity:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Mb-j3jntyAdZ4NCKunz-9irQ66S4R6mM...

Materials Preparation

This lesson will use a Geiger Counter to teach lessons about radiation detection. This device can be assembled within a few hours with some level of access to an electronics studio (you will need a multimeter, oscilloscope, and soldering iron in addition to the electrical components). This can be a fun hands-on activity for an advanced class. 

The link below is a MIT Nuclear Science and Engineering guide to building a Geiger Counter. 


Making a Geiger counter is not necessary for the lesson, and the link below provides one suitable for use.


If you are using a MIT NSE Analog Geiger Counter: turn on via switch at upper right. Make sure the plastic encasement is thoroughly closed, tightening any screws if needed. Replace battery if LEDs grow dim, clicking sound grows faint, or it stops working otherwise.

Demonstration Video

The video below is a demonstration of the hands on portions of the lesson. 

Laboratory Instructions

Place shielding materials in a way that blocks the Geiger tube, which is the sensitive part of the counter device. Experiment with layering materials, placing materials closer or farther away, and testing different thicknesses/types of commonly-found classroom materials, such as paper, tissues, cloth, and more. 

Lesson Plan

  • Prepare materials for presentation, and have them available to be given to students. Have the slideshow ready to show directly to students, or present the material on a board in your own style.
  • What is the International Space Station made out of? What might we build Mars habitats out of? There is a lot of radiation in space, as we will see. 
  • Allow students to try shielding a radiation source with different materials - they will find that some are not as effective as others. 
  • Ask: what is radiation ? this may be a good time to refer back to the spectrum of electromagnetism, from gamma rays to visual light to radio waves. Point out that radiation is a wave of energy.
  • Let students brainstorm - where does ionizing radiation come from ? Chernobyl? Yes. Nuclear weapons testing? Yes. The Sun? Yes! Aurora borealis, X-rays when one breaks a bone, cancer treatments, rocks in the ground like granite... these can all emit ionizing radiation. Even bananas!
  • Ask students to guess why it is clicking . Lead students to conclude that there is radiation all around us!
  • Describe the concept of background radiation - where it comes from (space, industry, etc). If radiation comes from space, ask students if they think that a pilot would be more exposed than someone at sea level? What about someone on a mountain?
  • The students have probably made an implicit assumption here- that the atmosphere shields radiation! 
  • Back to innocuous bananas! Radiation is not something that is a green, glowing monster from a movie- it is a natural and normal part of the world we live in, and for the most part, it is at low levels. You would have to eat millions of bananas to die of radiation poisoning (ignoring all the other reasons you die of eating a million bananas). 
  • Alpha: consists of a helium nucleus. Massive and charged- like the bowling ball of radioactive decay products. For a more in-depth lesson, you can discuss the radio of a alpha particle atomic weight to an electron's atomic weight- it is almost 2000x heavier! It also has a +2 charge. Alpha particles have low penetrating power- because they are so charged and massive, they can't help but interact with everything they pass, like a social butterfly, it takes them a long time to pass through a room of friends. This means they are completely absorbed by relatively thin materials. 
  • Beta: an electron coming from the atom. Has a negative charge, but is very light (2000x lighter than an alpha!), so they go faster than an alpha particle. Like when you pull back a slingshot farther, the shot goes farther, so too does the electron penetrate more deeply into matter. 
  • Gamma: the hermit of the radiation decay particles. Gamma "particles" are best understood as rays of energy. They are uncharged and massless. Just like light can travel a long way (the human eye can see a candle from several football fields away), gamma rays can travel very far, and they are very, very energetic. It takes a lot to stop them. 
  • Place a radioactive check source close to the Geiger counter. Then, let students try to make the Geiger clicking cease by placing different materials in between the Geiger tube and the radiation source.
  • Does the tissue paper stop the radiation? Does the steel? What if you layer different materials together?
  • What happens if you move the radiation source far away? Closer?
  • Discuss with students the criteria that make a material good at attenuating radiation. Is it thickness? Composition of elements? 
  • End of lesson. Have students ask any remaining questions, and direct those that are interested to more materials on radiation attenuation in matter. 

Suggested Evaluations

  • Remind them that alpha radiation is very short range and not very strong... it won't be able to pass through the steel wall of the Geiger counter (or any of the shielding materials thicker than tissue paper).
  • Guide them to realize that it is some beta and mostly gamma radiation causing the clicking- it has to be powerful enough to pass through the steel Geiger tube walls, as well as layers of metal!
  • Can a student explain to you why they are asked to wear a lead vest when they get an X-ray?  (Because the lead protects their body from unnecessary radiation)
  • Is it safe for students to use check sources (like the ones in this lab) as long as they are kept sealed in a plastic bag?   (Yes- the cloth will absorb all of the alphas before they reach skin). 
  • Is it safe for bananas to be kept piled up in grocery stores if they are radioactive? ( Yes). 

Supplemental Resources

  • Reference directory that shows plots of X-ray penetration into matter (elements, compounds, human body parts):  https://www.nist.gov/pml/x-ray-mass-attenuation-coefficients
  • KAERI: Reference plot of all nuclides, which includes information on branching ratio, energy of radiation, decay pathways:  https://pripyat.mit.edu/KAERI/ton/nuc6.html 
  • On how a Geiger counter works:  https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/basic-ref/students/science-101/what-is-a-...
  • On radiation levels in antiques, like clock dials:  https://www.epa.gov/radtown/radioactivity-antiques 
  • Other places to find radiation sources:  https://www.etsy.com/market/radioactive_fiestaware, https://www.ebay.co...


Geiger counters are instruments thatdetect and measure ionizing radiation, as emitted by radioactive sources.

The heart of a geiger counter is the .

This is a gas filled tube, to which a voltage of several 100V is applied.

Normally, no current is drawn as the gas does not conduct electricity.

When a radiation particle passes the tube, it triggers a 'gas discharge', that is to say, the gas is ionised and the charged particles conduct a current. The current impulse can be amplified and made visible or hearable ("clicking").

There are two main kinds of tubes:

are only suitable for looking at beta and gamma rays, as any alphas would be absorbed by the glass and not reach the gas. They can be used for quantitatively measuring gamma dose-rate.

have a window (usually at one end), which is sealed with a very thin foil or mica. Some of the alpha particles can penetrate this window, and be detected, as well as betas and gammas.

As the window is very thin, it is easily punctured. Window tubes are therefore more expensive and less common than glass tube ones but are necessary to detect alpha particles.

When a charged particle or gamma-radiation enters the tube, through the thin mica window, the inert gas becomes ionized. This triggers a whole avalanche of ions between the electrodes.

For a brief moment, the gas conducts and a pulse of current flows in the circuit.

The counter - either a scaler or a ratemeter - counts the pulses.

A scaler counts the pulses and shows the total on a visual display.

A ratemeter indicates the number of pulses or counts per second.

The whole ensemble is often called a 'Geiger counter' (Poor Muller often gets forgotten!).

For each experiment the Geiger counter should be .

The calibration insures that your measurements are correct and your Geiger counter is working properly.

Once calibrated you should be careful not to adjust the settings.





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geiger muller experiment gcse

Geiger counter: Design, facts and uses

Geiger counters use the natural process of ionization to detect and measure radiation levels

geiger counter

Types of ionizing radiation

Creating the counter, additional resources, bibliography.

A Geiger counter, also known as the Geiger-Muller tube, is an inexpensive and useful instrument used to quickly detect and measure radiation. 

There are two types of radiation , non-ionizing and ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation such as microwaves have enough energy to shake atoms around, but not enough to knock electrons off them and change their composition. Ionizing radiation on the other hand can strip atoms of their electrons, in a process called ionization. As a result, an ion pair is formed — a positively charged atom and a negatively charged electron. 

A Geiger counter exploits the natural process of ionization to detect and measure radiation. The device houses a stable gas within its chamber. When exposed to radioactive particles, this gas ionizes. This generates an electrical current that the counter records over a period of 60 seconds. 

When ionization occurs and the current is produced, a speaker clicks and a reading is given — often in millisieverts (mSv). There are several different types of radioactive particles that cause ionization, known as either alpha, beta or gamma radiation. However, Geiger counters cannot differentiate between the different types of radiation. 

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Exposure to ionizing radiation can be damaging to human health. When this kind of radiation comes in contact with molecules of DNA in living cells, its energetic nature can disrupt, damage or alter the DNA. Short exposure to some forms of radiation, such as the X-rays for medical examinations, don’t cause immediate health risks. However, prolonged exposure can lead to mutations in DNA and produce cancers . So Geiger counters are an invaluable tool for evaluating a potential source of radioactivity

Positively charged Alpha radiation particles contain two protons and two neutrons, such as the nucleus of a helium atom. They are heavy and slow moving, and can be blocked by a piece of paper or a thin layer of skin. This makes them significantly less hazardous than other types of radiation. 

Beta radiation particles are high energy electrons (or sometimes the counterparts of electrons, called positrons). They are relatively light particles, around one thousandth of the mass of a proton. Natural sources of beta radiation are radioactively decaying elements, such as uranium or actinium. 

Gamma radiation, also referred to as gamma rays, is a form of electromagnetic radiation similar to x-rays. It emits the highest energy photons (particles of electromagnetic radiation) in the electromagnetic spectrum . Gamma rays are highly penetrating and can easily pass through the body to cause damage. 

This flask of uranyl nitrate contains Radium, one of the most radioactive elements in the periodic table. It would certainly send any Geiger counter into a fit of clicks.

The Geiger counter was conceptualized and designed by German physicists Hans Wilhelm Gieger and British physicist Ernest Rutherford, in 1908. Their initial creation could only detect alpha particles. 

The pair used their counter to study alpha particles and in 1911, published the findings of several groundbreaking experiments, such as the gold foil experiment , which ultimately revealed the nucleus of atoms to the world. 

Between 1925 and 1928, Geiger and his PhD student Walter Muller improved the sensitivity of the counter to detect all types of ionizing radiation. The design of the Gieger-Muller counter remains relatively unchanged in Gieger counters used today. 

Ernest Rutherford and Hans Geiger, nuclear physicists

Learn more about radiation on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , discover how radiation therapy can be used to treat cancer, through Cancer.gov and learn what radiation you might encounter in everyday life .

  • H. Friedman: Geiger Counter Tubes
  • Richard Doll: Hazards of ionizing radiation: 100 years of observations on man
  • Nikola Kržanović, Koviljka Stanković, Miloš Živanović, Miloš Đaletić, Olivera Ciraj-Bjelac: Development and testing of a low cost radiation protection instrument based on an energy compensated Geiger-Müller tube

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Scott is a staff writer for How It Works magazine and has previously written for other science and knowledge outlets, including BBC Wildlife magazine, World of Animals magazine, Space.com and All About History magazine . Scott has a masters in science and environmental journalism and a bachelor's degree in conservation biology degree from the University of Lincoln in the U.K. During his academic and professional career, Scott has participated in several animal conservation projects, including English bird surveys, wolf monitoring in Germany and leopard tracking in South Africa. 

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geiger muller experiment gcse

geiger muller experiment gcse

Geiger-Müller Tube

The virtual Geiger-Müller Tube provides a remarkably realistic simulation of the real equipment without the expense. Identify a random alpha, beta or gamma source, or even use a simulated Ba-137m source for half-life experiments. You can also add cardboard, plastic, and lead barriers to your experiments. The activity guides below are free to reproduce for classroom use.

  • Half-Life of Ba-137m Lab Guide
  • Identifying Unknown Radiation Lab Guide

Book Recommendation

Disclosure: As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a commission on sales of this item.

geiger muller experiment gcse

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Radioactivity is invisible, has no smell, makes no sound - in fact it cannot be detected by any of our senses.

However, because radioactivity affects the atoms that it passes, we can easily monitor it using a variety of methods:


Most people have heard of a "Geiger Counter" for measuring radioactivity. This is actually a tube with some form of counter attached, which usually tells us the number of particles detected per minute ("counts per minute").

GM tubes work using the effect of radioactivity. This means that they are best at detecting alpha particles, because

Different models of GM tubes are available for

How it Works

, and we can use this effect to measure how much radiation has struck the film.

Workers in the nuclear industry wear "film badges" which are sent to a laboratory to be developed, just like your photographs. This allows us to measure the dose that each worker has received (usually each month).

The badges have "windows" made of different materials, so that we can see how much of the radiation was alpha particles, or beta particles, or gamma rays.

You can clearly see the direction and energy of the particles (low energy particles only leave short trails). Occasionally, a particle collides with an air molecule and changes direction.

The chamber would be surrounded by powerful magnets, so any charged particles passing though the chamber would move in curved paths. The shapes of the curves tell us about the charge, mass and speed of each particle, so we can work out what they are - otherwise one line of bubbles looks pretty much like another.

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  1. A Geiger-Muller tube can be used to detect radiation.

    geiger muller experiment gcse

  2. GCSE Radioactivity #7: The Geiger-Muller Tube

    geiger muller experiment gcse

  3. Geiger-Muller tube with gamma radiation, illustration

    geiger muller experiment gcse

  4. A Geiger-Muller Tube

    geiger muller experiment gcse

  5. Geiger Muller Counter Schematic Diagram

    geiger muller experiment gcse

  6. Geiger-Muller Tube

    geiger muller experiment gcse


  1. Core Practical: Investigating Radiation

    Geiger-Muller tube and counter: to measure the count rate of a radioactive source: ... Conduct all runs of the experiment in the same location to avoid changes in background radiation levels ... creating engaging content to help students across all levels. Now an experienced GCSE and A Level Physics and Maths tutor, Ashika helps to grow and ...

  2. Detecting radioactivity

    The Geiger-Muller tube or Geiger counter. Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiations are all ionising radiations. This means that all three forms of radiations have enough energy to pull electrons from atoms turning them into ions. The Geiger-Muller tube makes use of this fact. The animation below explains how a Geiger-Muller tube works.

  3. Teaching Radioactivity: The Geiger-Muller tube

    This is a general introduction to the Geiger--Müller (G--M) tube, describing and explaining the basic principles of its operation.For more information and th...

  4. Detecting Radiation

    The amount of radiation received by a person is called the dose and is measured in sieverts (Sv) One sievert is a very big dose of radiation. It would cause acute radiation poisoning. People would normally receive about 3 mSv (0.003 Sv) in one year. To protect against over-exposure, the dose received by different activities is measured.


    The Geiger-Müller tube and the counter together are often called a Geiger counter. The count rate (reading) obtained from a Geiger counter depends on the distance of the tube from the radioactive source. The closer the tube is to the source, the more radioactivity will enter it and the higher the reading will be. The reading is also affected ...

  6. The Geiger Muller Tube

    The Geiger Muller tube is used to detect and measure radioactivity. It consists of a thin wire down the centre of a metal tube enclosed in a glass container. The apparatus contains gas at low pressure and the whole apparatus is connected to a power supply that produces a strong electric field between the wire and the metal tube. When an atom ...

  7. GCSE Radioactivity #7: The Geiger-Muller Tube

    The video is a brief overview of the Geiger-Muller (GM) Tube and the underlying mechanism which allows it to detect radiation:- Design of the GM Tube (00:24)...

  8. The Geiger Muller Tube

    The Geiger Muller Tube. Nuclear radiation can be detected and identified with a Geiger Muller tube. The radiation enters through a thin glass window into a gas chamber containing low pressure gas and a thin positive electrode which creates an intense electric field, and a negative case. When nuclear radiation - either alpha, beta or gamma ...

  9. Detecting Radiation

    Answer: Step 1: Identify the different variables. The number of decays is 16 000. The time is 1 hour. Step 2: Determine the time period in seconds. 1 hour is equal to 60 minutes, and 1 minute is equal to 60 seconds. Time period = 1 × 60 × 60 = 3600 seconds. Step 3: Divide the total counts by the time period in seconds.

  10. Lesson 4: Radiation Detection and Attenuation with Geiger Counter

    A Geiger counter, also known as a Geiger-Muller counter, is used to detect and measure ionizing radiation. It operates based on the ionization effect produced by radiation when it interacts with matter. ... Experiment with layering materials, placing materials closer or farther away, and testing different thicknesses/types of commonly-found ...

  11. Geiger Counters

    Geiger counters are instruments thatdetect and measure ionizing radiation, as emitted by radioactive sources. The heart of a geiger counter is the Geiger-Mueller Tube. Geiger-Mueller Tube. This is a gas filled tube, to which a voltage of several 100V is applied. Normally, no current is drawn as the gas does not conduct electricity.

  12. Introduction

    INTRODUCTION. There are three main types of radiations: Alpha (α) particles. They are represented as 42 He. H ence with a nucleus number 4 and a charge of +2. Properties. Their speeds are 1.67 × 107 m/s, which is 10% the speed of light. They are positively charged with a magnitude of a charge double that of an electron.

  13. Geiger counter: How they detect and measure radiation

    Bibliography. A Geiger counter, also known as the Geiger-Muller tube, is an inexpensive and useful instrument used to quickly detect and measure radiation. There are two types of radiation, non ...

  14. Geiger-Müller Tube (Virtual Lab)

    The virtual Geiger-Müller Tube provides a remarkably realistic simulation of the real equipment without the expense. Identify a random alpha, beta or gamma source, or even use a simulated Ba-137m source for half-life experiments. You can also add cardboard, plastic, and lead barriers to your experiments. The activity guides below are free to ...

  15. GCSE Nuclear Radiation: Detecting Radioactivity

    This is actually a Geiger-Müller tube with some form of counter attached, which usually tells us the number of particles detected per minute ("counts per minute"). GM tubes work using the ionising effect of radioactivity. This means that they are best at detecting alpha particles, because -particles ionise strongly. detecting , and radiation.

  16. PDF The Geiger-Muller Tube Detecting Radioactivity

    The Geiger-Muller Tube Detecting Radioactivity Dr. Darrel Smith1 Physics Department Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Dated: 11 April 2016) The purpose of this experiment is to explore the properties of the Geiger-Muller tube and how it can be used to detect radioactive particles, namely , , and rays. This is a three-part experiment. The ...

  17. PDF Physics 252 Experiment No. 9 the Geiger Counter

    The basic GM circuit diagram is shown in Figure 1. The power supply and counter are one unit. The GM tube itself consists of a cylindrical outer shell which serves as a cathode and is grounded. In the center it has a coaxially mounted wire serving as anode. The cylinder is filled with an inert gas (typically Argon) at low pressure plus a small ...