afrikaans speech on saving the environment

10 Ways to Save the Planet in Afrikaans

Learn how to save the planet in Afrikaans

Lesson Transcript

Hi, guys! I'm Christine and I'm here to do some Afrikaans with you today in today's lesson - 10 ways to save the planet, which is super appropriate because we all know it's Earth Day coming up on the 22nd of April. So get ready to learn what you can do, to put in your part and let’s save the planet together.
1. herwin “to recycle”
Dit is baie goed om te herwin. “It is very good to recycle.”
It is very good to recycle. We all know it's really easy but so many people don't do it and we don't know why. All you need to do is when you have a plastic bottle, a glass bottle, a can of coke, just put it in a separate pile into your rubbish and then take it to the right bins. You don't have to do all the hard work of sorting through everything or actually putting it through the machine. Someone else does that for you so you really do have the easy part. Just put in a little bit of extra effort and don't just dump it in the rubbish bin with all the other gross food that you put in there.
2. vrywilliger “to volunteer”
Dit kan baie tyd vat om ꞌn vrywilliger te wees. “It can take a lot of time to be a volunteer.”
It can take a lot of time, but just imagine how much time you spend every day watching Netflix or series that yeah they’re good, they’re funny and they let you relax, but what a better way to spend your extra time than to just put some hours in volunteering every day, making a real difference to something or someone and you can even get so much out of it yourself like you'll feel so much better and it's such a great way. Just put some hours in. Put even some minutes in, just volunteer at least once a week or something or even once a month. It's such a warming experience and you should really try to be a vrywilliger every now and then.
3. beskerm “to protect”
Ons moet ons planeet beskerm teen onsself. “We have to protect our planet against ourselves.”
Sadly, we all know this is so true. We are the bad ones to this beautiful earth of ours. We're the ones that put cars and houses and roads and all these things that are ruining our beautiful Earth's environment so we need to start doing things, anything little like being a vrywilliger or being a little bit more active in our recycling. So just beskerm our planet.
4. hergebruik “to reuse”
Another thing we can do is hergebruik “to reuse”.
Ons kan baie van ons plastiek hergebruik. “We can reuse some of our plastic.”
It's so easy like I said before to just put your plastic on a separate pile and even better and quirky and very cute way is to reuse that plastic. I certainly do all the time, every little yogurt pot I have in the mornings or like a big bottle of water that is quite a cool bottle, nice shape, nice pattern or something, do something new like check up on Pinterest. Just Google in there, how to reuse a bottle and it comes up with millions of cool examples of what you can do. Make some cool plant parts, make some watering systems for your herbs or literally anything. I recently made some cool tables out of old wood pieces that I had. I don't know why but it's really easy to reuse things and plastic even better because, you know, plastic is not so great. So if you can reuse it in a quirky cool way, you don't have to buy a plant pot, you can make one, win-win.
5. bewaar “to conserve”
Die natuur moet bewaar word. “Nature needs to be conserved.”
Like I said before, we need to protect our planet, but we also need to conserve our planet. Make sure there's always some greenery around you. Make sure you support that local park or the gardens next to the street and don't throw your rubbish there or make sure no one builds a house on a nice beautiful mountain. We need to conserve our nature, conserve our animals and just make sure it's still there for our children and our grandchildren. People say these things all the time but it's so true. Make sure that the future will still be able to have this beautiful world that we’re living in right now.
6. Om eko-vriendelike produkte te gebruik “to use eco-friendly products”
Ꞌn Goeie manier is om eko-vriendelike produkte te gebruik. “A good way is to use eco-friendly products.”
What better way, I mean don't use the bad straws that they hand out at the takeaway that you got, don't ask for that extra pair of plastic fork and spoon when you go buy the burger after a night out or something or even just at home. Try to use things that you can reuse again. Use glass things that you can wash instead of things that you could throw away. Store things in old bottle of thingies instead of buying tupperware and putting it in there. If you reuse things or use products that are eco-friendly like bamboo or glass or all these things that aren't going to contribute to ruining our environment, it's such an easy way to feel good about the things that you use and put in yourself.
7. om fiets te ry “to ride a bike”
Om fiets te ry spaar geld. “Riding a bike saves money.”
It really does. You don't have to pay for petrol, you don't have to pay for car insurance, you don't have to pay for any of those things. All you have to pay for is a helmet, some little lights, maybe a bell and your bike and then voila, you're right there, you've got your exercise in for the day, you're not contributing to pollution and you feel better. People smile at you as you drive past and you get to work with a smile on your face because you have those endorphins pumping. Just ride a bike. It’s better for you, it's better for the environment, win-win-win-win-win, like I always say.
8. Om te gee vir die omgewing “to care for the environment”
Meer mense kan omgee vir die omgewing. “More people can care for the environment.”
If we teach our children to, if we stick to all the rules that we've just been through, then yes maybe we can encourage and inspire others to be like us, to do the same things, to be those earthly people that makes everyone cringe a little bit but also have so much pride for because they're the ones that after all, they're the ones that can make a difference in this world.
9. om energie te spaar “to save energy”
Daar is baie maniere om energie te spaar. “There are many ways to save energy.”
There's many ways to save energy. For example, it's so easy, when you leave your bedroom switch the light off. While you're brushing your teeth, close the tap while you're brushing and then just quickly rinse your toothbrush again after which. We're not just talking about electricity here, we're talking about anything that you can save, anything that's left on when it doesn't really need to be, switch the TV off, switch the radio off if you're not really listening, if it's just a little bit of background noise. Saving energy can save so much. Not only does it save you money, but it will also save all the extra things going into the air that we don't even know about. So just try, switch the light off next time you leave the room or, like I said, don't leave taps running. Water is so scarce and if you're not used to being scarce, come live in Cape Town.
10. om ꞌn boom te plant “to plant a tree”
Kinders geniet dit om ꞌn boom te plant. “Children enjoy planting trees.”
Not only children, I also love planting trees. What a nice way to add, to give back to our Mother Earth. People don't plant trees and often enough, people cut them down, left, right and center, make me a house, I need some wood, cut me down a forest. No!
So easy, just go to the local nursery, buy a little plant, buy a little tree, go find a piece of ground and stick it in. It's so easy and it helps our earth and it helps the air we're breathing be a little bit more clear. Planting trees is such an enriching experience, so much more than people think. So if you have children, if you have a niece or a nephew or your friend has a baby, not a baby, a child, take them to plant a tree, watch how much they enjoy it, watch how much you enjoy it, and then try make it a ritual, do it every week, do it every month, do it every year. It doesn't have to be that often but if every person plants a tree, think about the big difference that we can all make.
So we've reached the end of today's lesson, 10 ways to save the planet in Afrikaans. I hope with the 22nd coming up, with Earth Day around the corner, I hope that you're going to put some of those things in practice please. Let me know in the comments below if there's something that you resonate with. If you've planted a tree lately, let me know please so we can all congratulate you and everyone can know that you're a great human. What about some other tips to recycle, other things that we can do to reuse our plastic, if you like things I said, if you didn't like things I said, please click, follow, subscribe, do all those things and visit and keep learning Afrikaans.

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Speech on Save Nature

Nature is your truest friend, always giving, asking for little in return. Its beauty calms your mind, while its resources sustain your life. Yet, nature faces grave threats today.

You hold the power to safeguard nature, to ensure it thrives for future generations. Remember, when you save nature, you save yourselves.

1-minute Speech on Save Nature

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, the world is our home. It is a gift of nature. Yet, we sometimes forget to look after it. We should care for it like a precious gift, just like we care for our favorite toys or books.

But, are we being good friends to nature? We cut trees for buildings. We waste water. We throw trash everywhere. We harm animals. We make the air dirty with smoke. Nature is crying. We are losing our friends in nature.

We need to act now to save nature. Each one of us can help. How? Plant a tree. Save water. Don’t waste food. Pick up the trash. Love and respect animals. These little actions can make a big change.

Remember, when we save nature, we save ourselves too. Trees give us clean air. Rivers give us clean water. Animals and birds make us happy. Nature keeps us healthy and happy.

It’s time to be brave. It’s time to be kind. Let’s join hands to save nature. Let’s make our world a better place. We have only one world. Let’s love and protect it. Together, we can save nature. Together, we can make a difference.

Also check:

2-minute Speech on Save Nature

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, I stand before you today to talk about a topic close to all our hearts – saving nature. Think about this. Have you ever seen a tree and felt a sense of peace? Have you ever watched a butterfly fluttering about and felt pure joy? That’s the magic of nature. It’s not just about plants and animals. It’s about us too. We need nature just as much as it needs us.

Now, picture a world with no trees, no birds, no rivers. Scary, isn’t it? That’s what will happen if we don’t act now. Nature is in danger, and we are the cause. Our actions, big and small, are hurting nature. We cut trees, we pollute the air and water, we waste resources. All these actions are like a wound on nature’s body.

So, what can we do? The first step is to understand that every action counts. When we throw garbage, it doesn’t just disappear. It goes somewhere. It can end up in the ocean, hurting the fish. Or it can pile up on land, attracting rats and flies. So, let’s start by reducing our waste. Let’s recycle and reuse.

The second step is to conserve water. Water is life. Without water, there would be no life on earth. Yet, many of us waste water without a second thought. We leave the tap running while brushing our teeth. We water our plants during the hottest part of the day when most of it will just evaporate. Let’s be mindful of how we use water. Let’s save it for our future.

Next, let’s plant trees. Trees are like the lungs of the earth. They clean the air and give us oxygen. But we’re losing trees at an alarming rate. We can change this. Let’s plant a tree every chance we get.

Lastly, let’s respect all life. Every creature in nature, from the smallest insect to the biggest elephant, has a role to play. They all contribute to the balance of nature. When we kill them or take away their homes, we disturb this balance. Let’s treat all creatures with kindness and respect.

We also have speeches on more interesting topics that you may want to explore.

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afrikaans speech on saving the environment

Die Water Situasie

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Water if life

Die water op aarde is baie oud. Dieselfde water wat ons vandag gebruik, is miljoene jare gelede deur die dinosaurusse, gebruik. Dis omdat die aarde sy water herwin, met ander woorde, sy water hergebruik. Hierdie herwinning van water word die watersiklus, genoem. Water op aarde bestaan uit waterdruppeltjies en kom voor in oseane, rivier, mere, damme, swempoele, die grond, ens. Die son se hitte veroorsaak dat sommige van hierdie druppels van ‘n vloeistof na ‘n gas verander, wat ons waterdamp noem. Hierdie waterdamp styg na die atmosfeer. Soos wat hierdie waterdamp styg, koel dit af en verander van ‘n gas na ‘n vloeistof, met ander woorde terug na waterdruppels. Dit word kondensasie genoem.

In die atmosfeer, bind hierdie waterdruppels saam en vorm wolke. Wanneer die waterdruppels te swaar raak om in die atmosfeer te bly, val hulle terug aarde toe in die vorm van reën, sneeu en hael. Ons noem dit neerslag. Sommige van hierdie druppels val in die see, sommige in strome en riviere, sommige in damme en mere. Ander val op die grond waar dit óf in die grond wegsypel, óf op die oppervlak wegvloei na riviere, mere, damme of oseane. Water ken geen grense nie en soos dit oor die aarde se oppervlak vloei, word dit deur plante-, diere- en mense-gemeenskappe gebruik om te oorleef. Hierdie waterdruppels word dan weer deur die son verhit en die hele siklus word herhaal.

Die hoeveelheid water op die aarde is konstant en kan nie verhoog of verminder word nie, maar word nie eweredig oor die aarde versprei nie. Suid-Afrika het ‘n gemiddelde jaarlikse reënval van 492 millimeter, terwyl die res van die aarde, 985 millimeter kry. Dis bykans die helfte van die aarde se gemiddeld. Suid-Afrika word derhalwe as ‘n waterskaars land geklassifiseer.

Verspreiding van die Gemiddelde Jaarlikse Reënval vir Suid Afrika

Distribution of mean annual rainfall in South Africa

Daarbenewens is daar ook ‘n ongelyke verspreiding van reënval binne Suid-Afrika. As gevolg van die aard van die weerstoestande, is die oostelike gebiede van die land baie natter as die westelike dele. Verder ondervind Suid-Afrika alternatiewe periodes van droogtes en vloede, wat die hoeveelheid water oor die land, beïnvloed. Daarbenewens lei warm, droë toestande tot hoë verdamping. Wetenskaplikes voorspel dat Suid-Afrika met aardsverwarming baie natter reënseisoene en baie droër droogtes, gaan beleef. Dit sal op sy beurt lei tot meer vloede en droogtes.

afrikaans speech on saving the environment

Daar is tans baie damme regoor Suid-Afrika wat hierdie kosbare water opgaar. Daar is ook talle waterstelsels wat water deur middel van pompe, pypleidings en kanale van een opvanggebied na ‘n ander vervoer. Gauteng se water word uit die Vaaldam-opvanggebied voorsien, wat die Vaal- en Wilgeriviere en hul takriviere, insluit. Daar is twee waterstelsels wat in die Vaaldam-opvanggebied invloei, naamlik die Lesotho-Hooglandprojek (wat water uit die Lesotho-gebergtes verkry) en die Thukela-Vaalprojek, wat water uit KwaZulu-Natal verkry en soos nodig, in die Vaaldam-opvanggebied, stort. Volgens die Departement van Water- en Omgewingsake, sal die vraag na water die aanbod daarvan in Gauteng teen 2013 – en die res van die land teen 2025 - oorskry. Suid-Afrika kan nie meer damme en waterstelsels bekostig nie, omdat hulle te veel kos. Water is dus in groot aanvraag in Suid-Afrika en namate die menslike bevolking vergroot, tesame met die meegaande behoeftes van oorlewing, hoe groter raak die vraag na water.

Watergebruik in Suid-Afrika

Landbougebruik (insluitend besproeiing) 60%
Omgewingsgebruik 18%
Stedelike en Huishoudelike gebruik 11.5%
Mynbou en Nywerheidsgebruik 10.5%

(Bron: Nature Divided Land Degradation in South Africa, Ashwell, A & Hoffman, T, 2001)

Watergebruik deur Huishoudings

  Lae Inkomste Huishoudings Middel- tot Hoë Inkomste Huishoudings
Toilette 73% 37%
Baddens en Storte 19% 32%
Wasmasjien NA 17%
Ander, bv. kosmaak, opwas, wasgoed, drinkwater, ens. 8% 14%

Huishoudings met Tuine 

Tuinmaak 46%
Ander 54%

(Bron: Water – How is it used at home, HE Jacobs, LC Geustyn and BF Loubser, 2005)

‘n Bykomende probleem tot hierdie aanvraag, is watergehalte. Watergehalte word beskryf as water wat veilig, drinkbaar en aanvaarbaar is vir alle lewe op aarde. In Suid-Afrika word die skaars bron van vars water verder deur besoedeling en die vernietiging van die natuurlike opvanggebiede as gevolg van verstedeliking, ontbossing, opdamming, vernietiging van vleilande, nywerheid, mynbou, lanbou, energieverbruik en toevallige waterbesoedeling, verminder. Soos die bevolking vermeerder, so verhoog besoedeling en die vernietiging van die opvanggebied.

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afrikaans speech on saving the environment

Speech at the Seventeenth Regular Session of the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment

A blueprint for environmental action in Africa: the road ahead

Excellencies, guests, colleagues, partners. Ladies and gentlemen.

It is a great honor to be here today in beautiful Durban. Firstly, I would like to thank the South African government for their leadership in hosting the conference and for this distinguished gathering representing the environmental powerhouse of our region.

Thanks to the hard work of the people in this room, Africa today has an exciting blueprint for environmental action. The path to a more prosperous Africa is indeed well lit.

“I dream of our vast deserts, of our forests, of all our great wildernesses. We must never forget that it is our duty to protect this environment.” Those are the words of Nelson Mandela. Never have they sounded more urgent.

We are in trouble. Our world is rapidly heating up, biodiversity is being destroyed at an alarming rate and we are consuming more resources than the planet can sustain. “Humanity faces an existential crisis,” as the UN secretary general puts it.

But we know that the solutions are in our hand – whether it to halve emissions by 2030; craft out a new relationship with nature; or transform the way we live, produce and consume. And we also know that time is of the essence. The window for environmental action is shrinking.

And Africa which bears the least responsibility for the climate emergency will be amongst the worst affected.

But when we train a laser focus on the environmental challenges on the region, we will be writing a new chapter in the continent’s history, one where overcoming environmental challenges will bring prosperity to the continent.

We are already seeing great strides towards this future. From wildlife conservation, forest regeneration and conservation, pollution control and legislation on single-use plastic, adoption of green economy approaches, Africa has much success to report. More than 90 percent of countries have ratified their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) – the most of any region in the world. Governments across the continent have established policy frameworks for ambitious climate action.

It is why AMCEN is right to identify global warming and biodiversity loss as the main problems facing Africa. And why it is right to see the blue economy and the circular economy as the tools to overcome these challenges.

AMCEN’s ability to set the environmental agenda for Africa is so crucial to the social and economic health of the continent.

Because we know AMCEN is on the right track because wherever AMCEN’s decisions are implemented we see success. Bio-waste facilities in Uganda, solar driers in Cameroon, a bio-digester in Abidjan’s biggest slaughterhouse that provides thousands of farmers with organic fertiliser.

Here in South Africa, the Environment Ministry is creating jobs by growing the wildlife economy. It is encouraging investment in products and services that benefit both nature and people. Nature-based tourism, plant and animal products, bio-pharmaceuticals and payments for ecosystem services across the country are generating cash and improving lives.

These initiatives prove that it is possible to grow our economies sustainably, creating jobs and boosting well-being for our people without destroying the environment. And yet we need many more successes, we need them quickly, we need them at scale, and we need to ensure they are just.

Whether we achieve this will depend largely on our ability to tap into two of the continent’s greatest strengths – its young people and its natural riches.

There are more young people in Africa today than any other region on earth but one in three of them are without a job.

And yet in these worrying numbers I see hope. I see a massive workforce whose energy and dynamism could transform the continent in the coming decades.

But if the continent’s strength lies in its people, then it is Africa’s natural wealth that holds the key to unlocking it. In the forests and wildernesses that Mandela spoke of; in the oceans and wetlands and rivers lies the future prosperity of the continent. We simply cannot achieve well-being and prosperity for Africa and its people without a healthy environment.

To harness Africa’s natural wealth sustainably we need to shift away from a linear model of economic growth to a more circular one, replacing “make, use and throw” with “recycle, reuse and repair”, a model that recognises that the growth of our economies are constrained by the ecological limits of our planet.

The beauty of a circular economy is that it mitigates many of the major environmental crises we face today. Studies suggest that adopting circular principles could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 99 percent in some sectors, making the Paris targets cheaper to achieve.

The circular economy provides a path to achieving the goals laid down in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Africa’s Agenda 2063.

The environmental crises we face today are global in scale. And that is why we need multilateral organisations like AMCEN now more than ever.

Because, we cannot achieve the future we want if we go it alone. We have a saying in my native language Kiswahili, Chombo hakiendi ikiwa kila mtu anapiga makasia yake : A boat doesn't go forward if each one is rowing his or her own way. Collective action is needed. At the Climate Action Summit, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Equatorial Guinea committed to maintaining their forest cover, allowing the Central African rainforest to continue to provide livelihoods to 60 million people and maintain regional rainfall patterns. And through UNEP’s Global Peatlands Initiative (GPI), we support 28 countries including the Republic of Congo (ROC), Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Peru and Indonesia to help sustainably manage their peatland resources.

Ladies and gentlemen, pan-African co-operation is vital for what is ultimately a shared future on this planet.

And I am confident that we will continue to see strong African leadership as we build on the momentum of the Climate Action Summit, as we move towards the Climate summit in Madrid, at the end of the year, and in China in 2020.

Africa holds roughly one-quarter of the world’s biodiversity and I see a great role for the continent is pushing us towards clear, measurable and actionable targets to halt biodiversity loss through the post-2020 biodiversity framework, by elevating the true value of biodiversity to life, culture, well-being and health for all.

In designing and implementing policy we also need to reach out to leaders from other sectors like finance, industry, urban planning and agriculture.

And we will need all the help we can get. Because at the end of the day, young people are holding us to account and we are seeing them on the streets of our cities, from Nairobi to Accra. They know what’s at stake, and we simply cannot fail them.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the scale of the challenge may seem daunting. But we come armed with the knowledge, tools and commitment to rise to the challenge. And I have absolutely no doubt that success will be ours. I wish you luck and look forward to a historic AMCEN.

Joyce Msuya

Deputy Executive Director, UN Environment Programme

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afrikaans speech on saving the environment

Fruit Trees: Mohanji’s Earth Day Speech

  • May 6, 2023
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Earth Day speech | Mohanji South Africa, 23rd April 2023

Mohanji’s speech in honour of Earth Day, where Mohanji Foundation South Africa, in collaboration with the 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗼𝘀𝘂𝘁𝗵𝘂 𝗕𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘇𝗶 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 and the 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱𝗶 𝗦𝗮𝗶 𝗕𝗮𝗯𝗮 𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗹𝗲 (Mohanji Centre of Benevolence in South Africa) celebrated 𝗘𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗗𝗮𝘆 at the temple in Nonoti, Stanger.

Fruit tree plantation: Setting the context

Sulosh Pillay : ( introduction ) Welcome to the Mohanji Centre of Benevolence. My name is Sulosh Pillay. I’m leading the project on the Center of Benevolence. On my right-hand side, see the chairperson for the Mohanji Foundation, Lakshmi Mohanananda, and we welcome all of you here today.

But before we do, we would like to bring in our Guru and our Master, who is a global humanitarian dedicated to saving this planet and this world. We have a program that is currently running throughout the world called the tree planting project , where we go out globally and plant trees. We plant fruit trees so that it’s sustainable and it sustains neighbourhood people as well, whoever doesn’t have food.

This is a tangible way where we can deliver food to people. Fruits, as you know, are very nutritious and can sustain everyone. As we know, Mother Earth has taken a real beating right now. As a result of this, Mohanji, who is a humanitarian but mostly an environment lover, wanted to make sure that we are bringing stability back to the planet, and hence we have it here. Let us welcome him via the live stream. Namaste Mohanji!

The fruits of Mohanji’s labour

Mohanji : I hope you can hear me. Are you able to hear me?

Thank you to all the dignitaries, honourable 𝗣𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗕𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗲𝘇𝗶, honourable 𝗙. 𝗛𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗶𝘀𝗮 and, of course, our dearest friend, honourable 𝗠𝗣 𝗠𝗿 𝗡𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻 dra 𝗦𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗵 and speaker of the house Kwaduguza, 𝗠𝘀. 𝗗𝗼𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗚𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲r, Sulosh Pillay, Lakshmi and all the dignitaries, all the great people who have assembled there, my greetings to all of you.

First of all, this is in the presence of Sai Baba . Sai Baba simply means compassion – simply compassion. His heart is overflowing with love and compassion, and he is present all over the world.

afrikaans speech on saving the environment

Nobody has rights – trees, animals, birds. Only human beings have rights. We don’t really care about our flora and fauna. – Mohanji

Anyway, at this time, in this place, we’re doing great work. It’s been my dream during the COVID times when I was watching television – we were all locked in our houses. We were all in our houses; people couldn’t move out. The entire world was open to all the beings of nature, and they were really enjoying it because we’ve made this world predominantly a human world where no other beings have any rights.

Nobody has rights. Even the trees have no rights. Animals have no rights. Birds have no rights. Only human beings have rights. We also talk about animal rights and birds’ rights etc., but we don’t implement them. We don’t really care about our nature – our flora, our fauna, forests; we don’t care.

So, I thought it was time we launch the program to address this matter. Just simply give food to the world in a sustainable way.

We are now even serving in the Amazon forest in South America like we are working in South Africa. We are trying to bring together, like in Australia, we are bringing together all the people of nature – the tribal people, the local people who are a part of nature – bringing them together and giving them some kind of recognition, appreciation, and honour so that nature’s words are heard all over the world. It’s time.

We are speaking as islands, but now it’s time we speak as a mainland to the entire world. South American tribes, the African tribes and Australian tribes – everybody coming together; I am working on that project now.

Fruit Tree Plantation drive

Now, coming to the Fruit Tree Plantation drive . This is happening, and wherever I go, I always initiate such projects.   We’ve been planting many fruit trees in Turkey and in America. As we speak, it’s happening in Texas. It’s happening now in South Africa, and in many countries, it’s happening.

Why fruit-bearing trees? Because nature is starving because of lack of food – mainly food and the animals are coming to villages, to cities, to towns in search of food, and they’re getting killed. Species are getting extinct.

So, it’s our responsibility as human beings to enrich nature . That’s the idea behind this plantation. We do it on our own land, and we do it on every land available – in nature, cities, towns, and suburbs – everywhere.


We ensure that the trees survive because just planting will not help. We’ve to make sure these trees, these plants survive, and the saplings become trees so that the fruits actually reach the hungry mouths.

Now, one dream I have, especially connecting to South Africa, which I had discussed with Prince Ishwar as well the last time when we met, is to create islands of fruit trees in the forests of Africa, South Africa.

We create an island, and we plant saplings. We provide drip irrigation, and when the saplings have grown to a reasonable size, we open this up for the birds and the animals and the beings of nature. Like that, we create many, many islands inside the forest, of fruit trees, inside the forest land, even reserved land.

It’ll have a great effect on the wildlife of the country because there’ll be enough food for every being inside the forests, for all the beings to thrive. This is my aim, my dream now.

I’ve discussed this matter in many countries, and people are really excited. Some people say, “We’ll work on that; we’ll work with the forest department to get the land etc.” I’m sure we can do that in South Africa. This is where I wanted it to happen, to start from, because that’s the cradle of human existence. So, we would like to see such things happening in South Africa.

I’m very happy, and I’m really honoured that I could participate in this. Thank you, Prince, for your presence and all of you dignitaries, all the honourable people there.

Especially, I would like to thank Mr Narendra Singh. We’ve been connected. We’ve been talking to each other for years now, and now, realistically, we are partnering on something which will sustain life in the country. We are actually helping every species to have a life in the country.

All our people – we are committed to that. We are all together; we are one family. We work together; we’ll always be there, and hopefully, we’ll see each other physically as well very soon.

I wish all of you great health, happiness, peace and success in life. We’ll always remain as one family – one world, one family.

Thank you so much.

Watch the speech here .

Transcribed by Nada Raković

Proofread by Geetha K.S

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afrikaans speech on saving the environment

10 Great Speeches on Saving the Environment

It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living. – David Attenborough

Sometimes all you need is a good leader.

Someone to rally the troops and give you a whisper of hope that what you believe is true and is indeed tied to your very soul.  For me that is the sustainability of our environment and being as green as possible during my time on Planet Earth.

Unfortunately not everyone has the ability nor the access to become a leader but ever so often a a gem manages to shine through and put into words everything the rest of us have so often thought but could never say so well.

A speech is often the mouth piece for the rest of us, something to refer to when we feel sad or alone in our quest for a better place or time.

Of course I’m already talking to the converted over here.  We already know how important our environment is, the effort we put into growing our own crops, using less plastic, recycling more or just deciding not to own a car make us the troops that put our fragile environment on the top of our lists.

However I was wondering (apart from the famous Al Gore speech), whether there were any more great speeches I was missing out on?  So I went and had a look and found these really inspiring talks and speeches from people who are as passionate as we are about the environment.

Hope you like them.

Ten Speeches and Talks about Saving the Environment

  • President Obama’s Climate Change Speech: Full Text
  • Okay, not many people like this next man but I am a big fan.  No other member of the Royal Family has done so much to highlight environmental issues, and bring it to the forefront of national media, and I thank him for that.  He’s an advocate for organic produce as well.  And while many see him in a position of great privilege (which of course he is), I always think that he could have spoken and supported anything but he chose something he is clearly very passionate about – the natural world. Prince Charles’ full speech on deforestation and climate change
  • Leonardo DiCaprio at the UN: ‘Climate change is not hysteria – it’s a fact’
  • Dalai Lama – Caring for the Earth

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Thank you for these! Wonderful…

awesome, truly inspirational

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Save Environment Speech For Students

Speech on Save Environment is an important topic for students. Students can avail a well-written speech on the topic ‘save environment speech’ and learn how to write the speech that will impress the audience.

Long Speech

Good morning to one and all present here. I am glad to be given the opportunity to present a speech on Save Environment. Our environment is where we live. There must be harmony between the environment and living beings. In the present scenario, due to overpopulation, the environment is under distress. The situation is alarming as our natural environment is overexploited to meet human needs. It is because of many human activities that we are not able to maintain a healthy balance with nature.

The threat we are facing includes manmade disasters and global warming. These threats are real and have raised an alarming situation. We need to come together to save our environment. This speech on saving nature throws light on why it is needed by mankind to protect and preserve the environment. Our environment offers everything from clothing, water, food to shelter. All living beings are a part of the ecosystem. Hence, it becomes our responsibility to take care of the natural habitat.

Environmental pollution is one of the biggest issues that the modern world faces today. To meet the wants of society, we are putting too much pressure on the natural environment. This leads to damage to nature. The soil is losing its fertility, and in most places, soil pollution makes it difficult to grow crops. Even air and water pollution is the effect of mass urbanization and industrialisation. Controlling the pollution is a need of the hour, however, this still gets neglected by us. I am delivering the speech to save the earth to make you aware of what can be done by each one of us sitting here. We can make our earth a better place to live by taking simple steps like planting a tree, throwing waste in proper bins, saying no to plastic bags, etc. Rather than complaining about pollution, such small steps must be taken to make our environment sustainable.

Environmental problems are also the result of vast technological advancements in the last few years. The overuse of resources to build IT infrastructure is responsible for the loss of the natural environment. Government and international organizations must take proper steps to control pollution and save our mother earth. Environmental protection policies must be strictly enforced. Everyone has to come together to save our mother nature. 

Saving our environment is much more important today than ever before. The degrading quality of earth life is what we all are familiar with. However, the early signs of the upcoming destruction are visible. The harsh weather conditions, increased carbon dioxide emissions, melting of glaciers, etc. are the major concerns that needed immediate attention. Let us all do what we can to save our environment and preserve our resources for future generations.

Short Speech

Good morning to all. Today, I am going to give a short speech on saving the environment. We are all aware of how the environment is important to us. We cannot afford to harm the environment any longer. In today’s modern world, our planet earth is affected significantly. However, if we want to live in harmony with nature, we cannot put the entire pressure on the environment. Living beings, for their survival, depend completely on the natural and manmade environment. It is impossible to live without the resources that the atmosphere provides. In such a situation, it becomes critical to save mother nature from getting over-exploited due to the increasing population. 

We all know that factors like overpopulation, deforestation, etc. are responsible for environmental destruction. Small steps taken by us can go a long way. We must try to use as much public transport as possible to protect the air we breathe. We must throw garbage in the right bins so that proper disposal of waste and waste management can be done. We need to make efforts in the right direction to conserve our natural resources and habitat. Some of the ways by which we can achieve this are to use renewable energy, avoid plastic bags, plant more trees etc. 

Mother nature offers so much to us. We must protect the environment and nature and be a part of sustainable development programmes.

10 Lines Speech

A heartfelt welcome to each one present here. I am here to deliver a speech on saving the environment and saving a life. It is no hidden fact that our environment is affected largely due to human activities. It is facing a threat at an alarming rate. We have over-exploited nature due to our greed. This has caused a natural imbalance. However, we can still do something and protect our environment from all the damages. We must plant more and more trees, throw garbage in the dustbins, avoid using plastic bags, etc. It cannot be denied that our natural environment is such an important part of our ecosystem. It is important to educate people about how the environment is getting damaged. Then only we can have green earth to live in.

Main Causes of Environmental Degradation

Pollution, in any form, is destructive to the environment, whether it be in the form of air, water, land, or noise.

Rapid population increase limits natural resources, resulting in environmental degradation.

Increasing population equals more need for food, clothing, and housing. More land is needed to grow food and provide housing for people. Deforestation occurs, as a result, contributing to environmental degradation.

Deforestation is also caused by using forest areas for agriculture, livestock grazing, fuelwood harvesting, and logging. When forest size decreases, deforestation contributes to global warming by releasing carbon into the atmosphere.

The exhaust gas released by industries is one of the primary sources of pollution. Lead is found in large concentrations in the environment due to a range of substances such as gasoline, paints, ceramics, and batteries.

In recent years, there has been a massive increase in the number of private vehicles. The higher the number of cars, the higher the rate of pollution that causes smog. Lower-level ozone, which is detrimental, is caused by hydrocarbons emitted by engines.

Speech on plant trees, saving mother earth is important for students as it will make them aware of how to use natural resources and how a healthy balance can be maintained between the environment and human life.


FAQs on Speech on Save Environment

1. What is the best way to prepare a speech?

Giving a speech in class pushes students to step outside of their comfort zone, especially if they are required to take a stand on a social issue. Students gain courage, conviction, and fluency when they learn to face their insecurities and reply articulately to opposition with practice. The following tips will help students in delivering a great speech:

The size of the audience is one of the most primary considerations when giving a speech. High school students should consider the audience and the context for the speech before digging into stacks of research resources.

Students should slim down their attention and write a clear thesis statement that will act as a road map for the rest of the presentation. The speakers should then choose two or three major topics that they can address in the time allocated.

Decide the basic goal of your speech or presentation if you're informing, presenting, or entertaining.

When practising, keep track of your time from beginning to end and read the complete speech numerous times.

It can be beneficial to incorporate hand gestures to explain points in your speech. Hand gestures will not only help you communicate with the audience, but they will also assist you to remember important points.

A few people in the audience will have questions about your speech. Consider some of the products you might receive. Then jot down your responses and practice expressing them aloud.

2. How to create awareness about environmental pollution among people?

You must first ensure that you have a good understanding of environmental-related issues before you can begin promoting environmental consciousness in your community. Do some online research to learn about the root of pollution in your neighbourhood. Share your information with as many people as possible so that they are aware of the effects of pollution and how to avoid them. Creating an environmental group is another way to raise awareness. Various social media platforms can be used as tools to assist you in educating more people. The number of environmental challenges appears to be infinite, and while they are all crucial, it is easy to become overwhelmed. Choose one subject to concentrate on at a time.

3. What are the most important methods to conserve the environment?

Reduce the amount of waste you generate. Conserve natural resources and landfill space by following the three "R's" that are – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Deforestation must be controlled or, ultimately, stopped.

The less water you consume, the less drainage and wastewater end up in the ocean.

Afforestation must be fostered, and public awareness must be promoted.

Energy-efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas release. Also, flip the light switch off when you leave the room.

Fuelwood and timber wood should be used wisely.

In your house and office, use non-toxic materials.

We should maintain grazing lands and produce cover crops to keep soils from blowing away.

Using public transportation, walking, or riding a bike to class are all preferable options that assist the environment, save money, and provide exercise.

4. What is the importance of the environment for Human life?

The environment offers us a variety of producing resources, both renewable and non-renewable. It offers food, shelter, and air, as well as meeting all human needs.

Agriculture and the growing of crops and vegetables are facilitated by the ecosystem. Our waste products were thrown away and composted for use in agriculture.

Human life would not survive without the sun, water, air, and soil that make up the environment. It helps to keep life going by ensuring genetic variation and biodiversity.

Mountains, lakes, rivers, deserts, and a plethora of other amazing natural components are only beautiful because the environment exists.

The environment offers us fertile land, clean water, fresh air, animals, and a variety of other necessities for survival.

5. Where can I get the Essays/Speeches on important topics for school?

Students can access the important materials to write a speech/essay for their school competition from Vedantu. Both online and offline study resources include a free download option that students can use to meet their specific needs. Students can also get various sample papers and revision notes for all the subjects from Vedantu. These study materials are designed by subject matter experts to help students enhance their academic performance. The PDF is also prepared with the understanding of crucial concepts in mind, as our focus is on the student's overall growth.

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Speech on Save Environment in simple and easy words

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Table of Contents

Speech on Save Environment: Speech on environment is one of the most important topics as it addresses the critical need to preserve our planet’s resources, safeguard biodiversity, and secure a sustainable future for all. The threat to environment has increased alarmingly over the years. We all owe a duty and responsibility to make our Earth a cleaner and safer place to live in for ourselves as well as for our next generations. But by indiscriminate use of the environmental resources, we have disturbed the ecological balance. It is imperative for us to live in harmony with the environment rather than experimenting with it and over-exploiting it. We should remember that our actions and activities directly and indirectly impact the whole ecosystem. In fact, environment is what sustains us; the quality of our life essentially depends on our surroundings. Here we are providing you four (4) speeches on ‘Save Environment’ issue. You can take your pick as per your academic requirements.

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Speech on Save The Environment

Speech on save environment – 1.

Respected Principal, Respected Vice Principal, Respected Teachers and My Fellow Students!

I am happy that today in our morning assembly we have taken this extremely vital topic, i.e. Saving the Environment for speech and discussion. And, it feels privileged that I, as the head girl of the school, have been given this opportunity of delivering a speech. Nothing excites me as much as the discussion on environment and geography; especially when it has become such a trending topic in recent times. I am sure each one of us wants to Save Environment at any cost. However, saving the environment doesn’t mean protecting only our immediate environment, but also our parks, forest reserves and wildlife sanctuaries too. There is no reason to doubt that we all owe this responsibility to make our Mother Earth; a cleaner and safer place to live in.

The all-embracing Mother Earth has bequeathed on human beings some incredibly beautiful gifts of nature, like we have rivers, mountains, forests and different natural resources that help us to survive on this planet every single day. Therefore, it’s our turn now to work towards in saving the environment from the challenges that are posing a constant threat for the existence of our Mother Earth.

Sadly, there is no part of the earth left that has not been affected by our actions so much so that our planet’s health – be it in the form of land where we survive and work on, the ozone layer, the water supply, the wildlife or our species – is being put under constant threat. The environment we live in is of course not as conducive as it used to be earlier. There are hordes of chemical industries excreting poisonous chemicals into the rivers and innumerable vehicles releasing dangerous fumes, people disposing waste in a manner which isn’t safe for our environment and ruining it.

Though the problem has aggravated to quite a great extent, but it does have a solution. It’s just that we will have to keep faith in ourselves that we can do something for our planet.

So let’s pledge to “Save our Mother Earth” in whatever ways possible for us.

There are various ways adopting which we can effectively contribute towards the cause. For instance, we can grow more and more trees in our living surroundings as well as where we find an empty piece of land. Or if you have a backyard or a piece of land at your home, then start planting trees. Plants, as we all know, absorb carbon dioxide for the process of photosynthesis and release oxygen into the environment. The estimation says that a single tree can soak up to one ton of carbon dioxide till the time it lives. No issues, if you don’t have much space, you can even keep small tubs of plants in your balcony, doorway or windows.

Secondly, use less of your personal vehicles and habituate yourself to use public transport and bicycles for short distances. Besides, do not waste energy at home or office. Switch off the device, when not in use. Then you can use fluorescent light bulbs in place of normal bulbs. You may find these bulbs expensive, but trust me they really help in bringing down our electricity bills and emit 70 percent less heat in comparison to normal bulbs.

You should also use water wisely; turn off the tap immediately after use. Don’t dump the garbage anywhere and dispose the waste in dustbin. Encourage others too in your family and at your work place to adopt these measures and save your environment from the impending doom.

This is all I have to say. Thank You!

Speech on Save Environment – 2

Respected CEO, Respected Managers, Dear Colleagues (Supervisors) and Dear Factory Staff!

As we have gathered here to celebrate the ‘World Environment day’, I’ve been given this opportunity to share the statistics in regards to environment conservation. But before that, I would share my views and facts about environment.

Our environment is a very crucial part of our lives. It is the main source of living as we get food, water, air from the environment. In fact, environment is what sustains us and where we breathe and live every moment. Thus, the quality of our life depends majorly on our environment.

In earlier days, people lived in harmony, adapting themselves to the environment; but in the modern era we are attempting to mould the environment according to our need and convenience thereby ultimately harming ourselves indirectly in the long run. Latest technological advancements in the field of science have made us more empowered, of which I think we are taking undue advantage, by utilizing the environment resources indiscriminately and giving it nothing in return, but harmful chemicals and pollution.

These results into environmental problems across the globe, creating issues such as deforestation, loss of biodiversity, air pollution, river pollution due to the inflow of poisonous chemicals, waste materials, garbage, plastics, etc., global warming and weakening of ozone layer, diminution of underground water, oil and gas reserves and natural resources such as minerals, growth of poisonous gases, pollution, smog, etc. in the air.

It is quite evident that because of our unchecked actions we have disturbed the ecological balance of our environment and hence are facing these issues. This is high time when we should take some strict actions in order to preserve our environment and make our place a better place to live in for our next generations.

Well, the first step would be to adapt our process of manufacturing and domestic product usage in harmony with the environment. More of regenerative, reusable and recyclable techniques must be used in manufacturing units, etc. Advanced countries are more liable contributors to the Global environmental problems; thus government of such countries and the UNO (United Nations Organization) must take precautionary measures at a global level. Also, long term plan and close monitoring of actions of the manufacturing units is required; youth must be educated to respect and live in harmony with environment rather than experimenting and exploiting it.

Each one of us must be mindful to protect the environment as global warming is a serious issue leading to advanced level of environmental pollution which is detrimental to health. Natural resources and forests must be preserved in order to control drought and flood. Pesticides must be used in a limited manner and the soil must be saved from contamination.

The waste of vegetables and fruits can be converted into fertilizers and shouldn’t be dumped into ponds, etc. By taking care of our small actions like saving drinking water, usage of jute, cloth, paper bags, recycling the waste products, etc. We can still save our environment from deteriorating completely.

I hope from now on, we all will implement these measures in our day-to-day lives and do every bit to protect our environment.

Speech on Save Environment – 3

Good morning respected principal, teachers and my dear friends.

Our topic for today’s assembly is ‘Save Environment’.

What is environment? I know we all will have different definition for this single word. In very simple words, I will address environment as the surroundings in which we humans or plants and animals live. Now, let’s just think that will we ever like to live in the surroundings that are bad or unhealthy? No, right..! We always want to live in the surroundings or the environment that is safe for us and others. An ideal environment is the one that does not lead to human diseases and extinction of natural resources, plants and animals.

Human beings play a vital role in the conservation of the environment. Good or bad environment depends on our activities. By our unscrupulous actions, we are contributing to the degeneration of the natural environment which in turn negatively affects human life on the planet Earth. All the human actions and activities in this modern world directly impact the whole ecosystem and environment. We should monitor our actions and ensure that we restrict our hazardous activities so that environment can be safeguarded.

It is our duty to protect the environment. But today our environment is under threat because of our deeds and decisions. We are responsible for pollution in the environment. Deforestation, mining, unjustified usage of machines and electricity, using several vehicles for traveling short distances etc., are responsible for pollution. Global warming, depletion of natural resources, untimely rains, cyclones, diseases and life amidst pollution and many more are the traits that show we are living in an imbalanced environment. Knowing this that we are ruining the surroundings for us as well as future generation, we should stop right away. We should control our activities that threaten our environment.

Saving environment is not a big task; it is not something that cannot be tackled. We just need to take a few steps like; save natural resources such as water, energy etc; dispose of our waste in the correct way and not litter around on roads and public places, etc; grow more trees, use public vehicles and avoid using personalized vehicles for each member, controlling industrial waste, etc. Isn’t it simple? Yes, it is. We only need to be cautious and have control on our actions and we will surely end up at least reducing the bad effects and doing our part in saving the environment.

To conclude my discussion, I will like to request you all to please do your bit and monitor the activities you perform and also educate others to safeguard their actions and protect environment. We should promote and contribute to the projects run by the government and various NGOs that focus on saving the environment. A lot of major environmental problems would disappear if we all curb the excessive use of petroleum, coal and natural gas. Let us grow more trees and create all possible ways to dispose off waste correctly. The focus should entirely shift on renewable and reusable sources of energy. These would help Save Environment from global warming.

Thank you! Keep spreading the message.

Speech on Save Environment – 4

Good morning everyone. I welcome you all to this discussion board.

Our topic for today’s discussion is ‘Save Environment’.

How important do you all think saving environment is? Saving our environment is exactly saving our lives. The environment is basically the atmosphere, and surrounding geographical area. Environment is the main source for human beings, plants and animals to live in and get food from, to eat, to play, to work, to enjoy, to walk, to breath, to hear, to drink or to overall exist. To run the life in a healthy happy way, we all need a healthy and natural environment.

We all have the responsibility to monitor the environment and day to day actions that are being done here. The ecology or environmental balance and natural cycles have become imbalanced which is very hard to bring back and give it a natural shape. Environmental can be protected at various levels: individual, organization controlled or governmental levels, to ensure sustainable development.

We all should understand that our environment consists of all the things like the living and the non-living things in it. It can be classified as Natural environment and Built environment. Natural environment is the one that has been naturally into existence since long and built environment is the one that has been made by man; the buildings, industries, etc.

Many of the human activities like cutting of trees, industrialization, technological improvements and so many are leading our environment towards danger and deterioration and is also keeping lives at risk by influencing the growth, development and survival of all organisms. Many types of environmental pollution such as water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, etc are diminishing the ecosystem and causing a variety of health hazards, diseases to the human beings and animals. Continuous imbalanced temperature of the Earth because of the many man-made and natural means leads to the various natural calamities and hazards causing disturbance to a great extent to the harmonious existence of human and all other living beings.

We all should be focused on our activities and watch out that none of us adds on to the reduction of the environment’s quality. We should use the energy, electricity and natural resources wisely; restrict the usage of vehicles on short distances and emphasize on using public transport instead of personalized for each member. These are just a few actions that we human beings should take to safeguard our environment.

To conclude my discussion on saving environment, I know that you all are well aware about the key aspects to be kept in mind as the cautious human who safeguards the environment. Every action of ours has a result and consequence, result might be the one that we desire for but mostly the consequences are the ones that can be classified as good and bad for our environment. We owe a responsibility to protect the environment by following those minor activities.

Thank you all for being a part and creating the spark in yourselves for protecting our mother earth, our environment.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Save Earth In English

Good morning to everyone in this room. I would like to thank the principal, the teachers, and my dear friends for allowing me to speak to you today about saving the earth. Life is only possible on Earth because of the planet’s resources.

Our access to the planet’s resources is limited. In our opinion, those advantages are not taken into account. The earth’s resources are being swiftly depleted by the greedy species that the human race has developed into. We must protect them in order to save our lives. This is true since the planet is essential to human survival as well as the survival of all other life.

To conserve the planet and its resources, humans must take action. Any activity, such as giving up bottled water, increasing tree planting, and conserving water, can have an impact. We also need to conserve water because it is fast running out and stop polluting our water bodies by throwing rubbish into them. Thank you.

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3 Minute Speech about Nature for Students

Short speech about nature.

Good morning everyone and all present here. I am standing before you all to share my thoughts about through my speech about nature. Nature is the world around us. We, all human beings depend on nature every time and for everything. Many people admire the beauty of nature and even they write many novels and poems on it, this is because the beauty of nature cannot be expressed in one single word or saying. It provides the humans, animals and all the living beings on the earth a place to live with the joy of natural resources.

Nature- A Boon for All

Nature is the mother of all, as it helps to sustain our life. It is our companion since eternity. Despite the importance of nature in human life, we are spoiling its balance only due to our greediness. Millions of years ago, when the knowledge of man was not better than an animal. At that time man used to get all the things needed for life only from nature. Even today, at the heights of science, our requirements are met by nature only. Nature is a boon given to us, as it protects crores and crores of organisms living on the earth. It gives us forests which are the lungs of Earth.

Challenges of Nature

Our lives as human beings started on this planet Earth and since then we are exhausting its resources. But, in return, we are exposing it to the external threats of destruction and mistreatment. Due to this, beautiful forests have been destroyed, rivers have been polluted and vast open lands have been consumed for buildings and factories. We are giving challenges to nature by doing activities as hunting down animals, cutting down trees, releasing poisonous gases and polluting rivers.

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Our earth is literally experiencing many strokes of destructive activities due to which the river sources are going dry, plants are dying as well as species are eliminating. Today’s world is facing the biggest problem of ‘global warming’, which has a serious impact on our environment. So we all think seriously about our activities and help to bring such situations under control.

Conservation of Nature

Conservation of nature is another important issue. Although governments are employing various means to conserve nature, individuals must also come forward to contribute to saving nature. Therefore, everyone must do the tree plantation, restricting the use of paper, stopping wastage of water and electricity. Not only these we have to stop ill practices like the hunting of animals. Also, we must go for rainwater harvesting systems. If each one of us contributes their own bit, the difference will be tremendous for nature. The beginning of life, as well as the continuation of life on earth both, are a very complex process of nature. Every organism is important for the conservation of nature.

In the end, I would just say that please don’t keep my words to yourself only. I request all to spread the message around so that every person can become a responsible global citizen who can contribute to saving our planet.

Also, focus on energy consumption. Therefore, switch off the power button, if no one is in the room. Do not use personal vehicles, and follow public transportation. We can even use bicycles for small distances to protect your environment. Thus, through these simple yet effective measures, everyone can contribute greatly towards saving our mother nature from further exploitation.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

this was very helpful it saved my life i got this at the correct time very nice and helpful

This Helped Me With My Speech!!!

I can give it 100 stars for the speech it is amazing i love it.

Its amazing!!

Great !!!! It is an advanced definition and detail about Pollution. The word limit is also sufficient. It helped me a lot.

This is very good

Very helpful in my speech

Oh my god, this saved my life. You can just copy and paste it and change a few words. I would give this 4 out of 5 stars, because I had to research a few words. But my teacher didn’t know about this website, so amazing.

Tomorrow is my exam . This is Very helpfull

It’s really very helpful

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Very much helpful and its well crafted and expressed. Thumb’s up!!!

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thank you very much

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