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Bans may help protect classroom focus, but districts need to stay mindful of students’ sense of connection, experts say

Students around the world are being separated from their phones.

In 2020, the National Center for Education Statistics reported that 77 percent of U.S. schools had moved to prohibit cellphones for nonacademic purposes. In September 2018, French lawmakers outlawed cellphone use for schoolchildren under the age of 15. In China, phones were banned country-wide for schoolchildren last year.

Supporters of these initiatives have cited links between smartphone use and bullying and social isolation and the need to keep students focused on schoolwork.

77% Of U.S. schools moved to ban cellphones for nonacademic purposes as of 2020, according to the National Center for Education Statistics

But some Harvard experts say instructors and administrators should consider learning how to teach with tech instead of against it, in part because so many students are still coping with academic and social disruptions caused by the pandemic. At home, many young people were free to choose how and when to use their phones during learning hours. Now, they face a school environment seeking to take away their main source of connection.

“Returning back to in-person, I think it was hard to break the habit,” said Victor Pereira, a lecturer on education and co-chair of the Teaching and Teaching Leadership Program at the Graduate School of Education.

Through their students, he and others with experience both in the classroom and in clinical settings have seen interactions with technology blossom into important social connections that defy a one-size-fits-all mindset. “Schools have been coming back, trying to figure out, how do we readjust our expectations?” Pereira added.

It’s a hard question, especially in the face of research suggesting that the mere presence of a smartphone can undercut learning .

Michael Rich , an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and an associate professor of social and behavioral sciences at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says that phones and school don’t mix: Students can’t meaningfully absorb information while also texting, scrolling, or watching YouTube videos.

“The human brain is incapable of thinking more than one thing at a time,” he said. “And so what we think of as multitasking is actually rapid-switch-tasking. And the problem with that is that switch-tasking may cover a lot of ground in terms of different subjects, but it doesn’t go deeply into any of them.”

Pereira’s approach is to step back — and to ask whether a student who can’t resist the phone is a signal that the teacher needs to work harder on making a connection. “Two things I try to share with my new teachers are, one, why is that student on the phone? What’s triggering getting on your cell phone versus jumping into our class discussion, or whatever it may be? And then that leads to the second part, which is essentially classroom management.

“Design better learning activities, design learning activities where you consider how all of your students might want to engage and what their interests are,” he said. He added that allowing phones to be accessible can enrich lessons and provide opportunities to use technology for school-related purposes.

Mesfin Awoke Bekalu, a research scientist in the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness at the Chan School, argues that more flexible classroom policies can create opportunities for teaching tech-literacy and self-regulation.

“There is a huge, growing body of literature showing that social media platforms are particularly helpful for people who need resources or who need support of some kind, beyond their proximate environment,” he said. A study he co-authored by Rachel McCloud and Vish Viswanath for the Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health and Happiness shows that this is especially true for marginalized groups such as students of color and LGBTQ students. But the findings do not support a free-rein policy, Bekalu stressed.

In the end, Rich, who noted the particular challenges faced by his patients with attention-deficit disorders and other neurological conditions, favors a classroom-by-classroom strategy. “It can be managed in a very local way,” he said, adding: “It’s important for parents, teachers, and the kids to remember what they are doing at any point in time and focus on that. It’s really only in mono-tasking that we do very well at things.”

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Home Essay Samples Information Science and Technology Cell Phones

Cell Phones Should Be Allowed in School: An Argumentative Perspective

Table of contents, enhancing learning through technology integration, promoting effective communication and collaboration, preparing students for the digital age, fostering individual responsibility and autonomy, addressing concerns and implementing guidelines.

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How smart is it to allow students to use mobile phones at school?

should mobile phones be allowed in school essay 300 words

Assistant Professor of Economics, The University of Texas at Austin

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Assistant Professor of Economics, Louisiana State University

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should mobile phones be allowed in school essay 300 words

How does the presence of mobile phones in schools impact student achievement?

This is an ongoing debate in many countries today. Some advocate for a complete ban, while others promote the use of mobile phones as a teaching tool in classrooms.

So, the question is: Should schools allow the use of mobile phones?

While views remain divided, some schools are starting to allow a restricted use of mobile phones. Most recently, New York Mayor de Blasio lifted a ten-year-ban on phones on school premises, with the chancellor of schools stating that it would reduce inequality.

As researchers studying the economics of education, we conducted a study to find out what impact banning mobile phones has had on student test scores in subsequent years.

We found that not only did student achievement improve, but also that low-achieving and at-risk students gained the most. We found the impact of banning phones for these students equivalent to an additional hour a week in school, or to increasing the school year by five days .

Increased student performance

We studied mobile phone bans in England, as mobile phones are very popular there amongst teenagers. The research involved surveying schools in four cities in England (Birmingham, London, Leicester and Manchester) about their mobile phone policies since 2001 and combining it with student achievement data from externally marked national exams.

After schools banned mobile phones, test scores of students aged 16 increased by 6.4% of a standard deviation, which means that it added the equivalent of five days to the school year.

While our study was based in the UK, where, by 2012, 90.3% of teenagers owned a mobile phone, these results are likely to be significant even here in the US, where 73% of teenagers own a mobile phone.

It is important to note that these gains are prominent amongst the lowest achievers, and changing policy to allow phones in schools has the potential to exacerbate learning inequalities.

should mobile phones be allowed in school essay 300 words

The gains observed amongst students with lowest achievement when phones were banned were double those recorded among average students. Our results also indicate the ban having a greater impact on special education needs students and those eligible for free school meals.

However, banning mobile phones had no discernible effect on high achievers. Also, interestingly, 14-year-olds were not significantly affected in either direction. This could be due to low phone use amongst this age group.

Impact on student performance

Schools in England have complete autonomy regarding their mobile phone policy. This has resulted in large differences in the timing of the introduction of mobile phone bans. This variation facilitated our study.

Our research used the differences in implementation dates across schools and noted subsequent changes in student test scores.

In 2001, none of the surveyed schools had a ban in place; by 2007 this had increased to 50%; and by 2012, 98% of schools did not allow phones on school premises (or required them to be handed in at the beginning of the day).

We compared the gains in student test scores within and across schools before and after a ban.

In addition, the administrative data gave us information on student characteristics such as gender, eligibility for free school meals, special education needs status and prior educational attainment. This allowed us to calculate the impact on students from each of these groups.

School policy on phones

Technological advancements are commonly viewed as increasing productivity. Modern technology is used in the classroom to engage students and improve performance. There are, however, potential drawbacks as well, as they could lead to distractions.

Mobile phones are a prime example of this, as they provide students with access to texting, games, social media and the internet. A review of literature in our study suggests ambiguous impact of use of technology in the classroom on student achievement.

We add to this by demonstrating that mobile phones could have a negative impact on students’ learning outcomes. The financial resources that schools would require for a similar gain in instruction time (the equivalent of restricting mobile phone use) would be quite substantial.

These findings do not discount the possibility that mobile phones and other forms of technology could be useful in schools if their use is properly structured.

However, our findings do suggest that the presence of mobile phones in schools should not be ignored.

The mayor of New York got rid of the ban on mobile phones with an argument that this would reduce inequalities. However, as our research shows, the exact opposite result is likely. Worse, allowing phones into schools would harm the lowest achieving and low income students the most.

  • Mobile phones
  • Free school meals
  • Public schools
  • New York Mayor de Blasio
  • Cellphone ban
  • High achievers
  • Modern technology
  • Learning Inequality
  • Special education

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Cell Phones in School: Should Be Banned, Restricted or Allowed?

Why Cell Phones in School Should Be Banned?

The use of mobile phones in schools has attracted the attention of many individuals, state organizations, learning institutions, the media and the society at large. Different views have been raised on the positive impacts and the negative repercussion that come as a result of the use of mobile phones in schools. Although some positive aspects can be drawn from the use of mobile phones in schools, the negative impacts are saddening and the need to be looked at with great caution. Poor school performance of children and cheating in exams can be attributed to the use of mobile phones in schools.

School children with mobile phones tend to have a short span of attention in class due to various activities, as surfing the internet, playing games and texting. These children are also likely to cheat in exams by searching for answers through the internet or texting their colleagues for answers. Likewise, cases of mobile phone theft increase due to the urge of getting better phones to those who already have and the desire of having a phone to the poor children who cannot afford it. These should thus give an alarm to the school board to ban the use of mobile phones.

One of the major reasons why the use of mobile phones by school children should be banned is because it promotes cheating during exams. The mobile phones may provide good avenues for the children to cheat in exams and thus earn undeserved credits. Children use the taken pictures of class notes, videos, text messaging as well as wireless earbuds to gain access to materials that assist them during the exams. According to the National School Resource Officer Survey in 2004 by NASRO, it was estimated that more than 41 percent had reported handling cases of students using mobile phones improperly. The officers reported that among the improper ways school children had used mobile phones included cheating in exams, particularly through text messaging and the internet.

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Another reason why the school board should ban the use of mobile phones is due to the short span of attention by the children. Student’s concentration in class is distracted on various occasions in the presence of mobile phones. In certain instances, the disturbance can be carried on to the rest of the children in class if the phone rings out loud. This is more likely to happen and cause a lot of distraction, hampering the learning process if these phones are not put in silent mode. Moreover, if a phone is put in silent mode or on vibration, it distracts the owner leading to a short attention span in class. If a call or message, for instance, comes in, the student loses concentration and diverts their attention towards reading the message or answering the call. These lower the student’s understanding of things taught in class and in turn results in poor performance.

It is essential for the school board to note that the use of mobile phones by children promotes theft. The changing technology results in the production of more attractive and expensive mobile phones that not every child can afford. Theft complaints are thus not going to stop anytime soon if the use of mobile phones in schools will not be banned. Despite the fact that some of the children already own mobile phones, they will be tempted to steal the more sophisticated ones from their friends. The poor children who cannot afford a cell phone are no exemption and they are most likely to steal any type of phone for them to own one. It is best if schools ban their use to prevent such cases of theft.

It is thus justifiable to conclude that the school board has a big part to play in making the learning environment suitable for all the children. The ban on the use of mobile phones will be very beneficial to all and would lead to better performance. The children’s concentration span in class would improve, cheating in exams would be minimized and cases of mobile phone theft in schools would be forgotten. If the school board embraces the idea of making it illegal to use mobile phones, the society will benefit and the school children will all have a favorable environment to learn.

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Why Cell Phones in School Should Be Restricted?

People create different devices and machines due to the constant growth of human needs and demands. It is connected with the appropriate improvement in the quality of life. In fact, the creation of such a modern device as a cell phone refers to great wonders of the twenty-first century, even if its use at school is under great concern. Thus, the development of the cell phone and its regular use can improve the process of studying at school, but it can also destruct the way students thinking and learning.

The cell phone makes a revolution in education. It widens children’s outlook and suggests new ways and approaches for learning more information in different subjects through video use. It becomes evident that “allowing students to use cell phones in the classroom for specific, academic purposes has the power to increase student engagement and allow teachers to more effectively assess learning on a daily basis” (Giambalvo).

It means that the particular use of this device contributes to the development of creativity and interactive experience. Students can get free access to a large number of sources which can be essential in studying. In this case, juniors are motivated to set their goals and reach them observing different videos based on the learning topics. Additionally, this issue includes social and emotional aspects that show how an individual can assess himself/herself to reveal the appropriate persistence and diligence. Thus, modern teachers consider cell phones as a useful tool for learning, which makes studying easier and more interesting.

The cell phones provide new effective ways of learning for those who try to overcome the difficulties with the second language. In this case, it’s primary purpose is to improve the limits of students’ vocabulary. With the help of mobile dictionaries, students can memorize many new words including their translation and spelling. They also develop their vocabulary while writing a test after reading the assignment, which seems to be rather difficult (Lu 515). The point is that students do not have any limitation to learn more words every time they look up a new one and its various meanings. It is known that lexical information improves the intellect, and students’ speech becomes better. Therefore, the effectiveness of cell phone use is obvious, and it is necessary to further develop this approach.

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On the other hand, cell phones cause cheating and unceasing ringing that destroys classroom policies at school. Many teachers claim that “the technology is considered a serious source of distraction in the classroom” because it has a negative impact on academic performance (Campbell 280). In such a way, plagiarism becomes a common problem that exists among students. After finishing high schools, they are not ready to develop and create their own ideas. Students have boundless access to the Internet, thus they simply copy and paste the suggested information. It brings harm to the students’ studying as they do not make any considerable effort to develop their own intellectual skills and abilities in the process of learning. Additionally, teachers often complain that they cannot concentrate on the representation of new material due to the ringing in the class.

Moreover, parents notice that their children stop paying much attention to the school assignments but talk over the phone all the time. Perhaps, it is a precise result of parents’ numerous requests to allow their children to use mobile phones at school as they are against the past ban (Taylor). Thus, the cell phone becomes children’s obsession as they gradually begin to depend on this advanced technology.

In conclusion, the use of the cell phone improves the quality of studying as teachers can apply various teaching videos. Students can also learn the second foreign language via the cell phone by consulting the dictionary and memorizing new words as well as establishing communication and interacting with each other. However, the use of cell phones has several disadvantages while studying: the main one is cheating. This leads to reducing students’ own knowledge because they are out of practice. Therefore, it is necessary to restrict the use of cell phones at school in order to avoid plagiarism which is not good for students studying.

Why Cell Phones in School Should Be Allowed?

In terms of using cell phones in school, various improvements have been established at different schools, which benefited students since their privacy has been improved as well as an effective and essential means of communication was implemented. Schools are trying out various policies that allow having cell phones at schools with some permitting students to use their phones only during breaks or at lunchtime. Other schools are encouraging students to have cell phones at school in order to enhance the educational process, the main purpose of which is to improve understanding in the classroom.

This is helpful in various ways since it provides suitable platforms for enhancing educational understanding. Other policies that were implemented allow students to carry cell phones to school and use them after classes and at breaks. The phones should be kept in lockers or backpacks during classes. This is unlike the policy of some schools that allow phones and encourage students to carry them to school and use them in class for their educational advantage.

Cell phones use in high school during break times should, therefore, be allowed because of personal rights, privacy issues, and effective and essential communication. The use of cell phones during breaks prevents students from losing attention in class and allows them to maintain necessary communications with their parents as well as provides them with the advantages of e-learning tools. Allowing students to use cell phones at school gives students the right to personal life and privacy. In addition, cell phones enhance research and improve students’ understanding since they have more access to information that is available on the Internet.

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Why School Age Kids Should or Should Not Have Cell Phones Essay

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Modern technology has allowed people to communicate instantly and resolve many tasks that were difficult before within seconds. However, with these benefits, a challenge has emerged, since smartphones, video games, and the Internet makes people feel addicted to technology, as Miller reports. One solution would be to ban smartphones by children, but this could cause other issues. Children should be allowed to have cellphones to ensure their safety and security and help them adapt to modern technology.

The reasoning behind not allowing children to have smartphones is the fear that they would develop an addiction. According to Miller, in one survey, “half of the teenagers said they “feel” they’re addicted to their mobile device.” This is alarming, but it is necessary to acknowledge that children and adults alike are surrounded by technology. Hence, by not allowing children to use cell phones, caregivers deprive them of experiences they need to function in modern society. Moreover, smartphones allow them to make phone calls and message others, which is vital for child security and safety. With cell phones, children can contact their parents in case of emergency. Hence, it is best to ensure that they have access to cell phones but that their use is regulated. For example, children should not be allowed to use smartphones during studying or several hours before sleep. Overall, children should have cellphones because the benefits outweigh the potential danger.

Miller, Caroline. “Is Internet Addiction Real?” Child Mind Institute , Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, June 22). Why School Age Kids Should or Should Not Have Cell Phones. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-school-age-kids-should-or-should-not-have-cell-phones/

"Why School Age Kids Should or Should Not Have Cell Phones." IvyPanda , 22 June 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/why-school-age-kids-should-or-should-not-have-cell-phones/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Why School Age Kids Should or Should Not Have Cell Phones'. 22 June.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Why School Age Kids Should or Should Not Have Cell Phones." June 22, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-school-age-kids-should-or-should-not-have-cell-phones/.

1. IvyPanda . "Why School Age Kids Should or Should Not Have Cell Phones." June 22, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-school-age-kids-should-or-should-not-have-cell-phones/.


IvyPanda . "Why School Age Kids Should or Should Not Have Cell Phones." June 22, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/why-school-age-kids-should-or-should-not-have-cell-phones/.


Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School

Students are often asked to write an essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look

100 Words Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School

Cellphones: a boon or a bane in the classroom.

The use of cellphones in schools has been a topic of debate for many years. Some people believe that cellphones are a distraction and should not be allowed in the classroom, while others argue that they can be a valuable tool for learning.

The Case for Cellphones in Schools

Cellphones can be a valuable tool for learning. They can be used to access information, take notes, and collaborate with classmates. They can also be used to create presentations and projects.

The Case against Cellphones in Schools

Cellphones can be a distraction. They can tempt students to text, play games, or surf the internet during class time. They can also be used to cheat on tests or assignments.

So, should cellphones be allowed in schools? There is no easy answer to this question. There are valid arguments to be made on both sides of the issue. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to allow cellphones in schools is a complex one that must be made by each school district.

250 Words Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School

Positive impacts:, negative impacts:.

Distractions posed by cell phones during class hours can affect a student’s attention and focus. With social media, games, and text messages just a tap away, students might find it difficult to resist the temptation to engage in non-educational activities. This can result in poor academic performance and missed learning opportunities.

Cell Phones as Learning Tools:

Integrating cell phones into the educational process can offer various benefits. Teachers can utilize phones as interactive tools to engage students through videos, polls, quizzes, and presentations. This can make lessons more engaging and foster a more dynamic classroom environment, promoting active participation and understanding.

Responsible Use:

With proper guidance and supervision, students can learn to use cell phones responsibly in a school environment. Establishing clear rules, setting boundaries, and educating students on appropriate usage can ensure that cell phones are used for educational purposes rather than distractions. This way, students can reap the benefits of technology while minimizing its negative impacts.


Allowing students to use cell phones in schools is a complex issue with both potential advantages and disadvantages. It requires a responsible and balanced approach, encouraging appropriate usage while mitigating potential risks. By integrating cell phones into the learning process, schools can harness their potential as educational tools while minimizing distractions and promoting academic achievement. Striking the right balance is crucial to create a learning environment that maximizes the benefits of technology without compromising educational quality.

500 Words Essay on Should Students Be Allowed To Use Cellphones In School

Introduction to cellphones in schools.

In today’s world, almost everyone has a cellphone, including students. Some people think that students should be allowed to use their cellphones in school, while others believe it’s not a good idea. This essay will look at the reasons for and against students using cellphones in school.

Reasons for Allowing Cellphones

Reasons against allowing cellphones.

On the other hand, there are several reasons why cellphones might not be allowed in school. The biggest concern is that they can distract students from their lessons. Instead of paying attention to the teacher, students might text their friends or browse social media. Cellphones can also lead to cheating during tests if students use them to look up answers. Lastly, having cellphones in school can cause social issues, like making some students feel left out if they don’t have the latest phone.

Compromise Solutions

Given the good and bad points, some schools look for middle ground. They might allow students to bring their cellphones but set strict rules on when and how they can be used. For example, cellphones could be allowed during lunch or in between classes but must be turned off or put away during lessons. This way, students can have their phones for safety and learning without letting them get in the way of education.

Teaching Responsibility

In conclusion, whether students should be allowed to use their cellphones in school is a complex issue. There are valid reasons on both sides. Allowing cellphones can offer safety and learning benefits, but it also risks causing distractions and social problems. Perhaps the best approach is a balanced one, where cellphones are allowed under certain conditions and students are taught how to use them wisely. This way, students can enjoy the benefits of technology without letting it get in the way of their education.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Should Cellphones be allowed in School Essay | Essay on Should Cellphones be allowed in School for Students and Children

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Should Cellphones be allowed in School Essay: Cellphones have become an essential part of our life. It’s almost impossible for us to lead a single day without a cellphone. But for many negative impacts, cellphones are not allowed in schools.

Most of the middle-aged and older people of India think that there are a lot of disadvantages of cellphones and for that cellphones should not be allowed in schools. Cellphones cause a disturbance in schools too, according to them.

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Long and Short Essays on Should Cellphones be allowed in School for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with samples of essay on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Should Cellphones Be Allowed In School for reference.

Long Essay on Should Cellphones be allowed in School 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Should Cellphones be allowed in School is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

There are both good and bad impacts of cellphones on students of today’s generation. In my view, there are some valid reasons why cellphones can be allowed to use by students in schools.

Parents can directly contact their children for emergency cases. During the break time, when there is no class going on, the children can easily talk to their parents and get the required info from them. Other than this, if the students suddenly decide to engage in a certain programme after school, then they can easily inform their parents with the help of their cellphones.

The unstoppable progress of technology these days have made the usage of cellphones very frequent. Firstly computers and then cellphones both have tremendous impacts on human lives. So, we all should teach the students and make them aware of the good and effects of using cellphones.

In my opinion, students have the right to bring their cellphones in school until the class doesn’t get disrupted. If they do so, the teachers can punish him/her. Sometimes, the school phones don’t work properly, and they are very less in number. If at a time many students require a phone, then how will they be able to contact their parents? This is why I think; students should be allowed to bring cellphones in school.

There may be cases when students plan to meet with each other in some other places. In that case, it won’t be possible for them to contacts through school phones. With their cellphones, they can easily contact with others. In school, they can even use their cellphones as a calculator, flashlights.

Mobile phones help to grow mobility and flexibility between students and their parents. Students can use mobile phones in a cafe, library, toilet or anywhere as long as it doesn’t affect anybody else. In case the students need their parents to bring something important for them to school, mobile phones are the first thing that will help the students.

Allowing cellphones in school doesn’t mean the students get access to use the cellphones in any way. They must not spend playing games on mobiles in school. For that, the school may introduce new policies like the students will have to put their phones in front of them or they will have to give their respective cellphones to the teachers. When the phone rings or the students need to call somebody, then the teachers will hand over the phones to them.

Most of the schools in India don’t have a computer. So, cellphones that are very handy to the students can be used to learn a few things that were supposed to be taught in a computer. If anyone forgets to bring his/her notebook, then he/she can easily take down the notes in their cellphones.

There are some negative impacts of cellphones too, like playing games secretly, watching vulgar contents in the bathroom and others. But the school authority must take actions and make new rules for these things. The parents of the students must be informed about all things they do in school with their cellphones. If these things can be done, then cellphones should be allowed to use in school for students.

Short Essay on Should Cellphones be allowed in School 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Should Cellphones be allowed in School is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

In India, most of the schools don’t allow cellphones in school. But we have to rethink the usage of cellphones and its’ importance of school these days. Cellphones are very important for most of us, including the students nowadays. We use cellphones in different ways.

We all should teach the students and make them aware of the good and effects of using cellphones. Parents can directly contact their children for emergency cases. Students have the right to bring their cellphones in school until the class doesn’t get disrupted.  In school, they can even use their cellphones as a calculator, flashlights.

Mobile phones help to grow mobility and flexibility between students and their parents. In case the students need their parents to bring something important for them to school, mobile phones are the first thing that will help the students. There are some negative impacts of cellphones too, but the school authority must make new rules for that.

10 Lines on Should Cellphones be allowed in School in English

  • Students can easily contact with their parents through cellphones.
  • School phones may not always work properly.
  • Students can use cellphones in school for educational purposes.
  • Cellphones can be used as flashlights, calculators.
  • If any student uses cellphone wrongly, then teachers should punish him/her.
  • Students can use cellphones as long as that doesn’t disturb the class.
  • Cellphones may cause bad things in school too.
  • School authorities must make new rules for bringing cellphones in school.
  • Sudden changes in plans after school will also need cellphones to inform parents.
  • Mobile phones help to grow mobility and flexibility between students and their parents.

FAQ’s on Should Cellphones be allowed in School Essay

Question 1.  What are some negative impacts of cellphones in school?

Answer: There are some negative impacts of cellphones like playing games secretly, watching vulgar contents in the bathroom, etc.

Question 2.  How can restrictions for usage of cellphones be made in school?

Answer: The school may introduce new policies like the students will have to put their phones in front of them, or they will have to give their respective cellphones to the teachers. When the phone rings or the students need to call somebody, then the teachers will hand over the phones to them.

Question 3. Should cellphones be allowed in school?

Answer: In my opinion, yes. Cellphones should be allowed in school with proper rules and regulations.

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should mobile phones be allowed in school essay 300 words

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should mobile phones be allowed in school essay 300 words

IELTS Writing Task 2 – Use of Phones in Schools – Band 9

Hi Students! Here are the Writing task 2 questions that we covered in the past. Remember to practice your speaking by clicking, “Student Partner Speaking” in your My Student Account at https://www.aehelp.com/buy/ (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package) Good studies

IELTS Task 2 Writing You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Teenagers should not be allowed to use mobile phones in schools. Do you agree or disagree? Give explanations and examples for your response.

You should write at least 250 words. 

Adolescents ought to be banned from using their smartphones in educational institutions. Do you approve or disprove of this idea? Provide reasons and cases to support your position. 

*Paraphrasing the questions gives you clarity about the essay and useful vocabulary. 

TOPIC – what am I discussing? (be clear and concise) = banning the use of smartphones for teens in school. 

Controlling idea – Is it good or bad to ban the use of phones for teens in school

Critically Think about the TOPIC – ask ‘what’ ‘why’ and ‘how’

What is banning the use of phones during school?

  • Teens should not be allowed to bring phones to school
  • Teens should not be allowed to use phone during lessons
  • *Teens should not be allowed to use phones while on school premises (premises – school grounds – school property)

(teens may need their phone after school to call their parents to come pick them up) (Also, teens can use their phones for negative behaviors during lunchbreaks, or school sports events
that are outside of regular hours or classes)

  • Why should teens NOT be permitted to use phones in school. *Think of the best answers, think of what most people would say in response to this.

Distractions, bullying, negative use of the phone

  • How are smartphones distracting for teens?

Socializing, texting, non-school subjects (music videos)

  • How are smartphones misused?

Making fun of others clothing etc. looking at inappropriate content, violence etc. 

  • How can smartphones be banned while at school?

Strict rules and consequences, putting them in a lockbox while at school, network jammers on school grounds. 

Why should teens be allowed to use phones at school? ([play the] devil’s advocate – thinking of the counterargument even if we do not agree with it) – in case of emergency, to research information. 

In this question, is it good to write I partially agree? Definitely NOT. It is unrealistic, at the end of the day, you can only do one, not both. ***Also the essay asks do agree OR disagree?

In this case the easy path (essay) – I agree that phones should not be allowed at schools for teens. 

(you should be finished planning and writing your thesis within 5 minutes) Write a clear thesis (use the question) –

I am in complete agreement that mobile phones should be banned from school premises because this leads to better academic performance and social interaction. 

Introductory Paragraph (Hook + Background + Thesis)

(hook) Use of mobile phones by adolescents on school premises has become a major issue. (background – definition and importance) Teens use their phones while at school to not only research information but also to chat with each other and for entertainment. It is important to evaluate the impact of this on their school performance. I am in complete agreement that mobile phones should be banned from school premises because this leads to better academic performance and social interaction. 

BODY 1 (Topic sentence + explanation (support point 1) + example (supporting point 2) + concluding/connecting sentence)

Topic sentence – is a deeper definition/explanation of your thesis point 1

Since mobile phones are a major source of distraction from class learning, forbidding the use of these devices allows pupils to focus more on learning, and as a result, they can get better grades. (Explain – make it concrete and quantitative) Students’ attention is continuously diverted from school subjects, such as math and English, by messages and notifications which leads poor exam and assignment performance. By removing the distraction of mobile phones, teens can learn more effectively without disturbing their focus, peers and teachers. (Example) My nephew has low grades in his high school classes because he is constantly messaging and playing with his mobile phone during lectures. However, my niece, who does not take a mobile to school, has outstanding academic report cards. This is one reason that smartphones should not be allowed in schools. 

BODY 2 – (deep definition of better social interaction)

By removing the use mobile phones from schools, pupils can spend more time in face-to-face interactions and thereby build better social skills which not only lead to greater self-esteem but also good interpersonal communication skills for later life. (Explanation) By using time otherwise spent on mobile phones, many teens are likely to form friendships through valuable experiences while at school, not to mention decreasing the possibility of cyberbullying. In this way, adolescents can acquire the emotional and verbal communication that they will rely on in their future relationships. (Example) Indeed, my nephew has become quite introverted (anti-social) due to his time spent on mobile phone applications during his school studies while my niece has a large group of friends and she is an outgoing and positive teen. 

Conclusion (Point restated, argument strengthened, take-home-message)

In conclusion, strict regulations and network jammers that dissuade the use of mobile phones on school premises does lead to effective learning and socializing. Therefore, I am in complete agreement that adolescents should not be permitted to use mobile phones while at school. The primary purpose of educational institutions is to foster the future generation of happy and successful people and the integrity of the education process must be maintained.  

should mobile phones be allowed in school essay 300 words

3 Responses to “IELTS Writing Task 2 – Use of Phones in Schools – Band 9”

should mobile phones be allowed in school essay 300 words

Introduction: Although use of mobile phone is inevitable for communication but educational institutes should consider the bad impact of mobile phone use in school on youngsters. No doubt, I agree with the prohibition of mobile phone use of students in school because it will have better influence on their academic performance and social interaction.

Smart phone is a device which is not only using for searching information or communication but also entertaining and chatting. So that, it is quite easy to distract student’s attention by the notification of different apps. In the consequence of this, they can not concentrate on their study and will have low grade in exam. Also when at teenage they should play and interact with other mates at off period then all of them are very busy with chatting on phone and very often some of them are doing evil things such as bullying other kids through social media. So that, cancellation of mobile phone use in school premises will be very supportive for students being attentive towards study and lectures in class. Also, teachers could be more productive and will be able to interlink with students efficiently. As my elder sister doesn’t allow my niece to use mobile phone though she is in eight standard and she is having good results in every classes still.

Because of too much affection towards smartphone young fellows are always busy with phone, they are even chatting late night, so that in the morning they are late in school, absent from social and many family functions or events. Youngsters are indifference regarding sports and physical activities as well. With the annulling of mobile phone use in institution, students can value their inner efficiency, friendly coordination with teachers and classmates and participate in physical activities and other extra curriculum too.

Now, youngsters are very creative and smart than us. With proper guidance and positive attitude, they can have bright future. Therefore, banning the use of mobile phone in school can be very prospective step. I am happy to welcome this grave step to prohibit the use of mobile phone because I believe any educational institute’s first objective is to educate youngsters and cooperate them to being a good and successful person in life. Also they are our future generation who are going to dominate the nation next. This effort would bring the best result to the adolescent’s future.

should mobile phones be allowed in school essay 300 words

The banning of phones at school is often subject of many controversy. Some people say that pupils needs their phone at school to contact their parent or to make some research. Other people affirm that smartphones should not be admitted at school as it distracts students and prevents them from socialising. In my opinion, teenagers should not be allowed to take their phones at school.

When students use their smartphones in class, they are deconcentrated. Instead of following teacher, they go on socia media, watch video or chat with other person. At the end of the day, this behavior decreases school performance and can not produce a better school results. When i was in college, i used my phone in class. At this time, i was very distracted and i had poor average in class. After that i decided to let my phone at home to be more focus at school and that was worked for me until today, my result improved.

Another fact is that the use of mobile phone at school prevents socialising. School is also for create friendship and strong reelationship with others so that, pupils have to get to know more each other. But with the phone, they don’t see the importance of that because they are more focus on themselves and put up barriers with others. My little brother is an introved boy, one time he has said to me that his phones allow to not connect with others students and for him, it was a good thing when it is obviously not.

To conclude, if parents want their children to be more effective and extraverted at school they must ensure that their children don’t go to school with their phones. This device can be a real brake for them. That”s why i strongly agree with the thesis.

should mobile phones be allowed in school essay 300 words

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should mobile phones be allowed in school essay 300 words

Students should not be allowed to use mobile phones at school. Do you agree or disagree with this view

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The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation

To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

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Why Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed in School


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Argumentative Essay: Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed in School

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📌Words: 425
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 05 April 2022

The great debate on schools continues. Parents, Teachers, students and many more people have been wondering, should cellphones be allowed in school.cell phones should not be allowed in school.

To begin with, Students are being distracted with their cell phones being in their pockets. They are wasting their time talking to friends and getting notifications while in schoolAccording to “Time to Ban Cell Phones” Source 2 paragraph 3 it says,”As a teacher, I have learned to turn my cell phone off during the day so I can focus on teaching my students. When I turn my cell phone back on at the end of the day, I have numerous  notifications, text messages, and missed phone calls.” A teacher can also be distracted by cell phones so that could happen to a student as well. If they were to get that many notifications they would’ve been not paying attention to class and be on their cell phones responding back.The text also states, “there are reasons why students may need a cell phone but there are many more reasons they shouldn't be allowed”.Students may need a phone but not on them only in there backpacks just in case of a emergency.

Additionally, there are some pros to why cell phones should be allowed but there are more cons. Some important pros are calling parents, education apps and more that help with school. For cons there are students that are cyber bullying, distraction, etc. According to “Time To Ban Cell Phones” Source 2 paragraph 7. It says,“ Cell Phones can be very addictive too.” Kids are being very addicted to cell phones. They are losing social interaction. Some cannot go days without a cell phone.The author goes on to say, “it can also cause problems.” There are many problems with having a phone during school which is also addicting.

Furthermore,  very young children are getting out of hand with them. They are just on their phone all day. According to “Time To Ban Cell Phones”. Source 2 paragraph 8 it states.”if you look around stores and restaurants, many kids are texting and not interacting with their families”. Cell phones are just taking children's social life at this point. They are not interacting with anyone, such as talking when they are walking around. The text also states,”many parents are concerned about this problem.”Parents are wondering why kids are just on their phone all day not talking to them. Thats why parents sometimes check their phone to see if they are doing anything bad or not. 

To sum it all up, phones should not be allowed in school. There are many cons to say. Paragraph 17 in source 2 it states “they say students need face to face contact to develop social skills, expand friendships.

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    Long Essay on Should Cellphones be allowed in School 500 Words in English. Long Essay on Should Cellphones be allowed in School is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. There are both good and bad impacts of cellphones on students of today's generation.

  19. Persuasive: Should Children Have Cell Phones

    Another argument in favor of children having cell phones is the improved communication and connectivity they provide. Advocates claim that cell phones enable children to easily stay in touch with their friends and family, fostering social connections and emotional well-being. Moreover, cell phones allow children to access educational resources ...

  20. IELTS Writing Task 2

    Teenagers should not be allowed to use mobile phones in schools. Do you agree or disagree? Give explanations and examples for your response. You should write at least 250 words. ... In this case the easy path (essay) - I agree that phones should not be allowed at schools for teens.

  21. Students should not be allowed to use mobile phones at school

    at. school. I completely agree with the opinion that it should be prohibited for a number of reasons. One of the most obvious reasons is that. students. could be distracted by their. phones. These days, many smartphones can integrate various entertainment and social network applications. If being allowed to.

  22. Why Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed in School

    Students, according to this new rule, will be required to switch off their phones and store them securely in lockers from the start of the school day until the final bell. When emergencies occur, parents or guardians can reach their child by calling the school. Cell phones will be banned for all students at Victorian state primary and secondary ...

  23. Argumentative Essay: Cell Phones Should Not Be Allowed in School

    2. 📌Published: 05 April 2022. The great debate on schools continues. Parents, Teachers, students and many more people have been wondering, should cellphones be allowed in school.cell phones should not be allowed in school. To begin with, Students are being distracted with their cell phones being in their pockets.

  24. Everyone should read essay about school that thrived after cellphones

    Re "School where phone use was restricted is thriving" (June 10): What a great story!This is a fantastic step in the right direction for our youth. It is so obvious how we are all negat