Epic Promotion Speech Tips Revealed!

Giving a promotion speech is a big moment. It’s your chance to share your path, thank those who’ve been there for you, and outline your future plans. A memorable speech isn’t just about your successes; it’s about expressing gratitude and sharing your vision. We’ve got some great tips to help your promotion speech stand out. It’s important to be genuine, grateful, and personal. Use stories to connect, showing the challenges you’ve overcome and the dreams you’re chasing. This speech is an opportunity to inspire and lead by example.

By focusing on what matters—your journey, the people who’ve supported you, and your goals—you’ll leave a lasting impression. Aim to not only capture attention but to touch hearts and spark motivation. With these strategies, your promotion speech will be more than remembered; it will make a lasting impact.

Understanding the Essence of a Promotion Speech

What makes a great promotion speech.

Creating a compelling promotion speech is an art that requires a delicate balance between professionalism and personal touch. It’s an opportunity to reflect on your past achievements, recognizing the collective efforts of your team, and to look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead with optimism and excitement. Authenticity plays a crucial role in making your speech resonate with your audience; it’s essential that your speech mirrors your personality, showcasing your unique journey, experiences, and vision for the future. This personalized approach ensures that your message is not only heard but felt by those listening.

Crafting Your Promotion Speech

Brainstorming key points.

The process of crafting an impactful speech begins with a deep dive into your past experiences, identifying significant milestones, the individuals who’ve played a pivotal role in your journey, and the valuable lessons that have spurred your growth. This exercise is not solely about highlighting your accomplishments but rather about painting a picture of the journey and the network of support that has been instrumental in your development. By meticulously selecting these elements, you’re laying the foundation for a speech that is both personal and inclusive, resonating with your audience on a deeper level.

Structuring Your Promotion Speech

Constructing an effective speech necessitates a clear and logical structure, starting with a heartfelt expression of gratitude, followed by an insightful exploration of your journey, and culminating in a forward-looking vision for what lies ahead. It’s essential to craft a narrative that is concise yet impactful, ensuring every word and every sentence contributes meaningfully to the overarching message you wish to convey. This careful construction not only aids in maintaining the audience’s attention but also enhances the overall impact of your speech.

Engaging Your Audience

Storytelling techniques.

Integrating stories into your speech is a powerful technique to breathe life into your message. Personal anecdotes serve as bridges, connecting you with your audience on an emotional level, making your promotion speech not just heard but experienced. These stories, whether they depict challenges overcome or moments of triumph, add a layer of relatability and depth to your speech, enhancing its memorability and impact.

Using Humor

Incorporating light humor into your speech can serve as an effective tool to alleviate tension, both for you and your audience. When used appropriately, humor can make your speech more engaging and enjoyable without undermining the seriousness of your achievements or the depth of your message. It’s a delicate balance to strike, but when done correctly, humor can significantly enhance the appeal and effectiveness of your speech.

Mastering Delivery

Voice modulation.

The power of your voice in conveying your message cannot be overstated. Utilizing voice modulation to express passion, gratitude, and confidence is essential in capturing and maintaining the attention of your audience. Practicing variations in pitch and pace not only helps in emphasizing key points but also keeps your speech dynamic and captivating.

Body Language

The non-verbal cues you convey through your body language play a significant role in reinforcing your message and establishing a connection with your audience. Standing confidently, maintaining eye contact, and using gestures judiciously can significantly amplify the impact of your words, creating a more engaging and persuasive speech.

Leveraging Emotional Appeal

The ability to connect emotionally with your audience can elevate your speech from good to extraordinary. Sharing personal challenges you’ve faced and overcome, or expressing genuine appreciation for your colleagues, can create an emotional resonance that makes your speech not just memorable but deeply impactful. This emotional connection fosters a sense of community and shared experience, making your message more powerful.

Concluding Your Speech with Impact

Ending your speech on a high note is crucial for leaving a lasting impression. Reiterating your enthusiasm for the future and your commitment to excellence and leadership ensures that your speech concludes with a clear, motivational message. A strong, impactful conclusion not only resonates with your audience but also encourages positive discussions and reflections long after the speech has ended.

Practical Tips for Rehearsal

Thorough rehearsal is key to delivering a confident and polished speech. Practicing in front of a mirror, recording yourself, or rehearsing with a trusted friend or colleague allows you to become more familiar with your speech, reduce nervousness, and refine your delivery. This preparation ensures that when the moment comes, you can deliver your speech with confidence and clarity.

A promotion speech is an invaluable opportunity to inspire, express gratitude, and lead by example. By crafting a speech that is authentic, engaging, and heartfelt, you can ensure that your message not only resonates with your audience but also leaves a lasting impression. Remember, this speech is a reflection of your journey and a vision for the future. With these comprehensive tips, your promotion speech will not only be remembered but celebrated for its depth, authenticity, and inspirational message.

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How to Write a Promotion Speech

Writing a promotion speech is different from other writing tasks. The approach used to address the audience and recognize others for their contributions to your success make it more personal. Because it is spoken, a promotion speech needs to be written with language that will engage and inspire an audience, while looking to the future.

Open the speech with something that grabs the audience in the first 30 seconds. Ask a thought-provoking question, make a somewhat controversial statement, tell a joke, or quote somebody important. Keep it relevant to the rest of your speech and it will undoubtedly grab them. Be sure it shows a sense of confidence in yourself, and inspires their confidence in you.

Develop an outline for the body of the speech. Choose some important points to make and highlights to speak about, and bullet them. Mention your accomplishments, and include recognition for specific individuals who made those accomplishments possible. Remember to express your appreciation and gratitude for your new opportunity. Organize these thoughts in the order in which you’ll use them. Allow each point to build on the previous one. For example, if you’re speaking about an accomplishment, speak first about the effort, and then about the resulting accomplishment.

Expand the outline and the bullet points. Make paragraphs out of bullet points. You probably already know your audience, which will likely be your colleagues and maybe your superiors. Use language that engages and speaks to them.

Write a closing for your speech. Summarize the speech’s main points and talk about each briefly. Add a little more insight to each. For example, if you spoke about major accomplishments or milestones made under your watch or supervision, cap off the speech with a few words about the people or groups they affected or benefited, or those who made your accomplishments possible.

End with a final thought without focusing on your personal gain. Instead, focus on the company’s future and your admiration for all winners in general. Project an air of genuine concern for all, particularly for your company’s success.

Read your speech to at least one person, but preferably two or three, to get feedback on its appropriateness. Get feedback on grammatical errors, awkward phrasing, and your delivery.

Writing since 1984, Susan Deschel just published "Peer Coaching for Adolescent Writers" through Corwin Press, a handbook for teachers. Deschel has a bachelor's degree in creative writing, master's in education, and is currently working on her doctorate in curriculum and instruction. She writes in other genres, including fiction and poetry.

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5 Tips For A Remarkable Promotion Speech

Isn’t it a nice feeling to be called out by your boss and being told you have been promoted? Of course but only after you get past that feeling that maybe you have somehow goofed up at work and your boss wants to set an example!

The word promotion has a sort of spiritual power to it! The moment people hear this word it somehow has a calming effect on them and puts a smile on their face. Who knew that words could have such power over the mind and the soul! Those mystical ‘yogis’ were right all these years then, chanting away their hymns to glory. But let’s not digress here, let’s talk about promotion.

Tips For A Remarkable Promotion Speech

A promotion is a gala affair for the ‘promotee’, not so much for other people, and a promotion means a promotion acceptance speech ! That’s because every celebratory affair calls for a speech. And a promotion acceptance speech is not just required, it’s the norm!

So how do you present a great promotion speech? It’s obvious that you would be psyched about it, but how do you transfer that enthusiasm that you feel, to your audience? Well, here are 5 tips for a remarkable promotion speech

  • Grab Their Attention: When you first start with your promotion speech, try to incorporate humor or anything else like random facts or something about your workplace to grab the attention of your audience ! If in the first thirty seconds of your speech you can do that then, you my friend have won over your audience.
  • Recognize People: After the introduction of your promotion speech, it’s best to recognize and thank people who made this possible for you. This is an integral part of a promotion speech. Don’t forget to mention anyone who might have impacted your life even a little bit so as to make this possible for you.
  • Make an Impact: To grab the attention of your audience you have to make an impact on them, something that leaves a mark. Since this is very subjective in nature, different people talk about different things, talk about something that made you who you are or maybe talk about your organization.
  • Summarize: Before ending your speech, try to summarize each point that you have made and mention a few lines about them. Like you can again talk briefly about the people who helped you achieve this or maybe your organization.
  • The Ending: Just like the introduction, the ending of your speech should have a bang! Now you don’t want to ruin it for your audience, especially since you started out so well. So add some humorous quote or something else and let everyone enjoy!

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How to Announce a Promotion With Examples (The Fun Way)

Announcing a promotion is a great way to spread the word and boost your team’s morale. Use these examples to keep things fun and memorable.

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One of the keys to maintaining a motivated team is to praise employees for their accomplishments publicly. A promotion announcement is a unique opportunity to highlight the achievements of newly promoted employees while keeping everyone else in the loop about their new roles.

While a small company may prefer to announce promotions during meetings, remote workflows and larger companies make email promotion announcements more critical than ever.

Here’s everything you need to know about announcing a promotion, what to include in an email promotion announcement, and simple templates that any industry can cater to.

What is a Promotion Announcement?

A promotion announcement is an email, memo, or public statement shared with your workplace team to congratulate a newly promoted employee. 

The purpose of the announcement is to:

  • Highlight an employee’s achievements and celebrate their advancement
  • Provide background information about their story and why they are being promoted
  • Outline the team member’s new responsibilities
  • Motivate coworkers to strive toward their career advancement 

You want to make your employees feel like this: 

What to Include in a Promotion Announcement

Recognizing employees for their hard work is the most important objective of a promotion announcement.

A promotional announcement should include:

  • Congratulations to the newly promoted employee 
  • The employee’s career story and achievements
  • Key accomplishments that led to the promotion
  • The new position, roles, and responsibilities
  • A call for coworkers to congratulate the team member 

Ready to level-up your life? Watch our video below to learn how to create your own professional development plan:

Promotion Announcement Email Examples (With Templates)

Professional emails are all about a balance between detailed information and inspiring energy. The statement should make the promoted employee feel special and recognized without being overly distracting. 

To ensure a streamlined approach to all employee promotion announcements (and avoid favoritism), start with this basic template and customize it for each team member as promotions arise: 

Pro Tip : Copy and paste the template into a document and edit all fields in brackets, then use our tips below to add a fun, customized flair.

Customizable Promotion Email Template

Subject: [Employee Name], New [Position]

Dear [Company XYZ] Team,

I am pleased to announce the promotion of [Employee Name] to [New Position]. [Employee Name] has been with [Company XYZ] for [employment period]. Beginning in their position as [Previous Position], she has played a critical role in [1-2 key accomplishments]. Their superb [1-3 skills or achievements] have driven [company objective] forward.

As [New Position], [Employee Name] will continue to be responsible for [old responsibilities] in pursuit of excellence while playing a critical role in [new responsibilities] and leading [new team role].

Prior to joining [Company XYZ], [Employee Name] had a robust career in [industry] where he/she led results-driven teams as [2-3 resume details to tell career history]. [Employee Name] earned his/her [degree/certification] from [University or Organization]. In his/her free time, [Employee Name] loves [1-3 hobbies or interests].

Please join me in congratulating [Employee Name] on their promotion! We are so grateful to have them on the team.

[Your Email Signature]

Let’s dig into to details and examples for each section: 

Subject line

Use a simple, professional subject line to state the employee’s first and last name plus the new position they are taking, for example: “Welcome [first name] [last name] as our new [position].”

Address the entire team with an opening salutation such as,

  • “Hello, all,”
  • “Greetings [company name] team,” 
  • “Dear [organization name] employees”

First Paragraph: Announce

Introduce the employee and announce the promotion : The first complete line of the email should demonstrate your praise and communicate the employee’s new job title:

  • “I am pleased to announce the promotion of [employee’s name] to [new position].”
  • “It is my privilege to promote [employee name] to [new job title].”
  • “Thanks to their superb performance, [employee name] has officially been promoted to [new job title].” 

Second Paragraph: Career Story

Briefly tell the employee’s career story . Use 2-4 sentences to emphasize the employee’s key career accomplishments leading up to this point. Don’t forget to check with the employee for accuracy ahead of time. 

Third Paragraph: New Role

Next, describe their new position and responsibilities : Use 2-3 sentences to explain the team member’s new role, including: 

  • Old or new roles 
  • Who they’ll report to or who will report to them (if changing)
  • What responsibilities they’ll have
  • How this will impact the rest of the team

Optionally, include a date when they will officially start the new position. 

Closing Paragraph: Congratulate

Encourage coworkers to congratulate them on the new position. Be sure that you include the employee’s contact info and a call to action, for example:

  • “Please join me in congratulating [name] on his/her promotion.”
  • “I encourage you to reach out to [name] and compliment him/her on their achievements.”
  • “Let’s applaud [name] for his/her incredible contribution to [company name]”

Closing phrase and signature

Close with your email signature and contact info: 

“If anyone has questions about [employee name]’s new role, please reach out.

Use the examples to see how you can integrate these sections into a cohesive yet brief announcement email. 

Promotional Email Example

Subject: Natalie Zimerman, New Senior Director of Marketing 

Our incredible Marketing Corp team,

I am pleased to announce the promotion of Natalie Zimerman to Director of Marketing. Natalie has over six years of experience with Marketing Corp. Beginning in her position as Store Marketing Manager and later Sales Department Leader, she has played a key role in driving our operational strategy forward. Her superb leadership, engaging content creation, and wealth of experience have promoted her to Senior Director of Marketing as of January 1, 2022. 

As Senior Director, she will continue to be responsible for leading the marketing activation team and in-store demand generation. She will also join a new department leading our field experiences team to promote a more integrated approach to dealer communications and advertising.  

Natalie earned her Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) in Marketing from the University of Texas, Austin. She is a mother of three daughters and two adorable dogs. In her free team, Natalie loves to hike, camp, and make green smoothies.

Please join me in congratulating Natalie on her promotion.

Best regards, 

Marketing Corp Inc.  

6 Pro Tips to Master Your Promotion Announcement

Like any email correspondence with your team, a promotion announcement is an opportunity to showcase your personality and leadership skills. Don’t be afraid to get a little creative with how you announce promotions so you can keep the team engaged and excited.

Use these time-tested tips to keep things exciting and professional:   

#1 Stand out with a fun promotion announcement 

Let’s be honest: text-only emails can get a little bland. A lot of times, people skim over them. If you want to put an exciting twist on your employee’s promotion announcement, try one of these thoughtful ideas that take under 15 minutes to create: 

  • Colorful graphic attachment: Use one of Canva’s email templates to create a dazzling visual congratulatory email. Think of it as a mix between a photo-heavy “happy promotion” card and an informative newsletter.  

Zillas promotion announcement

  • Video promotion announcement : These days, we could all use as much face-to-face interaction as possible. If you’re managing a remote team , try announcing promotions with a customized video of you congratulating the new employee. Write out essential bullet points ahead of time, prop up your phone on a tripod or wall, and attach the video to your team email or online chat. 
  • Celebration meal or happy hour : Spice up your employee’s promotion celebration email by inviting the team to an after-hours celebration. Create a calendar invite or use an invitation template to bring everyone together in a festive setting that makes your employee feel extra appreciated. 
  • Office compliment board : Allow coworkers to praise the newly promoted worker by creating a digital or physical promotion recognition board where they can post a compliment, congrats, or favorite memory about the promoted employee. MURAL offers a free digital whiteboard that you can use for this announcement and other projects.

#2 Tell a brief but captivating story

Stories connect people and help them feel closer to their team. But it can be surprising to realize how little you know about the people you work with daily. 

To make a promotional email special, take 10-15 minutes to dig into your employee’s story: How did they get here? Where did their career begin? How does their work tie into their life story as a whole?

If you want to add a personalized creative flair to the team member’s intro, you can:

  • Use Canva’s free timeline creator tool to put together a quick infographic that showcases the employee’s career. Perhaps even use a few past photos of the employee (with their permission) and your company logo and brand colors. 
  • Write a mini “employee profile” showcasing their alma mater, favorite hobbies, favorite food, or an inspirational quote. Consult the person ahead of time to ask what they would like to be shared. 
  • Use Animoto’s free slideshow maker to create a 1-3 minute photo slideshow of the team member’s key milestones. Then, add a voiceover to describe their path to this point. 
  • Highlight the employee’s promotion and story on the company website or in a company newsletter with an employee appreciation blog post. 

#3 Cater your announcements to employee personalities 

The best team managers are keenly aware of the unique personalities of each of their team members. An introverted employee may not appreciate a surprise celebration, whereas a team member who is highly motivated by public praise may be disappointed with a mere text-heavy email.

Take note of how your newly promoted employee typically responds to appreciation and choose your announcement methods based on their comfort level. 

Pro Tip : If you’re unsure about how to spot key personality traits amongst your team, learn more about How to Be a Good Manager: A Guide for Every Personality Type . 

#4: Know Your Employees’ Personalities

Did you know every employee has a personality type? This could affect the way you announce a promotion.

For example, if your employee is low in extroversion and high in neuroticism, you might be doing a big disservice to create a big public announcement.

Here’s how to learn your employee’s personality type to craft more personal, fulfilling relationships:

Work With Other People?

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Get our handy cheat sheet with tips to work effectively with each of the five distinct personality types.

#5 Encourage team members to reach out

Praise from colleagues is equally as crucial as congratulations from higher-ups. Research shows that peer-to-peer recognition boosts employee motivation.

Try one of the 43 Best Employee Appreciation Ideas by Industry , such as:

  • Appreciation Station : Have each team member write a short quote about something they admire or appreciate from the newly promoted employee. Forward the email or post it in a gathering area of the office. 
  • Happy Hour Toast : Host a happy hour and go around a circle to have each employee toast with a compliment to the promoted team member. Then “cheers” to their success!
  • Team-Funded Gift and Card : Pool together a $5 gift from each coworker and purchase a thoughtful present and signed card from the whole team. 

#6 Inform closest team members ahead of time

Nobody wants the rug pulled out from under them, especially not in an organization-wide email. If a promotion directly impacts the roles and responsibilities of other team members, ensure they receive a notice in a smaller team meeting before the larger announcement.

Don’t forget to:

  • Forewarn the promoted employee when and how you plan to make the announcement 
  • Ensure that all higher-level IT and management personnel have received notice 
  • Gather together the promotee’s closest colleagues for a small meeting to announce the reasons for the promotion and if/how it will change the team dynamic

#7 Send the announcement promptly

Don’t leave your highest achievers feeling like this: 

Waiting for my promotion announcement meme

Promotion announcements are best as promptly as possible. Once the onboarding process is complete and relevant teams have received a notice, send out a company-wide announcement to celebrate the employee’s advancement. 

Pro Tip: Feeling extra festive? Celebrate the promotion with a team lunch or activity. Pick your favorite activity from this list of team retreat ideas !

To announce an employee’s promotion to your organization, send out a company-wide email that includes: • Congratulations to the newly promoted employee  • The employee’s career story • Key accomplishments that led to the promotion • The employee’s new responsibilities • A call for coworkers to congratulate the team member 

Formally announcing a new promotion on LinkedIn can be fun while still professional. Create a new post that utilizes a similar phrase to the first lines of a promotion announcement email, for example: “We are thrilled to announce the promotion of [employee name] to [new position] at [company name]. Congratulations!”  Tag the employee’s username using an “@” symbol and optionally include a photo of you and the team member in the workplace. 

After management has selected someone for a promotion, wait until the onboarding process of the new position to announce their advancement publicly. Create a smooth transition by clearly communicating their new roles with the employee and immediate team before sending a promotion announcement. 

Key Takeaways: Use Promotion Announcements to Motivate Your Team

When people feel appreciated, they’re more likely to feel excited and engaged at work. A promotion or raise are tremendous ways to recognize hard work, but public recognition is equally important for showing people you value their contributions to your company. 

When making promotion announcements, don’t forget to: 

  • Make people feel important by sending the announcement to the entire team or company (when relevant).
  • Take the simple promotion announcement email template above and customize it for your employee and company. 
  • Take special care to highlight the achievements of this team member and the precise reasons for the promotion.
  • Keep everyone in the loop by including logistical information (such as changes in roles and responsibilities) and notifying close team members ahead of time. 
  • Provide a platform for colleagues to congratulate their team members. An office board or celebration party are great ways to get people rooting for their coworkers. 

In the wake of new advancements, are you welcoming a new employee to your team? Make it extra special with this guide on How to Welcome a New Employee to The Team (The Awesome Way) .

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Written Samples

10 short acceptance speech samples.

An acceptance speech is more than a mere formality following an award or honor. It’s a unique opportunity to express gratitude, share values, and inspire others, all while acknowledging the collective effort that led to the individual achievement.

The speeches compiled here represent a range of scenarios — from industry awards to community honors, and personal achievements.

Short Acceptance Speech Samples

Each is crafted to not only express thanks but to resonate with the audience, leaving a lasting impression of the occasion and the individual honored.

Speech 1: Accepting a Lifetime Achievement Award

“a journey of persistence and passion”.

As I stand before this distinguished gathering, my heart swells with gratitude. This Lifetime Achievement Award is not just a recognition of my individual efforts but a testament to the enduring spirit of perseverance and dedication. I remember starting out in this field, fueled by nothing but a dream and an unwavering resolve. Today, as I look back at the decades of challenges and triumphs, I am reminded of the countless individuals who supported me — my mentors who believed in me, my team who stood by me, and my family who sacrificed alongside me. This award is yours as much as it is mine.

Speech 2: Accepting an Industry Innovator Award

“innovation: a collective endeavor”.

Thank you for this honor. Being recognized as an Industry Innovator is a humbling experience. Innovation is not born in a vacuum; it is the outcome of relentless questioning and collaborative problem-solving. I stand here because of a culture that values bold ideas and the freedom to pursue them. This award reflects our shared commitment to pushing boundaries and creating something truly remarkable. To all aspiring innovators, let this be a reminder: your ideas have the power to shape the future.

Speech 3: Accepting a Community Service Award

“service: the fabric of our community”.

Today, I am deeply honored to accept this Community Service Award. Service, to me, is the very fabric that holds our community together. It’s about seeing a need and responding with compassion and action. This recognition is not for me alone but for all who have worked tirelessly to uplift and support our community. From organizing local drives to advocating for change, every effort counts and reflects our collective commitment to making a difference. This award is a celebration of our united spirit of service.

Speech 4: Accepting a Courageous Leadership Award

“leading with courage and conviction”.

Receiving the Courageous Leadership Award is a profoundly humbling experience. Leadership is not about titles or accolades; it’s about making decisions that are guided by courage and conviction, especially in the face of adversity. It’s about standing up for what is right, even when it is not easy. This award is a tribute to all the unsung heroes who lead by example every day, making our world a better place. I accept this with a promise to continue leading with integrity and courage.

Speech 5: Accepting an Artistic Excellence Award

“art as a mirror of society”.

Art is not just a form of expression; it’s a mirror of society, reflecting its beauty and complexities. As an artist, I am deeply honored to receive this Artistic Excellence Award. This journey has been one of constant exploration and expression, driven by an insatiable desire to evoke emotion and provoke thought. This recognition belongs to everyone who has ever dared to dream and create. May we continue to use our art to inspire, challenge, and bring about change.

Speech 6: Accepting a Best Educator Award

“educating for a better tomorrow”.

I am truly honored to accept the Best Educator Award. Education is the cornerstone of progress, and as educators, we have the privilege and responsibility to shape minds and nurture dreams. This award is not mine alone but belongs to all the educators who spend countless hours preparing the next generation for the challenges and opportunities ahead. Together, we are building a brighter future, one student at a time.

Speech 7: Accepting a Sportsmanship Award

“the true spirit of competition”.

Today, I stand here honored to accept the Sportsmanship Award. In the realm of sports, competition is intense, but the true spirit lies in how we play the game. It’s about respect, integrity, and fairness, both on and off the field. This award is a reminder that while winning is celebrated, how we conduct ourselves is what truly defines us. To my fellow athletes, let’s continue to uplift each other and honor the true spirit of sportsmanship.

Speech 8: Accepting a Breakthrough Scientific Award

“science: a beacon of hope and innovation”.

Receiving the Breakthrough Scientific Award is a moment of great pride and responsibility. Science is our beacon of hope and innovation, guiding us towards a better understanding of the world and opening doors to new possibilities. This award is a recognition of our collective quest for knowledge and our commitment to improving lives through discovery and innovation. To the scientific community, let this fuel our continued pursuit of answers and solutions.

Speech 9: Accepting a Philanthropy Award

“philanthropy: a commitment to humanity”.

It is with a profound sense of gratitude that I accept this Philanthropy Award. Philanthropy is about more than just giving; it’s a commitment to humanity, to easing suffering and creating opportunities for those in need. This award is a testament to what we can achieve when we channel our resources and energy towards the greater good. Let us continue to work together, for together, we can build a world of hope and shared prosperity.

Speech 10: Accepting a First Responder Bravery Award

“bravery in the face of adversity”.

Accepting the First Responder Bravery Award is an honor that I share with all first responders who put their lives on the line every day. Bravery is not the absence of fear but the strength to confront it, to run towards danger when every instinct tells you to run away. This award is dedicated to the courageous men and women who face adversity with valor and determination, ensuring safety and providing hope in our most critical moments. Your bravery is an inspiration to us all.

These speeches serve as templates, each reflecting the essence of its respective award while offering a personal touch that resonates with audiences. The goal is to inspire, to celebrate, and to remind us of the values that bring us together in recognition and gratitude.

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How to Announce a Job Promotion (With Examples)

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How Companies Announce Promotions

What to include in a promotion announcement, promotion announcement examples, promotion announcement template, frequently asked questions (faqs).

Are you managing an employee who’s about to be promoted or internally transferred? If so, you might be wondering about the best way to announce a job promotion. Who should you advise that the person has been promoted or transferred, when should you notify other staff, and what's the best way to announce a promotion?

Companies can announce promotions of employees in many different ways. In a small company, the announcement might come during a company meeting where all the staff is present. Larger companies, however, typically use email to make promotion announcements to employees. The employee's seniority level may also be a determining factor in how you ultimately announce the promotion.

Here's information on options for announcing a promotion or transfer, what to include in an announcement email, and some example messages.

Key Takeaways

  • The purpose of the announcement is to support the promoted employee and keep everyone in the loop.
  • Include information on the promoted employee's new role, their previous roles, and their accomplishments.
  • Encourage the team to share their well wishes. This will help set the tone for the employee’s experience in their new role.
  • Be sure to inform key team members first. The news shouldn’t come as a surprise to the promoted employee’s closest colleagues. 

Those most closely affected by the change—team members, supervisors, and direct reports—may be informed in advance of a formal company-wide announcement so they can support a smooth transition within the organizational structure.

It's important to inform employees who work closely with the promoted individual promptly, so they aren't surprised when they hear the news.

Depending on the nature of the industry and the position, the news might also be shared on the company website. When someone is promoted internally to a C-level position , the media may be notified as well.

Once a job promotion has been offered to and accepted by an employee, the news will typically be shared in an email message to the company. The promotion announcement will either be sent by human resources or company management.

Here’s what to include when you’re writing up a job promotion email:

  • A promotion announcement should cover several points to effectively explain the promotion committee’s selection decision, promote and support the chosen employee in their new position, and congratulate them on their achievement.
  • When writing a promotion announcement, be sure to include a summary of the employee’s old and new roles, and to mention any pertinent accomplishments during their tenure with the company.
  • It’s appropriate to include some background information, such as the employee’s education and certifications.
  • In conclusion, you will want to encourage everyone to welcome and congratulate them on their new position.

You are, in effect, telling the “story” of the employee’s history within your organization to justify their promotion. This is particularly important if the employee competed against multiple candidates for promotion.

The following are examples of promotion announcements sent to company staff via email.

Promotion Announcement Example #1

Subject: Jane Doe, Director of Marketing

We are thrilled to announce the promotion of Jane Doe to Director of Marketing in the Corporate Communications department. Jane joined the company five years ago and has advanced through progressively more responsible positions in both the Advertising and Sales departments, where she has played a key role during our transition to our newly acquired digital sales and marketing technology.

Jane thus brings a wealth of experience to the Corporate Communications department, and we are excited about her new role at the company.

Please join us in welcoming Jane to Corporate Communications and congratulating her on her promotion.

Best regards,

Marian Smith Executive Director, Corporate Communications

Promotion Announcement Example #2

Subject: Michael Nolan - Customer Service Manager

I am pleased to announce Michael Nolan has earned a well-deserved promotion to Customer Service Manager effective October 1.

Michael brings extensive experience in customer service, customer solutions, and communications to his position, along with several years of experience with our company.

I would appreciate you welcoming him on board as he transitions to this new role.

If you have any questions moving forward, please don't hesitate to ask.

Sandra Tollhouse HR Manager

Promotion Announcement Example #3

Subject: Joe Smith, Regional Manager

We are pleased to announce the promotion of Joe Smith to Regional Manager of our Northeast operations. Joe has been with XYZ Company for eight years, during which time he has held positions in sales and management, proving himself to be a committed company advocate.

Joe came to XYZ from another retailer and brought with him the energy and enthusiasm that he has continued to use while leading his employees to consistently improve their sales numbers.

His background in business gives him an overall understanding of how to improve customer satisfaction, and his ability to motivate his team has led to his continued success in Connecticut.

While the Connecticut offices will miss him, please join us in welcoming Joe to Boston, and in congratulating him on his new position.

Mary O’Hara Director, XYZ Company

Use this template as a guide for writing your own promotion announcement email or letter.

Subject: Firstname Lastname - New Position

I am pleased to announce the promotion of [Firstname Lastname] from [Old Position] to [New Position]. [Firstname] has been with [Name of Company] for [X years] and has worked in [insert Names of Departments/Positions].

[Firstname] attended [Name of University] and came to [Name of Company] after graduation.

During her/his tenure here, [Firstname] has implemented protocols that have improved efficiency in the [Name of departments] and has frequently been recognized for outstanding achievements.

Please join me in congratulating [Firstname] on [her/his] promotion and welcoming [her/him] to the [New Department/Position].

Warm Regards,

Your Name Title

How do I show a promotion on LinkedIn?

You can add your new job to your LinkedIn profile by editing the experience section. Add the new position and start date, select your current employer, and then add an end date to your previous position. Optionally, you can share the new position with your network if you want to share the news.

Should I tell my team about my promotion?

When you've been promoted, your manager should announce the promotion to your colleagues. The announcement should come from the organization rather than the employee.


Acceptance Speech for Position

Acceptance speech generator.

promotion speech

It’s such a great honor when people appoint or promote you to a specific position. A short “thank you, next” won’t suffice in thanking the people responsible for such circumstances. In events such as these, you need to give an impressive speech in front of several people. To achieve this, practice your skills in speech writing and compose an acceptance for position.

10+ Acceptance Speech for Position Examples

1. acceptance speech for chancellor position.

Acceptance Speech for Chancellor Position

Size: 209 KB

2. Acceptance Speech for Chairman Position

Acceptance Speech for Chairman Position

Size: 77 KB

3. Acceptance Speech for Executive Director Position

Acceptance Speech for Executive Director Position

Size: 87 KB

4. Acceptance Speech for Moderator Position

Acceptance Speech for Moderator Position

Size: 180 KB

5. Acceptance Speech for Lawyer Position

Acceptance Speech for Lawyer Position

Size: 65 KB

6. Acceptance Speech for Service Corporation Position

Acceptance Speech for Service Corporation Position

Size: 89 KB

7. Award Acceptance Speech for Position

Award Acceptance Speech for Position

Size: 222 KB

8. Acceptance Speech for Council Position

Acceptance Speech for Council Position

Size: 21 KB

9. Acceptance Speech for Mayor Position

Acceptance Speech for Mayor Position

Size: 101 KB

10. Acceptance Speech for President Position

Acceptance Speech for President Position

Size: 95 KB

11. Acceptance Speech for Nanny Position

Acceptance Speech for Nanny Position

Size: 202 KB

What Is an Acceptance Speech for Position?

After receiving a position or a promotion to a higher one, you will need to give a particular type of speech, and this is the acceptance speech for the position. Most people write their speeches beforehand and deliver them through either a memorized speech or extemporaneous speech . This speech usually includes thanking people who offered help and mentioning how grateful you are for the grand gesture.

How to Compose an Acceptance Speech for Position

An acceptance speech for position is a lot similar to an award acceptance speech . The difference between these two is that you will be receiving a new responsibility instead of getting an award certificate . Secure the success of your public speaking by considering the necessary components. Now, you wouldn’t want to disappoint the people who put you in that position. Your goal should be to do the exact opposite.

1. Devise a Speech Outline

Composing an outline is the most basic first step in essay writing and devising speeches. In this procedure, you need to take a moment to think about what your objectives are. What are the most important messages that you want to express? After having an idea, organize the flow of your thoughts, and structure your speech outline.  There are plenty of outline templates  online. 

2. Compose an Introduction

You can’t start your speech with a series of thank you right off the bat. You need to set the mood first by greeting the guests and delivering your hook. What is an introductory hook? Its purpose is to attract the attention of your listeners, which would make them want to hear more from you. If your introduction is interesting enough, you can gain command of your audience. Another tip is to conduct an audience analysis beforehand. If you have a basic knowledge of your audience, you can tailor your introduction according to their interest. 

3. Consider Important Elements

In giving your position acceptance speech, you should prioritize thanking the organization and the people who aided you. Also, you should state how grateful you are for the position. To avoid forgetting a name, you can devise a list containing the names of those you want to show your appreciation. In speaking about how great an honor you are receiving, avoid turning your speech into a pity party. Instead, you can state how you can contribute more to the organization with your new position.

4. Devise a Powerful Closing Statement

After doing the previous steps, now you’re left with closing your speech. Close it with style by delivering a statement that would urge them to think, call them to action, or leave them in awe. It can be a question, an inspiring quote, or an interesting fact. A conclusion powerful enough will earn you a sea of applause.

What is a speech for acceptance?

People give an acceptance speech on the occasion of receiving any prize or achievement award, including getting a position. It’s an expression of your gratitude and appreciation. This speech prioritizes giving merit to deserving people and showing respect to the organization. A person gives this speech out of courtesy or as an agreement for a requirement.

What are the elements of giving speeches?

Giving speeches involves a complex process, thus containing several elements. The elements in giving a speech include establishing a connection with the audience, speaking with clarity, modulating your voice, and incorporating appropriate gestures. If you take these elements into account in writing and delivering your speech, its success rate will improve.

How do you get a promotion to a higher position?

If you want to get a promotion, the first thing to do is get out of your comfort zone and showcase your strengths. If you work with a team, make sure you can contribute to raising your members’ performance. Also, you can devise and write down your job goals to set the direction of your career.

You are good at what you do, that’s why you are reading this article. Given that fact, it will be inevitable for you to give one or two speeches for accepting a position. Follow these steps, then compose and practice your acceptance speech before the event schedule . Make them think that giving you that position is the best decision they ever made. 


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How to successfully present your case for a promotion.

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Day 12: Present your case. This post is part of Forbes’ Career Challenge: Position Yourself For A Promotion In 15 Days .

Never go into a meeting to ask for a promotion if you're unprepared—doing so can be a recipe for disaster. The last thing you want to do is just show up and demand a promotion without anything of substance to back it up. If you have any hope of landing a promotion, it is imperative that you take the time and energy to lay the groundwork for this important conversation.

Let's begin with setting the stage. The goal is for your boss, senior executives and others within the company to see you as a smart, ambitious worker who deserves a promotion and whose fast-tracking will help the organization. The key is to think long-term about asking for a promotion. Start preparing far in advance, and make sure all of your actions are focused on building a strong, indisputable case as to why you deserve the promotion. The actual meeting will be less stressful and more productive if you are prepared with all of the evidence you need to back your request.

What You Need To Do

How can you expect your supervisor, especially if she manages a large number of people, to recall everything you’ve done over the last year? It's too easy for both you and your manager to forget all of your great accomplishments. Don't depend on your memory; write down all of the awards, accolades, achievements and victories you’ve achieved. Meticulously keep track and put them into a memo, file, PowerPoint or other document that you can show your boss, and leave it with her to review in detail.

Ensure that your boss and other important people notice your hard work. Be subtle about it and not too obvious—otherwise, everyone will be hip to your game. You need to ensure that your boss is cognizant and regularly reminded of the great job that you are doing. Avoid waiting until the end of the year to cram this all in. Keep her posted with your progress via memos, emails and voicemails. To give them an extra nice touch, leave these messages either super early in the morning, late at night or on the weekends, as doing so will demonstrate your strong work ethic.

If you were given certain benchmarks to hit, let her know that you have exceeded them—and ahead of schedule. If you have questions, ask her for guidance or suggestions. Everyone likes to feel valued and she’ll know that you are serious about doing a good job. From time to time, inquire if there is anything else you could help her with. Even if there isn't, she’ll appreciate that you’ve asked. Inquire if you are on the right track, and if not, how you can correct yourself to move forward.

Stay away from co-workers more involved with drama, gossiping and negativity than productive behaviors. Avoid anyone that will drag you down, as miserable people love to ensnare others into their pit of despair. If you allow yourself to be caught up in this drama, your reputation will be diminished just by association.

Since you are remaining positive and motivated, seek out like-minded, motivated employees. Smile and show everyone that you are enjoying yourself and are happy to be at work. Don't complain or talk poorly about anyone else. If or when your boss reaches out to others to obtain their opinions of you, you want to make sure that you’ve minimized any negative talk and maximized your supporters.

Seek out mentors that can teach you inside tricks to get ahead. Hopefully, they are tight with management and can put in a good word with your boss—or her boss—to help you get the promotion and raise.

Try to be the first one in the door in the morning and the last person to leave. Instead of an hour lunch break, eat at your desk. Make sure that people notice this; otherwise, you have wasted a lot of precious time.

Update your wardrobe to dress as if you are at a more senior level than you are now. Don’t overdo it, so it won’t look too forced. Dress up enough so that other employees take notice. They will assume you have received a promotion or given some high-level assignments. As you look more mature, sophisticated and polished, you will begin to be viewed in a different light. While you are at it, you might as well hit the gym to get into better shape, get a good haircut and improve your diction. Once you are on this self-improvement kick, you might as well go all in.

Find out ways to help your boss look good to her bosses. One of the best ways to gain your manager’s affection and gratitude is to help her shine in front of her bosses. Just like you, your manager desires to advance in her career. If you could help her with this endeavor, she should be very grateful when it comes time for the promotion talk.

The Promotion Conversation

Now that the heavy lifting has been done, politely request a meeting with your boss.

Prepare a quick pitch that outlines your achievements over the last year and all of the reasons why you deserve a promotion. Clearly, confidently and succinctly tell her about all of your contributions and how you can further add value by being promoted to a higher level. You need to ask for the promotion directly. Politely—yet firmly—ask for the promotion and raise. Since you have been actively working toward this goal all year, you should be prepared with detailed, in-depth examples of all the projects, assignments and tasks that you have successfully accomplished.

A significant part of the conversation will entail selling yourself. The challenge is that while you did a great job and have the data to prove it, you could be uncomfortable with this aspect of the process. No matter how good you are, the facts will only go so far. After citing statistics and analytics, people tend to glaze over. You'll need to be excited, upbeat and positive, and actively sell your boss on why you deserve the promotion. Your passion will become contagious and your manager will pick up on it and be inspired. She will also like the fact that you come across motivated, energetic and feel that you will work harder than the other potential candidates in line for a promotion.

Ready for the next challenge? Click here for Day 13: Keep the conversation going.

Miss a challenge? Click here for Day 11: Learn how to say what you want.

Jack Kelly

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Should I Send a Promotion Thank You Note? What Would It Say?

person sitting at a booth style table writing a thank you note

When Tina Wascovich got a promotion early in her career, she picked out cards and gave handwritten thank you notes to her manager as well as a senior VP, both of whom she felt had been instrumental in helping her take a step up. The high-level executive was so enthusiastic about her note that he wrote her one in return to tell her how pleased he’d been to recommend her for the promotion. Everyone felt good about Wascovich’s accomplishment and about themselves. Who wouldn’t want that?

If you’ve just been promoted , well then first, you deserve a big congratulations, and some celebrations are certainly in order. Go on, do a happy dance, raise a glass, treat yourself to a promotion gift, or go all out all of the above.

But while you’re basking in the glow of validation that comes with a shiny new title and a raise, take a moment to consider how you got there, who might’ve helped you along the way, and how you can acknowledge that support.

“It’s the perfect time to show appreciation to your boss or your company for a promotion and the recognition of the value your contribution is making to the company,” says Wascovich, a Muse career coach. One easy and effective way to do that is with a thank you note.

Why would you write a thank you note for a promotion?

Writing a thank you note for a promotion, unlike for an interview , is not a must-do, more like a really-nice-to-do.

“In fact, I think that if you do this, it will be remembered by that boss likely for a long time,” Wascovich says. “To get a note of appreciation from someone on your staff that recognizes that you may have helped them on their career path, that makes an impact [on] anyone in a supervisory management or leadership role,” who will be more likely to “go the extra mile for them in the future.”

It’s all about gratitude and appreciation , says Muse career coach Al Dea , the founder of CareerSchooled . Having been on the receiving end of such thank you notes, he says, “I was super thrilled to see they got promoted [and] it made me feel good knowing that they considered me to have played a small role in that.”

Who should you thank for your promotion?

The most obvious person on your shortlist for a thank you note following a promotion is your direct manager. They’re often the one most closely involved with your success, but they’re not necessarily the only one. “To summarize it, I would thank people [who] you thought were instrumental in helping you achieve that,” says Wascovich.

For example, you might consider writing a promotion thank you note to your:

  • Direct manager
  • Any senior leader who played an active role in your growth as an employee or in advocating for or approving your promotion.
  • A formal or informal mentor or sponsor outside your reporting structure or even your organization

How do you say thank you after a promotion?

So you’ve decided to write a thank you note or otherwise say thanks to some of the people instrumental with your promotion. Here’s how to do it.

Consider a handwritten note.

If the logistics allow, it “shows that you took the time, in today's digital age...to walk outside, go to the store, pick out a card, buy the card, write something thoughtful, and give it to someone,” Dea says. “That shows a genuine kind of sincerity behind it. And while the gesture may be small, I think that another person would appreciate it.” That being said, if you don’t work in the same office or don’t have someone’s physical address, an email is a perfectly good vehicle for your thank you note as well.

Say thank you. 

I know, sounds obvious—but make sure it’s clear you’re saying thanks and letting them know it’s for your recent promotion. You never want someone to finish reading a note like this and think, “That was so nice, but uhh, what was it for?”

Tell them what, specifically, you’re grateful for. 

Once you’ve covered the basics—“I’m saying thank you” and “it’s about my promotion”—make the thanks feel genuine by telling them how they helped and supported you along the way. Maybe they advocated for you with leadership, taught you key skills, or saw your potential before anyone else did.

Keep it concise. 

You don’t have to write a novel. Your note should be short and sweet.

Templates for a promotion thank you note

Here are two templates you can use to take any guesswork out of writing your message.

A simple thank you note template

Dear [Name],

It’s been a pleasure to learn and grow under your leadership. Thanks again for recognizing my contribution with this promotion. I look forward to continuing to work together.

All the best,

[Your Name]

A thank you note template with specific examples

Thank you so much for recognizing my hard work and believing I was ready to take on a new role and more responsibility. I’m grateful for [something specific they did that helped you get to where you are, e.g., your guidance as I took on the X project and learned to lead a cross-functional team; how you went to bat for me to make this promotion happen], and excited to [thing you’ll be taking on in your new or more senior role, e.g., lead this new team or take on such an important client].

Example thank you notes for a promotion

Here are examples of a completed thank you note:

Dear Kirsten,

Thank you so much for recognizing my hard work and believing I was ready to take on a new role and more responsibility. I’m grateful for everything you’ve taught me about data analysis and for having the confidence in me to let me branch into data visualization in my current role. I’m excited to continue working alongside you while I also  start working with account managers to communicate data to clients.

Dear Elias,

Thank you so much for recognizing my hard work and believing I was ready to take on a new role and more responsibility. I’m grateful for how vocally you advocated for me—you were truly instrumental in making this promotion happen. I’m so excited to get started training employees as part of my new position.

How else can I say thank you for a promotion?

A note isn’t the only way to say thank you. Everyone has their own way of showing gratitude, and you shouldn’t be afraid to go with your gut and do whatever feels most natural. If a thank you note doesn’t seem quite right—or like enough—you could set aside some time at your next one-on-one (or in a separate meeting) to express your appreciation in person.

If you got a huge promotion and there’s someone who played a major role in that, Dea says, you might even consider getting them a small gift or taking them out to lunch.

The bottom line is that you want to genuinely and authentically thank someone. “How you choose to do that is up to you and certainly it needs to jive with what you feel comfortable doing,” Dea says. “I'm less concerned about the mechanism of how you do it and more about the spirit of deciding to go and do it.”

What should I avoid when saying thank you for a promotion?

Here’s what you shouldn’t do when you land that big promotion:

  • Go overboard. “One time in high school, I profusely thanked a teacher for a high grade on a research essay I wrote,” says Muse writer and career coach Abby Wolfe . “He looked at me and said, ‘Why are you thanking me? You’re the one who did the hard work.’ And he was right.” She learned that there’s a balance to strike between recognizing someone’s contribution to your success and owning your accomplishments. After all, she says, “You’re the one who worked hard to get the promotion. You’re the one who earned it.”
  • Be inauthentic. Even worse than letting your thanks cross the line into too much in such a sincere way is to write a note you don’t really mean simply to check a box, Dea says. If you don’t feel an honest desire to thank someone and do so out of obligation, it could come across as inauthentic and fall flat.
  • Think it’s too late. If you, like me, are now convinced that writing a genuine thank you note for a promotion is a meaningful gesture, remember too that “it’s never too late to show appreciation,” Wascovich says. Even if it comes a few weeks or months later, “We can brighten someone’s day.” Now, excuse me while I make a run to the stationery store.

Regina Borsellino also contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

promotion speech

The Maximum Standard

Passionate about leadership development to help others realize their full potential and on a journey to learn and grow more every day

The Promotion Speech

promotion speech

June 6, 2023

Gerald Eady

Preface by Steve Messenger

In the military, when you pin on the next rank, the newly promoted soldier is expected to give an eloquent speech . No pressure, right?

But I love these promotion speeches. What that person says in the moment wearing their new rank insignia tells us everything about them as a leader. It speaks to their values, purpose, and reason for serving. Most of all, if done right, it helps us understand how they got here and where they’re going.

My good friend Gerald Eady was promoted this year, and he gave what I consider is the example of promotion speeches clearly articulating four things:

1. The most important aspect of their lives (thesis statement)

2. The history of how they got there.

3. Thankfulness.

4. Inspiring message on the backside.  

Promotion Speech by Gerald Eady

Philippians 4:13 I can do all thing through Christ that strengthens me. The quote I live by.

Thank you to everyone that came out today to share this experience with my family and me. I must say it is an honor stand here and share huge achievement from a kid from the Westside of Jacksonville, Florida. A place where you either fall victim to circumstance or rise above it. In my lifetime I’ve had extraordinary experiences, but this experience I share with you all today serves as another astonishing example of what hard work, dedication, and commitment can lead to.

I come from a sports background so please excuse the sports analogies. I come from humble beginnings. Born on the on-deck circle of life. Where I come from transformational leadership is what I lived by. I decided I wanted to work my way to the batter’s box and prepare to swing at that 100 mile per hour fastball (life); and do something meaningful that will impact my place in the world.

I had two other choices. The first was autocratic leadership where some wanted me to stand in the batter’s box and watch pitch by pitch (opportunities) go by until someone told me to swing. That type of leadership limits ceilings, strikes us out, and has us fall victim to circumstance. The second type was the laissez-faire approach (also common where I’m from) where others would have me take every pitch and simply exist in society without care.

Faith and exposure allowed me to see more, want more, and be a success story.

I was fortunate enough to be blessed with the ability to play sports at a high level. Through sports, opportunities presented itself which allowed me to see another side of life. Opportunities such as meeting and playing ball with people that I idolized as a child, going places that I read about or saw on TV, and experience things that didn’t happen to people where I come from.

Of all those things I mentioned, I’ve always felt there was something missing. Something else was calling me, and that something still involved a uniform.

I’ve been a leader all my life. In every school function and sports team, I was always the person that was called to lead. Being a leader was something I never took for granted. I never raised my hand and volunteered to be the front man. It was something that others saw in me, and something that I was blessed with.

When I was a kid, I wore a uniform to make my coaches and teammates proud. When I was in high school, I wore a uniform to make my school proud. When I was in college, I wore a uniform to make my mother proud. When I played professionally, I wore a uniform to make my city proud. And now I wear a uniform to make my country proud.

The Army filled the void that in my life when I could no longer perform at a professional level. It gave me a sense of belonging and an opportunity to use everything learned in sports such as the benefits of a positive attitude, hard work, belief, and work ethic. I have come a long way in 23 years as a Soldier, from a Private to Specialist to Second Lieutenant – to now a newly promoted Lieutenant Colonel. It’s been quite a ride thus far, and I look forward to many more.

There were times on this journey when it got tough, my confidence dwindled, and I wanted to give up. I no longer wanted to be a leader and thought about getting out of the Army to do something else. It was my faith, family and friends that encouraged me to see it through. I’m forever grateful for those who believed in me because I would not be standing in front of you today without them.

Being an officer in the military is something that I do not take lightly. It has allowed me to meet people from all walks of life, it has allotted me the opportunity to see different parts of the world, follow some of the most respected people with remarkable leadership abilities, and lead some of America’s best and brightest soldiers and civilians.

I worked hard to get to where I am in life, and I’m proud of how far I’ve come. When the promotion list came out and my name was on it, I was overwhelmed with joy. I was the kid that wasn’t supposed to make it out.

But instead, I was the kid that had dreams, set goals and chased them, and wanted to make a difference in life. That drive has reached a level that a select few make. My script is still being written, and I strive to juice it up each page of this next chapter.

In closing, I leave you with this: Believe in yourself! The goals you set is your end state, and the journey to achieve those goals should be cherished.  It’s not always easy to sacrifice short term pleasure for long term gain.

If you do what you have to do now in the present, you won’t have to do what you have to do later.

Today I’d like to leave you with one of my favorite inspirational messages by the great Langston Hughes…. Titled “Dreams!!”

Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die

Life is a broken-winged bird, That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams, For when dreams go

Life is a barren field, Frozen with snow.

I would dedicate this promotion to a dear friend of mine and fraternity brother who recently lost his battle with cancer. SFC (R) Alonzo Davis. I love you my man and I will see you again.

Thank you!!

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We’re also looking for writers to put your words on paper and share just like Gerald.

This is his second article. Click here for his first one: Lead Outside the Circle.

This article expressly represents the opinions and views of the author and not necessarily the United States Army.

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How to Give an Acceptance Speech

Last Updated: May 18, 2021 Approved

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. In this case, 100% of readers who voted found the article helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 291,975 times.

Giving an acceptance speech can be a daunting task when you're naturally humble, especially if you've been working so hard earning the accolades that you haven't brushed up on your public speaking skills! Luckily, with the right planning and execution, an acceptance speech can be an opportunity to shine, rather than something that must be suffered through. By following a few basic rules of thumb during the writing and polishing stages of your preparation process and knowing basic standards of speech-giving etiquette ahead of time, you can make your acceptance speech as painless as possible — fun, even!

Sample Speeches

promotion speech

Writing a Great Speech

Step 1 Don’t plan to “wing it.”

  • As a general rule, the smaller your audience and the more intimately you know its members, the more casual your speech may be.

Step 3 Start your speech by introducing yourself.

  • "Hello. Thank you for honoring me this evening. As you've just heard, my name is Jane Smith. I joined this company in 2009, and since then, I've worked with the marketing, content, and analytics departments in varying capacities. Earlier this year, I had the honor of collaborating with my boss, John Q. Public, on a new data processing system, which is why we're here today."

Step 4 State a clear, defined goal early in your speech.

  • "I'm here today to offer my sincerest gratitude to the dozens of people without whom this experience wouldn't have been possible. I'd also like to briefly discuss the role that the idea of "going the extra mile" has played in setting this company apart from the others in the tech field."

Step 5 Explain how the honor you’re receiving has personal meaning.

  • “As much as I appreciate this award and as grateful as I am for it, the greatest reward I’ve ever been given is the simple opportunity to help generations of kids learn how to think critically about the world around them.”

Step 6 Wrap up with a concise, powerful ending.

  • "As we leave here today, I'd like to ask the members of the audience to take a moment to think about the importance of educating the children of this generation. Tomorrow's problems demand bright, hard-working individuals to solve them, and the only way we can create these individuals is by acting as a community to support our schools, our teachers, and the countless people that they depend on for their continued strength."

Step 7 Be sure to thank anyone who helped you succeed.

  • When you're thanking people, it's a wise idea to end with something along the lines of, "and finally, I'd like to thank everyone else who supported me during my work — there are too many people to list, but I want to thank you all personally." This covers your bases in case you forget anyone who played a minor role in your success.

Step 8 Look for inspiration from the greats.

  • As a positive example, consider Jimmy Valvano's phenomenal acceptance speech at the 1993 ESPY awards. Just eight weeks before his premature death from cancer, the famed college basketball coach delivered an immensely moving speech to an ecstatic standing ovation from the crowd. [2] X Research source
  • As an example of what not to do, consider Hilary Swank's Oscar acceptance speech for "Boys Don't Cry" in 2000. Swank accepted her award gratefully, doling out thanks to all of her supporters, with the major exception of her husband , whom the cameras famously caught crying tears of joy during Swank's speech. [3] X Research source
  • As an oddball example, consider Joe Pesci’s Oscar acceptance speech. After taking the podium at the 1991 Oscars for his work in "Goodfellas," Pesci said simply, "It's my privilege. Thank you." Pesci was both praised and lampooned for his five word speech.

Polishing Your Speech to Perfection

Step 1 Keep things simple.

  • Knowing the outline of your speech ahead of time is useful for multiple reasons. For instance, not only will this prevent certain technical snafus (for instance, a breeze carrying your speech away) from derailing your speech, but it can also help you deliver your speech more confidently. After all, if you know basically what you need to say ahead of time, what need is there to worry?

Step 3 Make your speech your own.

  • Also, don’t forget that there may be people in the audience who were in the running for the honor you ended up receiving. Because of this, you won’t want to demean the organization that’s honoring you or jokingly imply that you were a bad choice. Maintain respect for yourself, the organization honoring you, and the audience as you accept your award.

Step 5 Practice, practice, practice.

  • As you practice, time yourself. You may be surprised how much longer (or shorter) your speech is than you thought it would be. If you have a hard time limit for your speech, use the results of your timed practice to edit your speech as necessary.

Step 6 Proofread for technical errors.

Delivering your Speech with Dignity

Step 1 Manage your anxiety with stress-fighting techniques.

  • Rapid heartbeat: Breathe deeply and slowly. Concentrate on someone in the room you're comfortable around, like a friend or family member. Start delivering the words of your speech — you'll naturally relax once you start talking.
  • Racing, panicked thoughts: Take deep breaths. Look out into the audience and see the humor in their blank, expressionless faces. Alternatively, imagine that the members of the audience are somehow unimportant or laughable (e.g., that they're all in their underwear, etc.)
  • Dry mouth: Bring a bottle of water with you onstage to drink as you need it. Consider also chewing gum before (but not during) your speech. Mimicking the process of eating can have a calming effect on the emotions. In addition, it can stimulate saliva production, preventing a dry mouth.
  • Trembling: Breathe deeply and slowly. If necessary, try slowly tensing and releasing the muscles in the trembling body part to work out the excess energy from your adrenaline high.
  • Above all, relax . You've prepared, so you have no reason to worry about how the speech will turn out. Worrying will only make it harder to deliver the great speech that you're perfectly capable of giving.

Step 2 Know what to avoid.

  • Hurrying or rushing through your speech.
  • Fidgeting or messing with something in your hands
  • Swaying from side to side.
  • Coughing/sniffling excessively

Step 3 Speak slowly and clearly.

  • If you can remember to do so, try to gradually move your gaze from side to side as you look at your audience. Sweeping your eyes back and forth gives the members of the audience the impression that you're addressing them all individually. If this "sweeping" motion is tricky for you, try randomly picking individuals in the audience to look at for a few seconds at a time as you talk.

Step 5 Remember that everyone in the room is a human being.

Expert Q&A

Lynn Kirkham

  • Keep any jokes clean and flattering. Don't debase yourself or anyone else. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • When writing your speech, stay mindful of the audience. Your knowledge of the attire and the age group should dictate your vocabulary. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • At all costs, avoid forgetting to mention someone. It is always better to mention groups, or teams, and avoid speaking about individuals, than it is to disregard someone unintentionally. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

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  • ↑ Lynn Kirkham. Public Speaking Coach. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
  • ↑ http://www.jimmyv.org/about-us/remembering-jim/jimmy-v-espy-awards-speech/
  • ↑ http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/oscars-acceptance-speech-flubs-422360
  • ↑ http://www.cypressmedia.net/articles/article/19/overcome_your_fears_and_become_a_great_speaker
  • http://www.sideroad.com/Public_Speaking/acceptance_speech.html
  • http://www.write-out-loud.com/acceptance-speeches.html

About this article

Lynn Kirkham

To give an acceptance speech, start by introducing yourself, then get right to the main theme of your speech. Keep your words simple, speak slowly and clearly, and try to center at least part of your speech around thanking those who helped you get to where you are. Explain what personal meaning the honor holds for you, then wrap up your speech with a concise, powerful ending! For tips on polishing and practicing your speech, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Words at Ease

6 Examples of Speeches about Events

Speeches are a powerful way to connect with an audience, inspire them, and leave a lasting impact.

Crafting the perfect speech for the occasion is key, whether addressing a large crowd at a conference or delivering heartfelt remarks at a wedding.

Examples of Speeches about Events

Examples of Speeches about Events

As a seasoned speechwriter, I’ve had the privilege of writing speeches for all sorts of events over the past three decades.

In this article, I’ll share some examples that illustrate the range of what’s possible when it comes to event speeches.

So let’s get started and see how these samples can help spark ideas for your next speaking engagement!

Keynote Speech at a Technology Conference

Good morning, everyone. It’s an honor to be here with you today at the annual Tech Innovators Summit. As we gather to discuss the latest advancements and trends shaping our industry, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible progress we’ve made and the exciting possibilities that lie ahead.

Technology is transforming every aspect of our lives at a breathtaking pace. From the smartphones in our pockets to the AI-powered systems that are revolutionizing industries, we are living in an age of unprecedented innovation. But with great power comes great responsibility. As tech leaders, it’s up to us to ensure that these advancements are harnessed for the greater good – to solve pressing challenges, create opportunity, and build a better future for all.

That’s why events like this summit are so crucial. They provide a forum for us to come together, share ideas, and collaboratively chart a course forward. Over the next two days, we’ll hear from brilliant minds across disciplines about how emerging technologies like blockchain, quantum computing, and the Internet of Things are poised to disrupt and reshape our lives. We’ll grapple with thorny ethical questions around data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the societal implications of automation. And hopefully, we’ll walk away motivated to leverage our collective expertise to drive positive change.

At the heart of innovation is improving people’s lives in meaningful ways, whether it’s developing clean energy solutions to combat climate change, using big data to personalize healthcare, or creating inclusive tech that empowers underserved communities. The work we do has the potential to be transformative on a global scale.

So as we kick off this year’s summit, I challenge all of you to think big and bold. To imagine new possibilities and push past perceived limitations. To build diverse teams and foster a culture of experimentation and risk-taking. And above all, to keep the human impact at the forefront of everything you do. When we combine technological prowess with empathy, creativity, and a commitment to social good, there’s no limit to what we can achieve together.

Thank you, and have a fantastic summit!


Commentary: This rousing keynote sets an inspiring tone for a technology conference. It celebrates progress while acknowledging the immense responsibilities tech leaders face. By touching on hot-button issues and challenging the audience to harness innovation for social good, it provides a thought-provoking framework for the event.

Best Man Speech at a Wedding

Mike, Ashley – congratulations. I think it’s safe to say this day has been a long time coming. When Mike and I were growing up, I never imagined I’d one day have the honor of standing beside him as he married the love of his life. But from the moment I saw you two together, I knew you were meant to be.

Mike has been my faithful sidekick – the Watson to my Sherlock, the Chewbacca to my Han Solo. We’ve shared so many adventures over the years, from those ill-advised backyard wrestling matches to that epic cross-country road trip. Through thick and thin, Mike’s loyalty, kindness, and goofy sense of humor have been a constant. He’s the kind of friend who’s always there when you need him, whether it’s to crack a perfectly timed joke or to listen with a compassionate ear.

And then he met you, Ashley, and everything changed. Sure, he still made time for our hijinks and heart-to-hearts. But it was clear his universe had realigned, with you at the very center. I watched him light up in your presence, his eyes dancing whenever you walked into the room. He started using words like “soulmate” unironically. And I realized my best buddy had fallen head-over-heels in love.

Seeing the two of you together just feels right. Your playful banter, your tender stolen glances, the way you balance each other out so perfectly. Ashley, your warmth, grace, and quiet strength make you an ideal match for Mike’s generous spirit and zest for life. You both share a commitment to lifting those around you and making the world a bit brighter. It’s been a joy to watch your love story unfold.

So as you embark on this new chapter together, I wish you all the happiness your hearts can hold. May your home be filled with laughter, your adventures be many, and your love continue to grow deeper with each passing year. I’m so grateful to be a part of your life. Here’s to your incredible journey ahead! Cheers!

Commentary: This warm, heartfelt best-man speech strikes the perfect balance of humor and sincerity. It paints a vivid picture of the couple’s love story while highlighting what makes their bond so special. The personalized anecdotes and well-wishes make it ideally suited for a wedding reception.

Welcome Speech at an Academic Conference

Esteemed colleagues – welcome. It is with great pleasure that I stand before you today to officially open the 45th International Symposium on Molecular Biology.

Over the next four days, we have the opportunity to engage in the critical exchange of ideas that propels our field forward. As we gather to present cutting-edge research, grapple with complex scientific problems, and forge new collaborations, I am struck by the caliber of the minds in this room.

From seasoned luminaries to rising stars, the depth of expertise represented here is truly staggering. It is a testament to the vitality and importance of the work we do – work that holds the potential to deepen our understanding of the fundamental processes of life, to unlock novel therapies for devastating diseases, to push the boundaries of what we thought was possible.

As we explore a packed program of keynote addresses, panel discussions, and poster sessions, I encourage you to approach each interaction with an open and inquisitive mind. Challenge assumptions, engage in lively debate, and seek out perspectives different from your own. True breakthroughs are born in the collision of ideas.

I would be remiss not to acknowledge the tumultuous times we find ourselves in. Amidst a global pandemic, geopolitical tensions, and the ever-present specter of climate change, the role of science in society has never been more crucial – or more hotly debated. As researchers, we have a profound responsibility to uphold the integrity of the scientific method, to communicate our findings clearly and truthfully, and to use our knowledge in service of the greater good.

It is my sincere hope that our time together at this symposium will not only deepen our scientific understanding but also strengthen our sense of purpose and community. May the connections forged and insights gleaned here resonate long after we depart.

Thank you, and let the 45th Symposium begin!

Commentary: This welcome speech sets an intellectually engaging tone for an academic conference. It acknowledges the expertise of the audience while framing their work in the context of pressing global challenges. The call for open and collegial scientific exchange offers an inspiring vision for a productive meeting.

Acceptance Speech at an Awards Show

I am humbled and overjoyed to accept this award tonight. As I look out at this sea of brilliant, creative minds, I am reminded of how fortunate I am to be part of such a vibrant, supportive community.

None of us gets here alone, and I certainly didn’t. I need to thank my incredible cast and crew. Your talent, dedication, and camaraderie breathed life into this film, and I am forever in your debt. To my fellow nominees, I am awed by your work and grateful to be counted among you tonight.

I also want to thank the Academy for this tremendous honor. For believing in the power of storytelling to move hearts, open minds, and change the world. When we began this journey three years ago, no one could have predicted the twists and turns it would take. There were moments when giving up seemed like the only option. But I was fortunate to be surrounded by a team that pushed me to dig deeper, to be braver and more honest than I ever thought possible.

That’s the magic of filmmaking. The alchemy that happens when dedicated artists come together, pour their souls into a project and create something far greater than the sum of its parts. Something that has the power to transport us, challenge us, and connect us across divides.

I started making films because I believed in that power. In the stories that make outsiders feel seen, that gives voice to the silenced, that grapple with the messy, complicated truths of the human experience. I still believe in those stories. They are needed now more than ever. Representation matters. Truth matters. Art matters.

So to every young person watching tonight, wondering if there’s a place for your voice, for your vision – there is. Tell your stories with abandon. Take up space. Be bold and unapologetic in your truth. This industry, this world, needs you – all of you – exactly as you are.

This award is more than a trophy. It’s a reminder of how far we’ve come, and a challenge to go further. To take more risks, leave no one behind, and blaze new trails. Together.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this moment. I will cherish it always.

Commentary: This emotional acceptance speech expresses gratitude while highlighting the collaborative nature of filmmaking. It celebrates the power of storytelling and representation, encouraging aspiring artists to be bold and authentic. Touching on the film’s challenging journey adds an inspiring personal dimension.

Inspirational Speech at a Fundraising Gala

Good evening, friends. We gather tonight in recognition of a simple truth: that every child deserves a chance to thrive.

For over a decade, the Bright Futures Foundation has been working to make that truth a reality. By providing access to quality education, healthcare, and enrichment programs, we’ve helped thousands of underserved youth unlock their potential and chase their dreams. But as proud as I am of the progress we’ve made, I know how much further we have to go.

The reality is, that we live in a society where far too many children are denied the opportunities they need to succeed. Where zip codes determine destinies, and talent goes untapped for lack of resources. This isn’t just an abstract issue – it’s a moral failing with real human costs.

I’ve seen those costs firsthand. In the bright eyes of a little girl who loves to learn but has no books in her overcrowded classroom. In the slumped shoulders of a teenage boy, bursting with untapped potential but aging out of a broken foster care system. In the weary face of a young mother, working three jobs just to keep the lights on, with nothing left for her kids’ education.

These children are our children. Their potential is our potential. When we fail to invest in them, we don’t just limit their futures – we impoverish our own. But here’s the good news: change is possible. Every day, I see the transformative impact that mentorship, resources, and most of all, opportunity can have on a young life.

I think of Jessica, a shy eighth grader, her nose always buried in a tattered library book, who blossomed into a confident young scientist with a scholarship to MIT. Of Jamal, a natural-born leader, who went from a struggling student to the first in his family to graduate college, and is now a passionate advocate for educational equity. Of Lila, a gifted artist, who discovered her voice at one of our afterschool programs and now runs her graphic design studio, giving back to the community that believed in her.

Their stories are a testament to what’s possible when we invest in the limitless potential of every child. They’re a powerful reminder of how much work we have left to do.

So tonight, I’m asking you to join us in that work. To give generously, not out of obligation, but out of a deep belief in the power of opportunity to change lives. It’s going to take all of us – our time, our resources, our unwavering commitment – to build a future where every child can thrive. It won’t be easy; nothing worth doing ever is. But I believe with every fiber of my being that it’s not only possible but essential.

The brilliant young minds in underserved communities across this country aren’t just our greatest untapped resource – they’re our most precious ones. When we invest in their potential, we invest in a brighter, more just, and more prosperous future for us all.

Thank you for your passion, your partnership, and your unshakable belief in the power of opportunity. Together, let’s get to work.

Commentary: This passionate call to action uses vivid storytelling to illustrate the transformative power of investing in youth. By weaving heart-wrenching examples with hard-hitting facts, it makes a compelling case for supporting expanded educational opportunities as a moral and societal imperative – perfect for a gala or fundraising event.

Valedictorian Speech at a High School Graduation

To the esteemed faculty, proud parents, devoted friends, and most of all, to the exceptional Class of 2024 – good evening. It is the highest honor to stand before you tonight and attempt to put into words the momentous journey we’ve shared.

I say attempt because, how can language alone capture the depth and breadth of our experience? The late nights spent puzzling over calculus problems, the heated debates in history class, and the camaraderie forged on the playing fields and theater stages. The laughter, the tears, and the triumphs big and small have shaped us and will bind us, long after we leave this place.

What a beautiful, messy, glorious trip it’s been. And even more than the knowledge we’ve stuffed into our heads, it’s the life lessons we’ve absorbed – often without realizing it – that I suspect will serve us best moving forward. Lessons not found in textbooks, but etched on our hearts:

Lesson 1 : Every person has a story, and every story matters. As I look out at this sea of caps and gowns, I’m struck by the rich diversity of our class. We come from different neighborhoods, worship in different ways or not at all, and dream in different languages. But here, we learned to listen with open minds and hearts. To celebrate our differences as the source of our strength. That’s a skill our divided world desperately needs, and I know we’ll carry it with us wherever we go.

Lesson 2 : Failure is not the opposite of success; it’s part of the process. So much pressure is put on us to have it all figured out. To ace the test, win the game, and get into the “right” school. But some of the most profound growth happens when we stumble. When the experiment explodes, the essay bombs and the startup goes bust. Those moments teach us resilience, adaptability, and the ultimate futility of perfection. Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again, this time more wisely. May we never lose that beginner’s mindset.

And most important – Lesson 3 : You are enough, just as you are. In a culture that’s always urging us to be prettier, richer, and more popular, it’s easy to forget this simple truth. But your worth isn’t measured by Instagram likes or ivies on your transcript or zeros in your bank account. It’s found in your kindness, your curiosity, your willingness to show up, mess up, and try again. It’s found in the idiosyncratic assortment of quirks, passions, and foibles that make you distinctly, wonderfully you. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

These lessons weren’t always easy, but they’ve already served us well. And as we scatter in different directions and to new adventures, I know they will continue to light our way.

The future is uncertain; that’s always been true. But it’s also ripe with possibility. The chance to build a life and a world that reflects our highest values. To find work that feeds our souls and people who love us just as we are. To stumble and get back up and forge ahead regardless. That’s the task that lies before us, and no one said it would be easy. But we’ve been prepared, and we won’t have to go it alone.

So as we step off this stage and into the rest of our big, beautiful lives, let’s do so with gratitude, with audacity, and with the bone-deep knowledge that wherever we go, whatever person we grow into, we started here. And that is a story worth celebrating.

Congratulations, Class of 2024. The best is yet to come!

Commentary: With its blend of wisdom, humor, and heart, this valedictory address offers a stirring reflection on high school’s joys and struggles while equipping graduates with life lessons for the road ahead. The focus on shared stories, productive failure, and self-acceptance provides a powerful framing for embarking on a new chapter.

From conferences to commencements, and fundraisers to weddings, speeches have the power to educate, motivate, and inspire.

By tailoring your message to the specific event and audience, grounding it in personal stories and universal truths, and delivering your words with authenticity and conviction, you can craft speeches that linger long after the applause has faded.

The examples we’ve explored demonstrate the breadth of what’s possible in event speeches, from soaring oratory to intimate reflections.

While the tone, length, and purpose may vary, the most impactful speeches share some common threads:

  • They are tailored to the specific occasion and audience, speaking directly to their experiences, hopes, and challenges.
  • They draw on a mix of personal anecdotes, universal truths, and carefully chosen facts and figures to paint a vivid picture and drive home key points.
  • They balance humor, humility, and heartfelt emotion to forge a genuine connection with listeners.
  • They leave the audience with a clear call to action, whether it’s to reflect, connect, persevere, or work towards a common goal.
  • They are delivered with authenticity, conviction, and a palpable sense of purpose that goes beyond the words on the page.

As you approach your next speaking engagement, I encourage you to experiment with different styles and techniques, to dig deep into your own experiences and passions, and above all, to speak from the heart.

Trust that your unique voice and perspective have value and that your words have the power to move and inspire.

After all, that’s the true magic of a great speech.

In those fleeting minutes at the podium, we have an opportunity to articulate our shared hopes and dreams, challenge assumptions and spark new ways of thinking, give voice to the voiceless, and shape the stories we tell about ourselves and our world.

It’s a tremendous privilege – and an awesome responsibility.

But if we approach the task with empathy, integrity, and a genuine desire to serve our audience, we can craft speeches that educate, motivate, and inspire – speeches that are worthy of the occasions that shape our lives and the people we hope to become.

So the next time you’re called upon to speak at an event, I hope you’ll embrace the opportunity with courage, creativity, and conviction.

Your voice matters. Your story matters. And with the right words, spoken from the heart, you might just change the world.

One speech at a time.

Merry Christmas messages | Love messages

Last modified 07/15/2024

Top job promotion acceptance speech

How do you say thank you after a promotion.#JobPromotionSpeech

When workers hear the good news that they will be promoted to a new and better position within a company, they feel a mixture of emotion, satisfaction and pride. But, a promoted worker usually has to deliver an acceptance speech accepting for their new post.

#JobPromotionSpeech #JobSpeech #Job

How do you say thank you after a promotion?,How do you accept a promotion graciously?,How do you write a speech after a promotion?,How do you start a thank you speech? Acceptance speeches should not be too long or too short. Their contents must have three main objectives: to thank their chiefs for their trust, to thank all the people who collaborated to the promotion, and to commit to work efficiently in the new post and in the company’s growth.

Here’s how to respond to a promotion offer

Express gratitude:

* Thank the person who offered you the promotion. Let them know you appreciate their confidence in you.

Show enthusiasm (conditionally):

* You can express excitement about the new opportunity, especially if you were hoping for the promotion.

* If you have reservations, you can still acknowledge the opportunity and express your interest in learning more.

Ask questions (if needed):

* This is a good time to clarify any details about the promotion you might be unsure about. This could include:

* Specific responsibilities of the new role.

* Start date and salary.

* Reporting structure and team dynamics.

* Training and support offered.

Negotiate (optional)

* If the promotion involves a raise or other benefits, this might be the time to negotiate. Be sure to do your research on industry standards for the new position beforehand.

Give your Answer

* Once you’ve considered everything, give your answer.

* If you accept, reiterate your enthusiasm and express your eagerness to get started.

* If you decline, do so politely. Thank them for the offer and explain your reasons for declining.

Here are some resources that might be helpful:

Why you might write a thank you note for a promotion?

There are a couple of reasons why you might want to write a thank you note after getting a promotion:

* Express gratitude: A promotion is a significant achievement, and it shows that your hard work and contributions have been recognized. A thank you note is a way to express your sincere appreciation to your manager, colleagues, or whoever played a role in your advancement.

* Strengthen relationships: Taking the time to write a thank you note shows that you’re thoughtful and appreciative. This can help strengthen relationships with your superiors and colleagues, which can be beneficial for your future career within the company.

* Reiterate enthusiasm: You can use the thank you note as an opportunity to reiterate your enthusiasm for the new role and your commitment to the company’s success. This can solidify your position and make a positive impression.

Overall, a thank you note for a promotion is a professional courtesy that shows good character and strengthens bonds within your workplace.

How to write a thank you letter for a promotion in clear steps

1. start with the salutation:.

* Address the letter to the appropriate person. Typically, this will be your manager who directly promoted you, but it could also be someone else who played a significant role, like a senior leader or colleague who advocated for you.

* Use a formal salutation like “Dear [Manager’s Name],” or “Dear [Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Last Name],”

2. Express gratitude:

* Clearly state your thanks for the promotion. You can mention your new job title for clarity: “Thank you so much for promoting me to the position of [New Job Title].”

* Use words that convey your genuine appreciation, such as “honored,” “excited,” or “grateful.”

3. Highlight supportive actions (Optional):

* This step personalizes your message. Briefly mention a specific instance where your manager or colleague’s actions helped you develop or grow in your role.

* For example, “Your guidance on [specific project] was invaluable and prepared me for this new challenge.”

4. Express enthusiasm for the new role:

* Briefly show your excitement about the new opportunities and responsibilities that come with the promotion.

* You can say something like, “I’m eager to learn more about the role and contribute to the team’s success in a bigger way.”

5. Offer help with transition (Optional):

* If relevant, you can offer your help to ensure a smooth transition. This shows initiative and responsibility.

* You can say, “Please let me know how I can best facilitate the handover of my current projects.”

6. Conclude and sign off:

* Briefly reiterate your thanks and express your commitment to your new role.

* Use a closing like “Sincerely,” “Thank you again,” or “Best regards,” followed by your typed name and signature (if sending a physical letter).

Here’s an example structure to follow:

Dear [Manager’s Name],

Thank you so much for promoting me to the position of [New Job Title]. I am truly [honored/excited/grateful] for this opportunity.

[Optional: Briefly mention a specific instance of support]

I’m eager to learn more about the new role and contribute to the team’s success in a bigger way. [Optional: Offer help with transition]

Thank you again for this amazing opportunity. I look forward to working with you even more closely in this new capacity.

[Your Name]

By following these steps and using the example as a guide, you can craft a thoughtful and professional thank you note for your well-deserved promotion.

Example of a thank you letter for a promotion?

Thank you so much for promoting me to [New Job Title]. I am truly honored and incredibly excited to take on this new challenge.

I appreciate your confidence in my abilities. Your support and guidance throughout my time at [Company Name] have been instrumental in my professional development. I’m particularly grateful for [mention a specific instance where your manager helped you grow].

I’m eager to learn more about the new role and contribute to the team’s success in a bigger way. Please let me know how I can best make the transition and ensure a smooth handover of my previous responsibilities.

How do you write a promotional speech?

Mr. General Director, Mr. Finance Manager, Mr. Human Resources Manager, coworkers, ladies and gentlemen:

I gratefully and humbly accept the company’s top executives’ decision of appointing me as Head of the Accounting Department.

First, I would like to say that this news has been a big surprise for me, and to be honest I did not expect this change so soon. Still I cannot deny I am very happy and proud because I feel my effort in these five years has had positive and satisfactory results.

I thank God, this company’s directors and, of course, my boss , Mr. Martín Gómez, who from the start treated me as a son, pupil and friend. I promise all of them I will not let them down and keep working for the company’s success.

The post of Accounting Chief is a great responsibility, but this is also a grand opportunity to demonstrate all I have learned and how capable I am, so I am sure I will not disappoint you. I assure you I will work well day by day for the company and all of us workers.

Finally, I repeat my gratitude to all people who made it possible for me to be standing in front of you all today and accepting this new challenge.

I want to thank Mr. Javier Arévalo, General Manager, who did not hesitate in appointing me to manage the Accounting Department.

I also want to thank Mr. Louis Sanders, Human Resources Manager, who made everything possible to give me this promotion before the expected time.

I thank them, my former boss, Mr. Jean, and all of you, friends and coworkers, for sharing this great joy and opportunity in my career with me.

I promise you all I will work well for our second home (NAME OF THE COMPANY). Thank you very much.

What do you say after you get a promotion?

In the immediate aftermath of getting promoted, there are a few things you can say depending on the situation:

To your manager

* Express gratitude: “Thank you so much for this promotion! I’m honored and excited about the opportunity.”

* Reiterate enthusiasm: “I’m eager to take on the new challenges and responsibilities that come with this role.”

* Offer help with transition: “Please let me know how I can ensure a smooth handover of my current duties.”

To colleagues

* Show appreciation: “Thanks everyone for your support! I couldn’t have done it without you all.”

* Acknowledge teamwork: “This promotion reflects the great work we’ve done as a team.”

* Express commitment: “I’m excited to continue working with you all in this new capacity.”

General responses

* Enthusiasm: “I’m thrilled/excited about this new opportunity!”

* Gratitude: “Thank you for recognizing my hard work.”

* Commitment: “I’m committed to succeeding in this new role.”

Here are some additional tips:

* Keep it professional: While you can be excited, avoid being overly boastful.

* Be mindful of the audience: Tailor your response to the person you’re speaking to.

* Be specific (optional): If appropriate, you can mention something specific you’re looking forward to in the new role.

Remember, the key is to be gracious, express your enthusiasm, and show your commitment to your new position.

Should I say thank you for a raise?

Absolutely, you should say thank you for a raise. Here’s why:

* Expresses Gratitude: It shows appreciation for your employer recognizing your value and contributions. A simple “thank you” acknowledges the raise and fosters a positive work relationship.

* Professional Courtesy: Expressing thanks is a standard professional courtesy in many workplaces. It shows good manners and strengthens your reputation.

* Potential Benefits: Thanking your employer for a raise can show your continued dedication and enthusiasm for the role. This might be seen favorably in future evaluations or discussions about promotions.

How you express thanks depends on your comfort level and company culture. Here are some options:

* Verbal Thank You: A sincere “thank you” to your manager in person is a great way to express your appreciation.

* Thank You Email: A quick email expressing gratitude is another appropriate option.

Here’s an example of what you could say in your email:

Thank you very much for the recent raise. I appreciate you recognizing my contributions to the team.

I’m committed to continuing my hard work and achieving great things here at [Company Name].

The key is to be genuine and express your appreciation in a way that feels comfortable for you.

Positive quotes for work

:: “Work gives us the opportunity to connect with others and build meaningful relationships”.

:: “In my short life I have been able to learn that work not only gives us an income, it also teaches us discipline and responsibility”.

:: “Although sometimes it is exhausting, work gives us the opportunity to achieve our goals and objectives, so let’s not give up and keep going”.

:: “Work does not have to be a burden, it can be a source of joy and satisfaction. That is why it is important to choose wisely the path we will follow in this life”.

:: “Success at work is not just about working hard, but about working smart and keeping in mind what we are doing it for”.

:: “A good work environment is essential for a satisfying and productive working life. Let us always keep our objectives in our sights and continue forward”.

What are some sayings about getting work done?

:: “Success at work is not just about making money, but about finding meaning and purpose in what we do”.

:: “Work is an opportunity to learn new skills and expand our knowledge. Let us not forget how important it is to continue training and improving ourselves”.

:: “Collaboration and teamwork are key to achieving great results at work. Let’s take care of our labor relations because only then can we grow”.

:: “A job well done not only benefits the employee, but also the employer and society in general. Let’s be proud of everything we have accomplished”.

:: “Work does not have to be boring, there are always opportunities to innovate and be creative, we just have to know how to be curious and always investigate beyond what is asked of us”.

:: “Our work does not define who we are, but it can help us achieve our goals and realize our dreams. Let us go for more and never stop dreaming!”.

Inspirational quotes for work and life

:: “Work can be stressful, but it can also be an opportunity to develop stress management skills”.

:: “A good boss not only leads, but he also inspires and guides his team to success. Let us always keep that in mind and value good leadership”.

:: “A positive attitude at work can make a big difference in our productivity and job satisfaction”.

:: “Work is an opportunity to make a difference in the world and contribute to something bigger than ourselves. We are proud of our work”.

:: “Sometimes, the best job opportunities can be found outside of our comfort zone. Let’s leave fear behind and dare more”.

:: “Work should not be our only source of happiness, but it can be an important part of our life, so let’s give it due importance”.

:: “A good balance between work and personal life is key to a balanced and healthy life, but above all a happy one”.

:: “Work can be a way to discover our strengths and weaknesses, and learn and grow as people”.

Phrases: Happy Labor Day boss!

:: “Happy Labor Day boss! I thank you for your leadership and commitment to making our company a great place to work”.

:: “Good morning boss! On this important day, I want to express my gratitude to you for being a role model and for motivating us to do our very best”.

:: “Happy Labor Day boss! I hope that today you have a day full of joy and satisfaction for all that you have achieved. We admire you very much!”.

:: “Good morning boss! On this Labor Day, I want to send you my best wishes and recognize your dedication and daily effort, as they do not go unnoticed”.

:: “Happy Labor Day boss! I hope this day is filled with gratitude and reflection on all that you have achieved over the past few years because it is truly admirable”.

Happy Labor Day! greetings for coworkers

:: “Today is a day to celebrate the achievements we have achieved together, because without you none of this would be possible. Happy Labor Day!”.

:: “On this Labor Day, I want to thank you for your commitment to our team and for your hard work every day”.

:: “Your work is essential and valuable to our team. On this Labor Day, we thank you for it and we want you to know that you are the very best!”.

:: “Today we celebrate all workers, including our colleagues. Happy Labor Day!”.

:: “Dear colleague, on this Labor Day, I thank you for your dedication and effort in our team”.

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, thank you. , thank you. Thank you, everyone. I wish I could begin to describe the incredible feelings of gratitude, humility, and love that are absolutely consuming me at this very moment -- but it's impossible.


, , , , , Mrs. Casey, , , Mrs. Shinseki, , , Mr. Bell, Mr. Wilke, Mr. Ford, , , , Mr. James, Mr. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Kunkle, , , , , , and Sergeant-Major of the Army, , other distinguished guests, great friends, family members: Thank you so much for being here to share this special day. I know so many have come so far and we're truly grateful.

this year at the convention, you mentioned that this was the year, the last for this Administration; the last this and the last that. And I couldn't help but think how fortunate I had been to have lived a lifetime of firsts. And it's been the Army -- this Army -- that has given me those opportunities.

? And was Santa Clause really, really going to deliver the goods. Seriously, I'd wanted for nothing. And now, I have a wonderful husband, cute dog, great job, great friends, and we get to call Hawaii our home. And I thank the Lord for these blessings every day.

class of 1943; and his dad, Halsey, was West Point class of 1905; and his granddad, Henry, was West Point class of 1866. Now you understand why people think I have olive drab blood. As General Casey said, my dad was wounded both in World War II and Korean War, and was the recipient of two , and recognized for valor with a . When people talk too him about his two Purple Hearts, he's quick to say he was just a slow learner. But we all know better. And dad I'm grateful for this opportunity to say thanks for your service to our nation and for instilling in me the timeless values of integrity, courage, and sense of values. And I know most of my success is founded in what I learned from you as a dad, as a patriot, and as a soldier.

headquarters as a . Her husband, Jim, is also here, is a graduate of the and served our nation flying helicopters and . Their daughter, , is also an Air Force Academy grad, class of 2000, and like her dad she flies A-10s, and recently returned from flying combat missions in Afghanistan.

. Bill, thank you for being here and making our Dunwoody family reunion complete. And I'm really thrilled that Craig's two sons, my stepsons, Brian and Scott, are here as well -- all the way from Redlands, California, and Geneva Lakes, Wisconsin. I can't tell you how much it means that you're here. Brian's a PGA golf pro -- Hooah. (Anyone looking for lessons....) And Scott and his wife Alicia will deliver our first grandbaby next April. "Grandson" -- I stand corrected. Mr. Wonderful comes another time. Thank you.

. I couldn't believe they were going to pay me to jump out of airplanes.

, [to] say nothing about a 4-Star?" I say, not in my wildest dreams. There is no one more surprised than I -- except, of course, my husband. And you know what they say: Behind every successful woman there's an astonished man. So as to my childhood dreams -- while I'm still sorting the fitness business -- and my family -- there's nothing better than being a part of a huge Army family that I've come to love so much.

, Wendell Bowman, who took the training of second lieutenants very seriously. And I remember him telling me, "I'm going to make you the best lieutenant in the United States Army." And a few weeks later he came back to me -- he said, "Ma'am, you're really going to make me work at this, aren't you?" That was 1976, a period we now refer to as a "broken Army." But I can assure you, there was nothing broken about sergeant first class Wendell Bowman. He was the best in the , and he was tireless in enforcing and instilling the standards and values he knew to be the hallmark of our Army. And he is the reason I stayed.

, and for those of you who know Craig, you know we did not meet in the library. Matter of fact, I -- I met him when we were taking the . And he won the two-mile -- Army two-mile run by a wide margin. And I remember us Army guys kind of being a little ticked that this big Air Force guy could run faster than any of us. And I don't know if it were a matter because he was big or because he was Air Force, but that big Air Force guy became my running buddy and -- and the rest is history.

, my colleague and 3-Star equivalent; , , women who have achieved so many, many firsts in their own career fields.

, , color days, who helped kick down the doors in the Airborne community with me; leaders like Carl Freeman, Zannie Smith, General Dan McNeill, Stan Crystal, Dave Petraeus, ; and who could forget Chicken Man Wright.

; leaders like Tom Glisson, General Reimer, , General Schoomaker; and now General George Casey, and our Secretary.

, from the day he donned his uniform football was all he ever wanted to do. And even though I thought I was only coming into the Army for two years, I now know, from the day I first donned my uniform, soldiering is all I ever wanted to do. I can't point to any one life-changing epiphany, but I now know the Army profession I'm so proud to be part of is a reflection of the very values I grew up [with] in the Dunwoody family.


: Many thanks to Felicia R. Thompson (CIV USA USAMC) for her timely and helpful assistance with this transcription.

: U.S. Department of Defense

: 1/6/22

: merican hetoric.com.



















































































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