Required Practical: Investigating Gas Laws ( AQA A Level Physics )

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Required Practical: Investigating Gas Laws

Investigating boyle's law.

  • This is the effect of pressure on volume at a constant temperature
  • This is just one example of how this required practical might be tackled
  • Independent variable = Mass, m (kg)
  • Dependent variable = Volume, V (m 3 )
  • Temperature
  • Cross-sectional area of the syringe

Equipment List

Boyles Law Equipment Table, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • Pressure gauge = 0.02 × 10 5 Pa
  • Volume = 0.2 cm 3
  • Vernier Caliper = 0.02 mm

Boyles Law Apparatus, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Apparatus setup for Boyle’s Law

  • Before setting up the apparatus as shown in the diagram the inside diameter, d of the syringe needs to be measured using a vernier calliper after removing the plunger. Remember to take at least 3 repeat readings and find an average
  • Determine the lowest volume of air visible by pushing the syringe upwards to remove as much air as possible
  • At this lowest volume, the rubber tubing should be fit over the nozzle and clamped with a pinch clip as close to the nozzle as possible (this is to stop air escaping)
  • Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram and ensure the temperature of the room remains constant throughout the experiment
  • Record the volume shown on the syringe before adding the masses and the mass holder
  • Add the 100 g mass holder with a 100 g mass on it to the loop of string at the bottom of the plunger. Wait a few seconds before reading volume to ensure the temperature is kept constant (since work is done against the plunger when the volume increases)
  • Record the value of the new volume from the syringe scale
  • Repeat the experiment by adding two 100 g masses at a time up to 8-10 readings. This is so a significant change in volume can be seen each time
  • Record the mass and volume
  • An example table of results might look like this:

Boyles Example Table of Results 1, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Analysing the Results

  • Boyle’s Law can be represented by the equation:

pV = constant

  • This means the pressure must be calculated from the experiment
  • The exerted pressure of the masses is calculated by:

Pressure Equation

  • F = weight of the masses, mg (N)
  • A = cross-sectional area of the syringe (m 2 )
  • The cross-sectional area is found from the equation for the area of a circle:

Cross-sectional Area Equation

  • To calculate the pressure of the gas:

Pressure of the gas = Atmospheric pressure – Exerted pressure from the masses

  • Atmospheric pressure = 101 kPa
  • The table of results may need to be modified to fit these extra calculations. Here is an example of how this might look:

Boyles Example Table of Results 2, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • Once these values are calculated:
  • Plot a graph of  p  against 1 / V and draw a line of best fit
  • If this plot is a straight line graph, this means that the pressure is proportional to the inverse of the volume, hence confirming Boyle's Law ( pV = constant)

Boyles Law Example Graph, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Evaluating the Experiment

Systematic Errors :

  • Use a syringe that has very little friction or lubricate it, so the only force applied is from the masses pulling the syringe downward

Random Errors :

  • Otherwise, a reading will be taken when the temperature is not constant
  • Take repeat readings to reduce their effect

Safety Considerations

  • A counterweight or G-clamp must be used to avoid the stand toppling over and causing injury, especially if the surface is not completely flat

Investigating Charles's Law

  • The overall aim of this experiment is to investigate Charles’s law, which is the effect of temperature on volume at constant pressure
  • Independent variable = Temperature, T (°C)
  • Dependent variable = Height of the gas, h (cm)

Charles Law Equipment Table, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • 30 cm ruler = 1 mm
  • 2 litre beaker = 50 ml

Charles Law Apparatus, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Apparatus setup for Charles’s Law

  • The capillary tube should have one open end at the top and a closed end at the bottom. This is to keep the pressure constant at atmospheric pressure. Assume the temperature of the water is the same as the temperature of the gas in the tube
  • Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram. Add a drop of sulfuric acid halfway up the tube (the gas below this drop is being studied) to ensure no gas escapes
  • Boil some water in a kettle and pour it into the beaker for the full 2 litres. Make sure the waterline is higher than the drop of sulfuric acid, therefore surrounding all the gas, and stir well
  • Allow the temperature to drop down to 95 °C, then read the height of the gas (this is up to the bottom of the sulfuric acid) using the ruler
  • Record the height of the gas as the temperature decreases in increments of 5 °C. Make sure you have at least 8 readings
  • An example table of results might look like:

Charles Law Example Table, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • Plot a graph of the height of the gas in the capillary tube in cm and the temperature of the water in °C
  • Draw a line of best fit

Charles Law Example Graph, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • If this is a straight-line graph, then this means the temperature is proportional to the height. Since the height is proportional to the volume ( V = π r 2 h ) then this means Charles’s law is confirmed, and the temperature is proportional to the volume too
  • To find a value of absolute zero T 0 , the equation of the graph can be written as
  • gradient = m
  • y-intercept = c
  • The straight line equation can be used for two sets of values to determine absolute zero, T 0
  • Write the equation with c as the subject at T 0 and any temperature T 1 and height h 1 from the experimental data:

c = h 0 − mT 0

c = h 1 − mT 1

h 0 - mT 0 = h 1 - mT 1

  • At absolute zero, h 0 = 0

- mT 0 = h 1 - mT 1

  • Picking any co-ordinate of h and T from the line of best fit, and substituting into the equation will give a value of absolute zero
  • If this value is close to the accepted value of –273°C then the experiment shows that volume and temperature are directly proportional at constant pressure
  • Otherwise, the reading taken will be slightly out each time
  • Take temperature and height readings at eye level to avoid a parallax error
  • Stir the water well so it and the gas are the same temperature throughout the beaker
  • Do not spill boiling water onto your skin or electrical equipment 
  • Protect the workbench from the boiling water by using a heat proof mat 

Worked example

Worked Example Table Question (1), downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

Step 1: Plot a graph of temperature T against volume V

Worked Example Step 1 Graph, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • The axes are properly labelled with values, quantities and units
  • The line of best fit is drawn with a ruler so there are equal numbers of points above and below

Step 2: Calculate the gradient of the graph

Worked Example Step 2 Gradient of Graph, downloadable AS & A Level Physics revision notes

  • The gradient is calculated by:

Worked Example Step 2 Gradient Equation

Step 3: Calculate the value of absolute zero

  • Write the line equation of the graph
  • Rearrange to make c (the y intercept) the subject and equate values at absolute zero (T 0 ) and a set of values from the data (T 1 , h 1 )
  • At absolute zero, a gas has no volume so h 0 = 0 m 3
  • Where T 0 is absolute zero and (T 1 , h 1 ) is any co-ordinate on the line of best fit
  • Using the coordinates (60, 10.6) and gradient calculated (0.033)

Worked Example Step 3 Absolute Zero Equation

Step 4: Calculate its relative percentage error with the accepted value of –273.15 °C

Worked Example Step 4 Relative Percentage Error Equation

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Author: Ashika

Ashika graduated with a first-class Physics degree from Manchester University and, having worked as a software engineer, focused on Physics education, creating engaging content to help students across all levels. Now an experienced GCSE and A Level Physics and Maths tutor, Ashika helps to grow and improve our Physics resources.

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6 Properties of Gases

To investigate simple gas laws and explain them in terms of kinetic molecular theory.

Learning Outcomes

  • Use a molecular-level simulation to investigate and interpret phenomena.
  • Report measurements with associated error estimates.
  • Graphically relate the data and compare with what you expect from the ideal gas law, including the use of error bars.

Textbook Reference

  • Tro, Chemistry – A Molecular Approach , 5th Ed, Ch. 6.2-6.4 and 6.8.


In this experiment, we will explore some of the gas laws that empirically describe the behavior of ideal gases and attempt to explain these using the kinetic molecular theory of gases.

While gas molecules vary in their molecular geometry and polarity, many gases behave in a similar manner. The macroscopic behavior of most common gases at room temperature can be described to a very good approximation by the simple gas laws:


A gas that obeys these gas laws is defined as an ideal gas . While no gas obeys the ideal gas law exactly, most gases at room temperature and pressure do follow the ideal gas law to a large extent.

When put together, the overall set of properties of an ideal gas can be summarized by the ideal gas law :

\begin{equation*} PV=nRT\end{equation*}

In this experiment, we will study the extent to which Boyle’s Law and Charles’ Law can describe the behavior of a gas and attempt to use this to determine the number of moles of gas present.

Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases

It has been postulated based on the particulate nature of matter that an ideal gas can be described using the kinetic molecular theory.  Here are the postulates of this theory: [2]   In this model, a gas is modeled as a collection of particles in constant motion, which move in a straight line until a collision occurs. [3]

  • The size of the particles are negligibly small; the volume of the container is mostly empty space.
  • The average kinetic energy of the particles is proportional to the temperature in Kelvins.
  • Collisions between particles and between the particle and the walls are completely elastic; there is no loss of kinetic energy.

E_k =\frac{1}{2} mv^2

In this model, we recognize that gas pressure arises due to the force associated with the collision between particles of a gas and its container.  Furthermore, we can show that, using classical physics, we can use the kinetic molecular theory of gases to back-derive the ideal gas law. [4]

Gas molecules collide with a surface, applying a force on the surface. This creates pressure.

In this experiment, we will not attempt to quantitatively derive the gas laws from kinetic molecular theory; rather, we will try and visualize what happens at the particulate level and apply the kinetic theory of gases and develop explanations this way.

Relationship Between Pressure and Volume

Experimental procedure.

In this experiment, you will use the PhET Gas Properties simulation to examine Boyle’s Law, and attempt to visualize how this can be explained using the kinetic molecular theory of gases.

  • Open the simulation and select the ideal tab.
  • Pump in a sample of gas.  It will enter a rectangular chamber.  Select Temperature (T) under “Hold Constant”.
  • Select “Width”.  It will give you a measurement of the width of the chamber (and hence the volume of the chamber).
  • Wait until the pressure remains reasonably constant.  Record the width of the chamber.  In addition, estimate the average pressure and how much the pressure fluctuates.  For example, if the pressure fluctuates between 5.5 atm and 6.3 atm, a reasonable estimate might be (5.9 ± 0.4) atm.  This means that the best estimate is 5.9 atm, but the error in the measurement is 0.4 atm.
  • Qualitatively observe how fast the particles are moving in the box.
  • Measure the number of collisions of the particles with the wall per unit time by selecting the collision counter and then hitting “play”.  (Be sure to wait until the count stops increasing before recording).  Measure and record this five times; there will be different measurements each time.  Record the sample period (which should be the same each round)
  • Change the box width by altering the slider and then repeating steps 3-5 at least five more times.

Data Analysis


This video demonstrates how you would create these plots using Microsoft Excel:

Relationship Between Volume and Temperature

In this experiment, you will study the relationships between volume and temperature using Gary Bertrand’s Gas Properties simulation .  Select the Charles’ Law tab and complete the following.

  • A-G: helium
  • O-Z: nitrogen
  • Select pressure control so the pressure is kept constant.  Record the pressure in the container.
  • Record the volume (in L) and temperature (in °C) in the container.
  • Tweak the gears near the top of the piston to change the volume.  Record the volume and temperature.  Repeat this until you have a reasonable range of values.
  • There are a number of different unit systems by which the ideal gas law can be used; for our purposes we will stick to the one used in most general chemistry textbooks. ↵
  • Different books state these slightly differently, with different numbers of postulates; however, the contents should be the same. ↵
  • From a physics perspective, without a collision, there will be no external force and hence the momentum is conserved. ↵
  • Tro, Chemistry - A Molecular Approach (5th ed), Ch. 6.8. ↵

Properties of Gases Copyright © by Yu Kay Law is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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What are some common errors students make with Charles's law?

possible error in charles law experiment

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possible error in charles law experiment

possible error in charles law experiment

Verification of Charles' law for an ideal gas

possible error in charles law experiment


a 0 - 100 o C thermometer a tall 1 litre beaker a glass capillary tube containing air sealed in with an oil and sulphuric acid plug and closed at one end 2 rubber bands a bunsen tripod gauze and mat

Fill your beaker with cold water. Fix the glass capillary tube to the thermometer with the rubber bands with the open end at the top. The bottom of the tube should be level with the -10 o C mark on the thermometer.

possible error in charles law experiment

Put the thermometer and tube in the water, the open end of the tube should be just above water level. Record the water temperature. Record the volume of the trapped air in the tube, you should record this as a number of thermometer divisions. (Remember it starts at -10 o ). Light the bunsen and heat the water to boiling slowly. Take readings of the volume of the air every 10 o C and record them. When the water boils turn off the bunsen.



(In the example shown the volume is about 24 units and the temperature 22 o C.) Plot a graph of volume against temperature starting at 0 o C. (A) Plot a further graph showing -350 o C to +100 o C. (B) Find where your line cuts the temperature axis - this is ABSOLUTE ZERO. Find out the increase in volume for a 10 o C rise in temperature from your graph and hence calculate the increase in volume per degree centigrade ?

possible error in charles law experiment

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: The capillary tube contains a plug of sulphuric acid sealed in with oil. Do not open the lower end of the tube. Wear eye protection. Only heat the capillary tube when it is immersed in the water

possible error in charles law experiment

Analía Bellizzi – Chemistry Classes

Ronald Reagan Senior High School

To Verify Charles's Law Experimentally

Purpose of the lab:

To verify Charles’s law by studying volume versus temperature relationship. And also to determine the absolute zero temperature from the volume-temperature graph.


  • conical flask  125 mL
  • stand with a clamp
  • tripod stand
  • beaker to contain the flask
  • rubber stopper with one hole,
  • thermometer
  • bunsen burner
  • graduated cylinder.

possible error in charles law experiment

  • Thoroughly clean the conical flask with a paper towel. If possible, rinse it with a small quantity of acetone or ethanol and left it to dry.
  • Fit the one-holed rubber stopper tightly on the flask and insert the dried glass tube in the rubber stopper.
  • Place the wire gauze on the tripod stand. The wire gauze gives support to glassware during heating.
  • Arrange the beaker on the wire gauze. Properly attached the clamp to the neck of the flask and place the flask inside the beaker as shown in the diagram above. The flask should be submerged as low as possible, but it must never touch the bottom of the beaker. There should be a considerable gap between the two.
  • Pour tap water into the beaker so that the flask submerges in the water. Never completely filled the beaker, because we are going to boil it. Finally, add the burner below the tripod. The setup should look like the diagram above.
  • Gently heat the water using the burner to get a calm boil.
  • Place the thermometer in the beaker to measure the temperature of the water. Once the temperature crosses 95 °C, the water is about to start boiling.
  • Let the heating continue for 6-7 min more. We want the air inside the flask to be at the same temperature as of the boiling water. After continued heating, note the temperature of the boiling water ( t 1 ).
  • Wear safety gloves to avoid burning yourself from the hot water or a hot surface.
  • Turn off the burner and cover the hole of the glass tube on the rubber stopper by your fingertip.
  • Detach the flask from the clamp and immediately transfer it into the water tank in the inverted position as shown in the figure below. During the transfer, the finger pressure must on the glass tube to entrap the air in the flask. Otherwise, the entire experiment will be repeated.

possible error in charles law experiment

  • Maintain the flask submerged for 5 min to 6 min so that the temperature of the air inside the flask reaches that of the water.
  • Slowly Raise the flask upwards with the inverted position until the water level inside the flask matches the water level of the tank. When both water level matches, the air pressure inside the flask is the same as the atmospheric pressure.
  • Place the figure tip back on the flask and remove it from the tank. Place the flask on the bench in its normal position.
  • Measure the temperature of the water tank ( t 2 ).
  • Remove the rubber stopper and measure the volume of water in the flask using a graduated cylinder ( V w ).
  • Now, fill the flask completely with fresh tap water and place the rubber stopper to let the excess water drain. Remove the stopper and measure the volume of the water in the flask ( V 1 ).
  • Repeat the above procedure twice to get three sets of readings, so we can average them.
  • The rubber stopper and the glass tube must be properly fitted to avoid any seepage of water in the flask when it is inverted in the tank.
  • The flask must be properly clamped, and it should not touch the bottom of the beaker.
  • The beaker should never be completely filled to avoid water splashes during the boiling.
  • Safety glows are requisite to prevent any burns.
  • To avoid the seepage of the entrapped air from the flask, the fingertip is maintained during the transfer.
  • The flask is always in the inverted position inside the tank. The air may escape by tilting the flask at an angle. This would cause an experimental error.


  • t 1  is the temperature of the boiling water.
  • V 1  is the volume of the air in the flask at the boiling point of the water bath.
  • t 2  is the temperature of the air when the flask is submerged in the water bath.
  • V w  is the volume of the water moved in the flask.
  • V 2  is the volume of the air at temperature  t 2 .

Throughout the experiment, we measure the four parameters:  t 1 ,  t 2 ,  V 1 , and  V w .

ParameterValue (set 1)Value (set 2)Value (set 3)Value (average)
Initial temperature,  100 °C100 °C99.5 °C99.8 °C
Final temperature,  22 °C22 °C22 °C22 °C
Initial volume,  138 mL141 mL141 mL140 mL
Volume of water,  27 mL29 mL28 mL28 mL


V 2  is still unknown, but we can determine it from  V w . The volume of the air ( V 2 ) at  t 2  is the volume of the flask (140 mL or  V 2 ) minus the volume of the water in the flask ( V w ).

V2= 140mL-28mL

Finally, we have both volumes and their temperatures. Now, converting temperatures in the kelvin from the degree celsius.

T1= 99.8 + 273 = 372.80

T2= 22.0+ 273 = 295

As per Charles’ Law: V1/T1 – V2/T2 =0

As per Charles’s law,

Rearranging the equation above,

Calculating the ratios of volume to temperature,

As we can see both values are almost equal but not equal. The difference between the values is 0.382 − 0.375 = 0.007. Calculating the experimental error,

The error of 1.87 % exists in our experiment.

Absolute zero temperature

The absolute zero temperature can be determined as follows:

We can also determine the absolute zero temperature from plot volume versus temperature (in °C) graph.

  • The ratio of volume to temperature is 0.375 with an error of 1.87 %.
  • From the calculation, the value of the absolute zero temperature is −289 C.
  • The graph of temperature in the kelvin versus volume is as follows:

Charles's law experimental graph

  • The graph of temperature in the degree celsius versus volume is as follows:

The experimental graph of Charles's law

The experiment is successfully studied. The ratio of volume to temperature remains approximately constant. The graphs of volume versus temperature is linear in nature with a positive slope as expected. The value of the absolute zero temperature is estimated from the calculation as well from the graph, and its value is −289 C. The value deviates from the expected value by 16 °C. The reason for this deviation is the fewer experimental data points on the graph.

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Charles Law: Volume & Temperature Lab Answers

  • Charles Law: Volume & Temperature…


Volume and TemperatureTrial
T1 (temperature of the air in the flask of boiling water in Celsius)99ᵒC
T2( temperature of air in cooled flask in Celsius)7ᵒC
A(volume of water in flask at T2)73 mL
V1(volume of air in flask at T1)250 mL
V2( Volume of air in flask at T2)177 mL

When measuring the volume of air in the flask at the first temperature, a volume of 250 mL was recorded, known as V1. The temperature of the air in the flask in boiling water was recorded as 99ᵒC, known as T2. In order to find the correct calculations, 99ᵒC has to be converted to Kelvin by adding 273. The first temperature in Kelvin is 372K.

The value of V1/T1, can be found by putting 250/372. This comes to a total of 0.67 . The volume of the air in the flask of the second temperature was 177 mL, known as V2. The temperature of the air in the cooled flask is 7ᵒC, known as T2. 7ᵒC has to be converted to Kelvin by adding 273 which comes to a final total of 280K.

The value of V2/T2, found by putting 177/280 comes to a total of 0.63 . The near equality in numbers can be attributed to Charles Law. Charles Law states that “as temperature increases, so does the volume of a gas sample when the pressure is held constant”. The result of V1/T1 and V2/T2 were very close to each other.

This is due to the fact that this experiment was done in a closed system. In Charles Law, if there is a closed system the two ratios should have equal numbers. This is why it can be expected for the ratio numbers to be very equal.

The final value of absolute zero for the lab was 55K. This was a bit off from the accepted value of 0K or -273ᵒC. These values could be different for a variety of reasons.

First of all, there could have been an error in the timing in allowing the flask to cool. If the lab was incorrectly timed then the correct temperatures may not have been achieved. There was also a possibility of error in terms of not maintaining the time of boiling for long enough as well. If the boiling was done for too long and the cooling was not done long enough then there was a high probability that the results may have been construed.

Another possible error is that the pinch clamp was not correctly secured around the flask. If the pinch clamp is not secured properly then water cannot be kept out of the flask and there is no correct volume. Another mistake that could cause problems is if the flask is not raised correctly when submerged in water. When the flask is raised this equalizes the pressure. If this is not done correctly then the pressure is not equalized and Charles Law no longer applies.

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during the heating does the air flow into or out of the flask? why?

*insufficient sorry

Well, that prediction may not exactly be specifically true, Bethannnnnnn. There is very little evidence of his recordings and although the same experiment has been repeated by other scientists. I respect your opinion but there is sufficient data.

Charles’s Law

What was his aim? He wanted to find out how the volume of gas changes temperature with a fixed amount of gas pressure. He also wanted to determine absolute zero. What was his experiment? The same amount of gas was trapped in a glass tube (sealed at one end). To change the temperature, he put it into a water bath. By changing the temperature of the water, he could change the temperature of the gas. What happened? He predicted that as the volume of gas increases, the temperature would increase. He plotted V (volume) against T (temperature)

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What Is Charles’s Law?

Charle’s law definition, explanation and expression of charles’s law, applications of charle’s law.

Charle’s law, or the law of volumes, was formulated by Jacques-Alexandre-Cesar Charles in 1787. The law states that when pressure is constant, the volume of a gas varies directly with the temperature. The law is expressed as V∝T, where V is volume and T is temperature. The law is used to explain the behavior of gases in hot air balloons, tires, and automobile engines.

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Charle’s law states that when keeping the pressure constant, the volume of a gas varies directly with the temperature . Charle’s law equation can be represented as:

where, V represents the volume of the gas and T represents temperature.

The law dictates the linear relationship that volume shares with temperature. The temperatures are conventionally measured in Kelvin, the SI unit of temperature.

It was the June of 1783 when Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier inflated a balloon 30 feet in diameter with hot air and set it afloat in the air. The giant curvilineared envelope traveled one and a half miles in the air before reacquainting itself with grass and dirt. The news didn’t take long to spread throughout France.

Upon hearing of this flight, Jacques-Alexandre-Cesar Charles became suffused with a sense of wonder and decided to perform a similar experiment on his own balloons (he is known to be a renowned balloonist, a combination of two words you thought you’d never see together) and formulated what is now known as Charles’s Law.

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Jacques Charles conducted a simple experiment in which 5 balloons were filled with a different gas,  but at the same pressure and volume . They were then subjected to an immensely hot temperature of 80 degrees Celsius. He found that they all expanded uniformly.

Also Read: Gay-Lussac’s Law: How Does Pressure Of A Gas Vary With Its Temperature?

A quasi-explanation was offered by the physicist James Clerk Maxwell. He claimed that the amount of space that a gas occupies depends purely upon the motion of its particles. The particles incessantly stumble and collide with the container in which they are contained. This rapid assault of innumerable gas particles exerts a force on the container’s surface. That force translates to a certain pressure.

The force of impact of one such collision is inconsequential, but collectively, the collisions can exert a considerable pressure onto a container’s surface. For instance, inside a helium balloon, about 10 24  (a million million million million) helium atoms smack into each square centimeter of rubber every second, at speeds of about a mile per second! This pressure is referred to as gas pressure.

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Gas pressure is proportional to both the magnitude of collisions and the force they expend on a particular area. Thus, the more collisions, the higher the pressure. An important discovery was that the motion of gas particles and the frequency of their collisions depend on the temperature of the gas. This implies that hotter gases press harder against walls and generate higher pressures. This is known as Gay-Lussac’s Law.

However, it is imperative to realize that the pressure increases with an increase in temperature provided the volume of the container is rigid and bounded or simply, a constant. This is evident in the behavior of air pumps that churn out hot air when their piston is periodically pushed and pulled. However, what about the ball itself that is being pumped in the process?

Its volume increases when it comes in contact with this heated gas, because its volume isn’t bounded — as the ball expands, the pressure, even though it is increasing, it increments in constant leaps, thereby being restricted to a constant value. The rubber expands as more and more hot gas is pumped in and the exhilarated particles bounce and push on the inside of the surface, pushing it outward. It rightfully obeys Charles’s Law.

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As evident in the graph above, Charles’s Law also helps us define absolute temperature (0 K or -273.15 C). According to the expression, absolute temperature is the temperature at which the volume of a gas is zero.

Also Read: What Is Avogadro’s Law (Avogadro’s Hypothesis Or Avogadro’s Principle)?

Hot Air Balloons

This is the most common application of Charles’s Law. The mental image of one of these sauntering in the wind is what inspired Charles himself to ponder the underlying mechanism behind its inflation. Since the third century B.C, we have known that an object floats in a fluid when it weighs less than the fluid it displaces. Or simply, an object floats when it is less dense than the fluid it attempts to float in.

Charles’s Law provides a succinct explanation for how hot air balloons work. According to Charles’s Law, if a balloon is filled with a heated gas, its volume must expand. At an elevated volume, the balloon then occupies a larger volume in the same weight as the surrounding air — its density is now less than the cold air and consequently, the balloon begins to rise.

possible error in charles law experiment

Bloated Tires

This isn’t exactly an application, but rather a vice, and probably the second most cited application of Charles’s Law. Charles’s law is responsible for the bloated tubes protruding out from a tire when it is left stranded in the sweltering summer heat. The torrential heat outside steadily flows into the tube and gradually causes the tire to expand, rendering it malformed or popped entirely.

possible error in charles law experiment

A regular check on your tires during the summer is highly recommended. Inattention and continued cycling can result in extremely dangerous consequences, as the tire can burst at any second if subjected to further expansion, additionally exacerbated by the inevitable inflow of heat derived from friction. Yeah, thanks Charles.


The engine of an automobile consists of a series of lined-up pistons that periodically bob up and down when there is an absence or presence of a fluid (respectively) directly above them. The ends of the pistons are attached to a crankshaft in a peculiar way so that their rise and fall rotates the shaft. The opposite ends of this crankshaft are connected to the rear wheels of the automobile, so when the rod rotates, the wheel rotates as well.

possible error in charles law experiment

Again, Charles’s Law is in the thick of the action. The pistons are pushed by the gas being produced as a consequence of fuel combustion. The combustion generates a huge amount of heat. As a result, the temperature soars and the converted gas immediately expands, such that its seething particles sprint towards the pistons. They push on them with all their force and thrust the vehicle forward.

  • Charles law -
  • Charles's law - Wikipedia. Wikipedia
  • Gas Laws. Purdue University
  • Charles's Law - Chemistry 301. The University of Texas at Austin

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Akash Peshin is an Electronic Engineer from the University of Mumbai, India and a science writer at ScienceABC. Enamored with science ever since discovering a picture book about Saturn at the age of 7, he believes that what fundamentally fuels this passion is his curiosity and appetite for wonder.

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SK015 Experiment 4: Charles' Law & The Ideal Gas Law

Charles' Law & The Ideal Gas Law. In this experiment we are going to set up Charles' Apparatus and study the effect of temperatures toward gas's volume. Then, we will determine molar mass of unknown liquid using Ideal Gas Law.

Jotter video by CraxLab KMPP

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11.16: Using Charles' Law to Determine Absolute Zero

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  • Page ID 135512

  • Frank Rioux
  • College of Saint Benedict/Saint John's University

\( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)

\( \newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\)

\( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\)

\( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\)

\( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\)

\( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\)

\( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\)

\( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorA}[1]{\vec{#1}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorAt}[1]{\vec{\text{#1}}}      % arrow\)

\( \newcommand{\vectorB}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \)

\( \newcommand{\vectorC}[1]{\textbf{#1}} \)

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\( \newcommand{\vectorDt}[1]{\overrightarrow{\text{#1}}} \)

\( \newcommand{\vectE}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash{\mathbf {#1}}}} \)

A simple experiment to determine absolute zero using Charles' Law is illustrated below. An Erlenmeyer flask is weighed and placed in a boiling water bath and allowed to come to thermal equilibrium. The temperature is measured and found to be 99.0 o C. The flask is then submerged, inverted, in an ice bath (0.20 o C) and allowed to come to thermal equilibrium. The contraction of the air in the flask at the lower temperature draws water into the flask. The flask is carefully removed, the outside dried and it is weighed. Finally, the flask is filled with water (as shown below on the right) and weighed. The mass measurements are converted to high and low temperature gas volumes and Charles's Law, V = a⋅ T+ b, is used to calculate absolute zero.

Screen Shot 2019-02-05 at 1.33.36 PM.png

Convert mass measurements to high and low temperature gas volumes:

High temperature: V h := \( \frac{224.4 gm - 83.0 gm}{1 \frac{gm}{mL}}\) = 0.141 L; T h := 99.0 Celsius

Low temperature: V l := \( \frac{224.4 gm - 120.8 gm}{1 \frac{gm}{mL}}\) = 0.104 L; T l := 0.20 Celsius

An algebraic method is used to calculate absolute zero. Three equations are required because there are three unknowns: a, b, and T 0 . Absolute zero is interpreted as the temperature at which the gas volume goes to zero. This is the last equation in the set of equations used to calculate a, b and T 0 .

\( \begin{pmatrix} V_{h} = a T_{h} + b\\ V_{1} = a T_{l} + b\\ 0 = a T_{0} + b \end{pmatrix}|_{float, 4}^{solve, \begin{pmatrix} a\\ b\\ T_{o} \end{pmatrix}} \rightarrow [0.3826 \frac{mL}{Celsius}~103.5 mL~(-270.6) Celsius]\)

The correct value for absolute zero is -273.2 o C. So this result is in error by approximately 1%.


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