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How to talk about free time in german.

A woman using her free time in German to play the piano

Once you’ve gotten past the weather , it can be tough to come up with small talk in another language. Fortunately, there’s another go-to topic: hobbies! Everyone has a hobby, which gives you an endless number of topics. But that also means that figuring out  how to talk about the ways you spend your free time in German can be a little tough. After all, there are so many options.

To start you out, we collected some of the most basic vocabulary for talking about free time to help you as you learn German . From sports to music and back again, there’s bound to be something here you love to do. And if you want to hear how any of this vocab is pronounced by a native speaker, just hit the play button next to each term.

Talking About Free Time In German

General phrases about free time.

What do you do in your free time? —  Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?

Do you have any hobbies? —  Hast du Hobbys?

the fun —  der Spaß

Arts And Culture Vocabulary

the theater —  das Theater

the play —  das Stück

the musical —  das Musical

to attend —  besuchen

the painting —  das Gemälde

the photography —  die Fotografie

the gallery —  die Galerie

the photo —  das Foto

to paint —  malen

the drawing —  die Zeichnung

the film —  der Film

the performance —  die Aufführung

the dance —  der Tanz

the book —  das Buch

to read —  lesen

the genre —  das Genre

the museum —  das Museum

the music —  die Musik

to sing —  singen

the instrument —  das Instrument

the guitar —  die Gitarre

the piano —  das Klavier

Do you play an instrument? —  Spielst du ein Instrument?

I like to listen to my music very loud. —  Ich höre gerne sehr laut Musik.

Do you like going to the theater? —  Gehst du gern ins Theater?

I learn dancing in a dance course. —  Ich lerne in einem Tanzkurs tanzen.

Games And Activities Vocabulary

the game —  das Spiel

the puzzle —  das Geduldsspiel

the chess —  das Schach

the card —  die Karte

to play —  spielen

the video game —  das Videospiel

the role-playing game —  das Rollenspiel

the board games —  das Brettspiel

the sport —  der Sport

the soccer —  der Fußball

the gymnasium —  das Fitnessstudio

the team —  die Mannschaft

to go shopping —  einkaufen gehen

second-hand —  gebraucht

eating out —  essen gehen

the restaurant —  das Restaurant

the club —  der Club

I love going to restaurants. —  Ich liebe es, ins Restaurant zu gehen.

I surf the internet. —  Ich surfe im Internet.

Do you do sports? — Treibst du Sport?

I jog every morning. —  Ich jogge jeden Morgen.

I play soccer twice a week. —  Ich spiele zweimal in der Woche Fußball.

I am a member of a sports club for martial arts. —  Ich bin Mitglied in einem Sportverein für asiatische Kampfkunst.

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Easy German Essays for Beginners: 8 Examples to Practice Your Language Skills

Easy German Essays for Beginners - 8 Examples to Practice Your Language Skills

Are you a beginner in learning German and looking for ways to practice your language skills? One great way to do so is by writing essays in German. Writing essays not only improves your grammar and vocabulary but also helps you express your thoughts and ideas in the target language. In this article, we will provide you with eight easy German essays for Beginners with English translation and vocabulary to help you get started.

  • Meine Familie (My family) – Write about your family, including their names, occupations, and hobbies.
  • Mein Haus (My house) – Describe your house or apartment, including the number of rooms, furniture, and decorations.
  • Meine Hobbys (My hobbies) – Talk about your favorite hobbies, such as playing sports, reading books, or listening to music.
  • Meine Schule (My school) – Write about your school, including its location, teachers, and subjects you study.
  • Meine Freunde (My friends) – Discuss your friends, including how you met them, their personalities, and what you like to do together.
  • Meine Stadt (My city) – Describe your city or town, including its population, tourist attractions, and cultural events.
  • Meine Reise (My trip) – Write about a recent trip you took, including the destination, transportation, and activities you did there.
  • Meine Lieblingsessen (My favorite food) – Talk about your favorite foods, including traditional German dishes and other international cuisines.

Remember to use simple vocabulary and sentence structures while writing the essays. Good luck with your German learning journey!

Table of Contents

Meine familie (my family).

Ich heiße Maria und ich möchte euch gerne meine Familie vorstellen. Wir sind insgesamt vier Personen in meiner Familie. Mein Vater heißt Klaus und er arbeitet als Ingenieur. Meine Mutter heißt Petra und sie ist Hausfrau. Mein Bruder heißt Jan und er geht noch zur Schule.

(My name is Maria, and I would like to introduce you to my family. We are a family of four. My father’s name is Klaus, and he works as an engineer. My mother’s name is Petra, and she is a homemaker. My brother’s name is Jan, and he still goes to school.)


  • Ich heiße Maria (My name is Maria)
  • insgesamt (altogether)
  • vier Personen (four persons)
  • der Vater (father)
  • arbeiten (to work)
  • der Ingenieur (engineer)
  • die Mutter (mother)
  • Hausfrau (homemaker)
  • der Bruder (brother)
  • noch zur Schule gehen (still go to school)

Mein Vater arbeitet in einem großen Unternehmen als Ingenieur. Er ist sehr fleißig und verbringt viel Zeit im Büro. In seiner Freizeit geht er gerne joggen oder spielt Golf. Meine Mutter kümmert sich um den Haushalt und verbringt viel Zeit damit, leckere Mahlzeiten zu kochen. Sie liest auch gerne Bücher und geht regelmäßig zum Yoga.

(My father works in a large company as an engineer. He is very hardworking and spends a lot of time in the office. In his free time, he likes to go jogging or play golf. My mother takes care of the household and spends a lot of time cooking delicious meals. She also likes to read books and regularly attends yoga classes.)

  • in einem großen Unternehmen (in a large company)
  • sehr fleißig (very hardworking)
  • viel Zeit (a lot of time)
  • im Büro (in the office)
  • in seiner Freizeit (in his free time)
  • joggen (to go jogging)
  • Golf spielen (to play golf)
  • sich kümmern um (to take care of)
  • der Haushalt (household)
  • leckere Mahlzeiten kochen (cook delicious meals)
  • gerne lesen (like to read)
  • regelmäßig (regularly)
  • zum Yoga gehen (go to yoga)

Mein Bruder Jan geht noch zur Schule und ist sehr sportlich. Er spielt Fußball im Verein und geht regelmäßig ins Fitnessstudio. In seiner Freizeit hört er gerne Musik und schaut Filme.

(My brother Jan still goes to school and is very sporty. He plays soccer in a club and regularly goes to the gym. In his free time, he likes to listen to music and watch movies.)

  • sehr sportlich (very sporty)
  • Fußball spielen (to play soccer)
  • im Verein (in a club)
  • ins Fitnessstudio gehen (to go to the gym)
  • Musik hören (listen to music)
  • Filme schauen (watch movies)

Ich studiere im Moment an der Universität und meine Hobbys sind Lesen, Reisen und Yoga. In meiner Freizeit gehe ich gerne in die Natur und genieße die frische Luft.

(I am currently studying at the university, and my hobbies are reading, traveling, and yoga. In my free time, I like to go into nature and enjoy the fresh air.)

  • studieren (to study)
  • an der Universität (at the university)
  • die Hobbys (hobbies)
  • Lesen (reading)
  • Reisen (traveling)
  • Yoga (yoga)
  • die Freizeit (free time)
  • in die Natur gehen (go into nature)
  • genießen (enjoy)
  • frische Luft (fresh air)

Das ist meine Familie. Wir haben viele verschiedene Hobbys und Interessen, aber wir verbringen auch gerne gemeinsam Zeit miteinander.

(This is my family. We have many different hobbies and interests, but we also enjoy spending time together.)

  • das ist (this is)
  • verschiedene Hobbys und Interessen (different hobbies and interests)
  • gerne Zeit miteinander verbringen (enjoy spending time together)

Top reasons why Berlin is the best city for Expats!

Mein Haus (My House)

Ich lebe in einem Haus mit drei Schlafzimmern und zwei Bädern. Das Haus ist zweistöckig und hat auch einen Keller. Im Erdgeschoss befinden sich das Wohnzimmer, die Küche und ein Esszimmer. Im Wohnzimmer haben wir ein bequemes Sofa und einen großen Fernseher. In der Küche gibt es eine Spülmaschine, einen Herd, einen Backofen und einen Kühlschrank. Das Esszimmer hat einen Esstisch mit sechs Stühlen.

(I live in a house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The house is two stories and also has a basement. On the ground floor, there is the living room, kitchen, and a dining room. In the living room, we have a comfortable sofa and a large television. In the kitchen, there is a dishwasher, stove, oven, and refrigerator. The dining room has a dining table with six chairs.)

  • das Haus (house)
  • die Schlafzimmer (bedrooms)
  • die Bäder (bathrooms)
  • zweistöckig (two-storied)
  • der Keller (basement)
  • das Erdgeschoss (ground floor)
  • das Wohnzimmer (living room)
  • die Küche (kitchen)
  • das Esszimmer (dining room)
  • ein bequemes Sofa (a comfortable sofa)
  • ein großer Fernseher (a large television)
  • eine Spülmaschine (a dishwasher)
  • ein Herd (a stove)
  • ein Backofen (an oven)
  • ein Kühlschrank (a refrigerator)
  • ein Esstisch (a dining table)
  • sechs Stühle (six chairs)

Im Obergeschoss befinden sich die Schlafzimmer und die Bäder. Mein Schlafzimmer hat ein großes Bett, einen Schreibtisch und einen Kleiderschrank. Das Badezimmer hat eine Badewanne und eine Dusche. In den anderen Schlafzimmern gibt es auch Betten und Schränke für Kleidung.

(Upstairs, there are the bedrooms and bathrooms. My bedroom has a large bed, a desk, and a closet. The bathroom has a bathtub and a shower. In the other bedrooms, there are also beds and closets for clothes.)

  • das Obergeschoss (upper floor)
  • das Schlafzimmer (bedroom)
  • der Schreibtisch (desk)
  • der Kleiderschrank (closet)
  • das Badezimmer (bathroom)
  • die Badewanne (bathtub)
  • die Dusche (shower)
  • die anderen Schlafzimmer (the other bedrooms)

Im Keller haben wir eine Waschmaschine und einen Trockner. Wir nutzen den Keller auch als Lager für Dinge, die wir nicht oft brauchen.

(In the basement, we have a washing machine and dryer. We also use the basement as a storage area for things we don’t need often.)

  • die Waschmaschine (washing machine)
  • der Trockner (dryer)
  • als Lager nutzen (use as storage area)
  • Dinge (things)

Wir haben auch einige Dekorationen im Haus. Im Wohnzimmer haben wir ein großes Gemälde an der Wand und im Esszimmer steht eine Vase mit Blumen auf dem Tisch.

(We also have some decorations in the house. In the living room, we have a large painting on the wall, and in the dining room, there is a vase of flowers on the table.)

  • die Dekorationen (decorations)
  • das Gemälde (painting)
  • die Wand (wall)
  • die Vase (vase)
  • die Blumen (flowers)
  • der Tisch (table)

Wir haben auch ein paar Teppiche im Haus, um den Boden zu bedecken. Das Wohnzimmer hat einen braunen Teppich, während die Schlafzimmer jeweils einen unterschiedlichen Farbton haben. Mein Schlafzimmer hat einen blauen Teppich, während das andere Schlafzimmer einen roten Teppich hat.

(We also have some carpets in the house to cover the floor. The living room has a brown carpet, while the bedrooms have a different color tone each. My bedroom has a blue carpet, while the other bedroom has a red carpet.)

  • der Teppich (carpet)
  • den Boden bedecken (to cover the floor)
  • unterschiedliche Farbton (different color tone)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr glücklich mit meinem Haus. Es ist gemütlich und hat genug Platz für meine Familie und mich.

(Overall, I am very happy with my house. It is cozy and has enough space for my family and me.)

  • insgesamt (overall)
  • glücklich (happy)
  • gemütlich (cozy)
  • genug Platz (enough space)

Difference between ein, eine, einen, and einem in the German Language

Meine hobbys (my hobbies).

Ich habe einige Hobbys, die ich sehr gerne mache. Eines meiner Lieblingshobbys ist es, Sport zu treiben. Insbesondere mag ich es, Basketball zu spielen und Laufen zu gehen. Ich liebe es, im Freien zu sein und Sport zu treiben, weil es mir hilft, mich fit und gesund zu halten.

(I have some hobbies that I really enjoy doing. One of my favorite hobbies is doing sports. In particular, I like to play basketball and go running. I love being outdoors and doing sports because it helps me stay fit and healthy.)

  • das Hobby (hobby)
  • Sport treiben (to do sports)
  • Basketball spielen (to play basketball)
  • Laufen gehen (to go running)
  • im Freien sein (to be outdoors)
  • fit und gesund (fit and healthy)

Ein weiteres Hobby von mir ist das Lesen von Büchern. Ich lese gerne Romane und Sachbücher, besonders über Geschichte und Wissenschaft. Lesen ist für mich eine Möglichkeit, zu lernen und meine Vorstellungskraft zu erweitern.

(Another hobby of mine is reading books. I enjoy reading novels and non-fiction books, especially about history and science. Reading is a way for me to learn and expand my imagination.)

  • das Lesen (reading)
  • das Buch (book)
  • der Roman (novel)
  • das Sachbuch (non-fiction book)
  • die Geschichte (history)
  • die Wissenschaft (science)
  • die Vorstellungskraft (imagination)

Außerdem höre ich gerne Musik. Ich mag viele verschiedene Genres wie Pop, Rock und Klassik. Musik kann meine Stimmung beeinflussen und mich entspannen.

(Additionally, I like to listen to music. I enjoy many different genres like pop, rock, and classical. Music can influence my mood and help me relax.)

  • die Musik (music)
  • das Genre (genre)
  • Pop, Rock, Klassik (pop, rock, classical)
  • die Stimmung (mood)
  • sich entspannen (to relax)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr dankbar für meine Hobbys. Sie helfen mir, meinen Geist und Körper gesund zu halten und mich zu entspannen.

(Overall, I am very grateful for my hobbies. They help me keep my mind and body healthy and help me relax.)

  • dankbar (grateful)
  • der Geist (mind)
  • der Körper (body)

German Essays on My Family: Meine Familie

Meine schule (my school).

Ich besuche eine Schule in der Nähe meines Hauses. Die Schule ist relativ groß und hat viele Schülerinnen und Schüler. Wir haben viele Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die alle sehr nett und hilfsbereit sind.

(I attend a school near my house. The school is relatively large and has many students. We have many teachers who are all very kind and helpful.)

  • besuchen (to attend)
  • die Nähe (proximity)
  • relativ (relatively)
  • die Schülerin (female student)
  • der Schüler (male student)
  • viele (many)
  • die Lehrerin (female teacher)
  • der Lehrer (male teacher)
  • nett (kind)
  • hilfsbereit (helpful)

Die Schule bietet viele verschiedene Fächer an, einschließlich Mathematik, Geschichte, Englisch, Naturwissenschaften und Fremdsprachen. Mein Lieblingsfach ist Englisch, weil ich gerne Geschichten lese und schreibe. Ich denke, dass es wichtig ist, eine gute Ausbildung zu haben, um im Leben erfolgreich zu sein.

(The school offers many different subjects, including mathematics, history, English, science, and foreign languages. My favorite subject is English because I enjoy reading and writing stories. I believe that having a good education is important to be successful in life.)

  • das Fach (subject)
  • einschließlich (including)
  • Mathematik (mathematics)
  • Geschichte (history)
  • Englisch (English)
  • Naturwissenschaften (science)
  • Fremdsprachen (foreign languages)
  • das Lieblingsfach (favorite subject)
  • die Geschichte (story)
  • die Ausbildung (education)
  • erfolgreich (successful)

Unsere Schule hat auch viele außerschulische Aktivitäten, wie zum Beispiel Sportmannschaften und Musikgruppen. Ich bin Mitglied des Schulfußballteams und wir haben viele Spiele gegen andere Schulen in der Gegend. Es macht mir viel Spaß und ich habe viele Freunde durch das Team kennengelernt.

(Our school also has many extracurricular activities, such as sports teams and music groups. I am a member of the school soccer team and we have many games against other schools in the area. It’s a lot of fun and I have made many friends through the team.)

  • außerschulisch (extracurricular)
  • die Aktivitäten (activities)
  • die Sportmannschaften (sports teams)
  • die Musikgruppen (music groups)
  • das Mitglied (member)
  • das Schulfußballteam (school soccer team)
  • das Spiel (game)
  • die Gegend (area)
  • der Spaß (fun)
  • der Freund (friend)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr glücklich auf meiner Schule und ich denke, dass ich hier eine gute Ausbildung bekomme. Ich hoffe, dass ich in Zukunft noch mehr von den vielen Möglichkeiten, die die Schule bietet, profitieren kann.

(Overall, I am very happy at my school and I think that I am getting a good education here. I hope that in the future, I can take advantage of even more of the many opportunities that the school offers.)

  • die Möglichkeit (opportunity)
  • profitieren (to take advantage of)

List of German adjectives with English meaning

Meine Freunde (My friends)

Ich habe viele Freunde, aber ich möchte über meine drei engsten Freunde sprechen. Wir haben uns alle in der Grundschule kennengelernt und sind seitdem unzertrennlich.

(I have many friends, but I want to talk about my three closest friends. We all met in elementary school and have been inseparable ever since.)

  • die Freunde (friends)
  • unzertrennlich (inseparable)

Mein erster Freund heißt Max. Er ist sehr sportlich und spielt gerne Fußball und Basketball. Max ist auch sehr lustig und hat immer eine positive Einstellung. Wir lieben es, zusammen Sport zu treiben oder Videospiele zu spielen.

(My first friend is Max. He is very athletic and likes to play soccer and basketball. Max is also very funny and always has a positive attitude. We love to exercise or play video games together.)

  • sportlich (athletic)
  • Fußball (soccer)
  • Basketball (basketball)
  • die Einstellung (attitude)
  • lustig (funny)
  • zusammen (together)
  • Videospiele (video games)

Meine Freundin Anna ist sehr künstlerisch und liebt es zu malen und zu zeichnen. Sie hat auch ein großes Herz und ist immer bereit, anderen zu helfen. Anna und ich machen oft zusammen Kunstprojekte oder gehen ins Kino.

(My friend Anna is very artistic and loves to paint and draw. She also has a big heart and is always willing to help others. Anna and I often do art projects together or go to the movies.)

  • künstlerisch (artistic)
  • malen (to paint)
  • zeichnen (to draw)
  • das Herz (heart)
  • bereit (willing)
  • helfen (to help)
  • das Kunstprojekt (art project)
  • ins Kino gehen (to go to the movies)

Mein Freund Tom ist sehr intelligent und liebt es, neue Dinge zu lernen. Er ist auch sehr abenteuerlustig und geht gerne auf Reisen. Tom und ich haben viele spannende Abenteuer erlebt, wie zum Beispiel Campingausflüge oder Klettertouren.

(My friend Tom is very smart and loves to learn new things. He is also very adventurous and likes to travel. Tom and I have had many exciting adventures, such as camping trips or climbing expeditions.)

  • intelligent (smart)
  • abenteuerlustig (adventurous)
  • die Reise (travel)
  • die Abenteuer (adventures)
  • der Campingausflug (camping trip)
  • die Klettertour (climbing expedition)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr dankbar für meine Freunde und bin froh, dass ich sie habe. Wir haben so viele schöne Erinnerungen zusammen gemacht und ich freue mich auf viele weitere Abenteuer mit ihnen.

(Overall, I am very grateful for my friends and am glad to have them. We have made so many beautiful memories together and I look forward to many more adventures with them.)

  • froh (glad)
  • die Erinnerungen (memories)

Meine Stadt (My city)

Ich lebe in einer Stadt namens Hamburg in Deutschland. Hamburg ist die zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands und hat eine Bevölkerung von etwa 1,8 Millionen Menschen. Es ist eine Hafenstadt und liegt an der Elbe.

(I live in a city called Hamburg in Germany. Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and has a population of about 1.8 million people. It is a port city and located on the river Elbe.)

  • die Bevölkerung (population)
  • der Hafen (port)
  • die Elbe (river Elbe)

Hamburg ist bekannt für seine vielen Touristenattraktionen. Eines der bekanntesten ist der Hamburger Hafen, der einer der größten Häfen Europas ist. Es gibt auch den Fischmarkt, auf dem man frischen Fisch kaufen und lokale Spezialitäten probieren kann.

(Hamburg is known for its many tourist attractions. One of the most famous is the Port of Hamburg, which is one of the largest ports in Europe. There is also the Fish Market, where you can buy fresh fish and try local specialties.)

  • die Touristenattraktionen (tourist attractions)
  • bekannt (known)
  • der Fischmarkt (fish market)
  • frisch (fresh)
  • lokale Spezialitäten (local specialties)

Außerdem gibt es viele kulturelle Veranstaltungen in Hamburg. Jedes Jahr findet das Hamburger Domfest statt, das größte Volksfest im Norden Deutschlands. Es gibt auch das Internationale Filmfest Hamburg, bei dem Filme aus der ganzen Welt gezeigt werden.

(Additionally, there are many cultural events in Hamburg. Every year, the Hamburg Dom Festival takes place, which is the largest folk festival in northern Germany. There is also the Hamburg International Film Festival, where films from all over the world are shown.)

  • kulturelle Veranstaltungen (cultural events)
  • das Domfest (folk festival)
  • das Internationale Filmfest (international film festival)
  • aus der ganzen Welt (from all over the world)

Insgesamt ist Hamburg eine lebendige und vielfältige Stadt, die für jeden etwas zu bieten hat.

(Overall, Hamburg is a vibrant and diverse city that has something to offer for everyone.)

  • lebendig (vibrant)
  • vielfältig (diverse)
  • etwas zu bieten haben (to have something to offer)

My trip (Meine Reise)

Ich bin vor Kurzem mit meiner Familie nach Paris gereist. Wir sind direkt von unserer Stadt aus geflogen und kamen früh am Morgen in Paris an.

(I recently went on a trip to Paris with my family. We took a direct flight from our city and arrived in Paris early in the morning.)

  • Vor Kurzem (recently)
  • Die Reise (trip)
  • Meine Familie (my family)
  • Fliegen (to fly)
  • Direkt (direct)
  • Unsere Stadt (our city)
  • Ankommen (to arrive)
  • Früh (early)
  • Am Morgen (in the morning)

Wir haben in einem Hotel im Herzen der Stadt gewohnt, in der Nähe vieler beliebter Sehenswürdigkeiten. Unser Hotelzimmer hatte eine tolle Aussicht auf den Eiffelturm, der nur einen kurzen Spaziergang entfernt war.

(We stayed in a hotel in the heart of the city, close to many popular tourist attractions. Our hotel room had a great view of the Eiffel Tower, which was just a short walk away.)

  • das Hotel (hotel)
  • die Stadt (city)
  • die Nähe (proximity, closeness)
  • die Sehenswürdigkeiten (tourist attractions)
  • das Hotelzimmer (hotel room)
  • die Aussicht (view)
  • der Eiffelturm (Eiffel Tower)
  • der Spaziergang (walk)

Während unseres Aufenthalts haben wir viele berühmte Wahrzeichen der Stadt besucht, darunter das Louvre-Museum und die Kathedrale Notre-Dame. Wir haben auch eine Bootsfahrt auf der Seine gemacht, was eine großartige Möglichkeit war, die Stadt aus einer anderen Perspektive zu sehen.

(During our stay, we visited many of the city’s famous landmarks, including the Louvre Museum and Notre-Dame Cathedral. We also went on a boat tour of the Seine River, which was a great way to see the city from a different perspective.)

  • der Aufenthalt (stay)
  • berühmte Wahrzeichen (famous landmarks)
  • das Louvre-Museum (the Louvre Museum)
  • die Kathedrale Notre-Dame (Notre-Dame Cathedral)
  • die Bootsfahrt (boat tour)
  • die Seine (the Seine River)
  • aus einer anderen Perspektive (from a different perspective)

Eines der Highlights unserer Reise war das Probieren der köstlichen französischen Küche. Wir haben in vielen verschiedenen Restaurants und Cafés gegessen und alles von Croissants bis Escargots ausprobiert.

(One of the highlights of our trip was trying the delicious French cuisine. We ate at many different restaurants and cafes, and tried everything from croissants to escargots.)

  • das Highlight (the highlight)
  • die Reise (the trip)
  • das Probieren (the trying/tasting)
  • die köstliche französische Küche (the delicious French cuisine)
  • das Restaurant (the restaurant)
  • das Café (the café)
  • alles (everything)
  • der Croissant (the croissant)
  • die Escargots (the escargots (snails))

Insgesamt war unser Trip nach Paris eine wunderbare Erfahrung. Wir haben die schönen Sehenswürdigkeiten, das leckere Essen und die reiche Kultur der Stadt genossen. Es war eine großartige Gelegenheit, Zeit mit meiner Familie zu verbringen und bleibende Erinnerungen zu schaffen.

(Overall, our trip to Paris was a wonderful experience. We enjoyed the beautiful sights, delicious food, and rich culture of the city. It was a great opportunity to spend time with my family and create lasting memories.)

  • Insgesamt (Overall)
  • Trip (trip)
  • Paris (Paris)
  • Eine wunderbare Erfahrung (A wonderful experience)
  • Wir haben genossen (We enjoyed)
  • Die schönen Sehenswürdigkeiten (The beautiful sights)
  • Das leckere Essen (The delicious food)
  • Die reiche Kultur der Stadt (The rich culture of the city)
  • Eine großartige Gelegenheit (A great opportunity)
  • Zeit mit meiner Familie zu verbringen (To spend time with my family)
  • Bleibende Erinnerungen zu schaffen (To create lasting memories)

Meine Lieblingsessen (My favorite food)

Ich esse gerne viele verschiedene Arten von Essen und habe viele Lieblingsspeisen. Einige meiner Favoriten sind traditionelle deutsche Gerichte wie Schnitzel und Spätzle, Sauerkraut und Bratwurst.

(I like to eat many different types of food and have many favorite dishes. Some of my favorites are traditional German dishes like Schnitzel and Spätzle, Sauerkraut, and Bratwurst.)

  • Lieblingsspeisen (favorite dishes)
  • traditionelle deutsche Gerichte (traditional German dishes)
  • Schnitzel (breaded and fried meat cutlets)
  • Spätzle (soft egg noodles)
  • Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage)
  • Bratwurst (grilled or fried sausage)

Ich mag auch viele internationale Küchen, wie zum Beispiel italienische Pizza und Pasta, thailändisches Curry, indische Masala und japanisches Sushi.

(I also enjoy many international cuisines, such as Italian pizza and pasta, Thai curry, Indian masala, and Japanese sushi.)

  • internationale Küchen (international cuisines)

Ein weiteres meiner Lieblingsessen ist mexikanisches Essen wie Tacos, Quesadillas und Guacamole. Die Kombination aus scharfen Gewürzen und frischen Zutaten macht das Essen zu einer Geschmacksexplosion.

(Another one of my favorite foods is Mexican cuisine like tacos, quesadillas, and guacamole. The combination of spicy seasonings and fresh ingredients makes the food a flavor explosion.)

  • scharfe Gewürze (spicy seasonings)
  • frische Zutaten (fresh ingredients)
  • Geschmacksexplosion (flavor explosion)
  • mexikanisches Essen (Mexican cuisine)
  • Tacos (filled tortillas)
  • Quesadillas (stuffed and grilled tortillas)
  • Guacamole (dip made from mashed avocado)

Insgesamt genieße ich es, neue Gerichte und Küchen auszuprobieren und verschiedene Aromen und Texturen zu entdecken. Essen ist eine große Leidenschaft von mir und ich liebe es, zu kochen und neue Rezepte zu kreieren.

(Overall, I enjoy trying new dishes and cuisines and discovering different flavors and textures. Food is a big passion of mine, and I love to cook and create new recipes.)

  • Aromen und Texturen (flavors and textures)
  • Leidenschaft (passion)
  • Rezepte (recipes)
  • kochen (to cook)
  • kreieren (to create)

Some Travel hacks when travelling in Europe


In conclusion, writing essays in German can be a fun and effective way to improve your language skills. The eight essay examples provided in this article (Easy German Essays for Beginners) offer a range of topics that will help you practice your writing skills, expand your vocabulary, and gain confidence in your ability to express yourself in German. So why not try writing one of these essays today and see how much progress you can make in your German language journey?

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GCSE German #006: Topics – Free Time (Freizeit)


  • October 20, 2015
  • Deutsch , GCSE German

Hello everyone! Yet another Monday is upon us, so it’s time for a little more German practice. We’re focussing on a specific topic again this week, namely free time. So let’s dive right in, shall we?

GCSE German 006

Again – there will be a few activities for each skill related to this topic. As far as topics go, I think this is one of the most interesting ones, because it’s a chance to really get into what you’re interested in. You’ll also  always  find opportunities to talk about your hobbies in the future, so it’s good practice too.

BBC Bitesize – Free time activities [ foundation ] [ higher ]: Again, this is all pretty straightforward. Remember that the BBC Bitesize website also has reading, speaking, writing and grammar exercises, so it’s a good site to have bookmarked, particularly as we head later into the school year.

DW.com – Audiotrainer Lessons 41-50 : There are lots of different podcasts here that make up the Deutsche Welle Audiotrainer course, but lessons 41-50 cover the topics ‘Orientation and Leisure Activities’ as well as ‘Disco, Travel, Holiday and Sport’. These should cover the basic vocabulary you’ll need for these topics.

Deutsch Perfekt – Bücher: Wer liest was und wie? : Another article from Deutsch Perfekt, this time about books. It’s labelled as  leich t  (easy), so it shouldn’t be too difficult to read and it’s not too long.

Auf Deutsch – Sport: Die EM in Berlin : For all you sports fans; this article is from 2012, but it’s about the European Championships, so it might be of some interest to some of you. There are some underlined words that help with grammar points, too. Check out the rest of this website for other articles; they’re designed for GCSE level students.

nthuleen.com – Arbeitsblatt: Bücher und Filme : This covers some vocabulary you’ll need to learn if you want to talk about films or books, but it also has some questions about the kinds of books you like at the end. There are six questions and you only really need to write a few sentences for each, so it shouldn’t take too long. ( Here’s the answer sheet , if you need it.)

German Resources – Free Time : So if you click on the links here it downloads the worksheets as word documents; the seventh one down is called ‘Free Time Writing’ and it has some questions that you can write answers to. Remember to try and get your answers checked if possible!

Topics for conversation : This is a document that’s been uploaded to help with GCSE tutoring, but you can use it for your own purposes too. If you scroll down to page three, then there are the leisure questions – there are different questions depending on the grade you’re aiming for, but even if you’re just starting, begin with the grade E-G questions and then work your way up!

Okay, that should do it for this week! Next week will be a little different, so look out for that. See you then!

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Free time Leisure activities

Germans are known for being hard workers, but they also enjoy a variety of leisure activities, from music and surfing the web to extreme sports.

Part of German Listening

Leisure activities

Germans are renowned for being hard-working people, but they certainly enjoy their leisure time too.

Germany is a leader in world football and it’s quite common for a young person to become Mitglied eines Sportvereins – a member of a sports club team, as well as enjoying music, Facebook, Twitter, hanging out with friends, baking, shopping and all sorts of other things.

How do German speakers say what they do in their free time?

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Was machst du in deiner Freizeit?– What do you do in your free time?

Was machen Sie in Ihrer Freizeit?– What do you (polite) do in your free time?

A woman wearing sports clothing eating a bannana at a sports track with silhouettes of people doing other sporting activities in the background.

Listen to these verbs to warm up.

Hilfsvokabeln – Helpful vocabulary

backen– to bake

Einkaufen gehen– to go shopping

fernsehen– to watch TV

Filme herunterladen– to download films

Fußball spielen– to play football

kochen– to cook

Musik herunterladen– to download music

Musik hören– to listen to music

schlafen– to sleep

schwimmen gehen– to go swimming

tanzen gehen– to go dancing

wandern gehen– to go on a walk

Zeit mit der Familie verbringen– to spend time with family

Zeit mit Freunden verbringen– to spend time with friends

Did you know?

Germany, Austria and Switzerland are three of the most successful winter-sport nations in the world.

Germany and Switzerland in particular have always had very successful bobsleigh – der Doppelschlitten – teams and have won more Olympic medals – die Olympiamedaillen – between them than any other nation.

Germany is the only country in the world to have four bobsleigh, luge and skeleton tracks.

In winter, outdoor sports are very popular and you can often see people heading out to go skiing or outdoor ice-skating for the day. It is certainly much easier to do this than in the UK.

Men's Two-Man Bobsleigh training session

More guides on this topic

  • Classroom Videos

Related links

  • Personalise your Bitesize!
  • Jobs that use Languages
  • BBC News: Germany profile
  • BBC Food: German recipes
  • Educational App Store Subscription
  • Digital dialects

my free time activities essay in german

Time to Learn German

Semester Unit

Course Description

What do Germans like to do with their free time?   That's the question we wish to answer in this unit. 

In doing so, you grow your cultural understanding and appreciation of the Germans and their way of thinking. 

Competing the lessons in this unit will also help you improve your German reading, listening, writing, speaking and vocabulary skills.  

Let's get started...

Course curriculum

Objective = develop german skills in the context of "freizeit" (leisure time). work your way from top to bottom on this page..

CULTURE: Brief Animated History of Germany- Must Watch!

Your Assignment Schedule = 9 Week Work Plan

Quizlet = Homework Every Day (Find Assigned Chapters in Vocab Section Below)

CULTURE: Freizeit = Fussball

A Brief History of German Soccer

Video: What is FIFA?

Video: The Best and Most Fun German Soccer Game Ever (FIFA 2014 Germany v. Brazil = one hour and 45 minutes)

Video: Tactical analysis of Brazil - World Cup 2014 Germany

Video: Historical Event: June 27, 2018! Germany Loses the World Cup in the First Round of Games!

Germans Still Had Humor In Spite of the Disaster of FIFA 2018

Video: You Will Be So Surprised to See What It's Like Going to a Local Soccer Game in Germany (filmed in Stuttgart)

Video: Best American Soccer Player In Germany

Video: Bio of Next American Soccer Super Star

Listening Test: The World's Best Female Tennis Player in 2018 is a German!

CULTURE: Was ist Handball?

The Basics Of The Game (auf deutsch)

CULTURE: "Zocken"

Text: Was bedeutet "zocken"

Video: Take a Tour of the World's Largest Gaming Conference- GAMESCOM 2018 in Köln

Infomier Dich! VR

CULTURE: Germans Love Ice Cream!

Realia: Look At This Real Ice Cream Menu from a German Eisdiele!

Read This Brief Bio of the Man Who Invented Spaghettieis

Read This English Article to Understand the Long History of Ice Cream in Germany

Video: The History of How Ice Cream Came to Germany (German Listening Comprehension Activity)

Quiz: Listening Comprehension Test Based on the Previous Video

Foto: Was für ein Eis isst du am liebsten?

Just for Fun: Ice Cream Test

CULTURE: Urlaub und Ferien

Infoblatt- Urlaub und Ferien- Assignment = write down the translation of these facts and use some in your essay and oral activities

Video: Brief Report About the Importance of Vacation in Germany

Video: An American Living in Germany Explains Vacations and Holidays in Germany

Video: Comparison of Vacations in Germany and the USA

Video: Six Things That Germans Tend To Do Often When On Vacation

Video: British Commercial for Going on a Vacation in Germany

Articles and Statistics to Read: Wohin fahren die Deutschen am liebsten im Urlaub?

CULTURE: Visiting Castles in the German State of Rheinland-Pfalz

A Great Free Time Activity in the State of Rheinland-Palitinate is Visiting Castles

Article: Germany is the Second Best Travel Destination in the World - Read and list the reasons why!

CULTURE: der Schrebergarten

Video: Celebrating Schrebergardens in East Germany (auf deutsch mit englischen Untertitel)

Video: Woher kommt der Schrebergarten? (auf deutsch-keine Untertitel und kein Manuskript)

Activity: Im Schrebergarten die Seele baumeln lassen (Higher Level Only)

Culture Project: Written Assignment

Culture Summary Sheet- Print & Complete (Due at the End of Work Week 1)

VOCABULARY: Spell and Memorize the Assigned Words

Daily Flashcard Assignment (with Leitner Game Instructions)

Video: How to Build the Leitner Study System

Video: How To Run A Leitner Study Session = First 10 Minutes Of Every German Work Period

Instruction Sheet: How to Create and Play The Leitner Flashcard Game

Blank Leitner Schedule

TEXT-HANDLING: Develop Your Reading Strategies

Part 1 = Read This Project Instruction Sheet

Part 2 = Work With These Question Sheets First- Print A Copy, Highlight, Guess Answers

Part 3 = Print This German Text, Highlight, Circle, Draw Links

Part 4 = Correct & Score With This Markscheme (Do NOT Open Until Parts 1-3 Are Completed)

READING: Take this Practice Text-Handling Test (closed book, no resources)

Test Prompt

Text-Handling Test for "Freizeit" (30 minute timed test- show it to your teacher when finished)

Antworten (use a red pencil to correct your answers- do not erase or change your original responses)

Text-handling Wrap-up Project (can also be done as a warm-up activity, if new to German language studies)

WRITING: Part 1 = Study Your Text Type Features BEFORE the Timed Writing Day

Overview of the TTLG German Essay Writing Process

The Most Popular Exam Text Types

23 Text Types: Study The Features and Put At Least 5 In Your Writing Assignment and Exam Paper

WRITING: Part 2 = Timed Writing (you may use a paper dictionary to help with the prompt)

IB Writing Prompts for "Freizeit"

Alternative (non-IB formatted) Writing Prompts for "die Freizeit"

WRITING: Part 3 = Improve your First Draft- DOUBLE SPACE IT! Using an Online Dictionary is Fine, but Do Not Use Any Translation Sites Yet.

How to Fix Your First Draft- Checklist

Add 6 Cohesive Words- Usually Need Inverted Word Order After Each

Add a Few Satzanfänge und Konnektoren

Add Some Authentic German Phrases

You Must Add at Least One German Idiom

Video: Photo Gallery Of Some of The Most Popular German Idioms

Handout: Use This TRACTOR to Help You Improve Your Writing

Move Up the Skill Ladder - Add some of these higher level structures

WRITING: Part 4 = Color Code and Label Each Word In Your Improved Draft. Staple New Work On Top of Old. Submit Packet to Teacher For General Feedback

Photo: What a Color-Coded Sentence Might Look Like

How to Color Code and Label the Parts of Speech

Color Coding Grammar Tips

SPEAKING: Individual Oral

Create Your Individual Oral Photo Prompt

Oral Exam Instructions and Script = Your Template For The Best Oral Exam Ever

Handout: Phrases of Disagreement (To Use In Your IO Script)

Audio: Pronunciation Help

WRITING: Part 5 = Using Teacher Feedback from Color-Coded Copy Write A New Improved Draft- DOUBLE-SPACED. Do Not Use an Online Translation Site Yet.

Checklist of Most Common Errors- Use This To Improve Your Writing

GRAMMAR: Compete the Assigned Grammar Textbook Exercises

Grammar Textbook Pacing and Topics- Go Do the Work That You Are Assigned

Grammar Help with Frau Doktor Bogard's Video Lessons

WRITING: Part 6 = 1. Do the Inventory of Errors 2. Write Your Errors Report 3. Create the Final Best Version of Your Essay (Now You Can Use an Online Translation Tool) 4. Complete a Cover Sheet. Staple Everything & Submit to Your Teacher

Teacher Error Coding Sheets. Shows You Every Possible Grammar Mistake That Can Be Made in German.

Print this Inventory of Errors Document- Add a Tally Mark for Each Teacher Error Code

How to Create Your Errors Report

Excellent Example of an Errors Report- Yours Can Even Be Better :)

Label Your Final Paper With Format Features & Grammar Codes Using This Grammar Structure Checklist

Rubric For Evaluating Your Final Essay (IB HL)

Print and Complete This Writing Project Cover Sheet- Staple to the Top of Your Writing Packet

Listening A: Develop Your Test-Taking Strategy For The Listening Exam

The Practice Test

The German Audio For The Practice Test

Answer Key- Do Not Open Until You Have Completed The Warm-up Activity And The Test

Video Version Of The Audio- Do Not Open Until You Have Completed The Practice Test

Audio Transcript: For Additional Practice After The Test & Video (Track The Words With Your Eyes While You Listen)

LISTENING B: Complete the Assigned "Schlager" Listening Project (= Separate Course on Your Dashboard)

List of Listening Projects- Only Do the 1 Assigned Project

Schedule Your 12 Minute Oral Exam With Your Teacher. Practice with a Partner Using Your Script and Question Sheets Below Until Then.

Learn About the IB Oral Exam Happening in March of Your Senior Year

Handout: PALM Weather (A Mnemonic Device For The Opening of Your IA Oral Exam)

Sentence Builder For The Topic Of "Ferien" Using The Future Tense

Conversation Questions for "Freizeit" (Leisure)

Conversation Questions about "Ferien und Urlaub" (Vacation)

Conversation Questions about "Tourismus" (Tourism)

Handout: Listening Words (use these instead of saying "Ja" to everything)

Handout: Discussion Extenders

Handout: Grammar Checklist -How many of these show up in your oral?

my free time activities essay in german

State Certified German Teacher For 30 Years

Three purchase options: single resource purchase, 10-month access to all resources, or monthly subscription to all resources, $47.00 / month, $47.00 / month all german teaching resources, $199.00 10 month access to all resources.


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  1. Free German Essay on Daily Routine: Mein Tagesablauf

    Need to write a German essay on your daily routine? See a free essay sample to help with your homework! Vocabulary and English translations included.

  2. How To Talk About Free Time In German - Babbel.com

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  3. Easy German Essays for Beginners: 8 Examples to Practice Your ...

    The eight essay examples provided in this article (Easy German Essays for Beginners) offer a range of topics that will help you practice your writing skills, expand your vocabulary, and gain confidence in your ability to express yourself in German.

  4. Describing your free time - KS3 German - BBC Bitesize

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  5. Free time activities - Free time - GCSE German Revision - BBC

    Improve your reading skills by learning vocabulary and developing strategies to understand texts on the theme of free time.

  6. GCSE German #006: Topics - Free Time (Freizeit) - 学习Sprachen

    Hello everyone! Yet another Monday is upon us, so it’s time for a little more German practice. We’re focussing on a specific topic again this week, namely free time. So let’s dive right in, shall we? Again – there will be a few activities for each skill related to this topic.

  7. Leisure activities - Free time - GCSE German Revision - BBC

    Practise understanding leisure activities in German, including revision of questions and negatives.

  8. Talking about hobbies in German - Learn german online

    – This phrase means “In my free time…” in German. You can use it to talk about what you do in your leisure time.

  9. Culture: Freizeit - Time to Learn German

    What do Germans like to do with their free time? That's the question we wish to answer in this unit. In doing so, you grow your cultural understanding and appreciation of the Germans and their way of thinking.

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