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How to Make a Movie Review Website

Ben Sibley

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Ben Sibley

“Follow the plan outlined here and you can create your own website from scratch without writing any code for less than $300.”

Are your opinions different?

Is everyone missing out on the best films?

If you’ve got something unique to offer as a movie reviewer, there’s still plenty of space online for your voice.

You’ve probably posted reviews on IMDb and other sites, but building your own website will allow you to turn your reviews into a business.

With your own website, you can publish and share your reviews, and earn from advertising on your site.

The best part is that making a website is pretty easy these days. Here’s how to get started.

Get a domain

Get your site online, get to know your new website, transform your site for movie reviews, start publishing your reviews, how to create a movie review site.

Before we get into the design or anything like that, there’s one step you have to complete first.

I’m sure you’re familiar with domain names, but just to make sure we’re on the same page, a domain name is the address of a website. For example, and are both domain names.

If this is a side project and you don’t have a lot of funding then you’ll likely want to get a domain for as cheap as possible. Unregistered .com domains only cost about $10/year, but any domains for sale by flippers will cost thousands of dollars (then $10/year to keep).

The problem is that finding an unregistered domain is really tough. That’s why I put together a guide on finding available domains .

Domain Name Post

If you’re having any trouble finding a good domain name, try the techniques listed in that article and I’m sure it will help.

Once you have your domain name picked out, you’re ready to get a basic site online.

The next thing you need is hosting.

What is hosting?

When someone visits your domain, you need a server to deliver your website’s content to the visitor’s browser so the site loads.

Visualization of server sending files to computer

This doesn’t mean you need to purchase a server rack and put it in your house. Only the world’s largest companies (like Google and Amazon) maintain their own servers. Everyone else rents space on a server from a hosting company. Renting the use of a server is called hosting .

How to get hosting

Signing up for hosting is just as easy as making any other online purchase.

There are thousands of hosts to choose from, but for a new WordPress user, I recommend Nexcess .

Nexcess WordPress Hosting

Nexcess has a great mix of affordability and reliability. If you go any cheaper with hosting, you tend to have lots of issues.

They also have services bundled with the hosting, such as automated daily backups.

Once you signup, they’ll auto-create a brand new WP website for you, so you’ll be ready to get started with the WP dashboard right away.

Your website will use the latest default theme, so initially, it will look something like this:

Twenty Twenty theme

If you want to get familiar with WordPress and how it works, this video will give you a walkthrough of the whole dashboard.

You won’t be a master of WordPress just yet, but after watching that dashboard tour, you’ll be familiar with the interface itself.

With a live WordPress site and a basic understanding of how it works, you’re ready to turn your boring site into a gorgeous movie review website.

WordPress websites change their design primarily by using themes , and they add new functionality by adding plugins .

Depending on your site vision and goals, there are two different paths you can take. I’ll outline both and make some product recommendations.

Make a simple movie review blog

The first approach is to make a simple movie review website where your personal brand and perspective will be the focal point of the site.

To do this, I would recommend picking a free blog theme. We have 19 free themes all made for content creators.

Compete Themes Templates

Adding one of these themes will give your site a clean look and a design that adapts well to mobile devices. Once you’ve switched your theme, you can follow this basic customization guide to set things up the way you want.

Now your website isn’t just a blog, it’s a movie review website which means you need a way to add star ratings to your posts. For that, I recommend the Schema Pro plugin.

Schema Pro

This plugin will add schema data to your site that lets your ratings show up on Google, which can greatly help with the search traffic your site receives.

For many people, that’s all they’ll need, but if you have something more ambitious in mind, try this next approach.

Build a movie review database

If you want to build a database and potentially have multiple reviewers on your site, the Moview theme is an incredible tool.


This theme comes with a review system and also an IMDb importer. You can import movies and celebrities from IMDb with this automated system and display their info automatically on your site.

Using these tools, you can quickly build a large website and have thousands of movies to write reviews for.

Moview is also extremely customizable. It includes a page builder plugin called Visual Composer which lets you create entirely custom page designs. It’s more work, but you get total control over layouts this way.

If you want additional alternatives to choose from, you can check out this collection of movie themes .

Best WordPress Movie Themes

While not specific to movies, we also have a collection of product review themes with more excellent templates.

By following the steps above, you’ll get a WordPress website online in record time.

Regardless of the content and design, you’ll need to get a domain and hosting, and Nexcess is an excellent host to get started with.

Signup with Nexcess

If your goal is to create a simple review website where you’re the only author, that can be done entirely with free themes and plugins.

Check out our free blog themes

Creating a large movie database website is possible, too, using the Moview theme. It’s an interesting option to explore if you hadn’t even considered it.

See the Moview theme

I hope this tutorial has helped give you a clear understanding of how to create your movie review website.

If this guide helped you out, make sure to share it with someone else before you go!

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Elementor » Academy » Integrations » Create a WordPress Movie Review Website with Elementor and Toolset

Create a WordPress Movie Review Website with Elementor and Toolset

In this tutorial, we combine Elementor and Toolset to create a dynamic movie review website on WordPress. You’ll learn how to:

* Use dynamic content * Create custom post types with Toolset * Create custom fields with Toolset * Build an archive template with Elementor * Build a single template with Elementor

hi everyone this is Paul from bring up that call and I’m back with another element or dynamic filled tutorial this time we’re going to take a look at tool set which is a really cool plugin that helps us with creating custom post types custom fields custom taxonomies and a bunch of other really nice features so let’s first start by showing you what we’re going to create you in this tutorial this is a movie blog website with a nice full width hero section here at the top with a search widget inside of it a lot of you asked in the comments of the last video how to create a custom search and custom filters for your custom post types and actually toolset has this functionality inside of their tool set views plug-in sadly for this tutorial I won’t be showing how to create that because it gets a bit technical and will make the video too long maybe we’ll have a separate video in the future explaining how to do it however if you needed functionality now and we decided to go ahead with tools that you can take a look at the documentation their website for to see reviews on how to create them they do a great job explaining it that being said let’s scroll down the page where we can see a list of movies that come dynamically from the back end and if I were to click on one of them like for example this one the fighter we can see the single page template for that movie load up here at the top we have the title followed by the trailer and on the right side we have a nice social sharing widget under the trailer we have the plot of the movie as well as the IMDB rating followed by a code about the movie and then some content here at the bottom and lastly we have the image of the movie and some general information like the genre director writers and a few more on the right side we can see our latest movies and if I were to click on one of them for example Captain America we have the exact same design so all we have to do if we want to add a new movie is just feeling the information on the back end and the movie is going to follow the exact same template that being said let’s jump into WordPress and create that okay so we now inside of WordPress and I already went ahead and set up something so we don’t waste any time with them I’ve already created the header and the footer we can see them here on the front page and the page is empty right now it’s only the header and the footer with no content here yet I’ve also went ahead and install the required plugins let me quickly jump back into the dashboard and go under plugins installed plugins we will be using three plugins element or element or pro and toolset types that’s all we need right now so let’s jump into building a custom post type you can see on the Left sidebar under Elementor that we have a new entry called toolset I will hover over that and click on post types on this page we can see the pre-built post types of WordPress but we don’t need to worry about them so I’m going to click on add new and we’re now inside of the add new post type page here we need to provide a bit of information to create our post type the first thing being the plural name of this post time so I’m going to call that tMI’s then we need to provide a singular name which is going to be Navy and then I’ll press tab to go to the slug so it automatically completes it with the lowercase version of the singular name that’s perfect for now I also want to change the icon so I will click on change icon here and I will search for tickets and I will choose this one tickets out perfect now we don’t need to worry about the labels or about the taxonomies right now all I want to do is come here to the sections to display one editing movie and I want to check on the featured image because we want to be able to provide an image for our custom post type I also don’t have to worry about the options so I will go here at the top and for the add in mini position after I will choose comments because I won’t discuss the post type to be displayed after the comments here in the sidebar and I will click on save post type and we now have a new entry called movies here under comments so I will hover over that and click on all items and you can see this is empty right now so we can go ahead and create our custom fields I will hover over to set again and this time click on custom fields here we can create our new field group so I’ll click on the add new group button and I’ll give a name to this group I will call it movie yes perfect and now I will click Save field group because I want to be able to specify where this appears on so I’ll now click back on settings to expand this and here it’s by default this group of fields will appear while editing on content we don’t want that so I’m to here and edit and I will check here our newly created custom post type and then I will click on apply’ perfect so now this movie fields group will only show up on our custom post side so we can now go ahead and create our first field I will click on the add field button the first field that we are going to create is the trailer link field so I will choose the URL type of field if you look into the top right corner of the screen right now you will be able to see how this field is going to look like on the front end we will link this field together with a video widget to dynamically display the movies trailer into the template that being said I will name this field trailer link and he tapped automatically filling the slug just like this you can see the slug was filled in automatically by pressing tab we don’t need to worry about any other setting so I will close this up and create our second film I will click again on the add new field button and the second field is for the plot of the movie which is a small paragraph so I will choose the multi-line type of field here once again in the top right corner of the screen you can see the result on the front end this field will be displayed under our trailer describing the action of the movie I will therefore name this field plot and once again press tab to automatically fill in the slug we don’t need to worry about any of these settings either so I will close this up and create our third field the third field that we will create is the IMDB rating field so I need to select a number type of field this is going to be displayed under the trailer on the same line as the plot showing our visitors what rating this movie has on IMDB we will hook this up with an icon box field allowing us to have a nice visual way to describe our type of rating disease so I will name this field rating that being said I’ll quickly create the other fields on phosphorus so we don’t waste a ton of time with them okay so now we’ve created all the custom fields that we need in case you’re wondering this one with a little aim from this old single line custom field that being said I can now go ahead and click on save field group perfect and we can see that the post field group was saved I only want to do one more thing before proceeding with filling in the information our custom post type and that creating a custom taxonomy so here on tool set I will choose taxonomies and now on this page we can see the built in WordPress taxonomies we don’t need to worry about them so I’ll click here on add new and now we’re on a screen pretty similar to the one that we’ve used to create our post time so I will now name our custom taxonomy I will call it movie genres for the singular I will do movie genre and for the slug the default works and I also want here to change the taxonomy type from her article like categories to flat like tags you will see why when we start using them and also I want to associate movies with this taxonomy so it only works with this one and I will click on save taxonomy now if I hover over movies here you can see we have our movie genres taxonomy and if I were to click on it it’s a very similar screen like the one used to create categories and tags we’ve now completed our custom post type setup so we can go ahead and fill in the information we’ll start off by creating our movie genres those are going to be very helpful later on because it will allow us to filter movies based on genre so I’ll start with the first one which is going to be action I will type here under named action and then I will just click on add a movie genre because the slug is going to be taken care of automatically by WordPress now I have a few more to add so I will add them on fast-forward so you can see that we now have here a whole host of movie genres that will allow us to filter movies based on them that being said I will now go ahead and create our first movie so I’ll go under add new here so we are now inside of the add new movie screen and as you can see in addition to the title and content inputs that come with the default WordPress post we have all the other fields that we’ve created earlier like the trailer link plot rating and all the others so I’ll start by filling in the title which is going to be the fighter and 2010 then I’ll copy paste some of the content so we’ll start with the actual content of the page which is in this case Laura hips then I’ve placed in the trailer link the plot I will provide the rating which is seven point eight on IMDB and I’ll provide a code about the movie the country is USA the Raptor writers stars what a words this movie won and the duration which is one hour 56 minutes perfect so we fill in the information here and what we want to do is come up here and fill in the movie genres and because we’ve set them as tags we need to search for them so I know this one is a biography so research for biography and then click on it and click on add and you can see we have it here now and this one is also drama and sport so we have our genres here the last thing that we need to do is set the featured image so I’ll take you on set featured image and I will choose the movie poster which is this one and click a set featured image perfect so now our movie is done and I can click on publish and if I go here to all items we have our entry to fighter here so I can start making a few more and I’ll be back in just a second alright so I’ve added a few more movies so we have what to work with now we can go ahead and create our first template which is going to be the archive so we can display our movies in the nice grid that I showed you at the beginning so I will not hover over element or my template and you can see here we have the header and the footer that I’ve created earlier now we can go ahead and click on add new and here it asks us what type of time that you want to work on so I’m gonna click on this and select an archive and I will name this movie archive so it’s easier to find and I will click on create template once the site of Alimentum you can see that the library panel for the blocks was automatically opened but I don’t want to use it so I will close it up so there are two things that I want to do before creating the template the first one is setting the right preview for our archive so and click here on the little eyeball icon and I will click on settings and you can see the right now he says preview dynamic content as recent post we don’t want that so I will click on this and choose movie archive and click apply and preview perfect now the second thing that I want to do is set some colors in our color picker so it’s easier to choose them so I’ll click here on the hamburger icon and I will choose color picker and I want to change this screen here with a yellow color that I need which is half 81-68 this one and I also want to change this green here to 0 0 3 C 54 which is a nice blue color perfect and then we’ll click on apply now we can go ahead and start creating our first section soil keep on the plus sign here and choose a one-column section going to the section settings I want this to be boxed and to have a 600 pixel width I also want to set a minimum height for it and that’s going to be 700 pixels all right here 700 great now I will go to the style tab and choose background type as classic and choose our image which is this nice full width image pick on insert media I will also change the position to Center Center and the size to cover so it shows a bit more out of it perfect and I also want to set an overlay for the image to darken it a little bit on it 1 background overlay I will do classic and for the color I’m gonna do black at around 50% around here and I will leave the opacity here at 50% as well so this is not our first section and inside of it I want to add a search widget okay so I’m gonna search for it and this this one search form the skin is going to be classic placeholder search the button type is going to be icon and we will leave this magnifying glass here for the size I’m gonna increase it a little bit and make it 60 now under style we want the text color to be ba ba a nice gray color the background color white and the border color this darker gray which is 7 8 7 8 7 8 and the border size has to be 1 pixels perfect now for the button the text color is going to be again that several a 7 a 7 a and the background color the yellow color we set earlier and this is our search now I could go ahead and add the second section so I’ll take again on the plus side and choose a one column section to this section we will leave everything here at by default I will just go under the style and make sure the background color is white and under advanced for the padding I will unlink the values because I just want to add padding to the top at the bottom and I will go to the percentage and I will do top 3% and bottom 3% break now we can add our title for this soil search for our heading widget and drag it inside it will say in movies the HTML tag is going to be an h2 and the color is going to be that blue color the dark do and for typography the defaults are fine I just want the size to be 35 pixels I only have one more widget to add which is this one the archived posts and this returns all the post in this current archive so I will drag it in and you can see we have our movies here but they look a bit odd right now so we’re going to work a bit with them the first thing that I’m going to do is come here and we will turn off that excerpt as well as the read more and I will get rid of the date and comments we just want to show the image and the title of the movie now I want to change this from 3 columns to 4 columns the image ratio is going to be 1.5 and the width is going to be 100% I will change here the image size to large because we want them to be nice and crisp how good they look right now for a fact now I will go under style and for the columns gap I’m gonna do 55 rows gap is going to be make it 16 so we bring the title a little bit closer and now in the content what I have to do is make the title color that dark blue that we had and also come back here to the layout and choose the alignment as Center so our title is centered with our images and this is pretty much done right now so I can click on publish and we have the displayed condition screen and click on add condition and by default it wants to include this template on archives but we don’t want that we just want to use it for our movie so I will take here and choose movies archive here and then I will click on publish now the document is live so I can click on the hamburger icon and go exit to dashboard I will go to visit the website and if I click here on movies you can see our template is live with all the movies coming from the back end right now if I were to click on one of those this is what’s gonna load up because this is the default theme template so we’re gonna go and create a single template to display our movie with all the information that we set up in the custom fields now I will go back to the dashboard and I will hover again under Elementor my templates I will take on add new and this time we’re gonna select a single instead of an archive and now it asks us what type of post we want to use so I’ll click here and I will choose movie and I will name this movie single now people create template okay so we’re now inside of the single builder and once again the library was automatically opened up for us but we don’t need that so I’m gonna close it up and I’ll add here a new section and click on the plus sign and choose a one-column section I want this one to be boxed in with 1280 width I also want to set a minimum height here to 680 pixels and make sure that it color is in middle perfect now I will go under style and for the background type I will choose gradient the first color is going to be zero five one seven twenty one and the second color is going to be the same one just a bit more transparent here it’s a very sudden gradient that we use here location 0 100 type linear and angle 180 perfect now I will go to the shape divider and for the bottom I will choose the tilt one like this ok so that’s all that we need for this section because the second section that we’re going to create we are going to pull it off this negative margin to have it here on top of this one so I will create a new section this one is going to be a two column section again boxed with 1280 with the first column I’m going to select and the column width is going to be 86 percent and the second one is going to be 14 but it was done automatically now I want to go under the section settings under advanced and for marching I will do a march on top of minus 600 pixels and a margin bottom of but it’s going to look perfect in a few seconds so I’ll start by adding a new widget is going to be a post title widget I will add it here and you can see it takes the title that we’ve set in the back end which is the fighter now I’ll go under style the text color I’ll make it white and for typography we want the phone to be Tahoma 40 pixels line height 1.3 and we also want to go under advanced for this and add a padding bottom of 25 pixels nice now the next thing that we’re gonna do is add a video widget this one and it under this for the source we’re going to leave YouTube and here in the URL we’ll click on this little dynamic link scroll all the way down and we can see we have to sit here and with to that field to set date field and tool set URL field so I would click on the to set URL field and then if I click here again it’s going to ask for the key and our key is the only one that we have because it’s we have only one to set URL field and that’s the trader link so I’m gonna click on that and you can see our link is now displayed here ooh and it looks really nice okay under this I’m going to add a columns widget which is this one here and I want to go under advanced and do a 50 pixels margin top to make a bit more space and also for the columns I want the first one to be here and the second one is automatically new heading and this time I’m gonna click on the dynamic link and scroll all the way down and choose to set field from here and now I will think again I need to choose our key and for the key we want to show the plot here you can see we have the plot it looks really odd right now but we’re gonna fix it in a second so I will now go under style for the color I’m gonna input 5 4 5 9 5 F which is a dark gray color then for the typography I will leave the family to default size 17 pixels weight 300 I want to have under style here italic perfect line height 1.6 and letter spacing 0.5 and now it looks really nice on the right side I will add an icon pops widget we want the icon to be IMDB icon which is this one the view is going to be default it will have no description and for the title I will click here on the dynamic link go all the way down to that field and I will choose our writing field good now I want to make this to go to the right side like this and play a bit with the styling of it so I’ll go under style and for the primary color I will do our dark blue color spacing is going to be 19 the size is going to be content title I will go with the same color and on the typography I will do a line in front of 1.8 now it’s pretty much centered with the autumn now I want to add a shirts button widget so I’m going to search for it an editing side of the page we only want Facebook Google+ and Twitter so I will delete the Linkedin one and I want to change some settings here so the view is going to be only the icon the skin is okay to be gradient shape is going to be a circle columns one like this not under style column gap a row gap is okay to be 10 so I will go under advanced and I will do a 100 pixel margin top here now I will go under the color settings here and under advanced I will do a marching left of 100 pixels so our items are nice and small here okay we can continue on with the next section I’ll click on the plus sign to add a new section and I will choose a single column section again I’ll make the content with 1280 pixels and inside of this I will drag divided your widget now I’ll choose the style to be dotted one pixel weight color black with 100% and a gap of 15 perfect now I will move on with the next sections well click again on the plus sign and this time I’ll choose a two column section it doesn’t I’ll make it 1280 in width I will go under advanced and do a padding top of first column to be 70 percent one so we have 70% and 30% on the second right now in the last one I will add a heading field and I will click on the dynamic link here choose to set field and then for the key I will choose the code nice now I want to style it a little bit so on the other style for the text color I will choose the dark blue color and for typography we want the phone to be Aleppo 66 pixels a weight of advanced and for margin I will do a 30 pixels bottom margin nice now under this I will drag a new widget which is the post content which is this one from here and you can see it brings back the content that we’ve added what we’ve created this movie so we don’t need to worry about any of the settings this the difference look perfectly fine all right so under the content I want to once again add a columns widget which is this one here but before continuing I just want to make a short point about them if you’re using elemental version 2.2 or later this widget was renamed from columns to inner section so if you’re using that version or later make sure that you’re looking for inner section instead of this one now I will drag that in and the first thing that I want to do is select the first column here and choose a column width of 25% leaving the second column at 75% and I will choose here the column gap to be no gap then I will move over to the Advanced tab and here I will do a 40 pixel margin top and bottles all right here for it and also I want to do a 4% padding all around so here I will change it to percent and then loop 4 so we have a 4% binding all around our section next I will move over to the style tab and I will choose a classic background type and I will input a color which is ef ef ef which is this light gray color here and also I will go here down to the border choose a border type of solid I’ll link the values because we only want to have the border to the bottom of this section and for the bottom I will do two pixels and then I’ll change the color of this to our dark blue color now I want to add to the left column a featured image widget so I’ll go over to the widgets panel and I will drag in the featured image widget here very nice now to the right column I want to add a heading widget and I want to change the styling a little bit so I will go on your style here I’ll make the text color our dark blue color and for typography I will choose the formula to I will make it 19 pixels I will choose a weight of 700 and I will do a line height of 1.4 very good now I want to select this column again the right one and change the content position from default to needle and also go under the Advanced tab and set a 30 pixels padding to the left like this now I need 6 more copies of this heading widget because I need 7 in total so what I can do is either right click here and choose duplicate to double key this widget or I can just press ctrl or command D to duplicate and now we have seven copies of this so we can start working with them I will select the first one and here you can see our little dynamic link so I will click on this scroll all the way down and choose to set field now nothing shows up because we haven’t chosen our key yet so I will click on the to set field here and for our key we will choose country because that’s the first thing that we want to display also I will go here under advanced and in the before in boot I will type country and column at a space so now we have a label for our input here now I will skip the second one because that’s a bit different I will create the third one here so I will click on click again on the dynamic link scroll all the way down and just loose it field and I will choose the key of director and you can see our director shows up so I can go under advanced and for the before tag I will do director and color and a space now I will do the last four on fast word and then we will return to the second one perfect so now we have all of our fields in place except for the second one so I will click on that and I will once again just a dynamic link but this time instead of choosing the 2sat field I will actually choose this one here post terms because this will return our terms for a post and right now it’s empty because we haven’t chosen our taxonomy of choice so I will click here on post terms and then for the taxonomy I will choose movies on res and now we can see our genres for this movie displayed here I will also change here the separator to space pipe space so it looks like this now and under advanced in the before input I will try to January ok so our little section is done so we can continue on with creating our sidebar first thing that I want to do is scroll up and choose our big column here the left one click on advanced and I will choose a padding right of 40 pixels I will also choose the right column here and go under advanced as well and this time I will add a 90 pixels padding to the left now I can go ahead and drag in a heading widget I will write in here latest movies then I will go to the style tab I will choose our dark blue color for the tax color then I’ll go under typography for the font family I will just a coma I will also make this 40 pixels in size and then I will go under advanced and add a 10 pixel padding to the bottom now I can drag in one more widget which is the post widget so I will search for it and is this one post so I will drag it inside of this column but you see that by default it tries to return from our default WordPress posts but we don’t want that so here on the left side I will scroll all the way down and choose query for the source I will change this to movies I will live here ordered by descending and I will exclude the current post by clicking here and checking on avoid duplicates because we don’t want any duplicate image here then I can return to the Layout tab and style this a little bit so the skin is going to stay on classic for the columns we want to show only one we want to show three posts per page not six the image position can stay to the top we want to change the image size to medium large so it’s nice and crisp also the image ratio should be 1.52 then we will leave the title on we will disable the excerpt as well as the date and comments here and we will also disable our read more button so we will only show the image and the title now I will go to the style tab go to content here and for the title color I will choose again our dark blue color and here in the layout I will make sure that the column gap is 30 and the row gap is thing that I want to do I just want to add some comments to display so I will search for the facebook comments widget and I will just drag it in here and moving under this section so now we have our comments the defaults are fine with the common count of 10 and order by social so now our template is complete we have the posts here inside of the sidebar we have the trailer and the title at the top as well as all the other fields that we’ve set up inside of the toolset plugin the only thing that’s left to do is to publish this template so I will expand this and I will click here on publish you can now see the display condition screen came up and because when we’ve created this template we’ve already chose our movie custom post type the conditions are automatically set to include all movies all so all I have to do is now click on publish and then we can exit to the dashboard I could go ahead and visit the website I will click on movies and we can now see the list of movies that we’ve set up before so I’ll click on one of the movies for example Captain America and you can see we have our template live in here so I’ll choose a different movie from the sidebar now like this one and you can see it follows the exact same template so this was my movie block tutorial using two satin element or steam builder I really hope you found it useful and learn something new out of it if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments below thanks for watching and see you all soon

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How To Create a Movie Review Site with WordPress

19 Minutes, 40 Seconds to Read

How To Create a Movie Review Site

When was the last time you saw a movie and instantly desired to share your opinion of it? If you know the difference between a smash cut and a jump cut, and you can spot the difference between a wide angle lens in The Shining and telephoto lens in The Graduate , then you’re a film critic and you need a website to start posting your articles on the web. If you work hard at it, pretty soon you may find yourself contributing to the Rotten Tomatoes score. Read on to find out how to create your site, get your writing published, and work your way toward becoming a bonafide tomato-throwing film critic.

“Audiences don’t know somebody sits down and writes a picture.  They think the actors make it up as they go along.”  – Joe Gillis (William Holden), Sunset Boulevard (1950) Click To Tweet

  • How do you start a movie review site?
  • Is creating a movie review site expensive?
  • Why use WordPress?
  • Changing the look of your site
  • How to measure site success
  • Put your site in maintenance mode
  • How to create custom post types
  • Do you need a privacy policy for your page?
  • How to create a masthead for your site
  • How to get into a review aggregator (like Rotten Tomatoes)

Following along in this article, you will get practical information as well as some theoretical marketing tips. If you’re passionate about movies and eager to share your knowledge with Internet readers, you will want to bookmark this page and refer back as needed.

How To Start a Movie Review Site

There are a few important stages. (Don’t worry, we’ll cover every stage in detail.) Here are the basics:

  • Getting a hosting package, where you will store your website and publish content live to the web
  • Installing WordPress (a system that will organize all of your written content in one place)
  • Promoting your site with digital marketing strategies

Once you’ve completed these steps you will have your own brand and a hub for all of your content. Let’s be clear though: this isn’t easy, but it’s not too difficult either . The whole process will involve a commitment on your part. But if you follow each step carefully, and are prepared to work, you won’t be disappointed.

Creating Your Movie Review Site

In order to setup a review site, you don’t need to make a large initial investment. Hosting is fairly inexpensive these days. For a few bucks a month, you can have a live site available to the world.

What Is Hosting?

When you’re ready to launch a website, you’re going to have to figure out hosting. Hosting basically involves a computer called a “server” where your website lives. You may be wondering, Can’t I host my own website on my own computer? Yes, you can, but unless you keep your computer running all day long there will be times of day when people won’t be able to reach your site. That’s why hosting your website with a hosting company is the best option.

Types of Hosting Accounts

  • Shared – Shared hosting involves literally sharing a server (basically a computer) with other users. You’ll have your own isolated account but you will be sharing computing resources with other customers. In general, servers have gotten so fast that you may never notice any lag when sharing resources with others. But, for the possibility that your hosting could be affected by others, shared hosting is priced lower. For users just starting out shared hosting provides a good entry level option.
  • Dedicated – Dedicated hosting is at the complete opposite end from shared hosting. It is basically a whole server dedicated to you. You have complete access to the full resources and computing power. But this is also the most expensive option. For a movie review site, dedicated hosting is simply too much power. That’s where VPS (below) provides a happy medium.
  • VPS (Virtual Private Server) – VPS hosting gives you the freedom of dedicated hosting but in a virtual container. VPS is like shared hosting except your share of the resources cannot be affected by other users. If you get over 20,000 visitors a day on your website, then you must really consider moving over to VPS. But, for all its power, VPS comes with a lot of extra responsibilities. For example, you’ll have to go in yourself and make sure all of your server software is up to date. This is why WordPress Hosting may be an even better option for you.
  • WordPress Hosting – As you’ll see in the following tutorials in this series, WordPress is the content management system (CMS) you will be using for your movie review site. It’s also the most popular CMS in the world. Because of its popularity you can now get hosting made specifically for WordPress.

WordPress Hosting comes in a few varieties based on how much traffic your site is getting. This makes it easy to figure out when it’s time to upgrade. As your site earns more readers you can simply upgrade your hosting to a WordPress VPS to accommodate your increases in traffic.

Why Use WordPress?

In the old days of the web, amateurs had to build pages by hand and upload them to a server. This becomes difficult to manage as a website grows larger and more complex. Coders started building more elaborate systems that could generate pages dynamically. Thus, content management systems were born.

Now anyone, regardless of coding experience, can benefit from this technology. After you’ve reviewed 25 to 50 movies, you’ll have at least 25 to 50 pages of content. Imagine what happens when you get to 100 or more.

WordPress lets you easily manage hundreds of pages from a single user-friendly interface. You can categorize and tag pieces of content to help keep them organized. The level of organization requires depends on your preferences, it’s totally customizable. WordPress is easy to use and it’s free, so it’s a safe bet to use it for your site.

Getting WordPress Installed

WordPress is basically an application written in the PHP programming language. When you install WordPress you are installing its source code files. You’ll also need a database where the program will store your content for retrieval.

There are two ways to install WordPress:

  • Manual “5-minute” install
  • Auto install with script installer

Both of these procedures are covered in our full guide on how to install WordPress .

The Basics of WordPress

You’re a WordPress user now. In order to make things easier later, take note that all of the content you add to WordPress are known as “posts.” This will make it easier for you when we create custom post types later in this tutorial series.

By default, WordPress comes with these generic post types:

These are posts that are programmed to display differently when used on your site. Don’t worry too much about it now. Just remember that everything is a post.

In order to familiarize yourself with using WordPress, you are best advised to read from the WordPress Education channel .

Below, you will be learning about creating a maintenance page, so you can work on your site without launching it to the public.

It’s Time To Design Your Site

Since you are building a movie review site, you will probably want to pick a theme (design template) that favors easily readable text.

This means an attractive font, good spacing between paragraphs and letters, and probably some white space around the text. You’ll also want to see how the theme displays media. Are you able to add big, luxurious images? What about embedding video? You have a movie review site here, so media is important.

No need to settle for a free theme that everybody else is using. Use promo code IMH2020 to get a great deal from the Elegant Marketplace .

Try to avoid themes that clutter up the layout with too many sidebars and widgets. It’s your call, but try to remember that you want the look of your site to encourage your readers to keep reading. The more time people spend on your site the better.

Tip: before you even start to sample themes, take a moment to stop and think. Make a list of websites you like and observe their content layout.

  • What styles do you like?
  • What do you dislike?
  • How does it feel to use the site?

This sort of research will help tremendously when it comes time to pick your own theme.

How to Install a WordPress Theme

Themes are available for free (and some premium) on the WordPress theme marketplace. All you need to do is install a theme on your website and preview it or activate it. You can install and try out as many themes as you want. But you can only activate one at a time. For example, you can’t have multiple themes installed and use a different theme for each page.

Page Builder Plugins

You’ll notice as you sift through free themes that they share a lot of common features. Likewise, thousands of people will be using the same theme. This can give your WordPress site a generic quality and make it harder for you to distinguish yourself.

This is why there exists a large market for premium themes and theme builder plugins like these:

  • Beaver Builder

And there are many more. These plugins come with either free and paid versions or exclusively paid features. So you will need to carefully consider your budget and options.

If you decide to use a stock theme, don’t feel as though you’re stuck. There are many highly successful blogs out there that use free WordPress themes. What distinguishes your site is the content —not the look. So you can stand out whether you choose free or paid themes. It all comes down to the quality of your content.

Custom Themes

Remember, you also have the option of building a theme yourself. There are plenty of books on the subject that will walk you through the process step by step, or you could start with online resources like the WordPress theme developer handbook .

In order to build a theme you must be familiar with these programming languages:

A solid working knowledge of those languages will help you in the building process. Remember you also have support out there. Almost every major city has a WordPress meetup where you can get advice from other users, both professionals and hobbyists.

You could also hire a developer to build a theme to your exact specifications. This is a more expensive option because you are paying someone else for their labor. But it may save you some time.

Measuring Success

Key Performance Indicators (or, KPIs) give you the insights you need with regard to how your site is performing. Are you hitting your goals? Are you getting everything you’d hoped you’d get out of your site? Having KPIs—selected properly—will tell you if you’re on track and where you need to course-correct.

Stats in Jetpack Plugin

Jetpack is a plugin that connects your self-hosted WordPress site with resources. This gives you all kinds of neat features such as enhanced security, faster image service, and various analytics. Want to know how many people are visiting your site every day? Jetpack gives you that information. What can you do with that information? Find out which of your pages are most popular so you can replicate that success with new content.

  • Pay attention to models
  • What is repeatable?
  • What is measurably better?

Jetpack is the easiest tool to set up and get going, which is why it’s featured first. For many sites, this is the only tool that’s needed. But as you get more advanced in your webmaster skills, you will need more advanced tools. Read on.

Google Analytics and Search Console

These are more advanced tools, but they’re free (you only need a Google account) and give you a whole suite of data you can use to make critical decisions.

  • Unique Page Views (UPV) – The number of unique page views for a page or set of pages.
  • Average Time on Page – How much time people on spending on your pages (on average).
  • Bounce Rate – How quickly did a user “bounce” or leave your site after viewing it.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) – The rate at which people “click through” a search result to land on the associated page.
  • Conversion Rate (CVR) – How often a visitor takes a desired action (like sign up for your email newsletter).

By measuring and analyzing this data, you will get a clear picture of how people are using your site. This data will help you develop your site as you strive to create valuable user experiences.

Some of these data may vary in relevance depending on your site. For example, some sites convert quickly, so time on page is not as important. Take your site into consideration when deciding which metrics are best for you to track.

All Kinds of Tools

There are all kinds of similar tools available for webmasters. Often, the incoming data will conflict. This is because different tools measure your data in different ways. You may discover that the tools described above give you enough information to make critical decisions for your site and meet your KPIs. That’s great. You should only use a minimal set of tools to match your goals. You could spend thousands of dollars on various tools and get lost in the weeds. Stick with the most important data and keep going.

Maintenance Mode (Building Your Site)

It’s time to put your site into “maintenance mode,” so you can work on it privately. If anyone visits your page in the meantime, they’ll see a nice page advising them that the site is under construction and they must come back later.

This not only lets you work at your own pace, but it also creates some natural anticipation for the launch of your site.

WordPress Maintenance Page Plugins

The easiest way to add a maintenance page to your site involves using a WordPress plugin .

Timing is everything in this early stage. It’s best to install your maintenance plugin and activate it before DNS fully propagates . This may mean using a hosts file to start working on your site right away.

Alternatives To Plugins

You are not required to use a plugin, but that is definitely the easiest way. Here are some alternatives you could explore:

  • Maintenance redirect with .htaccess
  • TEMP URL development

These are more advanced options, but with help from our support team, you could consider them for your project.

Why Use a Maintenance Page?

Your site is new. This means you haven’t built up significant traffic yet. You can use this easy time to your advantage. Build your site in the background before launching it to the public.

Also, while your maintenance page is up, your site is not being crawled by search engines. This means your site is invisible until you’re ready to launch it. If search engines start crawling your site before it’s complete, they will be saving a poor, underdeveloped version of your site. This is not good for your future rankings. You want to only release your site when you think the world is ready for it.

Custom Post Types

Earlier in this article, you read about posts, pages, and post types. This can be confusing for WordPress beginners. But basically, custom post types are a unique type of content you create and add to WordPress. This means you can generate custom page elements according to this new type of content. Read on to find out how.

How Custom Post Types Work

You may have already noticed that WordPress gives you three different places to drop new content. You have posts, pages, and media. It may surprise you to learn that, behind the scenes, WordPress considered each of these as a type of post . The difference between them depends on how they’re used. (Please see the guides linked to from this article for more information.) Basically, custom post types let you create your own unique forms of content that you can separate from others.

What Post Types Should You Use?

Since you are creating a movie review site, you need at least one custom post type: movie reviews. You are best advised to create a separate post type for movie reviews instead of using posts. This is because you may want to reserve posts for information like news or updates.

  • Posts (default) – news, updates, background information
  • Pages (default) – contact, about pages, and privacy policy/terms of service
  • Media (default) – images, audio, and/or video
  • Movie reviews (default) – used exclusively for movie review content

With a custom post type for reviews, you have successfully divided your content into discrete areas. This will help you keep your site’s admin area organized. And more, imagine you want to write different kinds of reviews down the road. You can easily create a new post type and keep everything discreetly organized.

How To Create Custom Post Types

It’s time to create your custom post type. You can easily create custom post types with plugins or with code added to your theme or to a custom plugin. Both procedures are described in the guides below:

  • Create a custom post type with a plugin
  • Create a custom post type without a plugin

Term, Details, and Policies

In 2018, data privacy regulations kicked into high gear with GDPR in the European Union. Similar regulations are being considered in the US and elsewhere. Basically, you should take no chances when it comes to the collection of user information.

You may be wondering, what kind of data am I collecting? WordPress stores a minimal amount of user data in order to provide some convenience features. Browser cookies store information that allow your users a quick login for your site or pre-filled comment form data. This is convenient for your users, because it speeds up their use of site without requiring them to log in each time.

In addition to helping you create a privacy policy page, WordPress also has tools that let you send a user all the data you have on them and, if requested, delete it—in order to help you comply with GDPR standards. Even if you are not intending to reach users in the EU, it’s considered a best practice to create a privacy policy.

How To Set Up Your WordPress Privacy Policy Page

In order to add your privacy policy page, just follow the steps in this complete guide:

  • How to add a privacy policy in WordPress

The short answer is yes, you need to have a privacy policy page set up and ready to go. Even if no one ever reads it, it will save you trouble in the long run to go ahead and have your page ready. Think of it as an insurance policy.

The Masthead

Now it’s time to create the masthead for your site. The masthead, in your case, will be a single page that provides critical business information about your site. It’s like the official documentation about your enterprise. Read on to find out what you should print on this important page.

Creating a masthead is an important step that many bloggers and webmasters ignore. It’s a significant statement about what your site is, who you are, and what you do.

Consider Your Options

Before publishing your masthead page, take a moment to brainstorm and jot down all the information you will be sharing.

Who is the editor?

Who is the editor of your site? Who are the main contributors? Even if all of the above are just you, go ahead and put that information here. State your name and title:

Joe Example – Editor-in-chief

Will you accept submissions?

At some point, you may get requests from other bloggers or webmasters about opening content-related exchanges. Or, you might find that there are too many movies out there for you to see and you would be open to accepting submissions from others. If you are open to these kinds of deals, the masthead is a perfect place to provide specific details about how others can engage with you.

What’s your address and contact information?

What kind of contact information do you want to share? Many bloggers choose to give a P.O. box number instead of their actual home address. You may wonder why you need to give an address at all. Isn’t everything digital these days? This depends on your goals. There are still legitimate business reasons for having a physical address. For example, if your site expands and you want to create a corporation, you will need a physical address.

Who’s your host?

The masthead is a great place to let your readers know who hosts your site. Why is this relevant? If you plan on getting a lot of traffic to your site, you can consider becoming an affiliate for your host. This means if someone clicks on the link from your site to your host, and they buy hosting, you get some money. For many bloggers this can be a lucrative deal. Consider your options; this one might pay off for you.

Create The Masthead Page

This is the easy part. Now that you’ve made a big list of all the things you want to include in your masthead, it’s time to create the page and transfer all of the information.

  • How to create a page in WordPress (you may already know how to do this)

Be sure to publish your masthead page before launching your site.

Getting Into a Review Aggregator (Like Rotten Tomatoes)

Getting into a review aggregator can be a long, difficult process. For movie reviews, Rotten Tomatoes is certainly the most popular, so they are a good example of the process.

Review aggregators basically “scrape” reviews from select critics and return an average score to help their users see if a movie has been favorably reviewed by most critics or universally panned. One day, if you work hard, your review may play a factor in that score. Your opinion will help influence moviegoers.

Typically, the review aggregator will have guidelines for considering new applicants . These guidelines should give you a clear idea of what kind of criteria your website must meet.

But there’s a lot of work you can do in the meantime before submitting your site for consideration.

Start Building a Community

Your community exists inside and outside of your website. Your first indicator of community may be pageviews, comments on your reviews, or followers on social media. These are decent indicators that a community is forming around your writing.

Next, you should try to extend your circle. Get involved in local events and networking groups. You could even host screenings at your local “arthouse” cinemas. Take your voice to the people and provide opportunities for engagement. The people will find you.

Consider Joining a Film Critics Group or Association

Rotten Tomatoes provides a list of film critic groups and associations . You may want to consider joining one of these groups. Please note, it’s unknown whether or not Rotten Tomatoes factors your membership in one of these groups into your overall assessment. It’s up to you if you want to make this effort.

Pump the Output

Keep publishing. Always be publishing. Try to review every movie that comes out. Eventually, you will have hundreds of articles and perhaps thousands of subscribers. Stay the course, submit your site for consideration, and it’s only a matter of time before you’ll be flinging those rotten tomatoes.

3 thoughts on “ How To Create a Movie Review Site with WordPress ”

Sir from where can I get images of movie to post on my website

You can often access press kits for a movie online. If not, consider emailing the producers or the studio press department.

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An Open-Source Movie Reviews Built With React

React movie reviews (hacktoberfest 2021).

Are you wanting to make your first open-source contribution and don’t know where to start? Or maybe you’re learning git. Whatever you’re doing, the first thing you’ll want to do is write a movie review! Wait, write a movie review? Well of course, we all love movies, right? Rate the worst movie you’ve ever seen or the one that made your eyes flood like the Hoover Dam. Once you’ve submitted your movie review as a pull request , you can view it, along with all the other contributors’ reviews on the website for this repo.

How to contribute your movie review:

  • Navigate to /backend/reviews and click on the dropdown Add file .
  • From here, you can either Create new file or Upload files .
  • Format your movie review in JSON format. You can copy-paste the below while filling in the empty strings with your information :
  • { "name": "", "title": "", "rating": 0, "comment": "" }
  • Ex. { "name": "Aaron", "title": "Scarface", "rating": 8, "comment": "Chainsaws and bathtubs. What more can you ask for?" }
  • Make sure your file ends with .json and contains all the information in JSON format or else your review won’t be processed.

Message in a Bottle App built with React

A react library that provides annotation experience for pdf documents on web, you might also like..., movie star review reactjs springboot java17 maven, a movie review website made using react, movies demo: a straightforward ai movies app created with react, subscribe to react.js examples.

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movie review website project

How to Create a Movie Review Website

Make money online with a movie review website which you can create without any coding experience

If you click on the links in this post, we may earn money from the companies mentioned in this post, at no extra cost to you. You can read the full disclaimer here.

Sharing is caring!

Have you ever thought about creating a movie review website like RottenTomatoes or IMDB?  If you love movies, then this could be a lot of fun! It could always be a great way to make money, whether you want to do as a sidehustle or as a way to work fulltime from home and earn money.  If you accept other people’s reviews, then your website could constantly be updated without you having to put in the work all the time, so it could be a wonderful passive income, too.

And the great thing about it is you don’t even have to have experience coding or creating websites.  You can totally do this as a complete beginner.  This is made possible with Moview , a Movie Database & Review Joomla Template along with the SP Movie Database extension.  This means your website will already be customized to look and feel like a movie review website, and it will have a ton of awesome features, too:

  • A rating and review system where registered users can rate and review movies
  • An unlimited amount of entries, so you can include as many movies as you want!
  • A detailed view for each movie with useful information
  • The ability to add the trailers for each movie
  • The ability to categorize movies by genres
  • The ability to alphabetize your list of movies or order them in different ways
  • An Actor/Director Profile option, where each actor, actress or director can have their own profile page with a description, image, birth date, filmography and social links
  • The ability to add movies showtimes where you could list when movies are being shown in local cinemas

So you might be thinking, this sounds great, but can I really do it without any experience with websites?  Luckily, yes, because you can get SP Page Builder Pro.  SP Page Builder Pro is an amazing way for beginners to create their own websites with drop and drag features which means you don’t need any computer programming or coding experience whatsoever.  You can buy a personal account here and get access to the templates & extensions needed to build your own movie database and you can add on SP Page Builder Pro and you can do this for just $89.  You would also need to get a web host and a domain (here are some tips on choosing a domain ), but domains are often included in the price of hosting and you can find some really affordable hosting options here .

And this would be a great thing to do just for fun, but if you want to make back that initial investment, you might be wondering: how exactly do you earn money from this?  Well, there are multiple ways you can do this:

  • You could charge for memberships and then only people who pay you a monthly fee could see your reviews
  • You would make affiliate relationships with specific companies with relatable products.  You could then have affiliate banners on your websites that relate to movies (such as Fandango, or websites that sell movies, like Amazon and Best Buy) and then when people click on those banners and make purchases, you would make a percentage of these sales.  We go further into detail about affiliate marketing here .
  • You could run ads on your websites like Google Ads or Mediavine, and then you would make money when people click on those links.  The advantages here would be you wouldn’t have to make relationships with multiple companies and you could make money even if people don’t make purchases (but you could potentially make more through affiliate marketing if someone makes a large purchase).  We go into more detail about this here .

You could also do a combination of these money making options.  With any of these options, of course, you would need people coming to your website.   Here are some ways you can do this:

  • A strong Pinterest account where you could promote your website or specific movie reviews – here are some tips on how to get started marketing on Pinterest .
  • A Facebook account where you could make Facebook posts about the movie reviews – here are some tips on how to get more Facebook shares so more people could find your website.
  • An Instagram account so you could get more interest and increase your brand – here are some tips on how to gain Instagram followers .
  • You could start an email list and then you could send out a newsletter letting people know that there are reviews for new movies to keep people coming back to your website – you can do this with email – here are some tips on how to welcome people to your email list and keep them engaged so they will continue to be visitors to your website.

But remember, this is your website so you can run it the way you see fit!  So have fun and get started, because by using Moview with SP Page Builder Pro, you’ll be able to make an incredibly professional looking movie review website that could earn you a lot of money!


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22 Best Movie Websites Templates 2024

22 Best Movie Websites Templates 2024

Best movie website templates for movie reviews, movie streaming, movie directory, and movie promotion websites.

Envato templates

“Provide what audiences want” is the first lesson for any entertainment business — the same applies to movie websites. The movie websites templates you pick should show what the user searches for and intelligently recommend the movie they might like. Giving good suggestions is one of the best ways to keep your audience in the loop. Artificial intelligence has greatly improved, and web development is adapting to the modern age. The movie websites templates in this list give you a strong base on which you can create your custom website with all the bells and whistles you want.

Not all site owners can hire a group of developers and can make a custom website. Hence, this post lists HTML and WordPress movie website templates. The WordPress themes are more convenient, and many plugins are out there to help you add the desired feature. But still, few creative minds out there want their website to be unique and might be planning some unique functionalities to deliver an impeccable user experience — for such people, the HTML website templates will be a good choice. You can skip the basic chores with these properly optimized HTML templates and can concentrate on the custom features.

Let’s get into the list of Best movie website templates for movie reviews, movie streaming, movie directory, and movie promotion websites.

movie review website project

Best Movie Websites Templates

netflix-like online streaming movie website template

Streamit is a unique movie website template made for online streaming. The dark theme and image-rich layout deliver an immersive experience to the audience. Users can quickly see lots of movie suggestions on the homepage and start watching the movies without searching for every movie. If you incorporate an intelligent user recommendation system based on the user’s watch history and likes, this WordPress movie website template will deliver an impressive user experience. The creator has given a flexible code structure so developers can easily extend the functionalities without breaking the theme’s default design and core features.

Info / Download Demo

movie review website project

Vodi WordPress theme is for online movie and TV show streaming websites. This theme will be a good choice if you want to make a website like Netflix or Amazon Prime. Card elements and carousels help you neatly organize the content and engagingly present them. At the same time, the homepage sections and tabs keep the users engaged as soon as they get on your website. The whole website is designed as a web app more than a website. Hence, all controls are placed in an easily accessible spot. Under the video streaming page, you get recommended sections to show related videos that users might like.

The creators of this template have developed a plugin called MAS to let you easily manage videos and TV shows. You can easily manage the video content, like WordPress posts. More about the plugin is given on the theme’s info page, take a look at it if you are interested in the plugin.

movie review website project

Vayvo is also similar to the Vodi theme mentioned above. Live streaming website owners will love this WordPress theme. Both the homepage and the movie list page have a clean layout with an ample amount of space between each card. Though this template doesn’t utilize the full-width layout effectively like the Vodi theme, the interaction is easier. Even mobile users can use your website easily because of this template’s simple layout. User icons and other category links are all placed at the top bar. Plus, the top bar is made sticky for easier access. Overall, Vayvo is one of the best movie websites templates in terms of user experience and user interface.

The creator has designed this template from a commercial point of view. Hence, membership options and pricing plans are integrated from the template’s core. As said before, live-streaming site owners will love this WordPress movie website template.

movie review website project

Filmic WordPress theme is for movie professionals and filmmakers. No matter what kind of work you do in the film industry, the clean layout of this template will help you elegantly showcase your work. This theme pack has nine movie websites templates as of writing this post. All demos follow a white and dark layout. Color schemes are also chosen with care to match the dark and white layout — You get a vibrant look. The use of the Unyson framework will make the developers’ job simple. This theme has the Elementor page builder; hence, most minor customizations can be done without touching the code.


movie review website project

Silverscreen is a perfect movie website template for both filmmakers and movie promotions. This template’s lively layout lets you interactively present your movie’s trailer and behind-the-scenes videos to your audience. Users can also use social media share icons to quickly share the videos with their friends. Like all other WordPress movie websites templates, this one also has a fully functional design. Template’s creators have taken care of the basic optimizations. You must import the demo you like, finalize the setup, and launch it. WooCommerce shopping pages are also there in this template to easily sell tickets and other items on your website.

movie review website project

Sequex is a unique WordPress theme in this movie website’s templates. This is a movie directory/database WordPress website template. Right from the homepage to the forum, every page is designed to make the interaction easier. Both simple and advanced search tools are given in this template so users can easily find the movie they want. Since it is a directory website, making the search tool as friendly as possible is important. Look at our bootstrap search bar design collection for more interactive designs.

Design-wise, this template has both light and dark skin versions. You can opt for the dark version if you want a classy-looking website. Or you can opt for the light version to make a friendly website. No matter which skin or demo you pick, all of them are equipped with WooCommerce shopping pages. Therefore, you can easily sell products on your website.

movie database website template

Blockter is a simple movie database website template. This one would be a good choice if you want a movie website template with a powerful search option and straightforward design. The uncomplicated design of this template lets the audience quickly understand your interface. Therefore, the audience can start using your website as soon as they land on the website. Some of the movie-niche features are pre-built in this template — movie review system, flexible movie listing options, and a lot more. This template’s Unyson framework will make the developer’s customization job easier.

movie review website project

Ftage is a perfect website template for both actors and filmmakers. New demos are added in each update along with the stability improvement, so you can trust this template. This one also offers light and dark skin versions like a few other movie website templates mentioned in this list. Whether you need to do a movie promotion campaign or want to maintain an online portfolio, this template has a perfect readymade demo for you. All you have to do is to import the demo you like and start building your website. All demo versions are equipped with the Elementor page builder. Therefore, you can edit the template easily without even touching the code. The pre-bundled Events Calendar plugin lets the user book appointments and helps you easily manage the schedules. Overall, Ftage is a well-thought-out website template with all the necessary features pre-bundled for you.

movie review website project

Pelicula has readymade demos for all types of movie-related websites. With this template, you can make a studio or personal website for actors and directors. Modern animation effects and web elements are combined smartly to deliver an immersive user experience. All these elements and effects can be controlled using the Elementor page builder. Most cosmetic changes can be done with the Elementor page builder itself. Hence, site owners who care for the website by themselves will find this template extremely easy to use.

The custom portfolio pages in this template add life to your work and let the user fully experience your work without any distraction. Overall, it is one of the best visually attractive movie websites templates that most artists will love.

movie review website project

Specto is a clean online movie listing website template. You can list the movies, on which theaters they are screening, and their showtime. Star and PG ratings are placed right next to the movie title so that users can quickly pick the best movies they want. On the single movie page, you have space to add movie wallpapers, trailers, and interview videos. Hence, users can learn more about their favorite movies. Though this template doesn’t support online ticket booking options right out of the box, you can add one by yourself. Since it is a WordPress theme, adding new features or extending the functionalities can be done easily with the help of a plugin.

movie review website project

SKRN is another movie streaming website template. This template also treats the website as a web app, like the Vodi template. But, this template has a proper homepage to let you clearly explain your business and what users will get with the subscription plan. Once the user login to their account, they can access movies and TV shows. Using well-planned movie websites templates like this will save you a lot of time and money. The creators have taken care of the designs and basic functions. Hence, you can forget the basic chores and concentrate on the custom features with a peace of mind. Speaking of web applications, take a look at our dashboard templates collection to make an interactive dashboard for your users.

movie review website project

Everyone wants to know about their favorite stars and their upcoming movies. If you plan to revamp an active movie news/magazine website, the Soledad will help you make a reader-friendly website. The whole layout is treated as a proper magazine website. Hence, important headings and other elements are made bigger. Typical magazine widgets like the social media feed widget, forum discussion widget, and lot are available in the default design itself. Spaces for promotional banners are also in the default design to easily monetize your website.

As you can see, the creator has thought of all possible options and features that a modern movie magazine website should have. Moreover, it is a WordPress theme, so there aren’t any other movie websites templates that fit for movie magazine websites. All you have to do is install the demo and publish entertaining content for your audience.

easy-to-customize movie websites templates

BeTheme is one of the best selling WordPress themes. There are two movie websites templates in its huge collection of 500+ readymade demos. Both demos have a different design. One has a classy design with an artistic touch.

On the contrary, the other demo has a modish layout that is easy to use. No matter which demos you pick, they are all equipped with the WPBakery page builder or the Elementor page builder. So you can change the looks and adjust the designs as per your needs.

Since it is the best selling WordPress theme, you can expect this to support all the latest WordPress and WooCommerce features. Developers can work easily with this template because of its friendly code structure.

movie review website project

Jupiter is also similar to the BeTheme mentioned above. With multiple demos for all famous niches, this template is downloaded by all types of website owners. For movies, we get a movie review website template design. A dark theme is followed in the default design, on which the images and texts look sharp. Plus, swift animations make interaction easier. The creator has made both simple and complex customizations easier in this template. Hence, developers can perform core customization easily, and the site owners can do minor customization by themselves. Using a friendly website template like this makes the job lot simpler for the site owners in the long run.

movie review website project

Phlox Pro is a multipurpose creative website template. The contemporary look of this template makes it a go-to option for many young artists and entrepreneurs. Whether you want to make a professional or creative website with funky elements, this theme pack will have a perfect design for you. For creative professionals, this template has a common theme. You can pick the default creative professional demo and can convert it into a movie website. Movie actors can pick the portfolio demo and can use it to showcase their works in style. If you want your website to stand out from other related websites, you can pick multipurpose WordPress themes like this and add a personal touch.

movie review website project

Ohio is another creative portfolio and creative agency website template. You can use this template’s creative layout to make a unique movie website. With this template, you can create an interactive movie promotional website and personal website for movie professionals. This template has 27 premade demos. Each demo is unique and uses different interactive layouts. For example, this template has horizontal sliders, split sliders, minimal grid, and many more. Since this template is designed for creative agencies, single project pages are also included in the pack. You can use the single project pages to explain the movie or your role in the movie.

FlixGo (HTML)

movie review website project

HTML movie websites templates do give you more freedom. You don’t need to stick with the platform or wait for the platform developers to fix a bug. If you are a developer or have a good developing team, you can always pick an HTML template and save money.

In the FlixGo template, the creator has given you a simple, straightforward homepage design. Plus, a user dashboard template is also included in the package. The default design of this template makes it a good option for new websites and movie-streaming websites with a medium-sized library. A cool search bar is placed at the top of the movie listing page. Interactive elements like the range sliders and drop-down options are given to make the interactions easy on both computers and mobile devices.

Movie Pro (HTML)

movie review website project

Movie Pro is a lively website template with multiple demo versions and inner pages pre-designed for you. Bright gradient color schemes and swift animations make this template livelier than any other HTML movie website templates in this list. Subtle animations and neatly designed layout will deliver an immersive user experience. This template uses the latest HTML5 and CSS script; hence, you can use your own custom animations and improvise the design as per your needs. Take a look at our CSS animation examples collection or more fresh animation ideas.

HotFlix (HTML)

movie review website project

HotFlix from the same creator of the FlixGo template mentioned above. From the name itself you can infer that this template uses a little bit of inspiration from the Netflix site. Big card elements elegantly show the album art, ratings, and title. Since it is an HTML template, the creator has given all basic pages. Everything is pre-designed for you from the login to the privacy policy pages. The developer also takes care of basic optimizations like the mobile-responsiveness and speed optimizations. Hence, you can focus on the backend work and custom features without worry.

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Published by Girish Karthik

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A movie review website built with the MEVN Stack

Movie reviews .

A web application that allows users to leave movie reviews and ratings, built with the MEVN stack.

  • ? Accepts input of movie title and review from users
  • ? Displays all movie reviews on a single page
  • ? Calculates average rating for each movie
  • ? Requires user login to leave reviews

The main aim of this project was to create a platform for users to share their thoughts on movies and see what others thought as well. Another motivation for this project was to have a personal project to add to my portfolio.

The MEVN stack (MongoDB, Express, Vue.js, and Node.js) was used to build this application. The front-end was built with Vue.js and the back-end with Node.js and Express. MongoDB was used to store the movie reviews.

Users can log in and leave a review for a specific movie. The review and the movie title are stored in the database. All reviews are displayed on the same page, with the average rating for each movie calculated and displayed as well.

To use this application, users must first create an account and log in. Once logged in, they can leave a review for a specific movie by entering the movie title and their review in the designated fields and submitting the form. All movie reviews can be viewed on the same page.

To try out the application, visit the following website:

Note that this is only a demo version and may not have all features enabled or may not function as expected.


Detailed documentation about the development of this project can be found in a file called in the main folder of the GitHub project. It is recommended to read this file for more details about the project.

Install for development

If you want to install the application locally for development and contribute to it, follow these steps:

Clone the repo:

Install dependencies for the backend:

Start the backend server:

In a new terminal, navigate to the frontend folder and install dependencies:

Build the frontend:

Start the frontend server:

Note: Be sure to check the packages listed in the package.json file in each folder to ensure that you have all the necessary dependencies installed.

You are welcome to submit issues or pull requests to improve the application. As this is a portfolio project, I will be reviewing and accepting pull requests at my discretion.

To contribute to the project, follow these steps:

Create a new branch with a descriptive name, such as feature/signup-form or bugfix/login-error.

Make your changes on the new branch.

Push your changes to the branch and create a pull request.

Thank you for considering contributing to this project


I would like to thank Greg Lim and Daniel Correa for teaching me how to create this project in their book, “Beginning MEVN Stack Development”. Their guidance and support were invaluable in the development of this project.

This project was developed by Alejandro Rios .

movie review website project

Copyright 2022 Alejandro Rios.

View Github

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Movie Review Website Templates

Filter & refine, software version, compatible with.

  • Term: 'movie review'

BlockBuster - Film Review & Movie Database HTML Template

BlockBuster - Film Review & Movie Database HTML Template

Coppola - Movie and Film Production Theme

Coppola - Movie and Film Production Theme

  • For film production company and studio sites
  • Filmmaker, movie review and festival layouts
  • Elementor Page Builder compatibility

NewStar - Magazine & News WordPress Theme

NewStar - Magazine & News WordPress Theme

  • 4 demos - News/Magazine, Movie Review s, DIY
  • Flexible Element for News and Newspaper
  • Perfect for News and Newspaper Portals

Leitmotif - Movie and Film Studio Theme

Leitmotif - Movie and Film Studio Theme

  • For all film production and studio websites
  • Beautiful set of flexible layouts for movie s
  • Get a stunning website without using any code

FirstFrame - Movie and Film Production Theme

FirstFrame - Movie and Film Production Theme

  • For all modern film production websites
  • A selection of filmmaker & movie layouts
  • Full Elementor Page Builder compatibility

Filmax | Cinema & Movie News Magazine WordPress Theme

Filmax | Cinema & Movie News Magazine WordPress Theme

  • Movie Review s & Magazine WordPress Theme
  • movie , film review , trailers
  • Powerful framework, 3 layouts

Sequex - WordPress Movie Database Theme

Sequex - WordPress Movie Database Theme

  • Import Movie s in a Few Clicks From TMDB
  • Advanced Movie /Film Search, YouTube TV
  • Bootstrap 4, Woocommerce and bbPress

Movie Point - Psd Template

Movie Point - Psd Template

Reviewer - HTML Template for Entertainment Reviews

Review er - HTML Template for Entertainment Review s

  • HTML Template for Entertainment Review s
  • Review for movie s or TV shows or Netflix
  • Movie Review HTMl Theme

Tars Film Review Tumblr Theme

Tars Film Review Tumblr Theme

Reviewz - Responsive Film/Series Review Blog Template

Review z - Responsive Film/Series Review Blog Template

BigShow - WordPress Cinema & Movie Theme

BigShow - WordPress Cinema & Movie Theme

  • Movie Review Theme and Cinema Theme
  • Review and Ratings Features
  • Premium Plugins Free

Reviewer - WP Theme for Entertainment Reviews

Review er - WP Theme for Entertainment Review s

  • Wordpress Theme for Entertainment Review s
  • Review TV Show Movie s Netflix Songs anything
  • WP Review Template

BlogMag - Multipurpose Blog & Magazine HTML Template

BlogMag - Multipurpose Blog & Magazine HTML Template

  • Modern Design
  • Blog and Magazine html theme
  • game, mag, movie , press, review , rtl

Puzzles | WP Magazine / Review with Store WordPress Theme + RTL

Puzzles | WP Magazine / Review with Store WordPress Theme + RTL

  • WordPress Magazine with revolutionary design
  • 5 unique layouts & color schemes
  • BBPress and BuddyPress compatible

Gauge: Multi-Purpose Review Theme

Gauge: Multi-Purpose Review Theme

  • Review any type of content
  • Allow members or guests to add ratings
  • Associate specific content with each review

Vodi - Video Bootstrap HTML Template for Movies & TV Shows

Vodi - Video Bootstrap HTML Template for Movie s & TV Shows

  • For YouTube, NetFlix & IMDB like websites
  • For Video Blogs, Entertainment and Review s
  • 10 Homes & Pages for Movie s,Videos & TV Shows

Vodi - Video WordPress Theme for Movies & TV Shows

Vodi - Video WordPress Theme for Movie s & TV Shows

  • 6 Demos and 47 Gutenberg Blocks

ViewTube | Video Streaming WordPress Theme

ViewTube | Video Streaming WordPress Theme

  • Video Streaming WordPress Theme
  • Movie WordPress Theme
  • Media WordPress Theme

Bookshelf | Books & Media Online Store WordPress Theme

Bookshelf | Books & Media Online Store WordPress Theme

  • Media & Books Store WordPress Theme
  • Books, Games + Media + Online Courses
  • Elementor-made, WooCommerce Wishlist

Flixena - Video Website HTML 5 Template for Movie Streaming and Film TV

Flixena - Video Website HTML 5 Template for Movie Streaming and Film TV

  • Live Video Streaming Website Template
  • Netflix, YouTube HTML5 Video Gallery Template
  • Movie Online Trailer, Review Bootstrap Design

Vodi - Video Streaming and Magazine PSD Template

Vodi - Video Streaming and Magazine PSD Template

  • movie and tv
  • video magazine
  • youtube media streaming

Lorem Ipsum | Books & Media Store WordPress Theme

Lorem Ipsum | Books & Media Store WordPress Theme

  • Bookstore, courses media shop WordPress Theme
  • 4 bookstore, courses & media shop designs
  • LearnDash, WPBakery, Woo, GDPR, Gutenberg

Fliqs - Streaming Platform HTML Template

Fliqs - Streaming Platform HTML Template

  • Self-hosted NetFlix, IMDb and Apple TV+
  • Online Video Streaming HTML template
  • Movie s, Clips & TV Shows on Bootstrap 5

Made - Responsive Review/Magazine Site Template

Made - Responsive Review /Magazine Site Template

Viox - Modern Multipurpose Ghost Theme

Viox - Modern Multipurpose Ghost Theme

  • Fully Supports Ghost 4.x.x
  • Blazing Fast, Translation Ready
  • Members and Subscriptions

Dhora - Movie Production & Film Studio HTML Template

Dhora - Movie Production & Film Studio HTML Template

  • Movie s online Film Marketing Template
  • Filmmakers Production Studio
  • Creative Film Agency, Film Studio Template

FlixGo – Online Movies, TV Shows & Cinema HTML Template

FlixGo – Online Movie s, TV Shows & Cinema HTML Template

  • Free video player
  • Fullscreen gallery
  • Admin pages

Dali - Movies & TV Shows WordPress Theme

Dali - Movie s & TV Shows WordPress Theme

  • For Netflix, Prime & HBO like websites
  • 6 Homes and 48 Gutenberg Blocks
  • Full-site Editor (FSE) & Elementor Compatible

Puzzles | Magazine/Review HTML Theme

Puzzles | Magazine/ Review HTML Theme

  • Valid & Clean HTML5 / CSS3 code

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The Ultimate Movie Review Website Guide

Movie review websites are valuable for film enthusiasts and casual movie-goers alike. They provide a platform for sharing opinions, discovering new films, and staying updated on the latest releases. Whether you're looking to find the best movie review websites or make a movie review website, there's no denying these platforms' impact on the entertainment industry.

Benefits of Movie Review Websites

Movie review websites are a goldmine of information for movie buffs, offering everything from plot summaries to cast details and critical reviews. This wealth of knowledge makes it easier for audiences to decide which movies to check out. Moreover, these platforms often feature user-generated content and discussions that help create a sense of community among film enthusiasts. This engagement fosters a shared love for cinema and encourages meaningful interactions among fans, making the movie-watching experience even more enjoyable.

Top Movie Review Websites

When looking for the best movie review websites, you can't go wrong with big names like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic. These platforms are popular for a reason - they offer a wealth of information including professional reviews, user ratings, and comprehensive databases that help movie enthusiasts make informed decisions about what to watch. Whether you're looking for critical analysis or audience opinions, these websites have got you covered.

How to Create a Movie Review Website

If you're thinking about starting your own movie review website, there are a few things you'll need to think about. First, you'll need to find a web hosting service that's reliable and suits your needs. Then, you'll want to make sure your website is engaging for users by incorporating interactive features that encourage participation and discussion. This might sound like a lot, but with the right tools and resources, creating your own movie review website can be an exciting and rewarding project. Creating a movie review website involves several important steps that can help ensure its success. In addition to finding a reliable web hosting service, you'll also want to choose a user-friendly website builder that makes it easy for you to design and manage your site.

It's also important to think about how you can make your website interactive and engaging for users by incorporating features like comment sections or forums where people can discuss their thoughts on different movies.

When it comes to building your own movie review website, it's important to choose the right tools and resources that will make the process easier for you. With Strikingly, for example, you can take advantage of customizable templates that allow you to create a unique design for your site. You can also integrate social media features that will help increase visibility and attract more visitors to your website. With the right tools at your disposal, creating a successful movie review website is definitely within reach!

Importance of Movie Review Websites

Movie Trailer Template from Strikingly

Movie review websites play a crucial role in providing valuable information to movie-goers. These platforms offer in-depth analysis and insights into the latest releases, helping viewers decide which movies to watch. Whether it's a detailed critique or a simple rating, these reviews give audiences a better understanding of what to expect from a film.

Provides Valuable Information to Movie-Goers

Movie review websites play a crucial role in helping movie enthusiasts make informed decisions about which films to watch. By offering detailed reviews, ratings, and user comments, these platforms provide valuable insights into the quality and content of the latest releases. This allows viewers to select movies that align with their preferences, leading to a more satisfying movie-watching experience overall.

Influences Box Office Success

The impact of movie review websites on box office success cannot be overstated. Positive reviews can significantly boost ticket sales, while negative ones deter audiences from watching certain films. As such, these platforms have the power to influence movies' financial performance, making them an integral part of the film industry.

Builds Community and Engagement Among Movie Enthusiasts

In addition to providing information and influencing box office success, movie review websites also foster community and engagement among movie enthusiasts. Through comment sections and user ratings, viewers can interact with one another, share their opinions, and discuss their favorite films. This sense of community adds value to the overall movie-watching experience.

Top Movie Review Websites

IMDb is the go-to place for movie reviews, offering a massive database of movies, TV shows, and celebrity profiles. It's the ultimate destination for film buffs looking for information and user-generated ratings and reviews. With its user-friendly interface, IMDb provides a platform for movie enthusiasts to share their thoughts and engage with the community.

IMDb, or the Internet Movie Database, is a go-to destination for movie buffs looking for comprehensive information about their favorite films, TV shows, and celebrities. It's not just a review site - users can also rate movies, write reviews, and engage in discussions with other members. With its user-friendly interface and vast database of content, IMDb has become one of the top choices for movie enthusiasts seeking valuable insights and community engagement.

2. Rotten Tomatoes

Rotten Tomatoes is the ultimate destination for movie buffs looking for the inside scoop on the newest releases. The site gathers reviews from professional critics and assigns a score to each film, giving users a quick snapshot of its overall quality. This feature is especially helpful for people who want to make an informed decision before heading to the theaters or queuing up a movie at home. Whether you're a casual movie-goer or a die-hard cinephile, Rotten Tomatoes has got you covered with its comprehensive and reliable reviews.

3. Metacritic

Metacritic stands out from other movie review websites because it uses a unique method of assigning weighted scores to reviews from different sources. This approach allows for a more comprehensive rating system that takes into account the opinions of critics and publications. As a result, users can make more informed decisions about which movies to watch based on the aggregated scores.

Now that we've checked out some of the best movie review websites out there, let's dive into how you can make your own platform to share your thoughts on movies. Creating your own movie review website can be a fun and rewarding way to connect with other film enthusiasts and share your opinions on the latest releases. Whether you're a casual moviegoer or a hardcore cinephile, having your own space to talk about the films you love (or hate) can be a great way to express yourself and engage with others who share your passion for cinema.

When you're just starting out with your movie review website, the first thing you need to do is find a reliable web hosting service. This is important because you want to make sure that your website is always up and running smoothly for your visitors. Look for a web hosting service that offers good uptime and fast loading speeds so that your audience can have a great experience on your site. It's also helpful to have access to customer support in case you run into any issues along the way.

Creating Movie Review Website with Strikingly

Strikingly Landing Page

Strikingly can be a great platform to create a user-friendly and visually appealing movie review website. Here's a roadmap to get you started.

1. Signing Up and Choosing a Plan

  • Head to Strikingly's website and sign up for a free account. They also offer paid plans with additional features like custom domains and password protection (potentially useful in the future).
  • Browse through Strikingly's template library. They offer a variety of website templates but look for ones that are image-centric or focus on blogs/articles, as these can be easily adapted for movie reviews.

2. Building Your Website's Foundation

  • Once you've chosen a template, personalize it with your brand name, logo, and color scheme. Strikingly's drag-and-drop interface makes customization easy, even for beginners.
  • Craft a captivating homepage that introduces your website, your passion for movies, and the kind of reviews you'll be providing (e.g., spoiler-free, genre-specific, etc.).

3. Structuring Your Movie Review Content

  • Create a dedicated "Movie Reviews" page. This will be your central hub for all movie reviews.
  • Utilize Strikingly's Blog Functionality. Strikingly allows you to create blog posts. Each blog post can be a dedicated movie review, including:
  • Eye-catching movie poster or high-quality image
  • Movie title, release date, director, and main cast
  • Your review content. Write a well-structured review that analyzes the plot, acting, directing, and other relevant aspects of the movie. You can incorporate your personal opinions while maintaining a clear and objective tone.
  • Rating System (Optional). Implement a star rating system or another visual rating method to provide a quick and clear evaluation of the movie.
  • Call to Action. Encourage readers to leave comments, share your review, or explore other reviews on your website.

4. Optimizing User Experience and Engagement

  • Categorize Reviews. If you opt for a paid plan, Strikingly allows you to categorize your reviews by genre, release year, or other relevant criteria. This helps users find specific reviews more easily.

 Social Feeds Section

Social Feeds Section

  • Integrate Social Media. Embed buttons to allow users to share your reviews on their platforms. This increases website traffic and expands your reach.
  • Comment Sections. Enable comment sections on your reviews to foster audience interaction and movie discussions.

5. Content is King

  • Regularly Publish Reviews. Maintain a consistent review schedule to keep your audience engaged. Aim for a balance between quantity and quality.
  • Variety is Key. Review a mix of genres, mainstream blockbusters, and independent films to cater to a wider audience.
  • Consider Multimedia. Explore options to embed trailers or movie clips (with copyright considerations) to enhance your reviews and provide a more engaging experience.

By following these steps and focusing on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging movie reviews, you can build a successful movie review website with Strikingly and establish yourself as a trusted voice in the film enthusiast community.

Select a User-Friendly Website Builder

Now that you've got your web hosting sorted, it's time to pick a website builder that's easy to use and fits your requirements. Platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace are great options because they come with customizable templates and drag-and-drop features that make designing your movie review website super simple. With these tools, you can create a professional-looking site without needing any coding skills.

Incorporate Interactive Features for User Engagement

To keep your audience engaged and coming back to your movie review website, think about adding interactive elements like comment sections, rating systems, or forums where movie fans can connect with each other and discuss the newest releases. By allowing users to share their thoughts and opinions, you can create a sense of community and keep visitors interested in what your website has to offer. These interactive features also provide valuable feedback for other movie-goers who are looking for recommendations or want to join in on the conversation.

Strikingly Features for Movie Review Websites

Strikingly Make Your Own Section

Strikingly offers a user-friendly interface that makes creating a movie review website a breeze. With its drag-and-drop editor, even beginners can quickly design and launch their site. The platform's intuitive tools and customizable options allow you to showcase your movie reviews visually appealingly.

User-Friendly Interface for Easy Website Creation

Strikingly, the platform's user-friendly interface simplifies the process of creating a movie review website. You can easily add new sections, upload images, and customize the layout to suit your preferences. The platform's straightforward design makes it easy to build a professional-looking site without technical expertise.

Customizable Templates for Unique Design

Strikingly provides a wide range of customizable templates tailored to movie review websites. Whether you prefer a minimalist look or something more vibrant, you can find a template that suits your style. Customizing fonts, colors, and layouts allows you to create a unique design that sets your movie review website apart.

Social Media Integration for Increased Visibility

Integrating social media into your movie review website can expand your reach and increase visibility. Strikingly allows seamless integration with popular social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This enables you to share your reviews with a broader audience and engage with readers on various social channels.

Utilize Strikingly to Build Your Own Movie Review Website

When looking for the best movie review website for your needs, consider user interface, credibility, and community engagement. Look for websites like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic that offer comprehensive reviews and ratings. To create a successful movie review website, focus on reliable web hosting, user-friendly design, and interactive features to engage users. Utilize platforms like Strikingly to easily build your movie review website with customizable templates and social media integration for increased visibility.

Finding the Best Movie Review Website for Your Needs

Consider what you value most in a movie review website - whether it's detailed information about movies, user ratings, or a strong community of film enthusiasts. Websites like IMDb provide a vast database of movies, user reviews, and ratings, while Rotten Tomatoes offers a unique rating system that aggregates reviews from critics. Choose the one that aligns with your preferences.

Tips for Creating a Successful Movie Review Website

To create a successful movie review website, focus on choosing a reliable web hosting service to ensure your site is always accessible to users. Select a user-friendly website builder that allows you to customize the design and layout without needing coding knowledge. Incorporate interactive features such as comment sections or forums to build engagement among users.

Strikingly offers an easy-to-use platform for building your movie review website with customizable templates that allow you to create a unique design. With social media integration features, you can easily share your content across various platforms to increase visibility and attract more users to your site.

Trusted by millions of entrepreneurs & creatives.

How to Build a Movie Recommendation System Based on Collaborative Filtering


By Jess Wilk

In today’s world of technology, we get more recommendations from Artificial Intelligence models than from our friends.

Surprised? Think of the content you see and the apps you use daily. We get product recommendations on Amazon, clothing recommendations on Myntra, and movie suggestions on Netflix based on our past preferences, purchases, and so on.

Have you ever wondered what’s under the hood? The answer is machine learning-powered Recommender systems. Recommender systems are machine learning algorithms developed using historical data and social media information to find products personalized to our preferences.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the different types of ML methods for building a recommendation system and focus on the collaborative filtering method . We will obtain a sample dataset and create a collaborative filtering recommender system step by step.

Make sure to grab a cup of cappuccino (or whatever is your beverage of choice) and get ready!


Before we embark on this journey, you should have a basic understanding of machine learning concepts and familiarity with Python programming. Knowledge of data processing and experience with libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-learn will also be beneficial.

If you're new to these topics, you can check out the Introduction to Data Science course on Hyperskill, where I contribute as an expert.

Different Types of Recommendation Systems

You'll probably agree that there is more than one way to decide what to suggest or recommend when a friend asks our opinion. This applies to AI, too!

In machine learning, two primary methods of building recommendation engines are Content-based and Collaborative filtering methods.

When using the content-based filter method, the suggested products or items are based on what you liked or purchased. This method feeds the machine learning model with historical data such as customer search history, purchase records, and items in their wishlists. The model finds other products that share features similar to your past preferences.

Let’s understand this better with an example of a movie recommendation. Let’s say you saw Inception and gave it a five-star rating. Finding movies of similar themes and genres, like Interstellar and Matrix, and recommending them is called content-based filtering.

Imagine if all the recommendation systems just suggested things based on what you have seen. How would you discover new genres and movies? That’s where the Collaborative filtering method comes in. So what is it?

Rather than finding similar content, the Collaborative filtering method finds other users and customers similar to you and recommends their choices. The algorithm doesn’t consider the product features as in the case of content-based filtering.

To understand how it works, let’s go back to our example of movie recommendations. The system looks at the movies you've enjoyed and finds other users who liked the same movies. Then, it sees what else these similar users enjoyed and suggests those movies to you.

For example, if you and a friend both love The Shawshank Redemption, and your friend also loves Forrest Gump, the system will recommend Forrest Gump to you, thinking you might share your friend's taste.

In the upcoming sections, I’ll show you how to build a movie recommendation engine using Python based on collaborative filtering.


How to Prepare and Process the Movies Dataset

The first step of any machine learning project is collecting and preparing the data. As our goal is to build a movie recommendation engine, I have chosen a movie rating dataset. The dataset is publicly available for free on Kaggle .

The dataset has two main files in the format of CSV:

  • Ratings.csv : Contains the rating given by each user to each movie they watched
  • _Movies metadata.csv : Contains information on genre, budget, release date, revenue, and so on for all the movies in the dataset.

Let’s first import the Python packages needed to read the CSV files.

Next, read the Ratings file into Pandas dataframes and look at the columns.


The UserId column has the unique ID for every customer, and movieId has the unique identification number for every movie. The rating column contains the rating given by the particular user to the movie out of 5. The timestamp column can be dropped, as we won’t need it for our analysis.

Next, let’s read the movie metadata information into a dataframe. Let’s keep only the relevant columns of Movie Title and genre for each MovieID.


Next, combine these dataframes on the common column movieID .

This dataset can be used for Exploratory Data Analysis. You can find the movie with the top number of ratings, the best rating, and so on. Try it out to better grasp the data you are dealing with.

How to Build the User-Item Matrix

Now that our dataset is ready, let's focus on how collaborative-based filtering works. The machine learning algorithm aims to discover user preference patterns used to make recommendations.

One common approach is to use a user-item matrix . It involves a large spreadsheet where users are listed on one side and movies on the other. Each cell in the spreadsheet shows if a user likes a particular movie. The system then uses various algorithms to analyze this matrix, find patterns, and generate recommendations.

This matrix leads us to one of the advantages of collaborative filtering: it's excellent at discovering new and unexpected recommendations. Since it's based on user behavior, it can suggest a movie you might never have considered but will probably like.

Let’s create a user-movie rating matrix for our dataset. You can do this using the built-in pivot function of a Pandas dataframe, as shown below. We also use the fillna() method to impute missing or null values with 0.

Here’s our output matrix:


Sometimes, the matrix can be sparse. Sparsity refers to null values. It could significantly increase the amount of computation resources needed. Compressing the sparse matrixes using the scipy Python package is recommended when working with a large dataset.

How to Define and Train the Model

You can use multiple machine learning algorithms for collaborative filtering, like K-nearest neighbors (KNN) and SVD . I’ll be using a KNN model here.

KNN is super straightforward. Picture a giant, colorful board with dots representing different items (like movies). Each dot is close to others that are similar. When you ask KNN for recommendations, it finds the spot of your favorite item on this board and then looks around to see the nearest dots—these are your recommendations.

Now, the metric parameter in KNN is crucial. It's like the ruler the system uses to measure the distance between these dots. The metric used here is Cosine similarity.

What is cosine similarity?

It is a metric that measures how similar two entities are (like documents or vectors in a multi-dimensional space), irrespective of size. Cosine similarity is widely used in NLP to find similar context words.

Follow the snippet below to define a KNN model, the metric, and other parameters. The model is fit on the user-item matrix created in the previous section.

Next, let's define a function to provide the desired number of movie recommendations, given a movie title as input. The code below finds the closest neighbor data, and points to the input movie name using the KNN algorithm. The input parameters for the function are:

  • **n_recs**: Controls the number of final recommendations that we would get as output
  • **Movie_name**: Input movie name, based on which we find new recommendations
  • **Matrix**: The User-Movie Rating matrix

How to Get Recommendations from the Model

Let's call our defined function to get movie recommendations. For instance, we can obtain a list of the top 10 recommended movies for someone who is a fan of Batman.


Hurray! We have got the result we needed.

Advantages and Limitations of Collaborative Filtering

The advantages of this method include:

  • Personalized Recommendations: Offers tailored suggestions based on user behavior, leading to highly customized experiences.
  • Diverse Content Discovery: Capable of recommending a wide range of items, helping users discover content they might not find on their own. It gives diverse content discovery the edge over content-based filtering.
  • Community Wisdom: Leverages the collective preferences of users, often leading to more accurate recommendations than individual or content-based analysis alone.
  • Dynamic Adaptation: The model continuously gets updated with user interactions, keeping the recommendations relevant and up-to-date.

It’s not all sunshine, though. One big challenge is the cold start problem. For example, this happens when new movies or users are added to the system. The system struggles to make accurate recommendations since there's not enough data on these new entries.

Another issue is popularity bias. Popular movies get recommended a lot, overshadowing lesser-known gems. There are also scalability issues that come with managing such a large dataset.

While developing collaborative filtering-based engines, computational expenses and data sparsity must be kept in mind for an efficient process. It’s also recommended to take action to ensure data privacy and security.

Using Collaborative Filtering to build a movie recommendation system significantly advances digital content personalization. This system reflects our preferences and exposes us to a broader range of choices based on similar users' tastes.

Despite its challenges, such as the cold start problem and popularity bias, the benefits of personalized recommendations make it a powerful tool in the machine learning industry. As technology advances, these systems will become even more sophisticated, offering refined and enjoyable user experiences in the digital world.

Thank you for reading! I'm Jess, and I'm an expert at Hyperskill. You can check out an Introduction to Data Science course on the platform.

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Continue Review: Nadine Crocker's Rocky Passion Project Effectively Spotlights Suicide Prevention


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Just in time to highlight National Suicide Prevention Month, actress and budding filmmaker Nadine Crocker ( Cabin Fever ) has put on "33 hats" for her new film, as she recently told us. Yes, she wrote and directed Lionsgate's Continue , in addition to playing the powerful and emotionally charged lead role. You don’t even need to do the research to confirm Crocker’s real-life personal connection to the spellbinding narrative source material here. It’s just that palpable, with a raw and vulnerable turn that screams authenticity. As an added bonus, yes, Continue is indeed based on her life and explores her past struggles with suicide and mental health.

Hey, even superhero movies are exploring mental health now — and Crocker, who also directed Desperation Road with Mel Gibson not too long ago, shows promise as a helmer of features with this latest passion project. The Oscar-winning stunner Girl, Interrupted might come to mind as you watch through wincing eyes this unnerving study on younger women in recovery, with Crocker rightfully re-shining the spotlight on a pertinent matter.

Confessional Filmmaking

Continue movie poster from Nadine Crocket

  • Crocker's authenticity shines through
  • Passion project spotlights a pertinent subject
  • Raw and vulnerable performances
  • Deschanel is solid but underused
  • Predictable beats tear focus away from harder-hitting moments

"You should eat. It helps." If the line sounds familiar, anyone who's seen Clint Eastwood's Oscar-nominated film Changeling (2008) might remember that's what the mental-ward patient played by Amy Ryan suggests to Angelina Jolie while they're trapped inside a sinister institution. Years later, it's also the line that the fictional character Bria (Lio Tipton) dishes in Continue to fellow recovery patient and new pal Dean (Crocker), who just arrived at the same mental institution and is clearly there against her wishes.

But it's quite different circumstances than Changeling since those characters are forcing down food simply so that they don't look insane to the onlooking staff. Meanwhile, in Continue , Crocker's real-life-inspired personas are rather bringing themselves to nourishment to slowly fulfill a self-willing path to proper recovery . Anyone who's endured a depression-fueled spree of alcohol and narcotics knows that the days following are not the easiest on the stomach, mind, and soul, and we're right there with Dean — aka Crocker — every step of the way in this kind of ordeal.

Shiloh Fernandez in Continue (2024)

It seems like one of many sprees she's suffered as the film opens, and Continue doesn't just fast-forward to the hospital intake . We watch unnervingly the binge that leads Dean unwillingly to inpatient treatment, but, of course, it will all pay off in the end, especially with the help of tough-love but empathetic doctors like Janet (Emily Deschanel) and pals like the aforementioned Bria. Actor Lio Tipton nails the supporting role, providing the necessary sprinkling of comic relief and just enough humor to balance out certain extended bouts of melodrama . After a series of pleas with Janet, the more emotionally centered Dean is eventually back on her feet and released back to the wild — er, civilization, rather.


Emily Deschanel's 7 Best Performances, Ranked

Emily Deschanel made a return to the spotlight on TV earlier this year in Devil in Ohio. Here's a look back at her best performances, ranked.

Spotlighting a Pertinent Month

Emily Deschanel in Continue (2024)

Maybe deeming the daily life around us "the wild" is, in fact, a proper description, given that Dean is already brawling with toxic masculinity shortly after departing the hospital. After rightfully standing up for herself at a restaurant and even turning a bit violent in the face of intoxicated male patrons trying mercilessly to hit on her, Dean is led to the caring hands of Trenton (Shiloh Fernandez), at first a protector from the other toxic lads and soon becoming a flirtatious crush as the rest of their evening unfolds. The damaged goods that is Dean is at first hesitant to open up to the inquisitive but genuinely interested "new guy" Trenton, but once she realizes he's not just another one-night-stand attempt, she decides being vulnerable might just be OK.

But then, of course, tragedy in the form of reawakened depression returns to Dean's day-to-day. Continue indeed falls into predictable story beats, but that doesn't exactly retract from Crocker's utter commitment to the emotionally raw performance . "We may be through with the past, but the past ain't through with us," as an old saying goes, and Dean starts to spiral again after a chance encounter with an old flame (Anthony Caravella), who had to endure Dean at her ultimate worst, goes terribly wrong.

The rebellious Lisa Rowe (Angelina Jolie)

The Best Movies and TV Shows That Put a Spotlight on Mental Health

Mental health has been a long-standing taboo subject in society, but movies have helped to bring it to the forefront.

That's where Dean re-seeks help from old pal Janet from the hospital — and Deschanel is always a welcome presence in little indies like Continue , especially after TV-goers miss seeing her scene-stealing turn on Bones . Her sublime and authentic scenes opposite Crocker are some of the most subtly impactful in the film , and it’s too darn bad there aren’t more of them by the time the credits roll. At the same time, Continue makes a valiant effort to highlight Suicide Prevention Month, and Crocker might just continue to win over critics by helming another passion project down the line. It certainly suits the talented performer and rising filmmaker well.

From Lionsgate, Continue will be released in theaters, on-demand, and on digital Friday, September 6th.

  • Movie and TV Reviews

Continue (2024)

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Web Tools Final Project- Movie Review Web App using Spring, Hibernate, SQL and BootStrap


Folders and files.

4 Commits

Repository files navigation

Web development final project: movie review application.

Web-Dev [Spring MVC, Hibernate]

Developed a Spring Hibernate web application following MVC framework to search and review movies

Integrated TMDB API to fetch the movie details

Steps to execute project:-

Install STS

Create folder and Save Project in it.

Run As --> Maven Project

Execute it on --> localhost:8080/


  1. How to Make a Movie Review Website

    Using these tools, you can quickly build a large website and have thousands of movies to write reviews for. Moview is also extremely customizable. It includes a page builder plugin called Visual Composer which lets you create entirely custom page designs. It's more work, but you get total control over layouts this way.

  2. Create a WordPress Movie Review Website with Elementor and Toolset

    In this tutorial, we combine Elementor and Toolset to create a dynamic movie review website on WordPress. You'll learn how to: * Use dynamic content. * Create custom post types with Toolset. * Create custom fields with Toolset. * Build an archive template with Elementor. * Build a single template with Elementor.

  3. Create the Best Movie Review Website with Strikingly

    Strikingly ensures your website is responsive and optimized for any device, guaranteeing your reviews reach moviegoers wherever they are. Content is King (and Queen). Strikingly isn't just about looks; it empowers your content creation. Add detailed reviews, insightful analyses, and even video clips with ease.

  4. How To Create a Movie Review Site with WordPress

    Since you are building a movie review site, you will probably want to pick a theme (design template) that favors easily readable text. This means an attractive font, good spacing between paragraphs and letters, and probably some white space around the text. You'll also want to see how the theme displays media.


    REVIEWiT is a MERN stack movie review website that allows users to post and browse reviews, with user authentication using JWT for secure login. - soham-basak/REVIEWiT ... Change into the project directory: cd backend; Install server dependencies: npm install; Run the server: npm start or npm run dev;

  6. GitHub

    A responsive movie review website created using react js and material ui - jbalmonte/movie-review. ... This command will remove the single build dependency from your project. Instead, it will copy all the configuration files and the transitive dependencies (webpack, Babel, ESLint, etc) right into your project so you have full control over them. ...

  7. Get Ready to Reel in the Latest Movie Reviews!

    Step 5: Promote Your Website. Promoting your website is a crucial step in the success of your movie review website. Without promoting your website, your target audience won't know that your website exists. Fortunately, several effective ways exist to promote your website and attract more visitors.

  8. movie-review-website

    On Strikingly, you can easily include a video at the top of your website. 5. "About Us" Page. If you look at the top movie review websites around the world, the "About Us" pages carry a lot of importance. Once the visitors understand your working background, it will be easier for them to trust you.

  9. An Open-Source Movie Reviews Built With React

    How to contribute your movie review: Navigate to /backend/reviews and click on the dropdown Add file. From here, you can either Create new file or Upload files. Format your movie review in JSON format. You can copy-paste the below while filling in the empty strings with your information:

  10. IMDb Clone

    Step 4: the best marketing strategy. Analysis of IMDb's traffic Source of the images with the help of SimilarWeb service. The main traffic source of any review website should be the organic search because there are many texts with product description on such platforms, which theoretically search engines have to like.

  11. RahulShawDevReact/Movie-review-and-recommendation-MERN

    This is a movie review and recommendation application built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js). The application allows users to review and recommend movies. It also provides admin access for managing movie and artist data.

  12. How to Create a Movie Review Website

    SP Page Builder Pro is an amazing way for beginners to create their own websites with drop and drag features which means you don't need any computer programming or coding experience whatsoever. You can buy a personal account here and get access to the templates & extensions needed to build your own movie database and you can add on SP Page ...

  13. 22 Best Movie Websites Templates 2024

    the list of Best movie website templates for movie reviews, movie streaming, movie directory, and movie promotion websites. Menu Close Menu. Menu. 0 ... minimal grid, and many more. Since this template is designed for creative agencies, single project pages are also included in the pack. You can use the single project pages to explain the movie ...

  14. A movie review website built with the MEVN Stack

    Method. The MEVN stack (MongoDB, Express, Vue.js, and Node.js) was used to build this application. The front-end was built with Vue.js and the back-end with Node.js and Express. MongoDB was used to store the movie reviews. Users can log in and leave a review for a specific movie. The review and the movie title are stored in the database.

  15. Movie Review Website Templates

    Live Preview. 1. 2. 3. 75,881,523 items sold. $1,177,616,829 community earnings. Get 63 movie review website templates on ThemeForest such as BlockBuster - Film Review & Movie Database HTML Template, Coppola - Movie and Film Production Theme, NewStar - Magazine & News WordPress Theme.

  16. GitHub

    README. #JAYROLEX Final Project. This is the final project for i210. Collaborators are Jay, Ross, and Alex. ###Project Description This team project involves the design and development of a functional database-driven PHP Web application, similar to those e-commerce Web sites on the Internet. The application should be capable of performing the ...

  17. Movie Review Website Using Django

    Live link: code link :- #django #moviereview #fu...

  18. The Ultimate Movie Review Website Guide

    Craft a captivating homepage that introduces your website, your passion for movies, and the kind of reviews you'll be providing (e.g., spoiler-free, genre-specific, etc.). 3. Structuring Your Movie Review Content. Create a dedicated "Movie Reviews" page. This will be your central hub for all movie reviews.

  19. Filmlane is a fully responsive movie website page

    Filmlane is a fully responsive movie website page. Contribute to codewithsadee/filmlane development by creating an account on GitHub. ... Code review. Manage code changes Issues. Plan and track work Discussions. Collaborate outside of code Explore. All features Documentation GitHub Skills ... This project is free to use and does not contains ...

  20. How to Build a Movie Recommendation System Based on Collaborative Filtering

    The code below finds the closest neighbor data, and points to the input movie name using the KNN algorithm. The input parameters for the function are: **n_recs**: Controls the number of final recommendations that we would get as output. **Movie_name**: Input movie name, based on which we find new recommendations.

  21. Continue Review: Rocky Passion Project Spotlights Suicide ...

    Just in time to highlight National Suicide Prevention Month, actress and budding filmmaker Nadine Crocker (Cabin Fever) has put on "33 hats" for her new film, as she recently told us.Yes, she ...

  22. Web Tools Final Project- Movie Review Web App using Spring ...

    Web Tools Final Project- Movie Review Web App using Spring, Hibernate, SQL and BootStrap - ReemaDutta/Movie-Review-Web-Application